Rules for admission to the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Universities - Oma MVD Stylus Oma MVD

Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Omsk Academy Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - higher educational institution on the preparation of specialists for the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation.

Head of the Academy - Major General PoliceBoris Borisovich Bulatov.

The Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is one of the largest educational institutions of the ministry. It preparations of specialists are being prepared for the internal affairs bodies for both secondary and higher vocational education, postgraduate and additional education. The priority direction in the activities of the Academy is the training of specialists for the internal affairs bodies of the Siberian Federal District.

Educational activities are carried out by 4 faculties:

  • preparation of police officers
  • investigative
  • absentee learning and advanced training,
  • preparation of scientific and pedagogical personnel.
19 departments and 24 subject-methodical sections.

Among the teachers - 25 doctors of science, professors, 165 candidates of science, associate professors, of which 20 have honorary titles established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The Academy is certified by scientific and pedagogical personnel. Over the past 5 years in the dissertation councils of the Academy, more than 180 dissertations for the degree of scientists of the Doctor and Candidate of Law has been protected.

Every year, more than 10 fundamental scientific studies are held at the Academy, the results of which are published in monographs, collections of scientific papers and materials of scientific forums. During 2003-2007 About 30 monographs, more than 50 collections of scientific works and materials of scientific conferences prepared by scientists of the university.

Over the past three years, more than 120 scientific forums have been held at the Academy, including 24 - international. Employees of the Academy have repeatedly participated in the implementation of international training and research projects with financial support from the Directoral Directorate for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, the US Department of Justice.

An important tradition was the holding of a ceremony of taking oath cadets of the Academy inCriminal Justice Day - October 5.. Future police officers congratulate the leaders of the city and the region, other honorary guests. The university has a special holiday - the birthday of the Omsk Higher School of Militia - the Day of the Academy. Every year on June 2, the school meets hundreds of graduates, for which she served as the beginning of a long professional path. Many of them are the leading experts of the criminal investigation, the investigation, the governing link of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Since 1989, in the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, there is a ritual - December 7 to hold the Memorial of Sergey Monina. This date is remembered by those who carry out the order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, the service of public order protection in Armenia and Azerbaijan, provided assistance to the Armenian people in the elimination of the consequences of the earthquake in Speetak and Leninakan. For conscientious performance of official debt, the staff of the school was gratitude to the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR, seven especially distinguished teachers and listeners were awarded orders and medals, Sergey Monin was posthumously awarded the Order "For Personal Courage".

Over the years of the existence of a higher educational institution, more than 900 graduates received diplomas with honors, the names 97 are listed on the Honor board.

The Glory of the Academy is supported by the successes of athletes. In different years, the Honor of the university defended the Honored Master of Sports A. M. Pushnitsa, V. I. Klododenko, N. S. Danilov, A. P. Kochnev, K. A. Khalilov, V. M. Igumenov, Master of Sport N. and . ANOKHIN AND DR. WORKED FORESTERS OF SPORTS SUCCESSES Veterans are the champions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Master of Sports on Boxing S. V. Litunov - the winner of international tournaments in Germany (2004) and as part of the national team of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in China (2004); Champion among educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the struggle of judo, the two-time bronze medalist of the Russian Championship in the struggle of Sambo U. N. Rakshnya; Two-time bronze medalist of the Russian Championship in the struggle of Sambo V. A. Peresaninov.

"Graduate of the Omsk Militia School" is a long time and right guarantee of high quality and professionalism. Over the years of its existence, more than 50 thousand specialists have prepared the oldest educational institution in Siberia, over 30 thousand employees of the internal affairs bodies have increased advanced training.

In the past, the "School of Criminal Rosewear", the Academy and today is a forge of personnel primarily for the divisions of the criminal police. Among graduates - over 50 doctors of science, more than 500 candidates of science, 110 received the title of the highest boss of law enforcement agencies.

Address: Russia, 644092, Omsk, Komarov Ave., 7

Source: Electronic catalog of the sectoral department in the direction of "Jurisprudence"
(Libraries of the Law Faculty) Scientific Library. M. Gorky SPbU.

