Yesenin's wife from theatrical. "For me, love is a terrible torment"

Sergey Yesenin and Isidore Duncan


"I had three thousand women!" - boasted somehowSergey Yeseninfriend. On an incredulous "Vyatka, not brex!" She cared: "Well, three hundred. Well, thirty. " It could not be loved ...

In 1912, the seventeen-year-old village boy of Seryazh Yesenin, beautiful, as Verbal Cherubi, came to conquer Moscow and soon settled to work in the printing house of the Sitin correct. In his brown suit and bright green tie, he looked in urban: not ashamed and to go to the editor, and to meet the ladies. But the editorial staff did not want to print, and the ladies laughed at his talk, tie and independent manners. Only Runs Anya, Anna Ferezzhanova, who also served as the corrector from Sytin, managed in a boy who was younger for four years, to see a real poet. How she understood him! How she loved him!

Anna became his first woman. Sergey felt an adult man, her husband. In the removed room at Serpukhov's outpost and the Yesenin family life begins.

Work, house, family, Anna is waiting for a child, and there is not enough strength to the poetry and time. For inspiration, Sergey leaves in Crimea. One. Returned full of impressions and inspiration. He threw the work and wrote poems for all day. Anna did not reread and did not require anything from him. Just loved. He was so comfortable.

In December 1914, Yesenin took a wife in the hospital. It was terribly proud when the son was born. By the return of Anna from the hospital laundered the room to the brilliance, prepared lunch. A 19-year-old father was surprised to peering in a tiny sown face, looking for his features in it, and could not fall in love. Called the baby George, JOST.

Joy ended quickly. Children's crying, dirty diapers, sleepless nights. After three months, Yesenin went to Petrograd: whether in search of success, or simply escaped from family happiness. Almost a year was dulling there and here. But neither the love of Ani, nor the child could hold it. Materially helped when he could. But soon the capital is cleaned, skidded. "Ah, nugget from Ryazan! Ah, new rings! " - they talked about him.

And the fashionable poet was in literary salons. There were always wishing to drink with a genius. Probably, then quiet outfits, chanting gold rus, and turned into Kabatsky hooligan ...


Once in the summer of 1917, Yesenin came to the editorial office of the newspaper "People", where Sergey met the secretary Sinic.Zinaida Reichthere was a rare beauty. He has not yet seen such.

Smart, educated, surrounded by fans, she dreamed of a scene. How he persuaded her to go with him to the north?!

They married a little church under Vologda, sincerely believing that they would live long, happily and die in one day. Returning, settled by Zinaida. Her earnings had enough for two, and she tried to create seinery all the conditions for creativity.

Yesenin was jealous. Drinking, I became just unbearable, having arranged a pregnant wife ugly scandals. He loved in Russian: at first he beat, and then lay in his feet, putting out forgiveness.

In 1918, the Yesenin family left Petrograd. Zinaida went to the eagle to parents to give birth, and Sergey, along with a friend, took off the center of Moscow in the center of Moscow, where he helated in a bachelor: Boots, women, poems ...

The daughter was born in May 1918. Zinaida called her in honor of Mother Sergey - Tatiana. But when a wife came to Moscow with a small tanya, Sergey met them so that the next day Zinaida went back. Then Yesenin asked for forgiveness, they put up, and scandals began again. After he beat her, a pregnant second child, Zinaida escaped him to parents finally. The Son was named bones in honor of the village of Konstantinovo, where Yesenin was born.

Subsequently, Zinaida became an actress at the theater of the famous director of Vsevolod Meyerhold. In October 1921, Yesenin and Zinaida officially divorced, she married Meyerhold.

The famous director brought up a bone and Tanechka, and Yesenin in the proof of love for children wore their photo in the breast pocket.


Once a great American ballerina Iceedor Duncan, who arrived in 1921 to Russia, was invited to a creative evening ... She entered the flying gait, dropped the fur coat and placed the folds of silk chiton. The dancer looked like a revived statue of an ancient goddess. She poured a "penalty" a glass of wine. She raised his eyes from the glasses and saw him. He began to read poems. Iceedor did not understand a word, but could not tear away from him. And he declared, looking only for her. It seemed that there was no one else in the room. Having finished reading, Yesenin descended from the elevation and got into her arms.

"Izador! My Isador! " - Yesenin sank before the knees dancer. She kissed him on his lips and said: "In La Taya Galava, in La Taya Ga La-Va". It was love at first sight, a kipache passion, a hurricane. And it does not matter that Isadora almost did not speak Russian, and Sergey did not know English. They understood each other without words, because they were similar - talented, emotional, recklessness ..

From that memorable night, Yesenin moved to the apartment Ayedors. Yesenian friends-poets gladly went to this hospitable house, although they could not believe that the walking and hearts sincerely loved the woman who was almost twice as older. And he, looking like Isadora dancing for him, losing his head, whispered: "My, my forever!"

