Egyptian Queen Hatshepsut. Women's History (Photo, Video, Documents)

Born in the XV century. BC. queen Khatsepsut, the daughter of Pharaoh Tutamos I and Queen Ahmes, was a favorite in the family. When her two brothers died, she remained in a unique position, since was the only heir of the throne after his father. The role of Pharaoh Women was unprecedented. When the king died, his son, born from the commoner of mutephritis, Tutamos II, actually asked the throne.

The origin of Queen Hatshepsut

Scientists managed to detect and examine the mummy of this pharaoh of ancient Egypt, which remained in power for short three or four years. As a result of the DNA study, it was found that he suffered a rare form skin diseasewhich consequence became the cause of his sustainable death.

With Hatsepsut, his pivot sister and his wife, they had no offspring on the men's line. Their daughter Journal, was most likely born of extramarital connections with Satmut, like the son of ICIS. He became another heir to the throne and received the name of Tutmmos III, but was at that time in a small age. And Hatsepsut took control ancient civilization Egypt in their hands as a regent. Favorite daughter of the famous Pharaoh, Charismatic and beautiful, she essentially captured the power of the pharaohs and the rules of the country for 15 years, up to his death in 1458 BC. Hatshepsut left behind the largest number of architectural monuments and works of art than any other Queen of Ancient Egypt.

Queen Hatsepsut on the throne of ancient Egypt

It was not easy to lead the country of Queen Hatshepsut. She had to suppress a few uprisings after her nephew had reached the majority. Using your experience in the political sphere, she deftly wrapped the power to his side. For the holding of power, she used the same techniques as the pharaohs of ancient Egypt: a lot of sculptures and bas-reliefs that glorify the extraterrestrial power of the kings were built with it. She went to the traditional men's clothing of rulers: shegend Kilt, that is, a headdress with the urea and kata - scarf, and fake beard.

The time of the reign of Queen Hatshepsut was the most peaceful and distinguished by the lack of wars. However, an achievement is considered an expedition to the Punt, modern Somalia, in search of ivory, spices, gold and aromatic trees. The events of this campaign are well documented in the walls of her temple near Luxor. They include the description of the trip, including satirical images of the punctures and their Queen, the type of which caused the Egyptian laughter: the folds of fat hang over her knees and elbows, the back is twisted and it has an eagle nose. For the ancient Egyptians, this scene was probably a cheerful spectacle.

Hatsepsut ultimately was recognized as the legitimate queen of ancient Egypt. With it, the temple was built in the valley of the kings at the highest place - Plateau Deir-El Bahry near the Nile in the phi.

The legitimacy of the power of the queen of ancient Egypt

Temples of Ancient Egypt, Karnak

She was a skillful politician and had a fairly pronounced Charisma, which allowed her to preserve power over ancient Egypt for one and a half decades. However, it used for the means to prove the legitimacy of its board. The first, it is its direct attitude towards Tahnos I. Queen argued that her father put it above the two of her relatives and one pivot brother. And the second, in her temple was drawn by the words of Hnume, Gonchar, who was believed to the sculpture of religious cults, proving that she had superiority on the origin of all mortals:

« I will do that the only of all living things on the ground, you will grow to the Tsar Upper and Nizhny EgyptHow your father is Amon, who loves you most. "

This statement had legal force at that time, like other texts that indicate the high status of the Queen Hatshepsut. Doubt in its origin and power after writing such texts did not arise. From this approval it follows that her father was Amon, embodied in her father. On the walls of her tombs, the story was drawn that Amon-Ra-Father approached Ahmes in the form of Tutamos I.

"BUT mont accepted the shape of the noble king of the ancient Egypt of Tutamos and found the Tsaritsa Sleeping in his team. Hearing a pleasant smell that proceeded to his presence, she woke up. He gave her his heart and showed himself in all the magnificence. When he approached the queen, she cried from joy from contemplation of his strength and beauty, and he gave her his love ...". This saying, containing a story about the unusual origin of the Hatsepsut, guaranteed the Queen of a sustainable position in society.

After about five thousand years, the archaeologists were discovered by the tomb of Hatsepsut and the place where the son of Senmut was buried, Tutmmos III. Their mummy were stolen, and the burial places were destroyed.

Tsarina Khatsepsut continued the tradition of his father and built two obelisis from the Red Granite, the largest at that time. Her name was perpetuated on the architectural masterpiece, but Tutamos III contributed to the fact that the Kartush was erased from all temples and architectural monuments and changed. Although many of her plans in construction were destroyed shortly after her death, in general, the Katchepsut Queen managed to make that no woman was able to do. She ruled the powerful one of the most developed ancient civilization in the world - Egypt, almost twenty years.

The moon of the disappearance of Mummy Queen Hatsepsut

In 1903 it was possible to detect the sarcophage Hatsepsut in the tomb number 20 in the valley of the kings, which was assigned the KV20 number. It was empty. Perhaps she was destroyed by her regent Ratemos III. Reveal the mummy's mummy the mummy managed as a result of a study conducted in 2005 with the support of Havassas Cami, the head of the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities and Supreme Council in antiquities. Havass and a group of scientists have discovered an unknown mummy in the KV60 chamber, whose age has been calculated in the century earlier than the tomb was built in ancient Egypt. It did not have a headdress, nor jewelry, nor gold sandals, decorations and treasures. After the DNA, it turned out that it may have belonged to ambitious hahatsepsut. She was transported to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo and replenished the collection of the Hall of the Royal Mummies on the second floor. Near her there is a sign that says that the mummy belongs to Queen Hatsepsut, the Queen of the sky, who finally reunited with his big family of the dynasty of the new kingdom in the walls of the museum.

The life and death of Hatshepsut was predicted by oblivion, but her hope, as the pharaoh of ancient Egypt, will remember thousands of years. She was one of the greatest builders of his time. Four granite obelisk were erected by her order in the Church of Amon in the carnac. Transferred shrines from blue in. Anxiety anxiety of the Egyptian queen and reflection of her thoughts and even the prophecy is drawn on one of the obelisks in Karnak: "My heart worries about the fact that the people will tell about the creations left by me many years."

Tsaritsa Khatsepsut and vast halls of the Karnak Temple in Luxor today, after millennia, are favorite holiday places of tourists and unsurpassed samples of skill of builders of ancient Egypt.

Ancient Egypt. The Board of the XVIII Pharaoh Dynasty. By order of Pharaoh Tutamos III, inscriptions from the walls are furious, all evidence and mention of the rule of Pharaoh Hatsepsut are destroyed. But why? Because it is a woman who proclaimed himself by the headrane, wearing men's clothing and a patch beard. It was unthinkable, but it happened. And she has rules for 23 years. And very successful. With her name, many innovations, events, and, of course, many magnificent architectural monuments are connected. Majestic famous obelisks, stunning beauty Temple in Dair El Bakhry, a number of buildings in the carnac. In truth, an incredible woman who was able to succeed, despite everything!

But so that the story of Hatshepsut has become more complete and understandable should be a little going back in time, so that it is better to understand what the rule of the queen and that had an impact on it.

Temple Hatsepsut in Dair El Bakhry

The period between the Middle and the new kingdom was extremely difficult. Egypt was captured by gixos. This led not only to political, but also to economic decline. The country began to fall apart in separate nomes. There were no strength on art, during this period everything comes to deletion and loss of individuality. Everything that has been achieved by Senuxert III and Amenhethomas III is lost in the past. The scene overlook the old faceless canons. Every reason was the lack of funds. Not what was more constructed architectural monuments and contain art workshops. Therefore, knowledge and skills were gradually lost. The historical kings took the traditions of the Egyptians and retained their culture, but still their work is very different from Egyptian. The occupation lasted about 200 years. Liberation from gixos began in the philas. And nothing could stop the Egyptians in the struggle for their lands and freedom. And after the failures, the death of the pharaohs on the battlefields, the Egyptians completely freed the Valley of the Nile and even, pursuing enemies outside of their homeland, invaded Syria.