Full text of the document:


Federal Law of August 22, 1996 No. 125 - "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education"; Federal Law of July 10, 1992 No. 3266 - 1 "On Education"; Federal Law of April 10, 2000 No. 51 - Federal Law "On Approval of the Federal Program for Education Development"; Order of the Ministry of the Russian Federation of January 14, 2003 No. 50 "On approval of the procedure for admission to state educational institutions of higher professional education (higher educational institutions) of the Russian Federation established by federal executive bodies"; Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 05, 2001 No. 264 "On approval of a model regulation on the educational institution of higher vocational education (higher educational institutions) of the Russian Federation"; Charter of the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; Rules for admission to the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; Provision on the United Hosiever Faculty of the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; Regulations on externatate Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Conditions for admission to the Nudeurida Faculty.

In August 1998, the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia created a UNIDEURIDE Faculty, which is its structural educational and administrative division, organizing educational, methodological and educational work with students.

Graduates of the faculty receive higher vocational education in the specialty 021100 - jurisprudence, they are awarded the qualifications of the "lawyer" with the issuance of a diploma of the state sample. Training paid.

1. The United Faculty of Industry announces a set for 2004/2005 academic year for training in the specialty 021100 Jurisprudence of higher vocational education in the following paid forms of training:
On the basis of the mean (full) general education - the training period is:

  • for full-time 5 years;
  • in part-in-country (evening) form - 6 years;
  • in correspondence form - 6 years;

Enrollment at the faculty is carried out on the basis of the results of entrance examinations in the Russian language and literature, the history of Russia, social studies. Medalists hand over social science exam.

Unified State Exam:

The Scientific Council of the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, taking into account the recommendations of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for participation in the Experiment on the introduction of the USE, decided to use the EME results when conducting entrance examinations in Ohm of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in 2004. Upon admission to full-time training in the specialty 021100, the jurisprudence and passage of entrance examinations on the history of Russia and social studies are accepted from candidates Certificates of the EGE to participate in the competition when the score of the points corresponding to the evaluation "excellent". The certificate of the USE will be made from candidates together with a document on education when submitting an application for admission to Ohm of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Competitive selection and enrollment will be carried out in accordance with the rules of admission to the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

2. On the basis of the average vocational (legal) education - the term of study is:

  • full-time, 3 years 6 months;
  • employment (evening) form, period of study 4 years;
  • correspondence form, learning deadline for 4 years.

Enrollment at the Faculty is carried out on the basis of the results of entry tests in criminal law.

3. On the basis of the highest (non-revocricant) vocational education:
employment (evening) form, a term of study for 3 years 6 months;
external, learning deadline for 3 years.

The incoming entrance tests in the form of an interview pass.
Reception of documents from candidates for training is made from June 1 to August 10 at the address: Omsk - 644010, ul. Lenin, d. 48, Cabinet number 9, t. 30-12-56, 30-12-83.

When submitting a statement on the United Nations Faculty of Ohm, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the applicants are imposed on the admission committee, documents certifying their identity and citizenship. Application applications also attached: a state-owned document on the average (full) general or secondary vocational education or its copy, certified notarized; The required number of photos; autobiography; Medical certificate in form No. 086-y; Personal personnel accounting (for working), documents giving the right to benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (for persons applying for these benefits).

Mandatory enrollment conditions for the United States is - the conclusion of the contract and the introduction of the established training fee. The size of the training fees is established and revised by the Academy.

Education at the Obredient Faculty is organized in accordance with the requirements of state educational standards and regulatory legal acts on the organization of the educational process in educational institutions of higher professional education.

Faculty of full-time students for the period of study in the prescribed manner are provided with a delay from calling for military service.

Training courses.

In order to improve the quality of the preparation of candidates for admission to the highest educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and, in accordance with the Regulations on paid educational services in the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, preparatory courses are organized during the established period of the following subjects:

  • russian language and literature;
  • russian history;
  • social science;
  • physical training.

Rules for admission to the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

1. General Provisions

1.1. Reception to the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (hereinafter - the Academy) is carried out in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 "On Education" (as amended by the Law of June 25, 2002 No. 71-FZ), Federal Law of August 22, 1996 .

No. 125-FZ "On the Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education" (as amended by the Federal Law of January 10, 2003 No. 11-FZ), the procedure for admission to the State Educational Institutions of Higher Professional Education (Higher Educational Institutions) of the Russian Federation, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education Of the January 14, 2003 No. 50, the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, these Rules and other local regulatory acts.

