Message on the topic of the importance of water. The value of water for humans

Non-state educational institution

Higher professional education

Vladimir Institute of Tourism and Hospitality


on the topic: "The role of water in human life"

Completed by: student gr. ZMO 110

Checked by: Dubkova G.V.

Vladimir, 2011


Water - at first glance, the simplest chemical compound of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom - is, without any exaggeration, the basis of life on Earth. It is no coincidence that scientists in search of life forms on other planets of the solar system direct so much effort to detect traces of water.


Water is the juice of life. That's what Leonardo da Vinci said. Indeed, water is an indispensable component of all living things. Plants contain up to 90% water, while in the body of an adult it is 65%. Even bones contain 22% water. In the muscles it is already 70%, in the brain and adipose tissues - 75%. In the blood - as much as 92%. The main part of water, about 70%, is concentrated inside the cells, and 30% is extracellular water, which is divided into two parts: a smaller part, about 7%, is blood and lymph, and most is interstitial, washing the cells.

And water is not just contained there, but plays an important role in the life of the body. A certain and constant water content is a necessary condition for the existence of a living organism. When the amount of water consumed and its salt composition change, the processes of digestion and assimilation of food, hematopoiesis are disturbed. Without water, it is impossible to regulate the body's heat exchange with the environment and maintain body temperature. Water removes waste products and harmful substances from the body.

That is, the main physiological functions of water are a filler, a solvent, a thermostat, a carrier (transport and informational role).

As a filler - water maintains not only the external shape of individual organs and the appearance of a person as a whole, but also ensures their normal functioning. Therefore, a person must maintain the right amount of water in the body. A person very quickly feels a violation of the water balance. If the amount of water in the human body decreases by 1-2% (0.5-1l) against the norm, the person is thirsty; with a decrease of 5-8% (2-3 liters), his skin shrinks, his mouth dries up, his consciousness is darkened, hallucinations may appear; loss of 10% moisture (~5 l) causes a disorder of the mental apparatus, a violation of the swallowing reflex; with a loss of 14-15% (7-8 liters), a person dies.


For our normal well-being and to ensure the vital activity of the body, it is necessary to comply with the drinking regimen. A person is extremely acutely aware of changes in the water content in the body. With excessive fluid intake, the cardiovascular system is overloaded (due to blood thinning), digestion is disturbed (due to dilution of gastric juice), the load on the kidneys increases (due to increased urine production), debilitating sweating develops, the body weakens. Trace elements are intensively excreted with sweat and urine, which disrupts the salt balance. This is dangerous because even a short-term overload of the body with water can lead to rapid muscle fatigue and convulsions. Therefore, athletes never drink during the competition, but only rinse their mouths with water. In the form of various drinks or liquid food, an adult receives about 1.2 liters of water per day (48% of the daily requirement), the body receives the rest of the missing water with food - about 1 liter (40% of the daily requirement). It is interesting to know that cereals contain up to 80% water, bread - about 50%, meat - 58-67%, vegetables and fruits - up to 90% water, i.e. “Dry” food consists of 50-60% water. And about 3% (0.3 l) of water is formed as a result of biochemical processes in the body itself. Giving birth without it is only a few days.

Now it is appropriate to recall the ways of removing water from the body: basically, water is excreted from the body through the kidneys -1.2 l (48%); 0.85 l (34%) is excreted with sweat; 0.32 l (13%) - when breathing; 0.13 l (5%) - through the intestines. It is clear that the given figures are very average, they do not take into account the degree of physical activity, temperature and humidity of the surrounding air, the state of illness, etc.

In hot weather, the human body loses about four liters of fluid per day. And that's a lot. Indeed, with the loss of one liter, thirst begins to torment us, with a deficiency of two, mental activity decreases, with a lack of three, dizziness begins, and with a leak of four, even fainting and heart attacks are possible.

It is essential to make up for what is lost.

But wisely and in moderation!

Doctors recommend that water be the main focus. They even deduced the exact figure: for every 1000 kilocalories consumed, you need to drink about a liter of water. According to scientists, water is especially necessary for the human body, because it takes part in such important processes as: regulation of body temperature, dissolution of mineral salts, "transportation" of nutrients within the body, removal of metabolic products from the body and others.

water drinking mineral table


Drinking mineral waters are, as a rule, underground (thawed, artificial, etc. are also known) waters, which are characterized by the presence of certain salts and other chemical compounds. Depending on the temperature, cold, warm and hot mineral waters are released. Some mineral waters have natural radioactivity. The difference between mineral waters and drinking waters is a higher level of mineralization - about 1 g / l and above.