After liberation, it was in the phids that art began to revive, at the rule of the XVII pharaoh dynasty. And during this period some changes were made. Something from Gixos was added to weapon art, and new trends from Syria and Crete came to the development of trade. In other areas that are not so closely faced with gyksos or trafficking with other countries, old traditions continue to fully. But everything related to monumental architecture continued the traditions of the ancient kingdom, it was the indicator of the continuity of the new dynasty to the previous one.

And one of the most interesting periods in the history of Egypt begins with the completion of victories over gixos under the leadership of Yakhmes I. The country achieves just incredible power. After taking the capital of Gixos - Avaris, hiking begins to Asia. Yakhmes I fought in Syria, his son Amenhotep I reached the Euphrate, and Tutmos I already considers Euphrates with its northern border. And slightly run forward - hiking of Tutamos III for a long time consolidated the role of Egypt as a global power. And the chronicles and autobiography of the great figures appear on this wave. One of the most famous annals chronicles was Januni, accompanied by Tutamos III in all his military campaigns. He did very bright descriptions of all victories.

Changes in Egypt also touched upon religious view. The new political situation of Egypt demanded one of the national main god to whom the FVAN god Amon. After all, the doves made the country's union, were the capital of the winners. In order to give Amon, the halo of antiquity was merged with the Sunny God RA. God was given the appearance of Pharaoh. So "the king of all gods" appeared "- Amon Ra. It is during this period that the most active construction begins in Ancient Egypt - Construction of the Karnak temple, which I have already written separately. The most prominent and talented architect was inhen, the architecture and appearance of the whole school of talented architects begins with it. Inhen itself built in five pharaons. With Tremos, I was appointed chief architect in Karnak.

Sanctuary Hatsepsut in Karnak

After the reign of Tutamos I, the Pharaoh Hatshepsut female throne turns out, the daughter of Tutamos I. In his life, Hatshepsut was married to his one-barrack brother of Tutmos II.

The birth of Hatsepsut.

Queen Yahmmos, Mother Hatsepsut, lead to the place of birth

But he was very weak and painful, so it died early, leaving the Hatsepsut with two daughters. She, of course, was royal blood and, be a man, would take the throne. But she is a woman and it was unacceptable. And Tutamos II had another son from the supervisor of a non-royal kind, and was the only boy of all possible heirs. He also had a child with a single sister and declared Pharaoh, but the regent was appointed Hatsepsut.

Hatshepsut and Tutmmos III

This practice was often met in royal families For centuries and in many countries. And the account of the time went from the beginning of the rule of Tutamos III and on all images it is shown as Pharaoh, and behind him portrayed Hatsepsut with the attributes of a simple queen. But having achieved the location and reverence of priests, the love of the people, thanks to the wise board, Hatsepsut on his own rises to the throne.

Hatshepsut. Picture.

But not all the priests supported her in this and believed that she captured the throne. But the number of adherents was high, both among those who served her father, and among younger. And it helped the Queen to become the true pharaoh of Egypt. Hatshepsut began to be depicted as a full and sole pharaoh, though in a male appearance. This story about a woman capable of changing the legislation and the rule of several dozen dynasties. About a woman who boldly declared the right to the throne, and capable not only to become one of the first female pharaohs, but also managed to achieve considerable success, especially in the field of construction. After all, it was when Khatsepsut that had the most beautiful obels for incredible sizes, mass changes in the Karnakian temple.

Obelisk Hatsepsut in Karnak

Well, of course, one of the most magnificent temples of ancient Egypt is a clock temple of Hatsepsut in the valley of the kings.

Fancy Temple Khatsepsworth

This woman deserves admiration even after 35 centuries. She did an incredible, even today's standards. To defend the right to the throne in the world, where it was unheard of, and hold out to its most recent days.

Let's start with obelisk. Their height exceeded the height of the obeliskov built by her father, and was equal to 30.7 m. All work on manufacturing and installation took about 7 months. The inscription on Obelisk says: "Made them as a monument to her father Amon, Vladyka FIV, head of the carnacre, energizing him with two great obelisis from the eternal southern granite with the tops from the best of all countries of the electra, which are visible on both shores of the Nile. Their rays flood Egypt when the sun rises between them when it rises in the heavenly horizon. " Obelisks were installed in the northern part of one of the halls of the Karnak temple, which had to be disassembled. But, I think, Hatsepsut did it with pleasure, because once in this hall, part of the court chosen the only successor to the throne - Tutamos III. While the Hatshepsut itself was on the father's line and the mother's legitimate queen.

Obeliski Khatsepsut. Photos taken from the site "Project Isida"

Fallen Obelisk

The names of several architects are associated with the monuments built at Khatsepsut, the names of several architects - Hapussenba, Saintmuta, Pimamira, Amenhotep and Thuti. Pimamira and Amenhotep led the manufacture and installation of obelisks in the Temple of Amon RA. Hapouseneb, apparently, was already old days, when Hatsepsut came to power. He was from a noble priestly and therefore was chosen to the post of Supreme Priest and the main architect. He headed the construction of all the most important monuments during the early reign of the queen. In the future, all outstanding monuments are associated with the name of Saintmut, the closest man Hatshepsut. He, despite the dinner origin, achieved incredible heights and became one of the most influential people of Egypt. Senmut was engaged in the upbringing of the queen - the heir of the Nephrian, was the custodian of the press, the head of the palace, the treasury, the houses of Amon, the residents of Amon, "all the works of Amon" and "all the works of the king".



There is an assumption that Senmut with Hatsepsut was lovers. SaintMut himself in the following words characterizes its position: "I was the greatest of the great in the whole country. I was the keeper of the order of the king in all his palaces, a private adviser on the right hand of the Lord; Permanent in grace and one having an audience who loving the truth, impartial, the one who listened to the judges and whose silence was eloquent. I was he, whose speech was relied on his Mr., whose advice was satisfied with Mrs. both lands, and the heart of the wife of God was fully. I was a nobleman who was myself, for I passed the word of the king's knot. I was the one whose steps knew in the palace, the true adviser to the ruler, which is in love and the mercy, who is pleasing to the heart of Vladyka daily. I was useful to the king, believed to God and is worried about the people. I was the one who was instructed to spill so that I could lead the Nil; To whom the affairs of both lands were trusted. All that south and north were brought under my stamp, the work of all countries was in my jurisdiction. I had access to all the scriptures of the prophets and there was nothing from the beginning of time, whatever I knew. "

Image of Saintmuta

Senmut enjoyed great power, so he had very good opportunities to embody all his creative ideas. In Egypt, there was such a practice - the architect erected his statue near the objects constructed. From here we can judge what was built by Satmut.

Unfortunately, many of the construction of Saintmut have not reached us and we cannot judge them to fully. But it came to us one of the greatest creations of ancient Egypt - the clock temple of Hatsepsut in Dair El Bakhry, who shouts about the genius of the architect. And on the other hand, it makes it unfortunate that we have not reached our other works of this talented architect.

Reconstruction of the temple

Reconstruction of the complex of temples. Temple Hatsepsut, Menthudukotepa II and Tutamos III

Hatshepsut built a lot in the carnacius, but later Tutmos III destroyed all her inscriptions or replaced them with the names of his father Tutmos II, which was generally absolutely faceless.

Image in Karnakian temple. Amon - RA Corons Hatsepsut

Also in Karnak Tutamos III built the Temple of Amonu so as to completely close the buildings of the Hatshepsut. With pylons, he is all her names and everything began to look so that it built his father. But, despite all his efforts, the world still knows about the Great Woman - Pharaoh Hatsepsut.

Destroyed Reliefs Hatsepsut

Images of Tutmos II, Tutmos III Father

The name of Tutmos II in the Khatselsut Temple.

An important place in the architecture of the new kingdom was played by the funeral temples. A serious change was the separation of the temple from the tomb itself. The temples were built on the border of the desert and fertile land, and the tomb themselves in the rages of rocks. From the preserved such temples, the Temple of Amenhotep I and Queen Nefertiri are known. To the south of him stood the temple - the chapel, from which the road was going to Dair El Bakhry, to the clock temple of Hatshepsut. The south was the temples of Tutamos III, Amenhotep II, Tutamos IV and Amenhotep III. Thus, the requiem temples of the eighteenth dynasty were located from the north to south in the order in which Pharaohs were ruled and lived.