1.2. The number of seats for the first course of cadets is determined by the control numbers of the reception established by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

To the Academy to Places Financed from the Federal Budget, for full-time education, 021100 "Law Engradation", 023100, 0203 "Law Enforcement" are accepted by citizens of the Russian Federation under the age of 25, to study without separation from service with a specialty 023100 " Law Enforcement Activities "- up to 35 years, regardless of gender, nationality, origin, relationships to religion, belief, belonging to public associations that have an education not lower than the average (complete) general, capable of their personal and business qualities, physical preparation and health status Perform the obligations assigned to the police officers who have successfully passed entrance tests.

1.2.1. Reception to the Academy of Faces of Faces is carried out depending on the specialization of training, the presence of the necessary socio-domestic, sanitary and hygienic conditions, within and the procedure established by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

1.3. In addition to the established number of reception places funded by the federal budget, the Academy adopts students (for the first and subsequent courses) to places within the number determined by the license, with the payment of the cost of training on a contractual basis.

On the Obvyuridic Faculty of Academy in the specialty 021100, persons are accepted by persons without restrictions at the age, according to the results of entrance tests:

  • on the basis of the average full (general) education in the form of training: full-time (term of study - 5 years), part-time (evening) (period of study -6 years), correspondence (term of study - 6 years);
  • on the basis of the average professional (legal) education in the form of training: full-time (learning time - 3 years 6 months), part-time (evening) (period of study - 4 years), correspondence (term of study - 4 years);
  • on the basis of higher vocational education in the form of training: part-time (evening) (learning time - 3 years 6 months), external (learning time - 3 years).

1.4. The reception of citizens of foreign countries (including citizens of the republics of the former USSR), arriving in the Russian Federation for training, is carried out in accordance with the direct contracts of the Academy to place within the number determined by the license, with the payment of the training costs.

1.5. The Academy provides the publicity and openness of the work of the Admission Commission, the objectivity of the assessment of the abilities and the inclination of applicants.

2. Reception conditions

2.1. The selection of candidates for schools on places funded from the federal budget, the design of the required documents in accordance with the regulatory acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is carried out by the internal affairs bodies at the place of residence of candidates.

2.1.1. Candidates from the number of civilian youth are applying for the head of the internal affairs authority at the place of permanent residence, which indicates: last name, first name, patronymic, number and month and year of birth, address of the place of residence, education (indicates the full name of the completed educational institution and year of manufacture ), position and place of work, the name of the Academy and the studied foreign language. The application is attached to education (certificate, diploma) or its notarized copy. Personal and educational cases of candidates personnel apparatus of internal affairs bodies are sent to the Academy to explore the admission committee. The decision to call candidates for the delivery of entrance exams with the indication of the arrival time (or refusal to indicate the reasons) is reported to the components of the internal affairs bodies.

2.1.2. Commandment of candidates for passing entrance exams is made on the basis of the call of the Academy's Admission Commission. The procedure for the commissioning, paperwork for the period of passing exams and payment of travel to the place of entrance examinations and is retracted by regulatory acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

2.1.3. In the period defined by the Admission Office, the candidate must pass at the Academy of Professional and Psychological Testing, the recommendations of which are taken into account when making a decision by the Admission Commission on the admission of applicant to the entrance exams and its enrollment to the Academy.

2.2. When submitting an application for the Obredient Faculty of State, the applicants are imposed on the admissions commission documents certifying their identity and citizenship.

2.2.1. To the application for admission, applicants are attached: a state-owned document on the average (full) general or secondary vocational education or its copy, certified notarized or at the Academy; The required number of photos; autobiography; Medical certificate in form No. 086-y; Personal personnel accounting (for working), documents giving the right to benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (for persons applying for these benefits).

2.2.2. The Admission Office introduces Applicant with documents confirming the right to conduct educational activities on a chosen specialty. The fact of the familiarization is recorded in the acceptance statement and is assigned by the personal signature of the applicant.

