How the word parties translates. PARTY translation from English to different languages

- ● Parties Nom Féminin Pluriel Familier. Organes Génitaux Masculins. ● Parties Nom Féminin Pluriel Parties Nobles, Parties du Corps Indispensable à la vie, Comme Le Cœur, Le Cerveau, Les Poumons, etc ... Encyclopédie Universelle

parties. - The Persons Who Are Directly Involved OR Interested in Any Act, Affair, Contract, Transaction, Or Legal Proceeding; Opposing Litigants. Dictionary from West S Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005. Parties The PE ... Law Dictionary

parties. - Parties: Sont Honteuses Pour Les Uns, Naturelles Pour Les autres ... Dictionnaire des idées Reçues

parties. - The Persons Who Take Part in The Performance of Any Act, Or Who Are Directly Interested in Any Affair, CONTRACT, OR CONVEYANCE, OR WHO A ACTIVY CONCERNED IN THE PROSECTION AND DEFENSE OF Any Legal Proceeding. Green V. Bogue, 158 U.S. 478, 15 ... Black "S Law Dictionary

Parties. - Party Par TY (PR T), N.; PL. (Parties) (PR TZ). 1. A PART OR Portion. The Most Party of the Time. Chaucer. 2. A ... ... The Collaborative International Dictionary Of ENGLISH


parties. - Parâ · Ty || Pé'Rtéª / Pé'ëë t n. Political Group; Social Gathering; Side of An Agreement; Group, Gang V. Participate in a Party; Drink Alcohol Heavily (Slang) ADJ. Of a Political Group; Of Social Gatherings ... English CONTEMPORARY DICTIONARY.

parties. - Pastier ... Anagrams Dictionary

parties. - Par | Ties Par | Ties PL. AF Party ... Dansk Ordbog

parties. - See Party ... BALLENTINE "S LAW DICTIONARY

Parties. - ... useful english dictionary


  • Parties. The Human Clay, Friedlander Lee. Lee Friedlander (b. 1934) IS Known for His Candid Portraits of People In Their Everyday Environment. This Volume In His Human Clay Series of Books Highlights A LiveLy Collection Of ... from ... to buy for 2168 rubles.
  • Parties and Presents (+ CD-ROM), Katherine MANSFIELD. The New Graded Readers Series of Original Fiction, Adapted Fiction and Factbooks Especially Written for Teenagers. Three Vibrant Stories by The Famous New Zealand Author Katherine Mansfield, ...

English-Russian translation parties

contending ~ arguing sides

contracting ~ PL Contracting Parties; Contractors, counterparties

lABOUR MARKET ~ Parties in the labor market

parties: Coalition ~ Coalition Party

Big English-Russian Dictionary. Large English-Russian dictionary. 2012

  • Anglo-Russian Dictionaries
  • Big English-Russian dictionary

Another meaning of the word and the translation of parties from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries and from Russian to English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More Meanings Of this Word and English-Russian, Russian-English Translations for the Word "Parties" in dictionary

