Paragraph 18 aquarium is a small artificial ecosystem. The aquarium is a small artificial ecosystem

The aquarium is small artificial ecosystem.

But she also obeys the laws

nature. You forgot to put one of the most important

inhabitants of the ecosystem.

Why do I have to constantly blow

air and often change the water in my aquarium?

What inhabitants of the aquarium did Lena forget about?

What question will you be looking for an answer to?

What living organisms inhabit the aquarium?

Lesson topic: "Aquarium is a small artificial ecosystem."

What parts does an ecosystem consist of?




The soil




What is an artificial ecosystem?

Sharing knowledge

Name all parts of the ecosystem that we can find in the aquarium.

Living organisms of what "professions" we will meet there.




Sharing knowledge

Find out who lives in the aquarium with the help of text and pictures (pp. 75-77).

Aquatic plants (producers)




Sharing knowledge







Warm water aquarium fish

Sharing knowledge

The main types of aquarium fish.


Common goldfish




Cold water aquarium fish

Sharing knowledge

Inhabitants of the aquarium.

Why do crayfish and turtles in aquariums contain

much less often?

Coil snail


Sharing knowledge

An aquarium is a small artificial ecosystem inhabited by plants and animals.

If you seriously want to make your little

artificial ecosystem,

then find a book on aquariums and read it carefully.

Then your underwater world will turn out for real

stable and will delight for a long time.

We apply knowledge

Run in workbook task 1 (H) page 35. Check yourself.






soil (rocks)

Sections: elementary School

Class: 3

Lesson type: combined lesson

Lesson objectives:

  • to acquaint students with the components of the ecosystem using the example of an aquarium;
  • check the degree of assimilation by students of the previously studied ecosystem of the field;
  • develop logical thinking through comparison and establishment of cause-and-effect relationships;
  • teach students to maintain the aquarium ecosystem;
  • foster respect for nature.


  • a diagram of the ecosystem of a field, an aquarium;
  • illustrations (aquarium fish, animals, plants);
  • textbook - notebook for grade 3 "Inhabitants of the Earth" part 1 (auth. A.Vakhrushev, OVBursky, A.S. Rautian);
  • media projector;
  • test cards.

Basic concepts of the lesson:

  • ecosystem,
  • power circuit,
  • three "professions",
  • aquarium,
  • aquarium plants,
  • aquarium animals,
  • the value of aquariums.

Definition of lesson concepts:

Ecosystem - the unity of living organisms and their habitat, in which living organisms of different "professions" are able to jointly support the circulation of substances.

Power circuit - a sequence of species of organisms, each of which eats the previous one.

Three professions:

  • Producers (“breadwinners”)- living organisms (mainly plants) that create organic matter from inorganic, mineral substances.
  • Consumers (“eaters”)- living organisms (mainly animals) that use ready-made organic substances as food.
  • Destroyers ("scavengers")- living organisms (mainly bacteria and fungi) that use the remains of dead organisms for food. They recycle organic substances, decomposing them into simpler organic and mineral substances.

Aquarium - a vessel with water inhabited by aquatic inhabitants.

Lesson plan:

Lesson steps

Types and forms of work

1. Org. moment Greetings
2. Testing students' knowledge Blitz survey

Field Ecosystem Test

Developing self-control skills

3. Problem situation and actualization of knowledge (exit to the topic of the lesson) Blitz survey

Heuristic conversation based on personal experience children

4. Sharing knowledge Heuristic conversation based on the personal experience of children.

Explanation of the new material.

Working with the tutorial.

Helpful children.

5. Physical education A set of exercises
6. The stage of consolidation of the learned Learning how to independently apply knowledge

Working with the tutorial

7. Summing up Reflection.

Drawing up a model "Ecosystem of the aquarium"

8. Homework Differentiation
9. Relaxation Watching a video


Slide 1

  1. Org. Moment
  2. Testing students' knowledge

1. Blitz survey

2. Test "Field Ecosystem"

Let's check how you learned the material from the previous lesson. Let's execute the test “Field ecosystem” ( test sheets on desks)

  1. The field is ...
  1. natural ecosystem;
  2. artificial ecosystem.
  1. Cultivated plants are ...
  1. dandelion, bindweed, sow thistle;
  2. sunflower, flax, rice.
  1. Cornflower, thistle, bindweed in the ecosystem of the field are ...
  1. weeds;
  2. bright flowers.
  1. Biological control is a method of protection using ...
  1. pesticides;
  2. live helpers.

Check your work.