3. Introductory tests

3.1. Admission to the Academy for Full-time education for places funded from the federal budget, exams exams in the following subjects:

3.1.1. By specialties 021100 Jurisprudence (term of study - 5 years) and 023100 Law enforcement activities (period of study - 4 years 6 months):

  • social studies (orally);
  • history of Russia (orally);
  • physical training.
3.1.2. By specialty 0203 law enforcement activities (period of study - 2 years 4 months):
  • russian language and literature (writing);
  • history of Russia (orally);< br>
  • physical training.
3.2. The exam in physical training arriving at the correspondence form of training does not pass, according to the abbreviated form of training, only the subject of specialization is passed - criminal law (general and special part).

3.3. Advanced by the Obientical Faculty pass exams in the following subjects:

3.3.1. On the basis of the average full (general) education:

  • russian language and literature (writing);
  • social studies (orally);
  • history of Russia (orally).

3.3.2. On the basis of the average professional (legal) education:
- Criminal law (general and special part).

3.3.3 Applied on the basis of higher vocational education at an interconnection (evening) form for training Externity is a job interview at the Academy's Admission Office.

3.4. Persons awarded at the end of the Middle Education School Golden (Silver) Medal, who graduated with honors, a special secondary educational institution, upon admission to the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia pass the social studies exam (orally) and the physical training exam (for entering places funded from the Federal Funds budget). Upon receipt of the evaluation of "excellent" in social science and a positive assessment on physical training (for applicants, funded from the federal budget), they are exempt from other exams and are credited to the Academy, and upon receipt of other positive assessments, all exams for general reasons will be given.

3.5. Candidates admitted to the entrance exams are issued an examination list of the established form with a photo of the entering, bonded by the seal of the educational institution.

3.6. The appeal to the exams is mandatory in the scheduled scheduled time. Persons who have not appeared without good reasons for one of the exams, are not allowed to further exam. The inability to appear on the exam examine must inform the admission committee before the exam and submit an exclusive document no later than 3 days after the appointed exam. In this case, the incoming is given the opportunity to take exams on other times at the discretion of the Admission Commission.

3.7. Required an unsatisfactory assessment on one of the exams to further exams are not allowed. Examinations are prohibited.

3.8. The appeal on the issue of changing the examination assessment should be submitted on the day of the oral exam or on the day declaration of evaluation on the written exam. The procedure for filing and consideration of appeals is brought to the attention of all applicants before the start of examinations.

3.9. Persons who did not appear for entrance examinations without a good reason who received an unsatisfactory assessment, as well as those who have received the documents after the start of entrance examinations, are dropped out of the competition and are not credited to the Academy.

4. The procedure for enrollment

4.1. To participate in the competition for places financed from the federal budget and the discharging of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the components of the internal affairs, applicants have been allowed, successfully passed entry tests.

Enrollment to study is made by order of the head of the Academy on the basis of the decision of the Admission Commission adopted on the results of entrance exams.
An accommodation from the order is the basis for subcomarding persons adopted for training with a separation from the service, the provision of vacations and benefits that admitted without separation from the service.

4.2. The enrollment of applicants for the Obredient Faculty is carried out on a separate competition.

4.3. Without exams in the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for full-time and correspondence forms of education are credited:

4.3.1. Persons who graduated from the Novocherkassian secondary school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with estimates "Good" and "excellent".

4.3.2. Persons who graduated with honors from educational institutions of secondary vocational education institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

4.3.3. Servicemen who carried out tasks in the conditions of an armed conflict of an internationally international character in the Chechen Republic and on the territories of the North Caucasus directly adjacent to it, related to the zone of armed conflict.

4.3.4. Children of employees who performed the challenges in the conditions of an armed conflict of an internationally international character in the Chechen Republic and on the territories of the North Caucasus directly adjacent to it, attributed to the zone of the armed conflict who died in the performance of official duties or injured, injury, a disease that impede the further passage of the service.

4.4. Outside the competition for all forms of training in positive estimates on entrance examinations is credited:

4.4.1. Employees of internal affairs bodies who have experience in the positions of the ordinary and superior composition of at least six months, as well as fired military personnel (for three years after dismissal).

4.4.2. Children are round orphans and children left without parental care.

4.4.3. Children of the employees of the internal affairs bodies and servicemen of the internal troops who died or received disabilities in the performance of official duties.

