What is the biggest ball. Record, wrapped by cataclysm: Startup history One million balloons

The inflation to the helium of large balls will be analyzed by an example of a meter ball inflation.

Name and size of balls

Latex ball size 36 "is called differently:

  • three feet ball, because 36 "(inches) is 3` (feet);
  • meter ball, because 36 "it is 91 cm, i.e. almost a meter;
  • olympic ball.

The meter ball is inflated on different size: the diameter of the inflated ball varies from 70 to 90 cm. All this is the same "meter" balls.

The larger the diameter of the inflated bowl, the more helium consumes, the greater the lifting power of the ball.

The difference in numbers is large, but on the view of the balls with a diameter of 78 and 86 cm almost no different.

An inflated meter ball is well holding a one and a half days, then its size begins to decrease. In two - three days the diameter of the ball will be 50 - 60 cm.

It is not recommended to inflate meter balls with a diameter of more than 86 cm. First, such balls will not become round, prolonged and will burst from any impact. Secondly, the width of the doors will not allow such balls into the premises.

The size of inflated balls is easy to control. To this end, the ball is placed between the limiters: two large objects, and inflated until the balloon will start contact with these items. As limiters, you can use the wall and a large box (as on the video), a couple of chairs with large backs, the distance between the wall and the balloon is 40 liters., Etc. The distance between the limiters is controlled by roulette.

Pre-stretching balls

Ball 36 ": before and after stretching with air

Advantages of pre-stretching are obvious:

  • balls with a factory marriage are detected in advance, i.e. They burst with free air, and expensive helium is not spent;
  • the walls of stretched balls are less than elastic, so when inflatable, helium savings will be about 10%;
  • the overpressure of helium inside the stretched ball will be smaller, so the ball will lift a few days longer.

Inflation of meter balls helium

The meter ball is inflated helium with a small speed: an inflation time is 60 ... 100 seconds. The fact is that compressed helium, leaving the cylinder, is strongly cooled. Slow inflation allows helium inside a bowl to warm up and take normal pressure.

If the meter ball is inflated very quickly, it will be a cold helium. After a short time, helium heats up, helium pressure will increase, and the ball will increase in size. For example, if you quickly inflate the helium meter ball to size 86 cm, then when helium heats up, the ball will try to increase to 93 cm and most likely burst.

Testing and Bowling

The annual Book of World Guinness Records is full of exciting feats of human endurance, perseverance and achievements. However, the most interesting are the most strange records, and the world is full of them.

The biggest ball of rubber ribbons

The longest pizza in the world

The photo shows how people lay on the dough layer (which is not visible to the end and edge) cheese and tomato sauce. So it was preparing the longest pizza in the world (2.13 kilometers). The whole thing happened on the car track of the car of Club Apeodyway (Florida) in June 2017. Thus, these guys beat the previous record installed in Italy (182 meters).

The largest number of hardening people in one location

The initiator of the establishment of this record was the rapper Big Freedia, which called on the crowd to joint hard. This record was installed on September 25, 2013 in Herald-Square in New York.

The longest nails in the world

This lady demonstrated its nails, whose length, by the way, was 6.02 meters, in New York public Library September 14, 2011.

The largest collection of sneakers

This is the owner of the world's largest collection of sneakers with all the AIR Jordan Retro series from Nike. The collection has 2500 pairs, and it has all the sneakers of the AIR JORDANS series, which ever produced.

The largest number of people who at the same time opened umbrellas

Crowds of fans installed the world record, while at the same time opening umbrellas at the baseball match between the teams of Minnesota Twins and Los Angeles Angelas from Anaheim in California (2016).

The most expensive dessert in the world

Sunday Golden Abundance is the most expensive dessert in the world that was created at the Serendipity 3 Restaurant in New York on the occasion of his golden jubilee. A dessert of five balls of Tahitian vanilla ice cream prepared at Madagascar vanilla, which were covered with an edible sheet of 23 carat (958 samples) of gravestone gold, the most expensive chocolate in the world "Amedei Porcelana" and much more.

The world's largest cocktail "Margarita"

A huge tank with a 2-storey house was filled with 30 thousand liters "Margarita", and cooled this drink 17 tons of ice.

The world's largest ball from pop root

The ball weighed a little bit of 1.5 tons, and its diameter was 7 meters.

The largest number of people in swimsuits, simultaneously descending from the mountains on snowboarding and skiing

This original record was installed in Russia, at the ski resort in Shereger (Kemerovo region). Here, more than 1000 people descended half-liters!

Based on:


After the big "boom" as about the little "clap"? By the beginning of 1986, everyone's eyes turned to City. Everyone who acquired British Telecom shares doubled their money, and the privatization of British Gas made talking about Side: "If you see Side, tell him ...".

I will never forget, as I went to City to take a look at the accumulation of people lined up in line. They wanted to buy Virgin's shares. We have already received by mail over 70 thousand applications for the purchase of shares. But these people postponed everything on the last day - November 13, 1986. I walked along the line and thanked people for trust, several YUS replicas remained in my memory:

- We will not go to rest this year. We invest our savings in Virgin.

