Unpaired consonant sounds of Russian. Vowels and consonant letters and sounds

The most important part of the speech is the words, we are pronounced, we write and read, we add phrases and suggestions. They consist of letters and sounds, which are so firmly included in our life, that we almost do not notice them.

Letters and sounds are not the same, although they are closely interrelated concepts. Letters we write, see and read, and sounds - pronounce and hear. Letters are graphic written characters, while sounds - the acoustic component of words and human speech as a whole. In various words, the same letter sometimes correspond to different sounds.

"At first there was a word. Then words, words, words ... " (Avt. Vladimir Koltytsky).

"The word is given to a person not for self-satisfaction, but for the incarnation and transfer of that thought, that feeling, the share of truth and the inspiration, which he possesses, to other people." (Avt. V. Korolenko).

The study of letters and sounds are engaged in various sections of language science. Sounds study phonetics , and letter symbols - graphics . Specifying Putrogative letters spelling .

The set of letters of any language is its alphabet. The letters of the Russian language are divided into consonant sounds, vowels and auxiliary. Auxiliary includes non-bearing sound information - a solid and soft sign.

Consonant letters and sounds of the Russian alphabet

The consonants and letters are characterized by the fact that during their pronouncement on the path of air in the oral cavity there is a certain obstacle. As a result, there is noise in the acoustic sound of consonants. The name "consonants" received because they almost always stand next to vowels or in one word with them.

Total in Russian 21 consonant letter:

b. in g. d. j. z. j.
to l. m. n. p r from
t. f. h. c. c. sh sh

Another characteristic feature of consonants is impossible to pronounce Narasphev. The pronunciation of hissing consonants to stretch can be (for example: from , f. , sh , sh ), But "singing" will not work.

As noted above, consonants in words are almost always adjacent to vowels. However, there is a limited number of words that consist only of consonants. Along with pretexts to , from or particle b. , these are some other language names ( CRC - Prague district; Armenian name ICRT which in Russian is sometimes written with vowels - for prowance), as well as interjections like brr. or tSS .

The classification of consonant letters and sounds in Russian is made on the basis of acoustic criteria.

Ringing and deaf consonants

Those consonants whose pronunciation consists only of noise is called deaf. Unlike them, consonants formed by sound and noise are called ringing.

A mansion is worth the letter j. (and brief). According to the acoustic sound, it is believed to ring consonants, however, it is impossible to pronounce it. Letter j. can only be pronounced together with the preceding or subsequent vowel sound, for example [Ya], [s], etc.

Paired and unpaired consonants

Most ringing consonants correspond to certain deaf. Such consonant letters are called parn . There are consonants who do not have a couple. Among them there are also deaf and ringing, and they are called unparallery .

Paired bellows and deafUnpaired bellowsUnpaired deaf
b - P. l. h.
b - F. m. c.
mr. K. n. c.
d - T. r sh
well - Sh j.
z - S.

Soft and hard consonants

The pronunciation of consonants in words can be firmly either soft. If the sound is pronounced softly, then the language is slightly advanced forward, approaching the upper coat or touching it. When using the solid sounds of the nomination of the language, it does not happen (but the language can touch the top paw due to the movement up).

Most of the consonant letters form both solid and soft sounds, but there are some exceptions. In particular, letters j. , c. , sh always have a solid sound and letters j. , c. , sh - Soft.

In other cases, the hardness or softness of consonants is determined by what the letter goes after them.

If the consonant is accompanied by letters but , about , w. , e. , s , kommersant - Then a solid sound is obtained. The same, if the consonant is in the end of the word or after it there is another consonant.

If the consonant is accompanied by letters e. , e. , and , yu , i , b - Then her sound will be soft.
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Hissing and whistling consonants

Some of the agrees in Russian pronounce remind of hiss. These are sounds j. , sh , sh , c. which are called hissing consonants.

Another group of consonants when leaving the oral cavity forms acoustic oscillations resembling whistle. These are sounds z. , from , c. - whistling.

The properties of hissing and whistling consonants in their long pronunciation are especially noticeable.

One of the important features of these sounds is that most of the speech defects are connected with their pronunciation. For this reason, special attention should be paid to work with hissing and whistling consonants in teaching children. It is important to note that the shortcomings of speech associated with these sounds may be a leogalic correction.

Vowels Russian letters and sounds

Unlike consonant sounds and letters, a characteristic feature of vowels is that the air during their pronunciation passes through the oral cavity freely. As a result, vowel sounds can be not only easy to stretch, but also to pronounce the rapid. Another distinctive feature - they can be pronounced as much as you like loudly, full of voting power.

Through vowels and sounds, consonants are connected to syllables. In each syllable there is only one vowel. The number of other letters - consonant, solid and soft signs - may be different. Words may consist of one or more syllables: ros-letter breaking , courtyard , picture .

The number of vowels in Russian - 10:

but e. e. and about w. s e. yu i

And vowel sounds of only 6: [a], [and], [o], [y], [s], [e]. The corresponding vowels are alone. The remaining 4 vowels - e. , e. , yu , i - bile, and separately pronounced [IE], [yo], [yu], [ya]. At the same time, in words, these letters mean one sound (examples: squirrel, ball, went, key).

As in the case of consonants, there is some Russian words consisting only of vowels. This pronouns - i , her ; Unions - and , but ; Prepositions - w. , about ; Interdomitia - e. , aU .

Shock and unstressed vowels

In words, vowels can be shock and unstressed.

  • If the vowel in the Word is under the emphasis, it reads more clearly, with a big emphasis and a little more.
  • In the absence of emphasis, vowels in words are read less clearly. Accordingly, the unpacking position is a weak position for them, and the position in the shock syllable is a strong position.

As a rule, in the traditional letter of stress in words are not marked. If necessary, they are denoted by the "Akut" sign - a small "/" stroke over a vowel letter.

