The image of freedom in the Petzury Poem. What is freedom in understanding MTSI

In my opinion, the poem M. Yu. Lermontov "MTSYRI" is a work not about the young obedient, but about a young rebel who donated his life for freedom. I lived little, and lived in captivity. Such two lives for one, but only complete alarms, I would trade if it could.

Another young boy of MTSYR was captive and taken away from his native village, from friends and loved ones. However, neither the path nor the hard disease could not tame his freedom-loving soul: he was seemed to have six years; As Sulna Mountains, Puggy and Dick.

And weak and flexible as reed. But in him the painful defense of his fathers then developed. Never left an adult thought about freedom, about returning to his homeland. Although it would seem what young hut was to complain? The monk, who entered the boy, cured him, gave her shelter and food in every way cared. However, the dreams and memories called the young novice away "from the kesels of stuffy and prayers."

He wanted to love and hate, defeat and tolerate defeat, suffer and be happy. The desire to become free indomitically attracted him to the wonderful world of anxiety and battles, where the cliffs are hidden in clouds where people are free as eagles. Only life, filled with passion and struggle, had the meaning for MTSI. He looked at the fact that the years spent in the "gloomy walls" of the monastery were loosely, and as a result, he turned into a person who "soul - child, fate - a monk." Having carried out his long-standing dream, Mcyri fled from the monastery in the hope of finding the road, which will lead him to his homeland. Happiness of liberation lasted only three days.

In a conversation with the monk, Mtsyri admits that his life without these three blissful days was sad and glooming your powerless old age. The young novice failed to get to the native places, and the wounds obtained by him in the fight with Barz were fatal. Mczyry, who returned back to the hated celhes, believed that he suffered a complete defeat. However, I seem to me a real liberation.

That is why the finale of the poems is not tragic, but solemn. Driving along the military-Georgian road, he saw the remnants of the previously existing monastery. There, among the ruins and gravestones, he saw a squabble old old man who told the poet about his fate. Being a child, he was captured. The boy wandered in his homeland and passionately dreamed of returning.

But the routine life of the monastery gradually muffled melancholy. The prisoner was drawn into the monotonous life of the novice and could not carry out a cherished dream.

M. Yu. Lermontov For ten years before that, the event was hatched the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a poem about Inka, joined freedom. And the story of the old man was so consonant with the thoughts of the poet, which helped embody the idea of \u200b\u200bthe wonderful poem "MTSY". Only in contrast to the prototype, McSii at least made an attempt to escape from durable walls of established monastic life.

The story is conducted in the form of a monologue, so the reader particularly acutely feels the alienation of the boy, his removal from the houses of everyday, his memories of his homeland is warm, bright, bright, uncomfortable in any comparison with gray, quiet, sullen life in the present abode. In the first chapter of the poems, the tragic contradictions between the mental strength of the young man and the life circumstances, driving it in the close framework of monastic life.

And so, when the young man must take a vow, under the cover of the night he disappears. He is missing for three days. He is found exhausted and exhausted. "And close to his end; then came. To him Chernets. " The death confession begins - eleven chapters telling about three days of freedom, who were baiting all the tragedy and all the happiness of his life. The confession of the MTSYRO turns into a sermon, an argument with the confessor that voluntary slavery is lower than the "wonderful world of anxiety and battles", which opens freedom.

Mczyry does not repent in the deed, does not speak about the sinfulness of his desires, thoughts and actions. As a dream, before McSi, the image of the father, sisters, and he tried to find the way home. Three days he lived and enjoyed wildlife. He enjoyed everything that was deprived, - harmony, unity, fraternity. Georgian girl who met him, too, part of freedom and harmony, sprinkling with nature, but he gets off home. In its path, MTSYR met Barca. The young man has already felt the good and joy of freedom, saw the unity of nature and enters into battle with one of her creations.

It was equal rivalry, where every living creature defended the right to do what was prescribed by nature. Mcyri won, having received fatal wounds from Barça claws. He is found unconscious. Having come to themselves, the MTSY will not be afraid of death, he is saddened only by the fact that he will not be buried in his native land. McSi, who saw the beauty of life, does not regret the short-term of his stay on earth, he attempted to escape from the way, his spirit is not broken, free will live in the dying body.

M. Yu. Lermontov made this poem to understand us that the aspirations of people are fulfilled, it is necessary only to pass one's passionately and not be afraid to make a decisive step. Many, as the old man who met Lermontov, do not find the strength to make an attempt to regain freedom.

