Break cameras in the valley of the kings. History and legends of the valley of the kings in Egypt

Details Published: 11/03/2015 20:46

The rise in electricity prices forces many users to think - how can you save, and is there a reasonable alternative to energy consumption from the common network? For many, a shopping is becoming a shopping or construction of a windmill for home. Moreover, modern wind generators are not only effective method providing electricity remote from central networks settlementsBut and the way to significantly reduce the cost of utilities and make your homemade more non-volatile.

Let's look at what kind of wind generator is better to pick up for a home, for what volume we can count on and what you need to know for its installation.

Varieties of windmills

Wind generators (they are also called wind-generated installations, wind power generators, windnesses, simply VEU, wind stations, etc.) - it is, in its essence, wind power plants (VES). This is called wind electrical installation, equipment and structures of which are functionally linked and form a single complex, which produces electricity from the kinetic energy of moving air masses. Simply put, these are systems that allow you to use the wind as a source of renewable energy.

It must be remembered that air sparseness also affects the windows installation, but under the action of constant winds, for example, on the sea coast, this deficiency is not essential. It is important to keep in mind that the work of domestic windmills affects the television network and can cause interference for the receiving antenna.

Windmaster device and wind power plant equipment composition, image

If weak winds prevail in the area of \u200b\u200bthe WPP location, the optimal solution will be to combine multiple settings into a network with a common battery assembly. Otherwise, it is necessary to set up the work of windmills so that each individual device serves its "share" of the load, and to save electricity, it is necessary to distribute consumers in the house: a certain power line must be configured to a different group of household appliances.

As the experience of many suggests european countriesFor apartment buildings it is more expedient to establish several wind turbines (examples) of small performance that will generate electricity and save it into a common battery than to acquire one large-sized windscreen.

How to calculate the power of the wind generator for the house

For the approximate calculation of the power of the home WES, it is necessary to calculate the average monthly consumption of electricity, given the list of all used household electrical appliances, their power and time (table that shows the average consumption of household appliances, is located). It is worth noting that the wind power plants for private use of 2 to 10 kW are most often sold in stores.

Many information resources indicate that for the full provision of household needs, a family of 3 - 4 people will require the power of the wind generator not less than 10 kW. However, in each case, it is necessary to proceed from certain power consumption, which can be quite an individual indicator.

One of the additional positive points of the use of windmills at home is also the possibility of selling excess electricity to the state. About how to supply "extra" electricity to the central power grid and detailed information On current "green" tariffs can be found in.

Do not forget about safety: lightning strikes, the result of which the windmill may become the ignition of the windmill, icing the blades, the lack of strength of the supporting structures or the foundation of the wind installation - may damage not only the device itself, but also harm human health. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to take care of the equipment of the generator with various protective systems.

Ultimately, when choosing a type of wind turbine, the search for a proven manufacturer, the calculations of its power and solving other issues, many "pitfalls" may arise, the answers to which in full, no article will be able to give. Fortunately, today modern technologies allow you to install a windmill anywhere, with special technical knowledge for this not necessarily not necessarily, and the efficiency and environmental friendliness of such a source of clean energy is no longer in doubt. In any case, consultation with an experienced specialist will become a wise decision.

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Is it worth buying a wind generator for home? In regions with elevated windiness, this is a good solution for energy. Advantages: free, environmentally friendly, available, does not require fuel. Disadvantages: the impermanence of the source, noisy, pays for a long time, the price.

Components and principle of work

The principle of the wind turbine is the transformation of the kinetic wind energy into electric current. Air flow leads to the movement of the installation wings. Inside the turbine, the electromagnetic system converts the resulting activity into electricity that accumulates in the battery.

Using the inverter, the current out of constant is converted to variable. Then it is used in everyday life and is distributed in the house.

The main components of the system are:

  • generator;
  • blades;
  • mast;
  • controller;
  • accumulator battery;
  • inverter;
  • automatic power supply switch.

Annexoscope and wind direction sensor can also be installed. At home may not be used, it is often used in medium and high power stations, in production scale.

Components of the wind generator


The installation turbine produces alternating current. With its help, the activity received from the rotation of the wings is converted into electricity. Electromagnetic installation inside with a mechanical movement of magnets affects the movement of electrons in coils.

The current is generated during this interaction using the controller is transmitted to the rechargeable battery. The amount of energy produced depends on the speed and strength, stability of the wind stream.


