"Sound and letter Y". Abstract of GCD in the preparatory group for children with TNR

Issue 30

A video lesson in Russian for preschoolers began with interesting task... Since many letters have already been learned in Shishkina's school, Vasilisa invited the students to find out if there are letters that never appear at the beginning of words. Zubok decided that there were no such letters, but Freckle hesitated and offered to check, starting with the very first letter of the alphabet.

The animals diligently went through letter by letter and it turned out that there were no words for the letters "Y", "b", "b". Mouse Shunya was upset: "Probably, these letters are very offensive - after all, words do not begin with them." Vasilisa was surprised: "Is it possible to be useful only when you are ahead of everyone else?" And Shunya agreed: "Of course, you can be useful everywhere, not just at the beginning of the word." Vasilisa suggested studying the letter "Y", with which only three words begin, but this did not make it less important for the Russian language. Pupils at first took it for the letter "I", but then, carefully studying the letter, they realized that an important difference is the "check mark" located on top of the letter "Y". And this letter is called "And short". And the sound "Y" is hidden in this letter. And since the sound "Y" cannot be sung, then in front of us is a consonant. The tooth was even surprised: “That's it, yes! The letter "I" is a vowel, and her sister "And short" is a consonant. " There are only three words beginning with "Y": YOD, YOG, YOGURT.

At the beginning of a word, this letter is rare, but in the middle of a word, it feels great. And invites the students to play a game with her. Forest friends quickly coped with the task and picked up the syllables needed. The words turned out: T-shirt, nut, watering can and husky. At the end of the lesson, they once again repeated the letters with which the words do not begin: "b", "b", "Y", "Y". \

It remains only to collect the studied letter "And short".

"And short" - short,
It's so timid.
Do not be afraid, remember the main thing -
Everyone in the alphabet is equal!

1. Lesson about the letter I

2. Riddles with a generalized word in I

A friend is holding on to my ear
The century runs with me with one stitch. ( Needle and thread)

You will always find her in the forest.
You go for a walk and meet.
It is prickly like a hedgehog
In the winter in a summer dress. ( Spruce)

Angry touchy
Lives in the wilderness of the forest.
There are a lot of needles
And not a single thread. ( Hedgehog)

These are different objects, but what brings them together? - Needles!
How many syllables does this word consist of? - Out of three!
Why? - Since there are 3 vowel sounds.
Which syllable is stressed? - Second.

3. The game "Broken TV" (idea from here)
An adult speaks the sound I and puts out a card with a picture - the child needs to finish the word.
(and) pear, (and) golka, (and) zbushka, (and) rice, (and) zyum, (and) Ndeets

4. Drawing up visual sound combinations from cards:

5. Development phonemic perception

a) clap (or raise the card with the letter I) to the sound [and] from the sound row:


b) repeat only words with the sound “and”:

Willow, quince, duck, turkey, play, smile, bus, name, angle, July, needle ...

6. Exercise with caps - move the cap beads on each line:

And my grandfather has.

And my grandmother has.

And mom has.

And dad has.

And we have.

To know him

I must name it aloud.


Give the names of boys and girls, and if the child hears the sound [and] in the name, then he needs to clap his hands:

Anya, Ulya, And van, I lya, Anton, And nna ...

Olya, Semyon, And Bitter, Sasha, Vera, Masha, And Nga, Alyosha, Pavel, And Ra, Nastya, Vasya, Kolya, Anna, And Rma, Klava

7. Game "One-Many" (an adult throws a ball to a child, calling the word in the singular, the child needs to throw back, calling the word in the plural)
sock - socks
needle -
box -
a door -
mug -
turkey -
a toy -
glove -
thread -
Snowflake -
boy -
fork -
a drop -
girl -
umbrella -
boots -

8. Form adjectives-antonyms
high Low
wide narrow
big small
bad - good
cold - hot

9. Game "What's extra?" ("The fourth extra")
Several pictures or objects are laid out and it is necessary to determine in which picture there is no sound AND (or just by ear).

1 = bear, fox, wolf, tiger
2 = glasses, wasps, willow, turkey

10. Miracle tree
It is necessary to select pictures (inscriptions) in the name of which there is a sound AND and "hang" on a tree like leaves. I made such a tree (print on A4) and there are leaflets (A5) for it - I give blank leaflets, so you yourself can enter the necessary words there:

11. Find the hidden letter I

12. The tale about brothers Ik and Isch ()
Once upon a time there were two brothers. One was called Ie, and the other was Isch. Ik was small, and Isch was huge (showing "portraits"). Ik had a house, and Ishch had a house. Now I want you to help me tell you about Ika.

