The largest space object. The largest objects in the Universe of the most massive and distant

R136A1 is the most massive, from the famous, the star in the universe. Authors and rights: Joannie Dennis / Flickr, CC BY-SA.

Looking at the night sky you understand that you are only the sand in the endless space of space.

But, many of us can also wonder: what object, from those known today, is the most massive in the universe?

In a sense, the answer to this question depends on what we understand under the word "object". Astronomers observe structures, such as the Great Wall of the Hercules-Northern Crown - the colossal thread of gas, dust and dark matter containing billions of galaxies. Its length is about 10 billion light years, so this structure can wear the name of the largest object. But not everything is so simple. The classification of this accumulation, as a unique object is problematic due to the fact that it is difficult to determine exactly where it begins and where it ends.

In fact, in physics and astrophysics, the "object" has a clear definition, said Scott Chapman (Scott Chapman), Astrophysicist from Delhuzi University in Halifax:

"This is something connected together by gravitational forces, for example, planet, star or stars rotating around general Center masses.

Using this definition it becomes a little easier to understand what is the most massive object in the universe. In addition, this definition can be applied to various objects, depending on the scale under consideration.

Photo north Pole Jupiter, obtained by the apparatus Pioneer 11 in 1974. Authors and rights: NASA AMES.

For our relatively tiny species, the planet Earth, with its 6 septillions of kilograms, it seems huge. But it is not even the largest planet in the solar system. Gas giants: Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter are much larger. The mass of Jupiter, for example, is 1.9 octillion kilograms. The researchers discovered thousands of planets rotating around other stars, including many of those against which our gas giants look small. Discovered in 2016, HR2562 B is the most massive exoplanet, approximately 30 times more massive than Jupiter. With this size of astronomers, they are not sure whether it should be considered a planet or attributed to the class of dwarf stars.

At the same time, the stars can grow to huge sizes. The most massive, famous star is R136A1, its mass from 265 and 315 times more masses Our Sun (2 nonillion kilograms). Located at a distance of 130,000 light years from the Big Magellanov clouds - our satellite galaxy, this star is so bright that the light that she radiates actually breaks it. According to the 2010 study, electromagnetic radiation emanating from the star is so powerful that it can carry material from its surface, forcing the star to lose about 16 earth masses every year. Astronomers exactly do not know how such a star could form, and how long she will exist.

Huge stars located in Star Nasllhands RMC 136A, located in Tarantula Nebula, in one of our neighboring galaxies - a large magtel cloud, in 165,000 light years from us. Authors and rights: ESO / VLT.

The following massive objects are galaxies. The diameter of our own galaxy Milky Way is about 100,000 light years, it contains approximately 200 billion stars, a total weight of about 1.7 trillion solar masses. However, the Milky Way cannot compete with the Central Galaxy of the Phoenix cluster, located 2.2 million light years, and containing about 3 trillion stars. In the center of this galaxy is a supermassive black hole - the largest of ever discovered - with an approximate mass of 20 billion suns. The Fenix \u200b\u200bcluster itself is a huge accumulation consisting of about 1000 galaxies with a total mass of about 2 quadrillion suns.

But even this cluster cannot compete with the fact that it is probably the most massive object, from ever detected: a galactic protocolter, known as SPT2349.

"We won a jackpot finding this structure," said Chepman, team leader who found a new record holder. "More than 14 very massive individual galaxies that are in a slightly larger space than our Milky Way."

Illustration of an artist showing 14 galaxies that are in the process of merge and ultimately form a core of massive accumulation of galaxies. Authors and rights: NRAO / AUI / NSF; S. Dagnello.

This cluster began to form when the universe was less than one and a half billion years. Separate galaxies in this cluster will eventually combine into one gigantic galaxy, the most massive in the universe. And this is just the top of the iceberg, said Chepman. Further observations showed that general structure Contains about 50 satellite galaxies, which will be absorbed in the future by the central galaxy. The mass of the previous record holder, known as El Gordo Cluster, is 3 quadrillion of the Sun, however, SPT2349 is likely to outweigh it at least four to five times.

