Reading competition on the theme of winter in kindergarten. Junior - middle group

scenario of the competition of readers in the middle group.

Target: Exercise children in the expressive performance of short poems. To cultivate a positive attitude towards children's poetic works, a sense of rhythm and rhyme.


Get together people

A lot of interesting things are waiting for you.

The sea of ​​verses, it is a lot of cheerful games.

This is just a saying, and ahead is a poetry contest

Let's choose our jury.

Get ready and watch.
Poems are different
Good, simple.
Poems are sad
There are also funny ones.

Vedas: The first in our competition will perform with a poem Nastya .

Child :

My cotton tiger
Just like alive.
But all day long
He is silent with me.

How sad is he?
Looks unhappy!
He's in a crib
Like in a cage, sitting.

I want to go to the jungle
Run with a tiger
I want a paw
Shake the tiger.

- You are free,
Free now! .. -
So that the mother of a tiger cub
Opened the door for us

So that daddy is a tiger cub
He pressed us to the chest,
So that my hand is strong
Tiger cub shrugged!

Vedas : Children have so much to do! tell us about them Dasha.

Child : I had today
A lot of important things.
In the morning I fed the bunny,
To keep him from losing weight.

House made of cubes folded
And scattered again
I dragged it from the shelf
Read a thick book.

And now I'm going to my friend
I didn't see her for half a day...
Maybe my toys
They'll take it away without me!

Vedas: and here is Sonya knows an interesting rhyme, let's listen to it.

Vedas: Dana Come out and tell us about spring!

Child.: Spring is coming to us

With quick steps

And the snowdrifts melt under her feet.

Black thawed patches

visible in the fields.

You can see very warm feet in spring

leading: and Maksimka He will tell us about himself and about the guys.

Child : The sun hid behind the houses

Leaving kindergarten.

I tell my mother

About myself and about the guys.

As we sang songs in unison,

How they played leapfrog

What did we drink

What did we eat

What did you read in kindergarten?

I'm being honest

And everything in detail.

I know mom is interested

Know about

How we live.

Vedas: The show continues -

and we meet the baby elephant!!! Arina come out and tell us a poem!!

Child :

Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep, lay down in a box on a barrel.

Sleepy bear went to bed

Only the elephant does not want to sleep.

The elephant nods his head, He sends a bow to the elephant.

Vedas: Now, guys, guess the riddle:

Ears are long, timid.
He's gray, he's white.
It runs, and then it jumps,
The bob tail hides from the wolf.

Let's all show together how the bunnies jump.(warm-up)

And Polina E. knows something else about the bunny, let's listen to her.

Child: The bunny is sitting in the window

He's wearing a brand new plush coat.

Made a gray hare

Ears too long.

In a brand new gray coat

He sits, clinging to the frame,

Well, how can you be brave?

With those funny ears?

ved. a lion Now he will tell us about the pig that is offended.

Piggy is offended

Sharik has a new one

Purple beret.

The goat has red

Satin vest.

The chicken has a bow.

The cat has boots.

Two roosters -

By harmonica.

Everyone is very happy

And the pig is angry.

Turned away in tears

She is from the trough:

She wants a new one

purple beret,

She wants red

satin vest,

She wants a bow


And two cocks


But only about her

No one thought

She was not given

Absolutely not!

And the fact that she

Did not love:

She was given a washcloth

And soap.

Vedas : you all love to play doctor, and how do you treat your patients? (children's answers).

Vedas: and here is our Ksyusha Now he will tell you about another miracle cure.

Child : →

Adults! If you're sad
Cats scratch at the soul -
Childhood in a pharmacy ask:
In drops or dragee.

A couple of colored vitamins
Five drops of sugar -
And barefoot without shoes
Walk right through the puddles.

Reflected in your eyes
The sky is so blue...
Sun, blade of grass and bird
As if you would become.

Big trees again
I want to sing and play!
… Maybe you even decide
No more scolding children?

Childhood magical kingdom -
The joy of funny pranks ...
It's a pity that about the miracle drug
Mom doesn't know yet.

But don't worry! God bless,
Instead of miracles
Adults come to the rescue
Laughter and smiles of children!

Vedas : Ksyusha knows such a medicine.

And here is Polina S. something tired! Polina, tell us what you did today!

Child :

The sun is yellow
Laid down on the bench.
I'm barefoot today
She ran on the grass.

I saw how they grow
sharp blades of grass,
I saw how they bloom
Blue periwinkles.

I heard how in the pond
frog croaked,
I heard how in the garden
The cuckoo was crying.

I saw a goose
At the flower bed.
He is a big worm
Pecked at the tub.

I heard the nightingale -
Here's a good singer!
I saw an ant
Under a heavy burden.

I am so strong
I wondered for two hours...
And now I want to sleep
Well, you're tired...

Vedas: our Polina got tired, and our Sasha thought. Sasha, come out, tell me what are you thinking about?

Child :

If I were a girl

I wouldn't waste time.

I wouldn't jump on the street

I'd wash my shirts.

I would wash the floor in the kitchen,

I would sweep the room.

I would wash cups and spoons,

I would peel the potatoes myself.

All my own toys

I would put it in place.

Why am I not a girl

I would help my mom.

Mom would have said:

You are young son

Vedas: Fedya will tell us about spring flower. come tell us.

Ved.: you are so good! You probably know a lot of poems? (Yes) but we will check it now. You must recognize the poem from the pictures.

multimedia (warm-up)

Vedas: guys, let's sing with you about the blue trailer?

