Scientists have found a secret room in Hoeop's pyramid. Secret rooms in Egyptian pyramids

Archaeologists have long been known three main rooms inside the pyramid of Heops - the tomb of Pharaoh, the House of His spouse and the underground room for funerals. Connects the interior of the main gallery - a 47-meter corridor with a steep slope.

However, now an unknown room was added to their number, the entrance to which was molded. Hidden emptiness, length 8 and 30 meters high, is located directly above the main gallery. Scientists do not yet know that he hides the secret room.

Maybe it is a treasury. Or this room was included in the planning of the structure in architectural purposes. Kate Spence, an Egyptologist from the University of Cambridge, believes that the latter assumption is the right one. "If you consider the cross-section of the pyramid, you will see that the chamber of Pharaoh has a series of small premises necessary to builders to align the roof of incredibly heavy granite blocks. I suspect that the found secret room is the same rudiment of the structural ramp, which it took to facilitate the builders of the work. "

Express info in the country

Egypt (Arab Republic of Egypt) - a state located in North Africa and on

Sinai Peninsula Asia.

Capital- Cairo

Largest cities: Cairo, Alexandria, Giza, Schubra-El Hayim, Port Said

Form of government - Presidential and Parliamentary Republic

Territory - 1 001 450 km2 (30th in the World)

Population- 90.43 million people. (14th in the World)

Official language - Arabic

Religion - Muslim

ICR - 0,690 (108th in the World)

GDP - $ 286.53 billion (39th in the world)

Currency - Egyptian pound

Borders with: Israel, Gaza Standard, Sudan, Libya

How was the cache detected?

The interdisciplinary project ScanPyramids was launched in October 2015 under the control of the Ministry of Antiquities of Egypt. The internal structure of the funeral structures team of scientists investigated using outer radiation. The fact is that the earth is bombarding particles of outer space every day. These particles are muons - able to pass through rather dense objects, for example, a stone, but when they crossed emptiness, their trajectory changes. Tracking the Muon Movement trajectory, scientists can create a 3D model of the internal structure of the pyramid.

So on the computer screen, the famous voids (Chambers of Pharaoh and his spouses) were identified, as well as a room hidden from the eyes.

The room was found. What's next?

Scientists stated that the secret room should be further explored to understand its inner form. While only the location of the hidden emptiness is known, but it is not clear whether it is one room or several adjacent, it is tilted or twisted, as well as the purpose of the room.

At a press conference, the team stated that such a study is physically possible, but it requires a special resolution of the competent authorities. New technologies allow today to explore the room as carefully. It is enough to drill a small hole and launch a tiny drone into it to get answers to all questions.

How was the pyramid in Giza built?

This is one of the biggest archaeological mysteries in history. Most buildings have modern analogs - but not the Egyptian pyramids. It describes only construction logistics: how huge blocks were delivered to the Giza desert. But as the large pyramid itself was built, still a mystery remains. If it is confirmed that the hidden room was needed for construction, scientists will receive a key to the randering.

A room with a length of about 30 and a height of about 2 meters is located in the heart of the pyramid. Its purpose is still unclear. It is also not clear that there is inside and whether there is something valuable there because there is no access to the room.

It was able to find it thanks to the technology of muon radiography. It allows you to scan the breed and find empty cavities in it with a highly sensitive radar (so-called cosmic rays). In addition, with the help of Radar, scientists managed to detect a small room from one of the sides of the pyramid.

Image: ScanPyramids Mission

In the study, the results of which were published in the journal Nature, a group of archaeologists and scientists from Egypt, France, Canada and Japan took part. To discover the find, it took about two years.

The age of the pyramid of Heops (Great Pyramid Giza) is estimated at 4.5 thousand years. It was built between 2509 and 2483 BC and is the largest construction of the archaeological complex Pyramid Giza, located on the West Bank of the Nile River near Cairir.

Next to the pyramid of Heops are the pyramids of Heffren and Mikherina. All of them are the names of the pharaohs of ancient Egypt.

In the pyramid of Heops there are three large rooms and a lot of passes, mines and tunnels. The largest of the premises is a large gallery - located in the middle. This is a narrow mine with a height of about 8 meters and a length of 47.

The void discovered by scientists is right above this gallery and has similar sizes.

"We are unknown, it is horizontally located this room or inclined whether it consists of one room, or there are several of them. But we are exactly sure that it is there. It is impressive, because no theory of this did not have to do, as far as I know," said Mehdi Tobobi from the Paris Institute HIP is an organization that is engaged in researching the pyramids.

Image: Nature.

So far, the ScanPyramids project team, which unites scientists, exploring the pyramids in Giza, is cautious to attempt to name the find "room".

