Presentation on the topic "the world around as a hierarchical system". Open lesson "The world around us as a hierarchical system" teaching material on computer science and ICT (grade 9) on the topic The world around us as a hierarchical system crossword puzzle

We live in the macrocosm, i.e. That is, in the world, which consists of objects comparable in size to a person. Usually macro-objects are divided into non-living (stone, ice floe, log, etc.), living (plants, animals, humans) and artificial (buildings, means of transport, machines and mechanisms, computers, etc.). Macro-objects are composed of molecules and atoms, which, in turn, are composed of elementary particles, the size of which is extremely small. This world is called the microworld. We live on planet Earth, which is included in Solar system The sun, along with hundreds of millions of other stars, forms our galaxy Milky Way, and billions of galaxies form the Universe. All these objects are of enormous size and form a megaworld. All the variety of objects of the mega-, macro- and microcosm consists of matter, while all material objects interact with each other and therefore have energy. A body raised above the surface of the earth possesses mechanical energy, a heated kettle - thermal, a charged conductor - electrical, and the nuclei of atoms - atomic. The world can be represented as a hierarchical series of objects: elementary particles, atoms, molecules, macrobodies, stars and galaxies. At the same time, a branch is formed at the levels of molecules and macrobodies in this hierarchical row - another row associated with living nature. In living nature, there is also a hierarchy: unicellular - plants and animals - animal populations. The pinnacle of the evolution of life on Earth is a person who cannot live outside of society. Each person individually and society as a whole study the world around them and accumulate knowledge, on the basis of which artificial objects are created. All of the above can be displayed as a diagram.

Each object consists of other objects, that is, it is a system. At the same time, each object can be included as an element in a system of a higher structural level. Whether an object is a system or an element of a system depends on the point of view (research goals). At the same time, the hydrogen atom is included in the water molecule, that is, it is an element of the system of higher hydrogen and a molecule of the structural level.

In the world of material systems, there are certain hierarchies - ordered sequences of subordination and complication. They serve empirical basis systemology. All the diversity of our world can be represented in the form of successively arisen hierarchies.

This is a natural, physico-chemical-biological (PCB) hierarchy and the socio-technical hierarchy (ST) that has arisen on its basis. Combining systems from different hierarchies results in "mixed" classes of systems. So, the combination of systems from the physicochemical part of the hierarchy (FH - "environment") with the living systems of the biological part of the hierarchy (B - "biota") leads to a mixed class of systems called ecological. The combination of systems from the hierarchies B, C ("person") and T ("technology") leads to a class of economic, or technical and economic, systems.

The natural hierarchy - from elementary particles to the modern biosphere - reflects the evolution of matter. An offshoot of ST (socio-technical hierarchy) is very recent and short-lived in the universal time scale, but it has a strong influence on the entire supersystem. The impact of human society on nature, mediated by technology and technology (technogenesis), is schematically indicated. The previously mentioned holistic approach involves considering the totality of these hierarchies as a single system.

The classification of systems can be carried out according to various criteria. The main one is grouping into three categories: natural-scientific, technical and socio-economic. In natural (biological) systems, the place and functions of each element, their interaction and interconnection are predetermined by nature, and the improvement of this organization occurs according to the laws of evolution. In technical systems, the place and functions of each mechanism, assembly and detail are predetermined by the designer (technologist), who improves it during operation. In socio-economic systems, the place, functions and interconnection of elements are predetermined by the manager (manager), who are also corrected and supported by him.

Depending on the problem to be solved, you can choose different classification principles.

Systems can be classified as follows:

Material and iconic;

Simple and complex;

Natural and artificial;

Active and passive;

Open and closed;

Deterministic (hard) and stochastic (soft).

Objectively real material systems are usually defined as a collection of objects united by some form of regular interaction or interdependence to perform a given function ( Railway, plant, etc.).

