Read the Kurprise Sulauf. Full content. Analysis of the work of "Sullaify" (A.I

Put me, IKOO print, on your heart, Ico print, on your Muscle: Zane Strike, Iko Death, Love, Cruel, Yako Death, Jealousy: Arrows of her - Arrows fiery.

Song song


Tsar Solomon did not reach the middle age - forty-five years old, and fame of his wisdom and beauty, about the magnificence of his life and the pomp of his yard spread far outside of Palestine. In Assyria and Phenicia, in the upper and Nizhny Egypt, From ancient Taurisa to Yemen and from Ismar to Persepole, on the Black Sea coast and on the Islands of Mediterranean - with surprise, his name pronounced, because it was not similar to him between the kings in all his days. In 480, on the work of Israel, in the fourth year of his reign, in the month of Ziphe, the conservation of the great temple of the Lord on Mount Moria and the construction of the Palace in Jerusalem took the conservation of the Great Temple. Eighty thousand Kamenotesov and seventy thousand porters worked continuously in the mountains and at the outskirts of the city, and ten thousand woodlons from among thirty-eight thousand were sent shifted to Lebanon, where they spent a whole month in such a grave work that they rested after her for two months. Thousands of people knit conceded trees into the rafts, and hundreds of sailors fused them in Jaff, where they were trapped by Tiryan, skillful in turning and carpentry work. Only with the erection of the pyramids of Hefren, Hofu and Micheryin in Gizek were used such an irrelevant number of workers. Three thousand six hundred of the precixes were supervised for the works, and Azaria, the son of Nafanov, a cruel and active son, who had had a rumor that was never asleep, devoured by the fire of the inner incurable disease. Yet the plans of the palace and the temple, drawings of columns, Davir and the Copper Sea, windows drawings, wall decorations and the trones were created by the architect Hiram Avia from Sidon, the son of honey peak from the genus Nafalimov. After seven years, in the month of Boule, the temple of the Lord was completed and across thirteen years - tsarsh Palace. For cedar logs from Lebanon, for cypress and olive boards, behind the woods, Sittim and Farps, for the troughted and polished huge expensive stones, for purple, bugger and vison, flashed gold, for blue woolen matters, for elephant bone and red brands leather , for iron, onyx and a lot of marble, for precious stones, for gold chains, crowns, laces, tongs, grids, trays, lamps, flowers and lamps, golden loops to doors and golden nails, weighing sixty siquses each, for agricultural bowls and dishes, for carved and mosaic ornaments, poured and excised images of Lviv, Cherubov, oxen, palm trees and pineapple - Gave Solomon to the Tirski king, Hiram, Socyamennik of the architect, twenty cities and villages in the land of Galilee, and Hiram found this gift to be insignificant, - The temple of the Lord and the Palace of Solomonov and the Small Palace in Millo for the king's wife were built with such a unheard of luxury and the small palace in Millo for his wife. The Red Wood, which later went on the railing and stairs gallery, on musical instruments and on the bounds for the sacred books, was brought as a gift to Solomon Tsanitsa Sava, wise and beautiful Balkis, together with so many aromatic smoking, fragrant oil and precious spirits, Until now, have not yet been seen in Israel. Every year the wealth of the king grew. Three times a year, his ships were returned to the harbor: "Farsis", which walked on the Mediterranean Sea, and "Hiram", who walked along the Cherry Sea. They brought elephant bone, monkeys, peacocks and antelopes from Africa; richly decorated chariots from Egypt, living tigers and lions, as well as animal skins and fur from Mesopotamia, snow-white horses from a bunch, Parvaimsky golden sand for six hundred sixty talents per year, red, black and sandalwood from country, motley Assur and Kalah carpets With amazing drawings - friendly gifts of King Tiglat-Pillazar, artistic mosaic from Ninevei, Nizruda and Sargon; Wonderful patterned fabrics from the hater; Tractorous Cups from Tira; from Sidon - colored glass, and from Punta, near Bab El Mandeba, those rare incenses - backgammon, aloe, cane, kinnamon, saffron, amber, musk, stacti, halvan, smirn and incense, because of possessing Egyptian pharaohs Take the bloody war more than once. Silver in the days of Solomon became the price as a simple stone, and the red tree is not more expensive than simple Sikimior, growing on lowlands. Stone baths, closed by porphyr, marbled water bodies and cool fountains arranged the king, the commandments to spend water from the mountain sources that have fallen into the Kedron flow, and the gardens and groves have planted around the palace and spread the vineyard in Waal-Hamon. It was at Solomon forty thousand stall for mules and horses of the chain and twelve thousand for the cavalry; Daily brought for horses barley and straw from the provinces. Ten oxes of fattened and twenty oxes from pastures, thirty cows of wheat flour and sixty other, one hundred baople wine of different, three hundred sheep, not counting the birds of fattened, deer, sulfur and saigas, - all this through the hands of twelve beefs went daily to the Solomon table, and Also to the table of his yard, suite and guard. Sixty warriors, from among the five hundred of the strongest and brave in all the troops, kept the guard in the interior of the palace. Five hundred shields covered with gold plates, told Solomon to make for his bodyguards.

Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin


Put me, IKOO print, on your heart, Ico print, on your Muscle: Zane Strike, Iko Death, Love, Cruel, Yako Death, Jealousy: Arrows of her - Arrows fiery.

Song song

Tsar Solomon did not reach the middle age - forty-five years old, and fame of his wisdom and beauty, about the magnificence of his life and the pomp of his yard spread far outside of Palestine. In Assyria and Phenicia, in the Upper and Nizhny Egypt, from the ancient Taurisa to the Iemen and from Ismar to Persepole, on the Black Sea coast and on the Islands of Mediterranean - with surprise, his name pronounced, because it was not similar to him between the kings in all his days.

In 480, on the work of Israel, in the fourth year of his reign, in the month of Ziphe, the conservation of the great temple of the Lord on Mount Moria and the construction of the Palace in Jerusalem took the conservation of the Great Temple. Eighty thousand Kamenotesov and seventy thousand porters worked continuously in the mountains and at the outskirts of the city, and ten thousand woodlons from among thirty-eight thousand were sent shifted to Lebanon, where they spent a whole month in such a grave work that they rested after her for two months. Thousands of people knit conceded trees into the rafts, and hundreds of sailors fused them in Jaff, where they were trapped by Tiryan, skillful in turning and carpentry work. Only with the erection of the pyramids of Hefren, Hofu and Micheryin in Gizek were used such an irrelevant number of workers.

Three thousand six hundred of the precixes were supervised for the works, and Azaria, the son of Nafanov, a cruel and active son, who had had a rumor that was never asleep, devoured by the fire of the inner incurable disease. Yet the plans of the palace and the temple, drawings of columns, Davira and the Copper Sea, the drawings of the windows, wall decorations and the trones were created by the architect Hiram Avia from Sidon, the son of a medical doctor from the genus Nafalimov.

After seven years, in the month of Boule, the temple of the Lord was completed and across thirteen years - the royal palace. For cedar logs with Lebanon, for cypress and olive boards, behind the woods, Sittim and Farsis, for the troughted and polished huge expensive stones, for purple, bugger, and biason, flashed gold, for blue woolen matters, for elephant bone and red brands leather , for iron, onyx and a lot of marble, for precious stones, for gold chains, crowns, laces, tongs, grids, trays, lamps, flowers and lamps, golden loops to doors and golden nails, weighing sixty siquses each, for agricultural bowls and dishes, for carved and mosaic ornaments, poured and excised images of Lviv, Cherubov, oxen, palm trees and pineapple - Gave Solomon to the Tirski king, Hiram, Socyamennik of the architect, twenty cities and villages in the land of Galilee, and Hiram found this gift to be insignificant, - The temple of the Lord and the Palace of Solomonov and the Small Palace in Millo for the king's wife were built with such a unheard of luxury and the small palace in Millo for his wife, the daughter of the Egyptian Pharaoh Sustakima. The Red Wood, which later went on the railing and stairs gallery, on musical instruments and on the bounds for the sacred books, was brought as a gift to Solomon Tsanitsa Sava, wise and beautiful Balkis, together with so many aromatic smoking, fragrant oil and precious spirits, Until now, have not yet been seen in Israel.

Every year the wealth of the king grew. Three times a year, his ships were returned to the harbor: "Farsis", which walked on the Mediterranean Sea, and "Hiram", which walked around the Black Sea. They brought elephant bone, monkeys, peacocks and antelopes from Africa; richly decorated chariots from Egypt, living tigers and lions, as well as animal skins and fur from Mesopotamia, snow-white horses from a bunch, Parvaimsky golden sand for six hundred sixty talents per year, red, black and sandalwood from country, motley Assur and Kalah carpets With amazing drawings - friendly gifts of King Tiglat-Pillazar, artistic mosaic from Ninevei, Nizruda and Sargon; Wonderful patterned fabrics from the hater; Tractorous Cups from Tira; from Sidon - colored glass, and from Punta, near Bab El Mandeba, those rare incenses - backgammon, aloe, cane, kinnamon, saffron, amber, musk, stacti, halvan, smirn and incense, because of possessing Egyptian pharaohs Take the bloody war more than once.

Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin


Put me, IKOO print, on your heart, Ico print, on your Muscle: Zane Strike, Iko Death, Love, Cruel, Yako Death, Jealousy: Arrows of her - Arrows fiery.