Lermontov - genius. But that is why our contemporary is so hard to understand the entire depth of the despair of MTSI, the main character of his beautiful poem. Fans of Russian genius, having funful glory in honor of the young monk, only expose all the abyss of their own misunderstanding.
The plot of the poems is very simple. The little boy will be in captivity. And then became the novice of the Christian monastery, which Mikhail Yuryevich does not want to tell anything. Such a quiet abode of each acts ambiguously, in its own way. For someone, such asylum is a liberation from the power of sin, a symbol of freedom, and for another person a monastery is a killing soul of a prison.
The young Georgian guy grew up, became a monk and faced freedom. Monastic walls of steel for MTSERS hated in the income. He chips in this prison. And this is a special kind of purely spiritual asphyxia experienced only by free-rope and rebel. Slave is not known for such a hot rush to precious freedom.
But what is freedom? Does the monastery go in handcuffs and shackles?
This question is as complicated as the question of Pilate Pilate: "What is the truth?" Each gangster and each harlot crave freedoms no less than the prosthetic individual. And each of them understands freedom in its own way. Some wish to free themselves from the anegous effect of the devil, others from rapidly decency.
Perhaps none of the simple mortals know that there is freedom. Moreover, it is possible that the author himself does not fully understand what exactly it lies. The universal tragedy is that freedoms crave everything, without exception. Even the most fooled slave wants to be not too often punished, because it is eager for a Buddhist, liberation from suffering.
And this beautiful spirit of liberation from boring existence from time to time visits every person. And such wonderful minutes always seem to be a gift of God or Angels, if a person is religious.
Mczyry rushes to freedom, but does not know where this beautiful mistress lives. Maybe she is somewhere there, behind monastic walls? Therefore, the monk wants to escape, no matter where. Away "From the mow of stuffy and prayers to that wonderful world of anxiety and battles"! He is ready to commit a sacrifice of Mrs. Freedom, but does not know how to do it:

"I lived a little, and lived in captivity.
Such two lives for one
But only complete alarms,
I would exchange if I could. "

Therefore, Mcyri just runs, violating his Christian vows, because the thirst for freedom is stronger than fear of retaliation. Fate may punish him, but the monk is ready to pay for the passing bliss of freedom any price. Freedom above all! This is the absolute imperative of the unspoken human civilization.
But what about the fortress walls? The monk greedily drinks the sweet air of freedom, but one day hears distant bells. And in it, like lightning, a terrible thought includes: the outside world will not give him the desired freedom, because there is a stigma of an eternal slave - a man who gave an indispensable vow. This ringing, pleasing most people, sounds like a sentence as a curse, depriving the last hope.
"From the heart - as if somebody
I hardly hit me in the chest.
And vaguely understood I then
What is my homeland trace
Do not pave ever. "

There is no freedom in the monastery, but there is no her and outside! - Suddenly aware of the Georgian fugitive. And this terrible understanding is deprived of hope, a lively soul.
And he doesn't need life without hope. Death is much desired by the damned capture. The monk wounded by Bars dies not from injuries caused to him, his soul leaves the body, for life began to completely meaningless.
Lermontov anticipates his own destiny. His thirst for freedom is so great that he involuntarily puts her in the soul of his beloved character. The great poet also does not value the life, agreeing to the duel, which is easy to avoid.
His pets, Mcyri, is very similar to the ancient Greek legendary Ezop, who decided to die free, and not a slave. As the gray legend says, the slaveman, who let go of a beloved poet, actually decided on a cunning maneuver: she put the gold cup of their temple into his kittombo. She believed that when Ezopa accuses to steal, he will call himself a slave, and slaves are not punishable. They are returned to the owners. But the poet did something unthinkable, incredible: he showed the prosecutors free - his death sentence. "It is better to die free than a long time to live a slave dreaming about freedom," said the great poet of ancient Greece.
Perhaps it is there, on shining heavens, Lermontov and Ezop finally found what is almost impossible to find on Earth - the long-awaited, revitalizing freedom. Two wonderful people are worthy of her. For they fought for her without sparing his life.

  • Category: Compilation of Works 5-11 Class

Poem "MTSYRY" - one of the most famous works of M. Yu. Lermontov. In my opinion, his main topic is the topic of freedom, the desire to break out to the will. The hero of the poem is a generalized image, which is very close to the author, Lermontov himself. It is depicted by energetic, focused on freedom.
In the first chapters of the poem talks about the childhood of the hero - as he was brought to the monastery, being a child. Most of the work is a confession of a young monk, in which we can recognize his inner world, and the sufficiency, which he experienced in three days spent on the will. The young man prevents the memories of the Motherland, about the family, about how the escape has long thought. And here in a thunderstorm, in the "terrible hour", he breaks over to the will, he does not scare badly. He feels part of nature. Lermontov colorfully describes a meeting of the hero with a young Georgian, his attempts to find a way to their homeland, overcoming the flour of hunger and the difficulty of the road. The climax of the poem is the fight of the young man with Barz, when he knew the tension of the battle and the joy of victory. But this victory is the completion of his joy. Coming out of the forest, the hero understands that he returned to his prison again that all his hopes were in vain. The poem helps us to trace how His feelings changed: to get out of the dreams to the will, pleasure of freedom, before understanding the inability to find a way to their homeland. The collapse of hopes leads him to death. He dies not so much from the Russian Academy of Sciences of Barz, as if he did not want to live in captivity again.
The image of the hero of the poem "MTSI" is very tragic. Since he cannot live without freedom and at the same time he will never be able to exist in the will.

