Research project on the topic: "Natural electricity. BC project on the topic: "Electric current and its impact on the human body

Anna Yunatkin

So the topic was chosen for my first real research!

I often had questions: How electricity Makes to burn a paw? Where does it come from electric current in the outlet? Like my toys work from batterywhere in the battery electricity? And what is the difference between electric shock and electricity?

And at the end of the first academic half of the year in working notebook by"Environment to the world" the task: "Collect electrical chain and sketch it» . Dad gladly agreed to buy the necessary for this « Electric designer» . When the chain was collected, he told me how it moves electricity. And I was wondering why I will take a battery in my hands, and the current does not bring me harm, but in the outlet, you can't drink my fingers, I will kill the current?

After that, I definiciently decided for myself that I must deal with questions arising from me, about electricity and current! That served as the basis for choosing the topic research.

Hypothesis: Current B. electrical circuit happens different.

In order to test your hypothesis, I was defined target research And a number of experiments were held.

purpose: Explore electrical chains with different types of current.

To achieve the goal of the goal in order, all the questions interested me were studied. Tasks:

1. Learn nature.

2. Read the principle work batteries.

3. Find out how.

To solve them, I completed the following work:

1) asked Pope and spent experiments with him;

2) read children's encyclopedia;

4) looking for information on the Internet;

5) browsed cognitive cartoons about electricity.

Methods and techniques research: Observation, experiment.

Equipment: Electric designer, Multimeter.

Practical significance: results research allow you to learn more about the environment worldwill help B. everyday life.

Result work Presents in the form of a presentation.

1. Nature electricity and electric current

From cartoon "Smeshariki : Pin- The code: Electorage"I was already known that in ancient Greece Greeks were noticed: If the amber is lost about wool, he will begin to attract light items nearby. The power that attracts the Greeks to himself began to call electricity. Amber is an ancient genically called electron. From « electron» - amber formed the word electricity. This is the first acquaintance of people with electricity.

Now scientists have proven: "Everything surrounds us consists of elementary particles: Protons I. electronswho have amazing property, they have electric charge».

Fig. 1. Proton I. electron

Proton is positive, and electron Negatively charged particle (Fig. 1.2).

Fig. 2. Proton I. electron

Electrons And protons are attracted to each other and form a design called an atom. Protons are in the nucleus of an atom, around protons rotate electrons(Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Atom

With the friction of amber about the coat of particles from the wool atoms jump on the amber atoms (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. What happens when friction

As a result, wool losing some of his electrons It becomes positively charged, and amber is negative. Negative and positively charged atoms begin to attract each other. (Fig. 5). Such a view electricity called static.

Fig. 5. Static electricity

If one atoms electrons oversupplythen under the action electric forces they rush to where electrons are not enough. Such flow electrons and called electric current(Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. Electricity

I tried to repeat the example told in the cartoon (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7. Experience with amber

Then I spent the same experience with ruler: rubbed a line about wool, and pieces of paper pulled to her (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8. Experience with a ruler

In my experience electrons from ruler"REDUCED" on wool, and the ruler pulled to her paper, trying "Capture" from her electrons.

I concluded that amber and ruler electrified, resulting in static electricity.


1) The same charges are repelled, different - attract. Equally charged bodies are repelled, oppositely charged - attract.

2) Electricity The resulting balance of the balance of positive and negatively charged particles is called static.

3) when there are many electrons"Run" According to the conductor in one direction, arises electricity.

4) Electric Current is an ordered movement of charged particles.

2. Read the principle work batteries

Electricity It may occur not only by friction. The cause of the current may be a chemical reaction. So the batteries familiar to us are arranged.

First electric The battery appeared in 1799. Her invented Alessandro Volta (Fig. 9). He is the inventor of the source of permanent electric current.

Fig. 9. Alessandro Volta (1745 – 1827)

Batteries are round, square (Fig. 10).

Fig. 10. Bathares varieties

I looked at the structure and tell you about my finching battery. She was called so because she looks like a finger. Outside I saw that from one end battery stands a sign "a plus", and from another "minus" (Fig. 11).

Fig. 11. Fingering battery

Inside the modern battery, two cylindrice (anode +; cathode - inserted one in another. Between cylinders (plus and minus) - Special barrier (separator, solution or paste (Fig. 12).

Fig. 12. Building a regular battery

From one cylinder to another and flows electricity(Fig. 13).

Fig. 13. Principle work batteries

For example, from one cylinder on the wire, the current goes into the light bulb and further on the wire comes up to another cylinder (Fig. 14).

Fig. fourteen. Electronic circuit

For clarity, I gathered with the dad, shown above, electric chain. Figure 15 shows the result of the experience performed.

Fig. fifteen. Electric chain in action

Pope and I tried to make your battery at home (Fig. 16).

Fig. 16. Battery with your own hands

For this we needed (Fig. 17):

Durable paper towel;

Food foil;


Copper coins;

Little light bulb;

Two isolated copper wires.

Fig. 17. What you need

How experienced experience:

1. Dissolve a little salt in water.

2. Cutting a paper towel and foil on squares slightly larger coins.

3. Wet paper squares in salted water.

4. Put on each other stack: Copper coin, a piece of foil, again a coin, and so on several times. From above, the stacks should be paper, down - coin.

5. The exposed end of one wire slipped under the stack, the second end attached to the light bulb. One end of the second wire was put on a stack on top, the second also attached to the light bulb.

The light is not caught fire, but the diode caught fire (Fig. 18).

Fig. 18. Experience with coins

The diode burned barely, and we decided to spend another experience with the help of vinegar.

For him we needed (Fig. 19):

Acetic acid

Self-tapping screw;

Copper wire;

Little light bulb;

Boxes OT "Kinders";

Isolated wires.

Fig. 19. What is needed

How experienced experience:

1. Connected selflessness with copper wire (Fig. 20).

Fig. 20. Stage 1.

2. Bulled B. "Kinders" vinegar (Fig. 21).

Fig. 21. Stage 2.

3. Inserted in turn in the boxes from "Kinders" self-tapping screw and copper wire, so in one "Kinder" It was a wire, and in another self-sufficiency (Fig. 22).

Fig. 22. Stage 3.

4. Connected one wire to a screw, and the second to the copper wire (Fig. 23).

Fig. 23. Stage 4.

5. Connected wires to the light bulb (Fig. 24).

Fig. 24. Stage 5.

The light is not caught fire, and the diode burned well (Fig. 25).

Fig. 25. Stage 6.

The current occurs in fruits and vegetables. I spent experiments with lemon and potatoes.

In lemon and potatoes stuck copper and zinc plates and measured voltage voltage (Fig. 26 and 27).

