Word article for word examples. Examples of vocabulary articles

  • 1.2. Cognitive computer linguistics tools
  • 1.3. Some directions of computer linguistics
  • 1.4. Hypertext text presentation technologies
  • § 2. Applied aspects of quantity linguistics
  • 2.1. Changes of quantity linguistics with theoretical and applied points of view
  • 2.2. The main areas of the application of the structural and probability model of the language
  • 2.3. Text authorization: Example Example
  • § 3. psycholinguistics as linguistics application
  • Chapter 3 Optimization of the epistemic function of the language §1. Lexicography
  • 1.1. From the history of the vocabulary
  • 1.2. Basic parameters of dictionarization
  • 1.3. Basic structural dictionary components
  • 1.4. Basic structural components (zones) of the vocabulary article
  • 1. Temporary axis
  • 1.5. Computer lexicography
  • § 2. Terminology and Terminography
  • 2.1. Source concepts
  • 2.2. The most important areas of activity in term framework and terminography
  • 2.3. Institutional Aspect of Terminology and Terminography
  • 2.4. Linguistic terminology as a special thermosystems *
  • 2.5. Worlds of linguistic terminology
  • Terms of Semiotics19 "
  • Terms of pragmatists
  • Terms of the Theory of Dialogue, Terms of Speech Communication Theory
  • Terms of Logical Analysis of Natural Language
  • Terms of applied linguistics
  • Terms of speech acts theory
  • Terms of artificial intelligence
  • Terms of cognitive science
  • 2.6. Linguistic Terminography
  • § 3. Cabinet linguistics
  • 3.1. Language material in a linguistic study
  • 3.2. Source concepts of cabinet linguistics
  • 3.3. Requirements for the case of texts from the user's point of view
  • 3.4. Experience in developing text cases
  • 3.5. Conclusion
  • Chapter 4 Optimization of the functioning of the language as a means of transmitting information § 1. Translation as an applied linguistic discipline *
  • 1.1. Linguistic and non-rival translation aspects
  • 1.2. Types of translation
  • 1.3. "Natural" translation: linguistic problems
  • 1.4. Machine translate
  • § 2. Theory and language teaching technique *
  • 2.1. Grammatically transferable method in teaching foreign languages
  • 2.2. Direct method of teaching a foreign language
  • 2.3. Audio civil and audiovisual methods of teaching foreign languages
  • 2.4. Communicative and oriented approach in training in foreign languages
  • §3. Optimization of communication with computers: natural language processing systems
  • §four. Theory and practice of information retrieval systems
  • 4.1. Basic concepts of information search
  • 4.2. Types of information and search engines
  • 4.3. Signature Languages
  • Chapter 5 Optimization of the Social Language Function, the functioning of the language as the means of influence § 1. Linguistics and state functioning
  • § 2. Linguistic aspects of the theory of impact: Language mechanisms of the variable interpretation of reality *
  • 2.1. The subject of the theory of impact and its origins
  • 2.3. Typology of language mechanisms for consciousness
  • 2.4. Linguistic aspects of the theory of argumentation
  • 2.5. Language mechanisms of variable interpretation of reality in argumentation: An example of analysis
  • § 3. Mechanisms of the variable interpretation of reality in neuro-linguistic programming
  • 3.1. Neuro-linguistic programming - Effective practice as a theory
  • 3.2. NLP as a psychotherapeutic method
  • 3.3. NLP postulates in relation to language: Linguist's view
  • 3.4. The role of linguistic mechanisms of variable interpretation of reality in NLP
  • §four. Political linguistics
  • 4.1. The subject and tasks of political linguistics
  • 4.2. Content analysis technique
  • 4.3. Examples of Application Content Analysis Methods
  • 4.4. Cognitive mapping technique
  • Chapter 6 Applied and Theoretical Linguistics: Problems of Mutigation § 1. Tools of Applied Linguistics in Linguistic Theory
  • 1.1. Traditional problems of lexic semantics from the point of view of a cognitive approach *
  • 1.2. Heuristics of linguistic semantics
  • 1.3. Conclusion
  • § 2. Reflection of linguistic theory in applied linguistics
  • 2.1. Basic theoretical oppositions in applied linguistics
  • 2.2. Philological methods of analyzing text as heuristics construction of artificial intelligence systems *
  • Actual problems of applied linguistics
  • List of abbreviations
  • Literature
  • Words
  • 1.3. Maintenance structural components Drug