Vedas: Camilla knows the poem, which is called - and what do you have? Let's listen to him.


Who was sitting on the bench
Who looked at the street
Tolya sang, Boris was silent,
Nikolai shook his leg.

It was in the evening
There was nothing to do.

The jackdaw sat on the fence,
The cat climbed into the attic.
Then Borya told the guys

And I have a nail in my pocket.
And you?

And we have a guest today.
And you?

And today we have a cat
I gave birth to kittens yesterday.
The kittens have grown a little
They don't want to eat from a saucer.

And we have gas in the kitchen.
And you?

And we have plumbing.

And from our window
Red Square is visible.
And from your window
Just a little street.

We walked along Neglinnaya,
We went to the boulevard
They bought us blue-blue,
Green red ball.

And our fire went out -
This time.
The truck brought firewood -
This is two.
And fourthly, our mother
Takes flight
Because our mother
It's called a pilot.

Vova answered from the ladder:
- Is your mother a pilot?
What is it!
Here at Kolya, for example,
Mom is a policeman.
And Tolya and Vera
Both mothers are engineers.

And Lyova's mother is a cook.
Mom is a pilot?
What is it!

All the more important, - said Nata, -
Mom is a carriage driver,
'Cause up to the hooks
Mom drives two trailers.

And Nina asked quietly:
- Is it bad to be a dressmaker?
Who sews the kids' underpants?
Well, not a pilot, of course.

The pilot drives the planes -
This is very good.

The cook makes compotes -
It is also good.

The doctor treats us for measles,
There is a teacher at the school.

Moms are different.
Mothers are important.

It was in the evening
There was nothing to argue

Vedas: Masha will read us a poem called "I want to play."

Child :

Why don't you sleep baby?

And you're not in bed?

I can't sleep at all

I really want to play.

My toys are waiting for me:

Tank, soldiers and guns,

Robot, scarecrow gun,

A soccer ball is waiting for me

Airplanes, cars

And funny pictures.

I love you toys!

I'll play and sleep.

Vedas: Darina come out and tell us that verse!

Child : About a girl who

found my bear

Bear, bear, shame on you!

Get out from under the dresser...

You don't love me, you see?

What kind of fashion is this...

How dare you run away without asking?

Who did you look like?

On the unfortunate watchdog,

For which the hedgehog was chasing ...

All covered in dust

In cobwebs

With a shell on the nose...

This is how they paint in pictures

Only a devil in the forest.

Been looking for you all day

In the nursery, in the kitchen, in the pantry,

Wiped tears with elbow

And shook her head...

I flew in the corridor, -

Here, a scratch on the lip ...

Do you want soup? I did not eat -

I left everything for you.

Bear-mish, furry bear,

My fluffy baby!

Once upon a time there was a cat and a mouse ...

Don't play pranks! Do you hear, honey?

Sorry, say I won't

Get under the dressers.

I will buy you a camel

And a green bed.

My most favorite bow

I will tie on your chest:

You will be cute, you will be a dandy, -

Just be obedient...

Why are you keeping silent? let's take a brush -

We need to remove all the dirt.

To hurry you, freak,

I could kiss

Vedas: and Sonya Chernikova tell us now about

Child :

Vedas: Vika we are now told a poem about

Editor: Polina S. tell us your poem.

Child :

Vedas: Guys . Today we were so pleased, so surprised, and how expressively you read poems! We are very happy for your success. now our jury will award us with diplomas. in the meantime, the jury is deliberating, let's play your favorite game Water. (scarf)

Awarded: I, II, III place.

During preschool childhood, one of the tasks facing teachers is to familiarize children with fiction, its various genres. Poetry, as one of the genres of literature, is a source and means of enriching figurative speech, developing poetic ear, ethical and moral concepts. From early childhood, a love for the artistic word is laid. Poetry expands ideas about the environment, develops the ability to subtly feel the artistic form, melody and rhythm of the native language. Poetry evokes an emotional response in children. Reading and memorizing poetry allows children to catch the consonance, melodiousness of speech, and also solves the problems of forming a sound culture of speech: it helps to master the means of sound expression (tone, voice timbre, tempo, voice power, intonation), and contributes to the development of clear diction.

Preschoolers willingly memorize poems, however, not always and not all children have the opportunity to read the learned poems. As a rule, the opportunity to perform at holidays and other events is provided to children with good diction, independent and active. Children who are shy and have speech impairments have fewer opportunities to practice reading poetry. Unfortunately, not all children, being at the threshold of schooling, pronounce the sounds of their native language clearly and clearly. Speech defects can be corrected by working with a specialist, and clear, correct diction and expressiveness can be achieved. When reciting poetry, preschoolers learn the elements of performing arts, master the ability to expressively, emotionally convey the text. In addition, we know from work experience that often the meaning of memorizing poems, both by children and parents, is understood as automatic memorization and reproduction of the text. Preschoolers memorize poems, but they do not always know how to convey it emotionally, expressively. Each child is individual, unique and each needs recognition. Therefore, we, as one of the forms of organizing leisure activities for preschoolers, offer a competition of readers, which gives each child the opportunity for self-realization. Preparation for the competition allows teachers to solve problems in the development of speech and familiarization with fiction. In addition, when organizing a competition, different types of arts are combined - music, painting, literature, which brings up aesthetic taste, creates a festive atmosphere.

Joyful experiences raise vitality, liberate children, and contribute to the manifestation of artistic abilities. The various impressions received by the child confirm him that he knows, can, and can show his abilities.

