Russian language test on the spelling of prefixes. Test "Spelling prefixes pre- and pre-"

To write words starting with PRE- or PRI- without mistakes, you need to learn the following rule.

In most words, the choice of vowel I or E depends on the meaning of the prefix.

The prefix PRI- can mean:
1. Spatial contiguity, proximity: SEASIDE, SCHOOL.
2. Approach, joining: COME, LEAN, Glue.
3. Incomplete action: CLOSE THE DOOR, BELOW, DECORATE.
4. Bringing the action to the end: SHOOT, COME UP.

The prefix PRE- can express:
1. High degree qualities or actions and have a meaning close to the meaning of the word "very": PRE-LONG, PRELIMINARY, DOMINATE.
2. A meaning close to the meaning of the prefix PER-: TRANSFORM, TRANSFORM, BARRIER.

This rule has two notes:
1. It is necessary to distinguish between spellings of words that are similar in sound, but different in meaning:
DESPEATE (hate) - PROSE (give shelter), KNOW (knees) - LEAN (branch), ENDURE (difficulties, misfortunes) - ADAPT (to circumstances), TRANSITION (moment) - COMING (postman),
TO BE (to be) - to ARRIVE (to approach).
2. There are words in which the spelling of a vowel cannot be explained by the above rule. These are Russian words in which the prefix is ​​no longer isolated (for example, NATURE, REASON, ATTRACTION, DEVICE, ENCHANT, PREPONA, PRESIDENT), as well as borrowings (PRESIDIUM, PREAMBLE, PREPARATION, PRIVILEGE, PRIMITIVE, PRIVATE). PRIORITY. In such cases, in order to avoid mistakes, you need to use a dictionary.

Prefixes "pre" and "pri" in some words

1. Contempt / contempt

Everything is clear with the first word, but the second is used much less often. Insight is care. To ripen is to provide shelter and food. In the dictionary, this verb is labeled "obsolete." In the 18th-19th centuries, institutions that were engaged in guardianship and trusteeship were called a charity house.

The second word is easy to explain. There is a tinge of approach, acceptance, attachment.

2. Betray / surrender

It is possible (but not necessary) to betray a friend, but to give - meaning. In the second case, the motive for joining is again visible.

3. Bow / bow

You can bow your head or knees. And to incline, for example, a branch to the ground (bring it closer, therefore, when-).

4. Convert / feign

You can make a dream come true. And here the prefix is ​​excellent in meaning with re- (the dream is reborn and becomes a reality). But you can close the gate (Cover, the motive of incompleteness of the action: close, but not completely).

5. Endure / get used to

To endure is almost the same as to endure. That is, transfer, wait, survive. So, you need the prefix pre-.
And to get used to it is to bring the action to the end and (again) get closer to what you endure.

6. Transient / incoming

The transitory is that which passes, passes.
And the one who comes is the one who comes, approaches. For example, a train coming to this platform. Or coming to kindergarten child.

7. Increase / increase

It is very difficult to distinguish these words, it is noted even in reference books. It is believed that to multiply is to multiply a lot, and to multiply is to add a little. But these are rather shades of the same meaning, so they are often confused.

8. Successor / Receiver

Dmitry Medvedev was once called the successor of Vladimir Putin - the powers of the president were transferred to him. But not a successor in any way! Remember: the receiver is an apparatus, not a person.

Exercise 1 .

Insert the missing letters. Distribute and write down the words in two columns: in the first - with the prefix at- , in the second - with the prefix pre- .

Ancient trade ... lending, stone of ... wickedness, pr ... miracles of nature, pr ... step (to the point), rich pr ... given, pr ... gates of fate, pr ... overcoming obstacles, you do not have to ... admit, pr ... knowledge in what you have done, pr ... be inactive, obey unreservedly, pr ... a devotee of new views, pr ... give a friend, pr. ... to reconcile enemies, pr ... the existence of a train, an indispensable condition, useful pr ... gain, life without pr ... beauty, pr ... funny incident, pr ... breaking of rays, pr ... ..increase of authority, ave ... stop the hearing, give ave ... go, seekers of ... clues.

Exercise 2 .

Write down and remember these words of foreign language origin, explain their meaning. Make up phrases or sentences with the given words.

Prelude, preamble, prevail, prestige, privileged, price list, premiere, primacy, prima donna, claim, precedent.

Exercise 3.

Rewrite the text by inserting the missing spelling. Explain the spelling of the prefixes.

Deceiving forest

Once, while hunting in a dense forest, King Henry attacked the trail of the pr ... red mountain goat and, pr ... following it, lagged behind his hunting retinue by a great distance ...

