What is more Aldebaran or Betelgeuse. Secrets of space: what is the name of the biggest star

Star - VY. Big PSA is the biggest of all famous stars Milky Way. The mention of it can be found in the star catalog, published in 1801. There it is as a star of the seventh size.

Red hypergigant VY large PSA is at a distance of 4900 light years from the ground. It is 2100 times more than the sun. In other words, if you imagine that VY suddenly turned out to be on the site of our shining, he would absorb all the planets right down Saturn. In order to fly around such a "ball" at a speed of 900 km / hour, it will take 1100 years. However, when moving at the speed of light, it will take much less time - only 8 minutes.

From the middle of the 19th century it is known that VY a large PSA has a raspberry shade. It was assumed that it is multiple. But subsequently it turned out - this is a single star and she has no companion. A raspberry glow spectrum provides surrounding nebula.

3 or more stars, which are visible as closely located, are called a multiple star. If in fact they are simply close to the beam of view, then this is an optically multiple star, if the gravity is combined - physically multiple.

With such a giant size, the mass of the star is only 40 times higher than the mass of the sun. Gas density inside it is very low - this explains such an impressive size and relatively small weight. The force of gravity is not able to prevent the loss of stellar fuel. It is believed that by now the hypergigant has already lost more than half of its initial mass.

Back in the mid-19th century, scientists noted that the giant star loses its brightness. However, this parameter is now very impressive - the brightness of the glow VY is 500 times higher than the sun.

Scientists believe: when the fuel VY is over, it will explode supernova. The explosion will destroy any life for several light years around. But the earth will not suffer - the distance is too large.

And the smallest

In 2006, the press appeared that the group of Canadian scientists under the leadership of Dr. Harvey Raisher was found the most minor of the famous currently stars of our galaxy. It is located in the star cluster NGC 6397 - the second remoteness from the sun. Studies were conducted using the Hubble telescope.

The mass of the detected shone is close to the theoretically calculated lower limit and is 8.3% of the mass of the Sun. The existence of smaller star objects is considered impossible. Their small sizes simply do not allow the reaction of nuclear synthesis. The brightness of such objects is similar to the candle burned on the moon.

A man can see to 6 thousand stars in the sky with a naked look, if we take into account both hemispheres. If we take into account the most powerful and complex telescopes, then over the years of the cosmos research, we found billions of Billia in the abyss of the cosmos, among which there are those that are not amenable to imagination.

We are surprised when we compare the size of our Earth and the Sun, but the universe hides in itself the biggest stars who are thousands of thousands of times. We will deal with our favorite business - comparing sizes. For a unit of measurement, it is customary to take an equatorial solar radius.

1. UY shield

The UY shield is an absolute record holder in size among all stars known to us at the moment. It is at a distance of 9500 light years from us. Radius itself big Star Equals 1708 radii of our Sun, and during active ripples it reaches 2298 radii. If this monster was located in our system, his photosphere (visible disc) would achieve Jupiter's orbits.

Next to the UY shield, the sun would seem even not a dwarf - dust. This star is very bright, but to see her with a naked eye will not work because of the high stratum of cosmic dust between us and these hypergigant.

2. NML Swan

Another red hypergigant, which is in the winned constellation, received the corresponding name - NML Swan. On the picture star clusterwhere this supermassive star is located. Its radius is equal to 1650 radii of our Sun, and it is removed from us on 5300 light years.

In comparison with the UY shield, the NML swan was discovered relatively recently - in 1965. Since then, scientists have managed to even analyze the stars with spectral analysis. As for its size, it is good that it is so far.

3. RW Cefhea

Looking at these giants, it is easy and a complex of inferiority to earn. Third place in our list of the most big star It went to the Red Hypergigant RW Cefhea, located in the constellation of the same name. This star is removed from us for 11,500 light years, and despite its size, you can see her unarmed look. But there is a chance to see this monster on the night sky in the amateur telescope.

RW RW radius is 1636 solar in its ripple peak. And she rushes towards our sun at a speed of 56 km / s. It sounds threatening, but according to cosmic standards it is like it is worth it. Scientists prophesy to her the future in the form of another black hole.