Song song

Tsar Solomon did not reach the middle age - forty-five years old, and fame of his wisdom and beauty, about the magnificence of his life and the pomp of his yard spread far outside of Palestine. In Assyria and Phenicia, in the Upper and Nizhny Egypt, from the ancient Taurisa to the Iemen and from Ismar to Persepole, on the Black Sea coast and on the Islands of Mediterranean - with surprise, his name pronounced, because it was not similar to him between the kings in all his days.

In 480, on the work of Israel, in the fourth year of his reign, in the month of Ziphe, the conservation of the great temple of the Lord on Mount Moria and the construction of the Palace in Jerusalem took the conservation of the Great Temple. Eighty thousand Kamenotesov and seventy thousand porters worked continuously in the mountains and at the outskirts of the city, and ten thousand woodlons from among thirty-eight thousand were sent shifted to Lebanon, where they spent a whole month in such a grave work that they rested after her for two months. Thousands of people knit conceded trees into the rafts, and hundreds of sailors fused them in Jaff, where they were trapped by Tiryan, skillful in turning and carpentry work. Only with the erection of the pyramids of Hefren, Hofu and Micheryin in Gizek were used such an irrelevant number of workers.

Three thousand six hundred of the precixes were supervised for the works, and Azaria, the son of Nafanov, a cruel and active son, who had had a rumor that was never asleep, devoured by the fire of the inner incurable disease. Yet the plans of the palace and the temple, drawings of columns, Davira and the Copper Sea, the drawings of the windows, wall decorations and the trones were created by the architect Hiram Avia from Sidon, the son of a medical doctor from the genus Nafalimov.

After seven years, in the month of Boule, the temple of the Lord was completed and across thirteen years - the royal palace. For cedar logs with Lebanon, for cypress and olive boards, behind the woods, Sittim and Farsis, for the troughted and polished huge expensive stones, for purple, bugger, and biason, flashed gold, for blue woolen matters, for elephant bone and red brands leather , for iron, onyx and a lot of marble, for precious stones, for gold chains, crowns, laces, tongs, grids, trays, lamps, flowers and lamps, golden loops to doors and golden nails, weighing sixty siquses each, for agricultural bowls and dishes, for carved and mosaic ornaments, poured and excised images of Lviv, Cherubov, oxen, palm trees and pineapple - Gave Solomon to the Tirski king, Hiram, Socyamennik of the architect, twenty cities and villages in the land of Galilee, and Hiram found this gift to be insignificant, - The temple of the Lord and the Palace of Solomonov and the Small Palace in Millo for the king's wife were built with such a unheard of luxury and the small palace in Millo for his wife, the daughter of the Egyptian Pharaoh Sustakima. The Red Wood, which later went on the railing and stairs gallery, on musical instruments and on the bounds for the sacred books, was brought as a gift to Solomon Tsanitsa Sava, wise and beautiful Balkis, together with so many aromatic smoking, fragrant oil and precious spirits, Until now, have not yet been seen in Israel.

Every year the wealth of the king grew. Three times a year, his ships were returned to the harbor: "Farsis", which walked on the Mediterranean Sea, and "Hiram", which walked around the Black Sea. They brought elephant bone, monkeys, peacocks and antelopes from Africa; richly decorated chariots from Egypt, living tigers and lions, as well as animal skins and fur from Mesopotamia, snow-white horses from a bunch, Parvaimsky golden sand for six hundred sixty talents per year, red, black and sandalwood from country, motley Assur and Kalah carpets With amazing drawings - the friendly gifts of Tsar Tiglatpillazara, artistic mosaic from Ninevia, Nizruda and Sargon; Wonderful patterned fabrics from the hater; Tractorous Cups from Tira; from Sidon - colored glass, and from Punta, near Bab El Mandeba, those rare incenses - backgammon, aloe, cane, kinnamon, saffron, amber, musk, stacti, halvan, smirn and incense, because of possessing Egyptian pharaohs Take the bloody war more than once.

Silver in the days of Solomon became the price as a simple stone, and the red tree is not more expensive than simple Sikimior, growing on lowlands.

Stone baths, closed by porphyr, marbled water bodies and cool fountains arranged the king, the commandments to spend water from the mountain sources that have fallen into the Kedron flow, and the gardens and groves have planted around the palace and spread the vineyard in Waal-Hamon.

It was at Solomon forty thousand stall for mules and horses of the chain and twelve thousand for the cavalry; Daily brought for horses barley and straw from the provinces. Ten Will of the fattened and twenty oxes from pastures, thirty wheat flour curren and sixty other, one hundred baople wine of different, three hundred sheep, not counting the birds of fattened, deer, sulfur and saigas, - all this through the hands of twelve beefs came daily to the Solomon table, and Also to the table of his yard, suite and guard. Sixty warriors, from among the five hundred of the strongest and brave in all the troops, kept the guard in the interior of the palace. Five hundred shields covered with gold plates, told Solomon to make for his bodyguards.