Irritated by the smell of the beast, his dogs were so carried away by ... chase that ... soon even their barking was not heard. Meanwhile, indiscriminately ... evening was thickening, and n ... night set in. Then the king realized that he was lost. And ... gave d ... the inviting sounds of hunting horns rushed, but the closer, as it seemed to the king, he walked towards them, the weaker the horns sounded. With annoyance in ... Heinrich remembered how ... loud sounds in the mountain forests and what a treacherous mockingbird is a mountain echo. But it was too late. So ... we had to spend the night in the forest.

(According to A. Kuprin)

Exercise 4 .

Make up phrases with these words. Explain the meaning of prefixes pre- and at- .

Transform, despise, overcome, translate, get used to, invite, cook, pause, transcend, transform.

Exercise 5 .

Replace phrases with prefixed words pre- and at- .

Diligent, diligent; located near the school; come somewhere; tell the enemy any secret; oral storytelling, history passed down from generation to generation; tendencies that have become common, constant; turn something into something else; lie down for a while; the guard at the gate; stop doing anything; open a little.

Exercise # 6 .

Write the dictation text. Underline the prefixes pre- and pri-, explain their spelling.

Sly mongoose

I hung the cabin with garlands of bananas. They were swinging on ropes from the ceiling. This is for the mongoose.

I released a tame mongoose, and now it ran over me, and I lay with my eyes closed. I slightly opened my eyes and saw that the mongoose jumped onto its belt, climbed onto the frame of the round steamer window, settled down more firmly and looked at me. I hid. The mongoose pushed its paw into the steu, and the frame went sideways. When the frame approached the bananas, the mongoose dashed, jumped and grabbed the banana with both paws. She hung for a moment in the air. But the banana came off, and the mongoose jumped on all four legs. A wonderful acrobatic jump! I jumped up to look, but the mongoose was already constantly fiddling under the bunk. A minute later, she appeared in front of me with a smeared muzzle and grunting with pleasure.

(According to B. Zhitkov)

Exercise 7.

Insert the missing letters, spreading the words into columns ( pre- , at- )

Off-road, open, pass through the obstacle, pass the pain, over-sit on the bench, over-mute, over-the-sea, over-feed, over-ignore, over-rotation, over-pursuit, over-ignore, over-look a coward, over-the-edge, pass over to the cause , pr_pinny marks, pr_funny kitten. To be in the dark - to be on schedule; old giving - giving of power; given a patriot - given by enemies - given to command; reclaim of traditions - reclaim of "Tourist-2" - continuity of generations - an acceptable option; vision of death - vision of an orphan - pr_view; to see threats - to look at children who have lost their parents; pr_imaged - acquired; to create in life - to open the door; hit the stone - hit the corner; pr_increase - reduce the value of the opening, reduce the costs for the sake of saving; passing moment - passing paramedic; pr_deal in the temple - pr_deal to everything; pr_bend branches - pr_bend your knees; pr_fall to the ground - pr_to give a lesson; an unfortunate fact - a bright image.

Test on the topic "Spelling of prefixes PRE- and PRI-"

1. In what word is the prefix pre- written?

1) Coastal;
2) stop;
3) pr_hide;
4) exaggerate.

2. In what word is the prefix prefix written?

1) Pr_success;
2) rotate;
3) pr ... press;
4) pr_will.

3. Look for the misspelled option.

1) President

2) despise

3) priority

4) presidium

4. In what word is the prefix pre- written?

1) Pr ... sea

2) pr ... land

3) pr ... five

4) pr ... sit down

5. In what word is the prefix prefix written?

1) Pr ... fell silent

2) pr ... tore

3) pr ... flattering

4) pr ... bend your knees

6. In what word is the prefix pre- written?

1) Pr ... take

2) pr ... melt

3) pr ... engaging

4) pr ... big

7. In what word is the prefix prefix written?

1) pr ... to exalt

2) pr ... go back

3) pr ... sit down

4) pr ... reduce

8. In what word does the prefix mean "incomplete action"?

1) Aw ... cute

2) pr ... brezhny

3) pr ... lash

4) pr ... open

9. In what word does the prefix mean "approach"?

1) Pr ... gush

2) pr ... lie down

3) pr .. cute

4) pr ... five

10. In what word does the spelling of pre- / pri- depend on the context?

1) Pr ... obey

2) pr ... frowned

Option 1 Option 2

there is there is mistake?

4. In which versionNo No

Test. The spelling of the prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade. Test. Spelling of the prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade.

