Russian holy times of the Tatar invasion presentation. Presentation catalog

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Mongol-Tatar Igo in Russia

The destruction of settlements
The destruction committed in Russia, Batya, was truly terrible. Modern archaeological excavations showed traces of the national catastrophe 1237-1240. The ashes, fraternal graves and residues of houses with the bones of children hiding in the furnaces - in Kiev, Ryazan, Volyn, Serentsk, Izyaslav, Torzoke. After the Batiev invasion out of 157 rural settlements, known at the beginning of the XIII century, 105 ceased to exist, 14 cities disappeared from the face of the earth, and the life in them was no longer revived. Another 35 were destroyed, and part turned into a village. In the middle of the XIII century, Kiev was a small town in which there were 200 courtyards.

Disappearance of crafts
With the arrival of Mongols in Northeast Russia for a hundred years there was no stone construction, many Russian crafts disappeared. In the old days, the secrets of skill constituted a family secret and passed from the Father to the Son. Killed or hijacked into slavery could not convey their secrets. In the excavations of the Ordia cities, traces of quarters were found, where Russian artisans were taken captured. Many secrets of production were irretrievably lost. For example, before the invasion of Mongol-Tatars in ancient Russia could make glass. Subsequently, glasswater was revived only in the XVII century with the help of Italian and German masters.

Khan Baskaki
But the trouble was not only in ruin. The Russian Earth fell a heavy yoke enslavement. In 1243, Bati appointed their warders to the Russian cities - Baskakov, and the princes ordered to be with his emotion. Baskak, Tatar official, was appointed Khan as a full-awake ruler over the submissive peoples. The power of Baskakov in Russia was higher than the power of the Prince or Communion. Subsequently, when the Tatars were put on Rus tribute, Baskaki followed the fees for the filing and in the census of the population. Baskaki intervened in the internal affairs of Russia. The chronicles are full of testimonies of the Mongol-Tatar oppression and violence. In many cities: Rostov, Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Suzdal, Ustyug broke out uprising against the collectors of Dani. A quarrel with backers could have the most severe consequences for the prince.

What does Nick Sainkhan mean?
According to the annals, tales and archaeological testimonies, we know about the extraordinary cruelty of Khan Batya. Therefore, it is so strange to find out that he had a nickname "Sainkhan", which means "good khan." Carpini's plan, Ambassador of Pope Roman, writes about him: "This is very gentle to their people, but, despite this, they are extremely afraid of him, in battles he is very cruel, and in war, heter and Lucav." Our Russian sources also lead several evidence of a good attitude of Batya to Russian princes and soldiers. In the "Tale of Ryazan Batym" tells about how the Baty courage and courage Evpatiya Kolovrat appreciated. We remember about the generous attitude of Batya to the Kiev governor Dmitry. This is how ambiguously assesses the history of people. Sometimes one good act very cruel and ruthless person can leave good memory about him. And sometimes very righteous and honest life can be erased in the memory of descendants with one unworthy effect. With bars in Russian land, Tatar tributes and duties have not yet been established. But Baty looked at the Russian princes as his subjects. He could caress and reward princes, and could humiliate and kill them or mock them.

To Khan behind a label
The Grand Duke Yuri Vsevolodovich died on the city river, and the Vladimir throne moved to his younger brother Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. Prince Yaroslav had to go to the Golden Horde to Batu. Oh, it was a proud prince to humiliate, he conquered Ordane rituals. You needed to go to Khanu between two fires. This consisted of a rite of purification by fire. Mongol-Tatars believed that the fire protects from evil deeds and even deprivates the power of the poison if he was carried to Khan. Before entering Khan, it was necessary to bow first to the east of the shadow of Genghis Khan, then felt idols and, becoming knees, to stick his head to the ground. It was often offered to drink the mare milk - Kumys, who Russian considered to be a fruitful drink. Having passed all these ceremonies to the Russian Great Prince, Yaroslav received a label from Batya. The prince promised to fulfill all the orders of Khan, promised to be on his first word in the Horde, recognized the power of Batya, and his servant. Chronicles do not condemn the prince. With sympathy, they describe the flour of his humiliation and recognize that, having resigned their pride, the Grand Duke Yaroslav saved his people from new troubles and, perhaps, complete extermination. Pategory rituals were fighting Russian Christian soul. Even those princes that they have conquered and who left Khan with a label to the prince and gifts, they were sorely exclaimed: "Oh, evil evil the honor of Tatar!"

Prince Mikhail Chernigovsky in Horde
Many princes refused to fulfill the requirements of Mongol-Tatars and were destroyed in Horde. Among the List Monuments of the XIII century, the "Tale of the Killing in the Horde of Prince Mikhail Chernigovsky and his boyar feodor" was preserved. From this written monument, we learn that the prince Mikhail Chernigov, together with his boyar Feodor, arrived at the Batya Stan by his order. Baty ordered the priests to make everything over Mikhail, everything was followed by the pagan standards, and then submit it to the Khan bid. Mikhail's prince was 67 years old, and he could not turn himself and submit. "The Christian worships the Creator, not the creature," he firmly replied to the priests.