Whatever the eyes of the king would be wanted, he did not refuse them and did not rebel his heart to his no merry. Seven hundred wives had a king and three hundred concubines, not counting slaves and dancers. And all of them fascinated by His love Solomon, because God gave him such an inexhaustible force of passion, which there was no ordinary people. He loved Bellitz, black-eyed, redhead hatteayans for their bright, but instant beauty, which also flourished charming and charming and also quickly faded like a narcissus flower; Mucky, high, fiery philisms with rigid curly hair who worn golden wrists on hand brushes, gold hoops on shoulders, and on both ankles wide bracelets connected by a thin chain; delicate, small, flexible ammoreans folded without reproach - their loyalty and humility in love entered the proverb; Women from Assyria, lengthened their eyes with their eyes and stripped blue stars on the forehead and on the cheeks; Formed, merry and witty daughters of Sidon, who knew how to sing well, dance, as well as play harp, lutes and flutes under the accompaniment of the tambourine; Yolksome Egyptians, tireless in love and insane in jealousy; Sweet Babylonians, whose whole body under clothes was smooth, like marble, because they destroyed their hair on it; V. Baktria, beautiful hair and nails in a red-red and carved shalvars; silent, shy Moavites who have luxurious breasts were cool in the hottest summer nights; careless and wasteful ammonitans with fiery hair and with the body of such whiteness, that it glowed in darkness; Fragile blue-eyed women with linen hair and a gentle skin smell, which were brought from the north, through Baalbek, and the language of which was incomprehensible to all living in Palestine. In addition, the king loved the king of many daughters of Jews and Israel.

He also divided the bed with Balkis-Mound, the queen of Sava, surpassed all women in the world of beauty, wisdom, wealth and a variety of art in passion; and with Avisagoy-Sunshotyanka, warming the oldity of King David, with this affectionate, quiet beauty, because of which Solomon betrayed

Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin


Put me, IKOO print, on your heart, Ico print, on your Muscle: Zane Strike, Iko Death, Love, Cruel, Yako Death, Jealousy: Arrows of her - Arrows fiery.

Song song

Tsar Solomon did not reach the middle age - forty-five years old, and fame of his wisdom and beauty, about the magnificence of his life and the pomp of his yard spread far outside of Palestine. In Assyria and Phenicia, in the Upper and Nizhny Egypt, from the ancient Taurisa to the Iemen and from Ismar to Persepole, on the Black Sea coast and on the Islands of Mediterranean - with surprise, his name pronounced, because it was not similar to him between the kings in all his days.

In 480, on the work of Israel, in the fourth year of his reign, in the month of Ziphe, the conservation of the great temple of the Lord on Mount Moria and the construction of the Palace in Jerusalem took the conservation of the Great Temple. Eighty thousand Kamenotesov and seventy thousand porters worked continuously in the mountains and at the outskirts of the city, and ten thousand woodlons from among thirty-eight thousand were sent shifted to Lebanon, where they spent a whole month in such a grave work that they rested after her for two months. Thousands of people knit conceded trees into the rafts, and hundreds of sailors fused them in Jaff, where they were trapped by Tiryan, skillful in turning and carpentry work. Only with the erection of the pyramids of Hefren, Hofu and Micheryin in Gizek were used such an irrelevant number of workers.

Three thousand six hundred of the precixes were supervised for the works, and Azaria, the son of Nafanov, a cruel and active son, who had had a rumor that was never asleep, devoured by the fire of the inner incurable disease. Yet the plans of the palace and the temple, drawings of columns, Davira and the Copper Sea, the drawings of the windows, wall decorations and the trones were created by the architect Hiram Avia from Sidon, the son of a medical doctor from the genus Nafalimov.

After seven years, in the month of Boule, the temple of the Lord was completed and across thirteen years - the royal palace. For cedar logs with Lebanon, for cypress and olive boards, behind the woods, Sittim and Farsis, for the troughted and polished huge expensive stones, for purple, bugger, and biason, flashed gold, for blue woolen matters, for elephant bone and red brands leather , for iron, onyx and a lot of marble, for precious stones, for gold chains, crowns, laces, tongs, grids, trays, lamps, flowers and lamps, golden loops to doors and golden nails, weighing sixty siquses each, for agricultural bowls and dishes, for carved and mosaic ornaments, poured and excised images of Lviv, Cherubov, oxen, palm trees and pineapple - Gave Solomon to the Tirski king, Hiram, Socyamennik of the architect, twenty cities and villages in the land of Galilee, and Hiram found this gift to be insignificant, - The temple of the Lord and the Palace of Solomonov and the Small Palace in Millo for the king's wife were built with such a unheard of luxury and the small palace in Millo for his wife, the daughter of the Egyptian Pharaoh Sustakima. The Red Wood, which later went on the railing and stairs gallery, on musical instruments and on the bounds for the sacred books, was brought as a gift to Solomon Tsanitsa Sava, wise and beautiful Balkis, together with so many aromatic smoking, fragrant oil and precious spirits, Until now, have not yet been seen in Israel.

