What is studying the course of general physics Trofimov. The subject of physics and its relationship with other sciences

11th ed., Erased. - M .: 2006.- 560 p.

Tutorial(9th edition, revised and enlarged, 2004) consists of seven parts, which set out the physical foundations of mechanics, molecular physics and thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, optics, quantum physics atoms, molecules and solids, physics of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles... The issue of combining mechanical and electromagnetic oscillations has been rationally resolved. The logical continuity and connection between the classical and modern physics... Control questions and tasks for independent solution are given.

For students of engineering and technical specialties of higher educational institutions.

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1. Physical fundamentals mechanics.
Chapter 1. Elements of kinematics

§ 1. Models in mechanics. Reference system. Trajectory, path length, displacement vector

§ 2. Speed

§ 3. Acceleration and its components

§ 4. Angular velocity and angular acceleration


Chapter 2. Dynamics material point and translational motion of a rigid body Force

§ 6. Newton's second law

§ 7. Newton's third law

§ 8. Friction forces

§ 9. The law of conservation of momentum. Center of mass

§ 10. Equation of motion of a body of variable mass


Chapter 3. Work and energy

§ 11. Energy, work, power

§ 12. Kinetic and potential energies

§ 13. Law of conservation of energy

§ 14. Graphical representation of energy

§ 15. Impact of absolutely elastic and inelastic bodies


Chapter 4. Rigid Body Mechanics

§ 16. Moment of inertia

§ 17. Kinetic energy of rotation

§ 18. Moment of power. Equation of the dynamics of the rotational motion of a rigid body.

§ 19. Moment of impulse and the law of its conservation
§ 20. Free axes. Gyroscope
§ 21. Deformations of a rigid body

Chapter 5. Gravitation. Elements of field theory
§ 22. Kepler's laws. The law of universal gravitation
§ 23. Gravity and weight. Weightlessness .. 48 y 24. The gravitational field and its intensity
§ 25. Work in a gravitational field. Potential of the gravitational field
Section 26. Space speeds

§ 27. Non-inertial frames of reference. Forces of inertia

Chapter 6. Elements of fluid mechanics
§ 28. Pressure in liquid and gas
§ 29. The equation of continuity
§ 30. Bernoull's equation and consequences from it
§ 31. Viscosity ( internal friction). Laminar and turbulent fluid flow regimes
§ 32. Methods for determining the viscosity
§ 33. Movement of bodies in liquids and gases

Chapter 7. Elements of the special (particular) theory of relativity
§ 35. Postulates of the special (particular) theory of relativity
§ 36. Lorentz transformations
§ 37. Consequences from the Lorentz transformations
Section 38. Interval between events
§ 39. The basic law of the relativistic dynamics of a material point
§ 40. The law of the relationship of mass and energy

2. Fundamentals of Molecular Physics and Thermodynamics
Chapter 8. Molecular-kinetic theory of ideal gases
§ 41. Research methods. Experienced ideal gas laws
§ 42. Clapeyron - Mendeleev equation
§ 43. The basic equation of the molecular-kinetic theory of ideal gases
§ 44. Maxwell's law on the distribution of ideal gas molecules by velocities and energies of thermal motion
§ 45. Barometric formula. Boltzmann distribution
§ 46. Average number of collisions and average mean free path of molecules
§ 47. Experimental substantiation of the molecular kinetic theory
§ 48. Transport phenomena in thermodynamically nonequilibrium systems
§ 49. Vacuum and methods of obtaining it. Properties of ultra-rarefied gases

Chapter 9. Fundamentals of thermodynamics.
§ 50. The number of degrees of freedom of the molecule. The law of uniform distribution of energy over the degrees of freedom of molecules
§ 51. The first law of thermodynamics
§ 52. Work of gas when changing its volume
§ 53. Heat capacity
§ 54. Application of the first law of thermodynamics to isoprocesses
§ 55. Adiabatic process. Polytropic process
§ 57. Entropy, its statistical interpretation and connection with thermodynamic probability
§ 58. The second law of thermodynamics
§ 59. Heat engines and refrigerating machines Carnot cycle and its efficiency for ideal gas
Chapter 10. Real gases, liquids and solids
§ 61. Van der Waals equation
§ 62. Van der Waals isotherms and their analysis
Section 63. Internal energy of real gas
§ 64. Joule-Thomson effect
Section 65. Liquefaction of gases
§ 66. Properties of liquids. Surface tension
Section 67. Wetting
§ 68. Pressure under the curved surface of the liquid
§ 69. Capillary phenomena
§ 70. Solids. Mono- and polycrystals
§ 71. Types of crystalline solids
§ 72. Defects in crystals
§ 75. Phase transitions of the first and second kind
§ 76. State diagram. Triple point

3. Electricity and magnetism
Chapter 11. Electrostatics
Section 77. Law of conservation of electric charge
Section 78. Coulomb's Law
§ 79. Electrostatic field. Electrostatic field strength
§ 80. Principle of superposition of electrostatic fields. Dipole field
§ 81. Gauss's theorem for an electrostatic field in vacuum
§ 82. Application of Gauss's theorem to the calculation of some electrostatic fields in vacuum
§ 83. Circulation of the vector of the intensity of the electrostatic field
§ 84. Potential of the electrostatic field
§ 85. Tension as a gradient of potential. Equipotential surfaces
§ 86. Calculation of the potential difference from the field strength
§ 87. Types of dielectrics. Dielectric polarization
§ 88. Polarization. The field strength in the dielectric
§ 89. Electrical mixing. Gauss's theorem for the electrostatic field in a dielectric
§ 90. Conditions at the interface between two dielectric media
§ 91. Ferroelectrics
§ 92. Conductors in an electrostatic field
§ 93. Electrical capacity of a secluded conductor
§ 94. Capacitors
§ 95. Energy of a system of charges, a solitary conductor and a capacitor. Energy of the electrostatic field
Chapter 12. Direct electric current
§ 96. Electric current, strength and current density
Section 97. Outside Forces. Electromotive force and voltage
§ 98. Ohm's law. Conductor resistance

Section 99 work and power Joule-Lenz law
§ 100. Ohm's law for a non-uniform section of a chain
§ 101. Kirchhoff rules for branched chains
Chapter 13. Electric currents in metals, vacuum and gases
§ 104. Work function of electrons from metal
§ 105. Emission phenomena and their application
§ 106. Ionization of gases. Non-self-sustaining gas discharge
§ 107. Self-contained gas discharge and its types
§ 108. Plasma and its properties

Chapter 14. Magnetic field.
§ 109. Magnetic field and its characteristics
§ 110. Law of Bio - Savart - Laplace and its application to the calculation of the magnetic field
Section 111. Ampere's law. Interaction of parallel currents
§ 112. Magnetic constant. Units of magnetic induction and magnetic field strength
§ 113. The magnetic field of a moving charge
§ 114. The action of a magnetic field on a moving charge
§ 115. Movement of charged particles in a magnetic field
§ 117. Hall effect
§ 118. Circulation of the vector B of the magnetic field in vacuum
Section 119. Magnetic fields solenoid and toroid
§ 121. Work on moving a conductor and a circuit with a current in a magnetic field

Chapter 15. Electromagnetic induction
§ 122. Phenomenon electromagnetic induction(Faraday's experiments
§ 123. Faraday's law and its derivation from the law of conservation of energy
§ 125. Eddy currents (Foucault currents
§ 126. Inductance of the circuit. Self-induction
§ 127. Currents when opening and closing a circuit
§ 128. Mutual induction
Section 129. Transformers
§130. Magnetic field energy
summer cottages
Chapter 16. Magnetic properties substances
§ 131. Magnetic moments of electrons and atoms
§ 132. Bottom and paramagnetism
§ 133. Magnetization. Magnetic field in matter
§ 134. Conditions at the interface between two magnets
§ 135. Ferromagnets and their properties

§ 136. The nature of ferromagnetism
Chapter 17. Fundamentals of Maxwell's Theory for Electromagnetic Zero
§ 137. Vortex electric field
Section 138. Bias current
§ 139. Maxwell's equations for electromagnetic field

4. Oscillations and waves.
Chapter 18. Mechanical and electromagnetic vibrations
§ 140. Harmonic vibrations and their characteristics
§ 141. Mechanical harmonic vibrations
§ 142. Harmonic oscillator. Spring, physical and mathematical pendulums
§ 144. Addition harmonic vibrations same direction and same frequency. Beats
§ 145. Addition of mutually perpendicular vibrations
Section 146. Differential equation free damped oscillations (mechanical and electromagnetic) and its solution. Self-oscillations
§ 147. Differential equation of forced oscillations (mechanical and electromagnetic) and its solution
§ 148. Amplitude and phase of forced oscillations (mechanical and electromagnetic). Resonance
§ 149. Alternating current
§ 150. Resonance of stresses
§ 151. Resonance of currents
§ 152. Power allocated in the alternating current circuit

Chapter 19. Elastic waves.
§ 153. Wave processes. Longitudinal and transverse waves
§ 154. The equation of a traveling wave. Phase velocity. Wave equation

§ 155. The principle of superposition. Group speed
§ 156. Wave interference
§ 157. Standing waves
Section 158. Sound waves
§ 159. Doppler effect in acoustics
Section 160. Ultrasound and its application


Chapter 20. Electromagnetic waves.
§ 161. Experimental production of electromagnetic waves
§ 162. Differential equation of an electromagnetic wave

§ 163. Energy of electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic pulse

§ 164. Radiation of the dipole. Application of electromagnetic waves

5. Optics. The quantum nature of radiation.

Chapter 21. Elements of geometric and electronic optics.
§ 165. Basic laws of optics. Full reflection
§ 166. Thin lenses. Image of objects using lenses
§ 167. Aberrations (errors) optical systems
§ 168. Basic photometric quantities and their units
Chapter 22. Interference of light
§ 170. Development of ideas about the nature of light
§ 171. Coherence and monochromaticity of light waves
§ 172. Interference of light
§ 173. Methods for observing the interference of light
§ 174. Interference of light in thin films
§ 175. Application of interference of light
Chapter 23. Light diffraction
§ 177. Method of Fresnel zones. Rectilinear light propagation
§ 178. Fresnel diffraction on a round hole and disk
§ 179. Fraunhofer diffraction on one slit
§ 180. Fraunhofer diffraction on a diffraction grating
§ 181. Spatial lattice. Scattering of light
§ 182. Diffraction on a spatial lattice. Wolfe's formula - Braggs
§ 183. Resolution of optical devices
§ 184. The concept of holography

Chapter 24. Interaction of electromagnetic waves with matter.
§ 185. Dispersion of light
§ 186. Electronic theory of dispersion of light
§ 188. Doppler effect
§ 189. Vavilov - Cherenkov radiation

Chapter 25. Polarization of light
§ 190. Natural and polarized light
§ 191. Polarization of light during reflection and refraction at the boundary of two dielectrics
§ 192. Double refraction
§ 193. Polarizing prisms and polaroids
§ 194. Analysis of polarized light

§ 195. Artificial optical anisotropy
§ 196. Rotation of the plane of polarization


Chapter 26. Quantum nature of radiation.
§ 197. Thermal radiation and its characteristics.