The power of the turbine affects the size of these parts.

When calculating for installation in the house, electricity consumption is recorded per month. Multiply this figure by 12. When the house consumption in 3600 kW (300 per month) in the region with an average value - 5 m / s must be used for a length of at least 4 m.

Aoe \u003d (v3 * d2) / 7000 (kW)

D - the diameter of the winder of the rotor,

AoE - the amount of energy consumed per year,
V is the average wind speed in the region.

If the size needs to be reduced, then the device is needed with greater power. With the help of the formula, it is possible to calculate (with an error of 20%) what energy can be obtained. It is necessary to multiply the square of the diameter of the blades on the cube of the middle flow rate, further divide the obtained value by 7000.

That is, if the speed in your area is approximately 4 m / s, and the diameter of parts is 2 meters, then (4 3 * 2 2) / 7000 \u003d 0.036 kW of electricity will succeed. If the wind increases to 5 m / s, then it turns out 0.071 kW. If the average wind speed is unchanged, then it is possible to influence the power using the length of the blades.

If their length is twice again, then at the same speed the power increases 4 times. These calculations can be used in the manufacture of the station with their own hands.

The table presents the calculation data:

Wind speed m / s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
diameter blades (m) 2 0,0005714 0,0045714 0,0154286 0,0365714 0,0714286 0,1234286 0,1960000
3 0,0012857 0,0102857 0,0347143 0,0822857 0,1607143 0,2777143 0,4410000
4 0,0022857 0,0182857 0,0617143 0,1462857 0,2857143 0,4937143 0,7840000

The turbine with a capacity of up to 700 watts per month, with the initial wind speed of 2.5 m / s, and nominal - 8, can work out 120 kW of electricity at an average speed - 6. Size of the blades - 2.7 meters, quantity - 3 pcs. And the tax with power from 0-1600 W will give a monthly production of 230 kW.

The most common 3000 watt generator with 3 wings long 3.2 m. It is enough to work out 480 kW, at a speed of 6 m / s. This quantity is enough to provide a private house.


The height of the mast affects the height of the location of the current. The higher the strength of the wind more stable, and the speed is higher. Masts are different forms. One of the key installation factors of the installation is the material from which the mast is made. With strong wind or hurricane, the main burden falls on this part. Supports should be durable and withstand heavy loads. Carrying high masts problematic.

Best of all, metal hard pipes are suitable for masts with a cross section of at least 11 cm. They are installed with a height from 5 to 7 m. When installing the mast from the steel pipe, it is necessary to make the foundation with a diagonal halving greater than the height of the mast. For stretch marks, cables are used at least 6 millimeters in thickness with galvania.

So-called Ferm Masts have separate sections that are made from the support pipe (usually 3 pieces) interconnected by jumpers. Such sections are conveniently used in the future if you need to increase or decrease the height of the mast. They are attached to the bolts that can be spinning and add new sections.

When installing the mast, you need to consider objects at a distance of up to 300 meters, the windmill should be located in such a way that they are on the meter below the turbine. Nothing should interfere with maximum productivity.


Installed to control processes and functions. This mechanism converts alternating current to a constant, which enters the batteries. Also in the controller controls the functions of rotation of the blades, protection with a strong impact wind.


Batteries are needed in order to save electricity that the controller transmits and stabilize it. Voltage coming out of batteries, stable and constant, in contrast to the one that comes out of the generator. Also, batteries allow you to use the energy when there is no rotation, and the installation does not work.


Inverters are divided into four types:

  • three-phase
  • network
  • pure sinusoid,
  • modified sinusoid.

Three-phase converts current with a voltage of 380 volts, suitable for the use of equipment in production. The network inverter allows the installation to work without a battery, however the cost of such an inverter is at times exceeding even the cost of the VEU itself.

Pure sinusoid is suitable for any type of electrical appliances (medical, network and other equipment) AC voltage 220 volts. Modified sinusoid is suitable, with insensitive consumption to the quality of the voltage. It is different from clean. Suitable for lighting, charge devices, heating devices, etc.

Automatic power supply switch

ABR is used if the power grid is also involved, fuel generators, a public network, other alternative power supplies. This setting switches power sources if one of them is unavailable. It can only work with one source.

Types of wind power plants

There are several types on an industrial scale by type of accommodation: ground, coastal, shelf, floating, soaring, mountainous.