Option 1 Option 2

1. In what word is the prefix PRE written? 1. In what version is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr ... give a friend A) Pr ... lag efforts

B) Pr ... land on time B) Pr ... sunrise cocktail

C) Pr ... brief the dispute C) Pr ... step into the law

D) Pr ... sunrise cake D) Pr ... wise man

2. In what word is the prefix PRE written? 2. In what version is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr ... sea region A) Pr ... sea boulevard

B) Pr ... go to work B) Pr ... lash the badge

C) Pr ... the red princess C) Pr ... brief the dispute

D) Pr ... open the door D) Pr ... go to Paris

3. In which version in the spelling of the prefixthere is mistake? 3. In which version in the spelling of the prefixthere is mistake?

A) A nasty conversation A) Preschool area

B) Make an effort B) Open your eyes

B) Smooth your hair B) Come to the village

D) Nail the board D) Overcome difficulties

4. In which versionNo mistakes in the spelling of the prefix? 4. In which versionNo mistakes in the spelling of the prefix?

A) Run away from school A) Make efforts

B) Arrive in the city B) Household plot

B) Open the door B) It's a fine day

D) Prevokzalnaya street D) A worthy participant

5. In which variants does the prefix PRE mean "very"? 5. In what variants does the prefix PRI mean "close"?

A) Amusing anecdote A) Approaching the goal

B) Pursue a person B) Primorsky Krai

C) Calm student C) Roadside cafe

D) A pretty child D) Arrive in the evening

Test. The spelling of the prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade. Test. Spelling of the prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade.

Option 1 Option 2

1. In what word is the prefix PRE written? 1. In what version is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr ... give a friend A) Pr ... lag efforts

B) Pr ... land on time B) Pr ... sunrise cocktail

C) Pr ... brief the dispute C) Pr ... step into the law

D) Pr ... sunrise cake D) Pr ... wise man

2. In what word is the prefix PRE written? 2. In what version is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr ... sea region A) Pr ... sea boulevard

B) Pr ... go to work B) Pr ... lash the badge

C) Pr ... the red princess C) Pr ... brief the dispute

D) Pr ... open the door D) Pr ... go to Paris

3. In which version in the spelling of the prefixthere is mistake? 3. In which version in the spelling of the prefixthere is mistake?

A) A nasty conversation A) Preschool area

B) Make an effort B) Open your eyes

B) Smooth your hair B) Come to the village

D) Nail the board D) Overcome difficulties

4. In which versionNo mistakes in the spelling of the prefix? 4. In which versionNo mistakes in the spelling of the prefix?

A) Run away from school A) Make efforts

B) Arrive in the city B) Household plot

B) Open the door B) It's a fine day

D) Prevokzalnaya street D) A worthy participant

5. In which variants does the prefix PRE mean "very"? 5. In what variants does the prefix PRI mean "close"?

A) Amusing anecdote A) Approaching the goal

B) Pursue a person B) Primorsky Krai

C) Calm student C) Roadside cafe

D) A pretty child D) Arrive in the evening

Test. The spelling of the prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade. Test. Spelling of the prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade.

Option 1 Option 2

1. In what word is the prefix PRE written? 1. In what version is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr ... give a friend A) Pr ... lag efforts

B) Pr ... land on time B) Pr ... sunrise cocktail

C) Pr ... brief the dispute C) Pr ... step into the law

D) Pr ... sunrise cake D) Pr ... wise man

2. In what word is the prefix PRE written? 2. In what version is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr ... sea region A) Pr ... sea boulevard

B) Pr ... go to work B) Pr ... lash the badge

C) Pr ... the red princess C) Pr ... brief the dispute

D) Pr ... open the door D) Pr ... go to Paris

3. In which version in the spelling of the prefixthere is mistake? 3. In which version in the spelling of the prefixthere is mistake?

A) A nasty conversation A) Preschool area

B) Make an effort B) Open your eyes

B) Smooth your hair B) Come to the village

D) Nail the board D) Overcome difficulties

4. In which versionNo mistakes in the spelling of the prefix? 4. In which versionNo mistakes in the spelling of the prefix?

A) Run away from school A) Make efforts

B) Arrive in the city B) Household plot

B) Open the door B) It's a fine day

D) Prevokzalnaya street D) A worthy participant

5. In which variants does the prefix PRE mean "very"? 5. In what variants does the prefix PRI mean "close"?

A) Amusing anecdote A) Approaching the goal

B) Pursue a person B) Primorsky Krai

C) Calm student C) Roadside cafe

D) A pretty child D) Arrive in the evening

Test. The spelling of the prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade. Test. Spelling of the prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade.

