Higher education degrees. What is bachelor's, specialty, master's, postgraduate studies, what is the difference between them


At the present time, young people have access to a higher two-level education. Each student who in the future wants to become an excellent specialist in his chosen profile should clearly understand bachelor's and master's degrees - what they are and how these degrees differ from each other. The difference between them is significant, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Find out what are the features of these academic degrees.

What is Bachelor's Degree

This is the first, basic step. academic education... The conditions for accessing it are simple. You need to get a secondary, secondary specialized or vocational education. You can enter after finishing the 11th grade of a school, a specialized college, a technical school, or a college. There is a misconception that undergraduate studies are incomplete higher education. This is not true. Bachelor's degree - the first full-fledged stage higher education, in the presence of which a person has the right to get a job in his specialty.

How many study

Usually, educational process lasts four years, although there are exceptions. The student receives an academic bachelor's degree after passing the exams. It is worth noting that there are a number of specialties, which even on basic level impossible to master in 4 courses, especially in the medical and technical fields. Education at such faculties is divided into other stages that do not fit into the general concept of the European educational standard.

Undergraduate program

The plan is focused on giving the student practical knowledge in his chosen specialty. There are practically no narrowly focused disciplines in the educational program. If they are included, then with a minimum number of hours, and only give basic knowledge. The bachelor's degree was originally conceived so that the student chooses a narrow specialty, and consciously continued his studies on it at the master's degree. In Russian practice, however, this stage has become relatively independent.

The bachelor's degree has recently been divided into two categories according to a number of characteristics and tasks assigned to students, although this innovation is not yet practiced everywhere. Types of the first stage of academic education:

  1. Applied... For students who plan to get a job immediately after graduating from a higher education institution. Practical training is underway. Form of study on applied baccalaureate day / full-time only.
  2. Academic... Professional training of bachelors planning to enroll in the future for a master's degree. The emphasis is on research work, a lot theoretical courses... You can study both full-time and part-time.

Bachelor in Russia

The program began to be introduced into the practice of our country after the signing of the Bologna Convention. Reform implies the gradual creation of a single educational space European standard. Higher education in all countries should be two-stage: bachelor's and master's degrees. Previously, students received a specialist diploma after studying for 5-6 years. Now this practice is gradually moving away, but so far the "specialty" level has not been completely abolished, because not all professions can be mastered in 4 years, even at the basic level.

What is Master's Degree

This is the second stage of higher education, but in order to gain access to it, it is imperative to get the first. A person is considered a master after he completely graduates studying proccess... Bachelors and persons who received a specialty before the introduction of the Bologna system can apply for a master's program free of charge. The course of subjects is selected so that the student is immersed as much as possible in practical and scientific activities.

The programs are supervised by teachers of the highest qualifications, doctors of science. From the very first semester, a mentor from among them is assigned to each student. Under the guidance of a teacher, a person chooses a direction scientific research and defends his master's thesis. Until the moment the student defended his thesis, he is a master's student. In the course of his studies, he receives pedagogical skills and at the end of the program can work as a teacher.

Why do you need

Many people do not understand why they should go to lectures for some more time, if after the bachelor's degree they can immediately get a job. A person needs a master's degree in order for him to have the right to occupy leadership positions. To apply for a job in a number of specialties, you also need to get the second stage of higher education. In addition, a master's degree can be completed in order to receive an education not in the initially chosen, but in a different specialty.

What gives

Education is not easy, but it brings many benefits. After graduating from the master's degree, you will receive the following opportunities:

  1. You will be able to hold leadership positions, work in specialties that require both levels of higher education.
  2. Professional growth will be rapid even in the face of high competition.
  3. You will receive a lot of useful and in-depth theoretical knowledge and practical skills.
  4. If you realized that you have chosen a specialization by mistake, then the master's degree gives you the right to change it.
  5. The scholarship and other social guarantees (a place in a hostel, etc.) will be extended for another number of years.
  6. You will have an open road to admission to graduate school and teaching.

Do I need to go to a master's degree after a bachelor's degree

Each person makes this decision personally. It would be objectively unfair to say that a bachelor's degree is an inferior education. However, before deciding whether to enroll in a master's program, think about the following opportunities it provides for a graduate student:

  • the diploma is recognized internationally;
  • experience of working with foreign teachers;
  • conducting research and development for a candidate's work;
  • equivalence of foreign scientific qualifications PhD.

