Examples of essays on social studies exam fipi. How to write social studies essays, ready-made essays

The FIPI website has posted projects of the USE-2018 demo versions. They are still subject to change. The final, sealed and signed demos will be published in November. Nevertheless, according to the projects of the demo versions, it is already possible to judge what will change in the tasks of the exam, and what will remain the same. Our instructors took a close look at the new demos and gave a quick overview.

Russian language

Now there is one more task. A new task 20 was added before the text assignments. It tests the knowledge of speech norms, the ability to find lexical errors. This task is of a basic level of difficulty and is estimated at 1 point.

The lexical error in this sentence is pleonasm, speech redundancy. An extra word that needs to be written out is “main” (the word “essence” already means something important, important).

What changed:

Now there are 26 tasks in the Unified State Exam in Russian, and the numbering of tasks in the text has shifted one point forward. The first part includes tasks 1-25. This is 34 primary points. The second part - an essay, task 26. The maximum number of points for an essay is 24. A total of 58 points for both parts.

Social science

Increased the maximum score and changed the criteria in tasks 28 (plan) and 29 (mini-essay). Now they give four primary points for the plan, and six for the essay. The maximum number of primary points for all work increased from 62 to 64.

Task 28 (plan)

In the new demo for the plan, separate evaluation criteria:

Criterion 28.1. Disclosure of the topic(2 points)
To get the maximum number of points, you need:

1) include in the plan at least two of the three points that reveal the topic in essence;
2) disclose at least one of these points in subparagraphs.

Criterion 28.2. Number of points in the plan(1 point)
The plan should have at least three points, two of which are detailed in sub-points. Only those points that are relevant to the content of the topic are taken into account. Off-topic and abstract points (for example, "Introduction" or "Conclusion") are not considered.

Criterion 28.3. The correctness of the wording of paragraphs and subparagraphs of the plan(1 point)
There should be no mistakes in the wording of the points and sub-points of the plan.

What changed:

  • The complex grading algorithm (a two-page table) was replaced with three separate criteria - like an essay. Quest requirements have become clearer.
  • The maximum number of primary points increased from three to four.

Task 29 (mini-essay)

The maximum number of points was increased from five to six. Changed the wording of the assignment and the evaluation criteria.

Statement of task 29

What changed:

  • The "problem" is no longer mentioned in the quest condition. Previously, this caused confusion, since the criteria do not say anything about the wording of the problem.
  • In the assignment, the requirements for theoretical and factual argumentation were separately prescribed.
  • The factual argumentation should now illustrate the positions formulated in the theoretical argumentation.

Task Criteria 29

The essay is now graded on four criteria:

Criterion 29.1. Disclosure of the meaning of the statement(1 point, if not met, compliance with other criteria is not taken into account and 0 points are given for the entire task)
This is the former K1 criterion. In the new demo, a condition was added: to reveal the meaning of the statement, you need to highlight the main idea or formulate the thesis in the context of the statement.

Criterion 29.2. The theoretical content of the mini-essay(2 points)
This criterion assesses the coherence of argumentation: explanations of key concepts, reasoning and theoretical provisions should explain the formulated thesis or idea.

Criterion 29.3. Correct use of concepts, theoretical provisions, reasoning and conclusions(1 point)
There should be no erroneous statements in the argumentation.

Criterion 29.4. Quality of facts and examples given(2 points)
As before, examples should be given from two different sources: media, other school subjects, personal experiences. Examples with factual and semantic errors are not counted. New requirement: if both examples are not formulated in detail or are not related to the provisions of theoretical argumentation, zero points are given on the criterion.

What changed:

  • Difficulties were caused by the vague formulation of “meaning disclosure” in the first criterion. The assessment according to this criterion was subjective and depended on the personality of the expert. Now we have added an objective condition: in order to reveal the meaning, you need to highlight an idea or formulate a thesis. The criterion has become clearer.
  • The quality of theoretical argumentation is now assessed according to two criteria, more points are given for theoretical argumentation.
  • Requirements for factual argumentation have become more stringent: examples should be detailed and illustrate the provisions of theoretical argumentation.