What are the main differences between fields and natural ecosystems? ( Huge dependence on humans. The circulation of substances in the fields is not closed, therefore the field cannot live without human help. This ecosystem is artificial)

What “professions” do a person have to perform in the crop circle? ( destroyers - (introduction of minerals, plowing fields, weeding, pest control; producers; consumers - harvests)

Well done! You have mastered the topic “Field Ecosystem” well.

  1. Problem situation and knowledge update

1. Blitz survey

Teacher Children
- Let's recall again the basic concepts of the topic A diagram is built on the board ( as we receive answers to questions)











- What is an ecosystem? ECOSYSTEM is the unity of living organisms and their habitat, in which living organisms of different "professions" are able to jointly maintain the circulation of substances.
- What are the components of the ecosystem?
- What “professions” of living organisms are necessary for the cycle in the ecosystem to be closed? We need "producers" ("breadwinners"), consumers ("eaters"), destroyers ("scavengers")
- What is an artificial ecosystem? Human-made ecosystem.
- Is it easy to create an artificial ecosystem? What is needed for this?

2. Statement of the problem

Each person, if desired, can create a small ecological system. You don't have to be a magician to do this.

Let's try to define the topic and objectives of the lesson. Guess the riddle.

This house is not wooden click
This house is not made of stone. click
It is transparent click
It is glass click
There is no number on it either ... click
And the tenants in it are not simple, click
Not simple, golden. click
These same tenants
Famous swimmers.

  1. Sharing knowledge

1. Heuristic conversation

- Our assistant - Lena tried to create an artificial ecosystem, but she had problems. Help her solve these problems. Examine the drawing.
- What ecosystem did Lena create? Lena created an ecosystem - an aquarium.
- What is it - natural or artificial? Why? An aquarium is an artificial ecosystem because humans create it.
- Why is it difficult for fish to breathe in Lena's aquarium? - Lena has no producing plants in her aquarium. They saturate the water with oxygen.
- What components of the ecosystem do we find in the aquarium? Living and nonliving components of the ecosystem: air, water, soil, living organisms (producers, consumers, destroyers).

2. Explanation of the new material.

Slide 9 (View presentation)

A variety of beautiful fish are bred in the aquarium. But in order for the fish to live for a long time and even to reproduce, it is necessary to prepare an appropriate habitat for them.

Slide 10 - Where to start? (With soil preparation.)

Slide 11 - From soil preparation. For this purpose, washed, coarse-grained sand or pebbles (layer 4-6 cm) are specially selected. You should not put shells on the bottom of the aquarium, as the water from them becomes hard. Tap water for the aquarium is allowed to stand for 5-7 days. Then water is poured into a special glass container and the soil is laid.

Slide 12 After a couple of days, aquatic plants are planted in the aquarium. They form the backbone of the ecosystem being created, providing oxygen production, carbon sequestration and the creation of organic matter that fish needs to feed. Plants also serve decorative purposes.

Slide 13 Grow well all year round in warm and cold water aquariums vallisneria, elodea, riccia.

Slide 14 Tropical plants are widespread: cryptocorynes with colorful leaves, lancet echinodorus, lustrous ludwigia, fluffy myriophyllus, rotala, hornwort, kabomba, pistia.

Then it is necessary to introduce microorganisms into the aquatic environment - various bacteria, protozoa, microscopic algae. They are an essential element of the ecosystem to ensure habitat restoration.

Slide 15 Now the environmental conditions allow placing larger inhabitants - fish - in a man-made reservoir. For an aquarium, fish are selected that live in nature in some areas ( geographic principle), or those that live in the same environmental conditions ( biological principle). It is recommended to keep cold-water fish separately from warm-water ones, and predatory fish from non-predatory ones.

At home, it is easier to create a warm water aquarium than a cold water one. Therefore, tropical fish are more frequent inhabitants of indoor aquariums.

Slide 16 The breeds of American fish are kept in a warm-water aquarium: guppies, Slide 17 swordtails, Slide 18 catfish, platy, limium, Slide 19 girardinus.

Often, Asian fish are settled in the same aquarium. zebrafish, barbs, cardinals or South American glowing fish neons, fireflies and others.

Slide 20 In a cold-water aquarium fish live in water bodies of Russia: verkhovka, crucian carp, gorchak, small individuals pinched fish, carp, tench.

Slide 21 A also contain goldfish breeds: veil-tails, telescopes, slide 22 lionheads.

Slide 23 Other animals are sometimes placed in the aquarium: molluscs, crustaceans, turtles, snails.

How many of you have an aquarium with its inhabitants?

What advice would you give to those guys who want to have an aquarium and fish?

The most important thing is to understand that it is difficult to create an artificial ecosystem, even a small one. This requires knowledge, patience, love for little friends. If you are serious about making your little artificial ecosystem, find a book on aquariums and read it carefully. Or visit a dedicated website on the Internet.