On the right in the photo is the temple of Hatsepsut

Left Complex Complex Temples

The road from the Khatselsut temple

Inhen is not in vain considered a great architect, because it is the idea of \u200b\u200ba new planning of royal burials. He tells about the construction of the royal tomb in the autobiographical inscription: "I watched one of how the rock tomb was carved and no one saw, and no one heard ... I wake up in search of what was excellent. It was such a job that no ancestors did. " Most likely, this refers to the construction of the Amenhotep Temple I. But although the temples and received a new appearance, the layout remained the same, because it was necessary for rituals and premises were to comply with them. At first, rock tombs were small and their modestly was made. But gradually the size increased, the corridors were lengthened, the halls became larger, the number of utility rooms also increased. Architectural design has developed. The amount of columns and their location began to depend on the size. And here in the tomb Hatshepsut there are already 3 columns in the funeral hall and one indoors in front of the burial hall.

Fancy Temples gradually became monumental structures with long sefnissy alleys, massive pylons and standing in front of them statues of pharaohs. But due to the fact that much has not survived or reached us in a bad condition, we cannot analyze everything in detail. Especially frustrating the not preserved temple of Amenhotes III. Judging by his remains, it was a magnificent building. From it, the sphinxes, located on the alleys, and the colossal royal statues that were once standing in front of the pylon, and now, are lonely towering among the plains.

Statues of Amenhotep III, known as the Colosses of Memnon

But, of course, from everything that has been preserved, the Khatselsut temple is standing out. This temple had a special idea. It is built next to the famous sanctuary of Mentukotepa II, and it was built on his sample. Mentuhhotep was particularly honored by the Egyptians, because it was from him that the FVAN Dynasty of Pharaoh began, his temple was a generic sanctuary.

Temple Hatsepsut. Near the destroyed temple of Mentukhota II.

And now, along with such a place, he builds his temple Hatsepsut, emphasizing this belonging to the dynasty and the right to occupy the throne of Egypt, who once conquered by Mentukhotep. It was the strengthening of his position on the throne, where the input of women was unavailable. And it was so unusual for an ancient Egypt that the famous researcher Jean-Francois Champsolon, the first person, deciphered by Egyptian writing, was confused. In the Khatselsut Temple, he saw two names nearby - Tutamos III and Hatsepsut. They were depicted together as men - in men's clothing, with a beard and with the attributes of Pharaoh's power. But the main snag was that everything that the Pharaoh Hatshepsut concerned was written in feminine. Schampolon was confused and could not understand what the matter is here. Picture a man, and write as a woman. And only later archaeologists, thanks to the studies, found out that it was Pharaoh. She dared to claim the throne. After all, from all children, only she survived the Father. Therefore, the temple that she erected, spoke to everyone around her greatness and power. That she is a decent successor of his father Tutmos I.

The temple also became the largest among all temples built to him. Hatsepsut elevated him high in the mountains and with a chapel in the valley, connected him long road. Along this road there were sphinxes with Hatshepsut head.

Sphinx Hatshepsut

The southern wall of a large courtyard in front of the temple was decorated with pilasters with alternating clock images in a double crown and urey. The names of the Hatsepsut and schematic images of the facade of the palace were carved below. The western side of the courtyard occupied a portico with two rows of columns - twenty-two in each. The columns of the first row in front were decorated as well as the southern wall pilasters. On the inside side of the column had eight faces, like protodoric columns of the second row. Over the architecture, there was a cornice with balustrade and water drains.

Protodoric columns

From the south and north, the porticik decorated the Statues of Hatsepsut in the image of the Osiris God and reached 8 meters in height.

On the walls of the portica there were various painted reliefs. The Egyptians were portrayed as obeliski brought and brought them to God Amon, as prisoners from Nubia, parade of warriors and various cult scenes. On the walls on the other hand, the Hatsepsut itself was already in the form of a sphinx, defeating enemies and bringing victims by Amon. The portico in the middle is divided by a large monumental staircase, which leads to the first terrace of the temple. Trees grew up on both sides of the ladder, there were ponds with thickets of papyrus. From the most gates to the stairs every 10 meters stood two sphinxes. Figures of lions on the side walls, as it were, stamped the entrance. The second yard, on the lower terrace on the north side, was not completed. There remains not a complete colonnade. From the west side, the courtyard was closed by a portion with two rows of four columns separated by a staircase leading to the second terrace. Here the walls are decorated with the most famous reliefs - the Khatselsut coronation, her birth Mother Yakhmes from Amon himself. In the southern part of the expedition to Punt, from where incense and exotic animals were brought.

Temple porticists

Wall reliefs of the Khatsepsut temple

Sacrificial animals

Hatch Hatsepsut in Punt

Khnum and Hekat lead a pregnant Queen Yahmmos, the mother Hatsepsut, to the place of birth

On both sides of the portico of the lower terrace, the chapels of God Anubisu and the goddess Hator were arranged. The right chapel, carved in a rock, consisted of a hall with 12 canned columns, followed by the sanctuary of Anubis. Large sizes were the sanctuary of the Hator. In the first hall there were 32 columns with the capitals in the form of heads. Behind this hall was a small room with two columns, from which the side doors led to the niche, and the middle door in the sanctuary of two rooms.

Sanctuary Anubis

Sanctuary Hator. View from above.

Sanctuary Hator

Very interesting was the ladder. At the bottom of the railings were cobras, the tails of which were wriggled up on the railing. On the back of each snake sat falcon. It was a tandem of the gods of Northern Egypt Cobra Bouoto and God of Northern Egypt Sokol Behudti, which symbolized the unity of the whole country. Before the stairs were sphinxes from the Red Asuan Granite.

Falcon Behudti.

The layout of the upper terrace was more complex. This whole part of the temple was intended to make the main rituals, and therefore it was available only for a narrow circle of persons. This explains the peculiar design of the portico of the terrace, in front of which the asian statues of the Hatsepsut were. These statues are 5.5 meters visible even from afar. The main part of the terrace is observed from all sides of the colonnade, and the entrance to it was carried out through a massive granite door. With the south and northern side, the chapels are adjacent to the terrace. One of the southern pile is devoted to the cult of Father Hatsepsut, Tutamos I. In other chapels there were images of the priests processions, there was an altar for which it was necessary to climb the steps.

Temple pylon

Temple pylon

In the depths of the central terrace, 10 large and 8 small niches were cut down. In the largests stood asian statues of the queen, 3.35 m high. Small niches were closed by the doors, and on their walls portrayed the Hatsepsut in front of the sacrificial table. In the middle of the wall was the main chapel, in which there was a marble statue of Hatshepsut.

Entrance to the sanctuary. On the walls of Niche with the asian statues of Hatshepsut

Entrance to the sanctuary

Thus, the Khatselsut temple was a grand scale and a superbly decorated monument, affecting the severity and geometry of lines and forms. The solution of the facades was built on alternating horizontals terraces with vertical colonnade. Inclined planes Stairs, perfectly connect these horizontal and vertical lines into one thing, and if you consider that the road smoothly flows into the stairs, then the impression of the rise is created. And all monumental monument Looks like light and slender.

Despite the similarity of the Hatshepsut and Mentukotep II, they have significant differences. They are inherent in the geometry and rigor of the lines, but the Khatsepsut temple is more diverse and have lush decorativeness.

Plan of the temple of the Hatshepsut. On the left plan of the entire temple complex in Dair El Bakhry

Plan of the temple Khatsepsut

Separation of the temple Khatsepsut

And the bright difference is the sculptures, which are over 200. In the temple itself, at least 22 Sphinx, 40 masric statues and 28 statues portrayed the Queen sitting or knee-free. And about 120 sphinxes decorated the courtyards and the road. In the time of 18 dynasty, the role of the sculpture is very increasing.

