How to learn Korean from scratch. How to learn korean

Why teach Korean language, because it is not so common as Chinese or Japanese? In fact, it is very important for those who want to go to learn, or work in South Korea.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years

Have you already turned 18?

How to learn Korean from scratch?

Independently learn Korean as minimum difficult. And the point here is not even in the phonetic component (although it is as very important) - it's hard to understand and decompose on the shelves a very large abundance of hieroglyphs. Officially, letters in the Korean language are only 24, but there are still letters (about 40) and more than 3,000 hieroglyphs from Chinese. As a result, there is a mass of combinations that the European person is at least alien.

To study at home you will need:

  • textbook (phrasebook) in the Korean language. Now there are many publications that have audio loads of all the proposed words;
  • table with alphabet, numbers, colors. Buy ready for you is unlikely to succeed, so you have to do yourself;
  • audio recordings with basic words.

For beginners it is very important to start learning the language with Azov - from the alphabet. Just learned phrases or words without these knowledge are dead, and therefore practically useless. If you ever taught a foreign language, then you know that you need to start with the simplest. When learning at home after studying all (or at least basic) hieroglyphs, you can start colors and scores. It is also appropriate to memorize the main phrases:

  • my name is;
  • i came from;
  • i ... years.

This is enough for the minimum tourist vocabulary stock in order not to get lost in South Korea. But if you want more - to work legally, or study in the territory of this country, it will have to be pretty sweat. The same can be said about tour to North Korea - the rules of the language in these ideologically diametric countries are absolutely the same.

How can I quickly learn Korean language?

Let's start with the fact that in 15 minutes or in 15 days you will not succeed - at best you can align the most popular phrases. However, it applies to any language in the world - it takes time to study.

For how much it is possible to do this, it is very difficult to say. It all depends on your individual abilities, as well as how much time you will spend daily. But in any case, the study of even the alphabet and several of the most "necessary" words will take at least a month. Plus - phonetics and grammar, because learning to read and write is also important. Therefore, if you want to significantly speed up learning, you just need special courses.

The advantages of this work:

  • you will teach you a person who is at least knowing how to teach and where to start. Very well, if the course will lead a native speaker (the one for whom Korean native);
  • group classes help better concentrate attention;
  • development of colloquial speech;
  • the ability to extract lessons from other people's mistakes, as well as find your own.

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Is it difficult to teach Korean language?

The main difficulties in the study of the Korean language causes an abundance of hieroglyphs. Their combination is far from any European language, which means a priori is difficult. Should I focus on this? Of course, no (provided that these knowledge you really need).

However, I repeat, you need to start with Azov. Do not hurry to take a new vocabulary until you fully learn and do not understand the previous material. Remember - without knowledge of the basic rules of reading and grammar, even the bored hundred phrases will not make you a sign of the language and will not help you master the speaking speech. You just will know 100 phrases on Korean. Therefore, it is very important that your learning was the most complete and comprehensive as possible. This is exactly the main thing about whether it is possible to master the Korean language.

What language is better and easier to teach - Korean, Chinese or Japanese?

Many are interested in just a burning question - what is better, Chinese or Korean? Let's start with the fact that all three major oriental languages \u200b\u200bare good in their own way. But it is easier to learn - it is a completely rhetorical question. It all depends on what you want to get in the end. If you plan to work, or learn in these countries, then the logical to choose the language of that land where you are going. If you just want to touch orientate - the question is completely different. These languages, like everyone else in their groups, have a lot in common, but also to definite differences. Traditionally it is believed that the simplest oriental language is Japanese. But this is a purely subjective opinion - for someone and Chinese looks rustic. Korean is a more unique language, because in it, in addition to hieroglyphic letters, there are sounds and letters that you also need to be able to connect.

e "\u003e learning Korean

The process of learning Korean language is quite long and troublesome. Therefore, if you just want to learn another language for self-development - take better European. Of course, Korean knows - this is a fairly exotic chip, but it is disproportioned by the appiled efforts.