Option 1 Option 2

1. In what word is the prefix PRE written? 1. In what version is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr ... give a friend A) Pr ... lag efforts

B) Pr ... land on time B) Pr ... sunrise cocktail

C) Pr ... brief the dispute C) Pr ... step into the law

D) Pr ... sunrise cake D) Pr ... wise man

2. In what word is the prefix PRE written? 2. In what version is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr ... sea region A) Pr ... sea boulevard

B) Pr ... go to work B) Pr ... lash the badge

C) Pr ... the red princess C) Pr ... brief the dispute

D) Pr ... open the door D) Pr ... go to Paris

3. In which version in the spelling of the prefixthere is mistake? 3. In which version in the spelling of the prefixthere is mistake?

A) A nasty conversation A) Preschool area

B) Make an effort B) Open your eyes

B) Smooth your hair B) Come to the village

D) Nail the board D) Overcome difficulties

4. In which versionNo mistakes in the spelling of the prefix? 4. In which versionNo mistakes in the spelling of the prefix?

A) Run away from school A) Make efforts

B) Arrive in the city B) Household plot

B) Open the door B) It's a fine day

D) Prevokzalnaya street D) A worthy participant

5. In which variants does the prefix PRE mean "very"? 5. In what variants does the prefix PRI mean "close"?

A) Amusing anecdote A) Approaching the goal

B) Pursue a person B) Primorsky Krai

C) Calm student C) Roadside cafe

D) A pretty child D) Arrive in the evening

Test. The spelling of the prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade. Test. Spelling of the prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade.

Option 1 Option 2

1. In what word is the prefix PRE written? 1. In what version is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr ... give a friend A) Pr ... lag efforts

B) Pr ... land on time B) Pr ... sunrise cocktail

C) Pr ... brief the dispute C) Pr ... step into the law

D) Pr ... sunrise cake D) Pr ... wise man

2. In what word is the prefix PRE written? 2. In what version is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr ... sea region A) Pr ... sea boulevard

B) Pr ... go to work B) Pr ... lash the badge

C) Pr ... the red princess C) Pr ... brief the dispute

D) Pr ... open the door D) Pr ... go to Paris

3. In which version in the spelling of the prefixthere is mistake? 3. In which version in the spelling of the prefixthere is mistake?

A) A nasty conversation A) Preschool area

B) Make an effort B) Open your eyes

B) Smooth your hair B) Come to the village

D) Nail the board D) Overcome difficulties

4. In which versionNo mistakes in the spelling of the prefix? 4. In which versionNo mistakes in the spelling of the prefix?

A) Run away from school A) Make efforts

B) Arrive in the city B) Household plot

B) Open the door B) It's a fine day

D) Prevokzalnaya street D) A worthy participant

5. In which variants does the prefix PRE mean "very"? 5. In what variants does the prefix PRI mean "close"?

A) Amusing anecdote A) Approaching the goal

B) Pursue a person B) Primorsky Krai

C) Calm student C) Roadside cafe

D) A pretty child D) Arrive in the evening

Test. The spelling of the prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade. Test. Spelling of the prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade.

Option 1 Option 2

1. In what word is the prefix PRE written? 1. In what version is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr ... give a friend A) Pr ... lag efforts

B) Pr ... land on time B) Pr ... sunrise cocktail

C) Pr ... brief the dispute C) Pr ... step into the law

D) Pr ... sunrise cake D) Pr ... wise man

2. In what word is the prefix PRE written? 2. In what version is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr ... sea region A) Pr ... sea boulevard

B) Pr ... go to work B) Pr ... lash the badge

C) Pr ... the red princess C) Pr ... brief the dispute

D) Pr ... open the door D) Pr ... go to Paris

3. In which version in the spelling of the prefixthere is mistake? 3. In which version in the spelling of the prefixthere is mistake?

A) A nasty conversation A) Preschool area

B) Make an effort B) Open your eyes

B) Smooth your hair B) Come to the village

D) Nail the board D) Overcome difficulties

4. In which versionNo mistakes in the spelling of the prefix? 4. In which versionNo mistakes in the spelling of the prefix?

A) Run away from school A) Make efforts

B) Arrive in the city B) Household plot

B) Open the door B) It's a fine day

D) Prevokzalnaya street D) A worthy participant

5. In which variants does the prefix PRE mean "very"? 5. In what variants does the prefix PRI mean "close"?

A) Amusing anecdote A) Approaching the goal

B) Pursue a person B) Primorsky Krai

C) Calm student C) Roadside cafe

D) A pretty child D) Arrive in the evening

Test. The spelling of the prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade. Test. Spelling of the prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade.