Fig. 26. Experience with lemon

Fig. 27. Experience with potatoes

Voltmeter showed that both in Lemon and in potatoes originated electric Current with about the same voltage.

Three lemons turned out to me enough for the LED slowly caught fire without additional sources of current. Adding another lemon diode began to burn in full strength, but the light bulb as in previous experiments has not caught fire (Fig. 28).

Fig. 28. Experience with lemon

In experience with potatoes, we took 12 potatoes, but the light bulb still did not catch fire (Fig. 29).

Fig. 29. Experience with potatoes

According to experiments with lemon and potatoes, I concluded that electric The current in vegetables and fruits appears as a result chemical reaction Between metal and contained in vegetables and fruit acid.

I also learned how works Light current source - solar panels.

Solar battery consists of a plurality of solar cells, in each of which light energy is directly turning into electric energy. It is quite simple, only for the manufacture of a solar cell, you need to find a substance with suitable properties.

Shine "Knocks out" electrons from a substancecovering the battery plate and occurs electricity(Fig. 30).

Fig. 30. Solar Battery.

Solar battery is in our country, in the afternoon it accumulates electricityand at night begins to give it (Fig. 31).

Fig. 31. Sample solar battery

While the rays of the sun fall on the battery, the butterfly does not burn, and as soon as we closed her with the phone, she lit.

Still solar batteries can be found at home in calculators (Fig. 32).

Fig. 32. Calculators with solar panels

Output: Solar panels not only produce electricityBut also accumulates it with the battery.

Thus, I came to the conclusion that the batteries are devices producing electric energy. But one battery is not enough for the light bulb or diode burned.

To do this, make a closed electric circuit of electrical appliances. Dad taught me to collect the simplest electric chain.

Elements electrical chain connected with wires and connect to the power source.

The most simple electric chain consists of:

1) current source;

2) consumer electricity(lamp, electrical devices) ;

3) closing and opening device (Switch, button);

4) connecting wires;

Drawings showing how electric The devices are connected to the chain, are called electrical circuits.

On the electric Schemes All items electrical chain have a conditional designation.

Output: If the battery is part electrical chain, then flow electrons flowing from negative pole batteries to positive through all elements chains.

That's how my toys work!

3. As electricity gets into our house

Modern man electricity is necessaryto worked machines on the factoriesTo travel trains, trams. And at home - to various devices workedwho help quickly perform home work. But from where and how to comes to our house electricity?

And that's what I learned (Fig. 33):

1. Electricity For our house produced on power plants(CHP-17).

3. later electricity enters the transformer to become suitable

for home electrical appliances. falls into our homes

4. With transformer electricity On the wires comes to our house.

Fig. 33. Kak electricity

I asked the parents to show me, from where and how (Fig. 34).

Fig. 34. Kak. electricity comes to our house

For this large number electricity build power plants.

Talk on power plants Get using a special device - generator (Fig. 35).

Fig. 35. Generator

To activate the current generator, use different types of energy.

Thermal get energy from fuel combustion (gas, diesel fuel or coal). This station has in the city of Stupino (for example, CHP-17) (Fig. 36).

Fig. 36. CHP-17 G. Stupino

On the hydroelectric station To rotate the generator turbine use water energy. This can be seen in the city of Shatura (Fig. 37).

Fig. 37. Shaturskaya hydroelectric station

At Atomic power plants use the energy of the heat allocated when nuclear reaction (Fig. 38).

Fig. 38. Rostov atomic power station

And there are winds power plants(Fig. 39, sunny (Fig. 40) and many others.

Fig. 39. Window power station

Fig. 40. Sunny power station

When you click on the lamp switch or some device, then electricity, coming from the generator, begins to flow on the wires, and the device begins to act, and the light bulb is glowing. Just like in my electronic circuit(Fig. 41).

Fig. 41. Electric light bulb chain

Production electricity Requires high costs, so it is very important to take care of it, not to waste in vain.

Let's sum up!

Why electricity is dangerous? And why the battery is harmless to me, and the current in the outlet is so dangerous. That's what I am found out:

Current is the movement of charged particles in one direction. Particles "Run" not exactly, but hesitate (Fig. 42).

Fig. 42. Electricity

"Oscillating" Weak - Little Tension (for example, in the battery). "Hit" weak (Fig. 43).

Fig. 43. Electric current in the battery

Strong oscillations - a large voltage. "Hit" strong. When touching the conductor finger feels a blow and pain (Fig. 44).

Fig. 44. Electric current in the outlet

In the outlet - 220 volts, the blow to the current leads to injuries, burns and death.

That is why the current in the outlet is so dangerous!

As a result of all done research I made conclusions:

1. Electricity - this is the common name of all phenomena, one way or another related to properties. electrical charges.

2. Current - this is a directional movement electric charges under the action of forces electrical nature. That is just a special case electricity.

3. Electricity In our house falls on electrical circuit with power plants.

4. The higher the oscillation of the particles when driving, the higher the current voltage in chains and more dangerous his blow.

We will take care of electricityWe will remember the danger that it carries in itself.


1. Leenson I. A. Mysterious charges and magnets. Entertaining electricity. Ed in: AlmediaGroup, 2014;





Municipal educational institution

average comprehensive school № 1

name of the hero of the Russian real estate

Research on the topic:

"Why light bulb lights"

Performed: Filin Cyril,

Leader: teacher biology

Barysh, 2012

Introduction C.3.

1. History of electricity development. P.3

2. Experiments with electricity. S.5

2.1. Experiments by electrification S.5

2.2. Bubble installation. S.6.

2.3. A knocked compass. S.6.

2.4. Shimmering light. S.7.

3. The value of electricity in modern world. S.7.

4. Safety equipment. S.8.

Conclusion S.8.

List of references used p.9


What are you doing by entering the dark room? Well, of course, you turn on the light! It is easier to make it simple: just click the switch - and the light bulb lights up. But it was not always so. Who invented the light bulb? Why does she light up? These questions interested me, and I decided to work on research on the topic : "Why light bulb lights up" .

To study, it is necessary to determine the object and subject of research.

Objectmy research is electrical phenomena.

From here it follows targetresearch: press electrical phenomena to find out what role electricity plays in a person's life.

For execution research work I set me the following tasks:

Get acquainted with the materials in the scientific literature on the history of the development of electricity and electrical phenomena.

Examine and master the methodology for experiments on electricity.

The following tasks were used to achieve the tasks treesand methods:

I met the history of discovery in the field of electricity.

Investigated material about electric current sources.

I found out what value is electricity in the modern world.

In no case come to bare wires,

do not touch them.

You need to beware of electricity not only at homebut on Street., on the nature.

It is impossible to touch the wires hanging from the pilots of the power line.

During thunderstorms:

It is impossible to relate metal objects (fences, fences, etc.)

