Law on the Russian nation. The Russian nation was given a definition

MOSCOW, October 31 - RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin, speaking in Astrakhan at a meeting of the Council for Interethnic Relations, supported the idea of ​​holding the Year of Unity of the Russian Nation, calling it "a landmark, consolidating event."

Also during the council, proposals were made to conduct an amnesty for illegal migrants, create a center for training specialists in the field of ethno-confessional relations and include the specialty "ethnologist-anthropologist" in the list of Russian professions.

year of unity

According to the President, the Year of the Unity of the Russian Nation would become "a landmark consolidating event that would affect almost every ethnic group, every nation that lives in Russia."

Putin lamented that far from everyone still understands what a beautiful country they live in, so for many it would be interesting to get acquainted with the peoples and ethnic groups that inhabit Russia.

“Such things that we, unfortunately, do not encounter in everyday life, but which, of course, are the basis of the Russian multinational people and, of course, are our value,” he added.

Putin also supported the idea of ​​developing a law on the Russian nation.

"We need to think about this and start working in practical terms," ​​the president said.

Interethnic harmony

Putin noted that interethnic harmony is an unconditional priority for Russia.

The President stressed that "interethnic relations are the most important, sensitive area, it is constantly developing, new problems appear here, unfortunately, and acute challenges." In order to respond competently and meaningfully to them, Putin believes, "modern and flexible solutions are needed."

"It is precisely these approaches that are outlined in the strategy of the state national policy. And largely thanks to its implementation, Russia is successfully countering global threats - these are extremism and terrorism," Putin said.

The head of state noted the intentions of the authorities to counter such destructive trends as the erosion of traditional values ​​and inciting ethnic hatred.

“And here the key role belongs to the public spiritual unity of our people. It consists of the realization by the citizens of Russia that they have people of different nationalities in a common country, they are united by common values ​​and traditions, great Russian culture, the Russian language,” Putin added.

He recalled that according to polls, almost 80% of Russians consider relations between people of different nationalities to be friendly or normal.

National Policy Program

The government is preparing a specialized state program, which should become a single main document for all those involved in the implementation of the national policy strategy, Putin said.

It, according to the president, will help with the coordination of the authorities implementing the national policy.

In his speech, Putin also drew attention to the need to preserve the traditions and customs of all the peoples of Russia and to respect religious values.

“The formation of Russian identity is a complex and slow process. But, of course, it is going on, and has been going on quite actively in recent years. Citizens perceive themselves as part of Russia, increasing responsibility for their country are becoming more and more stable,” the head of state said.

Adaptation of migrants

Putin was offered to speed up the finalization of the law on the adaptation of migrantsIt is necessary to involve not only the migration services, but also the Ministry of Education, as well as social activists in the creation of an effective law, the Russian Congress of the Peoples of the Caucasus said in the movement.

The head of state also touched upon the issue of adaptation of migrants. According to him, now this sphere "is not provided with sufficient legal norms, organizational and economic instruments."

Putin suggested defining a federal body that would deal with the social and cultural adaptation of migrants coming to Russia.

The President noted that when solving this problem, it is necessary to take into account the need for specialists in interethnic and interfaith relations.

"And so far, of course, they are clearly not enough," he stated.

In addition, Putin criticized the European migration policy, stressing that Russia should rely on its own experience.

Last week, the Russian government approved the Federal Target Program "Strengthening the Unity of the Russian Nation and the Ethno-Cultural Development of the Peoples of Russia", designed for the period up to 2020. This federal target program, in turn, is the so-called program-target instrument (at least that is how the government defines it) of the state program called “Regional Policy and Federal Relations”.

If you look at the document submitted by the government of the Russian Federation, then the main goal of the said FTP is the quote: “strengthening the unity of the multinational people of the Russian Federation (Russian nation)”, and the main tasks are defined as follows:

assistance in the formation of all-Russian civil patriotism and solidarity;

promotion of ethno-cultural diversity and socio-economic development of the peoples of Russia;

promoting the harmonization of inter-ethnic and ethno-confessional relations, as well as ensuring inter-ethnic peace and harmony.

The expected results of the program are the following (materials are taken from the description of the FTP):

an increase in the proportion of Russian citizens who consider themselves Russians or identify themselves as part of the Russian nation - up to 74%;

increase in the level of tolerant attitude towards representatives of another nationality - up to 85%;

an increase in the number of citizens who would positively characterize the state of interethnic relations in the Russian Federation - up to 65%;

implementation of those programs in the regions of the Russian Federation that would be aimed at harmonizing interethnic relations, as well as at strengthening civil unity throughout Russia.

