The most famous incidents in the world. The most terrible catastrophes in the history of mankind

We want to think that tragedies at least teach us something - for example, help each other in difficult situations and make joint efforts to solve problems.

But sometimes, even when the catastrophe is over, the tragedy still continues. People plunge into chaos and make the worst moments in human life even worse. And, as a result, the details of the most gloomy events become so terrible that they, as a rule, are descended when writing history textbooks.

1. Events on Tiananmen Square - China set the expense of the families of those who died for the spent bullets

In 1989, after the death of the contradictory state and politician Hu Yaoban, Chinese students went to Tiananmen Square to try to produce real changes in China. They put forward a list of requirements and declared a hunger strike in the hope of putting an end to corruption and make the first steps towards democracy.

However, their efforts were in vain, since the army intervened in the situation. By order of government, Tiananmen Square, which is located in the very center of Beijing, moved soldiers and tanks. In this unequal battle was killed at least 300 students. According to some estimates, the number of dead reached 2,700 people.

Usually, the story ends on this, but there is one small item that makes it even worse. According to some sources, after the murder, the Chinese government put an account of the family of those killed for the spent bullets. Parents of protested students were supposed to pay 27 cents (translated into modern money) for each bullet released into their child.

The Chinese government has refuted accusations to his side. However, there is every reason to believe that the above-mentioned messages were true.

2. Mass murder in Songmi - President Nixon pardoned a person guilty of this crime

The most terrible incident that occurred during the War in Vietnam is considered to be a massive murder in Songmi. In 1968, American soldiers cruelly dealt with 350 peaceful residents of South Vietnam. They raped women, crossed children - and did not suffer for this any punishment.

Of all the accusations involved in the killing, only one soldier was put forward: William Collie. The court recognized the collie guilty of murder of 22 civilians and sentenced him to life imprisonment. Nevertheless, he never fell into prison. He was planted under house arrest, which, however, lasted long. Collie stayed under house arrest only three years, and then President Richard Nixon pardoned him.

However, in this story is not so simple. The man who told the American authorities about the cruel murder and testified against the people who gave him, called Hugh Thompson. He risked his own life, trying to save as much of the Vietnamese as possible. For the manifested courage and heroism, Thompson as a reward received a threat to death. Each morning, unknown people were left on the porch of his houses of mutilated animals. Thompson was forced to fight the post-traumatic stress disorder.

3. Pompeii - in the next city it became so hot that the heads of people could not stand and literally exploded

The death of Pompeii is one of the most infamous natural disasters in the history of mankind. The whole city was immersed in the sea of \u200b\u200bvolcanic ash, which was covered by thousands of people.

However, compared to Herculaneum, Pompeii, if so we can put it, is even easily separated. The person who witnessed the eruption of the volcano that occurred in 79 of our era, as described this terrible catastrophe: "A huge black cloud has fallen into Earth and the sea, accompanied by bright flame flashes."

This huge black cloud covered all Herculane. On his streets it became incredibly hot - the air temperature reached more than 500 degrees Celsius. In such unbearable conditions, the skin of people instantly burned, their bones of Cherelli, and the heads were not kept and literally exploded.

4. Terrorist acts of September 11, 2001 - radioactive precipitation led to an increase in the incidence of cancer and the number of automotive accidents

September 11, 2001, when the aircraft crashed into the Twin Towers in New York, about 3,000 innocent people died. It was the most terrible terrorist attack in the history of the United States. However, over the next few years, the number of its victims has increased.

After the infamous events of September 11, 2001, people began to be afraid to fly by airplanes, as a result of which the sale of air tickets fell by 20 percent. Instead, everyone began to actively use cars, despite the fact that the terrestrial type of transport is considered more dangerous than air. For twelve months after the terrorist attack, about 1600 Americans died in car accidents - only because they were afraid to fly by airplanes.

But the worst of the consequences of the events of September 11, 2001 is to increase the incidence of cancer. The twin towers were built of 400 tons of asbestos, which after the explosion turned into dust and spread throughout the city. According to some data, more than 400 thousand people suffered from asbestos cloud. As a result, the incidence of cancer in New York has grown significantly after the tragedy. In addition, over 70 percent of people who helped cope with the effects of the explosion, now suffer from problems with light.

5. Great Hunger in Ireland - Queen Victoria forbade Sultan to help her people

When hunger came in Ireland, Medzhid Abdul Khan, Sultan Ottoman Empire, volunteered to help the country. In 1847, he loaded food ships and offered Ireland material assistance in the amount of 10 thousand pounds sterling to combat the crisis.

Oddly enough, but British diplomats rejected his proposal. They explained that, according to the Royal Protocol, the amount of foreign aid should not exceed the number of the amount that Queen Victoria is ready to sacrifice the sake of salvation of his people. At their request, Sultan reduced his cash donation to 1000 pounds.

Whatever it was, the Irish still was delighted by his "gesture of great generosity." As a sign of gratitude, they wrote to him: "For the first time in the history, the Muslim ruler, representing the numerous Islamic population, manifests warm sympathy to the Christian people."

6. Black death - the plague led to the genocide of the Jews

Black death in the middle of the XIV century ruined life from 75 to 200 million people, destroying about a third of the population of Europe. It was a terrible tragedy, in which, oddly enough, accused the Jews.

The fact is that the Europeans considered the plague part of the Jewish conspiracy. They argued that the Jews poisoned water in the wells across the country to force the Christian people to suffer. At first it was just the theory, which later received "confirmation". Inquisition began to hunt for Jews; They were tortured until they agreed with the fact that they were responsible for the emergence of the epidemic of the plague. After that, the people rebelled. They took the children from Jewish families. They tied the Jews to the columns and burned alive. During one of these incidents, more than 2,000 people were killed.

Black death, of course, was not part of the Jewish conspiracy, but people believed in the opposite. Their revenge did not spare anyone. In the city of Strasbourg, the law was even adopted, which forbade Jews to appear in the city for 100 years.

7. Hurricane Katrina - Failure to help refugees

When a hurricane Katrina hit the new Orleans in 2005, countless people were left without a roof above their heads. In search of safer seats, they were forced to run into neighboring cities. The police of New Orleans helped them, pointing to the bridge, which led to the city of Grenet.

However, on the bridge these people faced an obstacle in the form of four police cars who blocked the road. Next to them stood police officers, holding shotguns in their hands. They drove refugees, shouting them after: "We don't need one more superdoor here!". According to some reports, they even took food and water in people before harking them away.

Arthur Lawson, Heart Police, confirmed the incident. "They are not a place here," he commented on his refusal to help refugees from New Orleans.

8. The slaughter on the creek of the Vunded-none - twenty soldiers were awarded medals of the honorable

In 1890, American troops attacked the camp of the Indian people of Lakota. As a result, about 200 innocent men, women and children died as a result of the attack. The people who have done it (this event has entered the story as a slaughter on the stream of Vunded-n n), were the most real killers. Nevertheless, twenty of them were awarded the medals of the honorable. General Miles called it "insulting the memory of the dead," but his protest did not lead to anything.

During the awarding Sergeant Toya, it was said that he was getting a medal "For courage, manifested in the fight against hostile Indians." In fact, he was awarded for the fact that he shot in his back by running off the native Americans who were unarmed. Another soldier, Lieutenant Halkington, received a medal for preventing victims to escape. He forced them to hide in a ravine, where they were shot by a lieutenant sin.

Sergeant Loyad, one of those servicemen who were awarded a medal of honor for massacre over unarmed Indians, two years later committed suicide - a few days before the anniversary of the slaughterhouses on the Creek of Wosunded. What prompted him to reduce accounts with life, it is not known. Perhaps it was a conscience.

9. The Great London Fire - Citizens Hang Mentally Red Food

Everyone who knew Robert Hubert, considered him "not a completely healthy man." In all likelihood, he was mentally retarded or a mental man. He could not extract a word in English, and his limbs were paralyzed. But, despite all this, he was accused of the Great London Fire 1666 and hanged.

When the fire happened, Hubert was not in the city. He appeared two days later. A man wandered through the streets, indifferently repeating the word "yes!". In 1666, to prove the guilt of a person, it was not necessary to make much effort. The crowd grabbed Hubert and dragged him into a police station.

There he was all that he was asked if he answered the word "yes!". He even "confessed" in that some Frenchman paid him shilling for him to knock London. Hubert agreed with each version, but he was still hanging out.

Fifteen years later, the captain of the ship appeared, who helped Hubert to get to London. He told the townspeople that when the Great Fire occurred, the poor fees were not in the city. But by the time it was too late.

10. "Titanic" - accounts exposed to the families of the victims

British shipping company "White Star Line" (eng. White Star Line) was very lean. According to the contract, all employees who were on board the ship were dismissed at that very second when Titanic began to sink. The company did not want to pay money to the crew members for the fact that they did not fulfill their immediate duties while the ship went to the bottom.

After "Titanic" sank, the families of the victims were informed that they would have to pay the cost of freight if they want to get their bodies. Most of them could not afford it, so today many of those who died as a result of the tragedy have memorials instead of graves.

For musicians, things were even worse. The members of the orchestra who desperately continued to play even when the ship went to the bottom, were registered as independent contractors. This meant that the company "White Star Line" by law had no relation to them. Families of other crew members received compensation on the occasion of the loss of breadwinners, and the relatives of the dead musicians did not pay a penny. But they were exhibited bills for "spoiled shape."

For centuries, natural disasters did not let go of humanity. Some happened so long ago that scientists cannot assess the scale of destruction. For example, it is believed that the Mediterranean Island Stroggle was erased from the face of the Earth as a result of the volcanic eruption of approximately 1500 to our era. Called by the tsunami destroyed the entire Minoan civilization, but no one knows even the approximate number of dead. However, as a result of 10 well-known the most destructive catastrophes, mostly earthquakes and floods, approximately 10 million people died.

10. Earthquake in Aleppo - 1138, Syria (victims: 230,000)

One of the most powerful earthquakes known to humanity, and the fourth in the number of victims (for approximate estimates of over 230 thousand dead). Aleppo City, a large and crowded urban center from the time of antiquity, geologically located along the northern part of the system of large geological faults, which also applies to Wpadin of the Dead Sea, and which share Arabian and African tectonic plates that are in constant interaction. The Damascus Chronicler of Ibn Al-Kalanisi recorded the Date of Earthquake - Wednesday, October 11, 1138, and also indicated the number of victims - over 230 thousand people. A similar figure of victims and destruction shocked contemporaries, especially the Western Knight Crusaders, since then in North-West Europe, where most of them were from them, a rare city had a population of 10 thousand inhabitants. After the earthquake, the population of Aleppo recovered only by the beginning of the XIX century, when the population of 200 thousand inhabitants were recorded in the city.

9. Earthquake in the Indian Ocean - 2004, Indian Ocean (Victims: 230,000+)

Third, and according to some estimates and the second strength, the underwater earthquake in the Indian Ocean, held on December 26, 2004. It was the cause of the tsunami, which caused the bulk of the damage. Scientists estimate an earthquake magnitude from 9.1 to 9.3 points. The epicenter was under water, north of the island of Symalue that northwest from Indonesian Sumatra. Huge waves reached the shores of Thailand, the south of India and Indonesia. Then the wave height reached 15 meters. Many territories were treated with great destruction and victims, including Port Elizabeth, South Africa, which is 6900 km from the epicenter. The exact number of victims is unknown, but it is estimated from 225 to 300 thousand people. The true figure will not be calculated, since many bodies were simply carried out with water in the sea. Curiously, but a few hours before the arrival of the tsunami, many animals were readily reacted to the coming catastrophe - they left the coastal zones by moving on the hill.