According to the chemical composition, six classes of mineral waters are distinguished: hydrocarbonate, chloride, sulfate, mixed, biologically active and carbonated. But there is another interpretation of this classification - according to the ionic composition:

hydrocarbonate - this water is intended for those who go in for sports. Used in the treatment of urolithiasis. Contraindications - gastritis;

sulfate - this water is recommended for those who have problems with the liver and gallbladder, obesity and diabetes. It is strictly forbidden to use such water for children and adolescents, since sulfates prevent bone growth;

chloride - such water helps to regulate the work of the intestinal, biliary tract and liver. Contraindications for use (categorically) - high blood pressure;

magnesium - helps with stressful situations. Contraindications - tendency to indigestion;


Depending on the concentration of salts, natural mineral waters are divided into:


Mineral (natural) water is suitable for daily use, the salt content in it does not exceed 1 gram per liter of water. As a rule, it is soft, pleasant to the taste, without foreign smell and taste. There are no regulatory documents for mineral table waters. Therefore, the criteria for classifying waters as mineral table waters are not standardized.

Therapeutic dining rooms

This water can contain from 1 to 10 grams of salts per liter of water. The advantage of medical-table mineral waters is their versatility: they can be used as a table drink and systematically - for treatment;


The most saturated salt water. This category includes mineral waters with mineralization - more than 10 grams per liter, or waters with a high content of active trace elements, such as arsenic or boron. It should be drunk strictly on the advice of a doctor.

List of sources used:

1.Water. http// and human.php

2. Water balance in the body. http//…/pitevoiregim

3. Mineral water http//…/mineral water

4. Water in human life http//…/water_in_live.

Water is our everything!

“Drink water, love water, give thanks to water,

ask water to heal your ailments, pray

on the water and you will get inexhaustible and

inexpensive source of your health!

May WATER AND GOD help you!!!”

1. Introduction

For the first time, a deep interest in water arose when, on the eve of my anniversary, I decided to make

body diagnostics in Germany. I turned to a well-known diagnostician and heard

his first question is: “How much water do you drink a day, no, not liquids, but pure water?”

Analyzing my answer, I realized that I practically don’t drink water at all ...

The doctor refused to diagnose my health, saying that with such an attitude towards water, he would not be able to make a real diagnosis - my body was completely slagged.

He suggested returning to this issue in a year, provided that I drink at least three liters of pure water per day (30 ml per 1 kg of weight).

It seemed to me incredible and interesting. I began to study what is water? Here are some of the results of my knowledge.

2. General concepts about water

Water is the most familiar substance on Earth, it accompanies every moment of our life. Our body does not know sick and healthy cells, it distinguishes between young and old cells, which differ in their water content.

The water in our body is structured water, which in its structure is similar to a crystalline hexagonal snowflake. The water in the grain can reach a pressure of up to 400 atmospheres, which is why the germ can break through the asphalt.

Water is the most powerful solvent on earth. A water molecule can be thought of as a bottle brush, each bristle of which contains a free electron. Passing through the human body, each electron is filled with slag and cleanses the body. If you add tea or coffee to boiling water, then the water electrons are filled with them and purification does not occur. This liquid becomes food.

Any property of water is unique:

In nature, water flows in a smoothly changing channel. In plumbing, it is often turned at right angles. With each turn, her natural structure is destroyed more and more. In tap water, all crystals are deformed. In the heating system, “dead water” generally flows, which warms a person, but absorbs his energy.

That is why in houses with stove heating, a person's well-being improves and life expectancy increases. In some countries, industrial water is supplied, cleaning sewage waste. For example, in the United States (New York City), since 1939, tap technical water has been supplied to homes for 93% consisting of treated waste. And this is such a terrible negative! All violent operations during biochemical purification remain in the memory of water.

The first living organisms appeared in the water and only then they became able to develop outside the water. And this is not an accident. It was in the water that the images of all future organisms were located. It was water that embodied the Creator's plan.