The responsible executor of the program is the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation. And, in general, the Ministry of Regional Development should already start working in the designated areas of strengthening equality and fraternity, but when the program was adopted, an important snag was clarified ... The fact is that when the implementation plan for the federal target program under consideration was born, the initial financing of the project a few dozen pages of printed text, interspersed with very impressive formulas, amounted to 38.04 billion rubles. After the original adjustments to the program, which the Russian Cabinet of Ministers carried out, it was decided to cut funding by more than 5.5 times. The final financing of the program amounted to 6.76 billion rubles, of which two-thirds will be allocated from the federal treasury, and the remaining third - from regional and municipal budgets.

After a more than fivefold reduction in the level of funding for the program, the question arises: is the government going to abandon the implementation of the vast majority of the indicated points of the FTP, or will it reduce activity in the implementation of each by 5.5 times? In other words, will it not turn out that the appearance of a document called “Strengthening the unity of the Russian nation and the ethno-cultural development of the peoples of Russia” is nothing more than the appearance of another paper with promising goals and objectives, supported even by mathematical apparatus, but not supported by financial means and sometimes common sense...

The mathematical apparatus, it must be admitted, is more than serious, and one must pay tribute to those gentlemen who, on the basis of mathematical formulas, were going to increase the number of citizens who believe that interethnic conflicts do not manifest themselves in Russia at all.

For example, the Ministry of Regional Development, according to the approved plan, should use the formula

with which you can "easily" determine the number of subjects of the Russian Federation implementing programs for the harmonization of interethnic relations (the formula is taken in the form in which it was published in the documentary draft of the program - author's note).

However, it must be admitted that even if the program were to be financed in the amount that was originally determined for it (more than 38 billion rubles), it would hardly evoke unambiguously favorable reviews. The fact is that the expected results of the program raise certain questions. For example, what did the ideological inspirers of the program mean when they mentioned in the plans “an increase in the proportion of Russian citizens who consider themselves Russians or identify themselves as part of the Russian nation”? If we analyze these plans, we get the following picture: if one or another citizen of Russia, based on his ethnic roots, considers himself Russian or, for example, Evenk, then this should be taken as a negative, against which the work of the program is directed. So, or what?.. If so, then this is some kind of unsuccessful attempt to copy the Soviet experience of creating a state with a single Soviet people. Why unsuccessful? Yes, if only because any representative of the so-called Soviet people had a passport, which indicated his nationality, which he could rightly be proud of. A Soviet citizen - Russian, Tatar, Azerbaijani, Yakut, or no matter who by nationality. And after all, the indication of nationality in the passport did not jar on anyone, and did not interfere with the idea of ​​​​the friendship of peoples. And why on earth should it jar? ..

Based on the letter of the new government program, it turns out that in Russia to call oneself a representative of any nationality, with the exception of the "nationality" Russian - bad manners. What a strange thing?.. Why, under the guise of improving relations between the peoples of Russia at the government level, try to eliminate the diverse national composition of the country? With this, our government is somehow clumsily trying to repeat not even the Soviet, but the overseas experience, twisting the rule “you live in the USA, which means your nationality is American.” Is it possible that someone in our Cabinet, having seen enough of the so-called exhibition videos about life in the States, seriously believes that in the USA this approach has led to the complete leveling of nationalist manifestations ...

In order to turn Russian society into an objectively unified one, one should not try to artificially increase the number of those who are sure that interethnic tension is over, but make all citizens, without exception, equal before the law. Precisely, everyone, and only after that we can talk about civic tolerance, and interethnic peace, and solidarity... However, for some reason this item is not in the Federal Target Program... Apparently, the government has no money yet to "align" Russians under the banner of legality enough. Or courage… And if someone strives to be “more equal” than others, will the adopted FTP work? Those rhetorical questions again...


municipal program

"Strengthening the unity of the Russian nation and ethno-cultural development

peoples in the municipal district Davlekanovsky district

Republic of Bashkortostan"


administration decision

municipal district

Davlekanovsky district

Republic of Bashkortostan

municipal program

1. Name of the program

Strengthening the unity of the Russian nation and

ethnocultural development of peoples in the municipal district Davlekanovsky district