8. Balciao dam destruction - 1975, China (victims: 231,000)

There are different estimates of the number of victims of the catastrophe. The official figure, about 26,000 people, takes into account only directly drowned at the flood itself; C taking into account the died of epidemics and hunger, spread as a result of a catastrophe, then the total number of victims is, according to different estimates, 171,000 or even 230,000. The dam has been designed in such a way as to survive the largest floods that happen once every thousand years (306 mm precipitation per day). However, in August 1975, the largest flood over 2,000 years, as a result of a powerful Typhoon Nina and several days of record storms. Flooding caused a huge water wave width of 10 kilometers, 3-7 meters high. The tide in an hour left 50 kilometers from the coast and reached plains, created artificial lakes there with a total area of \u200b\u200b12,000 square meters. Seven provinces were flooded, including thousands of square kilometers of countryside and countless communications.

7. Tangshan earthquake - 1976, China (victims: 242,000)

The second earthquake also occurred in China. On July 28, 1976, Tanchean earthquake was held in Hebei Province. His magnitude was 8.2 bala, which makes it possible to consider the event of the largest natural catastrophe of the century. The official number of dead amounted to 242419 people. However, most likely the figure was understated by the PRC authorities 3-4 times. The suspicion is based on the fact that the state of the earthquake is indicated only in 7.8 points. Tangshan was almost immediately destroyed with powerful jokes, the epicenter of which was at a depth of 22 km under the city. Even Tianjin and Beijing were destroyed, which are at a distance of 140 kilometers from the epicenter. The consequences of the catastrophe were terrible - 5.3 million houses were destroyed and damaged to such an extent that it turned out to be impossible to live. The number of victims has increased due to the subsequent series of impetus to 7.1 points. Today in the center of Tançany is a stele that reminds of a terrible catastrophe, there is an information center dedicated to those events. He is a kind of museum on this subject, the only one in China.

6. Flooding in Kaifeng - 1642, China (Victims: 300,000)

Again, long-suffering China. Formally, this disaster can be considered a spontaneous, but arranged his hands of a person. In 1642, the peasant uprising was happening in China, whose leader was Zicheg. The rebels approached the city of Kaifeng. In order to prevent the capture of the city of Rest, the command of the dynasty of the Ming dynasty gave an order to flood the city and vicinity by the waters of the yellow river. When the water retreated and the hunger caused by artificial flooding turned out that out of 600,000 people of the population of the city and the surroundings survived only half. At that time, it was one of the bloodiest punitive stocks in history.

5. Cyclone in India - 1839, India (victims: 300,000+)

Although the photo of the cyclone does not apply to 1839, it is possible to estimate the entire power of this natural phenomenon. Indian cyclone 1839 in itself was not destructive, but he called powerful tidal waves that killed 300,000 people. Tidal waves completely destroyed the city of Coring and drowned 20,000 ships that were in the bay of the city.

4. Great Chinese Earthquake - 1556 (Victims: 830,000)

In 1556, the most destructive earthquake in the history of mankind, named by the Great Chinese earthquake, was held. It occurred on January 23, 1556 in Shaanxi Province. Historians believe that the natural disaster claimed about 830 thousand people, more than any other similar event. Some areas of Shaanxi are detected completely, and more than half of people died in the rest. Such a huge number of victims was explained by the fact that most of the inhabitants lived in the Lens Caves, which at first jolts immediately collapsed either subsequently flooded with the village streams. According to modern estimates, this earthquake was assigned to a category of 11 points. One of the eyewitnesses warned his descendants that with the beginning of a disaster should not be striving to rush outside: "When the bird's nest falls from the tree, the eggs often remain unharmed." Such words are evidence that many people died when trying to leave the dwellings. The ancient steles of Xiane, collected in the local Museum of Balein, testify about the destructiveness of the earthquake. Many of them crumbled or crackled. During the cataclysm, the Pagoda of the Wild Geese, but its foundation asked 1.6 meters.

3. Cyclone Bhola - 1970 (Victims: 500,000 - 1 000 000)

The destructive tropical cyclone, which struck the territory of Eastern Pakistan and Indian West Bengal on November 12, 1970. The most deadly tropical cyclone and one of the most destructive natural disasters in modern history. About half a million people lost their lives due to the strike of a storm tide, floating a variety of low-locked islands of Delta Ganges. It was the sixth of the storm cyclone in the 1970 Northern Indian Ocean of Hurricanes and the strongest this year.
The cyclone was formed above the central part of the Bengal Bay on November 8, after which he began to shift north, gaining strength. He reached the peak of its capacity on the evening of November 12, and the same night had contact with the coastline of East Pakistan. The storm tide devastated the numerous coastal islands, attached whole villages and destroying the agricultural land of the region. In the most affected area of \u200b\u200bthe country, more than 45% of the 167,000 people died - died in Tazumuddin.
Political consequences
Non-robust rates of rescue work only enhanced the abdomen and feeling of resentment in East Pakistan and contributed to the local resistance movement. Subsidies came slowly, transport leisurely delivered acutely necessary funds into the territory devastated by the storm. In March 1971, the tension continuously increased, the province began to leave foreign specialists, fearing surges of violence. In the future, the situation continued to deteriorate and turned into a war for independence, which began on March 26. Later, in December of the same year, this conflict expanded into the third Indo-Pakistani war, which was crowned with the creation of the state of Bangladesh. The events that occurred can be considered one of the first cases when the natural phenomenon provoked a civil war, the subsequent foreign intervention of the third force and the disintegration of one country into two independent states.

2. Flooding in the Valley of the Yellow River - 1887, China (Victims: 900 000 - 2 000 000)

One of the most terrible floods in the modern history of mankind, which, according to various sources, was taken from 1.5 to 7 million human lives, it happened late in the spring of 1887 in the northern provinces of China, in the Valley of the Yellow River. Strong rains Almost all the territories of Hunan that spring caused a flood of the river. The first flood occurred with steep bending, in the vicinity of the city of Zhangzhou.
Day after day I invaded bubbling water in the territory of cities, destroying and devastating them. A total of 600 cities located on the banks of the river, including the town of Hunan, were injured from the flood. The rapid flow continued to wash off the fields, animals, cities and people, flooding the territory with a width of 70 km with water, the depth of which reached 15 meters.
Water often against the wind and the tide slowly poured the terrace for the terrace, each of which accumulated from 12 to 100 families. From 10 houses only one or two survived. Half buildings were hidden under water. People lay on the roofs of houses, and old men who did not die from hunger died from the cold.
The tops of the poplars, who once stood along the roads, stick out of water like algae. That is here, there were strong men and called to the rescue for old trees with thick branches. In one place to the tree, a box was brought with a dead child, who was placed there for the safety of his parents. In the drawer lay food and note with the name. In another place, a family was discovered, all the members of which died, the child was placed on the highest place ... well covered with clothes. "
Destroy and devastation remaining after the water slept, were just terrible. Statistics never could cope with the task - to calculate. By 1889, when the yellow river finally returned to his direction, and illness also joined all misfortunes. It is assumed that half a million people died from cholera.

1. Great Flood - 1931, China (Victims: 1 000 000 - 4 000 000)

The summer period of the monsoon rain of 1931 was extremely violent. Heavy rains and tropical cyclones were ramped in river basins. The letters were opposed to the strongest rains and storms, but they eventually did not stand the load and collapsed in hundreds of places. Approximately 333,000 hectares of land turned out to be flooded, at least 40,000,000 people lost their prickly, hiring losses were huge. On large areas, the water has not gone from three to six months. Diseases, lack of food, the absence of a roof above the head led to the death of a total of 3.7 million people.
One of the epicenters of the tragedy was the city of Gaoy in the northern province of Jiangsu. Powerful Typhoon collapsed on August 26, 1931 for the fifth largest lake of China Gaju. The water level in it has already risen to record height as a result of heavy rains that have passed in the previous weeks. A squalry wind raised high waves, having broken about the dam. After midnight, the battle was lost. The dams were brushed in six places, and the biggest gap reached almost 700 m. The stormy flow swept through the city and the province. Only one morning in Gaoy died about 10,000 people.

People cross the sea and oceans are not one hundred years. Throughout this time there were many shipwrecks.

For example, in 1915, the German submarine released the torpedo and blew up the passenger liner of Britain. It happened not far from the Irish coast. The ship went to the bottom in a matter of minutes. About 1,200 people died.

In 1944, the catastrophe occurred right in the Bombay port. During the unloading of the steamer, there was a powerful explosion. On the cargo vessel was explosives, gold bars, sulfur, wood and cotton. It is the burning cotton that scattered in a radius of one kilometer was the reason for the fire of all vessels in the port, warehouses and even many urban facilities. The city burned for two weeks. 1300 people died, they were wounded more than 2000. The port entered his working mode only 7 months after the catastrophe.

The most famous and large-scale catastrophe on the water is the collapse of the famous "Titanic". He went under the water during the commission of his first flight. The giant could not change the course when Iceberg appeared right in front of him. The liner sank, and with him and a half thousand people.

At the end of 1917, the clashes of French and Norwegian ships - Mont Blanc and IMO occurred. The French ship was full of explosive. The most powerful explosion along with the port destroyed the part of the city of Halifax. The consequences of this explosion in human lives: 2000 dead and 9000 wounded. This explosion is considered the most powerful until the appearance of nuclear weapons.

In 1916, the Germans torpedo the French vessel. 3130 people died. After the attack on the German hospital afloat, 3,600 people were gone from life "General Schtyben".

In early 1945, a submarine under the command of Marinesko released a torpedo to the German Liner "Wilhelm Gustlov", which passed passengers. Died at least 9,000 people.

Catastrophes on water

The death of thousands of people on aquatic spaces is caused by different reasons: human factor, structural errors, military actions, natural elements. Consider the most ambitious in the number of victims of the tragedy, which occurred in the last century on the water:

1. "Goya". At a military ship confiscated by the Germans after the classes of Norwegian territories in the period of the Great Patriotic War, 7,000 people died. On April 16, 1945, Torpeda was sent to a powerful ship with a Russian submarine, as a result of which Goya was sank in the Baltic Sea.

Ship "Goya"

2. Wilhelm Gustloff. The German ship is named after the Nazi party leader. At the time of construction, it was considered the largest ship in the world. Before the war it was used as a means for recreation. Sound the ship on January 30, 1945. The reason is the attack of the Soviet military with a submarine. The accurate composition of passengers is unknown, but according to the official version, 5,348 people died. On board were women and children.

Village "Wilhelm Gustloff"

3. Mont Blanc. On December 6, 1917, an explosion of a military French ship occurred in the Canadian Havan, which faced the "IMO" vessel (Norway). As a result of the fire managed to survive a little. Mortality - 2,000 people (identified 1,950 people), and the reason is a banal human factor. Not counting the militant era, this explosion was the most powerful in the history of mankind. About the terrible tragedy you can watch a film shot in Canada in 2003 - "destructive city".

Ship "Mont Blanc"

4. "Bismarck". The German battleship Skils British Aviation on June 12, 1944 during the war. The number of victims amounted to 1,995 people.

Bismarck battle at the bottom

The death of "Titanic"

At the time of commissioning, the ship was considered the most huge on Earth. The giant ship sank in the first flight swimming on April 15, 1912, faced with Iceberg.

See also:

Cruelty of nature

The most powerful earthquake destroyed part of Hait Island in 2010, the magnitude of which was 7 points. The first shocks were registered on January 12, 20 kilometers from the capital of Haiti. A number of strongest jolts continued to shock with magnitude of 5.9 points.
After a terrible shaking more than 3 million people remained without a home. 60% of residential premises and many public buildings, such as schools, hospitals, cathedrals, were destroyed.

The number of those who died during a disaster and under the rubble was 222 570 thousand people, wounded 311,000 thousand people, and about 1000 people who did not find.

The most terrible technogenic catastrophes

To such catastrophes affecting their destructive consequences, the population of the entire planet, first of all, should be attributed to an accident at the Chernobyl NPP. During the explosion of the fourth nuclear reactor, it was completely destroyed. Work on the liquidation of the consequences is still not completed. After 26 April 1986, all people were evacuated from the disaster in a radius of 30 km - 135,000 people and 35,000 goals of livestock. A protected exclusion zone was created. From radioactive substances in the air, Ukraine, Belarus, West of Russia suffered most of all. In other countries, an increase in radioactive background was also noted. More than 600,000 people participated in the elimination of the consequences of this catastrophe.

