Staged festival of children's English fairy tales. Scenarios of fairy tales in English material on the topic

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution"Sabinsky kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 5" Bәlәkach "p.g.t. Rich subs of Sabinsky municipal district Republic of Tatarstan"

Fairy tale script "Gingerbread Girl"

Done: educator

For teaching English

Abdullina L. R.


Educator: Hello, friends! Today, with preparatory group No. 2, we want to give you our fairy tale. The tale is called "Gingerbreadgirl" - "Gingerbread Girl". The gingerbread girl went to travel in the forest, met with various animals, made friends with them, but unfortunately the friends turned out to be not real friends. But who will help her, help her out of trouble, you will find out at the end of the tale.

Scene #1

On the stage there is a house, a chair for grandfather with a book on it. In the house on the table are dishes for the grandmother. Music sounds grandfather and grandmother go into the house, a gingerbread girl with a basket backstage. Grandfather sits on a chair with a book in his hands, grandmother begins to “cook” food.

Grandfather (grandfather): “Hello, I am grandfather. I'm clever."(opens book and reads)

Grandmother (grandmother): “Hello, I am grandmother. I'm kind."("cooking)

grandfather: "Hei, grandma, I'm hungry!"(strokes belly with hand)

Grandmother: "I am cooking the pie."

Gingerbread girl comes out from backstage

Gingerbread girl (gingerbread girl):"Hello, grandmother!" (hugs grandmother)

Grandmother: "Hello, Gingerbread girl!"

Gingerbread girl: Hello, grandfather! (hugs grandfather)

Grandfather: "Hello, Gingerbread girl!"

Gingerbread girl: May I go to the forest?

Grandfather: Yes, you may!

Grandmother: Be careful!

Gingerbread girl: "Bye-bye, see you!"

(grandparents go to their places, and the gingerbread girl walks around the hall and sings the song “Walk, walk, walk!”, Performing the movements that are sung in the song. Turn the house the other side towards the audience, push the Christmas trees along the edges of the carpet, put a chair - a stump for a gingerbread girl.)

Scene #2

Gingerbread girl: "I am Gingerbread girl

a little one,

After these words, the gingerbread girl sits down on the "stump", looks around. A hare jumps into the clearing with a basket containing two carrots.

Hear: Good morning, how do you do

I am hearing, who are you?

Gingerbread girl: « I am a gingerbread girl.

a little one,

I like to play, I like to run.

What do you have?

Hear: "I have two carrots."

Gingerbread girl: “Give me one carrot, please!”

Hear: "Take it, please!"

Gingerbread girl:

Distribute sticks with bags to hedgehogs

Scene #3

One hedgehog runs out into the clearing in small steps (the hedgehog has a transparent backpack with apples on its back)


good morning to you.

good morning good morning

I am fine, how are you?”

Gingerbread girl: « I am fine, thank you! Give me one apple, please!"

Hedgehog: "Take it, please!"

Gingerbread girl: "Thank you, let's be the friends!"

Hedgehog: Come to me my little friends!

Hedgehog dance

(after the dance, collect the sticks from the hedgehogs)

Scene #4

A wolf runs into the clearing

wolf: "Hello, hello! I am the wolf. I am bad.

Gingerbread girl: Hello, Mr. wolf. How are you?

wolf: « I am not fine, I am hungry!

(the gingerbread girl takes one apple out of the basket and gives it to the wolf)

Gingerbread girl: "Take one apple!"

wolf: "Oh thank you. You are a good girl. Let's be the friends!"

Gingerbread girl: OK.

(distribute scarves to butterfly girls, arrange flowers)

Scene #5

A bear with a barrel of honey enters the clearing to the music

Bear: "I am bear, I am not sad,

I am very funny.

Very, very, very much

I like to eat honey!” ("eats" a honey cask)

Gingerbread girl: "Give me some honey, please!"

Bear: "Take it, please!"

The bear gives the barrel of honey to the gingerbread girl, she tries it and "falls asleep" on a stump. Butterflies fly up, stand in front of the sleeping gingerbread girl

1Butterfly: "Sleep, my baby, don't cry"

2 Butterfly: "I shall sing a lullaby!"

3 Butterflies: "Put your nose into your pillow!"

4 Butterflies: Shut your eyes and sleep, sleep, sleep!

Butterfly dance

After the dance, the butterflies “fly away” to places with scarves (collect scarves after they sit down)

Scene #6

A fox runs out into the clearing, sees a sleeping gingerbread girl, sniffs her basket. The girl wakes up.

fox: "M-m-m, it is smell!" (sniffs the basket)

Gingerbread girl: "Hello, Fox!"

Fox: "I am the fox a little one,

But today I am not fine.”

Gingerbread girl: Why?

fox: "I have a birthday today, sing me a song!!!"

Song "Happy Birthday"

The gingerbread girl sings the song “Happy birthday to you” to the fox, while the fox takes the basket and runs backstage. Having finished singing the song, the gingerbread girl sees that her basket is gone, sits on a stump and cries.

Gingerbread girl: "Help me, please!" (referring to animal friends)

Hedgehog: "I'm busy."

Hear: "I'm busy."

Wolf: "I'm busy."

Bear: "I'm busy."

Bees fly to the music

Bees: "We are bees, We are bright

1) We are ready for the fight,

2) We are not afraid of fox,

3) Who likes to eat the hens and cocks!”

The bees fly backstage, "catch" the fox and bring it to the clearing.

The fox apologizes and asks for forgiveness.

fox: “I am sorry, I am sorry. Let's be the friends!!!"

To the music, the children stand in a circle, spin around, then all the other heroes of the fairy tale come out, stand in a semicircle to bow and leave for the group.


Abdullina Liliya Rinatovna

Republic of Tatarstan

A dramatization of the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" English language

Scene #1

(Little Red Riding Hood's mother exits)

mother: The sun is shining! The sky is blue!

Red riding hood! Red Riding Hood! Where are you?

(Little Red Riding Hood runs out, the song is performed: “My dear, dear Mummy”)

R.R.H.: I "m here, mother.

mother: Red Riding Hood! Take cakes to your grandmother.

R.R.H.: All right, Mummy!

Mother: Good bye, Red Riding Hood!

R.R.H.: Good bye!

Scene #2.

(Little Red Riding Hood in the forest, picking flowers and singing a song)

"Dance of the Flowers"

(At this time, three bunnies come out and sing a song, and Little Red Riding Hood hides behind the Christmas tree).

Bunny song: "This is the way we wash our face"

Wash our pads, wash our pads.

This is the way we wash our pads

This is the way

We wash our snout

Wash, our snout

Wash our snout.

This is the way

We wash our snout

On a warm and summer morning!