Ballerina with a world-famous name was rich and ready to give everything, only to her beloved Yesenin was happy. Kenches, champagne, fruits, gifts. She paid everything.

But after a few months, Yesenískaya passion faded and began scandals. In a drunken ugar, he shouted: "Dunka, dances." And she danced in front of him and his drinking companions, without words showing her love, and humiliation, and pride, and indignation. She saw her favorite drink, and to save him, decided to take away abroad.

In May 1922, Yesenin and Duncan registered marriage and left first to Europe, then to America.

But there he was just a denuncan husband from the great poet. From this he was angry, drank, walked, beat, then rushed and explained in love.

Friends of the aceedors were horrified by her family life.

- How do you allow you to contact yourself?! You are a great ballerina!

Ishedora was justified: "He is sick. I can't quit him. It's like throwing a sick child. "

In Soviet Russia, he was very hard, and without Russia is impossible. And Cheta Yesenina - Duncan returned back. She felt that the marriage falls apart, insanely jealous and suffered. After going on touring in Crimea, Iceedor waited there Sergey, who promised to come soon. But instead, a telegram came instead: "I love the other, married, happy. Yesenin.

This one became his fanGalina Benislavskaya .


So beless, as Galina loved, rarely love. Yesenin considered her the closest friend, but did not see a woman in it. Well, what did he not be enough?! Slender, green-eyed, braids almost to the floor, but he did not notice this, he told about his feelings.

Galina rejoiled him from Duncan, tried to dare and from friends-drinking companions, waited at night at the door as a faithful dog. Helped what could, ran up by editors, knocking out the fees. And the telegram in the Crimea Ayedor gave it. Galina considered him his husband, he also told her: "Galya, you are very good, you are the closest friend, but I do not like you ..." Yesenin led to her house of women and immediately consoled it: "I am afraid I, I don't want to But I know that I will beat. You do not want to beat, you can not beat. I two women beat Zinaida and Izador - and could not otherwise. For me, love is a terrible torment, it is so painful. "

Galina everything was waiting for, when he sees not only a friend in it. But never waited. In 1925 he married ... In Tolstoy Sonechka.


In early 1925, the poet got acquainted with the granddaughter of Lion Tolstoy Sophia. Like most of the intelligent girls of the time, she was in love with the poetry of Yesenin and a little bit in the poet himself. 29-year-old Sergey Robel in front of the aristocracy and innocence of Sofia. Once in the summer in Lipova Alley in the park, Roma approached them:

- Hey, young, handsome, give money, you know the fate!

Yesenin laughed and took out money.

- Wedding will soon have a curly! - laughed Gypsy.

In July 1925, a modest wedding took place. Sonechka was ready, like her famous grandmother, devote her husband to her husband and his work.

Everything was surprisingly good. The poet appeared a house, a loving wife, friend and assistant. Sofya was engaged in his health, prepared his poems for the collection of writings. And was absolutely happy.

And Yesenin, having met buddy, answered the question: "How is life?" "I am preparing a collection of works in three volumes and live with an unloved woman."

Yesenin continued to live life, where there was always a place with drunk kits and love affair with fans.

"What happened? What happened to me? Every day I have other knees, "he wrote about himself. And for some reason he felt his ambulance:

"I know I know. Soon soon,

Neither of mine or whose fault

Low mourning fence

I'll have to lie as much as me. "

This wrote a 30-year-old handsome man who recently married him who adored his cute and smart girl, poet, whose collections flew straight from the printing house.

All ended on December 28, 1925 in the Leningrad Hotel "Angletter". Sergey Yesenin found hanged on a rope from a suitcase. Nearby was a letter written by blood: "Goodbye, my friend, goodbye ..."

All his wives, except the aceedor, who was in Paris, were attended by a funeral.Galina Benislavskaya she shot at the grave of Yesenin.

There were a lot of women who loved him, and there was little love in his life. Yesenin himself explained it like this: "No matter how much I swear to anyone in crazy love, no matter how much I assure myself in the same thing - all this is essentially a huge and rock mistake. There is something that I love the above all women, above any woman, and that I will not trade for any calas and any love. This is art…"

After the acquaintance of Yesenin and Sophia Andreevna, Pilnyak went somewhere, and Yesenin moved to her live. Sophia herself at this time writes in the diary (1925):
July 8. Wednesday. Returned at night, talk, treason.
July 18th. Saturday. One.
July 19. Sunday. Fool.
July 20. Monday. Fool.
21 July. Tuesday. Fool.
July 22. Wednesday. Fool.
July 23. Thursday. Fool.
July 24th. Friday. Completely crazy. Five days did not think anything.
Then there was a quiet not that engagement, not the wedding without murals (signed in September), in a narrow circle. Yesenina poured water instead of wine, he drank, wrinkled, and at the end, already in the morning, the poems read:
"Drink, sing in youth, be in life without a mischief,
Anyway, my favorite will blow the slicer of the cushion "
I always thought that there was "Favorite Flower Cheruma." What is a completely different meaning, a hundred times deeper, can give a noun in a different case! Although, decadence is still that ...
It was the last summer in the life of the poet, therefore I will slow down the pace.
Then there was a trip with Sofia to Baku, where they lived at the cottage from Chagin. According to the memoirs of Sofia - the paradise and the paradise period in her life and the life of Yesenin.
But, as you know, it does not live in paradise. Neither people nor their wives. Especially if a person is strongly talented, and his wife loves him before unconsciousness.
I bought the poet, yes, so that I went with the giving to Baku, I drank there, accused Chagin in the encroachment on Sophia Andreevna, then I took it right on the street at the same lady her dog and announced that he would walk with her now.
Why not? Remember:
Give me Jim, on the happiness of the paw to me,
So I did not see such a paw.
Come on with you under the moon
On quiet, silent weather