The fact that such a huge object could have been formed when the universe was only 1.4 billion years, greatly surprised astronomers, since the computer model assumed that for the formation of such large objects should be required much more time.

Given that people investigated only a small part of the sky, probably even more massive objects can be hidden in the universe.

Thanks to the rapid development of technologies, astronomers are committed more interesting and incredible discoveries in the Universe. For example, the title of "the largest object in the Universe" moves from some finds to others almost annually. Some open objects are so huge that they put their fact of their existence even the best scientists of our planet. Let's talk about ten of the largest of them.

Relatively recent scientists have discovered the largest cold stain in the universe. It is located in the southern part of the Eridan constellation. With its length of 1.8 billion light years, this stain put scholars in a dead end. They did not suspect that objects of this size could exist.

Despite the presence of the word "VIOD" in the title (from the English "Void" means "emptiness") space here is not entirely empty. In this region, space is approximately 30 percent less than the galaxies of galaxies than in the surrounding space. According to scientists, the enjes are up to 50 percent of the amount of the Universe, and this percentage, in their own opinion, will continue to grow thanks to the superstile gravity, which attracts them all the matter around them.


In 2006, the title of the largest object in the universe was received by a detected mysterious cosmic "bubble" (or Blob, as scientists are usually called them). True, this title was kept for a short time. This bubble of 200 million light years is giant accumulation Gas, dust and galaxies. With some reservations, this object is similar to a giant green jellyfish. The object was discovered by Japanese astronomers when one of the regions of the space, known for the presence of a huge amount of space gas.

Each of the three "sucks" of this bubble contains galaxies, which are located four times more denser than usual in the universe. The accumulation of galaxies and gas balls inside this bubble is called Laimima Alpha bubbles. It is believed that these objects began to appear in about 2 billion years after a large explosion and are real relics ancient universe. Scientists suggest that the bubble discussed was formed when massive stars existing in the early times of the space, suddenly became supernovae and thrown into space giant gas volumes. The object is so massive that scientists believe that it is generally one of the first space facilities formed in the universe. According to theories, over time, gas will be formed from the accumulated gas here more and more new galaxies.

SuperStoping Shepley

For many years, scientists believe that our galaxy at a speed of 2.2 million kilometers per hour is attracted through the universe somewhere towards the direction of the constellation Centaurs. Astronomers suggest that the Great Attractor is the cause of this, an object with such a force of gravity, which is enough to attract entire galaxies to itself. True, find out what it is for the object, scientists could not for a long time. Presumably, this object is located behind the so-called "zone of avoidance" (ZOA), an area in the sky closed by the galaxy of the Milky Way.

However, with time X-ray astronomy came to the rescue. Its development made it possible to look at the ZoA area and find out what exactly the cause of such a strong gravitational attraction. True, the fact that scientists saw, put them in an even greater dead end. It turned out that the area of \u200b\u200bZoa is the usual accumulation of galaxies. The dimensions of this accumulation did not correlate with the force of the gravitational attraction provided to our galaxy. But as soon as scientists decided to look at the cosmos, they soon discovered that our galaxy was attracted towards an even larger object. It turned out to be supervised whisper - the most massive super-secure galaxies in the observed universe.

Super-secure from more than 8000 galaxies. Its mass is about 10,000 more than the mass of the Milky Way.

Great Wall CFA2.

Like most objects in this list, the Great Wall (also known as the Great Wall CFA2) once also might boast the title of the largest known space object in the universe. She was opened by American astrophysicist Margaret Joan Geller and John Peter Hunra during the study of the effect of a red bias for Harvard Smithsonian Astrophysic Center. According to scientists, its length is 500 million light years, the width is 300 million, and the thickness is 15 million light years.

The exact size of the Great Wall is still a mystery for scientists. It can be much more than it is considered, and have a length of 750 million light years. The problem in determining the exact size is concluded in the location of this gigantic structure. As in the case of superphaning whisper, the Great Wall is partially closed by the "Assignment Zone".