We define the following tasks for organizing a reading contest:

1. To draw the attention of teachers and parents to the problem of memorizing poems.

2. To teach preschoolers to expressively convey the text, to develop a poetic ear, to improve their performing skills.

3. Cause a joyful, emotional mood, stimulate the desire to memorize poems.

The organization of the competition must meet the following requirements:

  • the script includes poetic works that are accessible, interesting to children, and evoke an emotional response;
  • careful preliminary preparation, coherence of actions of teachers, children, parents, narrow specialists is necessary;
  • careful planning of the scenario, the optimal combination of listening to poetry with motor, musical, game breaks; active participation of all children in the group.

The competition can be held with children of different ages, within the age group, between children of parallel groups, as well as within the kindergarten, between different groups. The need to take into account the age of children is obvious: children of younger and middle age cannot listen to their peers for a long time. In this regard, in the script we include a variety of mobile, musical, speech games; it is also supposed to act out dialogues, poems, perform various studies, and children perform musical numbers.

Poems for the competition of readers are selected by teachers and parents, on the recommendation of educators. In addition to the fact that poems should be interesting to children, age appropriate, be highly artistic, one of the evaluation criteria is their novelty, unusualness.

Therefore, when summing up the results of the competition, children can be evaluated in different categories: “The funniest poem”, “The kindest”, “Amazing is nearby”, etc. When choosing poems, it is also important to take into account the individual characteristics of the child. It is impossible to offer for memorization long, with difficult words, verses to children with speech impairment. With shy, insecure children, you can learn humorous verses that peers willingly and with interest listen to.

Reading competitions can have a variety of topics: poems about nature, funny poems, about games and toys dedicated to the upcoming holiday; they can be built on the works of one or different authors. As a rule, we hold such a competition before children's holidays in order to give all children the opportunity to read holiday poems to their peers, children of another group. The winners get the opportunity to perform their poems in front of the guests at the celebration. This contributes to the socialization of children, expands the boundaries of communication, and also brings joy from participating in a common cause.

A few words can be said about the jury. It consists of people who are well known to the children of this group, with whom a good emotional contact has been established. At the same time, these should be competent, independent experts. Educators of the neighboring group, specialists, a psychologist can become members of the jury. Children are particularly pleased with the fact that parents are on the jury. In this case, it is necessary to discuss with the parents in advance the conditions of the competition, the proposed nominations, and the evaluation criteria. Well, when the report card for each member of the jury will be printed, the names of the children, the nominations, the names of the poems are marked in it. When summing up the results, the assessment of the jury members must be emotionally positive and at the same time objective.

We also consider the issue of encouraging children to be important. It is considered by teachers as one of the types of stimulation for the further participation of children in competitions. As a rule, all participants are encouraged. Diplomas, medals, souvenirs, badges, children's books can be used as a “reward”. The winner receives the same promotion, but with the inscription "Winner"

With the accumulation of experience in conducting this type of activity, we can say with confidence that the quality of reading poems has improved among preschoolers. An important indicator is the fact that children have become more liberated, are not afraid of public speaking, willingly invite adults and peers to their competitions. Parents also respond with great gratitude to the contests. They take part in the preparation and holding of the event, willingly come to kindergarten, support their children. It can also be noted that many adults have come to understand that it is important not only to memorize the text with the baby, but also to read the poem expressively and emotionally. This will bring joy not only to the listeners, but also to the reader himself.

The child looks at the world with wide open eyes, comprehends it, learns to see, hear, feel, understand. And we, adults, should be helpers for kids in this. Bright, joyful impressions are deposited in children for life, largely determining their further development. Preschoolers are more likely to acquire knowledge and gain experience when activities take place in the form of a game. Various competitions, competitions stimulate the interest of children. In addition, holding such events involves the entry of an adult into a certain creative contact, which is very important for establishing communicative relations. Literary competitions organized by teachers, leisure activities occupy an important place in the education of morality and positive emotions in children, aimed at creating a persistent reading interest in children. We would very much like that after each such event, the child again and again would like to turn to the book, read a fairy tale or poem, learn the work he liked.

We bring to your attention scenario of the competition of readers in the middle group.

Purpose: To train children in the expressive performance of short poems. To cultivate a positive attitude towards children's poetic works, a sense of rhythm and rhyme.

Get together people

A lot of interesting things are waiting for you.

The sea of ​​verses, it is a lot of cheerful games.

This is just a saying, and ahead is a poetry contest.

Get ready and watch.
Poems are different
Good, simple.
Poems are sad
There are also funny ones.

Vedas: Tanya will be the first to perform at our competition.

Child: A game(Russian folk joke).

Worth the kids
Everyone in the world
I can be.
blown by the wind
And rain.
scary tiger
And the cat
Steam locomotive
And the wagon
And a goat
By plane
And a bush.
sperm whale
And a mole.
Only children
Everyone in the world
I can be
They may even

Vedas: Only children can become everything in the world. Our transformation is about to begin.

Child: S.Ya. Marshak "About the ostrich"

I am a young ostrich
Arrogant and proud.
When I'm angry, I kick
Callused and hard.
When I'm scared, I run
Stretching my neck.
I can't fly
And I can't sing.

Child: S.Ya. Marshak "Misha-circus performer"

Here's a bear, bear, bear!
Who wants to see?
Come visit Misha.
Throw the sweet gingerbread to Misha.

Misha asks, Misha waits.
Open mouth wide.
No to the right! No to the left!
Missed, rotozee!

Now it's in your mouth!
What a gingerbread - pure honey!
For such a meal
We'll put on a show.