Every year the wealth of the king grew. Three times a year, his ships were returned to the harbor: "Farsis", which walked on the Mediterranean Sea, and "Hiram", which walked around the Black Sea. They brought elephant bone, monkeys, peacocks and antelopes from Africa; richly decorated chariots from Egypt, living tigers and lions, as well as animal skins and fur from Mesopotamia, snow-white horses from a bunch, Parvaimsky golden sand for six hundred sixty talents per year, red, black and sandalwood from country, motley Assur and Kalah carpets With amazing drawings - friendly gifts of King Tiglat-Pillazar, artistic mosaic from Ninevei, Nizruda and Sargon; Wonderful patterned fabrics from the hater; Tractorous Cups from Tira; from Sidon - colored glass, and from Punta, near Bab El Mandeba, those rare incenses - backgammon, aloe, cane, kinnamon, saffron, amber, musk, stacti, halvan, smirn and incense, because of possessing Egyptian pharaohs Take the bloody war more than once.

Silver in the days of Solomon became the price as a simple stone, and the red tree is not more expensive than simple Sikimior, growing on lowlands.

Stone baths, closed by porphyr, marbled water bodies and cool fountains arranged the king, the commandments to spend water from the mountain sources that have fallen into the Kedron flow, and the gardens and groves have planted around the palace and spread the vineyard in Waal-Hamon.

It was at Solomon forty thousand stall for mules and horses of the chain and twelve thousand for the cavalry; Daily brought for horses barley and straw from the provinces. Ten Will of the fattened and twenty oxes from pastures, thirty wheat flour curren and sixty other, one hundred baople wine of different, three hundred sheep, not counting the birds of fattened, deer, sulfur and saigas, - all this through the hands of twelve beefs came daily to the Solomon table, and Also to the table of his yard, suite and guard. Sixty warriors, from among the five hundred of the strongest and brave in all the troops, kept the guard in the interior of the palace. Five hundred shields covered with gold plates, told Solomon to make for his bodyguards.

Whatever the eyes of the king would be wanted, he did not refuse them and did not rebel his heart to his no merry. Seven hundred wives had a king and three hundred concubines, not counting slaves and dancers. And all of them fascinated by His love Solomon, because God gave him such an inexhaustible force of passion, which there was no ordinary people. He loved Bellitz, black-eyed, redhead hatteayans for their bright, but instant beauty, which also flourished charming and charming and also quickly faded like a narcissus flower; Mucky, high, fiery philisms with rigid curly hair who worn golden wrists on hand brushes, gold hoops on shoulders, and on both ankles wide bracelets connected by a thin chain; delicate, small, flexible ammoreans folded without reproach - their loyalty and humility in love entered the proverb; Women from Assyria, lengthened their eyes with their eyes and stripped blue stars on the forehead and on the cheeks; Formed, merry and witty daughters of Sidon, who knew how to sing well, dance, as well as play harp, lutes and flutes under the accompaniment of the tambourine; Yolksome Egyptians, tireless in love and insane in jealousy; Sweet Babylonians, whose whole body under clothes was smooth, like marble, because they destroyed their hair on it; V. Baktria, beautiful hair and nails in a red-red and carved shalvars; silent, shy Moavites, who have luxurious breasts were cool in the hottest summer nights; careless and wasteful ammonitans with fiery hair and with the body of such whiteness, that it glowed in darkness; Fragile blue-eyed women with linen hair and a gentle skin smell, which were brought from the north, through Baalbek, and the language of which was incomprehensible to all living in Palestine. In addition, the king loved the king of many daughters of Jews and Israel.

He also divided the bed with Balkis-Mound, the queen of Sava, surpassed all women in the world of beauty, wisdom, wealth and a variety of art in passion; And with Avisagoy-Sunshotyanka, heated by the oldity of King David, with this gentle, quiet beauty, because of which Solomon betrayed his older brother of death from the hand of Vanya, the son of Iodaev.

And with a poor girl from the vineyard, named Sullaif, which the king loved one of all the women with all his heart.

Wallowed Ore made Solomon from a better cedar tree, with silver pillars, with goldal) in the form of lying lions, with a tent of purple tire fabric. Inside, the whole tent was decorated with gold sewing and precious stones - love gifts of wives and virgins of Jerusalem. And when the slender black slaves joined Solomon in the days of the great festivals among the people, the king, like Lily of the Saronian Valley, was truly beautiful!

