Interesting facts about the peoples of Australia. What interesting in Australia? Why not the quantum engine Leonov is introduced

What do you know about Australia?
Probably, only what is covered in the media. We will tell you amazing facts about Australia. For example, what are the chances to meet with the most poisonous being?

Deadly creatures

1. Caboom. The most deadly creature is not only in Australia, but also in the world. It is colorless and almost invisible under water. Contact with it causes painful pain and shock. A person can die less than five minutes.

2. To avoid the bites of poisonous jellyfish, you need to try to float within the networks that are exhibited from October to May. You can also wear special costumes.

3. 80 people died from contacts with cubomicuism in Australia. The last death was registered in 2000.

4. Tipan McCoy. The most poisonous snake in the world. One drop of her poison can kill 100 people.

7. Since the appearance of an antidote in Australia, less than 5 people per year die from the bites of snakes. Half of them - from the bites of brown snakes.

8. On average, 1 person per year dies from the shark attack.

9. According to experts in Australia there are more than 150 thousand naval crocodiles. 100 thousand lives in the northern territory, and 10 thousand only in Kakada. On average, one person per year dies from the attack of crocodiles.

10. In the northern territory there are 244 thousand inhabitants and 100 thousand sea crocodiles. This is 1 crocodile for 2 people.

11. Tunnel spiders and Australian widows in the past were the main killers. In 1956 and in 1981, an antidote was allocated, and now these spiders are not as dangerous.

12. Despite the incredible number of dangerous animals in Australia, there are many chances to die from ... Horses (for the year, mainly - from behind the falls, 8 people die). 2 people died in automotive accidents provoked by Kangaroo. And 21 people per year sink.

Kangaroo and others

13. There are about 60 million kangaroo in Australia. This is two more times more than people.

14. Big redhead kangaroo - the largest kangaroo and the largest charter in the world. It can grow up to 6 feet in height and weigh up to 90 kg!

15. Large red kangaroo can accelerate to 56 kilometers per hour and over one jump to overcome up to 9 meters.

16. Kangaroo can not walk or jump back.

17. About 5 million kangaroo are selected annually for monitoring their number.

18. The name "Kangaroo" was given by Captain Cup. He heard the aborigines used the word "ganguri", having in mind the eastern gray kangaroo. Later, "Ganguru" became "Kangaroo". This name was used for large species, such as a red kangaroo, oriental gray kangaroo and a western gray kangaroo.

19. There is a little-known species of these silent - wood kangaroo, which lives on the tops of trees in the tropical forests of Northern Australia. He can jump over the branches and is a little bit like Lemur.

20. Kangaroo Evgenia - the first representative of the family, which became known in Europe. He was seen by the Dutchman Pelsir in 1629, when he saved the survivors off the coast of Western Australia.

21. Australia has a lot of pigs.

22. In Australia, sheep is three times more than people: in 2016 there were 72 million!

23. In the Guinness Book of Records, it is written that in the wild of Australia inhabit the greatest number of camels - about 200 thousand individuals. And Australia is the birthplace of the most dangerous ant-Bulldog world.

24. Giant Reference Owl is the biggest owl in Australia. She lives on the east coast near Sydney and Melbourne. The feed for her, mostly, are the possibilities that it eats annually from 250 to 350 pieces. On average, this is one possibility of 1.2 days.

Cities of Australia

25. Wyndham has the title of the hottest city in Australia. The average annual maximum temperature here reaches 35.6 ° C.

26. A marble bar is considered the city with the highest summer temperature. The average temperature in the summer here reaches 41 ° C. In 1923 - 1924, 161 days in a row, the thermometer column did not fall below 37.8 ° C.

28. The highest city in Australia - Cabramerra, which is located at an altitude of almost 1,500 meters above sea level.

29. The most unusual geographical names: come from the case, go, more anywhere, streaming anywhere, useless loop, mountain hopelessness and mountain disappointment.

30. Two most strange places to visit Australia - Pink Lake Hillier and Cooper Pedi.

31. Fully pink. Scientists recently found that the cause of this is special types of bacteria.

32. - Miner's city where opals mined. Very strange place! At first glance, it looks like dusty hills without vegetation. But underground another world. People live in impressive underground houses. There are underground churches, hotels and bars.