Come on, Mishka, take a bow!
Come on, Mishka, somersault!

Vedas: We continue the presentation -

Meet the drummer!

Child: V.D. Berestov "Drummer Hare".

For the ears of a rabbit
They take it to the drum.
The hare yells:
- I'm not going to drum!

No mood
No environment
No preparation
I don't see carrots!

Vedas: And now, guys, guess the riddle: “Chick - chirp! Jump to the grain! Peck, don't be shy! Who is this?"

Child: S.Ya. Marshak “Where the sparrow dined!”

What are you guys sitting here
Al play you do not want to?
Overstayed tea in the morning
It's time to go out to play.

The game “Flew, flew a sparrow”

Children walk in a circle, and a sparrow flies.

The sparrow flew, flew.
I flew, I flew young.
Over the blue sea
I saw, I saw a sparrow
How the leaves rustle (show)
How bunnies jump
How do bears walk?

Vedas: You guys listen to the riddle:

He wanders importantly across the meadow,
Comes out of the water dry
Wears red shoes
Gives soft feathers.

Vedas: Our Lina once met a goose.

Child: T. Sobakin "Hello Gus

A huge goose is running towards me
I tell myself: "Don't be afraid."
Perhaps this goose is tame
Runs to meet me.

But the goose has a ferocious look,
He hisses menacingly.
Will pinch
Well, let!

I smiled:
“Hello goose!”
He nodded his head in response.
And I heard: “Hi!”

Vedas: That's the kind of meeting Lina had. How brave and brave she is. But brave men are different. And Diana will tell us about it.

Child: S.Ya. Marshak “Brave men”.

Our tailors
Brave what:
“We are not afraid of animals,
No wolves, no bears."
And how did you get out the gate
Yes, we saw a snail
Run away!
Here they are:
Brave tailors!

Vedas: There is an artist in the world who draws animals.

Child: Usachov "An artist who paints animals".

How to name the artist
If you like to draw
He is animals and birds,
mice, cats and dogs,
Protein and titmouse.

Well, okay, the artist -
Dog keeper or aviary.
And he's still a cat person
cowshed and horseman,
Also an ant
And even a frog.

He's also a rhinoceros
Tiger, elephant and lion.
Well, in general, our artist
Great animator.

Vedas: Here, guys, look who our artist painted? What is missing?

Game "Pin the Tail"

Vedas: And you know, Anton knows a poem with us, which is called “Tails”.

Child: A. Milne “Tails

The lion has a tail - powerful, long.
And the donkey has a donkey's tail.
The cat has a tail and the horse
But neither do you and I.

When will I have a birthday
I'll buy a ponytail for fifty dollars.
The seller will measure my height
And pick up a great tail.

I will say to the lion, wolf, camel:
- I won't envy you.
Look - from today
I got a tail too!

Vedas: Someone lacks a tail, but what the lamb lacks and why they offended her so much, Nastya will tell.

Child: N. Tomilina. “Offended”.

Sheep cried:
- Well, is it a haircut?
Cut off all the rings
Now I'm like a baby.

Game "Teasers"

You girls have a sweet tooth
You should gnaw some nuts
And sweets and toffee
Ask your mother for pens.

You boys are bullies
You can't live without a fight
You should push all day
Run with sticks, play.

We will read you poems now
To make you laugh a little.

Child: Y. Chernykh "Lived once”.

grandfather and grandmother
With little granddaughter.
My red cat
They called it a bug.

And they are crested
The name of the foal
And they also had
Chicken Burenka.

And they also had
Dog Murka.
And two more goats
Sivka da Burka.

Who sings so loudly
About how the sun rises?

Child: V.D. Berestov "Petushki"

Cockerels unfurled
But did not dare to fight
If you rooster
You can lose your feathers
If you lose your feathers
There will be nothing to fuss about.

Vedas: Guys. Today we were so pleased, so surprised, and how expressively you read poems! We are very happy for your success.

Awarded: for the funniest poems, for the best expert on animals, for the most polite poem, etc.

Literature: Baydalina E.V., Shadrina L.G. and others. Literary quizzes in kindergarten. Togliatti, Development Through Education Foundation, 2006.

Scenario of the competition of readers in the group "Luboznayki"

"My favorite toys"


Rylova Svetlana Olegovna

Barkovskaya Galina Ivanovna

Program content:

Purpose: increasing the speech activity of children, increasing the level of expressiveness of reading poetry.

Tasks: To develop the ability to tell and listen to poems read by other children; develop skills of emotional response to poetry; continue to teach to recite poems emotionally, loudly, with expression; evoke a joyful, emotional mood in children.

Event progress:

Clip "Clockwork Toys" from the movie "Adventures of Electronics"

Ah, childhood cute toys:

Horse, baby dolls, little animals,

Platoon of dolls, roly-poly, great...

Suddenly I remember in my heart with a gentle trembling

Toys are those that are more expensive than all:

Favorite dolls by name

Kitten in a green shoe

Plastic fish Manyu,

With whom I splashed in the bath

And the clown that I used to be

For clockwork acrobat

Swapped with a friend...

Our favorite toys

Good afternoon, dear children and distinguished guests! We are glad to see you in our hall. Today is an unusual day. Today we are holding a reading contest. We have gathered to please each other with the ability to beautifully, loudly, clearly recite poems, and perhaps there are those among us who do this especially well. And the theme of our contest is "My favorite toys"

No competition is complete without a jury, so let me introduce our jury:

Zhukova Olga Sergeevna - head of the MADOU "Kindergarten No. 74",

Tatyana Mikhailovna - kindergarten speech therapist

Marina Vladislavovna - musical director of the kindergarten

And I appeal to our contestants: you have grown up and I have no doubt that you will get a storm of applause after reading poems about your favorite toys.

