English Interesting tasks for children. Interesting instructions in English for children All About Me (Book)

Tasks for development cognitive activity Students

Exercise 1

Follow the labyrinth so as to collect the road from all the letters of the English alphabet in order. The beginning and end of the path are marked with color cells. You can walk only horizontally and vertical, but not diagonally.

Task 2.

Find words hidden in others. (For example, in Apricot you can find

machine: Aprot - CAR). We suggest you find:

A) months, inside which are hidden ...

1) deer, 2) boot, 3) berry.

B) Days of the week in which you can find:

1) Star, 2) Sea, 3) Fairy.

Days: 1) Star - Saturday, Thursday 2) Sea - Tuesday, Wednesday 3) Friday - Fairy

Task 3.

Take the first letter from the name of each animal shown in the picture, and make a keyword.

Cow, Lion, Ant, Squirrel, Snake, Rhino (Ceros), Octopus, Owl, Monkey - Classroom.

Task 4.

Read the encrypted riddle on english language. Write it down and give an answer to the question.

IT IS A Fruit, IT's Not a Flower. IT is yellow and verity. What is IT? (Word-and-Welding).

Task 5.

What words do you need to replace that the story does not seem strange? Correct them to suitable.

Every day I Go for a Walk with My Elephant. HIS Name Is Jim, and I Lie Him Very Much. He is black and small. Jim Is Fluffy and Has A Long Eye. He Likes To Play with a ball. HE CAN FLY Very Fast! HE IS Very Clever and I'm Training Him to Give Me His Head. Jim Is My Best Father. "

Every day I go for a Walk with My Dog / Puppy. His Name Is Jim, and I Like / Love Him Very Much. He is black and small. Jim Is Fluffy and Has A Long Tail / Body. He Likes to Play with a Ball. HE CAN RUN VERY FAST! He Is Very Clever and I'm Training Him to Give Me His Paw. Jim IS My Best Friend.

Task 6.







Sister, Daughter, Mother, Aunt, Brother, Father, Son, Husband.Summarizing word: Family.

Task 7.

Decide examples and enter the answers in the cells opposite the sign "equally". From the letters in the highlighted cells, make a keyword and also write it in response. ATTENTION: Cells may be greater than letters!

keyword house.

Task 8.

From the letters of the proposed phrases, make answers to them, in each answer using all the letters of the phrase. In the first case, the answer will be a word with article, and in the second - a word with pronoun.

1) The Eyes; 2) This Ear.

Task 9.

Determine which colors need to be written in each row. Some letters are already indicated. In the dedicated cells there will be a keyword, with the help of which determine which of the inscribed words is superfluous.

Red, Orange, Violet, Green, Blue, Yellow, Brown.Keyword - Rainbow. The unnecessary word - Brown is not the color of the rainbow.

Task 10.

Before you - a description of the boy named Jack. Restore the word order in each sentence. Draw a boy, I do not miss any detail. The words underlined together should stand nearby.

a Jack Has Face Round. CURLY HAIR IS HIS DARK AND. He.blue Big. Has Eyes and. nose Small. a. Tall jack is. Wears He. shirt Green. a trouser Brown. And. cap Red a. Shoes His Black Are. A in Holds Yellow His Hand Bag Jack.

Jack Has a Round Face. His Hair Is Dark and Curly. HE HAS BLUE EYES AND A SMALL NOSE. Jack Is Tall. HE WEARS A GREEN SHIRT, BROWN TROUSERS AND A RED CAP. His Shoes Are Black. Jack Holds a Yellow Bag in His Hand.

Task 11.

Come up with your unusual country in which all residents know how to do something unusual (for example, fly, or breathe under water). Write a small story about this country in English: What kind of residents know how it can use it, what they do every day, and so on. The volume of the story is no more than 15 sentences. The unusual and originality of history will be evaluated, as well as knowledge of English.


I Want to Tell You about A Small Country. IT`s So Small That It Even Has No Name. IS SITUATED ON A TINY ISLAND IN THE MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN, FAR FROM ALL OTHER ISLANDS. The People of this Country Are Very Small Men. Their Skin Is Yellow. They Have Small But Very Strong Wings. The Wings Help Them to Fly Very Far. They Fly Only When No One Is Watching Them. Beautiful Flowers Grow On This Tiny Island. The Petals of these Flowers Are of Different Colors. PEOPLE BECOME TWICE AS KIND IF THEY BREATHE IN THE POLLEN OF THESE FLOWERS. At Night A Little Man Flies Over The Cities of Our Planet and Spreads This Pollen So That Our World Would Become a Little Kinder.

Task 12.

Divide each line into two words - the names of the professions.

The letters of each word are in the correct order.

For example: Teacher T D.E. O.A. C.C. T.He. O.R. R.Doctor

4. Bubutchilerder

5. Polposicetmmaann.

1. Driver, Pilot

2. Actor, Singer

4. Butcher, Builder


Task 13.

Write out of each sequence the letter, the names of which are not rhymes from the first.

1. E, F, B, D, T

2. A, H, J, K, Q

5. B, C, D, E, G, J, P, S, T, V.

1. F (because all other suggested letters end on the sound.

2. H, Q (because all other suggested letters end on the sound.

3. R \u200b\u200b[ɑ:] (because all other suggested letters end on the sound.

4. V (because all other offered letters end on the sound.

5. J, S (because all other suggested letters end on the sound.

Task 14.

Translate words from the table into English.

Which of the resulting words can not be made of letters on balloons?



it is impossible to make a word LAMP, since the balls with the letter "M" was not.

Task 15.

Guess words by description. In brackets indicated the number of letters in the word.