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Sound symbols for phonetic word analysis

The phonetic or sound analysis of the Word is the goal of displaying and disassembled its proper pronunciation. Phonetically designated may be as words and individual letters.

Sound symbols, unlike letters, are part of square brackets. Graphic recording of the word pronunciation is called transcription.

The basic rules in accordance with which the sounds are denoted by phonetic analysis of the word, the following:

  • The hardness of the consonants does not have any designation, but softness is displayed by the apostrophe sign. For example, if [b] is a solid sound, then [B '] - soft.
  • Long sound in transcription is indicated by a colon, for example: cashbox - [CAS: a].
  • Not always, but often an emphasis is put in the transcription of words. For example: wave - [CALNA].
  • Soft sign and hard sign do not have sound pronunciation, therefore there are no mappings in the phonetic analysis.

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How to teach children to distinguish hard and soft sounds

Sometimes children may have difficulty distinguishing solid and soft consonants. In this case, there are some techniques that facilitate the assimilation of the topic.

First of all, you need to explain the child that the concepts of hardness and softness are not consonant with consonant letters, but to their sounds. And that one and the same letter can sound both firmly and gently. I will give an example: " b. "- Baran words - white," r "- work - belt," l. "- Horse - Swan.

Explaining an exception letters for better memorization, they are recommended to record them:

  • j. , c. , sh
  • j. , sh , c.

You need to give to understand the child that underlined letters as it were "sit on the pads" - the pads are soft and the letters are also soft.

So that the child remembers well, in front of which vowels the letter becomes hard or soft, you can use the next reception: first with a serious expression to read a syllable with a solid consonant - and after, with a smile on your face, read another syllable, where this consonant is soft. Then, the same to do with other letters and syllables. For example: la -- la , mu -- mi. , zo -- zy., bo -- bill , fish -- ryu. etc. The soft pronunciation is well associated with a child with a smile, and solid - with seriousness and rigor, which allows you to associate material.

Gradually, you need to improve the skills, and do the same exercises with simple words, such as: mum , pop but - uncle , aunt etc. As memoricing, the simple words should be moved to more complex. Clarifications and exercises need to gradually alternate with the tasks: write words, and then ask what consonants in them are solid, and what are soft.

You can offer another exercise: make signs with words in which soft consonants are written in one color, and solid - others. For example:

  • N about with and to
  • To oh y r
  • H and cl o
  • T ov

There are quite a few options, but it is advisable to choose among them those that more like a child. This contributes to better perception of the material, his memorization and practical assimilation.

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A little entertaining and useful information

  • Sounds and words can be formed without human participation. Famous an example - to pronounce birds of the family of parrots. As for individual sounds, they can appear in inanimate nature - with the rustle of foliage, wind gusts, splasonia waves. This cannot be said about letters - after all, only meaningful writing them can be recognized as allevant designation, and this is characterized only by people.
  • Despite the small number of words consisting only from vowels, you can make a proposal: "E, and me?"
  • Almost all words of the Russian language containing the letter " f. ", Have a foreign-speaking origin. Only with respect to rare words (for example: Filin) \u200b\u200bis expected to be Russian origin, but it is not exactly proven.
  • All words starting with letters " j. ", Also foreignate. For example: iodine, yogurt, yot, yemen, yokohama, yorkshire, etc.
  • Letter " e. "In words, emphasis almost always carries. Exceptions from this rule are very small - these are words of foreign origin ( konigsberg Surfingists ), as well as complex words, which contains numeral three or four - ( twenty-tyrosal , quadmaster , three-thousandth ). It should also be noted those rare situations where there are two letters in one word " e. "One of which becomes a shock, and the other - unstressed ( three-star , four-wheeled , aircraft generator , three-headed ).
  • In Russian, many words with unusual lettering combinations. For example, words in which one and the same vowels are repeated three times: smereed , zowing , long . Word with 7 consonant in a row: countertrech (possibly, occasionalism ). Words with three soft signs: seductiveness , reduce , multifunctionality , praise and so on. Word with two soft and one hard sign: feldgerer . Single word of 8 letters: in passing . You can also give many other interesting examples.
  • Any letter has a certain frequency of repetitions, the most consumable letters in Russian - about , e. , but , and , t. , n. , from , r . This phenomenon is used to recognize cinograms.

Knowledge of letters and sounds, their writing and pronunciation is the basis of language literacy. In turn, a good possession of spoken and written language is one of the indicators of human erudition, and the skills of reading and understanding the text is the basis for the knowledge of other sciences. After all, the lion's share of information in the modern world is comprehended by reading or listening, and only a small part of it is through personal experience.

In addition, the language speech that forms the second signaling system, as well as everything connected with it - the auditory perception, reading, letter is one of the main differences between the person from the animal. It is difficult to overestimate the meaning of phenomena, which is based on the mastering of the language. This process continues almost all life, but it begins with acquaintance with letters, sounds and syllables in early childhood.

In Russian, consonant sounds are greater than letters: if consonant letters 21, then the consonant sounds are 37. They are classified according to the most different parameters: deafness and bells, hardness and softness, as well as in categories by means of pronouncing. Unlike vowels, consonant sounds, except for hissing, are pronounced very short.

Classification of the consonants of the Russian language

The consonants can be solid and soft, deaf and ringing. If the sounds that for these characteristics are divided into pairs, but there are not unpaired. Table will help to understand the overall picture:


Deaf / bell

Solid / soft

Paired / nonparture











It is worth understanding more in those characteristics that it describes.

So what is the bellier and the deaf of consonants? This is a characteristic of a tonality that indicates that lit is involved When pronouncing sound, voice ligaments or not. If not - the sound is deaf. If yes - ringing.

Hardness and softness is also a spoke characteristic. Soft sounds are formed when the middle back of the tongue rises to a soft sky.

Accordingly, the consonants may have a pair of hardness / softness and deafness / bells, and then they will be called pairs. Those who have such a pair - unpaired.