This is the way

We wash our ears

Wash our ears.

Wash our ears.

This is the way

We wash our ears

On a warm and summer morning.


(Little Red Riding Hood approaches the bunnies).

R.R.H.: Good morning, hares!

Hares: Good morning, R.R.H.!

R.R.H.: How are you, hares?

Hares: I am fine, thank you.

R.R.H.: Good bye, hares!

Hares: Good bye, Red Riding Hood! (the hares leave, the wolf comes out and goes towards Little Red Riding Hood).

(It becomes dark in the forest. Little Red Riding Hood sits on a stump and sings a song).

Song: Good night mother

Good night Granny.

Kiss your little daughter!

good night mother

good night granny

good night, everyone!

(Little Red Riding Hood falls asleep. A wolf appears and sings a song).

Song: Tick-tock, tick-tock

Says the clock

Tock-tick, tock-tick

What do you have to do, do quick.

(Suddenly sees Little Red Riding Hood and goes up to her)

Dance of the Wolf and the Little Red Riding Hood

wolf: Good morning Red Riding Hood!

R.R.H.: Good morning Wolf!

wolf: Where are you going, Red Riding Hood?

R.R.H.: I "m going to my grandmother.

Wolf: Goodbye!

R.R.H.: Good bye!

(The wolf hides behind the tree)


(Little Red Riding Hood approaches the bears).

R.R.H.: Good morning, bares!

Bears: Good morning, R.R.H.!

R.R.H.: How are you, bears?

Bears: I am fine, thank you.

R.R.H.: Good bye, bears!

Bears: Good bye, Red Riding Hood! (bears leave)

(They leave, a wolf appears knocking on the door, hunters appear)

"Dance of the Hunters"

The 1st Hunter: Oh, it's a wolf.

The 2nd Hunter: We'll kill you.

wolf: Don't kill me, don't kill me. I "ll be good, kind wolf.

Hunters: All right, Wolf.

(All the heroes-artists come out and sing a good song with Little Red Riding Hood)

We wish you a Merry Christmas / We wish you a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas;

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Oh, bring us a figgy pudding;

Oh, bring us a figgy pudding and a cup of good cheer.

Good tidings we bring to you and your kin;

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

We won't go until we get some;

We won't go until we get some, so bring some out here.

Good tidings we bring to you and your kin;

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

We wish you a Merry Christmas;

We wish you a Merry Christmas;

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Sabinsky kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 5 "Belakech" of the Sabinsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Fairy tale script

"Bunny named Lola"

2015-2016 academic year year

Hello dear guests and friends! Today we are with children preparatory group of our kindergarten "Belakech" we want to give you a fairy tale called "A Bunny named Lola".

Bunny comes out to the music

Hare: I am a hare.

a little one,

I like to play, I like to run.

Squirrel comes out to the music

Squirrel: Hello, I "m a squirrel. Who are you?

hare: Hello, I "m a hare. My name is Lola.

Squirrel: Where are you going?


Squirrel: Yes, I can tell a poem for your mother.

Verse: Mommy, it is your special day!

And it's time for me to say:

I "m glad for all the things you do.

Thank you, Mommy, I love you!

hare: Thank you, squirrel, for your present but I want to find my present.

Hedgehog comes out to the music

Hedgehog: Hello, I "m a hedgehog. Who are you?

Hare : Hello, I "m a hare. My name is Lola.

Hedgehog: Where are you going?

hare: I want to find present for my mother. Can you help me?

Hedgehog: Yes, of course. Come to me my little friends!

(Dance of hedgehogs)

hare: Thank you, hedgehog, for your present but I want to find my present.

(The hare goes out into the clearing, where many flowers grow.)

hare: Oh, it's wonderful. It is very magic field.

(Dance of flowers)

Flowers: We are flowers.

We are nice.

We will sing a song for you.

Song: "I love my mummy" (performed by two flower girls).

hare: Thank you, flowers, for your present. I will sing this song for my mother.

(To the music, all the heroes of the fairy tale are built to bow).


Lyrics: "I love my mommy"

1. I love my mommy, I love my mommy
I love my mommy, yes I do.

2. I love my mommy, I love my mommy
I love my mommy, yes I do.
Here's a kiss and a hug for you
Thank you mommy for all you do
Happy Mother's Day, Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day, I love you.

I love you.


Scenario of the fairy tale “Kolobok- a Snowbun”-

fairy tale script in English.


To contribute to the disclosure of the creative potential, artistic abilities of the child;

To learn how to play dramatizations aimed at dialogic activity;

To form motives for learning English.



Fox - a fox

Bear - a bear

Hare- a hare

a cat



Child- Willy

Leading: Guys, you all probably know the fairy tale about Kolobok: "I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather ...". Our fairy tale is also about Kolobok, but in a new way.

Once upon a time, Kolobok was not simple, not golden, not made of dough, but made of snow. He lived for himself, lived in an ice hut. I ate snow porridge for breakfast, ice cream for lunch, and iced caramels for dinner.

Here the Gingerbread Man rolls and sings his cheerful song (Gingerbread Man appears on the stage)


Hello, hello, can you clap your hands?

Can you stretch up high?

Can touch your toes?

Can you turn around?

Can you say "Hello"?

Leading: So the Gingerbread Man rolled until he got under the feet of the Fox (the fox comes out)

Fox: Hello.

Kolobok: Hello.

Fox: How are you?

Kolobok: -I'm good. How are you?

Fox: - I'm great. What's your name?

Kolobok: -My name is Kolobok. What's your name?

Fox: -I am Foxy. Kolobok, Kolobok, I'm hungry. I can eat you.

Kolobok: No, no.

Leading: One! - and bit off a small piece of Kolobok.

Fox:- Oops, no, no. Kolobok is not yummy. It is a Snowbun. run away.

Fox: Hello.

Hare: Hello.

Fox: Who are you?

Hare: - I'm a hare. Who are you?

Fox: - I'm a fox. I'm hungry. (hare reads a poem)

Walked a fox, sat Oblique,

Ate a bun with sausage.

I started asking a fox:

"Give me a bite! »

A hare paws to the side:

"You ate the pie!

Run away, you are my friend! (children participate in the game in the circle “Make a circle”)

Time to make a circle.

Make a circle, big, big, big.

small, small, small.

Big, big, big.

Make a circle, small, small, small.

Hello, hello, hello.

Round and round.

Round and round.

Make a circle, round and round.

Hello, hello, hello.

Make a circle, up, up, up.

Down, down, down.

Up, up, up.

Make a circle, down, down, down.

Now sit down.

Leading: The Fox was offended and ran away. And Kolobok rolled up to the Bunny.

Hare: Hello

Kolobok: Hello

Hare: What is your name?