In general, this "zone of avoidance" does not allow to see about 20 percent of the observed (reach for the current telescopes) of the Universe. It is located inside the Milky Way and is a dense accumulation of gas and dust (as well as a high concentration of stars), which strongly distort observations. In order to look through the "avoidance zone", astronomers have to use, for example, infrared telescopes that allow you to break through another 10 percent of the "avoidance zone". In which infrared waves will not be able to break through radio waves, as well as the Middle Waves infrared spectrum and x-rays. Nevertheless, the actual lack of opportunity to consider such a large region of cosmos somewhat frustrating scientists. The "Assignment Zone" may contain information that can fill the gaps in our knowledge about space.

SuperScondition Laniakea.

Galaxies are usually combined into groups. These groups are called clusters. Cosmos regions where these clusters are more tightly located between themselves, the name of superclauses. Earlier, astronomers were mapping these objects by determining their physical location in the universe, but recently was invented a new method of mapping local space. This allowed shed light on the information that was previously unavailable.

The new principle of mapping local space and the galaxies in it is not based on the calculation of the location of the objects, but on observations of indicators of the gravitational exposure objects. Thanks to the new method, the location of the galaxies is determined and on the basis of it is a map of the distribution of gravity in the universe. Compared to the old, the new method is more advanced, because it allows astronomers not only to celebrate new objects in the universe we visible, but also find new objects in those places where there was no possibility to look.

The first results of the study of local accumulation of galaxies using a new method made it possible to detect a new ultra-stroke. The importance of this study is that it will allow us to better understand where our place in the universe. Earlier it was believed that the Milky Way is inside the supercountability of the Virgin, but the new research method shows that this region is only part of an even larger supercountability of LaniaKea - one of the largest objects in the universe. It extends 520 million light years, and somewhere inside it we are.

Great Wall of Sloena

For the first time, the Great Wall of the Sloan was found in 2003 in the framework of the project of Slianovsky digital celestial review - scientific mapping of hundreds of millions of galaxies, to determine the largest objects in the universe. The Great Wall of the Sloan is a giant galactic filament, consisting of several super-consistency. They as a giant octopus tentacle are distributed in all sides of the universe. Due to its length of 1.4 billion light years, the "wall" was once considered the largest object in the universe.

The Great Wall of the Sloan is not so studied as the ultrasound, which is inside it. Some of these superclauses are interesting in themselves and deserve a separate mention. One, for example, has a kernel of galaxies, which, together from the outside, look like a giant mustache. Inside another supercountability there is a high gravitational interaction between galaxies - many of them are now passing the merge period.

The presence of the "wall" and any other larger objects creates new questions about the mystery of the Universe. Their existence is contrary to the cosmological principle, which theoretically limits how large objects in the universe can be. According to this principle, the laws of the Universe do not allow to exist objects of more than 1.2 billion light years. However, objects similar to the Great Sloan wall completely contradict this opinion.

HUGE-LQG7 Quasarov Group

Quasars are high-energy astronomical objects located in the center of the galaxies. It is believed that the center of the quasars are supermassive black holes that attract the surrounding matter. This leads to a huge emission of radiation, the power of the energy of which is 1000 times more energy generated by all the stars inside the galaxy. IN currently In third place among the largest structural objects in the Universe is a Huge-LQG quasar group, consisting of 73 quasars scattered on more than 4 billion light years. Scientists believe that such a massive group of quasars, as well as similar to it, are one of the reasons for the appearance of the largest structural structural in the universe, such as, for example, the Great Wall of the Slone.

The Huge-LQG quasary group was detected after analyzing the same data, due to which the Great Wall of the Sloan was detected. Scientists have determined its presence after mapping one of the regions of space using a special algorithm measuring the density of quasars on a particular area.

It should be noted that the existence of HUGE-LQG is still the subject of disputes. Some scientists believe that this region of space is indeed a single group of quasars, other scientists are confident that quasars inside this area of \u200b\u200bspace are randomly and are not part of the same group.