The topic of freedom in the Potsyri poem

History of creation, composite - artistic peculiarity of the poem

The culmination of the topic of freedom, its unattainableness in this world - one of the through the topics of creativity - was embodied in the hero of Lermontov MTSYRY - a person who was doomed to suffering, which rushes to harmony and freedom, but the prerequisites for this work can be traced in earlier works, such as "Confession" of 1831, "Simple Son of Freedom ..." 1830, "Sorry! See you again ... "1832

Passionate for the Caucasus, the desire to the image of situations in which the courageous character of the hero, with the greatest completeness, leads Lermontov at the time of the highest flourishing to the creation of the poem "MTSI".

The Petzyri poem was written in 1839; The date is delivered by Lermontov himself on the cover of a notebook containing the text of the poem: "1939 of August 5". The initial title - "Bari" - commented by the author: "Bari, in Georgian monk". Subsequently, the title was replaced by "MTSI", which means, in the first, "the misstant monk, something like a novice" (Note Lermontov and, secondly, - "Alien, Alien". Under these second title, more relevant content, poem and was published in 1840.

Biographer Lermontova P. A. Viscovatov, based on the testimonies of relatives Lermontov A. P. Shang - Gurya and A. A. Khasatov, brought up the emergence of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem with the wanders of the poet in the old Military Road; In Mtzhete, Lermontov met a "lonely monk ... he learned from him that he had a Highlander, captive by the child General Yermolov ... The general was visiting him and left the sick boy of monastic brethren. Here he grew up; For a long time, I could not get rid of the monastery, I won and attempts to escape to the mountains. The consequence of such an attempt was the long disease, leading it to the edge of the graves. " The accuracy of this information is not proven, at the same time, this story is fairly plausible. Working on the "McSi", Lermontov did not once appealed to the early poems "Confession" and "Boyar Orsha", from where there were a number of individual poems from the winters.

It is known that the poet himself read "MTSI" with his friends and acquaintances. According to the memories of A. N. Muravyov (1806 - 1874) - poet and memoirist: "At the same moment, in a rustling of delight, I read me from beginning to end, the whole of the magnificent poem" MTSYRY ", which has just resulted out of his inspired feather ... Never a story has made such a strong impression on me. "

A. S. Pushkin "Southern Pooms" ("Caucasian Captive", "Roma", etc.) discovered, and M. Yu. Lermontov lyrics and Caucasian poems "demon" and "MTSI" closed the era of high romanticism.

"MTSI" is one of the best poems of Lermontov, the peak of Russian romanticism at all. This is the story of a short life of MTSI, a story about his failed attempt to escape from the monastery. The whole life of the MTSIR is told in one small chapter, and all the other 24 stanza are built in the form of a monologue of the hero about three days spent on freedom and giving a hero with so many impressions as he did not receive for many years of monastic life. The "wonderful world" open them sharply contrasts with a gloomy world of the monastery.

Mczyry, full of fiery passions of the gloomy and lonely, revealing his "soul" in the story - confession, is perceived as a hero of romantic poems. However, Lermontov, who created "MTSY" in those years, was created and the realistic novel "Hero of our time", contributes to his work such features that are not in earlier poems. If the past Hero of the poem "Confession" we do not know, and we do not know in what conditions his character was formed, the lines about unhappy childhood and adolescence, with the exception of life in his native village "and the young my sisters ... // rays them Sweet eyes // and the sound of their songs and speeches // Over the cradle of my ... ", McSi helps to understand the experiences and thoughts of the hero. The form of confession is characteristic of romantic poems, is connected with the desire to disclose deeper - "tell" - the soul. The romantic poem "MTSYR" testified to the growth of realistic trends in the work of Lermontov. For example, the place is clearly indicated where all the events described occur: "Where, merging, noisy, // hugging, as if two sisters, // jet Arags and Kura."

In the context of this work, the name of the MTSER, in addition to the notes of the author itself, appears in a different light and can be viewed as "a lonely person who has no relatives, loved ones", which is very characteristic of the hero - Romance: "I could not say anyone // Sacred Words" father and mother"; "And I lived, in the land of someone else's // Ummer Slave and orphan."