I do not know whether the poet was trying to worry, but in the Baku militia, where he began to frighten. But, as another folk bard later wrote so much on him: "He could not say anything to the police" - the poet was fixed, well, that is, tied. And the next thief granddaughter of the Grand Starta came to the police to help out the poet.
Agrees Cops visible well knew their work, because in the letter Mom Sophia Andreevna wrote about this episode: "He's all, all beaten and floating. It's scary and scary. I want to go there, where it will be good to him, and I'm fine with him everywhere . I'm going further about the way that stepped on
To dispel the silent sadness from the summer life in the Baku Paradise, the poet has become the train at the train to Moscow. Returning once again from the restaurant's car, he confused the coupe and, opening the door, instead of his Sony saw the Dage of People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs Adolf Horn. Horn began to convince the poet that he made a mistake door. Such a poet could not have crashed and with insults I climbed into a fight. Upon arrival in Moscow on the platform, he was taken warm and amounted to a protocol for initiating a criminal case. In explanation, the poet wrote: "I didn't go to anyone in the coupe, since I had my own. The rest I can't say anything, because my sober wife was driving with me." By this time, there is a record in the diary of Galina Benislavskaya:
"After all, there are people besides him, and they understand the mechanisms of its mining of glory and fame. And how much he would have won, if this glory won only the talent, and not these ways. After all, he is the same b ... like French people who are given to the thrill , janitor and other things. Although, judging by the Kate (sister of the poet), this calcality in it is organic. Well, yes, he deserves his own fate. "
I remind you that it writes not just a woman, and a woman who in about a year will bring accounts with life on the grave of the poet.
What is the poet? Here is a sample of his "humor" of that period. At the birthday of Benislavskaya, he says one guest, naturally at Galina:
"- I am really boring me. And you know what, Anya, will go to marvel.
- How to get married?
- Yes, very simple. Take Gali, someone else witness, we will go to the Petrovsky Park and persuade some kind of ass to marry us. Let's?
- What for?
"I am bored, and it is interesting, take the harmonist, arrange a wedding."

Well, and Sophia Andreevna, the full mix of her grandmother and wife of the Great Starta, at this time writes such lines:
"Sometimes I think that my life is something like a very huge cross, which I voluntarily and consciously took myself on my shoulders, and sometimes I think that I am the happiest woman and think - for what? Poets like husbands - Nikudedny, and love them It is possible to the horror and nurse with them wonderfully, and they themselves are amazing "
In many sources that describe the last months of the life of Yesenin, it is said that he is led by sister's persuasion to a psychiatric hospital. Yes, really actually led in the paid hospital of Professor Gannushkin on November 26, 1025, but in order to avoid an open criminal case against him on the fact of hooliganism in the train, which was more afraid of the world.
There, in the hospital he writes the famous poem, here is his fragment:

Girlfriend cooling years
Do not call the game of love.
Let this moonlight be better
To me rushes to the headboard.
Let distorted traits
He facilitates boldly, -
After all, it is not possible to sob
How to love you failed.
You can only love once.
That's why you are someone else's
That linden is in vain,
In the legs of the feet plunging.
But still caress and hug
In the lucavo passion kiss,
Let the heart ever dream of May
And that that forever love me

What woman is it dedicated to? Friends believed that Zhenya Sona, and the criticism of the philological knowledge of criticism would be repeatedly repeated. And I doubt ...
"How to love you failed" ...
Friends, you can see, did not read the letters of Sophia Andreevna to the mother:

"I just loved him all. The rest came on. I knew that I was going to the cross, and it was consciously, because nothing in life was sorry. I wanted to live only for him. I gave him all myself. I completely delochla and blinded , And only he is alone. If you love me ... then I ask you in my thoughts, nor in words never Sergey to condemn and never blame for anything. That from what he drank and drunk torment me. He loved I, and his love all covered. And I was happy, madly happy ... I thank him for everything, and all for goodbye to him. And he gave me happiness to love him. And to wear such love that he, his soul, gave birth to me - This is infinite happiness. "