The largest earthquake in Japan, which took place on March 11, 2011, and then tsunami, served as a radiation accident at Fukushima-1 nuclear power plants, which has the highest, seventh level. Consideration of the power supply and backup diesel generators were output, which caused a failure in the cooling system, and then the melting of the active zone of reactors by 1, 2, 3 of power units. All financial damage, which includes decontamination work, compensation for victims and forced migrants, is approximately 189 billion dollars.

Another catastrophe, which affected the state of the entire biosphere of the Earth, is called the Deepwater Horizon oil platform explosion, which happened on April 20, 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico. The oil spill caused by an accident became the largest in the history of the United States. At the time of the explosion itself and in the case, it was then a fire on a semi-submerged installation, 11 people died and 17 of 126 were injured, which at that time were on the platform. Later two more died. Oil flowed into the bay within 152 days, everything fell into the bay of more than 5 million barrels. This technogenic catastrophe has provided a detrimental impact on the ecology of the whole area. Different types of marine animals, fish and birds were injured. And in the north of the Gulf of Mexico, in the same year, increased mortality of cetaceans. In addition to oil, on the surface of water (the size of the spot reached 75,000 km²) a large number of underwater oil loops were formed, the length of which reached 16 km, and the width and height - respectively, 5 km and 90 m.

These are only a few terrible accidents that can be classified as the most terrible catastrophes in the history of mankind. But there were still others, sometimes less well-known, which brought people a lot of destruction and trouble. Often, these catastrophes were caused by a war or a whole series of accidents, and in some cases the grief brought the destructive power of nature.

See also:

The strongest earthquake in the world: the rage of nature

Mass destruction of sparrows in China

Despite the fact that we do not bring in our list of catastrophes caused by targeted actions of people, this case is an exception, since it is caused by banal stupidity and insufficient knowledge of ecology. Nevertheless, this case fully deserves the title of one of the most terrible catastrophes of the world.

Within the framework of the economic policy of the "Big Jump", a large-scale struggle against agricultural pests was carried out, among which the Chinese authorities singled out the four worst - mosquitoes, rats, flies and sparrows.

Employees of the Chinese Research Institute of Zoology calculated that due to the sparrow during the year, the volume of grain was lost, with which it would be possible to feed about thirty-five million people. Based on this, the plan for the destruction of these birds was developed, which was approved by Mao Zeden on March 18, 1958.

All the peasants actively began to hunt the birds. The most effective method was not to give them to fall on the ground. For this, adults and children shouted, beat in Thai, swung at sixties, rags, etc. This made it possible to scare sparrows and not give them to land on the ground for fifteen minutes. As a result, the birds just fell out.

A year later, the hunt for sparrow crop really increased. However, the caterpillars, locusts, and other pests who eaten the shoots began to actively come true. This led to the fact that in the year the crops fell greatly, and hunger came, which led to death from 10 to 30 million people.

Fire demonstration in Jilingham

From year to year, fire jilingham, Kent, England, build a kind of wood and canvas, for the annual popular fire fighting demonstration. Every year, several boys are selected to take part in the demonstration. July 11, 1929, 9 boys, aged 10 to 14, as well as 6 firefighters, moved to the participants of the wedding party, rose to the third floor of the "Houses". According to the plan, the firefighters had to light a smoke checker on the first floor, save "celebrating" with the help of rods and stairs, and then set fire to a blank house, demonstrating fire hoses in action. However, by mistake, the real fire was first lit. Spectators who took the truly burning bodies for mannequins were welcomed and applauded, without suspecting a true fire. That day all 15 demonstration participants died.

Tanker Wheel Exson Valtez

On March 23, 1989, from the Terminal in the Alaskan Port, Valdiz sailed completely loaded oil tanker "Eksen Valtez", which was heading to the California port of Long Beach. Withdrawing a ship from Valdiz, Lotsman handed over to the control of the tanker captain Joseph Jeffrey, and that time was "bench". In the sea there were icebergs, so the captain was forced to devale from the course, onceing about this coast guard. Having received permission from the latter, he changed the course, and at 23 o'clock left the logging, leaving the ship management of the third assistant and the sailor, who before that had already defended their watches and needed a 6-hour holiday. In fact, the tanker was driven by autopilot, guided by the navigation system.
Before leaving, the captain instructed the assistant, which two minutes after passing the island's traverse, you need to change the course. The assistant handed over this orders to the sailor, but he himself was late, or he was finished with his execution, but in half the first night, on March 24, the tanker crashed into Blytet Reef. In the ocean, 40,000 cubic meters of oil resulted in the ocean, and environmentalists believe that much more. Pollution was subjected to 2400 km of the coastline, which made this accident of one of the most significant environmental disasters in the world.

Solochi (in America this phenomenon is called a tornado) is called a fairly stable atmospheric whirlwind, most often arising in thunderstorm clouds. He is a visa ...

Catastrophe Empire State Building

On Saturday, July 28, 1945, the veteran of the army took off at the US Air Force Bombarder B-25 Mitchell, from Massachusetts in New Jersey, there were also a second pilot and a young sailor on board. Due to the fog, visibility was bad. An hour later, people on the streets of Manhattan heard a stunning Ryiv of the motor and saw a bomber whoars among skyscrapers. Some time later, he crashed into the Empire State Building. The fragments of the aircraft fell to the ground. One of the engines struck the hole on the 78th floor, passing through seven walls and departing in the opposite side of the building. The second engine hit the elevator shaft and fell into the basement. When the aircraft fuel tank exploded, the fire covered 6 floors. Fortunately, not all offices worked on Saturday, only 11 people and three passengers of the aircraft were killed.

Circular concordia

On the fourteenth of January 2012, the list of terrible incidents in the world replenished with another one. Near the Italian Tuscany, the Costa Concordia cruise liner ran into the ledge of the rock, as a result of which he had a sample of seventy meters sample. At this time, most passengers were in the restaurant.

The right side of the liner began immersing into the water, then he threw it out on bells 1 km from the crash site. There were more than 4,000 people on the ship, which were evacuated all night, but they could not save themselves: 32 people still died and a hundred were injured.

Costa Concordia - Wrecked eyewitnesses (video)

The most terrible air crash

The rating "The most terrible plane crashes" is headed by Tenerife. Fat collision 2 Boeing-747 aircraft belonging to different companies (Boeing-747-206B - KLM airline brainstorming, performed the next flight KL4805 and Boeing-747 - the property of Pan American, fulfilled the flight 1736), it happened on 03/27/1977 on the island of the Canary Group , Tenerife, on the runway of the Los Roodoshi airport. Many people died - 583 people who were in these two aircraft. What exactly was the cause of such a devastating accident? The paradox is that the imposition of adverse circumstances at each other played a cruel joke.

In that ill-fated Sunday spring day, Los Rodeos airport was very overloaded. Both aircraft performed maneuvers on a narrow take-off landing strip, including complex turns at 135-180 degrees. Interference with the radio communication with the dispatcher and between pilots, bad weather conditions and visibility, the wrong interpretation of the teams of the Aviadpetcher, the strong Spanish emphasis of the dispatcher - all this inevitably led to trouble. The Boeing KLM commander did not understand the team of the dispatcher to interrupt the takeoff, while the second Boeing commander reports that their huge plane is still moving along the runway. After fourteen seconds, an inevitable clash occurred, the fuselage of the Boeing Pan American was very damaged, some of the breaks were formed, and some passengers were saved through them. Boeing KLM without a tail and with damaged wings fell on the strip 150 meters from the collision point and drove up the runway for another 300 meters. Both affected aircraft ignited.

All 248 people from the Boeing Klm aircraft died. In the second aircraft, 326 passengers and nine crew members died. The American Star of Playboy magazine - actress and model Yves Meyer died in this worst aircraft crash.

Causes of aircraft crash

As we have already identified, the so-called is still leading among them. human factor. However, along with them, there are a number of other reasons.

Sometimes, the catastrophe occurs due to a number of irreparable action of the crew, conjugate with the failure of part or some separate equipment systems on board.

In essence, they are only 3:

  • human factor;
  • technical difficulites;
  • other reasons (bad weather conditions, etc.)

The first factor in turn is divided three subferences: Error crew members (FAC, second pilot, bornemaker), terrestrial service error (dispatcher) and terrorist actions.

Almost every second case of the aircraft crash occurs through the fault of the pilots. There is a whole complex of different consequences.

Passenger liners pilots have become too relying on the technique.

Firstly, with the development of technologies, pilots begin to rely too much for the technique. After all, the plane goes on the autopilot and is fully regulated by the technique.

But in the case of emergency situations, the pilots take control over themselves, and in this case it turns out that they have no sufficient skills to manage the aircraft themselves.

Secondly, do not cost to bypass the mental state of the pilots. Although they all pass medical examination

And immediately before the flight, they are also consulted with a doctor, but this is the physical examination.

As it is not scary, but in the history of passenger aviation there were cases of suicide. When the pilot decides to commit suicide, saboting the air control.

As for the dispatcher error, then they are also not uncommon. In general, this work that requires great concentration, collens and care. One second delay can entail an aircraft catastrophe.

The aircraft lead a total of 20 dispatchersBut the mistake of only one of them may entail irreparable consequences.

Different dispatchers are responsible for takeoff and landing of the aircraft.

The actions of terrorists, recently, increasingly provoke disasters. Moreover, it is not even always possible to accurately establish what happened precisely by the fault of the actions of extremist groups.

Technical problems are in second place causes a plane crash. The failure of individual systems, engines or stopping the work of the on-board computer - all this can happen with a completely any aircraft, despite the careful and numerous checks.

Other reasons include adverse weather conditions, the possibility of a collision of the aircraft with birds, etc.

It seems that the bird is very small, but if they are encountered with an airplane in the air, they can leave huge dents and damage.

Gas reservoir explosion in Pittsburgh

In a huge cylindrical gasometer, the largest in the world at that time, which was in the heart of the industrial center of Pittsburgh, was discovered. On the morning of November 14, 1927, the repairmen began searching for samples using a soldering lamp with an open flame. Approximately at 10 am, they found leakage. As a result, the tank containing about 5 million cubic feet of natural gas, rose into the air like a balloon and exploded. Huge pieces of metal, fly away from a kilometer, and the joint effects of air pressure and fire destroyed everything within a square mile. Then 28 people died, hundreds were injured, the damage estimates $ 4 million dollars.

Japan, August 12, 1985

The most terrible air crashes of the world most often happen due to the fault of technical problems or human factor. In August 1985, the Airbus Boeing 747 suffered a terrible wreck in the vicinity of Tokyo. He lost control, as a result of which ran into a mountain peak. 520 people died, and Japan could not recover from shock for a long time. The press persistently demanded that the owners of the airline careful investigation and punishment of the guilty.

With one of the dead, a letter was found, describing everything that happened in an airplane in front of the tragedy. The man said goodbye to his relatives and loved ones, carefully put the time, then put a letter to the driver's license, which removed into the rear pocket.

The reason for the accident was the fact that in twelve minutes after lifting into the air the aircraft fell off the vertical stabilizer on the tail. The crew was able to support uncontrollable aerobus in the air for another half an hour, but the tragedy was not avoided.

Only 4 people survived the plane crash

Panic in the Baptist Church

Three thousand people - mostly blacks, gathered at the Baptist Church of Shiloh Baptist Church Birmingham, Alabama, September 19, 1902 to listen to the appeal of the Washington Taliaofer Booker. The brick building of the Church was erected quite recently. A steep staircase, laid out in a brick, led from the entrance doors to a part of the liturgy. After the speech of Washington, the passage began over the free places, and the word "Fight" (Fight) was taken for the word "Fire" (fire). All the parishioners, went into panic escape to the stairs. Those who reached it were first, began to push back, and they began to fall. Others fell right on them until a bunch of 4 meters high of the hole was formed, completely barricading passage.

Attempts by Washington and servants of the Church to call people to calmly did not bring the result, they could only obversely observe how they were taken and sisters either chuckled, or were flooded to death. In fact, there was no fire, nor even fights, however, 115 people died.

