Summary of a lesson on teaching literacy in senior. Acquaintance with a word and a sentence

Olga Poluektova
Summary of a lesson on teaching literacy in senior group"Word in the palm of your hand"

GOAL: Reinforcement of the past.


1. Educational.

Strengthen the ability to name words on a given topic;

Strengthen the ability to use prepositions in speech and come up with them the words;

Enrich vocabulary of children;

Strengthen the ability to conduct sound analysis the words;

Continue teaching children to isolate word stress, determine its place in word;

Consolidate knowledge about the syllable as a part the words;

Continue to teach to work in notebooks in a narrow ruler.

2. Developing.

Develop thinking, speech, attention;

Develop memory;

Develop fine motor skills hands.

3. Educational.

To foster love for the native language;

To foster a culture of communication, accuracy.


The game « Word on the palm of your hand» ;

The game "Disassemble word» ;

Finger gymnastics.

The game "Finish"



Picture - geese;

Houses- the words, circles-sounds, stripes-stress;

Notebooks, pencils.

DICTIONARY: airy, weightless, playful, sounds, vowels, hard consonants, soft consonants, stress, impact sound, unstressed sound, syllables, wide line, narrow line.


1. Educational area "Health"- correct seating at the table; clothes.

2. Educational area « Physical education» - physical education and finger gymnastics.

3. Educational area "Socialization"- perform actions in a team, know how to consult with each other, listen to the opinion of another.

4. Educational area "Work"- perform various actions to take care of their workplace.

5. Educational area "Security"

6. Educational area "Communication"- participation in the conversation, assessment of the answers of peers.

7. Educational area "Artistic creation"- drawing in notebooks.

The course of the LESSON.

I. Organizational moment.

The game « Word on the palm of your hand» .

Educator: Guys, you already know that all the objects that surround us, we call ... (in words) .

I will find words everywhere

Both in the sky and in the water,

On the floor, on the ceiling

On the nose and on the arm.

Haven't you heard that?

No problem! We play in word!

Let's search the words in the forest and put them in a basket.

(The teacher offers a basket to the children, they "Fold"- call the words that are found in the forest.)

II. Main part.

1. Verbal speech development games

Educator: The words can indeed be found everywhere. No wonder the people were born such mystery: "Not ice, but clings to everything"... What is it? (word) ... Do you think in our group can you find an item that has no name?

Name given to everything:

Both the beast and the object.

There are a lot of things around

And there are no nameless.

Help me name different the words... (Children take turns reading the lines from the poem "What are the words» ).

Eat sweet word - candy,

There is a fast word - rocket,

Eat sour word - lemon,

There is word with a window - carriage,

There is the word prickly - hedgehog,

There is word wet - rain,

There is stubborn word - goal,

There is the word prickly - spruce,

There is a book word - page,

There is the word forest - tit,

There is fluffy word - snow,

There is the word funny is laughter.

Educator: Now, close your eyes, and an object will appear in front of you, which in our no group(gets out balloon) ... What is he? (Airy, blue, light, weightless, large, transparent).

What kind words can fly like this ball, jump, shine?

The child takes the ball:

Balloon, playful,

Naughty and obstinate

I ran away with the wind

And he didn't tell us where.

The teacher indicates what needs to be done, the child performs actions: the ball landed on the table, on a chair, under the table, under the cabinet. Hangs the ball on a carnation.

Educator: Where did the ball go? Name your words with small words on and under.

2. Sound analysis the words, stress setting.

(Children sit at tables.)

Educator: we called a lot words, but we have only one guest. Guess which:

In front of them is a blue pond.

It will be good for them here.

They climb into the water right away,

They climb into the water and swim. (geese)

That's right, we will disassemble word"Geese"... What does it consist of? (from sounds)... Let's remember what sounds are (vowels and consonants, hard and soft consonants, what color are they indicated? (Vowels - red, hard consonants - blue, soft consonants - green.) How many sounds live in this house- word? (four sounds)

Sound analysis is performed at the blackboard of 4 children the words:

1st child: The first sound in this word"G"... he is a strong consonant. We close the window with a blue curtain.

2nd child: The second sound in this word -"Y"... he is a vowel. I close the second window with a red curtain.