    Each dictionary consists of a number of components that provide the reader access to the information contained in it. The first most important component - slovenian vocabulary. All units that form a dictionary description area are included in the slope and are inputs of dictionary articles. In fact, the slope sets the area of \u200b\u200bthe dictionary description. As such as the word pattern separately in the dictionary is usually not allocated. The wordless can consist of morpheme (for dictionaries Morpham and grammatical dictionaries), lexemes (for example, for intellular dictionaries), wordform (for grammatical dictionaries) and phrases (for example, for phraseological dictionaries, dictionaries, Idiom, Syntagm dictionaries). The elementary unit of the dictionary is word article - Each separately taken as a description of the dictionary description and the vocabulary compared to it. A lot of vocabulary articles and forms the main text of the dictionary. Separate structural component form pointers, or indexes. In the usual explanatory dictionary, the pointers are quite rare. A completely different situation with phraseological dictionaries and dictionaries Idiom. Insofar as basic shape phraseological units are subject to strong variation - put one's teethand put the teeth on the shelf, warm / heat / warm hands (on with something)and hand warm / heat / sterling (on something)- Any selected way to streamline the Sloven does not provide easy search. To facilitate the search procedure of the desired idiom in phraseological dictionaries, pointers are created that allow you to find idioms according to any one of its components. Often pointers are included in the structure of thesauruses and bilingual dictionaries. Thesaurus pointers make it possible to determine which taxa includes this or that word, and the pointers of bilingual dictionaries partly perform the function of the inverse dictionary in relation to this.

    An important structural part linguistic dictionaries is an list of sources. For a European vocabulary tradition, it is absolutely necessary, since the use of any published textual materials (including in examples) requires an appropriate permission from the copyright holder.

    Particular part of the dictionary can be considered introductory articlewhich explains the principles of using the dictionary and contains information on the structure of the vocabulary article. Sometimes the structure of the vocabulary article is submitted to a special section of the dictionary. In addition, linguistic dictionaries, as a rule, include list of conventional cuts and alphabet.

    1.4. Basic structural components (zones) of the vocabulary article

    Basic Dictionary - Word Article - consists of several zone Descriptions. Each zone contains a special type of vocabulary information. First zone - lexical input vocabulary vocabula or lemma. Often the stress is indicated in Vocabula. The lexical entrance is usually marked with bold selection. Therefore, in the jargon of lexicographers and editors, this zone is often called - " black Word" In the explanatory dictionary after lexical entry, the zone is most often grammatical information and zone stylistic litters. In explanatory dictionaries, as grammatical information about the Word, belonging to part of speech, characteristic grammatical forms (For example, for nouns - the form of a genitive case and indication of the genus). The style of stylistic litter gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe restrictions on the use of the word: literary language VS. dialects, term follows zone valuewhich is divided into separate subzones:

      value number;

      additional grammatical and stylistic litters;

      interpretation zone;

      zone of example / illustration;

      zone shades value.

    In sensible dictionaries, the dictionary article is usually concluded zone phraseologism. Since the zone of phraseologism is usually marked with a rhombus sign, on the jargon of lexicographers, it is called a "zombot" zone.

    In addition, for a more complete description of the word, in some cases etymological or historical information - zone of etymology.

    In fig. 1 shows a typical dictionary article of a small academic dictionary [Dictionary of the Russian Language 1985-1988].