33. In Australia, there are a total of 10 deserts. That is, 35% of the country is a desert.

34. There are 500 national parks in Australia. 10% of the country's territory is national parks, state forests, natural parks and reserves.

35. The largest National Park of Australia - Cockada. It occupies a territory of 20 thousand square kilometers. Approximately the same area occupies Slovenia ...

36. Royal National Park is the oldest national park in Australia and the second largest in the world. It was founded in 1879.

Amazing beaches

37. In Australia there are 10685 beaches.

40. The 75-Mile Beach is often considered the most dangerous beach in Australia. Immerse yourself in water, and you will swim against strong waves and huge sharks. On the shore, you may encounter light airplanes that use the beach as a runway, or with cars, because the beach is officially classified as highway.

41. The view is widespread that the Jajam Beach in Gulf Jervis is entered in the Guinness Book of Records for the Whole White Sand. Perhaps this is myth, but ...

42. The coronor is the longest continuous beach in Australia. His length is 125 kilometers!

43. The longest interrupted beaches are a 90-mile beach and an 80-mile beach. A discontinuous beach means that the streams or other physical elements are crossed.


44. The population of Australia is 24 million people. It is expected that by 2050 it will reach 36 million.

45. All large cities, except Canberra, are located on the coast.

53. There were various hairstyles in different communities. Some women shaved heads, and some wore short hair. Since the bodies of European men and women who founded the first settlements on the Australian continent were hidden under clothing, and men were purely chum, the aborigines had problems with how to distinguish men from women.

The smallest continent on our planet - Australia. This is the homeland of amazing animals and plants. Almost all the silent animals, those that wear their cubs in a bag - pocket on the stomach, live here. These are Koala, and Kangaroo, and animals with a funny name of Kusks. In the rivers of Australia, climbers live: they have a thick brown fur, four paws-flippers, the tail of the shovel, and the head and nose like ducks. In the sky, multicolored wavy parrots and crumpled cacada flush.

As well as in Australia, Emu ostriches are found. You can't fly these plumbs, but they are very quickly running, because they have strong strengths. Eucalyptus and palm trees, ferns and acacia grow in Australian forests. And even a bottle tree: his barrel is very thick, and then it becomes thin - thin.

Along the entire coast of the continent, the most huge coral structure in the world stretches - Great Barrier Reef. These underwater coral cliffs are dangerous for ships, but someone who sank into the sea with aqualung will open an unforgettable, just a fabulous picture.

The weather in Australia is almost always hot. Even in winter there is no one below +10 degrees of heat. Rain falls a little Australia is considered the longest continent on the ground. When in Europe, the winter comes here.

In all continents, people of one nation live - Australians. They say in English. And all because a long time ago in Australia, gold and ancestors of most of the current residents came here from England, Scotland and Ireland to seek happiness. There are also in Australia and the indigenous population - the aborigines now there are less than one and a half percent of the total population.

Some entertaining facts about this interesting place, for example, you know that:

The residents are less than all in the world violate the laws.

Favralia first, wearing the name "New South Wels".

There is an adult resident if he does not come to the elections - a fine will discover.

This is the lowest continent in the world, its average height above sea level is 330 meters.

A long-premissive fence around the world is also located here, its length is as much as 530 kilometers, and it was built to protect the sheep from Dingo.

In Australia there is the longest fence in the world.

In Australia, the most huge amount of sheep all over the world, more than 700 thousand, and accordingly, the first place for the production of wool legitly belongs to Australia.

1. Australians under the law must vote in the elections. Australian citizen who did not appear to the polls without a good reason, faces a fine.

2. Houses in Australia are poorly isolated from the cold, so in the winter months at temperatures below +15 degrees in the premises are rather cool. It is not surprising that it was from Australia who went fashion for "Uggs" - warm soft and cozy shoes. Australians wear them right at home.

3. Australia is the only continent of the planet fully engaged in one state.

4. Australians almost never leave tip. Some, however, notice that it negatively affects the quality of the Australian service.