We increased the maximum number of points and changed the assessment criteria in the tasks with a detailed answer: 8, 9, 15, 16, 17. The maximum number of primary points for the exam increased from 42 to 57.

Quests 8 and 15

The maximum score is 4.
Two criteria:

1.The depth of the judgments and the persuasiveness of the arguments(3 points; if 0 or 1 point, 0 points are given according to the second criterion).
2.Following the norms of speech(1 point).

The maximum score is 5.
Three criteria:

1.Matching the answer to the task(1 point; if 0, 0 points are given for the entire task).
2.Argumentation, involvement of the text of the work(2 points; if 0, the third criterion is also scored 0 points).
3. (2 points).

What changed:

The assessment of the "persuasiveness of the arguments" caused major problems; the subjective factor played a significant role here. Now the quality of the arguments is assessed in all three criteria: in the first criterion it is established whether the student answers the question posed in the assignment, in the second - how much the arguments are based on the text of the work, in the third - the absence of logical errors in argumentation.

Quests 9 and 16

The maximum score is 4.
It was necessary to justify the choice of the work.
Speech errors were not taken into account.
Complex estimation algorithm.

The maximum score is 10.
There is no need to justify the choice of the work.
Speech errors are taken into account (criterion 3).
Three criteria:

1.Selection of works for the task(4 points; if 0 is given, the whole task is evaluated at 0 points).
2.Comparison of works(4 points; if 0, the whole task is estimated at 0 points).
3.Factual, logical and verbal accuracy of the answer(2 points).

What changed:

  • The maximum score increased from four to ten. Items 9 and 16 are more difficult than 8 and 15. The score now takes this difference in difficulty into account.
  • There is no need to justify the choice of the work.
  • In addition to factual, logical and speech accuracy is also assessed.

Task 17

The maximum score is 14.
Three themes of the essay.
Five criteria:

1.The depth of disclosure of the topic of the essay and the persuasiveness of judgments(3 points; if 0, the entire task is estimated at 0 points).
2.The level of knowledge of theoretical and literary concepts(2 points).
3.Justification of attracting the text of the work(2 points).
4.Compositional integrity and consistency of presentation(3 points).
5.Following the norms of speech(3 points).

The maximum score is 15.
Four themes of the essay.
Seven criteria.

Consider task number 29 - an essay or an essay.

To complete it for the maximum number of points (6), you must:

  • to reveal the meaning of one of the 5 statements;
  • substantiate it theoretically;
  • give examples from real life;
  • correctly and logically lead reasoning and give concepts.

We have collected for you the best essays that alumni have shared with us.

29.2 Economics

"Private property is the main guarantee of freedom, both for those who own it and for those who do not."- F. Hayek.

F. Hayek reflects in the mainstream of such a socially important science as economics.

He argues that private property guarantees the freedom of whoever owns it. And at the same time, it guarantees the independence of the rest of the people who do not belong to this property. This means that the presence of private property in the state is the main guarantor of an economically free society.

I agree with the opinion of F. Hayek and believe that such freedom is guaranteed both by the presence of a private form and by the type of economic system of the state.

It is important to note that property is the format of the property relationship of a person or a group of people to economic benefits, factors of production. Usually they distinguish: private property (belonging to individuals and legal entities) and state (government bodies). Property can be individual (1 person owns) or collective (for a group of people). Accordingly, if the population can own something, it means that people have rights and freedoms. And the indicator of these freedoms of the population is the type of economic system. This term means a set of methods and rules governing economic relations in the state. I will give a classification: traditional (communal property, the organization corresponds to accepted customs and traditions), planned (state form, directive planning of the production process), market (private form, what and how entrepreneurs decide to produce), mixed (both types of ownership, but state ownership prevails, producers and consumers are economically independent, the state produces public goods and finances the social sphere).