At all piercing. So, in relation to Sofier, I have an ironic tone from this place.
You know what? And let's reread once again that the cabinskaya said at the very beginning:
"Because the soul has already been sold, already for the talent given a man"
Nothing strange - it just came time to pay bills for talent. And the fact that the infernal character, hacking and hanging gray, loves to talk to a talented poet's ear, and even just a talented person - this is the most common thing for him.
And the victim is trying to break out:
"- Catherine, do you believe in God? - asked Sergey.
"I believe," I found it.
Sergey rushed in bed, moaning and suddenly sat down, throwing the blanket. A crucifix hung in front of the bed. Raising your hands, Sergey began to pray: "Lord, you see how I suffer as hard to me"

But sometimes in the rustling of the Besnowian pride, the horned punches and finds his revelations to the ear who, in principle, could not write such verses. For example, an eight-year-old painful girl with a turbine, which writes such lines:

My owner is kind
And the door open on the night,
But he leaves a guard
Darkness for the unwerman window

And at twenty-one puts the bill and it goes to the first flight out of the door open at night, seriously damaged the spine. And after six years - in the second, already deadly.
Yes, nothing unusual. Generate the virtual reality of the synergy of consciousness and an ordered stream of alphabet icons to the reader was always difficult to read, and now it is difficult for a hundred times. But to create this ordered flow of beaks, it turns out, thousands of times harder!
We read from the book Boris Akunin "Writer and Suicide":
"English-language literature - 60 names, German-speaking -54 name, French-speaking - 50 names and Russian-speaking - 41 name."
Because it is spinning near every talented poet or writer stinking with gray ancient, and therefore a wise, amateur elegant literature. It can give beauty, health and even talent.
But the real gift is always free, it is always for just like that. But in our case, the posts remained. And for him, someone had to come in the last hour. So it was with Vysotsky, so it was with Yeshenin, with Lermontov, Verlaine, Rambo and a twenty-year-old turbine, the talent of which, under the wise guardian of Evgenia Yevtushenko, applauded American stadiums. And the coffin was taken from Sklifosovsky evil workers who did not pay.
No, of course, no poems pressed the Infernal owner to his debtor. For with all its antiquity and experience - he is not a creator. But a small, defenseless man, tormented by the sleeping passion, impregnated with metastases of wine vapors and is supplied, as beaches, free will, here is the Creator. This was done by the creator of our reality - a little like himself. It is likely that that the grand performance that is played in the universe is more unpredictable, and therefore interesting.
And this little creator is the subject of the envy of the ancient essence, which carefully peers with unagrees from the same side of the membrane, which separates our reality from the comradality. It looks, sucks from impatience with the hoofs and waits - what can be reached by us.
Of course, this smelling gray character is just a metaphor. Or model, as physicists say. And every model, so said some famous physicist. It is incorrect, but it can be useful.
Next more slowly.
December 21, 1925.
The poet competently leaves the clinic, drinks with immudy and other faithful friends, and then go where you thought?
To say goodbye to Anna Islay.
Remember - the very first woman who gave birth to the poet of the firstborn. At the meeting, the poet said the fairing: "Fit. I'm leaving, I feel bad, probably die. "
December 23, 1925.
But the words of the poet about their last legitimate wife, about Sofye Andreevna. They are told in the last conversation in Moscow with Odim from the Imazhinists:
"She is a pathetic and wretched woman. She's stuffed fool. She wanted to push me through me. And Duncan I loved, I loved hotly. Only two women loved in life. This is Zinaida Reich and Duncan. This is my whole tragedy with babes. How I would have swear to someone in crazy love, no matter how much I assured myself - all this is essentially a huge and rock mistake. There is something that I love the above all women, above any woman, and that I do not miss anything for anything and any love. This is an art. You understand this well. Let's so drink "
On December 27, the poet in the room "Angleter" writes his own blood poem "Goodbye, my friend, goodbye"
December 28, he is found dead in this issue.

The next day, at the station next to the wagon in which the poet's body was sent to Moscow, our old familiar cabinsk was submitted by Sophie a note in which it was written:"You are so young, Sonya, and already so rich, because our grief is also wealth."

Remembers mother Sophia Andreevna:
"Sonya stood like a stone nor tears, nor sink. The ladies were sinking around, with some fainting, there was his first legitimate wife (were illegal) with two children, which held themselves extremely demonstratively and theatrical - she actress, the wife of the famous Meyerhold Artist. They all the time brought children to the coffin, the girl was forced to read Pushkin poems! All this was false and hard. Sonya stood quietly, modestly, almost imperceptible, but when the moment of her farewell came, I could not watch and turned away - such Flour and despair were in her gaze, when she came down to him and not looking around at his face, as if imprinuating his features! And so all the way in the cemetery and after the funeral - she was like a stone, definitely missing. But when I saw her The face when she was already walking away from the grave, then I was terrified - it was old, covered, yellow "

Goodbye, my friend, goodbye.
My dear, you are in my chest.
Designed parting
Promises a meeting ahead.