Other characteristics of consonant sounds

All consonant sounds are divided into three categories - sonorous (they are still called nasal - it is clear how they are pronounced), noisy (formed by rapprochement of pronunciation organs) and hissing (they are pronounced interdental gap). Share sound sounds as follows.

What is the sound? This is the minimum component of human speech. Depicted by letters. In writing, the sounds from letters are distinguished by the presence of the first square brackets used in phonetic transcription. Letter - oh, sound - [o]. Transcription shows the differences in writing and pronunciation. Apostrophe [ ] Specifies the softness of pronunciation.

In contact with

Sounds are divided into:

  • Vowels. They can be easily dramatically. When they are created, the language does not take active participation, fixing in the same position. The sound is created due to changes in the position of the language, lips, various vibrations vibrations and air supply strength. The length of vowels - the base of vocal art(Swimming, "singing smooth").
  • The consonant sounds are negotiated with the participation of the language, which, occupying a certain position and form, creates an obstacle to the movement of air from the lungs. This leads to the appearance of noise in the oral cavity. At the output, they are converted into the sound. Also, the free passage of air is hampered by the lips that are closed-unfolded during speech.

The consonants are divided into:

  • deaf and ringing. The deafness and sound belligence depends on the operation of the speech apparatus;
  • solid and soft. The sound is determined by the position of the letter in the word.

Letters denoting consonants


Deaf in Russian: [K], [P], [C], [T], [F], [x], [C], [sh]. The easiest way is to remember the phrase, and not a set of letters, "Step saw, do you want a helmet? Fi! "Containing them all.

An example in which all the consonant sounds are deaf: a rooster, honeycomb, pin.


In their formation, the form of the language is close to the form producing deaf, but vibrations are added. Winning consonant sounds create active vibrations of ligaments. Vibration deform sound wave, and in the oral cavity is not a clean air flow, but the sound. In the future, it is additionally transformed by the language and lips.

By ringing consonants belong: b, in, g, d, g, s, y, l, m, n, r.

With their pronunciation in the region of the larynx, voltage is clearly felt. In addition, it is practically impossible to talk their clear whisper.

A word in which all consonant sounds are ringing: Rome, Pride, ash, Liman.

Consolidated consonant table (deaf and ringing).

It is by changing the sound of the sound Russian speech is enriched with various words close to writing and pronunciation, but absolutely different in value. For example: House, the court is itching, the code is a year.

Paired consonants

What does the pair mean? Two letters close to sound, when the pronunciation of which language occupies similar positions, call paired consonants. The pronunciation of consonants can be divided into one-stage (lips and languages \u200b\u200band languages \u200b\u200bare involved in their creation) and binders are the first to connect, then the mouth. Those cases when the pronunciation of the mouth coincide, and create pairs.

Summary table of paired consonants, taking into account hardness and softness

In the speech, it is typically not to pronounce every letter, and "eat" it. This is not the exception of Russian speech. Such is found in almost all languages \u200b\u200bof the world and is particularly contrastingly noticeable in English. In Russian, this effect is subject to the rule: paired consonant sounds are replaced (on hearing) each other during speech. For example: Love is [l 'u b o f'].

But not everyone has their own pair. There is no other pronunciation on any other unpaired consonants. Playback technique is different from the pronunciation of other sounds and combines them into groups.

Paired consonants

Unpaired consonants

The first group can pronounce soft. The second has no analogues in pronunciation.

Unpaired consonants are divided into:

  • sonora - [th '], [l], [l'], [m], [m '], [n], [n'], [p], [p ']. With their pronunciation, air flow strikes the upper heaven as the dome;
  • hissing - [x], [x '], [c], [h'], [sh '].

Russian language contains letters that are complex in context for perception. Sounds [h], [th], [C], [n] ringing or deaf? Learn these 4 letters!

Important![h] - deaf! [th] - Call! [C] is deaf! [N] - Call!

Unpaired consonants

Solid and soft

They are the same by writing, but different on sound. Deaf and voiced consonants, with the exception of hissing, can be pronounced firmly or gently. For example: [b] was - [B`] beat; [T] Current - [t`] Teke.

When a solid pronunciation is pressed the tip of the language. Soft formed thanks to pressed to the top sky of the middle part of the language.

In speech, the sound determines the subsequent consonant letter.

The vowels form a couple: A-I, UV, E-E, s, Oh.

Two-tone vowels (I, E, YU, E) are pronounced by one of two combinations: the sound [th] and the steam room is vowel from e, o, y, and either a soft sign and steam room vowels. For example, the word Jung. It is pronounced as [n] [y] [n] [g] [a]. Or mint word. It is pronounced as: [m '] [a] [t] [a]. Vowels a, o, y, e, s don't have double sound, so do not affect the pronunciation of the standing consonant.

Example Differences:

Spoon - Luke, Honey - Sea, Housewood.

Phonetic transcription:

[L o g k a] - [l 'y k], [m' o d] - [m o p 'e], [d o m] - [d' a t e l].

Pronunciation rules:

  • solids are pronounced before A, O, Y, E, S. Dusting, side, beech, bantley, past;
  • soft pronounced in front of me, Yu, Yu, E, I. Revenge, honey, whale, puree, mint;
  • solids are pronounced if there is another consonant after them: death. After the consonant [s], it is consonant [M]. Regardless of whether mild m, ringing or solid, with pronounced firmly;
  • solid pronounced if the letter is the last in the word: class, house;
  • the consonants before vowels [e] in borrowed words are pronounced firmly, as before [e]. For example: Kushne - [K] [a] [sh] [n] [e];
  • always soft before b: Elk, flesh.
  • exceptions from the rules:
    • always solid, sh, c: life, spikes, cyanide;
    • always soft th, h, sh: white, black, pike.

Attention!A deaf letter does not always indicate the same sound. It depends on the position in the word.

Solid and soft sounds


Russian has a stunning concept - some ringing sounds like a deaf The consonants of the pair.