In domestic use, the types of structures are more important:

  • By the number of blades divide on two, three and multilave wind generators.
  • In the direction of the axis of rotation, it is divided into vertical or horizontal. The advantage of vertical is the increased stability of the design. The advantage of horizontal is a large energy generation.
  • Also shared the pitch management of the blade. The variable allows you to adjust the range of operating speed of the wings. But the design with such a type is more expensive, harder. For use at home it is better to take a fixed step.
  • By type of manufacture of wing materials are sailing or tough. The first are cheaper, they are easier to make themselves, but their strength is less than that of tough. The second is made mainly of metal, plastic, fiberglass. Such blades serve longer, and does not require frequent replacement. If in the wind area is strong, use sailing is irrational.
  • Spiraloid. Recently developed technologies in which spiral-shaped, known as the onypko rotor. The principle of their design allows to reduce the noise, as well as to obtain energy production at the lowest heights with minimal threads. The special design of the spiral form also avoids a collision with birds - a frequent problem of wind turbines. Due to the increased area of \u200b\u200bcontact with the wind, the spiral structure appears an effect of increasing and gaining power. The tail stabilizer is absent, since the rotor captures the air flow on its own on the horizontal axis. Can be made from different materials (plastic, metal, etc.). In Holland, such solutions are already experiencing, the turbine is called LiamF1. They are very practical in a low wind speed. Such structures can produce from 125 to 200 kW per month at maximum power. Their size does not exceed one and a half meters in diameter, can be put on the roof of the house or mast. At the same time, noise indicator does not exceed 45 decibels. This design will be appropriate as an additional source of energy in small cities with mainly low buildings.

What you need to consider when choosing

First of all, it is necessary to learn the map of the winds of the region to understand the expediency. Then it is necessary to make the calculation of the amount of energy consumed by the house. Based on these numbers, it is clarified which device with which the size of the blades is suitable for ensuring this request.

It is also necessary to take into account climatic features and choose the right plant type. In the zones of increased turbulence, they put an aggregate with vertical rotation, these structures are more stable and durable in such zones.

Horizontal will show themselves better in open areas or hills, as well as on the coast. However, the noise produced by these settings may be interfere with the neighbors, so install them stands in open areas, such as a field. Under these conditions, the efficiency is horizontal higher than that of vertical.

Spiral structures are allowed to be installed in regions with a low wind speed indicator, as well as in densely populated items. Such structures almost do not make noise (up to 45 dB), safe for birds, do not occupy large areas.

Wind generators are often used as an additional source of energy, in homes with a solar battery installed. In the complex, the two of these sources can fully provide private houses with autonomous energy.

After examining all the above criteria, it is worth calculating the economic indicator of the population of the installation. For what period of time the installation will pay off according to current electricity tariffs. Even with a long payback period of 5 years, it is important to note that this source of energy does not consume any fuel in the future.

The device of the wind generator


Prices for goods with different power depend on the manufacturer, package of delivery (generator, batteries, inverter, etc.). Price proposals fluctuate in the indicators:

  • 0.5 kW - 40-90 thousand rubles,
  • 1 kW - 92-113 thousand rubles,
  • 2 kW - 111-150 thousand rubles,
  • 3 kW - 125 -195 thousand rubles,
  • 5 kW - 282-285 thousand rubles.

Comments during construction do it yourself

If the prices of windmills are too expensive, you can make a design with your own hands. Most often to save either a generator from the car or from a washing machine. When using such devices, the horizontal type of installation is most often selected, in which 3-6 blades are used.

It is important to take into account the calculations indicated above. Details are suitable from PVC pipe - available in any building store, often take pipes for draining sewage.

Finished blades feature with pulleys on the motor shaft. With the help of a wooden bar, the tail is mounted and fasten on the other side of the shaft. For tail it is better to take a sheet of aluminum. Boxing turbines need to be protected from rain by either a casing or a piece of plastic pipes.

A pipe is installed at the bottom of the lower part, which will continue to rotate the mechanism. For masts it is worth using metal pipes with a diameter of 32 millimeters in length from 3 to 4 meters.

The top of the mast is also a swivel sleeve where the pipe with the engine is inserted. At the bottom it is necessary to make a support with a diameter of at least 60 centimeters. At this support, install U-shaped pipe fittings in the middle. To make a mast to ignore, you need to put a tee with a turn.