Our today's competition of readers is opened by Matvey Popov with a poem by Olesya Emelyanova "Toy Store"


We choose toys

We make friends and play with them,

We always take with us on the road

And we break sometimes.

If their dad too

Can't fix it,

Mom will say: “So be it,

I need to buy a new one!

And then we'll go with mom

To the store, my favorite,

There, all the toys are waiting,

What will be given to their children.

Will continue our competition program and tell us a poem by Zoya Petrova


We have good toys.
Dolls, bears and crackers,
They are fun to play with
But don't forget:
Toys are not people
But everyone understands
And they really don't like
When they are broken.
Let the toys be friends with us
We won't offend them.
Let's play later
We'll put everything in place.

Each child has toys at home and it takes a lot of time to play with each one, so you will now hear a poem by Boris Iovlev that Lera Kryachek will tell us


I had today
A lot of important things.
In the morning I fed the bunny,
To keep him from losing weight.
House made of cubes folded
And scattered again
I dragged it from the shelf
Read a thick book.
And now I'm going to my friend
I didn't see her for half a day...
Maybe my toys
They'll take it away without me!

Each child has a favorite toy, for example, Andrey Muravyov has a car on the control panel about which he will now tell us, author Elena Stekvashova wrote


Class! I drive the car
On electric drive.
Batteries, wires
So it jumps over the bumps.
Happy car indescribably
He did not part with her in the bathroom.
If only I knew that water
Very harmful environment.
From riding so underwater
She suddenly became completely useless,
And now doomed
On manual mode it.

And Makar really likes to transport goods, and one day he decided to ride the cat on his truck

No, in vain we decided

Ride a cat in a car:

The cat is not used to riding -

Overturned a truck.

I suggest you take a break and take a ride


And our Sonya really likes dolls, and she will now tell about one of them

BLUE-EYED DOLL - SONIA Tatyana Dneprovskaya

Grandmother Tanyusha
Doll donated:
blue eyes
And a cute blush.
bright head,
little feet,
Lace dress,
Red boots...
Lived with a baby in friendship
striped cat,
He rocked her cradle
Hairy paw…

Masha Sivtseva will continue our competition and tell us about an old doll, about a matryoshka, the author of this poem, Vladimir Prikhodko


Matryoshka on the window
Under a bright sundress.
And the whole family in a nesting doll,
Like a wooden house.
Open - you will see a miracle:
And then there's where?
And there again ... Foundling! ..
Matryoshkas sing in the choir.
Live without knowing sorrow
Together and happily
And amazing fun!
For the youngest baby
They sew a matryoshka dress,
To come out in a row
And take a walk with my sister.

A small poem about the crocodile Alla Akhundova learned and will tell us Liza Smirnova


Started, started

Clockwork crocodile.

Start up every now and then

The crocodile is tired.

The crocodile got angry

I took it and swallowed the key.

Another poem about nesting dolls written by GaidaLagzdynVarya Galyamova will tell us


Wooden matryoshka
She climbed into the window with Masha.
A cat walks along the ledge
And can't count
It costs one matryoshka,
That is five nesting dolls!

"Guests" is the name of Alla Akhundova's poem, which Lika Perevozshchikova will read to us


Dolls dressed up in dresses
Dolls were invited to visit
They were given sweet tea
And fed rugs.
They didn't eat anything.
They didn't drink anything...
Why are these puppets
Did you just visit?

The next speaker is Sasha Muravyov and asks to help brother Andrey count how many toys they have,


Arranged by Andryushka
Two rows of toys.
Next to the monkey -
Teddy bear.
Together with the fox
Bunny oblique.
Following them -
Hedgehog and frog.
How many toys
Arranged Andryushka?

I invite you to dance "Fixipels" together with the fixies


Our guys also have such helpers and they can build many different toys themselves, and Fedor Evstegneev will tell us what happens next.

Let's build the plane ourselves
Let's fly over the forests.
Let's fly over the forests
And then back to mom.

Sometimes toys get sick and our children become kind doctors like our Lera Kolosovskaya and she will tell us a poem by Panteleimon Obraztsov


In a white coat
I'm at the bed.
I can't sleep
The doll is sick.
Lina's cough
Rattling in the throat.
Maybe angina?
Maybe the flu?
Raspberry tea
I sing the doll.
I will cure Lina,
My doll.

Our wonderful competition is coming to an end and our competition program is being completed by Varvara Shamarina, she will tell us how after a long toy they go to bed, and Agnia Barto's poem will help her


Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep

Lie down in a box on a barrel.

Sleepy bear went to bed

Only the elephant does not want to sleep.

Sleep shakes its head

He sends a bow to the elephant.

Well done, with this wonderful performance we are completing our reading competition and it’s time for us to sum up the results, but for now our strict but competent jury sums up the results, we will watch a cartoon

cartoon Live Toy

I give the floor to the jury. (The floor is given to the members of the jury).

Thank you guys for the wonderful poems, I see how you love and know how to read them beautifully.

(Presenting diplomas, rewarding participants of the competition).

See you soon!

The material can be used to prepare for reader competitions in preschool institutions, for summer leisure activities.

Scenario of the competition of readers in the preschool educational institution "Spring-inspired lines"

Target: The development of children's speech in the expressive performance of poems.