  • Parties - Plural Of Party Present Third Singular Of Party
  • Parties - (PL.) Of Party
    English WEBSTER dictionary
  • Parties - (PL.) Of Party
    Webster "S Revised Unabidged English Dictionary
  • Parties - Pl of Party.
    Webster English Vocab.
  • Parties - Pastier
    Anagrams. English vocabulary.
  • Parties - Parties
    American Anglo-Russian Dictionary
  • Parties - (n) Parties
    English-Russian Lingvistica "98 Dictionary
  • Parties - Parties: Coalition ~ CONTENTING ~ CONTERDING ~ CONTRACTING SIDE CONTRACTING ~ PL Contracting Parties; Contractors, Counterparties LABOUR MARKET ~ ...
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  • Party - I. Pär] D.ē, Pȧ],] Tē, -i Noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English Partie Party, Porty, Body of Persons Forming ...
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  • Political Party - A Group of Persons Organized to Acquire and Exercise Political Power Through Election or Revolution. Political Parties Are A Product ...
    Britannica english vocabulary.
  • Election - The Formal Process Of Selecting A Person for Public Office or Accepting or Rejecting A Political Proposition, by voting. The ...
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  • Year in Review 1997: World-Affairs: Russia - Russia: Russia "s Democratic Election WHEN CAMPAIGNING OPENED AT THE BEGINNINGNING OF 1996, PRES. BORIS YELTSIN" S Popularity Was Close to Zero. ...
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  • Year in Review 1996: World-Affairs: France - France: France Elects a president in January 1995 Conservative Prime Minister Douard Balladur Felt Fairly Confident That He Could Easily ...
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  • Party - I. PAR ‧ TY 1 S1 W1 / PɑːTi $ Pɑːrti / Bre Ame Noun (Plural Parties) [Date: ...
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  • Political
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  • Party - I. Noun Collocations from Other Entries a Birthday Party ▪ Can You Come to My Birthday Party Next Saturday? A ...
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  • Opposition - Noun Collocations from Other Entries An Opposition Leader ▪ The Opposition of Not Being Able To ...
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PartyTranslation and examples of use - offers
4. Calls Upon Member States That Have Initiated Such Measures to Commit Themselves to their Obligations and Responsibilities to their Obligations and Responsibilities Arising from the International Human Rights Instruments To Which They Are party By Revoking Such Measures At The Earliest Time Possible;4. Encourages Member States that resorted to such measures to confirm the commitment to their obligations and responsibilities arising from international human rights instruments, whose participants they are, having canceled these measures as soon as possible;
43. CONDEMNS ALL TRAFFICKING IN WOMEN BY ANY party In Kosovo, and Calls Upon The Local Authorities and The Mission to Take All Steps Necessary to Prevent and Stop It;43. Condemns any trade in women to anyone in Kosovo and calls on local authorities and the mission to take all the necessary steps to prevent it and termination;
Mindful That The Islamic Republic Of Iran Is A party To The International Covenant On Civil and Political Rights, Resolution 2200 A (XXI), Annex. The International Covenant ON Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Resolution 2200 A (XXI), Annex. The International Convention ON The Elimination of All Forms of Racial DiscriminationResolution 2106 A (XX), Annex. And The Convention On The Rights of the Child, Resolution 44/25, Annex.considering that the Islamic Republic of Iran is a member of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rightsess 2,200 A (XXI), annex., International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rightsets 2,200 A (XXI), Annex., International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms Racial Discrimination 2106 A (XX), app. and the Convention on the Rights of the Children's Rights 44/25, annex.,
Mindful That Iraq is a party To The International Covenants On Human Rights, Other International Human Rights Instruments and The Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 for the Protection of Victims of War, United Nations, Treaty Series, Vol. 75, NOS. 970-973.mondering that Iraq is a member of the International Covenants on Human Rights, other international human rights instruments and the Geneva Conventions of August 12, 1949 on the protection of the victims of warunited Nations, Treaty Series, Vol. 75, NOS. 970-973.,
Mindful That The Sudan Is A party To The International Covenant On Civil and Political Rights, Resolution 2200 A (XXI), Annex. The International Covenant ON Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Resolution 2200 A (XXI), Annex. The Convention on the Rights of the Child, Resolution 44/25, Annex. The African Charter On Human and Peoples "Rightsonic Nations, Treaty Series, Vol. 1520, No. 26363. And The Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, Ibid., Vol. 75, NOS. 970-973.considering that Sudan is a member of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rightsets 2,200 A (XXI), annex., International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rightsets 2,200 A (XXI), Annex., Convention on the Rights of the Children's Rights 44/25, Annex. , African Charter of Human Rights and People Nations, Treaty Series, Vol. 1520, No. 26363. And Geneva Conventions of August 12, 1949., Vol. 75, NOS. 970-973.,
(a) to Comply Fully With Its Obligations Under the International Human Rights Instruments to Which The Sudan Is A party and to Promote and Protect Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, As Well As to Respect Its Obligations Under International Humanitarian Law;a) to fully comply with its obligations under international human rights treaties, whose participants are Sudan, and encourage and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms, as well as to fulfill their obligations under international humanitarian law;
(c) to Continue Its Efforts to Bring Its National Legislation Into Conformity with the Applicable International Human Rights Instruments To Which The Sudan Is A party And to Ensure That All Individuals in Its Territory Enjoy Fully The Rights Recognized in Those Instruments;(c) Continue to make efforts to bring their national legislation in line with applicable international human rights treaties, whose participants are Sudan, and ensure that all persons on its territory fully enjoyed the rights recognized in these treaties;
Mindful That The Democratic Republic of the Congo IS A party To The International Covenant On Civil and Political Rights, Resolution 2200 A (XXI), Annex. The International Covenant ON Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Resolution 2200 A (XXI), Annex. The Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Resolution 39/46, Annex. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, Resolution 34/180, Annex. The Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 for the Protection of Victims of War, United Nations, Treaty Series, Vol. 75, NOS. 970-973. The International Convention ON The Elimination of All Forms of Racial DiscriminationResolution 2106 A (XX), Annex. And The Convention On The Rights of the Child, Resolution 44/25, Annex. AS WELL AS THE AFRICAN CHARTER ON HUMAN AND PEOPLES "RIGHTS, UNITED NATIONS, TREATY SERIES, VOL. 1520, No. 26363.mondering that the Democratic Republic of the Congo is a member of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rightsets 2,200 A (XXI), annex., International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rightsezolutions 2200 A (XXI), Annex., Convention against Torture and Other Cruel , inhuman and degrading treatment species and punishment 19/46, annex., Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against Women 34/180, Annex., Geneva Conventions of August 12, 1949 on the protection of victims of warunited Nations, Treaty Series, Vol. 75, NOS. 970-973., International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination Racing 2106 A (XX), Annex. and the Convention on the Rights of the Children's Rights 194/25, annex., as well as the African Charter of Human Rights and the Peopular Nations, Treaty Series, Vol. 1520, No. 26363.,