(Held play exercise"Complete the sentence").

Ick has not a mouth, but ...
Ick has not a nose, but ...
Ick does not have an eye, but ... and so on.

And what is Seeking? If it is so huge, then everything is very large in it.

Looking for not a mouth, but ...
Looking for not a nose, but ...
Looking for not an eye, but ... etc.

Many years have passed, but people have not forgotten about the brothers. If they want to name a small item, then they think of Brother Ike. If it is necessary to name objects of a huge size, then they recall brother Ishche.

In the names Ik, Isch is general sound... Please name it.

13. Find all the letters I and circle them (

Goals: Reinforce the correct pronunciation of the sound th in speech, to learn to determine the position of sound in words, to form an adjective from a noun, to coordinate an adjective with a noun, to form the ability to compose a descriptive story.


I. Organizational moment.

The speech therapist offers to sit down to the one who answers:

  • how the sound differs from the letter;
  • what are the sounds (vowels, consonants);
  • why they are called vowels;
  • who will name the word in which the first sound is a vowel;
  • talk about consonants;
  • come up with words for a consonant sound.

II. Learning new material.

1. The teacher's assistant quietly launches a paper airplane into the office. And it shows the map where the chest with the treasure is. On a given route (for example: from the window two steps forward, one step to the right, three steps forward, etc.), the children find a chest.

2. The speech therapist offers to guess the riddle in order to open the chest:

“The tail is in the yard,
The nose is in the kennel.
Who will turn the tail
He will get inside "

3. Children take pictures from the chest one by one (a T-shirt, a snake, a watering can, a glue, a tram, a bench, a balalaika, a beehive, a parrot, a sparrow, a coffee pot, and yogurt) and put them on an easel, saying what is shown in the picture.

Speech therapist. What sound is there in these words? (Sound th)

4. Sound characteristic th : this sound is consonant, voiced, always soft.

5. Determine the position of the sound th in every word.

Each child has a "speech ruler" on the table 1 ... Children work independently, one child comments.

Words for reference: glue, ant, parrot, T-shirt, bench, sparrow, iodine, kettle, shed, ruler, tram, trolleybus, Dunno, yogurt, hero.

III. Acquaintance with the letter th.

1. The speech therapist offers to consider the letter and answer what it looks like, what letter.

    Th how AND in your notebook
    To Th not to be confused with AND,
    Write a tick above. "

2. "Print" a letter th in a notebook.

3. "Guess the word" (letters vary in height).

    A ky M and the shirt

Speech therapist. The resulting word "print" in a notebook.

4. Sound-syllabic analysis of the word "T-shirt".

One child parses the word at the blackboard. All the children spread it out at the tables at the same time. The child at the blackboard intonationally divides the word into syllables, sequentially selects sounds, names them in isolation, characterizes them (vowel, hard or soft consonant) and designates them with a corresponding counter.

Speech therapist. Which of these sections: “Dishes”, “Furniture”, “Clothes”, “Transport”, does the word MIKA refer to? ”.

IV. Physical education.

Imitation of the movements of putting on: hats, shawls, coats, scarves, mittens. Fastening of zippers, buttons, tying laces.

V. Consolidation of knowledge on the topic "Clothes":

1. Game “What weighs? What's lying? "

The speech therapist distributes pictures of clothes to children. There is a picture of a cabinet on the flannelgraph. Each child names the clothes in his picture, while indicating its location in the closet (they hang it or put it on the shelf).

  • Description of one item of clothing according to the scheme (1. color; 2. material; 3. parts of clothing; 4. seasonality of clothing; 5. for whom the clothing is intended; 6. actions with clothing 2. The task is performed in a chain (one child starts, and the other continues).
  • The speech therapist invites children to listen to the sentence, find a mistake in it and pronounce it correctly.
  • a) Olya / winter / hat and fur coat.
    b) Masha's / spring / coat.
    c) In the summer, Anya put on / white / dress.

Vi. Lesson summary.

Speech therapist. What sound have we met today? ( th) Recall the words that contain this sound.

1 "Speech ruler" is a card with overlapping chips to determine the position of the sound in the word (beginning, middle, end)

2 Tkachenko T.A. If the preschooler speaks badly. - SPb .: Aktsident, 1998 .-- 112 p., 33 p. il .: whether.

Summary of a lesson in literacy

Prepared and conducted by: educator preparatory group № 6

O. V. Abramova

Topic: Letter I, short, sound (Y)

Targets and goals:

Acquaintance with the letter;

Differentiation of the concepts "sound" and "letter";

Revealing the articulatory and acoustic characteristics of sound;

Highlighting sound in words, determining its location;

Comparison of sound with other, phonetically similar sounds to it;

Enrichment vocabulary children, creating conditions for the use of new words in their own speech;

Formation of the skill of education and the use of word forms, coordination with other parts of speech;

Teaching answers to questions, dialogical speech, adding missing words;

Development fine motor skills fingers, the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper in a cage.