3rd child: The third sound in this word -"Sm"... He's a soft consonant. I close the third window with a green curtain.

4th child: The fourth sound in this word -"and"... He's a vowel. I close the last window with a red curtain.

Educator: Name the vowel sounds in word"Geese"... How many syllables are in this word? Which? Find the stressed syllable, say word with stress... What is the stressed vowel sound? What is the name of the other vowel sound? (unstressed)

(Reading words with stress, permutation of stress. Choosing the correct pronunciation).

3. Physical education.

Cheerful heel.

We took hold of the handles

We walked around merrily.

Cheerful heel

Knocks out: Chock Yes Chock. (Repeat after every verse).

Eh, sit down more fun

We will dance all the more amicable.

Oh yes we have fingers

They all started dancing too.

Here it runs, it runs forward

Our merry round dance.

Oh, we're tired of dancing

We'd better sit down to rest.

My heel, heel,

Don’t knock you chock and chock!

Children are divided into two teams. In front of each team, cubes are placed in a line, 8 cubes each, from cube to cube - a child's step.

Educator: In this game you will need long-long words - whose word will be longer, he will quickly reach the end of the track, he won.

(The children take turns calling words of 2, 3 or more syllables and step from cube to cube. After the game, they sit down at the tables.

5. Finger gymnastics.

Little finger.

Our little finger got up in the morning,

He raised the nameless one.

Middle finger stretched

The index woke up.

Gotta get up big too -

See the brothers off to the kindergarten.

Squeeze the hands into a fist. Unbend your fingers alternately, starting with the little finger. With the last phrase, touch each other with your thumb and little finger.

6. Work in a notebook in a narrow ruler.

Draw around the contour and continue drawing balloons - an oval in a wide line and an oblique stick in a narrow line - a string.

III. Outcome classes.

Did you enjoy playing with me today?

What did you like the most?

What was the hardest (easiest?

Who, in your opinion, answered the best today?

How do you rate your answers?

municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Yayskiy Kindergarten"Ship"

RF, 652100, Kemerovo region Yaysky district, urban settlement Yaya, st. Leningradskaya, 4

Control and verification GCD for literacy in the senior group "Rainbow"

Prepared by: O. V. Tabunova

P.G.t. Yaya


"Quests from the gnome Gramotey"

Target: Strengthen the children's ability to name words with a given sound, divide two-syllable and three-syllable words into syllables, highlight the sound in a word intonationally, make two-word sentences, name the first and second words in a sentence, conduct sound analysis of words, distinguish between vowels, hard and soft, voiced and voiceless consonants.

Course of the lesson:

Organizing time:Standing in a circle, name your neighbor affectionately, stretch your arms forward and, like "rays of the sun", connect them in the center of the circle. Stand quietly, trying to feel like a sunbeam.

Educator: Guys! Please tell me what are we hearing now? (noise outside the window, ticking of a clock, etc.). And how can all this be called in one word? (sounds). That's right - sounds.

(there is a clap of thunder).

Educator: Oh, children, what are these sounds? (children assume it might be).

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the guest who has appeared - the gnome Gramotey and the magic chest.

Dwarf: “Dear children of the senior group!

I am a gnome Grametey from the country of ABVGDeyki! I have heard that you are very curious guys and love to study. I came to visit you with a magic chest, which contains a gift for you. But the chest is magical, with seven locks. Each lock has its own key. Finding the keys is easy, you just need to guess where they are. My assistants hid the keys in your group. Guess my riddles and find out where to find the keys. Put the keys to the locks and the chest will open! However, there is one more secret! But you will learn about this later. I wish you success!

Educator: Blimey! Well, I wonder what is in the chest? Looking for the keys?

(Answers of children)

Educator: But before we start completing the tasks of the dwarf Literary, let's stretch our tongue so that we can speak clearly, correctly and beautifully.

  1. Articulatory gymnastics.

"We blow doo-doo-doo on the tune,

Bend the tongue into an arc,

The tongue climbed over the cheeks

And returned to the previous point.

Let's bite the tongue

Let's click right there.

Our cheerful tongue

Made all the moves

And now we are ready

Move into battle. "

And here are the riddles that the gnome Grametey has prepared for us. We are looking for the first key. It is there, which is what the riddle is about:

He writes when they dictate

He draws and draws, -

And tonight

He will color our album.