We know from history that there was a planned economy in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Entrepreneurial activity was limited to production plans. Consumers were not free: there was practically no choice in stores, sometimes especially valuable goods were given out on a first come, first served basis, so there was not enough for everyone; sometimes the same thing happened with food. So, it cannot be argued that at that time, under such an economic system, the population, producers and consumers, were free. And not only in the economic sphere of society.

Now, thanks to various economic television programs, it is known that Russia has a mixed type of economy. Entrepreneurs decide for themselves what to produce, the factors of production are in their possession. And in the state property - natural resources, cultural monuments, social institutions. This gives rise to the freedom of consumers: the choice of a suitable manufacturer, the number of goods. It can be argued that in modern Russia society is economically free due to the variety of freedoms that the population possesses.

Thus, the presence and predominance of private property, of course, is the guarantor of the independence of society. And this is reflected in the freedom of everyone who owns it, and others who do not have it, but can. This is largely due to the type of economy - market.

The second example of an essay in social studies that received a high score on the exam:

29.3 Sociology, social psychology

"Try to achieve fame and recognition, but not by treasury, but at the cost of knowledge"- Anvari.

Anvari discusses the specific role of knowledge in the fate of a person.

In pursuit of happiness, which for many is popularity and recognition, we do our best. However, the author is convinced that this must be achieved by using not money, but the knowledge that we possess.

The knowledge that Anvari is talking about is a collection of information about the surrounding objects and the world. This knowledge is the result of cognition - the process of spiritual mastery of the material world by a person. It is endless, lasts until the death of a person. Many types of knowledge are distinguished, but they are considered the main ones: ordinary (about everyday life), scientific (concerns various sciences), religious (associated with belief in a deity). Information can be obtained through a sensory or rational form of knowledge. The first type includes the following stages: sensation - a conscious reflection of individual properties of an object that affect the human sense organs; perception - a reflection of an object, based on how it affects the senses, in the mind; representation - the emergence of a holistic image of an object in consciousness, based on its impact on the senses. The rational form includes: concept - any statement about a subject; judgment - analysis of a given statement, inference - a conclusion about the correctness or incorrectness of a fact with a number of evidence. Empirical (practical) or theoretical (conceptual) methods of cognition of the world are also distinguished. The process of cognition is in many ways difficult, which is why all the available knowledge is so valuable. A person who possesses them, who has passed this "path" and who has acquired the truth, must use them in order to achieve glory and recognition.

As an example of the value of knowledge, I would like to cite the history of the famous scientist-chemist - DI Mendeleev. There is a version: the table of chemical elements was seen by him in a dream. It is not so much how this table was created, as what it was made. He was able to structure his scientific knowledge in the field of chemistry and quantum physics, which took the form of rows and columns and which is used all over the world. At the cost of his knowledge, Mendeleev opened a new path for the development of science for mankind, received world recognition as one of the greatest chemists.

In our world there are many examples of people who have achieved fame and respect thanks to their intellect. For example, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, according to many experts, the results of voting and sociological polls, not only in Russia but also abroad, is recognized as the most influential person, a respected person. This would not have happened if Vladimir Vladimirovich had not studied society, its needs, the situation on the world stage. A successful social policy is being pursued in the state and the standard of living of the population is rising. Such fame is the result of a successful foreign and domestic policy.

Thus, it is only through his knowledge that a person achieves truly valuable fame and respect. He is distinguished for the fact that he went through a difficult learning process and has knowledge that others do not have. Our strength lies in our knowledge.

We hope you have carefully studied the presented mini-essays. Do not forget about the criteria for evaluating the essay and get a good result!

In this article, you will learn how to write a social studies essay. Examples are attached.

First of all, you need to understand that in order to learn how to write an essay on social studies, it takes quite a long time. It is impossible to write an essay without preliminary preparation, which would be rated by experts as a high score. Sustainable skills, good results appear after 2-3 months of work (about 15-20 written essays). It is systematic exercises and dedication that bring high results. You need to hone your skills in practice with the direct help and close supervision of a teacher.