It is impossible to run through the open place (in the field, in the meadow).

You can not hide from the rain under a high tree, etc.


So, finished your work, I can conclude that Electricity is part of Nature, the surrounding world. It is present in everything: in each part of our planet, in space, in the man itself.

The combined efforts of all mankind the process of the cognition of electricity occurs rapidly.

Using the properties of electricity, a person creates instruments, devices and equipment to improve the living conditions, labor, for the knowledge of the surrounding world.

A person is committed to comfort, new opportunities, in a bright future in this electric world.


1. Large children's illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Egmont Russia LTD., 2003.

2. The big Book "Why?" (questions and answers, curious and helpful information). - M.: Publishing House Rosman, 2006- with.

3. . Who draws on the screen. - M.: Kid, 1991.

4. Enforced about physics and mathematics. - M.: Science. The main editorial office of physico-mathematical literature, 1987.

5. Satellite inquisitive "What is? Who it?". - M.: Enlightenment, 1968

The unit for measuring the current force per unit of current force takes strength of the current at which the segments of parallel conductors with a length of 1 m interact with the power of H (0, n). This unit is called amp (a). -7

Ampere Andre Marie was born on January 22, 1775 in the Polem near Lyon in the aristocratic family. Received home education .. Engaged in research of communication between electricity and magnetism (this circle of ampere phenomena called electrodynamics). Subsequently developed the theory of magnetism. Ampere died in Marseille on June 10, 1836.

UK-Badge UK-Margin-Small-Right "\u003e

Alessandro Voltage Italian physicist, chemist and physiologist, one of the founders of electricity doctrine. Alessandro Volta was born in 1745, was a fourth child in the family. In 1801 he received from Napoleon the title of Count and Senator. Died Volta in Como on March 5, 1827.

Electrical resistance Resistance is directly proportional to the length of the conductor, inversely proportional to the area of \u200b\u200bits cross section and depends on the substance of the conductor. R \u003d R \u003d ρ S R resistance ρ-specific resistance - Explorer length S-area cross section

Om Georg Ohm (OHM) Georg Simon (March 16, 1787, Erlangen - July 6, 1854, Munich), a German physicist, the author of one of the main laws, was engaged in the research of electricity. In 1852, I received the post of ordinary professor. Ohm died on July 6, 1854 .. In 1881, on the electrical congress in Paris, scientists unanimously approved the name of the resistance unit 1 Ohm.

Communal state Institution

"Secondary school №62"

Student 1 "in" class

Larochkin Daniel

"Electric current and its use in electronics"

Direction: Research project

Section: Physics and technique.


Nefedova O.A. teacher primary classes

Karaganda 2017.

Table of contents

    Research Plan. Project Justification 2.

    Introduction 3.

    Theoretical part:

    What is electric current. Basic concepts. Polarity. four

    The use of electric current in electronics. four

    Safety when handling electric shock.5-6

    Practical part:

    Description of the electronic constructor "Expert". 7.

    Experiment 1. 8.

    Experiment 2. 8.

    Experiment 3. 9.

    Conclusion. 10

    List of used literature. eleven

    Applications. 12-14

Research Plan:

Stages of work

1. Find out what an electric current is.

2. Collect information about the use of electric current.

3. Safety in current operation

3. Practical part

1) Description of the electronic constructor "Expert"

2) Experiment 1

3) experiment 2

4) Experiment 3

Justification of the project.

I chose this particular topic, because I am interested to understand how much the current is in life and how important it is.

I want to know about the current and find out from where it takes.

I thought, and how does he appear? What benefit or harm it brings people? I became interested. And I decided to deal with his research.


In everyday life, we often encounter such a concept as "electricity". What is electricity, do people always know about him?

Without electricity to present our modern life almost impossible. How, for example, you can do without lighting and heat, without an electric motor and telephone, without a computer and TV? Electricity was so deeply penetrated into our lives that we sometimes do not think that this wizard helps us in work.

This wizard is electricity. What is the essence of electricity? The essence of electricity comes down to the fact that the flow of charged particles is moving through the conductor (the conductor is a substance capable of carrying out an electric current) in a closed chain from the current source to the consumer. Moving, the flow of particles perform a certain job.

This phenomenon is called "electricity " And it is precisely this phenomenon that I dedicate my first research work.

The purpose of this work is to study the action of electric direct current When changing the polarity of the power source.

Based on various experiments with an electrical chain at the end of its work, I will draw conclusions about the operation of the electric current.

Theoretical part.

1.Who such an electric current. Basic concepts. Polarity.

In nature there are two types of electricity. One thing is static. It rests in one place. Sometimes, for example, you can hear how the synthetic clothing crackles when it is removed. This is an example of static electricity.

The second type of electricity is called an electric current. He knows how to "run" on the wires. This type of electricity is used to illuminate, heating our homes and leads to the movement of machines.

So what is electric current?

Electric current is a directed flow of charged particles. There are two types of electric current: variable and permanent. As a nutrition, constant current is mainly used. Electricity is like water in the river. As water in the river moves from one point to another, under the action of the force of attraction and the electric current moves from the positive output of the power supply to the negative.

In my experiments, the power supply will be batteries with two conclusions (with two different connections at the ends): + (positive) and - (negative). This is called polarity. In all the schemes that I will collect, the polarity must be properly observed, otherwise the experiment will not work, or even a scheme element can even burn. Further, in the practical part, we will read more about the influence of polarity when assembling schemes.

    The use of electric current in electronics.

Electricity is our friend. It helps us in everything. In the morning we turn on the light, electric kettle. We put to warm up food into the microwave. We use the elevator. We are going to the tram, we speak the cell phone. We work at industrial enterprises, in banks and hospitals, in the fields and in workshops, we study at school, where heat and light. And everywhere "works" electricity.

Now in houses and enterprises operate electromechanisms, replacing the work of many people. Some materials, such as metals, passes through themselves electricity. They are called guides. For supplying electricity from one place to another, metal wires are used.

Materials that do not miss electricity, such as rubber and plastics, are called insulators. Wires transmitting electricity covered with plastic to protect people from shock.

At the same time, in the modern world, electronics surrounds us everywhere. These are modern cars, computers, and mobile phones. The list of examples may be infinite. But no matter how difficult the device is, it consists of very simple components (such as any building consists of simple bricks).

The study of such "bricks" and the creation of more complex schemes and my work will be devoted.

    Safety when handling electric shock.

And adults and children should be remembered that the current is invisible, and therefore especially cunning. What do not need to make adults and children? Do not touch your hands, do not fit close to the wires. Not far from the power lines, substations are not stopped on vacation, do not bred fires, do not run flying toys. Lying on Earth, the wire can hire a deadly danger. Electrical outlets if a small child in the house is a special control object.

