Strecks of the Solar Observatory Stereo. Online sun images from satellite soho stereo sun satellites

On this page are photos from various space and ground tools for the study of the Sun, its activity and space weather. All pictures are made almost online.

Updated photo every 30 minutes or with a big period. If there is no photo or not updated (see the date), it means that technical works are conducted on the spacecraft. As soon as the information from it starts to do, the photo will automatically appear.

Watch the image of the sun online, you can lead your observations due to the studies and monitoring of the state of outer space, such as: SDO, SOHO, STEREO A and B, etc.

In all the pictures of the sun online, the world's world is +4 hours to Moscow.

Monitoring solar activity

The wavelength is 211 angstrom (active areas), which corresponds to the temperature of about 2 million degrees. SDO snapshot.

The wavelength of 131 angstroms (flare areas), which corresponds to the temperature of about 0.4, 10 and 16 million degrees. SDO snapshot.

The wavelength is 335 angstrom (active areas), which corresponds to the temperature of about 2.5 million degrees. SDO snapshot.

The wavelength is 1700 angstrom (photosphere), which corresponds to the temperature of about 5000 degrees. SDO snapshot.

Combined snapshot at wavelength 304, 211, 171 angstrom. SDO snapshot.

The smoothed photosphere photo of our star in Heliosaismic HMI magnetometer SDO apparatus.

An Icy Interloper Was In The Sights Of A Nasa Spacecraft This Past Weekend.

COMET 2012 F6 Lemmon Passed Through The Field of View of Nasa's Hi2a Camera As Seen from Its Solar Observing Stereo Ahead Spacecraft. AS SEEN IN THE ANIMATION ABOVE PUT TOGETHER by Robert Kaufman, Comet Lemmon Is Now Displaying a Fine Ion and Dust Tail As It Sweeps Back Out Of The Inner Solar System on Its 10,750 Year Plus Orbit.

Comete Lemmon Has Been A Dependable Performer for Southern Hemisphere Observers Early In. AS We Reported Earlier This Month for, This Comet Is Now Becoming a Binocular Object Low in the Dawn Sky for Northern Hemisphere Astronomers.

Comet Lemmon Passed Perihelion At 0.73 Astronomical Units from The Sun on March 24th. It's Currently In The +4 Th to +5 Magnitude Range As It Heads Northward Through The Constellation Pisces.

Nasa's Twin Solar Terrestrial Relass Observatory (Stereo) Spacecraft often Catch Sungrazing COMETS AS OBSERVE THE SUN KNOWN AS STEREO A (AHEAD) & STEREO B (BEHIND), These Observatories Are Positioned in Earth Leading and Trailing Orbits. This Provides Researchers with Full 360 Degree Coverage of The Sun. Launched in 2006, STEREO ALSO GIVES US A UNIQUE PERSPECTIVE TO SPY INCOMING SUNGRAZING COMETS. Recently, STEREO ALSO CAUGHT COMET 2011 L4 PANSTARRS AND THE EARTH AS THE PAIR SLID INTO.


Like Soho And Nasa's Solar Dynamics Observatory, Data from the Twin Strej Spececraft is Available for Daily Perusal On their Website. We first Saw This Past Weekend's Animation of Comet Lemmon Passing Through Steeo's Field of View On The Yahoo Stereohunters Message Board.

Here's a Cool But Largely Unrecognized Fact About Comets. Asia Move Back Out Of The Solar System, Their Dust Tail Streams Out ahead Of Them, Driven by The Solar Wind. I've Even Seen A Few Science Fiction Flicks Get This Wrong. WE SIMPLY EXPECT COMETS TO ALWAYS STREAM THEIR TAILS OUT BEHIND THOM!

Another Observatory in Our Solar Observing Arsenal Has Also Moved A Little Closer to Operability Recently. The Interface Region Imaging SpectroGraph (IRIS) Arrived at Vandenberg Recently in Preparation for Launch This Summer On June 26th. Iris Will Be Deployed from A Pegasus XL Rocket Carried Aloft by An L-1011. Nustar Was Launched in a Similar Fashion In 2012. A PEGASUS XL Rocket Will Also Launch The Exoplanet Hunting Satellite in 2017.

Keep An Eye Out for Comet Lemmon AS It Emerges from the Dawn Twilight in the Days ahead. Also, Be Sure To Post Those Pics to Universe Today's Flickr Community, and Keep Tabs on the Sungrazing Action Provided To US by Soho and Stereo!

Stereo consists of two space observatories - one in front of the Earth in its orbit, the second is behind. With these two aspects, points of view, scientists will be able to explore the structure and evolution of solar storms, as they explode from the sun and move through space.

