How to pronounce the letter I in English. Letter II: When to read, and when

is there a rule for the letter "I"? When "ah", and when "and"? Or are you just remembering these words ...? And got the best answer

Answer from ўlya Puchnavskaya [Guru]
Reading a vowel letter depends on the type of syllable and on whether the emphasis drops or does not fall on it.
Sounds in words of English language divided into open and closed.
An open syllable is such a syllable in which:
- Impact vowel finishes a single word: Hi (hello)
- Behind the drum vowel should be another vowel (silent e): PIE, LIE, TIE.
- Behind the impact vowel, the consonant and vowels follow (MY E): TIME, RIDE, MIKE
In the open syllable, the vowels is read as in the alphabet: Die, Pike, Like, Dive, Hide, i \u003d ah
A closed syllable is considered such a syllable in which:
- For the shock, one consonant is followed: Fit, Big
- Behind the shock vowel should double the consonant: Kiss, Miss
- Behind the impact vowels follow two or more consonants: Middle, Milk, Since
In the closed syllable, the vowels read briefly: Hit, i \u003d and
You asked when the letter I is read as [ah] and as [and], it is just 1 and 2 type of syllable, but I can also read [ə:] - Bird, Girl, Firm, Shirt and - Tired, Fire , Hire, Iron, it is already 3 and 4 type of syllable, respectively. You are not asked about other reading options, but in addition, I still add the following.
The pronouncement of vowels changes under the influence of sonorous sounds and some noisy consonants. A special role among them is the sound [R], which lengthens and expands the preceding vowel. The sound itself [r] is not pronounced.
Thus, when classifying various reading options, there are four main types of reading vowels in a shock syllable.
I Type of syllable Alphabetical reading vowel in an open syllable.
II Slut type - brief reading vowel in a closed syllable.
III Slut type - reading vowels in a combination of vowel + r (+ consonant) i \u003d [ə:]
IV Slut type - reading vowels in combination vowel + R + vowel. I \u003d.

Answer from Eit[guru]
In the open syllable under the stress - "ah", without emphasis "and"
In the closed syllable under the stress or without - "and"
An open syllable is called if after i there is no consonant or there is (except R, this is a separate case) but after this consonant there is a vowel.
Examples: I, ICE, LIFE, RICE, etc.
You need to remember the words of exclusion from the rule, for example: Find. The syllable is closed, but read as "ah".
In some cases, I may not even pronounce.
This I simplified, of course, all this is true only if I alone. For i, in combinations with other vowels or next, R has its own rules. For example, in the suffix -tion, the combination of IO is either not pronounced at all, or is pronounced as a weak sound e, resembling a, at your discretion.

Answer from Ўry pencil[guru]
There are rules of reading. In the alphabet, she reads "ah", and is also read in words with an open type of word. (which ends on e)

Answer from Egypt Golovatyuk[guru]
and I generally did not teach these rules just knew how words were read and everything and in. Yaz came)

Answer from 3 response[guru]

Have you heard about open and closed syllables? This is when we are convinced that if after the vowel it is consonant, and then another vowel, often "e", then the first vowel will sound just like her alphabetical title. If the vowel is blocked by consonants, it has its own "second" sound.

For example:

  • Fin - Fine
  • Pin - Pine
  • Twin - twine
  • Tim - Time.
  • Win - Wine
  • Tip - Type

Or this consonant is not at all

  • Pie
  • Tie.
  • Rye.

Well, of course, there is --IGHT, -ild, -ind, where, for no other, -IR, -ISM, -IST, and another third of the end of the word, the percussion open syllable is read briefly (as conditionally closed).

It's all good ... until time. But then you start to meet, along with Ice, Mice, Lice, Nice, Slice [AI everywhere], words like Police, Justice, Alice, Notice [i].

Then there are words where the letter "I" seems to be adjacent to another vowel through the consonant, that is, it should be in an open syllable and read, but contrary to this sounds like [i]: Typical, Definitely, Military, Engine, Expedition, Pyramid, IDIOT, LINEN .. Do you think this is all? It would be too good, but such words will still be sure to make sure. It happens on the contrary: the syllable seems to be closed, and it sounds anyway: Climb, Pint, MIC. And the excuse about "exceptions" will not roll. There are no such exceptions that are not well known in advance and are not reduced to a separate list. This is no exception, this is a signal to the fact that the rule about open and closed syllables is greatly attracted for the ears. Of course, it has some right to exist, because in some cases it is still valid.

A torch-price Rule becomes more thanks to such words as Live, Wind, which are read and so.

An alternation is still found:

  • Wild - Wilderness

It is not surprising that students who are confused by the unpredictability of reading the cunning letter "I" again and again read with errors *.