Republic of Bashkortostan

2. Basis for development program

implementation of the state national

politics in the Republic of Bashkortostan",

State program "Strengthening

unity of the Russian nation and the ethno-cultural development of peoples in the Republic of Bashkortostan”, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated September 7, 2016 No. 379

3. Customer of the program

Municipal District Administration

4. Program developers

Department of Culture of the Municipal District

Davlekanovsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan

5. Goals and objectives of the program

strengthening the all-Russian civic consciousness, unity and spiritual community of the multinational people of the Republic of Bashkortostan

strengthening civil unity and ensuring the harmonization of interethnic relations;

preservation and development of the ethnic uniqueness of the peoples of Russia;

preserving the diversity of culture and language

peoples of the Republic of Bashkortostan

6. The most important target indicators and indicators of the program

Participation in international, all-Russian, interregional, republican competitions and festivals aimed at strengthening interethnic unity, units;

number of events aimed at developing the culture of the peoples of Russia, units

number of participants in events aimed at the ethno-cultural development of the peoples of the Republic of Bashkortostan, pers.

7. Terms and stages of the program implementation

2017 - 2022 without division into stages

8. Volumes and sources of financing

For the implementation of program activities will be allocated in 2017-2022 from

funds from the budget of the municipal district Davlekanovsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan

1200.0 thousand rubles, including by years:

2017 - 200.0 thousand rubles;

2018 - 200.0 thousand rubles;

2019 - 200.0 thousand rubles;

2020 - 200.0 thousand rubles;

2021 - 200.0 thousand rubles;

2022 - 200.0 thousand rubles.

9. Expected end results

Participation in international, all-Russian, republican competitions and festivals aimed at strengthening interethnic unity, 30 items;

number of activities aimed

for the development of the culture of the peoples of Russia, 21 items;

number of event participants,

aimed at ethnocultural development

peoples of Russia, 26,682 people.

1. Description of the current state of the unity strengthening sphere

Russian nation and ethno-cultural development of peoples

in the municipal district D avlekanovsky district

Davlekanovsky district is located in the south-west of the Republic of Bashkortostan, 90 kilometers from the city of Ufa. Formed in 1930. Its center is the city of Davlekanovo. There are 91 rural settlements in the district.

The population is 41 thousand people, of which 18.3 thousand live in rural areas. National composition (according to the results of the 2010 census):

15,146 (36.3%) - Bashkirs

15059 (36.1%) - Russians

7321 (17.5%) - Tatars

1436 (3.4%) - Chuvash

1376 (3.3%) are Ukrainians.

In the region, the issues of strengthening the unity of the Russian nation and the ethno-cultural development of peoples are given great attention, since the stability and prosperity of the multinational state, its sovereignty, civil peace, and observance of the principles of equality and self-determination of peoples depend on this.

An effective national policy influences public consciousness, contributes to the formation of a positive worldview, the upbringing of a sense of patriotism in the younger generation, the strengthening of friendship and harmony between peoples, and the preservation of the historically established state unity.

There are regional public organizations: kurultai of the Bashkirs, the Cathedral of Russians, the Congress of Tatars, the Chuvash Kanash Society, which do a lot of work to preserve the original culture, study languages, provide methodological assistance in organizing events, cooperate with the administration of the municipal district, educational institutions, cultural institutions, etc. public organizations.

In order to preserve the traditions, develop and popularize the folk art of the peoples living in the region, 5 national cultural centers have been created:

1. Russian center of national culture (Ivanovo branch of the regional House of Culture).

2. Bashkir Center of National Culture (Kuryatmasovsky).

3. Tatar Center of National Culture (Tashly-Sharipovsky).

4. Chuvash Center of National Culture (Chuyunchi-Nikolaev).

5. Ukrainian Center of National Culture (Khotomly).

In the municipal district Davlekanovsky district there are: the district House of Culture with 35 branches in rural areas, the Davlekanovsky inter-settlement central library (central library, central children's library, city branch No. 1 and 23 branches in the countryside (2 of them are rural model libraries), historical Museum of Local Lore, Museum of Akhiyar Khakimov, Film and Video Network, Children's Art School.

In the region and the city there are 9 teams with the title of "People's", and 8 - "Exemplary".

