The meaning of fairy tales, their morality and purpose. Instructive moral meanings in the fairy tale "Frost of fairy tales and their morality

Ekaterina Sapezhyskaya
"Ryaba chicken": what is the moral tales?

1. A tale of church row knows everyBut the reader is sometimes not suspected that she has the author - Ushinsky Konstantin Dmitrievich. He took only the canvas - an idea from Russian folk fairy tales. Called ryabush chicken row, invented a unique story with a golden egg and a joyful ending.

Our goal is to try to disclose and understand the multi-layered content. fairy tales« Digger Ryaba» .

3. Vladimir Yakovlevich Prippe saw in the composition tales in general and tales about the chicken Row in particular comic nature. Scientist spoke about the insignificance of events standing at the beginning fairy tales. "The insignificance of these events sometimes stands in a comic contrast with the monstrous increase in the consequences arising from them and with the ultimate catastrophe (Beginning - broken egg, the end - the whole village burns)».

4. Fabulous plot« Digger Ryaba» Known in the East Slavic folklore, in Folklore Polyakov, Romanian, Lithuanians and Latvians. In Romanian and parts of Lithuanian options, the cause of grief is not connected with the egg.

5. Vladimir Toporov (founder "Theory of the main myth") I erected the plot fairy tales To the motif of the world's egg, which splits the mythological character.

Topor believed that story« Digger Ryaba» It is an extreme degenerate version of mythological representation.

6. In Lyudmila Grigorievna Pottal, in « Chicken russia» Reflects the deep layer of mythopoietic ideas, story Contains the cosmogonic model of the world, divided into the upper, middle and underground. At the same time the middle world (Land) embody grandfather, baba and digger Ryaba, lower world (hell) - Mouse, and the upper world is a golden cosmic egg. The duality of the experience, the nature of the central acting heroes fairy tales, Mice I. chicken,allows you to consider the plot in two keys: positive, creative (Egg breaking is the creation of a starry sky) and negative, destructive.

7. Boris Nakhod believed that « Digger Ryaba» - this is storyabout human happiness: "Happiness is a golden egg - people beat him and so and the mouse ran, the tail waved ...". Such an interpretation meets support: "Try tell Happiness and the lightness of his loss is somehow clearer, more rigorous ... Everyone understands that tale of this».

8. Marina Evgenievna Vigdornchik in the article "Analysis of the Russian fairy tales"Digger Ryaba"In the theory of object relations" writes: "Golden Egg, demolished by chicken - this is a symbol of a child who has a special significance for his parents. [...] This interpretation is consistent with the subsequent part. fairy taleswhere we are talking about the fact that grandfather and babe beat the egg. Bute - raised, try to bring an egg in line with their ideas and bitterness of frustration occurs when a certain "mouse" achieves what they could not achieve themselves in relation to the egg. Who is she, this mouse? And its symbolic meaning and its action (Willy the tail) They indicate that this is a woman (Snow, which is perceived by the parents of the Son as a rival, is frivolously presented. The consolation can the parents can find only in their remaining " Chicken russia"

A source:

I'm talking six months old a fairy tale about the chicken row for the night, and every time I torment out guesses, what is her morality.

Attempts to interpret its meaning is also very wide, from simple statements like "what we have - do not store, lose - cry", "they did not live in a richly, and nothing to start" or "Old age is not joy: they have less strength left, than the mouse "up to whole parables, for example, about love:" 5 years ago, when I was a student, a certain aunt-professor told that the Golden Egg is the love that Grandfather and grandmother did not save. Grandfather Bil-drank, walked ..., grandma beat - walked, the floors were not soap and shirt did not wash. Mouse de - this is a small such naughty type of gossip or which household trivia. Like, if love is long and diligently beat, then in order for it to finally split it, enough little things. Well, a simple egg - the habit that Grandfather and grandmother got instead of love. Road chicken, respectively, fate or the highest mind. And Ryaba is because ripples, i.e. Black and white, i.e. Combines both black and white sides of life "or about the ecological end of the world

Perhaps all these interpretations are not deprived of meaning, but the most affordable decoding (as I think) invites E. Nikolaev in the book "111 Baek for children's psychologists" (if there is no strength to read completely, pay attention to at least the last 5 paragraphs):

"Lived grandfather and Baba. And they had a rockey rush. Demolished chicken egg. Yes, not simple, but gold. Grandfather Bil-beat was not broken. Baba Bila Bila - did not break. The mouse fled, the tail waved - the egg fell and broke. Grandfather crying, Baba cries, and the chicken is kicked: "Do not cry, grandfather, do not cry, babe. I demolish the Egg Other - not gold, but simple. "

Ask your parent to tell you this fairy tale. It is difficult to find a person who would not know her. You can start with the question of whether the parent has read this fairy tale. If you read, then let it retell. If a hitch arises in the story, you can help. And when the parent tells the whole fairy tale, you should ask a few questions.