Encourage children to memorize poems.

The development of speech and familiarization with fiction.

To cultivate a positive attitude towards children's poetic works, a sense of rhythm and rhyme.

To evoke a joyful, emotional mood.

Host of the holiday Elena Kustova, teacher of the senior group "Fireflies".

Children, together with the presenter, enter the group to the music, flags are in the hands of the children. Pass and line up in a semicircle. There are chairs on both sides of the group. On the one hand, the contestants sit down, on the other - the children who will perform during musical breaks.

Vedas. We present to your attention the first competition of readers. All age groups of our kindergarten are represented in the competition.

These are Katya Kotova, Ksenia Efremova, Alyosha Ratke - 1 junior group; Sasha Artemenko, Roma Sergeev, Katya Perminova - 2nd junior group, Timur Evstigneev, Sasha Chasovskikh, Kolya Lupachev - middle group, Masha Baskal, Dasha Smirnova, Artem Shalyutov - senior group. Our contestants will be judged by a competent jury. In its composition:

1. Varkentin Petr Ivanovich, writer, organizer of the creative studio "Svetlitsa"

2. Yeremeikina Nadezhda Aleksandrovna, librarian.

3. Moiseeva Evgenia Vladimirovna, head of the kindergarten.

Honored guests are invited to the competition:

1. Gorbunova Tatyana Alekseevna, sponsor of our event.

2. Willem Olga Maksimovna, sponsor.

3. Ekaterina Ernstovna Dolgova, representative of the parent committee.

Vedas. Please sit down. We will be the first to invite the kids to perform.

1. About drops Katya Kotova will tell us.

Drip - drip, I'm dripping.

I have in April

In the warmth of spring

The drops are ripe.

Cap - cap, on the bench,

Children for toys.

Cap - cap, sparrow

Right on top.

2. And Ksenia Efremova will tell us about the doll.

Wipe the doll's tears

Wipe my daughter's nose

doll lost

White socks.

Maybe under the pillow

Maybe in a blanket

I'll look at the table

I'll look in bed.

Here they are, under the dress

They lie flat.

I cooked myself

Doll outfit!

Vedas. 3. Alyosha Ratke will tell us song of spring minutes.

Valentin Berestov

Whatever the day

By the minute

The day is longer

Short night.


take it easy,

Chasing away the winter

Vedas. We invite children of the 2nd junior group.

spring morning

Spring has awakened...

Got up early

She sang the song of the starling.

Got new outfits

From an emerald box.

4. Katya Perminova will talk about birch.

Birches slender


Earrings, brocade dresses…

In the field of birds persuaded -

The rooks have been working since morning.

Vedas. 5. And now, let's listen to Sasha Artemenko.

looked into the well...

I found out: is there a lot of water?

Splashed with rays of the sun

On unmelted ice.

Vedas. 6. And Roma Sergeev.


trill rang,

She took the song on wings ...

And in the grove she sang like a dove

Early spring is at dawn.

Vedas. And now the children of the middle group will show you their skills.

7. Timur Evstigneev will tell us about nodules.

Vladimir Orlov.


After the winter

deep slumber

A lot to do

On the globe.

Before the holiday

So much work!

Spring must be remembered for everything.

And spring in an emerald scarf

Walks, wanders

In forests and gardens.

And as a memento


Leaves on bare branches.

Day and night

She needs to work:

Repaint forests and fields

Need to May land

dress up,

To make the land beautiful.

Need to clear the sun

To shine -

It faded in the wind.

Need to remove winter


And rinse

blue window,

to spend the cold

For the gate

Don't hesitate to open


And it will end

This job -

And all the knots will be untied.

Vedas.8. We invite Sasha Chasovsky. She will tell about a flying flower.


V. Stepanov

roadside dandelion

Was like the golden sun

But faded and became like

On fluffy white smoke.

You fly over the warm meadow

And over a quiet river.

I will be to you as a friend

Waving your hand for a long time.

You carry on the wings of the wind

golden seeds,

To the sunny dawn

Spring has returned to us.

Vedas. 9. Kolya Lupachev will finally drive away the cold.

"Song of Spring"

Go away, shaggy frost.

Do you hear, old or not?

And over the garden, and over the hut

Blue spring light.

You do not hear, grandfather is angry,

As in transcendental distance,

Above the ground, washed by rain

The cranes screamed.

And the winter passed, settled -

Stop teasing her!

Come out guys, be brave

Songs to sing and meet May

Vedas. Children of the older group will perform their poems in front of you.

10. Masha Baskal will tell us about how winter does not want to give up its positions to spring.

Elena Blaginina.


Still in the houses the stoves are burning

And the sun rises late

We also have along our river

Calmly walk through the ice;

Back to the woodshed

Won't go straight

And in the garden under the trees

A snowman is napping with a broom;

We are all warmly dressed -

In sweatshirts, in cotton pants ...

And yet signs of spring

In everything, everything is already visible

And how the roofs got warmer

And like the sun in sight

Drops, falling, sang,

They stammered like crazy.

And suddenly the road got wet

And the boots are full of water...

And the wind is gentle and lingering

Winded from the south side.

And the sparrows cry to each other

About the sun, about its beauty.

And all the funny freckles

They sat on one nose.

Vedas. 11. Dasha Smirnova will tell about a girl with freckles.


Spring passed

Along the edge

Through the spring

blue dreams,

And quietly shone


On the girl's face

There was a girl

In a green skirt

Ringing blue dew.

And jealous

redhead girl,


The earth breathed.