1. _____ IT's a place Where You Can Buy Bread and Cakes. (6)

2. _____ IT's a place Where You Can See Famous Pictures and Sculptures. (6)

3. _____ IT's A Place Where People Receive Medical Treatment. (eight)

4. _____ it's a place Where Children Go to Study New Things. (6)

5. _____ IT's a place Where You Can Borrow or Keep Money. (four)

6. _____ IT's a place Where Sport Matches Take Place and People Can Watch IT.(7)

7. _____ IT's a place Where You Can Eat Delicious Food.(10)

1) Bakery, 2) Museum, 3) Hospital, 4) School, 5) BANK, 6) Stadium, 7) Restaurant

Task 16.

One work will remain without a pair, write down the name of its creator.

1) The Jungle Book

3) The Hound of the Baskervilles

4) Alice "s adventures in wonderland

5) The Picture of Dorian Gray


7) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

8) Three Men In A Boat

9) Ten Little Niggers

10) GULLIVER "S Travels

a) Arthur Conan Doyle

b) agatha christie

d) Charles Dickens

f) Jonathan SWIFT

g) Rudyard Kipling

h) lewis carroll

i) jerome k. jerome

The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde.

Task 17.

Which number there is no "twin"? Write down this number in words.

880 80 881 810 818 18 188 81

801 811 180 88 118



Task 18.

Solve unusual anagram with the names of body parts and get english names professions. For example,

Nose + growl + TM \u003d Nose Roar TM \u003d Astronomer

1. LIP + Ocean + M \u003d?

2. Arm + Age + N \u003d?

3. Ear + Rent + PC \u003d?

4. RIB + rain + La \u003d?

5. Head + climb + srr \u003d?


Task 19.

Using the word "Kitten", make up:

1. narrative offer;

2. Newspaper heading;

3. Alternative question;

4. Order;


1. I Would Like to Have a Kitten At Home. 2. "Big Kitten Show". 3. Do you Want to Have a Kitten or a Puppy?


Applying games in English language classes with preschoolers in kindergarten

Description: This development is designed for English teachers working with preschool children. This material can be used by educators in English class in kindergarten.
The game, as you know, is the main activity of the child of preschool age. It serves as a kind of general language for all guys. Using the game as one of the training techniques in a foreign language greatly facilitates educational process, makes it closer and more affordable to children.
In every minute, classes must be maintained in children interest, cause joy, delight, admiration through the moving games, toys, magic transformations.
The game is suitable for any type of classes and type of training, allows you to optimize the memorization process. educational material, creates a true situation of communication, contributes to the development of the communicative competence of children.
The game is not an end in itself, but is used in combination with other learning technologies.
Practice shows a positive effect on educational - educational process All kinds of games: didactic, movable, creative. Each game performs its function, contributing to the accumulation of language material in a child, consolidating previously gained knowledge, forming speech skills, skills. Games are one of the techniques of health-saving technologies.
Games apply with different goals:
with the introduction and consolidation of knowledge of vocabulary and models of a foreign language;
for the formation of skills and skills oral speech;
As a form of self-communicating children in a foreign language.
Practice shows that the formation of communicative skills in preschoolers through the study of English in the form of the game contribute to the development of the ability to cooperate with each other, actively listen, develop a hearing perception, obey the rules

1. Gaming activity as the main component of English classes
"The child, playing, all the time seeks to go ahead, not back. In games, children, as it were, are doing threesome: their subconscious, their mind, their fantasy" work "synchronously."
(A.N. Simonova)

I, like every teacher, want my children to successfully study English, with interest and wishes were engaged in classes. Parents of children are interested in this.
And I set itself a goal - to promote the formation of cognitive interest in preschoolers in English class practices by using game methods as a means of activating cognitive activity in English class.
In preschool age, the lead is a game activity in which the child will know the world around him. With the help of game technologies, several goals can be achieved at the English language class:
expand and consolidate the studied lexico-grammar material;
develop the speech skills of children;
develop memory, attention, intelligence, children imagination;
create an atmosphere of searching and creativity in class;
develop creative activity, initiative, creativity of children;
Teach to cooperate in a variety of groups of groups;
Remove emotional tension, monotony.
The game forms a steady interest in the further study of the English language, as well as confidence in successful mastering them. But I would like to note that the game has not only motivational functions.
The game is a type of social practice, effective reproduction of life phenomena outside the real practical installation. Gaming activities in English is not only organizes the communication process, but also brings it as close as possible to natural communication. The task of the teacher, according to the statement of Anatol France, "awaken the curiosity of children to continue to satisfy it."
Games must comply with the level of training of children and be necessary for the passage of a certain lexical material. With the help of the game, the pronunciation is well implemented, the lexical material is activated, the skills of the audience are developing, oral speech. With its help, you can remove psychological fatigue; It can be used to mobilize the mental efforts of children, for the development of organizational abilities, whimsical of self-discipline skills, creating an environment of joy in classes.
The use of gaming moments contributes to the intensification of the cognitive and creative activities of preschoolers, develops their thinking, memory, brings up initiative, allows you to overcome boredom in teaching a foreign language. Games develop intelligence and attention, enrich the language and fix the margin of the words of children, focus on the shades of their meaning. The game can make a child remember the completed, replenish their knowledge.
At the beginning of the classes, I spend the phonetic games "Towder for a walk", "pass the sound", "breeze", "the last sound", "sound", "words" or role - when guests come to classes and children get acquainted with him using earlier The studied speech turnover "Hello! How Are you? ".
In the middle of the lesson, I also apply a selection of games that are related to the topic of children's age and age. There may be any games - both didactic and role-playing, moving, business, etc.
A large place in the piggy bank of games occupy phonetic games. And first place here is given to the fairy tale exercises on the articulation gymnastics. Each in the piggy bank has such, or even one. The heroes of such fairy tales are the tongue, bee, snake, breeze and just magic beasts. These fairy tales are that they are all wonderful assistants to work out the pronunciation of difficult sounds, and indisputable advantages - the ability to compose a fairy tale based on the characteristics of the group as a whole and taking into account the individual characteristics of children, as well as the ability to take into account the urgent learning needs. Gradually, the role of a storyter can be transmitted to those children who have difficult sounds are better to include the competition element.