Kolobok: I am Kolobok. What is your name?

Hare: I am a hare. I am hungry. I can eat you.

Kolobok: No, no.

Host: Once! And the hare bit Kolobok on the barrel.

Hare: No, no. Kolobok is not yummy. It is Snowbun. Run away, Kolobok. Help me, Doctor.

Host: Bunny ran to look for Dr. Aibolit, and Kolobok rolled on.

Who is going to meet Kolobok?

(bear comes out)

Bear: Hello.

Kolobok: Hello.

Bear: Who are you?

Kolobok: I am Kolobok. Who are you?

Bear: I am a bear. I am hungry. I can eat you.

Kolobok: No, I am Snowbun.

Host: Once! And bit Kolobok.

(bear starts growling)

Bear: R-r-r, Kolobok is not yummy. Run away, Snowbun.

Host: And let's roar, but no one hears him. Let's take pity on the bear and sing it a song about bears. (all children sing the song “Teddy bear”)

Teddy bear, teddy bear

Turn around.

Teddy bear, teddy bear

touch the ground.

Teddy bear, teddy bear

Show your shoes

Teddy bear, teddy bear

That will do!

Leading: Gingerbread man rolled up to the wolf.

Wolf: Hello. Who are you?

Kolobok: Hello. I am Kolobok.

Wolf: I'm hungry. I can eat you.

Host: Once! - and bit off a small piece of Kolobok.

Wolf: Kolobok is not yummy. It is Snowbun. (coughs and leaves)

Leading: Gingerbread man rolled up to the cat.

Cat: Hello. How are you?

Kolobok: Hi. I am good. How are you?

Cat: Oh, I am hungry. I can eat you.

Kolobok: No, no. (cat bites and spits out)

Cat: E-a, e-a, o. Run away, Snowbun.

(mice appear)

Where is your house?

I have no flat.

(2) I am a poor mouse

I have no house.

Cat: Little mouse, little mouse

Come to my house.

Mouse(1) : Little cat, little cat

I cannot do it.

(2) You can eat me! (on the last words, the mice scatter in different directions)

Leading: And let's take pity on Kitty and play a game with him.

(the game is played in the circle “The Hokey Pokey”)

You put one hand in

one hand out

one hand in

And you shake, shake it

You do the hokey pokey

And turn around, everybody turn around

(two hands, one foot, two feet, head, backside, whole self)

Leading: Gingerbread man rolls, rolls, and hears the cry of a child. (child reads poetry)

Why do you cry, Willy?

Why do cry?

Why, Willy? Why, Willy?

Why do you cry?

Kolobok: Hello.

Willy: Hi.

Kolobok: How are you?

Willy: I am not so good.

Kolobok: Oh, let's play (Guess whose sound is being played)

Leading:. And then Willie called all the animals, they made friends with Kolobok and danced merrily (the dance game “Hello, knock, knock” is being played)

Hello! (hello)

Hello! (hello)

Come in.

Let's sing.

Let's play.

Hello! (hello)

Hello! (hello)

Knock, knock, knock.

Come on in!

Let's sing.

and play.

And learn together.

Scripts for fairy tales in English. 1-2 classes.

For a child, participation in the dramatization of fairy tales and theatrical games is always a holiday. Theatrical activity brings variety to the life of the child, gives him joy. The main goal in training foreign language– formation of communicative speech skills and abilities. It is within the framework of the performance that game form situations are created when, under conditions as close as possible to reality, junior schoolchildren can use the studied language material, an opportunity is created for the manifestation of children's imagination, improvisation. Children take part in productions with great pleasure, come up with something new, participate in the manufacture of costumes and scenery, show fairy tales to parents and guests. Children especially like to show fairy tales to small viewers from kindergarten. Children enthusiastically come to their own kindergarten, which they went to as kids, they come there not as guests, but as artists. It is very important for children to feel like adults, to show their teachers and younger pupils what they have learned at school. Participation in the staging of fairy tales helps to maintain interest in the language being studied, increases the effectiveness of learning.


Based on the fairy tale "Who said" meow "?


Little Puppy - Puppy

Little Kitten - Kitten

Rooster - Cockerel

Mouse - Mouse


Dog - Doggy

Fish - Fish

Frog - Frog

Pig - Piglet



Little Puppy : Bow-wow-wow. Hello! I'm a little puppy. My name is Bim.(yawns).

I want to sleep. (Lies down on the rug and falls asleep.)

A kitten runs out of the house. Refers to children.

little kitten: Mew-mew-mew. Hello! I'm a little kitten. My name is Pussy.

look! Puppy is sleeping. (Kitten sings a song).

Are you sleeping?

Are you sleeping?

Little puppy, little puppy,

Morning bells are ringing

Morning bells are ringing:

Ding, ding, dong

Ding, ding, dong.

The kitten runs up to the puppy and says in his ear: " Mew-mew". Runs into the house. The puppy raises its head, looks around and goes back to sleep. The kitten runs out of the house again and says: “ Mew-mew”. The puppy jumps up.

Little Puppy: Who is there? Who said "mew"?

Looks under the table, under the bed. Runs out into the yard. In the yard he meets a rooster.

Little Puppy

Rooster: Hello! I'm glad to see you.

Little Puppy

The rooster flapped its wings and yelled: “Cock -a -doodle -doo!”.

Little Puppy: Can you say anything else?

Rooster: Oh, no, only "cock-a-doodle-doo".

Piglet runs out.

little pig: Hoink-hoink.

Little Puppy: Hello! I'm a little puppy. Who are you?

little pig: I'm a little pig. Hello!

Little Puppy: Was that you who said “mew”?

little pig: Oh, no. I can hoink: hoink-hoink-hoink.

Piglet calls his friends.

little pig: Chickens, come here. Ducks come here.

(Piglet, ducklings and chickens sing a song).

old mcdonald has a farm,

E-I-E-I-O, E-I-O.

On his farm he has some ducks,

E-I-E-I-O, E-I-O.

With a quack quack here

And a quack-quack there,

Here are ducks,

there are ducks,

Everywhere quack-quack.

old mcdonald has a farm,

E-I-E-I-O, E-I-O.

On his farm he has some pigs,

E-I-E-I-O, E-I-O.

With a hoink-hoink here

And a quack-quack there,

Here are pigs

There are pigs

Everywhere hoink-hoink.

old mcdonald has a farm,

E-I-E-I-O, E-I-O.

On his farm he has some chickens,

E-I-E-I-O, E-I-O.

With a chick-chick here

And a chick-chick there

Here are chicks

There are chicks

Everywhere chick-chick.

Little Puppy: Can you say anything else?

little pig: No! I can only hoink.

Ducks: We can quack.

chickens: We can only chick. good bye!