Video - How to Write a Social Science Essay

If you haven’t come across essay writing yet, watch the video.

Unlike an essay on literature or the Russian language, where the minimum amount of work is clearly stipulated and general reflection is allowed ("philosophizing" without specification), in an essay on social studies the volume is not limited, but its structure and content are fundamentally different. An essay on social studies is actually an answer to the question: "Do I agree with this statement and why?" That is why in an essay on social studies, strict argumentation, scientific character and concretization must be present. At the same time, it should be noted that very paradoxical, unusual statements that require figurative thinking, a non-standard approach to solving the problem are often used as the topic of the essay. This inevitably leaves its mark on the style of essay writing, requires maximum concentration of energy and attention.

I would also like to add that the exam essays are graded by specific people. In order for an expert who checks from 50 to 80 works per day to mark an essay as worthy of attention, this essay must not only meet all the requirements set out below, but also be distinguished by a certain originality, originality and originality - this is implied by the essay genre itself. Therefore, it is necessary not only to present scientific and factual material on the topic, but also to pleasantly surprise you with the non-standard and flexibility of your thinking.

Algorithm for writing an essay during the exam

  1. First of all, during the exam, you need to properly allocate time. Practice shows that to write an essay, it is necessary to allot at least 1-1.5 hours out of 3.5 hours allotted for the exam in social studies. It is most advisable to start writing an essay after all the other tasks of the CMM have been solved, because this type of work requires the maximum concentration of the efforts of the graduate.
  2. Carefully read all the topics offered for your choice.
  3. Select those topics that are understandable, i.e. - the student must clearly understand what the given statement is about, what the author wanted to say with this phrase. In order to remove doubts about whether he understands the topic correctly, the graduate must reformulate the phrase in his own words, defining the main idea. The student can do this orally or on a draft.
  4. From the selected understandable statements, you must choose one topic - the one that the student knows best. It should be noted that often the examinees choose topics that are easy, in their opinion, but which turn out to be difficult in the disclosure of the topic due to the limited scientific and factual material on this topic (in other words, in the phrase itself, everything is said, nothing can be added). In such cases, the essay is reduced to a simple statement of the meaning of the statement in different versions and is rated by experts as low due to the poor evidence base. Therefore, you need to choose the topic of the essay so that the student, when writing it, can fully show the completeness of his knowledge and the depth of his thoughts (that is, the topic should be winning).
  5. When choosing an essay topic, it is necessary to pay attention to which social science this statement belongs to. Practice shows that a number of phrases can relate to several sciences at once. For example, the statement of I. Goethe “A person is determined not only by natural qualities, but also by acquired ones” may belong to philosophy, social psychology, and sociology. Accordingly, the content of the essay should differ depending on this, i.e. must correspond to the specified basic science.
  6. You do not need to write an entire essay on a draft. Firstly, because of the limited time, and secondly, because at the time of writing an essay some thoughts come, and at the time of rewriting - others, and it is much more difficult to remake the finished text than to create a new one. On the draft, the graduate makes only an outline of his essay, approximate brief sketches of the meaning of the phrase, his argumentation, the points of view of scientists, the concepts and theoretical positions that he is going to give in his work, as well as the approximate order of their arrangement one after another, taking into account the semantic logic of the essay.
  7. It is imperative that the student express his personal attitude to the chosen topic in a clearly expressed formulation (“I agree”, “I disagree”, “I don’t quite agree”, “I agree, but partially” or similar in meaning and meaning of the phrase) ... The presence of a personal attitude is one of the criteria on the basis of which the experts evaluate the essay.
  8. Without fail, the graduate must state his understanding of the meaning of the statement. Those. the high school student explains in his own words what the author wanted to say with this phrase. It is more expedient to do this at the very beginning of the essay. And if you combine the requirements of this paragraph with the provisions of the previous one, then, for example, the beginning of an essay on the philosophy “Before talking about the good of satisfying needs, you need to decide what needs make up the good” will look like: “I completely agree with the statement of the great Russian writer of the second halfXIX- early.XXcenturies L.N. Tolstoy, in which he talks about real and imaginary needs. "
  9. It is very carefully necessary to approach the selection of arguments to confirm your point of view. Arguments must be convincing, well-grounded. As arguments, data from the relevant sciences, historical facts, facts from public life are used. Personal arguments (examples from personal life) are rated the lowest, so their use as an evidence base is undesirable. It should be remembered that it is easy to "turn" any personal example into an example from public life, from social practice, if you write about it from a third person (for example, not "The saleswoman in the store got nasty at me, thereby violating my consumer rights", a “Let’s assume that the saleswoman is naughty to citizen S. Thus, she violated his rights as a consumer ”. The number of arguments in the essay is not limited, but 3-5 arguments are the most optimal for disclosing the topic. It should also be remembered that examples from history are most relevant in political science, partly in legal and sociological topics, as well as in philosophical topics related to the theory of social progress. Examples from social practice (public life) - in sociological, economic, legal topics. The data of the relevant sciences should be necessarily used when choosing any of the topics.
  10. The use of terms, concepts, definitions in the essay should be competent, appropriate, in relation to the chosen topic and science. The essay should not be overloaded with terminology, especially if these concepts are not related to the selected problem. Unfortunately, some graduates try to insert as many terms into their work as possible, violating the principle of expediency and reasonable sufficiency. Thus, they show that they have not learned to use scientific terminology correctly. The term must be mentioned in a place, such a mention must indicate its correct understanding.
  11. It is highly appreciated if a graduate in his essay points out the points of view of other researchers on the problem under consideration, gives a link to different interpretations of the problem and different ways to solve it (if possible). Indication of other points of view can be direct (for example: "Lenin considered this: ... and Trotsky - otherwise: ..., and Stalin did not agree with both of them: ..."), but can be mediated, non-specific, non-personalized: "A number of researchers think so: ..., others - differently: ..., and some - offer completely different: ...".
  12. It is highly appreciated if the essay indicates who the author of this statement was. The indication should be short but precise (see example in point 8). If, arguing your position on the indicated issue, it is appropriate to mention the views of the author of the phrase, this must be done.
  13. The arguments should be stated in a strict sequence, the internal logic of the presentation in the essay should be clearly traced. A student should not jump from one to another and again return to the first without explanation and internal communication, joining separate provisions of his work.
  14. It is necessary to complete the essay with a conclusion, which briefly summarizes the reflections and reasoning: "Thus, based on all of the above, it can be argued that the author was right in his statement."