Goodbye, my friend, without hand, without a word,
Do not be sad and no sorrow eyebrows -
In this life, dying is not new,
But also live, of course, not new

Many women loved me.

Yes, and I myself loved not alone.

Not from this dam

He learned me to the guilt.

Sergey Aleksandrovich Yesenin is a famous name. From school every child knows the lines of his poems. Beres, fields, homeland ... love. By graduation, we gradually get to this adult topic. In my youth, it seems to us that there is nothing more important than love. It is she who drives our feelings to the tops of experiences, makes it poetically thinking. We are starting to be interested in the feelings of poets, because they are so well expressing in verses, everything that explodes our soul.

Unwittingly notice that Yesenin devotes their poems not one woman, and many. Why? Who is he? Womanizer, Lovelaks? And maybe an unfortunate man?

The poet had a lot of love intrigues. After all, even when he was married, she succumbed to love passions, going into the whirlpool of metropolitan events. This was the true nature of Yesenin. He was constantly striving for glory, publicity and fame, "walked" women's heads, causing them unbearable pain. Four times was married, and every wife did what he wishes: Gorbatil his back, earning a family, created a favorable atmosphere for his work, endured scandals, boys and other antics. And all this in order to be with the Zlatovs of the handsome and the greatest poet. No woman was with him for more than 2 years ... In various memoirs, letters of women who loved Yesenin, talk about him, as a passionate, easily fondant, but also an easily swelling person.

Sergey Alexandrovich Yesenin lived a small life, only 30 years old, but during that time he managed to conquer a lot of female hearts. Some cling to his scandalous character, other -8-signed lyrics. All this was brightly loomed in his poems, for which, first of all, ladies and clawered. Golden curls, a peasant face, a kind look - the secondary advantages of the poet.

The first was the landowner Lidia Kashin. Alternatively, the requests of Mother Sergey more than once remained night at Lydia and even at times lived. He was a few years old, and he had already conquered a mature woman. But something did not work out, and Sergey falls in love with Maria Balzamov. He even woven her, but he was denied. And the literal phrase comes a tuth: not very much and I wanted. Anna Ferezzhanova appears in his life. They live a civil marriage. And a year later, the son of Yuri is born. Life with Anna from the first days seemed to him a mistake. At that moment, his career and glory began him more. He leaves the family, promising to return, and leaves to look for happiness in Petrograd. Anna was very hard to bring up a little Yuri, but Yesenin did not even worry. He no longer remembered his existence for his life. Here is a manifestation of egoism!

But this period of life turned out to be a good swing for the writing hand of the poet.For a short time, he won fame in many petrograd literary circles, became the favorite of the printed magazines. But soon it ended, because a terrible world war went, and Yesenin is taking into the army, where he will serve as Sanitar. That's there it was not to novels. Therefore, 4 years he was without a companion. This is perhaps the biggest gap in the love life of a fervent poet.After the war, Sergey Alexandrovich meets with the secretary Zinaida Reich, and without losing time, they go to the province where they are wary in a small church under Vologda.

Zinaida was a poor woman and could well contain an unemployed poet. He remained only to create. Apparently, Sergey, such a life seemed to be disadvantaged, and he found it in drinking. This is exactly the soil for scandals. Yesenin did not even hide that he raised his hand to his wife, who was at that time in the position. She gave birth to two children, but it did not resist free walk.

After Reich Yesenin and was laughed at all, changing women as gloves.But soon met Galina Benislavskaya.She loved Yesenin to madness, was obsessed with him. But, unfortunately, it did not receive a gram of reciprocity. At a certain period of time, it was absent in the life of the poet. All due to the fact that the dancer Aseedor Duncan dancer appeared in Yesenin's life, which was twice as older than him. Iceedor did not know 20 words in Russian, and Yesenin did not recognize English. But it was a trifle for them, love was above all. In May 1922, they registered a marriage and cleaned to Europe, then to America. In Russia, Yesenin was considered a great poet, and abroad he became just a legendary dancer.

So there were reasons for scandals. He was angry, drank, walked. More than once raised her hand on her, and after the legs rushed and was explained in love, I got it, I constantly cheated, wrote poems to other women.Duncan felt that the end was married, but at the same time did not give any.

And on the path of the poet, another appeared - Nadezhda Volpin. Caring again, the proposal of the hand and the heart, the birth of the son, and again ... it did not work out.

The last wife became Sophia Tolstaya. Everything seemed to go very smoothly. The poet appeared a loving wife, friends and assistants. But Yesenin could not wearlessly unleashed goulands and love intrigues with fans. Sophia was proud, always demanded compliance with the rules. She was not completely combined with the nature of the recklessness of Yesenin.

There were a lot of women who loved him, and there was little love in his life. Yesenin explained it like this:

"No matter how I swear to anyone in crazy love, no matter how I assured myself, all this is essentially a huge and rock mistake. There is something that I love the above all women, above any woman, and that I will not trade for any calas and any love.