Children: This is a pencil! We must look for the key where we have pencils!

Educator: Right! And the next task you need to complete with a pencil and a notebook.

Educator: And the key is not easy! There is a task on it. This is the secret the gnome Grametey was talking about! We will cope with this task - we will open one lock!

Task number 1.

Educator: Gnome's helpers Gramotey brought a riddle for you

"The beauty is walking,

Lightly touches the ground,

Goes to the field. To the river

And a snowball, and a flower. "

Children: Spring

After the children have guessed the riddle, the teacher puts a demonstration painting "Spring" in front of them. Before starting the assignment, let's remember what the sentences consist of? (Answers of children). That's right, sentences are made up of words. What are words made of? (Answers of children). That's right, words are made of sounds. What sounds do we know? (vowels and consonants). And what 2 groups are consonant sounds divided into? (On hard and soft). What color do we designate solid and soft sounds? (blue and green). Well done guys, now you can start the assignment.

What time of year is shown in the picture?

Make short sentences based on the picture

(Using the example of one of the sentences, count how many words are in the sentence and write the diagram on the board). And in spring people get sap from birches - birch.

Parse the composition of the word "juice".

Educator: Well done, we did the job. Here's your first key!

(The teacher "inserts" the key into the first lock)

Educator: Here's another riddle from the gnome Gramotey:

Look, the house is standing

Poured to the brim with water

Without windows, but not gloomy,

Transparent on four sides.

In this house, the tenants -

All skillful swimmers.


(Children take out the key, it is located near the aquarium)

Task number 2.

Educator: Here is the second task with the key: “A duck with a chicken came so that we could resolve their dispute - whose name is longer. Guys. How to tell which word is longer: duck or chicken? (Count syllables).

Children pronounce the words by syllable: "ut-ka", "ku-ri-tsa", count the syllables, compare and draw a conclusion.

Educator: Well done, we coped with the third task. Here, hold the key! We already have three locks open! Hard? Are you tired? You tried very hard! Let's rest now. Guess who and in what fairy tale was also looking for a key, not a simple one, but a golden one?

Children: Pinocchio! In the fairy tale "The Golden Key".

Physical minute:

Pinocchio stretched out, spread his hands to the sides,

Once - bent down, the Key did not find it.

Two - bent down to get the key for us,

Three - bent down. We need to stand on our toes.

(Children recite a poem. Perform movements)

Educator: Listen to the following hint for where to look for the key:

Not a bush, but with leaves,

Not a person, but talking,

Not a shirt, but sewn.

Children: Book! We will look for the key wherever we have books in the group!

(They find the second key, complete the second task. /

Task number 3.

Educator: And the task is this: you need to find the place where the sound is. And where can the sound be in a word?

Children: (At the beginning, middle and end of a word)

The teacher shows pictures, and the children locally determine the position of the sound in the word.

(At the end of the assignment, the children "insert" the second key into the chest)

Educator : Well, in order for us to find the fourth key, let's solve one more riddle:

Task number 4.

There is a portrait in the room,

Similar to you in everything.

Laugh - and in response

He'll laugh too.

Children: This is a mirror! We must look where the mirror is!

(The teacher takes out the key from behind the mirror)

It is necessary to end the sentence with a word that begins with the sound "z".

1. In the zoo, painted (fence).

2. A cowardly (hare) ran across the field.

3. They hung on the gate (lock).

4. Zina has snow-white (teeth).

5. Zoya opened a beautiful (umbrella).

6. Mom hung new (curtains) on the windows.

(Children cope with the task, "open" the fourth lock with the key).

Educator: And we will look for the fifth key here:

What a miracle - bricks

I got it as a gift.

What I make of them - I break,

I start all over again.

(Children guess: Building bricks. Find the key.)

Task number 5.

Educator: Here it is, the key, and on it the next task is the game!

Didactic game "Say with numbers 1,2,5" (cards with images of objects are used).

For example: one crow, two crows, five crows.

(Children complete the task, receive a key, "open" the fifth lock).

Educator: Here is the sixth key we need to find. Well, where to look for it, try to guess:

They beat him, but he does not cry,

Only higher, higher jumps!