§ 198. Kirchhoff's law
§ 199. Laws of Stefan - Boltzmann and Vin's displacement

§ 200. Formulas of Rayleigh-Jeans and Planck.
§ 201. Optical pyrometry. Thermal light sources
§ 203. Einstein's equation for the external photoelectric effect. Experimental confirmation of the quantum properties of light
§ 204. Application of the photoelectric effect
§ 205. Mass and momentum of a photon. Light pressure
§ 206. Compton effect and its elementary theory
§ 207. The unity of corpuscular and wave properties of electromagnetic radiation

6. Elements of quantum physics

Chapter 27. Bohr's theory of the hydrogen atom.

§ 208. Models of the atom of Thomson and Rutherford
§ 209. Line spectrum of the hydrogen atom
§ 210. Bohr's postulates
§ 211. Frank's experiments in Hertz
§ 212. The spectrum of the hydrogen atom according to Bohr


Chapter 28. Elements of Quantum Mechanics
§ 213. Corpuscular-wave dualism of the properties of matter
§ 214. Some properties of de Broglie waves
§ 215. Relationship of uncertainties
§ 216. Wave function and its statistical meaning
Section 217. General equation Schrödinger. Schrödinger equation for stationary states
Section 218. The principle of causality in quantum mechanics
§ 219. Motion of a free particle
§ 222. Linear harmonic oscillator in quantum mechanics
Chapter 29. Elements of modern physics of atoms t molecules
§ 223. The hydrogen atom in quantum mechanics
§ 224. L-combustion of an electron in a hydrogen atom
§ 225. The spin of the electron. Spin quantum number
§ 226. The principle of indistinguishability of identical particles. Fermions and bosons
§ 229. X-ray spectra
§ 231. Molecular spectra. Raman light scattering
§ 232. Absorption, spontaneous and stimulated emission
Chapter 30. Elements of Quantum Statistics
§ 234. Quantum statistics. Phase space. Distribution function
§ 235. The concept of quantum statistics Bose - Einstein and Fermi - Dirac
§ 236. Degenerate electron gas in metals
§ 237. The concept of the quantum theory of heat capacity. Phonols
§ 238. Conclusions of the quantum theory of electrical conductivity of metals
! Josephson effect
Chapter 31. Elements of solid state physics
§ 240. The concept of the band theory of solids
§ 241. Metals, dielectrics and semiconductors according to band theory
§ 242. Intrinsic conductivity of semiconductors
§ 243. Impurity conductivity of semiconductors
§ 244. Photoconductivity of semiconductors
§ 245. Luminescence of solids
§ 246. Contact of two metals according to the band theory
§ 247. Thermoelectric phenomena and their application
§ 248. Rectification at the metal-semiconductor contact
§ 250. Semiconductor diodes and triodes (transistors

7. Elements of physics of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles.

Chapter 32. Elements of physics of the atomic nucleus.

§ 252. Mass defect and binding energy, nucleus

§ 253. Spin of the nucleus and its magnetic moment

Section 254. Nuclear forces... Kernel models

§ 255. Radioactive radiation and its types Displacement rules

§ 257. Laws of a-decay

§ 259. Gamma radiation and its properties.

§ 260. Resonant absorption of γ-radiation (Mössbauer effect

§ 261. Methods of observation and registration of radioactive radiation and particles

Section 262. Nuclear reactions and their main types

§ 263. Positron. /> - Decay. Electronic capture

§ 265. Nuclear fission reaction
Section 266. Chain reaction division
§ 267. The concept of nuclear power
§ 268. Reaction of fusion of atomic nuclei. The problem of controlled thermonuclear reactions
Chapter 33. Elements of elementary particle physics
§ 269. Cosmic radiation
§ 270. Muons and their properties
§ 271. Mesons and their properties
§ 272. Types of interactions of elementary particles
§ 273. Particles and antiparticles
§ 274. Hyperones. The strangeness and parity of elementary particles
§ 275. Classification of elementary particles. Quarks
Basic laws and formulas
1. Physical foundations of mechanics
2. Fundamentals of Molecular Physics and Thermodynamics
4. Oscillations and waves
5. Optics. The quantum nature of radiation
6. Elements of quantum physics of atoms, molecules and solids

7. Elements of physics of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles
Subject index

5th ed., Erased. - M .: 2006.- 352 p.

The book in a concise and accessible form sets out the material on all sections of the program of the course "Physics" - from mechanics to the physics of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles. For university students. Useful for reviewing the material covered and preparing for exams in universities, technical schools, colleges, schools, preparatory departments and courses.