Grandfather and Baba wanted to break the egg?
If you wanted, why we cried?
Why did Grandfather and Baba laid the shells in the pawnshop if they are gold?
What was in the testicular when it broke?
How often did the parent thought about the situation, telling the child's fairy tale?
Why does the parent read this fairy tale to the baby if she is full of contradictions?
What do we expect from reading this fairy tale?

Moral: Often, communicating with the child, we do not think about what you really do, and therefore we offer him what they yourself do not know the answer.

Comment: Most parents will report that he has never thought about the content of a fairy tale. The same who says that their content always confused, they will add that they did not find explanations to the strange behavior of the grandfather and women. Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that, remaining in bewilderment, we often do not change our behavior, do not trust the child, for example, consulting with him about the content of the fairy tale. After all, it was easy to ask the child about what Grandfather and Baba do, why do they cry?

It is possible that the psychologist will hear the parent question of the parent about how can you consult with a one and a half year old child, to whom the parent read a fairy tale? Then you can just ask how often the parent is generally interested in the opinion of the child? And this in itself can be a separate topic for conversation.

However, if the parent stays in confusion regarding the previous one (that is, the psychologist clearly grabbed the context of the unconscious), then it is better to develop a "fabulous" direction further, and not rise again to the level of consciousness.

We can say that this fairy tale has just retold the word for the word, because I remembered her not when I read the child, and when he, another child read her parents. We keep the information at an early age, we keep all your life and perceive it without criticism, because at this age we have no critical thinking. Therefore, reading a fairy tale in an adult state, we continue to treat her without a shadow of doubt.

But the fairy tale is only a preposition to discuss what the parent does when he reads a fairy tale or otherwise interacts with the child. Communicating, the child remembers all the statements of the parents and the same as to the fairy tale, it is non-critical to them. Therefore, already as an adult, a person sees in the mirror not, and the image that has developed under his influence of the words of people meaningful for him: "You are such or so that. It will not work out of you "or:" You will grow up, you will work a lot and achieve everything you want. " These words and attitudes towards the child up to 5 years form a scenario, which by invisible threads entangle man and already adults makes it not in accordance with the real situation, but in accordance with those ideas about themselves and their destination that have formed in childhood.

When we read a fairy tale to a child, he reacts not to her, but on our attitude towards it.

The fairy tale, told in childhood, makes it possible to understand many features of the adult behavior. In addition, this tale is not household, it is not easy to interpret it. It differs from others by the fact that it is told to all children of our culture, because it carries the imprint of this culture.

That option "chicken row", which, most likely remembers the parent, appeared in the XIX century, when this very ancient fairy tale, the great teacher K. D. Ushinsky for some reason took the end. And the ending can be found in the three-volume meter A. N. Afanasyev "Russian folk tales". When reading this option, it turns out that after the grandfather and Baba began to cry, the granddaughters came, learned about the egg, the buckets (they walked behind the water) broke the water. Mother, having learned about the Egg (and she knew the dough), the quasch was smashed, the father, who at this moment was in the forge, the forge of Raznitsa, and Pop, who passed by the bell tower. And the peasants, having learned about this event, in different versions of the fairy tales, hanged himself or drowned.

What is this event, after which the stone on the stone was left?

Most likely, such details will damn the parent, so you can continue that events and heroes repeated in different parts of the world, participating, K. Jung called archetypes - ancient ideas. They are transmitted through fairy tales to people of one culture. At the moment of emergency stress, a person begins to behave not as characteristic of his personality, but manifests a common behavior for this people. If we take into account that this fairy tale is not household, but carrying the peculiarities of our culture, then it can be read differently.

Someone gave grandfather and the Baba, what they never met. Egg as an archetype, which is regularly found in myths, and in the fairy tales of all nations, is a symbol of birth of something. It is gold, because it does not seem to have a chicken earlier. That is why Grandfather and Baba are not running to the pawnshop lay the golden shell, to then buy the mountain of ordinary eggs. Gold, like the Egg itself, here is only a symbol. But the old people are trying to destroy something with which they have never met in their lives before. But you could wait, postpone it and see which of it will hatch. But they do not do that, and they hurry to destroy this new. And here in the narration another archetypical hero appears - the mouse. We write her name with a capital letter, because it is also not a small rodent, but a symbol. No wonder in many Russian fairy tales, it is a key entity that has any problems. Mouse as an archetype - Deputy God. And then the one who gave, he takes away what people do not know how to use. And then in the fairy tale there is another archetype.