A characteristic feature of the art of Russian classics is the fact that they not only give the reader new plots and stories, but also rethink with him ancient legends and legends. Literary languageAs the realities of life, rapidly changing, and many myths seem to speak with us on someone else's adverbs, although they are written by our ancestors. But they narrow about the important and sore, so modern writers and poets try to convey to us the essence of the literature of the past years, so that we understood its meaning and relevance. Alexander Kurin, writing his outstanding contribution to this worthy of respect, by writing the book "Sullaph" based on the Old Testament Proverbs.

Sullaph is the lover of the wise and just king of Solomon, the hero of many myths and testes. Legend says that the girl thanks to the bowl of moral and good heart She became love of his life. However, the envious lover of the ruler (he had a whole harem in his tradition) sent her naive rim to kill a happy chet. However, he turned out only half to fulfill the insidious plan: the shredder ruined only a woman who had a faithful king and whining him his body. Solomon brutally dismissed offenders and all his life grieving about his loss. The description of the Sullaph has survived in myths:

The voice is clear and clean, as this rosy morning, sings somewhere in the near, behind the trees, ... and his imperious elegant charm causes a quiet smile of lunizing in the eyes of the king;
Your cheeks are exactly the half of the pomegranate under the curls of yours;
Your eyes are deep as two lakes of Esuvonsky at the gate of Batrabbim;
Your neck is straight and slight as the Tower of David!

Kubrin adds long red hair and harness of the body to this portrait. According to our standards, the heroine is completely another child, she is 13 years old, however, in those days it was enough to get married and even know the joy of motherhood.

Solomon himself is known for those wrote more than 3,000 proverbs and 1005 songs. "The word is a spark in the movement of the heart" - he said. The ruler also studied pagan books, exercises. Pursued the death of the sacrifice of children. "One breath of everyone ... who multiplies cognition - multiplies grief." Legends and about the "inexhaustible power of the passion of the king". His personal Garem has 700 wives, 300 concubines, not counting slaves and dancers. But it is believed that, despite the abundance of beauties, Solomon loved only one single girl, the most simple and modest, from the poor family - Sullamif. That is why Kuprin allocates her name against the background of the whole work and even puts in the name in order to emphasize the importance of this image for the essence of the story. In this history of love, the entire poetic talent of A. I. Khurin manifested itself. Portrait sketches filled with bright and "delicious" comparisons captured the reader and transferred to a very distant era (the actions unfold in 480 on the Outrhevia of Israel).

Characteristic Solomon and his wisdom gives the Bible. In the Old Testament about him, a wonderful parable about how they came to the king two women to share a child. An error occurred in the hospital. The child is one of them - died, and the other is alive. Women began to argue, whose child is intact. To make a faithful decision, the king offered both to divide the baby in half. The first woman replied that it would be right and rightly - "So you don't get anyone," the second one was horrified and asked to give the child another, if only he was healthy. Thus, it became clear which of them is a true mother.

History of creation

Writer has long collected material for his book. He rummaged a bunch of old legends to realize not only the superficial, but also allegorical washed off the songs of King Schloma, an exquisite sample of Jewish mythology. This is his main historical source. In a letter from 1.10.1907, Mr Tikhonov he writes:

Now I am running in the Bible, Renana, Veselovsky and dusty, because I am writing not the historical poem, not the legend ... about the love of Solomon and Sullaith, the dashing is pressed, beautiful, like Solomon curtains, like Kidar tents. What will come out - not visible, but there is a lot of bright passion, a naked body and another.

Initially, the author planned to publish his work in St. Petersburg, in the Almana "Roshovnik", but at the last moment I changed my mind and decided to publish a manuscript in the place where the one who was dedicated to Sulamifye. This is a writer and poet Ivan Bunin. Then he was the editor of the "Earth" collections - a series of Moscow literary almanacs. He was honored due to the fact that he was in Jerusalem himself and was also very fond of Old Testament mythology.

The story caused Furore, many critics spoke at her. Of course, their feelings were lucked by subtle eroticism, surrounding the sacred legend. The writer was not afraid of the scandal and deliberately revealed the sensory side of the love of a teenage girl and a 45-year-old man. Moraleists and dogmatics violently attacked seductive descriptions, but among the reviewers there were also those connoisseurs of art that defended the right artist for creativity without restrictions. For example, A. Vergezhinsky wrote:

The big audacity from the artist to take the "song song" and tell it in his own words ... But A. Kubrin has the right to such audacity ...

Genre: Story or Tale?