    Lexical input

    stuck, -Sho, -shit; and. Strada. POST.Deprived, -shid, -shore, -shore; sieu, ache., someone


    Grammar information


    (nesov.Deprive). Leave without anyone, take away Sir To deprive freedom. [Franz..:]Now the father threatened me to drive out and deprive inheritance. Pushkin, scenes from knightly times [ Boris.]rather, he would have deprived of themselves many pleasures than let himself - seem in the old uniform on the streets of St. Petersburg. L. Tolstoy, War and Peace. He was deprived of walking and not released even at the hospital yard. Golubeva, boy from a yerhum.


    Source of Example

    . (usually in the form of bout. Strada. POST.) Who does not have anything Sad looking at this deprived vegetation land. L. Tolstoy, Sunday. [ Kostya]completely deprived of musical hearing. Chekhov, three years old. [ Klim.]was surprised by the fact that Yakov turned out to be deprived of any special adoption. M.Gorky, Life Klim Samgin.


    To deprive lifemail, kill. Deprivedo not give the opportunity to speak at the meeting, rally, etc. Not devisedwhatpossessed in some or some degree. [ Victor]looked like a father, only his traits were less and not deprived of his friend. Turgenev, unhappy.

    Fig. oneWord Article Glagola. deprive

    Each type of linguistic dictionary is characterized by its structure of the vocabulary article. So, regulatory and descriptive dictionaries differ not only by the choice of material, but also its organization in the dictionary.

    Regulatory dictionary

      Lexical entrance (Vocabula).

      Stylistic litter.

      Grammar information.


      Examples of use.

    Descriptive Dictionary

      Lexical entrance (Vocabula).


      Litter of sphere of use.

      Grammar information.


      Examples of use.

      Examples of non-standard use.

      Idiomatics zone ( sustainable combinations, phraseologism).

    Thus, the system of descriptive type is as possible all the features of the word use, and the normative draws attention to the literary standard, dividing the vocabulary on the stylistic areas and forming the standard literary language.

    A completely different structure of the vocabulary article has frequency dictionaries, dictionaries metaphor and epithets. For example, there are practically no interpretation zone.

    The concept of a vocabulary article turns out to be somewhat blurred, since they reflect the hierarchy of semantic relations inside the vocabulary. If thesaurus is a tree of generic relations in its pure form, then word articleyou can consider the whole text. For this reason, as already noted above, the concept is more often used to the structure of thesaurus taksonWith which any combination of words, phrases (and even morpheme) is understood, which is compared with a single semantic description in terms of thesaurus descriptors. In other words, a taxon is a variety of description units combined into a group on a single semantic bases of any level of abstraction.

    For taxon, the high level of abstraction is better to talk about the hierarchical structure of the vocabulary article. The latter appears in thesaurus as a combination of hierarchically ordered terminal taxa, forming a taxon of higher levels.

    Cf. Below the totality of terminal taxa, forming a taxon time from Thesaurus Russian idiomatics [Baranov, Dobrovolsky 2000]


    Explanatory translation

    Word article

    an article explaining the header word in the dictionary.

    Word article

    An article explaining the header word in the dictionary, the vocabulary nest. A group of single-handed words presented in the form of a single vocabulary article.

    Dictionary of linguistic terms

    Word article

    The article in the dictionary, characterizing this or that word and includes various zones.

    1. At first there is a capital word, designed in such a way that we can get information about his spelling, pronunciation, stress. Zone structure Vocational article varies, depending on the type of dictionary. It is most fully represented in sensible dictionaries.

    2. One of the main zones here is a zone of value: interpretation lexical meaning It assumes the setting of the number of words and the definition of each value separately. In the explanatory dictionary, several types of word meanings are distinguished: portable, terminological (special), phraseological.

    In modern dictionaries, different ways of interpretation of the word meaning are used:

    a) semantic (descriptive) definition (definition);

    b) synonymic determination;

    c) word-forming definition;

    d) sending definition.

    3. One of the mandatory components of the vocabulary article is a zone of forms: an indication of grammatical categories (part of speech, genus, appearance, etc.), supporting word; possible options.

