Centaurs (asteroids). Centaur asteroids threaten life on Earth Centaur asteroids

Chiron, Foul, Ness

The names of the mythical centaurs called a number of small planets between the orbits of Jupiter and Neptune. Centaurians are the characters of Greek mythology and are half people (head, torso, hands) and half horses (back, legs), forest or mountain demons.

A characteristic feature of Centaurs was a wild temper and a tendency to drunkenness, because of which they were permanent satellites of the god Winemaking Dionysus.

In symbolism and in astrology, Centaur personifies wild, animal, undeveloped beginning in man and higher, human, civilized. Of all the asteroids-centaurs in astrology, three are used.


Asteroid No. 2060, the first of the open centaurs (in 1977), is considered simultaneously a small planet and comet. In Mythology, Chiron was the most outstanding and least wild centaur. On the contrary, it was a wise centaur, a scientist, healer-herbalist and teacher, teacher of many heroes. He tried to reconcile the constantly fighting other centaurs, which was killed.
In astrology Chiron Means peaceful, practical wisdom, justice, the presence of an alternative, but also duality, permanent fluctuations. Chiron It is considered strong in the scale of the scales.


Asteroid No. 5145, opened in 1992. Foul is also wise Centaur, Brother Hiron and Friend Hercules. Foul He lived in a cave and was engaged in winemaking. When Foul Hopely came to visit Hercules, centaurs came to the cave, in the hope of good drinking. A pretty Zexless Hercules began to drive them, a fight was struggling, in which Hercules interrupted almost all centaurs, but by chance fatally injured his friend to a poisonous arrow. The gods turned Fala. In the constellation Sagittarius.
In astrology Foul means a refusal of the whole lower for the sake of higher, but sometimes loss of itself, a tendency to solitude, Foul Highly manifested in the horoscopes of winemakers and moonshoes.


Asteroid No. 7066, opened in 1993. Ness - Centaur with the most malicious character. After the Battle of Hercules with Centaurs surviving Ness Settled by the river and began to work carrier. Once he transported the wife of Hercules to the wife of Hercules and, having encouraged her honor, attempted to abduct a woman. But Hercules caught up and shot the kidnapper with a poisonous arrow, lubricated bile of the Lerneysian hydra. Before death expiring blood Ness I managed to teach the act of "Protransport Magic." He advised her to gather his blood and soak Hercules with her. Allegedly this procedure will help her strengthen her husband's love and will provide its loyalty. The officials followed the bad advice, as a result of which Hercules died from poison, which was in the blood of a cunning bank. After that, the Justice of Grief committed suicide.

Asteroid astrological values Nessa correspond to his mythological character. Ness In the horoscope indicates the unbridled, unstable instincts, artificial incitement of feelings, a tendency to violence, including the use of love spells and a lot of cunning.

The objects of this group are given the names of the centaurs of antique mythology.


The first open centaur was chiron (). When it approaches the perihelion, it has a comet comet, so Hiron is considered to be classified simultaneously and comet (95p / chiron), and asteroid (2060 chiron), although it is significantly more typical comet.

The most famous centaurs

Name Equatorial diameter, km Large half, a. e. Perihelium, a. e. Aflia, a. e. Open Notes
(2060) Chiron (Chiron) 218 ± 20. 13,710 8,449 18,891 It may have rings
(5145) foul (pholus) 185 ± 16. 20,431 8,720 32,142
(7066) Nessus (Nessus) About 58. 24,558 11,786 37,330
(8405) Asbolus (Asbolus) 66 ± 4. 17,942 6,834 29,049
(10199) Hariklo (Chariclo) 258.6 ± 10.3 15,87 13,08 18,66 The largest asteroid between the main belt and the Koiper belt. March 26, 2014 was announced about the opening of two rings around Khariclo

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An excerpt characterizing the centaur (asteroids)