3. Working with the textbook

Review the drawing in activity 2 on page 72.

Find the constituent parts of the ecosystem: the non-living parts of the aquarium ecosystem and the “profession” of living organisms. ( Consider drawing: 1 - soil; 2 - water; 3 - algae-producers; 4 - crustaceans-consumers; 5 - fish - consumers; 6 - snails-destroyers; 7 - microbes-destroyers)

4. Student messages

Some guys have prepared messages about the inhabitants of the aquarium. Let's listen to them.

  1. Physical education.
  2. Primary consolidation of the studied material.

1. Conversation

Why is an aquarium called a small artificial ecosystem? ( An aquarium is an ecosystem because it contains all the components of an ecosystem. It is called artificial because it is created by man.)

List all the participants in the cycle of substances in the aquarium. (Producers - algae (plants). Consumers - fish. Destroyers - catfish (fish), microbes, snails)

2. Completing Task 4 on page 76.

What should be done in task 4? ( It is necessary to correct the mistakes made in the maintenance of aquarium fish.)

What mistake did the owner of the first aquarium make? ( There are few plants in the aquarium.)

What mistake was made in keeping the fish in the second picture? ( There are a lot of fish in the aquarium. You need to buy a larger aquarium or transfer some of the fish to another aquarium)

The main condition for the successful keeping of fish in a cold-water aquarium, for example, a breed of goldfish, is a low stocking density, that is, for each fish 5 cm in length, at least 5 liters of water should fall. The water in such aquariums must be purged and filtered. ( Correlate the size of a five-liter can and a fish (5cm))

3. Completing task 5 on page 76.

Guys, you need to determine which parts of the world are home to aquarium fish, then sign the names of the fish.

Slide 24, click

Somik was born in South America (Brazil, Uruguay).

Slide 25, click

Swordsman - in North America(Southern Mexico, Guatemala).

Slide 26, click

Homeland guppySouth America(Guyana, Venezuela).

Slide 27, click

Homeland scalars- South America.

Slide 28, click

Barbus was born in South Asia (India).

Slide 29, click

Homeland lionheads is China.

  1. Summarizing. Reflection.

What condition must be met for the aquarium to exist? ( It is necessary that all components of the ecosystem are present in it, and its inhabitants support the cycle of substances.)

Blackboard modeling (2 aquariums: warm water, cold water)

What new did you learn in the lesson?

What do you remember?

What else would you like to talk about in the lessons of the surrounding world?

  1. Homework.

2. Written assignment: Answer questions 10, 11, 12, 13 in the textbook on page 77

3. Prepare messages about the living inhabitants of the aquarium ecosystem ( optional)

  1. Relaxation

Video clip "Coral Paradise"

Teacher: We are finishing our acquaintance with the ecosystem - the aquarium, its beautiful plants, various animals. The aquarium is like a particle underwater world transferred to the room. It is fraught with many mysteries, and observation of it is extremely fascinating. At the same time, an aquarium is an artificially torn piece of the underwater kingdom, which is doomed to drag out a miserable existence in the name of satisfying the whims of its owner. Both of these statements are true, because, on the one hand, it will never be possible to accurately copy all the details of natural reservoirs, and on the other, the well-being of the aquarium world is entirely in the hands of the owner. Environmentally competent handling of the aquarium will bring the living conditions of pets as close as possible to natural ones, and ignorance of the laws of life of the underwater world will lead to a violation of harmony and the death of pets. I hope that the lesson was fun and interesting for you, you learned a lot about the aquarium. Let's smile goodbye to all the inhabitants of the aquarium, smile at each other, observe the inhabitants of the aquarium in their natural habitat - coral reefs and enjoy our wonderful nature.

Thanks for your work!

1. Write down what non-living parts of the ecosystem and the "profession" of living organisms we find in the aquarium.

1 - soil - gone rocks, 2 - water, 3 - plants - producers, 4 - crustaceans - consumers, 5 - fish - consumers, 6 - snails - destroyers, 7 - microbes - destroyers.

2. Fill in the table.

3. Make an outline of the text from the textbook.

Aquarium plants. Fishes. Shellfish. Crayfish and turtles.

4. Consider the pictures. Think about why you can't keep fish like that. Correct their living conditions with colored pencils. What are the rules of the aquarist.

1) There must be water in the aquarium. We need to finish painting the plants. There are too many fish in the aquarium.

2) The aquarium must be inaccessible to other pets.

5. Determine in which parts of the world is the homeland of aquarium fish. Sign the names of the fish.

Testing the ability to understand the text

Read the text "Aquarium - Small Artificial Ecosystem" on pages 75-77 of the textbook. Complete the tasks.

