Scenario of a speech at a tourist rally. Scenario fairy tale about negligent tourists Sketches on the theme of tourism for 7 people


Dear friends, we have gathered today to celebrate a wonderful holiday - tourism. During the event, everyone will be able to show their skills and abilities.

The jury will evaluate our participants (the composition of the judging team is read out).

And now I will ask the captains of the teams to come to the table of the jury for the draw.

(Commands are announced in order.)


We spend tourist competition, which consists of four tasks.

Task one: Game "tourist equipment".

The essence of the game: Each team receives an envelope with a picture on the front of the camping equipment. Inside the envelope are cards with images and names of items of group and personal equipment. Envelopes are accompanied by two pockets with the inscriptions "group equipment", "personal equipment". Within one minute, players need to separate group equipment from personal equipment by distributing the cards into the corresponding pockets.

Task two: Game "Understand me".

The essence of the game: The representative of each team is given a card on which is written a noun related to tourism. With the help of gestures and facial expressions, he must show his team this word without saying it. During the evaluation, the acting skills of the performer will be taken into account, as well as the correctness and speed of the team's response.

Task three: Game "Knot".

The essence of the game: Teams are given related tourist nodes, and their name is also said. Within one minute, participants must identify the error and correct it.

Task four: Campfire game.

The essence of the game: The representative of the team draws a card with the name of the fire. After conferring with the rest of the players for one minute, it is necessary to add up the selected type of fire from the proposed sticks of various diameters, and also explain its purpose.

All teams must have the same set of brushwood. Evaluation takes into account the correctness of actions and speed.


We proceed to the second competition - Culinary. After all, a tourist cannot do without food on a hike. And now you will demonstrate your abilities and skills in this area. This competition included three tasks.

Tourist services

arambol beach vagator beach India "Time Lapse" hippie "drugs in goa" hashish "video from goa" "goa trance" "grishkoff factory" Goa GoPro Guitar, "Time Lapse" Tourism "Time- lapse Photography" Camera Check First

Task one: testing knowledge of food products, in particular cereals.

The essence of the task: numbered plastic bags with various cereals (no more than five) are laid out on the table. From each team, one participant comes out, who determine and write down the name and number of the corresponding product on an individual card. The cards are handed over to the jury.

Task 2: Prepare dinner.

The essence of the task: on a blank piece of paper for two minutes, the guys need to write the name of the products most often used on hikes, and also make a menu for lunch from them.

Task three: cereals are mixed, it is necessary to separate them from one another.

The essence of the task: the teams are given a jar of mixed three ingredients (you can use watermelon seeds, sunflower seeds and beans). The highest score will be given to the one who separates the seeds the fastest.


Now it's time for the competition tourist mysteries.

(For each team, the leader makes travel riddles, the jury evaluates the answers).


And now our participants will be able to show their acting skills by participating in a dramatization of the laws of young tourists. Let me remind you that for our teams it was homework. (In order of priority, the teams perform, the jury evaluates the artistry of the speakers, the completeness of the disclosure of the law).


Somewhat similar to the previous tourist drawing, this is also homework, but this time the guys practiced on paper, depicting the laws of young tourists.

(A competition is held: a member of each team defends his poster, the jury evaluates).


On not ours, and not yours!

Sing with us the whole tourist party

One needle, two needles - there will be a Christmas tree!

One plank, two planks - and a woodpile!

We are not too lazy to go to tourslets!

It's fun to walk across the open spaces together,

Through the expanses, through the expanses!

And of course it's better to sing along,

Better in choir, better in choir!

They leave in formation under "There is nothing better in the world"

Scenario of a tourist rally

On a picnic by the fire

The collection is carried out by the cooks.

“To have tea on time.

Put what in the pot?

Currant leaf, oregano,

A handful of granulated sugar."

They are advised: "Mustard

And half a pack of tobacco.

What kind of person is this

Did you choose this accommodation?

By the swamp! Only night -

Someone howls at the top of their lungs.

Climbing howl through the pillow -

To put it bluntly, no sleep.

Who's there? witch's girlfriend

Or the devil's wife?

We all need to know everything

On the tourist strip!

Gotta run like a bullet

Squeeze the body many times

Light up the fire in an instant

Cook cabbage soup, bake pancakes,

Drink sweet tea

Walk along the route.

Forget the height

On the rope bridge

All tourists should be able to!

Don't forget about the trip!

Get on the road,

Behind the school year.

Start from the school threshold -

And go! Give a hike!

IV. Hike (sketch)


Our story about that will go,

How did we go hiking?

We have been gathering for a very long time

Hurry, worried

And I prayed to God

To keep it from raining.

Put on your backpacks

Sticks in hand and let's go.


Oh guys, oh, oh, oh!

There's something wrong with my leg!

The finger hurts so much

He looks so red!


You rubbed him

Who has the adhesive tape?

Lena should have taken

Has she forgotten?


Oh I can't

Know, forgot on the run

Put it in a bag.

How can we guys be?

The teacher bandages the finger with a handkerchief.


Are we all right now?

Let's keep going, guys.

Oh, I hurt my hand

Oh, it hurts so much!

Give me a bandage!


For the first aid kit, you need to know

Lena must answer.


Yes, I already said:

Gathering, in such a hurry,

Forgot the first aid kit.

The teacher takes off the scarf and bandages Olya's hand.



Oh, how cold, friends,

I'll freeze on the go!


We warned you

To dress warmer.

And where to go now?

Should we return halfway?

The teacher takes off his jacket and gives it to Lena.


Oh, I didn't think

That the shoe will fall apart!

New, like, was completely

Eight years, maybe seven.


I did warn you:

Shoes must be strong

You didn't suspect

What will it fall apart?