Statue of Hatshepsut

Head of the Treasury and Head of the Tsarist Workshops Hatsepsut, who led by the works in the temple of Dair El Bakhri, in the inscription on the clock wall of his tomb talks about the temple. He writes that "External the doors of the temple were made of black copper with inlaid from electra, and all internal - from a real cedar with bronze details. Floor, According to Thuti, in any case, in one of the parts of the temple, it was made of gold and silver, and his beauty was similar to the sky horizon. "

Ornaments in abundance decorated the temple. Above the eaves of doors and niches were most often in the form of alternating symbols of Osiris and Isis, or in the form of peculiar "secret" rushes named after the Hatsepsut. In the charter on the reliefs were depicted lions. Their pedestrous striped mane made in the form of conditional concentric circles on the shoulders are very significant for the ornaments of the Hatsheps temple. Subsequently, all this pomp and decorativeness actively developed by the subsequent pharaoh dynasties.

The temple in Dair El Bakhry was the most important in the years of the kingchepsut. And the attention of Saintmut was drawn to him. And he even risked to portray himself on one of the walls of the temple. But these images were always located so that then to be hidden outside the door. Obviously, they were not intended for universal ferris. And SaintMut made an even more daring act - the excavations found the secret tomb, which SaintMut made himself under the first courtyard of the temple. Moreover, the tomb of Saintmut was known for a long time, and therefore the discovery of the second tomb, and even in the Hatshepsut temple, became a surprise for researchers. In the form, this tomb approaches the royal tips. Therefore, the SaintMut stands out from all the nobility and nobles. The inscription in the first hall of the tomb, made by large hieroglyphs along the central part of the ceiling along its entire length, is especially indicative. Yes lives mountains Next follows the complete titulature of Hatshepsut, the king of the Upper and Lower Egypt, Favorite by Amon, the living and keeper of the press, the head of the house of Amon Satmut, the Casual Rames and Born Hatnhertret. "Building such a semi-coffin and such an inscription was unusually bold act. And there is a version that it has become the cause of the death of Saintmut. The secret tomb of Saintmut remained unfinished, and no traces of burials, nor in her, nor in the official tomb. Such is the history of the creator of the temple in Dair El Bakhry, the magnificent architect and favorite Hatshepsut, Saintmut.

Figure artist Mikhail Potapova

Subsequently dies and daughter Hatsepsut, heiress the throne, jealous.

The Khatsepsut Temple shortly retained his beautiful look. After the death of the Tsaritsa, Tutmmos III came to power, and not immediately, and after a few years of the boards ordered to destroy all the statues of Hatsepsut, who prevented him with independent rule.

Hatshepsut. Figure Mikhail Potapova

Tutmmos III. Figure Mikhail Potapova

Tutmmos III. One of the greatest pharaohs of the warriors of ancient Egypt.

The numerous church sculptures were broken into pieces and buried nearby, where they were found by excavations.

Broken statue of Hatshepsut

Studies Mummy Khatsepsut showed that she died of diseases aged 40-50 years.

In the history of ancient Egypt, the Queen Hatshepsut occupies an exceptional place. She was able to stand at the head of the powerful state and manage it for more than 20 years. However, the most striking fact was that the Queen was crowned as a legal pharaoh, ignoring the centuries-old Egyptian religious tradition of the Preconsession in the presence of a male heir - Tutamos III, her nephew and a stepsing.

Hatshepsut was not the first and only woman - Pharaoh in the history of Egypt, which were ruled by men in the tradition of the tradition. Long before Hatchepsut Egypt, only two women were ruled by Egypt: Neicherth at the end of the VI dynasty and nephrilybet at the end of Xii-y1). Nevertheless, in contrast to the Hatsepsut, these queens - representatives of the dynasties of the dynasties reign at all long. Hatshepsut received power over a prosperous power, the international authority of which was approved by military campaigns to Asia and Nubia under the nearest predecessors of the Queen - Amenhotep I (1551-1524 BC) and Tahnos I (1524-1518 BC. er).

Any attempt to oppose the traditional concept royal power It could end tragically even for such an ambitious and politically clever women, which, apparently, was Hatsepsut.

Her father, Tutamum I, was distinguished by great militancy, his successful military trips to Nubia and Asia testified to the desire to expand the borders of Egypt and create a kind of intermediate zone between Egypt and the hostile kingdom of Mitarian in the north-east. After TUMOS I, almost all Pharaohs of the XVIII-XIX dynasties tried to promote the border of their possessions to the Euphrates River, on the shores of which he erected a memorable stele. In addition to the implementation of robbed purposes, the campaigns of the pharaohs began a new kingdom should ensure the safety of Egypt from invasions from the north. However, despite the Egyptian's aggressive seducing policy, this period of the history of ancient Egypt was relatively peaceful, if compared it with the times of the pharaohs of Tutmos III and Amenhotep II, which were reigning directly after the Hatsepsut within one dynasty. The consequence of successful campaigns was expanded temple construction in the capital of the philas (suit). The attention of the victorious pharaohs firstly focused on the main sanctuary of the city of Karnakian Church (Ipet - Day), dedicated to the king of the gods of Amon - the patron of Pharaohs, rules in the philas, and the powers created by them. Of course, large construction would be impossible without economic lifting of Egypt caused by the influx of mining from the conquered peoples. Tutamos I directed his main forces on the elevation of the Temple of Amon in Karnak, which corresponded to the policies of Pharaohs, striving to give the films of the feature of an unusual, victorious city in which a powerful deity is present.

When Tutmos I died, the authorities moved to Tagemos II (1518-1504 BC). From marriage with the queen Yakhmes, Tutamos had two daughters - Hatshepsut and early Die Nephroud. From the second wife, mudithreta he also had three sons, one of which was Tutmos II, who became the heir. Tutamos married Hatsepsut.

Hatsepsut by that time it was from 15 to 20 years. It is impossible to argue with confidence, whether she was married to Tahnamos II to the death of his father. In any case, now she was the "great royal wife." The reign of Tutamos II is practically covered by darkness of unknown; According to the same information, it rules 3 years, according to another 14 years (!). It is known that he tried to conduct a conquest of politics, both in the south and in the north. Weak health, Tutmos II died, leaving after himself in power of the young son of Tutmos III from the second wife, the experienced Tsaritsa Khatsepsut, which was, apparently, older than her husband. Since Tutmmos III was too small to manage independently, Hatsepsut assigned the responsibilities of the regent, perhaps from the very beginning wanting to assign themselves all the completeness of power. Among the Egyptologists there are many opinions and interpretations when and how Hatsepsut managed to achieve his goal. Did it happen naturally or as a result of the court struggle? Was this usurpation or coat and nephew popping? It is not known even more or less accurate how old was Hatshepsut and Tahnoshu III, when the latter was under guardian-machem. The clarification of this issue is additionally complicated and due to the relativity of the dates of Egyptian chronology, which are very conditional in relation to the modern summer, not to mention the fact that due to the scarce of sources sometimes it is even not known how old the rules of one or another pharaoh. As for the dates of the Board adopted by the author, they are taken from the monograph P. Clayton and are pretty convincing, although there are other chronological options.

According to the Polish Egyptologist Ya. Karkovsky, Tutamos III was no more than 2 years after the death of Tutamos II, Hatsepsut not more than 15 years. "Therefore, the country's management should have taken the highest officials and, perhaps, the mother of Hatsepsut Queen Yakhmes. The reason for the recognition of the political role of Hatsepsut contemporaries was the fact that after the death of her husband she was the older representative of the royal family. Around it in childhood, when the Tutmos I was still alive, the court state was formed. During the regency, Hatsepsut turned 20 years old. According to Egyptian sources it is impossible to firmly establish how the Hatsepsut participation was active in government management. Pretty difficult and answer the question of who was the Creator of the idea to proclaim the Hatsepsut by Pharaoh. In any case, much indicates that this happened on the 7th year of the Board of Tutamos III, when Hatsepsut has already reached a mature age. It is also likely that she took an active part in this decision.

Anyway, according to the most common among scientists, the first two years after the death of the father of Tutmmos III rules on his own behalf (of course, except for the rockets Hatshepsut). At the monuments of that time, Khatsepsut was depicted behind the figure of Tutamos III under the titles of Queen and the Great Tsarist Spouse. On blocks from Karnak, the Hatshepsut appears in the images of religious ceremonies, which only Pharaoh could be performed.