Among the systems created by man, there are also abstract, symbolic, purely Information Systems, which are a product of knowledge, are conceivable, ideal and model systems. Their elements are not things, but concepts, entities, interacting arrays and flows of information: for example, a system of mathematical equations; Euclid's system of axioms; set system; logical systems; system chemical elements; legal system of codes, system of government, system of company goals, rules road traffic etc.; and, of course, the Internet.

As a rule, organizations as systems (for example, business organizations and social organizations) are concrete material systems, but in their functions and behavior they contain some properties of abstract systems - systems of instructions, rules, regulations, laws, accounting, accounts, etc.

The basis for the classification of systems by complexity different authors take various signs: the size of the system, the number of connections, the complexity of the system's behavior. In our opinion, the division into simple and complex systems should be based on the presence of a goal and the complexity of a given function.

Simple systems that have no purpose and no external action (atom, molecule, crystal, mechanically connected bodies, clockwork, thermostat, etc.) are inanimate systems. Complex systems that have a goal and "perform a given function" are living systems, or systems created by living: a virus, a bacterium, nervous system, multicellular organism, community of organisms, ecological system, biosphere, man and material systems created by man - mechanisms, machines, computers, the Internet, industrial complexes, economic systems, the global technosphere and, of course, various organizations.

In contrast to simple systems, complex systems are capable of the acts of seeking, choosing, and proactively solving. In addition, they necessarily have a memory. These are all concrete material systems. They consist of (or include a number of) material elements. If interactions between elements have the character of forces or transfers of matter, energy and information and can change in time, we are dealing with dynamical systems. They perform functions related to the external environment - functions of protection from the environment or work to optimize the environment, at least one external function - the function of self-preservation.

An open system interacts in a significant way with other systems to achieve goals. The concept of an open system was introduced by L. von Bertalanffy. Open systems are able to exchange matter, energy and information with the external environment, closed systems are deprived of this ability. Any socio-economic system belongs to the class of open dynamic systems. It is to open dynamical systems that the concept of self-organization is applicable.

They try to classify systems according to the degree of their organization, implying structuredness (well structured, poorly structured, unstructured). Later, a simpler classification was proposed: well organized and poorly organized, or diffuse, systems; even later, when a class of self-organizing systems appeared, their division into self-regulating, self-learning, self-adjusting, self-adapting also appeared. But all these classifications are rather arbitrary.

Sections: Informatics

Class: 9

Lesson objectives:

  • to form an idea of ​​the outside world as hierarchical system;
  • to form an idea of ​​the varieties of the hierarchical system;
  • to acquaint students with the world around them, for which simulation can be carried out.
  • development logical thinking, broadening one's horizons.
  • development of cognitive interest, education of information culture.

Basic concept: system.

Equipment: synopsis, textbook, TSO.

During the classes.


Hello, today in the lesson we are starting to study a new chapter of modeling and formalization. The topic of the lesson is "The world around us as a hierarchical system." ( introductory word teachers) (slide 1)


We live in the macrocosm that is, in the world, which consists of objects comparable in size to a person. Usually macro-objects are divided into non-living (stone, ice floe, log, etc.), living (plants, animals, humans) and artificial (buildings, means of transport, machines and mechanisms, computers, etc.). Macro-objects are composed of molecules and atoms, which, in turn, are composed of elementary particles, the size of which is extremely small. This world is called microworld. We live on planet Earth, which is part of the Solar System, the Sun, along with hundreds of millions of other stars, forms our Milky Way galaxy, and billions of galaxies form the Universe. All these objects are of enormous size and form megaworld. All the variety of objects of the mega-, macro- and microworld consists of matter, while all material objects interact with each other and therefore have energy. A body raised above the surface of the earth possesses mechanical energy, a heated kettle - thermal, a charged conductor - electrical, and the nuclei of atoms - atomic. The world around us can be represented as a hierarchical series of objects: elementary particles, atoms, molecules, macro-bodies, stars and galaxies. At the same time, a branch is formed at the levels of molecules and macrobodies in this hierarchical row - another row associated with living nature. In living nature, there is also a hierarchy: unicellular - plants and animals - animal populations. The pinnacle of the evolution of life on Earth is a person who cannot live outside of society. Each person individually and society as a whole study the world around them and accumulate knowledge, on the basis of which artificial objects are created. All of the above can be displayed as a diagram. (slide 2)

Systems and elements.