Giant Gamma Ring

Stretching for 5 billion light years Giant Galactic Gamma Ring (Giant GRB Ring) is the second largest object in the universe. In addition to incredible size, this object attracts attention due to its unusual form. Astronomers, studying bursts of gamma rays (huge emissions of energy that are formed as a result of the death of massive stars), discovered a series of nine bursts, the sources of which were at the same distance to the Earth. These bursts formed a ring on the sky, 70 times larger than the diameter of the full moon. Considering that the bursts of gamma radiation themselves are rather rare, the chance that they form a similar shape in the sky is 1 to 20,000. This allowed scientists to suggest that they are witnesses of one of the largest structural objects in the Universe .

In itself, the "ring" is only a term describing the visual representation of this phenomenon when observing the Earth. According to one of the assumptions, the giant gamma ring may be a projection of some sphere around which all emissions of the radiation gamma occurred in a relatively short period of time about 250 million years. True, the question arises here that the source could create such a sphere. One explanation is related to the assumption that galaxies can be collected in groups around the huge concentration of dark matter. However, this is only the theory. Scientists still do not know how similar structures are formed.

Great Wall Hercules - Northern Crown

The largest structural object in the universe was also discovered by astronomers in the framework of observation of gamma radiation. This object, called the Great Wall of Hercules - the North Crown, stretches for 10 billion light years, which makes it twice as much as the giant galactic gamma rings. Since the brightest bursts of gamma radiation produce larger stars, usually located in the areas of space, which contains more matter, astronomers each time metaphorically consider each such burst, as the needle injection into something larger. When scientists found that in the area of \u200b\u200bspace in the direction of the constellations of Hercules and the northern crown, bursts of gamma radiation were performed too often, they determined that there is an astronomical object, which is most likely, a dense concentration of galactic clusters and other matter.

An interesting fact: the name "Great Wall of Hercules - North Corona" was invented by the Filipino teenager, who recorded it in Wikipedia (to make edits to this electronic encyclopedia, who does not know, maybe anyone). Shortly after the news that the astronomers discovered a huge structure in the Space Sky, the corresponding article appeared on the Wikipedia pages. Despite the fact that the invented name does not exactly describe this object (the wall covers several constellations at once, and not just two), the world Internet is quickly accustomed to it. Perhaps this is the first case when Wikipedia gave the name of the object detected and interesting from a scientific point of view.

Since the very existence of this "wall" also contradicts the cosmological principle, scientists have to revise some of their theories about how the universe actually has been formed.

Space web

Scientists believe that the expansion of the Universe is not accidental. There are theories according to which all the galaxies of space are organized in one structure of incredible dimensions, resembling filamentous compounds that combine dense areas. These threads are scattered between less dense vascular. This structure scientists call the cosmic cobweb.

According to scientists, the web was formed on very early stages The history of the universe. Initially, the formation of the web took place unstable and inhomogeneously, which subsequently helped the formation of all that is now available in the universe. It is believed that the "threads" of this web played a big role in the evolution of the Universe - they accelerated it. It is noted that the galaxies that are inside these threads have a significantly higher star formation. In addition, these threads are a kind of bridge for gravitational interaction between galaxies. After its formation, inside these filaments, the galaxies are sent to galactic clusters, where in the end they die in time.

Only recently scientists began to understand what this cosmic web is actually. Studying one of the distant quasars, the researchers noted that its radiation affects one of the yarns of the cosmic cobweb. The Light of the Quasar went straight to one of the threads that the gases were laughed in it and forced them to glow. Based on these observations, scientists were able to submit the distribution of the threads between other galaxies, thereby resolving the picture of the Siemos Slayer.

The biggest asteroid
To date, Cercher is considered the largest asteroid in the universe: its mass is almost a third of the entire mass of the asteroid belt, and the diameter is over 1000 kilometers. The asteroid is so big that sometimes it is called a "dwarf planet."