  • Arrived: Arrified instead of Errievd
  • SINCE: SYNS instead of SINS (SINS, of course, also has - science, but this is a completely different word)
  • Skiing: Skying (Ski is skiing, Sky is Sky, and this is the sky, Skying is already "cool")
  • Climb: Clem
  • Diet: diet,
  • But there is still:

  • Piramide
  • Ti (tie tie, actually, tea is tea)
  • Taipikal
  • Saoorow
  • Iceland
  • Psychology
  • Determaineed
  • Notiss
  • Excitid
  • Child and Children
  • Defaynetley
  • Final
  • Esingment
  • Iydiom
  • policy
  • river
  • libra

* It is worth noting that if among the words below you will find your favorite mistakes, do not beware, you are not alone, these incorrect pronunciations are peculiar to all foreigners studying English remotely and do not have a specific "inventor" (there is only a specific "collector" - your Push-up servant) Therefore, this list aims to not laugh at a specific student, but help you remember how not to speak.

Therefore, if you meet the words with the letters "I", "Y", check the pronunciation (not translation) in a transcription dictionary or on sites:,,, And, of course, do not forget to attend classes in Intensive (

And now let's do the exercise. You are given words, decide: how the letters "I" or "Y" sound. Answers below. Try to do it without looking into the answers. Good luck.

[i] OR: Accompanied, Achieve, Advice, Anxiety, Apply, Application, Archive, Arrive, Assignment, Bible, Biblical, Bicycle, Biology, Bible, Children, Christmas, City, Climate, Climb, Climber, CRIME , Criminal, Crisis, Critic, Cycle, Cynical, Decide, Decision, Define, Decision, Determined, Dial, Diana, Diet, Dining, Dinner, Dioxide, DiVer, Driven, Dynamite, Engine, Examine, Excited, Expedition, Eye, Fiancée , Finally, Find, Fly, Fry, Grind, Hi, Hibernate, High, Hydrant, Iceland, Idea, IDIOM, IDIOMATIC, INSPIRATION, INSPIRE, ION, IPHONE, ISLAND, ISOLATED, ITALIC, ITALY, ITEM, JUSTICE, KIND, KING , Library, Linen, Lit, Liver, Mic, Microphone, Mild, Military, Mime, Mimic, Mind, Mini, Nickleby, Ninth, Notice, Oxygen, Pigeon, Pint, Police, Policy, Polite, Prison, Private, Psychiatrist, Psychology, PSYCHOLOGY , Pyramid, Recipe, Rhinoceros, Rid, Ride, Rival, River, Satellite, Science, Siberia, Signature, Simon, Since, Ski, Sky, Society, Stamina, Symbol, Syrup, Tie, Tiny, Tired, Trip, Try T. Ype, Typical, Tyrant, Via, Vibrant, Vice, Vicious, Vintage, Width, Wild, Wilderness, Windmill, Write, Writing, Written.

[i] - Accompanied, Achieve, Application, Biblical, Bicycle (Syllable 2), Children, Christmas, City, Criminal, Critic, Cynical, Decision, Definitely, Determined, Dinner, Driven, Engine, Examine, Expedition, Fiancée IDIOM, IDIOMATIC , Inspiration, Inspire (Syllable 1), Italic, Italy, Justice, King, Linen, Lit, Liver, Military, Mimic, Mini, Nickleby, Notice, Oxygen, Pigeon, Police, Policy, Prison, Psychiatrist (Last Syllable), Psychology (Last Syllable), Pyramid, Recipe, RID, River, Signature, Since, Ski, Stamina, Symbol, Syrup, Trip, Typical, Vicious, Vintage, Width, Wilderness, Windmill, Written.

Advice, Anxiety, Apply, Archive, Arrive, Assignment, Bible, Bicycle (Syllable 1), Biology (Syllable 1), By, Child, Christ, Climate, Climb, Climber, CRIME, CRISIS (Syllable 1), Cycle, Decide, Define, Dial, Diana, Diet, Dinging, Dioxide, Diver, Dynamite, Excited, Eye, Finally, Find, Fly, Fry, Grind, Hi, Hibernate, High, Hydrant, Iceland, Idea, Inspire (Syllable 2), Ion, iPhone, Island, Isolated, Item, Kind, Library, Mic, Microphone, Mild, Mime, Mind, Ninth, Pint, Polite, Private, Psychiatrist (Syllables 1,2), Psychology (Syllable 1), Rhinoceros, Ride, Rival, Satellite, Science, Sign, Simon, Sky, Society (Second Syllable), Tie, Tiny, Tired, Try, Type, Tyrant, Via, Vibrant, Vice, Wild, Write, Writing.

Letter II. Not in vain called - "Ah", so it reads, but ... not always.
What about English short sound [i] - "And" is not just so written as printed lowercase letter i.. Letter II. can be read [i].
We read the letter II. In the open and closed syllable and location igh.:

*** For reading English vowels, other letters are influenced from which the word is (see). As the letter or a combination of letters in English is read, exactly show transcription signs - icons inside square brackets.