This is not a defect of speech, but on the contrary - is considered to be the criterion of its purity and correctness. But this rule works only with pair consults. For example, [g] in speech is often replaced by [x]. This refers to a defect, since [g], approximate to [x], is considered a distinctive feature of the Ukrainian language. His use in Russian speech is incorrect. Exception - the Word of God.

Rules and examples:

  • the letter is the last in the word: tooth - [ZUP], discharge - [p r o p '];
  • after the letter there is a deaf consonant: Syrozhka - [with a].

There is a reverse process - sponge. Means that in speech deaf pronounced how pairn them call. Sviscondium is justified when they stand in confidence consonants: the transaction is [s d 'e l to a].

Consonants ringing and deaf solid and soft

The consonants are ringing and deaf. Russian lesson in grade 5

In this chapter:

§one. Sound

Sound - The minimum unit of sounding speech. Each word has a sound shell consisting of sounds. Sound correlates with the meaning of the word. Different words and forms of the word sound decoration is different. The sounds themselves do not matter, but they perform an important role: they help us distinguish:

  • words: [House] - [Tom], [Tom] - [there], [M'el] - [M'el ']
  • forms of the Word: [House] - [Lady'] - [Do' Ma].


words recorded in square brackets are given in transcription.

§2. Transcription

Transcription - This is a special recording system displaying sound. Symbols adopted in transcription:

Square brackets that are the designation of transcription.

['] - Emphasis. The emphasis is placed if the word consists more than one syllable.

[B '] - The icon next to the consonants denotes its softness.

[J] and [th] - different designations of the same sound. Since this sound is soft, you often use these characters with an additional designation of softness:, [th ']. This site adopted the designation [th '], more familiar to most guys. The softness icon will be used to get used to the fact that this sound is soft.

There are other characters. They will be entered gradually, as they are familiar with the theme.

§3. Vowels and consonant sounds

Sounds are divided into vowels and consonants.
They have different nature. They are pronounced differently and perceived, and also behave in different ways and play unequal roles in it.

Vowels- These are the sounds, when the pronunciation of the air freely passes through the oral cavity, without meeting the obstacles on its path. Pronoming (articulation) is not focused in one place: the quality of vowels is determined by the form of the oral cavity, which acts as a resonator. In the articulation of vowels, voice bundles work in the larynx. They are brought together, tense and vibrate. Therefore, when pronouncing the vowels, we heard a voice. Vowels can pull. They can be shouting. And if you make a hand to the throat, then the work of voice ligaments during the pronunciation of vowels can be smelted, feel your hand. The vowels are the basis of the syllable, they organize it. In the word so many syllables as vowels. For example: is he - 1 syllable, she is - 2 syllables, guys- 3 syllables, etc. There are words that consist of one vowel sound. For example, unions: and, A. and interjections: Oh!, A!, U-U-y! other.

In the word vowels can be in shock and unstressed syllables.
Shock syllable The one in which the vowel is pronounced clearly and acts in its main form.
IN unstressed syllables Vowes are modified, pronounced differently. Changing vowels in unstressed syllables is called reduction.

Impact vowels in Russian Six: [a], [o], [y], [s], [and], [e].


Possible words that can consist only from vowels, but consonants are also necessary.
In Russian consonants, much more than vowels.

§four. The method of education of consonants

Consonants- These are sounds, when they say which the air meets the obstacle on his way. In Russian, two types of obstacles: the gap and the bow are two basic ways to form consonants. The view of the barrier determines the nature of the consonant sound.

Gap For example, when pronouncing sounds: [s], [s], [sh], [g]. The tip of the language is only approaching the lower or upper teeth. Slitual consonants can be dragged: [S-C-C-C], [sh-sh-sh-sh] . As a result, you will hear the noise well: when pronouncing [C] - whistling, and when pronouncing [Ш] - hissing.

Bowthe second type of articulation of consonants is formed during the closure of the speech bodies. Air flow sharply overcomes this obstacle, sounds are obtained by brief, energetic. Therefore, they are called explosive. They will not pull them. Such, for example, sounds [p], [b], [t], [d] . This articulation is easier to feel, sense.

So, when pronouncing consonants, noise is heard. The presence of noise is a distinctive sign of consonants.

§five. Ringing and deaf consonants

According to the ratio of noise and voices, consonants are divided into write and deaf.
When pronouncing calls consonants are heard and voice and noise, and deaf- Only noise.
The deaf can not be pronounced loud. They cannot be squeezed.

Compare words: house and cat. In each word on the 1st vowel sound and 2 consonants. The vowels are the same, and the consonants are different: [d] and [m] - ringing, and [to] and [t] - deaf. Clearance-deafness is the most important sign of consonant in Russian.

couples on the bells-deafness: [B] - [p], [s] - [c] and others. Such couples 11.

Couples by deaf-belling: [p] and [b], [p "] and [b"], [f] and [in], [f "] and [in"], [k] and [g], [to "] and [g"], [t] and [d], [t "] and [d], [Ш] and [Ж], [С] and [З], [С"] and [ s "].

But there are sounds that have no pair on the sign of the bells - deafness. For example, at the sounds [p], [l], [n], [m], [y '] there is no deaf pair, and [C] and [h'] call.


Unpaid unpaired: [p], [l], [n], [m], [y "], [p"], [l "], [n"], [m "] . They are also called sonornos.

What does this term mean? This is a group of consonants (only 9), having pronunciation features: when they are pronounced in the oral cavity, obstacles also arise, but such that the air jet, passing through the barrier forms only insignificant noise; Air freely passes through the nasal or mouth in the cavity or mouth. Sonorny pronounced voices with the addition of minor noise.Many teachers do not use this term, but the fact that these sounds are ringing unpaired, should know everything.