Separation earthquake in 1988

On December 7, 1988, the list of "The Best Castra in the World" was replenished with another, which occurred in Armenian Speet. In this tragic day, underground shocks are literally for half a minute "erased" from the face of the earth, Leninakan, Stepanavan and Kirovan destroyed beyond recognition. A total of twenty-one city and three hundred fifty villages were injured.

In the very seitak, the earthquake was valid at ten points, a nine blessing was collapsed to Leninakan, and an eight-blessed one, almost the rest of Armenia - six-walled elements. Seismologists calculated that during this earthquake, the energy was released, corresponding to the strength of the ten exploded atomic bombs. The wave caused by this tragedy was recorded by scientific laboratories of almost all over the world.

This natural catastrophe is 25,000 people deprived of life, 140000 - health, and 514000 - roofs over their heads. Forty percent of the republic's industry failed, schools, hospitals, theaters, museums, cultural houses, automotive and railways were destroyed.

Military, doctors, public figures of the whole country and abroad, both near and distant countries, were called to the rescue. Humanitarian aid around the world was actively going. Throughout the victims of the tragedy, tents, field kitchens and medplexes were deployed.

The most sad and instructive in this situation that the scale and sacrifice of this terrible misfortune could be many times less if the seismic activity of this region was taken into account and all buildings were erected taking into account these features. Inappropriate rescue services also made their contribution

Tragic days: Speet earthquake (video)

Ukraine, July 17, 2014

During hostilities in the Donetsk region, the Malaysian liner Boeing 777 was shot down, returning from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. The plane collapsed to the ground near the village of Grabovo, at the same time absolutely all that were inside, almost 300 people were killed. This is the largest aircraft crash since the times of the terrorist attack in the USA 2001. The Ukrainian side completely denies its involvement in the event, while accusing Russia.

The plane flew over Ukraine at an altitude of 9.5 km, later than 10 km. At 14:00 15 minutes, the liner stopped responding to the dispatcher requests, it was 50 km to the Russian-Ukrainian border. According to plan, he had to cross the border at 17:25. There was no disaster signals before the catastrophe.

Last minute aircraft fragments were found on the territory of Ukraine, scattered within a radius of 15 km

Catastrophe on submarine Kursk

The list of catastrophes, for a long time of remembered residents of our country, would be incomplete without mentioning the atomic underwater rocket cruiser "Kursk", sunken in the Barents Sea. 12.08.2000 Submarine, who was at the exercises at the Battime Polygon, did not communicate. Two days later, the command made a statement that the submarine lay down on the bottom. When examining the scene of the incident, it turned out that the APL destroyed the front of the corps, and it entered the bottom at the angle of forty degrees, and the rescue capsule was out of order. Already then it became obvious that the chances of salvation are minimal.

Rescue operation began on August 15. Norwegian vessel and deep-water devices took part in it. Despite the joint efforts of Russian, British and Norwegian specialists, the crew of the submarines failed to save. On August 21, the divers were able to get inside the vessel, which was completely flooded. Alive no one left, 118 people are listed in the list of dead. During the investigation, it was possible to find out that the explosion was brought to the crash. The boat was covered by fire, and it was filled with water in less than 10 hours. In the ship's magazine, data on freelance situations are not recorded.

2001 year Kira Ivanova

Soviet female figure skating for a long time was considered a shame of the country. And only the appearance Elena Vytorezova Warmed hearts of fans. But Lena paid the expensive price for early successes, the joint disease forced her to leave.
An example was infectious. And in 1984, for the first time, the Soviet athlete takes bronze at the Olympic Games. It was 21-year-old Kira Ivanova.

Figure Kira Ivanova. Source: Photoxronics TASS

What life can be so happy? Yes, only the ball, the prince and all that. But - did not happen. Results went to the decline, she became a coach. Then the sister of Cyrus committed suicide, two marriages of the girl broke off. Increasingly said that the former champion Ivanov was drinking.

Finally, on December 20, 2001, her corpse discover in its Moscow apartment. She was dead for two days. What happened is unknown. But the famous Kira Knightley called in honor of the Soviet athlete ...

So goes terrestrial glory.

France, March 3, 1974

The terrible aircraft crash occurred on this day. The DC-10 liner dropped at the Orly airfield in Paris. It was the next day after a significant rugby match, and hundreds of fans now hurried to return home. Fortunately, not all the tickets were excavated, there were almost two hundred vacancies. On board it turned out 345 people along with the crew members. The planting process was slightly delayed, so the departure occurred 10 minutes later than planned.

At an altitude of 7 km, the door of the back compartment was revealed - the castle was closed unreliable. The door took the wind along with part of the trim. Due to decompression inside the aircraft, a whirlwind burst into the aircraft, which took two rows of seats along with people. Pilots did not immediately realize what was happening. All three motors control knobs were transferred to small gas mode. The autopilot disabling happened. After that, the liner sharply threw on the left side, at the same time turning the nose to the ground.

There were no survivors in the plane crash

Pilots could not cope with the control, since the mechanisms were out of order. After 10 seconds after the start of the accident, the liner rushed to the ground with a speed of 580 km / h, absolutely not led by control, and after 77 seconds he ran into a slope of the mountain, cropped trees. The accident was so strong that there was absolutely nothing left of the plane and its passengers, there was nothing to burn. In an attempt to find the largest details in the forest, one of the chassis racks was discovered.

Place 1 Autumn 2001, terrorist attack on board the aircraft

The largest aircraft crash in the world was committed by the fault of a terrorist organization, which was named Al-Qaeda, September 11, 2001. In the terrible September day, terrorists seized 4 air transport at once, on board which were only civilians and the crew. The 2 airliner were redirected to terrorists in the American towers known to the whole world to roll them. The third aircraft was forced to push the Pentagon building. Fourth air transport The terrorist organization redesigned to Pennsylvania. In this state and the latter civil aircraft worked out. These largest plane crashs in total took the lives of 2977 people, the victims of the catastrophe were:

  1. Passengers airliners.
  2. Commands of crews.
  3. People who participated in the salvation of victims of the crash of aircraft.

After analyzing the statistics of a plane crash, it can be concluded that the crash can occur due to the technical fault of airliners, the human factor, unforeseen situations. It is these moments that need to constantly control to avoid the emergence of terrible tragedies.

Ship catastrophe Admiral Nakhimov

Admiral Nakhimov

On August 31, 1986, Admiral Nakhimov was in the port of Novorossiysk. Passengers tired by hot weather returned after excursions to the cabins. The ship is greatly heated in this hot day, and people hurried to open the portholes. At 10 pm, the ship went to Sochi. Weather on this summer evening stood magnificent: the calm sea is similar to the mill pond, a weak wind blew, visibility was good. At the same time, in Novorossiysk followed Valvalok "Peter Vashev", transporting thirty thousand tons of grain. A team was obtained on the baller, skip the cruise liner.

An hour after the departure of "Admiral Nakhimov", I ran into the dry cargo ship "Peter Vashev". The blow came to the right side of the passenger ship. The strong destruction of the hull led to the fact that the motor ship completely plunged under water for eight minutes. At such a quick immersion affected the unlocked portholes and waterproof bulkheads, which were also left open. The incorrect acts of the crew led to the death of 423 people.


In the harbor of the Canadian city of Halifax on December 6, 1917, the French military cargo ship "Mont Blanc", which was fully loaded by one explosive - trotyl, pyroxiline and picric acid, with the Norwegian ship "IMO". As a result of the strongest explosion, the port and much of the city were completely destroyed. About 2000 people died as a result of an explosion under the wreckage of buildings and because of the fires that arose after the explosion. Approximately 9,000 people were injured, 400 people lost sight. The explosion in Halifax is among the strongest explosions arranged by mankind, this explosion is considered the most powerful explosion of the disorder era.

Costa Concordia Cruise Line

The best disasters sometimes begin with the signs of fate. Already during the baptism ceremony, the vessel, those present suspected a non-Ladnoye: did not break the bottle of champagne, which is considered to be a good admission. This three-standard ship is struck with its size, equipment and comfort: one and a half thousand cabins, two-story fitness center, museum, gallery, cinema, casino, library, concert hall, shops, pools and restaurants. Passengers were where to raise. 01/13/12 The liner appeared on the underwater reef. Because of the big hole, the ship began to immerse the water rapidly.

There were more than 4 thousand people on the vessel. Almost all passengers and crew members were evacuated to the shore, but 32 people could not be saved. The captain of the ship said that he was devoted from the course and approached the shore to greet his friend , who lived on this island. So dangerous approach to the coastline was at Costa Concordia not for the first time. Experts are still perplexed why the liner sat on the reef, because this route the crew knew how his five fingers. Damage from the shipwreck occurrence is assessed by $ 1.5 billion experts. The causes of the catastrophe are unknown to the end, but experts call the notorious human factor and technical fault.

Bhopalskaya catastrophe

The catastrophe in Indian Bhopal was truly terrible not only because it caused a huge damage to the nature of the state, but also because she claimed the lives of 18,000 inhabitants. The subsidiary from Union Carbide Corporation built a chemical plant in Bhopal, which, according to the initial project, should produce pesticides used in agriculture.
But that the plant has become competitive, the production technology was decided to change towards more dangerous and challenging, for which imported import raw materials would not be required. But a number of faults led to the fact that the demand for plant products decreased, so the owners decided to sell it in the summer of 1984. Funding a working enterprise was fresh, the equipment was gradually wearing and ceased to comply with security standards. In the end, the liquid methylocyanate was overheated in one of the reactors, there was a sharp release of his vapors, which was broken by an emergency valve. 42 tons of poisonous vapors have fallen into the atmosphere for counting seconds, which formed a deadly cloud with a diameter of 4 kilometers above the plant and surrounding terrain.
Residential areas and railway station hit the defeat area. The authorities did not have time to inform the population about the danger on time, and the medical staff was not enough, so on the very first day, after a poisonous gas, 5,000 people died. But for a number of years after this, the poisoned people continued to die, and the total number of victims of that accident is estimated at 30,000 people.

Under dangerous natural phenomena, extreme climatic or meteorological phenomena occurring naturally in the same time ...

Collision Dona Pass with tanker vector

On December 20, 1987, the Passenger Farm "Doña Paz" (Dona Paz) was regulated on the studpins (Dona Paz), which led to the largest catastrophe in the world, which occurred in peacetime on the water.

During the collision, the ferry followed his standard route Manila-Katbalogan, which he passed twice a week. December of the twentieth of December 1987, about 06:30 "Dona Paz" sailed from Tacomphan and headed in Manila. At about 22:30, the ferry passed the strait of the Tablas near Marinduk, the weather was clearly clear, but with excitement to the sea.

The collision occurred after the passengers fell asleep, the ferry ran into the "Vector" tanker, which was transported by gasoline and petroleum products. Immediately after the collision, there was a strong fire, associated with the fact that petroleum products spilled in the sea. A strong blow and the fire almost instantly caused panic among the passengers, in addition, according to the approval of the survivors on the ferry, there was no necessary number of life vests.

A total of 26 people survived, of which 24 passengers of the Don Paz and two people with a tanker "Vector".

2016 Igor Pashkevich

Soviet and Russian figure skater Igor Pashkevich It remained in the history of this sport not only as a silver medalist of Che-1996, but also as an athlete, which for the first time in the world in an arbitrary program unmistakably performed all types of triple jumps. Yes, there was a time when not all men participating in the championships could do it.

Soviet and Russian figure skater Igor Pashkevich. Frame with video YouTube

In 1997, Igor began to perform for Azerbaijan, then he trained in America, but everything remained "our" early, worked in Russia. Very often he helped pupils famous ETERY Tutberidze.

On March 25, 2016, from Miami, where the former figure skater lived, came terrible news about the tragic death of Igor Pashkevich. The causes of death were called the most different, even talked about suicide. But friends and pupils did not want to believe that such a charming person, like Igor, could bring abuse with life.

One of the touching memorial posts was dedicated to him Julia Lipnitskayawho thanked Igor Anatolyevich in all the help he had it.