For the manufacture of electronic circuits, special knowledge is needed, so in the absence of those, you should buy a controller and batteries. If necessary, it is also possible, this instrument will track the voltage coming out of the wind generator and entering the battery. Electronics requires protection against rain and wind. It is better to use the extension and transfer this unit into a secure place.

Establish or not

Feature use this type Installations are always very individual. It is clear to establish such a kind of energy source in those places where there is no access to other options. It will be good to work in coastal zones or on the hills. In these areas, access to the source of energy is almost permanent, so even the purchase of an expensive power plant justifies itself in a few years.

Under housework conditions in the middle strip, where the wind indicators on average 4-6 m / s should be taken into account the nearest buildings. In the village where there are constantly interruptions with electricity, you can view windmills as additional stations.

They will help save, and receive electricity when the main resource is not available. When using large horizontal windmills with large blades, it is irrational to put them in those areas where densely populated points.

In such conditions, vertical generators or spiraloids will be better. They do not produce a lot of noise. They can be installed even in private houses with close neighborhood. However, in this case, the nearest buildings can affect the performance of the station.

The problem can be solved by adding the network by solar batteries. In the complex, the two of these sources can fully provide a residential building of electricity.

Buy or make your own hands - the question of a purely financial side. If there are funds for the finished installation, you can safely invest in the future, since this investment will pay off in the coming years.

If there is no money for the purchase of expensive equipment, but there is an opportunity to assemble the generator with your own hands, we definitely advise you to install the windmill at home yourself. It will save at least a third of the energy consumed.

  1. Generators from the car need In the rewind of coils.
  2. Any mast must be installed on the foundation because it has large weight And will be susceptible to serious loads. The foundation of the mast must be at least 1 m depth.
  3. Making blades on its own it is important to check the balancing. If the wing pulls down, it can be drifted or polished.
  4. With a storm or hurricane, braking mechanism should be provided. So that the design is not injured.
  5. Batteries are selected according to consumption and consumption of electricity in the house. On the day of the clutch, the room should not be without food.
  6. For a long service life, prevention of bearings lubrication It is necessary every 6 months.
  7. After the first two weeks of using the unit, the fasteners and tension must be checkedBecause when working, the items have a property to break, it should be removed the design to check and secure again.

The comfort of a residential building or cottage depends on electricity. However, in houses under construction, dacha settlements It is not necessary to talk about uninterrupted power supply. But today autonomous electric generators make it possible to pave an independent network in the house independent of local energy lines.

Wind generators, in contrast to their gasoline and diesel analogs, are only gaining popularity. The cost of such power plants is several times higher than the usual autonomous sources of energy. But, unlike them, the windmill uses free wind energy and self-sucking after 5-6 years of operation.

The wind power generator is a device that converts the kinetic energy of air flow (winds) into mechanical (using the rotor) and then into electrical. The second name of this mechanism "Windmage Electrical Installation" (VEU), it is used in commercial, household and industrial purposes.

Wind generators have recently gain popularity

Wind power stations for home consist of the following elements:

  • The main unit is a movable wind wheel, which leads to move the entire design;
  • Reducer, designed to transmit the energy of the wheel to the generator;
  • Generator that produces alternating current;
  • The controller - manages the wheel and transform electricity coming from the generator in d.C.charging batteries;
  • Inverter - transforms a permanent current from the ACB to the variable, which is used in the home power grid;
  • High-capacity batteries are usually assembled into a single unit and serve to accumulate and equalize electrical energy;
  • Mast or Farm-foundation - a wind wheel is attached to them.

Despite the similar device and the same action principle, the windmills for the house differ in several parameters. For example, according to the material from which the blades of the wheels are made, their number, the direction of the axis of the movement and the step of the screw.

There are windmills with one, two and three blades or completely without them. And the last installations are becoming increasingly popular. The role of wind wheel in them performs "Sail" - a design in the form of a plate. It actuates the pistons of the hydraulic system that produces energy. The manufacturers deliberately complicated the VEU device, since it made it possible to increase its efficiency. The power of the blade wind generator is simply determined - the smaller the blades, the greater the energy it produces.

What windmake electrical generators are?

Choosing a wind generator for the house, pay attention to such constructive featuresas an axis direction relative ground surface. There are wind generators for the house with a vertical and horizontal axis of rotation.