How to apply for a master's degree

Obtaining the second stage of higher education is possible only after completing a bachelor's degree. It will be necessary to pass an oral comprehensive interdisciplinary exam in the field of study. Its content and the procedure are determined by each university, therefore they are different everywhere. The results are evaluated on a 100-point scale in accordance with the requirements of the Bologna system. The training lasts two years. It is not necessary to enroll right away, at first you can work in your specialty for several years.

Who can apply

To submit documents, you must have a higher professional education... Bachelor's, specialist's, master's degrees are suitable. Additional documents require an application, an identity card, a medical certificate and several photographs. To enroll on a budgetary basis, you need to have either a bachelor's degree or a specialty received before the Bologna process. Master's education may not be related to the direction of fundamental training chosen last time.

Master's in another specialty

In the process of obtaining higher education, you can change its direction. You can take any specialty, but practice shows that it is preferable to choose an adjacent one. However, if you are sure that you have necessary knowledge for delivery entrance exam in a completely different profession, there are no obstacles. A master's degree after a bachelor's degree in another specialty is available at any Russian university and even outside the country.

Paid by the employer

The labor legislation lists compensation and guarantees for employees who combine professional activities with training. For example, a master's degree in a number of specialties, especially narrow scientific ones, is funded by an employer, to whom the state will transfer funds. If the admission is a personal initiative of the employee, then he will have to paid training, the company can only provide vacation at its own expense.

If the second scientific step is necessary for an employee for career growth in a particular organization, they cannot be fired. In this situation, development is possible in two scenarios:

  1. The employer pays all expenses related to education. This is done if the company is very interested in the employee.
  2. The company gives days of paid leave to visit preparatory courses, lectures, exams.

What is the difference between a bachelor's and a master's

The difference between these levels of education is not only the number of job opportunities. What is the difference between bachelor's and master's degrees, which is better? A few examples:

  1. Only a bachelor can enroll in a master's program.
  2. Only a student who has academic degree master's.
  3. Undergraduate studies last four years. In the magistracy - two.
  4. The second stage of higher education can be obtained in a specialty that you acquired in your bachelor's degree.
  5. Who is a bachelor? It is focused on labor activity, the practical use of the knowledge gained. In the magistracy, they prepare for work in the research field.
  6. The second stage of higher education is not available in all educational institutions.

? Quite recently, this question did not bother applicants entering universities in our country. But the time has come, and the options for higher education have diversified: now there is a specialty, a master's degree, and a bachelor's degree. For an informed choice, you need to know how one option differs from another and how they are beneficial for the future life of a yesterday's student.

Bachelor's and Master's degrees - "foreigners"

Until 1996, domestic universities only trained specialists. With rare exceptions, the term educational program, according to which students studied, was 5 years. Thus, there was only one level of higher education - the specialty.

The foundations for the emergence of different formats of the "tower" were laid in 1996, when the law "On higher and postgraduate professional education" was adopted in Russia. It was then that the reform of the educational system began in order to bring it to common European principles.

Degree appeared bachelor, the corresponding programs were developed and the admission of applicants began. Despite the fact that the bachelor's degree allows for a study period of 4 to 6 years, the absolute majority Russian programs were focused on a four-year study period.

The shortening of the terms of study looked both tempting and dubious, therefore, among those entering universities, a natural distrust arose and the question: bachelor's degree is higher education or not? Although undergraduate programs were taught in higher educational institutions, many students still considered this level of education to be something akin to an average professional. Naturally, the prestige of the "crusts" of a bachelor's degree was incomparable with specialist diploma.

In 2003, the Russian Federation signed the Bologna Declaration of June 19, 1999, and Russian universities also opened a master's program. This step has brought the domestic education system even closer to the European one, but the choice of students has become more complicated.

European education system. What is the difference between Master's and Bachelor's programs?

In the European education system, such levels as bachelor's and master's degrees have existed for a long time - and both of these educations are higher. But what is the difference between a master and a bachelor? The difference is, first of all, in training programs: more complex programs- accordingly, the term of study is also lengthened.