August 17, 2009 - Accident on Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP

The largest hydroelectric station in Russia and the world in the world - Sayano-Shushenskaya - was stopped on August 17, when water joined the car hall. Three of the ten generating hydraulic units were completely destroyed, and all other are damaged.

Recovery work on HPP on the Yenisei River is expected to take several years and will be completed at best in 2014. The largest accident in the history of the Russian and Soviet hydropower led 75 people to death. Commission of the Russian State Duma, investigating the causes of the accident at Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, called the names of about 20 station workers involved in her opinion, to the tragedy.

The deputies were recommended to dismiss, among others, the Director General of HPP Nicholas Russia's chief engineer Andrei Mitrofanov. In December 2010, an already former director of the HPP was not considered a charge of "violation of safety regulations and other rules for labor protection, which resulted in the death of two and more persons."

River killer

In 1931, the largest flood in history happened in China. The Yangtze River ranks third among major rivers, about 700 different rivers fall into it. Every year, during the rain, she poured and brought damage.

In August 1931, the Yangtze River and the neighboring Juanhe River came out of the shores, grinding into one powerful stream, destroyed the dam. This led to a global flood. They destroying everything in their path, flooded 16 Chinese provinces, these are about 300,000 thousand hectares of land.

More than 40 million people suffered, remaining no bed, clothes and food. Water did not go about 4 months. As a result of long hunger and diseases, the death rates exceeded 3.5 million people. To prevent such a tragedy, two defending dams were built and two reservoirs were created.

Earthquake in the Indian Ocean in 2004

Number of victims: 225,000-300 000

The underwater earthquake that occurred on December 26, 2004 in the Indian Ocean at the West Coast of North Sumatra, 250 kilometers southeast of the city of Gang Aceh. It is considered one of. Its magnitude according to different estimates amounted to 9.1 to 9.3 points on the Richter scale. Arriving at a depth of about 30 km, the earthquake caused a number of devastating tsunami, the height of which exceeded 15 meters. These waves led to enormous destruction and took life, according to different estimates, from 225 thousand to 300 thousand people in 14 countries. The coast of Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and Thailand suffered the greatest of the tsunami.

Chinese earthquake 1556.

The number of dead: approximately 830,000

This earthquake of magnitude approximately 8 points occurred on January 23, 1556 in the Chinese province of Shaanxi, during the reign of the Ming dynasty. More than 97 districts were injured from it, on an area of \u200b\u200b840 km everything was destroyed, and in some areas 60% of the population died. In total, the Chinese earthquake took the lives of approximately 830,000 people - more than any other earthquake in the history of mankind. A huge number of victims are due to the fact that the predominant part of the provincial population lived in the Lens caves, which were destroyed or flooded with the village streams immediately after the first jolts.

Catastrophe on water with the largest number of dead

On May 5, 1937, the German cruise liner was lowered, named after Wilhelm Gustloff, one of the leaders of the National Socialist Switzerland, who died over the year before.

The passenger liner had ten decks, was designed for 1.5 thousand people, 417 crew members served. The ship was built according to the most advanced technologies, and it was very comfortable. The liner was intended, first of all, for the implementation of long and unhurried cruises. In 1939, Wilhelm Gustloff was transferred to the Navy of Germany. Soon he became a floating hospital, and then after 1940, ranked in the school of submariners in Gotenhafen. His color again became camouflage, and he lost the protection of the Hague Convention.

After a torpedo attack, which was held by the Soviet submarine under the command of A.I. Marinezka, Wilhegelm Gustloff sank off the coast of Poland on January 30, 1945 according to official data, 5,348 people died, however, the exact number of passengers remained unknown.

Near the coast of Crimea, on November 7, 1941, the Soviet ship "Armenia" was swept on the Hitler Aviation, on board which, allegedly, there were more than 3,000 people.

The largest planes in the world due to the human factor

Here on the first is a terrible tragedy September 11, 2001When 2 American Airlines and United Airlines and United Airlines are in the hands of terrorists. And then rammed the building of the World Trade Center, known as the twin towers.

In second place there is the largest aircraft crash for all time civil aviation - it clash at Tenerife Airport of two Boeing 747 - KLM and Pan American.

The cause of the disaster is called an improper understanding of the pilot of the KLM team of the dispatcher. For 583 people These flights became the last in their lives. Saving only about thirty passengers managed.

On the third place - sAUDI ARABIAN AIRLINES BOEING 747-168B clash and Il-76TD Kazakhstan Airlines. It happened right in the air.

The reason is still the same - an improper understanding of the pilot of the dispatcher teams. As it is logical to assume, no one managed to survive.

Fourth place occupies the terrorist attack on the Boeing 747 Airlines Air India. An explosion thundered on board the aircraft. A few seconds later, his debris was already floating on the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Rescuers found only corpses.

And finally, the fifth place L-101 SAUDI ARABIAN AIRLINES. The flight from Er-Riyadh to Jidda was interrupted because of the fire in the rear cargo compartment.

The pilot managed to plant a plane in Er-Riyadh, but because of the ignorance of the English language, the airport service could not understand the instructions for the opening of the aircraft doors. Fatal 23 minutes Played your role - everyone who was in the plane died.

Crash on the chemical factory in Flixboro

In the British city of Flixboro, the Nipro plant was located, which produced an ammonium salter, and 4000 tons of caprolactam, 3000 tons of cyclohexanone, 2500 tons of phenol, 2000 tons of cyclohexane were kept on its territory. But various technological containers and ball tanks had insufficient fullness, which increased the danger of an explosion. In addition, high pressure and at high temperatures in factory reactors were various flammable materials.
The administration sought to improve the productivity of the plant, but it reduced the effectiveness of fire extinguishing. The engineers of the company were often forced to close their eyes to retreat from technological regulations, neglected security standards - a picture of a friend. Finally, on June 1, 1974, the plant shuddered from a powerful explosion. Instantly production premises were embraced by a flame, and the shock wave from the explosion swept through the surrounding settlements, breaking the windows to the windows, breaking down from the roof houses and kalece people. Then 55 people died. The power of the explosion was estimated at 45 tons in TNT equivalent. But the worst thing is that the explosion was accompanied by the emergence of a large cloud of toxic vapors, because of which the authorities had to urgently evacuate the inhabitants of some neighboring settlements.
Damage from this technogenic disaster was estimated at 36 million pounds - it was the most expensive emergency for the British industry.

The largest ecological catastrophe

From the point of view of ecology, now on the planet there is one of the largest catastrophes - a decrease in the level of the Aral Sea and its drying. The so-called Aral Sea was the fourth on the size of the lake on the planet after the Caspian Sea (which due to its closure can be qualified as a lake), the top lake in North America and Lake Victoria in Africa.

But after the drains of the Syrdarya and Amudarya rivers who feed the Aral, began to climb through the built irrigation systems, lake washed. In the summer of 2014, his eastern part was practically dried, the volume of water decreased to 10%.

All this entailed climate change, which became continental. On the spoken day of the former sea, the sand-salt desert of Aralkum appeared. Dusty storms spread the smallest particles of salt with inclusions of the peephyhimicates and agricultural fertilizers, which at one time fell into the aral from the fields across the rivers and can negatively affect the health of people and animals. Most types of marine inhabitants disappeared due to salinity, the ports closed, people lost their job.

Mass poisoning in the bass

In September 1971, about 90,000 tons of grain arrived in the Iraqi Port of Basra. It was American barley and mexican wheat treated with mercury methyl to slow down. The grain was painted in a bright pink color, and on all bags a danger warning was printed, however, only in English and Spanish. Before the bags were distributed to farmers, they were stolen from docks and sold out the starving population.

Iraqi government, fearing indignations about their criminal negligence, hid this story. It was not known about it for almost two years while the American correspondent did not find evidence, 6,530 incidents of mercury poisoning. Officials confessed only in 459 deaths, but the real number of victims amounted to about 6,000 people. In addition, the other 10,000 suffered from such side effects as blindness, deafness and damage to the brain.

Chain reaction of explosions in Texas

April 15, 1947, the French cargo ship arrived in Texas. It was about 1,400 tons of fertilizer, ammonium nitrate. The same night, fire flashed on the ship. For dawn, local authorities were significantly concerned about the pillars of black smoke from the vessel, as the city's chemical plant was only 300 meters from the firefish. Towing vessels were prepared to drive the cargo to the sea. However, a suddenly a huge post of fire has enveloped the ship. For many it became the last thing they saw. The wall of the flame shifted on the chemical plant, which led to an explosion. Most of the business district was the stir from the face of the Earth. The fire was raging along the coastline, where Bhutan's huge tanks were. After midnight, a new chain reaction of explosions began. As a result of the catastrophe, more than 500 people died, and about 1,000 were seriously injured.

Persian Bay, July 3, 1988

In total after a few minutes after raising, Bender Abbas Airport, the A300 airport was shot down by the US attacking rocket, directed from the Earth. Died all who were inside, it is 290 people. The cruiser that launched the rocket, at that time stood in the waters belonging to Iran. The US government stated that the cruiser mistakenly accepted the A300 for the Iranian aircraft that took off with the military goal. This version caused a lot of criticism. Whatever it was, in the official report to justify the incident, the stressful state of the crew of the cruiser was indicated, as well as the external similarity of A300 with military aircraft.

According to Iranians, the same attack was completely intentional, designed to put pressure on the government's government, so that he concluded a truce with Iran. It would be advantageous to the United States.

The catastrophe is considered the tragic of those that have occurred not due to falling, collisions or terrorist attack

To date, airliners are the most comfortable and fast view of transport, allowing in a matter of hours to cross the entire globe. On solid land, the aircraft seems great and reliable, but it turns out that he can be almost defenseless in the sky. Nevertheless, it is not worth exposing themselves to fear, because according to statistics in the plane crash, fewer people from all types of transport accidents die.

Place 3 August 1985, tragedy on board Boeing-747 airliner

In the summer of 1985, the tragic fate suffered a plane flying along the Tokyo-Osaku route. Air transport spent only 12 minutes in the sky, as it began to work with the hydraulic system interruptions, after the knitted cotton heard. More than half an air carriage crew tried to deploy an airliner and land at the near airport. To do this, the team tried to use the entire craving generated by the engine, as the steering system completely refused to work. But despite the tremendous efforts of the entire crew, the airliner failed to deliver to the airport, the vessel was crashed, hanged into the mountain called Otsutak. Wreck occurred at an altitude of 1.7 kilometers. To arrive at the place of the tragedy, the rescue teams needed more than 12 hours, but despite such a long time they managed to find 4-exit passengers, among which were two children. The number of those killed in this accident - 520 people.

Place of crashing airliner

Horrors and death in the air

In the middle of the twentieth century, air transportation gained massive. The active development of passenger aviation led to the ability of the death of a person in the sky compared with the "water" mortality. Here is a list of "bright" tragedies who have claimed the lives of many in no guilty of people:

1. Collision on Tenerife. The catastrophe occurred on March 27, 1977. Place Events - Canary Islands (Tenerif). The rock "meeting" of two liners was the cause of the death of 583 people. 61 people managed to escape in the tragedy. For the period of the twentieth century, this aircraft crash is the largest in terms of the number of civil aviation.

Clash on Tenerife

2. Catastrophe under Tokyo. On August 12, 1985, a Japanese liner 12 minutes after his takeoff lost control, having lost the vertical stabilizer. For 32 minutes, the crew struggled for the rescue of the aircraft in the air, but the collision with Mount Otsutak influenced the destructive outcome of the events. Died 520 people, and survived only 4. The catastrophe is called the largest in the history of "one aircraft".

Catastrophe under Tokyo

3. Charch Dadri (city in India). Aviation crash occurred as a result of the collision of the flagship and Kazakhstan liners at an altitude of 4,109 meters. All passengers died, including the crew of both planes (only 349 people).

A plane crash over Charch Dadry

4. Aerial collapse under Paris. On March 3, 1974, a wide-visor airliner, built by the Turkish company, was due to the life of 346 people. A few minutes after the take-off, the cargo compartment door suddenly opened.