The largest planet
In the photo: Left - Jupiter, the biggest planet Solar systemRight - Tres4

In the constellation, Hercules is Planet TRES4, the size of which is 70% more than the sizes of Jupiter, the most big planet In the solar system. But the mass of TRES4 is inferior to the mass of Jupiter. This is due to the fact that the planet is very close to the Sun and is formed by the constantly heated sun gases - as a result of density, this celestial body resembles a kind of marshmallow.

The biggest star
In 2013, astronomers discovered KY Swan - the biggest star in the universe today; The radius of this red supergigant is 1650 times more than the radius of the sun.

The biggest black hole
From the point of view of the area, black holes are not so big. However, if we take into account their mass, these objects are the largest in the universe. And the biggest black hole in space - the quasar, the mass of which is 17 billion times (!) More mass of the sun. This is a huge black hole in the very center of the NGC 1277 galaxy, an object that is greater than the entire solar system is its mass amounts to 14% of the total mass of the whole galaxy.

The largest galaxy
The so-called "super galaxies" is a few galaxies, merged together and located in the galactic "clusters", the accumulations of galaxies. The largest of these "super galaxies" is IC1101, which is 60 times more than the galaxy, where our solar system is located. The length of IC1101 is 6 million light years. For comparison, the length of the Milky Way is just 100 thousand light years.

SuperStoping Shepley
Supercondition whisper is a collection of galaxies with a length of over 400 million light years. The Milky Way is approximately 4,000 times less than this super galaxy. Superconditions whispered as much more that the fastest spacecraft Earth would need trillions of years to cross it.

HUGE-LQG Quasarov Group
A huge group of quasarov was discovered in January 2013 and today is considered the largest structure in the whole universe. Huge-LQG is a collection of 73 quasars, so big that it would take more than 4 billion years to cross it from one end to the other with the speed of light. The mass of this grand outer object is approximately 3 million times the mass of the Milky Way. Huge-LQG Quasarov Group is so gradiment that its existence refutes the main cosmological principle of Einstein. According to this cosmological position, the universe always looks equally, regardless of where the observer is located.

Space network
Not so long ago, astronomers managed to detect something completely awesome - the space network formed by the accumulations of galaxies surrounded by dark matter, and resembling a giant three-dimensional spa network. How much is this interstellar network? If the Milky Way galaxy was ordinary seed, then this space network in size would be like a huge stadium.

Surely everyone at least once in his life stumbled upon the next list of natural wonders, which lists the highest mountain, the most long river, the dry and most wet regions of the Earth and so on. Such records are impressive, but they are completely lost if they compare them with cosmic records. We present you five "most-the most" space objects and phenomena described by the New Scientist magazine.

The coldest

Everyone knows that in space it is very cold - but in reality this statement is incorrect. The concept of temperature makes sense only if there is a substance, and the space is almost empty space (stars, galaxies and even dust occupy a very insignificant volume). Therefore, when the researchers say that the temperature of the outer space is about 3 Kelvinov (minus 270.15 degrees Celsius), we are talking about the average value for the so-called microwave background, or relic radiation - radiation that has preserved from the times of the Big Bang.

And, nevertheless, there are many very cold objects in space. For example, gas in nebulae boomerang removed from the solar system for a distance of 5 thousand light years, has a temperature of only one Kelvin (minus 272.15 degrees Celsius). The nebula is very quickly expanding - its generating gas moves at a speed of about 164 kilometers per second, and this process leads to its cooling. Currently, the BMERANG nebula is the only known scientist object whose temperature is lower than the relict radiation temperature.

In the solar system also has its own record holders. In 2009, the NASA apparatus called LUNAR RECONNAISSANCE ORBITER (LRO) the coldest point in the vicinity of our star - it turned out that the extremely frosty place of the solar system is located very close to the ground in one of the shaded lunar craters. Compared to the cold nebula, the boomerang 33 Kelvin (minus 240.15 degrees Celsius) do not seem to be such an outstanding value, but if you recall that the lowest temperature of registered on Earth is just a minus of 89.2 degrees Celsius (this record was recorded At the Antarctic Station "East"), then the attitude changes slightly. It is possible that as the new Pole of the cold will be found as the Moon will be found.