4.4.4. Veterans of hostilities in the territories of other states.

4.4.5. Graduates of the Novocherkassian middle school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

4.4.6. Children of employees who carried out the tasks in the conditions of an armed conflict of an internationally international character in the Chechen Republic and on the territories of the North Caucasus directly adjacent to it related to the zone of armed conflict.

4.5. In the equality of the total number of points, candidates receive the advantage of enrollment in an educational institution:

4.5.1. Awarded by state awards of the Russian Federation and the former USSR, the breastplates of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the former MIA of the USSR;

4.5.2. Graduates of specialized classes with in-depth training according to the profile of a future specialty, showing the abilities and inclination to the elected specialty and the most prepared for training at the Academy (to conclude a professional psychological examination).

4.6. Candidates who have not passed the competition for places funded from the federal budget, by decision of the admission committee, may be admitted to the competition on a common education department without re-passing entrance exams.

4.7. Candidates who have not passed on the competition will be submitted to the disposal of component internal affairs bodies. At their request, they are issued a certificate of the results of the exams on the prescribed form.

4.8. The enrollment for training students based on higher professional education is carried out by order of the head of the Academy based on the results of an interview conducted with the candidate of the Academy's Admission Office.

4.9. Classes at the Academy begin in the time limits established by the curriculum. Persons who have not started classes without good reasons within 10 days after the start of the school year are deducted from the Academy.

5. Rules for submission and consideration of appeals on the results of entrance examinations

5.1. According to the results of the entrance test, the incoming has the right to submit a written appeal application for erroneousness, in his opinion, the assessment exposed on the introductory test. The permission of appeals on oral entrance exams is held on the day of passing exams, on written entrance exams - on the day of the announcement of their results.
Consideration of appeals is not a re-examination, during the consideration of the appeal, only the correctness of the evaluation of the results of the commissioning test is verified.

5.2. The Appeals Commission in the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is created for the period of commissioning entrance tests by applicants. The appellating commission is headed by the Chairman, in his absence - the Deputy Chairman, who are appointed by the order of the Chief of the Academy.
The Chairman and his deputy will organize work and control the provision of unity of the claims of the Appeals Commission for Examining Works and Oral Answers on the Exams of Communations, participate in the work of all subject appellate commissions. The appellate commission includes chairmen and members of subject appellate commissions. The composition of subject appellate commissions is approved at a meeting of the admission committee.

5.3. The applicant has the right to be present when considering the appeal. Applicant, applying to revise the assessment received on the exam, should have a document certifying his identity and examination list.
With a minor applicant (up to 18 years), one of the parents or legal representatives is entitled to be present, except minors recognized in accordance with the law fully capable until the age of majority.

5.4. After consideration of the appeal, the decision of the Appeals Commission on an Assessment Assessment (both in the case of its increase and decrease) is made. If it is necessary to change the assessment, the protocol of the decision of the Appeals Commission is drawn up, in accordance with which changes are made to the evaluation in the examination work of the applicant and the examination list.

5.5. If disagreements occur in the appellate commission on the assessment, voting is carried out and the assessment is approved by a majority vote. The decision of the appellate commission is brought up by the protocol to the attention of the applicant (under the painting).

Sourse of information:
website organization ()

Information updated:18.04.2005

Related materials:
| Organizations

, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Major General Police

Encyclopedic YouTube.


Among the teachers - 25 doctors of science, professors, 165 candidates of science, associate professors, of which 20 have honorary titles established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

general information

The structure of the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia includes: 4 faculties (Faculty of training of police officers, Investigative Faculty, Faculty of absentee training and advanced training, Faculty of vocational training), 2 educational and scientific complexes (training of employees of operational units, professional service and physical training), 16 Department, 8 departments, 3 independent departments, 8 other structural units that contribute to the successful functioning of the Academy, 2 libraries (library and special library). 28 doctors of sciences, professors, more than 140 candidates of science, associate professors take part in the organization of educational, research and administrative and management activities. From the number of permanent composition, 15 employees have honorary titles, including "Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation" - 1 person, "Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation" - 11 people, "Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation" - 1 person, "Honored Officer of Bodies Internal affairs of the Russian Federation "- 2 people.