RECALLING THAT AFGHANISTAN IS A party To The Convention on the Crime of Genocide, Resolution 260 A (III), to the Convention On the CRIME OF GENOCIDE. The International Covenant On Civil and Political Rights, Resolution 2200 A (XXI), Annex. The International Covenant ON Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Resolution 2200 A (XXI), Annex. The Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Resolution 39/46, Annex. The Convention ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILDRESOLUTION 44/25, ANNEX. And The Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of Warunited Nations, Treaty Series, Vol. 75, No. 973. AND THAT IT HAS SIGNED THE CONVENTION OF DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMEN, RESOLUTION 34/180, Annex.recalling that Afghanistan is a member of the Convention on the Prevention of the Crime of Genocide and Punishment for Non-Negresolization 260 A (III)., International Covenant on Civil and Political Rightsets 2,200 A (XXI), Annex., International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rightsets 2,200 A ( Xxi), app., Convention against Torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment and punishment abandonment 39/46, Annex., Convention on the Rights of the Children's Rights 44/25, Annex. and the Geneva Convention on the protection of civilians during the warunited Nations, Treaty Series, Vol. 75, No. 973. And that he signed the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women 34/180, Appendix.,
The Secretary-General Or The Applicant May Apply to the Tribunal for a Revision of the Discovery of Some Fact Of Such A Nature As to Be a Decisive Factor, Which Fact Was, When the Judgement Was Given, Unknown to The Tribunal and Also To The party Claiming Revision, Always Provided That Such Ignorance Was Not Due to Negligence. The Application Must Be Made Within Thirty Days of The Discovery of the Date of the Judgement. Clerical Or Arithmetical Mistakes in Judgements, Or Erors Arising Therein from Any Accidental Slip Or Omission, May At Any Time Be Corrected by The Tribunal Either Application of Any of the Parties on The Tribunal Either of Its Own Motion.The Secretary General or the applicant may ask the Tribunal to revise the decision on the basis of the opening of any circumstance, which may be crucial, the circumstances, which, when making a decision, was unknown to the Tribunal, as well as the side that asks for revision, while at that indispensable condition, What is ignorance was not the result of negligence. Please should be represented within thirty days from the date of opening this circumstance and within one year from the date of the decision. Stationery and arithmetic errors in decisions or errors listed in solving due to random and skips can be corrected at any time by the Tribunal on its own initiative or at the request of any of the parties.
16. Calls Upon All Signatories to the Tashkent Declaration on Fundamental Principles For a Peaceful Settlement of the Conflict in Afghanistana / 54/174-S / 1999/812, Annex. And The Afghan Parties to Implement The Principles Contained in The United Nations Towards a Peaceful Resolution of the AFGHAN Conflict, in Particular The Agement Not to Provide Military Support to Any Afghan party and to prevent The Use Of Their Territories for Such Purposes, and RECALLS THEIR APPEAL TO THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY TO TAKE IDENTICAL MEASURES TO PREVENT THE DELIVERY OF WEAPONS TO AFGHANISTAN;16. Calls upon all States that signed the Tashkent Declaration on the basic principles of the peaceful settlement of the conflict in Afghanistan / 54/174-S / 1999/812, annex., And the Afghan parties to implement the principles contained in this Declaration, in support of United Nations peaceful efforts The settlement of the Afghan conflict, in particular an agreement on not to provide military support to any of the Afghan Parties and prevent the use of its territory for such purposes, and recalls their call to the international community to take similar measures to prevent the supply of weapons to Afghanistan;
(a) Cost-Effectiveness and Efficiency: This is Considered to Be The Most Basic Criterion; Unless It Can Be Adequately Demonstrated That An Activity Can Be Done Significantly More Economicly and, At the Very Least, Equally Efficiently, by An External party , Outsourcing May Not Be Considered;a) efficiency and efficiency. This criterion is considered the most basic. The possibility of transferring a type of activity to an external contraction can only be viewed if you can convincingly confirm that the external contractor will be able to carry out relevant activities much more economically or at least as effective;
19.9 The Objectives Are to Support The United Nations Human Rights Bodies and Organs and To Facilitate Their deliberations by Ensuring and Enhancing their Effective Functioning; To Contribute to Increasing The Knowledge, Expanding The Awareness and Promoting The Importance of All International Human Rights Treaties; To Improve Existing Procedures of Governments, Experts, Specialized Agencies, Other International Organizations, National Institutions and Non-Governmental Organizations in Their Work; And To Ensure The Analytical Capacity Of Human Rights Treaty Bodies for the Review Of State party Reports Under International Treaties and for the Processing of Communications.19.9 The purposes of this subprogramme are supported by the United Nations system of organs and organizations dealing with human rights issues, and in promoting discussions passing into them by ensuring and improving the efficiency of their operation; in facilitating the deepening of knowledge, ensuring greater awareness and increase the importance of all international human rights treaties; in improving existing procedures based on their rationalization and streamlining and coordination of government participation, experts, specialized agencies, other international organizations, national institutions and non-governmental organizations in their work; and in ensuring the analytical capabilities of human rights treaties, on the consideration of the reports of the States Parties submitted in accordance with international treaties, and on the processing of messages.
(B) A REDUCTION IN THE TIME LAG BETWEEN THE SUBMISSION OF A STATE party Report and Its Examination by The Relevant Treaty Body;(b) Reducing the period of time between the presentation of the report by the State party and its consideration by the relevant treaty body;
2. Nothing in this Convention Entitles A State Party To Undertake in the Territory of Another State The Exercise of JuriSdiction And Performance of Functions That Are Reserved Exclusively For The Authorities of That Other State by Its Domestic Law.2. Nothing in this Convention gives the State party to the right to exercise jurisdiction and functions on the territory of another state, which are part of the competence of the bodies of this other state in accordance with its domestic law.