The death in the Horde of Prince Mikhail and Boyhar Feodor
Having learned about the unfortunateness of the Russian prince, Bati stumbled and told him or worship Mongolian idols, or die. "I am ready to worship the king," answered Mikhail. - He was presented by God the fate of the kingdoms of the earth. But I am a Christian and I can't bow to what the priests worship. " Tatar officials once again told him: "Go from Khan to kill you; Complete and stay alive. " Mikhail and his faithful Boyar Feodor responded to one voice: "Do not listen to you, do not destroy the souls, do not want the glory of this world." Soon the killers appeared. Jumping with horses, Tatar executioners grabbed Mikhail, stretched out of her legs and hands and for a long time brutally beat. And then some apostate from the Russians, Domant, the native of Putivly, cut off the knife with a knife. The last words of the prince were: "I am a Christian!". Following his prince, Boyar Feodor was also tortured.

Prince Mikhail and Boyar Feodor - Holy Martyrs
For the loyalty of the Christian faith, as well as on numerous miracles, which were accomplished on the graves of the killed Prince Mikhail and Boyhar Feodor, both of them are ranked with the Russian Church to the face of the Martyrs. In just 150 years of Mongol-Tatar Iga, more than ten Russian princes were tortured in Horde. And the premium of the Saints of the Russian Church was replenished with more than twenty martyrs from the number of corrosive in the Horde of the clergy, princes, boyars and warriors.

Mongol-Tatars and Orthodox Vera
In its law, Genghis Khan, who himself was a pagan, announced the tolerance of the Mongols to any faith. However, during the conquest of Russia, Mongols killed many ministers of the Russian Church, including Vladimir and Pereslavsky bishops, the famous Russian churches were robbed, kidnapped precious salaries from icons. Since 1261, the Orthodox diocese has been established by diplomatic negotiations in the Horde. It was a great consolation for numerous Russian prisoners. The first bishop in the capital of Horde, Saray-Batu, was a great-minded Mitrofan. Christian faith soon began to enjoy great respect among Mongol-Tatars. Some Hanov's wives took baptism and became Christian.

Ordinsky Tsarevich
The most vivid example of the spread of the Christian faith among Mongol-Tatars is the life of the Orda Tsarevich (the nephew of Khan Burke, who was the successor of Khan Batya and headed the Gold Hard after his death). A monument of the XIV century tells us about the life of Tsarevich: "The story of Peter, Tsarevich Ordansky." The word about the faith of Christ struck the young man. He began to believe in the emptiness of the pagan religion - in the meaninglessness of the worship of the sun, the stars, fire. Fearing anger of Uncle, Tsarevich secretly left the Horde to Rostov and was baptized there with the name Peter. The new Christian has learned the Russian language, he was diligently reading the book, prayed, loved worship, lived clean and abstinently. Petr founded by the monastery on the shore of Lake Nero, near Rostov, and there peacefully graduated from his days. For life, manually dedicated to God and serving people, and on the life of Peter always "was the father of all the poor and unfortunate," he is counted for the face of saints.

Purpose: Development of creative thinking through the inclusion of students in the educational process.

Creative task: create a product of independent children's creativity.

Developing task: to form the skills of communicative culture, a demonstration of interdisciplinary connections.

Educational task - to form:

  • feeling of deep patriotism, love to the Motherland;
  • inter-ethnic tolerance.

Educational and didactic task: give knowledge about Russian holy princes - Defenders of the Fatherland, deepen understanding the meaning of the Christian feat, reveal the concept of the expiration of the target.

Basic concepts:

Saint belt.
Ratish feat.
Christian feat.
Christian faith.
Mongolian IHO.
Label on the Grand Diction.
Khan Golden Horde.


  • organizational (1 - 2 min) Motivational configuration.
  • basic (information - active) General, group, individual forms of work, conversation, work with various historical sources, stage activities, analysis and generalization.
  • final: Summing up the lesson.

Lesson plan

  1. Mongol-Tatar invasion on Russia XIII century.
  2. The first new martyrs for faith on Earth of Russian princes Yuri Vsevolodovich and Vasilko Konstantinovich.
  3. Christian feat of Chernigov Prince Mikhail and Boyarin of his Fedor.
  4. Rev. Evphrosinia Suzdal.
  5. The hero of the land of Russian prince Alexander Yaroslavovich Nevsky.
  6. The feat of the Christian humility of Prince Mikhail Tver.

During the classes

Bed comes to Russia

"In the summer of 6731, with Prince Mikhail Romanovich ..., in the tenth of the reign of him in Kiev, for our sins, the people did not have a dowy, rail unheard of .... God knows them," we read in the Russian chronicle.

Rus was conquered and remained under the authority of the Tatar 243 year.