- Come on, Richard, prove that we are doing correctly.

- We rely on you, Richard.

At some point I discovered that the photo reporters remove my legs.

Yane found this explanation. Then she looked down and discovered with horror that he put on different boots in the hurry.

By the placement of its shares, Virgin attracted a greater number of people than any other debutant stock exchange, not counting the privatized huge state-owned companies. Over 100 thousand individuals filed applications for the purchase of our shares, and the mail involved additionally twenty personnel to handle bags with correspondence. That day we heard that The Human League became a group number one in America. There was also anxiety to our euphoria on this occasion, since only a few institutions of business circles were applied. It was the first harbinger of the difficulties with whom the city had to face.

By 1986, Virgin became one of the largest English private companies that had about 4 thousand hired employees. At the end of July of the same year, the company's sales amounted to? 189 million. If compared with the same period of the previous year, when it was? 119 million, the growth was approximately 60%. Our profits before tax amounted to? 19 million, and not? 15 million, as it was in the previous year. Despite the fact that we were a big company, there were very few expansion opportunities; All that we could do is take advantage of the money that earned, or ask for banks in which there were accounts, increasing the size of overdraft. I have seen many other private companies sell their shares on the Stock Exchange: Body Shop, TSB, Sock Shop, Our Price, Reuters, Atlantic Computers Almost any company also appeared every week, and the stock exchange had to form a sequence in such a way that between large privatized companies, such as British Telecom, British Airways and BP, was followed. The placement of shares on the stock exchange was an attractive option in many ways: would allow Virgin to get the money necessary for investing in subsidiaries; It would increase assets and made it possible to feel more independent of banks - we could manage the increased authorized capital and, if you wish, take loose more money. In addition, it would allow to produce shares that could be acquired and Virgin's staff, which would be an incentive for him and strengthened the Virgin position. And there was a thought that at one time we could use Virgin shares to buy Thorn EMI, the largest record firm in the country. Dona liked such a prospect, he would be very happy to become the executive director of the company whose shares are quoted in the market. Trevor and Ken did not show a special interest, they warned me that we will soon give up this idea that the city is very unreliable place, and so we are pretty deprived of our independence. As for Simon, it would be possible to freely sell his own share of Virgin shares at any time. Ultimately, I dropped all the pessimistic resonances and decided to accomplish the conceived. As a first step last year, Trevor has already organized a private placement of the convertible preferred shares of Virgin. Did he expect to receive? 10 million, but since Virgin has been on everyone to hear, Morgan Grenfella, guaranteed the placement of a loan, eventually closed a private offer at the level of 25 million?

When the sale of securities was open to the public, financial institutions converted their preferred stocks in approximately 15% of ordinary shares, and we issued new stocks for sales to investors from, what made it possible? 30 million after placing a promotion I owned a 55% stake in Virgin Group Simon belonged to 9%, Ken, Don, Trevor, Robert and some other employees had 2%, third-party investors belonged to 34% of the shares. We sold each Virgin share for 140 pence, with such a value, the whole Virgin Group was evaluated at? 249 million. Of course, it was worth only part of the company - Virgin Atlantic, Virgin Holidays, Virgin Cargo and nightclubs were not entered here because London's business circle that when placing their shares has increased financial risk. Virgin Group participated in the business in which some twelve months ago bank Cours was ready to force us to call ourselves financially insolvent for overpowering? 300 thousand over 3 million credit limit. Some of the money received was immediately aimed at financing Voyager, a holding company for airlines in which we considered it necessary to invest in the means along with other addressees.

Behind the facade of stability, which should have any open joint stock company, my life remained as active as always. Mid 1980s: The beginning of the activities of Virgin Atlantic was time when I really began to intentionally attract universal attention to the sake of advertising Virgin. We did not have such means that British Airways and other companies were forced to spend on advertising, but I found that the press would gladly publish materials about Virgin, if, in addition to the name, the company also has a person. Unlike the advertisement of Virgin Music, when we spun groups, and not the Virgin company itself as a brand, I first began to use myself to promote companies and our brand. Therefore, my own name and the Virgin brand began to be perceived as a whole.

My family has always avoided the press, but I myself am glad to do everything to strengthen the interest of the public to Virgin: Advertising was one of the keys to our growth. If no one knows about us, no one will fly with our aircraft. And if no one will fly, we will ruin. Therefore, if I could, taping protective glasses Biggies or lying in a foam bath, somehow help the airline, I did it.

One of my greatest failures related to the press was to participate in the project invented by the Ministry of Labor to create additional jobs. He was called "United Kingdom-2000". I was attracted by Kenneth Baker, at that time - the Secretary of the Environment, which asked me to become the Chairman of the Committee on this project. I agreed on condition that the government will take on an unconditional financial obligation against the project, and it will, as far as possible, look like a non-political action. Unemployment approached 4 million people and new project It seemed a good way to cut her.