Children: It's a ball! And the balls are in our sports corner.(Find the key)

Task number 6.

Educator: Listen, the sixth task!

Birds flew to our group, and guess which ones:

Little forest singer, sings best in spring (nightingale)

This bird never builds nests for chicks (cuckoo)

We live in a birdhouse, we sing ringing songs (starlings)

Under the roof, I sculpt a nest from lumps of clay. For chicks, lay down a feather bed (swallow)

Who walks along the paths with quick steps, shakes with a long tail, guess for yourself (wagtail)

Black, agile, shouts: "Krak!" Enemy worms! (rook)

The nightingale has a clear voice - it is clear-voiced, the rook has black wings - it is black-winged, the swallow has a white breast - it is white-breasted, the wagtail has a thin tail - it is thin-tailed, the starling has a yellow beak - it is yellow-billed, the cuckoo has a loud voice - it is loud.

After completing the assignment, the children receive the sixth key, "insert" it into the lock.

Educator: Guys, this is where the seventh key is.

There we create and paint,

We sculpt, glue and paint!

Children: This is an art studio!

Educator: That's right kids!

Let's go to the art studio and find out the next task.

(children with a teacher go to the art studio and complete the task).

Guys, tell me, did you like doing the tasks of the gnome Gramotheus today? What did you like the most? What task are you having difficulty completing?

You are all great! Any locks can be opened with your help! And, as the people say: “An owl - smart person". These are owls the gnome Grametey wants to give you as a keepsake, since you really deserve such an award! (Children are awarded with masters' caps).

Theme: Vowel "U"... The letter U.

Goals: promote the development of sound - letter analysis, phonemic hearing;

introduce children to the vowel sound "U" and its symbol is a red square;

develop logical thinking;

introduce the letter U as a written designation for sound "U",

develop interest in the sound side of speech.

Equipment: object pictures (watermelon, bus, stork, cloud, wasps, donkey, red squares, card with the letter U, counting sticks, box, toys (duck, fishing rod, snail, iron).

The course of the lesson.

  1. Organizing time.

Before starting the lesson, I put object pictures on the chairs.

Guys, look at the pictures. First, those children will sit down whose names of pictures begin with a sound "A", then - those whose names begin with a sound "O", etc.

(Children call pictures - letters and sit down).

  1. Knowledge update.

What are the names of the sounds that can be sung, shouted? (vowel sounds).

Vowel sounds can

Scream and moan loudly

Sing, howl and lull

But do not hiss and murmur.

What color are vowel sounds on the diagram? (in red).

Game "Spell the word". In the environment, children find objects whose names sound W. (For example: chair, doll, etc.)

III. Learning new material.

Guys, this morning I went to the post office and received a package for you (Showing the box)... To find out what's in it, guess the riddles.

Through the linen country,

Along the river Bed,

The steamer is sailing

Back and forth

And behind him is such a smooth surface -

Not a wrinkle to be seen.


Two antennas at the crown

And she herself sits in a hut,

She carries her on herself,

Crawls very slowly.


All day on the water

And he will not be satisfied with water.


My caftan is green

And the heart is like kumach;

It tastes like sugar, sweet

And he himself looks like a ball.


When all the items are out of the box, I say children:

U - u - iron, u - snail, u - u - duck, u - u - fishing rod - name the first sound in these words (sound "U").

Let's make this sound together. What do you think it is - a vowel or a consonant? Why do you think so? (sound "U" vowel, it is pronounced smoothly, drawn out. The air leaving the mouth is unobstructed).

What color will we denote the sound "U" on the diagram? (in red)

Let's remember, sounds are we doing? (hear and pronounce)

Every sound has its own written sign- letter. What are we doing? (see and write).

Sound "U" denoted by the letter Y (showing).

Look at the letter U. How many sticks does it consist of? (out of two).

Note that one stick is long and the other is short.

Which side is the small stick attached to the large (From the left side).

Let's write the letter U in "Air".

Now take out two sticks from the container and fold the letter U on your table (children complete the task).

Run your index finger over this letter.

Which letter did you put together?

Now let's take some rest.

  1. Physical education: "We are hunters." conducts Gleb
  1. Securing the material.

Reading syllables A-U; U-A according to large-format split alphabet, individual split alphabet. Drawing up schemes of words Ar-Buz.