Records in the notebook (1237 - the beginning of the invasion of Batya, 1480 g - standing on the river of the Ugra, exemption under Ivan 3).

Let's look at the historic map, it looks like a patchwork.

Each principal is painted with its color.

Why there is no single color of the state? (There was no single state).

What is the name of such a period in history? (feudal fragmentation)

A video showing the seizure of Russian principalities by the Mongol-Tatar army.

Teacher: After a 6-day siege and cruel storming fell Pala Ryazan.

The Grand Prince Vladimirsky did not come to the rescue to Ryazans.

In the battle that occurred near Kolomna, the Russian detachments were completely destroyed. Then Baty took and destroyed Moscow.

Mongols approached Vladimir.

On February 7, a decisive assault began (Slide-assault by Vladimir by the Troops of Batya). Through the walls collapsed in many places the walls broke into the city, the surviving residents, the clergy, the family of the Grand Prince tried to hide in the Assumption Cathedral, but the enemies broke there and interrupted everyone.

"Why did Russian cities fall after another?" (There was no unity, the princes did not help each other).

Many Russian princes and ordinary people died, was taken prisoner, sold into slavery.

And the Tatar Sable of Russian Earth slammed ........ Rus alive!

Student - historian. Not! Alive was Russia!

Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich gathered the strength of the Vladimir-Suzdal land.

And on March 4, on the City River there was a "Sword Great" despite heroism, the Russians were broken, and the prince died.

Student - from the Lavrentiev Chronicles:

"... Yuri, the courage is soymoray. Your sufferings were washed, because if you don't attack, then it's not a crown, if not flour, then not reward, for any adhered virtue can not be without many enemies ... "

Question: How to name the feat of the prince? (Ratish, since. The main duty of the prince is the protection of the native land from enemies).

And what else defended the prince? (Christian faith, the Fatherland of Orthodox).

Records - a degree, Christian faith.

Student: "Oh. Leonid! And I still heard of Vasilko Rostov's new martyr? And what feat did he commit? (Slide "Killing Prince Vasilko Rostov")

O. Leonid:

In the battle at Siti Vasilko, Rostovsky was captured. "With coercion led him to the Sherny Forest and when they became a lot, forced him a lot of godless Tatars to take their customs, be in their capture and fight for them. He did not come in any way "do not make me renounce me from the Christian faith. How to give the answer to God, many souls, destroying without truth? They crossed his teeth on him, wanting his blood worse. The blissful prince Vasilko was last prayed and immediately without grace was killed. The prince's body was found to the Son of the Priest and brought to Rostov.

Question: Why was the prince of Vasilko be glorified? (For a martyr's Christian feat)

How does the refusal of the prince to serve in the troops of Batya with the Evangelical Commandment of Love: "Love your enemies. (Matthew Gospel. Gl 5 verse 44)?

Student - historian.

And soon, Rus appeared another feat.

In 1246, after establishing a dependence - Iga Chernigov Prince Mikhail came to the Golden Horde for receiving a label - the right to the reign, but the visit ended tragically - Prince Mikhail and Boyar him Fedor were killed in the Khan orders.

"And I read" Life Mikhail Chernigovsky. " The prince himself showed the initiative to make a feat to the glory of Christ. Having learned about the customs of Khan to force Christians to worship the pagan gods - the Sun and Kuste, he volunteered to go to the Horde and appear Batievo "Elemental".

"I am a Christian," said Prince. - Take me the fame of the world of this, I do not need it. And he threw his sword. And Boyar Fedor, when he was offered for betrayal, the principality of his Mr. said "I want to suffer as the sovereign of my prince." The death of Prince Mikhail and Boyar Fedor was terrible. At first they beat them for a long time, and they cut off their heads.

"And so, praising the gentlemen, suffered and betrayed the saints of their souls in the hands of God both newly jurisdled martyr - concludes their story by" Tale of the Chernihiv Prince Mikhail and Boyarin of his Fedor "(about Leonid).

Why did the feat of the Prince and Boyarin struck even the executioners?

O. Leonid, Princes Mikhail Chernigovsky, Roman Ryazansky, His daughter Evphrosinia Suzdal. Alexander Nevsky is glorified in the facial fabric.

Let's reflect on the meaning of this word - the good - faithful?

Good - good, it means - the benefit of faith.

And where else is such a phrase? (Gospel, good news)

The beloved - the famous for good (synonyms are selected together with students) Confession of Christian faith.

In the same years, the daughter of Prince Mikhail Chernigov Euphrosinia Suzdal (student story) was famous for his righteous life.

Conclusion (teacher):

So the XIII century was the world of the wonderful miracle of Russian holiness - the three saints were connected by the reference of Rodance: Mikhail Chernigovsky, his son-in-law Vasilko Rostovsky and his daughter Euphrosinia Suzdal.

But Russian holiness is not limited to the images of new martyrs for faith. In the minds of people there are images of princes - warriors, saviors who are able to protect Russia with their own and power.