As the American archaeologist Mark Lenner stated, which consists in the commission on evaluating the work of the ScanPyramids team, "it may be a space that builders left to protect very narrow roof big gallery from the weight of the pyramid. "

In turn, the scientist Hani Helal from the Cairo University believes that the cavity is too large for only the duration of the pressure distribution, but recognizes that experts will still argue about it.

Photo: ScanPyramids Mission

The question is currently being discussed how to explore the detected premises. Jean-Baptist Muree from the French National Institute of Informatics and Applied Mathematics said that researchers have an idea.

"Our idea is to drill a very small hole. We want to run a robot there, capable of walking into a three-chamber opening," he said.

REFERENCE. Hope's pyramid (hufow) is the largest of Egyptian pyramids, a monument of architectural art of ancient Egypt; The only one of the "seven wonders of the world", preserved to the present day. Its age is estimated at about 4500 years. Located on the Giza Plateau in the vicinity of Cairo and at the base of the Nile Delta. The northernmost three large pyramids of the plateau, wearing the names of the three pharaohs of the ancient kingdom, alleged customers of construction, - Heops, Hefren (Hafra) and Micheerin (Mencaurs). These pyramids were built in the vicinity of the cities of Memphis (the capital of the ancient kingdom) and Heliopol for the Millennium to the founding of Cairo. For more than three thousand years, the Great Pyramid was the highest building on Earth. Since 1979, a part of UNESCO World Heritage Site.

  • In July of this year, during the excavations of the Aztec temple Templo Major in Mexico City (Mexico) archaeologists, as well as thousands of other fragments of human remains.
  • In Egypt, archaeologists excavated the ancient burial, where they found 17 well-preserved mummies in the catacombs in the province of El Migna (about 250 kilometers south of Cairo).

Internal structure of the pyramid

ScanPyramid, 2017.

The international team of researchers has confirmed the presence of a hidden camera in the pyramid of Heops. It is located over a big gallery and reaches about 30 meters long. The article is published in the journal Nature..

The peyramid of Heops was created about 4.5 thousand years ago during the reign of the IV of the Ancient Egyptian dynasty. She was erected by the orders of Pharaoh Huf, better known as Heops. For a long time, the pyramid remained the highest building in the world - its height reaches 139 meters, and the width at the base is 250 meters. Despite the fact that this is one of the largest and most ancient historical monuments on Earth, there is still no consensus about how it was built.

Inside the peyramid of Cheops today is known three break chambers - unfinished funeral "pit", "King Camera", where the empty granite sarcophague is located, and the Camicar Chamber. A large gallery is leading to the chamber of Pharaoh - a high inclined tunnel of 46.6 meters long. Last year, archaeologists also stated that they managed to detect two emptiness - one of them is over a big gallery, and the other, called the North Corridor, is located above the modern entrance to the pyramid. However, some scientists expressed doubts about the accuracy of the find, considering that some parts of the pyramid could be made from another type of stones.

The ScanPyramids project participants who found empties continued to study them to confirm the discovery. They reported on the results in the new article. Researchers conducted three independent experiments based on the method of muon tomography. Muons are unstable elementary particles that are born in the collision of cosmic rays with atomic nuclei and the subsequent decay of the mesons. The flow of muons is able to penetrate the walls of the buildings - however, the air is delayed less than muons than, for example, concrete blocks. If we raise next to the construction of the muon detector, which will register the number and trajectory of particles, then we actually obtain "X-ray" of its internal device. Read more about muon tomography, as well as about its use, you can in our material "fallen from the sky."

ScanPyramid, 2017.

In the first experiment, researchers used a nuclear photographic emulsion for the capture of muons. The detectors were installed back in 2015 in the south-western corner of the Queen Chamber and the corridor adjacent to it. The results of scattering muon radiography showed that a 30-meter camera is located above the big gallery. The second experiment using scintillatral annoscopes (KEK), which was held in 2016 and 2017, confirmed the results of the first group of researchers. The third team of scientists received a signal with the reliability of 5.8 sigma - that is, the likelihood that physicists allowed a mistake, extremely small (less than a percent).

The center of the chamber is located at an altitude of 40-50 meters above the floor of the "Queen chamber", along the length of the "big emptiness", as its authors of the article are called, comparable to a large gallery. Researchers are unknown exact camera characteristics - it may be an inclined corridor or a room consisting of several rooms. Future research will help you find out.

Tbilisi, 3 Nov - Sputnik. Physicists from Japan, Egypt and France found a previously unknown area of \u200b\u200bemptiness in the pyramid of Heops, which may be a secret tomb or passage into it, the article published in the Nature magazine.