4. WOH G64.

Interesting things come from them there in space. For example, the fourth largest in the list of the largest WOH G64 stars is from us at a distance of 163 thousand light years. The word "huge" for such a distance does not mean anything, however, and about this luminary, our scientists managed to learn some facts that make this star special. According to the latest research, its radius is 1540 solar, but the luminosity is not very high.

With the help of a powerful telescope located in Chile, it turned out that around the star WOH G64 is a large accumulation of gas and dust, which form the so-called torrow around it (call it a bagel).

5. Westland 1-26

Scientists are also not devoid of romantic thinking, and are ready to give their discoveries eloquent names. So in the cluster of Westland 1 in the constellation of the altar there is another red supergiant, which is called Westland 1-26. It is removed from our system for 11,500 light years. The radius of the star is equal to 1530 solar, and its luminosity is 380,000 times stronger than the sun.

The system was opened in 1961, but the creative fart from scientists ended, and they simply began to call the stars in the system by numbers.

In our galaxy. It is associated with huge distances in space and complexity of observations with subsequent analysis of the data obtained. Today, scientists managed to detect and register approximately 50 billion shone. A more perfect technique allows you to explore remote Cosmos cattle and receive new information about objects.

Evaluation and search for supergiants in space

Modern astrophysics in the process of research of space is constantly facing a large number of questions. The reason for this is the giant size of the visible universe, about fourteen billion light years. Sometimes, watching the star, it is quite difficult to estimate the distance to it. Therefore, before going to the path in search of the definition, what the biggest star in our galaxy, it is necessary to understand the level of complexity of observation of space objects.

Previously, before the beginning of the twentieth century, it was believed that our galaxy is alone. Visible other galaxies ranged to the nebulae. But Edwin Hubble has a crushing blow to the ideas of the scientist. He argued that Galaxies are a big set, and our is not the biggest.

Cosmos are incredibly huge

Distance to the nearest galaxies are huge. Reach hundreds of millions of years. For astrophysics, it is rather problematic to determine what the biggest star in our galaxy.

Therefore, about other galaxies with trillion stars, at a distance of a hundred and more than millions of light years, it is even more difficult to talk. In the process of research, new objects are open. The discovered stars are compared and the most unique and large are determined.

Supergiant in the constellation of the shield

The name of the biggest star in our galaxy is a UY shield, a red supergiant. This variable of which varies from 1700 to 2000 diameters of the Sun.

Our brain is not able to present similar quantities. Therefore, for a complete view, what size is the biggest star in the galaxy, it is necessary to compare with the values \u200b\u200bunderstandable for us. For comparison, our solar system. The size of the star is so great that if it is placed on the site of our Sun, the border of supergiant will be in the orbit of Saturn.

And our planet and Mars will be inside the star. The distance to this monshos is about 9600 light years.

The biggest star in the galaxy - the UY shield - can only be considered "king". Causes are obvious. One of them is huge space distances and cosmic dust, complicating the obtaining of accurate data. Another problem is directly related to physical properties Suchgiantes. With a diameter of 1700 times more than our heavenly shine, the biggest star in our galaxy is all 7-10 times from him. It turns out that the density of supergiant is millions of times less than the air around us. The density of it is comparable to the atmosphere of the Earth at a height of about a hundred kilometers above sea level. Therefore, it is sufficient to problematicly identify exactly where the boundaries of the star are completed and its "wind" begins.

At the moment, the biggest star in our galaxy is at the end of the cycle of its development. It expanded (the same process will occur with our sun at the end of evolution) and began active burning helium and a number of other elements, more severe than hydrogen. A few million years later, the biggest star in the galaxy - the UY shield turns into yellow supergiant. And hereinafter - in a bright blue variable, and possibly in the star of Wolf - Ray.

Along with the "king" - supergiant of a UY shield - one can mark about ten stars with similar dimensions. Their number includes VY large dogs, Cefhea A, NML Swan, WOH G64 VV and a number of others.

It is known that all major stars are short-lived and very unstable. Such stars can exist both millions of years and a few millennia, ending its life cycle In the form of a supernova or black hole.