The electric current does not smell anything, does not have colors, does not make up sounds and does not touch, so you cannot prevent a person about my presence. About him just need to know or be extremely careful.

For safe work on assembling schemes, the following basic rules must be observed:

    Since there is a current in the chain, then you need to carefully collect the electrical circuit: observe the polarity, all switches must be driven at the time of assembly, and the hands should not be wet.

    Be careful with rotating equipment (engine, propeller) included in the electronic designer.

The main safety conditions for working with certain electrical devices are certainly indicated by the manufacturer in the instruction, so it is always necessary to carefully read them and follow them in practice.

In your work, I also strictly followed the instructions applied to the set of electronic constructor "Expert".

It should be remembered that most of the problems in electrical circuits are associated with incorrect assembly. Therefore, you should always carefully check the correctness of the collected scheme, in accordance with the instructions. It is impossible to touch and close to the rotating elements of the electrical circuit (for example, a propeller) and it is impossible to overheat the elements of the electrical circuit. In general, it should always be remembered that electricity is dangerous! You can never play with a switch, a plug or a device included in the network, because a person can strike a shock.

Practical part.

    Description of the electronic constructor "Expert"

The practical part of my research work was carried out using the Electronic Designer "Expert" and includes 3 experiments.

This designer is absolutely safe and easy to handle. But you should follow some rules when working with it:

    Observe polarity. Some elements have "+" in their marking. When collecting schemes, it is necessary to pay attention to it.

    When collecting schemes, it should be pressed with a finger on the middle of the part, but along the edges, that is, at the point of attachment.

For ease of use, all the details of the designer used for experiments differ in color, marking, numbered and easily recognizable. Assembling schemes during experiments will be carried out on the circuit board using the "wrapping" buttons.

Designer details description:

    Mounting board - platform for assembling on it parts. For the convenience of mounting on it there are special protrusions to which elements are attached.

    Wires. Blue hard wires are used to connect the parts. They are used to supply electricity and do not affect the characteristics of the chain. Wires differ in length in order to make it convenient to place parts on the circuit board.

    Battery. This designer uses batteries of the size of AA and the accumulators of the same size.

    Electric motor. It is also called the engine. It turns electricity into a mechanical movement.

    Switch. It has two positions: closed (ON.) when the current flows through the switch and open (Off) When the switch breaks the circuit and the current does not flow.

    Button. She misses the current only when it is pressed - like in the doorbell.

    Gercon. This is a small glass cylinder, inside of which there are two open metal contacts. In such a state, the Gercon does not spend current. But if you bring a magnet to him, then the contacts are closed (you can hear the light click) and the current flows through them.

Brief description of the experiments on the basis of the electronic constructor "Expert":

Experiment 1. "Electric flashlight" - Appendix 1. Basic elements of the scheme: mounting board, wires, batteries, switch and lamp with a cartridge.

Experiment 2. "Electric fan" - Appendix 2. Basic elements of the scheme: mounting board, wires, batteries, switch, electric motor and propeller.

Experiment 3. "Flying Plate" - Appendix 3. Basic elements of the scheme: mounting board, wires, batteries (2 sets), gercon, magnet, electric motor and propeller.

During each experiment, the impact of direct current on the lamp was studied (experiment 1), the electric motor with a propeller (experiment 2, 3) when the polarity change their inclusion.

A step by step description of the experiments conducted by me and obtained as a result of this conclusions is given below.

Experiment 1. "Electric flashlight" - see Appendix 1.

    After assembling the circuit, I closed the switch (turning on the buttonON.).

    As a result, the bulb went out.

    Then I changed the lamp in places and switch.

    After assembling the circuit, I replaced the switch again (turning on the buttonON.).

    As a result, the lamp caught fire.

    At the same time nothing has changed.

    As a result, I concluded that the change in the polarity of the lamp does not affect the operation of the circuit.

    Thanks to this experiment, I was able to understand how electrical lanterns work on what principle.

Experiment 2. "Electric fan" - see Appendix 2.

    Preparation for the experiment: assembled the circuit of the electrical circuit, according to the instructions given in the manual of the user part of the electronic constructor "Expert".

    I installed a propeller on the electric motor.

    Closed the switch(ON).

    The propeller began to rotate.

    Outlined the switch(OFF).

    Propeller stopped.

    Closed the switch(ON).

    As a result, the electric motor began to rotate to the other side.

    Thanks to this experiment, I was able to understand what principle the simplest electric fans work.

Experiment 3. "Flying Plate" - See Appendix 3.

    Preparation for the experiment: assembled the circuit of the electrical circuit, according to the instructions given in the manual of the user part of the electronic constructor "Expert".

    Installed propeller.

    Magnet attached a magnet to the German.

    As a result, the electric motor began to rotate.

    Then I waited until the propeller began to rotate very quickly.

    As soon as the propeller began to rotate very quickly, I sharply pushed the magnet.

    As a result, the propeller flew up. (Note: Here you need to be extremely careful, since the propeller takes off very quickly and high).

    Then I changed places a positive and negative poles of the electric motor.

    Repeated a magnet to the German again.

    The direction of rotation of the electric motor has changed. He began to rotate counterclockwise.

    As a result, the propeller could no longer take over.

    When performing this experiment, I concluded that after it was changed by places of the electric motor, the scheme began working as a fan with a lower rotation frequency of the propeller.

Conclusion .

As a result of the above described experiments, were obtained the following conclusions:

    In the experiment "Electric flashlight", changing the polarity of the lamp on the lamp did not affect the operation of the circuit.

    In the Experiment, the "Electric Fan" Changing the polarity of the power on the electric motor with the propeller influenced the change in the direction of its movement.

    From the experiment "Flying Plate", I also learned that the change in the polarity of the inclusion of the electric motor with the propeller influenced not only to change the direction of its movement, but also on the speed of rotation. In the first case (Figure 5), when the circuit is turned on and its sharp disconnection, the propeller took off from the electric motor like a "flying plate". When the polarity change in this circuit, the propeller did not have enough propeller to take off (Figure 6).

Let's summarize: Changing the polarity in electrical current circuits may affect the change in direction and speed of rotation of the electric motor with a propeller, but does not affect the operation of the light bulb.

List of references:

    Children's encyclopedia "Rosman", Jane Elliott and Colin King. Translation from English E.P. Corgev. CJSC Rosman-Press, 2005.

    Great schoolchild encyclopedia. Julia Bruce, Steve Parker, Nicholas Harris, Emma Helbrow. Translation from English E.A. Toronina, O.Yu.panova. LLC Publishing House "Eksmo", 2015.

    Children's hour Story about electricity Children:


Experiment 1. "Electric flashlight"

Figure 1. Photo to polarity change.

Figure 2. Photo after changing polarity.