Games for the senior group

Game "Let's Lay the Table" on the topic "Food. Meals »
Children are offered: "Let's Lay the Table". Before children, there is a table with toy fruits, vegetables, products, etc., the assistant is selected. Assistant performs teacher teams:
Take a banana. Put The Banana On The Table.
Take a Cheese. Put The Cheese On The Table.

Game "What Can You Do?" on the topic "Animals. Animals »
Children are invited to imagine themselves in any animal and the question "What Can You Do?" They must answer: "I CAN RUN / JUMP / SWIM / FLY"

The game "Fox" on the topic "Animals. Animals »
(Lighting Cockerel)
Cockerel: Hello! I am a Cock.

Cockerel: I am a Cock! Who Are you?
Children (shouting a cock): Run Away! (Run!)
Cockerel (fleeing): Goodbye!
(Bunny appears on the gland
Bunny: Hello! I am a Cock.
Children (welcoming him): Hello!
Lisa (sneaking to the cock): Hello! Who Are you?
Bunny: I Am A Cock! Who Are you?
Lisa (cunning voice): I am a fox.
Children (shouting a cock): Run Away! (Run!)
Bunny (running away in fear): Goodbye!

(If Fox will catch a cockerel or bunny, the game continues with other characters)

Game "Hey, Mr. Snowman "on the topic" Parts of the Body. PARTS OF THE BODY "AND" New Year in England. NEW YEAR'S DAY IN ENGLAND »
Children under the song collect a snowman.
I Went Walking
And Spied A Frosty Snowman
Hey, Mr. Snowman, what do you need?
"I Need Black Eyes. Put Them On Me."
Hey, Mr. Snowman, What do you see?
"I See An Orange Carrot. Put It On Me."
"I See A Black Top Hat. Put It On Me."
Hey, Mr. Snowman, Now What do you see?
"I See Some Brown Sticks. Put Them On Me."
Hey, Mr. Snowman, Now What do you see?
"I See A Green Scarf. Put It On Me."
Hey, Mr. Snowman, Now What do you see?
"I See Some Pink Mittens. Put Them On Me."
Hey, Mr. Snowman, Now What do you see?
"I See Some Blue Buttons. Put Them On Me."
Hey, Mr. Snowman, Now What do you see?
"I See Some Yellow Boots. Put Them On Me."
Hey, Mr. Snowman, Now What do you see?
"I See The Coolest Snowman Ever. Me!"

Game "Find baby for mom and dad" On the topic "My family. My Family "or" Animals. Animals »
The teacher draws the attention of children to the car, which brought guests, and tells: once a calf, kitten, a puppy and the foals ran away from mom and worn; Alarmed moms went by car to look for them. Kitten-Kitten, he was the smallest, stumbled and jammed. How he jumped up? (Choral and individual answers). Sounded by his cat-Cat and called: "Meow-meow".
The teacher invites someone out of children from the body of the car's car (find it among other "moms" and "dad"), along with this toy to come up to the table, on which pictures with the image of a kitten, a foal, calf and puppy, and choose Cat baby. During the task, children study words -mother (mom), Father (dad)
Similarly, children perform three other tasks - to choose from the desired picture.

Game "Feathers. Feathers "on the topic" Colors. Colors »
Children attach colored bird feathers, calling color.
"White Feather, White Feather, What do you see?" (Place The White Feather On The Turkey "s BACK)
"I See A Gold Feather Next To Me." (Place The Gold Feather On The Turkey "s BACK)
"Gold Feather, Gold Feather, What do you see?"
... and it goes on from there with Which Ever Color Feathers You Would Like to Use.

Running, Running, Running. Running, Running, Running (run). NOW Let's Stop. NOW Let "s stop (accept any posture).

Game "Varosor"
The teacher will need a train (or any other machine with the body). Teacher - driver (driver). Letters - passengers. At each station, the teacher announces the platform number and passengers, which should sit in the car. The child puts the letter.
Ask a child to present yourself to this letter: "Now you are the letter Z, show what (Aya) you".

Game "Let's get acquainted - Yellow -Yellow" on the topic "Colors. Colors »
Objective: to introduce children with color. Teach find color according to the sample and the name.
Equipment: paper sheet white, size A 4, yellow objects (flat and volumetric), a gnome in yellow clothes ("yellow"), yellow-colored pencils.
Games: Gnome comes to visit. The teacher introduces children with a gnome, says that his name is "Yellow". He lives in a yellow country. Gnome brings the items only yellow. Children lay out objects on white sheets, consider them and rub the yellow-colored pencil. The teacher spends with the children the game "Find the same", where children choose yellow-colored items.
Exercise "Times, two, three, yellow brought" - children in the surrounding space find items of yellow in the verbal instruction.
Similarly, it is familiar with all the main colors.

The game "Hoping of dwarves with fruits and vegetables" on the topic "Colors. Colors »
Purpose: consolidate the knowledge of the color spectrum in children.
Equipment: Dwarfs - Yellow, Red, Green, Blue, Purple, Orange.
Set of fruits: plum, orange, lemon, banana, apple Red and green, pear, grapes:
Set of vegetables: eggplant, red, yellow, green pepper; Carrots, tomato, cucumber.
Game move: Gnomes came to visit. Children offer to treat the dwarfs with fruit (vegetables). What do you think, what fruits and vegetables like gnomes? For example, a yellow gnome loves a banana, red - red apple. What do you think, why? Children treat the gnomes, call colors in English.