Little Puppy: Good-bye!

The kitten says "meow" again. The puppy begins to dig the ground. A mouse runs out.

Little Puppy: Hello! I'm a puppy. Who are you?

Mouse: I'm a mouse. Hello!

Little Puppy: Was that you who said “mew”?

Mouse: Pee-pee-pee. Who said "mew"? I'm afraid. Pee-pee-pee.

The mouse gets scared and runs away. Suddenly, at the dog house, someone says "meow."

Little Puppy: There he is! (The puppy sneaks up to the dog house).

Hello! Was that you who said 'mew'?

(A dog's head appears from the booth).

dog : Me? Are you kidding, puppy? Bow-wow -wow .

The dog growls, runs out of the booth. The puppy runs away and hides under a bush. The kitten says "meow" again. The puppy sees a bee on a flower. Runs up to her and wants to grab her.

Little Puppy: Was that you who said “mew”?

Bee: Z-z-z-z.

The bee gets angry and stings the puppy in the nose. The puppy runs away from the bee and jumps into the pond. The bee circles around the pond and flies away. Suddenly, in the bushes again, someone said: "Meow." The puppy sees the fish.

Little Puppy: Was that you who said “mew”?

The fish does not answer and swims away. A frog sits on a stone. She's laughing at the puppy.

Frog: Croak-croak-croak! Fish can't speak!

Little Puppy: Was that you who said “mew”?

Frog : Croak-croak-croak! What a silly puppy! Frogs can only croak.

The sad puppy goes home and lies down on the rug, closes his eyes. Suddenly he hears again: "Meow." He jumps up and sees a kitten.

Little Puppy: R -r -r .

little kitten: Sh-sh-sh. Fr-fr-fr.

Little Puppy: Was that you who said "mew"?

little kitten: Yes, mew-mew.

Little Puppy: Who are you?

little kitten: I'm a little kitten.

Little Puppy: I'm a little puppy. Let's be friends.

little kitten: Let's.

(All the heroes of the fairy tale and sing a song).

The more we are together

Together, together

The more we are together

The happy we are.

For your friend is my friend

And my friend is your friend.

The more we are together

The happy we are.

"A cunning fox."

Based on the fairy tale "Fox with a rolling pin".







Edge of the forest. The fox sits on a stump and cries. She poked her paw. A hedgehog walks past with a basket of apples.

Hedgehog(Goes and sings a song):

Good morning, good morning,

Good morning to you

good morning, good morning,

I'm glad to see you.

Hedgehog: Good morning Fox!

Fox(through tears): Good morning, Hedgehog!

Hedgehog: Fox, why are you crying?

Fox(pointing to a thorn): Oh, Hedgehog, help me!

The hedgehog "pulls out" a needle from his back and pulls out a splinter.

Fox: Thank you, Hedgehog. Thank you very much.

Hedgehog: Not at all. Good bye Fox!

Fox: Good bye, Hedgehog!

Fox(shouting) : Hedgehog, stop! Give me my splinter. I need it.

Hedgehog: I have no splinter. Take an apple.

Fox: Good bye, Hedgehog!

Hedgehog: Good bye, Fox!

The fox runs along the path and sings a hedgehog song. She sees a squirrel hanging mushrooms from a tree.

Fox: Good morning, Squirrel!

Squirrel: Good morning Fox!

Fox: I'm glad to see you.

Squirrel: I'm glad to see you too.

Fox: How are you, Squirrel?

Squirrel: Fine, thanks. And how are you, Fox?

Fox: Fine, thank you. Squirrel, may I put my apple into your hollow?

Squirrel: Oh, yes, put the apple. Good bye Fox!

Fox: Good bye, Squirrel! Goodbye!

The squirrel takes the basket and runs off to pick berries. The fox looks around, takes an apple out of the hollow and eats it. Waiting for the arrival of the squirrel behind the tree.

Fox: Squirrel, give me my apple. I want to eat. I'm hungry.

Squirrel(surprised ): I have no apple. Take strawberries.

Fox: Good bye, Squirrel!

Squirrel: Good bye, Fox!

fox running away . Sits on a stump, sniffs a berry and laughs. A wolf appears on the scene with a big bag. The fox hides behind a tree and watches him.


Big Bad Wolf Big Bad Wolf

Who's afraid of Big Bad Wolf?


The wolf sits on a stump and pulls the hare out of the bag. The fox sneaks up on the wolf, trying to peep what is in his bag.

Fox: Hello Wolf!

wolf(Hides the bag behind his back): Hello, Fox!

Fox: I'm glad to see you.

wolf: And I'm glad to see you.

Fox: How are you, Wolf?


The fox pretends to be tired, yawns.

Fox: Bad, thank you. I'm tired. I want to sleep.

wolf: Come into my house, please.

The wolf invites the fox to his hole. They sleep (squat down). When the wolf falls asleep, the fox eats the berries, smears the muzzle of the wolf with the berries. In the morning the fox wakes up angry.

Fox(wakes up the wolf): Wake up, Wolf! Wake up!

wolf: What's the matter?

Fox: Wolf, you at my strawberries. I want to eat. I'm hungry.

wolf(surprised): I'm sorry.

Fox: Give me a hare.

wolf: Here it is.

Fox(offended): Good bye, Wolf.

wolf(perplexed): Good bye, Fox.

fox running away . He sits on a stump and laughs. Volkvoetvnore. A bear appears on the lawn carrying a large barrel of honey. Fox runs out to meet him.

Fox: Hello Bear!

Bear: Hello Fox!

Fox: I'm glad to see you.

Bear: I'm glad to see you too.

Fox: How are you, Bear?

Bear: Fine, thank you. And how are you, Fox?

Fox: Bad, thank you. I'm very tired.

The fox pretends to be sick and tired.

Bear: This is my house. Come in, please.

Bear: Sit down, please. Let's have tea.

Fox: Oh, thank you. Let's have tea.

The bear invites the fox into the house. They sit at the table and drink tea. The bear falls asleep. The fox eats the hare, crunches the bones. The bear hears this and discreetly peeps at the fox. When the fox falls asleep, he eats the honey and puts the bee in the barrel. The fox wakes up angry and wakes up the bear.

Fox: Wake up, Bear! Wake up!

Bear: What's the matter?

Fox: Bear, you at my hare. I want to eat. I'm hungry.

Bear: I'm sorry.

Fox: Give me a jag of honey.

Bear: Here it is.

Fox(offended): Good bye, Bear!

Bear(chuckling): Good bye, Fox! Goodbye!

The fox runs away satisfied and sits on a stump to eat honey.

Fox: I want to eat.

She opens the keg. Bees fly out, they run after the fox and buzz.