  • preparation of police officers
  • investigative
  • absentee learning
  • advanced training, training of scientific and pedagogical personnel

Guide to the Academy

  • Head of the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Doctor of Law Major Major Police Boris Borisovich Bulatov
  • colonel Police Gusev Vladimir Alexandrovich, First Deputy Head of the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for academic work, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor.
  • police Colonel Vasily Vladimirovich Veklenko - Deputy Head of the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for scientific work, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation.
  • colonel Police Arkady Yuryevich Bodyako - Deputy Head of the Academy on Professional Office and Pressure.

Scientific activity

The Academy is certified by scientific and pedagogical personnel. Over the past 5 years in the dissertation councils of the Academy, more than 180 dissertations for the degree of scientists of the Doctor and Candidate of Law has been protected.

Every year, more than 10 fundamental scientific studies are held at the Academy, the results of which are published in monographs, collections of scientific papers and materials of scientific forums. During 2003-2007 About 30 monographs, more than 50 collections of scientific works and materials of scientific conferences prepared by scientists of the university.

Over the past three years, more than 120 scientific forums have been held at the Academy, including 24 - international. Employees of the Academy have repeatedly participated in the implementation of international training and research projects with financial support from the Directoral Directorate for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, the US Department of Justice.

Creative activity

The KVN team of the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Reach to the stars"

Coordination Council of Cadets, Listeners of the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia


An important tradition was the holding of a ceremonial of the adoption by cadets of the Academy on the Criminal Investigation Day - October 5. Future police officers congratulate the leaders of the city and the region, other honorary guests. The university has a special holiday - the birthday of the Omsk Higher School of Militia - the Day of the Academy. Every year on June 2, the school meets hundreds of graduates, for which she served as the beginning of a long professional path. Many of them are the leading experts of the criminal investigation, the investigation, the governing link of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.


Since 1989, in the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, there is a ritual - December 7 to hold the Memorial of Sergey Monina. This date is remembered by those who carry out the order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, the service of public order protection in Armenia and Azerbaijan, provided assistance to the Armenian people in the elimination of the consequences of the earthquake in Speetak and Leninakan. For conscientious performance of official debt, the staff of the school was gratitude to the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR, seven especially distinguished teachers and listeners were awarded orders and medals, Sergey Monin was posthumously awarded the Order "For Personal Courage".

Over the years of the existence of a higher educational institution, more than 900 graduates received diplomas with honors, the names 97 are listed on the Honor board.

The Glory of the Academy is supported by the successes of athletes. In different years, the Honor of the university defended the Honored Master of Sports A. M. Pushnitsa, V. I. Klododenko, N. S. Danilov, A. P. Kochnev, K. A. Khalilov, V. M. Igumenov, Master of Sport N. and . ANOKHIN AND DR. WORKED FORESTERS OF SPORTS SUCCESSES Veterans are the champions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Master of Sports on Boxing S. V. Litunov - the winner of international tournaments in Germany (2004) and as part of the national team of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in China (2004); Champion among educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the struggle of judo, the two-time bronze medalist of the Russian Championship in the struggle of Sambo U. N. Rakshnya; Two-time bronze medalist of the Russian Championship in the struggle of Sambo V. A. Peresaninov.

"Graduate of the Omsk Militia School" is a long time and right guarantee of high quality and professionalism. Over the years of its existence, more than 50 thousand specialists have prepared the oldest educational institution in Siberia, over 30 thousand employees of the internal affairs bodies have increased advanced training.

In the past, the "School of Criminal Rosewear", the Academy and today is a forge of personnel primarily for the divisions of the criminal police. Among graduates - over 50 doctors of science, more than 500 candidates of science, 110 received the title of the highest boss of law enforcement agencies.

Material and technical security of educational activities

The material and technical base of the Academy is a complex of buildings, structures, material and technical means placed on its territory. The total area of \u200b\u200bland plots is 35,5782 hectares, including: 20,863 hectares - the territory of a country training base; 11,6213 hectares Komarov, 7; 0.82 hectares - ul. Lenin, 48, and 2,2739 hectares - ul. 1st Chelyuskintsev, 92. To organize the conduct of the educational process, the Academy has 61 buildings and structures with a total area of \u200b\u200b83,921.5 m², including 16 open sports facilities with an area of \u200b\u200b24,594.7 m².