About this period, the court architect of Inhen wrote: "The Son of His (Tutmos II) has become on his place as the king of both lands5). He began to rule him on the throne. His sister, the wife of God Hatsepsut took care of the country. Both lands (lived) on the plans of her, worked for her, Egypt - in the Great Hydge! The seed of God is useful (that is, Hatshepsut), released from him! The south nasal rope, the proportion of the Yuzhan, the feed rope of this superb land of North. Lady of orders, excellent with its intelligence; That, according to whose speech constantly (stayed), both shores are satisfied (that is, Egypt).

However, soon everything changed when Hatsepsut gained support for influential faith at the court. She fully focused in his hands the Offration of the country, leaving his nephew only secondary functions. This political step was not accompanied by any shocks: neither hostility of opposing parties nor civil War. Nevertheless, it could only make such a step Hatsepsut only with the support of the devotees and, without a doubt, the stakeholders, the most significant of which were Hapouseneb and SaintMut. It is necessary to believe, the Queen has changed its surrounding rather sharply, leaving the old wine - military TuMosa I. Perhaps Hatsepsut sought to change the former expansionist policies of Pharaoh. At least, during her reign, Egypt did not led the grip wars. Back for the 2nd year of the rule of Tutamos III Oracle of God Amon predicted Hatsepsut Power (though, without specifying when it happens). One way or another, the true reasons for this decision, unfortunately, are unclear. More than strange, the fact that Pharaoh fully became only five years old, that is, on the 7th year of the reign of Tutamos III and its regency.

To confirm his new position, Hatshepsut orders to portray himself in the appearance of the Tsar-Men with all the Insigns of Pharaoh's authorities. The ancient royal titulature was redone taking into account the gentleman's gender. According to the religious tradition, the ruling pharaoh was identified with God's god, but Hatsepsut was often called the female choir, which clearly contradicted the Egyptian ideas about Pharaoh. In the sculpture and on the reliefs of the Self-Unsulant Board period, Hatsepsut appears in the male attire, and its appearance was transferred in accordance with the canon of the male body, except for the few early statues of the queen.

The true appearance of the Hatsepsut is not easy to install. Usually Pharaoh was considered forever young and strong and, on the basis of this, Egyptian artists created a rather conditional, symbolic portrait of the lord, so judged about the real features of the character of the depicted personality very difficult. However, you can try to recreate the portrait of the Hatshepsut: elegant, sorry to the small chin oval faces, distinctive for Egyptian eyes, thin protruding nose, narrow slightly smiling lips and long black hair. However, we should not forget that the sculptures embodied the queen, and not a realistic portrait of a Roman type.

When Hatshepsut became Pharaoh, Amon's priests created a propaganda text about the election of the Hatsepsut in the heiress even Tather I, and the legend of her divine origin from the queen Yakhmes and the king of the gods of Amon, who accepted the appearance of Pharaoh Tutamos I.

"As during the regency and after the coronation, Hatshepsut emphasizes its special respect for the gods, especially the Chief God of Amon. Her board is marked by the flourishing of theological thought, it was reflected in the temples and chapels constructed by it. At the same time, the desire to create something new, previously unknown, which has fully made itself felt in the magnificent Church of Deir-El Bakhri ". This temple located on the West Bank Nile, the Queen began to build on the 8th year of the board, shortly after his coronation. Dedicated to the connoisseous cult of the queen, this sanctuary was to demonstrate its power and greatness. The new temple was to probably hit the imagination of contemporaries. First of all, he was devoted to Amon and Ka Tsaritsa. In addition to the sanctuary, Amon in the temple was worshiped by RA, Hator, Anubis and the deified Tahnamo I. I. decorated with colonnades of porticors. The terrace temple was organically fit into the surrounding rock landscape of the West Bank of the Nile. In addition to graceful polychrome reliefs, in the temple there were 200 statues, 22 sphinx, 40 mascot statues portrayed the queen sitting or kneeling, about 120 sphinxes were decorated with yards and road. The creator of this miracle of Egyptian architecture is Senmut, a talented architect and a major dignitary. He was one of the organizers of the famous Egyptian expedition to the semi-minor country Punt, presumably located on the territory of modern Somalia on the shores of the Gulf of Aden, with which they from ancient times supported trade relations. Apparently, Hatsepsut regarded the maritime expedition to Punt as one of the most significant events of his reign, decent perpetuating. The history of this trading (or rather, the military trade) of the expedition is captured in a series of embossed scenes in the so-called portica of Punta in Deir-El Bakhri. This is the main source telling about the journey to Punt with Hatshepsut. Although the Egyptians have been equipped with an expedition to this country before, in the era of the ancient and middle kingdoms, the expedition sent to Hatsepsut was much larger and she was the first since the beginning of a new kingdom after a long break of relationships with the Punta, which took place at the end of the Middle Kingdom following the lucky time and Capturing Egypt Gixos.

The purpose of the trip to the "country of God" was to establish trade relations and the acquisition of exotic goods: Panther, the skins of rare animals, ostrich feathers, ivory, valuable varieties of wood and living trees themselves transplanted in baskets, and, in particular, incense for temple rituals. This significant event occurred on the 9th reign of Tutamos III, in fact, for the second year of the board of Hatsepsut - Pharaoh, that is, at a time when the temple in Deir-El Bahri was built. The expedition participants were required to bring live varieties of fragrances in the dips to plant them on artificial terraces and in the courtyard of the temple and, thus, "arrange a pant inside the temple." "Although the Egyptians and arrived in the country Punt accompanied by military detachments, but Punta was not conquered by Egyptian troops. Hatshepsut sent to the poot of his "royal ambassador" as much as the Egyptian pharaohs sent their ambassadors to independent states. " The efforts of the executives of the expedition were rewarded with gold, Hatshepsut herself took the Punta's gifts, weighing gold and Mirra: "The best Mirra was on all its members, her fragrance (was) in the fragrance of God. ... Her skin was as it were to be brought by light gold, shining, like (T) make stars, inside (temple) festive courtyard in the face of the whole Earth. "

Scientists of the University of Boston proved that the most famous Queen of Egypt, deliberately killed himself with cosmetics and therapeutic drugs for the skin of the face. They came to this conclusion after studying the contents of the bottle of this queen, which is located in the Museum of Egyptology.

It consisted of fatty acid, nutmeg, palm oil. In addition, it contained asphalt and creosote, which at the time were widely used to treat various eczema.

But the most interesting carcinogen is also present in its composition - gasopyrene resin. As is known, this substance causes cancer in smokers. Apparently, Hatshepsut quite intensively used this tool, as a result of which he received a terrible and incurable disease - skin cancer, instead of the rotten skin of almost not aesthetic eczema. A, given the description from various historical chronicles, which reached our time, the death of the queen came precisely from this disease.

The temple in Deir-El Bahry, this "Egyptian Parthenon", which became the architectural symbol of the board of Hatsepsut was not the only object of its construction activity, which turned in various cities of the country: Fouves, Hermopol, Hermontis, El Kus, El Cabab, Armant, Medamide, Com-Mesbo, Elefantine, Speed \u200b\u200bArtemidos. The latter of the listed places Hatshepsut gave, apparently, of particular importance, dedicating this rocky church near Beni Hassan Goddess Lionene smelles. By religious ideas, this goddess reflected the desert spirits attacks. In the attention of Hatsepsut to the regional sanctuary Y. Y. Perepelkin saw the desire of the queens to be friends with the temple, with the local one, notice. "Local princes have long been held by regulations of priests in their cities, and often the supreme priests of local deities."