This is art…"

It is clear that the creative person has all thoughts not about real love, but about poetry, about themselves, about their way to glory. Sergey Aleksandrovich was constantly in sight of everyone, was spoiled by these unnecessary attention. Therefore, he allowed himself to love himself, and he himself kept far from everyone and did not let me. The love of fans is itifolded it. He realized that we read in Russia, and this is not the way his talent will disappear.A lot of grief and suffering always falls to the share of the true poet, and it is necessary to pay for it. Yesenin paid a lack of permanent love.He was very wounded in love with his nature, he fell in love at first sight and, without losing a minute, rushed to his feet to a woman, praying her life. Apparently, he never thought, what would all this lead to. In his personal life, Sergey relied on his heart, it helped him in creativity, but happiness did not bring. Undoubtedly, selfishness and love are incompatible.

" After all, I will not save yourself

For a quiet life, for smiles.

So little passed roads

So much made mistakes. "

Sergey Yesenin was famous not only with his beautiful verses. The poet died at thirty years, but for such a short time he managed to marry several times! About Sergei's personal life still go legends. Once he communicated with some of his friends and mentioned that for several years he had three thousand connections with women. Then Yesenin smiled and said that he was joking, and his women had three hundred. The friend did not believe anyway, and then the poet admitted that there were only thirty novels. No one can learn about this, but it is relifiated that Yesenin's women adored. He liked the ladies of any age! The first relationship with the woman at the poet was in seventeen years old, then flew fleeting novels and breeding marriages. Sergey lacked time on favorite women: he was passionate about poetry and drank a lot. For his short life, he tried to use all the possibilities as much as possible, therefore, probably, did not find happiness in his personal life. Historians are known only about some poet novels.

Yesenin and Anna Foreplasnova. At the time of exploring Anna Yesenin was only seventeen. Then he had just arrived in Moscow and settled in the printing house. Anna also worked there and was older than Sergey, but despite this, he began to meet him. Foresting found a removable apartment, they began to live together, and soon Anna became pregnant. It is said that she was Sergey's first woman, but, instead of take care of the mother of his future child, Yesenin went to the Crimea. He explained his act "lack of inspiration in Moscow." Festrodnova gave birth to a boy, but Sergey did not participate in the upbringing: on the contrary, he was annoyed by the screams of the baby, dirty diapers and tired spouse. Three months after the birth of the firstborn, the poet threw Anna. The following months he helped the family with money, but the metropolitan life twisted a novice poet, and he forgot that he grows his son.

Yesenin and Zinaida Reich. In Zina Sergey fell in love immediately. He met her in the editorial office of one of the newspapers, where he came with his comrade. The novel rose on the very first day, and the poet began to live with Reich in her apartment. They got married, and Zina became pregnant. Yesenin seemed to be replaced: he drove and beat his wife, suspected of treasures, and in the morning he implied for forgiveness. Zina was forced to go to the eagle to the parents after a year. After birth, the daughter of Reich came to Esenin in the hope of reconcile, but he arranged a scandal a few hours after the return of his wife. Reich left again, but Sergey followed her, and the spouses again agreed. Prehemenev the second time, Zinaida realized that he could not live with Yeshenin and threw him. Zina gave birth to Yesenina Son, but to conclude a divorce with him only when he already lived with a famous director and became the actress.

Yesenin and Isadora Duncan. This dancer has become the main woman in the life of the poet. Yesenin saw her shortly after the divorce with Zina. The meeting of two talented people occurred at the creative evening. Duncan fell in love immediately, and Sergey read her poems all evening. She was conquered by a blond young man, although he did not understand a word in Russian. Almost immediately, Isader decided to live in Russia, and Yesenin moved to her. Duncan led the same way of life as her lover, always encouraging Yesenin's habit of drinking. In her apartment there were constantly friends of the poet, and only a few months later Isenor realized that they need to pull Yesenin from this swamp. They played a wedding and left for America, but Sergey stayed there for a short time - bored in his homeland. In addition, no one knew him in America, and it hurts his pride, because Sergey was called Duncan's husband. Spouses returned to Moscow. Duncan soon went to act in the Crimea, and Yesenin promised to come a little later. Words he did not restrain. Iceedor received a telegram in which the poet reported that he was married to another, and Duncan should arrange his life without him.

Yesenin and Galina Benislavskaya. This is the only woman in the life of the poet, which was predicted to him until death. Galina never demanded nothing from Yesenin, always helped him and was just around. It was she who supported Sergey when his mistresses threw him when he came out of the binge. Galya knocked out the fees for Sergey when he disappeared for several days with friends and spent the last money on them. An interesting fact: Sergey never was going to part with Isador, and the telegram dancer sent Galya. She saw how the poet suffers because of his feelings and understood that Duncan was not the woman who would save the Soviet poet. Yesenin did not know for many years that Galya loves him. When she admitted in his feelings, Yesenin immediately said that he could not live with her, because he did not like, but respects. And if he does not like, he will definitely beat her. Benislavskaya never lost hope and even once gave himself to the poet. Sergey could not accept her. On the anniversary of the death of Yesenin, Benislavskaya came to his grave and shot himself.