1. ('Pɑ: Tı) n.

the Socialist ~ - Socialist Party

local ~ - Local Low Party Organization

a ruling ~ - ruling party

aN OppOSITION ~ - Part of Opposition

to Rally A ~ - Slide the Party

to join a ~ - join the party

to belong to a ~ - belong to some Party, be a member of some Party

2. ('Pɑ: Tı) a.


~ Affiliation / Membership / - Party Party

~ Card - party card

~ Dues - Party Contributions

~ Leader - Leader / Chief / Party

~ Organization - party organization

~ Warfare - Fighting Parties, War Between Parties

II. ('Pɑ: Tı) n.

1. detachment, team; Group, Party

climbing ~ - Mountaineer detachment

surveying ~ - Exploration Party

rescue ~ - Rescue squad

searching ~ - Searching Party

storming ~ - assault detachment

working ~ - Working Group ( commissions, conferences, etc.)

to be one of the ~ - be a member of the detachment

to form (to organize) A ~ - create (organize) group / detachment /

our tour ended and the ~ disbanded - our trip is over, and the group broke up

2. 1) Company

a Small ~ - Little Company

he Had A ~ of Friends At His Home - His house has gathered a company

the ~ Did Not Break Up Until Two In The Morning - Guests went only to two o'clock in the morning

wE SHALL BE A SMALL ~ - We will have all your own, we will have a few people

2) reception of guests; evening, party; picnic; Walk in the company

costume ~ - Carnival

dinner ~ - Lunch

fishing ~ - Fishing

farewell ~ - Farewell evening

pleasure ~ - Miscellaneous Walk

moonshine ~ - Moon's entertainment walk

the ~ Was Very Stiff and Formal - the evening was storm and officially

the Luncheon ~ Included Five Guests - There was five guests at breakfast

to go to a ~ - go for the evening

to Give A ~ - call guests; arrange the evening; Take guests

to make / to get / up a ~ - gather guests, arrange the evening

to be asked to a ~ - to be invited to visit

the ~ Ended Up With A Dance - the evening ended with dancing

3. accompanying persons, retinue

the Pressident and His ~ - President and accompanying his faces

4. (To) party participating

to be a ~ to smth. - take part / participate / in what

hE WAS A ~ To All Their Proceedings - He took part in all their affairs

sixty Countries Are Now Parties to the Treaty - 60 countries have already signed this treaty

the Defendant Was A ~ To The Making Of The Codicil - the accused participated in the preparation of additional order to the will

to Be (to Become) a ~ to a crime - to be (become) an accomplice of crime

to Be A ~ To An Undertaking - Participate B ( as-l.) Enterprise / Event /

to be no ~ to smth. - Do not participate in what

I SHALL NEVER BE A ~ TO ANY SUCH THING - I will never accept participation in this case