At the molecular level, water creates DNA helixes; if there were no water, there would be no helix. Any seed, any embryo begins its life only in water. Experiments show that when water in an aquarium is exposed to weak magnetic fields, it leads to a change in color in all fish and their behavior changes. They began to swim the same way.

As a result of testing a hydrogen bomb (D2O), the most terrible thing is not radiation, but a change in the structure of water per 1000 km, which causes irreversible consequences for a living organism (psychosis, insanity, suicide, etc.).

The only sea in which there is no life, the Dead Sea, was formed on the site of the destroyed cities of Sadoma and Gomorrah. The internal structure of a person's water is identical to the structure of the place where he was born, i.e. the concept of "Motherland" also has a specific physical content. Nowhere in the world is the same water. A person cannot distinguish natural water from purified water, but animals do. The water inside the body is alkaline and negatively charged.

3. Water has a memory

Water perceives and stores in memory any impact. By memorizing information, water acquires new properties, although its chemical composition remains the same. The structure of water is more important than the chemical composition.

It is enough for water to come into contact with any substance in order to learn and remember its properties. Water molecules are connected to each other in clusters, which are a kind of memory cells. Water is a computer with numerous memory cells. Human emotions, positive and negative, are a strong element of influence on water. Love increases the energy of water, stabilizes it, and aggression sharply lowers it.

In practice, watering vegetables with structured water reduces the ripening time and increases the amount of protein in them. At the same time, the need for water is 20% less than watering with ordinary water.

Water has a powerful photographic memory and remote transmission of information. The cluster structure of water allows you to remember and exchange what sound, music, thought carries.

A person, consisting of 75-90% of water, is a programmed structure. Remotely it is possible to influence the state of water and, the investigator, influence the state of a person. The water conspiracy is not a myth, it is a reality! We must be extremely responsible for our thoughts, words that affect the state of the water around us.

I will give an example from my practice: in the morning, after exercising, before pouring myself with two buckets of cold water, I read the following mantra:

“I am healthy, my close relatives are healthy (I list by name), my beloved pets are healthy (I list) and further - the Motherland is healthy!”. Then I focus on my problems: for example, I have a clear, like a clock, heart rhythm. I end with wishes in the present tense. (I am calm, sober, lucky, etc.) After that, I douse myself with water. Thus, in addition to hardening, I launch a program mechanism for healing and good luck in general.

Any external influences on the liquid (saliva, blood) of a person can also affect the state of health. Therefore, some religions forbid blood transfusions, tk. it is not known what is done with this blood at transfusion stations.

4. Water and spirituality

Water in scripture is more than a physical substance and is associated with the idea of ​​life. If a person mentally, turning to water, says “thank you” to it, it will positively affect his body and body.

In 1492, the abbot was imprisoned, given only bread and rotten water to shorten his life. However, time passed, and his state of health remained the same. As it turned out later, he read prayers over the water, thanked her and the water turned into completely clean.

Another example from history: on a sunken ship, sailors were saved in a boat, who suffered greatly from thirst on the high seas. When they arrived at the port two weeks later, the captain said that they all began to imagine that the water around them was not salty, but fresh, and read prayers at the same time. “As if in oblivion, I put my hand into the sea, scooped up a sip of water and drank - the water became fresh!” the captain said.

By reading mantras and prayers, you can change the structure of water in the body. The prayer frequency of any concession is about 8 Hz, which corresponds to the Earth's magnetic wobble. There is a resonance and therefore prayers form a harmonious structure in the water that enters all living things. Therefore, you need to sit down at the table with prayer, with good people, in a good mood. It is necessary for health and healthy eating.

The Japanese conducted an experiment: they poured rice in three jars with water. For a month, they said “thank you” to the first bank, “you are a fool” to the second, and they simply did not pay attention to the third bank. After the experiment, in the first jar the rice fermented with a good smell, in the second jar the rice turned black, in the third jar the rice turned black and rotted with a bad smell.

Thus, indifference did the most harm. Indifference, anger, violence not only affect the other person, but have a feedback. The one who sends negative thoughts, pollutes his own water, of which 75-90% of the body consists, negatively charges it.

Divine energy descends upon a person at baptism. Love and gratitude, the combination of these two words, have the most positive effect on water. Holy water has the shape of a six-rayed snowflake. Ten milliliters of holy water in 60 liters of ordinary water turns all water into holy water.