VEU with a horizontal axis of rotation of the wind wheel is distinguished by a high efficiency, but not without flaws. The effectiveness of such electric generators directly depends on the strength of the wind. Therefore, such an installation is advisable to use in open areas. In places where the chickenpier of the generator is overshadowed by winds, trees or folds of terrain is better to choose a device of another type.

The device of generators with a vertical axis of rotation differs among themselves, which led to the appearance of subcategories:

  1. 1. Generator Savonius. Its "sail" consists of halves of empty cylinders mounted on a vertical axis. The main advantage is the rotation of independence from the direction and force of the air flow. The disadvantage is low efficiency, wind energy is used only by 1/3.
  2. 2. Generator with Darya rotor. The blades are made in the form of flat plates. Like the previous model, is distinguished by low efficiency, simple design, but it will have to run it manually.
  3. 3. Generator with a Helicoid rotor (with swirling blades). Device durable with high efficiency, but expensive. High price is the main disadvantage of the device.

The most effective in this group is considered a wind generator with many blades (with a Darya rotor).

At first glance, the use of VEU for the supply of a private house with electricity does not have drawbacks. Unfortunately, this is not so. When working, the installation issues loud soundsDiscomfort at the residents of the house and neighbors. In Europe, the permissible level of noise of wind generators is enshrined by law. In addition, Europeans stop the work of VEU during the seasonal flight of birds (another requirement of the law).

In Russia, wind generators are rarely found and their operation is not limited to regulatory acts. True, given the opinion of neighbors and comfort of loved ones, the owners of the VEU establish them away from residential buildings. However, most restrictions relate to outdated models. A modern wind generator for a private house works almost silently.

The main minus of wind installations is a strong noise when working

Disadvantages with interest overlap the dignity of wind power plants. No fuel is required for WEU function, and wind energy will be on the planet until the atmosphere is shining. Of course, start using a gasoline or diesel generator easier than VEU. But the windmill does not have to regularly feed the fuel.

There is one circumstance imposing a restriction on the use of the wind generator as the main source of electricity. In many regions of the Russian Federation, it is impossible to guarantee the constant movement of air masses (winds). Therefore, VEU, as a rule, enters as an additional energy source.

As it turned out, under the general name of "wind electrical generators" is hidden a lot of devices. They differ in design, price, appearance.

When choosing a windmill, the climatic conditions of the region takes into account. Examine the technical documentation for the VEU interested you - it defines its purpose and calculation capacity. The output power of the device depends on the inverter (converter). The starting point of calculations is the number of home appliances simultaneously connected to the generator. For ease of computation, you can account for electricity and output the average coefficient.

Wind speed 5 m per second optimal for most wind generators

There are generally accepted averaged generator power parameters at wind power of 5 m / s for cottages and small houses:

  • With a capacity of 150-200 W, WEU will provide lighting, operation of the radio and television. For the operation of the refrigerator, a device with a capacity of at least 1 kW will be required;
  • The wind generator with a capacity of 1 to 5 kW is chosen if it is necessary to ensure full-fledged power supply at home;
  • Devices, the output power of which is at least 20 kW, are used to supply household appliances and heating systems.

The following parameter is the battery capacity and the speed of their charge, which depends on the wind power. You can charge batteries faster if you connect multiple generators to the installation. But it's not worth an increase in the amount of batteries themselves - a lot of BME batteries will not have time to charge, and the partial charging will quickly lead them out.

When planning the purchase of the wind generator, visit the nearest meteorological station - you will need information about the average speed of air flow. For the reporting period, one year is taken. For most VEU, the optimal wind speed is 5 m / s.

Structurally distinguished generators for the presence and absence of gearbox. The first of them differ simplicity of the device and installation. Windmills with a gearbox are harder, but at the same time they have high power and are considered more reliable.

The valley of the kings - the name is not metaphorical, because for more than five centuries the Egyptians buried their pharaohs here ...

The burials were conducted from about the XVI to the XI century to our era - during this time the Egyptians "managed to" create a real city of the dead.

