Modern tests in German. German online

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Präpositionen Mit Richtungsangaben.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

In German, there is enough a large number of expressions in which the names of various are used. It is useful to know such phraseologisms to make their speech for figurative and interesting. Try to go through this test. Even if you fail to answer all the questions correctly, the test will help you get acquainted with new steady expressions.

Friday, 16 Feb 2018

In German, there are a lot of expressions related to body parts. Often, in meaning, these phraseologists are similar to the Russians,

Wednesday, Jan 24, 2018

Friday, Jan 19, 2018

Thursday, Jan 11, 2018

Monday, 08 Jan 2018

Thursday, 02 Nov 2017

The third test, as well as the first and second, is intended for all who are interested in German fairy tales.

Tuesday, 17 Oct 2017

The second test, as well as the first, is intended for anyone who loves fairy tales and knows them.

The texts of another ten fairy tales of the Grimm brothers are used:

Monday, 02 Oct 2017

If you want to test your knowledge of the German fairy tales of the Grimm brothers, then it is a test for you. It is intended for anyone who loves fairy tales and knows them.

Thursday, 07 Sep 2017

Prepositions in German are very widely used in all types of texts. The general principle of their functioning is the same as in Russian. Prepositions stand in front of the name nouns and serve to orientation of the subject or concept relative to the circumstances of the events described. Each pretext has its scope of values \u200b\u200band requires after a certain case for a noun: An der Grenze (on the border, the question "Where is the bottom-up case), in Dieser Woche (this week, the question" When? "Duty Capidage), AUF Dem Tisch (On the table, the question "Where is the bottom-up case) Durch Den Wald (through the forest - the question" Where? ", accusative case).

Wednesday, 02 Aug 2017

Negiation in German is expressed:

  • most often - Nicht word,
  • with noun - pronoun kein,
  • other negative pronouns are used to denial circumstances.

In the narrative when negating the verb, the word Nicht is usually worth:

Saturday 01 Jul 2017

A bit of theory.

In German, there is (hereinafter - in / g). These include: Haben, Sein, Werden. They are used to form complex time forms. Haben and Sein are involved in the formation of the past time, and Werden is used for future time and is a mandatory element of all forms of the suffering pledge. V / g in the affirmative or in an interviewal sentence with a question in question in usually takes 2nd place.

Wednesday, 07 Jun 2017

In German, as well as in Russian, the verbs are used in real and in affectionate form. The affected form is formed only from transient verbs.

In a valid pledge (AKTIV), the role of the subject is subject to the person or the subject in question: I am my window. Ich Wasche Das Fenster.

Saturday, 20 May 2017

Transitionals are called verbs, Which require add-ons in the vinegenic case without an excuse. This is a direct addition.

Tests in German online are very popular among the studies of Goethe and Schiller. You need to taste your strength, because the passage of the test is very exciting emotionally, and you will pass the exams every day!

Similar tests on the knowledge of German language stimulate the mental activity of the brain, mobilize resources vocabulary and grammatical structures. Teachers note that the tests of tests not only allows you to control the progress of the student, but contributes fast memorization Vocational expressions over which he worked during his passing.

The online test in German is arranged as follows: you need to answer 40 questions and find one right out of four answers. The number of correct answers will correspond to your level of ownership of German language - from A1 to B2 or even C1! So designated levels of language proficiency according to the classification adopted in Europe.

The test you see below is provided for you completely free.
Please note that on our site you can also pass

Online test in German will help determine the level of their knowledge. Lexico-grammatical test In German language, it is objectively taking into account the main grammatical categories. In the online test, "E German is chosen the most common lexical units. Test German language will help to test their knowledge of the language in not only in grammatical, but also a lexical plan.

Test Dein Deutsch Online! Tests on the grammar of the German language online!

Test number 7.

1. ...... Als Wenn Weil Ob Du Willst, Können Wir Ins Kino Gehen.
2. WIE LANGE BLEIBEN SIE DORT? ...... Einen Monat Ein Monat in Einem Monat Seit Einem Monat
3. Ich Möchte Mit ...... Ihr Ihre Ihren Ihrem Mann Sprechen.
5. Erik Verdient Gut, ...... WOVON Deswegen Trotzdem Woraus IST ER Unzufrieden.
6. HERR Schmidt IST EIN VIEL ...... Großer Größer Größerer Größter Mann Als Sein Bruder.
7. Der Fernsehen, ...... Den Dem Diesem Denem der Vater Gestern Repariert Hat, IST Wieder Kaputt.
8. Das Zimmer ...... Der Kleine Des Kleinen Des Kleine Den Kleinen Ist Hell.
9. Du ...... Darfe Darfest Darfst Durft Mir Das Paket Abgeben.
10. Nehmen Sie ...... IN AM AN IM DIESEM AUSFLUG TEIL?
11. Wenn Ich Geld ...... Habe Hatte Habte Hätte, Würde Ich Viel Reisen.
12. Er Fuhr ...... Zu Mit Davor Vom Der Straßenbahn.
13. Meine Eltern Haben IMMER ...... Kein Keines Keine Keiner Geld Gehabt.
14. ...... Ein Einer Eine Eines Der Gäste War Mein Alter Bekannte.
15. Der Koffer IST ...... Schwer Schwierer Schwerer Scherster Als Deine Reisetasche.
16. MIT WEM HAST DU ...... Darunter Woran Darüber Davon Gesprochen?
17. Polen Grenzt ...... Mit Wen Bei An Die BRD.
18. Ich Gehe Nicht Ins theater, ...... Sondern Dann Wenn Wann Bleibe Zu Hause.
19. Das IST Das Mädchen, ...... Die Das Dier Mir So Gut Gefällt.
21. Wann Bist du ...... Am An Im i Im in Freitag Nach Hause Gekommen?
22. Der 2. Weltkrieg Endete ...... 1945 in 1945 IM 1945 JAHR JAHRE 1945
23. Im Fernsehen Sind ...... Nützliche Nützlichen Unnützlische Nützlische Filme Selten Zu Sehen.
24. Ich Muss Mir Diesen Film Unbedingt ...... Sehen Aussehen Ansehen Durchsehen
25. 20 Minuten Zu Fuß. GiBT ES Denn Keinen ...... Nähersten Naher Näheren Nächten Weg?
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