At first glance, the composition of the poem is very simple: a brief exposition, the tie - the shoot of the hero from the monastery, his return and the story of three days spent outside the monastery walls, and finally, the death of MTSI. However, each plot motive is symbolically expanded by the author, and filled with a deep philosophical meaning. For example, in the author's speech, the monastery is "Custling Walls" "... and in the walls // Student remained, // art friendly saved," and for the hero, the monastery is a prison, a symbol of his non-free, the impossibility of your own destiny "I am not enough He lived, and lived in captivity. // these two lives for one, // But only complete alarms, // I would exchange if I could. "

The hero makes escape, actually risk life, at a very dangerous moment, at the time of thunderstorms in the mountains: "And at the time of the night, a terrible hour, // When the thunderstorm scared you, // when, under the altar, // you were lying on the ground , I ran".

Three days, conducted by the hero on freedom, become a symbol of human life, since all the brightest life impressions accommodate. "Do you want to know what I did // on the will? He lived - and my life // without these three blissful days // was sad and gloomily // Cleisive old age of your old age. " In addition, the image of a matciry in captivity in captivity symbolizes a person who is experiencing in any atmosphere as the same drama as the hero of the poem in their imprisonment.

Caucasian landscape introduced into the poem mainly as a means of disclosing the image of the hero. The environment of the MTSERS is alien to him, but he sharply feels his relationship with nature. The hero compares himself with a pale leaves, grew up between the raw plates. "Ugrum and lonely, // thunderstorms torn leafleka, // I grew up in the gloomy walls // Dity's soul, fate of the monk."

Having hitting the will, the hero is greedily peering, absorbing the slightest nuances, in each picture that opens it, he identifies himself with nature, merges with her. He knows her and himself in her, understands his destination. And sees in other things, it would seem very ordinary things for an ordinary man: the sunrise "And here, in a foggy embroidery // Put the birds, and the East // rissed; breeze // Raw sheltered sheets; // drove sleepy flowers. "

He is clear to the argument of flows with stones, the Duma Die Climb, Thrilling Meetings "I saw piles of dark rocks, // When the stream shared them, // and the Duma I guess // Shatter in the air for a long time // Arming the stone, // and eager meetings every moment; // But the days are running, running the year - // they never satisfy them! "

The gaze is exacerbated by the "smooth scape of the brightness, // Snake slid between the stones" and the castings of the silver on the wool of Barca "and on it // the wool was cast silver", he sees the tissue of distant mountains and the pale "between the dark sky and earth" That his "diligent gaze" could follow the transparent blue sky flight of angels.

"The Garden of God's garden bloomed around me; // Plants Rainbow Outfit // Keeping the tracks of heavenly tears, // and curls of grape vines // mumbled, rustling between wood // Transparent Greens of sheets; // And the bunches are complete on them, // Seryog's example expensive, // hung a magnificent, and sometimes // the birds flew to them a grazing swarm. // And again I fell up to the ground // and walked again // to magic, strange voices; // They whispered in the bushes, // as if he was speaking // on the secrets of the sky and the Earth. "

Lermontov in the poem appeals to folk creativity, for example, the episode of the MTSIRO and Barça fight was inspired by the motives of the People's Georgian poetry.

Mcsry never achieves his goal and dies in a foreign land, but this does not deprive the work of life-affirming pathos. Lermontov glorifies a person fighting to the last breath, and this tragic lyrism enlightens the final of the work.

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1. Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov - Great Russian Poet

1.1 Brief creative biography of the poet

2.1 History of creation, composite - artistic peculiarity of the poem



Creativity Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov - Poet, Prosaika, playwright, the artist on right occupies one of the highest steps in a number of Russian classics. Inheruring the traditions of the genius Russian poet A. S. Pushkin, the work of Lermontov, being a transitional link between romanticism and realism, marked the arrival of realism. His works, marked by the opening of new forms and techniques in poetics and prose, left a deep mark on the sky of Russian classical literature.

The vertex of the author's creativity is considered the poems "demon" and "MTSIRY", and the novel "Hero of our time". One of the main topics in the works of Lermontov are love for homeland, loneliness and the topic of freedom. The topic of this work is relevant, since the topic of freedom is still one of the central in world literature, it was tried to develop many great writers and poets (F. Kafka "Castle", E. Zamyatin "We", etc.).

The purpose of this work is to designate techniques and methods by which the author reveals the topic of freedom in the Potsry Poem.

In order to achieve the above goal, we have compiled the following work plan:

1) give a brief description of the creative biography of M. Yu. Lermontov;

2) to study the history of the poem "MTSI";

3) give the characteristic of the artistic - composite peculiarity of the poem;

4) reveal the subject of freedom in the work;

5) to analyze and summarize the obtained conclusions in conclusion.

1. Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov - Great Russian poet

1.1 Brief creative biography of the poet

Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov 3 (15) October 1814 - 15 (27) July 1841 - Great Russian poet, Prose, playwright, representative of the glorious Pushkin Pleiadov, whose works occupy an honorable place in a number of Russian classics, appeared in Moscow, in the old nobility family.

Mother Lermontov, Maria Mikhailovna, nee Arsenyev, died at a young age, when Michael was hardly two years old. After her death, having quarreled with the father of Mikhail - Yuri Petrovich Lermontov, the captain retired, originating from the kind of impoverished nobles - the parents of Elizabeth Alekseevna Arsenyev, nee Stolypin, was engaged in the education of the future poet. All these events left a deep imprint on the emotional background, in which the poet grew up, his worldview and character, which contemporaries described as "sullen, bile, angular, mocking, sharp in the tongue."

Mikhail Lermontov's childhood has passed in the age of grandmother, in the village of Tarkhan Chambar County of the Penza region among the singers of peasant jerseys, testers about the walls of Razane, the Great Beauty and the expanses of Russia. Several times Arsenyeva drove a painful grandson in the Caucasus, on the water. Already then the Caucasus, who subsequently took one of the central places in the work of the poet, made an indelible impression on Mikhail Lermontov.

Lermontov gets a wonderful home education, he is engaged in painting and music, mastering several languages. From 1828 - 1830. Lermontov moves with his grandmother to Moscow and learns in a noble board at Moscow University. It is here that he writes the first lines and is passionately fond of creative works by Bairon, Pushkin, Griboedov. There is a plan and finds the first embodiment of the poem "Demon" - one of the leitmotifs in the work of the poet. His first verses come out in the handwritten Pension magazine "Morning Star".

During the same years, he meets the family of Lopukhini, and Barbara Lopukhin becomes the main muse of the poet, to her Lermontov nourishes the deepest feelings, when a woman caused in it, who have come through their whole life. Lermontov MTSYSI Freedom of the poem

In 1830, he enters Moscow University, where he studied together with V.G. Belinsky, A.I. Herzenom, N.P. Ogarev, already then had a huge impact on the ideological component of the student.

To this period, Lermontov's creativity is already quite independent poems "Izmail-Bay" (1832), "Litvinka" (1832), "Confession" (1831) - a preifune of the future poem "MTSY". In 1832, the poet filed a petition from the university, and leaves him.

The same year - Lermontov moved to St. Petersburg, and on the advice of a friend enters the school of Guards submaroes and cavalry junkers, in which he spent 1832-834., filled with military carriage, first in the rank of Unter - Officer, and then Junker.

In spite of everything, Lermontov's creativity does not give up, writes Drama "Masquerade", "Princess Ligovskaya", etc. At the end of the service, Junker Lermontov was produced in the Cornets of the Hussar Regiment, which was standing in the royal village. In 1835 - the first official publication for a wide range of readers, the story M.Yu. Lermontov "Haji Abrek."

1837 - a turning point for Lermontov, after the tragic death of A.S. Pushkin on a duel, the poet writes the poem "death of the poet", which instantly diverges in thousands of lists in the capital. Lermontov was arrested, and translated into the Nizhny Novgorod Dragun regiment, operating then in the Caucasus.

A year later, in 1838, thanks to the relationship and petition of Grandmother and Zhukovsky, the Optoral poet was transferred to Novgorod, and then again to the royal village. At this time, Lermontov enters the literary society of St. Petersburg, visits the evening, communicates with Turgenev, Belinsky, who sees the "Hope of Russian Literature" in it, begins work on the work of the "Hero of our time".

But in February 1840, Lermontov again becomes a central participant in the secular scandal - a duel with the son of the French ambassador E. Baranch. The poet was arrested for a duel, and he again threatens a reference to the Caucasus, to the Tengin Infantry Regiment. On the way to the destination of Lermontov, it stops for a long time in Moscow, where for the first time he reads his friends an excerpt from his new Petzyri poem.

In the Caucasus, Lermontov repeatedly participates in hostilities, while witnesses repeatedly celebrate its uncommon courage and courage. By this time, "I am writing to you by chance, the right ...", where the evolution of ideologically The light of the fanfar, and with its mud, blood, but at the same time there are noble features of ordinary soldiers, their courage and love of their homeland.

1840 was marked by the output of the "Hero of Our Time". In 1841, Lermontov receives a two-month vacation and travels to Petersburg. During returning back to the regiment, the Caucasus, on the road Lermontov felt badly, and was forced to stay in Pyatigorsk, where there is a tragic quarrel with Martynov, and 15 (27) of July 1841, the poet takes death during a duel on Mount Mashuk.