But it will be better if the psychologist does not say simply, what is this archetype, but will help the parent feel his existence. The psychologist can tell him that he would like to prove the existence of this archetype, and not just report him. After all, it is for the introduction of it into the unconscious of each child of this culture and this fairy tale was created, for the sake of it, it is transmitted from generation to generation.

A psychologist asks for a parent for two minutes to completely trust him, close his eyes, listen to his voice and compare what he hears what is happening at this moment in his soul. If the parent agrees to such an experiment, then a psychologist with a slow clear voice, likelying suggestion, says: "Imagine that there is someone, about whom you know that any of his word will come true. And now this someone enters and tells you: "From this moment, in your life will never happen anything new. Only the eternal repetition of what you have already experienced. Never any new. Eternal circulation already accomplished events. "

What do you feel? - You ask your parent with an ordinary voice. Obviously, he will tell you either did not believe you (the worst option), or it became scary, unpleasant, bad (you achieved success). Then you say that it was now that a person felt the reality in himself in itself the most important archetype, which all people of one culture transmit each other from generation to generation is an archetype miracle. We live because we know exactly that if not today, then tomorrow, if not tomorrow, then the day after tomorrow, but a miracle will happen to us. Everyone has its own. But for each it is extremely attractive.

There is one difference between the Russian archetype of a miracle from such an archetype of other nations (and it is from everyone, since it allows us to survive when the hopes simply are not when life drives us to a dead end). For many Russian-speaking, this miracle happens for the gift, "on free", since many of our fairy tales tell how a miracle happens without any effort on our part. And here the psychologist has the opportunity to talk about the fact that a miracle will definitely happen to a child and with any other person, but not for free, but thanks to working together. This is a long way - the creation of a miracle, but very effective. If you manage to spend such a mini-training with your parent, then in the future cooperation with it is guaranteed. "

And what is the interpretation of this fairy tale closest to you?

I'm talking six months old a fairy tale about the chicken row for the night, and every time I torment out guesses, what is her morality.

Finally, I decided to spend a little study on this topic. And here is the result!

Perhaps all these interpretations are not deprived of meaning, but the most affordable decoding (as it seems to me) offers E. Nikolaev in the book "111 Baek for Children's Psychologists"(if there is no strength to read completely, pay attention to at least the last 5 paragraphs):

"Lived grandfather and Baba. And they had a rockey rush. Demolished chicken egg. Yes, not simple, but gold. Grandfather Bil-beat was not broken. Baba Bila Bila - did not break. The mouse fled, the tail waved - the egg fell and broke. Grandfather crying, Baba cries, and the chicken is kicked: "Do not cry, grandfather, do not cry, babe. I demolish the Egg Other - not gold, but simple. "

Ask your parent to tell you this fairy tale. It is difficult to find a person who would not know her. You can start with the question of whether the parent has read this fairy tale. If you read, then let it retell. If a hitch arises in the story, you can help. And when the parent tells the whole fairy tale, you should ask a few questions.

Grandfather and Baba wanted to break the egg?
If you wanted, why we cried?
Why did Grandfather and Baba laid the shells in the pawnshop if they are gold?
What was in the testicular when it broke?
How often did the parent thought about the situation, telling the child's fairy tale?
Why does the parent read this fairy tale to the baby if she is full of contradictions?
What do we expect from reading this fairy tale?

Moral: Often, communicating with the child, we do not think about what you really do, and therefore we offer him what they yourself do not know the answer.

Comment: Most parents will report that he has never thought about the content of a fairy tale. The same who says that their content always confused, they will add that they did not find explanations to the strange behavior of the grandfather and women. Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that, remaining in bewilderment, we often do not change our behavior, do not trust the child, for example, consulting with him about the content of the fairy tale. After all, it was easy to ask the child about what Grandfather and Baba do, why do they cry?

It is possible that the psychologist will hear the parent question of the parent about how can you consult with a one and a half year old child, to whom the parent read a fairy tale? Then you can just ask how often the parent is generally interested in the opinion of the child? And this in itself can be a separate topic for conversation.