If between qualifications master's and bachelor's difference consists in training programs, what additional knowledge can a master's degree expect? Basically, this is more in-depth knowledge in the direction of specialization chosen by the student. Under the master's program, the student will acquire knowledge that will allow him to continue his theoretical scientific work in the future in the chosen direction, and not only work in the specialty received. A bachelor, during a shorter period of study, receives only the level of knowledge that will be useful to him in his professional (and not scientific) activities.

Thus, the European education program has a clear delineation of training: for those who will practice the acquired knowledge in the workplace ( bachelors), and those who, after graduating from the university, will continue their scientific activities ( masters).

Don't know your rights?

Such a consistent system, adopted by domestic practice, has formed an opinion about the lesser prestige of a bachelor's qualification.

In part, it is true, since, based on the provisions of Article 10 of the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" No. 273-ФЗ dated December 29, 2012, it can be concluded that a bachelor's degree is a level I higher education out of 3 existing ones.

But in fact, the difference between a specialist, a bachelor's and a master's is not in the quality of education, but in order to obtain it - the bachelor's degree is aimed at studying basic disciplines exactly to the extent that is necessary for working in the specialty.

That is, the current education system allows the applicant to choose the format and duration of study that will be more convenient for him. But why, then, is there still a specialty and what is its difference?

What is the difference between the specialty and the undergraduate and graduate programs?

First, the deadline. Specialization is traditional form national education lasting from 5 to 6 years. Bachelor's degree is a form of study borrowed from the European system, in which the training course lasts, as a rule, 4 years. The training of masters lasts an average of 6 years. All these are types of higher education, although there are certain nuances.

Secondly, these are programs for future masters, bachelors and specialists. And most importantly, what is the difference between bachelor's and master's degrees in this regard, it is an orientation towards the practical side of learning.

In the near future, due to the expected changes in the Bologna Declaration, the specialists will cease to exist, and the dilemma “ specialist or bachelor»Will cease to be relevant. However, at the moment there is a specialty. Few universities retain it as one of the levels of education in some areas, and specialist graduates still retain the opportunity to continue their studies in graduate school.

And the opportunity to go to graduate school is what distinguishes a specialist from a bachelor's degree. In order to continue his studies and scientific activities, a bachelor's degree is not enough for a student - he needs to complete a master's degree or a specialist with advanced courses. Otherwise, a bachelor graduate will not be able to enroll in graduate school.

Therefore, the specialty, if you do not delve into the details of reforming the domestic education system, can be considered simply a legacy of the past, a transitional form that should disappear after the final transition to a Europeanized two-tier system.

Specialist, Bachelor or Master - Which Diploma is Better?

To this question future student I must answer myself. The prestige of "crusts" about higher education in Russia is gradually giving way to the understanding that education, first of all, should be of practical use (and practicality is the main thing, what is the difference between bachelor's and master's programs).

Thus, the answer to the question “ Bachelor is a higher education or not? " will be unambiguously positive. Confirmation is the federal law "On Education in the Russian Federation", which lists 3 levels of higher education:

  • bachelor's degree;
  • specialty and magistracy.

Graduates receive them, respectively, degrees specialist, bachelor's and master's, the difference between which consists in the degree of specialization, and not in prestige or level of education.

The question of whether a bachelor's degree is considered a higher education worries many applicants. At the same time, despite the fact that the legislation of the Russian Federation unequivocally gives a positive answer to this question, in fact, when starting their career, many bachelors may face refusals from cadre specialists, who consider a bachelor's degree a certificate of incomplete higher education. Within the framework of the article, we will consider how a bachelor's degree differs from a specialist and a master's degree in Russia.

Have Table of contents:

Bachelor in Russian and World Law

Traditionally in the Soviet and post-Soviet educational system there was only one degree of higher education - the specialist. Even after the end of the existence of the USSR, such a system was applied in Russia until 1996, when the concept of a bachelor's degree was introduced.
Subsequently, with the adoption The Russian Federation the main provisions of the Bologna education system, since 2003, a master's degree and related higher education have also been introduced.