    4. The special component of the vocabulary article is stylistic litters pointing to the varieties of book and spoken vocabulary.

    5. The next component of the vocabulary article is phraseological turnover, stable combinations of words, the injured forms that are separated by paragraph, a rhombus or in some other way.

    6. Mandatory component of the vocabulary article - illustration (illustrative material): phrases, quotes from works that give an additional characteristic of semantic and grammatical features Words, reveal the sphere of their use, emphasizing their regulativity, serve as a leadership for modern usage.

    Structure of the dictionary and vocabulary

    The dictionary consists of two parts: the intelligent ideographic (semantic classification), which is a description of the semantics of synonymic series, and the alphabetic pointer. Each part is structured in its own way.

    First partit is the basis of the dictionary. In it, all synonymic rows are distributed over the semantic (ideographic) groups having their heading, and the main unit of the description is a separate synonymic series, the subject of the description is a common, typical semantic synonymic series.

    In the second partsuitable alphabetical list All of the synonyms described in the intelligent ideographic part of the synonyms indicating the number of the group in the overall heading of the dictionary. This part facilitates the search for the synonymous series and similar in the sense of synonymous series of one semantic group, which includes this or that word.

    The presence of these two parts will allow differently using a dictionary and search for the necessary synonymous series: from the concept, meaning - to the search for a synonymous series of words expressing this meaning (1 part) or from separate words - To the search for a synonymous series, in which this word enters along with other synonyms and expresses the value similar to them (2 part).

    The dictionary is built according to the conceptual principle of the location of synonymous series. In the first part of the dictionary, all 5010 synonymous rows of words are distributed, taking into account the expressed meaning in semantic groups of different volumes. These groups are organized hierarchically. The vertex of classification, its basis is the largest groups that are called by the semantic spheres (the first highest level hierarchy). A total of 15 such volumetric semantic spheres were allocated: "Non-fat nature" (1), " Nature"(2)," Man as a living creature "(3)," Emotions "(4)," Evaluation "(5)," Speech "(6)," Intellect "(7)," Supernatural "(8), "Specific physical activity" (9), " Social activity" (10), " Social sphere Human life "(11)," life "(12)," Ohland "(13)," Perception of the Ombreus "(14)," Universal submissions, meanings and relationships "(15). Inside these semantic spheres - super-touch associations of synonymous series - first allocate semantic classes (2 level hierarchy), inside them - semantic groups (3 hierarchy levels) and semantic subgroups (4 hierarchy level). In total, 84th grade, 255 groups and 185 subgroups were found in total.

    It should be noted that all these semantic associations of synonymous series have their quantitative, structural and meaningful features. So, most synonymous series in such areas as "emotions", "Speech", "Intellect". They constitute more than thirty percent of the total volume presented in the Synonymic Rows. In turn, very little synonymous series in such spheres as "life", "settlement", "quantity". Features of the structural organization of spheres are manifested to the extent and parameters of concretization expressed by synonyms general concept, meaning, which cause different amounts in their composition of fields, groups, subgroups, which leads to the fact that the semantic spheres on the set of components of their groups and subgroups of synonyms do not coincide. On the one hand, there are very simple semantic spheres in terms of their structural organization, when there are a small number of groups of one level of the hierarchy. Thus, in the field of "settlement" there are only four semantic groups: 1. type of settlement; 2. location location; 3. part of the settlement; 4. A person in habitat, in relation to the settlement. These groups according to different aspects specify the concept of "settlement". As you can see, this sphere is very simply organized in structural relation (see also the spheres of "non-fat nature", "Supernatural"). On the other hand, there are very complex areas (see "Living Nature", "Emotions", "Specific Physical Activities", "Social Activities", "Social Sphere of Man". "The perception of the surrounding world", "Universal performances , meanings and relationships "). In such spheres, several semantic fields, groups and subgroups specifying each other are usually. We take, for example, the scope of "social activities" (10), which includes 15 semantic fields: 10.1. Science and education; 10.2. Religion; 10.3. Art; 10.4. Economy; 10.5. Right; 10.6. Military service; 10.7. Hunting and fisheries; 10.8. Agriculture; 10.9. Building; 10.10 Medicine; 10.11. Service sector; 10.12. Transport; 10.13. Technics; 10.14. Sport; 10.15. Entertainment and recreation. All of the above semantic fields in turn are in their composition semantic groups and subgroups. For example, in the semantic field 10.10, "Medicine" 11 groups were isolated (10.10.1. Process of the disease; 10.10.2. Name of the disease; 10.10.3. Characteristics of the disease and infection; 10.10.4. Symptoms of the disease; 10.10.5. Painful state, His causes and manifestations; 10.10.6. Process of treatment; 10.10.7. Methods of treatment, drugs and their quality; 10.10.8. Devices and devices; 10.10.9. Preventive actions; 10.10.10. institutions; 10.10.11. Man), many of whom have in their composition of the subgroup. For example, in the last group 10.10.11. These are subgroups Man treating; Sick man.