5. His relatives - the British - Australians are sometimes called the "POME" speaker - "Prisoners of Mother England" abbreviation - "Prisoners of England Mother".

6. Canberra became the capital of Australia as a result of a compromise between Sydney and Melbourne: Australians could not solve any of these cities, and in the end, they settled the capital between two cities - competitors.

7. Kangaroo meat can be easily found in Australian supermarkets and restaurants. Here it is considered a beneficial alternative to beef or lamb: the fat content in Kenguryatin does not exceed 1-2 percent.

8. The most poisonous snake in the world lives in Australia: the coastal Tipan, the poison from one bite of which can kill 100 people immediately!

9. A huge number of emigrants from around the world live in Australia. According to statistics, every fourth resident of Australia was born abroad.

10. Although Australia is associated with a solar hobby country, in the Australian Alps lies more snow than in all Switzerland!

11. There is a mailbox on a large barrier reef. Swimming up to it ferry, you can send a native postcard with reef views.

12. The most grandiose football victory in history belongs to the Australian national team, which in 2001 beat the American Samoi national team with a score of 31: 0.

13. Through the Australian Plain, Naallarbor runs the most direct road in the world: 146 kilometers without a single turn!

14. Australians are crazy about gambling. According to statistics, about 80% of Australians at least occasionally play money.

15. Although many indigenous Australians are descendants of prisoners, it did not affect the genetics: according to statistics, the population of Australia is the most law-abiding in the world.

16. The longest wall in the world is not a great Chinese, and the so-called "dog fence", dividing the Australian mainland into two parts, one of which is the habitat of wild dogs Dingo. The fence was built, first of all, in order to protect the pastures of the Southern Queensland from the voracious Dingo. Its overall length is 5614 kilometers.

17. In Australia, a very low population density. More than 60% of its inhabitants live in five cities: Adelaide, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Perth.

18. The very first division of the Australian police consisted of 12 people. All of them were reproduced in police officers from prisoners who distinguished themselves approximate behavior.

19. In South Australia, there is an Anna Creek Cattle Station farm, which in its area surpasses Belgium.

20. Air in Tasmania is considered the cleanest on the entire planet.

Many traditionally consider Australia wonderland, and diametrically opposed. With the very word of the word in mind, it is not the name of the capital, not the surrounding seas, but the image of the globe and somewhere there is mysterious Australia. The country is complete unknown and unknown. So, all the most interesting about Australia.

The most interesting about Australia

The most interesting about Australia where to start? Worldwide, only Australia occupies a whole continent, united in one single state. In its territory at 7,692,024 square kilometers, more than 20 million people live. This is the sixth country in the world.

Australia visits meets a leisurely course of life. Everything is measurable and good-natured. And completely affects the unusual contrast. Leaving from the winter Russia, come to Summer Australia. As in England, moving the road, first check the movement on the right, and not on the left.

What is just worth a new year, but not under the snowy christmas tree, but on a warm beach in a swimsuit. What is not a dream when summer all year round. The fact that the New Year is in full swing, it reminds that the usual Santa Claus reminds. The most pleasant New Year's custom Kissing Time. His pleasure is obeying everything around, regardless of the degree of acquaintance.

What else is the most interesting about Australia? Love Australians to remind interlocutors about the immense sizes of their country, without omitting noting that they would not have one UK on the territory, and 33. Australia would gladly bring diving and surf lovers. In front of one beauty, the big barrier reef swallows, the second is waiting for the Golden Coast. For connoisseurs of unusual natural landscapes, Australia is a solid gift - and the similarity of alpine meadows and tropical jungle. Those who wish to experience the adventures from meetings with aborigines, crocodiles and jungle are hospitably open apartments in Darwin and Park Kakada.

The discovers from Europe, who found this continent were navigators from Holland. They gave him the name of New Holland and declared the property of the Netherlands. After the secondary discovery in 1770, James Cup, the territory passed the English crown. In 1988, at the time of the two hundred discovery of the opening of Australia, a copy of the ship was built by a copy of the ship Indehenor James Cook. In 1788, on January 26, a British colony was founded on this territory. Subsequently, this day became a national holiday and is considered a day of foundation. Australia received its current name in the early 19th century.