In Western countries, at the moment, almost everywhere, only two degrees of general higher education are used - bachelor's and master's degrees. At the same time, there is, is declared and is applied in practice, the basic fundamental separation of these training options. Thus, bachelor's education aims to provide the student with practical professional skills for subsequent employment, while master's education, first of all, pursues the goals of the graduate's subsequent scientific activity. In Russia, however, this division is not so strictly expressed and is interpreted in practice according to different principles.

Now the issues of higher education, including those with a bachelor's degree, are considered by the provisions of the Federal Law No. 273 of 12/29/2012. In particular, the education of a bachelor, in accordance with the provisions of this law, is unambiguously considered higher and entails all relevant legal consequences. The main of these consequences is the direct employment opportunity for vacancies requiring higher education.


Due to the fact that the legislation unambiguously defines a bachelor's degree as a higher education, the refusal of employment on the basis of an incomplete higher education with a bachelor's degree is completely and completely illegal. Incomplete or incomplete higher education means only the absence of a diploma with a confirmed fact of passing at least one training course programs of a higher education institution.

Differences between specialist, bachelor's and master's education

One of the main differences between bachelor, specialist and master is the length of study. Thus, the law establishes the minimum terms for obtaining each of the corresponding degrees of higher education. Namely:

  • Bachelor - 4 years of study;
  • Specialist - 5 years of study;
  • Master's degree - any previous degree and at least one year of study.

An important fact

These restrictions apply to the minimum duration of the educational program. In some cases, bachelor's education can last more than four years. The same goes for specialists and masters. Most often, the increased duration of training is used in the medical field of activity.

However, there are other differences as well. In particular, the presence of a bachelor's degree does not provide for the right to subsequently enroll in graduate school. Nevertheless, the presence of a bachelor's degree gives the full right to enroll in a master's program without training as a specialist. Moreover, a bachelor has the right to enroll in a master's program in any other university in a similar specialty, including several years after graduation and receiving a diploma.

An important fact

The degree of specialist in Russia is becoming an increasingly limited educational program every year. In particular, its preservation at the legislative level is provided only for areas strategically important for national and state security. At the same time, an increasing number of universities in practice cease to train specialists in most areas.

Another significant difference between a bachelor and a specialist from a master is the absence of the need to write and defend a thesis. Bachelors and specialists carry out only theses. At the same time, the proof of the effective completion of the master's course is the protection of master's thesis... Difference between dissertation and thesis should be expressed in a strictly expressed practical usefulness of such work and the disclosure of new issues that have not previously been considered by science.

Employment with a bachelor's degree - possible problems

In practice, in Russia, some employers, as mentioned above, practice refusal to hire bachelors due to incomplete higher education. It is believed that a four-year bachelor's degree does not provide the necessary set of practical skills in comparison with a specialist and master's degree. However, this practice is illegal. A bachelor's degree in Russia is considered a higher education, absolutely complete and completed. Thus, if the refusal to apply for a job is ensured by the lack of higher education in the presence of a bachelor's degree, this refusal can be challenged in court.


The opportunity to challenge the refusal to hire in the above-described situation is present only if the requirements for the vacancy only mentioned the presence of a higher education in the specialty, and only when the formulation of the refusal contained a discrepancy with the requirements for such an education.

In addition, individual employers can clearly indicate the availability of a master's or specialist's degree in the vacancy requirements. This practice is absolutely legal and on the basis of such requirements the employer cannot be held liable. In fact, today the misconception about the "inferiority" of a bachelor's education is becoming less and less widespread, but there is a place for cadre specialists in some cases.

Preparatory Programs - Foundation Program(sometimes - Preparation Courses) are organized at large universities USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Japan and educational institutions in Europe.
Preparatory program:
  • prepares the applicant for study at the university, gives the necessary basic knowledge;
  • replenishes the required year of study if the applicant has a certificate or a certificate of completion of an 11-year school (in many countries of the world, a 12-step system of education in schools is adopted);
  • combines intense language practice along with preparation for admission to a certain specialty.
In different universities, the Foundation Program lasts from 6 months to 1.5 years. Upon completion of training, a certificate is issued, which is accepted by this educational institution, as well as partner universities. Sometimes applicants who successfully complete the preparatory program are automatically admitted to the university. In any case, an applicant with a Foundation Program certificate has an 80-100 percent chance of admission to the chosen university.

