The main idea of ​​the film is scarecrow. Scarecrow, or the problem of child cruelty

Zheleznikov's story "Scarecrow" evokes the most contradictory feelings among its readers. In the heroes of the story, you can recognize yourself, your classmates or acquaintances. The author was able to very accurately describe the feelings and behavior of children, which are very often inherent in social groups.

Creating a story, Zheleznikov wanted to show that children are often insensitive and cruel towards more vulnerable peers. It is common for adolescents to assert their identity by immoral methods, by insulting a person who is unable to resist such actions. The protagonist of the story, Lena Bessoltseva, turned out to be such a “whipping doll”.

The plot of the story "Scarecrow"

To one of the provincial schools Soviet Russia a new student Lena Bessoltseva comes. She is the granddaughter of an artist who leads a secluded life, which became the reason for the removal of the townspeople from him. Classmates try to smile at Lena, but in fact they openly make it clear to the new girl, whose rules are here.

Over time, they begin to despise Bessoltseva for her kindness and kindness, classmates give the girl the nickname "Scarecrow", thus emphasizing her stupidity and lack of own opinion... Lena has a kind soul, and she tries in every possible way to establish contacts with classmates, without even reacting to the offensive nickname.

However, the brutality of children, led by class leaders, has no boundaries. Only one person feels pity for the girl, and Dima Somov begins to be friends with her. One day the children decided to skip school and go to the movies. Dima had to return to the classroom to pick up the piggy bank, which he had forgotten there.

He was met by a teacher, and after a long interrogation, the boy was forced to tell the truth that his classmates had escaped from school. After that, the children decide to punish Dima for betrayal, but suddenly Lena, who has been neutral all this time, stands up for her friend and begins to justify him.

Classmates quickly forget Dima's sin, and transfer their aggression to the girl. Lena was boycotted to teach her a lesson. Abusive children who understand absolutely nothing about life values burn a scarecrow symbolizing Lena in the schoolyard.

The girl, unable to withstand such social oppression any longer, asks her grandfather to leave this city. After a while, the grandfather and his unhappy granddaughter leave. After Bessoltseva left their lives, the children were overpowered terrible torment conscience, they understood that they had lost a really good, honest person, but it was too late to do anything.

The social issue in the story

The story "Scarecrow" has a very scandalous character. The author expresses his open charity not specifically for children, whose psyche is just being formed, but for their parents and teachers, who did not interfere with the oppression of Lena.

Adults should have understood that Lena should not be responsible for her grandfather's asceticism, but they did not react in any way, and even in some cases supported the cruel behavior of the girl's classmates.

A striking example is the teacher Margarita Ivanovna, who in her own way indirectly also accepted Active participation in the moral oppression of the child. The teacher supported bright and strong personalities, but she lacked the wisdom of life to consider such a person in Bessoltseva.

help to compose, problem-thematic analysis of the work "Scarecrow" and got the best answer

Answer from GALINA [guru]
Zheleznikov "Scarecrow"
The main character in this work is Lena Bessoltseva, who faces the problem of expulsion from society.

The kids in the class thought Lena was leaving out of fear, but this was not the case. And all the guys realized that Lena won. And when she refused to boycott Somov, it became clear that she was superior to them. And despite the terrible attitude of Somov and his betrayal, she did not boycott him. Another person in her place would have driven Dima into a corner and punched him properly. Yes, Lena won! The children felt ashamed, and their teacher too, but every action has its own price, and here the price is quite high: Lena left the city forever, grandfather left his favorite business, and most importantly, Lena's psyche suffered. And besides, Lena learned too early what it means to be an outcast, and not everyone knows this. And who knows what will happen to her in the future. I believe that Lena still poorly reacted to the humiliation of the class, but, most importantly, she did not lose her composure and became older than her years.

Answer from Myagky Alexander[active]
I read the story of V. Zheleznikov "Scarecrow" The main character in this work is Lena Bessoltseva, who is faced with the problem of expulsion from society.
Lena was a rather sweet girl, rather kind and not very beautiful, but the fact is that she was not like everyone else, and it is not very easy for such people to live in society. And due to the fact that she took the blame of the person she loved on herself, the class, led by Iron Button, resorted to bullying, and the twelve-year-old girl became an outcast.
In general, children are very cruel and treat people wrong, not like them. Children do not understand how much pain they cause to such people. Likewise, this class considered Lena a traitor and announced a boycott of her, but in addition to the boycott, she was persecuted. When she was chased around the city, she experienced such an eerie sensation, as if she was a fox, and evil dogs were chasing her. Lena had one - the only friend, because of the love for whom she took his guilt upon herself. Lena considered him very brave and strong man, and he promised her to confess everything to the class, but she continued to be bullied. There were a lot of harassment situations, and Somov admitted nothing.
I believe that Somov was a pitiful and petty man and that for the sake of his position in society he betrayed loved one... He ruined Lena's life in order to occupy a leading place in the class. He was a vile coward.
After disappointment in Dima, Lena began to show will. Lena got sick of it all, and she decided to leave the city. Lena's company called Mironova a scarecrow, and in order to confirm this title, she took a brave act: she cut her hair baldly, but in addition to children, some adults did not like Lena either. For example, aunt Klava, who believed that because of Lena, her son did not go to Moscow to visit his father. But after Lena's story, the hairdresser realized her mistake and agreed to cut her hair.