The death of the Hatshepsut seems quite sudden. In the Egyptian summer, she died between the 20th and 22nd of the Board of Tutamos III. Continuing the tradition of his predecessors, Hatshepsut sent an expedition to the extraction of turquoise to Sinai, to the modern Serabeit El Hadima. Stela from the 20th year of the Board of Tutamos III, installed in the temple of the Horter on Sinai, contains the name Hatsepsut - it means that it was still alive. However, at the 21st year, there are no mention of Hatsepsut, there are no longer on the 22nd year, when Tutmmos III sent an expedition one; Apparently, by this time he began to rule without Hatsepsut. "Without a doubt, Hatsepsut died, however, we do not know a single document, where it would be mentioned. It is considered that Tutmmos III hated his aunt, too long he who held him in the second plan, and after her death began to hastily wash her memory In particular, expressed in the destruction of its images and names. For example, the Soviet Egyptologist M. E. Mathieu wrote that "Tutamos III destroyed all the sculptures of Deir-El Bakhri so carefully that no one even thought about their existence. Tens of wonderful statues of hated stepmother-aunt, tens of wonderful statues of hated stepma-aunt, Tutmos III believed that he not only washed from the face of the earth and from the memory of his people a memoir about her, but even destroyed the afterwarding existence of her soul. " The random perestroika of the Karnakian Temple has been undertaken by the Rasmos III, apparently this is this goal. Perepelkin also shares this practically generally accepted point of view. The old approximate Hatshepsut was in the field of closer surveillance of Tutamos III, the tombs of some of them, who died by the time, were defeated. That is what the actions of Tutamos III look like after the death of the queen. These "repression" some domestic and foreign Egyptologists regard as a consequence of the personal hatred of Tutmos to Hatshepsut and a sharp turning policy, renewing the course to continue the conquests that were not with her.

However, the question remains why Tutmmos III not only did not destroy all the images of Hatsepsut, but did not destroy it at all of her memorial temple in Deir-El Bahry? They can recall that the Temple in Deir-El Bahri was devoted not to the same Hatsepsut, but also by other deities and, first of all, Amon - the God of the most powerful priesthood, with which Tutmmos III could not not be considered. But in this case, why Pharaohs (and Tutmos III, including) without oscillations, were altered and destroyed the whole imphlays and halls in the central sanctuary of this god in Karnak? This was what was expected from the harassment of Hatshepsut Tutamos, which he looks like in some studies.

If the warlike tap, really dodged hatred to the aunt-stepmother, if he wanted to give the name Hatsepsut, it really realized it only after a significant time after her death and very selectively. Most likely, Pharaoh removed the Hatsepsut monuments not for personal motives, but was guided by political and religious considerations, since the unnatural existence of Women Pharaoh contradicted the worldview of the ancient Egyptians and did not correspond to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Space Mirror, where everything took appropriate place. It is noteworthy that the names and images of the Hatshepsut within the framework of the iconography of the queen (and not Pharaoh!) Remained intact. The French Egyptologist K. Jacques believes that "the hatred of Tutamos III exists in the imagination of some Egyptologists. Rocking, exploration, the destruction of images is connected with the pursuit of some magical purposes that cannot be satisfactory are still satisfactory. " And indeed, a number of inscriptions and embossed scenes are shot down in such a strange manner that their contours remained clearly visible; These actions of Jacques attribute already Ramses II (1279-1212 BC). Perhaps more acceptable the opinion of Karkovsky, which writes, "that the actions to destroy names and statues of the Hatsepsut, as well as its other images, began at the end of the rule of Tutamos III, after many years after the death of the queen. It was a well-thought-out political decision, and not a consequence of the blind hatred of Pharaoh, caused by the subordinate position he occupied on the Board of Hatsepsut. The reason for the destruction of images and inscriptions was the desire to eliminate the precedent, which would complicate the order of the inheritance of the throne, in which the woman could become a pharaoh. Moreover, the heirs of the throne were adjusted in the eyes of TuMos III and he did not want to repeat the situation after the death of Tutamos I and Tutamos II, who did not leave adult sons. It should be eliminated by the reason for the transfer of power to the Tsarice or Tsarevna. Thus, the Pharaoh's power reached by Hatsepsut was just an episode and did not lead to the fact that women had the right to fight for power over Egypt. "

Preserved two tombs, cooked Hatsepsut in advance. The first was carved in Wadi Sycket Taka El Zeid, when Hatshepsut remained in the role of the queen and recents, but this tomb was never used, although they found sarcophagus from Quartzit. The second tomb, designed for Hatshepsut-Pharaoh, is located in the valley of the kings - the traditional place of the burial of the pharaohs of the era of the new kingdom, starting with Tutamos I. However, there was no mummy Khatsepsut. The identification of the same body of the Great Hatsepsut with a nameless female mummy from the tomb of the Zamilitsy Tsaritsa seems controversial.

When, in 1903, scientists discovered the tomb of the glorious female Pharaoh Hatshepsut, they found that the coffin was empty. After some time, two mummies were found in one of the premises nearby - one in the coffin and one just on the floor. Archaeologists considered mummy to the coffin (and she was nanny Khatsepsut) more valuable and took with them, and the second - without any decorations and expensive clothes - it remained to lie until she was not found again in our century. The archaeologist CHAHA HAVASS, pushing it again, realized that the mummy was not so simple as it seemed to its predecessors. He drew attention to the fact that the left hand was pressed to the heart - so buried only Pharaohs and their wives during the 18th dynasty.
Is Hatshepsut? But how to check it? Havass remembered that in 1880 they found a box with a tooth Hatshepsut, maybe ask the dental to make a comparison? And indeed - the found tooth perfectly entered the place of lost.

Genetic examination confirmed - this is the famous pharaoh Hatshepsut.

The Khatsepsut Temple is at the founding of the Rock Deir-El Bahri. Photo It is easy to find on the Internet. This temple complex, located in Luxor, is largely varied with the temples of other rulers of ancient Egypt. The tomb of the Tsaritsa Hatshepsut was as nontrivial as the personality itself and the appearance on the political and historical stage of the sole female Pyramid country.

Personality of Tsaritsa

Queen Hatshepsut - the daughter of Pharaoh Tutamos I and his wife Yakhmes, as well as a summary sister and the spouse of Tutamos II. His reign lasts about 7 years, and he managed to leave the heir - Tutamos III, his son from another woman. After the death of the ruler, Tutmos III was still very young and could not lead the country, and Hatsepsut became a regent with a small ruler. However, pride and vanity did not allow it to become only the manager, and soon the woman proclaimed himself with the only master of the Egyptian state. And those 15 years that she stood at the helm of Egypt, became one of the most impressive pages in the history of the board of the XVIII dynasty. Under the leadership of Hatshepsut, successful military campaigns and Asia and Nubia were held, and on 9 years of her reign, there was a famous expedition from Egypt to Punt (accurate location of this mysterious country It is not yet known, it is possible that this is the territory of modern Somalia). During the reign of this wise and active government, many temples and monuments were erected, very few of which spared time.

Architectural features of the temple

This woman was unusual in all his manifestations, and the same original her funeral temple complex in Luxor. The temple is at a considerable distance from the buildings of other kings, erected in the FVAN necropolis. At the border of the desert and fertile land, a huge pylon was erected, from which the trail went to the temple. The temple itself Tsaritsa Khatsepsut is a real miracle of engineering thought, which the architects of ancient Egypt were capable of. It was created in the limestone rocks Deir-El Bahry and included three large terraces, which were located one above the other. Each of the terraces was located the courtyard, premises with columns and sanctuations that went far into the crowd of the rock.

This structure of the temple and its location inside the Rock Deer-El Bahri is not at all random. The fact is that nearby is a similar temple built by Pharaoh Xi Dynasty Mentukhotep Nebechpeetra. This king is considered the founder of the FVAN dynasty. Thus, Hatsepsut expressed respect and demonstrated the continuity of generations, proving the most legal right to the throne of Egypt.

On the walls of the Khatselsut Temple in Luxor, reliefs are depicted, fully reflecting the globility of residents of the country of the country. On the walls of the southern part of the lower portico, the delivery of obeliskov, which were intended to build the temple of Amon in the carnacius. On the walls of the North Portication, plots are depicted, the action of which occur in the thickets of reeds associated with the Lower Egypt. The idea of \u200b\u200buniting the upper and lower lands of Egypt is slipping once again on the railing of the ramp, which connects the second and third tiers of the Khatsel Temple. Below, these stairs are decorated with a picture of a huge cobra, the tail of which rises along the top of the railil. This snake is the personification of the goddess of the goddess, the patroness of Lower Egypt. Above her head is an image of the mountain - one of the most important deities of the Upper Egypt.