Fox: Help me! Help me!

The fox runs away.

Aladdin AND THE Magic Lamp

Fairy tale "Aladdin's Magic Lamp"


Genie of the lamp





Monkey Abu

Guards (4)


(the curtain opens and Genie enters the stage, dancing. Music from the m / f "Aladdin's Magic Lamp" sounds

Genie: ladies and gentlemen. I`m the Genie of the lamp. Now watch a fairy tale about Aladdin and Jasmine.

(Gene leaves. Jasmine and Aladdin run out onto the stage and sit on the bench)

Jasmin: thank you very much for your help. What's your name?

Aladdin: I`m Aladdin from the city of Baghdad. I would like to live in the palace. I want to be a prince.

Jasmin: and I want to be free like a bird

(Guards run on stage screaming)

Guard: catch him now! Stop you thief! Now you will be put to death.

Jasmine: let him go free!

Guard: excuse us, Princess, but Jafar ordered us to arrest him.

(guards take Aladdin off the stage, Jasmine cries and runs after the guards)

Scene 2

(cave scenery on stage, Abbu the monkey with a lamp runs in)

Abu: Aladdin, I have found a magic lamp.

Aladdin: let me have a look at this lamp.

(looks at it, dusts it off, rubs it, there is a rumble, Jin appears)

Genie: i1m listening to you, you are my master. I'll fulfill your 3 wishes.

Aladdin: I want to be a prince. Help me live in the palace.

Genie: I hear and obey. You will be a prince. Follow me.

Scene 3

(Oriental music sounds, Sultan, Jasmine, Jafar enter the stage.)

Jafar: your Majesty! We must kill Aladdin! He wants to steal your daughter!

Sultan: yes. Yes! I agree with you. Bring him in!

(guards enter Aladdin)

Sultan: did you want to steal mu daughter?

Aladdin: yes, I want to steal your daughter Jasmine. I love her.

Sultan: put him to death! Take him away.

(the guard takes Aladdin away)

Jafar: Your Majesty! We have a visitor! This is Prince Ali. He wants to marry your daughter.

Sultan: I want to see him. My daughter will be happy with Prince.

(Aladdin enters the stage dressed as a Prince)

Prince Ali: i`m Prince Ali, your Majesty! I love your daughter and I want to marry her!

Sultan: Do you agree with my daughter?

Jasmin: no, I love Aladdin. I choose Aladdin.

Prince Ali: your Majesty! Let me speak to your daughter

Sultan: Yes, yes.

(Aladdin approaches Jasmine and whispers in her ear)

Prince Ali: I'm Aladdin. The Genie of the lamp made me Prince. You must agree with your father and stay with me!

Jasmine: Aladdin, I recognize you.

Jasmin: my father, I agree. I want to be with Prince Ali

Sultan: be happy, my daughter!

Jasmin: I'm so happy. I want to dance!

(Oriental music sounds)

Dramatization of "Buzzy-Wuzzy Busy Fly" ("Fly-Tsokotuha")

(for 2nd grade students)

Characters: Buzzy-Wuzzy Busy Fly, Bee, Spider, Butterfly, Bugs, Grasshopper, Roaches, Caterpillar.

(Merry music sounds. Fly-Tsokotuha appears on the stage).

Buzzy-Wuzzy Busy Fly : Buzzy-Wuzzy Busy Fly,

Yellow belly, beady eye!

buzzy-wuzzy looked around,

Buzzy-Wuzzy found a pound.

(Fly Tsokotukha joyfully dances and shows everyone the found money)

(A caterpillar appears and tells the news)

Caterpillar: Off she to the market

And she bought a samovar.

(To the sounds of cheerful music, Mukha-Tsokotukha brings a samovar and sets the table for tea).

Buzzy-Wuzzy Busy Fly: Come to see me

I invite you all to tea.

(Music sounds, Cockroaches appear, sit down at the table and drink tea).

Roaches: Roaches gathered without a number

Emptied tumbler after tumbler.

(Music sounds, Bugs appear, sit down at the table, drink tea).

Bugs: And the bugs, too, honest hearts

Each three cups with milk and tarts.

(Music sounds, Moths appear, bring boots as a gift to the Fly, sit down at the table and drink tea).

Fleas: Then a jolly flock of fleas

brought her boots,

Do wear them, please!

(Fly-Tsokotuha fusses around the table, treating guests).

(Music sounds, Butterfly appears and sits down at the table).

Buzzy-Wuzzy Busy Fly: Butterfly, here's pastry!

Darling, try some jam!

Butterfly : Oh, I find it tasty!

How glad I am!

part 2

(Everyone is sitting at the table, drinking tea, eating sweets and exchanging remarks: How tasty! Oh! It's delicious! Wonderful! Can I have another piece of cake? Give me another sweet, please! etc.)

(Formidable music sounds, the Spider appears, looks around at all the guests, finds the Fly and sits down behind it).

Spider: Suddenly a big old spider

Sidled up and sat beside her

Buzzy-wuzzy st to kill

Buzzy-wuzzy's blood to spill.

(Takes Fly to the corner of the stage and ties her with a rope).

(The fly asks for help, referring to the guests).

Buzzy-Wuzzy Busy Fly: Help me! Help me, dear guests!

Stay him, the detested pest!

For I treated you

And welcomed you.

Don't leave me now

At my fatal hour!

(The bugs hide under the table with fear).

Bugs: But the beetles and the bugs

getting scared to death,

Under saucers, cups and mugs

Huddled out of breath.

(Cockroaches hide under the bench and behind the chairs).

Roaches: Under couches

Crouched the roaches.

(Bugs hide in the corners of the stage).

Bugs: Bugs- poor creatures

Hid in pitches.

(The grasshopper runs away from the table and tries to hide behind a large houseplant.)

Grasshopper: And the grasshopper, non-stop

Leaped across the table top:

Hopety skippety

out of house

Hid in a bush

Quiet as a mouse!

(Komarik appears to bravura music and brandishes a sword in front of the Spider).

Mosquito: Spider! Stop! Let fly be free!

I've got a sword, you see!

Go away! Or you must die!

I can rescue poor Fly!

(Spider runs away, Komarik frees Fly and kneels in front of her).

Mosquito: Love keeps you alive

When others are down.

My love keeps you smiling

No trace of a frown.

(Fly takes Komarik by the hand. They dance). 2

Scenario of the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood"

Characters: Little Red Riding Hood (3 people)



Flowers (3 persons)



Scene 1

(Little Red Riding Hood comes out to the song "With my foot I tap-tap-tap")

Cr. Beanie : Hello! My name is Little Red Riding Hood.

Mother: Little Red Riding Hood! Where are you?

Cr. Beanie: I am here, mummy!