The author himself answered this question unequivocally, calling his creation to the story. It is not surprising, because for the story, the work is too volta and saturated with heroes, events, descriptions. The book could claim the title of novel, but did not reach the volume. However, the author was not going to turn the "Sullaph" into the epic romance with a large-scale scope. He had enough space in the framework of the story to embody his ideas and convey his ideas to the reader. An excess number of pages and stretching history could only prevent perception and rejected the subtext laid by chip.

What is this work?

Often King Solomon loved to retire in the vineyards. And once in one of these walks he heard the singing of a girl. The lunizing and smile caused her voice from the king. The appearance was to become singing. Red hair. Slender mill. Poppy flowers in her hair, homemade necklace from berries. This is exactly what the readers of Sulauf. Thanks to its sincerity, tenderness and purity, as if the Temple of Parfenon, she conquered the wisest of rulers.

One of the numerous wives of Solomon, the Egyptian Queen Atis, passionately loved the king. Scary and captivating rumors went about her: "Parents hid all beautiful children from her eyes." Poisonous arrows envy in relation to the Sullaph pierced her bad heart. Jealousy "Vesuviy" was built in the soul of Atis. As if Othello, it was removed to kill the "subject" of his suffering. Taking advantage of Eliava's love (young man, passionately desired to be with the Egyptian queen), she convinced him to penetrate the palace at night and kill a happy couple.

In the tragic night, the king and his beloved admire the stars and reason about the guise of human being: "Life is short, but time is infinite, the substance is immortally ... There are darkness and darkness of the centuries, everything is repeated in the world. We will repeat and with you, my beloved. " It will be the last words, before Eliav pierces the girl with a sword. This night is the last and in the life of the unfortunate boys-puppet. Such is the essence of the story "Sullaif." Atis is waiting for expulsion, and Solomon is an eternal memory of his only love. In some places, this story reminds Rather, the tragedy with the "traditional Shakespeare Final", but, in the aggregate, has a special mood and unique aftertaste. The lines that Solomon ordered to write down after the loss of the beloved, were put into the epigraph of the work:

Put me, IKOO print, on your heart, Ico print, on your Muscle: Zane Strike, Iko Death, Love, Cruel, Yako Death, Jealousy: Arrows of her - Arrows fiery.

Main characters and their characteristics

Kubrin did not regret the time for a thorough description of the heroes. For this, he studied as the number of ancient manuscripts. His characters are not only wise and virtuous, but also beautiful, seductive, desired. As a wizard of the syllable, the writer did not shake on the sublime epithets and comparisons, therefore, in each subsequent point, the portrait of the acting persons is given a separate place.

  1. Solomon - Son of King David, the third Jewish king. The era of his rule is about 976-928 BC. e. This period of time is considered a period of the highest prosperity of the Kingdom of Israel. He was made about the wisdom of his legends. Somehow God came to him in a dream and promised to fulfill any cherished desire. The king was told on this grace: "Darue the same slave your heart is reasonable to judge your people and distinguish that good and that evil." Its glory for his beauty spread to thousands of kilometers. Here description Solomon, given chip: he is 45 years old, he has a pale face, lips - a bright alaty ribbon, wavy black hair, already in some places "gray shine, like silver threads of mountain streams." Black beard and dark eyes "like the darker agate". There was no man in the universe, who could withstand his eyes: "Many women for one smile were ready to give the soul." His hands are gentle, white, like a girl. It was believed that it was in his hands his special energy was kept, which healed headaches, convulsions, black melancholy and launches. On his left hand, the king was hemma from the blood-red Asterisk, the inscription on which he read: "Everything passes."
  2. Sullaif - Beautiful slim red-haired Virgo, corresponding to the canons of beauty of that time. She has tender features of the face, a deep passionate view, the impeccable proportions of the body, which she erotic lubricates Mirra, languishing in anticipation of passion. However, she was distinguished by timidity, and not even her appearance or sexuality captured the king. The characteristic of the main character consists of its wise statements, respectable not by year. In part, the girl does not fit into reality, it is so elevated and ideal that the ruler in love has invented her. Her wisdom sometimes puts the monarch itself. Inspired by the poetic beauty of speech combined in it with the talent to love. The Suulifun is really glad to deliver at least the slightest pleasure to his patron. Happiness is spilled by Mirry throughout its essence and captivates a man. She carefully prepares himself to meet him. Her tomression merges in anticipation of unearthly bliss. All this gamma feelings reflected in her gaze. Therefore, it is possible to understand the one who loved it with all his heart, although it was fastened with female attention. The heroine is selfless, good and responsive, in it the writer depicts a true female virtue, the ideal of the beauty of physical and spiritual.
  3. Atis. - Egyptian Queen, King Solomon's wife. This is the Sulamif antagonist. The woman is vicious, her soul is impregnated by malice and envy. Her passion for the spouse is a manifestation of egoism, because it is confused only the fact that he preferred to her someone else. Jealousy and pride do not give her to come to terms with his choice. She shamelessly uses the love of a fermented young man to make him kill a hate couple. Like Hermione and copper, jealous heroines of the ancient Greek myths, Atis is not considered with moral installations and public laws, her anger eclipses the mind, and the rage is mixed to love.
  4. Eliav - The killer, hopelessly in love with egyptian queen. He agrees to sin because of despair to repel the heart of the self-defense proud beauty. However, he, like a orest, turns out to be deceived. His tragedy is that he allowed the feelings to fully control themselves.