"Saint Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky"

Son of the Grand Prince Yaroslav. The grandson of Vsevolod is a big nest, Prince Alexander received his nickname for the victory over the Swedes on the River River. There was not only an outstanding warlord, but also a wise policy, more than once we saved Russia from Tatar raids traveled to a bow in the Horde.

But never changed the faith of Christian.

"You, Han I bow as the ruler of the kingdom, which gave you, and your idols do not worship, because I bow to the One God, who serves" (the student in the price of Prince)

Han was surprised and said: "The truth is said that there is no prince like him."

The attention of students on the icon of Alexander Nevsky

We read and explain the words "I am a Christian Esm, and does not apply to me to bow the creatures, but worship the father and son and the Holy Spirit, God in the Trinity of the Holy"

Roman dad suggested help in the fight against the Horde, if Russia will take Catholicism, but Alexander refused.

Why? (Save the birthplace of the cost of treason of Orthodox faith?)

Once, returning from a trip to Horde, Alexander fell seriously and died.

"The sun of the land of Russian," said Metropolitan Kirill, seeing the angels as an immortal soul of prince on the sky.

O. Leonid:

The image of the Holy Prince - the warrior is very popular in Russia. Numerous testimonies of the wonders of the Saint Alexander Nevsky were recorded. He was miracles during the most difficult periods of the history of Russia: during the Kulikovsky battle, when taking Kazan, sometimes miracles did one, sometimes with his "affinations" of Saint Boris and Gleb.

Many misfortunes caused Tatars Rus, fled the hostility between princes. They ordered to come to the Horde behind the label. It happened, the warring princes was called to the aid of the Tatars. So the envious was slandered before Khan Prince Mikhail Tver, he suffered in the Golden Horde in 1318.

Prince tortured, he was offered to flee from captivity, but he refused.

"I never ran from the enemies and, if I am alone, and the people subjected to a new trouble, what answer would I give God?"

Staging on the poem AA Bestumev "Mikhail Tver" (Music)

"In the dungeon dark and deaf
Night later sometimes
Lampade dark flashes
And the weak light illuminates
In the corner of the dungeon two husbands
One in the color of young days
Already covered with gray
Do not hear sighs on the lips,
And in the flames
Divine rest shines.
Then to the sky he raises
Then with gentle sadness looks
On son, full of sadness,
And so, in joy says:


In tears quite drowned
Your eyes, kind my friend
It's time to break up to me with you
And Mikhailov head
Buy Fatherland Pochka
Always be faithful to truth, honor.
And if you want, so that the crown
Had your father
Leave his enemies without revenge.

Questions: (each separately, clicking).

  • In the name of what the prince sacrificed his life?
  • What will he leave his son?
  • Why did he call for his son not to revenge his enemies?

It is necessary to distinguish the concepts - the enemy personal and enemy of the Fatherland and protect the Christian shrines of the Fatherland.

And our lesson is completed by the word of Prince Alexander Nevsky

"God is not in force, but in truth."

Summing up the teacher.


Explore, whether in our region temples dedicated to Holy Princes: Mikhail Chernigovsky, Mikhail Tver, Alexander Nevsky.

For the presentation please contact the author

Despite the in general, the attitude of the Tatars to the Orthodox Church, the era of the Mongol-Tatar Iga (especially the initial period) is characterized by a large number of martyrs for faith. In the period following the approval of the domination of Mongols in Russia, the martyrs were mainly princes. Among the clergy, at this time almost no victims of Mongol-Tatars, since they began to be loyal to the church. But the princes at this time very often turn out to be the martyrs for faith. Of course, their death is very often due to political reasons. But at the same time, wanting to destroy an incomplete prince, he, as a rule, was offered to make a choice: the life of the cost of treason to Orthodoxy or martyrdom for faith. This is exactly what happened with St. Mikhail Chernigov, who arrived in the Horde in 1246. He was driving, in fact, on loyal death, since his active struggle with the Mongols and the murder of Hanic ambassadors in Kiev did not give any chance of pardon. Mikhail was asked to go through the cleansing pagan lights and bowed to the idol of Genghis Khan, that the Orthodox Prince with indignation rejected. For refusal to make the pagan rite Mikhail and his faithful boyar Feodor were executed by order of Batya. The holy relics of Chernihiv wonderworkers were subsequently brought from the Horde to Moscow.