Game "Who lives in a house?" on the topic "Colors. Colors »
Purpose: Fasten the name of flowers in English; Develop logical thinking.
Equipment: Pink, Blue Houses, gray; Gnomes of the corresponding color.
Children are offered houses in which you need to rinse the gnomes in colorful clothes.
Pink house - pink gnomes,
Blue house - blue gnomes,
Gray gnome - gray gnomes.
Delivery of the gnomes, children call color in English.

The game "What has changed?"
On the table there are pictures on the topic or objects, all children look and remember, then 1 child turns away, and the rest of the children change pictures (objects) in places. When guessing calls what he changed his word into English.

"What is it?"
An image of different items are hidden in the box. The presenter distributes each participant to the game in one picture, and it is hidden from the rest. Each player (in turn) must tell about the subject (or animal) shown by him, without calling him. It is allowed only to characterize its properties and quality (color, size where it is found, where used). Wins one who guesses the most of all images and calls them in English.

Game "Puzzle"
First, the baby shows what should happen in the end. After that, the puzzle details are disconnected, mixed and offered to a child for collecting integer. There are different types of such puzzles that can be made and yourself. In this case, any postcard is taken with a rather complicated pattern, or the picture from the magazine (it is better to stick to a dense watman), cuts through the broken lines to the parts that offer the child to build a whole image. If it is possible, you can arrange a simultaneous contest between several children to the fastest assembly. After the child collected a picture, he calls what is shown there in English.

Game "Who has a bear?" Operating phrases "Do You Have ...? No, i don't have. I have a .. "
All the guys are in a circle tightly shoulder to shoulder, everyone behind his back, they will start passing a bear (or others to the toy), as long as the lead (his eyes are closed) in the center of the circle will not say "Stop". The toy remains in 1 person, leading should from 3 attempts to find out where she is.
- Do you Have a Bear (a ball)?
- No, I Don't Have (Yes, I Have)

"What is missing?"
On the table there are pictures on the topic or items, all children look and remember, then 1 child turns away, and the rest of the children remove 1 item to be guessing and translate into English.

Game "Zoo"
Children sit in a circle, getting around the picture without showing them to each other. Everyone must describe his animal, without calling it, by this plan:
1. Appearance.
2. What is powered by.
3. What can do.
Guessing the animal, the children call it in English: A Cat, A Dog, A Mouse.

The game "Traffic light" on the topic "Colors. Colors »
Purpose: Fasten the names of colors, develop attention.
It is necessary to designate the place of the start, behind the line, at the start there are all the guys, the leading (traffic light) is at the finish. He screams "Green Color" (green light) - you can go, "Red Color" (red light) - you need to stop who stirred - leaves, the winner becomes the lead.

Game "Find out the animal by description" on the topic "Animals. Animals »
Material: Subject pictures with pets.
The teacher invites children to find the animal that he describes.
Teacher: This animal has a head, ears, sharp teeth, torso, legs, tail. She guarded the house, loves bones.
The child comes out and find a picture with a dog, shows her children, calling in English.

The game "Three Little Chicken" on the topic "Animals. Animals »
1 Little Chicken With Yellow Feet (Children Showing)
1 Little Chicken With Tail SO Neat (Children's Eggs)
1 Little Chicken Stands Up Tall (stretch up)
Mummy Hen Does Love Them All. (The chicken hugs chickens).
(The poem is repeated with movements).

The game "Snowball" on the topic "Animals. Animals »
The teacher throws the ball and calls the word in English.
1) they translate
2) depict this animal

"Translator" game
The teacher throws the ball to the child, calls the word in English or Russian, he translates him and throws the teacher back the ball.

SnowMen and Sun game
Children -Snegoviki in masks, teacher - sun. On the team - Run! - Snegoviki run away from the sun on chairs.
Snow, Snow
Snowmen - Grow! (Snowmen are growing, rude, stretch hands up)
Sun, Sun.
Snowmen - Run! (Snowmen run away).

Play with the ball "Hello! Good-bye! " on the topic "Acquaintance"
Children throw the ball, say to each other - Hello! \\ Good-bye!

Game "Show, where is the nose?" on the topic "Parts of the Body. PARTS OF THE BODY »
The teacher is calling the children to the toy, asks questions. The child shows and calls part of the body in English.
--Show Me, Please, Nose.

The game "Wolf and Hares" on the topic "Figures. Numbers »
The wolf sits in the center, sleeps. Hares sits: What's time, Mr.Wolf? The wolf calls the number. Hares, counting, fit to the wolf. After examining the name of the number in English, the wolf jumps up and starts to catch the hares.

The game "Journalist" on the topic "Familiarity" or "Figures. Numbers »
One child becomes a journalist, takes an interview with other children:
-How Old Are You?
-I'm 5.

Labyrinth game
The teacher draws a pre-labyrinth in which children will be found painted animals, numbers, etc. Children are driven by a pencil path, consider or call the items that they met in a maze.

The teacher calls the Children to the Children and says that they should do. For example:
-JUMP 3 Times! (jump 5 times!)
-Sit Down 3 Times! (Sat 3 times).

Game "Name Digit"
The teacher draws a few digits on the board. Then they are called in Russian and English. Children cover their eyes, the teacher erases the figure, the children guess and call in English.

Game "Broken Phone"
Children tell a friend to a friend on the English word earlier, which teacher called.

The game "Who is the oldest?" On the topic "My family. My Family
Children lay on the circles ascending the pictures (which depict family members). The biggest mug - grandfather with a grandmother, smaller mom with dad, etc. Then called English.

The game "Board Words" on the topic "Parts of the body. PARTS OF THE BODY »
The teacher calls part of the body, children say they make this part of the body. For example: Hand-Hand-clap, take objects. Foot - Foot, go, jump, etc.