This film illustrates the spherical sun card, as it looks now, formed from a combination of images ahead and behind the beacon, along with images of SDO / AIA between them. The video begins with the show of the Sun, visible from the ground, from the point of 0 degrees Meridian Lines in the middle. Then the card turns 360 degrees so that you can see the side of the Sun, not visible from the ground.

About the mission stereo

Stereo(S.olar TE.rRESTRIAL. Re.lATIONS. O.bSERVATORY - Observatory of solar-earth ties) - the third mission of the program of solar-earth probes NASA. Two almost identical cosmic observatory are working here - one in front of the Earth in orbit, the second rear. It is the world's first stereoscopic photograph for restoring connections and the study of the Sun and the nature of its coronal mass emissions (CME).

Scientific goals Mission Stereo

  • Understand the causes and mechanisms for the initiation of coronal mass
  • Characterize the reproduction of the coronal mass through the Heliosphere
  • Disclosure particle acceleration mechanisms in a small crown and interplanetary medium.
  • Improve the definition of the structure of scattered solar wind

Reflecting by Saturday Evenings with Maxim Anatolyevich and Konstantin Alekseevich about the device of the world, we often wondered: can anything interesting in the orbit of the Earth "behind the Sun" and remain invisible, moving synchronously with our planet?

Nasa time experts did not lose and in the principle we had launched two research satellites. Moving in the orbit of the Earth around the Sun (one ahead of the land, the other - "lagged behind"), the satellites took this position that now the whole surface of the sun is in their field of view. They will continue to move and by March 2015 will be in the place where we wanted to look :)

This project, which started in October 2006, received the ingenious name of Stereo (Solar Terrestrial Relass Observatory) - Observatory of studying the influence of the Sun to Earth. Satellites are the names of Ahead and Behind (really, why complicate).

Since the time of Galileo, people know that the telescope in the sun can be viewed only twice, and launching Ahead and Behind, NASA provides the opportunity to observe the sun from any of these satellites in almost every online.
Based on materials:

In the following links, replace the date 2011/06/05 on the current and see that today has been going on in the sun. (GOTD / MM / DD)

Being admitted to the source, numerous enthusiasts did not fail to detect the aliens ships on the pictures. Nasa claims that these are shooting defects. (To view the video below, I recommend setting the quality of 720p-HD and deploy to the full screen)

Our favorite "Komsomolskaya Pravda" also did not remain aside, loudly by calling the sensational material.

"Stargate" are hidden inside the sun?

There are several videos on which it is clearly visible as some objects - in large quantities and different - they will be blown next to the luminary. Some fly out of it, others flies.

Frames with UFOs are not any amateur, but directly from NASA. Made with the help of Space Observatory, following the Sun: Soho and Stereo. Experts who doubt about aliens, and here are talking about shooting defects. But you cannot explain all the "anomalies". In NASA, the oddities do not comment. And it gives rise to suspicion that experts hide existing information.

The suspicion intensified after the enthusiasts copied the video about UFOs, increased some objects and laid out the plots on the Internet. In response from the official site, the NASA Stereo disappeared the sources. Rather, UFOs disappeared from the personnel. They are as assured by the prosecutors, erased. And first of all, those objects that had a complicated man-made form were erased. But the oddities found on other images.

If we assume that UFOs really fly next to the sun, their sizes are huge - comparable to our planet. What can believe with difficulty. Or objects are not so great? And just arranged much closer to the shooting points, what does it seem? Or is it really some defects? But why then specialists do not give intelligible explanation?
There are no answers. But there are amazing studies whose results were made public before the detection of UFOs at the Sun.

Disguised "moleborn"

About the "municipal nora" or "wormworms" also reasoned Albert Einstein and joined Mathematics Rosen. Their equations did not exclude the existence of this kind of objects - the seeing corridors of the twisted space-time connecting incredibly remote parts of the universe. Or different universes. Or even the past with the future.

"Moles" are such corridors in superspace - told Igor Novikov in one of his interviews, the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences - you can enter there, but you can go out there. The length of the corridor can only be a few kilometers, and in the usual space one hole from another will be separated by thousands, millions and billion light years. The entrance can be with us, but an output in another universe.

But where to look for inputs-outputs? Vladimir Junoshaliev from the Eurasian National University in Kazakhstan (ENU) and his colleagues from Oldenburg University gave a sensational response to this question. Scientists have published a scientific article in which they demonstrated that the "molding holes" can hide inside ... stars - neutron and even ordinary. Such corridors are already connected by no two empty points of space (as in other theoretical models), and the centers of two massive bodies removed from each other. That is, two stars.

Vladimir with colleagues through equations showed that the "holes" can be passable and stable. How do the stars carry their stars look, while it is not known for sure. But theoretically nothing prevents the sun to be one of these stars.