"Martyr graduated from his days and Prince Roman Olegovich Ryazansky, who was brutally executed in the Horde in 1270 .... Prince Roman is also counted by the church to the face of saints. According to his life, he fell victim to the slander of the Khan Baskak, mercilessly rugged Ryazan. The novel stepped over his subjects, but it cost him life. The prince was accused of hagging Hana Mengu-Timura and the faith of Mongols. The tolerance of the pagans had, however, and the opposite direction: respect for the Mongols of Christianity demanded a mutual benevolent attitude towards their paganism. Prince Roman, who, according to the Donos, condemned the faith of Khan, was to be punished in accordance with the religious legislation of Iasi. "

Holy Prince Mikhail Tver was tortured in 1319. It is known about him that he was also slandered by his rival, Moscow Prince Yuri Danilovich. In addition, he was imputed in guilt that his spouse Yuri - Agaphia-Konchak, Sister Khan Uzbek, died in captivity. Mikhail, voluntarily appeared on the orders of Khan in the Horde, refused to escape. In his feat, maybe there is no direct confession of faith, but his death church recognized martyr. This is a voluntary procession to death "For his other", because in case of disobedience, the Khansky will of his native Tver threatened the punitive raid of Mongols. Mikhail sacrificed himself to save the subjects entrusted to him. The Grand Duke Vladimiro-Suzdal Yuri (Georgy) Despite the small body of his squad, on March 4, 1238 gave the battle of Batoye Rati on the River Sit, not far from Yaroslavl. Prince fell like a hero, fighting with the enemy. Its relics Two years after death were gained on the field of Brahi and are put in the Assumption Cathedral of Vladimir. Prince George worshiped in the face of holy martyrs.

But if the princes-martyrs were subsequently canonized, then many nameless victims of Mongolian conquest, including the sacred people, was never encouraged to face the saints. During the years of Tatarskis, it was impossible for political reasons, and then the memory of them gradually erased. Although, undoubtedly, there was a huge number of priests. Only the names of Archimandrite Pakhomiya, Igumen Daniel and Feodosia - rebels of Vladimir monasteries who died during the storm of the city of Batym in 1238 were preserved and the names of several bishops who died in 1237-1240 were preserved. Among them - Bishop Ryazan Evphrosin, Bishop Pereyaslavsky Simeon and Bishop Vladimir Mitrofan.

Tatar invasion played a significant role in the fact that in the Old Russian consciousness, Christian Mirosoznaya was significantly strengthened. Starting from the XIII-XIV centuries., Orthodoxy becomes the main component of all nationwide ideology, plays a decisive role in the formation of all significant public ideals. After all, the preservation of his own faith, according to the wise men, meant the preservation of the independence of the spiritual life of the people. And the independence of the spiritual needed was to lead to the restoration of political independence. Therefore, the idea of \u200b\u200bprotecting Orthodoxy firmly and directly to contact people with the idea of \u200b\u200bnational-state independence. And no wonder precisely during this period the concept of "Russian" and "Orthodox" becomes synonyms.

In this regard, a new understanding of Russian holiness is becoming extremely important. The lives of Russian saints, written in the vague XIII-XIV century, initially represented predominantly brief dry records that resemble a greater extent "memory" about the holy than real lives. But in the literary and philosophical monuments of the XIII-XIV centuries. New heroes appear, whose images began to be considered and as the most important social and significant ideals, and as examples to imitate in personal life. The most important place among these heroes is occupied by new martyrs who died for faith. Such, for example, they soon became worst from the hands of the invaders of the princess Yuri Vsevolodovich and Vasilko Konstantinovich.

Under 1239, a real anthem of the Great Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich appears in the Lavrentiev Chronicles on the City of the City River. This sorrowful song, in fact, became a prologue to the church canonization of the prince: "... God punishes different misfortunes, in order to appear as gold proven in the hill, Christians have to go to the kingdom of heaven through many trouble; for Christ himself said: difficult The path to the kingdom of heaven and overcoming difficulties will acquire him. Yuri, the courage is soyond! Blood washed your sufferings; for if you don't attack, then it's not a crown, if not flour, then not reward; for any adherent virtue can not be without many enemies ... "Later, Great Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich was canonized. Memorial Day - 4 (17) February.

Even more attention, the chronicle pays for the feat of the prince of Vasilko Konstantinovich Rostovsky, who was the first of the Russian people who became a novice for faith, refusing to obey Tatar pagan rites.

Lavrentievsky chronicle reports: "And Vasilka Konstantinovich led with a constant handing out to the Shanzhansky forest, and when they became a lot, forced him a lot of godless Tatars to take the customs of Tatar, to be in their capture and fight for them. He did not conquer them without a circulation, and looked much. Sue, saying: "About the deaf kingdom, desecrated! You will not force me to renounce me from the Christian faith, although I am in the great misfortune; How to give the answer to God, many souls destroying without truth? For their flour, God will torment you, and will save the souls of those whom they wanted. "They also crossed his teeth, wanting to satisfy his blood. The blissful prince Vasilko prayed ... And for the last time I prayed:" Lord Jesus Christ Almighty! I will accept my spirit, and I so much in your glory. "And he said it and immediately was killed without grace. And he was thrown into the forest, and saw his faithful woman and told about the God-fearing husband Popovich Andrian. And he took the body of Vasilka and He walked him to Savan and put it in a secluded place. Having learned about this, the Bogoly Bishop Cyril and Prince Vasilkova sent for the body of the prince and brought him to Rostov. And when he suffered him into the city, many people came to meet him, sad tears shedding, having lost such consoles . And many of the people of Orthodox sobs, seeing that the father of the orphans and the breadwinner move away ... And this Blessed Prince Vasilka had confronted the God of death, like Andreva, he washed the blood of martyr, he washed from the pregnursions of his own, with his brother and father Yuri, the Grand Duke. And it was Amazing, for and by death, the God of the body was connected: Vasilka brought and put in the Church of the Holy Virgin in Rostov, where and his mother lies ...