If you include in the concept of "space objects", the devices created by people, then in this case the first place in the list of the coldest objects should be given the orbital Observatory "Planck", more precisely, its detectors. With liquid helium, they are cooled to incredible 0.1 Kelvin (minus 273.05 degrees Celsius). Extremely cold detectors are needed by the "bar" in order to study the most relict radiation - if the devices are warmer by the space "background", they simply will not be able to "throw" it.

The hottest

Warm temperature records are impressive much more cold - if in the direction of minus it is possible to disperse only to zero Kelvinov (minus 273.15 degrees Celsius, or absolute zero), then in the direction of the plus of the space where more. Thus, only the surface of our Sun is an ordinary yellow dwarf - it is heated to 5.8 thousand Kelvinov (with the permission of readers, in the future the Celsius scale will fall, since the "extra" 273.15 degree in the final figure will not change the overall picture).

The surface of blue superdgigants - young, extremely hot and bright stars - At the order of the warmer of the Sun surface: on average, their temperature ranges from 30 to 50 thousand Kelvin. Blue supergiangs, in turn, are far behind white dwarfs - small very dense stars, in which, as it is believed to evolve the luminaries whose mass is not enough to form a supernova. The temperature of these objects reaches 200 thousand Kelvinov. The stars of the supergianth class are one of the most massive in the universe with a mass of up to 70 solar, can heal to a billion Kelvinov, and the theoretical temperature limit for stars is about six billion Kelvinov.

However, this value is not an absolute record. Supernovae - stars ending their life with an explosive process can not exceed it for a while. For example, in 1987, astronomers registered a supernova in a large magtellane cloud - modest galaxy sizes located next to Milky path. The study of needed supernova neutrinos showed that in its "entrays" the temperature was about 200 billion Kelvinov.

The same supernovae can generate and much more hot objects - namely, gamma bursts. This term indicates the emissions of gamma radiation occurring in remote galaxies. It is believed that Gamma Splash is associated with the turning of the star into a black hole (although the details of this process are still unclear) and may be accompanied by the heating of matter to the trillion Kelvinov (trillion is 10 12).

But this is not the limit. At the end of 2010, during the experiments on the collision of lead ions, a temperature of several trillions of Kelvin was recorded in a large adronomed collider. Experiments on the tank are designed to recreate the conditions that existed a few moments after a large explosion, so indirectly this record can also be considered cosmic. As for the emergence of the universe itself, then, according to existing physical hypotheses, the temperature at this point was to be recorded as a unit with 32 zeros.

The brightest

The unit of measuring the illumination in C is a suite that characterizes the light stream falling per unit surface. For example, the lighting of the table near the window on a clear day is about 100 suites. For the characteristics of the light flux emitted by space objects, the suites are uncomfortable - astronomers use the so-called star value (a dimensionless unit, which characterizes the energy of the light quanta, which has come down from the star to the device detectors - the logarithm of the relationship registered from the stream to some standard).

The unarmed look in the sky can be viewed by the star named Alnila, or Epsilon Orion. This blue supergiant, removed from the ground for 1.3 thousand light years, 400 thousand times more powerful than the sun. A bright blue star variable This keel overtakes our luminaries on five million times. The mass of Etie Kiel is 100-150 solar masses, and for a long time this star was one of the most difficult among famous astronomers. However, in 2010, in the star cluster, RMC 136A was found - if you put the RMC 136A1 star to the imaginary weight of the scales, then in order to balance it, 265 suns will be required. The luminosity of newly open "healthy" is comparable with the luminosity of nine million suns.

As in the case of temperature achievements, the upper lines in the list of brightness records are occupied by supernova. Eliminate the brightest of them - the object called SN 2005AP - will be able to nine million suns (more precisely, at least nine million and one).

But the absolute winners in this nomination - gamma bursts. The average splash briefly "sides" with brightness equal to the brightness of 10 18 suns. If we talk about stable sources of bright radiation, then quasars will be in the first place - the active nuclei of some galaxies, which are a black hole with matter falling on it. Warning, the substance emits radiation with the brightness of more than 30 trillion suns.