Then it turns out that the bustle, observed in the vicinity of our shining, is by no means random. And this is not an illicit and not defects of shooting, but the working days of the "transport hub". This aliens are enjoyed by our "star" as "star gates" for rapid movement to the remote areas of the Universe. Know how to dive inside the sun and how to snap. Fitting objects may well be huge. And serious science testifies: even such fantasy is not completely excluded.

Other inputs-outputs

For those who are the idea about the "Star Gate" inside the Sun seems too exotic, one can offer an option easier. If you believe the cigriers of the world and domestic science, then the "mole holes" can exist in empty places of space. It was about such, by the way, Einstein and Novikov reasoned. Moreover, they are going to look for realially with the help of a unique radio astroner, the equipment for which was created in the AstroComic Center for the Physical Institute named after P.N. Lebedeva of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Fian). It is only to finally launch this radio telescope into space, work on which is already a quarter of a century.

According to one of the hypotheses, the universe has just been born, everything is exist with "municipal nora" - tunnels that bind different parts of the space. Therefore, the chances are very great that a significant part of them could live to the present day. Including in our solar system.

The entrance to the tunnel should be similar to the "black hole", and he can be with a star with a star, with a planet, with a house, with a dust, "said at the conference" SETI-XXI "Academician RAS, director of the Astrocosmic Center of the Fian and the initiator of the project" Radiastron "Nikolay Kardashev. And he emphasized in connection with that, "we come to a new and very difficult idea of \u200b\u200bthe structure of the universe, which opens a fundamentally new opportunity to communicate with the" brothers in the middle ".

Returning to UFOs and the Sun. Alternatively, the dimensions of the objects are modest. They actually fly not next to the luminary and not through it, but much closer to us. And disappear in the "moles", from among those that scientists are going to search with the help of Radiaston. Just aliens have long been found and enjoyed. And while do without communicating with us.

And at this time ...

500 million planets in our galaxy are suitable for life

The sensational data is obtained using the Kepler Space Telescope (Kepler) specifically launched to search for exoplanet. According to William Borutski, a scientific research engineer, about two years, a small plot was examined - about the four hundred of the heavenly sphere. Specifically, the zone where the Constellation of the Swan is located. And there, among 150 thousand stars, which came to the field of view, managed to detect 1235 planets. And 54 of them are most likely in the so-called "zone of life." That is, they are comfortable with their stars. Like our land. As a last resort, like Mars.

The collected data regarding not only the location of the planets, but also their size, allowed to make statistical conclusions. And they are to transfer from a small plot of starry sky to the entire Milky Way Galaxy. It turned out that there are about 50 billion planets in it. And 500 million are potentially inhabited.

Naturally, colleagues asked William Borutski, where are these brothers in mind that should be very and very much? Why still not let yourself know? Well, at least someone? Well, at least with a dozen other planets from those 500 million?
"I don't know," honestly answered Borutski, expressing his personal bewilderment.

This project was necessary to call Surround or somehow more intricate. After all, such a solid organization - NASA, such a fantastic idea - to consider our star from all sides, even with the invisible. And at the same time such a banal name - STEREO ... But, one way or another, the project began work in space.

So, there is nothing surprising that the devices sent now: After all, the new cycle of solar activity has already begun, and astrophysics now have something to explore.

Perhaps this snapshot is too "ritualen." However, there is nothing religious, it's just a moment of completion of the installation of the solar battery at the Observatory A (Photo NASA / George Shelton).

Some stereos made using equipment for Observatories A and B during the summer testing of instruments. Left - snapshot in the premises of the school class; On the right, as you already guessed, - Sun shot from the ground (photos from the site

And for the receipt of simultaneous images of the shone from different sides, the specialists came up with Stereo satellites (for differences they are simply called "Observatory A" and "Observatory B"), each of which sees only the "its" part of the image. But both of them are synchronized, and from two two-dimensional images from each of them you can make a three-dimensional picture.

So that the image was sufficiently voluminous, both observatory move around the Earth on elongated elliptical orbits. Socked them in space, scientists conceived with the help of the gravitational field of the moon.

A visual image of the work of Observatory A and B in the artist's representation (NASA).

How it happens - look at this video (the MOV file, 872 kilobyte; here the blue point is the ground, gray - the moon, the red and orange lines - the trajectories of the Observatories, and the yellow arrow shows the direction in the sun).

But we note that this is not a quick thing - so that the satellites will disperse on such a distance, it will take another two months, and the testing of equipment in orbit will last until the beginning of the next year.

The mission is designed for two years. During this time, astronomers plan to carry out a large series of studies of solar activity.

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