So, starting the Korean language learning from scratch, you should remember:

  • classes should be consistent and start with Azov;
  • each lesson should consist of three blocks - the study of hieroglyphs, listening to audio and video and writing;
  • repetition and repeat once again - otherwise, after a week, carefully learned hieroglyphs will simply disappear from your memory;
  • classes should be constant, without long pauses and breaks.

I repeat, to independently learn the Korean language will be quite difficult, so it is better to sign up for specialized courses for beginners. In this case, no one will force you to go there constantly - take the desired foundation for housework. The same applies to language courses for children - there are also asses there, in the calculation that all other knowledge will already give a teacher or tutor.

What can help when learning Korean language?

Many believe that to explore any language a fairly simple textbook. Yes, indeed, with him you can learn all the rules of reading, grammar and other subtleties of learning, but much better if you add various additional materials to it.

It can be bilingual books - this is when one story is told immediately in several languages. Also worth paying attention to applications for learning a language in a game form. They usually complement the textbooks and the program represented in it. These can be various games aimed at developing visual memory and, as a result, to memorize more hieroglyphs and words, colors, items, numbers.

Various audio programs aimed at developing auditory memory and catching sounding for rumors are very helpful.

It will not be superfluous and watching various films with subtitles. So you will automatically celebrate the most popular words, as well as how they sound right. But remember - to get the full volume of knowledge you will not work.

If you need a sufficiently deep study of the subject, then remote training is what you need. Such a study format is given by many universities that specialize in oriental. Typically, institutions give enough deep knowledge, which is enough for admission to an overseas educational institution. But it is worth noting that such lessons are not suiced, and therefore, only those who are firmly aimed at leaving the border can use them.

If you already have a conversational and reading base of the Korean language, the question is, where to start is not so acute - it is enough to develop and multiply the knowledge gained earlier. Is such a path? Of course, yes, because the subject is complicated at any stage of study.

Learn Korean language or not - a personal choice of each, but if you target the result, it is not easy to buy a tutorial. Need daily and constantly work!

In many methods, you are forced to start talking too early when you still don't know anything. But what's the point of talking when you do not understand what people answer you?

When you begin first to understand, your progress will go much faster. Your pronunciation will be better, you will begin to speak more naturally and remember the words faster than with any other method. And you can focus on your speech, and not try to figure out what you hear at the same time.

Another problem of traditional learning methods is that they immediately upload you with severe grammatical rules. Trying to remember the grammatical rules besides Korean can only confuse you even more. Grammar is needed only when you are already talking in the language. Until then, these rules work only as a filter that slows down your learning process.

Children do not take into the hands of the dictionary, grammatical rules are not taught and do not begin to speak from the first day. Why then should you do it?

Inspired by an example, as children teach languages \u200b\u200b... Lingq uses the principles of understandable input language material when learning languages \u200b\u200bto reduce this time to a minimum.

Then this video course is for you, learn Korean tongue together.

This is the demo version of the alphabet course.. Total is a year for 6 lessons, here 3 lessons are published on the site. The remaining 3 lessons are available only for my subscribers. I recommend to subscribe to the course immediately, and then every day you will come to the mail 1 lesson. The alphabet course is completely free And you can unsubscribe at any time.

Attention! Very important! After subscription, look at your mail, wait subscription confirmation letters (It comes no longer than after 10 minutes). If you do not confirm the subscription, there will be no lessons!

If after 10 minutes. no letter, check the spam folder, Click "not spam" and confirm the subscription.

I prepared for you two ways to get the full version of the alphabet lessons, and then the continuation of the course:

  • by subscription to the post office - subscribe
  • subscribe VKontakte - Choose a subscription of the Korean language lessons. Alphabet

Video course"Speak, read and write in Korean."

Korean from scratch. Alphabet.

Lesson 1. Part 1.

This is the first lesson, part 1 from the series

You will get acquainted with the Korean alphabet, learn to read and write the 4 first vowels (ㅏ, ㅑ, ㅓ, ㅕ).