The main character of V. Zheleznyakov's story "Scarecrow" is a 6th grade student of the most ordinary high school Lena Bessoltseva. The girl's problem is that she has become an outcast in her own class. Maybe because she did not differ in beauty, maybe because she was a little different from everyone else, the whole team took up arms against a fragile and defenseless girl. Classmates even came up with an offensive nickname "scarecrow" for her, to which she tried not to pay attention and still tried to find a common language with her classmates.

The only person who provided her with at least some support was Dima Somov. Almost all the girls in the class were in love with him and Helen was no exception. Once a rather unpleasant incident occurred in the class, after which the girl was subjected to real persecution by her classmates.

Dima Somov betrayed the whole class, telling the head teacher where they fled from school and when the guys begin to find out which of them is the traitor, the boy is silent and does not dare to confess his deed. Seeing his confusion, Lena takes the blame. Here her life turns into a real nightmare, once her classmates chase her around the city, like a pack of mad dogs, a little fox, and once they even beat her. Lena expects support from Dima, but he, because of his cowardice, takes the side of the team, not at all appreciating her sacrifice. Although he perfectly understands that he himself is to blame for this persecution. The fear of falling in the eyes of comrades turns out to be stronger than the intention to confess everything.

The secret is known to two more students, they witnessed Somov's betrayal, hiding under the desk. But they are in no hurry to tell the truth, they are interested in watching how Dima will behave.

Bessoltseva bravely withstands the boycott, she even challenged all offenders, deciding to cut her hair baldly to justify her nickname.

The last string of her vulnerable soul bursts when Dima Somov, whom she endlessly trusted, finally abandoned her at the ritual of burning an improvised scarecrow. Helen leaves the town with his grandfather, and the guys understand their mistake, but it's too late.

Nowadays, children are sometimes very cruel and cynical. Many guys, showing individuality or, on the contrary, living "in themselves" become outcasts in society. Therefore, most adolescents try not to stand out from the crowd and become like a herd, each deprived of his own self.

By film

Recently I watched the movie "Scarecrow", the heroine of which is a sixth grade girl Lena. She faces difficult challenges in her infancy. everyday situations... Betrayal, meanness, pressure from classmates, ridicule, but she copes with all this thanks to her character, strength. She alone goes against everyone, small, defenseless in such an adult and alien world for herself.

She was, so to speak, not a very pretty girl, but very kind, naive and not like everyone else. And for such people in life it is not very easy, as we know. Children at this age are very angry and cruel to people like our heroine. Schoolchildren do not quite understand what they are doing and how it hurts a person, having felt this dislike, pain on themselves.

So our Lenochka Bessoltseva became an outcast among her peers. In the class she had only one friend Dima. She loved this boy very much. She considered him a strong, brave man. One day, out of love for the boy, she took the blame on herself and then it began. The class took up arms against her, they considered her a traitor, began to publish, drive through the streets, and the heroine endured everything. After all, Dimochka promised her to tell the whole truth to the class and then they would leave her behind. She always stood up for him and this is not the first time when she presents all his dirty tricks for her own. This is a very strong-willed person, truly brave.

As it turned out, Dima was weak and a coward. He betrayed her so that peers could communicate with him. I think this is a very pitiful and low act. He wanted to be one of the lidars in the class, so that everyone would notice him, listen. Everyone probably remembers and knows that in any class there are a couple of such people, other children consider them the best and want to be, so to speak, in their company. For them, it seems like something impossible to communicate with them and they will do anything, even small dirty tricks. Few people know how to be friends like that in our time. As they say: "An old friend is better than two new ones."

Then Lena, having reconciled with the boy's deed, finally disillusioned with him, gather all her will and decides to leave the city. everyone around her is called a scarecrow and she takes a brave step, shaves her hair in order to correspond to the new title.