    As we can see according to the above examples, the hierarchy of the above associations of synonyms of different rank is reflected in the appropriate heading. So, initially distinguished semantic spheres based on 15 basic categories that are denoted by Arabic numbers. Next within spheres Semantic classes are specified by the introduction of new columns, whose pointers are second extensions in the heading. Accordingly, the synonyms groups and subgroups are highlighted by additional numbers in a common heading.

    Inside the semantic group, the synonymic rows of words are located taking into account their grammatical nature in parts of speech: first the names of the nouns, then adjectives, verbs and adverbs are given.

    We give as an example the location of synonymous rows of words in the group Kindness:

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    1.25. The concept of the active and passive composition of the dictionary in the life of society (political, social, economic, cultural) is reflected in the language, primarily in his vocational composition. Changes in the lexical system are due to the fact that the appearance of new in life


      The title word of the vocabulary article.

      Orphographic reference.

      Accentological and orthoepic reference.

      Grammar help.

      Lexico-semantic information:

      Reflection of multigid and homonymy;

      Type of interpretation;

      Sufficiency / insufficiency of interpretation.

      Illustrative material.

    1. Forming reference.

    Comments on the performance of testing number 1

    Item 1 - the capital word of the vocabulary article always stands at its beginning. When writing the title word of the vocabulary article, capital letters and fatty fonts are commonly used.

    Paragraph 2 - assumes an assessment of the spelling complexity of this title. It is necessary to compare the spelling and pronunciation of the word: if there is a discrepancy, it means that the word is complex from the point of view of spelling. It is necessary to indicate what is the complexity.

    Item 3 - it should be noted where the stress falls in the word. If there is an orthoepic reference (small transcription), comment on it as follows: the letterpart ... pronounced ...

    Clause 4 - implies an interpretation of this in the dictionary of chaxetting information, morphological signs and the syntactic properties of the title word. Usually for nouns are given to them. and genus. p. h. and information about childbirth; For verb - initial form, Forms 1.2 facials. h. present / future time and information about the form; For adjective - forms m., g. and cf. R. units. h. P. Other forms appear optionally. The remaining words are indicated to which part of speech they treat. Word article may contain syntax information: the relative pronoun will tell the case of the dependent word and its characteristic in terms of animation category.

    Paragraph 5 - contains a description of the semantics of the capital word of the vocabulary article. In this paragraph, it should be noted how many values \u200b\u200band which (direct or portable) is given in the sensible dictionary. Determine the type of interpretation (descriptive, synonymic, through a single word). Ohonim's presence signals an index standing next to the title word of the capital article. Determining the adequacy of the interpretation assumes an independent assessment of the vocabulary article (if you know the value of the capital word, which is not reflected in the dictionary, try to formulate it if necessary, add a special litter).

    Paragraph 6 - involves an analysis of examples showing the use of words in speech. It is necessary to accurately indicate what is given as an illustrative material (phrases, suggestions, phraseologisms, proverbs) and in what quantity.