Educational and laboratory areas occupy 42685.8 m² and include: 12 lecture halls at 1463 seats; 111 training classes and audiences for 2945 places; 6 reading rooms for 540 places; 7 library premises; 9 computer classes for 129 seats; 3 gaming hall; 3 gym, 2 wrestling hall; 3 shooting tires (1467.7 m²); 9 educational criminalistic polygons (556.8 m²).

The total area of \u200b\u200bpremises in which educational activities are carried out, based on one student (cadet), enshrined at the Academy on the right of operational management is 37.14 m².

The curriculum "Forensic polygons", located at the address Ave. Komarov, 7 includes three forensic polygon: living room 1 (equipped with cabinet furniture, household objects, four camcorders and microphone); Living room 2 "Proton" (equipped with cabinet furniture, outer objects), Branch of Sberbank (equipped with cabinet furniture, household items, thematic information stands, payroll payment terminal). Criminalistic polygons located at ul. Lenin, 48 - Living room / Office are equipped with cabinet furniture, life objects. In addition, there are two forensic landfills in the Academy Corps located at ul. 1st Chelyuskintsev, 92 and two polygon ("living room" and "rural house") located in the country training base of the Academy.

The country training base includes a complex of 18 buildings and structures.

There are 3 hostels at 701 beds. The specific weight of the number of cadets, listeners, students living in hostels, in the total number of cadets, students, students who need hostels amounted to 60%.

On the territory of the Academy there is a health complex, which has a sufficient training and material base for educational training in physical training, training in professional-applied sports, sports and physical culture and recovery work.

Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
(Ohm of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia)
Year of foundation
Head of the Academy , Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Major General Police
The doctors 25
Teachers 190
Location Omsk
Legal address Russia Russia , 644092, Omsk, Komarov Ave., 7

History [ | ]

Among the teachers - 25 doctors of science, professors, 165 candidates of science, associate professors, of which 20 have honorary titles established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

general information[ | ]

The structure of the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia includes: 4 faculties (Faculty of training of police officers, Investigative Faculty, Faculty of absentee training and advanced training, Faculty of vocational training), 2 educational and scientific complexes (training of employees of operational units, professional service and physical training), 16 Department, 8 departments, 3 independent departments, 8 other structural units that contribute to the successful functioning of the Academy, 2 libraries (library and special library). 28 doctors of sciences, professors, more than 140 candidates of science, associate professors take part in the organization of educational, research and administrative and management activities. From the number of permanent composition, 15 employees have honorary titles, including "Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation" - 1 person, "Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation" - 11 people, "Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation" - 1 person, "Honored Officer of Bodies Internal affairs of the Russian Federation "- 2 people.

Faculties [ | ]

  • preparation of police officers
  • investigative
  • absentee learning
  • advanced training, training of scientific and pedagogical personnel

Guide to the Academy[ | ]

Boris Borisovich Bulatov

  • Head of the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Doctor of Law, Major General Police
  • colonel Police Gusev Vladimir Alexandrovich, First Deputy Head of the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for academic work, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor.
  • colonel Police - Deputy Head of the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for scientific work, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation.
  • police Colonel - Deputy Head of the Academy for Professional Office and Pressure.

Scientific activity[ | ]

The Academy is certified by scientific and pedagogical personnel. Over the past 5 years in the dissertation councils of the Academy, more than 180 dissertations for the degree of scientists of the Doctor and Candidate of Law has been protected.

Every year, more than 10 fundamental scientific studies are held at the Academy, the results of which are published in monographs, collections of scientific papers and materials of scientific forums. During 2003-2007 About 30 monographs, more than 50 collections of scientific works and materials of scientific conferences prepared by scientists of the university.

Over the past three years, more than 120 scientific forums have been held at the Academy, including 24 - international. Employees of the Academy have repeatedly participated in the implementation of international training and research projects with financial support from the Directoral Directorate for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, the US Department of Justice.