The idea of \u200b\u200b"Great Britain-2000" was to choose for a large number of unemployed such work that would benefit the environment. It could be different activities, from bringing into the order of intracity territories before the construction of playgrounds: Channel clearance, recreation of pedestrian walkways, cleaning industrial zones and planting trees. I contacted charity organizations, in particular, with the "Earth's Friends" and "Best". Their representatives agreed to help at carry out some of the works and come with their own list of what they would like to see made, but not enough money and labor. I thought about whether to agree on the role allotted to me, during the weekend, when Silly's washed to the island, to thank people for their hospitality during our intersection of the Atlantic Ocean. The helicopter arrived, which agrees all. It turned out that this flew a journalist from Sun. In his hands, for some reason he kept the broom.

"Listen, Richard," he said. - Hold it for me, good? That's the way, "he pulled several frames," do a smile.

I did not remember this until the next day, until I saw in Sun. The headline "trash can".

From this point on, the United Kingdom project has become perceived as a garbage cleaning campaign. No matter how I tried to change this impression, the associations arose among the same. Whenever the newspaper wrote an article about the work that we tried to do, she characterized her as "garbage cleaning." I sent the countless number of letters a variety of editors, paying attention to our protection projects ambient countrywide. They were either ignored or placed on the page of letters, where they safely remained unnoticed by anyone. None of our then projects included garbage cleaning, as it was not what they were asked to do. Our task was to search useful workwhich would include a kind of training and led to complete employment. The collection of garbage is in itself a worthy praise occupation - did not comply with our aspirations.

Three years I have remained the chairmanship of the United Kingdom-2000 project. But it was a disappearance. Participants began to lose moral attitude, because, whatever they do, they mumbled on them and were not different as janitor. In the gift that Jonaton Porret and other prominent environmentalists of that time were involved in the project, people still did not perceive the idea. It was a huge chagrin: thanks to the project, it was possible to create much more jobs than managed, and to make the UK place, a little better for life.

However, everything else was excellent. When we returned from the Atlantic voyage, it seemed that the whole country was happy with his successful completion. Mrs. Thatcher expressed interest in inspection of the vessel, and I offered her a walk up the Thames. We managed to achieve permission to exceed the speed of movement on the Thames, which is 5 miles per hour, and when the Atlantic Challenger rushed with a whistle under the Tauer Bridge, his gods opened. We invited Mrs. Tatcher, and together with Bob Geldoph and Stynt made a circle of honor to the buildings of Parliament and back. At this time, other boats on the Gudel River in the signal beeps, and the firefighter team Saluteoval us, taking a huge jet of water to the air. Mrs. Tatcher, "Iron Lady". Stood on the deck next to me, and the sharp wind beat her in her face.

"I have to admit," she said, when we accelerated the way up the river, "I adore quick ride." I like powerful boats.

I looked at her. She really enjoyed. Her face, like a bushprit, was open to all winds, and nor a single strand of hair was lying on her head.

So I was on the crest of success. At this time, various strange surveys were held, which put forward me on the title, then best of all dressed, then worst of all the dressed men of Great Britain and recognized the Virgin of the most favorite company of the country. With this attitude, we could not allow promochs. Every day I was asked to give an interview to some newspaper, open a trading passage or to speak with a speech at a business school. Once, against the background of all these events, I even had a feeling that, apparently, I really represent a rather important person. Once I caught a taxi.

- Where are you going, dad? - asked the driver.

- Billingsgate, please. - I replied. As soon as we left, he looked in a mirror in a question, as if almost recognized me, and said:

- Tell me?

- Well, "How to tell you - I started modestly, - Recording Company, Airlines, Heaven Nightclub, Plaques Shops

"No," Taxi driver said. - Tell me

- The intersection of the Atlantic, - I continued, - Sex Pistols, Boy George, Phil


"Sorry me, Sir," said the driver, losing patience, "I don't understand what you extend there." Tell me how to get to Billingsgate.

And once, after I was covered with the problems of the airline all night, I had to take a taxi early in the morning to catch the meeting. As always, I was late and tried to say goodbye to my family, catch my papers and make last call By phone - all at the same time. I flopped on the back seat of a taxi, planning to read the newspapers and prepare for the meeting.

- Oh! - exclaimed the taxi driver. - I know you. You are the same Dick Branson.

You have sound recording.

"Yes, that's the way," I admitted.

"Don't I have a good day today," the taxi driver continued. - Imagine only - Mr. Branson in my taxi. Now I know that I am a taxi driver, I mean, now it is clear, isn't it. But you know what? I am also a musician. Indeed. I am a drummer in the group.

- Great. - I said without enthusiasm, feeling tired and hoping that he would silence, and I can read the newspaper.

-You do not mind if I put my demonstration record? I am in the sense that this day could be happy for me. And for you too. You could earn a lot of money on me.

"It would be great," I said.

"No, you look a little tired," he said, looking in the mirror. - You have to listen to it calmly.

- No, please turn on the tape recorder.