Mother : Today is your grandmother's birthday. Take a cake, apples, sweets, a jar of honey to her!

Cr. Beanie: Ok, mummy! Goodbye!

Mom: Goodbye, darling!

(Mom leaves. Little Red Riding Hood goes through the forest to her grandmother to the song "With my foot I tap-tap-tap")

Cr. Beanie: How nice it is in the wood! There are many flowers here! Flowers here, flowers there, flowers growing everywhere!

(Flowers take turns getting up and having a dialogue with Little Red Riding Hood)

1 flower: Little girl, little girl! Where did you go?

Cr. Beanie: I went to see my grandma. I love and miss her so.

Flower 2: What did she give you?

Cr. Beanie: Milk in a can.

3 flower: What did you say for it?

Cr. Riding Hood: Thank you, grandma!

(Flowers, together with Little Red Riding Hood, dance to the waltz of flowers and run away)

Scene 2

(A wolf appears to the song "Hello how are you")

Wolf: I am big and grey. I live in the wood; I want to eat Little Red Riding Hood.

(A new Little Red Riding Hood appears to the song "With my foot I tap-tap-tap")

Wolf: Hello Little Red Riding Hood.

Cr. Beanie: Hello Mister Wolf!

Wolf: How are you? Where are you going?

Cr. Beanie: fine, thank you! I am going to my grand ma. It's her birthday today.

Wolf: Where does your granny live?

Cr. Beanie: She lives in the little house in the wood.

Wolf: Is it far from here?

Cr. Beanie: No, it is not.

Wolf: Well! Goodbye Little Red Riding Hood!

Cr. Beanie: Goodbye Mister Wolf!

Scene 3

(Little Red Riding Hood leaves, and the wolf runs to grandmother and knocks on her door)

Wolf: Knock, knock, knock!

Grandmother: Who is there?


Grandmother: Come in darling!

(The wolf breaks into the house, eats the grandmother, and changes clothes and lies down on the bed)

(New Little Red Riding Hood comes up to the house and knocks on the door)

Cr. Beanie: Nock, nok, nok!

Wolf: Who is there?

Cr. Beanie: It's me, Little Red Riding Hood.

Wolf: Come in darling!

Hello Little Red Riding Hood. I am glad to see you!

(Little Red Riding Hood comes closer to the bed)

Cr. Beanie: Happy birthday granny! Many happy returns to you!

Wolf: Thank you, darling!

(Little Red Riding Hood looks and says in surprise)

Cr. Beanie: Oh! What big eyes you have, granny!

Wolf: The better to see you, my dear!

Cr. Beanie: What big ears you have, granny!

Wolf: The better to hear you, my dear!

Cr. Beanie: What sharp teeth you have, granny!

Wolf: The better to eat you up, my dear!

(The wolf jumps up and runs up to Little Red Riding Hood, she jumps back and stops the wolf with a gesture)

Cr. Beanie: No, no, Mr. wolf! Stop! We have another fairy tale!

(2 other Red Riding Hoods come running and, to the song “Big bad wolf”, the three of them run around the wolf, and seem to beat him.)

Scene 4

Wolf: Oh hunter! Come! Help please!

(Hunter enters to the song "One, two three, four, five")

Hunter: What's the matter? Oh wolf! A bad wolf!

(The hunter drags the wolf behind the screen, the sound of a shot is heard, and the grandmother and the hunter come out. The wolf remains behind the screen)

(Grandma hugs her granddaughter and turns to the hunter)

Grandmother: Oh, thank you very much!

Hunter: It's nothing!

Hunting we will go! Hunting we will go!

We will catch a fox and put in a box,

And never let it go!

(All participants exit)

Grandmother to the audience:That is the stories' end. clap please us! Don't spare your hands!

(Audience clapping, actors bowing and leaving to the music)

Snow Queen

Screen 1

Granny: Look! White bees! (Nadezhda Babkina)

Kai: Have they got a queen like real bees have?

Gr: Of course, they have. She flies at night and looks into the windows. So you can see icy flowers on the windows.

Gerda: Can she come into our house?

Kai: Let her try! I "ll put her on a warm stove and she will melt.

Gr: (stroking Kaya's head) Oh, my brave silly boy! Go to sleep!

(Gerda sits down to sleep, Kai looks out the window, the Snow Queen, passing by the windows, beckons him with her finger, Kai moves away from the window, goes to bed.)


Granny; (showing pictures )Winter is over. It's spring now.

Gerda; Kai, lets go to our roses.

Kai: OK. I missed them.

G; Hello Roses.

Roses: Hello, Gerda! Hello Kai.

Kai; Glad to see you again.

Roses; Kai, sing us your beautiful song.(White roses - Yu.Shatunov)

(Suddenly something gets into his eye, rubs them and says to the roses:)

Kai: What ugly flowers!

(Roses cried and ran away)

G; Why did you offend Roses.

Kai: You are ugly too.

(Gerda runs up to her grandmother and cries.)

Gr: Shame on you, Kai!

(Kai sticks his tongue out at grandma and runs to the window)

Screen 3

Snowflake dance

Kai: Oh, It's winter again. I like winter. Where is my sledge? ( takes out his drawings says Gerda :) I "ll go to sleigh with boys!

G: But what about me?

Screen 3

(Kai sits on the sleigh as the Snow Queen passes by, winking, picking up the pace.)

Kai: Wait for me! Wait me! (leave)

Screen 4

(Gerda appears to the song "Do not renounce loving" and in the image of T. Bulanova)

G: I know he's not dead, he's alive.

I'll put on my new shoes and go to the River. I'll ask her about Kai.

(The river in the image of A. Stotskaya performs a dance with gymnastic ribbons.)

G: River, River, have you seen Kai?

(The river ignores her.)

G: Take my new boots

(Exits, Gerda follows her.)

Screen 5

(A flower girl in the image of L. Dolina goes to the meeting to the song "3 Roses"

Fl.wom: Glad to see you, my little girl! What are you doing here?

G: I'm looking for my brother. Have you seen him?

Fl.wom: No, I haven't. But he will be here soon, I'm sure! Come into my garden! Look at my flowers! They are violets, daisies, …

G: They are very beautiful!

Fl.wom: Oh, yes, like you! And your hair is nice too. Let me come it. (Starts combing them and Gerda falls asleep. The flower girl conjures.)

Screen 6

(Gerda wakes up, sings and dances, looking at the flowers.)

G: But where are roses? There isn't any rose in the garden! Oh, Kai, I've forgotten about you! ( crying, roses appear)

G: Do you believe that my Kai is dead?

Roses: No, we don't. We were under the ground. But Kai wasn't there. Go and find him.

G: Oh, yes, thank you!