Yesenin and Sophia Thick. According to Benislavskaya, Sophia has become a deliberate, and if she were not, Gali would have a chance to marry a poet. Yesenin had problems with money, and the granddaughter of the famous writer was considered one of the most influential and secured in the city. She was long in love with the poet, and Sergey decided not to miss the opportunity. Thick turned out to be a devotee and caring wife, always met Yesenin with a smile. Preparing delicious dinners, created a comfort in the house. Yesenin despised Sophia and did not hide his attitude towards her. When the fat asked what he was doing, Sergey repeated the same phrase. He said that he writes a novel and lives with a woman who is opposed to him. After a few months the poet did not become. All his former wives and mistresses came to the cemetery, but there were no Isedors among them. She learned about the death of the poet from newspapers when he was in Paris.

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"I had three thousand women!" - She boasted someone Sergey Yesenin to the friend. On an incredulous "Vyatka, not brex!" She cared: "Well, three hundred. Well, thirty. " It could not be loved ...

In 1912, the seventeen-year-old village boy of Seryazh Yesenin, beautiful, as Verbal Cherubi, came to conquer Moscow and soon settled to work in the printing house of the Sitin correct. In his brown suit and bright green tie, he looked in urban: not ashamed and to go to the editor, and to meet the ladies. But the editorial staff did not want to print, and the ladies laughed at his talk, tie and independent manners. Only Runs Anya, Anna Ferezzhanova, who also served as the corrector from Sytin, managed in a boy who was younger for four years, to see a real poet. How she understood him! How she loved him!

Anna became his first woman. Sergey felt an adult man, her husband. In the removed room at Serpukhov's outpost and the Yesenin family life begins.

Work, house, family, Anna is waiting for a child, and there is not enough strength to the poetry and time. For inspiration, Sergey leaves in Crimea. One. Returned full of impressions and inspiration. He threw the work and wrote poems for all day. Anna did not reread and did not require anything from him. Just loved. He was so comfortable.

In December 1914, Yesenin took a wife in the hospital. It was terribly proud when the son was born. By the return of Anna from the hospital laundered the room to the brilliance, prepared lunch. A 19-year-old father was surprised to peering in a tiny sown face, looking for his features in it, and could not fall in love. Called the baby George, JOST.

Joy ended quickly. Children's crying, dirty diapers, sleepless nights. After three months, Yesenin went to Petrograd: whether in search of success, or simply escaped from family happiness. Almost a year was dulling there and here. But neither the love of Ani, nor the child could hold it. Materially helped when he could. But soon the capital is cleaned, skidded. "Ah, nugget from Ryazan! Ah, new rings! " - they talked about him.

And the fashionable poet was in literary salons. There were always wishing to drink with a genius. Probably, then quiet outfits, chanting gold rus, and turned into Kabatsky hooligan ...

Best days


Once in the summer of 1917, Yesenin came to the editorial office of the newspaper "People", where Sergey met the secretary Sinic. Zinaida Reich was a rare beauty. He has not yet seen such.

Smart, educated, surrounded by fans, she dreamed of a scene. How he persuaded her to go with him to the north?!

They married a little church under Vologda, sincerely believing that they would live long, happily and die in one day. Returning, settled by Zinaida. Her earnings had enough for two, and she tried to create seinery all the conditions for creativity.

Yesenin was jealous. Drinking, I became just unbearable, having arranged a pregnant wife ugly scandals. He loved in Russian: at first he beat, and then lay in his feet, putting out forgiveness.

In 1918, the Yesenin family left Petrograd. Zinaida went to the eagle to parents to give birth, and Sergey, along with a friend, took off the center of Moscow in the center of Moscow, where he helated in a bachelor: Boots, women, poems ...

The daughter was born in May 1918. Zinaida called her in honor of Mother Sergey - Tatiana. But when a wife came to Moscow with a small tanya, Sergey met them so that the next day Zinaida went back. Then Yesenin asked for forgiveness, they put up, and scandals began again. After he beat her, a pregnant second child, Zinaida escaped him to parents finally. The Son was named bones in honor of the village of Konstantinovo, where Yesenin was born.

Subsequently, Zinaida became an actress at the theater of the famous director of Vsevolod Meyerhold. In October 1921, Yesenin and Zinaida officially divorced, she married Meyerhold.

The famous director brought up a bone and Tanechka, and Yesenin in the proof of love for children wore their photo in the breast pocket.


Once a great American ballerina Iceedor Duncan, who arrived in 1921 to Russia, was invited to a creative evening ... She entered the flying gait, dropped the fur coat and placed the folds of silk chiton. The dancer looked like a revived statue of an ancient goddess. She poured a "penalty" a glass of wine. She raised his eyes from the glasses and saw him. He began to read poems. Iceedor did not understand a word, but could not tear away from him. And he declared, looking only for her. It seemed that there was no one else in the room. Having finished reading, Yesenin descended from the elevation and got into her arms.