Sonorny has two important features:

1) they do not stun as paired ringing consonants, before the deaf and at the end of the word;

2) Before them does not come off the sponsoring of paired deaf consonants (i.e., the position in front of them is strong by deaf-belling, as before vowels). For more information about the positional changes, see.

Deaf unpaired: [C], [h "], [sh":], [x], [x "].

How is it easier to remember the lists of ringing and deaf consonants?

Remember lists of ringing and deaf consonants will help phrases:

Oh, we did not forget each other! (Here only ring consonants)

Fock, do you want to eat a gum? (Here only deaf consonants)

True, these phrases do not include hardness pairs. But usually people can easily figure out that not only solid [s] ring, but also soft [s "], too, not only [b], but also [b"] and so on.

§6. Solid and soft consonants

The consonants differ not only by deaf-belling, but also on hardness-softness.
Hardness-softness - The second most important sign of consonants in Russian.

Soft consonants differ from solid Special position language. When dealing with solid, the whole body of the tongue is drawn back, and when they pronounce soft, shifted forward, and the middle part of the tongue is raised. Compare: [M] - [M '], [s] - [s']. Soft swollen sounds higher than solid.

Many Russian consonants form softness Couples: [b] - [b '], [in] - [in'] and others. Such couples 15.

Couples on hardness-softness: [b] and [b "], [m] and [m], [p] and [p"], [in] and [in "], [f] and [f"] , [s] and [s "], [s] and [c"], [d] and [d], [t] and [t "], [n] and [n"], [l] and [l "], [p] and [p"], [k] and [to "], [g] and [g"], [x] and [x "].

But there are sounds that have no pair on the sign of hardness-softness. For example, at the sounds [F], [sh], [C] there is no soft pair, and [y '] and [ch'] - solid.

Unparalleled softness

Hard notparable: [F], [Ш], [C] .

Soft unpaired: [th "], [h"], [sh ":].

§7. Designation of the softness of consonants on the letter

We distrace from pure phonetics. Consider a practically important question: How is the softness of consonant in the letter mean?

In Russian, 36 consonant sounds, among which are 15 pairs of hardness-softness, 3 unpaired solid and 3 unpaired soft consonants. Consonant letters only 21. How can 21 letters denote 36 sounds?

For this purpose, different ways are used:

  • yoted letters e, E, Yu, I After consonants, except sh, J. and c,unpaired softness, testify that these consonants are soft, for example: aunt - [T'O' T'a], dya' Dia - [Yes Yes] ;
  • letter and After consonants, except sh, J. and c.. Consults denoted by letters sh, J. and c, Unpaired hard. Examples of words with a vowel letter and: nibble- [N'I'i Tk'i], sheet - [L'ist], nice- [nice'] ;
  • letter b, After consonants, except sh, f, After which the soft sign is an indicator of grammatical form. Sample words with a soft sign : pro'ev - [Pros'bb], Mel. - [M'el '], distance - [gave '].

Thus, the softness of consonants on the letter transmitted not by special letters, but by combinations of consonant letters with letters and, e, ё, Yu, I and b Therefore, when analyzing, I advise you to pay special attention to the adjacent letters standing after consonants.

Discussing the problem of interpretation

In school textbooks it is said that [sh] and [sh '] - unparalleled hardness-softness. How so? After all, we hear that the sound [sh '] is a soft analogue of the sound [sh].
When I studied at school myself, I could not understand why? Then my son studied at school. He had the same question. It appears in all the guys who relate to learning thoughtfully.

Beeeping arises because school textbooks do not take into account that the sound [sh '] is also long, and the hardest [sh] is not. Couples are sounds that differ only in one sign. A [sh] and [w '] - two. Therefore, [sh] and [sh '] are not pairs.

For adults and high school students.

In order to accomplish the correctness, the school tradition of transcribing sound [sh '] change. It seems that the guys are easier to use another additional sign than to deal with illogical, unclear and misleading the statement. Everything is simple. For generation by generation does not break the head, you need to finally show that the soft hissing sound is long.

For this, there are two icons in linguistic practice:

1) Fast features over the sound;
2) colon.

The use of an edema is inconvenient because it is not provided for by a set of characters that can be used with a computer set. So, the following possibilities remain: Using a colon [sh ':] either grafts denoting the letter [Sh "] . It seems to me that the first option is preferable. First, the guys at first often mix the sounds and letters. Using the letters in transcription will create a base for such a mixing, provoke an error. Secondly, the guys now early begin to learn foreign languages. And the [:] icon when using it to designate the longitude of sound is already familiar. Thirdly, transcription with the designation of longitude with a colon [:] will perfectly transmit sound features. [W ':] - Soft and long, both signs that make up its difference from the sound [sh], are clearly presented, simply and definitely.

What to advise the guys who learn now on generally accepted textbooks? It is necessary to understand, comprehend, and then remember that in fact the sounds [sh] and [sh ':] a pair of hardness-softness do not form. And I advise you to transcribe them as your teacher requires.

§eight. Place of education of consonants

The consonants differ not only by the signs already known to you:

  • deaf-belling,
  • hardness-softness
  • method of education: Bow-gap.

The last, fourth sign is important: place of education.
The articulation of some sounds is carried out by lips, others - the language, its different parts. So, the sounds [p], [p '], [b], [b'], [m], [m '] - lip-lip, [in], [in'], [f], [f ' ] - Long-dental, all others are pagan: front-band [t], [t '], [d], [d'], [n], [n '], [s], [s'], [s ], [s'], [sh], [z], [sh ':], [ch'], [Ц], [l], [l '], [p], [p'] , medium-language [th '] and posteripal [k], [k'], [g], [g '], [x], [x'].

§nine. Positional changes

1. Strong-weak positions for vowels. Positional changes in vowels. Reduction

People do not use pronounced sounds isolated. They do not need it.
Speech is a sound stream, but the stream, in a definitely organized. The conditions in which one or another sound is important. The beginning of the word, the end of the word, the shock syllable, the unstressed syllable, the position before the vowel, the position before consonant is all different positions. We will understand how to distinguish strengths and weak positions first for vowels, and then for consonants.