    Paragraph 7 - demonstrates knowledge of the characteristics of the use of the word presented in the dictionary with the help of special litters. Each value of the word must be described from 4 positions - 4 types of special litters. It should be paid to the fact that the absence of a litter in the vocabulary article is significant. Watch out for where there is a litter. If it precedes all interpretation, it means that this characteristic is inherent in the word in all its values. If it appears inside one of the words or after illustrative material, therefore, it must be interpreted in relation to this part of the vocabulary article.

    Paragraph 8 - involves a description of the closest living word-forming ties in the modern language system. It should be paid to the fact that the word derived from the title should be characterized by all the parameters that are reflected in the vocabulary (spelling, accentological, grammatical and other certificates).

    2. Norms of modern Russian literary language

    The compliance of speech currently by the standards of the literary language currently is the most important cultural and speech quality. A detailed characteristic of the norms of the modern Russian language is devoted to the second practical section of discipline. It is important to figure out both theoretical and practical terms.

    The theoretical aspect of problems associated with the category of language norms is presented in textbooks and textbooks listed in the list of mandatory and additional literature.

    Language rate- This is a relatively sustainable way of expression, reflecting the historical patterns of the development of the language, enshrined in the best samples of literature, recorded in dictionaries and reference books in the Russian language and preferred by the educated part of society.

    Observations for speech practice, when taking into account cultural traditions, make it possible to chosen linguists from two or several parallel expression methods to choose one, which is correct, i.e. Regulatory. This option codified those. Fixed in regulatory dictionaries and grammar. This scientific description of the norms of the literary language is a support for the further use of the educated part of society. Compliance with the norms of the literary language is a voluntary, recommended and testifies to the level of human education.

    The norm of the literary language is a complex and controversial phenomenon. On the one hand, the codified norm, as a rule, is lagging behind the real norm. Codification fixes what exists for a long time. Therefore, the main sign of the norm is considered to be stability, stability, conservatism. The literary language connects generations, ensures the continuity of traditions.

    On the other hand, the norm, as well as the language itself, is constantly changing, evolutionizes, and the sign of sustainability becomes relative. What was in the past widespread and mandatory can turn into Antinorm, become speech incorrect. Simultaneously with stability the rate of change I.variatives .

    From the point of view of the effectiveness of language communication it would be easier if the norm of the literary language allowed the only way of expression. This often insist active jeques of speech correctness. But the evolution of the tongue inevitably implies the stage of coexistence of two or more ways to express. In essence, due to the presence of options and the conflict arises, doubts are generated and oscillations of speakers.

    Types language norms. The main typology of language norms is based on the level affiliation of language units. Depending on how the level of language includes a specific norm, the following types differ. Orphoepic norms (or pronunciation norms) accentologicalthe norms (the norms of verbal stress) are associated with the phonetic level of the language. Lexical Norms are associated with usage and intersect with such communicative qualities of speech, as accuracy and relevance of the word in the text. Grammar standards include in their composition morphological and syntax Norms and regulate the choice of the necessary grammatical forms of the word or grammatical structures. Spelling and punctational The norms are responsible for the regulation of the right spelling and the correct placement of punctuation marks in writing.

    According to the degree of commitment, language regulations are divided into imperative (strictly mandatory) and disposure (optional). Violation of the imperative norm is called speech error and is regarded as a sign of weak ownership of the Russian literary language (so Putit is impossible to replace the form Lie downwithout showing yourself a carrier of the surprise). Violation of the dispositive norm is usually the fact that the speaker chooses the option is uncharacteristic for this speech environment (so, the word POTATO incorrectly use in the official business text, while the word POTATOES It will look unnatural in domestic communication). Such violations are recognized as speech shortcomings or stylistic errors.

    The imperative and dispositive norms of the modern Russian language are represented in the regulatory dictionaries, in particular in the "Russian ORFOPIC dictionary" edited by R.I.Avansov, which is the most authoritative publication of this type.