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Foreword 3
Introduction 4
Physics subject 4
Relationship of physics with other sciences 5
Mechanics and its structure 6
Chapter 1. Elements of kinematics 7
Models in mechanics. Kinematic equations of motion of a material point. Trajectory, path length, displacement vector. Speed. Acceleration and its components. Angular velocity. Angular acceleration.
Chapter 2 Dynamics of a material point and translational motion of a rigid body 14
Newton's first law. Weight. Power. Newton's second and third laws. Impulse conservation law. The law of motion of the center of mass. Friction forces.
Chapter 3. Work and Energy 19
Work, energy, power. Kinetic and potential energy. The connection between conservative strength and potential energy. Full energy. Law of energy conservation. Graphical representation of energy. Absolutely resilient impact. Absolutely inelastic blow
Chapter 4. Rigid Body Mechanics 26
Moment of inertia. Steiner's theorem. Moment of power. Kinetic energy of rotation. Dynamics equation rotary motion solid body. Moment of impulse and the law of its conservation. Deformations of a solid. Hooke's Law. Relationship between strain and stress.
Chapter 5. Gravitation. Elements of field theory 32
The law of universal gravitation. Characteristics of the gravitational field. Work in the gravitational field. The relationship between the potential of the gravitational field and its strength. Space speeds. Forces of inertia.
Chapter 6. Elements of fluid mechanics 36
Pressure in liquid and gas. Continuity equation. Bernoulli's equation. Some applications of the Bernoulli equation. Viscosity (internal friction). Modes of flow of liquids.
Chapter 7. Elements special theory relativity 41
The mechanical principle of relativity. Galileo's transformations. SRT postulates. Lorentz transformations. Consequences from the Lorentz transformations (1). Consequences from the Lorentz transformations (2). The interval between events. The basic law of relativistic dynamics. Energy in relativistic dynamics.
Chapter 8. Molecular-knetic theory of ideal gases 48
Sections of physics: molecular physics and thermodynamics. Thermodynamics research method. Temperature scales. Perfect gas. The laws of Boyle-Marie-otga, Avogadro, Dalton. Gay-Lussac's Law. Clapeyron-Mendeleev equation. Basic equation of molecular kinetic theory. Maxwell's Law on the Velocity Distribution of Ideal Gas Molecules. Barometric formula. Boltzmann distribution. Average free path of molecules. Some experiments confirming MKT. Transport phenomena (1). Transport phenomena (2).
Chapter 9. Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 60
Internal energy. The number of degrees of freedom. The law on the uniform distribution of energy over the degrees of freedom of molecules. The first law of thermodynamics. Gas work when its volume changes. Specific heat (1). Specific heat (2). Application of the first law of thermodynamics to isoprocesses (1). Application of the first law of thermodynamics to isoprocesses (2). Adiabatic process. Circular process (cycle). Reversible and irreversible processes. Entropy (1). Entropy (2). The second law of thermodynamics. Heat engine. Karno's theorem. Refrigeration machine. Carnot cycle.
Chapter 10. Real gases, liquids and solids 76
Forces and potential energy of intermolecular interactions. Van der Waals equation (equation of state for real gases). Van der Waals isotherms and their analysis (1). Van der Waals isotherms and their analysis (2). Internal energy of real gas. Liquids and their description. Surface tension of liquids. Wetting. Capillary phenomena. Solids: crystalline and amorphous. Mono- and polycrystals. Crystallographic feature of crystals. Crystal types according to physical attribute. Defects in crystals. Evaporation, sublimation, melting and crystallization. Phase transitions. State diagram. Triple point. Analysis of the experimental state diagram.
Chapter 11. Electrostatics 94
Electric charge and its properties. Charge conservation law. Coulomb's law. The strength of the electrostatic field. Lines of intensity of the electrostatic field. Tension vector flow. Superposition principle. Dipole field. Gauss's theorem for an electrostatic field in a vacuum. Application of the Gauss theorem to the calculation of fields in vacuum (1). Application of the Gauss theorem to the calculation of fields in vacuum (2). Circulation of the vector of the strength of the electrostatic field. Potential of the electrostatic field. Potential difference. Superposition principle. The connection between tension and potential. Equipotential surfaces. Calculation of the potential difference from the field strength. Types of dielectrics. Polarization of dielectrics. Polarization. The field strength in the dielectric. Electrical displacement. Gauss's theorem for a field in a dielectric. Conditions at the interface between two dielectric media. Conductors in an electrostatic field. Electric capacity. Flat capacitor. Connecting capacitors to batteries. Energy of a system of charges and a solitary conductor. Energy of a charged capacitor. Energy of the electrostatic field.
Chapter 12. Direct electric current 116
Electric current, strength and current density. Outside forces. Electromotive force (EMF). Voltage. Resistance of conductors. Ohm's law for a single-rod section in a closed circuit. Work and power of the current. Ohm's law for a non-uniform section of a chain (generalized Ohm's law (OZO)). Kirchhoff rules for branched chains.
Chapter 13. Electric currents in metals, vacuum and gases 124
The nature of current carriers in metals. The classical theory of electrical conductivity of metals (1). The classical theory of electrical conductivity of metals (2). Work function of electrons from metals. Emission phenomena. Ionization of gases. Non-self-sustaining gas discharge. Self-contained gas discharge.
Chapter 14. Magnetic field 130
Description of the magnetic field. The main characteristics of the magnetic field. Magnetic induction lines. Superposition principle. Bio-Savart-Laplace's law and its application. Ampere's law. Interaction of parallel currents. Magnetic constant. Units B and H. Magnetic field of a moving charge. The action of a magnetic field on a moving charge. The movement of charged particles in
magnetic field. Circulation theorem for vector B. Magnetic fields of the solenoid and toroid. Flux of the vector of magnetic induction. Gauss's theorem for the field B. Work on the movement of a conductor and a circuit with a current in a magnetic field.
Chapter 15. Electromagnetic induction 142
Faraday's experiments and consequences from them. Faraday's law (law of electromagnetic induction). Lenz's rule. EMF of induction in fixed conductors. Rotation of the frame in a magnetic field. Eddy currents. Circuit inductance. Self-induction. Opening and closing currents. Mutual induction. Transformers. The energy of the magnetic field.
Chapter 16. Magnetic properties of matter 150
Electron magnetic moment. Dia- and paramagnets. Magnetization. Magnetic field in matter. The law of the total current for a magnetic field in matter (the theorem on the circulation of the vector B). Circulation theorem for the vector H. Conditions at the interface between two magnets. Ferromagnets and their properties.
Chapter 17. Foundations of Maxwell's theory for the electromagnetic field 156
Vortex electric field. Bias current (1). Bias current (2). Maxwell's equations for the electromagnetic field.
Chapter 18. Mechanical and electromagnetic vibrations 160
Oscillations: free and harmonic. Period and frequency of oscillations. Rotating amplitude vector method. Mechanical harmonic vibrations. Harmonic oscillator. Pendulums: spring and mathematical. Physical pendulum. Free vibrations in an idealized oscillatory circuit. Equation of electromagnetic oscillations for an idealized circuit. Addition of harmonic vibrations of the same direction and the same frequency. Beats. Addition of mutually perpendicular vibrations. Free damped oscillations and their analysis. Free damped oscillations of a spring pendulum. Attenuation decrement. Free damped oscillations in an electric oscillatory circuit. The quality factor of the oscillating system. Forced mechanical vibrations. Forced electromagnetic oscillations. Alternating current. Current through the resistor. Alternating current flowing through a coil with inductance L. Alternating current flowing through a capacitor of capacitance C. An alternating current circuit containing a resistor, inductor, and capacitor in series. Resonance of voltages (successive resonance). Resonance of currents (parallel resonance). The power released in the alternating current circuit.
Chapter 19. Elastic Waves 181
Wave process. Longitudinal and transverse waves. Harmonic wave and its description. Traveling wave equation. Phase velocity. Wave equation. Superposition principle. Group speed. Wave interference. Standing waves. Sound waves. Doppler effect in acoustics. Receiving electromagnetic waves. Scale of electromagnetic waves. Differential equation
electromagnetic waves. Consequences of Maxwell's theory. Vector of electromagnetic energy flux density (Umov-Poyinging vector). Electromagnetic field impulse.
Chapter 20. Elements of geometric optics 194
Basic laws of optics. Full reflection. Lenses, thin lenses, their characteristics. Thin lens formula. Optical power of the lens. Construction of images in lenses. Aberrations (errors) of optical systems. Energy quantities in photometry. Light quantities in photometry.
Chapter 21. Interference of Light 202
Derivation of the laws of reflection and refraction of light on the basis of wave theory. Coherence and monochromaticity of light waves. Light interference. Some methods for observing light interference. Calculation of the interference pattern from two sources. Stripes of equal slope (interference from a plane-parallel plate). Stripes of equal thickness (interference from a plate of variable thickness). Newton's rings. Some applications of interference (1). Some applications of interference (2).
Chapter 22. Light Diffraction 212
Huygens-Fresnel principle. Fresnel zone method (1). Fresnel zone method (2). Fresnel diffraction on a round hole and disc. Fraunhofer diffraction by slit (1). Fraunhofer diffraction at the slit (2). Fraunhofer diffraction on a diffraction grating. Spatial grating diffraction. Rayleigh criterion. The resolution of the spectral device.
Chapter 23. Interaction of electromagnetic waves with matter 221
Dispersion of light. Differences in diffraction and prismatic spectra. Normal and abnormal variance. Elementary electronic theory of dispersion. Absorption (absorption) of light. Doppler effect.
Chapter 24. Polarization of Light 226
Natural and polarized light. Malus' law. Passage of light through two polarizers. Polarization of light by reflection and refraction at the interface of two dielectrics. Double refraction. Positive and negative crystals. Polarizing prisms and polaroids. Quarter wave plate. Analysis of polarized light. Artificial optical anisotropy. Rotation of the plane of polarization.
Chapter 25. The Quantum Nature of Radiation 236
Thermal radiation and its characteristics. Kirchhoff's, Stefan-Boltzmann's, Wien's laws. Rayleigh-Jeans and Planck formulas. Deriving from Planck's formula the particular laws of thermal radiation. Temperatures: radiation, color, brightness. Current-voltage characteristic of the photoelectric effect. Photoeffect laws. Einstein's equation. Photon momentum. Light pressure. Compton effect. The unity of corpuscular and wave properties of electromagnetic radiation.
Chapter 26. Bohr's theory of the hydrogen atom 246
Thomson and Rutherford's models of the atom. Linear spectrum of the hydrogen atom. Bohr's postulates. Experiments by Frank and Hertz. Bohr spectrum of a hydrogen atom.
Chapter 27. Elements of Quantum Mechanics 251
Corpuscular-wave dualism of the properties of matter. Some properties of de Broglie waves. Uncertainty ratio. Probabilistic approach to the description of microparticles. Description of microparticles using the wave function. Superposition principle. General Schrödinger equation. Schrödinger equation for stationary states. Free particle motion. A particle in a one-dimensional rectangular "potential well" with infinitely high "walls". Potential barrier of rectangular shape. The passage of a particle through a potential barrier. Tunneling effect. Linear harmonic oscillator in quantum mechanics.
Chapter 28. Elements of modern physics of atoms and molecules 263
The hydrogen-like atom in quantum mechanics. Quantum numbers. The spectrum of the hydrogen atom. ls-state of an electron in a hydrogen atom. Spin of an electron. Spin quantum number. The principle of indistinguishability of identical particles. Fermions and bosons. Pauli's principle. Distribution of electrons in an atom by states. Continuous (bremsstrahlung) X-ray spectrum. Characteristic X-ray spectrum. Moseley's Law. Molecules: chemical bonds, the concept of energy levels. Molecular spectra. Absorption. Spontaneous and stimulated emission. Active environments. Types of lasers. The principle of operation of a solid-state laser. Gas laser. Properties of laser radiation.
Chapter 29. Elements of Solid State Physics 278
Zone theory of solids. Metals, dielectrics and semiconductors according to the band theory. Intrinsic conductivity of semiconductors. Electronic impurity conductivity (n-type conductivity). Donor impurity conductivity (p-type conductivity). Photoconductivity of semiconductors. Luminescence of solids. Contact of electronic and hole semiconductors (pn-junction). The conductivity of the p-and-junction. Semiconductor diodes. Semiconductor triodes (transistors).
Chapter 30. Elements of physics of the atomic nucleus 289
Atomic nuclei and their description. Mass defect. The binding energy of the nucleus. Nucleus spin and its magnetic moment. Nuclear vultures. Kernel models. Radioactive radiation and its types. The law of radioactive decay. Offset rules. Radioactive families. a-Decay. p-Decay. y-radiation and its properties. Devices for registration of radioactive radiation and particles. Scintillation counter. Pulse ionization chamber. Gas discharge counter. Semiconductor counter. Wilson's chamber. Diffusion and bubble chambers. Nuclear photographic emulsions. Nuclear reactions and their classification. Positron. P + - Decay. Electron-positron pairs, their annihilation. Electronic capture. Nuclear reactions under the influence of neutrons. Nuclear fission reaction. Fission chain reaction. Nuclear reactors... The reaction of fusion of atomic nuclei.
Chapter 31. Elements of elementary particle physics 311
Cosmic radiation. Muons and their properties. Mesons and their properties. Types of interactions of elementary particles. Description of three groups of elementary particles. Particles and antiparticles. Neutrinos and antineutrinos, their types. Hyperons. The strangeness and parity of elementary particles. Characteristics of leptons and hadrons. Classification of elementary particles. Quarks.
Periodic system elements D.I.Mendeleev 322
Basic laws and formulas 324
Index 336

Name: Physics course. 1990.

The manual is compiled in accordance with the physics program for university students. It consists of seven parts, which outline the physical foundations of mechanics, molecular physics and thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, optics, quantum physics of atoms, molecules and solids, physics of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles. The manual establishes a logical continuity and connection between classical and modern physics.
In the second edition (1st-1985) changes were made, control questions and tasks for independent solution are given.