Finally, a halt

Now we're going to eat.

Who food, children, took?

All(in chorus).

Vadim answered for them.


What are you hearing for the first time?

I was hoping for you!

The teacher takes out a sandwich from his backpack and divides it among everyone.


Here comes the evening

Our trip is over.


Oh, our trip was a success!

Is this true, friends?

All(in chorus). Is it true!


Let's take a week off

And let's go hiking again!

Scenario of a tourist rally

Tourist launches. Scenario

Goals: to promote a healthy lifestyle; develop the creative abilities of students; promote team building.

Event progress

I. Safety briefing

Carefully study the direction of movement, the nature of the terrain, taking into account the difficulties and dangers.

Observe the group mode of movement, do not allow the separation of the group, do not overtake the leader and keep up with the trailer. The guide sets the right pace of movement and monitors the direction. The trailer makes sure that the group does not stretch and is constantly within hearing and visibility. Any absences of the participants of the campaign and violations of discipline are excluded.

Observe sanitary standards for food storage. Do not eat unwashed foods, berries, vegetables, fruits. Mushrooms, wild berries and herbs should be eaten only with full confidence in their edibility. Check the quality of drinking water and, in any doubtful cases, purify it by chlorination.

Completely exclude the use of alcoholic beverages during the trip.

Carefully follow the signals warning of danger, quickly and accurately follow the commands and orders of the group leader.

When moving through the forest, strictly observe fire safety, do not throw burning matches, carefully extinguish fires.

When lost in the forest, it is important not to allow the group to split up, not to change the parking lot and not to conduct reconnaissance of the area alone.

Shouts should not be allowed, because a cry is a signal for help.

In case of a thunderstorm, descend from a hill, lay down iron objects at a distance of at least 15 m from people, walk slowly, do not run, do not stop under lonely trees, poles, on the shore of a reservoir, do not stand near communication lines and power lines.

II. Event options

Option 1. The game "Robinsonade"

Teacher. We are on a desert island, from civilization we have legs, arms, a head, pieces of rope of different thicknesses, sheets of paper. We have to go through all the stages of Robinson on the island.

First stage. The first thing Robinson needs to do on the island is to build a house out of deadwood, stakes, branches, and other materials. The hut should be designed for one person.

Second phase. This stage will reveal the ability to cook food. It is necessary to equip a fire place in accordance with all the rules in order to cook food. The judge evaluates the reliability of the racks, the fire safety of the fire and what damage was caused to nature by this Robinson.

Third stage. Now it's time to make a dinner spoon. All Robinsons are given penknives, tree bark, dry thick branches. The judge evaluates the spoon for its intended use.

Fourth stage. From pre-prepared material, you need to make a bow, arrows, spear.

Fifth stage. We suggest hitting the target with a bow or spear. Both the accuracy and the state of the weapon after use are taken into account.

Sixth stage. The Robinsons enumerate and, if possible, collect herbs from which tea can be brewed.

Seventh stage. The Robinsons must make a hat out of paper so that the island does not bake a head.

Eighth stage. stage. The knowledge of the book about Robinson Crusoe is being tested.

Why did Robinson call his friend Friday? (“...I chose this name for him in memory of the day I saved his life.”)

Who was Robinson on the island? (“... I lived like a real king, without needing anything ...”)

What did Robinson make his umbrella out of? (From goat skins. “I covered it with goat skins with fur on the outside: rainwater flowed down the fur like on a sloping roof, and the hottest sunbeams could not penetrate it.”)

Option 2. Tourist relay race

1. Crossing (mounted or pendulum).

2. Log crossing.

3. Overcoming a conditional swamp, bumps.

4. Packing the backpack.

5. Providing first aid.

Option 3. Military sports relay race

March. On the starting line - a duffel bag with a load.

On a signal, the first team member puts on a duffel bag, runs to the turn mark and back, passes the duffel bag to the next participant.

Snipers. Competitions for the accuracy of hitting the target with tennis balls: each team member makes one "shot".

Throwing a grenade. The purpose of the exercise is the accuracy of the hit, the number of throws is 3, the position of the participant is arbitrary, the weight of the rubber grenade is 250-300 g.

obstacle course. The simplest obstacle course is ropes stretched between trees at different heights that you need to jump over. Obstacles must be overcome both on the way to the turning point and on the way back.

Zone of chemical contamination. Before entering the danger zone (marked with a line), the teams line up. At the signal "Gases", participants take turns putting on a gas mask and crossing the contaminated area. The total time is determined by the last participant.

Red Cross. Transportation of victims. The team is divided into threes. In each trio, two make a “high chair” from intertwined hands, and on this “high chair” they carry the third to the turning mark and back.

Minefield. The players must crawl between the staggered pins. If the player touches the pin with his hand or foot - he is wounded, if he touches the pin a second time or with his body - he is killed. The team that overcomes the "minefield" with the least losses wins.

Option 4. The game "The Last Hero"

The participants are the guys who correctly answered the questions of the qualifying round: a total of 10 people.

Questions of the qualifying round

Cool turn. (Turn.)

French writer, one of the creators of the genre of science fiction novel. (Jules Verne.)

A highly gifted child. (Prodigy.)

Airless space. (Vacuum.)

Which lake is the deepest in the world? (Baikal.)

Name world famous educational institutions. (Oxford, Cambridge.)

A female warrior of Ancient Greece, whose name is the river in America. (Amazon.)

Horse of Don Quixote. (Rocinante.)

Horse shoes. (Horseshoe.)

The famous traveler, whose horse, when he was in Russia, was tied to the roof of the bell tower. (Baron Munchausen.)

The participants of the game are divided into two tribes, come up with names for them and choose leaders.