- No, you look too tired. But that's what I want to say: My Mother just lives around the corner here. You do not mind if I deliver you to her, and we will drink a cup of tea?

"You know, I have to be on TV studio," I replied a fallen voice.

- She will be so glad to see you. For her it will be a whole event. - he said. - Quickly drink a cup of tea and that's it.

"Well, that would be fine," I replied, thereby conquer myself on a terrible delay.

The car rolled into the side street.

"You know what," Taxi driver said, "I still include my record." To just show.

As soon as the taxi stopped at a small house, the record went, and the first clocks I heard the familiar sounds of drum strikes. Through the speakers came the words: "I can feel it, going out to the street tonight »

The taxi driver came out and opened my door. It was Phil Collins.

On the eve I mentioned in an interview that, although I knellly know Rock-stars and remember their names, there is one whose face I always find out - this is Phil Collins.

Despite the fact that we got? 30 million from the placement of shares on the stock exchange, soon it turned out that it was the wrong decision. A few weeks after the November posting of shares regarding our investment banker in the Morgan Grenfell Roger Siliga began a trial, initiated by the Department of Labor and Industry. It was investigated by the role of Guinness under its control and management of Distillers, which occurred in January. Roger came out of the Morgan Grenfell, and although his business eventually fell apart, the career came an end. I began to lose faith in the city and the burdensome official requirements that we were presented.

First, City insisted that Virgin appoint several directors who are not employees of the company. We recommended Sir Phil Harris. It was a person who was embarrassed from the bottom and made the sale of carpets. We also appointed Koba Stenham, who was the financial director of Unilever and also a respected banker. I found the obvious observance of all formalities, on the adoption of which the city insisted. Simon and Ken used to tend to discuss with me those groups with which they considered the necessary contract to sign, and then worked with them themselves. Members of Virgin Board Members have always been in high degree Informal events. We met on Duanda. In my house on Oxford Gardens or when weekend spent together. In my presentation, our business did not fit for strictly regulated by the meeting schedule. We had to make decisions quickly, without training. If we had to wait four weeks before the next meeting of the Board Members in order to authorize Simon to sign a contract with UB40. We probably would lose this group.

I also had disagreements with Don, most about dividends. I did not want to follow english tradition And pay great dividends. I was more impressed by the American and Japanese traditions when the company puts reinvesting his profits to strengthen its position and increase the market value of shares. High dividends meant loss of money that would be better to find use inside Virgin. It seemed to me that third-party shares holders entrusted their Virgin money so that we ensure their growth, and not to return to them 5% of the same money that would be taxed as an income and instantly lose 40% of their value.

Perhaps this argument seems insignificant, but it illustrates total loss Control, experienced by me. Most people believe that the ownership of 50% of the open joint-stock company is the key to control over it. And although theoretically, it is so, in practice you are in very big steppes and lose control, for example, due to the need to appoint directors who are not employees of the company, but in general - spend time to please the city. Before that, I was always confident in the decisions we took, but now Virgin was an open joint-stock company, and I began to lose faith in myself. It became difficult to make quick decisions, and I wondered: did each decision be formally approved and configured at the meeting of members of the Board? In many respects, 1987, when we were an open company, turned out to be the most unsuccessful in creative plan for Virgin. We spent, but at least half of their time on trips to City to explain what we intend to do to finance managers, financial consultants and PR-firms, instead of taking and do it.

In addition, I felt responsible for people who invested money in Virgin, acquiring its shares. Phil Collins, Mike Oldfield and Brian Ferry acquired promotions, Peter and Saris, my neighbors and close friends on Mill & End invested part of their savings in Virgin, my family, cousins \u200b\u200band many people who met for me roads of Life, – All of them bought shares. Trevor Abbot took me? 250 thousand ., To buy Virgin shares, and although he was controlled with numbers even better than me, I still felt responsible for the possible fall of the shares.

I would have anything against if the City Analysts were right, appreciating that Virgin was poorly or the level of competence of its management. I started to take out another. Regardless of how and how many times Simon, Ken and I tried to explain that 30% of our income makes payments from previously released records, and even if you fail to release a new plate, money will still come to us, or that 40% The profits earned in France were obtained at the expense of French singers, and not due to the battle of George or Phil Collins, which provided us with a stable local income, - City continued to simplifyly interpret the system of work Virgin. Analysts were still believed that Virgin completely depended on me and the battle of George. Simon and Ken began playing UB40 records. The Human League and Simple Minds at analyst meetings, but it did not make any impression. Shares of Virgin, first sold for 140 pence, soon fell to 120 per piece. The trust that people in line, artists and staff Virgin have shown to me, having spent their own money for the purchase of Virgin shares, has become too much to take me.