However, if the parent stays in confusion regarding the previous one (that is, the psychologist clearly grabbed the context of the unconscious), then it is better to develop a "fabulous" direction further, and not rise again to the level of consciousness.

We can say that this fairy tale has just retold the word for the word, because I remembered her not when I read the child, and when he, another child read her parents. We keep the information at an early age, we keep all your life and perceive it without criticism, because at this age we have no critical thinking. Therefore, reading a fairy tale in an adult state, we continue to treat her without a shadow of doubt.

But the fairy tale is only a preposition to discuss what the parent does when he reads a fairy tale or otherwise interacts with the child. Communicating, the child remembers all the statements of the parents and the same as to the fairy tale, it is non-critical to them. Therefore, already as an adult, a person sees in the mirror not, and the image that has developed under his influence of the words of people meaningful for him: "You are such or so that. It will not work out of you "or:" You will grow up, you will work a lot and achieve everything you want. " These words and attitudes towards the child up to 5 years form a scenario, which by invisible threads entangle man and already adults makes it not in accordance with the real situation, but in accordance with those ideas about themselves and their destination that have formed in childhood.

When we read a fairy tale to a child, he reacts not to her, but on our attitude towards it.

The fairy tale, told in childhood, makes it possible to understand many features of the adult behavior. In addition, this tale is not household, it is not easy to interpret it. It differs from others by the fact that it is told to all children of our culture, because it carries the imprint of this culture.

That option "chicken row", which, most likely remembers the parent, appeared in the XIX century, when this very ancient fairy tale, the great teacher K. D. Ushinsky for some reason took the end. And the ending can be found in the three-volume meter A. N. Afanasyev "Russian folk tales". When reading this option, it turns out that after the grandfather and Baba began to cry, the granddaughters came, learned about the egg, the buckets (they walked behind the water) broke the water. Mother, having learned about the Egg (and she knew the dough), the quasch was smashed, the father, who at this moment was in the forge, the forge of Raznitsa, and Pop, who passed by the bell tower. And the peasants, having learned about this event, in different versions of the fairy tales, hanged himself or drowned.

What is this event, after which the stone on the stone was left?

Most likely, such details will damn the parent, so you can continue that events and heroes repeated in different parts of the world, participating, K. Jung called archetypes - ancient ideas. They are transmitted through fairy tales to people of one culture. At the moment of emergency stress, a person begins to behave not as characteristic of his personality, but manifests a common behavior for this people. If we take into account that this fairy tale is not household, but carrying the peculiarities of our culture, then it can be read differently.

Someone gave grandfather and the Baba, what they never met. Egg as an archetype, which is regularly found in myths, and in the fairy tales of all nations, is a symbol of birth of something. It is gold, because it does not seem to have a chicken earlier. That is why Grandfather and Baba are not running to the pawnshop lay the golden shell, to then buy the mountain of ordinary eggs. Gold, like the Egg itself, here is only a symbol. But the old people are trying to destroy something with which they have never met in their lives before. But you could wait, postpone it and see which of it will hatch. But they do not do that, and they hurry to destroy this new. And here in the narration another archetypical hero appears - the mouse. We write her name with a capital letter, because it is also not a small rodent, but a symbol. No wonder in many Russian fairy tales, it is a key entity that has any problems. Mouse as an archetype - Deputy God. And then the one who gave, he takes away what people do not know how to use. And then in the fairy tale there is another archetype.

But it will be better if the psychologist does not say simply, what is this archetype, but will help the parent feel his existence. The psychologist can tell him that he would like to prove the existence of this archetype, and not just report him. After all, it is for the introduction of it into the unconscious of each child of this culture and this fairy tale was created, for the sake of it, it is transmitted from generation to generation.

A psychologist asks for a parent for two minutes to completely trust him, close his eyes, listen to his voice and compare what he hears what is happening at this moment in his soul. If the parent agrees to such an experiment, then a psychologist with a slow clear voice, likelying suggestion, says: "Imagine that there is someone, about whom you know that any of his word will come true. And now this someone enters and tells you: "From this moment, in your life will never happen anything new. Only the eternal repetition of what you have already experienced. Never any new. Eternal circulation already accomplished events. "

What do you feel? - You ask your parent with an ordinary voice. Obviously, he will tell you either did not believe you (the worst option), or it became scary, unpleasant, bad (you achieved success). Then you say that it was now that a person felt the reality in himself in itself the most important archetype, which all people of one culture transmit each other from generation to generation is an archetype miracle. We live because we know exactly that if not today, then tomorrow, if not tomorrow, then the day after tomorrow, but a miracle will happen to us. Everyone has its own. But for each it is extremely attractive.