In the municipal district Davlekanovsky district, the Commission on State-Confessional Relations under the administration of the municipal district Davlekanovsky district and the Council under the administration on strengthening interethnic harmony are working. Joint meetings are held quarterly. Work is underway with religious organizations and representatives of national communities. In order to prevent asocial manifestations among young people, conversations with representatives of traditional confessions are organized in educational institutions.

Leaders of religious organizations take part in city-wide parent-teacher meetings.

The necessary conditions have been created in the district for the formation of a favorable environment aimed at the ethnocultural and multicultural development of children and youth: there are cultural and educational institutions that work together to strengthen civil unity and harmonize interethnic relations. Regional mass media carry out information activities in two state languages ​​of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

The district hosts events dedicated to the Day of National Unity, as well as ceremonial events dedicated to the memorable dates of the peoples of Russia.

An open regional festival of folk art "Pearls of Folk Art", "Shezhere Bayramy", "Wide Shrovetide", "Navruz", "Day of Slavic Literature", etc. is held annually.

The development of interethnic relations, interregional contacts is facilitated by the annual regional holiday of labor, culture and sports "Sabantuy".

The most important direction in the field of culture and art of the region is the development of interregional and international cooperation: creative teams actively participate in international, all-Russian and republican competitions.

Activities for the development of national cultures and interregional cooperation in various fields are relevant and aimed not only at maintaining interethnic peace and harmony in the municipal district of Davlekanovsky district, but also at popularizing national holidays.

In the municipal district Davlekanovsky district there are 22 general education institutions (16 secondary, 4 basic, 2 primary), 10 branches of secondary and basic schools. The total number of students is 4634, of which:

Preschool education system includes 18 preschool educational institutions and 11 preschool groups at MOBU secondary school, Ivangorod village, s. Dawn, p. Imai-Karmaly, p. Ivanovka, s. Chuyunchi, MOBU OOSH s. Mikyashevo, s. Chuyunchi-Nikolaevka, MBOU NOSH d. Sokolovka, s. Kazangulovo, MOBU secondary school No. 1, Davlekanovo.

1738 children are covered by pre-school education services: in Davlekanovo - 1425, in rural settlements - 313.

The system of additional education in the district is represented by two institutions of additional education for children:

House of Children's Creativity, where 1378 children receive additional educational services;

Children's and youth sports school "Sambo-75" with 570 students.

Education conducted in Russian, bashk Irsk, Chuvash languages. The schools organize the study of native Russian, Bashkir, Tatar and Chuvash languages.

In 8 schools (including 5 branches) 621 students study in the Bashkir language, which is 47% of the total number of students of the Bashkir nationality. In 11 schools, 504 students study their native Bashkir language, which is 38% of the total number of students of the Bashkir nationality, and in 9 schools (including 2 branches), 470 students (36%) study Bashkir as the state language. In total, 1279 students study and study the language in the Bashkir language, which is 98% of the total number of students of the Bashkir nationality.

In 5 schools, the Tatar language is studied as a native language. Two schools in the district provide instruction in the Chuvash language.

In the municipal district of Davlekanovsky district, there are two innovative national educational organizations: MOBU lyceum-boarding school, MOBU BGI No. 3.

An important role in the implementation of language and national policy is played by teachers of native languages. A methodological association has been created.

2. Purpose and objectives of the municipal program

The purpose of the municipal program is determined in accordance with the Strategy of the State National Policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 19, 2012 No. 1666, the federal target program "Strengthening the unity of the Russian nation and the ethnocultural development of the peoples of Russia (2014-2020) )”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 20, 2013 No. 718 (with subsequent amendments), the state program “Strengthening the unity of the Russian nation and the ethno-cultural development of peoples in the Republic of Bashkortostan”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan of September 7, 2016 No. 379 and provides:

Comprehensive development of interethnic relations and preservation of the ethnic and cultural diversity of the peoples of the Republic of Bashkortostan;

Strengthening the all-Russian civic consciousness and spiritual community of the multinational people of the Russian Federation (Russian nation);

Preservation and development of the ethno-cultural diversity of the peoples of Russia;

Promoting the comprehensive and harmonious development of the Bashkir ethnic group;

Harmonization of national and interethnic (interethnic) relations;

Assistance to national-cultural development;

Formation in children and youth of an all-Russian civic consciousness, a sense of patriotism, civic responsibility, pride in the history of the country, fostering a culture of interethnic communication based on tolerance, respect for the honor and national dignity of citizens, spiritual and moral values ​​​​of the peoples of Russia;

The forecast for the development of the situation in the field of strengthening the unity of the Russian nation and the ethno-cultural development of the peoples of Russia in the municipal district of Davlekanovsky district is formed in accordance with the strategic documents of the socio-economic development of the Republic of Bashkortostan. In the forecast period, additional conditions will be created in the region for successful work on the harmonization of interethnic relations, for strengthening intercultural dialogue and civil unity through active interaction with public associations and youth organizations.