During 1987, the value of Virgin shares returned to the previous level, reaching approximately 140 pence per piece, but did not rise above. We started using money received from the sale of shares to implement two investment projects. The first was aimed at creating a full-fledged subsidiary of Virgin in America, the second - to Thorn EMI for its subsequent acquisition. Creating a Virgin Records American Inc. It was an expensive enterprise. We accounted for the difficulties that were faced earlier, and this time did not praise. In 1987, we managed to release four singles in America, entered the best twenty, and one "golden" album. Despite the fact that in 1987, Virgin America was unprofitable, we considered it as a long-term investment project and were confident that in the end, we would like much more money, having our own sound recording company than selling license to our best artists's records licenses.

The second difficult task is to absorb Thorn EMI - it was necessary to solve carefully. We felt that the EMI management was rather sluggish, and that the incredible catalog of album released by it, which included Beatles records, could be used much more profitable. All THORN EMI Group was estimated at about? 750 million, which trotterly exceeded the value of the company Virgin. In the end, I thought it was best to go talk to Sir Colin Southgat, Managing Director of Thorn Emi, and ask him if he wanted to sell us Emi Music.

- Do not go with you? - asked Simon and Ken.

"It may be too," I replied. - I ask him, I will talk to the eye to the eye, and then, if he is interested, we can go together.

I called Sir Colin and agreed to meet at his office on Manchester Square. I was sent to the top floor and invited to enter the room. Silence reigned there. At least twenty people without the slightest shadow of the smile were addressed to me. People sat on one side of the table, shoulder to the shoulder, in the costumes in a thin strip, forming an impenetrable wall. Sir Colin shook my hand and looked through my shoulder, is there anyone else there.

"I'm alone," I said. - Where can I sit down?

One side of a long brilliant brownish red table was empty. There were ten or fifteen notebooks for entries, they lay sharply pencils. I sat down and looked at the sea of \u200b\u200bpersons opposite.

"Allow it to submit you," Sir Colin began. He fucked the names of bankers, lawyers, accountants and management consultants.

"I am Richard Branson," I introduced myself, whining nervously. - And I'm here because I just wanted to know if you wanted, maybe, would like …, - I paused. All the necks opposite stretched out in my direction.

"Maybe you would like to sell a subsidiary of EMI," I said. - It seems to me that Thorn EMI is such a large group of companies that Emi Music may not be your highest priority. You have so many other things. It's all.

There was a dead silence.

"We are completely satisfied with EMI," said Sir Colin. - We accept all measures to manage this leading company THORN EMI GROUP.

"Well, well," I said. - I think it was still worth it.

With these words, I got up and left the room.

I went straight to Vernon Yard to speak with Simon and Ken.

"They are all serious," I said. - They are in a critical position.

Thought I will bargain with them. Met me in the bayonets. If Sir Colin is so concerned that he invited all his heavy artillery to himself, then they are really vulnerable, and I think we should press.

Simon and Ken agreed with me. Trevor gave us a meeting with the management of the investment bank Samuel Montagy. These gentlemen presented us with the Mountleigh Real Estate Group and advised to put a joint proposal. Since Sir Colin would not sell to us only EMI, we could have been able to get the entire group with MOUNTLEGH, and then split it into pieces. If in a nutshell, MOUNTLEIGH would take themselves a chain of stores issuing televisions for rent, and we would take Emi Music.

Our profit for the first year of existence as an open joint-stock company increased more than halved, that is, to make more? 30 million (despite the cost of the project in the United States). And we planned to publish these results in October simultaneously with the announcement of our claims on Thorn EMI.

During the summer, Trevor managed to agree on a bank of new Scotland about a loan? 100 million, we slowly began to buy Thorn EMI shares, paying around? 7 per share, and thus purchased a share that could be used as a starting pad to offer their price. As the activity of trading in the stock exchange in the summer months, rumors began to spread that Thorn em] hesitate, and I worried that if we leave it until October, it would be too late. But I could do little, because it was determined to meet a challenge, which many considered the beginning of my end. This challenge was the same confusion and cheeky, as in the business world: I and Pom Lindstrand planned to fly through Atlantic Ocean On hot air balloon. Before my return, no one was going to seriously consider the idea of \u200b\u200bacquiring THORN EMI by Virgin.

It all started with a phone call, distributed in my office on the very first day after returning from traveling on board Atlantic Challenger.

"Someone Lindstrind calls," Penny said. - He says he has a stunning offer.

I took the phone.

- If you think that in the intersection of the Atlantic on the boat there is something unusual, "said a high voice with a Swedish accent, - do not hurry with conclusions. I plan to build the world's largest air balloon flying hot air, and also plan to fly on it in a jet flow at an altitude of 30 thousand feet. I believe that my ball will be able to cross the Atlantic.

I was vaguely represented who is the landerstand. I knew that he was an international expert on aeronautics, and he owns several records, including the highest flight altitude. The pen explained that no one flew on a hot air balloon further than 600 miles, and no one could have retained such a balloon in the air longer than 27 hours. In order to cross the Atlantic, the balloon will have to overcome over 3 thousand miles (which is five times higher than the range of all previous achievements) and spend three times more in the air.