Strong position The one in which the sounds are not subjected to positionally due to changes and are in their main form. A strong position is isolated for groups of sounds, for example: for vowels it is a position in the shock syllable. And for consonants, for example, strong is the position before vowels.

For vowels, a strong position under the stress, and weak - without emphasis.
In unstressed syllables, vowels are subject to change: they are shorter and not pronounced also clearly as under stress. Such a change in vowels in a weak position is called reduction. Due to the reduction in a weak position, fewer vowels differ than in strong.

The sounds corresponding to the shock [o] and [a], after solid consonant in a weak, unstressed position sound the same. Regulatory in Russian recognized "Akane", i.e. Non-existence ABOUT and BUT In an unstressed position after solid consonants.

  • under the stress: [house] - [ladies] - [o] ≠ [A].
  • without emphasis: [d butma'] -Doma' - [d butla'] -Dala' - [a] \u003d [a].

The sounds corresponding to the shock [a] and [e], after soft consonants in a weak, unstressed position sound the same. The regulatory pronunciation is oscale, i.e. Non-existence E. and BUT In an unstressed position after soft consonants.

  • under the stress: [M'Ech '] - [M'Ach'] - [e] ≠ [a].
  • without emphasis: [M'ich'o'm] - sword'm -[M'ich'o'm] - Ball'm - [and] \u003d [and].
  • But what about the vowels [and], [s], [y]? Why didn't they say anything about them? The fact is that these vowels in a weak position are only quantified reduction: they are pronounced more briefly, weakly, but their quality does not change. That is, as for all vowels, an unstressed position for them is a weak position, but for a schoolboy, these vowels do not represent problems in an unstressed position.

[Ly'ys], [in _Lu' Zhu], [N'I' T'i] - and in a strong, and in weak positions, the quality of vowels does not change. And under the emphasis, and in an unstressed position we are clearly heard: [s], [y], [and] and write letters that these sounds are considered to be denoted.

Discussing the problem of interpretation

What vowel sounds are actually pronounced in unstressed syllables after hard consonants?

Performing phonetic analysis and making the transcription of words, many guys express bewilderment. In long multi-key words, after hard consonants, no sound is pronounced [a], as school textbooks say, but something else.

They are right.

Compare Word pronunciation: Moscow - Muscovites. Repeat every word several times and listen, what a vowel sounds in the first syllable. With word Moscow Everything is simple. We pronounce: [Maskva'] - the sound is clearly heard [a]. A Word muscovites? In accordance with the literary norm, in all syllables, except for the first syllable before the emphasis, as well as the positions of the beginning and the end of the word, we say not [A], and the other sound: less distinct, less clear, more similar to [s] than [ a]. In a scientific tradition, this sound is denoted by the [K] icon. So, we really say: [Malako'] - milk'[Khrabasho'] - OK ,[Kulbas'] - sausage'.

I understand that, giving this material in the textbooks, the authors tried to simplify it. Simplified. But many guys with good hearing, hearing clear that the sounds in the following examples are different, no way can understand why the teacher and the textbook insist that these sounds are the same. Actually:

[in butyes ] - Water' -[in kommersantd'Iina '] - Watering'y:[a] ≠ [ъ]
[Dr. butva'] - Firewood[Dr. kommersantvino'y'y '] - Warning:[a] ≠ [ъ]

The special subsystem is the realization of vowels in unstressed syllables after hissing. But in the school year, this material in most textbooks is not presented at all.

What vowes are actually pronounced in unstressed syllables after soft consonants?

I have the greatest sympathy to the guys who learn to textbooks offering in place BUT,E., ABOUT After soft consonants to hear and transmit the sound "and, prone to e" into transcription. I consider it fundamentally wrong to give schoolchildren as the only version of the outdated norm of pronunciation - "Ecane", which occurred today is much less likely to "Ikanya", mainly in deep older people. Guys, boldly write in an unstressed position in the first syllable before stressing on the spot BUT and E. - [and].

After soft consonants in other unstressed syllables, in addition to the end position position, we pronounce a short weak sound, resembling [and] and denoted as [b]. Say words eight, nineand listen ourselves. We pronounce: [Wa' S'g] - [b], [d'Е'ort '] - [b].

Do not confuse:

Transcriptional signs are one, and letters are completely different.
Transcription sign [Kommersant] denotes vowel after solid consonants in unstressed syllables, except for the first syllable before emphasising.
Letter Kommersant is a solid sign.
Transcription sign [b] denotes vowel after soft consonants in unstressed syllables, except for the first syllable before emphasising.
Letter b is a soft sign.
Transcription signs, unlike letters, are given in straight square brackets.

End of the Word - Special position. It has clarification of vowels after soft consonants. The unstressed ending system is a special phonetic subsystem. In Ne. E. and BUT differ:

ZDA[Zda' N'iy'e] - building[Zda' N'iy'a], I am[Mn''E'i'i'e] - Me'ya[MN''' N'ii'a], MO' RE[MO' R'E] - seas[MO' P'A], wa.[V'L'A] - on Wait[N_VOO' L'E]. Remember this when you make a phonetic word analysis.


As requires denoting vowels in an unstressed position your teacher. If it uses a simplified transcription system, nothing terrible: it is widely accepted. Just do not be surprised that you really hear different sounds in an unstressed position.

2. Strong-weak positions for consonants. Positional changes in consonants

For all, without exception, the consonant strong position is position before Glasna. Before vowels, consonants advocate in their main form. Therefore, making a phonetic analysis, do not be afraid to make a mistake, describing the consonant, standing in a strong position: [Dacha'a] - country house, [T'L'Iv'i'i'y'y'y] - television,[C'ino' N'ima] - Sino' Nima,[B'ir'O' PS] - Berezov,[KarZ "And' us] - Bases. All consonants in these examples before vowels, i.e. In a strong position.