The poet was buried in Pyatigorsk, but in a year, at the request of the grandmother, the ashes of Mikhail Yurevich was transported to the family estate of Tarkhan and was buried in the family of Arpsieva.

2. The topic of freedom in the Petzyri poem

2.1 History of creation, composite - artistic peculiarity of the poem

The culmination of the topic of freedom, its unattainableness in this world - one of the through the topics of creativity - was embodied in the hero of Lermontov MTSYRY - a person who was doomed to suffering, which rushes to harmony and freedom, but the prerequisites for this work can be traced in earlier works, such as "Confession" of 1831, "Simple Son of Freedom ..." 1830, "Sorry! See you again ... "1832

Passionate for the Caucasus, the desire to the image of situations in which the courageous character of the hero, with the greatest completeness, leads Lermontov at the time of the highest flourishing to the creation of the poem "MTSI".

The Petzyri poem was written in 1839; The date is delivered by Lermontov himself on the cover of a notebook containing the text of the poem: "1939 of August 5". The initial title - "Bari" - commented by the author: "Bari, in Georgian monk". Subsequently, the title was replaced by "MTSI", which means, in the first, "the misstant monk, something like a novice" (Note Lermontov and, secondly, - "Alien, Alien". Under these second title, more relevant content, poem and was published in 1840.

Biographer Lermontova P. A. Viscovatov, based on the testimonies of relatives Lermontov A. P. Shang - Gurya and A. A. Khasatov, brought up the emergence of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem with the wanders of the poet in the old Military Road; In Mtzhete, Lermontov met a "lonely monk ... he learned from him that he had a Highlander, captive by the child General Yermolov ... The general was visiting him and left the sick boy of monastic brethren. Here he grew up; For a long time, I could not get rid of the monastery, I won and attempts to escape to the mountains. The consequence of such an attempt was the long disease, leading it to the edge of the graves. " The accuracy of this information is not proven, at the same time, this story is fairly plausible. Working on the "McSi", Lermontov did not once appealed to the early poems "Confession" and "Boyar Orsha", from where there were a number of individual poems from the winters.

It is known that the poet himself read "MTSI" with his friends and acquaintances. According to the memories of A. N. Muravyov (1806 - 1874) - poet and memoirist: "At the same moment, in a rustling of delight, I read me from beginning to end, the whole of the magnificent poem" MTSYRY ", which has just resulted out of his inspired feather ... Never a story has made such a strong impression on me. "

A. S. Pushkin "Southern Pooms" ("Caucasian Captive", "Roma", etc.) discovered, and M. Yu. Lermontov lyrics and Caucasian poems "demon" and "MTSI" closed the era of high romanticism.

"MTSI" is one of the best poems of Lermontov, the peak of Russian romanticism at all. This is the story of a short life of MTSI, a story about his failed attempt to escape from the monastery. The whole life of the MTSIR is told in one small chapter, and all the other 24 stanza are built in the form of a monologue of the hero about three days spent on freedom and giving a hero with so many impressions as he did not receive for many years of monastic life. The "wonderful world" open them sharply contrasts with a gloomy world of the monastery.

Mczyry, full of fiery passions of the gloomy and lonely, revealing his "soul" in the story - confession, is perceived as a hero of romantic poems. However, Lermontov, who created "MTSY" in those years, was created and the realistic novel "Hero of our time", contributes to his work such features that are not in earlier poems. If the past Hero of the poem "Confession" we do not know, and we do not know in what conditions his character was formed, the lines about unhappy childhood and adolescence, with the exception of life in his native village "and the young my sisters ... // rays them Sweet eyes // and the sound of their songs and speeches // Over the cradle of my ... ", McSi helps to understand the experiences and thoughts of the hero. The form of confession is characteristic of romantic poems, is connected with the desire to disclose deeper - "tell" - the soul. The romantic poem "MTSYR" testified to the growth of realistic trends in the work of Lermontov. For example, the place is clearly indicated where all the events described occur: "Where, merging, noisy, // hugging, as if two sisters, // jet Arags and Kura."

In the context of this work, the name of the MTSER, in addition to the notes of the author itself, appears in a different light and can be viewed as "a lonely person who has no relatives, loved ones", which is very characteristic of the hero - Romance: "I could not say anyone // Sacred Words" father and mother"; "And I lived, in the land of someone else's // Ummer Slave and orphan."