There is one difference between the Russian archetype of a miracle from such an archetype of other nations (and it is from everyone, since it allows us to survive when the hopes simply are not when life drives us to a dead end). For many Russian-speaking, this miracle happens for the gift, "on free", since many of our fairy tales tell how a miracle happens without any effort on our part. And here the psychologist has the opportunity to talk about the fact that a miracle will definitely happen to a child and with any other person, but not for free, but thanks to working together. This is a long way - the creation of a miracle, but very effective. If you manage to spend such a mini-training with your parent, then in the future cooperation with it is guaranteed. "

The main meaning of the Andersen fairy tale is that it is necessary to persist and patient difficulties, adversity. Unhappy duckling (who was actually swan) had to withstand a number of cruel tests at the very beginning of his life. His teased and trembled rude conifers. From him turned away his own mother-duck, caught public opinion. Then, when he escaped from a bird's yard and made friends with wild geese, these hunters, and the duckling himself saved only a miracle. After this unfortunate duckling, the old woman picked up and brought to his home. But his inhabitants - a cat and chicken - laughed at the new tenant and unceremoniously taught "Mind-Mind." Duckoo had to leave the house of the old woman, he spent the winter in the reeds at the lake, where the next spring met beautiful swans. And the fairy tale ended with a happy outcome.

The moral of this fairy tale is that life can present a lot of hard tests, but it is necessary not to fall in spirit and not to lower your hands. After all, Duckoo-swan was very difficult, but he stood it all and eventually became happy.

Similarly, a person who did not bother before destiny, as a result, can triumph victory.

Because of which the troubles started

Moral fairy tale consists also in the fact that it is not necessary to be afraid to be unlike others. Duckling was different from other ducklings. That is, it was not like that. And so it began to tease and rush ducks. Why did it scribble and unceremoniously passed the cat and chicken? Because he behaved not as it should. That is, again was not like everyone else! The duckling had a choice: or to accept the fact that it is impossible to differ from others or the appearance, no behavior, or habits, or behave in accordance with the principle: "Yes, I'm another, but I have the right!" And he made this choice, not frightened by what the misunderstanding, Branj, and even betray.

A person should also defend the right to be himself, even if this will have to go to public opinion.

Some connoisseurs of Creativity Andersen believe that in the image of the ugly duckling, the author of the fairy tale depicted himself. After all, Andersen also had to endure a lot of ridicule, misunderstandings and unceremonious teachings from the surrounding people before he became a famous writer, and his appearance was very different from the appearance of the "average" Dane. Never lower your hands, fight for your happiness, despite all obstacles.

All adults read fairy tales to their children. And this is a very correct solution, since it is precisely with the help of fairy tales, it is easier to explain to the child what is good what is bad. Classic children's fairy tales often cheerful and instructive, with many colorful illustrations, they can be purchased at any bookstore.

It is not surprising that both adults like fairy tales, and they gladly spend time for a book, with a head plunge into the world of fabulous stories. Below are the most popular classic fairy tales that each of us is probably read as a child:

1. "Ugly Duckling"

"Ugly Duckling" is a fairy tale written by the Danish Prose and the poet, the author of world-famous fairy tales for children and adults, Hans Christian Anderson (1805-1875). The fairy tale tells about a small duckling, which other inhabitants of the bird courtyard are constantly offended. But it continues for a short time, since with time, a small duckling turns into a beautiful white swan - the most beautiful bird among all. This fairy tale like both adults and children, because personal growth is shown here, transformation, change in the beautiful, better side.

The fairy tale, together with three other works of Anderson, was first published on November 11, 1843 in Copenhagen, Denmark, and was very critical to the public. However, the fairy tale was immediately included in the repertoire of the Opera House, based on the fairy tale, the musical was put, as well as an animated film was shot. This work does not apply to any folklore or folk tales, as it was invented by Hans Christian Anderson.

This is one of those fairy tales by reading which, we understand that we are not as they seem at first glance. We are all different, we all differ from each other, but one thing is to know that you are not like others, the other is to be surprised at your own, unexpected, excellent reincarnation. Each of us must learn to forgive former mistakes, learn to change for the better and strive for self-development and self-knowledge.