Strong positions by deafness bells:

  • before vowels: [there] - there,[ladies] - Dame,
  • before the unpaired ringing [p], [p '], [l], [l'], [n], [n '], [m], [m'], [y ']: [DL'A] - for[TL'A] - TLL,
  • Before [in], [in ']: [Your'] - His [ringing] - Rough.


In a strong position, ringing and deaf consonants do not change their quality.

Weak positions by deaf-belling:

  • before paired by deaf-belling: [Slav'i Tk'y] - Slaughter[memory pk'i] - Zu' BKK..
  • before the deaf unpaired: [Aprah-T] - Girth, [Fhot] - Login.
  • at the end of the word: [ZUP] - tooth[DUK] - Oak.

Positional changes in consonants by deafness-belling

In weak positions, consonants are modified: there are positional changes with them. Ringing become deaf, i.e. Stunning, and deaf - ringing, i.e. Sound. Positional changes are observed only in pairwise consonants.


Stunning beams happens in positions:

  • before paired deaf: [Fsta'it '] - inhundred' vite,
  • at the end of the word: [click] - treasure.

Spiley sponge occurs in position:

  • before paired bellows: [Kaz'b'] - Co. fromthink

Cylinders on hardness sofildness:

  • before vowels: [Mat '] - Mother[M'At '] - Move,
  • at the end of the word: [won] - Won,[won '] - Sten,
  • in front of lifting: [b], [b '], [p], [p'], [m], [m '] and posteripal: [k], [k'], [g], [g ' ], [x [, [x '] for sounds [s], [s'], [s], [s'], [t], [t'], [d], [d '], [n ], [n '], [p], [p']: [sa'e n'k'i] - Sa' Nyki (Rod. Pad.), [C'Anq'i] - Sa' Nki,[Bo' Lka] - Bo' Lka,[BU L'KT '] - Clap,
  • all positions for sounds [l] and [l ']: [forehead] - forehead,[Pal'b] - Palf.


In a strong position, solid and soft consonants do not change their quality.

Weak positions on hardness-softness and positional changes in hardness-softness.

  • before soft [t '], [d'] for consonants [c], [s], which are necessarily softened:, [s'd'es'],
  • before [h '] and [sh':] for [n], which is necessarily softened: [at' n'ch'ch'ik] - at' Nichchik,[Ka' M'In's': IR] - ka'man.


In some positions today are possible both soft and solid pronunciation:

  • before soft front-band [n '], [l'] for advanced consonants [C], [s]: snow -[S'N'EK] and, angry -[Z'l'it '] and [Zl'it']
  • before soft front-band, [s'] for advanced [T], [d] - raise -[Pad'n'A' T '] and [Padn'a' t'] , beyond -[AT'N'A' T '] and [Atn'A' T']
  • before soft front-band [T "], [d], [s"], [z "] for front-band [n]: v'Nikt -[V'I' N "T" IC] and [B'i''i'ik], NSI - [P'E' N'S'i'y] and [P'E' Ns'i'i]
  • before soft lump [in '], [f'], [b '], [p'], [m '] for lips: writing " [f "P" Isa' T '] and [FP "IS' AT'], R'Fmet(dates. Pad.) - [Р'I' Ф "M" E] and [Р'i''i fm "e]


In all cases, there is a positional mitigation of consonants in a weak position.
Write a soft sign with a positional mitigation of consonants erroneous.

Positional changes in consonant on the signs of the method and place of education

Naturally, in school tradition, it is not taken to state the characteristics of sounds and the positions that occur with them with all the details. But the general patterns of phonetics must be assimilated. Without it, it is difficult to make phonetic analysis and perform test tasks. Therefore, the following is a list of positionally-conditioned changes in consonants on the signs of the method and place of education. This material is tangible help for those who want to avoid mistakes in phonetic analysis.

Associate agree

Logic is this: for the Russian language, the likelihood of sounds is characteristic, if they are similar and in this case are nearby.

Learn list:

[C] and [W] → [W:] - Sew

[z] and [F] → [w:] - squeeze

[s] and [ch '] - in the root of words [Sh ':] - Happiness, account
- at the junction of morpheme and words [Sh ': Ch'] - comb, dishonest with what (the preposition followed by the word pronounced ply of as one word)

[C] and [sh ':] → [sh':] - split

[t] and [c] - in the verb forms → [C:] - Smiles
-An the junction of the console and root [CS] - dumbfound

[T] and [C] → [C:] - Flip

[T] and [h '] → [h':] - Report

[T] and [T] and [W ':] ← [c] and [h'] - Countdown

[d] and [sh ':] ← [c] and [h'] - counting

Frame management

Framework is the process of positional change opposite to the likelihood.

[g] and [K '] → [x'K'] - easy

Simplification of group agreements

Learn list:

vFA - [ST]: Hello, feel
zdn - [zn]: late
healthy - [SC] : Under the Woodhouse
lNT - [NTS]: the sun
nDC. - [NC]: Dutch
vDSH - [NSh:] landscape
nTG - [NG]: x-ray
rDD. - [RC]: a heart
rDch. - [RF ']: serchchko
stl - [Sl ']: happy
sTN - [CH]: local

Pronunciation of sound groups:

In the forms of adjectives, pronoun, the communities are found alphabetic combinations: Wow, it. INa place g.they are pronounced [in]: his, beautiful, blue.
Avoid contracted reading. Pronunciation of words his, blue, beautiful right.

§10. Letters and sounds

Letters and sounds have a different purpose and different nature. But these are correlated systems. Therefore, the types of ratio need to know.