Unusual wine cellar in Australia

The most expensive wine cellar in Australia is now sold for 3 million dollars. The cellar is arranged inside the cliff, which is located on the coast a 20-minute drive from the city of Hobart in Tasmania. Initially, there was to be a luxurious mansion here, but the owner was so fascinated by the wine cellar, which, by the way, go deep into the rocks of 35 meters, that he ended the funds. The cellar itself is designed for 14,000 bottles of wine, water and electricity conducted here, and there is also a furniture and a tasting room for 32 persons.

Facts about Australia

Australia is the only one, in its kind, the state whose territory is occupied by a whole continent. She is the sixth in the world, among countries, in terms of its territory.

Great Barrier Reef

  • The world's largest coral reef is a big barrier reef, located in the marine possessions of Australia. Its length is 2030 kilometers.

In Australia, there is the most dry lake in the world Lake Air. Imagine, there is no water in this lake! But there is a 4 meter salt layer.

The largest sandy island in the world is also in Australia, his name is Fraser. On this island there is a record-sized dune, its length is about 120 kilometers.

Rock stone wave

Australia shines its recordings the most ancient on the planet rock with the beautiful name of a stone wave, is also here. It is located near the city of Peter. Scientists suggest that its age exceeds 3 billion years.

  • Australia is famous for its geological records. Here in 1972 was found the largest diamond in the world of the ruler Glengarry, weighing 1520 carat.

Continuing the subject of Australian geology here is the largest nickel and gold field in the world.

In 1869, at this field, a gold nugget was found weighing almost 70 kilograms of pure gold. Nakhodka was given a suitable name desirable wanderer.

Australia is simultaneously the name of the country, and the name of the continent. So, Continent Australia is the smallest continent on the planet.

Australia's agriculture also does not lag behind their records. With a population of 20 million people, more than 120 million sheep are grown here. That is, each inhabitant accounts for 6 sheep.

Greeting such an army of animals somewhere necessary, that is why Australia has the greatest pasture in the world. Its area is approximately equal to the territory of Belgium.

In the mountains of Australia, more snow drops than in Switzerland.

One of the most beautiful buildings of the 20th century Sydney Opera. Being how you already guessed, in Sydney. This is a miracle of architecture and engineering thought in 1960, 1000 rooms hold more than 5 thousand people.


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1. In Australia, there is three times more kangaroo than people.

2. In 1996, the Australian government banned possession of many types of firearms. The number of armed robes in eight years of law has increased by 59 percent.

3. Malaria was defeated in full, in the 70s.

4. 53 people died from sharks in Australia over the past 50 years, it means 1.06 people per year.

5. The quality of life Australia is in the top ten.

6. Australian "national" food - Vegemite. Madgets are recycled yeast, brown mass with a sharp smell and very salty. It is flawed on the bread a very thin layer.

7. More National Australian Food is a MEAT Pie, meat pies in the form of a basket of dough, a basket is also closed with a test. Inside, mince with all sorts of additives and spices, quite liquid usually. Meat Pies are sold in supermarkets as ice cream semi-finished products.

8. In Australia, a 50-cow coin initially contained silver on Symyy two dollars.

9. Australia is located on very low latitudes. Melbourne, for example, on a latitude of 37.5 ° S - and it is much closer to the equator than the southern part of Russia and the Black Sea. And the rest of Australia (except for Tasmania Island) is even closer to the equator.

10. However, do not say that Melbourne is a very hot city. In the summer there is 20-30 ° C, and in the winter at night +4, day + 15 ° C. The weather is very changeable, often windy.

11. The sun is very evil, a lot of ultraviolet, easy to get a burn.

The largest tram network in the world is located in the Australian Melbourne.

13. The Australian economy is largely held on the export of gas, ore and government generously shares profit. Social assistance is very developed.

14. If you have children, let's say, 4, and better 5, then the benefits are given so much that, in principle, you can already live without working.