Roses: Hurry up, Gerda!

Screen 7

(Gerda goes under the song ““. She is met by a raven in the image of F. Kirkorov “Jackdaws”.)

Raven: Crow, crow, hello, hello. Where are you going alone?

G: I'm looking for Kai. He is like brother for me? Have you seen him?

Raven: May be, may be…

G:Really!? I'm so happy!

R: I think I've seen him. But he's already married.

G: Who is his wife?

R: She is a princess.

G: Take me to him, please.

R: It's not very easy. They live in a palace. And you are a poor girl.

G: I must see Kai. Help me please.

R: Let's ask my bride.

(The bride of the raven appears in the image of K. Orbakaite)

G: Nice to meet you, freken!

R.: My dear, this is Gerda. She is looking for her brother Kai. I think it is our prince. Can you help her to enter the palace?

Bride: Let me see… I know the way where we won't meet anyone. This way! (approaching the place where the prince and princess sleep) Here they are.

G: Oh Kai!

(The prince and princess in the image of Potap and Nastya Kamensky wake up, the song “You are not a match for me” sounds)

Princes: Oh, poor girl! He is not Kai.

Prince: I'm not Kai. Sorry. Who is he?

Princes: What's the matter with him?

G: He is like brother for me. He's disappeared. But I don't believe he's dead.

Princes (referring to the prince): I want to help her.

Prince: Let's give her a carriage.

Princes: And a fir-coat, a nice dress, warm boots and a muff.

G: Thank you!

Prince: Good luck!

Princes: Bon voyage!

Screen 8

(The robbers appear to the song of the robbers, then they stop the carriage with the words:

Robbers: Golden carriage! golden carriage! Catch it!

Woman-robber: What a nice fatty girl! I wonder if you are tasty.(Poking a knife at Gerda. A little robber appears in the form of a soloist of the Silver group with a dance)

Girl-robber (to Gerda): Can you dance?

G: Yes, I can.

G-R: Let's dance with me! (dance rock and roll)

G-R: She will be mine! Give me your coat, your muff, your boots and your dress! robber) You may take your carriage!

Woman Robber: OK, my dear! Robbers, let's go for a drive!(robbers leave to the song "I stole you")

G-R: Are you a princess?

G: No, I'm an ordinary girl.

G-R: They will kill you if you won't obey me. Come on with me! Look at my animals. They are my pigeons!(Dance of pigeons to the song "Lanfren-lanfra" with wings tied to each other)

G: Poor bird! Why are you tied?

G-R: They want to fly away. But I don't allow them! They are mine! And have you got a pet?

G: No, I haven't, only roses and Kai.

G-R: Who is Kai?

G: He is like brother for me. He's disappeared. Have you seen him?

G-R: No, I haven't. Maybe you, my pigeons, have seen him?

Pigeon1: Yes, Yes, we've seen Kai.

Pigeon2: Snowy queen took him to her palace.

P1: We were baby-birds then.

P2: we were sitting in the nest then.

P1: She has frozen all our brothers and sisters.

P2: Only we remained alive.

G: And where is Snowy queen's palace?

P1: We don't know.

G-R: Let's ask him. Here is he.

(a deer in the form of ... to the song "I'm free", G-R tries to hold him by the rope, he jumps around it.)

G -R (scratching his neck with a knife): No, you are not free. You are mine. Do you know where Snowy Queen lives?

Deer : Of course , I know , in Laplandia.

G: Do you know where it is?

Deer: Of course, I know. It's my native place.

G-R: Gerda, take my deer, your boots and coat, your muff… Oh, no, the muff will be mine. It's so beautiful! ( gently presses the sleeve ).But you may take my mittens. And now… Go and find your Kai!

G: Thanks a lot. (tearfully hugging G-R)

G-R: Don't cry, I hate crying. And here is some bread and meat.( removes the pickle rope) Take care of her! (subsong "Forest deer" go)

Pigeons: Good luck, Gerda!

Deer: Look at the lights. They are northern lights! And here is Snowy Queen's palace. You'll go alone now. You are strong and kind girl, Gerda. Don't be afraid! You'll do it! good bye!

G: Kai, Kai, where are you?

(Kai tried to put together the word eternity - eternity - from ice floes)

G: (hugging Kaya Oh, my dear Kai. At last I've found you.

Kai: Who are you?

G: It's me, Gerda. I've been looking for you for a long time.

Kai: I don't know you.

Gerda performs a waltz from the cartoon "Anastasia". During the loss, Kai and Gerda dance the waltz. The others join them: Little robber with a deer, pigeons, Robber with a robber, prince with princess, raven with bride.

Municipal Autonomous about general educational institution

"Average comprehensive school No. 13"







(magic music plays, the Good Fairy enters the hall)

D.F .: Hello, boys and girls. I am glad to see you. I am a good Fairy. My name is Mary. I am from Great Britain. Hello boys and girls. I'm glad to see you. I am a good fairy, my name is Mary. I am from the UK. In England, boys and girls speak English. I learned that you also learn English, so I came to see what you learned and brought gifts with me. Where are they? I'll have to turn to my magic ball, it always helps me. (shows a ball music sounds). Oh, look, he changed his color. This is not good, something has to happen. (Noise from behind the curtain). And what's that? Let's see: there is some kind of bag, something is written on it: PRESENT present. It's not my gift, how did it get here? (the gift runs to the middle of the hall). What is happening to him? He's kind of strange. I wonder who sent it to you? Well, guys, are we going to open it? (Tries to open - fails) Here are some tasks to open the bag:


Number one put in pocket

And they took it out of the pocket - ONE

Two raisins in the mouth

Double in English TWO

Come here and watch

The cat has 3 kittens THREE

The car has a wheel

There are only 4 of them - FOUR

Never forget,

What is five FIVE

2). Name polite words in English ( Thanks you , Please ). Poem "On the porch":

There are two steps on the porch

Their name is thank you thank you

Rise up, jump down

Please don't stumble - please.

3). Tell a poem about animals in English

Poems.” 111- little dogs run ”:

One, one, one-little dogs run,

Two, two, two - cat sees you,

Three, three, three -bird in a tree,

Four, four, four - mouse on a flour.

(The bag is untied)

(Scary music sounds. Angry-Thorn crawls out of the bag, exploding the firecracker. Z-K dance)

Z-C: Yeah, gotcha, kids. I've wanted to visit you for a long time. Well, don't you recognize me? I'm the famous Angry-Thorn .. 300 years ago, when I was a little girl, I went to visit my aunt, the Queen of England. There I accidentally pricked my finger on a safety pin, and it turned out to be enchanted. Since then, I have been the most evil and harmful, and I love to do dirty tricks, and therefore you will not have any holiday, and you will not receive your gifts.