Option 1 Option 2

1. In what word is the prefix PRE written? 1. In what version is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr ... give a friend A) Pr ... lag efforts

B) Pr ... land on time B) Pr ... sunrise cocktail

C) Pr ... brief the dispute C) Pr ... step into the law

D) Pr ... sunrise cake D) Pr ... wise man

2. In what word is the prefix PRE written? 2. In what version is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr ... sea region A) Pr ... sea boulevard

B) Pr ... go to work B) Pr ... lash the badge

C) Pr ... the red princess C) Pr ... brief the dispute

D) Pr ... open the door D) Pr ... go to Paris

3. In which version in the spelling of the prefixthere is mistake? 3. In which version in the spelling of the prefixthere is mistake?

A) A nasty conversation A) Preschool area

B) Make an effort B) Open your eyes

B) Smooth your hair B) Come to the village

D) Nail the board D) Overcome difficulties

4. In which versionNo mistakes in the spelling of the prefix? 4. In which versionNo mistakes in the spelling of the prefix?

A) Run away from school A) Make efforts

B) Arrive in the city B) Household plot

B) Open the door B) It's a fine day

D) Prevokzalnaya street D) A worthy participant

5. In which variants does the prefix PRE mean "very"? 5. In what variants does the prefix PRI mean "close"?

A) Amusing anecdote A) Approaching the goal

B) Pursue a person B) Primorsky Krai

C) Calm student C) Roadside cafe

D) A pretty child D) Arrive in the evening

Test. The spelling of the prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade. Test. Spelling of the prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade.

Option 1 Option 2

1. In what word is the prefix PRE written? 1. In what version is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr ... give a friend A) Pr ... lag efforts

B) Pr ... land on time B) Pr ... sunrise cocktail

C) Pr ... brief the dispute C) Pr ... step into the law

D) Pr ... sunrise cake D) Pr ... wise man

2. In what word is the prefix PRE written? 2. In what version is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr ... sea region A) Pr ... sea boulevard

B) Pr ... go to work B) Pr ... lash the badge

C) Pr ... the red princess C) Pr ... brief the dispute

D) Pr ... open the door D) Pr ... go to Paris

3. In which version in the spelling of the prefixthere is mistake? 3. In which version in the spelling of the prefixthere is mistake?

A) A nasty conversation A) Preschool area

B) Make an effort B) Open your eyes

B) Smooth your hair B) Come to the village

D) Nail the board D) Overcome difficulties

4. In which versionNo mistakes in the spelling of the prefix? 4. In which versionNo mistakes in the spelling of the prefix?

A) Run away from school A) Make efforts

B) Arrive in the city B) Household plot

B) Open the door B) It's a fine day

D) Prevokzalnaya street D) A worthy participant

5. In which variants does the prefix PRE mean "very"? 5. In what variants does the prefix PRI mean "close"?

A) Amusing anecdote A) Approaching the goal

B) Pursue a person B) Primorsky Krai

C) Calm student C) Roadside cafe

D) A pretty child D) Arrive in the evening

Test. The spelling of the prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade. Test. Spelling of the prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade.

Option 1 Option 2

1. In what word is the prefix PRE written? 1. In what version is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr ... give a friend A) Pr ... lag efforts

B) Pr ... land on time B) Pr ... sunrise cocktail

C) Pr ... brief the dispute C) Pr ... step into the law

D) Pr ... sunrise cake D) Pr ... wise man

2. In what word is the prefix PRE written? 2. In what version is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr ... sea region A) Pr ... sea boulevard

B) Pr ... go to work B) Pr ... lash the badge

C) Pr ... the red princess C) Pr ... brief the dispute

D) Pr ... open the door D) Pr ... go to Paris

3. In which version in the spelling of the prefixthere is mistake? 3. In which version in the spelling of the prefixthere is mistake?

A) A nasty conversation A) Preschool area

B) Make an effort B) Open your eyes

B) Smooth your hair B) Come to the village

D) Nail the board D) Overcome difficulties

4. In which versionNo mistakes in the spelling of the prefix? 4. In which versionNo mistakes in the spelling of the prefix?

A) Run away from school A) Make efforts

B) Arrive in the city B) Household plot

B) Open the door B) It's a fine day

D) Prevokzalnaya street D) A worthy participant

5. In which variants does the prefix PRE mean "very"? 5. In what variants does the prefix PRI mean "close"?

A) Amusing anecdote A) Approaching the goal

B) Pursue a person B) Primorsky Krai

C) Calm student C) Roadside cafe

D) A pretty child D) Arrive in the evening

Test. The spelling of the prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade. Test. Spelling of the prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade.