15. About 20 million tons of wheat are grown in Australia, about a ton per resident of the country; A significant part goes, of course, for export. A very small percentage of the people is involved in agriculture: 3.6% of the working-age population. Labor productivity in agriculture is incredibly high.

16. Health in Australia is rather strange compared to Russia. For example, doctors do not come to challenges, even to the child (although there is an ambulance, of course, for serious cases). You need to take a sick child and go to the doctor. However, the people are rarely ill and lives long.

17. In Australia, you can take household houses right outside: microwave, vacuum cleaner, stereo, computer, printer, chairs and other furniture. There are a lot of televisions, for different taste and size. People exhibit these things next to their home - it means you can pick up. Things are often almost new.

18. In Australia, you can sometimes bargain in the store.

19. Vote in the election is necessarily, otherwise a fine.

20. The head of the state is the British Queen. On the coins it is depicted. On old coins she is young.

21. In the country, the main - Prime Minister.

22. Also in Australia there is a debate about the new flag - on which may not be more than British Union Jack.

23. Even in Australia there is a "flag of the Aboriginal", he became officially official. Now even at school hangs next to the usual Australian flag.

24. Aboriginals are trying to help here, there are special educational institutions, social assistance.

25. Among the Aborigines there are many alcoholics, criminals, hooligans.

26. Movement here is left-hand, and cars, respectively, are right-hand goods, as in the UK, Ireland and Japan.

27. Very good roads.

28. The old men often go on such small cars, something mean between the typewriter and the wheel in the wheels.

29. Immigrant here is completely normal, as more than half of the Australians are immigrants, or immigrant children, or the grandchildren of immigrants.

30. The day of death tragically died in 2006, the Naturalist of Steve Irvine in Australia is considered to be universal in the afternoon.

31. Everyone is very friendly, everyone smiles. There are no interethnic conflicts.

32. Youth does not hooliganite.

33. Smoked little and cigarettes are very expensive.

34. The vast majority of Australians live in separate houses with a small green area.

35. Machines Cheap, insurance is also inexpensive.

36. Australian car company called Holden, this is the General Motors division.

37. The price of gasoline is often changing, in addition, the different price at the weekend and on weekdays.

38. Australian dollar for the price - as an American.

39. Australian money is made of durable plastic films, they have a small transparent window. Australia first started such money to do.

40. There are also coins. The smallest coin is 5 cents.

41. Coin 50 cents is a large and 12 coal, they are anniversary, with different pictures, often used as a souvenir from Australia.

42. Light bulbs in houses of two types: either screwed up as in Russia or with a bayonet basement.

44. Rosettes here are not like in Russia / Europe, not as in the UK, and not as in the United States.

45. In homes, there are often sinks with two separate cranes - for hot and cold, without a mixer. This is a British tradition.

46. \u200b\u200bHouses in Australia expensive, judging by the review of the organization Housing Affordability Survey - the most inaccessible houses in the world, but much more affordable than in Moscow or St. Petersburg.

47. Salary of engineer or doctor tentatively from 70 to 130 thousand AU $ per year.

48. If you take housing, then the average price for housing for the family is about 300 dollars a week, it is not very distant decent suburb.

49. The price of housing is not much dependent on the proximity to the sea. Although many newcomers of course dream of living by the sea, but there live is colder, windy and wet. The price more depends on the proximity to the city, and from the prestigiousness of the area of \u200b\u200bthe area.

50. In Australia, cold poorly isolated homes, and when the street is lower than +15, in the house is cool.

51. Therefore, many Australians walk in the winter at home in clothes and in shoes (in UGGA, for example)

52. All houses are covered with ceramic tiles.

53. Hot water in the house comes from the gas boiler.

54. With cats and dogs here strictly, there are no stray animals in the city.

55. Australians have long been tormented with animals delivered here. Then sheep, then rabbits, now there are huge toads from South America - it turns out from the north-east, everything is wider and wider, drinking all the local petty animals, and these toad none of the predators eat - poisonous.

56. In Australia there are victorous camels, about 1 million goals. They were once delivered here, and they live themselves in the steppe and the desert, wild.