Appendix 2.

Experiment 2. "Electric fan"

Figure 3. Photo before changing polarity.

Figure 4. Photo after changing polarity.

Appendix 3.

Experiment 3. "Flying Plate"

Figure 5. Photo before changing polarity.

Figure 6. Photo after changing polarity.

Schukin Daniel, 3 class student

The work is devoted to the experimental study study of secrets of electricity. Experts with electrified bodies explaining existence, interaction and movement of electrical charges are described. The author conducts experiments with an electrical chain explaining how and where electricity lives, why the light bulb is burning. Experimentally proved that water-conductor of electricity. The presentation clearly introduces students of 3-7 classes with this physical phenomenon.



Festival of research works of students "Portfolio"

Sections: Physics. Training project.

Russian Federation, Irkutsk region

Ust - Udine district, village Ust-Ud

Project topic:

« Secrets of electricity»

Schukin Daniel Andreevich

Study class 3

School P. Us-Ud


Elena Nikolaevna blusenko,

Primary school teacher

Qualification category

Municipal general education

Institutions Middle General Education

School P. Us-Ud


Brief abstract………………………………………………… 3

Introduction …………………………………………………………………….. 3

1.1 History of the study of electricity ............................................. 6

1.2 What is electricity? ......................................................... 7.

1.3 When does electricity occur? ………………………………………… eight

1.4 Sources of current ................................................................................... 8

1.5 Where does electricity live? …………………………………………………10

Conclusions 1 chapter ...................................................................................... 10

2.1 Methods and methods of research ............................................. 11

2.2 Analysis of the results of solving informative tasks ..................... ... 11

Conclusions on the 2 chapter ........................................................................… 12

3.1. Stages and content of experiments ........................... ... ............ 13

3.2. Results of the control experiment ........................... ...

conclusions on 3 chapter ...................................................................................... 13

Conclusion ……………………………………………………… ………… 14

LITERATURE ………………………………………………………… …… …… 15

Applications …………………………………………………………………… 15

Brief abstract

In this research project The author put the goal:

The following methods were used:

  1. when studying information about this phenomenon from books, encyclopedias and internet -resurs;
  2. when monitoring the electrification bodies;
  3. when conducting experimental experiments proving the existence of electricity.

The main part of the work includes the theoretical analysis of the study of electricity in modern literature, the practical part and the generalization of the information received to proof theoretical knowledge The author conducted such experiments:

  1. Electricity - Wizard.


Since childhood I am interested in questions unusual phenomena In the world around me.

And, as it turns out, not one me.

It was hard for a person millions of years ago,
He did not know the nature at all,
Blindly believed in miracles,
He all was afraid.
And did not know how to explain
Storm, thunder, earthquake,
It was hard for him to live.

And he decided to be afraid
It is better to find out everything.
Himself in all intervene
People tell people the truth.
He created the land of science,
Briefly called Physics.
Under the name of the shortest
He recognized nature.

I found out that "physics" - This is a Greek word and in translated means "nature".

For me, physics is the most interesting science. Physics interests me and practical experiments, and permanent discoveries in the knowledge of the surrounding world. Knowledge of physics helps to understand modern technique, it comes correctly to it and even competently make your small inventions. I understand that it should be studied with great attention, reach the very essence and not to count on a light success. Science is not entertainment, not all fun and entertaining. It requires persistent work.

Once I made it, wool at the cat's cat. I did it so hard that I heard even weak crackling. And when I drove my plastic comb to small pieces that lay on a chair, they literally stick to her!

And there was a few more "focus" with a balloon.

I pine balloon, rubbed it, but already about the hair classmate and ... he "glued" to the wall, to me, to the hair ...

I became very interested, which is still going on, and turned to my teacher. We have any questions:

  • "What happens to hair?",
  • "What phenomenon do we observe?",
  • "What is it called?".

Working on the project, I visited the role of physicist experimenter. After all, only knowledge gained by experience can be considered correct. The subject of our study was extraordinary phenomena.

As a result, the topic of study arose:"Mystery of electricity"_

2. Force research.

Determine the purpose of the study - it means to find out why we are conducting it.

We asked ourselves and adults the question: "What is electricity? Where does it live? How does it occur? ". Set a goal: -find out what electricity is, what is an electric current, what is an electrical voltage when it occurs how electricity is formed, as it hits at home.

3. Objectives of research.

  1. Conduct experiences proving the existence of electricity
  2. Solve cognitive tasks

№1: "... Is it only plastic objects when friction about wool acquire a property of attracting lightweight bodies? "

№2: "... Only whether it is necessary to rub the body about the wool so that it acquires the property to attract light items? "

Number 3: "… Under what conditions of the body acquire the property of attracting light items, is the friction of the bodies of each other prerequisite For the flow of phenomenon? "

  1. Formulate answers to the questions set at the beginning.

4. Research methods.

experiments, observation, comparison, generalization.

5. Work plan:

  1. Explore the literature on this issue;
  2. Conduct experiences proving the existence of electricity according to plan (see Next Stages of the study)
  3. Formulate answers to the questions at first.
  4. Together with the teacher, write a report on work and create a presentation
  5. Protect the project at the school conference and make a report before classmates.

Stages of research:

  1. Conduct experiments with bodies from different substances (glass, plastic, wood) and light objects (paper pieces of arbitrary shape).
  2. To conduct experiments with the "spruit" and "panty" explaining the existence of two types of electric charges.
  3. Working mechanism different species Change electric current on experiments with polyethylene and a notebook sheet.
  4. Conduct experience with an electrical chain explaining how and where electricity lives, why the light bulb is burning
  5. Experimentally prove that water is an electricity conductor.
  6. Experimentally prove that electricity is a wizard ..

Work structure: Design work consists of introduction, three chapters, conclusion, a list of literature and applications.

The created presentation was used in the lessons of the surrounding world in grade 3 under the program "Harmony". The author of the textbook - Polyakova O.T. And at the lessons of physics in 7 - 8 classes, as a primary acquaintance with the concept of "electricity". The presentation presents in a generalized form information about what electricity is, what is an electric current, what is an electrical voltage when it occurs how electricity is formed as it falls into the house.

Chapter 1. Theoretical analysis of the study of electricity in modern literature

History of study of electricity

Electricity was known to people from the most long time. True, practically measured electricity a person learned only at the beginning of the 19th century. Then it took another 70 years before the moment when in 1872 the Russian scientist A.N. Lodgin invented the world's first incandescent light in the world.

But knowledge of such a phenomenon as electricity has already had many thousands of years ago. After all ancient man I noticed an amazing property with grated amber wool attracting threads, dust and other small items.