The textbook is written in accordance with the current physics course program for engineering and technical specialties of higher educational institutions.
A small volume of the textbook was achieved through careful selection and concise presentation of the material.
The book is divided into seven parts. In the first part, a systematic presentation of the physical foundations of classical mechanics is given, as well as elements of the special (particular) theory of relativity. The second part is devoted to the basics of molecular physics and thermodynamics. The third part deals with electrostatics, direct current and electromagnetism. In the fourth part, devoted to the presentation of oscillations and waves, mechanical and electromagnetic oscillations are considered in parallel, their similarities and differences are indicated and compared physical processes occurring with the corresponding fluctuations. In the fifth part, the elements of geometrical and electronic optics, wave optics and the quantum nature of radiation are considered. The sixth part is devoted to the elements of quantum physics of atoms, molecules and solids. The seventh part sets out the elements of the physics of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles.

The subject of physics and its relationship with other sciences
Units physical quantities
1. Physical foundations of mechanics.
Chapter 1. Elements of kinematics
§ 1. Models in mechanics. Reference system. Trajectory, path length, displacement vector
§ 2. Speed
§ 3. Acceleration and its components
§ 4. Angular velocity and angular acceleration
Chapter 2. Dynamics of a material point and translational motion of a rigid body Force
§ 6. Newton's second law
§ 7. Newton's third law
§ 8. Friction forces
§ 9. The law of conservation of momentum. Center of mass
§ 10. Equation of motion of a body of variable mass
Chapter 3. Work and energy
§ 11. Energy, work, power
§ 12. Kinetic and potential energies
§ 13. Law of conservation of energy
§ 14. Graphical representation of energy
§ 15. Impact of absolutely elastic and inelastic bodies
Chapter 4. Rigid Body Mechanics
§ 16. Moment of inertia
§ 17. Kinetic energy of rotation
§ 18. Moment of power. Equation of the dynamics of the rotational motion of a rigid body.
§ 19. Moment of impulse and the law of its conservation
§ 20. Free axes. Gyroscope
§ 21. Deformations of a rigid body
Chapter 5. Gravitation. Elements of field theory
§ 22. Kepler's laws. The law of universal gravitation
§ 23. Gravity and weight. Weightlessness 48 y 24. The gravitational field and its intensity
§ 25. Work in a gravitational field. Potential of the gravitational field
§ 26. Space speeds
§ 27. Non-inertial frames of reference. Forces of inertia
Chapter 6. Elements of fluid mechanics
§ 28. Pressure in liquid and gas
§ 29. The equation of continuity
§ 30. Bernoull's equation and consequences from it
§ 31. Viscosity (internal friction). Laminar and turbulent fluid flow regimes
§ 32. Methods for determining the viscosity
§ 33. Movement of bodies in liquids and gases
Chapter 7. Elements of the special (particular) theory of relativity
§ 35. Postulates of the special (particular) theory of relativity
§ 36. Lorentz transformations
§ 37. Consequences from the Lorentz transformations
Section 38. Interval between events
§ 39. The basic law of the relativistic dynamics of a material point
§ 40. The law of the relationship of mass and energy

Chapter 8. Molecular-kinetic theory of ideal gases

§ 41. Research methods. Experienced ideal gas laws
§ 42. Clapeyron - Mendeleev equation
§ 43. The basic equation of the molecular-kinetic theory of ideal gases
§ 44. Maxwell's law on the distribution of ideal gas molecules by velocities and energies of thermal motion
§ 45. Barometric formula. Boltzmann distribution
§ 46. Average number of collisions and average mean free path of molecules
§ 47. Experimental substantiation of the molecular kinetic theory
§ 48. Transport phenomena in thermodynamically nonequilibrium systems
§ 49. Vacuum and methods of obtaining it. Properties of ultra-rarefied gases
Chapter 9. Fundamentals of thermodynamics.
§ 50. The number of degrees of freedom of the molecule. The law of uniform distribution of energy over the degrees of freedom of molecules
§ 51. The first law of thermodynamics
§ 52. Work of gas when changing its volume
§ 53. Heat capacity
§ 54. Application of the first law of thermodynamics to isoprocesses
§ 55. Adiabatic process. Polytropic process
§ 57. Entropy, its statistical interpretation and connection with thermodynamic probability
§ 58. The second law of thermodynamics
§ 59. Heat engines and refrigerating machines Carnot cycle and its efficiency for ideal gas
Chapter 10. Real gases, liquids and solids
§ 61. Van der Waals equation
§ 62. Van der Waals isotherms and their analysis
Section 63. Internal energy of real gas
§ 64. Joule-Thomson effect
Section 65. Liquefaction of gases
§ 66. Properties of liquids. Surface tension
Section 67. Wetting
§ 68. Pressure under the curved surface of the liquid
§ 69. Capillary phenomena
§ 70. Solids. Mono- and polycrystals
§ 71. Types of crystalline solids
§ 72. Defects in crystals
§ 75. Phase transitions of the first and second kind
§ 76. State diagram. Triple point
3. Electricity and magnetism
Chapter 11. Electrostatics

Section 77. Law of conservation of electric charge
Section 78. Coulomb's Law
§ 79. Electrostatic field. Electrostatic field strength
§ 80. Principle of superposition of electrostatic fields. Dipole field
§ 81. Gauss's theorem for an electrostatic field in vacuum
§ 82. Application of Gauss's theorem to the calculation of some electrostatic fields in vacuum
§ 83. Circulation of the vector of the intensity of the electrostatic field
§ 84. Potential of the electrostatic field
§ 85. Tension as a gradient of potential. Equipotential surfaces
§ 86. Calculation of the potential difference from the field strength
§ 87. Types of dielectrics. Dielectric polarization
§ 88. Polarization. The field strength in the dielectric
§ 89. Electrical mixing. Gauss's theorem for the electrostatic field in a dielectric
§ 90. Conditions at the interface between two dielectric media
§ 91. Ferroelectrics
§ 92. Conductors in an electrostatic field
§ 93. Electrical capacity of a secluded conductor
§ 94. Capacitors
§ 95. Energy of a system of charges, a solitary conductor and a capacitor. Energy of the electrostatic field
Chapter 12. Direct electric current
§ 96. Electric current, strength and current density
Section 97. Outside Forces. Electromotive force and voltage
§ 98. Ohm's law. Conductor resistance
Section 99 work and power Joule-Lenz law
§ 100. Ohm's law for a non-uniform section of a chain
§ 101. Kirchhoff rules for branched chains
Chapter 13. Electric currents in metals, vacuum and gases
§ 104. Work function of electrons from metal
§ 105. Emission phenomena and their application
§ 106. Ionization of gases. Non-self-sustaining gas discharge
§ 107. Self-contained gas discharge and its types
§ 108. Plasma and its properties
Chapter 14. Magnetic field.
§ 109. Magnetic field and its characteristics
§ 110. Law of Bio - Savart - Laplace and its application to the calculation of the magnetic field
Section 111. Ampere's law. Interaction of parallel currents
§ 112. Magnetic constant. Units of magnetic induction and magnetic field strength
§ 113. The magnetic field of a moving charge
§ 114. The action of a magnetic field on a moving charge
§ 115. Movement of charged particles in a magnetic field
§ 117. Hall effect
§ 118. Circulation of the vector B of the magnetic field in vacuum
§ 119. Magnetic fields of a solenoid and a toroid
§ 121. Work on moving a conductor and a circuit with a current in a magnetic field
Chapter 15. Electromagnetic induction
§ 122. The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction (experiments of Faraday
§ 123. Faraday's law and its derivation from the law of conservation of energy
§ 125. Eddy currents (Foucault currents
§ 126. Inductance of the circuit. Self-induction
§ 127. Currents when opening and closing a circuit
§ 128. Mutual induction
Section 129. Transformers
§130. Magnetic field energy
Chapter 16. Magnetic properties of matter
§ 131. Magnetic moments of electrons and atoms
§ 132. Bottom and paramagnetism
§ 133. Magnetization. Magnetic field in matter
§ 134. Conditions at the interface between two magnets
§ 135. Ferromagnets and their properties
§ 136. The nature of ferromagnetism
Chapter 17. Fundamentals of Maxwell's Theory for Electromagnetic Zero
§ 137. Vortex electric field
Section 138. Bias current
§ 139. Maxwell's equations for the electromagnetic field
4. Oscillations and waves.
Chapter 18. Mechanical and electromagnetic vibrations
§ 140. Harmonic vibrations and their characteristics
§ 141. Mechanical harmonic vibrations
§ 142. Harmonic oscillator. Spring, physical and mathematical pendulums
§ 144. Addition of harmonic oscillations of the same direction and the same frequency. Beats
§ 145. Addition of mutually perpendicular vibrations
§ 146. Differential equation of free damped oscillations (mechanical and electromagnetic) and its solution. Self-oscillations
§ 147. Differential equation of forced oscillations (mechanical and electromagnetic) and its solution
§ 148. Amplitude and phase of forced oscillations (mechanical and electromagnetic). Resonance
§ 149. Alternating current
§ 150. Resonance of stresses
§ 151. Resonance of currents
§ 152. Power allocated in the alternating current circuit
Chapter 19. Elastic waves.
§ 153. Wave processes. Longitudinal and transverse waves
§ 154. The equation of a traveling wave. Phase velocity. Wave equation
§ 155. The principle of superposition. Group speed
§ 156. Wave interference
§ 157. Standing waves
§ 158. Sound waves
§ 159. Doppler effect in acoustics
Section 160. Ultrasound and its application
Chapter 20. Electromagnetic waves.
§ 161. Experimental production of electromagnetic waves
§ 162. Differential equation of an electromagnetic wave
§ 163. Energy of electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic pulse
§ 164. Radiation of the dipole. Application of electromagnetic waves
5. Optics. The quantum nature of radiation.
Chapter 21. Elements of geometric and electronic optics.