On this spring morning

Where light legs

dandelions blossomed,

golden freckles

Vedas. 12. And now meet Artem Shalyutov.

Salute to spring

Z. Alexandrova

Thunder struck twelve times

And stood aside.

Nature has given orders

Salute the spring.

Order - bird cherry blossom,

Nettles should not be evil

Sweep the paths for the rain

Silver broom.

So that every bush is melodious,

All birds sing louder

And the sun come out from behind the clouds

And more fun to warm up!

Vedas. Dear jury, I ask you to summarize. And so that the guests do not get bored, we have prepared several musical numbers.

Children of the middle group will sing you a "Song about Kindergarten".

Poems will be told by Lilya Sorokina and Yulia Konovalova.

Our favorite dance "Tenderness" will be performed by a group of girls from the senior group. These are Eva Nevezhina, Yulia Efremova, Veronika Ivanchikova, Lilya Tolmacheva, Alina Dolgova, Alina Fakhrutdinova.

Vedas. And now, dear children and guests, the chairman of the jury will announce the results.

The results are summed up, the winners are awarded diplomas, the participants - certificates. Sponsors give gifts to children.

With a final word and a wish to continue the competitive movement, the host of the holiday speaks.

Such competitions should be held in order to develop the speech of children, motivate inactive children to perform in front of the audience, and involve parents in joint activities.

Reading competition script

Program content: increasing the speech activity of children, increasing the level of expressiveness of reading poetry.

Tasks: to cultivate the ability to tell and listen to poems read by other children; develop skills of emotional response to poetry; continue to teach to recite poems emotionally, loudly, with expression; evoke a joyful, emotional mood in children.

Event progress:


Poetry wonderful page

The door is opening for us today.

And let any miracle happen!

You, most importantly, believe in him with all your heart!

Love and beauty of nature

The road of fairy tales, the world - any, -

Subject to all POETRY - Try it!

And open the door to her Country!

The rustle of leaves underfoot, a drop of rain,

A rainbow in the sky, a nightingale trills, -

Here the frost draws a pattern on the glass ...

The world around is beautiful! And everyone is an actor.

(E. Nekrasova)

Leading: Good afternoon dear children and dear adults!

We are glad to see you in our cozy hall! Today is an extraordinary day! Today we are holding a competition of readers, which is called "Poems are different." This competition is becoming a good tradition in our kindergarten. All age groups of our kindergarten are represented in the competition. I would like to wish you a great mood and pleasant impressions.

Let me introduce our contestants:

Puffing Sophia 2 junior group

Patlina Lisa 2 junior group

Andreeva Margarita 2 junior group

Krivolapov Matvey 2 junior group

Popov Esai 2 junior group

Fedyanin Denis 2 junior group

Konnova Sasha middle group

Koshkina Polina middle group

Zvyagin Zhenya middle group

Chiglakova Sasha middle group

Sharikova Anya middle group

Tatarintseva Polina middle group

Pyatochkina Vasilisa middle group

Gudkova Sofia senior group

Fomin Zakhar senior group

Prytkov Igor preparatory group

Popov Stepan preparatory group

Klimov Misha preparatory group

Karpova Natasha preparatory group

Kirshman Sasha preparatory group

Alekseeva Alla preparatory group

Leading: And what is a competition without a competent jury? Today they have a very responsible task - to choose the best. You need to read loudly, expressively, emotionally. Therefore, wise and fair adults will evaluate our participants.

Teacher - speech therapist Sharapova Olga Alexandrovna.

The representative of the parent committee Efremova Elena Vladimirovna.

Representative of the parent committee Klimova Marina Igorevna

Educator Grankina Marina Vasilievna.

Leading: So, the contestants are ready to show their skills. The jury is ready to evaluate the participants of the competition. The audience is ready to listen and cheer for their friends. Then the competition of readers is announced - open!

Leading: Today, poems about winter, about animals will be heard, March 31 marks the 135th anniversary of the birth of the beloved Russian writer, poet and literary critic K.I. Chukovsky. And a separate page will be devoted to his poems.

And we will open our first page with poems about winter.

It is winter in our yard, and this sorceress did her best: she bound rivers and lakes with frost, covered the earth with a snow coat. For three months, nature rests from troubles, dozes, accumulates strength. Patlin Liza-S. Yesenin's poem "Birch" will tell us about this mysterious and magical time of the year.

Fedyanin Denis, Vladimir Laktionov "Snowball" will continue our competitive program, Konnova Sasha will read us a poem by Vladimir Natanovich Orlov "Frost".

Winter is a time of fun holidays, fun, entertainment and games. Popov Stepan will tell us about this, a poem by Ivan Zakharovich Surikov “Childhood”, Gudkova Sofia A.S. Pushkin “Winter Morning”.

Winter is in full swing. What is winter without snow? Everything around was covered with snow: the ground, and the trees in the forest, and the roofs of the houses ... And we continue the competition program and I invite you to listen to Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov's poem "Snowball" performed by Koshkina Polina

Host: Finish we our winter page with the song "Crystal Winter"

And about whom the next poem will be, we will find out by guessing the riddle:

What animal is playing with me

Doesn't moo, doesn't whine, doesn't bark,

Attacks balls

Hiding claws in paws? (children's answers)

You and I found ourselves on the second page of our competition.

It is called ... "Our favorite pets."

The first on this page is Kirshman Sasha, Marina Boroditskaya's poem "Kitten"

The poem "Teen Wolf" was written by Valery Vladimirovich Shulzhik, and Popov Esai will read it to us.