We learned that the ancient Greeks very much loved the decorations and small crafts fromamber. They called this stone for his color and glitter "Electron", which means "sunny stone. The fact that amber could electrify knew for a long time. For the first time

by following this phenomenon, the famous philosopher of antiquity Falez Miletsky was engaged. There is even a legend about it.

"The daughter of Faleza straight wool amber spindle. Somehow, dropping it into the water, the girl began to wipe it with the edge of her woolen hiton and noticed that several wool risers were stuck to spindle. Thinking that they stick, she began to wipe it even stronger. And what? The fur naked the bigger, the stronger it was riveted. The girl appealed for clarification to the Father. Fales realized that the reason in the substance from which the spindle was done. The next time he bought various amber products and was convinced that all of them, being squeezed by woolen matters, attract light objects, like a magnet attracts iron. "

Much later, this property was observed for other substances, such as sulfur, surgum and glass. And because of the fact that "amber" in Greek sounded as "electron", these properties began to be called electrical.

Who invented electricity

As for electricity, it is curious that it is studied for thousands of years, and we still do not know exactly what it is! Today it is believed that it consists of tiny charged particles. Electricity, according to this theory, moving stream of electrons or other charged particles.

Big progress in the study of electricity was not achieved until1672 years. This year, a person named Otto von Gerrick, Hovering his hand from a rotating ball from sulfur, received a more powerful charge of electricity. In 1729.Stephen Gray It discovered that some substances, in particular metals, can conduct a current. Such substances began to be called"Conductors." He found that other substances, such as glass, sulfur, amber and wax, do not conduct a current. They were named"Insulators".

The next important step was made in1733 when a Frenchman nameddu Fei opened positive and negative electrical charges, Although he thought it was two different types of electricity.. Benjamin Franklinhe was the first to try to explain what electricity is. In his opinion, all substances in nature contain "electrical liquid". The friction between some substances takes part of this fluid from a single substance by adding it to another. Today we would say that this liquid consists of negatively charged electrons.

Perhaps the science of electricity began to grow rapidly from the moment in 1800Alessandro Volta.invented the battery. This invention gave people the first permanent and reliable source of energy and entailed all important discoveries in this region.

What is electricity?

It turned out that electricity occurs when, with the friction of substances, the separation of charges into two types is occurred - positive and negative. The same charges (the same) charges are repelled, the varied (opposite) is expressed.

Moving on a metal wire - conductor - charges create an electric current.

Talk runs on the wires,
Light carries in the apartment to us.
So that the devices work,
Refrigerator, monitors.
Coffee grinders, vacuum cleaner,
The current brought the energy.

Conclusion: Scientists found thatelectron electricity.

The flow of charged particles in one direction scientists called electric shock.

Michael Faraday proved that the electricity of friction and electric current is the same. He also proved that the electric field cannot exist inside the metal cell (now called the Faraday cell).

When does electricity occur?

Everything around consists of tiny particles that are not visible to human eye -atoms. Atom consists of smaller particles: in the center -core , and around him rotateelectrons . The kernel consists ofneurons and protons. Electronswhich rotate around the kernelhave a negative charge (-), and protons which are located in the core - fly from their orbits, change the trajectory of movement.The movement of electrons from one atom to another leads to the formation of energy. This energy is calledelectricity.

Conclusion: Each electron carries a small charge of energy. When such electrons accumulates, the charge becomes greater and arisespositive (+). Typically, the number of electrons in the atom coincides with the number of protons in the kernel, soatom has no charge -he is neutral.

There are such atoms that may miss one electron. They havepositive charge (+) And begin to attractelectrons (-) from other atoms. And in these, other electrons electrical atoms voltage.

Sources of current or where electricity is taken from our homes?

The first chemical current source was created by the Italian scientist Alessandro Volta approximately in 1800. The first electrical battery (drawing) of the Volta battery, or volts of the pillar, was composed of copper and zinc circles,

They were folded by a column: copper-zinc, copper-zinc, copper zinc, and are shifted by circles of cloth moistened in a salt solution.

Now we get electricity thanks to large power plants. In power plants there are generators - large machines that work from the energy source. Usuallya source - this is thermal energywhich is obtained when water heating (pairs). And for water heating, coal, oil, natural gas or nuclear fuel are used. Couples, which is formed during water heating, activates huge turbine blades, and those in turn launch the generator.

ENERGY can be obtained usingwater power falling from high height: With dams or waterfalls (hydropower).

As a power source for generators, you can usewind strength or heat of the sun, but not often resort to them.

Next, a working generator with a hugemagnet creates P. electrical charges (current)which passes through copper wires. To transmit electricity to large distances, It is necessary to increase the voltage. For this usetransformer - A device that can increase and lower the voltage. Now electricity with high power (up to 10,000 volts or more) on huge cables that are deeply under the ground or high in the air, moves to the destination. Before you get to apartments and at home, electricity passes through another transformer, which lowers its voltage. Now electricity is ready for use moving on wires to the necessary objects. The amount of electricity used is regulated by special counters, which are attached to the wires that are laid through the walls and floors. Drink electricity into each room at home or apartment. Thanks to electricity, lighting and television, various household appliances work.

Where does electricity live?

Electrical phenomena were incomprehensible and life-threatening, they instilled fear. But gradually the experience accumulated, and people began to understand some of them, learned how to create and use electricity in their needs.

We know where it lives: in wires suspended at high masts, in room electrical wiring and still in the battery of the pocket lamp. But all this is a homemade electricity, manual. His man caught and forced to work. It cracks the electric car in the nickel-plated body. Shines in the light bulb. Buzzing in electric motors. Fun sings in radio receivers. Yes, you never know what else can do electricity.

Modern life is unthinkable without radio and television, telephones and telegraph, lighting and heating devices, machines and devices, which are based on the possibility of using electric current.

The possibilities of electricity were struck: the transfer of energy and various electrical signals over long distances, the conversion of electrical energy into mechanical, thermal, light ...

Well, is there an electricity on the light, unacceptable? Is that who lives itself? Yes there is. It flares out a blinding zigzag in thunderstorm clouds. It glows on masts of ships in stuffy tropical nights. But it is not only in the clouds, and not only under the tropics. Quiet, imperceptible, it lives everywhere. Even in your room. You often hold it in your hands and do not know about it. But it can be detected.

Electricity circle,

Full of the plant and the house

Everywhere charges: there and here

In any atom "live."

And if they suddenly run,

Then there are currents create.

Toki helps us very much

Life is radically facilitated!

Amazing it

For the benefit of us addressed

All wires "Majesty"

Calling: "Electricity!"

It is quiet, invisible, lives everywhere. Even in our room, we often keep it in your hands and do not know about it. But it can be detected.