§ 165. Basic laws of optics. Full reflection
§ 166. Thin lenses. Image of objects using lenses
§ 167. Aberrations (errors) of optical systems
§ 168. Basic photometric quantities and their units
Chapter 22. Interference of light
§ 170. Development of ideas about the nature of light
§ 171. Coherence and monochromaticity of light waves
§ 172. Interference of light
§ 173. Methods for observing the interference of light
§ 174. Interference of light in thin films
§ 175. Application of interference of light
Chapter 23. Light diffraction
§ 177. Method of Fresnel zones. Rectilinear light propagation
§ 178. Fresnel diffraction on a round hole and disk
§ 179. Fraunhofer diffraction on one slit
§ 180. Fraunhofer diffraction on a diffraction grating
§ 181. Spatial lattice. Scattering of light
§ 182. Diffraction on a spatial lattice. Wolfe's formula - Braggs
§ 183. Resolution of optical devices
§ 184. The concept of holography
Chapter 24. Interaction of electromagnetic waves with matter.
§ 185. Dispersion of light
§ 186. Electronic theory of dispersion of light
§ 188. Doppler effect
§ 189. Vavilov - Cherenkov radiation
Chapter 25. Polarization of light
§ 190. Natural and polarized light
§ 191. Polarization of light during reflection and refraction at the boundary of two dielectrics
§ 192. Double refraction
§ 193. Polarizing prisms and polaroids
§ 194. Analysis of polarized light
§ 195. Artificial optical anisotropy
§ 196. Rotation of the plane of polarization
Chapter 26. Quantum nature of radiation.
§ 197. Thermal radiation and its characteristics.
§ 198. Kirchhoff's law
§ 199. Laws of Stefan - Boltzmann and Vin's displacement
§ 200. Formulas of Rayleigh-Jeans and Planck.
§ 201. Optical pyrometry. Thermal light sources
§ 203. Einstein's equation for the external photoelectric effect. Experimental confirmation quantum properties of light
§ 204. Application of the photoelectric effect
§ 205. Mass and momentum of a photon. Light pressure
§ 206. Compton effect and its elementary theory
§ 207. The unity of corpuscular and wave properties of electromagnetic radiation
6. Elements of quantum physics
Chapter 27. Bohr's theory of the hydrogen atom.

§ 208. Models of the atom of Thomson and Rutherford
§ 209. Line spectrum of the hydrogen atom
§ 210. Bohr's postulates
§ 211. Frank's experiments in Hertz
§ 212. The spectrum of the hydrogen atom according to Bohr
Chapter 28. Elements of Quantum Mechanics
§ 213. Corpuscular-wave dualism of the properties of matter
§ 214. Some properties of de Broglie waves
§ 215. Relationship of uncertainties
§ 216. Wave function and its statistical meaning
§ 217. General Schrödinger equation. Schrödinger equation for stationary states
§ 218. The principle of causality in quantum mechanics
§ 219. Motion of a free particle
§ 222. Linear harmonic oscillator in quantum mechanics
Chapter 29. Elements of modern physics of atoms t molecules
§ 223. The hydrogen atom in quantum mechanics
§ 224. L-combustion of an electron in a hydrogen atom
§ 225. The spin of the electron. Spin quantum number
§ 226. The principle of indistinguishability of identical particles. Fermions and bosons
§ 229. X-ray spectra
§ 231. Molecular spectra. Raman light scattering
§ 232. Absorption, spontaneous and stimulated emission
Chapter 30. Elements of Quantum Statistics
§ 234. Quantum statistics. Phase space. Distribution function
§ 235. The concept of quantum statistics Bose - Einstein and Fermi - Dirac
§ 236. Degenerate electron gas in metals
§ 237. The concept of the quantum theory of heat capacity. Phonols
§ 238. Conclusions of the quantum theory of electrical conductivity of metals by the Josephson effect
Chapter 31. Elements of solid state physics
§ 240. The concept of the band theory of solids
§ 241. Metals, dielectrics and semiconductors according to band theory
§ 242. Intrinsic conductivity of semiconductors
§ 243. Impurity conductivity of semiconductors
§ 244. Photoconductivity of semiconductors
§ 245. Luminescence of solids
§ 246. Contact of two metals according to the band theory
§ 247. Thermoelectric phenomena and their application
§ 248. Rectification at the metal-semiconductor contact
§ 250. Semiconductor diodes and triodes (transistors
7. Elements of physics of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles.
Chapter 32. Elements of physics of the atomic nucleus.

§ 252. Mass defect and binding energy, nucleus
§ 253. Spin of the nucleus and its magnetic moment
§ 254. Nuclear forces. Kernel models
§ 255. Radioactive radiation and its types Displacement rules
§ 257. Laws of a-decay
§ 259. Gamma radiation and its properties
§ 260. Resonant absorption of γ-radiation (Mössbauer effect)
§ 261. Methods of observation and registration of radioactive radiation and particles
§ 262. Nuclear reactions and their main types
§ 263. Positron. Decay. Electronic capture
§ 265. Nuclear fission reaction
§ 266. Chain reaction of fission
§ 267. The concept of nuclear power
§ 268. Reaction of fusion of atomic nuclei. The problem of controlled thermonuclear reactions
Chapter 33. Elements of elementary particle physics
§ 269. Cosmic radiation
§ 270. Muons and their properties
§ 271. Mesons and their properties
§ 272. Types of interactions of elementary particles
§ 273. Particles and antiparticles
§ 274. Hyperones. The strangeness and parity of elementary particles
§ 275. Classification of elementary particles. Quarks
Basic laws and formulas
1. Physical foundations of mechanics
2. Fundamentals of Molecular Physics and Thermodynamics
4. Oscillations and waves
5. Optics. The quantum nature of radiation
6. Elements of quantum physics of atoms, molecules and solids
7. Elements of physics of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles
Subject index

The textbook (9th edition, revised and enlarged, 2004) consists of seven parts, which set out the physical foundations of mechanics, molecular physics and thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, optics, quantum physics of atoms, molecules and solids, physics of atomic nucleus and elementary particles. The issue of combining mechanical and electromagnetic oscillations has been rationally resolved. The logical continuity and connection between classical and modern physics has been established. Control questions and tasks for independent solution are given.
For students of engineering and technical specialties of higher educational institutions.

Mechanics is a part of physics that studies the laws of mechanical movement and the reasons that cause or change this movement. Mechanical movement is change over time mutual disposition bodies or parts thereof.

The development of mechanics as a science begins in the 3rd century. BC, when the ancient Greek scientist Archimedes (287 - 212 BC) formulated the law of equilibrium of the lever and the laws of equilibrium of floating bodies. The basic laws of mechanics were established by the Italian physicist and astronomer G. Galilei (1564-1642) and finally formulated by the English scientist I. Newton (1643-1727).

The Galileo - Newtonian mechanics is called classical mechanics... It studies the laws of motion of macroscopic bodies, the speeds of which are small in comparison with the speed of light c in vacuum. The laws of motion of macroscopic bodies with speeds comparable to the speed c are studied by relativistic mechanics based on the special theory of relativity formulated by A. Einstein (1879-1955). To describe the motion of microscopic bodies (individual atoms and elementary particles), the laws of classical mechanics are inapplicable - they are replaced by the laws of quantum mechanics.

Foreword 2
Introduction 2
The subject of physics and its relationship with other sciences 2
Physical units 3
Chapter 1 Elements of Kinematics 4

§ 1. Models in mechanics. Reference system. Trajectory, path length, displacement vector 4
§ 2. Speed ​​6
§ 3. Acceleration and its components 7
§ 4. Angular velocity and angular acceleration 9
Chapter 2 Dynamics of a material point and translational motion of a rigid body 11
§ 5. Newton's first law. Weight. Strength 11
§ 6. Newton's second law 11
§ 7. Newton's third law 13
§ 8. Friction forces 13
§ 9. The law of conservation of momentum. Center of gravity 14
§ 10. Equation of motion of a body of variable mass 16
Chapter 3 Work and Energy 17
§eleven. Energy, work, power 17
§ 12. Kinetic and potential energies 18
§ 13. Law of conservation of energy 20
§ 14. Graphical representation of energy 22
§ 15. Impact of absolutely elastic and inelastic bodies 23
Chapter 4 Rigid Body Mechanics 27
§ 16. Moment of inertia 27
§ 17. Kinetic energy of rotation 28
§ 18. Moment of power. The equation of dynamics of the rotational motion of a rigid body 28
§ 19. Moment of momentum and the law of conservation 29
§ 20. Free axes. Gyroscope 32
§ 21. Deformations of a rigid body 34
Chapter 5 Gravity. Elements of field theory 36
§ 22. Kepler's laws. Law of gravitation 36
§ 23. Gravity and weight. Zero gravity 37
§ 24. The gravitational field and that tension 38
§ 25. Work in a gravitational field. Potential of the gravitational field 38
§ 26. Space speeds 40
§ 27. Non-inertial frames of reference. Inertia forces 40
Chapter 6 Elements of Fluid Mechanics 44
§ 28. Pressure in liquid and gas 44
§ 29. The equation of continuity 45
§ 30. Bernoulli equation and consequences from it 46
§ 31. Viscosity (internal friction). Laminar and turbulent flow regimes 48
§ 32. Methods for determining the viscosity 50
§ 33. The movement of bodies in liquids and gases 51
Chapter 7 Elements of special (particular) theory of relativity 53
§ 34. Transformations of Galileo. Mechanical principle of relativity 53
§ 35. Postulates of the special (particular) theory of relativity 54
§ 36. Lorentz transformations 55
§ 37. Consequences from the Lorentz transformations 56
Section 38. Interval between events 59
§ 39. The basic law of the relativistic dynamics of a material point 60
§ 40. The law of the relationship of mass and energy 61
Chapter 8 Molecular-kinetic theory of ideal gases 63