The valley of the kings became "popular" after the surviving story about the discovery of Tutankhamon's tomb in 1922 and the subsequent "Curse of Pharaohs", which went into the grave of archaeologists, "ocker" holy place. Although actually excavations were held here long before that, starting from the XVIII century

Today, over 50 tomb has already digested, in some of which are buried even by two pharaohs - predecessor and successor. The largest such "double" burial is the tomb of the Tsaritsa Touseert and her heir - the Pharaoh of the Sertakhta. In fact, Setakht created his own tomb in the valley of the kings, but he did not have enough time to finish it until his death. His son, Ramses III, placed the body of his father to the tomb of Tousert so that at the end of work in the tomb of the father to transfer his body there, but this never happened

Touousert herself was the next pharaoh of Egypt after Queen Hatshepsut, who was buried in his own Temple Jesure Jesle, which is among the Karnak temples of Egypt. The valley of the kings is divided into oriental and western. Most of the tombs focused in the Eastern Valley. Although the rest of the city was followed by special security divisions, already under Ramses IX the first investigation was launched on the plundering of the sacred tombs of officials in order to fill the exhausted state treasury due to the luxury of the ancestors

After during the board of the XX dynasty of the Pharaohs, it turned out that dozens of tombs were looted by the predecessors, the mummies of them were placed in the so-called "Tomb 320" (of course, this is a modern name). She was found in 1871 by the Rasul brothers who decided to take advantage of their luck and the whole decade sold found values \u200b\u200bfound. The Egyptian service of antiquities "woke up" only in 1881 - as a result, the sarcophages of the Mummy III, Ramses I, Network I and Ramses II, were able to save sarcophages with Mumiimia III, which were immediately delivered to the Cairo Museum, where they still have so far. After that, the tomb was piled by the rocks of the rock and remembered it only after century later, in 1995, when the archaeologist Erhard Grafe revealed it for his research.

In 1898, the Tomb of Amenhotep II was found in the valley of the kings, in which, in addition to the mummy lying in the sarcophage, the Mummy of Pharaoh was found to be discovered by nine mummies buried in inland rest. Among them were found the remains of Pharaoh Tutmos IV. Amenhotpa II sarcophage was decided not to touch, and the rest were sent to the Cairo Museum. Unfortunately, despite the heavy iron lattice installed at the entrance and guarded the tomb of the guards, the burial was still robbed on November 24, 1901, three years after its detection. The mummy itself did not suffer, but the bandages on it were at the places where the decorations were usually located. Whether the jewels were generally unknown there, but, judging by the fact that in almost every one found in the valley of the kings of the sarcophagus, decorations on Pharaohs were, most likely Amenhotep II was still lost to posthumously buried regalia with him ...

The placement scheme of tombs in the valley of the kings

In the most significant tombs were buried: KV1 - Ramses VII, KV2 - Ramses IV, KV6 - Ramses IX, KV8 - Merentpta, KV9 - Ramsesa V and VI, KV11 - Ramses III, KV14 - Touseert and Sertakht, KV15 - Network II, KV16 - Ramses I, KV17 - Networks I, KV19 - Menthuch, KV34, KV23 - EJE, KV34 - Tutamos III, KV35 - Amenhotep II, KV43 - Tutamum IV, KV47 - Sapta, KV57 - Horamheb, KV62 - Tutankhammon

In 2006, luck smiled at archaeologists and they found another, not previously found a tomb with five wooden sarcophagi. Prior to that, the last jumped burial was the very tomb of Tutankhamon, discovered by a group of Carter in 1922

Archaeological surveys undertaken in early 2009 allowed scientists to find out that the tombs began to rob in the era of the XXI dynasty ...

In addition to the valley of the kings in Egypt, there is also located close to this Valley of the Tsaritsa, where the wives and siblings of Pharaoh have once been buried.

Arguing about the most famous luxury burials of the world, the valley of the kings in Egypt immediately comes to mind. Indeed, for five centuries, the ancient Egyptians buried the children's children who personified the Divine began on Earth. - Read here.

Burial on a huge territory was carried out from about 16 to 11th century BC. During this period, the ancient Egyptians created one of the wonders of the world - the city of the dead. It is located on the left bank Nile, representing a grandiose pharaoh necropolis with funeral structures. In Egypt, this area near Luxor (modern phiva) is called the pharaoh valley. It is curious that archaeological surveys are held in this area, despite the long-term study of the country by leading archaeologists of 19-20 centuries. Almost every year the global scientific community witnesses new discoveries. How many of them will expect in the 21st century, no one to answer. The climate reminds.