The method of composing the word Ay.

Children, let's play. Imagine that we entered the forest. Some children have gone into the trees and cannot see where the others are. These will be girls. So they consulted among themselves and decided to call the boys. Let's shout in chorus: AU. Again! Well done! The boys have heard the girls and are answering them: Awww.

The word ay is very short, but very necessary: helped many people out of trouble.

The teacher pronounces the word, intonationally emphasizing each sound, exposing the letters on the canvas of the alphabet.

Let's carry out a sound analysis of the word: "Trumpet"

What's the first sound? Gleb write this sound in the first house-cell.

Then the teacher says the word with the intonation of the second sound. Children repeat.

Lera write next to the first sound in the second square the second sound "P".

What sound lives in the first cell? In the second? The next sound ...

If I pronounce the sounds one after another, smoothly, then I will read the word.

Didactic game "Telegraph". The teacher pronounces one-, two-syllable words, for example: house, garden, ice, mother, frame, etc., and the called child claps the number of syllables in the word in his hands - he sends the word further by telegraph. " (along the chain).

Listen and name the first sound in words:

Ears, snail, iron, duck, street.

What sound do you hear at the beginning of each word?

That's right, the sound "U" is heard. This is a vowel sound, it is sung and when we pronounce it we do not feel any obstacles. Look at the picture: a train is going and beeping " Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo».

  1. Sound articulation.

Let's say together sound "U", you need to stretch your lips with a tube.

Pull the lips with a straw

And we will not get tired at all. (Pronounced individually and in chorus, with different vocal strengths - quieter, louder.)

- Repeat the poem after me:

Ducks swim in the pond

They are looking for food there.

What sound do you hear in a poem more often than others?

Look at the pictures carefully and name them.

Circle pictures with names beginning with the sound "U".

Well done, the names of these pictures begin with the sound "U".

  1. - The task was completed. Remember the color for vowels and letters. Now look, I have a red circle in my hands - this is the symbol for the sound "U".
  2. Game "Clap your hands if you hear the sound" U ":

a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a

  1. Game "One-Many".

I will name the subject, and you will name it a lot. (For example: table-tables).

Snail, iron, ear, already, mustache, street, smile.

  1. Acquaintance with the letter "U".

Listen to the poem:

"U" is a mote.

In any forest

You will see the letter "U"

Look, here is the letter "U". (A card with the image of the letter "U" is displayed).

Why do we mark it in red, who can tell me?

Because the sound "U" is a vowel and we designate it in red.

Laying out the letter "U" from sticks.

How many chopsticks do you need?

The result of the lesson, the assessment of children.

Guys, remember what sound we met today in class?

What letter?

What color do we designate?

What did you like the most?

Well done, they did a good job, listened attentively, answered questions.

The lesson was prepared and conducted by the teacher Penzina A.G.

Programming tasks.

1. To continue teaching children to distinguish between vowels, hard and soft consonants, to characterize them qualitatively.

2. Continue to teach children to conduct sound analysis of the word, generalize knowledge about sound composition the words.

3. To strengthen the ability of children to name words with a given sound, to highlight it intonationally.

4. Develop auditory attention.

5. To cultivate a respectful attitude towards the answers of comrades.


Cards for determining sound by articulation, illustrations for sound analysis of words, red and blue chips.

Course of the lesson

1. Introductory part.

Educator: Hello guys! Guests have come to us today. We will show them what we can do and what we have learned. And first, let's remember the rule that helps us speak beautifully.

We always speak beautifully, clearly and slowly

We speak smoothly, loudly and, of course, we are not in a hurry.

Educator: Guys, let's sit down in our seats.

2. Main part

Educator: How do letters differ from sounds?

Answer: We hear and pronounce sounds, but we see, write and read letters.

Educator: Let's help our tongues to pronounce sounds correctly. Let's knead it up.

Guess what sound the girl in the picture is showing.

(Children guess the sound by articulation: A, O, U, I, Y, E.)

Educator: Guys, let's show how we can extract sounds from words and characterize them. To do this, each of you will now call your name, say what is the first sound and take the letter of the desired color.

My name is Inna. In my name, the first sound [And]. It's a vowel, so I'll use the red letter.