Game conditions: the tribe that lost the competition draws lots: the participant who draws the black mark leaves the game.

Leading. So, the Turtle and Crocodile teams are sent to Cook Island. But for this you need to make pies.

Competition 1. Building a pirogue boat

Teams make a chain from improvised materials: clothes, shoes, caps, etc. The team whose “boat” is longer wins. The losing team draws lots, one of its members leaves the game.

Leading. We safely reached the island, where we were met by a tribe of natives. Respecting the customs of the natives, we must dance the native dance with them.

Competition 2. Native dance

Teams must collect as many snake dancers as possible. At the whistle of the leader, the dance stops and the participants in the dance are counted. The losing tribe draws lots.

Leading. Attention! The leader of the natives challenges you to a duel. To do this, you need to recruit a team of 10 people.

Competition 3. Duel

Each tribe recruits the required number of players for its team. The game can be any: tug of war, running with ropes or with a hoop, jumping on one leg with the ball.

Leading. The island has gone dry. The sun is unbearably hot. We'll have to drink the last supply of fresh water.

Contest 4. Image is nothing, thirst is everything!

Participants must temporarily drink water from a bottle with a pacifier. The winner receives immunity, others draw lots.

Leading. After the competition, the hospitable leader invites you to sing songs around the fire.

Competition 5. Songs by the fire

Teams sing songs where numbers are mentioned. The host sings "A Million Scarlet Roses", the teams continue in turn. The team that fails to continue the chain of songs loses.

Leading. The vacation is over - it's time to think about the further stay on the island. Your leaders have decided to build a house.

Competition 6. Build a house

Tribal leaders wear boxing gloves. They must move all the cubes one by one to the other side of the island and stack them on top of each other, building a tower. The one with the highest tower wins.

Leading. The house is built, and the tribes decide to unite. Now they will be called... Welcome to the new tribe! You are allowed to send news home by pigeon mail.

Competition 7. Pigeon mail

Participants are given sheets of paper from which they must make airplanes. They sign their name with a pencil. They line up and launch planes. Whoever flies further - receives immunity and becomes the last hero.

Leading. Here he is - the last hero! You are awarded with a prize and a medal "The Last Hero". Applause for the winner! And now, in honor of the winner, the inhabitants of Cook Island announce a native disco!

III. Performance of tourist propaganda teams

Give a hike!

Hey guys!

Time to think about tents!

Get your backpacks out

Mugs, spoons, pots!

Route Description

It might look like this.

Don't waste a minute -

Check out what and how!

Oh, you are a river,

Waves crash on the shore.

At the broken bridge

People are crying for a reason

A mass spilled out of the mud,

Glowing black gloss.

Let's go for at least an hour

But not more than a month!

Ta-ra-ra and ta-ra-ra

There is a mountain in the way.

And no matter how hard,

Only rocks on the way!

Well, let's think and think:

Smart will not go uphill,

On the rampage will not shove -

A smart mountain will bypass!

"SportLand" fitness club, Livoberezhnaya metro station", "Hide")">Video: Birthday of the SportLand fitness club, Livoberezhnaya metro station

Birthday of the fitness club "SportLand" metro Levoberezhnaya

September 5, 2012 fitness club "SportLand" Levoberezhnaya metro station celebrated the year of its work. The SportLand company has been developing dynamically in recent years and we are glad that with each of our clients there are more and more. "SportLand" is a community of active, positive and self-confident people. And our holiday turned out to be fun and interesting. Everyone received a lot of positive emotions and a charge of vivacity for the whole next year.

The program of the event included: a win-win for all our clients, competitions among and men, demonstration performances by trainers of the group programs hall. We solemnly congratulated the winners of the competitions, as well as the participants and awarded them with prizes. And everyone who purchased SportLand club cards on that day received wonderful prizes from our partners.

The partners of the event were the TUI travel agency network, the Shine manicure and pedicure studio, the Polyana wine market chain and the KOMOD shopping center. We thank our partners for providing wonderful prizes.

Scenario of a tourist and local history holiday for schoolchildren of grades 6-8 "Around the native land with a backpack"

- popularization of sports tourism as a satisfaction of the natural human need for direct knowledge of the surrounding world, one's own region;
- formation of tourist equipment skills;
- studying the basics of tourist life.
- development of active tourist and sports activities of children;
- development of interest in the study of tourism.
- education of a physically healthy, moral person who loves and knows his land.
- introduce the concept of "tourism", types of tourism;
- Familiarize yourself with the rules of packing a backpack;
- teach how to put on a safety system;
- introduce the rules for setting up a bivouac;
- to give an elementary idea of ​​the types of fire, to teach
lay out bonfires of various types;
- Introduce the main responsibilities of the group members.
Equipment: thematic illustrations; rope; skate; hoops; tourist equipment; firewood, personal equipment.

Lesson plan:
1. Introductory stage.
2. The main stage.
2.1. Acquaintance.
2.2 Warm-up "Quiz"
2.3 Relay "Get ready for a hike"