There was a Vasilko face of handsome, the eyes were leveled and Grozen, immensely brave on the hunt, the heart is light, with a boyars of gentlemen. Who served him from the boyars and his bread ate and his cup drank him, that by anyone another prince, he could not serve him for love; Especially he loved Vasilko servants of his own. The courage and mind in it lived, the truth and the truth went with him, in everything was skillful, everything was able. And he sat in a virtue in the father's table and on Dedovsky, and died as he heard. "For his martyrdom, Prince Vasilko was glorified by the Russian Orthodox Church. Memorial Day: 4 (17) Martha.

And soon Rus appeared another feat of martyrdom. In 1246, Chernigov Prince Mikhail Vsevolodovich, the father-in-law of Vasilko Rostovsky, came to the Golden Horde, apparently, in order to get a label to Chernihiv Principality. However, this visit ended tragically - Prince Mikhail and his boyar Feodor were killed in the Khan orders.

After a short time, church reading was established innocently killed, and in the same years (in any case - until 1271), a brief "legend" about Mikhail and his boyar feodore was drawn up. Later, on the basis of this "legend," there were other narrations, including the lives of Mikhail Chernigov. The plot associated with the death of Mikhail Vsevolodovich became extremely popular in ancient Russia, because Mikhail Chernigovsky and his boyar Feodor began to be considered as one of the first new homewomen for the Orthodox faith.

In the text "Legend" is very important that Mikhail himself manifests the initiative to make a feat to the glory of Christ and not be caught by the "glorious light of this light." Having learned about the customs of Khan Batya to force Christians to worship with pagan idols, he, inspired by God's grace and the gift of the Holy Spirit, is called to go to the Horde, to implant Batievo "Elementary" and prove to him and the world that Vera Christian will live in the hearts of Russian people. Having received the blessing of the confessor, Mikhail says: "According to your prayer, a lot, how God deigns, so it will be. I would like to shed my blood for Christ and for the Christian faith." In this desire, the prince supported his boyar feodor.

Once in the Horde, Mikhail and Feodor are not amenable to neither the king's persuasion or a boyar request. They are challenging their fate chosen by themselves. And when the messenger of the Tatar king tells the prince: "Mikhail, know - you're dead!", Mikhail is firmly responsible: "I want to suffer for Christ for Christ for Christ and for the Orthodox faith to shed my blood." And he threw his princely raincoat under his feet, as a symbol of eliminating earthly life: "Take the fame of the light of this, to which you are striving!"

The death of Prince Mikhail and Boyar Feodor was terrible: at first they were beaten for a long time, and then cut off their heads. "And so, praising God, suffered and betrayed the saints of their souls into the hands of God both newly foam martyr" - the author of the "Legend" concludes its story.

Thus, if the chronicle in the plot about Prince Vasilko Konstantinovich was named, then the "legend" fully formulated the ideal for the Russian religious and philosophical consciousness - a martyr for faith, consciously choosing death in the name of Christ. The concerned destroyers of Russia and the seekers of her salvation, the Old Russian scribes saw the path of salvation through martyrdom in the name of faith. The heroic death of Mikhail Chernigovsky is a kind of victim brought by the Russian people to the atonement of their sins. The idea of \u200b\u200bsacrifice becomes extremely important in the XIII-XIV centuries. After all, voluntary and martyrdom is not only the imitation of the martyrdom of Christ, but also the expression of Russia's own readiness to pass any tests, to endure any burden in the name of God. And, in the end, deserve salvation. Interestingly, later, in the XVI century, Mikhail Chernigov's martyrdom was already interpreted from religious and mystical positions. So, the editorial board of life appear, in which the bone head of the prince wonderfully remains alive after death. The head, likened by the head of John the Baptist, becomes the speaker and says the words: "I am a Christian." Days of Church Memory Mikhail Chernigov - 14 (27) February and September 20 (October 3).