Aerial crash near Paris

Explosive compression destroyed all control systems. The plane picketed and crashed into the forest. The investigation indicated the imperfection of the locking mechanism in the compartment. After, in many airlines there were changes in the structures of aircraft to avoid catastrophic repetitions.

Terrorist attack under crust

5. Cork terrorist attack. In the direction of London, the flagship carrier of India became a victim of a cruel terrorist attack. Literally a few minutes before the arrival, an explosion happened on board the aircraft and all those who were in it were killed (329 people). In the history of Canada, this is the largest terrorist attack.

August 14, 2008 10:05

The tragedies of the 20th century are their hundreds ... Mountains of corpses, blood, pain and suffering - that's what the revolution, world wars, political coups and monstrous increments were brought with them. And all of them, as a rule, carefully photographed and configured ...

And you open this terrible list of photos from the side of the sadly famous "Titanic" ...

Titanic tragedy. More than eighty years have passed since on April 14, 1912, the south of the island of Newfoundland sank, faced with the drifting iceberg, the giant "Titanic", the largest and most luxurious vessel of the beginning of the century. 1,500 passengers and crew members were killed. And although in the 20th century there were enough terrible tragedies, interest in the fate of this vessel does not weaken in our days. Before you, a rare photograph of the ship three days before sailing ...

Unfortunately, it will have to come to terms with the fact that the exhaustive truth about the death of "Titanic" will not be known ever. Despite two investigations held immediately after the floating palace absorbed the waves, many details remained unexplained. The ship goes into the fatal swimming ...

As soon as the captain Smith reported that the last ladder was removed and was fixed, Lotsman took the case. At the mooring gave the mooring, attic nose and stern to powerful coastal stands. Then began to make a business tows. The long hull "Titanic" centimeter for centimeter began to remove from the berth ... Retural photo of the departure of "Titanic" ...

Hundreds of passengers who were on the walking decks of the Titanic, and thousands of people on the shore observed behind the complex maneuvers. Wires ...

And then something happened that it could end very sad. In the harbor stood a steamer "New York". At that moment, when "Titanic" passed by, the noses of both ships were on the same line, six steel cables, which was moored by New York, stretched and rang out a strong crackling, similar to the shots from the revolver, and the end of the cables were whistled in the air And they fell on the embankment into a frightened, running away the crowd ...

Of course, photographs of the sinking "Titanic" does not exist. But. There are quite a lot of pictures made from the side of the Savior Ship "Carpathians". On his board managed to raise more than 100 people - all who remained alive on five boats ... "Carpathia" ...

Iceberg killer ...

Boat №12 is one of those who managed to reach the side of the "Carpathians" ...

Saved. On board "Carpathians" ...

Newsipers. Scary news ...

Holodomor. This terrible word is called the massive death of the population of the Ukrainian SSR from hunger in 1932-1933 ... In the USSR, the scale of the tragedy and her genuine reasons were simply hidden ... But the witnesses remember that the streets of cities and villages were littered with the corpses of the dead, swollen from hunger people ...

Currently, in the scientific environment there is a point of view, according to which the mass death of the population of Ukraine was caused by conscious and targeted actions of the Soviet leadership ...

In these terrible years, at least 4,500,000 people died in Ukraine ...

The corpses were everywhere ...

Hospitals and morgues did not cope with their responsibilities ...

Improvised cemeteries stretched on urban outfits dozens of kilometers ...

Foreign journalists exported photographs from Ukraine risking their own head. Nevertheless, in the press something leaked ...

The last speaker of the airship. On May 6, 1937, the German aircraft "Hydenburg" exploded and burned down - at the time the world's largest airship, the core length was about 248 m, the diameter of more than 40 m. It was built in the 30s as a symbol of new Hitler Germany ... Photo of that time from the archive of the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" ..

He could flee 15 thousand km at maximum speed - 135 km / h. On the two floors of the passenger compartment were 26 double cabins, bars, reading room, restaurant, gallery, kitchens. The ticket cost more than 800 dollars. Hydenburg was destroyed by fire when approaching a moisture mast in Lukherst (New Jersey, USA), completing flight from Frankfurt (Germany) ...

After 32 seconds after the explosion, a airship, more than 2 times higher than a football field along the length, resembled a fantastic charred skeleton from the curved metal. This catastrophe took 36 human lives ...

The explosion was heard at a distance of fifteen miles. Thanks to the courage and composure of the captain, a team and 62 passengers were saved. The fire is directly related to the use of hydrogen - the only carrier gas, which was located Germany, because the United States refused to supply helium in commercial quantities. There was still a version of the terrorist attack - in the early 1970s, information appeared that the opponent of the Nazis Erich Sleel, one of the team members, laid the hour later ...

PEARL HARBOR. The most famous US naval base in Hawaiian Oostrov. December 7, 1941, During the 2nd World War, the Japanese airmake aircraft delivered a sudden blow to Pearl Harbor and disabled the basic forces of the American Pacific Fleet. On December 8, the United States and the United Kingdom declared the war of Japan ...

The sun on that day rose above Pearl Harbor in everything with its usual tropical brilliance. It was Sunday, and the fleet was "at home". Officers and sailors thought about the upcoming day of rest. As always on Sundays, the broadcasting signal was given late. At that moment, when the sounds of Horn froze, unknown aircraft appeared in the sky. Without all delay, they began to drop bombs and torpedoes ...

50 bombers, 40 torpedoes and 81 Picking bomber attacked the ships of the Pacific Fleet, who were anchored in Pearl Harbor ...

When the last Japanese aircraft left, it turned out that the losses of the Navy and the Marine Corps are 2835 people, 2086 officers and ordinary officers were killed or mortally wounded. The losses of the army were 600 people, of which 194 were killed and 364 injured. In addition to damage to ships and hangars, 92 aircraft of the Navy and 31 aircraft were damaged, and the army lost 96 aircraft ...

Hiroshima - Revenge for Pearl Harbor? The Great Patriotic War ended on May 9, 1945. But the war on it did not end. She lasted until September 2, 1945. And there were fights. And there were victories. And there were victims. And there were tragedies. And the most terrible of them is the atomic bombing of Japanese cities ...

The Square of the city of Hiroshim on August 6, 1945 was about 26 square meters. Miles, only 7 were completely built up. There were no clearly dedicated commercial, industrial and residential neighborhoods. 75% of the population lived in a tightly built area in the center of the city ...

The commander of the airlock Colonel Tibets gave his plane name "Enola Gay" - in honor of his mother. The housing of the atomic bomb located in the bombus "Enolant Gay" was covered by a lot of both humorous and serious slogans. Among them was the inscription "From the guys from Indianapolis ...

On August 6, at about 8 o'clock in the morning, two bomber "B-29" appeared above Hiroshimoy. People continued to work without going to the shelter, and looked at the enemy aircraft. When bombers reached the city center, one of them dropped a small parachute, after which the planes flew away. At 8 o'clock 15 minutes, a deafening explosion rang out, which seemed to break the sky and the earth in an instant ...

Dazzling outbreak and terrible rumble - after which the whole city covered huge clouds of smoke. Among the smoke, dust and debris one after another, wooden houses broke out, until the end of the day the city was made by smoke and flame. And when, finally, the flame went down, the whole city was alone ruins. The charred and burnt corpses were brown everywhere, many of them were frozen in the pose, in which they caught the explosion. The tram from which one core remained, was packed down by the corpses held by the belts ...

The only bomb, with a capacity of 20 thousand tons of trotyl equivalent, which exploded at an altitude of 600 meters above the city, destroyed 60 percent of the city to the base. Of the 306545 Hiroshima residents suffered from an explosion of 176987 people. 92,333 people died and disappeared, 9,428 people and lungs were wounded - 27,997 people. In an effort to reduce your responsibility, Americans, as far as possible, have undertaken the number of victims, - when calculating the loss, the number of dead and wounded servicemen was not taken into account. Many died from radiation sickness. From those who were near the epicenter, there was nothing left - the explosion literally evaporates people ...

Auschwitz - 40 hectares of death. The largest camp of destruction, he was called the factory of death, the death conveyor, the car of death. In fact, in Polish Silesia, in several thousand hectares, the most monstrous state in the world with a population of several million people, of whom less than three thousand were survived, with their system of values, economics, management, hierarchy, rulers, executioners, victims and heroes. The inscription above the entrance to the concentration camp of Auschwitz read: "Labor makes free." Entrance to hell ...

"You were not brought here not to a sanatorium, but in the German concentration camp. Remember, there is only one way out from here - through the crematorium pipe." So through the reproductors, the voice of the Deputy Commentant of Fracha!

In front of the engineers set the task: the crematorium needs, because otherwise there were too many problems with the bodies of those killed. Engineers counted: three stoves, coal, loading 24 hours a day. They issued an answer: you can burn 340 people. The supervision of engineers thanked, but put a new task - to increase production capacity ...

Two tons of human hair are something that did not have time to use. The camp delivered them 50 panels per kilogram. The industrialists took away willingly - inexpensive durable fabric and ropes were obtained ...

Gold Orava from the glasses neatly folded in a special room ...

Central entrance ... People were brought to the wagons ...

At the bars slept up to six people. In winter, many had incontinence. And all this fastened from the top narrow to the bottom. And in the toilet night went to the nightmare. The warders beat people, because they had instructions: the place should be clean ...

At the same time, the Germans experimented with gas. It was served through the holes in the ceiling. People did not know where to go. They were told that on Sanagethka. The Siemovtsy checked, prisoners are alive or not. They took a nail and poke them into the body ... the road to the gas chamber ...

"Cyclone-B" ...

An angry was redeemed on Russians. They were twelve thousand, it remains, maybe a person is sixty. For example, they had a punishment: the doors were opened in the barrack with one and on the other side, and it was winter, and the prisoners had to stand bare. The warders also watered them with cold water from the hose ...

Preparing soup for prisoners, of course, without fat and meat. When they carried a full boiler, sheds shed. People licked land if the drop fell. SSEsovtsy for it also beat ...

Kids show hands with numbers ...

Soviet soldiers released Auschwitz on January 27, 1945. There remained less than seven thousand people. The Germans destroyed all five crematoriums, gas chambers, and most of the prisoners were taken out. Those who stayed themselves said: we are no longer people after what they have experienced ...

Death of Goebbels. During the capture of Berlin by Soviet troops, the chief ideolog of fascism Joseph Goebbels accepted the poison, poisoning pre-family - his wife and six children. The corpses, according to his death orders, were burned. Before you, a photograph, imprinuable corpse of the criminal. The frame was made in the building of the Imperial Office on May 2, 1945 by Major Vasily Kolchennikov. On the back of the picture Vasily wrote: "We covered the causal place of Goebbels, it was very unpleasant to look at it" ...

Tsar-bomb, "Ivan", "Kuzkina Mother". Thermonuclear device developed in CCCP in the mid-50s by a group of physicists under the leadership of Academician I. V. Kurchatov

The developers group included Andrei Sakharov, Victor Adamsky, Yuri Babaev, Yuri Trunov and Yuri Smirnov.

The initial version of the 40 tombing bomb was rejected by designers as too heavy. Then the nuclear makers promised to reduce its mass to 20 tons, and the aircraft industry has proposed the program of the corresponding modification of Tu-16 and Tu-95 bombers. The new nuclear device by tradition, adopted in the USSR, received the code designation "Vanya" or "Ivan", and the Tu-95 selected as a carrier was called Tu-95V.

The results of the explosion of charge, who received the name in the West - the bomb impressed - the nuclear "mushroom" of the explosion rose to the height of 64 kilometers, the shock wave, which arose as a result of the explosion, triggered the earth's ball three times, and the ionization of the atmosphere was caused by a telecommunication interference for hundreds of kilometers from the landfill for one hour ...

The test of the most powerful in the world of the world was held on October 30, 1961, during the work of the XXII CPSU Congress. The bomb undermined occurred within the nuclear landfill on the new land at an altitude of 4500 meters. The power of the explosion was about 50 megatons in TNT equivalent. About any victims or destruction officially not reported ...