Materials and equipment: wall alphabet, blackboard, chalk, notebook in a large cell, a simple pencil.

The course of the lesson.

  1. There is a letter in our language that is invisible, but plays a significant role. What letter is in question, try to find out from a short story.

A strange letter.

The letters in the alphabet are bored.

Let's sing? - said one to her neighbor.

I don't know how, - she said sadly.

Try it. Sing like me: and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and! ..

Y ... Y ... Y ...

And the truth is, you do not know how. It's strange: all the vowels sing, but you don't.

I'm not a vowel.

A consonant, or what?

Do not know.

Well, who needs you like that?

Everyone needs it. See, I'm standing in the alphabet.

Stop - it's a pity, or something.

Do not “stand”, but “stop”. So I came in handy!

Well, okay, stop. Why do you have this sign?

Guess it yourself ...

Guess what letter we are talking about?

Right. Letter - And short. And what sound does it mean?

Quite right - the sound (Y). What is it sound-vowel or consonant? To define, let's say it. What in the mouth helps us to pronounce it?

Right, the tongue. He presses his sides to the palate. This means that he is still a consonant, but unusual, and always a soft consonant.

2. In our speech, there are few words with this sound. Basically, it is found in the middle or at the end of words. And in the beginning it only stands in foreign words that appeared in our speech - "iodine", "yogi", "yogurt".

Let's try to determine in which words the sound (Y) can occur. Answer the questions. If you choose the right answer, then there will be a sound (Y) in your words:

What do we say when we suddenly get hurt? (Ouch!)

When did we get scared of something? (Ay!)

The tiny girl who lived in a flower? (Thumbelina)

Who kidnapped the Frog Princess from Ivan Tsarevich? (Koschei the Deathless)

What is the name of the boy who knows nothing? (Dunno)

A boy who doesn't want to do anything? (Lazy person)

Bad grades in school? (Three, two)

A bird that sings well? (Nightingale, canary)

A bird that can speak? (Parrot)

White sea bird? (gull)

Who dined at the zoo with the animals? (Sparrow)

Urban transport? (Trolleybus, tram)

You are great! All questions were answered. In what part of the words did we most often find the sound (Y)?

I agree with you - in the middle and at the end of words.

3. Now let's take some rest. Let's spend a physical minute. but it is unusual: there will be words with sound ... .. (Y)

(Children move around the room, have fun.)

Oh oh oh! Oh oh oh!

An evil wizard has come to us!

He waved his hands

He bewitched all the children.

The children bowed their heads

They fell silent and froze.

(The children freeze with their heads bowed.)

Animal friends came to the class,

In an instant, the villain was driven out

And the children were bewitched.

Now it's time to dance

We do not need to be discouraged!

(Children are dancing.)

4. - Now we are going to play an unusual game. We will learn to order. I name the word, and you say this word to me with the word "You".

Run, listen, jump, dance, smile, wash, think, do, clap, wash, clean, walk, water, collect.

What has changed in these words? (There was a sound (Y)).

5. - We got acquainted with the sound (Y) - pronounced, determined in which part of the words it most often occurs. But we must not forget about the letter that it stands for - the letter I is short. Now, so as not to offend her, we will write it.

(On the desk)

N- put on a belt,

And - put on a belt.

I put on the letter H exactly,

The letter I is oblique.

Give her a hat

The letter I. will become short.

(When writing a letter, it is spoken - the distance between the letters, the size).

Well done! What letter and what sound did we meet today? What can you say about them?

In the next lesson, we will find out who this sound is friends with.

Topic: Consonant sound [th], letter Y. New Year's adventure with the heroes of your favorite fairy tales.