In the same years, his righteous life was famous for the daughter of Prince Mikhail Chernigovsky - Rev. Euphrosinia Suzdal. Rev. Euphrosinia Suzdal (in the world - Foduodulia Mikhailovna) (1212-1250) was born in Chernigov and was the eldest daughter of Prince Mikhail Vsevolodovich and Princess Faofania. Since childhood, Feodulia was well welded in books, read Aristotle, Plato, Virginia and Homer. It was especially interested in the "medical philosophy" of the ancient doctors Galen and Eskulap. At the age of 15, she was promoted for one of the sons of the Vladimir-Suzdal Prince, but on the eve of the wedding her groom unexpectedly died. After that, Feoduodulia was torn to the nuns of the Suzdal Risapoen Monastery under the name of Euphrosinia. In February 1237, when the hordes of Batya fell on Suzdal, Evphrosinia remained in the monastery. Soon she took up his healing in the monastery hospital, saved many seriously sick people from bodily and mental ailments. In 1246, having learned about the father's trip to the Horde, decided to support him and convinced not to give in to any persuasion, not to change the true faith and not to worship the idols. After the death of his father, supported the intention of his sister Mary to draw up a "legend" about the martyr's feat of Mikhail Chernigovsky. After the death of Rev. Euphrosinia was buried in Suzdal in the Risapoen monastery and immediately began the church reverence of Inokini. In 1570, the ancient life of Euphrosynia Suzdal was found. In 1571, the presented was officially ranked in the face of saints, and in 1699 her non-reinforced power were found. Memory Day: September 25 (October 8).

So, the XIII century showed the world an amazing miracle of Russian holiness - three saints were connected by the Uzami Rodance: Mikhail Chernigovsky, his son-in-law Vasilko Rostovsky and his daughter Euphrosinia Suzdal.

But Russian holiness in the XIII century was not limited to the images of new martyrs for faith. Simultaneously, in the folk and church consciousness, there are images of the princes-saviors who are able to free their wisdom and force, save Russia from foreign "captivity". And in the first years of the Mongol-Tatar conquest, the prince was among other Russian princes, which became a visible symbol of the future Renaissance of Russia. This is the son of the Grand Duke Yaroslav Vsevolodovich and grandson of the Grand Duke Vsevolod a big nest - Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky (approx. 1220-1263), who received his nick victory over the Swedes on the Neva River. Alexander Nevsky was not only an outstanding military leader, but also a wise political leader, more than once, by diplomatic negotiations, to save the Russian state from the ruin of Tatar raids and defeats. In life, he enjoyed great respect for his subjects, and soon after death, the first lives of the Grand Duke were written, emphasizing the true holiness of Alexander Nevsky and became the initial link in the further canonization of him as the Russian saint.

The earliest version of Alexander Nevsky's lives does not have a sustainable name and in different manuscripts are referred to as "Life", "Word" or "Tale of Life". The preparation of living is referred to the 80s of the XIII century, and the initiators of its compilation consider Dmitry Alexandrovich, the son of Alexander Nevsky, and Metropolitan Cyril. The first center of reading Alexander Nevsky, as the saint, in the same years he became the monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin in Vladimir, where the prince was buried and where, apparently, the first edition of life arose. The author of this edition is unknown, but, apparently, he was a scribe from the environments of Metropolitan Cyril and the contemporary of the last years of the life of the Grand Duke. In total, with the spread of the worship of Alexander Nevsky, more than fifteen editions of his lives have developed.

In this, there is no detailed presentation of the biography of Alexander Nevsky, which, apparently, was not part of the task of an unknown author. But it concentrates attention on the main episodes from the life of the prince, which allow you to recreate, on the one hand, its image of the heroic prince-warrior, and on the other hand, the image of prince-Christian.

The decision of the first task is the stories about the military exploits of Alexander Nevsky, of which victories over the Swedes and German knights are highlighted on the Lake Chiction.

To solve the second task, the author resorts to more expressive means. First of all, describing the Grand Duke, it is widely used by biblical images, comparing the qualities of Alexander Nevsky with the beauty of Joseph, Samson's power, the wisdom of Solomon. The Grand Prince itself appears to readers a truly believer man. It exhibits full resistance to the temptation to take Catholicism in exchange for Rome's military-political assistance: "And we will not accept the exercises from you," the prince of Papal Messengers corresponds to the prince. The faithful to Orthodox fault, Alexander Nevsky, every step illuminates a prayer and hope for God's help. And the Lord leaves him without his grace.

The story is given a story about several wonders revealed by the Lord to help the Great Prince. So, before the battle with the Swedes, the elder of the land of Izhora, a certain pelugia was the holy brothers Boris and Gleb, said: "Let the affiniety of his prince Alexander." And during the miracle battle to the aid of the Great Prince, "the military of God", which was seen in the air. And no wonder Alexander Nevsky himself, who repeatedly showed an exceptional determination, said: "God is not in force, but in truth." After all, if the Lord viewed His His help, it meant that the truth is on the side of the Russian Grand Duke and the powers driven.