§ 41. Statistical and thermodynamic methods. Experienced Ideal Gas Laws 63
§ 42. Clapeyron - Mendeleev equation 66
§ 43. The basic equation of the molecular-kinetic theory of ideal gases 67
§ 44. Maxwell's law on the distribution of ideal gas molecules by velocities and energies of thermal motion 69
§ 45. Barometric formula. Boltzmann distribution 71
§ 46. The average number of collisions and the average mean free path of molecules 72
§ 47. Experimental substantiation of the molecular-kinetic theory 73
§ 48. Transport phenomena in thermodynamically nonequilibrium systems 74
§ 48. Vacuum and methods of obtaining it. Properties of ultra-rarefied gases 76
Chapter 9 Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 78
§ 50. The number of degrees of freedom of the molecule. The law of uniform energy distribution over the degrees of freedom of molecules 78
§ 51. The first law of thermodynamics 79
§ 52. Work of gas when changing its volume 80
§ 53. Specific heat 81
§ 54. Application of the first law of thermodynamics to isoprocesses 82
§ 55. Adiabatic process. Polytropic process 84
§ 56. Circular process (cycle). Reversible and irreversible processes 86
§ 57. Entropy, its statistical interpretation and connection with thermodynamic probability 87
§ 58. The second law of thermodynamics 89
§ 59. Heat engines and refrigerating machines. Carnot cycle and its efficiency for ideal gas 90
Tasks 92
Chapter 10 Real gases, liquids and solids 93
§ 60. Forces and potential energy of intermolecular interaction 93
§ 61. The Van der Waals equation 94
§ 62. Van der Waals isotherms and their analysis 95
Section 63. Internal energy of real gas 97
§ 64. Joule-Thomson effect 98
Section 65. Gas liquefaction 99
§ 66. Properties of liquids. Surface tension 100
Section 67. Wetting 102
§ 68. Pressure under the curved surface of the liquid 103
§ 69. Capillary phenomena 104
§ 70. Solids. Mono- and polycrystals 104
§ 71. Types of crystalline solids 105
§ 72. Defects in crystals 109
§ 73. Heat capacity of solids 110
§ 74. Evaporation, sublimation, melting and crystallization. Amorphous bodies 111
§ 75. Phase transitions of I and II kind 113
§ 76. State diagram. Triple point 114
Assignments 115
Chapter 11 Electrostatics 116

Section 77. Law of conservation of electric charge 116
Section 78. Coulomb's Law 117
§ 79. Electrostatic field. Electrostatic field strength 117
§ 80. Principle of superposition of electrostatic fields. Dipole field 119
§ 81. Gauss's theorem for an electrostatic field in vacuum 120
§ 82. Application of Gauss's theorem to the calculation of some electrostatic fields in vacuum 122
§ 83. Circulation of the vector of the intensity of the electrostatic field 124
§ 84. Potential of the electrostatic field 125
§ 85. Tension as a gradient of potential. Equipotential surfaces 126
§ 86. Calculation of the potential difference from the field strength 127
§ 87. Types of dielectrics. Polarization of dielectrics 128
§ 88. Polarization. Field strength in a dielectric 129
§ 88. Electrical displacement. Gauss's theorem for the electrostatic field in a dielectric 130
§ 90. Conditions at the interface between two dielectric media 131
§ 91. Ferroelectrics 132
§ 92. Conductors in an electrostatic field 134
§ 93. Electrical capacity of a secluded conductor 136
Section 94. Capacitors 136
§ 95. Energy of a system of charges, a solitary conductor and a capacitor. Electrostatic field energy 138
Assignments 140
Chapter 12 Direct Electric Current 141
§ 96. Electric current, strength and current density 141
Section 97. Outside Forces. Electromotive force and voltage 142
§ 98. Ohm's law. Resistance of conductors 143
§ 99. Work and power of current. Joule's Law - Lenz 144
Section 100. Ohm's law for a non-uniform section of a chain 145
§ 101. Kirchhoff rules for branched chains 146
Cases 148
Chapter 13 Electric currents in metals, vacuum and gases 148
§ 102. The elementary classical theory of electrical conductivity of metals 148
§ 103. Derivation of the basic laws of electric current in the classical theory of electrical conductivity of metals 149
§ 104. Work function of electrons from metal 151
Section 105. Emission phenomena and their application 152
§ 106. Ionization of gases. Non-self-sustaining gas discharge 154
§ 107. Self-contained gas discharge and its types 155
§ 108. Plasma and its properties 158
Cases 159
Chapter 14 Magnetic Field 159
§ 109. Magnetic field and its characteristics 159
§ 110. Law of Bio - Savart - Laplace and its application to the calculation of the magnetic field 162
Section 111. Ampere's law. Interaction of parallel currents 163
§ 112. Magnetic constant. Units of magnetic induction and magnetic field strength 164
§ 113. The magnetic field of a moving charge 165
§ 114. The action of a magnetic field on a moving charge 166
§ 115. The movement of charged particles in a magnetic field 166
§ 116. Accelerators of charged particles 167
§ 117. Hall effect 169
§ 118. Circulation of the vector B of the magnetic field in vacuum 169
§ 119. Magnetic fields of a solenoid and a toroid 171
§ 120. The flux of the vector of magnetic induction. Gauss's theorem for the field B 172
§ 121. Work on moving a conductor and a circuit with a current in a magnetic field 172
Cases 174
Chapter 15 Electromagnetic induction 174
§122. The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction (Faraday's experiments) 174
§ 123. Faraday's law and its derivation from the law of conservation of energy 175
§ 124. Rotation of the frame in a magnetic field 177
§ 125. Eddy currents (Foucault currents) 177
§ 126. Inductance of the circuit. Self-induction 178
§ 127. Currents when opening and closing a circuit 179
§ 128. Mutual induction 181
§ 129. Transformers 182
§ 130. The energy of the magnetic field 183
Chapter 16 Magnetic Properties of Matter 184
§ 131. Magnetic moments of electrons and atoms 184
§ 132. Dia- and paramagnetism 186
§ 133. Magnetization. Magnetic field in matter 187
§ 134. Conditions at the interface between two magnets 189
§ 135. Ferromagnets and their properties 190
§ 136. The nature of ferromagnetism 191
Chapter 17 Foundations of Maxwell's Theory for the Electromagnetic Field 193
§ 137. Vortex electric field 193
Section 138. Bias current 194
§ 139. Maxwell's equations for the electromagnetic field 196
Chapter 18 Mechanical and electromagnetic vibrations 198

§ 140. Harmonic vibrations and their characteristics 198
§ 141. Mechanical harmonic vibrations 200
§ 142. Harmonic oscillator. Spring, physical and mathematical pendulums 201
§ 143. Free harmonic oscillations in an oscillatory circuit 203
§ 144. Addition of harmonic oscillations of the same direction and the same frequency. Beats 205
§ 145. Addition of mutually perpendicular vibrations 206
§ 146. Differential equation of free damped oscillations (mechanical and electromagnetic) and its solution. Self-oscillation 208
§ 147. Differential equation of forced oscillations (mechanical and electromagnetic) and its solution 211
§ 148. Amplitude and phase of forced oscillations (mechanical and electromagnetic). Resonance 213
Section 148. Alternating current 215
§ 150. Resonance of voltages 217
§ 151. Resonance of currents 218
§ 152. Power allocated in the alternating current circuit 219
Chapter 19 Elastic Waves 221
§ 153. Wave processes. Longitudinal and shear waves 221
§ 154. The equation of a traveling wave. Phase velocity. Wave Equation 222
§ 155. The principle of superposition. Group rate 223
§ 156. Interference of waves 224
§ 157. Standing waves 225
§ 158. Sound waves 227
S 159. Doppler effect in acoustics 228
Section 160. Ultrasound and its application 229
Chapter 20 Electromagnetic Waves 230
§ 161. Experimental production of electromagnetic waves 230
§ 162. The differential equation of an electromagnetic wave 232
§ 163. Energy of electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic field pulse 233
§ 164. Radiation of the dipole. Application of electromagnetic waves 234
Chapter 21 Elements of Geometric and Electronic Optics 236

§ 165. Basic laws of optics. Total Reflection 236
§ 166. Thin lenses. Imaging objects with lenses 238
§ 187. Aberrations (errors) of optical systems 241
§ 168. Basic photometric quantities and their units 242
§ 189. Elements of electronic optics 243
Chapter 22 Light Interference 245
§ 170. Development of ideas about the nature of light 245
§ 171. Coherence and monochromaticity of light waves 248
§ 172. Interference of light 249
§ 173. Methods for observing the interference of light 250
§ 174. Interference of light in thin films 252
§ 175. Application of interference of light 254
Chapter 23 Light Diffraction 257
§ 176. Principle of Huygens - Fresnel 257
§ 177. Method of Fresnel zones. Rectilinear light propagation 258
§ 178. Fresnel diffraction on a round hole and disk 260
§ 178. Fraunhofer diffraction on one slit 261
§ 180. Fraunhofer diffraction on a diffraction grating 263
§ 181. Spatial lattice. Light scattering 265
§ 182. Diffraction on a spatial lattice. Wolfe's Formula - Braggs 266
§ 183. Resolution of optical devices 267
§ 184. The concept of holography 268
Chapter 24 Interaction of Electromagnetic Waves with Matter 27 0
§ 185. Dispersion of light 270
§ 186. The electronic theory of the dispersion of luminous 271
§ 187. Absorption (absorption) of light 273
§ 188. Doppler effect 274
§ 189. Radiation Vavilov - Cherenkov 275
Chapter 25 Light Polarization 276

§ 190. Natural and polarized light 276
§ 191. Polarization of light during reflection and refraction at the boundary of two dielectrics 278
§ 192. Double refraction 279
§ 193. Polarizing prisms and polaroids 280
§ 194. Analysis of polarized light 282
§ 195. Artificial optical anisotropy 283
§ 196. Rotation of the plane of polarization 284
Chapter 26 The Quantum Nature of Radiation 285
§ 197. Thermal radiation and its characteristics 285
Section 188. Kirchhoff's Law 287
§ 199. Laws of Stefan - Boltzmann and Vin's displacement 288
§ 200. Rayleigh-Jeans and Planck formulas 288
§ 201. Optical pyrometry. Thermal light sources 291
§ 202. Types of photoelectric effect. The laws of the external photoelectric effect 292
§ 203. Einstein's equation for the external photoelectric effect. Experimental confirmation of the quantum properties of light 294
§ 204. Application of the photoelectric effect 296
§ 205. Mass and momentum of a photon. Light pressure 297
§ 206. The Compton effect and its elementary theory 298
§ 207. The unity of corpuscular and wave properties of electromagnetic radiation 299
Chapter 27 The theory of the hydrogen atom according to Bohr 300