Educator: Well done, everyone did it.

Educator: Guys, look what a beautiful garland on our board.

This garland is not simple

She guys are syllabic.

Syllables can

To turn into words

If with them

Be able to handle.

I will skip those ahead

One child performs on the blackboard, the rest independently in their places to the syllable, which is printed on the syllable garland, finds his own pair to make the word (zi-ma, sa-ni, me-tel, mo-roz).

Educator: Now let’s rest a little. We leave on the rug.

Again we have a physical education,

Bent over, come on, come on!

Straightened, stretched,

And now they bowed back.

(Bends forward and backward.)

We stretch our arms, shoulders,

To make it easier for us to sit

And do not get tired at all.

(Jerks in front of the chest.)

The head is tired too.

So let's help her!

Left and right, one and two.

Think, think, head.

(Head rotation.)

Although the charge is short

We rested a little.

(Children sit at their desks.)

Educator: Guys! I need help. The words are mixed up.

It is not known what happened, only the letter is mischievous,

Has dropped into someone's house and is in charge of it.

And that's what came of it. And you think if everything is correct.

1) We wanted to go for a walk

They put the t-pegs on their heads. (Hats.)

2) Ten long days in a row

Aibolit lep ooze guys. (He treated.)

3) Those are floating in the sky,

People take umbrellas. (Clouds.)

4) To run to the garden,

I need to inflate the boots. (Put it on.)

5) Quietly the twilight fell

The pins were spinning in the air ... (Bugs.)

You see what happens if you mix up the letters in a word.

Educator: Guys, listen carefully:

Here's how many K I can name:

Saucepan, coffee pot, box, bed,

Cow, apartment, painting, carpet,

Storage room, gate, chest of drawers, corridor ...

Oh, that's enough! And the letter can get tired!

Educator: Name the words with the sound K (K ') that you remember. Let's all repeat this poem together (repeat 2-3 times, for the purpose of memorizing).

Educator: Guys, look at what pictures I have (ball, elephant, book). How many words are there in the word ball? What's the first letter? Vowel, consonant, hard, soft? Chips are placed different color corresponding to sounds.

A syllabic and sound analysis of all words is carried out.

3. Reflection

Educator: Guys, you are all great, you have dealt with all the buildings. In gratitude, the letters give us a wonderful book, which we will read with you later.

What tasks did you like the most?

Which ones did you find difficult?

Program tasks: to consolidate children's ideas about some vowels and consonants; ; promote the development of the correct posture for writing; to develop the ability to differentiate by ear and in pronunciation close in acoustical and articulatory terms consonant sounds, to understand the relationship between words (antonymy), interest in the sounding word, thinking, speech, fine motor skills of the hands; foster interest in language and speech as phenomena of reality, moral qualities(persistence in achieving goals, empathy).

Material and equipment: cards with images: pipes, buckets, keys, horns, rooster, cabinet, owl, dragonfly, bullfinches, pencil, ruffs, starlings, letters (F, T, O, G, S, F); cards with an image of a letter on one side and numbers on the other, 2 letters, a balloon, 4 envelopes, a toy bear, an easel, a clockwork train, a book, an image of Cinderella from 4 parts, a dummy tree, a toy bird, "magic "Stick," My mood "manual, Cinderella costume for an adult, audio recording of mysterious music, according to the number of children: 2 cards (with a picture of a happy and sad face), sheets of paper with patterns of dots, pens.

Course of the lesson

Educator(V.). Guys, we received a letter (shows). Let's find out who it is from (opens the letter and reads).

"Hello guys! A ball will take place in the palace in a few days. I have never been to a ball before, but I really dream of getting there. Many times I imagined how I would dance in a beautiful dress with a prince ... Help me, please! "

Guys, we never left anyone in trouble. Will we help you? (Yes.) But who wrote this letter, who needs our help? To find out, you need to complete the tasks. Let's get started!

Quest "Pure Speeches"

On the table are cards with images: pipes, buckets, keys, horns, rooster, cabinet, owl, dragonfly, bullfinches, pencil, ruffs, starlings. The teacher pronounces the beginning of the phrase, and the children, looking at the cards, choose the appropriate one, name it, and then pronounce the full phrase.