Option 1 Option 2

1. In what word is the prefix PRE written? 1. In what version is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr ... give a friend A) Pr ... lag efforts

B) Pr ... land on time B) Pr ... sunrise cocktail

C) Pr ... brief the dispute C) Pr ... step into the law

D) Pr ... sunrise cake D) Pr ... wise man

2. In what word is the prefix PRE written? 2. In what version is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr ... sea region A) Pr ... sea boulevard

B) Pr ... go to work B) Pr ... lash the badge

C) Pr ... the red princess C) Pr ... brief the dispute

D) Pr ... open the door D) Pr ... go to Paris

3. In which version in the spelling of the prefixthere is mistake? 3. In which version in the spelling of the prefixthere is mistake?

A) A nasty conversation A) Preschool area

B) Make an effort B) Open your eyes

B) Smooth your hair B) Come to the village

D) Nail the board D) Overcome difficulties

4. In which versionNo mistakes in the spelling of the prefix? 4. In which versionNo mistakes in the spelling of the prefix?

A) Run away from school A) Make efforts

B) Arrive in the city B) Household plot

B) Open the door B) It's a fine day

D) Prevokzalnaya street D) A worthy participant

5. In which variants does the prefix PRE mean "very"? 5. In what variants does the prefix PRI mean "close"?

A) Amusing anecdote A) Approaching the goal

B) Pursue a person B) Primorsky Krai

C) Calm student C) Roadside cafe

D) A pretty child D) Arrive in the evening

Test. The spelling of the prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade. Test. Spelling of the prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade.

Option 1 Option 2

1. In what word is the prefix PRE written? 1. In what version is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr ... give a friend A) Pr ... lag efforts

B) Pr ... land on time B) Pr ... sunrise cocktail

C) Pr ... brief the dispute C) Pr ... step into the law

D) Pr ... sunrise cake D) Pr ... wise man

2. In what word is the prefix PRE written? 2. In what version is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr ... sea region A) Pr ... sea boulevard

B) Pr ... go to work B) Pr ... lash the badge

C) Pr ... the red princess C) Pr ... brief the dispute

D) Pr ... open the door D) Pr ... go to Paris

3. In which version in the spelling of the prefixthere is mistake? 3. In which version in the spelling of the prefixthere is mistake?

A) A nasty conversation A) Preschool area

B) Make an effort B) Open your eyes

B) Smooth your hair B) Come to the village

D) Nail the board D) Overcome difficulties

4. In which versionNo mistakes in the spelling of the prefix? 4. In which versionNo mistakes in the spelling of the prefix?

A) Run away from school A) Make efforts

B) Arrive in the city B) Household plot

B) Open the door B) It's a fine day

D) Prevokzalnaya street D) A worthy participant

5. In which variants does the prefix PRE mean "very"? 5. In what variants does the prefix PRI mean "close"?

A) Amusing anecdote A) Approaching the goal

B) Pursue a person B) Primorsky Krai

C) Calm student C) Roadside cafe

D) A pretty child D) Arrive in the evening

Test. The spelling of the prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade. Test. Spelling of the prefixes PRE and PRI. 6th grade.

Option 1 Option 2

1. In what word is the prefix PRE written? 1. In what version is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr ... give a friend A) Pr ... lag efforts

B) Pr ... land on time B) Pr ... sunrise cocktail

C) Pr ... brief the dispute C) Pr ... step into the law

D) Pr ... sunrise cake D) Pr ... wise man

2. In what word is the prefix PRE written? 2. In what version is the prefix PRE written?

A) Pr ... sea region A) Pr ... sea boulevard

B) Pr ... go to work B) Pr ... lash the badge

C) Pr ... the red princess C) Pr ... brief the dispute

D) Pr ... open the door D) Pr ... go to Paris

3. In which version in the spelling of the prefixthere is mistake? 3. In which version in the spelling of the prefixthere is mistake?

A) A nasty conversation A) Preschool area

B) Make an effort B) Open your eyes

B) Smooth your hair B) Come to the village

D) Nail the board D) Overcome difficulties

4. In which versionNo mistakes in the spelling of the prefix? 4. In which versionNo mistakes in the spelling of the prefix?