And I know one forest animal that has long ears and a short tail. He is afraid of everyone and trembles with fear. Do you know him? Who is this? Let's listen to E. Malenkin's poem "Bunny", which Andreeva Margarita prepared for us

A poem about kittens, learned and will tell us Chiglakova Sasha, it is called “Kittens” written by Sergey Mikhalkov.

The next poem about a friend devoted and faithful to us will be read by Prytkov Igor "Puppy"

Sharikova Anya continues our competition, her poem is called "Ezhinka" by Valentina Oseeva

Agnia Barto's poem "The Beetle" will be read by Polina Tatarintseva

Fomin Zakhar - a poem by Alexei Ivanovich Shlygin "Kittens"

The poetic page about animals does not end, we will continue it with a cheerful song.

(The phone rings.)

Leading: My phone rang.

Who is speaking?


Can you guess which poem this passage is from? And who is its author? (Answers of children). Of course, this is our favorite writer Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. From an early age, the poems of K. I. Chukovsky bring joy to everyone, not only you, but also your mothers, fathers and even grandparents, cannot imagine their childhood without “Aibolit”, “Cockroach”, “Fedorino grief”, “Flies- Tsokotuhi ”… Today we will hear a lot of poems, excerpts from fairy tales that the guys have prepared for this competition.

Zhenya Zvyagin will open our page with the work "Telephone"

(The host sees a money on the floor, picks it up, and asks)

What it is?

Children: Money.

Leading: Indeed, money ... Probably, someone lost ...

Leading: In what work of Chukovsky does the mistress of money live? (Answers of children).

Presenter: An excerpt from the work "Fly-Tsokotuha". Meet Puffy Sophia

A small poem called “Chicken” was learned and will be told to us by Matvey Krivolapov

Pyatochkina Vasilisa "Aibolit"

The next contestant prepared for us a comic poem by K.I. Chukovsky “A Fly in the Bathhouse”, meet Alekseeva Alla

Klimov Misha will read us an excerpt from "Cockroach"

Karpova Natasha and her poem "Turtle"

So we remembered the wonderful fairy tales and poems of the wonderful children's writer K. I. Chukovsky, which our mothers and grandmothers read to us.

Leading. Dear children, guests! Our competition comes to an end. While the jury is summing up, we will dance "Dance with Umbrellas"

Host: Also we'll play a little. (glorious games)

In a word". Ask a child what to call one word:

Plates, cups, pans, pots? (Dishes)

Sofa, bed, table, chair, closet? (Furniture)

Milk, bread, flour, cheese, sausage? (Products)

Valenki, boots, boots, sandals, Czechs? (Shoes)

Plane, train, car, tractor, ship? (Transport)

"Guess". The child must guess the object by its name. parts:

cabin, body, steering wheel, wheels, headlights - car;

head, horns, body, tail, udder - cow.

"Say the opposite". Tell the child a word, for example "cold". The task of the child is to find the word-antonym-opposite in meaning: "hot; "summer Winter"; low-high"; bad-good."

"Find the mistake". Read the sentence to the child, ask what fairy tale it is from and what is wrong with this sentence.

There lived a goat. And she had seven little kittens.

Mom baked pies and asked her daughter Blue Riding Hood to take the pies to her grandfather.

Nif - Nif built himself a glass house, Nuf-Nuf - crystal, Naf-Naf - brick.

- Stove says: "Eat my cakes - I'll tell you where the swan geese flew".

The wolf lowered his tail into the hole, yes he sits sentences: "Freeze, freeze wolf tail".

"One-Many". The adult calls the word denoting one object, the child calls the plural of the word.

Child-people, teddy-bear cubs, human-people

You are tired, you are sitting

Do you want to stretch?

Conducts the game "How do you live"

How are you?

Like this! (thumbs forward)

How are you swimming?

Like this! (imitation swimming)

How do you run?

Like this! (index and middle fingers "run")

Are you looking into the distance?

Like this! ("binoculars")

Looking forward to lunch?

Like this! (Put cheek on fist)

Are you following?

Like this! (wave hand)

Do you sleep in the morning?

Like this! (both hands under the cheek)

Are you kidding?

Like this! (slap puffed cheeks)

In the family, the main inseparable friends are adults and children. Get up, adults and children, in a circle.

Rise up, kids

It's time for us to play.

You've been sitting for a long time

Do you want to play?

game "Do as I do!"

So, dear jury, announce the star list of winners of the reading contest! (rewarding, presentation of gifts).

Leading: Congratulations to all participants on completing competition! But we don't say goodbye! New ones are ahead of you contests, new competitions, which means new victories ahead! Good luck everyone!


  1. "The most charming performer";
  2. "For the sincerity of performance";
  3. "For the original reading of the poem";
  4. "The best image";
  5. "The most cheerful performance";
  6. "The most penetrating performance";
  7. "The brightest performance";
  8. "The most lyrical performance";
  9. "The most provocative performer";
  10. "The most emotional performer";
  11. "For artistic performance"
  12. "Most Inspiring Performance"
  13. "For an original reading of a poem"
  14. "The Youngest Performer"
  15. "People's Choice"
  16. "The best performer of poems among the pupils of the younger groups of the kindergarten."
  17. "The best performer of poems among the pupils of the middle groups of the kindergarten."
  18. "The best performer of poems among the pupils of the senior groups of the kindergarten."
  19. "The best performer of poems among pupils of kindergarten groups preparatory to school."
  20. 1 place
  21. 2nd place
  22. 3rd place
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