The biggest star in the galaxy: the search continues

Watching serious changes over the past twenty years, it is worth assumed that over time our understanding of the possible parameters of supergigant will differ from previously known. And it is possible, in the coming years, another supergiant will be opened, with a greater mass or size. And new discoveries will pump scientists to revise previously accepted dogmas and definitions.

Illustration of the R136A1 stars - the most massive of those known today. Authors and rights: Sephirohq / Wikipedia.

Look at the night sky - it is filled with stars. However, only the microscopic part of them is visible to the naked eye. In fact, according to scientists' estimates, there are 10,000 billion galaxies in each of which more than one hundred billion stars in the visible universe. And this is not a little bit of 10 24 stars. These spectacular thermal stations have different colors and sizes - and in comparison with many of them our sun looks just tiny. However, what star is a real cosmic giant? First, we need to give a definition of a giant star: should it have the greatest radius or the greatest mass?

To date, a star of the shield (Scuti) star is recognized as a star with the largest radius - a variable red supergiant in the shield constellation. It is removed from us more than 9,500 light years, and consists most of the hydrogen and helium, as well as a number of other heavier elements. By chemical composition The UY shield resembles our sun, however, has a radius in 1708 (± 192) more than our shining. That is, almost 1,200,000,000 km, as a result of which its circle is more than 7.5 billion kilometers. To make it easier to understand such dimensions, you can imagine a plane that needs to be 950 years old. To find the UY shield - and even if the plane can move with the speed of light, his journey will last 6 hours and 55 minutes.

If we place the UY shield to the place of our Sun, then its surface will pass somewhere between the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn - it goes without saying that the Earth will be absorbed in this case. Given the huge size and mass of 20 to 40 solar masses, it is possible to calculate that the density of the shield is only 7 × 10 -6 kg / m 3. In other words, it is more than billion times less than the density of water. In fact, if we managed to put this star into the pool, then it would be theoretically swam. Being more than a million times less dense than the earth's atmosphere of the UY shield, like aerial balloonWould fly in the air.

But if these insane facts did not surprise you, then let's go to the most severe star. Star-heavyweight R136A1, located in a large magtel cloud, approximately 165,000 light years from us. This star is only 35 times larger than our Sun, but it is 265 times harder it - it is really amazingly given the fact that it has already lost 55 solar masses for 1.6 million years of their lives.

R136A1 is a very unstable star type Wolf-district. It looks like a blue bowl with a fuzzy surface that constantly forms extremely powerful star winds. These winds move at a speed of up to 2600 km / s. Because of such high activity, R136A1 loses 3.21 × 10 18 kg / s of its mass - this is about one ground every 22 days. Stars of this type shine brightly and die quickly. R136A1 radiates nine million times more energy than our sun. Its brightness of 94,000 times the brightness of the sun. In fact, it is the most bright Star From ever found. The temperature on its surface is more than 53,000 Kelvin, and it remains to live only two million years after which it will explode like a supernova.

Of course, against such giants our sun seems to be dwarf, but over time it will also increase in size. After about seven and a half billion years, it will reach its greatest size and turn into a red giant.

The closest star, which we call the sun, is far from the largest. Despite the fact that humanity at the moment could explore only a small section of the Universe, exactly so many stars and others space objectshow much allows you to fix and explore modern equipment, it is already known about the existence of much larger than the luminaries, compared to which the sun looks like a cosmic dust. The tent of the largest stars are known to each person interested in astronomy.

Despite the remoteness, most of them are beautifully visible in the night sky, because the powerful flow of light from them is able to overcome huge distances. So what are they - the largest stars famous person Universe?

Super giant Constellation Scorpion Antares

Starting a story about the largest stars, it is necessary to pay attention to the supergigant from the constellation Scorpio - the Red Star has a radius, approximately equal to 1200-1500, or a little more, solar radius. No more accurate data yet. The distance of this object from the Earth is about 12 thousand sv. years. The object is visible on the sky with a naked eye.

Bright star Constellation Swan

KY Swan is also leading in size among famous modern humanity. The distance from this facility to the Earth is approximately 5 thousand light years. The star has its own oddities - its mass exceeds the sunny only 25 times, and its radius by equator is 1420 solar. Light This object emits a million times more than the sun, which also makes it very noticeable on the horizon.

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