Everyone thought that she decided to leave her city out of fear of her classmates, but this was not the case. She left the boy alone, did not want to take revenge on him, and then everyone realized that it was not they who won, but Lena. The guys felt ashamed, but there was no turning back. The girl and her grandfather left the city and it is not known how her life continued. Before leaving, grandfather gives the school a picture on which his grandmother is painted, and she looks so much like a girl.

Awareness for children comes too late and they write on the board "Scarecrow, forgive us"! But the girl is determined and does not want to study at this school anymore. My point is that not everyone will survive this. I consider her an example for young people. After all, another would not have passed by, but punished this boy, but she did not. I am amazed at her endurance, endurance because she is only 12 years old and it is not known how all this could and influenced her psyche. You must always remain human and not follow someone's lead, have your own opinion and learn to express it and stick to it. It does not matter how you are dressed, whether you are beautiful, the main thing is what is inside you. Be kinder!

5, 6, 7 grade.

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The humane goal in literature is to stop a teenager from cruelty, to prevent its possible consequences of resentment towards his own kind, Vladimir Zheleznikov puts in his story "Scarecrow". In this story, the world of children is considered, as the writer A. Likhanov said, "through a severe test of social ill health." He said: “I am deeply convinced that all of us, our society, are experiencing a state of spiritual test. Literature must play a role in the building of the child's mind. The astonishing paradox of our modern life: you can, it turns out, admire the hero's courage and immediately demonstrate cowardice and betrayal. The task of fostering mass immunity to social ill health is more acute than creating an incomprehensible victorious hero for children. ”*
In art, as in life, the law of curing pain with pain has long been known. In this it is akin to surgery. The most tragic essence of personality deformation is precisely the trampling on the personality. At the same time, the personality of both the one who does evil and the one who is trampled upon by this evil breaks down. It is these problems that V. Zheleznikov poses in his story "Scarecrow".
The first publishing house of V. Zheleznikov's story was published in 1981 in the Pioneer magazine under the title “Just a few days”, and only after the author worked on the script for the film, together with director Rolan Bykov, in 1983 it was named “Scarecrow”. The film was first released in 1984. The chief filmmaker R.Bykov made a huge fine creative work... After watching it, there was a large influx of viewers' mail with different points of view on him. Basically, two points of view stood out. The first is that this film only teaches cruelty; second, that this is a film of "deep truth, intelligent, courageous, noble."
Rolan Bykov himself said: “In Vladimir Zheleznikov's Scarecrow, I immediately felt a social order, or rather an order. I was captured by her, her characters, drama, the severity of the conflict between high morality, which has deep roots, spirituality, kindness and the element of philistine indifference and cruelty. I saw in the heroine both myself and many whom I love, because each of us in one way or another is or was in the position of a "scarecrow". There were many questions to the filmmaker, such as "why did you change your genre?" - “I didn't change the genre. It's just that the conflict between insignificance and personality has really changed - from the comic it turned into a tragic one before our very eyes: the philistine and the philistine, insignificance and mediocrity no longer experience an inferiority complex in front of the personality. A total complex of usefulness of the average person has appeared in front of the individual, and this is no longer funny. No, good people love, the world rests on them. They are appreciated, their fate worries, they are looking for in the daytime with fire, they are found ... ". *
Views on the work of V. Zheleznikov are not uniform. His first book was published in 1960 under the title "A Colorful Story", which included him best works: "Traveler with luggage." “The Life and Adventures of an Eccentric”, “Everyone Dreams of a Dog”, “White Steamers”, etc. In 1974 V. Zheleznikov was awarded the State Prize for the script of the film “Eccentric from 5“ B ”. Filmed by director Ilya Fraz. The author said: “I was not mistaken in prioritizing all my literary work the story of the moral maturity of a teenager, before whom lies an unknown world full of mystery. Still in him timidly, unclear, he gropes, gaining life experience. "
In the work of V. Zheleznikov, two periods are perceptible. The first is characterized by such works as a collection of stories "A Colorful Story", addressed to younger students, which reveals the naivety of children's perception and the joy of mastering the world around them. According to the author, there was a belief that all the troubles of children - from adults and from the lack of understanding of children by adults. During these twelve years, the transition to the second stage of creativity took place, when a critical understanding of the life and actions of the children themselves came. Childhood and adolescence began to be perceived as certain segments of the life path.
The story "Scarecrow" is the culmination of the second period of the writer's work. Initially, Zheleznikov wanted this work to be a tragedy in its aesthetic sound. By this, he wanted to cleanse the souls of adolescents, if they already have germs of evil. The ending words that Red wrote on the blackboard: "Scarecrow, forgive us!" - This is a self-expression of the writer's belief in a healthy beginning of the growing generation. It is not without reason that A. Likhanov wrote: “Childhood becomes a golden time at the distance of past years: we forget how dramatic it is, how difficult it is, how much it harbors resentment and disappointment. And maybe the most serious test that a growing person goes through is the test of his dignity. "