"Izador! My Isador! " - Yesenin sank before the knees dancer. She kissed him on his lips and said: "In La Taya Galava, in La Taya Ga La-Va". It was love at first sight, a kipache passion, a hurricane. And it does not matter that Isadora almost did not speak Russian, and Sergey did not know English. They understood each other without words, because they were similar - talented, emotional, recklessness ..

From that memorable night, Yesenin moved to the apartment Ayedors. Yesenian friends-poets gladly went to this hospitable house, although they could not believe that the walking and hearts sincerely loved the woman who was almost twice as older. And he, looking like Isadora dancing for him, losing his head, whispered: "My, my forever!"

Ballerina with a world-famous name was rich and ready to give everything, only to her beloved Yesenin was happy. Kenches, champagne, fruits, gifts. She paid everything.

But after a few months, Yesenískaya passion faded and began scandals. In a drunken ugar, he shouted: "Dunka, dances." And she danced in front of him and his drinking companions, without words showing her love, and humiliation, and pride, and indignation. She saw her favorite drink, and to save him, decided to take away abroad.

In May 1922, Yesenin and Duncan registered marriage and left first to Europe, then to America.

But there he was just a denuncan husband from the great poet. From this he was angry, drank, walked, beat, then rushed and explained in love.

Friends of the aceedors were horrified by her family life.

How do you allow you to contact yourself?! You are a great ballerina!

Ishedora was justified: "He is sick. I can't quit him. It's like throwing a sick child. "

In Soviet Russia, he was very hard, and without Russia is impossible. And Cheta Yesenina - Duncan returned back. She felt that the marriage falls apart, insanely jealous and suffered. After going on touring in Crimea, Iceedor waited there Sergey, who promised to come soon. But instead, a telegram came instead: "I love the other, married, happy. Yesenin.

This other was his fan of Galina Benislavskaya.


So beless, as Galina loved, rarely love. Yesenin considered her the closest friend, but did not see a woman in it. Well, what did he not be enough?! Slender, green-eyed, braids almost to the floor, but he did not notice this, he told about his feelings.

Galina rejoiled him from Duncan, tried to dare and from friends-drinking companions, waited at night at the door as a faithful dog. Helped what could, ran up by editors, knocking out the fees. And the telegram in the Crimea Ayedor gave it. Galina considered him his husband, he also told her: "Galya, you are very good, you are the closest friend, but I do not like you ..." Yesenin led to her house of women and immediately consoled it: "I am afraid I, I don't want to But I know that I will beat. You do not want to beat, you can not beat. I two women beat Zinaida and Izador - and could not otherwise. For me, love is a terrible torment, it is so painful. "

Galina everything was waiting for, when he sees not only a friend in it. But never waited. In 1925 he married ... In Tolstoy Sonechka.


In early 1925, the poet got acquainted with the granddaughter of Lion Tolstoy Sophia. Like most of the intelligent girls of the time, she was in love with the poetry of Yesenin and a little bit in the poet himself. 29-year-old Sergey Robel in front of the aristocracy and innocence of Sofia. Once in the summer in Lipova Alley in the park, Roma approached them:

Hey, young, handsome, give money, you know the fate!

Yesenin laughed and took out money.

You will soon have a wedding, curly! - laughed Gypsy.

In July 1925, a modest wedding took place. Sonechka was ready, like her famous grandmother, devote her husband to her husband and his work.

Everything was surprisingly good. The poet appeared a house, a loving wife, friend and assistant. Sofya was engaged in his health, prepared his poems for the collection of writings. And was absolutely happy.

And Yesenin, having met buddy, answered the question: "How is life?" "I am preparing a collection of works in three volumes and live with an unloved woman."

Yesenin continued to live life, where there was always a place with drunk kits and love affair with fans.

"What happened? What happened to me? Every day I have other knees, "he wrote about himself. And for some reason he felt his ambulance:

"I know I know. Soon soon,

Neither of mine or whose fault

Low mourning fence

I'll have to lie as much as me. "

This wrote a 30-year-old handsome man who recently married him who adored his cute and smart girl, poet, whose collections flew straight from the printing house.

All ended on December 28, 1925 in the Leningrad Hotel "Angletter". Sergey Yesenin found hanged on a rope from a suitcase. Nearby was a letter written by blood: "Goodbye, my friend, goodbye ..."

All his wives, except the aceedor, who was in Paris, were attended by a funeral. Galina Benislavskaya shot himself on the grave of Yesenin.

Squirrel 30.09.2016 09:55:12

From that memorable night, Yesenin moved to the apartment Ayedors. Yesenian friends-poets gladly went to this hospitable house, although they could not believe that the walking and hearts sincerely loved the woman who was almost twice as older.

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