The fastest

All space objects move relative to each other with dizzying speed due to the expansion of the universe. According to the most generally accepted assessment today, two arbitrary galaxies that are at a distance of 100 megapars are removed from the ground at a speed of 7-8 thousand kilometers per second.

But even if you do not take into account the universal runoff, the celestial bodies are very quickly rushing each other - for example, the Earth turns around the Sun at a speed of about 30 kilometers per second, and the orbital speed of the fastest planet of the Solar Mercury system is 48 kilometers per second.

In 1976, Helios 2, created by people, survived Mercury and reached a speed of 70 kilometers per second (for comparison, Voyager-1, which recently recently reached the borders of the solar system, moves at a speed of only 17 kilometers per second). And the planets of the solar system and research probes are far from comet - they rush past the stars at a speed of about 600 kilometers per second.

The middle star in the galaxy moves relative to the galactic center at a speed of about 100 kilometers per second, but there are stars that move in their space house ten times faster. Ultra-fast luminaries often accelerate enough to overcome the gravitational attraction of the galaxy and go on a self-journey through the universe. Unusual stars constitute a very insignificant part of all stars from all stars - for example, in the Milky Ways, their share does not exceed 0.000001 percent.

A good speed is developed by pulsars - rotating neutron stars, which remain after the collapse of "ordinary" shining. These objects can perform up to a thousand revolutions around their axis in a second - if an observer could be on the surface of the pulsar, he would move at a speed of up to 20 percent of the speed of light. And near the rotating black holes, a wide variety of objects can accelerate almost to the speed of light.

The biggest

The size of space objects makes sense to speak at all, but by breaking them into the category. For example, the most large planet in the solar system is Jupiter, however, compared with the largest of the famous astronomers, this gas giant seems to be a baby, well, or at least a teenager. For example, the diameter of the TRES-4 planet is 1.8 times larger than the diameter of Jupiter. At the same time, the mass of TRES-4 is only 88 percent of the mass of the gas giant of the solar system - that is, the density of the strange planet is less than the density of the traffic jam.

But Tres-4 takes only second place in size among the planets open to the current day (total) - the champion is considered WASP-17B. Its diameter is almost twice as much as the diameter of Jupiter, and the mass at the same time comes only to half of the Jupiter. While scientists do not know what chemical composition There are such "swollen" planets.

The largest star is considered shone named VY Big PSA. The diameter of this red superdgigant is about three billion kilometers - if you lay out along the diameter of the VY of the Great PSA of the Sun, then they will fit from 1.8 thousand to 2.1 thousand pieces.

SAME large galaxies Elliptic star clusters are considered. Most astronomers believe that such galaxies are formed when a collision of two spiral star clusters is collided, but literally the other day work appeared, the authors of which. But as long as the title of the largest galaxy remains behind the object IC 1101, which refers to the class of linzoid galaxies (intermediate option between elliptic and spiral). To overcome the distance from one edge IC 1101 to another along the long axis, the light has to travel as many as six million years. The Milky Way It runs 60 times faster.

The size of the largest voids of space - regions between galactic clusters, in which there are practically no heavenly TelMuch superior to the size of any objects. So, in 2009, such a diameter of about 3.5 billion light years was found.

Compared with all these giants, the size of the largest space-created space objects seems quite insignificant - length, or rather the width of the international space station It is only 109 meters.

Thanks to the continuous development of astronomer technologies, more and more and more diverse objects in the universe are found. The title of "the largest object in the universe" transitions from one structure to another almost every year. We give examples of the largest objects that have been discovered at the moment.

1. Superfouquity

In 2004, astronomers discovered the largest emptiness (the so-called lad) in the famous universe. It is located at a distance of 3 billion light years from the ground in the southern part of the Eridan constellation. Despite the name "emptiness", the size of 1.8 billion light years is not actually completely empty area in space. His difference from other sections of the Universe lies in the fact that the density of the substance in it is 30 percent less (in other words, in the public few stars and clusters).