Essay examples on the topic of:

Philosophy "Revolution is a barbaric way of progress" (J. Jaures)

For the highest score

I fully agree with the statement of the famous French socialist, historian and political figure of the first half of the twentieth century, Jean Jaurès, in which he speaks about the peculiarities of the revolutionary path of social progress, about the distinctive features of the revolution. Indeed, revolution is one of the paths of progress, movement forward towards better and more complex forms of organization of the social order. But since a revolution is a radical breakdown of the entire existing system, the transformation of all or most aspects of social life, taking place in a short period of time, this form of progress is always accompanied by a large number of victims and violence.

If we recall the revolutionary year 1917 in Russia, we will see that both revolutions entailed the most severe confrontation in society and the country, resulting in a terrible Civil War, accompanied by unprecedented bitterness, millions of dead and injured, unprecedented devastation in the national economy.

If we recall the Great French Revolution, we will also see the rampant Jacobin terror, the guillotine "working" seven days a week and a series of incessant revolutionary wars.

If we remember the English bourgeois revolution, we will also see a civil war, repression against dissidents.

And when we look at the history of the United States, we will see that both bourgeois revolutions that took place in this country took the form of a war: first, a war for independence, and then a Civil War.

The list of examples from history can be continued and continued, but everywhere, wherever the revolution takes place - in China, Iran, the Netherlands, etc. - everywhere it was accompanied by violence, i.e. barbarism from the standpoint of a civilized person.