The main plot of the reliefs of the North Portication of the Temple is the history of the Divine appearance of the Queen Hatshepsut. According to the legend, the god of the Sun of Amon Ra took the appearance of the father of the woman and entered the swelling of her mother Yakhmes. While she was in a position, the gods gave the Hatsepsut hard character, so necessary for the management of the country. Completes the composition of the scene of the divine birth of the government.

Having degraded the power of his stepper Tutmos III and capturing the throne, the pharaoh of Egypt Hatsepsut never managed to get rid of doubts about the legality of his ascent on the royal throne. And although she proved her wisdom and the ability to competently manage the country, the tradition ordered to occupy the throne only to men. That is why the woman was depicted in drawings in men's clothes and with an artificial ceremonial beard. And each of the columns-porticels of the temple erected by her was supplemented by the statue of the government in the form of God Osiris, in white clothes, with arms crossed on the chest. They had symbols of Pharaoh's power - staff and chas. Having been in the temple, be sure to take photos of these statues into memory - they seemed to froze in the centuries.

The composition of the southern portication of the second tier of the Khatsepsut temple is a story about the famous campaign in Punt. If you believe the chronicles, this idea was so large-scale that the inhabitants of Punta, barely seeing the army and fleet, immediately surrendered without a fight and recognized their state of the colony of Egypt. On the walls of the temple in Deir-El Bahry, this campaign is depicted in the smallest details.

On the sides of the portico, the sanctuary of Anubis was erected - the patron saint of the afterlife, and Hathor - the ancient Egyptian goddess of love. Hathor was dedicated to the Ell-El_bahri destination. Both sanctuations include 12 hypostyl halls and many ritual premises flowing far from the rock.

The upper part of the temple complex is devoted to the gods that gave the lives and the lands of Egypt, and his ruler. Here is the heart of the construction - the sanctuary of Amona Ra, the main part of the temple in Deir-El Bahri.

Posthumous Fate of Women Pharaoh

Hatsepsut did not regret either the time or means for the construction of his temple. The grand ideas for which this funeral palace was erected, belongs to the architect Sennenut, the favorite of the Queen. Its images are also found on the walls of the temple.

After this great woman died, the throne switched to Tahmemon III again, Lyuto hated Hatsepsut for the fact that she took the throne in his long 15 years. He put every effort to erase from the memory of people and from history all mentions about her. Mummy Hatsepsut for a long time was considered missing, until in 2007 was accidentally discovered in the Cairo Egyptian Museum.

Despite this, the clock temple of Queen Hatsepsut remained the most important religious center. Noble surnames of priests were buried here, there were sick people who wish to heale, faith in the holiness of this place. And today on the walls of the temple, you can find inscriptions with requests to heal from diseases.

For idealized images of kings and burglar descriptions of their divine feats, living people were hidden - pleasant, aging and mortals (the statue of the Hatsepsut in the form of the Sphinx)

Recently looked the transfer on how the Zahi Havass, at that time the head of the Egyptian Supreme Council on antiquities was looking for the Mummy Tsaritsa Khatsepsut. I must say, on the screen, the enthusiasm of the temperamental Egyptian scientist often looks premature, and sometimes not even reasonable, and not all conclusions are uniquely perceived as 100% convincing, the criticism of his numerous opponents, in general, is understandable. And in general, as I understand it, around Egyptology, at all times there were many dances with tambourines, but the transfer still seemed to me quite interesting.

Mummy Tsaritsa Khatsepsut

A identifying previously nameless mummy helped the sickness of the queen, who quickly reduced her in the grave - in one of the signed by the names of Queen's potena (vessel of organs) was discovered tooth, who, apparently, pulled out to her shortly before his death, because the queen suffered to the dental abscess. The tooth "approached" to the jaw "anonymous" mummy, and so Khatsepsut was identified after long searches. Reality was confirmed with other representatives of 18 dynasty, or rather, the mitochondrial DNA of the grandmother of the Tsaritsa and the Hatsepsut itself coincided.

Figure of the court dwarf Senba with his wife and children (5-6 dynasty, the Cairo Museum).
This man was a funeral priest and suffered from ahondroplasia - a disease, when the growth zones of tubular bones are closed prematurely and the proportions of the body are strongly violated.

That was how the intimate secret of the government of Egypt was opened - she had a bad dentist. The teeth in the mummy were in a deplorable state. However, as the entire bone skeleton - the bones were strongly softened, however, I did not understand from the transfer, as the researchers determined that this change in bone tissue was lifted. Periodontal abscess brought the Queen for long exhausting torments; Most likely, she was hard to eat, the queen was tormented by a strong pain. Court doctors eventually snatched the tooth, but it was too late - the infection spread throughout the body, and the Queen died at the age of about 50 years.

Also, with the help of the mummy scan, it was possible to determine that the queen suffered from a rather large tumor in the abdominal cavity and was overweight (and in general was a large woman, but with a beautiful face with noble features). The focus of the tumor was located in the liver, metastases spread into the bones. It is possible that for the body, the oncological disease (and also diabetes), the tooth infection has become the last straw. Yes, and the life of the queen at that time, I must say, for her I lost my meaning - her only daughter, the young nephron died, her parents and her husband, her favorite friend, advisor and the most close person, the architect seven also died - all the close was already in the kingdom of the dead.

The ancient papyrus depicted firewood - surgeons, repeating dislocations and treated fractures.

The researchers also found that in addition to all other things, the Hatsepsut had a genetically determined skin disease, from which all its genus suffered - something like eczema or psoriasis, which way its skin was covered with ugly itchy plaques. The same disease suffered from her father, her husband, brother and some other relatives.

There is one interesting version of the origin of the tumor in the womb of the queen - scientists from the Egyptian University Museum discovered in drugs for the skin of Queen dangerous carcinogens - creosote and benzapiren. It opened after the study of the bottle with ointment or lotion (this was clearly not a perfume - a very nasty smell published a substance, and he had a very specific composition), the drug also contained different oils and was designed to take inflammation and reduce itching. Apparently, the unfortunate queen, suffering from itching and rubbing the saving remedy, did not guessed that herself would slowly poke.

The death bottle of Hatshepsut (Photo AP Photo / Dapd, Sascha Schuermann).

I became interested: in the last 20 years modern research Science acquired very effective methods - several scanning techniques, scintigraphy, an accurate chemical, genetic and DNA analysis, and modern microscopes will soon look at the bosons. There must be all used to study the mummies, and not only such famous as Khatsepsut. It became interesting, and with some diseases, the ancient Egyptians were hurt. Rummaged in the book and the Internet, it turned out that in pathophalaology modern science Very succeeded by last years.

Relatively recently, the mummy of another famous ruler - Tutankhamon was carefully investigated, however, he is not so much as many acts, as he died just 19 years old, as with its luxurious burial.

On this agele, the time of the 18th dynasty we see the victim of polio - a man with a deformed foot leining on the crutch.

Traditionally, it was believed that he was killed from the complication of injury obtained, perhaps on the hunt, but it turned out that everything is much more prosperous - the king killed tropical malaria - ailment, very common in the swampy terrain around the Nile. Mummy tissue was allocated DNA of the malaria plasmodium.

It must be said that the young king was unlikely to stretch for a long time in any case, his health was clearly not a warmer. And on the hunt, he definitely did not jump as a ripple with a bump on the hammer, as he could hardly move without crutches. His parents were their own brother and sister, that in ancient Egypt was quite normal practice due to the pestrollism features, so the king had a whole bouquet of genetic defects. He had an unguardment of the upper coil ("wolf fall"), Kölera's disease, which led to a strong deformation of the feet, at the other foot there was a congenital absence of several fingers.

Reconstruction of the appearance of Tutankhamon (here are all fingers in place)

In the burial of the king of Tuta, the mummies of two stillborn babies were revealed, apparently his children; they also had congenital anomalies, such as incoming spinal column and deformation of the skull, as at hydrocephalius.