Theoretical conclusions:

  1. Scientists found thatelectricity - This is the flow of the smallest charged particles -electrons.
  2. The flow of charged particles in one direction scientists calledelectric shock.
  3. Each electron carries a small charge of energy. When such electrons accumulates, the charge becomes greater and ariseselectrical voltage.
  4. Currently, humanity uses different typescurrent source.
  5. In any of them work onseparation of positive and negative charged particles.
  6. Separated particles accumulate onpoles of the current source- so call the places to which with the help of terminals or clamps are connectedconductors (wires).
  7. One pole current source charging
  8. If the poles connect the conductor, then under the influence of the field, free charged particles in the conductor will move,an electric current occurs.
  9. Electrical wires, cables, transmissions - Today, all this is a solid cobweb covered the life of cities and whole countries.
  10. At work of electricity, not only telephone communication is built, but the Internet, television and even the work of mail without electricity is impossible today.

Chapter 2. Study of features of electrification bodies

Methods and research methods

Objectives: Get Knowledge of Electrification Tel.

Without a doubt, all our knowledge begins with experience.

Immanuel Kant

We used the following methods:experiments, observation, comparison, generalization.

The purpose of all our research work is not so much to achieve your own scientific results, how muchget basic knowledge, skills, skills in the field of methods and methods of scientific research.

We spent 1 experience with calculation, hair and ball.

As a result, you can hear a weak crackling, and the hair yourself get up, and the ball is sticking.

For experience number 2 we needed: an ebonite stick; pieces of fur, silk; Sets of bodies from different substances (glass, plastic, wood) and light items (paper pieces of arbitrary shape). Rocks wand woolen cloth, bring a wand to finely chopped pieces of paper. Pieces of paper are attracted to a chopstick.

"What is this phenomenon? To answer this question, we formulate and consistently solve the following cognitive tasks. "
PZ №1: "... Is it just an ebonite wand with friction about wool acquires the property to attract light body?"
PZ №2: "... Is it all about wool need to rub the body so that it acquires the property to attract light items?"
PZ # 3: "... under what conditions of the body acquire a property of attracting light items, is the friction of the bodies of each other with a prerequisite for the flow of phenomenon?"
We will develop a solution to the solution of each cognitive task. To solve the first cognitive task We will replace the bodies of an ebonite stick from other substances: ebonite, glass, steel, etc., we'll shine about wool and We explore their ability to attract light wood objects.
To solve PZ # 2, as an object of study, we choose any of the test bodies. Then HIS
we rub on the body from different substances: silk, paper, plexiglas, etc.
To solve PZ number 3 we will
change the conditions for the interaction of two any bodies: we give them into the relative movement without contact, we will move only one body by I.T.D..
When conducting the first series of experiments, the following results were obtained: when rubbing on the wool of ebonite, glass, wood, steel, the bodies acquire the property to attract light items.
When conducting a second series of experiments, the following results were obtained: when rubbing any body about silk, paper, plexiglass, the latter acquires the property to attract light objects.
When carrying out the third series of experiments, the following results were obtained: in the absence of contact or friction of the bodies, the phenomenon does not occur.

Generalized knowledge for each series of experiments.

The answer to PZ №1: Any substances, except for metal, which man holds in his hand, after friction about wool acquire the ability to attract other bodies.
Reply to PZ # 2: The body acquires the ability to attract light objects if it is lost to another body.
The response to PZ No. 3: The phenomenon occurs with the friction of the bodies of each other.
Conclusion: Ebonite wand became similar to a magnet, because it attracts pieces of paper.
Explanation of the phenomenon of attraction of items after their contact or rubbing on each other requires knowledge of the structure of the substance. From the course " The world»Grade 3 We know that all bodies consist of substances. Substances consist of molecules, molecules - from atoms. Atoms, in turn consist of smaller particles.
Of the additional scientific literature I learned that any substance in the light contains electrons - the smallest carriers of the negative electric charge. After all, the electron is part of the atom. When we are three ebonite wand about the fur, some electrons with fur hairs switched to a wand. It turned out that the wand acquired a negative charge, and the fur is positive. At the same time, the wand and fur gained the ability to attract minor items.

Chapter 3. Experimental part of the study

The main part of the work includes a theoretical analysis of the study of electricity in modern literature and the practical part. To check the hypotheses extended by the author held such experiments:

  1. Experiments were carried out with bodies from different substances (glass, plastic, wood) and light objects (paper pieces of arbitrary shape).
  2. Experiments with the "spruit" and "panty" explaining the existence of two types of electric charges.
  3. The mechanism of operation of different types of electric current we checked on experiments with polyethylene and a notebook sheet.
  4. Experiments with an electrical chain explaining how and where electricity lives, why the light bulb is burning
  5. Experimentally proved that water is an electricity conductor.
  6. Electricity - Wizard.

Based on the results obtained by the author, conclusions were made: what is electricity, what is an electric current, what is an electrical voltage when it occurs how electricity is formed, as it falls into the house.

Conclusions on chapter number 3

Having done the experiences with the "Sprocket" and the "panty", having studied the literature, we

they realized that there are two types of electric charges:positive and negative. And if the charges havecharged Simony, then they are repelled. If different charges, then they are connected.

The proof of this was carried out with a polyethylene and a notebook.

In conclusion, I would like to conclude that electricity is an integral part of nature around the world. Electricity is special form Energy. Currently, humanity uses different typescurrent source. In any of them, work is performed on the separation of positive and negativecharged particles. Separated particles accumulate on the poles of the current source - so call the places to which with the help of terminals or clamps are connectedconductors (wires ). One pole current source charging Positively, the other is negative. If the poles connect the conductor, then under the influence of the field free charged particles in the conductor will move, ariseselectricity.


Electricity is an integral part of nature around the world. It is present in everything: in each part of our planet, in space, in the man itself.

The combined efforts of all mankind the process of the cognition of electricity occurs rapidly.

Using electricity properties, a person creates instruments, fixtures and equipment to improve living conditions, labor, for the knowledge of the surrounding world.

I liked to conduct experiences, search for answers to questions.

It turns out that there are so many phenomena unknown to us!

We do not know much and cannot yet explain. But we think that we will continue our research on the topic "Electricity".

This project helped me gain knowledge on the topic "Electricity" and to act as a teacher before classmates and students of 7-8 classes, protect their work at the district research conference and become its winner.




Concepts and terms

Electricity- This is the directional movement of electrically charged particles.

Depending on the interaction of electrical current with those or other substances, these substances are divided intoconductors, semiconductors and dielectrics.
Conditions - Materials, well conductive electric current.

Dielectrics - Substances that are not conductive electric current.

Semiconductors It occupy an intermediate position between the conductors and dielectrics in their own resistance to the passage of the electric current.

D.C - occurs in the chain if the voltage does not change over time.

Alternating current - occurs in the chain if the voltage changes over time.