Murder of President Kennedy. The tragedy happened on November 22, 1963, on Friday ..

The number of suggested solutions of this incident is confidently moving towards infinity. What is known for certain? ..

On November 22, President with his wife and Governor of Texas John Connallie drove from Dallas Airport to the city center. More than 200 thousand people were welcomed on the path of the Corger on the business district of the president. At some point, the car slowed down, and it was then that the shots rang out.

Bullets hit the head and throat John Kennedy. The president fell on his wife's hands, and the next shot was seriously injured in the back of Texas Governor.

This 40-second entry, made on a simple camcorder by someone from the residents of Dallas, became the most famous recording in the world. Immediately after the veins of the shots, the car rolled into the clinic, where 14 surgeons fought for the life of Kennedy ...

... But, despite all their efforts, after 35 minutes he died ...
24 minutes after the assassination suspect, Lee Harvey Oswald was detained. But he was the mysterious way killed - after 2 days he was betrayed by the owner of the nightclub Jack Ruby. Well, and the new president of the country became Vice President of the United States Lyndon Johnson. He, by the way, was driving in another car of the same context ...

The Vietnamese War began in August 1964 from the incident in the Tonkin Gulf, during which the shoreguard court of the Democratic Republic Vietnam fired at the American destroyers who provided fire support for the government troops of the South Vietnam in their fight against partisans ...

For the defense of the South Vietnam, the United States has transferred a half-millionth army through the ocean, equipped with all kinds of modern weapons, except for nuclear ...

American soldiers fiercely fought in impassable jungle against the prommunistical partisans (Vietkogovtsev) ...

On huge areas, they destroyed the dense foliage, hiding the elusive enemy, mercilessly bombed by the partisan districts and the territory of Northern Vietnam - everything was in vain ...

Subsequently, military actions covered the territory not only in fact Vietnam, but also by the neighboring Laos and Cambodia ...

50 thousand Americans died; Vietnamese was killed many times more. By the beginning of 1968, the war went into a dead end, in May 1968 peaceful negotiations began, which lasted more than four years ... January 27, 1973 The US administration went on signing an agreement on the conditions for the withdrawal of troops from Vietnam. The war, which in the United States imagined a light walk, turned out to be a nightmare of America. The post-war crisis continued in the US for more than 10 years. It is difficult to say what it would be over, not being touched by the Afghan crisis ...
In the second half of the 20th century, humanity learned two terrible phrases - "world terrorism" and "technogenic catastrophe" ... Starting from the 60s of the last century in this world, the cosmodromes and plants, trains and aircraft, houses and atomic reactors explode in one another ...

Baikonur, October 24, 1960. "Catastrophe of the twist". Explosion of the Intercontinental Ballistic Rocket R-16 when testing on a cosmodrome ...

In the explosion and the emergence of the fire, more than 90 people died, including the Commander-in-Chief of the RVSN ... According to informal data, there were 165 ...

In front of the start, the designer academician M. K. Yangel was alone ...

The catastrophe was classified until the end of the 90s ...

However, then they were classified and less tragic events. Interestingly, there are rumors on Baikonur to this day that the Soviet Union also sent people to space before Gagarin. But since these attempts ended in the death of astronauts, they were preserved in secret ...

And the monument to the dead turned out very modest ...

Bloody Tuesday in Munich. On September 5, 1972, at the XX Olympiad, there was the most monstrous tragedy in the entire history of sports. At 3:30 am, in one of the houses of the Olympic village, 8 armed to the teeth of terrorists who belonged to the combat group of the organization of the liberation of Palestine Black September were broken. "They managed to seize 11 members of the Israeli Sports delegation to hostages. Protection of the Olympic Village was simply not noticed by terrorists ...

After moving through a metal grid, an ongoing hostel of athletes, terrorists unpack the weapon and enter the entrance number 1 of the house 31. After a few seconds, they persistently knock on the door of the room in which the Israeli judge on the classical struggle Josef Gutfreind is located. Gutfreind is famous for its Bogatlish Body and Hercules. Seeing suspicious people, he fell on the door with all the body and delays criminals for some seconds ...

One of the terrorists orders one of the hostages to show the rooms in which the rest of the Israelis live. He refuses, and the terrorist produces a queue from Calashnikov. Thus, he saves the life of the arrows, fencers, master walking and swimmer ...

Still, 12 Israelis turned out to be in captivity of the terrorists. Requirements were put forward - the immediate release of 234 terrorists from Israeli prisons and 16 - from prisons of Western Europe ... Negotiations were carried out to a deep evening ...

The bodies of all eleven dead athletes were sent to Israel. During the unsuccessful operation, two citizens of Germany were also killed: a policeman and pilot of one of the helicopters. The head of the Gold Meir government, all the ministers, Knesset deputies, members of the sports delegation, who left the Olympics, and thousands of Israel, who left the Olympics, thousands of Israeli citizens took part in the mourning ceremony.

CHERNOBYL DISASTER. On April 26, 1986, 187 rods of control system and protection were included in the active zone to join the reactor. The chain reaction was to be interrupted. However, after 3 seconds, emergency signals are registered to exceed the power of the reactor, pressure growth. And after another 4 seconds - a deaf explosion, shaking the entire building. Emergency protection rods stopped, without having passed and half of the way ...

From the roof of a fourth power unit, like a vulcan zherel, sparkling bunches began to fly out. They rose high up. It was like a firework. The clots scattered with multicolor sparks and fell in different places ...

The black fireball was reeling up, forming a cloud that stretched horizontally into the black cloud and went to the side, sow death, illness and trouble in the form of small-small droplets ..

And at that time people still worked inside. No roofs, part of the wall is destroyed ... went out the light, the phone turned off. Cutting overlap. Paul trembles. The premises are filled with or ferry, or fog, dust. Sparks of short circuit flashes. Radiation control devices are excavated. Everywhere the hot radioactive water flows ...

After the largest in the world history of the man-made disaster in the zone, these pines were born ...

... such animals ...

... and these are children ...

These photos are made for one of the secret reports in the Central Committee of the Politburo of the USSR ...

Now almost all houses in the zone look like this ...

Emlet mining of 1988, the unitary city of Spitak. Also in Armenia destroyed the city of Leninakan, Stepanavan, Kirovan. Ruins 58 sat down in the north-west of the republic, almost 400 villages were partially destroyed.

450 localities arrived from the fraternal union republics in Armenia. 6.5 thousand military personnel, 25 brigades of military physicians, 400 units of army equipment are involved in the rescue work in the disaster zone.

Tens of thousands of people died, 514 thousand people were left without bed. The losses of national wealth amounted to 8.8 billion rubles.

Over the past 80 years, this is the most powerful earthquake in the Caucasus ...

On March 1, 1995, a famous television journalist Vlad Leaves was killed at the entrance of his house.

The murder of the director general ORT and just a popular person has become a shock for millions of people. He was so loved and popularly that even the then head of state Boris Yeltsin, leaving all the cases, rushed to "Ostankino" to apologize to the televisers. The investigation began practically immediately, photographs of the alleged killers were made and published, but the search for hot wakes did not give results.

Over the past 11 years, the formulation of the reports of the Prosecutor General's Office has almost changed. Only the volume of materials of the investigation changed: this year already more than 200 volumes.

Capture Budennovsk. On June 14, 1995, the detachments of Chechen militants were included in Budennovsk under the command of Shamil Basayev and captured about 1,500 hostages. Terrorists, exposing the condition for the liberation of hostages to stop hostilities and the beginning of negotiations in Chechnya, entrenched in the city hospital.

On June 17, several attempts by the hospital assault were undertaken by the special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB. During these operations, the killed and the wounded were also at terrorists, and at storming, but most of all (from the fire of the storming) hostages were injured - up to 30 people were killed and many were injured. During the assault, the terrorists forced hostages, including women, to become windows and scream to the Russian servicemen: "Do not shoot!"

After the assault assault on June 18, through the mediation of S.A. Kovaleva, the negotiations of the Chernomyrdin Prime Minister with Basayev began, during which the arrangement of the hostage was achieved. The conditions for their liberation were: the cessation of hostilities in the territory of Chechnya and the solution of controversial issues through negotiations. The part of the militants left for the buses provided by the federal side to the mining Chechen village Zandak. At the same time, 120 hostages were used as a "live shield", which caused terrorists who were accompanied. In total, 105 civilians were killed in Budennovsk in Budennovsk, including 18 women, 17 men older than 55 years old, a young man and a girl under 16. 11 policemen also died and, at least 14 servicemen.

Killing Yitzhaka Rabin. The name of the killer of the Israeli Prime Minister knows any Israeli. Igal Igal Amir - a member of the underground ultra-ultra-right nationalist organization "Eyal" (Lions Jews).

The murder happened on November 4, 1995 in Tel Aviv, in the evening after a multi-time demonstration in support of the peace process. Wounded in the back of 2 bullets of Yitzhak Rabin in the rear seat of government limousine was taken to the hospital "Ikhill" nearby

By 23:00, the Personal Secretary of Rabin said that the prime minister was shot dead ..

The aging leader of the working party Izhak Rabin, whose policy was exposed to the cruel criticism, at the moment was canonized. His name in Israel is now called Square, Streets and educational institutions ...

Explosions of houses in Moscow and Volgodonsk in 1999. A series of terrorist acts in Moscow and Volgodonsk in September 1999 claimed the lives of more than 300 people. The explosions occurred in a situation where there were fights between the federal troops and invading armed detachments of separatists from Chechnya, who were headed by Shamil Basayev ...

Explosion on Guryanov Street. On September 8, 1999, at 23 o'clock 58 minutes in the basement of a 9-storey residential building 19, an explosion in the southeast of Moscow, an explosion occurred in the southeast of Moscow. The building was partially destroyed, one section of a residential building collapsed. Rescuers worked on the ruins of a residential building ...

According to official data, 109 people died as a result of the explosion, 160 people were injured. As established by explosive machines, in the basement of the house worked the explosive device with a capacity of 300-400 kg of trotyl. The explosive wave is deformed by the design of the neighboring house 19. In a few days, at home 17 and 19 were destroyed by explosive machines, residents are resettled to other homes ...

In the media, it was suggested that it was a terrorist act. On September 13, a day of mourning for those killed in the explosion was appointed. On the same day, a man was shown on television, who allegedly removed the basement in a residential building ...

Explosion on Kashirsk highway. On September 13, at 5 am, a new explosion occurred on Kashirsk highway in the 8-storey residential building number 6/3. As a result of the explosion, the house was completely destroyed, almost all those in a residential house tenants - 124 people - died, 9 people were injured and 1,199 families were injured. Due to the fact that the house was brick, almost all the inhabitants who were in it during the explosion were killed ...

On the same day, September 13, in the area of \u200b\u200bMarino, explosives were found in bags from sugar sufficient to destroy several other residential buildings. The state of emergency was not introduced, but unprecedented security measures in Moscow and other cities were adopted, all attics and basements were checked. Residential houses for several months have been spontaneously organized round-the-clock duty ...

September 16, a few days after the explosions in Moscow, in 5.40 Morning, the city of Volgodonsk Rostov region shook the explosion of terrible power. The buildings of the ATS building and next to the 9-storey residential building on Gagarin Street, 35 exploded the GAZ-53 tag, stupid by explosives. In the courtyard of the house formed a funnel with a diameter of 15 m and a depth of 3 m. In 144 apartments of the panel house, 437 people lived - 18 people died.

Tragedy in the transition in Pushkin Square. In Moscow, the next powerful explosion thundered. The explosive device laid two young Caucasians ...

Presumably, they approached the commercial tent number 40 and asked them to sell them the goods for US dollars. The seller refused, then young people asked the seller to look after the bag, while they go to exchange dollars on rubles. Literally a few minutes after their care, the homemade explosive device with a capacity of 400 grams to 1.5 kg of TNT was worked out in the bag ...