2.4 Get to the place
2.5 Tourist equipment.
2.6. Crossing.
2.7. Installation of a bivouac.
2.8.Light the fire

Teacher: Hello guys. Today we have a tourist and local lore holiday "Around the native land with a backpack." We will make a fascinating journey into the world of tourism. We will find out what tourists do and what tourists learn during hikes and competitions, as well as what unites these romantics of the road.
Who are tourists and what do they do?
What does the word "tourism" mean? This word comes from the French "journey", and you can travel in different ways. On the territory of our region you can engage in all types of tourism.
-What types of tourism do you know?
Teacher: Well done boys! But before we start our holiday, I will introduce today the jury, which will evaluate. (Jury presentation). And our first competition "Quiz".
1.Competition "Quiz" (application)
Teacher: Well done! -So, we're on our way. Without what important item of tourist equipment the trip will not take place? (backpack)
-A backpack is a true friend of any tourist. Camping house, which is always near. The tourist has to assemble and disassemble it several times a day. Packing a backpack is a whole science. We will try to comprehend some of its basics now.
- The first participant with an empty backpack runs to the hoop, in which various objects are scattered. His task is to take only one item that can be useful on a hike, put it in a backpack, return to the team and pass the backpack to the next player who performs the same task. Attention, there are extra items in the hoop that we will not need on the hike, show your thinking and ingenuity.
2.Competition "Get ready for a hike"
Teacher: The backpack is packed, you can go hiking. There may be obstacles along the way. And the next competition "Get to the place"
3.Competition "Get to the place" (“Mousetrap” (we build it like this: we stretch a volleyball net between two gymnastic benches.) crawling under the net, “crossing” (skate and rope), log, hinged ladder, climb, traverse, descent (Swedish ladder))

Teacher: The obstacles that you have overcome can meet you on a hike. Did you know that in order to overcome them you need special equipment. In order to overcome obstacles, you need to learn how to use a safety system that will save a person's life in the most difficult situations. And we are starting the next competition "Tourist equipment"
4. Competition "Tourist Equipment" (putting on the system, gloves, helmets, fastening carabiners)
Teacher: We continue our hike. All tourists should be able to get out of any situation. Ahead of you is a river and a small boat in which the whole team does not fit. And now the task is for the captains who must send the team to the next shore. In the hands of the captain of the team there is a hoop, this is the boat. The captain stands in a hoop, in turn he takes one member of the team into his hoop and runs across to the other side. And so on until the captain transfers the entire team.
5.Competition "Crossing"
Teacher: We made it safely to the parking lot. What needs to be done next? Right. Set up a camp.
6.Competition "Setting up a bivouac" (tent)
Teacher: Well done guys, the camp was established. But what is a hike without a campfire. And now
Now each team will light their own fire. In the hands of each player of the team are one log. At the signal of the leader, the guys take turns running to the line where they should build a fire, in the form of a well. The last player runs and puts a model of fire inside the fire. Than indicating to the jury that the fire is lit.
7. Competition "Light the fire"
Teacher: Our journey has come to an end. All showed their dexterity, strength, speed. And most importantly, we got a charge of vivacity and a lot of positive emotions!
Teacher: Today, guys, you have plunged a little into the multifaceted, interesting, full of impressions world of tourism. Of course, we have touched only a thousandth of this extraordinary hobby. Our holiday is coming to an end. But any trip should end on a good note, and now our jury has summed up the results. You have a word. (Awarding)


Look at the picture carefully and answer the questions.
1. How many tourists live in this camp?
Answer: 4 tourists. 4 spoons and plates, wood list of 4.
2. When did they arrive here: today or a few days ago?
Answer: a few days ago. Web on the tent.
3. Why did they come here?
Answer: They came by boat. Paddles near the tree.
4. Is it far from the camp to the nearest village?
Answer: not far. The picture shows a chicken.
5.Where does the wind blow: from the north or south?
Answer: from the south. A flag is visible on the tent, which indicates the direction of the wind. If you look at the pines, then on the north side they have shorter branches. So the wind is blowing from the south.
6.What time of day is it?
Answer: morning. Using the previous answer, you can determine the cardinal points, and looking at the shadow from the cook, you can see that the sun is in the east, which means it's morning.
7. Where did Shura go?
Answer: catch butterflies. Behind the bushes you can see a net.
8. Who was on duty yesterday? (Call by name.)
Answer: Kohl. Today it is not Shura on duty (he catches butterflies), not Kolya (he is by the backpack with the letter "K"), and not Vasya (he takes pictures, there is a tripod in his backpack with the letter "B"). So the person on duty is Petya, and yesterday Kolya was on duty.
9. What day of which month is today?
Answer: August 8th. Petya is on duty today, so it's the 8th. You can see the watermelon, so it's August.

Quiz participants: students of tourist associations of the first year of study.

The purpose of the competition: To conduct an intermediate control of knowledge and skills acquired by participants of tourist associations in the classroom.

Equipment and materials: easels with a poster with a riddle and a table of results, a marker, envelopes with cards “Personal and group equipment”; cards with words related to tourism for the game “Understand me”; error-related tourist nodes; cards with the names of fires - node, well, cannon, taiga, starry; sets of brushwood according to the number of teams; food products sealed in plastic wrap and numbered (semolina, buckwheat, starch, barley, salt, sugar, etc.). Participant cards, sheets of paper with pens for the “Let's Cook Lunch” contest; jars according to the number of teams with mixed seeds (beans, sunflower seeds and watermelon). Props for staging homework (prepared by each team); stopwatch; diplomas for all teams, medals for winners; chips for the team draw. Tape recorder for musical arrangement of competitions.

2 weeks before the quiz, the participating teams are given the task:

  • colorfully depict on paper one of the laws of tourists (the list is attached).
  • stage one of the tourist laws.
  • learn a tourist song.

The tourist quiz can be held in the hall, which is decorated with posters and photographs on a tourist theme. On one of the walls there are posters with the laws of young tourists - the homework of the teams.

Tourist quiz participants: 4-5 teams.

The number of guys in the team is from 4 to 7.


Host: Teams of young tourists have gathered here to take part in the tourist quiz "Zadorinki", to show their skills and abilities, which were obtained in the classroom in the associations of our station.

The quiz consists of the following contests:

1. Tourist.

2. Culinary.

3. Competition of tourist riddles.

4. Competition for the best dramatization.

5. Tourist drawing.

6. Psychological competition.

7. Marching songs.

These competitions will be judged by a jury composed of…

I ask the team captains to come to the jury table for the draw.