Games for the middle and older group

These games can be used both in the middle and in senior group. Teacher, adding additionally words to these games, may complicate it for the older group.

The game "1,1,1," on the topic "Figures. Numbers »
One, One, One -
I CAN RUN - running on site
TWO, \u200b\u200bTWO, TWO -
Three, Three, Three
Look At Me - Everyone gets into a funny pose.

The game "Fees of the Beast" on the topic "Animals. Animals "and on the topic" Food. Meals »
On baskets for papers, animal face is glued. Children throw balls or toy fruits (call food into English), products and call the animal in English, which they fed.

The game "Emoticons" on the topic "Food. Meals »
On the page printed photos of fruits, nearby near each photo, an empty graph, children in her draw satisfied or dissatisfied emoticons, and say I Like ... I DON'T LIKE ....

Song game:"Walking, Walking" is suitable for any topic
Walking, Walking. Walking, Walking (go in a circle) - Hop, Hop, Hop. Hop, Hop, Hop (jumping).

Game: "GUESS, WH? "On the topic" Animals. Animals »
The teacher demonstrates to children a house. Children in turn open windows, called animals that they will see there. Similarly, such a game can be carried out according to any subject of classes, changing pictures in the windows.

The game "Adhesive Monster" on the topic "Parts of the Body. PARTS OF THE BODY "or" NIGHTS. Numbers »
The teacher represents children a lot of paper legs, hands, heads and torsions, glue a monster, call parts of the body, calculate the amount of limbs.

Play with the ball "Touch" on the topic "Parts of the Body. PARTS OF THE BODY »
The teacher calls part of the body and throws the ball to the child, and he must touch this part of the body to the ball.

Game "What Can You See?"
Prepare a card with a small hole in the middle. To cover this card a picture with a picture of various items, leading a hole in the picture, provide children with the opportunity to answer the question: "What is it?"

"Sound" game
The teacher will need a chair or chairs, depending on how many children play the game. The teacher announces the main sound, for example S. Children start walking around the chairs, while the teacher slowly utters any words in English. As soon as the teacher calls the word starting from sound s, children should take a seat on the chairs. If the baby sat down the last 3 times, he leaves.

"Words" game
Teacher utters Russians and english words. Children chlo in your hands, having heard the English word.

The game in the word "last sound"
The teacher throws a baby ball with any word, for example, Cat (cat). The child catches the ball, calls the last sound in this word and returns the ball to the teacher.

Game "Wonderful Pouch" "Wonderful Suck"
By organizing the game, the teacher picks up objects familiar to children. Putting the guys with a semicircle, so that all the items were clearly visible, the teacher conducts a brief conversation. Then asks several kids to repeat the names of items, to answer for what they need.
- Now we will play. The one I am calling should guess that I will put in the bag. Masha, look carefully on those items that lie on the table. I remember? Now turn away! I will put the toy in the bag, and then you will be guess what I put. Put your hand in the bag. "What is IT?" What is it? (Baby's answer: this is a ...) You correctly called the subject.
So other children can be called.
In order of complication of the game, there is another rule: several toys are put in the bag. None of the children know about them. Caused by a child, dropping his hand into the bag and spinning one of the toys, tells about it. The bag will open if the children recognize the toy by description.

The game "What is the subject?"
Objective: to learn to call the subject and describe it.
Initially, the toy describes the teacher: "He's round, blue, with a yellow stripe, etc.". A child takes out a wonderful bag subject, a toy calls him (this is the ball).

The game "Shopping" on the topic "Food. Meals "or" Toys. Toys »
The teacher offers children to play the store: "Let's Play Shop!". The seller and buyers are considered to read. There is a dialogue between them:
- May I Come in? - Come in, Please.
- Good Morning! - Good Morning!
- Give Me, Please A Cat. - Here you are.
- Thank you. Goodbye. - Goodbye.

The game "AT The Zoo" on the topic "Animals. Animals »
The teacher invites children to go to the zoo. On the way to the zoo, children together with the teacher sing a song:
We Go, Go, GO
To the Zoo,
To See Brown Bear
In the Zoo, the teacher, pointing to animals, asks children questions:
- What is this? - This is a crocodile.
- Is This A Little Crocodile? - NO, this is a Big Crocodile.

"Tell me, what?"
Purpose: Teach children to allocate signs of the subject.
The teacher (either a child) takes out the objects from the box, calls them, and children point to any sign of this subject.
If children find it difficult, the teacher helps: "This is the ball. What is he? "

Game "Collect the Snowman"
Purpose: Development of the ability to perform actions with objects of different magnitude, training in shallow motility hands.
The move: the game uses the balls of different sizes (can be replaced by plane images). The teacher invites the child to consider the details laid out before them, touch them, press each other. Then show the baby ready snowman. It draws attention to the fact that the snowman consists of balls of different sizes: downstairs - large, then - the middle, upstairs - the smallest. Offers the child to collect from the balls of the same snowman.
The kid acts independently, adult, if necessary, helps the council. Colray to the snowman, the child calls him in English Snowman. You can arrange competitions between several children.

"What is missing?"
On the table there are pictures on the topic or objects, all children look and remember, then 1 child turns away, and the rest of the children remove 1 item to be guessing and call it in English.

The game "Wake Cat"
Purpose. Intensify in the speech of children the name of cub animals.
Material. Animal suit elements (hat)
The course of the game: Some of the children receives the role of a cat. He sits down, closing his eyes, (as if he sleeps), on a chair in the center of the circle, and the rest, if desired, choosing the role of any baby animal, form a circle. The one who will indicate the gesture teacher, gives a voice (eating a sound resolution corresponding to the character). Such a cat: Name who woke it (Cockerel, frog, etc.). If the character is named correctly, the performers are changing in places, and the game continues.