According to witnesses who were at that moment in the transition, at first there was a strong cotton, a bright flash, then the explosive wave rolled through the tunnel and threw a strong smoke. People began to run out. Those who were closer to the epicenter were numerous burns and injured, blood flowed. The explosion was such a force that literally broke the clothes with the affected ...

As a result of the explosion, 7 people died, 93 appealed for medical attention. Of these, 59 people were delivered to urban hospitals, 34 from hospitalization refused. Among the victims there were three children ...

The death of "Kursk". On August 12, 2000, a tragedy was played in the Barangin Sea, chained hundreds of millions of people

For several days, the forces of Russian and British sea forces, rescuers tried to rescue 118 members of the atomic submarine crew from underwater captivity.

However, all efforts were in vain ...

As it will later establish a consequence, a satar tragedy has become an explosion of the so-called "thick torpedo" in the torpedo compartment. All on board the submariners died.

Tragedy on Dubrovka. On October 23, 2002 at 21 o'clock 15 minutes in the building of the theater center on Dubrovka, on Melnikova Street (the former Palace of Culture of the State Bearing Plant), armed people were broken in camouflage. At this time, the Music "Nord-Ost" went to DC, there were more than 700 people in the hall. The terrorists declared all people - the spectators and workers of the theater - hostages and began to minimize the building ...

At 10 o'clock in the evening it became known that the building of the theater was captured by the detachment of Chechen militants led by Movsar Barayev, among the terrorists there are women, all of them hanging explosives ...

On October 24, a quarter of the first night was taken by the first attempt to establish contact with terrorists: the State Duma deputy from Chechnya Aslambek Aslakhanov was held in the center of the center. In half the first night, a few shots rang out in the building. The hostages who managed to contact on mobile phones with television companies are asked not to start assault: "These people say that for each killed or wounded will kill on 10 hostages" ...

On October 26, at five o'clock 30 minutes, three explosions and several automatic queues are distributed at the DC building. About six hours of special forces began assault, during which neuro-paralytic gas was applied. At half past four, the official representative of the FSB reported that the theater center was under the control of the special services, Movsar Baraev and most terrorists were destroyed ...

At 7:55 minutes, the Assistant President of the Russian Federation Sergey Yastrzhembsky officially stated that the operation was completed. The number of neutralized terrorists only in the building of the theater center on Dubrovka was 50 people - 18 women and 32 men. Three terrorists are detained ...

On November 7, 2002, the Moscow Prosecutor's Office published a list of citizens who died as a result of the actions of the terrorists who captured the theater center on Dubrovka. He included 128 people: 120 Russians and 8 citizens from the countries of near and far abroad. Five hostages as a result of action of militants received firearms. The four dead hostages could not be identified for a long time, and their names were not included in the lists of health authorities ...

September 11 - War without rules. America never knew such a tragedy ... The most terrible nightmares were fulfilled ... Manhattan, 8 hours 44 minutes in the morning of September 11, 2001, a minute before the tragedy.

At 8.45, the first Kamikaze aircraft crashed into one of the Turkish Town Center. On the frame it can be seen how the second one flies ...

One of the towers height in 110 floors is traversed ...

An explosion and immediately a strong fire. The latter who answered on the phone from the upper floors, shouted "We are dying!"

A series of powerful explosions took place around the perimeter "Tessen-twin towers ...

Fire broke out. The top of the building "falls" inside the base ...

The two highest buildings of the World Trade Center collapsed, keeping less than an hour ...

The streets of Manhattan south of Colon Street are shrouded in such a dense smoke that rescuers can not get there ...

Beslan - Bitter lesson. At about 8 am on September 1, 2004, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Gorikau, on the border of the Mozdok and Right-Bank regions of North Ossetia, about 60 km from Beslan, armed people stopped the local district police, Mili Major and planted it in their car. According to preliminary data, it was using the certificate of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the militants on GAZ-66 and two passenger cars, several gearbox passed on the way to Beslan ...

During the solemn line, on the occasion of September 1, they broke into the territory of School No. 1. In total, 895 students and 59 teachers and technical staff of the school were present on the line, according to the Education Committee of the Administration. The number of parents who came to hold children to school is unknown ...

Opening an erratic shooting into the air, the militants ordered to all those present to enter the school building, however most are mostly high school students and adults - they could simply disperse. Those who could not do it - students of junior classes and their parents and part of the teachers - the gangsters were driven into the gym ...

Then everything happened as in a terrible dream ... a blast was recorded inside the school. Data on the number of hostages is still scattered. According to the proposed relatives and parents of students, the lists have established that there may be 132 children at school. Total for not confirmed data, militants managed to capture from 300 to 400 people ...

The data appear that the gym is mined ... body burns in the gym, they are poured from the branded. Strong explosions inside school are distributed with some kind of persistent periodicity. In the meantime, the crowd slowly, but it starts to approach the building. Soldiers of internal troops are trying to get up on their way. "Better let", - calmly utters one of the men. And they retreat. People want to go to the gym and see with their own eyes how many killed ...

Hostages are shot, they die from dehydration and choking ...

This is how the gym looked after the assault ...

Sad results: In Beslan, they say that the six hundred people were saved. No one denies that the hostages were no less than a thousand - so the total figure of the victims is about 400 people. There are no accurate data - many missing ...

At the end of December 2004, the earthquake and tsunami in six countries of Southeast Asia occurred over the past 40 years.

The first and most powerful underground push occurred on December 26 around 03:00 in the Indian Ocean. Literally a few minutes, the destructive wave tsunami reached sushi - first of all the islands of Sumatra (Indonesia), and then Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, India, Sri Lanka and the Maldives /

Eyewitnesses told how in absolutely sunny weatherless weather, water suddenly began to retreat from the beach, and then a six-meter wave was formed. Saved those who could run away during these few minutes. Tons of water sour cream in their path: people, cars and even whole hotels

The number of victims reached 400 thousand people. There are still not found or not identified about 100 thousand.

The largest number of victims are more than 10 thousand. Registered in Indonesia, off the coast of which was the epicenter of the force of 9 points on the Richter scale.

Then they were flooded and erased from the face of the Earth hundreds of settlements.

Seismologists call December events exceptional. According to them, no more than five registered such earthquakes over the past century.

From sranched destruction, this region of South East Asia cannot recover so far.

This period became destructive for the densely populated regions of South-Central China. A couple of years before that, drought reigned in the region, but after the snowy winter, a thaw began, and abundant rains were shedding to Earth. The rivers came out of the banks, but the shower did not stop in summer: their peak came to August 1931. The incredible activity of cyclones - 9 for one July against ordinary 2 cyclones per year - made its contribution to the complication of the already catastrophic situation in the region.

The result of the weather anomaly was the flood of unprecedented scale. The largest rivers of the country (Huanghe, Yangtze and Juiche) came out of the banks, so by the middle of August the water level exceeded the norm by 16 meters! Nanjing was almost completely under water, and the destruction of the lamb of the Great Channel took the lives of almost 200,000 people - sleeping citizens simply washed away with roaring water flows.

But on this disaster of the Chinese people did not end. Due to the huge number of decomposing bodies and high humidity, epidemics of typhoids and cholera began, and the refugees suffering from hunger were forced to go to extreme measures and eat their relatives. According to various estimates, one year died from 1,000,000 to 4,000,000 people.

1918: Spanish flu

The famous "Spaniard" became perhaps the most massive pandemic of influenza in history. In the period from 1918 to 1919, 29.5% of the population of the entire planet suffered from it - about 550,000,000 people were infected. The fifth of them as a result passed away.

The epidemic took place at the end of the First World War and quickly eclipsed in the number of victims and deadly even this largest (at that time) armed conflict in the world. It was the war researchers that the epidemic adopted such a tremendous scale: antisanitary, hunger, crowded people in camps - all this gave the fertile soil to spread the virus. Pandemic received its name due to the fact that the first strong outbreak of the disease was registered in Spain.

1347: Black death in Europe

Probably, there is no longer any person who would not have heard of this notorious epidemic of the plague. Its source still remains unknown. Historians came to the conclusion that the massive mass, who took a truly enormous scale, arose as a result of a variety of factors. Unstable climate (hunger and drought, and then sudden hurricanes and shins in China) led to the fact that the hordes of small rodents came out of the deserted wastelighted closer to human housing in search of refuge and food. The rats themselves do not suffer from the disease, but are its natural carriers, and therefore in the conditions of antisanitarian and hunger the epidemic quickly accepted the local, and then global character.

Fishing China and India, black death reached the Great Silk Road to Low Eve Done and Volga. Having twisted the Golden Horde, the disease settled in the Caucasus and in the Crimea, and from there the Genoese brought her to Europe - probably due to the same ship rats. Cold and Livni, as well as the epidemics of natural smallpox and leprosy, which shortly before Europe lasted Europeans, weakened their immunity and made extremely susceptible to infection.

As a result, black death calmed down only by 1353, having taken about 60,000,000 people in the total life worldwide around the world.

1201: Syrian earthquake

In July 1201, Egypt and Syria shuddered against an incredibly powerful earthquake leaving after themselves unprecedented destruction. His epicenter was in the south-west of Syria, but seismic waves reached Mesopotamia, Sicily and Egypt. In the eastern part of the Mediterranean, almost every city suffered from this catastrophe, the capacity of which modern experts are estimated at 8 points on the Richter scale. In total, as a result of the "trembling of the Earth", 1,000,000 people died. The cause of such strong jesters, geologists consider the result of the removal of the sea.

541 Year: Justinian Plague

In the eight centuries, there was so deadly disease in the world to the world that historians assigned to him the status of a pandemic - a global epidemic. She covered all Asia, North Africa, Middle East and, of course, Europe. The ratios of the tragedy were already familiar to us rats and fleas, which came from Egypt and countries of the East to Constantinople in the trums of ships transported grain. The causative agent (Bacillus Y. Pestis) penetrates the blood of a man with a bite bite: for one bite, the carrier can transmit up to 24,000 bacteria, although only 3 is enough to infect.

At the peak of the epidemic, the plague carried 10,000 lives per day. There were so many dead that they did not have time to bury - they just folded on the streets, as a result of which the corpses began to rot and the disease spread even faster. The foci of the epidemic periodically arose over the past 200 years after its attenuation, although the level of toxicity over time and became weaker.

536: the most terrible year in history

Surprisingly, right? How can I compare the middle of the VI century with mass epidemics and destructive cataclysms? However, recently scientists came to the conclusion that this year was the worst for the entire history of mankind. What is the reason for this solution?

Historian and archaeologist McCormick, who heads the initiative of Harvard University on the science of the human past, is confident that "this year became the beginning of one of the worst periods in history." It is difficult to disagree with this: the mysterious fog plunged Europe, the Middle East and part of Asia into the pitch darkness - for 18 months and day, and at night, an impenetrable darkness stood outside the window. The Byzantine historian of the proof was wrote that "the Sun published light without brightness, like the Moon, throughout the year." At this time, the temperature fell to 1.5 ° C, occasionally rising to 2.5 ° C - the coldest decade began over the past 2500 years. It was it that it became the beginning of the global climate change, which became the fertile soil for all cataclysms and epidemics of the upcoming centuries.

In the summer, in the sunny regions, China fell snow, and Ireland covered hunger because of an irrevengeant. Bubonic and Justinianova plague destroyed according to various data from 1/3 to half of the population of the Eastern Roman Empire, having accelerating it collapse. Only recently, scientists have finally managed to find out the reason for such a catastrophe. After conducting a supercount analysis of ice samples taken from the Swiss glacier, the Maevsky Paul Maevsky team from the Institute of Climate Change University of Maine came to the conclusion that everything became a strong eruption of the volcano in Iceland, who had a huge amount of ash in the atmosphere. In 540 and 547, two more eruptions followed, and then the plague came - and Europe was plunged into the most real "dark" century.

As it turned out, the eruption of volcanoes was thrown into the atmosphere of sulfur, bismuth and other chemically active substances. From the combination forms a dense veil of the type of aerosol, which reflects the sunlight back into space and, as a result, significantly cools the planet. Scientists have discovered that almost every cold summer over the past 2500 years is associated with volcanic emissions.

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