Each object consists of other objects, that is, it is a system. At the same time, each object can be included as an element in a system of a higher structural level. Whether an object is a system or an element of a system depends on the point of view (research goals). Teacher: Let's write down the definition, System consists of objects called system elements. For example, a hydrogen atom can be viewed as a system, since it consists of a positively charged proton and a negatively charged electron. (Slide 3)

At the same time, the hydrogen atom is included in the water molecule, that is, it is an element of the system of higher hydrogen and a molecule of the structural level.

System integrity.

A prerequisite the existence of the system is its holistic functioning. The system is not a collection of separate objects, but a collection of interconnected elements. For example, if you put together the devices that make up a computer (processor, RAM modules, system board, hard drive, case, monitor, keyboard, and mouse), they do not form a system. A computer, i.e., a fully functioning system, is formed only after physically connecting devices to each other, turning on the power and loading the operating system (slide 4).

If at least one element is removed from the system, then it may stop functioning. So, if you remove one of the computer's devices (for example, a processor), the computer will fail, that is, it will cease to exist as a system. The interconnection of elements in systems can be of a different nature. In inanimate nature, the interrelation of elements is carried out using physical interactions:

  • in the systems of the megaworld (for example, in the solar system), the elements interact with each other through the forces of universal gravitation;
  • in macro-bodies, there is an electromagnetic interaction between atoms;
  • in atoms, elementary particles are linked by nuclear and electromagnetic interactions.

In living nature, the integrity of organisms is ensured by chemical interactions between cells, in society - by social connections and relationships between people, in technology - by functional connections between devices, etc.

System properties.

Each system has certain properties, which, first of all, depend on the set of its constituent elements. So, the properties of chemical elements depend on the structure of their atoms. The properties of the system also depend on the structure of the system, that is, on the type of relations and connections of the elements of the system with each other. If the systems consist of the same elements, but have different structures, then their properties can differ significantly.


Control questions:

  • What is the microworld?
  • What is the macrocosm?
  • What is megaworld?
  • Do the devices that make up the computer form a system: before assembly? After assembly? After turning on the computer?


Give examples of systems in the world around you.

Informatics lesson

"The world around us as a hierarchical system".

Lesson type: study of new topic.

The purpose of the lesson: to form an idea of ​​the surrounding world as a hierarchical system, for which modeling can be carried out.


Educational: to acquaint students with the world around them, to form an idea of ​​the varieties of the hierarchical system;

Developing: development of logical thinking, broadening one's horizons, developing cognitive interest in the lesson;

Educational: education of information culture, formation of the ability to work in a team, distribute responsibilities, foster a sense of responsibility.

Equipment: synopsis, projector, interactive whiteboard, presentation.

Lesson structure:

    Organizing time(1.5 - 2 min.)

    Explain a new topic (6.5 - 7 min.)

    Test for consolidation of the studied material (5 min.)

    Results (1.5 - 2 min.)

    Homework. (1 minute.)

During the classes.


Hello guys.So, we will start exploring the new chapter, Modeling and Formalization. Topic - "The world around us as a hierarchical system."


We live in the macrocosm that is, in the world, which consists of objects comparable in size to a person. Usually macro-objects are divided into non-living (stone, ice floe, log, etc.), living (plants, animals, humans) and artificial (buildings, means of transport, machines and mechanisms, computers, etc.). Macro-objects are composed of molecules and atoms, which, in turn, are composed of elementary particles, the size of which is extremely small. This world is calledmicroworld. We live on planet Earth, which is part of the Solar System, the Sun, along with hundreds of millions of other stars, forms our Milky Way galaxy, and billions of galaxies form the Universe. All these objects are of enormous size and formmegaworld. All the variety of objects of the mega-, macro- and microworld consists of matter, while all material objects interact with each other and therefore haveenergy. A body raised above the surface of the earth possesses mechanical energy, a heated kettle - thermal, a charged conductor - electrical, and the nuclei of atoms - atomic. The world around us can be represented as a hierarchical series of objects: elementary particles, atoms, molecules, macro-bodies, stars and galaxies. At the same time, a branch is formed at the levels of molecules and macrobodies in this hierarchical row - another row associated with living nature. In living nature, there is also a hierarchy: unicellular - plants and animals - animal populations. The pinnacle of the evolution of life on Earth is a person who cannot live outside of society. Each person individually and society as a whole study the world around them and accumulate knowledge, on the basis of which artificial objects are created.