To study the most efficient:

  1. During the lesson, be sure to pronounce all the letters aloud, repeating them for me and Korean teacher.
  2. To remember, you need to listen carefully, repeat loudly aloud and prescribe the letter. And so several times.

Forward! You will succeed!

Homework after watching video:

  1. push each vowel 1 line,
  2. make a photo of your work and lay it out below in the comments for checking.

Watch the first video and start mastering Korean from scratch right now!

Full version of video course Korean language for beginners "Speak, read, write in Korean", as well Workers notebooks from additional tasks, only available to my subscribers.

Get the full version of the lessons and the continuation of the course

I also have a request for you.

After watching the video, writea couple of lines about your impressions.

Why do you teach Korean? How are you doing?

With what difficultiesin the process of learning the language, you encountered?

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South Korea is economically developed, beautiful and comfortable for life the country, where they treat Europeans very well - and tourists, and emigrants.

If you came here for a week-other rest, then you will be enough.

But if in your plans - to live and work here, you will have to master the state language of this country.

How to learn korean Quickly and without much strain?

It is impossible to say that you set yourself a simple task, because Korean does not apply to the languages \u200b\u200bthat learn - to spit once.

And yet, a reasonable person will easily cope with this task, who is not afraid of difficulties, which are found on his way.

7 reasons to learn Korean

Some of my readers will certainly be rented:

"What is this topic? Well, it is clear that you need to teach English or - as-in no way the main languages \u200b\u200bof international communication. Okay, I would still be taught Chinese - in mind opening prospects or one of the beautiful European languages \u200b\u200b- for the soul. But Korean here and? Let his Koreans and teach! "

And these are these my readers!

Even if it is not the language of your ancestors, it does not mean that he is without necessary.

There is at least 7 good reasons to learn Korean:

  1. In the rating of popularity of Korean languages, it takes 12 string, while German, French, and other, more rapid languages \u200b\u200bare in the ranking behind him.
  2. On Korean, a total of almost 80 million people speak.
    And these are not only residents of South Korea and the gloomy DPRK, but also numerous representatives of the diaspora, scattered around the world.
  3. The history, culture and traditions of Korea have ancient roots and very interesting, but you can study them, only owning Korean language.
  4. South Korea is a country with a powerful economy, enough willingly providing conditions for living and work to foreigners.
    And here, without knowing the state language, it is not necessary.
  5. In 2018, the Winter Olympics will be held in Pchenchkhan and, if you want to visit it by a volunteer, it's not too late to try to learn Korean.
  6. There are several Korean companies in Russia.
    Knowing their tongue will be a powerful advantage of employment.
  7. South Korean universities have a good reputation and willingly accept foreign students, but training is carried out in the state language.

To learn Korean language can not without knowing the alphabet and basic words

Naturally, the study should be started with the development of its alphabet.

In Korean, the system of hieroglyphs, which seem to be very exotic people who are accustomed to Cyrillic or Latin, but it is just at first.

The alphabet that has been used so far, was invented in the middle of the XV century during the Government of the Imperial Dynasty of Coson.

Now it has only 24 letters (consonants - 14, vowels - 10), but do not rush to rejoice at this discovery, because there are still dual consonants and vowels, together with which 40 letters are obtained.

And this is not all "good" news: Koreans decided that they were not enough for their own hieroglyphs, therefore, there were another 3,000 wondrous signs from the Chinese.

They are used to designate precisely Chinese words and concepts.

If you just started learning, then do not touch these Chinese characters, focus on the main alphabet.

When you master the alphabet, go to the memorization of basic words:

  • names numbers, months, days of the week;
  • greetings and farewells;
  • chassis verbs;
  • so-called "phrases of the tourist", etc.

You yourself understand, the more vocabulary you have, the faster you will start running.

How to learn korean language yourself?

People for various reasons want to learn new languages.

And, of course, each of those who wish chooses the most convenient way to study, so that good results can demonstrate as quickly as possible.

Some, especially bold, decide to learn Korean independently.