Also, the superpost Eridan is remarkable in that in this area of \u200b\u200bthe universe, the temperature of the microwave radiation by 70 micro-cellvins is less than in the surrounding space (where it equals approximately 2.7 Kelvin).

2. Space blossom

In 2006, a team of astronomer scientists from the University of Toulouse found a mysterious green drop in space, which became the largest structure in the universe at that time. This drop, called the "drop of Lyman-Alpha", is a giant mass of gas, dust and galaxies, which "spread" for 200 million light years into width (this is 7 times the sizes of our galaxy, the Milky Way). Light from her gets to the Earth as much as 11.5 billion years. Given that the age of the universe is most often estimated at 13.7 billion years, a gigantic green drop is considered one of the most ancient structures in the universe.

3. Supercondition whisper

Scientists have long been known that our galaxy moves towards the constellation of Centaurion at a speed of 2.2 million kilometers per hour, but the cause of the movement remained a mystery. About 30 years ago, there was the theory according to which the Milky Way attracts the "Great Attractor" - an object, the gravity of which is strong enough to attract our galaxy at a huge distance. As a result, it was found that our Milky Way and the entire local group of galaxies attracts to the so-called super-propelled whisper, consisting of more than 8,000 galaxies with a total weight of 10,000 times more than the Milky Way.

4. Great Wall CFA2

Like many of the structures in this list, the Great Wall CFA2 during detection was recognized as the largest known object in the universe. The object is at a distance of about 200 million light years from the Earth, and its approximate dimensions are 500 million light years in length, 300 million in width and 15 million light years in thickness. It is impossible to install the exact dimensions, since the dust clouds and the Milky Ways are closed part of the Great Wall from us.

5. Laniakee

Galaxies are usually grouped into clusters. The regions where clusters are located more tightly packed and are associated with each other forces of gravity, called super-consuming. Once it was believed that the Milky Way Together with the local group of galaxies is part of the supercountability of the Virgin (the size of 110 million light years), but new studies have shown that our region is only a hose for a much more huge supercluster, named Laniekee, whose size is 520 million light years.

6. Great Sloan Wall

The Great Wall of Sloan was first discovered in 2003. The giant group of galaxies extending at 1.4 billion light years, wore the title of the largest structure in the Universe until 2013. It is located approximately at a distance of 1.2 billion light years from the ground.

7. Huge-LQG

Quasars - cores of active galaxies, in the center of which (as contemporary scientists suggest) is a supermassive black hole that throws out the outside of the captured matter in the form of a bright jet of matter, which leads to heavy duty radiation. Currently, the third largest structure in the universe is a Huge-LQG - a cluster of 73 quasars (and respectively galaxies), removed from the Earth at a distance of 8.73 billion light years. Huge-LQG dimensions are 4 billion light years.

8. Giant Ring from Gamma Bresh

Hungarian astronomers discovered at a distance of 7 billion light years from the ground one of the largest structure in the Universe - a giant ring formed by gamma-radiation flares. Gamma bursts are the most bright objects in the universe, since it is released in just a few seconds as much energy as the sun gives for 10 billion years. The diameter of the detected ring is 5 billion light years.

9. Great Wall Hercules - North Corona

Currently, the largest structure in the universe is a superstructure of galaxies, called the "Great Wall of Hercules-Northern Crown". Its dimensions are 10 billion, or 10 percent of the diameter of the observed universe. The structure was opened due to observations beyond the outbreaks of gamma radiation in the Constellations of the Hercules and the Northern Crown, in the region removed from the Earth for 10 billion light years.

10. Space Poutinal

Scientists believe that the distribution of matter in the Universe is not accidental. It was suggested that galaxies were organized into a huge universal structure in the form of filamentous fibers or clusters of "partitions" between huge voids. Geometrically structure of the universe most resembles a bubble mass or cell. Inside the cell, the size of which is about 100 million light years, there are practically no stars and any matter. Such a structure was called "cosmic cobweb".

This may seem incredible, but cosmic discoveries directly affect the daily life of people. Confirmation of this.

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