After the draw, the leader announces the order in which the teams will perform.

Host: So, the first competition is a tourist one. This competition includes 4 tasks. The highest score for each task is 5 points. The maximum score for the entire competition is 20 points.

The first task: The game "tourist equipment". During this game, teams will show their knowledge of personal and group equipment of tourists.

Explanation of the game: Each team is given an envelope with the tourist's equipment on the front. The envelope contains cards with the names and images of items of personal and group equipment. The envelopes are given two pockets with the inscriptions “personal equipment”, “group equipment”. (Explanation followed by demonstration). The task of the players is to separate personal equipment from group equipment in 1 minute, putting the cards in the corresponding pockets, and the pockets in an envelope.

Envelopes are distributed to the teams and the time is recorded. After completing the task, the envelopes are collected on the jury table, where it sums up. At this time, there is another task.

Host: the next task of the tourist competition is the game “Understand me”.

Explanation of the game: there are cards on the jury table, on the reverse side of which words related to tourism are written. These are singular nouns. One of the team members must use facial expressions and gestures to show the other team the word he has chosen without pronouncing it.

Both the actions of the showman, the speed, and the correctness of the team's response will be evaluated.

The highest score of the demonstrator is 2.5 points.

The highest score of the participating team is 2.5 points.

As a result, the highest score for this competition is 5 points.

During the game, the jury evaluates the players.

Leading: The task “Knot” will reveal your skills and knowledge in tying tourist knots.

Explanation of the task: The teams are given associated tourist nodes, their name is said. In one minute, you need to find an error in them, show it and correct it.

The teams compete according to the draw.

After completing the task, the Host presents the floor to the jury to announce the results of the tourist competition.

Presenter: The final task of the tourist competition: "Bonfire".

Explanation of the task: Teams draw out a card with the name of the fire and in one minute it is necessary to add up the selected type of fire from the proposed sticks of different diameters and explain its purpose.

The brush sets are the same for all teams.

The speed and correctness of actions are evaluated.

Host: The second competition of our game is Culinary. In any trip, a tourist cannot do without food. Before going on a hike, the tourist must learn the basics of camp cooking. And now you will show your skills in this area. The competition consists of three tasks. For the first two tasks, the highest score is 5 points. For the third task - 4 points. The maximum score for the entire competition is 14 points.

The first task of this competition will show whether you know cereals and food.

Explanation of the task: on the table, which stands in the center of the hall, there are numbered plastic bags (you can take about five) with a set of various cereals. Each team allocates one participant, who must determine and write down the number and name of the corresponding product on an individual card. Finished cards are handed over to the jury. The team whose participant quickly and accurately signs the names of the products wins.

Host: The second task of this competition is “Let's cook dinner”.

Teams receive a sheet with a new task. In two minutes, the guys have to write the name of the products that are usually used on hikes and make a menu for lunch from these products.

The completed task is submitted to the jury.

Presenter: In the previous tasks, young tourists identified food items, compiled a lunch menu, but in the process of cooking, a nuisance happened: the cereals were mixed. The task is to separate these cereals from one another.

Teams receive a jar containing three ingredients. (You can use beans, sunflower seeds and watermelon)

Whoever separates the seeds faster will receive the highest score of 4 points.

After completing the task, the Host gives the floor to the jury to announce the results of the culinary competition.

Moderator: The turn of the competition of tourist riddles has come.

The highest mark for this competition is given and announced according to the number of riddles participating in the competition. For each correctly guessed answer - 1 point.

The first task for all teams is a riddle poster (an easel with a poster is taken out).

The task of the team members is to answer the questions of the facilitator. Raise your hand to answer a question. Shouts from a place are not taken into account. The respondent must explain the answer.

Questions for the riddle poster (photo attached).

  1. How many tourists live in the camp?
  2. When did they come here?
  3. Is it far from the camp to the nearest village?
  4. Where does the wind blow: from the north or from the south?
  5. What time of day is it?
  6. Where did Sasha go?
  7. Who was on duty yesterday?
  8. What date is today and what month?

After the answers of the teams, the leader makes riddles to each team, the rest of the teams must be silent, since their answer will not be counted, and only in case of an incorrect answer of the team can the answer of other teams be accepted. In this case, the responding team receives one more point in its piggy bank.

So, the riddle to the first team:

Wherever you are
If only I got lost
He will show you friend
Way north and south. (Compass)

Riddle for the second team:

Helped us at the halt,
Soup cooked, baked potatoes,
It's good for hiking
Don't take it with you. (Bonfire)

Riddle for the third team:

He is with you and with me
Walked forest stitches
A friend walking behind
On belts with fasteners. (Backpack)

Riddle for the fourth team:

The arrow swings back and forth
Will show us north and south without difficulty. (Compass)

Riddles for all teams. Those who know the answer raise their hand:

  1. Writhe - with a cat,
  2. And it will stretch - off the track. (Rope)

  3. Downhill - horses,
  4. Uphill - pieces of wood. (Skis)

  5. Who walks the night and walks the day
  6. Not knowing what laziness is? (Watch)

  7. What will be born from the water
    Are you afraid of water? (Salt)

At the end of the competition, the jury announces the results of the teams.

Leading. The fourth competition of our game is a dramatization of the laws of young tourists.

This was homework for the teams. In the process of preparing this competition, the guys were able to realize their creative abilities.

The following laws will be staged...

(Pre-facilitator learns this from the teams). Teams play in order of priority. The jury evaluates the completeness of the disclosure of the law, the artistry of the speakers.