If you are among them and chose independent learning (that is, without a tutor or courses), then you feel about people who are not looking for easy ways.

Korean can not be called very simple, and the hieroglyphs of many are confused.

To facilitate the task, you should use various tools:

    Audio and video tutorials.

    Since Korean is becoming more and more popular (especially among young people), then the network you can find enough sites with special exercises, lessons and courses that have been helped after a few months (with due diligence, of course) demonstrate good results.

    You can search for help on such resources:


    and others.

    Tutorials and dictionaries.

    If you prefer to master new knowledge on the old manner, then go to the bookstore.

    Of course, the range of dictionaries, tutorials and phrases may not be so rich as, for example, in English, but something you will definitely find it.

  1. Appendix\u003dcom.Bravolang.korean&hl\u003dru, which can be conceived on your smartphone to do not only at home, but also use every free minute for learning.
  2. Films and TV series in Korean and with subtitles - on the native.

    Here on this resource you can learn more about this method:

How to learn Korean with qualified help?

If you do not find the strength to learn the Korean syllable yourself, then no one will blame you in cowardice and facilitates, because it is really complicated.

Today in the major cities of Russia and Ukraine there are courses and tutors, where you can master almost any language.

You can:

  1. Attending group courses, if you do not hesitate to a large number of witnesses and quickly grasp new information.
  2. To do with the tutor of the house - so all the attention of the teacher will be given only to you, and individual training allows you to plan the lessons as you need.
  3. To engage with a tutor on Skype is a relatively new, but gaining momentum.

Tips with step-by-step study of Korean

presented in video:

Immersion in the language environment - a pleasant and effective way to learn Korean language

Naturally, no linguistic schools, courses, tutors, tutorials, online lessons and other tools are not equal to efficiency with this way.

Fully plunged into the linguistic environment, you can achieve decent results in a month.

But let's be honest: This method is suitable for people risky, nonsense, having enough to implement their plans.

To begin with, you can go to South Korea as a tourist and try to communicate as much as possible with the local, let it initially, it will not be very good.

There is another way - find a job here, for example, in the tourist sector.

Knowledge of English can be enough at the first stage, and the state you can master during communication with local residents.

By the way, hotels focused on tourist immigrants from the former countries of the USSR, happy to take the work of those who speak English well and Russian.

Those who think how to learn korean In short terms, I would advise the combination of the above methods.

This will help reduce the term of learning.

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How to independently learn Korean language: methods, tips and difficulties

Yulia Soldatova, 24 years old, hometown - St. Petersburg, student,@July_Ltg.

On the choice of language

About seven years ago, I first visited Korea. My friend and I were there just a week, but many positive emotions got a lot. This country hooked me - people, atmosphere, improvement.Therefore, when I returned to Russia, I decided that it was simply obliged to learn Korean.

I taught my tongue with breaks - one year in Russia at the courses, then took a break for almost three and a half years, and then a year and a half he taught him in Korea

About difficulties

Difficulties arose due to pronunciation. Another time it was difficult to remember the new structure of building proposals. In Korean, the verb is placed at the end, and therefore Koreans need to listen to the end to understand what they are talking about.

Study methods

I learned Korean with various methods. First of all, you need to record everything in the notebook: separately grammar and separate words. To listen to - listen to information, then listen to it, while reading the text, and listen again to remember.

In order to learn to understand the language, I watched a lot of dorams with subtitles, put on the pause, the same moments have listened.

You also need to look more news on Korean, communicate with native speakers. I also advise you to record words, their meaning, synonyms and antonyms. If you write down the verbs, then write the words-ligaments, similar to writing a word.

There is a good benefit from YTN News - this is an interesting and effective method.You are issued interesting plots from the news that you need to view, perform the task, and then check. The text is written below, which read the journalist. So it is possible to explore the vocabulary of the Korean language. This method will suit those who have a high level of preparation.

Alina Rustamovna, 25 years old, hometown - Tyumen, an employee of a jewelry store,@alina__rustamova.