A. Learn to understand the text and find the facts.

1. What is the main focus of the text? Pick only one answer and mark it.

For the inhabitants of the aquarium.

2. Choose from the sentences below the one that describes the role that catfish play in the aquarium. Mark it.

Catfish are real "scavengers": they swim near the bottom and clean the aquarium of food debris.

3. Which aquarium fish breathe atmospheric air? Pick only one answer and mark it.

4. Write down what kind of animals are kept in the aquariums.

Fish, crayfish, turtles, snails.

5. Write in which country the goldfish was bred from the crucian carp.

6. Which of the pictures of the slave is mentioned in the text? Circle them.

B. We learn to understand the text, compare information and draw conclusions.

7. Why goldfish are kept in more cold water? Pick only one answer and mark it.

Because they come from a temperate climate.

8. Why are coil snails settled in the aquarium? Pick only one answer and mark it.

They scrape the algae off the glass.

9. Why in this text, of all the inhabitants of the aquarium ecosystem, mainly fish are described?

A person buys an aquarium in order to breed fish, so he must have information about them.

10. Write down why goldfish are not kept with guppies and swordtails. Pick only one answer and mark it.

They prefer colder water.

11. Write down why crayfish and turtles are not kept together with fish.

Crayfish and turtles eat fish, gnaw at plants.

12. Write down why not all plants in aquariums are correctly called algae.

Because flowering plants can also grow in aquariums.

Learning to understand main idea text.

To start an aquarium, you need to know about its inhabitants.

14. If there was one more paragraph in the text, what would it be about?

About the nutrition of fish or about the devices that are needed to care for the inhabitants of the aquarium.

15. Which heading is most appropriate for the entire text? Pick only one answer and mark it.

Who lives in the aquarium?

16. Which sentence best helps you understand the main point of the text? Pick only one answer and mark it.

If you are serious about making your own little artificial ecosystem, then find a book on aquariums and read it carefully.

Any ecosystem has components that make up it. Now we have to work with you to identify these components.

- Each group will research the component, read the instructions carefully.

Group # 1.



Find out what kind of water you need for your aquarium. For this:

1. Consider water samples.

2. Fill in the table.


Tap water

Aquarium water

Color (colorless / different color)

Transparency (transparent / cloudy)

Smell (yes, no)

3. Read:
At many waterworks, water is added a large number of chlorine - a gas that kills harmful microbes. Chlorine is also dangerous for fish. Therefore, fish must not be allowed into the tap water. It should stand for 2-3 days.

4. Make a conclusion. 5. Answer according to plan.

5. Answer according to plan.

Response plan

We compared the water samples from the mains and from the aquarium and determined that (read from the table)

From the additional article, we learned ________________

and concluded that (prepared / untreated) water is needed to maintain the ecosystem of the aquarium. (Slide 9)

Group number 2.

(brown envelope)

SOIL (ground)


1. Read the article on soil.

Priming- the soil that forms the bottom of the reservoir.
The soil is needed so that plants grow in it.
The ground should not have sharp edges that could hurt fish.
The soil is coarse sand or pebbles. To put it in the aquarium, it is washed to remove dirt. It is also best to boil it. Then they rinse again under the tap and fall asleep at the bottom of the aquarium.

2. Discuss with the group what size the substrate should be for the aquarium.

3. Make a conclusion and give an answer according to the plan.

Response plan:

We learned that the soil in the aquarium is called ____________. For the bottom, use ______________

Before placing in the aquarium, the substrate should be _______

and lay on the bottom of the aquarium in a layer of several centimeters. (Slide 10, 11)

Group number 3.


1. Read the text.

In an aquarium that is heavily lit and contains few plants, it will quickly
overgrown with algae and requires constant cleaning.
If the aquarium is placed in dark place, the plants will die and the fish will die. What should be done to

the aquarium is not overgrown with algae?

Response plan:

We came to the conclusion that the aquarium needs artificial _________________, for example _______________ daylight. (Slide 11)

Group No. 4.


1. Read the text.

Oxygen is needed for the respiration of plants and animals. Fish breathe oxygen, which is dissolved in water. It is clear that the further from the surface, the less oxygen in the water. How can you make sure that there is enough oxygen in the aquarium?

2. Discuss in the group and answer according to the plan.

Response plan:

We concluded that: an additional source of ___________________ is needed. For example compressor . (Slide 11)

In the process of research, the table is filled in.

Ecosystem components

Aquarium - ECOSYSTEM?

Human participation

Memo for the beginner aquarist

1. To defend the water.

2. Flush medium sized soil.

3.Use a lamp and a compressor.


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