At the end of the competition, the results are summed up. (You can invite teams to evaluate the performance of other teams on a 5-point scale)

Moderator: The tourist drawing competition is a bit similar to the previous one, it is also homework, but this time the guys tried their hand on paper, drawing the laws of young tourists.

I ask one of the team members to approach the poster and protect it.

Posters are being protected in order of priority.

At the end of the competition, the jury sums up the results.

Moderator: The psychological competition will show us how close-knit you are as a team. Teams receive a set of large cards on which one of the laws of tourists is written. Each card has one or two words. Team members take one card at a time and line up with them hardly so that the jury and other teams can read this sentence.

The main criterion in evaluating this competition is the psychological compatibility of the guys, how they interact when performing the task.

The speed and correctness of execution are also taken into account.

Presenter: The camping tourist song competition completes our game “Hitch”.

The highest score is 5 points.

At a halt, tourists like to sing songs by the fire. And we will listen and appreciate these songs, imagining ourselves near a warming fire.

Teams play in order of priority.

Please first team...

After the performance of the competitive songs, the presenter invites all teams to perform Oleg Mityaev's song “Bend of the Yellow Guitar”.

The floor is given to the jury to sum up the final results and announce the winners of the quiz.

Moderator: All teams performed well, showing their tourism skills. Those who did not reach the victory, do not be discouraged. We have an Olympic principle: the main thing is not victory, the main thing is participation!

All participants are awarded with commemorative diplomas. And the winners - homemade medals.

Laws of young tourists.

  1. You cannot understand the meaning of tourism while sitting at home.
  2. If you go on a hike - do not be afraid, if you are afraid - do not go.
  3. A bad trip happens only to bad tourists.
  4. In the campaign, seven do not wait for one.
  5. If you are tired - help a friend, and you will feel better.
  6. Do not take a too heavy backpack on a hike, your comrades will have to drag it.
  7. Do not take a herring with you, it is better to eat a pinch of salt.
  8. Rain is not a hindrance for tourists.
  9. No matter how small the remaining piece of bread is, it is divided among everyone during the campaign.
  10. No matter how difficult it is on the way, keep our law - do not squeak!
  11. The road will be mastered by the walking one.
  12. A tourist is one who brings good to people.

Mystery poster

Tourist knots

1a - straight, 1b - reef,

1c - counter, 1d - weaving,

2a - academic, 2b - clew,

2c - bramshkotovy, 3a - conductor,

3b - figure eight, 3c - bowline.

Types of fires

Tourist launches. Scenario

Goals: to promote a healthy lifestyle; develop the creative abilities of students; promote team building.

Event progress

I. Safety briefing

Carefully study the direction of movement, the nature of the terrain, taking into account the difficulties and dangers.

Observe the group mode of movement, do not allow the separation of the group, do not overtake the leader and keep up with the trailer. The guide sets the right pace of movement and monitors the direction. The trailer makes sure that the group does not stretch and is constantly within hearing and visibility. Any absences of the participants of the campaign and violations of discipline are excluded.

Observe sanitary standards for food storage. Do not eat unwashed foods, berries, vegetables, fruits. Mushrooms, wild berries and herbs should be eaten only with full confidence in their edibility. Check the quality of drinking water and, in any doubtful cases, purify it by chlorination.

Completely exclude the use of alcoholic beverages during the trip.

Carefully follow the signals warning of danger, quickly and accurately follow the commands and orders of the group leader.

When moving through the forest, strictly observe fire safety, do not throw burning matches, carefully extinguish fires.

When lost in the forest, it is important not to allow the group to split up, not to change the parking lot and not to conduct reconnaissance of the area alone.

Shouts should not be allowed, because a cry is a signal for help.

In case of a thunderstorm, descend from a hill, lay down iron objects at a distance of at least 15 m from people, walk slowly, do not run, do not stop under lonely trees, poles, on the shore of a reservoir, do not stand near communication lines and power lines.

II. Event options

Option 1. The game "Robinsonade"

Teacher. We are on a desert island, from civilization we have legs, arms, a head, pieces of rope of different thicknesses, sheets of paper. We have to go through all the stages of Robinson's life on the island.

First stage. The first thing Robinson needs to do on the island is to build a house out of deadwood, stakes, branches, and other materials. The hut should be designed for one person.

Second phase. This stage will reveal the ability to cook food. It is necessary to equip a fire place in accordance with all the rules in order to cook food. The judge evaluates the reliability of the racks, the fire safety of the fire and what damage was caused to nature by this Robinson.

Third stage. Now it's time to make a dinner spoon. All Robinsons are given penknives, tree bark, dry thick branches. The judge evaluates the spoon for its intended use.

Fourth stage. From pre-prepared material, you need to make a bow, arrows, spear.

Fifth stage. We suggest hitting the target with a bow or spear. Both the accuracy and the state of the weapon after use are taken into account.

Sixth stage. The Robinsons enumerate and, if possible, collect herbs from which tea can be brewed.

Seventh stage. The Robinsons must make a hat out of paper so that the island does not bake a head.

Eighth stage. Final stage. The knowledge of the book about Robinson Crusoe is being tested.

Why did Robinson call his friend Friday? (“...I chose this name for him in memory of the day I saved his life.”)

Who was Robinson on the island? (“... I lived like a real king, without needing anything ...”)

What did Robinson make his umbrella out of? (From goat skins. “I covered it with goat skins with fur on the outside: rainwater flowed down the fur like on a sloping roof, and the hottest sunbeams could not penetrate it.”)

Option 2. Tourist relay race

1. Crossing (mounted or pendulum).

2. Log crossing.

3. Overcoming a conditional swamp, bumps.

4. Packing the backpack.

5. Providing first aid.

Option 3. Military sports relay race

March. On the starting line - a duffel bag with a load.