The purpose of the municipal program is to strengthen the all-Russian civic consciousness, unity and spiritual community of the multinational people living in the municipal district of Davlekanovsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

To achieve this goal, within the framework of the implementation of the municipal program, it is planned to solve the following tasks:

Strengthen civil unity and ensure the harmonization of interethnic relations;

To ensure the preservation and development of the ethnic uniqueness of the peoples of Russia;

Preserve the diversity of culture and language of the peoples of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

3. Terms and stages of implementation of the municipal program

The municipal program is designed for the period from 2017 to 2022 without division into stages to ensure the continuity of the solution of the tasks set.

4. List of target indicators and indicators of the municipal program

The target indicators of the program are set in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 602 "On Ensuring Interethnic Accord", Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 20, 2013 No. 718 "On the Federal Target Program "Strengthening the Unity of the Russian Nation and Ethnocultural Development of Peoples Russia (2014-2020)”, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2014 No. 808 “On approval of the Fundamentals of State Cultural Policy”, Decrees of the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan of May 4, 1999 No. UP-243 “On the implementation of the Law of the Republic of Bashkortostan “On languages ​​of the peoples of the Republic of Bashkortostan" (with subsequent amendments), dated November 30, 2013 No. UP-371 "On assessing the effectiveness of the activities of the republican executive authorities" (with subsequent amendments), other regulatory legal documents in the field of national policy of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

List of target indicators:

participation in international, all-Russian, interregional, republican competitions and festivals aimed at strengthening interethnic unity,

the number of events aimed at the development of culture peoples living in the municipal district Davlekanovsky district;

the number of participants in events aimed at the ethno-cultural development of the peoples of the Republic of Bashkortostan.


target indicators and performance indicators of the municipal program

"Strengthening the unity of the Russian nation and the ethno-cultural development of peoples

in the municipal district Davlekanovsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan "

Name of the target indicator and indicator of the municipal program, unit of measurement

The actual value of the target indicator and indicator
at the time of the development of the municipal program
(for 2016)

Values ​​of the target indicator and indicator by years

Participation in International, All-Russian, Interregional, Republican competitions and festivals aimed at strengthening interethnic unity

Number of events aimed at the development of culture peoples living in MR Davlekanovsky district(unit)

Number of participants in events aimed at the ethnocultural development of the peoples of the Republic of Bashkortostan

5. Information on the procedure for collecting information and methods for calculating program indicators

The source of information for the calculation is the data of municipal institutions of culture and art that implement the program activities.

6. Financial support of the municipal program

The implementation of the program activities is carried out at the expense of the budget of the municipal district Davlekanovsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

The projected amount of funding for the program is 1,200.0 thousand rubles:

2017 - 200.0 thousand rubles;

2018 - 200.0 thousand rubles;

2019 - 200.0 thousand rubles;

2020 - 200.0 thousand rubles;

2021 - 200.0 thousand rubles;

2022 - 200.0 thousand rubles.

Russian President Vladimir Putin supported the idea of ​​creating a separate federal law on the Russian nation

During a meeting of the Council on Interethnic Relations, which President Vladimir Putin held in Astrakhan on Monday, Vyacheslav Mikhailov, head of the department of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, suggested "going from strategy to federal law", which should incorporate all the innovations related to interethnic relations and be called "On the Russian Nation and the Management of Interethnic Relations". Putin supported the idea, reports TASS.

"Good offer," the agency quoted the president as saying.

“But what exactly can and should be implemented is exactly what you need to think about and start working on in practical terms - this is the law on the Russian nation,” Interfax quotes Putin.

According to the President, a strategy for the development of national relations in Russia could grow into such a law. “Our strategy, which we worked out together with you, should be transformed, but only this needs to be worked on properly,” he said.

Putin also supported the proposal of the meeting participants to hold a year of unity of the Russian nation. “But you just need to choose this year,” the president noted, explaining that the year of the unity of the Russian nation must be chosen so that it does not overlap with the already announced all-Russian thematic annual events.