And even though other thinkers glorified the revolution (like, for example, Karl Marx, who argued that revolutions are the locomotives of history), even though reactionaries and conservatives denied the role of revolutions in social progress, the point of view of J. Jaurès is closer to me: yes, revolution is a way of progress, movement for the better, but carried out by barbaric methods, that is, with the use of cruelty, blood and violence. Happiness cannot be created by violence!

For a small score

In his quote, the author talks about revolution and progress. A revolution is a way of transforming reality in a short time, and progress is a movement forward. Revolution is not progress. After all, progress is reform. It cannot be said that the revolution does not give positive results - for example, the Russian revolution allowed the workers and peasants to get rid of a difficult situation. But by definition, revolution is not progress, for progress is all good and revolution is bad. I disagree with the author who classifies revolution as progress.

Essay outline

1) A clear indication of the problem of the statement:
"My favorite statement concerns the problem ...."
"The problem with this statement is ...."
2) Explanation of the choice of topic (what is the significance or relevance of this topic)
"Everyone is worried about the question ..."
"The relevance of this topic lies in ..."
3) Expand the meaning of the statement from the point of view of social science, 1-2 sentences
4) Representation of the author and his point of view
"The author argued (spoke, reflected) from this point of view ..."
5) Your interpretation of this phrase, YOUR POINT OF VIEW (YOU AGREE OR NOT)
"I think ..." "I agree with the author of the statement ..."
6) State your position, go to the main part of the essay

P.S. it will be a plus if in the introduction you give information about the author of the statement and insert a definition of the chosen field of the essay (philosophy, politics, economics, jurisprudence, etc.)

1) Theoretical argumentation of the problem. At least 3 aspects of the theoretical disclosure of the topic must be presented.
For example: to reveal the concept itself, to give examples, to disassemble the signs, functions, classifications, properties.
2) Practical argumentation or example from public life

Use a list of possible topics when preparing and writing an essay ().

Topics are divided into blocks:

  1. Philosophy
  2. Social Psychology
  3. Economy
  4. Sociology
  5. Political science

Philosophy Essay Topics

  • "Man is unthinkable outside of society." L. Tolstoy
  • "A person matters to society only insofar as he serves him." A. France
  • "Only he comprehends the truth who carefully studies nature, people and himself." N.N. Pirogov
  • "History in itself can neither compel a person, nor involve him in a dirty business." P. Sartre
  • “History is the truth that becomes a lie. A myth is a lie that becomes true. " J. Cocteau
  • "A world in which evil would prevail over good would not exist or would disappear." E. Renan
  • "To see and feel is to be, to think is to live." W. Shakespeare
  • "Our views are like our watches: they all show different times, but each one believes only his own." A. Pop
  • "World history is the sum of all that could have been avoided." B. Russell
  • "Life has exactly the value that we want to endow it with." I. Berdyaev
  • "Society does not necessarily fit political boundaries." S. Turner
  • "We should strive to learn facts, not opinions, and, on the contrary, find a place for these facts in the system of our opinions." G. Lichtenberg
  • "Knowledge and life are inseparable." L. Feuchtwanger
  • "The fullness of knowledge always means some misunderstanding of the depth of our ignorance." R. Millikan
  • "It is not enough for a person to acquire knowledge, one must be able to give it to growth." I. Goethe
  • "To know is to fully understand the whole of nature." F. Nietzsche
  • "There are two types of cognition: one through the senses, the other through thought." Democritus
  • "One who has not studied man in himself will never attain a deep knowledge of people." N.G. Chernyshevsky
  • "Society is a set of stones that would collapse if one did not support the other." Seneca
  • "In an immoral society, all inventions that increase man's power over nature are not only not good, but an undoubted and obvious evil." L. Tolstoy
  • "There is no progress without struggle." F. Douglas
  • "A man outside society, or a god or a beast." Aristotle
  • “Man is not a thing, but a living being, which can be understood only in the long process of his development. At any moment of his life he is not yet what he can become, and what he, possibly, will become ”. Aristotle
  • “If a person has a“ why ”to live, he can endure any“ how ”. F. Nietzsche
  • "A child at the moment of birth is not a human being, but only a candidate for humanity." A. Pieron
  • "Man is a fundamental novelty in nature." ON THE. Berdyaev
  • "Man is the only animal for whom his own existence is a problem: he must solve it and one cannot get away from it." E. Fromm
  • "The pangs of creativity and the joy of creativity are one whole." I. Shevelev
  • "Man is an unintentional, beautiful, painful attempt of nature to realize itself." V. Shukshin
  • "The most important task of civilization is to teach a person to think." T. Edison
  • “Man is meant to live in society; he is not completely human and contradicts his essence if he lives as a hermit. " I. Fichte
  • "Not a single vessel holds more than its volume, except for the vessel of knowledge - it is constantly expanding." Arabic proverb
  • "Information without human understanding is like an answer without a question - it has no meaning." A. Maslow
  • "Everything that a person touches acquires something human." S. Marshak
  • "To know something, you have to know something already." S. Lem
  • "Practice will resolve those doubts that theory does not resolve." L. Feuerbach
  • "How many, however, there are things that I don't need." Socrates
  • "The goal can only be achieved when the means itself is already thoroughly imbued with its own nature of the goal." F. Lasalle
  • "If there is no goal, you do nothing, and you do not do anything great, if the goal is insignificant." D. Diderot
  • "The beast never comes to such a terrible fall, to which a man comes." ON THE. Berdyaev
  • "A man can do without a lot, but not without a man." L. Berne
  • "In man, the duties of a king are carried out by reason." E. Rotterdam
  • Social Psychology Essay Topics