On a signal, the first team member puts on a duffel bag, runs to the turn mark and back, passes the duffel bag to the next participant.

Snipers. Competitions for the accuracy of hitting the target with tennis balls: each team member makes one "shot".

Throwing a grenade. The purpose of the exercise is the accuracy of the hit, the number of throws is 3, the position of the participant is arbitrary, the weight of the rubber grenade is 250-300 g.

obstacle course. The simplest obstacle course is ropes stretched between trees at different heights that you need to jump over. Obstacles must be overcome both on the way to the turning point and on the way back.

Zone of chemical contamination. Before entering the danger zone (marked with a line), the teams line up. At the signal "Gases", participants take turns putting on a gas mask and crossing the contaminated area. The total time is determined by the last participant.

Red Cross. Transportation of victims. The team is divided into threes. In each trio, two make a “high chair” from intertwined hands, and on this “high chair” they carry the third to the turning mark and back.

Minefield. The players must crawl between the staggered pins. If the player touches the pin with his hand or foot - he is wounded, if he touches the pin a second time or with his body - he is killed. The team that overcomes the "minefield" with the least losses wins.

Option 4. The game "The Last Hero"

The participants in the game are the guys who correctly answered the questions of the qualifying round: a total of 10 people.

Questions of the qualifying round

Cool turn. (Turn.)

French writer, one of the creators of the genre of science fiction novel. (Jules Verne.)

A highly gifted child. (Prodigy.)

Airless space. (Vacuum.)

Which lake is the deepest in the world? (Baikal.)

Name the world famous English educational institutions. (Oxford, Cambridge.)

A female warrior of Ancient Greece, whose name is the river in America. (Amazon.)

Horse of Don Quixote. (Rocinante.)

Horse shoes. (Horseshoe.)

The famous traveler, whose horse, when he was in Russia, was tied to the roof of the bell tower. (Baron Munchausen.)

The participants of the game are divided into two tribes, come up with names for them and choose leaders.

Game conditions: the tribe that lost the competition draws lots: the participant who draws the black mark leaves the game.

Leading. So, the Turtle and Crocodile teams are sent to Cook Island. But for this you need to make pies.

Competition 1. Building a pirogue boat

Teams make a chain from improvised materials: clothes, shoes, caps, etc. The team whose “boat” is longer wins. The losing team draws lots, one of its members leaves the game.

Leading. We safely reached the island, where we were met by a tribe of natives. Respecting the customs of the natives, we must dance the native dance with them.

Competition 2. Native dance

Teams must collect as many snake dancers as possible. At the whistle of the leader, the dance stops and the participants in the dance are counted. The losing tribe draws lots.

Leading. Attention! The leader of the natives challenges you to a duel. To do this, you need to recruit a team of 10 people.

Competition 3. Duel

Each tribe recruits the required number of players for its team. The game can be any: tug of war, running with ropes or with a hoop, jumping on one leg with the ball.

Leading. The island has gone dry. The sun is unbearably hot. We'll have to drink the last supply of fresh water.

Contest 4. Image is nothing, thirst is everything!

Participants must temporarily drink water from a bottle with a pacifier. The winner receives immunity, others draw lots.

Leading. After the competition, the hospitable leader invites you to sing songs around the fire.

Competition 5. Songs by the fire

Teams sing songs where numbers are mentioned. The host sings "A Million Scarlet Roses", the teams continue in turn. The team that fails to continue the chain of songs loses.

Leading. The vacation is over - it's time to think about the further stay on the island. Your leaders have decided to build a house.

Competition 6. Build a house

Tribal leaders wear boxing gloves. They must move all the cubes one by one to the other side of the island and stack them on top of each other, building a tower. The one with the highest tower wins.

Leading. The house is built, and the tribes decide to unite. Now they will be called... Welcome to the new tribe! You are allowed to send news home by pigeon mail.

Competition 7. Pigeon mail

Participants are given sheets of paper from which they must make airplanes. They sign their name with a pencil. They line up and launch planes. Whoever flies further - receives immunity and becomes the last hero.

Leading. Here he is - the last hero! You are awarded with a prize and a medal "The Last Hero". Applause for the winner! And now, in honor of the winner, the inhabitants of Cook Island announce a native disco!

III. Performance of tourist propaganda teams

Give a hike!

Hey guys!

Time to think about tents!

Get your backpacks out

Mugs, spoons, pots!

Route Description

It might look like this.

Don't waste a minute -

Check out what and how!

Oh, you are a river,

Waves crash on the shore.

At the broken bridge

People are crying for a reason

A mass spilled out of the mud,

Glowing black gloss.

Let's go for at least an hour

But not more than a month!

Ta-ra-ra and ta-ra-ra

There is a mountain in the way.

And no matter how hard,

Only rocks on the way!

Well, let's think and think:

Smart will not go uphill,

On the rampage will not shove -

A smart mountain will bypass!

Scenario of initiation into tourists-local historians

Goals and objectives:

To unite the group into a single team, uniting all its members with a common creative activity;
involve students in creative activities, influence the personality of the circle member;
consolidate the acquired tourist knowledge, skills and abilities;
develop communication and behavior skills in an unfamiliar audience;
promotion of healthy lifestyles;
tourism development.

Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear friends! We are glad to see you on Kulebaki land.

Presenter 2: Today our tourist and local history family will be replenished with new members. After all, today we have a wonderful holiday "Initiation into tourists."

Presenter 1: Dedication is a special date,

This holiday is incomparable.

Someone wise once came up with

To give joy to all tourists.

The joy of meeting, fun, smiles,

Wishing you health and strength.

So that the achievements are excellent

And success came every day.