"This could be a big, significant, consolidating event that would affect almost every ethnic group, every nation that lives in Russia," Putin added.

In March 2015, on behalf of Putin, the Federal Agency for Nationalities Affairs was created in Russia. Its tasks include the implementation of state policy in the field of interethnic and interfaith relations, "strengthening the unity of the multinational people of the Russian Federation", protecting the rights of national minorities and indigenous peoples of the country, preventing any form of discrimination based on racial, national, religious or linguistic affiliation and preventing attempts incitement of racial, national and religious discord, hatred and enmity.

In 2012, Putin approved the Strategy of State Ethnic Policy for the period up to 2025, which refers, in particular, to the “spiritual community of the multinational people of the Russian Federation (Russian nation), the need to “preserve and develop the ethnocultural diversity of the peoples of Russia” and “successful social and cultural adaptation and integration of migrants”.

Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting of the Council for Interethnic Relations in Astrakhan approved the idea of ​​creating a separate federal law on interethnic relations.

“Good suggestion,” he commented on the relevant idea.

In particular, a proposal was made to "go from strategy to federal law", which should incorporate all the innovations related to interethnic relations. The author of this idea is the head of the department of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration Vyacheslav Mikhailov. He also proposed the name of the law - "On the Russian nation and the management of interethnic relations."

Putin also supported the idea of ​​holding the Year of Unity of the Russian Nation.

Previously, journalists asked Putin what he considers the national idea of ​​Russia. “The American dream of a car and a paid loan is not enough for us,” he replied. According to the president, "for Russia, the feeling of patriotism and national identity is very important, which is now being lost in some countries, unfortunately for them." “We have this inside, in the heart - love for the fatherland. One of our national ideas is patriotism,” he added.

Russian President Vladimir Putin supported the idea of ​​creating a law on the Russian nation. It is assumed that the law will regulate interethnic relations.

Details: Any use of materials is allowed only if there is a hyperlink to REGNUM news agency.

“But what exactly can and should be implemented - this is what needs to be thought about and in practical terms, start working - this is the law on the Russian nation,” the president said at a meeting of the council for nationalities.

In addition, Putin supported the idea of ​​holding the Year of Unity of the Russian Nation. “This could be a very big landmark consolidating event that would affect almost every ethnic group, every nation that lives in Russia,” the head of state noted, pointing out the need to choose this year.

As REGNUM reported earlier, the State Duma has repeatedly stated the need to adopt a law on nationalities in the Russian Federation. In addition, the initiative to return the obligatory “nationality” column in the passport was discussed.

Part 2
UDC 323.1(470+571)

BBK 66.3(2Ros),5 P78

The publication was commissioned by the Department of Internal Policy of the Administration of the Governor of the Perm Territory as part of the implementation of the subprogram "Implementation of the state national policy in the Perm Territory" of the state program "Ensuring interaction between society and government"

Problems of strengthening the unity of the Russian nation: materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical forum "Problems of strengthening and maintaining civil unity in the region: philosophical, cultural, art and religious aspects" (Perm, September 17 - 19, 2014). At 2 o'clock. Part 2 / otv. ed. S.A. Nikolsky, M.G. Pismanik; Perm. state acad. arts and culture. - Perm, 2014. - 200 p.

ISBN 978-5-91201-154-2 (Part 2)

The collection contains materials from the All-Russian scientific and practical forum "Problems of strengthening and maintaining civil unity in the region: philosophical, cultural, art and religious aspects" (Perm, September 17-19, 2014). The authors of the presented materials are more than 70 researchers - philosophers, culturologists, sociologists, ethnologists, religious scholars, teachers, psychologists, theologians, philologists, art critics and jurists from 15 regions of the Russian Federation, as well as from Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Israel. The collection consists of two parts and includes four thematic sections: “State. Society. Unity”, “Culture and Unity”, “Family. Upbringing. Education”, “Ethnic and Religious Aspects of Unity”. The materials of the collection are of interest not only to scholars in the humanities, but also to the organizers of the implementation of the Federal Target Program "Strengthening the unity of the Russian nation and the ethno-cultural development of the peoples of Russia (2014 - 2020)".

Editorial team:

S. A. Nikolsky (responsible editor); M. G. Pismanik (responsible editor)

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