Creative activity[ | ]

Coordination Council of Cadets, Listeners of the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Traditions [ | ]

An important tradition was the holding of a ceremony of taking oath with cadets of the Academy in October 5th. Future police officers congratulate the leaders of the city and the region, other honorary guests. The university has a special holiday - the birthday of the Omsk Higher School of Militia - the Day of the Academy. Every year on June 2, the school meets hundreds of graduates, for which she served as the beginning of a long professional path. Many of them are the leading experts of the criminal investigation, the investigation, the governing link of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Achievements [ | ]

Solemn march

Since 1989, in the Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, there is a ritual - December 7 to hold the Memorial of Sergey Monina. This date is remembered by those who carry out the order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, the service of public order protection in Armenia and Azerbaijan, provided assistance to the Armenian people in the elimination of the consequences of the earthquake in Speetak and Leninakan. For conscientious performance of official debt, the staff of the school was gratitude to the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR, seven especially distinguished teachers and listeners were awarded orders and medals, Sergey Monin was posthumously awarded the Order "For Personal Courage".

Over the years of the existence of a higher educational institution, more than 900 graduates received diplomas with honors, the names 97 are listed on the Honor board.

The Glory of the Academy is supported by the successes of athletes. In different years, the Honor of the university defended the Honored Master of Sports A. M. Pushnitsa, V. I. Klododenko, N. S. Danilov, A. P. Kochnev, K. A. Khalilov, V. M. Igumenov, Master of Sport N. and . ANOKHIN AND DR. WORKED FORESTERS OF SPORTS SUCCESSES Veterans are the champions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Master of Sports on Boxing S. V. Litunov - the winner of international tournaments in Germany (2004) and as part of the national team of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in China (2004); Champion among educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the struggle of judo, the two-time bronze medalist of the Russian Championship in the struggle of Sambo U. N. Rakshnya; Two-time bronze medalist of the Russian Championship in the struggle of Sambo V. A. Peresaninov.

"Graduate of the Omsk Militia School" is a long time and right guarantee of high quality and professionalism. Over the years of its existence, more than 50 thousand specialists have prepared the oldest educational institution in Siberia, over 30 thousand employees of the internal affairs bodies have increased advanced training.

In the past, the "School of Criminal Rosewear", the Academy and today is a forge of personnel primarily for the divisions of the criminal police. Among graduates - over 50 doctors of science, more than 500 candidates of science, 110 received the title of the highest boss of law enforcement agencies.

Material and technical security of educational activities[ | ]

The material and technical base of the Academy is a complex of buildings, structures, material and technical means placed on its territory. The total area of \u200b\u200bland plots is 35,5782 hectares, including: 20,863 hectares - the territory of a country training base; 11,6213 hectares Komarov, 7; 0.82 hectares - ul. Lenin, 48, and 2,2739 hectares - ul. 1st Chelyuskintsev, 92. To organize the conduct of the educational process, the Academy has 61 buildings and structures with a total area of \u200b\u200b83,921.5 m², including 16 open sports facilities with an area of \u200b\u200b24,594.7 m².

Educational and laboratory areas occupy 42685.8 m² and include: 12 lecture halls at 1463 seats; 111 training classes and audiences for 2945 places; 6 reading rooms for 540 places; 7 library premises; 9 computer classes for 129 seats; 3 gaming hall; 3 gym, 2 wrestling hall; 3 shooting tires (1467.7 m²); 9 educational criminalistic polygons (556.8 m²).

The total area of \u200b\u200bpremises in which educational activities are carried out, based on one student (cadet), enshrined at the Academy on the right of operational management is 37.14 m².

The curriculum "Forensic polygons", located at the address Ave. Komarov, 7 includes three forensic polygon: living room 1 (equipped with cabinet furniture, household objects, four camcorders and microphone); Living room 2 "Proton" (equipped with cabinet furniture, outer objects), Branch of Sberbank (equipped with cabinet furniture, household items, thematic information stands, payroll payment terminal). Criminalistic polygons located at ul. Lenin, 48 - Living room / Office are equipped with cabinet furniture, life objects. In addition, there are two forensic landfills in the Academy Corps located at ul. 1st Chelyuskintsev, 92 and two polygon ("living room" and "rural house") located in the country training base of the Academy.

The country training base includes a complex of 18 buildings and structures.

There are 3 hostels at 701 beds. The specific weight of the number of cadets, listeners, students living in hostels, in the total number of cadets, students, students who need hostels amounted to 60%.

On the territory of the Academy there is a health complex, which has a sufficient training and material base for educational training in physical training, training in professional-applied sports, sports and physical culture and recovery work.

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