The plot of the story is based on the conflict between the individual and the collective. Already the first chapter alarms the reader: what kind of "wolves, foxes, jackals" are driving this girl along narrow streets and for what? The second chapter functions as expositions. Nikolai Nikolaevich and his house with paintings. "At night, the house was like a candle in the impenetrable darkness ... and became a kind of beacon in the town ...". And already from these words one can guess that this house will play a special role in the life of this small town on the banks of the Oka.
In the future, the compared portrait of "Mashka" with the face of Lena Bessoltseva is also ambiguous. The author wanted to show by this that “the heroine of the story is not alone - behind her is truth and justice, behind her is the whole glorious family of the Bessoltsevs, Russian intellectuals - patriots, whole generations of wonderful people who carry great folk tradition mercy and spirituality, loyalty and generosity. The heroine is one with the whole family - the Motherland, therefore she is the heroine of our time. " Highly said, but this has its own symbolism.
It is also symbolic in the composition of the story that Lenka challenges the society in the person of his classmates. Cutting her hair bald, she boldly declares to Dimka Somov for the celebration. Not to spoil the mood of these "poor people", no, this is not the purpose of her arrival, but to put an end to self-betrayal. She was tired of being “guilty without guilt” Isn't it “the suffering consciousness of her moral superiority over everyone? From the "ugly duckling" grows " White Swan", From Scarecrow - a personality!". *
The film "Scarecrow" is not much different from the story. Only a few episodes and micro-scenes were changed by the cinema, the playwright Gelman skillfully felt the conflict between children and adults, where it is quite dramatic to hear the girl Motya say to her mother: “Fuck it!”. Why is the mother so guilty in front of her daughter? What are these words for? In the film, this is not considered in detail, but just like in the story, one thing is clear: the teenager does not have a father, like the others, and this, of course, embitters. And the fact that she is like this is not her fault, but the fault of her parents. There is no scene of beating Lena in the story, but in the film it is simply necessary for the viewer, as a vivid means of expressing artistry and the power of emotions.
A film is a film - it must absorb the viewer with its emotionality. Therefore, the mise-en-scenes, music, rhythm, plastic - from which there is a threat and depression, were so necessary for the creators of this film. They do not do from the fact that Lena Bessoltseva took upon herself someone else's "plot-forming" mystery, they are worried about something else - the phenomenon of child cruelty. Its reasons are social, psychological and moral. They are worried about the inner drama of the teenager. "It is here that the aesthetics of cinema, its psychologism, realize itself most fully."
In the film, there is an almost implausible scene of beating a girl, a fire kindled under a scarecrow dressed in Lenka's dress. This is where the soul of the viewer will shudder! According to artistic logic, this scene is simply necessary - this is the psychological limit to which both the heroes and the audience had to be brought. Lena - in order to give her an impulse to active resistance, the guys - so that later they could understand where the falsely understood idea and moral deafness led them, the audience - in order to make self-consciousness work with a shock spectacle.
So what are they doing, these kids? She is silent - it means she does not repent, it means she has her pride, it means she has not resigned herself. And if so, give her ...! Merciless episodes, running, chasing - this is what sets the hectic pace of the film. Rhythm, unity, purpose. They dance when they throw Lenka's dress around, chasing her around like a hunted beast. They surrender to this rhythm with that earnestness that is alarming. The film's operator A. Mukasey shoots these scenes with expression. Maybe it is at these moments that they feel especially strong? Maybe now they are acquiring a feeling of permissiveness? “The energy overwhelming teenagers strives not only to gain form, but also fills with meaning. And the rhythm becomes an illusion of meaning. ”* It seems to the guys that they are administering the right judgment, punishing betrayal, in fact, all this turns into a crime.
Boycott against Lena develops into persecution, and this unites and rallies. The "law of the flock" is triggered.
After all, none other than Lenkina's simplicity and ingenuity pushes the guys to vile tricks. Having shown the collective element that falls upon the suppression of someone else's will, someone else's "I", the filmmakers were able to show the height of a person who accepted and won the battle.
The image of Bessoltsev's grandfather in the film is perfectly created, which creates a favorable “climate for growing the“ rose of the soul ”, for the approval of mercy in Lenka. Involuntarily, not only her grandfather takes part in the education of her feelings, but also the pictures around her, the way of life at home. That is why, both in the film and in the story, it is so important to show the house of the Bessoltsevs and the climate that reigned in it. “The ability to listen is generally a rare gift of the soul. We all love to speak more ourselves, but we have almost forgotten how to listen. This gives rise to the deafness of adults to the world of childhood. ”* For the film, this gift is priceless - the spiritual connection, most important for the entire ideological and artistic construction of the film, was born between Lenka and his grandfather, between destinies divided by time, between generations of this wonderful Russian surname, which carries a tradition morality, mercy and courage.
The image of the young teacher both in the film and in the story is also ambiguous. It is through the image of Margarita Ivanovna that a certain isolation of adults from children's problems is shown. Her main mistake is that she simplifies her students as people. It seems to her that the children are playing some kind of traitors. But it is known that the foundation of physical and moral health is laid in childhood, school, where the teacher must play a certain role of the psychotherapist. But, unfortunately, this is a common disease of adults, to perceive the world of children as a game. Well, what is our life? - the game!".