Pa-ba-ba - Petya has ... (trumpet).

Ro-ro-ro - on the floor ... (bucket).

Chi-chi-chi - my ... (keys) are ringing.

Ka-ha-ha - the goat ... (horns).

Ha ha ha - we can't catch ... (rooster).

Af-af-af - we will put it in the corner ... (closet).

Fu-woo-woo - they saw in the forest ... (an owl).

Su-zu-zu - we caught ... (dragonfly).

Ri-ri-ri - on the branches ... (bullfinches).

Ash-ash-ash - at Sasha's ... (pencil).

Zhi-shi-shi - live in the river ... (ruffs).

Tsy-tsy-tsy - fly to the south ... (starlings).

Then the teacher draws attention to the balloon that appears at the door, to the thread of which the envelope is tied. It contains part of the image.

V. Well, now it's turn

Play a game where the opposite is true.

Game "Say the other way around"

The teacher calls the word and asks the children to find a word with the opposite meaning for it.

Black White.

High - low.

Lower - raise.

Good bad.

Cry - laugh.

Left - Right.

Open - close.

To lose - to find.

The beginning is the end.

V. You also coped with this task, well done! (Draws attention to the envelope in the paws of the toy bear.) Here's another envelope.

Game "Learn and Show"

The teacher thinks of a letter:

- Which letter stands on its hips? (Letter F.)

- What letter is the bogeyman sticking out in the garden? (Letter T.)

- What letter looks like a donut? (Letter O)

- What letter "works" with a crane? (Letter G.)

- What letter can whistle? (Letter C.)

- What letter is buzzing? (Letter J.)

After guessing the letter, he demonstrates a card with its image. Children show it one at a time and in pairs.

V. You have coped with a difficult task. (A clockwork train drives in with an envelope in its wagon.) Here's another envelope. The answer is close, there is very little left.

The task "Letters, in places

The teacher distributes cards to each child, on one side of which the image of letters, and on the other - numbers. You need to arrange the letters in order, which will prompt the numbers on back side cards, and read the word.

3 1 2
TO L Have
2 3 1

V. Another task is over. Well done! And here is the envelope (takes it out of the book).

Physical education

V. Now we have all the parts of the image, we will collect them and find out who sent us the letter. (The children put together the image of Cinderella.)

Enter Cinderella.

Cinderella. Dear Guys! Have you guessed who I am? (Cinderella.) Right. The stepmother and her sisters went to the ball. Oh, how I want to look at the palace and the prince with at least one eye ... Will you help me get to the ball?

V. Do you guys want Cinderella's dream to come true? (Yes.) Then let's do the last task. But first, let's warm up.

Finger gymnastics "Words"

One and two, one and two! -

We will add words from letters.

(Bend and unbend the fingers of both hands.)

"Sun" is a radiant word,

(Spread your fingers to the sides.)

"Lion" is a fluffy word.

(Bring your thumb, middle, and ring fingers together, and slightly lift your bent index and pinky fingers.)

"Rhino" is a horned word,

(Straighten your index finger, bend the rest of the fingers.)

And "zebra" is a striped word.

(Connect the pads of the fingers, rounding the arch of the hand.)

Exercise "Circle"

The teacher monitors the quality of the assignment: the ability to hold the pen correctly, control the pressure when writing, not turn the sheet while working, and reminds the children to follow the posture.

After completing the assignment, mysterious music sounds, the teacher waves a "magic" wand, pronouncing the words:

Bb-di, bo-b-di-bam -

Hurry, Cinderella, to the ball!

Cinderella leaves, and the teacher pays attention to a model of a tree on which a toy bird with a letter sits. The teacher opens the envelope and reads: “Finally, my dream has come true - I'm at the ball! Thank you so much, friends! Cinderella".

V. Guys, you did a great job today! I am proud of you! Now take the card that matches your mood at the moment and put it in the right pocket.

The teacher gives each child 2 cards (with the image of a happy and sad face). If the child liked the lesson and his mood is good, then he puts the corresponding card in the pocket with the image of a cheerful little man, and if he didn’t like the mood too, then the card with a sad face in the pocket with the sad little man.

A summary of a literacy lesson for children 6-7 years old was prepared by E. Tomasheva

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