The sharp pain twisted my tired heart ... This sweet, brutally tortured girl, almost a child, like mercy, asked me death !!! The executioners not only wrote her fragile body - they ocked her pure soul, having raped her together! .. And now, Damian was ready to "leave." She asked death as deliverance, even for a moment, without thinking about salvation. She was tortured and desecrated, and did not want to live ... I had anna before my eyes ... God, really, did you wait for the same terrible end? !! Will I be able to save her from this nightmare?!
Damian's beggingly looked at me with his clean with gray eyeswhich reflected inhumanly deep, wildly in their strength, pain ... She could not more fight. She did not have enough strength on it. And in order not to betray yourself, she preferred to leave ...
What were it for "people" who did such cruelty?!. What kind of monsters trampled our clean land, descaling it with his meanness and "black" soul? .. I quietly cry, smoothly the cute face of this courageous, unfortunate girl, and who did not live even a small part of his sad, failed life ... and my Soul burned hate! Hate to the monster who called himself the Roman dad ... governor of God ... and holy Father... enjoying his rotten power and wealth, while in his country basement from life was wonderful a pure soul. It went on his own desire ... because I could not more out the foregoing pain, causing it by order of the same "saint" dad ...
Oh, how I hated him !!! .. With all my heart, I hated all my soul! And he knew that I would remember him, whatever I was worth it. For all those who are so brutally died by his order ... For the Father ... For Dzhirolamo ... For this good, a clean girl ... And for everyone else, who he played the opportunity to live their dear and the only one in this body, earthly life.
"I will help you, a girl ... I will help you a sweetheart ..." Laskovoy her, I quietly whispered. - Calm down, sunshine, there will be no more pain. My father went there ... I talked to him. There's only light and peace ... Relax, my good ... I will fulfill your desire. Now you will leave - do not be afraid. You won't feel anything ... I will help you, Damiana. I'll be with you...

There is a high probability that dinosaurs have died out due to such a bombardment from space 3.8 billion years ago.

Centaur asteroids received their name because they have both characteristics and comets and asteroids. Their mass accumulation is located near Jupiter and Neptune. They, according to scientists, are able to destroy life on Earth at any time and cause the emergence of new species.

Asteroid Centaur is a very dense formation of dust and ice with an unstable orbit. Approximately once a hundred years under the influence of gravity, one of the asteroids comes with orbit and begins to move towards the Earth. Scientists were disturbed by the fact that such meteorites were already noticed near Mars. The nearest asteroid-centaur has a diameter of 10 km. And he can go to Earth at any time.

Astrophysicist Rudolf Dvorak from Vienna University fought: "Such events can lead to the destruction of existing forms of life and create favorable conditions for the emergence of new."

Koller Noborik Astronomer Mattia Galiazzo rated the consequences of the fall of the asteroid-bentaurus to the ground. He simulated the situation and found out that the size of the crater at the point of the strike could be more than 100 km, and given its structure, water will fall on the ground, the volume of which is comparable to the Adriatic Sea.

Scientists noted that sometimes they approach the luminaries and begin to decay because of heating, but even if we never threaten death from a collision with a whole asteroid, then fallen ice fragments will certainly apply unearfable harm.

Astrophysics insist on a detailed and more intensive observation of asteroids-centaurs, so these unpredictable cosmic bodies are now very close to Earth.

They are able to cause many cataclysms

The threat that space objects They represent for our planet may be more than it is considered. Such a fear was expressed by Specialists of the University of Buckingham. In their opinion, there are no particular danger in themselves in themselves, not objects located within the belt of asteroids between Mars and Jupiter, but much more space bodies are much longer from us - the so-called asteroids-centaurs.

Instancy-centuries in the West are customary to be denoted as "comet-bentabs". It is exactly the fact that they combine the features of a comet and an asteroid, and caused the reason why they receive the names of Centaurs - semi-sucks-half-party from ancient Greek mythology. These space objects are balls from ice and dust, the diameter of which, as a rule, ranges from 50 to 100 kilometers. They move on an extremely unstable orbit and from time to time turn out to be influenced by gravitational fields of gas giants - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, Writes The Guardian.

About once 40-100 thousand years, one of these gravitational fields "throws" asteroid towards the Earth. As it approaches the Sun, it gradually decays, leaving behind "tail" from the wreckage, whose clashes from the earth, according to scientists, as a result, it turns out to be inevitable. The bombardment of our planet comets, broken from an asteroid-centaur, will probably continue until hundreds of thousands of years, and many of these comets can be quite large to cause various cataclysms on Earth.

According to scientists, any of the centaur asteroids has large weightThan all the asteroids open to date, which may face the earth, taken together.