The image of Holy Prince-warrior Alexander Nevsky became very popular in ancient Russia, and Holy himself became glorified as one of the intercessors for Russian land. Later at different times and in different monuments, numerous evidence of the wonders appeared by Saints Alexander Nevsky will be recorded. It was miracles during the most severe and decisive periods in the history of Russia - during the Kulikov battle, when taking Kazan. Sometimes he performed miracles alone, sometimes with his "affinations" of Saint Boris and Gleb and other princes recognized by the saints. Alexander Nevsky treated prayers for healing from diseases. In 1547, a all-Russian holiday was established in honor of St. Alexander Nevsky - on November 23, and in 1724 they established a new holiday - August 30, in honor of the transfer of the relics of the Blessed Prince from Vladimir to St. Petersburg. The relics of the Holy Prince-warrior, the intercession for the land of Russian and to this day are stored in St. Petersburg, in Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

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Mongol-Tatar invasion into Russian lands

Answer questions: 1. What principles existed on Russian lands to the Mongol-Tatar invasion? 2. Which of the principalities was the most powerful?

What do we know about Mongol-Tatars? Nomads Good Warriors Cattlers Riders since childhood in the saddle

1. In the steppes of Asia, the tribes of the Mongols nomads have long lived. 2. At the end of the XII Art. There is a powerful feudal power. 3. in 1206. Han Techucin became Khan all Mongolia and took the name of Genghis Khan. He combined the Mongols and subjugate the Tatar. 4. He created a huge equestrian army. It existed harsh discipline. 5. For the smallest disobedience of warriors cruelly punished. Mongol-Tatara

Armament of Mongols.

Armament of Russians

Mongols Russian Cunning Experience Intelligence Discipline Speed \u200b\u200bPower Disobedness Self-confidence Right

First collision with mongols

1223g. - Battle on r. Russian Russians first crossed with this steppe people when they killed their ambassadors. This, and from the negative side attracted the attention of the Mongols. Mongolian parliamentary was sent to Rus with the goal to convince the Eastern Slavs to support Polovtsy. The latter were the enemies of the Mongols. In 1223, on the river Kalka, the united army of Russian and Polovtsy suffered a defeat from Mongol-Tatars. Mongol-Tatar invasion was shown on Russia ...

Causes of the defeat of Russian troops in the battle on the river. Kallet: Name

Khan Bati Bati - grandson of Genghis Khan and outstanding commander. His name translated from Mongolian means "good sovereign." Born in 1208.

The beginning of the invasion of Volga Bulgaria 1235

First wave of invasion

After a 7-day assault, Ryazan Pala Mongols killed its inhabitants, and the city was burned. Turning to Vladimir, they unexpectedly began to carry serious losses. Evpatiya Kolovrat squad began to revenge for his hometown. But in a month he died.

Vladimir Tver Kostroma Yaroslavl Rostov First Wave invasion

The first wave of invasion in March 1238 part of the Mongolov troops approached the City River, where the basic forces of the Vladimir Prince were stood. Russians were caught by surprise and broken. Another part of the troops reaching the tricks of P was served, without even trying to capture Novgorod. Why? Mongol forces have exhausted, it's time to rest in the steppe

First wave of invasion

The inhabitants of Kozelsk poured the fortress tree with water and the opponent could not master the fortress from the course of the Ice. After 49 days the city fell. The conquerors did not spare anyone, including breast babies, "exacerbate the sucking Malko." The juvenile prince of Vasily, along the same chronicle legend drowned in the blood: "About the prince of Vasily did not know CE: In the blood of the verbs, Yako in the blood of the clock, renewed BOIN BE." The monstrous consequences for the northeastern Russia raid was completed.

First wave of invasion

In 1239, the Battered by collecting a huge army moved to the southern Russian principalities.

Hike Batya on South Rus Kiev Pereyaslavl Chernigov

Camping Batya for South Rus Galich Vladimir

In 1237-1241 Russian principalities experienced a devastating invasion of Mongol-Tatars. Russian principalities who acted apart, were doomed to death. However, the heroic resistance of Rus blew the conquest washed of the Mongols. Settling in the steppes, the Mongols established the state Golden Horde, which became the component of the mighty Mongolian Empire. The Russian principality fell for a long time under the domination of Mongol-Tatars. The Mongol-Tatar invasion has become a turning point in the history of Russian principalities. Mongolian domination delayed and changed their subsequent development. Results: Ruins of the Town Church Kiev

Check yourself where and when was the first meeting of Russian and Mongol-Tatars? What princess was the first to be conquered - Mongol-Tatars in Russia? What name did the founder of the Mongol Empire? Who led the Tatar-Mongolian army during the invasion of Russia? What year was Kiev? What city of Tatar-Mongola called evil? Time of the first invasion of Tatar-Mongols on Russia Time of the second invasion of Tatar-Mongols on Russia? What was the name of the state that arose on the captured lands? What was the name of the fee (products, craft products and people), which Russian population gave Mongol-Tatars? What is IHO?

Remember dates: May 31, 1223 p. - Battle on the river Kalka. 1237-1241 pp. - Mongol-Tatar invasion on Russia. 1239 p. - devastation by the Mongols of Pereyaslav and Chernihiv lands. The end of November - the beginning of December 1240 R.- Defense of Kiev. 1240-1241 PP. - devastation by the Mongol-Tatars of the Kiev and Galician-Volyn Principities.

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