57. What is the import of any seeds, insects, etc. Australians are very wary. At customs, it is strictly controlled.

58. Go to Australia for shopping is meaningless - everything is quite expensive and the choice is less than in Europe or the USA.

59. Many Australians order things through American or similar websites - beneficial even taking into account the cost of sending.

60. High quality products.

61. Very expensive bananas. After storms and floods in the state of Queensland, the price of bananas grew to 12-14 dollars per kg.

62. Products from different countries are sold in stores.

63. Public transport is more expensive than in Russia. Although the payment scheme is somewhat different. Here you buy a ticket not to the "bus" or "Metro", but for a while: for 2 hours or for the whole day. And still need to take into account the zone where you will ride. The 1st zone is within a radius of 10-12 km from the center, everything next is the second zone.

64. If there is a disabled person in the chair at the stop, the bus, approach, is descended to such a level so that the person can come out without any problems.

65. Trains that go in the city and suburbs are called "Metro", but they do not go under the ground, only on the surface. They go about once every 20 minutes, on schedule.

66. If a disabled person needs to take a train, then it should drive up to the first door of the first car. Then the engine will come out of the train and put a special metal ladder between the peerron and the car, so that you can enter directly into the car.

67. Australians are very friendly as adults and children. A very popular question "What your favorite color?".

68. The Australian Government takes care of children. Schools are very good, clean, beautiful, with good playgrounds, computers.

69. Children spend in schools 5 days a week, every day the same time, from 9 am to 3.30 days.

70. Children at school are sitting on the floor. At the table on the chair - only when it is necessary to do something, glue for example.

71. In schools, changes in different duration, there is one big, about an hour.

72. For the Street, children in school are not released without a hat, due to the active sun. They say "No Hat - No Play".

73. The school program is not very difficult, homework almost do not specify. Therefore, parents often worry that children have little knowledge and if parents want the child "came to success," then it is necessary to look for school with a more serious program.

Australian Christmas holidays fall on mid-summer.

75. On the streets purely, but only because they are cleaned. If somewhere is not cleaned, then there Australians quickly throw everything with empty bottles.

76. In the streams, rivers and reservoirs in the city a lot of garbage. Often in the water you can see the cropped trolleys from the department stores. However, in the stream, raks are found - it means water is clean, there is no trash, but there is no toxic waste.

77. There are many eucalyptus on the streets. Eucalyptus is not one species, but hundreds. They, as a rule, rigid leaves of a bluish shade, with a strong essential-resin smell. The leaves are usually narrow, but come round. Eucalyptus fruits are diverse, sometimes interesting: bizarre boxes, shoes or jugs.

78. Parrots fly straight on the street, beautiful, but yells very loud. Feed on eucalyptus fruits.

79. In the evenings, you can often find huge bats - this is fruit bats, they have about 70 cm.

80. Opossums live in Melbourne - silent animals with a cat. They feed on fruit and are active mainly at night. Its cubs are wearing first in the bag, and then on the back, very cute.

81. In the city there are many parks with brazers, fry sausages. Brazurn free, put the sausages, press the button, the gas is turned on inside, then it will automatically turn off after a while.

82. Many private and small entrepreneurship.

83. Business here in every way encourages. According to, Australia is one of the most convenient countries in order to make your business.

84. Local manufacturers are encouraged in Australia. Many products with a special sign "Made in Australia".

85. Dear Internet. It is most profitable to buy the entire "package" from the provider, that is, the Internet + phone + cellular + TV + VoIP, it will be about $ 100 per month.

86. In Australia, the Australian NBN fiber optic network is now building, so in the future the Internet should chef and improve.

87. Australians are usually a very relaxed lifestyle.

88. In the clothes, Australians are not picky (shabby pants, slab). Well, in general, since many emigrants are very diverse clothes.

89. But for an interview to the employer, it is customary to come in suit and tie.

90. The building of the Australian Parliament in Canberra is one of the largest buildings in the southern hemisphere.

91. The average age of the Australian Bride is 28.9 years and the average age of the groom - 30.9 years.

92. 34% of the male population and 32% of the female population of Australia never marry.