§ 208. Models of the atom of Thomson and Rutherford 300
§ 209. Line spectrum of the hydrogen atom 301
§ 210. Bohr's postulates 302
§ 211. Experiments of Frank and Hertz 303
§ 212. The spectrum of the hydrogen atom according to Bohr 304
Chapter 28 Elements of Quantum Mechanics 306
§ 213. Corpuscular-wave dualism of the properties of matter 306
§ 214. Some properties of da Broglie waves 308
§ 215. Relationship of uncertainties 308
§ 216. The wave function and its statistical meaning 311
§ 217. General Schrödinger equation. Schrödinger Equation for Stationary States 312
§ 218. The principle of causality in quint mechanics 314
§ 219. The motion of a free particle 314
§ 220. A particle in a one-dimensional rectangular "potential well" with infinitely high "walls" 315
§ 221. Passage of a particle through a potential barrier. Tunnel Effect 317
§ 222. Linear harmonic oscillator in quantum mechanics 320
Chapter 29 Elements of Modern Physics of Atoms and Molecules 321
§ 223. The hydrogen atom in quantum mechanics 321
§ 224.1s-state of an electron in a hydrogen atom 324
§ 225. The spin of the electron. Spin Quantum Number 325
§ 226. The principle of indistinguishability of identical particles. Fermions and bosons 326
§ 227. Pauli's principle. Distribution of electrons in an atom over states 327
§ 228. Mendeleev's periodic table of elements 328
§ 229. X-ray spectra 330
§ 230. Molecules: chemical bonds, the concept of energy levels 332
§ 231. Molecular spectra. Raman scattering 333
Section 232. Takeover. Spontaneous and stimulated emission 334
§ 233. Optical quantum generators (lasers) 335
Chapter 30 The Elements of Quantum Statistics 338
§ 234. Quantum statistics. Phase space. Distribution function 338
§ 235. The concept of quantum statistics Bose - Einstein and Fermi - Dirac 339
§ 236. Degenerate electron gas in metals 340
§ 237. The concept of the quantum theory of heat capacity. Phonons 341
§ 238. Conclusions of the quantum theory of electrical conductivity of metals 342
§ 239. Superconductivity. Understanding the Josephson Effect 343
Chapter 31 Elements of Solid State Physics 345
§ 240. The concept of the band theory of solids 345
§ 241. Metals, dielectrics and semiconductors according to band theory 346
§ 242. Intrinsic conductivity of semiconductors 347
§ 243. Impurity conductivity of semiconductors 350
§ 244. Photoconductivity of semiconductors 352
§ 245. Luminescence of solids 353
§ 246. Contact of two metals according to the band theory 355
§ 247. Thermoelectric phenomena and their application 356
§ 248. Rectification at the metal-semiconductor contact 358
§ 249. Contact of electronic and hole semiconductors (p-n-junction) 360
§ 250. Semiconductor diodes and triodes (transistors) 362
Chapter 32 Elements of Atomic Nuclear Physics 364
§ 251. The size, composition and charge of the atomic nucleus. Mass and charge numbers 364
§ 252. The mass defect and the binding energy of the nucleus 365
§ 253. Spin of the nucleus and its magnetic moment 366
§ 254. Nuclear forces. Kernel Models 367
§ 255. Radioactive radiation and its types 368
§ 256. The law of radioactive decay. Offset Rules 369
§ 257. Laws of -decay 370
§ 258. Decay. Neutrino 372
§ 259. Gamma radiation and its properties 373
§ 260. Resonant absorption of -radiation (Mössbauer effect *) 375
§ 261. Methods of observation and registration of radioactive radiation and particles 376
§ 262. Nuclear reactions and their main types 379
§ 263. Positron. Decay. Electronic gripper 381
§ 264. Discovery of the neutron. Nuclear reactions under the influence of neutrons 382
§ 265. Nuclear fission reaction 383
§ 266. Chain reaction of fission 385
§ 267. The concept of nuclear power 386
§ 268. Reaction of fusion of atomic nuclei. The problem of controlled thermonuclear reactions 388
Chapter 33 Elements of Particle Physics 390
§ 269. Cosmic radiation 390
§ 270. Muons and their properties 391
§ 271. Mesons and their properties 392
§ 272. Types of interactions of elementary particles 393
Section 273. Particles and antiparticles 394
§ 274. Hyperones. The strangeness and parity of elementary particles 396
§ 275. Classification of elementary particles. Quarks 397

11th ed., Erased. - M .: 2006.- 560 p.

The textbook (9th edition, revised and enlarged, 2004) consists of seven parts, which set out the physical foundations of mechanics, molecular physics and thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, optics, quantum physics of atoms, molecules and solids, physics of atomic nucleus and elementary particles. The issue of combining mechanical and electromagnetic oscillations has been rationally resolved. The logical continuity and connection between classical and modern physics has been established. Control questions and tasks for independent solution are given.

For students of engineering and technical specialties of higher educational institutions.

Format: pdf / zip (11- ed., 2006, 560s.)

The size: 6 Mb



1. Physical foundations of mechanics.
Chapter 1. Elements of kinematics

§ 1. Models in mechanics. Reference system. Trajectory, path length, displacement vector

§ 2. Speed

§ 3. Acceleration and its components

§ 4. Angular velocity and angular acceleration


Chapter 2. Dynamics of a material point and translational motion of a rigid body Force

§ 6. Newton's second law

§ 7. Newton's third law

§ 8. Friction forces

§ 9. The law of conservation of momentum. Center of mass

§ 10. Equation of motion of a body of variable mass


Chapter 3. Work and energy

§ 11. Energy, work, power

§ 12. Kinetic and potential energies

§ 13. Law of conservation of energy

§ 14. Graphical representation of energy

§ 15. Impact of absolutely elastic and inelastic bodies


Chapter 4. Rigid Body Mechanics

§ 16. Moment of inertia

§ 17. Kinetic energy of rotation

§ 18. Moment of power. Equation of the dynamics of the rotational motion of a rigid body.

§ 19. Moment of impulse and the law of its conservation
§ 20. Free axes. Gyroscope
§ 21. Deformations of a rigid body

Chapter 5. Gravitation. Elements of field theory
§ 22. Kepler's laws. The law of universal gravitation
§ 23. Gravity and weight. Weightlessness .. 48 y 24. The gravitational field and its intensity
§ 25. Work in a gravitational field. Potential of the gravitational field
§ 26. Space speeds

§ 27. Non-inertial frames of reference. Forces of inertia

Chapter 6. Elements of fluid mechanics
§ 28. Pressure in liquid and gas
§ 29. The equation of continuity
§ 30. Bernoull's equation and consequences from it
§ 31. Viscosity (internal friction). Laminar and turbulent fluid flow regimes
§ 32. Methods for determining the viscosity
§ 33. Movement of bodies in liquids and gases

Chapter 7. Elements of the special (particular) theory of relativity
§ 35. Postulates of the special (particular) theory of relativity
§ 36. Lorentz transformations
§ 37. Consequences from the Lorentz transformations
Section 38. Interval between events
§ 39. The basic law of the relativistic dynamics of a material point
§ 40. The law of the relationship of mass and energy

2. Fundamentals of Molecular Physics and Thermodynamics
Chapter 8. Molecular-kinetic theory of ideal gases
§ 41. Research methods. Experienced ideal gas laws
§ 42. Clapeyron - Mendeleev equation
§ 43. The basic equation of the molecular-kinetic theory of ideal gases
§ 44. Maxwell's law on the distribution of ideal gas molecules by velocities and energies of thermal motion
§ 45. Barometric formula. Boltzmann distribution
§ 46. Average number of collisions and average mean free path of molecules
§ 47. Experimental substantiation of the molecular kinetic theory
§ 48. Transport phenomena in thermodynamically nonequilibrium systems
§ 49. Vacuum and methods of obtaining it. Properties of ultra-rarefied gases

Chapter 9. Fundamentals of thermodynamics.
§ 50. The number of degrees of freedom of the molecule. The law of uniform distribution of energy over the degrees of freedom of molecules
§ 51. The first law of thermodynamics
§ 52. Work of gas when changing its volume
§ 53. Heat capacity
§ 54. Application of the first law of thermodynamics to isoprocesses
§ 55. Adiabatic process. Polytropic process
§ 57. Entropy, its statistical interpretation and connection with thermodynamic probability
§ 58. The second law of thermodynamics
§ 59. Heat engines and refrigerating machines Carnot cycle and its efficiency for ideal gas
Chapter 10. Real gases, liquids and solids
§ 61. Van der Waals equation
§ 62. Van der Waals isotherms and their analysis
Section 63. Internal energy of real gas
§ 64. Joule-Thomson effect
Section 65. Liquefaction of gases
§ 66. Properties of liquids. Surface tension
Section 67. Wetting
§ 68. Pressure under the curved surface of the liquid
§ 69. Capillary phenomena
§ 70. Solids. Mono- and polycrystals
§ 71. Types of crystalline solids
§ 72. Defects in crystals
§ 75. Phase transitions of the first and second kind
§ 76. State diagram. Triple point

3. Electricity and magnetism
Chapter 11. Electrostatics
Section 77. Law of conservation of electric charge
Section 78. Coulomb's Law
§ 79. Electrostatic field. Electrostatic field strength
§ 80. Principle of superposition of electrostatic fields. Dipole field
§ 81. Gauss's theorem for an electrostatic field in vacuum
§ 82. Application of Gauss's theorem to the calculation of some electrostatic fields in vacuum
§ 83. Circulation of the vector of the intensity of the electrostatic field
§ 84. Potential of the electrostatic field
§ 85. Tension as a gradient of potential. Equipotential surfaces
§ 86. Calculation of the potential difference from the field strength
§ 87. Types of dielectrics. Dielectric polarization
§ 88. Polarization. The field strength in the dielectric
§ 89. Electrical mixing. Gauss's theorem for the electrostatic field in a dielectric
§ 90. Conditions at the interface between two dielectric media
§ 91. Ferroelectrics
§ 92. Conductors in an electrostatic field
§ 93. Electrical capacity of a secluded conductor
§ 94. Capacitors
§ 95. Energy of a system of charges, a solitary conductor and a capacitor. Energy of the electrostatic field
Chapter 12. Direct electric current
§ 96. Electric current, strength and current density
Section 97. Outside Forces. Electromotive force and voltage
§ 98. Ohm's law. Conductor resistance