Appendix 2.

In the course of work, we conducted the following experiments:

Experience number 1 - with calcination, hair and ball.

It is necessary to take a plastic comb and spend the hair several times, as a result you can hear a weak crackle, and the hair yourself get up, and the ball is sticking.

The next object was our plastic ruler. Put an egg in a glass and balance the ruler on it. Again to comb well and bring to the end of the line. The ruler will turn to the comb.

Experience number 2. "Electric spruit".

Sprut will be made from a newspaper strip. Cut from the edge of the newspaper sheet strip 8 cm wide and eight "tentsets" is cut from it. "Sprut" puts on the chair, wipes a woolen cloth. Electricated spruit rises. His "Tentacles" is spread with a bell. A hand shoves from the bottom inside of this bell. Tentacles grab it, fill.

Experience number 3. . "Electrotruska".

Production of "Electrusshiki". You need to take a puppet head, put it on a fountain pen. Handle to strengthen on the stand. From the foil to make a panty hat and glue it to the head. "Hair" cut out of papyrus paper strips of 2-3 mm wide and 10 cm long and also glued to the cap. These hair will hang in disarray.

It is necessary to comb carefully and bring a break to a pant. His hair will be sent, and if they touch the cap, then the hair will stand on end!

Experience number 4. with polyethylene sheets.

Take two polyethylene sheets. Grasp them with a notebook sheet. Raise them by taking in one end. They should break into different directions, but standing between them to insert a notebook sheet, they must get down to it.

Experience number 5. Electrical circuit

Collect the electrical chain that consists of batteries, wires and light bulbs. When the electrical circuit is closed, the bulb should light up.

Experience number 6. Water - electricity conductor.

The electric current will pass through the water, which is in a special cup. When the circuit is closed, the bulb should not be lit. If you add an ordinary food salt to water, when the chain is closed, the bulb should burn.

Experience number 7. Electricity - Wizard.

Collect the electrical chain, which consists of a battery, wires and an iron nail, wired. Prepare small iron objects (pins, paper clips, buttons).

When the chain is closed, small items stick to the nail, like a magnet. When opening the chain - items fall on the table.

Appendix 3. (Presentation of experiments).

Appendix 4. (Slide presentation "Scientific words that I learned"I, of course, became interested in what is happening.

And there was a few more "focus" with a balloon.

I pine balloon,fair him, but already about the hair classmates and ... he "glued »To the wall, to me, to the hair ...

I became very interested, which is still going on, and turned to my teacher. We have any questions:

"What happens to hair?",

"What phenomenon do we observe?",

"What is it called?".

As a result, the topic of study arose:

"What is electricity and where does it live?"

2. Force research.

Determine the purpose of the study - it means to find out why we are conducting it.

We asked ourselves and adults the question: "What is electricity? Where does it live? How does it occur? ".

We set ourselves goal: -find out what electricity is and where we can meet it.

3. Objectives of research.

1. Examine literature on this issue;

2. Conduct experiences proving the existence of electricity;

3. Formulate answers On the questions right at first.

4. We used the following research methods:

experiments, observation, comparison, generalization.

5. Experimental work plan.

Experience №1 We spent with calculation, hair and ball.

As a result You can hear a weak crackling, and the hair yourself get up, and the ball is sticking.

Conclusion: the phenomena that we observed are called electrical phenomena. For the first time, the famous philosopher of antiquity Falez Miletsky was engaged in these phenomena. There is a legend about this.

The next object was our plastic ruler. We put an egg in a glass and equilibrium on it a ruler. Again, it is well broken and bring to the end of the line. The ruler will turn to the comb.

Explanation One: Combelectrified acquired the abilityattract lightweight. It means attraction caused by electricity.

Experience number 2. "Electric spruit".

We will make a newspaper from the strip.

We apply eight "tentsets" from it.

Put on the chair, woolen with a woolen cloth.

The electrified spruit will raise.

His "Tentacles" is crowded with a bell.

Sweep your hand from the bottom inside of this bell.

The tentacles will grab it, climb.

We understood why the tentacles shuffled my hand, becauseelectricity attracts.

But why are the tentacles from the very beginning the bell is spread?

They should have attracted one to another, stick up ...

Experience number 3. "Electrotruska".

We make an "electric driver".

Now it is pretty sick and bring a break to a pant.

His hair is shuffling, and if we touch the hats, then the hair will stand on end!

Conclusion: it turns out, in nature exists

Two kinds electrical charges: positive and negative.

Tentacles are sprouts consist ofone substance. Strips pushed out Because they chargedequally.

Output: The charges of the same name are repelled

Related (opposite) charges - attract (hand and newspaper)

4. Experience number 4 helped us check these conclusions

Take two polyethylene sheets.

We will, by their notebook sheet.

Now we will raise them by taking in one end.

We will see that they diverged into different directions, but standing between them to insert a notebook sheet, they, how to spruit, snap to it.

We conclude that tetrad leaf and polyethylene - different materials,

therefore, they areunlike chargesand therefore they stick

together. Two polyethylene sheets -charged SimonySo - repel.

Conclusions: I found out that electricity was always everywhere!

There is electricity "wild, unacceptable".It lives in itself.

And there is Lie electricity "Homemade, manual"? There is. The man "caught" and forced to work.

How to find out where electric current lives? How does it exist? Why is the light bulb burning? I decided to spend another experience.

8. Experience number 5. Electrical circuit

Collect electric chainwhich consists of batteries, wires and light bulbs.

Output: When the electrical circuit closes the light bulb caught fire.

9. Experience number 6 has proven to us thatWater - Electricity conductor.

Let's complicate our chain. Now the electric current will pass through the water, which is in a special cup. When closing the chain light bulb ...

Not lit!

Let's try differently. We will add an ordinary food salt into water. Carefully stir. Now I will lock the chain. Light bulb is burning!

10. Experience number 7. Electricity - Wizard.

Assembled a new electrical chain, which consists of a battery, wires and an iron nail, wired. Prepared small iron items (pins, paper clips, buttons).

Now the chain is closed. And what do we see?

Small items stick to the nail, like a magnet!

Let's open the chain - the items fall on the table! (although not immediately)

In conclusion, I concluded that electricity is an integral part of nature, the world around it is present in everything: in every part of our planet, in space, in the man itself.

Using electricity properties, a person creates instruments, fixtures and equipment to improve living conditions, labor, for the knowledge of the surrounding world.

I liked to conduct experiences, search for answers to questions.

It turns out that there are so many phenomena unknown to us!

We do not know much and cannot yet explain. But we think that we will continue our research on the topic "Electricity".

This project helped me gain knowledge on the topic "Electricity" with which I want to introduce you (see the slide presentation "Scientific words that I learned") Thank you for your attention!

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