D.F.: Indeed, what about our gifts?

Z-K: I bewitched your gifts and I will bewitch you - you will be as evil as I am!

D.F. :What to do? We must turn to my magic amulet - he will tell us what to do. ( plays).Guys, to Z.K. became kinder, you and I should recite poems and sing songs in English. After all, these poems and songs are not simple, but magical. They chase away evil.

ZK: Did you decide to defeat me? You won't be able to do anything.

D.F. What is it? Let's get a look.

ZK: Do not touch, mine. (He grabs a box of toys from D.F.). These are my prisoners.

D.F. Guys, these are toys from your kindergarten. We need to save them and return them to their places. Let's politely ask Z.K. give them away – PLEASE.

ZK: Oh-oh-oh! What words do they know? Well, so be it, take your toys, with only one condition: you need to correctly name each toy in English and tell a poem about it or sing a song. Do you agree? Well, who do we start with? (pulls the rope, takes out the dog) Call in chorus who it is. (children's answers)

Well, like in English dog, you know. But you don't know the lyrics.

D.F.: They know, they know.

poems .” I've got a dog":

I've got a dog

His hame is Pat

He can do this

He can do that

look at my dog

Tricks he can do

I love my dog

He loves me, too.

Z-K: Okay, you coped with this task - I give you the Dog, but I want to listen to a verse about the Cat.

Poem "I love my cat":

I love my cat

It's warm and fat

My cat is gray

It likes to play

D.F.: (takes out a monkey from the box) Oh, what a cute monkey! You took it from the guys too?! Guys, please call her in English. (Answer children). We also know a poem about her.

Poem The Monkey ”:

This is the monkey

He is on a donkey

His name is Pride,

He likes to ride.

ZK: (To the children) If you do my tasks so well, I can become kind. I seem to be getting better. Oh, no, no. Now I’ll take and eat a fish (Pulls out a fish from the box)

D.F.: Don't eat fish, you'd better listen to a song about it

Song "The Fish":

One, two, three, four, five

Once I caught a fish alive

Six, seven, eight, nine, ten

Then I let it go again

Why did you let it go?

Because it bit my finger so!

Which finger did it bite?

This little finger on my right.

Z-C: Look what else I have (Takes out a doll from the box).

D.F.: You took the doll from us too? And now listen t poem The Doll , and you will become even kinder:

My pretty doll Is very small

I love my little pretty doll

Z-C: Yes, after such a poem I really became kinder.

ZK Oops, something seems to be happening to me. Something warms in my soul. Wait, I need to rest, gain strength. I want to dance

D.F. Guys, let's teach ZK to dance “Hockey-Pockey”

D.F.: (Takes a rain out of the box) Well, you are harmful Z-K! Guys, let's sing a song about the rain, its droplets will wash away evil from Z-K.

song The Rain :

Rain, rain, go away

Come agaun another day

Little Jony wants to play

Rain, rain, go away

D.F.: Look, there is another dog - The dog. Who can save her?

Poem "Mary has a little dog":

Mary has a little dog

Such a funny fellow,

But her dog is made of wool,

Painted white and yellow.

Z-K: And what kind of broom is this? (Pulls out flowers)

D.F.: This is not a broom, these are flowers - Flowers. Listen to a poem about flowers:

Poem “Flowers”:

red and yellow

white and blue

All beautiful flowers

Are only for you.

(telling child gives Z-K flowers)

ZK: Oh, how nice! No one has ever given me flowers. I seem to be getting better. What am I talking about? No no. I can't get better 'cause I'm G-C. Where are my prisoners? And my prisoners are not simple. This is English. letters. I will definitely not give them to you. And you will not learn to read or write in English.

D.F. Guys, let's save English letters, let's sing Alphabetic Song"

Z-K (looks into the box) Huh?! Yes, there is only one toy left!

I won't give you the watch.

D.F .: Give it back, give it back, because the guys know the poem about the famous Big Ben clock, which is located in London.

poem " Big Ben

Tick ​​tock, tick tock

This is Big Ben

Big Ben is a clock

day and night

With all it's might

Big Ben the clock


D.F .: Z-K, The guys taught you English songs to sing, recite poems, It's time to return gifts.

Z-C: I won’t give you gifts just like that. Come on, guess my riddles (takes multi-colored air balloons and a needle):

    I'm sinking, I'm sinking

Blue color, of course - blue .

2. Oh, unripe tangerine,

It's green, just- GREEN .

3. I have no doubts

Red in English RED .

4. Having licked, the cat ate

Yolk yellow, yellow YELLOW .

D.F.: The guys coped with your tasks, they not only know the names of flowers, but they know the poem that animals can be of different colors.

Poem “My frog is green”

My frog is green

My bird is bright

My horse is yellow

My dog ​​is white

Now return the gifts.

Z-C: (Pretends to be looking for gifts) Somehow I can’t find them, I completely forgot where I hid them.

D.F.: In order for the memory to be cheerful, you need to drink coffee or strong tea in the morning. Listen to this poem.

Poem "One, two, three":

One, two, three, let me see

Who likes coffee and who likes tea

One, two, three, oh, I see

You like coffee, and he likes tea.

Z-K: Tea-tea, coffee-coffee, why drive water?! If only there was something significant right now. (Looks at the children) Oh, what an appetizing turnip! I think I know what I'm having for dinner tonight.

D.F.: Wait, wait. Don't touch our turnip. Better watch the story.

Fairy tale ”The Turnip”

ZK: Well, well done guys, they performed well. I become even kinder. Do you know any poem about toys?

D.F.: Of course they do. Listen to the poem "1&2&3&4",

cat. Mark Lebedev and Yana tell.

And now the guys from the first grade will show a fairy tale about the Hen.

The Hen”

D.F. Did you like it?

Z.K. Yes. Now I realized that it's good when there are real friends who will always help.

D.F.: Z-K, I have a surprise for you and for the guys. (takes out a magic hoop from behind the curtain) This is the “gate of kindness”. Whoever passes through this gate will forever be good. ZK, come through our gates. (Z-K, afraid, walks through the gate and changes) Z-K, has anything changed?

Z-K: Now I'm not Z-K, but Darling - Dobrushechka! (invites the children to go through the “gates of kindness”. The children pass and stand in a circle) Guys, it turns out that being kind is much better than being evil. I am so happy. Let's sing a song about happiness "If you are happy"

Song If you are happy”

1. clap your hands

If you're happy and you know it

1. clap your hands

If you're happy and you know it

And you really want to show it

If you're happy and you know it

Clap your hands

2. stamp your feet

3. shout “hurrah”

4. do all free

( Darling - Dobrushechka and the Good Fairy give gifts to children).

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