A balloon filled with helium, like old chapels, can stay in the air a few days. The principle of action of the balloon is based on the use of hot air inside the shell, towering over the surrounding cold air and raising this in Air itself ball. But since there is a quick loss of warmth through a balloon shell, the aeronautics burn propane. To the air balloon proposed by the pen, the incredible flammable cargo required to maintain their movement was very difficult.

The pen believed that we would be able to commit a record flight, in practice three theoretical ideas. The first is to raise a balloon to a height of about 30 thousand feet and fly there, where fast winds or jet flows move at a speed of 200 miles per hour. Until now, it was considered impossible, since their power and turbulence of streams are able to break any air balloon. The second idea was to use solar energy to heat the balloon during the daytime and, therefore, reducing fuel consumption. No one ever tried to do this. And the third plan was due to the fact that the balloon should fly at an altitude of 30 thousand feet, so the pilots will be in a hermetic gondola, and not in a basket woven from IV roths.

As the proposal of the feather, I am amazed realized that with the help of this huge balloon, this hefty clumsy thing that could absorb Royal Albert Hall with all the gutters, you can cross the Atlantic Ocean much faster than our Atlantic Challenger made with a motor in 4 Thousands of horsepower. The lane calculated that at the average speed of 90 nodes, the entire flight will take less than two days, which has not passed any comparison with the boat speed in 40 nodes. This could be represented as a quick motorway ride, when the Royal Albert Hall, moving twice as fast, can overtake.

Convergently with some scientific calculations and theoretical calculations relating to inertia and wind speed, I asked the pen to meet with me. When we saw, I put my hand on the stack of papers with theoretical calculations.

- I will never be aswaling. "All this science and theory," I said, "but I will fly with you if you answer a single question.

- I listen, - answered the lane, driving in readiness to some incredibly difficult issue.

- Do you have children? - Yes. Two.

- Then good.

I got up and shook his hand.

- I will fly. But first I would like to learn better how they fly.

Only then I learned that seven people had already tried to cross the Atlantic Ocean in a balloon, and five of them died.

Pen took me to Spain for weekly air balloon management courses. It was found that the flight in a balloon is one of the most exciting things that I have ever met in life. Tumming up, silence, when the burners are disabled, the feeling of moving in airspace and breathtaking panoramas - all this will immediately conquered me. A week later, during which the instructor Robin Batchelor shouted on me, like two drops of water similar to me, I got a license of the airplant. I was ready.

Since the dominant jet flows move from the West to the East, we chose a place to start in Maine not far from Boston, about a hundred miles from the coast to exclude the influence of the marine breeze. The lane calculated that by the time we cross the coastal line, we will reach the inkjet flow and be beyond the reach of local weather. The two main managers were Tom Barrow, headed by an engineering group, and Bob district, an expert meteorologist. Both, no doubt, were such major specialists that I completely trusted them. The inkjet flow was divided over the Atlantic Ocean: one stream rushed to the Arctic, the other turned in the direction of the Azores, and then returned to the middle of the ocean. Riene said that if we choose the way to right, it will be the same as "rolling the ball experiencing the attraction of two magnets." If fuel runs out or icing, we will have to make a forced landing on the water.

- Around the gondolas there are rings providing buoyancy that can keep it on the surface - explained Barrow.

- And what if they won't stand? - I asked.

"You will return money," he replied. - Or we will get money from your behalf.

During the final briefing with the participation of Tom on Mount Sungalloof in Maine, the day before the launch of the balloon, he conducted the latest evacuation exercises:

- Landing this thing is comparable to Sherman Tank without brakes.

It is equivalent to collapse.

His last warning was the most eloquent:

- Now, despite the fact that we are here, I can still cancel the flight, if you consider it too dangerous or if you have health problems.

- Mental health problems here come here? - I joked.

"No," answered Tom. - This is a prerequisite for flight. If you are not crazy and not frightened to death, you should not be on board, it is primarily.

I was definitely scared to death.

Similar information.

Balloon - frequent attribute of holidays, festivals. Some lovers of extreme sports create amazing designs and climb into the sky for tens of kilometers. Latex products, rubber or foils differ in shape, size, destination.

The biggest ball in the world will come in 2002 by engineers from NASA. The volume of the design was 1.7 million cubic meters With weighing 690 kilograms. The ball was launched in order to study under the LEE program. He was able to rise 49 kilometers up.

The first flight

In the history of the aeronautics, many stand out renal dates. The most significant day is November 21th. On this day, in 1783, two bold Frenchman were for the first time climbed into the air in a balloon. Aerostat with the crew (Marquis D'Aarter, as well as Pilatre de Raynie) rose by 915 meters, overcame the distance of 9 kilometers in 25 minutes.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a balloon belongs to the Mongolfier brothers. Create an amazing vehicle, capable of overcome huge distances, men decided after studying the works of chemists, physicists and conducting special research. The opening of hydrogen in 1766 pushed brothers to confident actions. They did experiments, filling paper bags hot air. Constructions rose a couple of meters, which was a colossal breakthrough. Trial launched silk and flax balls. Brothers researchers changed the composition of burning mixtures, size and form of spheres.