Here are examples open Slut , after the letter i. no other letters and she reads :

Word from one letter I. always written with a capital letter and read \u003d "ah" is the pronoun "I"
hI - - "Hai" - hello

Closed syllable, after vowels i. There is a consonant, which "closes" a vowel, makes a syllable closed. Letter i. Reading [i]:

big - "Big" - big
pIN. - "PIN" - pin

But if you add a vowel at the end of this word, for example, a dumb letter e., the syllable will be open:

pine - "Pine" - Pine

Vowel e. At the end of such words is not read, but forms a second syllable. The first shock syllable is open:


IGH lettering read:

h. igh. - tall
H. igh.t - Height
L. igh.t - Light
N. igh.t - night
Br. igh.t - Bright
*** Remember the lettering gH (t) - "Gi-Eich (TI). It meets with other vowels, for example:

dau. ght.eR ["Dɔ: Tə] - Daughter
Lau. gH. - Laugh
BOU. ght. - Bought
BOU. gH. - Suk
PLOU. gH. - (Brit.) Plow (Amer., Plow)
Borou. gH. [BʌRə] - (small) city, ...

and [i] !!!

You remember transcription signs ("Ah") and [i] ("And")! ?

Greetings, my dear readers.

Today we continue to talk about how to learn to read correctly, therefore the topic of today's article is the transcription of English letters.

We have already acquainted with you with the concept and dealt with the pronunciation of sounds in English. Today we will deal with exactly how they are pronounced in various combinations.

I have a clear table for you. It collected letters english alphabet with transcription, Russian letters - counterparts and my records so that you can immediately put correct pronunciation. I also added examples of words with studied sounds and their translation.

What else can be found on the blog:

  1. With letters and transcription (you can learn them online, download, print and work with them);
  2. for children I have a complete .

Let `s start?

Features of English transcription:

  • it is always executed by square brackets. I can not say for sure where it came from, but I think it's just worth it to take as a given;
  • to understand where the emphasis is worth, the ['] sign is used in transcription before the shock syllable;
  • it is important to remember that transcription is about the sound, and not writing words. Sometimes writing can differ by 90% from what we say;
  • to show that the sound is long - we use a colon.

In general, Ob. english transcription I wrote - please!

The letters of the English alphabet and their transcription in Russian and English:

English letter Transcription Russian analog
AA. Hey
BB. B.
CC. S.
DD. Di
FF. [ɛF] EF.
GG. Ji.
HH. Eich
II. I.
JJ. Jay
KK. Kay.
LL [ɛL] EL
MM. [ɛm] Em
NN. [ɛN] En
Oo. [əʊ] OU
Pp. P.
QQ. Que
RR [ɑː] or [ɑɹ] A or AR.
SS. [ɛs] ES.
TT. T.
VV. In and
WW. [DʌB (ə) L Juː] Double-Yu
XX [ɛks] The ex
Yy Wai
Zz. , Zed, zi.

But you know what's most interesting in English?

If different letters are combined, they are different and pronounced!

So I prepared for you

Examples of English combinations of letters in Russian and English:

Combination Transcription How to pronounce Example
eE / I: / AND bee - Bee.
eA. / ı:/ AND tea tea
oo. / u / W. cook - Cook
tH. / ð / / Ѳ / S, with (interdental) thumb - finger
sh / ʃ / Sh shout - scream
ch / T ʃ / C. chair - Chair
pH / f / F. phone - phone
ck. / k / TO snack - Snack
nG. / Ƞ / NG song - Song
wh / w / UA. why - why
wr. / R / R write - write
qU. / kW / Kua queen - Queen
igh. / aı / I. high - high
all. / Ɔ: L / OL. tall - High
aI / Eı / Hey Spain - Spain
aY. / Eı / Hey May - May
oi. / Oı / Oh point - Point
oy. / Oı / Oh toy - toy
ow. / Oʊ / OU grow - Rust
ou. / Aʊ / AU out - out
eW. / ju: / YU knew - knew
aw / Ɔ: / Ltd draw - draw
eE + R. / ıə / IA engineer - engineer
oU + R. / Aʊʊ / AUE our - our
oO + R. / Ɔ: / Ltd door - Door
wO + R. / ɜ: / E / O. work - work
aI + R. / Eə / E. chair - Chair
oA + R. / Ɔ: / Oo roar - Creek
ould. / Ʊd / UD could - Could
oundry / Aʊnd / Aunde round - Round
eIGH / Eı / Hey eight - eight
-y / ı / AND tiny - tiny
aU. / Ɔ: / Oo Paul - Pol
gH. / f / F. laugh - laugh
aught. / Ɔ: T / From taught - Tekatil

I know, now this table seems huge. Surely you think that you are not unrealistic to remember. I will tell you this: at a certain moment, when you have enough, you will not even pay attention to these combinations. Your brain will learn how to quickly remember how these letters sound. Moreover, even when you will meet a completely unfamiliar word, you can read it right. The question is only in the number of practices on your part.

How to memorize the combinations of letters?

  1. Use cards. Visual perception is developed better from most people.
  2. Read. Pay attention to the combination of letters when or simply texts.
  3. Do not catch up. It is not necessary to immediately memorize these combinations and only then go directly to English. Learn in the process!
  4. Buy paper or download good electronic book In order to quickly learn to learn the combinations and pronounce them correctly. Even if it is necessary to you - an adult - feel free to take books for children - it is there that everything is worn out in detail and not essentially.

That's all my dear on it. I hope you were useful and understandable. I give even more such materials in the blog distribution - subscribe and get a portion of utility regularly.

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