Game "breeze"
Purpose. Development of phonderatic hearing.
The course of the game. Children get up in a circle. The teacher utters different sounds. If children hear sound, for example, y, raise hands and slowly circling.
Sounds are pronounced, and, a, o, y, and, u, a. Children, having heard the sound of y, make the appropriate movements.

The game "Little Frogs".
Little Frog, Little Frog (Sing Song)
Hop! Hop! Hop! (Frogs jump around heron)
Little Frog, Little Frog,
Stop! Stop! Stop! (frogs run away from heron)

"OWL" game
Day-day mice run on the clearing, Owl sleeps.
Night-night-owl wakes up and catches mice.


Game "What Is Missing?"
Children close their eyes on the team "Close Your Eyes".
"Open Your Eyes" opens eyes and guess what toy disappeared, calling her in English.

"YES-NO" game
A teacher or child shows to the toy children calls not / right in English. Children do not / agree - YES / NO- Yes / No.
-this is a cat
-No! This is a dog.

Big-Little game
The teacher calls the phrase, children get up or sit down, portraying what this item is large or small, pronounce the phrases.
-Big Elephant (children get up, pull hands to the sides)
-Little Mouse (children are squatting)

GUESS game
One child comes out, takes a card with a pattern, Children are asked by the choir: What do you have? He answers: I have a ...

The game "Who came?" on the topic "Animals. Animals »
Material: rope and call.
Children sit on chairs. At some distance from them stretched the rope, to which the bell is suspended at the height of the growth of children. The teacher calls for two or three children and negotiate: which of them will be.
The first child runs up to the rope, jars and calls three times.
Children. Who's come?
Child. Woof woof woof!
Children guess that a dog came, calling her in English. A child depicting a dog sits down in place. Another child runs up to a call - the game continues.

The game "My Animals" on the topic "Animals. Animals »
The teacher shows and calls children pictures with animals, and they repeat. Then children get one picture and say: My Cat, Dog, Frog, etc.).

Game "In the footsteps"
On the floor laid out traces of paper. Children occur to traces, consider them in English from 1 to 5 or from 1-10.

GRUMBLE BOX game "Grinding box"
Children get out of the box of animals pictures, called in English. If children find it difficult, the box begins to "grumble" and close.

Game "Guess, who"
The child tie a scarf to the eyes, he takes a toy, calls in English. Children are not \\ agree, yes / no.

Game "How Many?" On the topic "Figures. Numbers »
On the table lie toys from 1-10 or 1-5. Children cover eyes on the team -Close Your Eyes. I clean the toy. Open Your Eyes is discovered, consider in English how much it remains.
-How Many?

Game "Cheerful Mother"
The teacher draws on a man's blackboard with a lot of eyes, hands or feet. Children are considered in English, erased extra.

Game "Tell sound"
Children transmit each other ball and utter a sound that teacher called.

Game "through the river"
Children turn the drawn river in pebbles, consider them in English from 1 to 5 or 1-10.

The game "Assistants" on the topic "My family. My Family
The teacher distributes pictures with the image of family members. Children call them in English and tell how they help them at home.

"Touch" game
The teacher calls part of the body in English, children are touched.
-Touch Your Nose / Ear / HEAD / ETC.

The game "Corrosion" on the topic "Parts of the Body. PARTS OF THE BODY »
The teacher demonstrates the children Mittens of Santa Claus.
-This mittens Santa Claus. They can freeze everything to contact. Now I will call a part of the body in English, and you hide, otherwise, the crocker!
I say: froze your nose! (Children hide a spout). Froze Your Ears! (Hide the ears).

4. Game for the middle and 2nd younger group

These games are suitable for classes in the 2nd younger group, but can also be used in an average to secure lexical material and testing phonetics.

GO! GO! Go! "
GO! GO! GO! (Stepping)
Quick and Slow (quickly stepping, slowly)
Quick and Slow.
Tip-Toe, Tip-Toe (tiptoe)
Stop! (not moving, stand still).

The game "Bug" on the topic "Toys. Toys »
On the table from toys, the teacher lays out a circle. In the center there is a toy ladybug. The teacher spins it. He stops, to whom it indicates, the animal is called in English.

Game "The Cube"
Children throw a cube on which animals are depicted, numbers, colors, etc. Called, what fell.
-This is a COW / BLUE / ETC.

Children show the toy that the teacher calls in English, repeat its name in English.
-Show Me, Please A Monkey / Cat / Frog / etc.

Cat and Mouse game
I am a mouse, (mice smooth cat)
You are A Cat,
One, Two, Three
Catch me! (a cat catches running mice).

Game "Pass the toy"
Children pass to each other toys, calling them in English.

Finger game "My Family" on the topic "My family. My Family
Mom - Mother (fucks fingers)
Dad Father.
Sister Sister.
Brother's brother
This is -Family- Family, Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister and I!

Educational goal of the program "Entertaining English" for preschool age - to train children the basics of English phonetics, the initial skills of the English conversational speech to solve elementary communicative tasks in English within the subject of the program proposed by the Program. Games have great help in achieving the goal. Their use gives good results, increases the interest of the guys to the lesson, allows you to concentrate their attention on the main thing - mastering speech skills in the process of natural situation, communication during the game.
The use of gaming moments in English language classes contributes to the intensification of cognitive and creative activities of children, develops their thinking, memory, raises initiative, allows you to overcome boredom in learning a foreign language. Games develop smartness and attention, enrich the language and fix the margin of the words of preschoolers, focus on the shades of their meaning. The game can make a child remember the completed, replenish their knowledge.
The game is inherent in the atmosphere of passionism and joy, the feeling of the assurance of tasks - all this helps children to overcome the impactivity that prevents them from freely in the speech of the words of another language, and has a beneficial effect on the results of training. It is easier to assimilate the language material - and at the same time there is a sense of satisfaction - "it turns out, I can already speak on a par with everyone."
For the teacher, the main thing is to remember that the game is only an element of the lesson, and it should serve as the achievement of the didactic target of the lesson. Therefore, it is necessary to know exactly what kind of skill, skills are trained in this game, that the child did not know how to do before playing and what he learned during the game.