Associate degree

WITH the warmth of the associate - Associate's degree awarded in the United States, as well as some educational institutions in Hong Kong, Australia, Canada and the Netherlands after two years of college or university studies. Associate degrees are usually obtained at US Community Colleges, where tuition fees are much lower than at universities. Associate's degree is awarded in several areas: art, applied sciences, business, medical services, engineering, natural sciences.
Associate's degree allows:
  • to enter a prestigious university for those students who did not score enough points on the SAT Reasoning Test after graduation;
  • save on studying at a university: after two years of study, you can transfer to a university to get a bachelor's degree;
  • improve English to the level required for university studies.
After two years of study, an associate degree diploma is issued, which is accepted by universities in the United States and several other countries, if the student decides to continue his studies. In addition, this degree is sufficient to find work in some areas (junior staff).


Bachelors degree - Bachelor "s degree- an academic degree, which is awarded to a student upon completion of the main program of higher professional education. Having received a bachelor's degree, a graduate can start a career in a specialty or continue his studies in a master's degree.
Bachelors degree:
  • testifies to the fundamental profile and practical training graduate in the chosen profile;
  • gives the right to work in a specialty (most graduates of the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, European countries prefer to stay on a bachelor's degree and start a career);
  • gives the right to receive a master's degree to those who plan to connect their lives with science.
In order to get a Bachelor "s degree, it is necessary to study at a university for 4 to 6 years, depending on the chosen specialty, country and educational institution. As a rule, many specialties are studied for 4 years. 5-6 years of study at a bachelor's degree are provided for those who receive medical specialty.

Master's degree

Master's degree - Master "s degree- an academic degree awarded upon completion of a master's degree (master's degree) in many countries of the world. Master's degree is the second level of higher professional education. Typically, Master's degrees are awarded to students and graduates who want to connect their lives with science and research. In order to start a career in the chosen specialty, a bachelor's degree is enough in Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. There are programs for natural sciences(Master of Science, MSc), programs in humanities(Master of Arts, MA), as well as the program of business administration (Master of Business Administration, MBA).
Master's degree:
  • testifies that the student, after graduating from the magistracy, received a deeper knowledge of the chosen profile;
  • makes it possible to practice scientific activities or enroll in doctoral (postgraduate) studies.
Master's degree studies last 1-2 years, depending on the country. In the UK, for example, this stage takes one year of study, while in the USA it takes two years. Upon completion of the master's degree, the graduate receives a master's degree.


Doctor's degree - PhD- an academic degree of postgraduate education, which is awarded to experts in a particular field who have successfully completed doctoral studies. As a rule, graduates of a master's program enter doctoral studies. PhD degree ( Doctor of Philosophy- historical name, currently has no practical relation to philosophy) is awarded in different scientific fields... This degree:
  • makes it possible to practice scientific work, teach at universities, start an academic career;
  • testifies to deep knowledge and highly qualified in the chosen profile.
In most countries of the world, doctoral studies last from 3 to 6 years. In some countries of the world, PhD is the highest academic degree. In the USA, Australia, New Zealand, PhD holders can conduct their research in the framework of postdoctoral studies (Research fellow).

In the summer, many school graduates rush to apply to one or more selected universities to continue their studies and acquire their chosen profession.

Equal diplomas

Not so long ago Russian universities graduated only specialists with diplomas. For example, a graduate who graduated from a technical university became an engineer, agronomist, economist with the prefix of a certain specialty. They wanted to change this scheme back in the 90s of the twentieth century and make it similar to the Western one. Europeans and Americans produce bachelors and masters in their universities.

This innovation was established so that the diplomas that students receive after graduating from a Russian higher education institution are recognized in other countries. So that the graduate does not have to retrain abroad or confirm in any way his education. Due to the similar duration of training and the same names, it becomes clear to any employer in the world what kind of education the applicant received for a job.

Why a two-tier system?

To implement our plans, our country has joined the Bologna Convention. This required the sphere of higher education to be brought to the standards demanded by the participating countries. Today, the law on higher and postgraduate education establishes a two-tier system of higher education: bachelor's and master's.

Why a two-tier model? main reason lies in the fact that such a system of training specialists is better adapted to a market economy. This model has long been used in the USA, Canada, England and other countries, and it was this model that determined their economic success.