Constantly experiencing balls, the Mongolfier brothers created an amazing air sphere weighing 450 kilograms, a volume of 1000 cubic meters. In Versaille, the experimenters first launched the sphere in the air, putting in a wicker basket of the rooster, goose and sheep. The ball flew 8 minutes. Having achieved a height of 500 meters, the dome material broke. The sphere fell to the ground gradually, which retained the life of animals.

Successful demonstration inspired brothers. They began to create the very big Sharacapable of raising two people. The new sphere was 13 meters in diameter, 2,000 cubic meters at a weight of 500 kilograms. Design decorated zodiac signs, flowers, portrait of the king. Debut launch took place in the west of Paris. Scientific discovery exploded France.

Around the light on "Breitling Orbiter - 3"

The first in history is a continuous worldwide flight on a ball Completed in 1999. Aircraft pilots - Brown Jones from America and Bertrand Piccar from Switzerland. They managed to fly 46 thousand and 759 kilometers in 20 days. To start travelers had to be in Switzerland, and not in Africa, as planned.

The sponsor wished that "Breitling Orbiter - 3" rose up from the territory of his state to create a clock business advertising. This moment complicated the beginning of the flight. Experts in the field of aeronautics consider raising the ship in Africa necessary to facilitate the configuration of the jet flow. Crew "Breitling Orbiter - 3" had to catch the wind, which came the air ball to Africa.

Flying a silver ball size with a twenty-storey house controlled meteorologists from the center in Geneva. The employees of the office collected information about the weather, winds, predicted the possible appearance of precipitation and so on. The data was transmitted to "Breitling Orbiter - 3" by satellite telephone with instructions, recommendations regarding the height on which it is better to stay for catching air flows.

Cabin crew "Breitling Orbiter - 3" - 5.5 meters long, 3 meters wide. Two people quietly fit here. Sleep pilots in turn. Food with fruit, vegetables first half of the flight, then semi-finished, flour, powder porridge. The signal from the radio center that the circle closed, sounded March 20. The trajectory of the flight of the air facility of the land. The crew landed in the west of Cairo near the village of Mut.

Festivals of balloons

To soar in the sky at a balloon dreams every lover of aeronautics. Every year hundreds of festivals take place in the world, the main chip of which is to run into the sky of balloons differing in weight, form, volume. Extreme sports lovers are given the opportunity to make rare photos, enjoy amazing landscapes, see familiar places from a bird's eye view.

The most famous festivals of balloons are held in the following cities and countries:

  • USA, Albuquerque. The festival lasts 9 days, passes in the first days of October. The event is considered the largest in the world, 750 balls participate every year.
  • Turkey, Cappadocia. Hundreds of people come to admire the beauty of the terrain in the area. Thanks to amazing geological formations, Cappadocia is considered a beautiful place. The main event of the holiday is the pilot competition for the title of the skillful.

  • Switzerland, Chateau d'O. The International Level Festival is held in the last days of January annually. Mysteriousness and magic holiday gives night glow of air spheres on the background of alpine mountains.
  • Malaysia, Putraja. Young little festival. It takes place since 2010.
  • United Kingdom, Bristol. The celebration takes place annually in August.

  • Canada, Quebec. The festival is timed to the Day of Labor in Canada, takes place on the first Monday of September. Collects 200 thousand visitors.
  • Taiwan, Taitong. The festival is considered the most beautiful because of the magnificent mountain landscapes. The event is held since 2011.
  • Ukraine, Kamenets-Podolsky. The launch of huge balloons takes place annually on the city day.
  • Russia, great bows. The main event of amateurs of air flights on the ball. Held since 1996.
  • Australia, Canberra. Running amazing balls occurs in the glade from the old parliament building. No event costs without balls in the form of a symbol of Australia - Kangaroo.

Aerodesign - Adam Lee Spider

The native of Washington Adam Lee in 2011 was twisted from the balls of a huge spider. The figure is considered the biggest for the history of aerodizain. To create a design, a young man took 300 long balls in the form of sausages and 6 days of work.

Spider Adam Lee created without a single drawing and marked. Several weaving methods and three colors (black, red, white) were used. The figure was collected in parts. Each paw was created separately from the head and torso. At the final stage, Spider was collected, and then placed in the center of the hall under the ceiling.

Balloons for modeling are suitable for creating various volumetric figures. The largest model of the aircraft from the balls belongs to John Cassidy. The product even provides a place for one pilot.

Journey on a bundle of balls

Athlete-extremal Jonathan Trapp from America flew in 2010 on a bundle of balls tied to the chair, through the strait of La Mans. It used to achieve a target of 54 multi-colored balls with a diameter of 2.5 meters. Each ball was filled with helium. Such a design kept Jonathan 1.5 hours. He flew on a bundle of balls of 100 kilometers.

There was no airproof at reached. In 2011, he managed to cross the Alps, establish a new record in the number of balls used and the length of the distance. But the main dream of extremal and remained unfulfilled.