5. 1) .individual; human

a pious ~ - piquette

a rich old ~ - rich old man

a ~ Of the name of Jones - one type of surname Jones

hE IS A WORTHY ~ IN A CONVERSATION - He is a worthy interlocutor

2) amer. study girl

6. yur.side

~ to An Action at LAW - side in the process

adverse / Opposite / ~ - Nasty side ( in the process)

the Injured ~ - the affected side

competed ~ - Expert

contracting ~ - Counterparty

contracting Parties, The Parties to A Contract - Contracting Parties

tHE HIGH CONTRACTING PARTS - dip.High Contracting Parties

the Parties Concerned, Interested Parties - Stakeholders

belligerent ~ - warring party

7. amer. study Jarg.hugging, tender; Party with kisses

cOLD-MEAT ~ - amer. sl.the funeral

necktie ~ - amer. sl.lynching

II. ('Pɑ: Tı) a Herald.

separated from top to bottom into two equal parts

~ PER PALE (FESS) - separated vertical (horizontal) Linie

Translation of words containing Partyfrom English to Russian

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gROUP; Kompanіya; Member, Party ( in ship proceedings, please); (Pol_tichna) Partіya

party to the Commission of CRIME - Member of the Vinchennia Zlochin

party "S Candidate for the President Election - Candidate of Pattern on the Vibra of the President

- Party Accused - Party Affiliation - Party and Party Costs - Party-Appointed - Party At Fault - Party Committee - Party Concerned -

- ● Parties Nom Féminin Pluriel Familier. Organes Génitaux Masculins. ● Parties Nom Féminin Pluriel Parties Nobles, Parties du Corps Indispensable à la vie, Comme Le Cœur, Le Cerveau, Les Poumons, etc ... Encyclopédie Universelle

parties. - The Persons Who Are Directly Involved OR Interested in Any Act, Affair, Contract, Transaction, Or Legal Proceeding; Opposing Litigants. Dictionary from West S Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005. Parties The PE ... Law Dictionary

parties. - Parties: Sont Honteuses Pour Les Uns, Naturelles Pour Les autres ... Dictionnaire des idées Reçues

parties. - The Persons Who Take Part in The Performance of Any Act, Or Who Are Directly Interested in Any Affair, CONTRACT, OR CONVEYANCE, OR WHO A ACTIVY CONCERNED IN THE PROSECTION AND DEFENSE OF Any Legal Proceeding. Green V. Bogue, 158 U.S. 478, 15 ... Black "S Law Dictionary

Parties. - Party Par TY (PR T), N.; PL. (Parties) (PR TZ). 1. A PART OR Portion. The Most Party of the Time. Chaucer. 2. A ... ... The Collaborative International Dictionary Of ENGLISH


parties. - Parâ · Ty || Pé'Rtéª / Pé'ëë t n. Political Group; Social Gathering; Side of An Agreement; Group, Gang V. Participate in a Party; Drink Alcohol Heavily (Slang) ADJ. Of a Political Group; Of Social Gatherings ... English CONTEMPORARY DICTIONARY.

parties. - Pastier ... Anagrams Dictionary

parties. - Par | Ties Par | Ties PL. AF Party ... Dansk Ordbog

parties. - See Party ... BALLENTINE "S LAW DICTIONARY

Parties. - ... useful english dictionary


  • Parties. The Human Clay, Friedlander Lee. Lee Friedlander (b. 1934) IS Known for His Candid Portraits of People In Their Everyday Environment. This Volume In His Human Clay Series of Books Highlights A LiveLy Collection Of ... from ... to buy for 2168 rubles.
  • Parties and Presents (+ CD-ROM), Katherine MANSFIELD. The New Graded Readers Series of Original Fiction, Adapted Fiction and Factbooks Especially Written for Teenagers. Three Vibrant Stories by The Famous New Zealand Author Katherine Mansfield, ...
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