The experience of scientists has shown that super-purified water has a cohesion of molecules up to 900 kg per 1 cm2, i.e. on the surface of the lake from such water you can walk or skate. Maybe that's why Jesus Christ, acting on the water with spiritual forces, turned it into super-purified and could walk on it!

According to ancient legends, any disease is treated with three-ring water (water located at a distance of an audible ring from three churches). This water should be collected silently, not talking to anyone and, preferably, drinking immediately on the spot.

All fresh foods (vegetables, fruits, etc.) contain a lot of water, so religion says that you need to consecrate them with a prayer before consumption in order to structure them and better assimilate. Prayer removes blockages from water in foods, and they become medicine.

No wonder there is a saying that if food does not become medicine, then medicine will become food. Any change in the spiritual world has a change in our material condition of the organism. Water makes us look through its mirror into ourselves and then, perhaps, a spiritual rebirth will begin.

5. Water is the source of life and health

Several decades ago, Japanese scientists discovered that the water in the body of a newborn child or animal has a crystalline structure, in the form of a snowflake. The body of a pregnant woman structures water, and it leads to many changes in the body, rejuvenates it.

A cell of a diseased organ is surrounded by unstructured water, a cell of a healthy organ is surrounded by structured water. If a person drinks natural water, it removes toxins from cells, heals the body and stops the aging process.

You can ask water for anything: cleanse the body, heal some organ, etc. The secret of programming is to lay down not some intermediate result, but the final goal, and this is the future of medicine.

Human activity has led to the fact that the cause of infectious diseases in 80% of cases is water. Any mental installation changes the structure of water. That's why you need to watch your thoughts.

The clinics of Tomsk Medical University use prepared water to treat cardiovascular diseases and lower blood cholesterol. Usually the body itself is engaged in the structuring of water, but this requires a lot of energy. And if we consume structured water, then the recovery of the cell is accelerated.

German scientists have found that the consumption of plain water not only improves kidney function, but also improves memory, because. The brain is 90% water.

Passing from one state to another, water erases negative memory and is purified.

A person's kidneys need a lot of water to function properly. When the body does not consume enough water, the kidneys have to compensate for this deficiency by excreting a large amount of concentrated substances, which can lead to the formation of kidney stones. Modern consumption recommendations are 30 milliliters per 1 kilogram of weight. The larger the person, the greater his metabolic load, the more water he needs.

A person can receive up to 1.5 kg of water when taking or bathing. When our body experiences a lack of water, it perceives this as a threat to survival and compensates for the lack of water by conserving it. The bladder at the same time coagulates to a minimum. Drinking enough water will help the body maintain proper fluid balance while removing excess sodium from the body, which causes water retention in the body.

The bladder, after 2-3 months of maintaining the water balance, unfolds, and the frequent urge to go to the toilet stops, which occurs at the beginning, when consuming the norm of water. Drinking enough water and weight loss are directly related. With insufficient water intake, the body retains fat and interstitial fluid. If you want to lose weight, stop drinking sugary drinks and drink more pure water!

6. Basic rules for water consumption

  • In the morning, immediately after getting up, you need to drink one or two cups of warm water with lemon juice or a little good honey (half a teaspoon). This is how we start the cleansing mechanism of the body.
  • 30 min. before breakfast, it is advisable to stop drinking water and start drinking again 2 hours after eating, so that the food is digested.
  • Green tea is very effective during meals. Firstly, it helps to dissolve fats faster and, secondly, each cup of green tea burns calories and removes carcinogens from the body.
  • It is advisable to drink 1 glass of water every hour in small sips, in this case the cells stop making an insurance reserve, give more water and the process of cleansing and losing weight is more intense.
  • It is best to prepare water yourself, passing it through a filter, then freezing and thawing, we get almost natural and living water. In stores we buy a "pig in a poke", because. a lot of fake.

Therefore, drink your own structured water and be healthy!

You can read about how to purify water and get living structured water at home in my mini-book.

And finally, watch the films of the “Water” series (Russia TV Channel, 2006), where all of the above is discussed in more detail.

Movie 1 "The Great Mystery of Water"

Film 2 "The Secret of Living Water"

Movie 3 "New Dimension"


Water in our life is the most common and most common substance. However, from a scientific point of view, this is the most unusual, most mysterious liquid. water mineral chemical

All living things, including humans, consist of water, so its quality greatly affects the state of all living things and, in particular, human health.