    Learn to correctly interpret the data orphoepic dictionaries. Explore the litter system adopted in this scientific and reference publication.

    Regulatory litters Indicate the variant form:

    1. Soyuz AND connects the equal options ( simultaneous and simultaneous; Vopóloch and flare).

    2. litter dop. (permissible) indicates the option of the norm, which is permissible, is possible within the correct in the presence of the first, main option ( mizérianand add. múzerny; Creator and add. tV all).

    3. litter extra. Study. (permissible, obsolete) is faced with an option that is supposed to be within the correct, but gradually goes out of active use, obsolet ( industriaand add. Study. induced; necessible and add. Study. robbery).

    Forbidden litters Indicate the imperativeness of the norm and are always accompanied in the orthoepic dictionary, an exclamation mark - "!":

      Litter not rivers . (not recommended) It turns out next to the options that have recently been regulated, but now they are already recognized as negligible mistakes. ( alphabet, not rivers. alphavit; catalog, not rivers. katálog.).

      Litter not right . (incorrect) indicates serious errors (Caught,not right. kitty; pools, wrong. Semi-R).

      Litter roughly wrong . (rough incorrectly) is next to the forms that are recognized by blatant errors , ( dopuchend, Roughly wrong. dock; officer, Roughly wrong. officer).

    The absence of additional litters means the uniqueness (imperative) of the norm.

    We give the options control work "The norms of the modern Russian language", which B. training course It has the character of intermediate control. To perform this test, it is necessary to prepare for practical exercises on the standards tutorialrecommended by the teacher.

    Option of test work

    1. Put stake in words: Obritisologist, phenomenon, sootten, cottage cheese, alcohol, oil pipeline, sculpt.

    2. Determine the genus of the noun, make a phrase with the adjective, correctly harmonizing it with the word: mouse, Popourry, Syrtaki, Chimpanzee, Professor, Tbilisi, GAI.

    3. Forward from these words, the form of the nominative case of a plural: Sweater, engineer, locksmith, shop, boat.

    4. Dream from these words the form of the parent case multiple number: lemons, degrees, soldiers, candles, places.

    5. Blank numeral: 2558

    6. Make a phrase with these paronims, explain the differences in the values: demonstrative - demonstration, secretive - hidden.

    7. Correct the proposals by explaining the mistakes allowed: Taking a match from the pocket, the candle was lit by my interlocutor. Since the beginning of the year, the cost of a minimum set of food has risen in price by 10%. For each rotch you do not cry a handkerchief.

    The third, fourth and fifth section of the course ("Culture of Business Speech" and "Culture of Scientific Speech", "Oral Public Culture") will help the student to develop skills to build speech works of different types in accordance with the requirements of specific communicative situations within business and scientific communication. Today's student, mastering special scientific knowledge in one field or another, you must be able to master a large volume scientific literatureAnd also to create scientific texts of different genres. The materials of the Third Section will help him in this. However, in the near future, the current students will be forced to solve complex professional tasks, take part in the negotiations and communicate with business partners, lagging behind their point of view, remaining both flexible and persistent. Information on how to navigate in the world of modern business communication, to create documents of individual genres, are given in the section "Culture of Business Speech", "culture of oral public speech".

    Class: 5

    The new form of state (final) certification of graduates of IX classes of general educational institutions in the Russian language will appreciate the level of mastering not only the communicative, but also linguistic competence of students.

    It is no secret that an essay on the linguistic theme included in GIA in Russian in 9 presents certain difficulties for children. Starting work with this type of essays need as early as possible.

    This article will be discussed about such creative work, the subject, the genre of which is suggested by the need to start training for the GIA and EGE in Russian already starting from grade 5.

    Works on linguistic topic May be different in style and genres, they are appropriate in any class, when studying any partition. But I would like to talk yet only about how work is being built on learning writing an essay on a linguistic subject in 5-6 grams.

    Given the features of the fifth-graders, creative tasks are best served in a game, entertaining form. I propose a lesson to develop a speech on which children learned to write an essay on the linguistic theme: writing a dictionary article.