A) Run away from school A) Make efforts

B) Arrive in the city B) Household plot

B) Open the door B) It's a fine day

D) Prevokzalnaya street D) A worthy participant

5. In which variants does the prefix PRE mean "very"? 5. In what variants does the prefix PRI mean "close"?

A) Amusing anecdote A) Approaching the goal

B) Pursue a person B) Primorsky Krai

C) Calm student C) Roadside cafe

D) A pretty child D) Arrive in the evening

Test "Spelling prefixes

Option 1

1) Sew on - "attachment"
2) OPEN - "incomplete action"
3) Primorsky - "closeness to something"
4) Excellent - "incomplete action"

1) pr ... dear, pr ... volzhsky, pr ... close
2) pr ... look, pr ... run, pr ... glue
3) pr ... city, pr ... put, pr ... good
4) pr ... school, pr ... sew, pr ... step

1) pr ... get along, pr ... ride, pr ... funny
2) pr ... increase, pr ... wise, pr ... unpleasant
3) pr ... sit down, pr ... screw, pr ... calm
4) pr ... brezhny, pr ... crawl, pr ... hail

4. Indicate a row in which all words have the prefix PRI-.

1) pr ... see, pr ... overcome, pr ... twisted
2) pr ... do, pr ... be formed, pr ... hails
3) pr ... groaned, pr ... lead, pr ... grow
4) pr ... go up, pr ... turn on, pr ... fly

5. Indicate a row in which all words have the prefix PRE-.

1) pr ... red, pr ... tear, pr ... run
2) pr ... lie down, pr ... strong, pr ... five
3) pr ... dear, pr ... good, pr ... ascend
4) pr ... jam, pr ... think, pr ... difficult

6. In which row in all words does the prefix mean "location near something"?

1) pr ... raise, pr ... warm, pr ... glue

2) pr .. school, pr ... station, pr ... frontline

3) pr ... touch, pr ... carry, pr ... azovskaya,

4) pr ... road, pr ... used to say, pr ... moor

7. Define a word with the prefix pre-:
1) Pr ... write
2) Pr ... road
3) Pr ... wise
4) Pr ... sit down

8. Define the word with the prefix -.
1) Pr ... overcome obstacles
2) Pr ... break speech
3) Pr ... hail the way
4) Pr ... kneel down

9. In what word does the prefix mean "incomplete action"?

1) Aw ... cute

2) pr ... brezhny

3) pr ... lash

4) pr ... open

1) Located at the train station -

2) Very good -

3) Squinting your eyes in the sun -

4) Plot near the estate -

5) Very diligent -

11. Insert letters

Etc manor plot,

Etc Brezhny district,
city ​​bus,

etc greedy neighbor
run to school,

drive cattle,
pr wise gudgeon,

etc glue the stamp,
to go home,

I brought a gift

etc a long way,
strong friend,

I was carrying a book,

Etc road cafe,
maritime region,

Etc expensive gift,
sew a button

etc yard counselor.

Test "Spelling prefixes pre- and pre- ". The date_____________

Full name ___________________________________ Class ____________

Option 2

1. Provide an incorrect explanation for the meaning of the prefix.

1) Solder - "connection"
2) Sit down - "approach"
3) Preschool - "closeness to something"
4) Exaggerate - equal to "very"

2. In which line are all words written with AND:

1) pr ... drive, pr ... pretty, pr ... stomp
2) pr ... screw, pr ... go, pr ... build
3) pr ... overcome, pr ... sit down, pr ... scare
4) pr ... reconcile, pr ... freeze, pr ... huge

3. In which line are all words written with E:

1) pr ... blame, pr ... red, pr ... glue
2) pr ... unpleasant, pr ... interesting, pr ... tear
3) pr ... dress up, pr ... manor, pr ... endure
4) pr ... hail, pr ... road, pr ... get under way

4. Indicate the row in which all words have the prefix PRI-:

1) pr ... cover, pr ... funny, pr ... city.
2) pr ... foot, pr ... vivka, pr ... kind
3) pr ... open, pr ... crush, pr ... crawl
4) pr ... metny, pr ... station, pr ... overcome

5. Indicate a row in which all words have the prefix PRE-:

1) pr ... resident, pr ... think, pr ... show off.
2) pr ... nasty, pr ... evil, pr ... excellent
3) pr ... Ural, pr ... lift, pr ... be able to
4) pr ... funny, pr ... look, pr ... pound

6. In which row does the prefix mean "attachment" in all words?

1) pr ... city, pr ... sea, pr ... frontline

2) pr ... swam, pr ... raised, pr ... construction

3) pr ... solder, pr ... twist, pr ... glue

4) pr ... flew, pr ... drag, pr ... brezhny.