"Three decades we devoted a thorough study of the issue, what are the chances of the collision of the Earth with asteroids," says Bill Vesier, a lead author of the study. "We came to the conclusion that we should follow not only for asteroids" next door ", but also for those that are located on Jupiter's orbits." According to the scientist, if the conclusions received by his team are correct, humanity needs to start collecting additional information about asteroids-bentavrahs in case one of them becomes a real threat to the inhabitants of the planet.

Cometami bombing is one of the versions explaining many key events in the history of the Earth, including the emergence of life on it and die off dinosaurs.

2060 Chiron (2060 Chiron, 95p / Chiron) - the first open asteroid of the centaur group. At the same time cataloged and as a comet (95p / chiron). Perieglia Hiron is located inside the orbit of Saturn, Aflia - not far from the orbit of uranium. Centaur Hiron is unusual in that it has a coma characteristic of the cometary body, but in size chiron 50000 times the average volume of comets, and is more proportionate to the large asteroid, to which it was originally attributed.
In addition, his orbit is unstable in a time scale of millions of years, which indicates that he was not constantly at the current orbit. Chiron was the first of the centaurs discovered to date with such orbits and properties.
Chiron rotates on an elongated elliptical orbit (E \u003d 0.383), with a period of circulation of 50.7 years. Hiron orbit has a large half-axis equal to 13.7 astronomical units. Perihelium is located at a distance of 8.46 astronomical units, and aphelii - at a distance of about 19 astronomical units. For reference: Saturn orbit is located at a distance of 9.54 astronomical units from the Sun, and uranium - at a distance of 19.18 astronomical units. The orbit is tilted at an angle of 6.93 degrees to the plane of the ecliptic.
The chiron diameter estimates are scarcely 137 km, and the study of the gesture of the Centaurs made it possible to determine the period of rotation, which is 5.9 hours. The amount of gas and dust coma varies over time, as well as in size and brightness. The diameter of the coma Kentaur Khiron reaches almost 2 million km, and the brightness can fluctuate four times within a few hours. In addition, the "dust atmosphere" is gravitationally associated with a centaur, and spread out in the inner part of the coma, at a distance of no more than 1200 km from the surface of the Centaur.
Chiron was first discovered by Charles Kovalle on November 1, 1977. After opening, the object was also found on archival photographic plaques, one of which dated 1895. An unknown object was called 1977 UB. The images of this facility in Aflia in 1970 showed that its brightness was high, despite the large distance from the sun. In 1978, Koval suggested that Chiron could be a comet. Along with the signs of coma, discovered in 1988, the surface activity of the object was discovered, even at low temperatures. All of this indicated the content of volatile substances, such as methane, carbon monoxide and molecular nitrogen, which can evaporate at low temperatures from the Hiron surface. These volatile substances were a source of coma.

2060 Chiron (2060 Chiron, 95p / Chiron)


Modern data show that Chiron rotates at the current orbit no more than a few million years. There are two arguments that are characteristic of this object. First, the Orbit of Hiron is unstable and is susceptible to gravitational perturbations of gas planets-giants. Secondly, pronounced super-sublimation of volatile substances from the surface of the Hiron.
It is estimated that in that orbit, on which the Chiron is currently being located, these substances are completely evaporated over several million years, so the fact that Chiron is still active, means that it is only recently (for astronomical standards) shifted to this orbit. Based on the conclusions that chiron should come from another place in Solar system, led astronomers in the belieper belt.
Koiper belt contains objects, the size of the smallest particles, to pluto and others dwarf planets. Neptune Triton's companion could also move to his orbit from there. Gravitational perturbations from the planets-giants from time to time throw objects of the Koiper belt towards Neptune orbit, and subsequently, these objects occupy orbits characteristic of the orbits of centaurs.
The main argument that Chiron was a member of the Koiper belt, was based on similarity in size between Centaur Chiron and the objects of the Koiper belt. Asteroids, mostly, are in this range of sizes, but the observations of the coma of the Hiron is forced to exclude asteroid origin of the Centaur.
The next opportunity to observe Hirones in the perihelion will be introduced as astronomers in 2047. In the perihelials, Chiron is four times closer and 250 times brighter than the typical object of the hinge belt, and the heat from the Sun receives ten times more.
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