We constantly support our projects and. Mozilla Russia

Our project does not pursue commercial goals, but everyone is driven by a common idea: the software should be open and free. We are trying to work in such a way that this thesis is fully relevant among us, Russian-speaking users of the worldwide web. If our goals are the same, then you can help us in several ways.

Become a Member

You can become a member of ours and help us by providing support to users with little experience in Mozilla products. Beginners sometimes ask simple, banal questions, and the most important thing here is just to be attentive to them. No one is required to have any supernatural knowledge and skills.


You can transfer any amount of money to our accounts in electronic payment systems:

  • Z275317032756
  • E847212471358
  • R637285410240
  • 4100126644072

The money you transferred will not be spent on the purchase of the poster "We are greedy!".
Money is required to pay for the placement of the site and the forum on the network, the services of providers, the purchase of technical literature, will become an additional incentive in our work.

Place our buttons

If you are the owner of the site, you can host the buttons of our project.


Do you have any suggestions? We are ready to discuss any questions. Contact any member of our project by e-mail and be sure that you will definitely receive an answer.

If you want to support the non-commercial project "Veda-Radio", founded by O.G. Torsunov, then this can be done in one of the following ways.

1. Tell everyone about Veda Radio!

Have you already understood the value of true, spiritual knowledge? Do you try to live right and do self-improvement? Project "Veda-radio" is called to help all reasonable people on this path and bring them the joy of true knowledge and life in goodness. You can significantly help our mission of spreading Vedic knowledge if you tell other people about the project and share with them your experiences and realizations of following the spiritual path.

2. Write to us if you want to help personally!

If you want to help by suggesting an idea or doing something to develop our projects, then . We always welcome open and talented people and wish to cooperate with you. We will definitely answer, but due to the large number of letters, this may not be immediately, but after a while.

3. Donate to support and develop the Veda Radio project.

You can financially support the project by donating any amount according to the Vedic principles: the amount of the donation should be such that it does not hurt the family budget and does not cause concern to relatives and friends. Even a donation of 1-10 rubles speaks of your pure intentions and desire to help. We are grateful to you for this, but the amount is not important to us 🙂

If you have the opportunity, you can support the project on an ongoing basis, for example, by donating 100 rubles a month. Thanks to this kind of support, the project gains financial stability, improves quality and develops.

Requisites for voluntary donations to the Veda Radio project

In the recipient or comment column, please indicate: “Voluntary donation for the Veda Radio project”

Sberbank of Russia

Sberbank card number: 4276 3000 3898 9920
Recipient: Lilia Evgenievna D.

Account number: 410016689898240

PayPal wallet:

[email protected]

Qiwi wallet:

to wallet number: +79053383097

Beneficiary's bank Alfa-Bank OJSC, Moscow
BIC 044525593
C/C 30101810200000000593
Beneficiary's name Torsunov Oleg Gennadievich
Beneficiary's account number: 42301810904170008050 RUR

U.S. dollars

Beneficiary's Acc. No. 42301840004170014927 USD

Correspondent bank of beneficiary's bank WELLS FARGO BANK N.A.
acc. With Corresponding Bank № 2000193651652
In the column "purpose of payment" enter your name and e-mail.

Beneficiary's bank Alfa-Bank Moscow
Beneficiary's Acc. No. 42301978104170002578 EUR
Beneficiary: Torsunov Oleg Gennadievich
Correspondent bank of beneficiary’s bank COMMERZBANK AG,Frankfurt am Main
acc. With correspondent Bank № 400886894501EUR
In the column "purpose of payment" enter your name and e-mail.

2. Support financially. Send us a screenshot of your translation by email and we will send you the first copy of the magazine (pdf) when it is ready. All funds raised will go exclusively to the development and promotion of the PsychoSearch project. In the near future, we plan to open new sections, improve the design and interface of the site, upload video and audio recordings.
We will be grateful for any support.

3. Send interesting quotes. In the section "Quotes of the Masters" we place small fragments of statements that correspond to the topics of our magazine. Perhaps there are books in your library that would be suitable for our " quote book ". Such texts can also be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.. When we publish, we will definitely refer to you with gratitude!

Put forward ideas.We will gladly listen to any suggestions for reorganization or improvement of the site. They can concern not only texts, but also graphics, design, structure. You can also advise placing some content, for example, a popular science film on psychology, in the Video section.

Become an Author. If you would like to write an article, please contact us via the contact form. Indicate what topic you are interested in, sketch out a rough outline of the article. We recommend that you read the section " Authors, there is a lot of advice on this.

4. Correct mistakes.If you see an error or inaccuracy somewhere on the site, let us know. To do this, select a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter . Leave a comment in the window that appears. Be sure to include your name and email address so we can thank you.

ch. Magazine editor « PsychoSearch »
Chernov A.V.

Hello, dear visitors of our project "7 Gifts"!

Thank you for your interest in our project. We sincerely hope that what you found on our site is interesting, useful and brings joy to you and everyone to whom you make gifts))

If you wish to support our project, there are several ways to do so.

We will be very grateful to you for any support of our project "7 Gifts"!

How you can support the 7 Gifts project:

Leave your opinion and impression about the site "7 Gifts"

Your opinion about our site is very important for us! Please write to us what exactly you like about our site, what else you would like to see from us, how exactly we can improve our site. You can leave a message for us in any article in the comments, in the "Contacts" section

You can send us a letter or in the "About Us" section

"7 Gifts"

Place a banner on the site "7 Gifts"

If you have a blog or website and you like our project, write about us or place our small and cute banner:

Financial assistance to the project "7 Gifts"

If you have the desire and opportunity to support our project with money, we will be very grateful for this. The funds will be used to pay for hosting, domain name renewals and further development of the 7 Gifts project. You can transfer any amount that is comfortable for you.

You can do this in the following ways:

R163853962689 - rubles
Z316501239307 - dollars
E178960567195 - Euro
U224826792609 - hryvnia
Videos explaining how to transfer money in the WebMoney system can be viewed

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