It is only known that today it was announced about more than 50 tombs of the pharaohs, some of which remain the remains of two rulers - fathers and sons. The valley of the kings is hidden among rocky natural entities in close proximity to the ancient city of Luxor, who previously wore the name of the hair.

The huge plot became known thanks to the loud discoveries of archaeologists-Egyptologists. In the series of sensational finds, the pyramid of Tutankhamon is distinguished under the code name KV62. This is the most popular archaeological object in the world. Fortunately, treasure hunters did not plunder the tomb, fearing the retaliation of curses of the Great Pharaoh. To protect historical sights, UNESCO brought to the World Heritage Register of the Allies of the Kings in 1979. Currently, necropolis continue to attract the attention of prominent figures of science, which came close to the rejection of some inexplicable issues.

Historical facts about the valley of the kings

Pharaoh Tutamom I is known in history as the first of the Egyptian rulers, which decided to make a reference in secret place, far from subjects and enemies. Not only to confuse possible robbers, Tutamos I ordered to build a funeral temple away from his necropolis. This tradition was successfully preserved for another five centuries. The builders and all faithful servants of Pharaoh were killed so that they would not show the road to robber to the jewels and the remains of the king. The fanatical priests watched this, which the last left of life.

Nevertheless, it did not always bring the expected results. Some of the pyramids were looted. Moreover, the skill of robbery was transmitted from generation to generation. Later, explorers and adventurers became disturbed by the children. In 1922, the grave of Tutankhamon found Howard Carter. Luxurious necropolis was decorated with a variety of precious stones, as well as 200 kg of gold. In the grave of Vladyka, personal belongings were found, including dishes, chariots, weapons and so on. Next to Mumia, scientists found a bouquet with dry flowers. Historians suggest that the flowers could leave the head of Pharaoh killed by grief.

The Great Tomb of Pharaoh continues to be interested in adventurers and large scientists. Currently, it is not proved that it was exactly the reason for a series of deaths accomplished after the discovery of Tutankhamon's sarcophagus. Is the curse of the deceased millennium ago ruler Ancient Egypt Causes the martyrdom of any man disturbed by his peace? One way or another, from the whole group of scientists who participated in the opening of the sarcophagus, all had died for a short time. At a minimum, it is a mysterious coincidence.

In a small distance from the valley of the kings, you can meet the valley of the Tsaritz. It keeps the remains of members of royal families. The graves of the children and spouses of the pharaoh are made in a much more modest form.

What you need to look at the valley of the kings

The valley of the dead pharaoh is conditionally divided into the eastern and west. Most graves are concentrated in the east of the valley. In total, near Luxor is 64 tomb, most of which belongs to the king. All the pyramids are similar to the planning, despite some differences. A long 100-meter corridor with a tilt crown in the tomb. The tunnel is completed with several decorated rooms. The walls and ceilings are decorated with colored ornaments, scenes from the life of the ruler leaving here, and all the drawings did not lose brightness to this day. The most amazing are the pyramids of Tutamos III, Tutankhamon, Amenhotep II and all the carriers of the Ramses.

One more a distinctive feature The valleys of the kings are considered to be lack language barrier. Almost all employees of the tourist industry are in great and mighty here, since the tour bills from Russia annually brings hundreds of millions of dollars to Egypt's budget.

The valley of the kings is a quiet, hidden from an extraneous eye, where every pebble personifies the centuries-old history and culture of ancient Egypt. Tutankhamon's tomb is considered the most rich, where tens of thousands of tourists are rushed every year, not fascinating the wrath of the All-Children's Spirit-defender grave.

Current events in the valley of the kings

Almost every year scientists open a new object of study near Luxor. For example, in 2006, a unproved single-chamber grave was discovered here, in which five representatives of a noble kind were found. This is the first royal burial, opened in the valley since the Carter expedition.

In 2005, scientists from the United States discovered a small tomb, near which four working huts were located. They hid the entrance to another necropolis, decorated with color drawings and scenes from the household life of the Royal Perse.

In 2009, a group of researchers from Swiss Basel worked on two tomb under the KV26 and KV30 codename names. Archaeologic scientists concluded that the burial grounds were not completed, although mummies were still kept in them. In addition to sarcophagus, ceramic products, the remains of people, there was nothing more. Apparently, the tombs looted in ancient times, as valuable things were not found. Scientists dated the burial with the era of the 18th Pharaoh Dynasty.

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