    1. We begin with the task setting:

    - Imagine that we are entrusted with an interesting and responsible work - to make an article about the word "Birza" for an intelligent dictionary.
    - Why start?
    - We find out the meaning of the word "sensible" dictionary. ( Attachment 1 . Slides 1,2)
    - Which of the creators of intelligent dictionaries do you know? We are talking about V. V. Dalle, we consider the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian." Graduate students at one time prepared the project "collected a word man", part of the presentation of the project showing children.
    - Why do you need a vocabulary article?
    - Let's see how an article is built on the word "autumn" in this dictionary.
    - We read the meaning of the word "autumn" according to the dictionary. ( Attachment 1 . Slide 3)

    2. Analysis of the structure of the article

    - We conclude: the vocabulary article consists of at least four pieces: (Attachment 1 . Slides 4-5)

    1. Header Word
    2. Grammar litters (i.e. such signs of the words that are studied in a special section of language sciences, for nouns it is the end of the form of a genitive case and genus)
    3. Interpretation of the lexical meaning of the word
    4. An example of the use of this word in speech.

    3. Actualization of knowledge

    Orally say the content of the future record, then write a letter from memory. (You can return to the slide 3)

    Autumn - and, g. The season between the summer and winter. The sky was breathing in the sky, and less often the sun shone, in short, the day, forests the mysterious shadow with sad noise was barely. (A.S. Pushkin).

    - emphasize famous orphograms. Create a proposal scheme. (The lesson is carried out after studying the topic "Syntax and punctuation", so the proposal scheme does not cause difficulties in children)

    Control of execution. ( Attachment 1 . Slide 6)

    4. Collective work

    Drafting a vocabulary article about the word "Spring". An example of the use of this word in speech is the first stanza of the poem A. Pleshcheyev "Swallow", which everyone knows by heart. You can offer children to use your example.
    As a result of the collective work, a record appears ( Attachment 1 . Slide 7)
    Spring, s, g. The season between the winter and summer. The grass is green, the sun shines, the swallow with the spring in the sena to us flies. (A.Pletchev).
    Write in the notebook.

    Listening to the works of children who used other examples.

    The main part in the vocabulary article is the interpretation of the lexical meaning of the word. There are several ways to interpret the word value. Let us dwell on one of them - the main: generic and species signs of the subject. ( Attachment 1 . Slide 8) We conclude that it is important when interpreting the lexical value of the word. ( Attachment 1 . Slide 9)
    Slide depicting trees: Birch, Clane, Larch, Pine and Tables ( Attachment 1 . Slide 10)
    We find generic and species signs, find out the difference. ( Attachment 1 . Slide 12)

    - We compile a step-by-step interpretation of the lexical meaning of the word "Bereza". ( Attachment 1 . Slide 13)
    - We write down the first three proposals reflecting the sequence of thought operations:

    1. Bereza - Tree.
    2. Bereza - deciduous tree.
    3. Bereza - a deciduous tree with a white barrel.

    - We select an example of the use of the word "birch" in speech. We remember (or a pre-prepared student reads the poem of S. Yesenin "Birza").
    - In the notebook we write:

    Bereza, s, w. Deficuous tree with a white trunk. White birch Under my window I was backed by snow, precisely silver. (S. Yesenin).

    Check ( Attachment 1 . Slide 14)

    5. Independent work

    Make up the Word Art (optional) about the words of Klyon, larch, pine.
    Check execution. Host response, error correction. ( Attachment 1 . Slide 16)

    6. The next stage of the lesson - reflection

    - Tell me, did you like to write vocabulary articles?

    Children are happy to perform such types of work.

    - Answer the question "Why do you need a dictionary article?".

    The answer to the question sums up the lesson. Pupils talk about the importance of dictionaries, how important the vocabulary article is correct.

    7. Homework will duplicate the answer to the question "Why do you need a dictionary article?", Only you need to write down a few sentences.

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