Goals: acquaintance with the sound [y], denoting it with the letter Y; practicing the skill of clear pronunciation of the sound [th]; development of phonemic perception; learning the ability to separate the sound [th] from a number of sounds, syllables, words; make sentences with a given word; learning to read syllables using syllabic tables and words with the sound [th]; development of memory, attention, thinking; fostering discipline, the ability to work in a team.
Equipment: sound houses; pictures of words with the sound [th] (Koschey the Immortal, Emelya, Serpent Gorynych, Thumbelina, Leshy, Water); cards with windows to determine the place of a sound in a word; red, blue, green lanterns with and without bells; colour pencils; pictures Snowman, Baba Yaga, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Christmas tree, Christmas decorations with syllables and words with the letter Y printed on them; manual "Cheerful train".
The course of the lesson.
I. O.N.Z. Surprising moment.
- Listen, guys, someone sighs and calls us. Yes, this is our familiar Snowman.
- What happened, Snowman?
- Oh oh oh! - Ah ah ah! Hey Hey hey!
Guys, Snowman is so scared that he can't say anything else. Who scared him so?
- Oh oh oh! - Ah ah ah! Hey Hey hey!
He probably wants to name the fairytale hero who scared him so.
Let's listen again to what he says and determine which sound is repeated more often than others.
- Oh oh oh! - Ah ah ah! Hey Hey hey!
II. Acquaintance with a new sound.
Characteristic of sound [th] by articulation and acoustic characteristics.
- That's right, this is the sound [th]. What is he?
Let's make this sound. Can we sing it? What is stopping us? (Obstruction - the tongue bends the back). What sound is that? (Consonant). Is it soft or hard? What do you want to do, clench your fists or stroke your palm? (soft). The sound [th] is always soft. Listen to your throat, is this sound ringing or dull? (voiced). The sound [th] is a consonant, voiced, always soft.
III. Development of phonemic perception.
- To find out the name of the fairytale hero who scared our Snowman, you need to learn how to identify the sound [s] among other sounds. What color will we light the magic flashlight when we hear the sound [th]? (green with bell)
1. Determination of the sound [th] in a series of sounds.
A U Y N Y Y M P Y ...

2. Definition of the sound [th] in a series of syllables.
3. Definition of the sound [th] in words.
- We learned how to identify the sound, now we can determine the name of the fairytale hero who scared the Snowman.
Puss in Boots, Giant, Shrek, Kikimora, Baba Yaga.
- That's right, it's Baba Yaga.
IV. Working with new sound.
Determination of the place of the sound [th] in the word.
- Baba Yaga hid Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. And fairy-tale heroes will help us find her, in the name of which there is a sound [y]. In search of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, they will go on our Merry little train. In the first carriage those characters will go, in the name of which the sound [y] is at the beginning of the word, in the second - in the middle, in the third - at the end of the word. (Koschey the Immortal, Emelya, Serpent Gorynych, Thumbelina, Leshy, Water) They all really want to celebrate the New Year with us.
V. Acquaintance with the letter J.
- While our heroes are looking for Santa Claus and Snegurochka, we will prepare invitations for them. We know the sound [th], but what do we need to know to write it? Letter Y. We hear and pronounce sounds, we write and read letters.
The letter Y is called "And short."
Y as And in your notebook.
So that Y is not to be confused with Y,
Write a tick above.

Vi. Working with a new letter.
1. Highlighting the letter Y in the text.
- Underline all the letters Y in the invitation card. With what pencil will we underline the letter Y? (in green)
New Year!
Koschey the Immortal, Emelya, Serpent Gorynych, Thumbelina, Leshy, Water come to my Kindergarten on New Year's celebration.
2. Reading syllables with a new letter.
And here is Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden. They came to us for the holiday, they brought a Christmas tree with them.
To decorate the Christmas tree, you need to read the syllables and words with a new letter on the toys.
Vii. Physical minute.
We have dressed up the Christmas tree, and now we will play with it. Attention game "Big and small Christmas trees".
- Let's show how big the Christmas trees are (raise your hands up), and how small (lower your hands down). (Children should show large and small Christmas trees, not paying attention to the deceptive movements of the speech therapist, but listening only to his verbal instructions).
VIII. Consolidation of what has been learned.
1. Expansion of vocabulary.
Change the word.
Have fun on our holiday. Baba Yaga also asks to us. Santa Claus gave her a task, but she cannot cope without us. Let's help her. Necessary
change the word so that the sound [th] appears in it: T-shirt - T-shirt, hare - bunny, bench - bench, sparrow - sparrow, testicle - egg, ruler - ruler, nightingale - nightingale ...
2. Working with pure clauses.
Read and Tell:
Oh - oh - this is my bunny
Ay - ay - we baked a loaf
Ay - ay - a parrot in a cage
Oh - oh - we're going home

3. Drawing up proposals.
What words with sound [th] have you heard? (bunny, loaf, parrot, home, mine)
Make suggestions with them.
IX. Bottom line.
It's time for Santa Claus with fairytale heroes to return to their fairy tales. And the sound [th] remains with us in the city of Sounds. Let's remember what sound it is? (consonant, soft, voiced). Well done!

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