Section 99 work and power Joule-Lenz law
§ 100. Ohm's law for a non-uniform section of a chain
§ 101. Kirchhoff rules for branched chains
Chapter 13. Electric currents in metals, vacuum and gases
§ 104. Work function of electrons from metal
§ 105. Emission phenomena and their application
§ 106. Ionization of gases. Non-self-sustaining gas discharge
§ 107. Self-contained gas discharge and its types
§ 108. Plasma and its properties

Chapter 14. Magnetic field.
§ 109. Magnetic field and its characteristics
§ 110. Law of Bio - Savart - Laplace and its application to the calculation of the magnetic field
Section 111. Ampere's law. Interaction of parallel currents
§ 112. Magnetic constant. Units of magnetic induction and magnetic field strength
§ 113. The magnetic field of a moving charge
§ 114. The action of a magnetic field on a moving charge
§ 115. Movement of charged particles in a magnetic field
§ 117. Hall effect
§ 118. Circulation of the vector B of the magnetic field in vacuum
§ 119. Magnetic fields of a solenoid and a toroid
§ 121. Work on moving a conductor and a circuit with a current in a magnetic field

Chapter 15. Electromagnetic induction
§ 122. The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction (experiments of Faraday
§ 123. Faraday's law and its derivation from the law of conservation of energy
§ 125. Eddy currents (Foucault currents
§ 126. Inductance of the circuit. Self-induction
§ 127. Currents when opening and closing a circuit
§ 128. Mutual induction
Section 129. Transformers
§130. Magnetic field energy
summer cottages
Chapter 16. Magnetic properties of matter
§ 131. Magnetic moments of electrons and atoms
§ 132. Bottom and paramagnetism
§ 133. Magnetization. Magnetic field in matter
§ 134. Conditions at the interface between two magnets
§ 135. Ferromagnets and their properties

§ 136. The nature of ferromagnetism
Chapter 17. Fundamentals of Maxwell's Theory for Electromagnetic Zero
§ 137. Vortex electric field
Section 138. Bias current
§ 139. Maxwell's equations for the electromagnetic field

4. Oscillations and waves.
Chapter 18. Mechanical and electromagnetic vibrations
§ 140. Harmonic vibrations and their characteristics
§ 141. Mechanical harmonic vibrations
§ 142. Harmonic oscillator. Spring, physical and mathematical pendulums
§ 144. Addition of harmonic oscillations of the same direction and the same frequency. Beats
§ 145. Addition of mutually perpendicular vibrations
§ 146. Differential equation of free damped oscillations (mechanical and electromagnetic) and its solution. Self-oscillations
§ 147. Differential equation of forced oscillations (mechanical and electromagnetic) and its solution
§ 148. Amplitude and phase of forced oscillations (mechanical and electromagnetic). Resonance
§ 149. Alternating current
§ 150. Resonance of stresses
§ 151. Resonance of currents
§ 152. Power allocated in the alternating current circuit

Chapter 19. Elastic waves.
§ 153. Wave processes. Longitudinal and transverse waves
§ 154. The equation of a traveling wave. Phase velocity. Wave equation

§ 155. The principle of superposition. Group speed
§ 156. Wave interference
§ 157. Standing waves
§ 158. Sound waves
§ 159. Doppler effect in acoustics
Section 160. Ultrasound and its application


Chapter 20. Electromagnetic waves.
§ 161. Experimental production of electromagnetic waves
§ 162. Differential equation of an electromagnetic wave

§ 163. Energy of electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic pulse

§ 164. Radiation of the dipole. Application of electromagnetic waves

5. Optics. The quantum nature of radiation.

Chapter 21. Elements of geometric and electronic optics.
§ 165. Basic laws of optics. Full reflection
§ 166. Thin lenses. Image of objects using lenses
§ 167. Aberrations (errors) of optical systems
§ 168. Basic photometric quantities and their units
Chapter 22. Interference of light
§ 170. Development of ideas about the nature of light
§ 171. Coherence and monochromaticity of light waves
§ 172. Interference of light
§ 173. Methods for observing the interference of light
§ 174. Interference of light in thin films
§ 175. Application of interference of light
Chapter 23. Light diffraction
§ 177. Method of Fresnel zones. Rectilinear light propagation
§ 178. Fresnel diffraction on a round hole and disk
§ 179. Fraunhofer diffraction on one slit
§ 180. Fraunhofer diffraction on a diffraction grating
§ 181. Spatial lattice. Scattering of light
§ 182. Diffraction on a spatial lattice. Wolfe's formula - Braggs
§ 183. Resolution of optical devices
§ 184. The concept of holography

Chapter 24. Interaction of electromagnetic waves with matter.
§ 185. Dispersion of light
§ 186. Electronic theory of dispersion of light
§ 188. Doppler effect
§ 189. Vavilov - Cherenkov radiation

Chapter 25. Polarization of light
§ 190. Natural and polarized light
§ 191. Polarization of light during reflection and refraction at the boundary of two dielectrics
§ 192. Double refraction
§ 193. Polarizing prisms and polaroids
§ 194. Analysis of polarized light

§ 195. Artificial optical anisotropy
§ 196. Rotation of the plane of polarization


Chapter 26. Quantum nature of radiation.
§ 197. Thermal radiation and its characteristics.

§ 198. Kirchhoff's law
§ 199. Laws of Stefan - Boltzmann and Vin's displacement

§ 200. Formulas of Rayleigh-Jeans and Planck.
§ 201. Optical pyrometry. Thermal light sources
§ 203. Einstein's equation for the external photoelectric effect. Experimental confirmation of the quantum properties of light
§ 204. Application of the photoelectric effect
§ 205. Mass and momentum of a photon. Light pressure
§ 206. Compton effect and its elementary theory
§ 207. The unity of corpuscular and wave properties of electromagnetic radiation

6. Elements of quantum physics

Chapter 27. Bohr's theory of the hydrogen atom.

§ 208. Models of the atom of Thomson and Rutherford
§ 209. Line spectrum of the hydrogen atom
§ 210. Bohr's postulates
§ 211. Frank's experiments in Hertz
§ 212. The spectrum of the hydrogen atom according to Bohr


Chapter 28. Elements of Quantum Mechanics
§ 213. Corpuscular-wave dualism of the properties of matter
§ 214. Some properties of de Broglie waves
§ 215. Relationship of uncertainties
§ 216. Wave function and its statistical meaning
§ 217. General Schrödinger equation. Schrödinger equation for stationary states
§ 218. The principle of causality in quantum mechanics
§ 219. Motion of a free particle
§ 222. Linear harmonic oscillator in quantum mechanics
Chapter 29. Elements of modern physics of atoms t molecules
§ 223. The hydrogen atom in quantum mechanics
§ 224. L-combustion of an electron in a hydrogen atom
§ 225. The spin of the electron. Spin quantum number
§ 226. The principle of indistinguishability of identical particles. Fermions and bosons
§ 229. X-ray spectra
§ 231. Molecular spectra. Raman light scattering
§ 232. Absorption, spontaneous and stimulated emission
Chapter 30. Elements of Quantum Statistics
§ 234. Quantum statistics. Phase space. Distribution function
§ 235. The concept of quantum statistics Bose - Einstein and Fermi - Dirac
§ 236. Degenerate electron gas in metals
§ 237. The concept of the quantum theory of heat capacity. Phonols
§ 238. Conclusions of the quantum theory of electrical conductivity of metals
! Josephson effect
Chapter 31. Elements of solid state physics
§ 240. The concept of the band theory of solids
§ 241. Metals, dielectrics and semiconductors according to band theory
§ 242. Intrinsic conductivity of semiconductors
§ 243. Impurity conductivity of semiconductors
§ 244. Photoconductivity of semiconductors
§ 245. Luminescence of solids
§ 246. Contact of two metals according to the band theory
§ 247. Thermoelectric phenomena and their application
§ 248. Rectification at the metal-semiconductor contact
§ 250. Semiconductor diodes and triodes (transistors

7. Elements of physics of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles.

Chapter 32. Elements of physics of the atomic nucleus.

§ 252. Mass defect and binding energy, nucleus

§ 253. Spin of the nucleus and its magnetic moment

§ 254. Nuclear forces. Kernel models

§ 255. Radioactive radiation and its types Displacement rules

§ 257. Laws of a-decay

§ 259. Gamma radiation and its properties.

§ 260. Resonant absorption of γ-radiation (Mössbauer effect

§ 261. Methods of observation and registration of radioactive radiation and particles

§ 262. Nuclear reactions and their main types

§ 263. Positron. /> - Decay. Electronic capture

§ 265. Nuclear fission reaction
§ 266. Chain reaction of fission
§ 267. The concept of nuclear power
§ 268. Reaction of fusion of atomic nuclei. The problem of controlled thermonuclear reactions
Chapter 33. Elements of elementary particle physics
§ 269. Cosmic radiation
§ 270. Muons and their properties
§ 271. Mesons and their properties
§ 272. Types of interactions of elementary particles
§ 273. Particles and antiparticles
§ 274. Hyperones. The strangeness and parity of elementary particles
§ 275. Classification of elementary particles. Quarks
Basic laws and formulas
1. Physical foundations of mechanics
2. Fundamentals of Molecular Physics and Thermodynamics
4. Oscillations and waves
5. Optics. The quantum nature of radiation
6. Elements of quantum physics of atoms, molecules and solids

7. Elements of physics of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles
Subject index

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