At first glance, the composition of the poem is very simple: a brief exposition, the tie - the shoot of the hero from the monastery, his return and the story of three days spent outside the monastery walls, and finally, the death of MTSI. However, each plot motive is symbolically expanded by the author, and filled with a deep philosophical meaning. For example, in the author's speech, the monastery is "Custling Walls" "... and in the walls // Student remained, // art friendly saved," and for the hero, the monastery is a prison, a symbol of his non-free, the impossibility of your own destiny "I am not enough He lived, and lived in captivity. // these two lives for one, // But only complete alarms, // I would exchange if I could. "

The hero makes escape, actually risk life, at a very dangerous moment, at the time of thunderstorms in the mountains: "And at the time of the night, a terrible hour, // When the thunderstorm scared you, // when, under the altar, // you were lying on the ground , I ran".

Three days, conducted by the hero on freedom, become a symbol of human life, since all the brightest life impressions accommodate. "Do you want to know what I did // on the will? He lived - and my life // without these three blissful days // was sad and gloomily // Cleisive old age of your old age. " In addition, the image of a matciry in captivity in captivity symbolizes a person who is experiencing in any atmosphere as the same drama as the hero of the poem in their imprisonment.

Caucasian landscape introduced into the poem mainly as a means of disclosing the image of the hero. The environment of the MTSERS is alien to him, but he sharply feels his relationship with nature. The hero compares himself with a pale leaves, grew up between the raw plates. "Ugrum and lonely, // thunderstorms torn leafleka, // I grew up in the gloomy walls // Dity's soul, fate of the monk."

Having hitting the will, the hero is greedily peering, absorbing the slightest nuances, in each picture that opens it, he identifies himself with nature, merges with her. He knows her and himself in her, understands his destination. And sees in other things, it would seem very ordinary things for an ordinary man: the sunrise "And here, in a foggy embroidery // Put the birds, and the East // rissed; breeze // Raw sheltered sheets; // drove sleepy flowers. "

He is clear to the argument of flows with stones, the Duma Die Climb, Thrilling Meetings "I saw piles of dark rocks, // When the stream shared them, // and the Duma I guess // Shatter in the air for a long time // Arming the stone, // and eager meetings every moment; // But the days are running, running the year - // they never satisfy them! "

The gaze is exacerbated by the "smooth scape of the brightness, // Snake slid between the stones" and the castings of the silver on the wool of Barca "and on it // the wool was cast silver", he sees the tissue of distant mountains and the pale "between the dark sky and earth" That his "diligent gaze" could follow the transparent blue sky flight of angels.

"The Garden of God's garden bloomed around me; // Plants Rainbow Outfit // Keeping the tracks of heavenly tears, // and curls of grape vines // mumbled, rustling between wood // Transparent Greens of sheets; // And the bunches are complete on them, // Seryog's example expensive, // hung a magnificent, and sometimes // the birds flew to them a grazing swarm. // And again I fell up to the ground // and walked again // to magic, strange voices; // They whispered in the bushes, // as if he was speaking // on the secrets of the sky and the Earth. "

Lermontov in the poem appeals to folk creativity, for example, the episode of the MTSIRO and Barça fight was inspired by the motives of the People's Georgian poetry.

Mcsry never achieves his goal and dies in a foreign land, but this does not deprive the work of life-affirming pathos. Lermontov glorifies a person fighting to the last breath, and this tragic lyrism enlightens the final of the work.

2.2 Freedom theme in the poem and the work of Lermontov

In the work of the poet from the very beginning of the path, two images were formed, two topics, subsequently carrying the path throughout the life of Lermontov, his quest and aspirations, and reflected as two models of life behavior, as well as in his idea of \u200b\u200bthemselves. Choosing the electorality in all the variety of this word: from proud removal from small household human problems to the sense of themselves by the Prophet, persecuted people who are not able to understand it. And the topic of freedom, the ideal, which is unattainable, even if a person is ready to pay life for him, like a MCY, or eternal curse, as a demon. Hence the feeling of world sorrow caused by the device of the world where there is no place for a mighty personality.

The image of the MTSYR - the embodiment of Lermontov's beloved thought about the impossibility of reconciliation with violence against the personality, about the need to combat any kind of oppression. For Hero Lermontov, there is no "valid reason" to conquer circumstances. Fragile, painful MTSERI rescued "art friendly", but neither "Custoding walls" nor the sympathy of the old monk who growled him, cannot force him to become a monk and stay forever in the monastery, which promised him the life of a calm, in a circle of decent people. In his understanding, the monastery is a prison, overwhelming his desire for freedom. The ascetic life of the monks rejects his desire to live brightly, full. "Three blissful days" are filled with exactly these impressions: unity with nature, the battle of your own strength, a gentle vision of a young Georgian girl. The junior riot is tragically: he fatally returns to his wandering to the walls of the monastery. The circle closed, there is no way out.