Interesting tasks In English for children - the key to love foreign languages The child has.

All About Me (Book) are designed for children of different ages, from about 5 to 8 years, depending on when the child began to study the language. With the right approach and teaching, literally 2-3 months after the start of learning the language, the child will freely fulfill any of these 12 tasks. When working with kids 5-6 years, usually as a basis, I take the Oxford HAPPY HOUSE. Such concepts like numbers, colors, family - there are taking literally from the first lessons. True, I always use additional tasks from other programs, it applies to how children do not like monotony.

To fulfill almost all tasks, the child will need various school supplies, especially such school stationery, like: eraser, color pencils, markers, ballpoint pen and simple pencil. Almost all children love to draw and paint, so combining their favorite classes with learning English, you will achieve excellent results. Coloring any picture, you can always additionally vote and memorize. In this case, a lot depends on you.

These 12 excellent tasks for children studying English can be used both one by one and complex. It is important to remember, you should not apply the school system to younger children. Control, possible bad marks - It is still waiting for children at school, change tactics. Praise more, so you get a child who will try to do even better. Use color pencils and markers, even in tasks where the colors do not say, for example, in My House. All tasks are easily printed on the printer, the file is PDF format.

So, this All About Me Book is an excellent assistant, teacher and parent, whose child studies English. The process of teaching English for children is very different from what we used to see in school. Kids are all much better absorbed in the game form and the most important thing is to make classes similar to the game. In this case, the child will not be bored, and accordingly, and get tired. Second important moment - Be sure to alternate tasks. A variety is the second important key to success. This may seem difficult, but everything is very simple. Good luck!


The article offers you material and ideas for organizing a lesson in English in the topic "Numbers and numbers".

The necessary English words on the topic "Figures, Numbers" for beginners, children: List with transcription and translation

This topic is very important for study, since not knowing the numbers and numbers, you will not be able to make and explain no matter. Imagine only the situation on the street (for example, look for a house) or in the store (buy something). In any case, you just need to know the numbers.

Thematic vocabulary (words) is desirable not only to write to dictionary, but also to memorize by repeating several times. It is useful to record English and Russian equivalent words, as well as transcription (system of signs that helps read sounds correctly).

Vocabular themes:

Exercises and tasks in English for children on the topic "Figures, Numbers"

Correctly selected written and oral exercises It will help not only to get new knowledge, but also to secure the already received. Most exercises are designed to ensure that the child can remember the names of numeral and recognize them in tasks.


  • Task number 1.: Sold up the crossword, entering the words with numerals (below you suggest that the numbers are vertically, and what horizontal).
  • Task number 2: First, enter the necessary letters in the name of numeral, and then decide examples, writing the answer (numeral) word in English.
  • Task number 3: This is a task for attentiveness. You need to find words that do not match the images of numbers.
  • Task number 4: In the first part of the task, you should select the numerals that are hidden in the table (just to circle), and in the second to enter the required word (numeral), which is suitable.

Dialogue in English for children on the topic "Figures, Numbers" with translation

To learn to introduce new words to speech (numeral), you need to learn how to make dialogues with thematic vocabulary. Dialogues will help students develop not only thinking, but also exercise in grammar.

Phrases in English for children on the topic "Figures, Numbers" with translation

Phrases and phrases in English on the topic "Numerical" will help you easily draw up offers, dialogues and write writings. Read the proposed phrases and say them several times, trying to remember and understand the meaning of pronounced.

English. Transfer
A Lot of Numbers Many digits (numbers)
Numerals. NUMBER
To country Consider
Counting. Score
AT The Fifth Floor On the fifth floor
My Telephone Number Is ... My telephone number …
Three Classes Of ... Three classes ... (three levels)
The First Class. First class (highest level)
Five Times a day. Five times a day
Nineteen HundRed and Seventeen 1917-J.
I am 20. I am 20 years old
How Much? How many?

Songs for children in English on "Figures, Numbers" with translation

If the numbers fail to remember quickly and efficiently, you can ask your child to sing along with you songs about numeric.


Cards in English on the topic "Figures, Numbers" with translation

Bright and colorful cards with written words (numbers designations) will be useful in the lesson. Try to prepare exactly the clarity, and not write numbers on the board, as they have a completely different impression for children and always attract their attention.


Games in English on the topic "Figures, Numbers"

The game is one of the most effective forms of work that will help with ease and very quickly remember all the necessary material.

What can you play:

  • Puzzles.To do this, print a few pictures with numbers in advance and cut them into pieces. Then let the fold them and then call the number.
  • Solution of examples.To do this, write in advance on the board. Simple examples, the task of students is to solve examples and voice them (all numbers and signs).
  • Count.To do this, pay attention to the items that surround you. The task is to list them, starting your phrase from the words "I CAN SEE ... (Four Chairs, Two Tables)."

Riddles and poems in English on the topic "Figures, Numbers" with translation

Such tasks are capable not only to diversify the occupation, but also help children easier to remember the names of numbers. Poems and riddles can be learned in advance or read them immediately in the lesson.

Cartoons for children on the topic "Figures, Numbers"

Cartoons and video lessons will help you in English language, when important information is presented in an interesting and unusual form form. Such cartoons will definitely become interested in the child and will "postpone his memory" important information.