  • Theme of love In the story of the Kuprin "Sullaif" - the main thing in the work. The author shows how the love is needed, as she helps him live. Solomon was wise, the rules of the country, but a 13-year-old girl was his invented and beloved adviser. The sincerity of her feelings and purity of the souls made it a speech of no less meaningful and valuable than Solomon Proverbs. However, the wisdom famous for the whole world did not help the hero to protect the beloved: he did not provide for the envy that the favorite was called among wives and concubines. The tragedy is that love gives us strength to live, but so often we do not have enough strength to protect her from death.
  • Theme of justice. The abundance of the Proverbs, which picked up a writer for the complete characteristics of the wisdom and generosity of Solomon, is a special value. In them, the king shows true generosity towards his subject. For example, here is one of the most famous parables: the brothers came to the king to share the inheritance. There were 3 brothers. Their father died. The question of the inheritance became an edge. The prudent head of the family in advance decided everything. There is a hill behind the house, there in the pit, buried the box with 3 compartments. The upper branch went to the eldest son - money. The second branch is the middle son, but there were only bones. The last drawer is the youngest, the tree is his inheritance. The middle and younger sons were singered, turned to Solomon. What was the decision of the king? "Your father was very wise. He won all his money, the middle-wide cattle and slaves, and the younger is a house and arable land. " Brothers have risen, everyone was satisfied.
  • Theme immortality. Solomon and Sulauf in their last moment of happiness talked about the fact that their feeling is nonsense. These words were prophecy. The girl died, but the memory of her remained to live in his heart and the mind of her beloved. Her feeling awakened in it new lifeAnd he made a lot of glorious affairs, inspiring in the meantime when they were together.
  • Mount from Um. When gaining experience, the king realized that wisdom brings him disappointment in the people and the world around him. The mind mercilessly revealed to him the unsightly sides of the person, the state, being, so before meeting with the beloved he suffered and was in despondency. Love cured the sage and gave him the strength to move on.
  • Virtue. The Sulamifery was captured by the king not luxurious clothes and erotic forms, but with true spiritual wealth, which became more expensive than fame and material values.


In the story, "Sullamife" focuses, mainly moral issues that opens up the true values \u200b\u200bthat can make a man. In contrast to them, Kubrin lists those vices, which, on the contrary, interfere with people to gain peaceful harmony.

  • Envy. This vice makes the woman desires his feeling and turning into anger. Not love spoke in it, but hatred. Atis did not achieve anything with his act, only hit the righteous punishment of the king. She turned his happiness into nothing only for the other in the other. In addition, she destroyed the fate of the young man who was devoted to her. That is, the indulgence of the poundwork only worsened her position, but it did not help her.
  • Egoism. The pride of Atis swells from exorbitant self-examination. The woman puts himself above the people, laws and feelings, so he bit on the life of an innocent man, betrayed her beloved, sent a friend to the death, and all because she had impaired himself justice.
  • Middle age crisis. Solomon's feelings before the fatal meeting with the Suulifun can understand every person who passed through the disappointment associated with the understanding of the world around, which comes in maturity. The world seems imperfect, people - hypocritical, being meaningless. Wisdom and experience show all the gloomy paints of life, and saturation makes it doubt that the usual benefits are so important and pleasant. Only a strong feeling can help such a person escape from melancholy and apathy.

The basic idea

The work shows other solutions, as well as the tests of Solomon's wisdom of the Queen of Sava. In this, there is charm of the text Kurin: in the plexus of language subtleties, immersing us at the time, in the presence of exceptional circumstances and places in the spirit of romanticism, in a selection of unusual parables and legends, and all this on the background of the tragic love line. main idea "Sullamife" - Love is unhappy, doomed to death, but that is the most, one of its kind, resurrecting and transforming soul. The heroine pulled out Solomon from the abyss of despondency and inspired him to find joy in life, albeit imperfect under the prisciousness of his wisdom. So the author teaches us that only sincere, disinterested feeling helps our soul to see the true meaning of being and strive for virtue. The author talks about exceptionality strong emotions, on their true value, which many are aware only after loss. More Solomon could not really love anyone, it was his first and last passion, excited not only flesh, but also a soul.

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