Types of ratio of letters and sounds:

  1. The letter denotes the sound, for example, vowels after hard consonants and consonants before vowels: weather.
  2. The letter does not have its own sound, for example b and kommersant: mouse
  3. The letter denotes two sounds, for example, yoted vowels e, E, Yu, Iin positions:
    • the beginning of the word
    • after vowels,
    • after dividing b and kommersant.
  4. The letter may designate the sound and quality of the preceding sound, for example, yoted vowels and and After soft consonants.
  5. The letter may indicate the quality of the prior sound, for example bin words shadow, stump, pallet.
  6. Two letters can designate one sound, more often: sew, squeeze
  7. Three letters correspond to one sound: smile - draw -[C:]

Sample forces

Check how you understood the content of this chapter.

Total test

  1. What does the quality of the vowel sound depend on?

    • From the shape of the oral cavity at the time of the pronouncement of sound
    • From obstacles formed by speech bodies at the moment of pronouncing sound
  2. What is called reduction?

    • correction of vowels under the stress
    • pronouncement of vowels in an unstound position
    • special pronouncement of consonants
  3. What sounds the air jet meets the obstacle on his way: a bow or gap?

    • In vowels
    • In agrees
  4. Is it possible to pronounce the deaf consonants?

  5. Do they participate in the pronouncement of deaf consonants voice ligaments?

  6. How many pairs form consonants by deaf-belling?

  7. How many consonants do not have a pair of deaf-belling?

  8. How many pairs form Russian consonants on hardness-softness?

  9. How many consonants does not have a pair of hardness-softness?

  10. How is the softness of consonant in the letter translated?

    • Special icons
    • Combinations of letters
  11. What is the name of the sound position in the speech stream, in which it performs in its main form, without being subjected to positional changes?

    • Strong position
    • Weak position
  12. What sounds are the strong and weak positions?

    • In vowels
    • In agrees
    • All: and vowels and consonants

Right answers:

  1. From the shape of the oral cavity at the time of the pronouncement of sound
  2. pronouncement of vowels in an unstound position
  3. In agrees
  4. Combinations of letters
  5. Strong position
  6. All: and vowels and consonants

In contact with

As you know, speech sounds can be divided into vowels (spoken by only voice) and consonants (noise is involved in their pronomization). Many consonants can be divided into pairs of their characteristics, but not all.

Paired and unpaired consonants by deaf-belling

Immediately it is necessary to make a reservation that such sounds that are not partial in all signs, there are only four. We will talk about them at the end of the article. Most of the same sign included in the pair, and otherwise there is no. Therefore, it is impossible to write about the consonant "non-fine" - it is necessary to specify, on what basis.

The consonants differ by deaf-belling. This means that when they pronounce some of them, more votes (sonorous, ringing) are used, and in other more noise (deaf) or even one noise (hissing).

Sonorny - these are very ringing consonants, there are many voices in them, and there is little noise.

Two sorneal consonants - [l] and [p] - can even for some circumstances to form a syllable, that is, behave like vowels. Surely you met an erroneous writing the "Theater". It is explained by the fact that [p] in this word is a group-forming. Other examples are the words "Alexander", "Meaning".

Unpaired ringing sound sounds are just a sonorn. Five of them:

Sometimes [th] do not belong to the sonorn, but it still remains ringing unpaired. Let's look at the table.

It can be seen that, except for ringing unpaired, there are sounds that are unpaired deaf. Most of them are hissing; Hissing does not apply only a deaf unpaid consonant sound [C].

In this article we consider only Russian sounds of speech. In other languages, the distribution of pairs can be different. For example, in Tibetan, there is a deaf pair to the ringing [l].

Softness Couples

In addition to the deafness-belling, Russian consonants form pairs of hardness-softness.

This means that some of them are perceived as softer. Then we usually somehow refer to the letter: for example, we write a soft sign or one of the vowels E, Yu, Yu, Ya.

Oral speech is prim than (it is clear that it appeared before writing), so it is wrong to say: "Sound [H '] in the word horse is soft, because after it is worth it." On the contrary, we write b, because n 'soft.

According to hardness, the consonants also constitute a pair. But in this case, not all. In Russian, there are unpaired soft and unpaired solid consonant sounds.

Unpaired solid consonant sounds are mainly hissing ([F], [W]) and [C]. They are always formed from a long-ground noise.

But in the ancestor of our language, Staroslavyansky, on the contrary, [W] and [W] were always soft and did not have a solid pair. Then soft was not [K], [g] and [x]. Currently, you can meet (once the only possible) pronunciation with soft [z '] [yeast] or [free] (rain), but it is now optional.

Unpaired soft is [th '] and again hissing [h'] and [sh '].

That is, all hissing are or always solid, or always soft. The letter B after them does not indicate softness, it performs a grammatical function (for example, not even knowing what "the shoulders" is, any will immediately say that this is the word of the female kind, because in the male race after the hissing b it is not placed). Solid unpaired hissing consonant sounds in the Word may have with them, but this does not mean that they should soften. This means that we have noun 3 declines, adverb or verb.

Unpaired soft consonant sounds in the word cause a desire to put after them b what is often not required. Therefore, it makes sense to remember that in combinations of CC, CN, and the like. B after h is not needed.

Sounds "completely unpaired"

In Russian, most of the consonants or steam rooms on both of the signs, or pair, one sign and unpaired differently. for example, in the word [p'en '] (stump) sound [p'] pair and deaf-belling (P '- b'), and on hardness-softness (P '- P), and the sound [n'] pair By hardness-softness (H '- H), but unpacking the deaf-belling.

However, there are several sounds, unpaired on both grounds. These are the sounds [th '] (unpaid ringing, unpaired soft), [h'] (unpaired soft, unpaid deaf), [sh '] (unpaired soft, unpaired deaf) and [C] (unpaired solid, unpaired deaf). Such sounds often riddled in the Olympics in the Russian language. For example, "Guess the sound according to the characteristic: unpaid solid, unpaid deaf." We already see that this is [C].

What did we know?

From the article about steam and unpaired consonants, we learned that in Russian there are both pair and unparalleled consonants. Paired consonants differ in deafness-belling and hardness-softness.

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