In 1981, a story was published that shocked Soviet readers, because the events described in it looked like a real nonsense: young pioneer Leninists spread rot on a new student. The author of the work is Vladimir Zheleznikov. "Scarecrow" (a summary is given below) - so he called his story, the idea of ​​which he took from life: similar events happened to his granddaughter. The work shocked the actor and director so much that already in 1983, a feature film of the same name, shot by him, was released on the screens of Soviet cinemas.

So, a summary of "Scarecrow". The action takes place in a small provincial town. The local eccentric old man Nikolai Nikolaevich Bessoltsev, who collects paintings, is visited by his 12-year-old granddaughter Lena. She enters a local school, absolutely sincerely hoping to make new friends here. But classmates almost immediately begin to mock her. They are amused by her spontaneity and naivety combined with awkward appearance: long, thin arms and legs, a large mouth with an eternal smile and two pigtails. Not having time to spend even five minutes in the new class, she gets the nickname "Scarecrow". Summary this story is not able to convey those negative emotions that a new classmate caused in schoolchildren.

Only one boy did not laugh at her. It was Dima Somov, who enjoyed the authority of the entire class, since he was considered handsome and clever, and was also the son of wealthy parents. But Lena Bessoltseva is alien to any selfish thoughts. She just wants to be friends. Dima accepts her friendship and tries to protect her as much as possible from the attacks of classmates. And when he saved the dog, which Valka's classmate wanted to hand over to the knackery, he became a real hero for the girl. But soon the friendship cracked because of the act of Somov. He told the teacher that the whole class had fled to the movies. Lena heard this conversation, but was firmly convinced that Dima would confess to his classmates that it was because of him that now they would not all go on vacation to Moscow. But he did not confess, and the girl took the blame on herself. Two more classmates heard Somov's conversation with the teacher, but they preferred to remain silent in order to see how he would get out. Lena, as a traitor, is boycotted.

Once Valka the flayer ran into the courtyard of the house where Scarecrow lived (the summary is not able to convey all the details), and stole her dress from the clothesline. In addition, he saw Somov there. He chased Valka to take away the dress. Lena ran after them and found herself at a dilapidated church, near which the whole class had gathered. Boys and girls made a stuffed animal out of straw (the summary does not allow describing all the monstrosity of the further action), put on a stolen dress and set it on fire. Bessoltseva rushes to a hot branch with a dress and, having untied it from the post, disperses her blasphemous classmates with it. She realizes that everyone hates her for a betrayal, which she did not commit, but continues to remain silent.

Somova is betrayed by one of the classmates who heard his confession to the teacher, but

Lena doesn't care anymore. She wants to leave this town and persuades her grandfather to let her go or to go with her. Grandfather hesitates. Lena comes to Somov's birthday, shaved bald, and in the same burnt dress that was worn on the scarecrow. A summary will never convey all the emotions, so it would be better to read a book or watch a movie. The girl demonstratively behaves like a fool and, with a fake smile, proclaims herself a scarecrow, a freak and insignificance. Classmates are shocked, but everyone suddenly in the depths of his soul realizes that a freak and insignificance is each of them. They leave Somov's house, and the next day they are finally convinced that he is the traitor. They are ready to ask Lena for forgiveness, but it's too late: she is leaving. Her grandfather travels with her, but before leaving, he donates his house, along with a priceless collection of paintings, to the city. He gave the school a portrait of his grandmother. When the children saw the picture, they were stunned: from an old portrait, more like an icon, a young woman looked at them, exactly like Bessoltseva.

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