A person encounters water in its various forms: drinking water, a bathing pond, a pond near the place of residence, places of frequent stay, and many others.

Importance of water in human life

Water is the most important component of our habitat. After air, water is the second most important component necessary for human life. How important water is is evidenced by the fact that its content in various organs is 70 - 90%. With age, the amount of water in the body changes. A three-month-old fetus contains 90% water, a newborn 80%, an adult - 70%. Water is present in all tissues of our body, although the distribution is uneven:

  • The brain contains - 75%
  • Heart - 75%
  • Lungs - 85%
  • Liver - 86%
  • Kidneys - 83%
  • Muscles - 75%
  • Blood - 83%

Today, more than ever, it is very important for our body to receive clean water with a balanced mineral composition. It carries our body's waste, delivers lubrication to our joints, stabilizes our temperature, and is the lifeblood of the cell.

Water is necessary to maintain all metabolic processes, it takes part in the absorption of nutrients by cells. Digestion becomes possible only when food becomes water-soluble. Crushed tiny food particles gain the ability to penetrate through the intestinal tissue into the blood and intracellular fluid. More than 85% of all metabolic processes in our body occur in the aquatic environment, so the lack of clean water inevitably leads to the formation of free radicals in human blood, which leads to premature skin aging and, as a result, the formation of wrinkles.

Consumption of clean water ensures the normal functioning of internal organs. It keeps your body flexible, lubricates your joints and aids in the absorption of nutrients. A good supply of clean water to the body helps fight excess weight. This is expressed not only in a decrease in excessive appetite, but also in the fact that a sufficient amount of pure water contributes to the processing of already accumulated fat. These fat cells, with the help of a good water balance, become able to leave your body.

Water is a heat carrier and thermostat. It absorbs excess heat and removes it by evaporating through the skin and respiratory tract. Water moisturizes the mucous membranes and the eyeball. In the heat and during physical exercises, intensive evaporation of water from the surface of the body occurs. Consumption of cool clean water, which is absorbed into the blood from the stomach, provides timely cooling of your body, protecting it from overheating. During training, for the normal functioning of the body, it is necessary to drink in small portions of about 1 liter per hour.

Even if you do not bother yourself with physical exercises, you still need to constantly replenish the lack of water. The atmosphere in modern buildings is often overheated and air-conditioned. This dries the air and dehydrates the body. The same thing happens when traveling by train, plane and car. Coffee, tea, alcohol - all these joys of life contribute to the removal of water from the body. An adult is able to live without food for more than a month, without water for several days. Dehydration of the body by 10% leads to physical and mental incapacity. Loss of 20% of water leads to death. During the day, from 3 to 6% of the water contained in the body is exchanged. Half of the water contained in the body is exchanged within 10 days.

The role of water in human life is extremely great. Our body consists of 80% of this life-giving moisture. It is a source of energy and a conductor of nutrients, improves heart function and stimulates brain activity, affects our well-being and mood for the better. Water is life. Without it, there would be no plants, no animals, no man himself.

Water and health

There are many reasons why you should prefer water to other drinks. But let's take a look at some of them:

  • Removes harmful substances from the body. The more water we drink, the more toxins will leave our body. They are excreted in urine and sweat.
  • There are no calories in water. Unlike other drinks such as coffee, soda, cocoa, water has no calories. Therefore, if you are trying to lose extra pounds, then you should drink plenty of water.
  • Improves the condition of skin, hair and nails. Dry skin, brittle nails, weak thin hair - these are the reasons for the lack of water in the body, or rather the nutrients contained only in it. Drink plenty of water a day and these problems will be solved by themselves, without the use of chemical cosmetic products.
  • Relieves pain in the head. If you often have a headache, then your body may not have enough water. In this case, the blood thickens and begins to circulate much more slowly through the vessels. As a result, he begins to fall asleep, to crush whiskey. Therefore, in order not to bring your body to a state of dehydration, it is worth drinking at least two liters of water per day.
  • And water well relieves swelling, and not only external, but also internal. This is due to the fact that water is rich in useful minerals and trace elements. Therefore, especially in the heat, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of fried and salty foods, and drink more plain boiled water.

Spring water in a well

As mentioned above, it is important to drink only clean water, it is it that brings a beneficial effect to human health. Alas, the water that runs through our pipes is not always harmless (pipes rust over time, and water brings particles of this rust to our house). In this case, those who live in a private house are lucky.