In 2013, Extremal Jonathan Trapp tried to fly a huge Atlantic Ocean. In the hope of a new record, he used 375 balls with helium. This attempt was unsuccessful. The aeronaut made a forced landing due to the deterioration of weather conditions. Extremal assured fans in an interview that she was not going to stop and that they would still hear his name.

Record height

The developers of the structures of balloons are considered to be achievable height on which the product can be climbed, 60 kilometers. The lighter and the bulk balloon, the higher it is able to take off. The air density that displaces the ball is reduced every 7 kilometers, which means that lifting force decreases.

In 2002, the new BU60-1 unmanned aerostat belonging to the JaXA Japanese Agency took off at a 53 kilometer. Air density at such a height is 1400 times less than in human usual. The size of the balloon is 75 by 54 meters, the weight is 40 kilograms, the thickness of the dome film - 3.4 microns.

In 2014, the leader Google manager Alan Ustas carried out a record rise in a balloon at a height of 41.4 kilometers. Extremal was descended to land at the parachute.

There are many records related to the magnitude of the air spheres. The biggest ball in Europe is the Aerostate "Record". It was created by the Kiev aeronautical community in 2010. Photo Aerostat is striking. Bowl volume - 4200 cubic meters. Record volume aircraft Fixed during the festival in the Crimea dedicated to the closing of the summer season. In the basket of "Record" at the same time there can be 36 people of middleweight.

Our life is very interesting and diverse. Every second in the world is something. Guinness Records Book is a great way to learn about the most unusual things. She became a world bestseller and published in 40 countries on english language, and translates another 37 languages. Every person wants to be in something better than others and therefore comes up and makes new achievements. In this article, we will look at what records can be done using balloons.

The girl burst the ball beads back

The most flexible woman in the world Julia Gynther (scenic pseudonym Zlata) is a professional artist. The 28-year-old native of Tatarstan lives today in Germany. The owner of the record managed for 12 seconds with his back to burst 3 balloons, thereby demonstrating unique abilities His body.

Flights on balloons - it is real

The American Jonathan Trapp in 2010 made a flight over the strait of La Mans on a bundle of balloons. To do this, it took 54 multi-colored helium balloons with a diameter of about 2.5 meters attached to the chair. Extremal flew about 100 km.

The airproof decided not to stop on the achieved. In 2011, he recalculated the Alps, while setting a record for the longest distance and the largest balls.

But the main dream of Jonathan remained not yet implemented. On September 12, 2013, he tried to cross the Atlantic Ocean, using 375 multi-colored balloons, pumped by helium. The attempt was unsuccessful, since because of the weather conditions, he had to make an emergency landing. But perhaps we still hear about the new desperate record of the amateur of acute sensations. On this video you can see how Trapp went on a trip across the ocean /

Unusual entertainment for dogs

In 2011, a dog from Australia was hit by the Guinness Book of Records - Terrier named Anastasia.

On the TV show, which was held in the US, she only burst 100 balloons for 44.49 seconds.

In New York, the record with the use of balloons was made by semi-second children who gathered together in the park and at the same time burst each in the ball.

Airplane from shdm

It turns out that from air simulating balls, you can create not only funny little animals, and and create real masterpieces. John Cassidy with the help of the shdm made the largest model of the aircraft.

Soon, a new rather unusual record will appear in the Guinness Book of Records. American teenager 13-year-old Andrew gave 213 balls for 1 hour. Parents helped him in this. The father measured the size of the balls, their diameter was supposed to be at least 20 cm, and the mother glued the sequence numbers.

Flying height in 5 km

On November 20, 2004, a new world record was installed in the height of the lift in balloons. Made it Vitaly Kulikov, rising to a height of 5724 m! At the same time, weather conditions were very complicated: there was a cold on the street 6 degrees, and at the maximum lifting point - minus 55⁰s, there was a wind and bad visibility, but even despite all the difficulties, the flight went pretty successfully.

On August 27, 1994, at the presentation of the "Allladin" cartoon studio "Walt Disney" was launched into the sky for more than one and a half million balls - 1,592,744 pcs. This case was recorded as the largest launch of balloons.

The biggest flag in the world

Dnipropetrovsk graduates in 2004 made the longest flag of balloons, while setting a new record.

More than 5 thousand schoolchildren were a parade on the central streets of Dnepropetrovsk. Everyone in her hand was a blue or yellow ball. The length of the National Flag of Ukraine amounted to more than 400 meters, which was fixed.

By the beginning of the European Football Championship of 2000, 20 professional aerodizainers made a figure from balloons with a height of 7.62 m. It took 50,000 balls for this. The work took 5 days. Recordsmen Larry Moss and Royel Sorell finished her masterpiece a few days before the start of the event.

Surely we still hear about new records and accomplishments. Life becomes much brighter and rich if there is a dream that I so want to implement. And the balloons give an excellent opportunity to show fantasy and get a lot of positive emotions.

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