Task number 1. (Slide 12)

On the cards, you are presented with a list. Assign each word to one of 3 groups: Microcosm, Macroworld, Megoworld.

Systems and elements.

Each object consists of other objects, that is, it is a system. At the same time, each object can be included as an element in a system of a higher structural level. Whether an object is a system or an element of a system depends on the point of view (research goals).System consists of objects calledsystem elements. For example, a hydrogen atom can be viewed as a system, since it consists of a positively charged proton and a negatively charged electron.

At the same time, the hydrogen atom is included in the water molecule, that is, it is an element of the system of higher hydrogen and a molecule of the structural level.

Task 2.

System integrity.

A necessary condition for the existence of a system is itsholistic functioning. The system is not a collection of separate objects, but a collection of interconnected elements. For example, if you pile the devices that make up a computer (processor, RAM modules, motherboard, hard drive, case, monitor, keyboard, and mouse), they do not form a system. A computer, i.e., a fully functioning system, is formed only after physically connecting devices to each other, turning on the power and loading operating system

If at least one element is removed from the system, then it may stop functioning. So, if you remove one of the computer's devices (for example, a processor), the computer will fail, that is, it will cease to exist as a system. The interconnection of elements in systems can be of a different nature. In inanimate nature, the interconnection of elements is carried out using physical interactions:

    in the systems of the megaworld (for example, in the solar system), the elements interact with each other through the forces of universal gravitation;

    in macro-bodies, there is an electromagnetic interaction between atoms;

    in atoms, elementary particles are linked by nuclear and electromagnetic interactions.

In living nature, the integrity of organisms is ensured by chemical interactions between cells, in society - by social connections and relationships between people, in technology - by functional connections between devices, etc.

Task 3. You can see the diagram on the board, but there are missing pieces. These elements are written on the card. You need to fill in the words in the missing places so that the diagram is correct. First, you complete the task on the ground, and then, one team member shows the result on the board.

Man, atom, knowledge, populations, molecules, plants and animals, stars and galaxies.


Create a crossword puzzle "The World Around as a Hierarchical System".

Slide 2

We live in the macroworld, that is, in a world that consists of objects comparable in size to a person. Usually macro-objects are divided into non-living (stone, ice floe, etc.), living (plants, animals, man himself) and artificial (buildings, means of transport, machines and mechanisms, computers, etc.). Macrocosm. Gulliver in the land of the midgets

Slide 3

Macro-objects are composed of molecules and atoms, which, in turn, are composed of elementary particles, the size of which is extremely small. This world is called the microcosm Microcosm. Hydrogen atom and water molecule.

Slide 4

We live on planet Earth, which is part of the Solar System, the Sun, along with hundreds of millions of other stars, forms our Milky Way galaxy, and billions of galaxies form the Universe. All these objects are of enormous size and form the megaworld Megaworld. solar system

Slide 5

Galaxy Stars and planets Macrobodies Molecules Atoms Elementary particles Population Plants and animals Single-celled Human Society Knowledge Man-made objects (technology)

Slide 6

The water molecule H hydrogen atom can be considered as a system, since it consists of a positively charged proton and a negatively charged electron. At the same time, a hydrogen atom is included in a water molecule, i.e., it is an element of a higher hydrogen system and a molecule of the structural level

Slide 7

Separate objects (devices) an integral system (computer) if you remove one of the computer devices (for example, a processor), the computer will fail, that is, it will cease to exist as a system

Slide 8

Slide 9

Slide 10

System properties

Each system has certain properties, which, first of all, depend on the set of its constituent elements. So, the properties of chemical elements depend on the structure of their atoms. The properties of the system also depend on the structure of the system, that is, on the type of relations and connections of the elements of the system with each other. If the systems consist of the same elements, but have different structures, then their properties can differ significantly.