The term "bachelor"

Where does this word come from? What is a bachelor's degree? WITH of English language the term translates as:

  • A young knight vassal.
  • Lonely male.
  • Bachelor.

If you think about it, it turns out that this is a young man looking for his place under the sun in this world. Quite apt name for someone who is at the beginning of his life.

Bachelor's essence

What is a bachelor's degree? This is a graduate of a higher education institution. Today, many people who have graduated from a university have a bachelor's degree in their diplomas. Is this higher education or not? The graduate receives a completed higher professional education, only, in contrast to the magistracy, at the basic level. Preparation of a bachelor's degree takes four years, during which the student receives fundamental knowledge of a general scientific and general professional nature without a narrow specialization.

Fundamental training makes it easier to adapt to the constantly changing labor market, where it is necessary to master related professions. Most employers are now satisfied with the applicant's basic higher education. The rest will be shown and told on the spot.

Study or work?

Many future graduates are concerned about the question: is a bachelor's degree a higher education or not? This is the first level of higher education. The student receives a bachelor's degree, then, without a break in his studies, he can continue his studies at the institute and enter the magistracy. What if he's tired of studying and wants to take a break? When a young person decides to take a break from school, then the basic professional training and a bachelor's degree will give him the right, on an equal basis with other graduates of higher educational institutions, to apply for the corresponding position. After some time, when the experience has been accumulated, he will be able to continue his studies in the magistracy of any university in our country or abroad more consciously.

The term "magistracy"

Translated from Latin means "mentor", "teacher". Master's degree is the second level of higher education, it is focused, among other things, on teaching and research activities. To enter here, you must pass exams. The master's degree provides an opportunity to enroll in graduate school.

How many diplomas are obtained? After four years of study at the university, the student is issued a bachelor's degree, with which he has the right to enter a master's degree, after two years of study he receives a diploma. It turns out that after 6 years of successful studies he has two diplomas.

Thus, answering the question of what a bachelor is, let us summarize: this is a young man (or girl) who has received basic knowledge in the chosen specialty and received a university diploma.

The transition period ended in 2011, and now all universities have switched to a two-tier education system "bachelor - master". Only military, medical and art institutions of higher education were not included in this list. The master's degree is mainly concentrated in state higher educational institutions, while the bachelor's degree is present in non-state ones. The list of directions of universities is very extensive. It depends on the name and direction of the educational institution itself.

So, we figured out what a bachelor is. The directions of preparation of this academic degree are very different. For example, a Bachelor of Economics. Having received such a diploma, a young person will be able to work in organizations of various industries and forms of ownership, carrying out economic, marketing, analytical, financial, production and economic services. Also, upon graduation, he is awarded a bachelor's degree or, in other words, a qualification.

From the history

In the pre-revolutionary period of Russian history, the title of "master" was introduced by Alexander I in 1803. The master's degree was intermediate between the candidate (this is a person who graduated from the university with honors) and a doctor. The master's degree provided the opportunity to obtain the rank of titular councilor.

Only the following universities could give academic degrees: Moscow, Dorpat, Kazan, Kharkov. The degree was awarded after the student passed the master's exam. It took about 4 years to prepare for it. The pre-revolutionary master can be roughly equated with the current candidate of sciences. The requirements for obtaining a master's degree were comparable and comparable to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Europe at that time. At the end of the 19th century, in the majority of Russian universities, the candidate's degree was canceled and the "master-doctor" model began to exist. After the revolution in Russia, all academic degrees, and they do not exist until 1934.

Bologna Declaration

Europe's education ministers signed a joint statement in Bologna in 1999. The declaration speaks of the creation of a single zone of European higher education and the intention of the countries that signed it to promote the European HE system around the world. Our country joined this movement in 2003, it became the 40th in a row to sign it.

Naturally, there are also opponents of the pro-Western education system. It is believed, not without reason, that the Russian model of education in a number of areas of training is not only not inferior to the Western one, but also surpasses it. Therefore, the unification of education will not have a positive effect on its improvement. There is also an opinion that the equivalence of diplomas will push graduated specialists to leave the country. The imperfection of the base of many universities will not give them the opportunity to participate in the Bologna process.

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