7. In what word is the prefix prefix written?

1) Pr ... fell silent

2) pr ... tore

3) pr ... flattering

4) aw ... funny

8. Define the word with the prefix pre-.
1) Pr ... school site
2) Pr ... create a window
3) Pr ... overcome pr ... five
4) Pr ... sew a button

9. In what word does the prefix mean "approach"?

1) Pr ... gush

2) pr ... lie down

3) pr ... dear

4) pr ... five

10. Express the phrase in one word with the prefix PRI- or PRE-.

1) Descend from heaven to earth -

2) Very long -

3) Open the door slightly -

4) Connect with glue -

5) Located by the sea -

11. Insert letters

Etc manor plot,

Etc Brezhny district,
city ​​bus,

etc greedy neighbor
run to school,

drive cattle,
pr wise gudgeon,

etc glue the stamp,
to go home,

I brought a gift

etc a long way,
strong friend,

I was carrying a book,

Etc road cafe,
maritime region,

Etc expensive gift,
sew a button

etc yard counselor.


6th grade

Letters y-, i- after prefixes

Target: know the conditions for choosing vowels y-, i- after prefixes. Be able to find this spelling, explain in writing the conditions for choosing these letters.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

2. Call

A) Reception "Brainstorming"

Read the words on the chalkboard:

Play - play, play.

What do you think about writing them? (come to the conclusion that it is possible to write the letters after the prefixes s or i)

Let's select morphemes: prefix and root.

B) Communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Let's try to name the topic of the lesson (they put forward versions)

We will formulate the purpose of the lesson (the most successful versions are selected)

2. Reflection.

A) Reception "Cluster" (scheme)

Let's go back to the words written on the board. Let us determine why in 1 word after the prefix is ​​written -i -, and in the second - s - (answers)

Please note that we are talking about cognate words that begin with -and - without prefixes.

Let's start building a cluster at the board.

After consonant prefixes ← Ы - И → after vowel prefixes

Let's read the rule in the textbook on page 135. Compare its content with our rule.


3. Securing the training material

Control. 342

Control. 343

With the help of prefixes without-, super- and non-form words from words





indicate the conditions for choosing this spelling.

4. Reflection

5. Lesson summary

6.Dz .: learn the rule p. 135. ZSP-8; compose a story using words with the learned spelling.

In an unstressed position in consoles pre- and at- usually a vowel sound is heard and.

For example: when twisting, pre funny, etc.

How not to be mistaken in the spelling of words with these prefixes?

In order to spell words with prefixes correctly pre- and at-, you need to understand the differences in their meanings:

The values ​​of the prefixes and prefixes

The prefix pri- means:

  • Accession
  • Approximation
  • Proximity to anything
  • Incomplete action

The prefix means:

  • The highest degree of action or quality (close to the word very in meaning)
  • Matches by value with the prefix re-

Consider a table with examples:

at- Accession
  • attach
  • attach
  • come
  • sail
  • seaside
  • suburb
Incomplete action
  • uncover
  • pretend (window)
pre- The highest degree of action or quality(similar in meaning to the word very)
  • get fed up
  • exaggeration
  • very long
Similar in meaning to the prefix re-
  • block (block)
  • interrupt (interrupt)

Dictionary words with prefixes and prefixes

In some cases, it is impossible to determine the meaning of the prefixes pre- and pre-, and such words need to be remembered. We check them using the dictionary ( vocabulary words). Here are some vocabulary words:

Special cases of spelling words with prefixes and prefixes

There are words with prefixes in Russian at- and pre- which are heard the same but are spelled differently depending on their meaning. Here are some pairs of such words:

  • Despise (disrespect) - despise (take care of someone, give shelter)
  • Betray (change to someone, give out someone) - give a shade (add)
  • Break the law (break) - get down to business (start)
  • Successor (person, successor) - receiver (device)
  • Bow down (respect) - bow down (bend over)
  • Make it happen (make it happen, make it happen) - close the door (close it)

And finally, you need to remember some words of foreign origin,

For example:

presidium, president, privilege, priority.

To fix the topic of prefixes, we offer you two online simulator: in the first trainer, which includes 60 words, you need to select and press the letter e or and. If the answer is correct, you will go to the next word. If you answered incorrectly, you will be shown the correct spelling and meaning of the prefix. Click "Next" to continue. There is a counter of correct answers.

Online simulator in Russian Spelling of prefixes pre- and

The second simulator is more like online game... On the field - more than 40 phrases, in some of them the words are spelled with errors in the prefixes pre- or pri-. These are mainly vocabulary words. You need to find all misspelled words and press them. Then they will disappear. Keep in mind that the game counts correct and incorrect answers.

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