Lesson summary

Lesson topic: “The world around us as a hierarchical system”.

Place: Grade 9, 1 lesson in the chapter "Modeling and Formalization".

Lesson type: A lesson in explaining new material and the primary consolidation of knowledge.

Target: to form an idea of ​​the surrounding world as a hierarchical system.


Educational: Formation of an idea of ​​the varieties of the hierarchical system; to acquaint students with the world around them;

Developing: development of logical thinking, broadening one's horizons, developing cognitive interest.

Educational: education of information culture.

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, tutorial.

Lesson plan:

1. Organizational moment;

2. Learning new material;

3. Fastening;

4. Staging homework, the result of the lesson.

Stage lesson

Teacher activity

Student activities


Organizing time

Hello, today in the lesson we are starting to study a new chapter of modeling and formalization.

The topic of the lesson is "The world around us as a hierarchical system."

Greet the teachers. Write down the topic of the lesson.

Learning new material

We live in the macrocosm, i.e. That is, in the world, which consists of objects comparable in size to a person. Usually macro-objects are divided into non-living (stone, ice floe, log, etc.), living (plants, animals, humans) and artificial (buildings, means of transport, machines and mechanisms, computers, etc.).

Macro-objects are composed of molecules and atoms, which, in turn, are composed of elementary particles, the size of which is extremely small. This world is called the microworld.

We live on planet Earth, which is part of the Solar System, the Sun, together with hundreds of millions of other stars, forms our Milky Way galaxy, and billions of galaxies form the Universe. All these objects are of enormous size and form a megaworld.

What is the surrounding world?

Can we represent it as a hierarchical series of objects?

What are these objects?

At the same time, a branch is formed at the levels of molecules and macrobodies in this hierarchical row - another row associated with living nature.

Is there a hierarchy in nature?

Who or what is the pinnacle of the evolution of life on Earth?

Each person individually and society as a whole study the world around them and accumulate knowledge, on the basis of which artificial objects are created. (points to the diagram)

Each object consists of other objects, that is, it is a system. At the same time, each object can be included as an element in a system of a higher structural level. Whether an object is a system or an element of a system depends on the point of view (research goals).

Let's write down the definition, the system consists of objects, which are called system elements.

A necessary condition for the existence of a system is its integral functioning.

For example, if you pile up the devices that make up a computer (processor, RAM modules, motherboard, hard drive, case, monitor, keyboard and mouse), will they form a system?

What if I connect the devices to each other?

That is, a fully functioning system is formed only after physically connecting the devices to each other, turning on the power and loading the operating system.

If at least one element is removed from the system, can it stop functioning?

So, if you remove one of the computer devices (for example, a processor), the computer will crash?

That is, it will cease to exist as a system!

Each system has certain properties, which, first of all, depend on the set of its constituent elements. So, the properties of chemical elements depend on the structure of their atoms. The properties of the system also depend on the structure of the system, that is, on the type of relations and connections of the elements of the system with each other. If the systems consist of the same elements, but have different structures, then their properties can differ significantly.

They write down what the macrocosm and the types of macroobjects are.

They write down what the microcosm is.

They write down what the megaworld is.

This is what surrounds us

Yes we can

Elementary particles, atoms, molecules, macro-bodies, stars and galaxies.


Is a man

Write down the definition.


Yes! Will form a system

Yes! Not!



Control questions (presented on the slide).

Complete the task that is presented on the slide


Answers questions.

Do the task in the notebook

Check their answers against the board.

Statement of homework, summing up.

Write down your homework.

Let's summarize.

What did you talk about in the lesson?

What was difficult?

What was interesting?

What tasks did you perform?

Thank you for the lesson!

Write down homework.

Answers questions.

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