Host 2: But before you become full members of our friendly family, you must pass certain tests. For the correct passage of which, you will receive tokens with the logo of our association. And by these results you will become one of us!!!
We wish you all good luck!!!

Moderator 1: First of all, you need to answer a series of questions:
1. What types of tourism exist?
(excursion, water, mountain, speleotourism (caves))
Tokens are awarded to those who answer correctly.

Presenter 2: Name the things that a tourist needs to put in a backpack.
(Sweater, canned food, mug, lantern, towel, compass, camera, first aid kit, stew, etc.)

Presenter 2: Every tourist needs to know the "secrets of the backpack", that's what we will try to find out.
Competition "The secret of the backpack."
1. Is the following conclusion correct: the farther away from the back the backpack is moved, the harder it is to carry? (Yes)
2. What are the best things to put at the bottom of the backpack? (Soft: blankets, towels.)
3.Where should the heaviest things be in the backpack? (Under the straps at the top).
4. How is it easier to go with a backpack? (Slightly leaning forward.)
5. Why is the place at the top determined in the bread bag? (So ​​as not to crumble).
6.Determine a place in the backpack for bulk products. (In the middle of the backpack).

Presenter 1: So, the backpacks are ready. You can go hiking.
Presenter 2: Is it possible if the weather forecast is unknown? (No)
Right. The tourist needs to know the weather report.

Host 1: Attention! Get ready for the next Weather Forecast contest.
The conditions are as follows: on the basis of folk signs, you have to tell what the weather will be like tomorrow.
4. Competition "Weather Forecast".
1. The evening wind died down. Smoke rises from the fire in a column. By evening, dew appeared on the grass. The river got colder. What will the weather be like? (good, sunny).
2. A large white circle has appeared around the moon, and the stars in the sky begin to twinkle. What does it mean? (It will be rainy weather).
3. Clouds are moving fast in long narrow strips from the west. The wind, which usually subsides in the evening, intensifies. What kind of weather should we expect? (Rainy).
4. Swallows and swifts fly low above the ground. Flowers smell strongly. What is it for? (to the rain).

Presenter 2: What awaits the guys on the hiking trail? Of course, new tasks. The route of our campaign is laid from question to question.

1. Why should the halts before the rest of the tourists be short on the way?
(If you rest for a long time, the muscles of the legs harden, it becomes more difficult to walk)
2. Why are tourists advised to breathe through their nose while walking?
(Less thirst)
3.Why do campers make grooves around the tent?
(To drain water in case of rain)
4. Who is the most important in the campaign? (Travel leader)

5. What does the last person in the tourist chain do?
(Makes sure nobody gets left behind)
6. Why does plantain treat?
(Stops bleeding; used if someone rubbed their leg, with a wasp sting)
7. Why are matches covered with paraffin or nail polish for hiking?
(To protect from moisture)

Presenter 1: What is a hike without a fire? To kindle it, you need to know a number of rules.

Competition "Bonfire by all the rules."
1.What is kindling? (This is a fuel that is highly flammable).
2. What kind of fuel is not suitable for kindling? (Aspen branches, coniferous green branches.).
3.What is the perfect kindling? (Dry branches, dry grass).
4. From which side is the fire lit? (From leeward).
5. Is the fire kindled from above or below? (Bottom).

Presenter 2: And since we are also tourists - local historians, you need to answer a number of questions about your native land
Competition "Kulebaksky district"

1. What districts does the Kulebaki district border on? (Navashinsky, Vyksunsky, Ardatovsky)
2. What areas are located near the Kulebaki district? (Vladimir, Ryazan, Republic of Mordovia)
3. Approximate area of ​​Kulebaki district? (92,100 hectares)
4. When and what was the name of the first settlement on the territory of the modern Kulebaksky district? (XVI century Shiloksha)

Host 1: Let's count the tokens you've earned. It is immediately clear that you have been preparing for this event responsibly for a long time.
Presenter 2: But this was only the theoretical part of your tests. And now it's time for practice.
Host 1: You need:
1. Fold the backpack
2. Put up a tent
3. Light a fire
4. Prepare a plan for an excursion around the Kulebaki district, indicate the most interesting places.

Presenter 1: Well done, you have passed all the tasks assigned to you! We are proud of you. And now we would like to remind you the commandments of a tourist:
1. You cannot understand the meaning of tourism while sitting at home.
2. The road will be mastered by the walking one.
3. If you sent - help a friend, and you will feel better.
Host 2:
4. No matter how small the remaining piece of bread is, it is divided among everyone during the campaign.
5. A bad hike happens to bad tourists.
6. The success of the campaign depends entirely on its preparation.
Presenter 1:
7. Our motto is "Don't whine!"
8. Seven are waiting for one!
9. Unrecorded observation is a lost treasure.
Host 2: And now, when everything and everything is ready, we proceed directly to the initiation ritual. For initiation into tourists - local historians, I ask everyone to stand up! Bring the attributes of initiation onto the stage! (solemnly the best tourists-local historians take out the flag and logo of the association).
Presenter 1: And now we all take an oath in unison, as follows:
I, a young tourist-local historian, joining the ranks of lovers of history, nature and tourism, in the face of my like-minded people solemnly swear:
Protect the honor of the tourist as your honor!
Do not lose heart and do not lose your head, do not breed dampness and do not be a distributor of “green boredom”.
And wherever fate has brought me, never and nowhere to abandon my hopeless cause.
Keep the fire burning and our hearts.
Sharing the last drop of water and a piece of bread.
To attract the best of the best and the uninitiated to this noble cause into the ranks of tourists.
If I break this promise, then let my children, the children of my children, not recognize the delights of tourist life and haze of distant roads, and let rains, mosquitoes and ladybugs pursue me myself.
I swear! I swear! I swear!

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