93. On the Australian coat of arms, Kangaroo and Ostrich Emu are depicted. The reason for this was the fact that Kangaroo and Emeu, do not have a physical characteristic of moving back, and can only forward.

94. In Australia, one of the highest percent of the concentration of urban population.

95. At the same time, despite the overpopulation of cities, on average, Australia accounts for 1 person per kilometer square, thereby constituting the smallest population in the world.

96. According to recent surveys, 22% of the Australian adult population will never raise children, and 16.2% plan to have only one child.

97. In 1838, a decree was issued, prohibiting swimming on urban beaches during the day. This law acted until 1902.

98. Big Barrier Reef The longest reef in the world and its length is more than 2010 kilometers.

99. Any immigrant to get Australian citizenship needs to live in Australia for at least 2 years.

100. Australia is the lowest continent in the world, its average height above sea level is 330 m.

Australia is an amazing country that attracts millions of tourists a kind of culture, landscape design and monuments.

An adult or child will be useful to learn interesting facts about Australia, which allow you to look at an amazing country from the new side. Australia is the fourth continent of our planet. It ranks 6th in the list of the largest territories of the countries of the world.

For people, the discovery will be interesting facts about the country, its economic and political situation, as well as animals that live in Australia. If you want to learn about the country a lot of new, interesting information, then the following facts will help in this endeavor:

  • Australia has three official flags. The familiar flag on which the Southern Cross is depicted, a sign of every person, and the islanders of the Torresov Strait and Continental Aboriginal will become a discovery for you.
  • In Australia, more than 80% of the inhabitants speak English. Australians use their own English dialect, which is called "Strey". This word has Australian origin and denotes "Australian".

  • The bulk of people - 60% - lives in the five largest cities of Australia - Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Melbourne. The Quarter of the Russians is in two cities - Sydney and Melbourne.
  • The first world currency, which began to be manufactured from plastic, is the Australian dollar.
  • Australia lives 1.5% of indigenous people. British exiles became the first migrants.

  • Tourism is the main article of the budget of Australia. Every year it is visited by about a million people from around the world.
  • The official head of state is the British Queen.

  • If Australian ignored participation in elections or census, then an impressive fine is imposed on it. Absent on state events without penalties can only be for good reasons.

  • In the state road traffic - left-sided.
  • None in the city of Australia has no metro. Residents and tourists move on an extensive tramway system, which is the longest worldwide.

  • Tourists have exciting impressions of Phillip Island Island, off the coast of which the Penguins parade begins at sunset.
  • To get into virgin fern forests, located near the Australian village of Kuranda, tourists overcome the road laid through the air.

Australia is a separate state with its traditions, indices and features. For tourists, she remains a mystery that he wants to solve, so having been in the cities of the country, many of them are returned again. Canberra is the capital of the country, a business card - Sydney, and the cultural capital - Melbourne.

Australia is an amazing state in which hundreds of animals, insects and other fauna representatives live. Incredible information about the animals of Australia sometimes causes contradictory feelings: alone animals cause admiration, while others are dangerous.

Many interesting facts are found about Kangaroo in Australia, and the most amazing of them cause a real shock:

  • The number of kangaroo exceeds the number of residents of Australia 2.5 times.
  • Bags for kengury eat only in females.
  • Red Kangaroo is the largest representative whose weight reaches 90 kg.

  • An adult animal develops an incredible speed - 60 km / h, jumping up the barriers with a height of 3 meters, and his jump reaches 13 meters long.
  • Kangaroo is born in the form of an embryo, the dimensions of which correspond to the worm. After birth, the small animal climbs into the mother's bag, in which it is also growing for another 6 months. Only after the end of this period, Kengurenok gets out of the bag and becomes independent.

The habitat of the most dangerous spiders, funnel and mon-pine, are forests of Australia. Since 1981, no resident died from their bites, since antidote was invented.

The Australian continent is represented by the largest population of camels. There are 750 thousand camels, which cause serious damage to local farmers. To preserve the harvest and protect the land from the ubiquitous camels, farmers resort to serious measures, including catching and destroying animals.