  • If the topic is boring a child, translate it into a game or a song, try to saturate the occupation of interesting tasks and creative exercises.
  • It is important to teach the child to the main phrases and answer questions, for example, "I am 9 years old", "I live on the 2nd floor", "My House number 7", "I have 3 sisters."
  • Pay a little time to read the phone number (all numbers separately).
  • More Senior Children will not explain the rules for reading complex numbers (years), which are divided into a couple of double-digit.
  • Remember that, first of all, you should ensure that the child will remember the words and will correctly call the numbers and only then grammatically correctly write.
  • Video: "English: numbers"


    Today I offer you tasks and exercises into English alphabet for children. Fastening the English alphabet - the case for children is not easy, so you need to perform many diverse exercises.

    Alphabet exercises. Tasks for the alphabet.

    Exercises for training the writing of the English alphabet.

    I suggest you printe the gear of the English alphabet. Click on the picture below the desired letter - it will turn out in the original value. Then, in order to print up, just click on it right-click and select Print.

    Exercises on the knowledge of the English alphabet for children.

    The current section presents exercises for those kids who have already learned all letters. Exercises are divided into two groups - exercises on the alphabet for grade 2 and tasks into an English alphabet for grade 3. The basic difference between 2 groups of exercises into the English alphabet is that for grade 2, tasks are presented exclusively to writing letters. For 3 class of tasks, it is more difficult and connected with writing words. Naturally, these exercises can also be used for preschoolers who have previously begun to study the alphabet.

    English alphabet exercises for grade 2.

    Tasks on the letters of the English alphabet, which children are often confused.

    Exercise 1. Circuit the letter B, emphasize the letter D. Consider the number of letters.

    b b d b B d d d b d b d d d b d b b d b d b

    Quantity: b-\u003e ___, d-\u003e ___.

    Exercise 2. Circle the letter P, emphasize the letter Q. Consider the number of letters.

    q p p q q q p q q p q q p q p q p q q p q q q

    Quantity: P-\u003e ___, Q-\u003e ___.

    Exercise 3.. Circuit the letter M, emphasize the letter n. Consider the number of letters.

    m n m n n m n n m m m n m n m m n m n m

    Quantity: M-\u003e ___, N-\u003e ___.

    Simple exercises into the English alphabet.

    Exercise 1. Connect line line and uppercase letters.

    Exercise 2. Extlive the missing letters of the English alphabet:

    Large letters of the alphabet.

    Option 1.

    A _ _ d e f _ h _ j k _ _ n o p _ r _ t u v _ x y _

    Option 2.

    B _ d _ f g _ _ j _ l m _ o _ q r s _ u _ _ x _ z

    Option 3.

    A b c _ e _ g _ i j k _ m n _ _ _ r s _ u _ w _ y z

    Little letters of the alphabet.

    Option 1.

    B c _ e f _ h _ j k l _ n o _ _ r s _ u v _ x y _

    Option 2.

    B _ d e _ g h _ j k _ m _ o _ q _ s t _ v _ x _ _

    Option 3.

    C _ E F G _ _ j _ l m n _ p q _ _ t _ v w _ y z

    Exercise 3.. Extract the letters of the English alphabet, which

    Exercise 4. Circle all vowels in the first table and all consonants are in the second.

    Circle vowels

    Tasks for fixing the English alphabet.

    Exercise 5.. Extract what letters go before and after the indicated letter of the English alphabet.

    With __, __ h __, __ k __, __ t __, __ in __, __ y __

    Exercise 6.. Extract what the letter is missing in each row.

    • __ j k l,
    • P __ r s,
    • U v __ x
    • B C D __

    Exercise 7.. Write these words with small letters.

    1. FOX - _____________
    2. DOG - _____________,
    3. BAG - _____________,
    4. Hen - ______________,
    5. Pen - ______________.

    Write these words in large letters:

    1. ball - _______________,
    2. lamp- _______________,
    3. frog- ________________,
    4. sIX- _________________,
    5. sEVEN - ______________.

    Exercise 8.. Write all the vocabulary of the English alphabet known to you.

    Exercise 9.. Write all the consonants of the English alphabet known to you.

    Exercise 10.. Perform the following tasks for the repetition of the English alphabet.

    1. Write all lowercase (small) letters from a to h.
    2. Write all the big letters from P to U.
    3. Write all the small letters in the reverse sequence from k to e.
    4. Write all the big letters in the reverse sequence from Z to U.

    English Alphabet Exercises for Grade 3.

    Exercise 1. Write, with what letter the following words begin.

    • ___ __ig, __retty, _Iano;
    • ___ _Nail, _wim, _tay;
    • ___ _PPLE, _NT, _UNT;
    • ___ _AT, _oat, _ome;
    • ___ _able, _ea, _rain;
    • ___ _ion, _amp, _emon.

    Exercise 2. Use the Alphabet Code to Read The Secret Message.

    Use this code to decipher the secret message in which the mystery is hidden. Write down the riddle. Translate the riddle into Russian and solve it.

    16 1 5 23 _ _ _ _

    19 5 14 10 _ _ _ _

    1 5 8 6 15 _ _ _ _ _

    5 11 20 15 _ _ _ _

    17 10 24 15 _ _ _ _

    Riddle: What is A Face and Two Hands But No Arms or Legs? Answer: a clock

    Exercise 3.. Make the ladders of words beginning with the letters a, h, i, t and w per sample.

    Exercise 4. Write down the words in each row in alphabetical order.

    1. ball, Doll, Fox, Tiger, Hare
    2. apple, Lemon, Orange, Grapes, Tomato
    3. green, Yellow, Pink, Blue, Black
    4. happy, Silly, Angry, Mad, Unhappy
    5. big, Small, Short, Tall, High

    Exercise 5.. Write an English alphabet. Follow the rule: all vowels writing line, and all consonants are capital.

    I hope the exercises and tasks for the English alphabet for children you liked and turned out to be useful for your babies.

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