2. "The boy who shouted the" Wolf "

Entertainment for the boy, the main character of this fairy tale, was to lie to people from their village about the Wolf, who allegedly going to eat Otaru sheep, which the boy rip. He shouted: "Wolf!", But in fact, there was no wolf when people from the village came to the rescue. The boy was amused by this situation and he laughed at those who came to his aid. It happened so that one day the wolf came to raise the Otar sheep. When the boy began to call for help, none of the villages paid attention to it, since everyone decided that the boy was lying again. Ultimately, he lost all his sheep. The moral of this fairy tale is: never undermine the confidence of people, as it is sometimes very difficult to restore it.

3. "Thumbelina"

The fairy tale "Thumbelina" (dates. Tommelise), written by Gansa Christian Anderson, was first published on December 16, 1835 K.A. Ratezel in Copenhagen, Denmark. Together with the fairy tales of the "bad boy" and "satellite", "Thumbean" entered the second collection called "Tales, told for children." In his fairy tale, the author talks about the adventures of the tiny girl of the thumbnail, about her acquaintance with the family of the Zhab, the May beetle and marriage with Mole. Thumbelina passes a lot of tests and at the end of the fairy tale marries the king of the elves of flowers, which was as small as the herself.

This fairy tale is one of the most famous in the world. Children like to read about the adventures of a little girl, about her not easy journey. With his fairy tale, the author wanted to convey to us that the most important thing is not what awaits you at the end of your way, but what happens to you while traveling.

4. "Elves and a shoe"

Be always friendly and kind! Do not forget to say: "Thank you" and really be grateful. These are the main advice that gives us the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm "Elves and Bashmachnik".

The fabulous elves helped the shoes to make very beautiful shoes that were madly loved by many wealthy people. Ultimately, the shoeman is strongly rich, selling wonderful couples to the shoes of the townspeople, but he did not begin and always told the words of gratitude and very respectfully referred to the little creatures, which once helped him bring his cherished dreams to him. Never forget to say "Thank you" to people around you, and you will be rewarded for your respectful attitude hundreds of times more than you expected.

5. "Genesel and Gretel"

This is a fairy tale about the young manzel and Gretel, brother and sister, about their courage and how they challenges the child's old witch - cannibals. But the lesson who carries this fairy tale relates, most likely to adults, namely to the fathers. Morality is: a man, if he marries the second time, must be very responsible to choose the choice of the second wife, especially if he has children from the first marriage; A future wife should not want to get rid of children.

6. "Cat in boots"

"Cat in boots" is a very famous European fairy tale in which it is about a cat with unusual abilities and a sharp mind. Cat, with the help of tricks and thanks to his business grip, helps his poor and rooted owner to get what he wanted: the power, wealth and hand of princesses. The fairy tale was written at the end of the seventeenth century by the French author of fairy tales for Children by Charlf Perso - a former public servant on pensions, as well as a member of the French Academy.

Another version of the fairy tale called "Kaluseo" was published in 1634 Jovani Battista Basile. This version of the fairy tales, in print and with illustrations, appeared two years before, in 1967, a version of the PRR, included in the collection of eight fairy tales called "Histoires Ou Contes Du Temps Passé" was published. Charlet Persian version was published by Barbin. A collection of fairy tales was a great success, and the tale itself about the cat in boots remains one of the most beloved in the world and to this day.

Everything is possible to get with the help of charm and trumps of tricks - this is the main idea that the author wanted to be conveyed to the reader. The fairy tale speaks of a cat that went to the inheritance from the father to one poor young man. Thanks to intelligence, skill and ingenuity, the cat helped his owner to survive the best, rich life. He found new clothes for the young man, helped to impress the king, the cat even cope with the giant-butty, filling it and turning into the mouse.

7. "New Dress of the King"

"New Dress of the King" (dates. Keiserens Nye Klæder) - a short fairy tale of the Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen about two weales who promised the king to sew such a dress for him, which will be invisible to people who inappropriate king in rank - people stupid, incompetent, poor . When the king walked in his new outfit among ordinary people, one little boy said: "King is naked!". The fairy tale was translated into hundreds of the languages \u200b\u200bof the world.
When you need advice or opinion about something, ask the child. The child will answer you honestly, without a rustle will tell the truth. In fact, there was no new dress on the king, but the people on the street preferred preferred to admire the new outfit, everyone was afraid to seem like a fool. Only a small child sincerely told the truth.

We all come from childhood and perfectly understand that fairy tales are needed to children for better worldview and development. The benefits of fairy tales is simply priceless, as the child is immersed in the world of magic and miracles, together with his favorite characters, is experiencing every situation, every adventure, which allows you to develop imagination and memory.

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