A mammal dwells in Australia, which resembles a large rodent or bear and is called "Vombat". Womb weigh 30-45 kg and live in nonorah. Mammals are regularly subjected to attacks from Dingo's dogs and stealingly defend themselves from them, located in the rear of the body.

The common animal of Australia includes clocks, Tasmanian devils, rodents of Wongo, Koala.

Millions of years most generally isolated Ocean, which contributed to the emergence and distribution of animals on its territory, which are difficult to meet in other countries. Do not live on other continents, countries and regions most mammals, insects and reptiles Australia.

Cognitive facts about Australia for children

For schoolchildren will be a useful occupation to receive additional information about the amazing country, the island and the continent. And all this is united in a huge territory, which is called Australia. The geography of the mainland has many amazing facts, including the following them:

  • Australia is the largest country in terms of gold mining and precious stones.
  • Australia is the ground continent who is populated by people and animals. On the territory of the desert and semi-deserts of the mainland falls only 50 cm of precipitation annually.
  • The Australian ranch grows a numerous flock of sheep. The livestock of animals is 150 million.
  • Since 1933, part of the Antarctic area of \u200b\u200b5.9 million km2 belongs to Australia.
  • 2 billion rabbits on a small territory - a serious problem for the country. Rabbits were delivered to Australia with the colonists. 150 years old Australians are struggling with rabbits.
  • The island is famous for the largest barrier coral reef with a length of 2.3 thousand km. Barrier Reef is clearly visible from space.

  • The main agricultural culture grown in the continent is wheat. Every year, Australian farmers collect 20 billion tons of grain. The culture of culture is engaged in 4% of residents of the country.
  • In Australia, there is own, National Holden auto industry. The cost of the car is 2-3 times lower than the machine of a similar configuration in Russia. The cost of gasoline changes several times a day. In the morning the car is refilled by gasoline at one price, and in the evening - on the other.

  • The main architectural miracle of the country is the Sydney Opera House. In the building there are 1000 halls, which accommodate 5 thousand people at the same time. The roof of the building weighs a record 161 ton.
  • The average salary of engineers and doctors is 100-130 thousand Australian dollars. In recalculation, the amount will exceed 700 thousand.
  • Australia is the largest tourist country in which colorful, virgin landscapes are combined, high-rise buildings of non-standard forms, unique attractions.

Flora mainland conquers variety and beauty. In Australia there are hundreds of plants, trees and shrubs that do not grow in other territories. About mainland Australia walks a lot of interesting legends and stories that are not always truthful. There are many interesting facts about Floore, which allows you to look at Australia in a new way:

  • A common tree that grows in Australian forests is considered to be Eucalyptus - the highest plant in the world. Tourists will be interested in visiting a light eucalyptus forest. The leaves of the trees do not delay the light, as they turn in parallel with respect to the sunshine.

  • Eucalyptus absorbs water from the soil with a volume of 300 liters daily. For example, birch for a similar time absorbs no more than 40 liters. If the inhabitants of the island need new territories for the construction of houses, they plant eucalyptus trees. After a while, the wetland is being built.
  • In the mainland there is a bottle tree. In appearance, the tree resembles a bottle. It absorbs water from the soil and accumulates in the trunk. In drought, water reserves end, and at the first rain, the tree accumulates water again.

  • Eucalyptus is a fast-growing tree. For 10 years, it reaches 20 meters in height, and the stem diameter is 1 meter. Trees are able to live 3-4 centuries.
  • Shrub without leaves Kazuarina grows only in Australia. It resembles a fir tree and a spruce at the same time, so residents call it a "Christmas tree". There are no leaves on the tree branches, but there are thin falling shoots in the form of hair. Bright red durable wood wood, so it is used for the manufacture of furniture and wooden structures.

  • In the territories of deserts and semi-deserts grow grain and agricultural crops. The main cultivated plant is wheat, providing feeding animals, locals and exported to other countries.
  • Residents tell the legend that a plant grows in the Australian forests, which hunts people. Fortunately, the murderer plant is fiction.

In fact, in Australia, attractive vegetation affecting magnificence. Flora and fauna of the Australian forests and desert are represented by hundreds of plants and animals that cause surprise.

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