As part of the ScanPyramids project, scientists scanned the ancient buildings with a special apparatus, as a result of which the unknown space was discovered.

As the researcher of the Paris Institute of Heritage, Innovation and Conservation, Mehdi Tayby, has not yet been established, for which a detected room could be used.

"When we saw this zone of emptiness, they realized that they came across something very interesting and large, threw all other projects and concentrated on the study of this area, located right above the corridor in the tomb of Heops. Now we are sure that it really exists, and this The first find of this kind in Heops's pyramid from the Middle Ages, "said Tayby.


Meanwhile, the famous Egyptian archaeologist Zahi Havass believes that the "emptiness" in the pyramid of Heops is not new - the existence of such spaces historians knew a long time ago, the Ahram Online edition writes.

Havass, who is also former minister According to the antends of Egypt, doubts the existence of some secret rooms inside the pyramid.

"Stone blocks inside the pyramid itself, unlike its external blocks, do not have the same shape and can be very different from each other in size. The presence of some kind of void in the pyramid does not mean that there is some kind of room. SCANPYRAMIDS participants are better To engage in science, and not to create sensations, like those people who stated that the pyramids were built by the aliens. I call such grief-scientists with pyramidotes, "said Havass.

Heopsy's pyramid, one of the seven miracles of the world, built in the middle of the third millennium BC, in the time of Pharaoh Houf (Heops), a representative of the fourth dynasty of the ancient kingdom, - at the same time, when all the "great pyramids" of ancient Egypt. This construction of 145 meters high and a width and a length of 230 meters remains one of the highest and large buildings ever created by humanity.

In the pyramid of Heops, experts discovered a previously unknown room, which may be a secret treasure storage or a tomb. The room is located next to the tomb of Pharaoh and the chief corridor of the pyramid.

When we saw this zone of emptiness, we realized that they came across something very interesting and large, threw all other projects and focused on the study of this area, located right above the corridor in the tomb of Heops, said archaeologists.

Over the past 200 years, scientists were able to detect only three premises in the Great Pyramid, in one of which was supposedly buried by Pharaoh himself, in the other - his spouse, and the third was considered a bait or trap for robbers.

But the mummy was not found, which gave the hope of archaeologists to the fact that the remains can be in the hidden premises of the pyramid. The search for these premises scientists have been engaged for a long time, and two years ago, physics from universities Nagoy, Paris and Cairo joined them.

© ScanPyramids Mission

Experts studied the structure of the pyramid with the help of non-standard methods, namely, space telescopes in the framework of the ScanPyramids project. Archaeologists have adapted telescopes to find emptiness and hidden premises in ancient architectural monuments.

The principle of operation of such a detector is very simple: it is looking for threads of muons (charged particles) and determines the dimensions of the space in which they are located. It is believed that in the upper layers of the atmosphere of the Earth, millions of muons are formed every second. They arise as a result of a collision of cosmic rays with gas molecules in the air.

These clashes accelerate muons to nearby speeds, thanks to which they penetrate dozens and hundreds of meters deep into the surface of the planet. As scholars are shown, each square meter The surface of the Earth absorbs about 10 thousand of these particles.

So, the flow of muons decreases in an empty space much slower than when there is a passage through the moisture or land. With the help of a similar telescope, you can determine where empty rooms are located in the object.

Last October, the detector found inside the Heops pyramid several voids that could be hidden rooms.

Our measurements absolutely exclude the fact that this area of \u200b\u200bvoid could arise due to differences in the properties of stones or because of errors in construction, as declares Khavass. The voids of such sizes and configurations could not accidentally appear between the blocks either with the engineering or from some other point of view. The Egyptians were too good builders to make a mistake in the construction of the pyramid, to leave the "hole" in it and create a room or a corridor somewhere else, "said Khani Ellal from the Cairo University.

But this discovery caused a lot of suspicion and distrust, so observation was decided to continue. The re-study confirmed the guesses of scientists that the pyramid's chief corridor presents an emptiness zone of 30 meters long, 8 meters high and a width of about 2 meters.

© ScanPyramids Mission

However, experts are not yet sure that it is for the space, as it can be both a corridor and a series of rooms. A team of Egyptologists is being formed to further study the pyramid of Heops and other constructions of Giza.

A new way to study buildings with a telescope inspired scientists, as this can give more information about the structure of the ancient pyramids.

This year, the pyramid of Heops reveals more and more riddles. So, recently became a well-known construction of the Great Pyramid. Scientists have learned about this thanks to the found papyrus: his text wrote the Egyptian supervisor for 40 slaves, which built the construction.

Deciphering the text, archaeologists found out that the Egyptians took the water from the Nile and paved through the garment plateau artificial channels for which the boats were moved loaded with blocks.

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