The central theme of the work is the glorification of rebellious, freedom-loving personality. The Petzyrian poem closes in the work of Lermontov a line of romantic heroic. Unlike "confession," where the hero, the prisoner proclaims the right to love, which is above the monastery charters. In Mtsyri, a love topic does not become central. Having met a girl - Georgian, Mcyri overcomes the temptation of secluded happiness away from their homeland. The main goal of the hero is unity with people close to spirit, acquiring the Motherland.

Love for the debris and thirst for will merge for him in one, but "fiery passion": "I knew only the Duma power, // one - but a fiery passion: // she, like a worm, lived in me, // I drove the soul and burned. // She's dreams of my ranks // from the kesels of stuffy and prayer // to that wonderful world of anxiety and battles. "

The monastery becomes a prison for a protrusion, the cells seem to him with stuffy, gloomy and deaf, and the monks - cowardly and pitiful, he is a slave and prisoner. Only outside the monastery he lived, and not stoged. Only these days he calls bliss, the tragic loneliness in the monastery hardened the will of Mc. It is not by chance that he ran from the monastery in a thunderstorm night: what was frightened by the fearful monks, filled his heart with a feeling of fraternity with a thunderstorm. The courage and the resistance of the hero with the greatest force manifests itself in the battle with the leopard. He was not afraid of the grave because he knew; Return to the monastery is the continuation of their suffering. The tragic final testifies to the fact that the approach of death does not weaken the spirit of the hero, the admonition of the old monk do not make him repent. He now, on the graves, "Paradise and Eternity traded" would be in a few minutes of life among loved ones, relatives.

We see how the main themes and the motives of the artwork are organically combined in this work: loneliness, the image of the motherland, the feeling of the doomedness of the spiritual impulse, the celebration and the greatness of God and nature. The main thing in this work becomes motifs of movement to the eternal goal - the image of natural and free life, fused with nature, protest, call for deliverance from the slave captivity.

The creativity of the poet, as if imagined the spirit of the era, ingenious poet managed to catch the mood of time. It is clear to understand that there is no real hope for reconciliation with the existing world and that the tragic disunity of the dreamer with reality is inevitable, Lermontov puts forward an idea of \u200b\u200bactive action as a sample of genually human behavior.


The analysis of the poem "MTSY" M. Yu. Lermontov in the aspect of techniques and methods, with the help of which the author discloses the topic of freedom, allows us to draw the following conclusions:

1) The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of the impossibility of reconciliation with violence over personality, the need to combat any kind of oppression. The central theme of the work is the anthem of the freedom-loving and rebellious hero - MTSI;

3) It is clear to realizing that there is no hope for reconciliation with reality and will not be, Lermontov still opposes the circumstances of the active actions of the main character, whose crushing and fatal passion leads him to the tragic death.

4) The poem ends the period of heroic romance in the works of Lermontov, and marks the evolution of the author when moving to realism.

The fate was prepared for him to live only twenty-seven terrestrial years, but even for this shortest term he managed to leave the great heritage - an inexhaustible source of inspiration and strength, and an extensive field of activity for studies of the thinnest nuances of the human soul.

The works of Lermontov received a large response in painting, theater, cinema. His poems became a genuine storehouse for opera, symphonic and romance creativity, and many of them became folk songs. The subjects of his poems "demon" and "MTSI" served as the basis for the creative works of many authors, and became actually independent phenomenon, for example, Vrubel's work. The poem "White Sail Lonely" and "I go out one way" entered the treasury of world literature.

List of used literature

1) Korovin V. I. Creative Way M.Yu. Lermontov. M.: Enlightenment, 1973. P. 79.

2) Kraevsky A.A. Memories: (in the retelling P.A. Viscovatova) // M.Yu. Lermontov in the memoirs of contemporaries. M.: Art. lit., 1989. P. 312-313.

3) Lermontov encyclopedia. M.: OV. Encyclopedia, 1981. P. 635.

4) Lominadze S. Poetic World of Lermontov. M.: Contempor, 1985. P. 222-225.

5) Maksimov D. E. Poetry Lermontov. M.: Science, 1964 P. 190.

6) Novitzkas L.A., Pereshkina A.N., Fedotov A.S. II International Conference of Young Researchers Lermontov and his Literary Heritage // Bulletin MSU, 2011 Issue No. 6. P. 213 - 215.

7) Tereshkin D. B. Conference M. Yu. Lermontov and History // Great Novgorod, 2013 issue No. 2. P. 251.

8) Kolovski A. A. Composite poetic construction of works by M.Yu. Lermontov // Bulletin TSU. 2012 Issue number 3. P. 18 - 20.

9) Works in two volumes. Tom first / Sost. And comm. I.S. Finishing. M.: True, 1988. 719 p.

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