On the choice of language

With Korea, I met in early 2011, in the 10th grade. It all started with the fact that I was advised to watch the Korean drama "Flowers after the berry", and I was fond of Korean culture. Started watching more series, listen to Korean music and came to studying the language.

To explore any language you need time. But to explore Korean, it needs a lot, because it is more difficult than English, for example.

About difficulties

Difficulties arose with vocabulary and grammar. To do this, it was necessary to gain patience.

In comparison with the same Russian language, Korean is complicated in perception, because the grammar is built there in a different way. Most of all I paid attention to the alphabet, numeral.

Study methods

Korean language can be learned quickly only under the condition of intensive study. I advise you to sign up for courses so that you have the regularity and intensity of classes.

It is necessary to teach words as they are inserted into grammar, spend a little more time to memorize words, only then they will be remembered for you.

I live Korean language, I look at Dorama and different Korean TV shows. Previously, I watched everything with Russian subtitles, but now I try to do it at all without subtitles or only with Korean. It is useful for hearing training.

I also listen to the songs on Korean. It will be better if, listening to the songs, you will try to sing together, thereby you train the pronunciation.

I use different useful resources. For example, Naver dictionary - you can find a more accurate and detailed description of the word. The Quizlet application allows you to fit words, it is convenient to study grammar, you can learn the words on the road with interest. There is an interesting HELLO Talk app - it helps to find people who will learn the language. Topik and Naver Webtoon will also be useful.

It is important to pass a language exam. It is necessary to understand what you still do not know, trace your progress.

Irina Ruban, hometown - Kiev, teacher of Korean language on online courses,@ korean.ok_hangugo.

On the choice of language

I started learning Korean in 2011. I came across the Korean TV series, and I liked everything: actors, plot, music. I continued to watch the Korean TV series and listen to music, I liked the sound of Korean.

Learn the language I started spontaneously. I did not have thoughts to go to courses or search for a tutor - everything was at the level of the hobby. I downloaded several textbooks, the video course of the Arirang TV channel and several programs for studying vocabulary.

After five months of self-study, I decided to go to courses. At that time, a set of courses in the Korean language under the Korean Cultural Center was held. Over the next year and a half, I not only learned to speak Korean, but also received solid knowledge of grammar, a general understanding of how the language is arranged.

After that, I still studied a year in Korea in courses at the center for multinational families and with a Korean teacher-tutor.

For the past four years, I continue to learn Korean yourself. The more it is studying it, the more faces and nuances opens.

Last few years teach Korean on online courses in Instagram.

About difficulties

The main difficulty in learning a language is the absence of a person who would check your homework and could answer questions. Also affects the lack of spoken practice.

I also had problems with spelling. Therefore, it is better to try to find a teacher who will help with certain spaces.

About learning methods

There is a site, where the carriers of different languages \u200b\u200bstudy each other. There I found Koreans and asked them a lot of questions. I also listened to the site materials www.talktomeinkorean.comand their YouTube Channel. On YUTUBE there are also the lessons of the University of Yonse.Starting from the third level, you can learn over them, because everything is there on Korean.

To test your reading, you can use the Google translator - it has a speech synthesizer voice. If you want to check whether the form is true that part of the speech is the word and whether it is unregular - you can use the Naver dictionary. If you open a word card, it will be written there, what part of speech, as well as all the routine options for speech styles and times.

To quickly learn to speak Korean, divide all the words you learn, in parts and prioritize all grammatical forms with these words. Try to build proposals orally, create small templates of common offers and pronounce them by changing only one word.

To learn to understand the rumor, you need to listen to the recording of native speakers and its written decoding. To do this, you can use dialogs from textbooks, songs, youtube channels to which there are subtitles, and watch the Korean TV series, having previously downloaded their script on Korean.

Property words along with their grammatical forms. Remember in the middle of the day as much as you can remember. Mark the syllables that are repeated. In the Korean many words of Chinese origin, they make sense in them. Knowing this meaning, it will be easier to memorize the meaning and writing. And also mentally build suggestions and speak Korean.

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