Modern technologies allow you to make a small well on your site and enjoy clean "living" water that has passed through a thick layer of environmental filters. Such water is rich in oxygen and useful mineral salts, which are not found in tap water. There is also groundwater in the well all year round.

The water in the well is the cleanest on the planet. It does not contain chemical impurities such as chlorine, it is transparent and has a pleasant fresh aroma. Such water is a hostage of circumstances. Rising to the surface, it runs the risk of being “caught” by specialists and used for human needs.

Water is an indispensable substance that is part of all living organisms on Earth. There is not a single matter, not a single molecule that does not have life-giving moisture in its structure. No creature can survive in a completely dry area. In the absence of water, all organisms and plants die.

Favorite areas of residence, both among birds and other inhabitants of the animal world, are places near water bodies. At all times, representatives of the human race also ennobled areas near water sources. And before building a house, first of all, they examined the area for the availability of groundwater in order to build a well.

No one knows the true value of a sip of water, especially in hot climates, since travelers and navigators. The supply of drinking water was taken care of with special care, because without daily quenching of thirst, vital activity gradually ceases. The period of extinction of life from dehydration depends on the temperature of the surrounding space, the activity of a particular individual, and the physiological characteristics of a person. This indicator fluctuates within 3-7 days, in comparison with survival in the absence of food up to 40 days (the difference is noticeable.) Only oxygen is more valuable, without which existence is simply impossible.

The human body is composed of 65-75% fluid. From birth, this figure gradually decreases from 90% (in infancy) to 60% (in old age). Blood, intracellular and intercellular fluid, lymph, gastric and pancreatic juice, bile, urine and intestinal secretions, as well as breath, tears, saliva and sweat - all these are human body fluids that contain water, dissolved electrolytes and tissue cells.

Not only man, but also the rest of the inhabitants of the planet, have a predominance of moisture in their flesh. So, for example, marine inhabitants consist of 80% water, molluscs - 99%, and land animals - 75%. Foods of plant origin that are used for nutrition also consist mainly of fluid contained in cell sap and between cells. Vegetables such as cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini contain about 95% of water in fruits. The championship in terms of moisture content is occupied by watermelon, the water component in it is 97% of the total mass of the berry.

A person needs water throughout his life to quench his thirst and cook food, wash and bathe, clean his home, water plants.

Every day a person loses part of the organic fluid with breathing, sweat, and other secretions. Internal reserves of moisture in the body must be replenished in a timely manner. To do this, you need to drink daily from 5 liters of crystal clear, natural water.

You need to drink in sufficient quantities in accordance with the season, food consumed and lifestyle. Do not wait for the appearance of thirst, this symptom already indicates the onset of dehydration. Mandatory after waking up and before each meal. After a meal, it is recommended to start drinking no earlier than after an hour.

Drinking mode. Useful properties of water for the human body

It is imperative to maintain water balance throughout life in order to prevent dehydration (dehydration) and the adverse effects associated with it.

Signs of non-compliance with the drinking regime include:

  1. Thirst, dry mouth, viscid saliva.
  2. Increase in body temperature.
  3. Pain and mobility disorders in the joints.
  4. Increased blood pressure due to thickening of the blood.
  5. Lethargy, fatigue, irritability.
  6. Indigestion, difficulty in emptying.
  7. Dryness, peeling of the skin, decreased elasticity of the skin.
  8. Dizziness, headache, general weakness, impaired consciousness.

An interesting fact is that only as a result of daily use of clean drinking water, you can improve your well-being, get rid of many diseases.

Water is an inexhaustible resource of energy

The intake of clean water in the human body provides it with the necessary vital energy.

A person receives energy from many natural sources, which include:

  1. solar energy
  2. motor energy
  3. the water we drink
  4. healthy food
It is necessary to know that the feelings of thirst and hunger have similar signs., without distinguishing the signals given by the body, as a rule, they rush to get enough food, not suspecting that the signs of a lack of water often look like a desire to eat. Therefore, it is not recommended to pounce on food at the first urge, it is necessary to replenish internal water reserves first.

The main thing to remember is that everything said about water applies only to clean drinking water, spring water, filtered (not distilled), and structured water can change your well-being. Better enjoy drinking oxy generated water for drinking and cooking with plain filtered water.

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