The first serious researcher of Egyptian mummies for the causes of death and lifetime diseases was the American pathologist Michael Zimmerman (no, not the one shot a black teenager). He began his research back in 1993, even without wisdom techniques. At first, studies were difficult because the mummy fabrics were too dry and worn so that their cellular composition could be studied. Later, the samples taken in the mummies were learned to swing in a solution based on alcohol and soda.

The ancient Egyptians practiced circumcision in men. In a hot climate, in the clubs of desert dust it was necessary. In the picture, cutting adults - slaves from barbaric tribes, apparently. The Egyptians themselves "passed" circumcision in early childhood.

Zimmerman had to face many difficulties (even with fake "mummies"), but he managed to make a number of interesting discoveries.
His first "patient", as it turned out, died from pneumonia caused by Klebselyami - this is now a frequent pathogen of infections of respiratory tract, normally coexistently coexistent with the human body, and when weakening or overcooling the body becomes sick. Apparently, the poor thing, whose mummy explored the American, just not lucky.

For a long time it was believed that Pharaoh Yeretik Ehnaton, Spouse Nefertiti, suffered from a rare genetic disease - Martan syndrome. In such patients, long ugly limbs, a wide pelvis, an elongated face with "dog" eyes. Studies of mummies of close relatives (the mummy of the heretic himself was not found) showed: many relatives were similar to Ehnaton outwardly, but they did not find any signs of Martha. So Pharaoh was just a freak had a specific appearance, romantically beaten by artists and sculptors.

Also Zimmerman faced the first found dead man who died from tuberculosis - it was a 6-year-old child who deceased with 1300 years old (though, later on the territory of the current Israel, they found even more ancient "tuberculosis" - a mother and baby, the remains of which more than 9,000 years) .

In general, tuberculosis was a real scourge of Egypt. After all, the settlements of the Egyptians were crowded, families are quite large, and the dwellings are close. Mortality from this disease was high among children, and among adults. Bullish, and human mycobacteria of tuberculosis are found, scientists suggest that the pathogen appeared thousands of years ago due to the mutation of the causative agent of cattle infection. Received remains with traces of various forms of tuberculosis, not only pulmonary. Bone tuberculosis was quite common.

Egyptians, as you see, gave birth to children, squatting.

Tsimmerman concluded that the low incidence of cancer in Egyptians confirms that oncological diseases - disease modern civilizationcaused by overeating and smoking.

Egyptian surgical instruments (Hence)

His opponents believe that, perhaps, in the study, the Mummies suffer "detectability" - the cancer was still, only in a thousand years it is difficult to detect it. They consider it possible and the fact that the short average life expectancy of the Egyptians simply did not give them to live before the age when the frequency of cancer is increasing.

Zimmerman objects that he came across a mummy of 90-year-old old people, and his "subjects" often met elderly exchange diseases - diabetes, atherosclerosis and osteoarthritis. The very widespread of atherosclerosis is just surprised - it was noted by other researchers. Perhaps it was associated with some features of food, for example, it is known that the Egyptians are in large quantities Consumed beer (and maybe they were also fast foods?) Or with genetics, because the Egyptians in the order of things were nearby marriage.

The ancient Egyptian prosthesis of the thumb - not for beauty, for the burial: all the relying parts of the body had to be attended.

Recently, 52 mummies from the Cairo Museum were investigated, another cancer was met - prostate tumors in an elderly man, and the observation of Tsimmerman was confirmed - atherosclerosis was found more than a third.

An interesting discovery was connected with the ancient Egyptian dentistry. Not only Hatsepsut suffered from problems with teeth. Most of the remained remains of the teeth were very so-so. Firstly, heavy dental infectious complications were very common - abscesses, periodontalosis and caries, several teeth do not take almost every mummy.

Secondly, there is a strong extermination of chewing surfaces of the teeth. There is a hypothesis that this is due to the peculiarities of the flour-made production of the time: in bread, used by the Egyptians, there was a large percentage of dust-shaped sand, which quickly "washed" the teeth. But the inhabitants of the coast of Nile almost did not find problems with the dental and bite, the Egyptians had strong, well-developed jaws, probably due to the use of tough coarse food. Footprints of the work of ancient dentists were found - in the burials, artificial teeth from the bone bonded by golden wire are sometimes found.

Tsarina Punta Ati, gathered by the Ambassadors of the Tsaritsa Hatsepsut, clearly suffered strong obesity or even elephantity, which made a strong impression on the Egyptians. Excessive fullness in Egypt was clearly not in honor ...

Interestingly, since at least one ruler was likely to died from the dental abscess - Ramses second. His mummy is also well studied. He, like many, was found atherosclerosis, as well as many traces of combat injuries and old fractures, and still age arthritis. And it turned out that in the youth Pharaoh was red-haired! First, the red-colored color of the rare remaining Mummy's hair, scientists did not attach importance to the dead, the hair was often stained with henna, but during the study it was found that there was also a natural pigment.

There were abscesses of jaws and in other pharaohs (at Psusens of the first, for example; he died very older when all was curly from arthritis).

... Although the Egyptians themselves are not all obstacle on diets! (Statue of the rural elder of Kaaper, 25th century BC, tree (!!!)).

A mummified Taurus of a one-year-old child was found, who was clearly deceased from Qingi - would seem to be the disease caused by the disadvantage of vitamin C?! They have full of lemons! Perhaps the baby "received" the disease from the mother suffering from Qing, and she lacked the desired vitamin in breast milk.

In general, a whole medical encyclopedia! The remains studied sometimes were diagnosed with diseases and rather rare - Handa-Shuller-Chrischene syndrome, for example, (such an innate violation of lipid exchanges, when the human softening of the skull bones are formed. I often found osteomyelitis - after all, there were no antibiotics, and any of the bone complicated by the fracture could have been afraid.

The Egyptians drank beer almost instead of water. Is this widespread of atherosclerosis?

Here you should mention the most interesting document - "Papirus Smith". This is a real textbook of military field surgery of the 16th century BC. accurate description 48 types of injuries and methods of playing them.

For example:
"The case is the fifth.
Title: Instructions related to the gaping wound in the head, with a broken skull. Inspection: If you inspect a man having a gaping wound in the head penetrating to the bone, (s) with a split skull; You must feel the wound. It is advisable to find what the skull broke if parts of this are in the depths of the wound (and); Extract fluttering fragments under your fingers. At that time, a tumor can be located over the wound, blood can flow from both nostrils (s) and both ears, (and) a person suffers from stiffness in his neck, so he is not able to look at both of his shoulder and chest (in modern neurology This is called "Muscle Rigidity").
Diagnosis: You must say about it: "This is a gaping wound in the head penetrating to the bones, (and) a broken skull, with rigidity in the neck, not related to another ailment."
Treatment: You are not tied too tight, but connect and fix the fragments, for all the time, until the injury is cured. "

Imagine? Just!
It is surprising that the wounds are described in very detailed, and the recommendations in most cases are given intelligent! And no magic, which could be expected to be expected to meet in the Egyptian manuscript, because the Egyptians were literally obeyed!

Magic was used in one case - with the plague, in front of the Black Death, the ancient doctors were powerless.

Due to the constant dust of the Egyptians, they most likely suffered from eye diseases. Beautiful arrows on the eyes of the pharaohs and their wives are not just a cosmetic. The Egyptians were applied to the upper eyelid a thick layer of paste on the basis of a grated malachite. She just defended from dust from hitting.

Ancient oculist (and maybe a beautician)

I think the scorpions of their biting, and snakes - after all, no wonder of protection from them asked for a mountain from God. And the crocodiles of them of course ate, and all sorts of large cats gnaw. Injuries were frequent phenomenon, and the military - especially.
In the burials of the builders, skeletons are detected with strong resgrants of bone tissue in the lumbar department - due to wearing weights, but all these diseases were characterized by other peoples, and in other times.

So Merley Egyptians are mainly due to heart attacks and strokes as a result of atherosclerosis, as well as due to infections - malaria, schistosomosis and tuberculosis. Well, or violent death.

And you live long and do not get sick!

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