    • "We are shaped by the actions that we do." Aristotle
    • "Everyone wants to be an exception to the rule, and there is no exception to this rule." M. Forbes
    • "Man does what he is and becomes what he does." R. Musil
    • "The process of socialization is entering the social environment, adapting to it, mastering certain roles and functions, which, following its predecessors, is repeated by each individual individual throughout the history of his formation and development." B.D. Parygin
    • "When explaining any mental phenomena, the personality appears as a unitedly connected set of internal conditions through which all external influences are refracted." S.L. Rubinstein
    • "Without a goal there is no activity, without interests there is no goal, and without activity there is no life." V.G. Belinsky
    • "A person is unthinkable outside of contacts with the people around him." A.M. Yakovlev
    • “Man is a creature that rushes towards the future and realizes that it projects itself into the future.” J.P. Sartre
    • "Man will become, first of all, what he is designed to be." J.P. Sartre
    • "A person simply exists, and he is not only what he imagines himself, but what he wants to become." J.P. Sartre
    • "The human essence is present only in communication, in the unity of man with man." L. Feuerbach
    • "Personality is a person as a carrier of consciousness." K.K. Platonov
    • "The family is the primary bosom of human culture." I. Ilyin
    • "People exist for each other." M. Aurelius
    • “In disputes, the truth is forgotten. The smartest one stops the dispute. " L. Tolstoy
    • “Look at my children. My former freshness is alive in them. In them is the justification of my old age. " W. Shakespeare
    • "In marriage life, the couple must form, as it were, a single moral personality." I. Kant
    • "The personality of a person is in no sense pre-existent in relation to his activity, just like his consciousness, it is generated by it." A.N. Leontiev
    • "One and the same person, entering different teams, changing target attitudes, can change - sometimes within very significant limits." Yu.M. Lotman
    • "Good people get more from exercise than from nature." Democritus “We should always try to find not what separates us from other people, but what we have with
    • they have in common. " D. Ruskin
    • “To decipher a person means, in essence, to try to find out how the world was formed and how it
    • must continue to form "P. Teilhard de Chardin
    • "The role is not a person, but ... the image behind which it hides." A.N. Leontiev
    • "He who, turning to the old, is able to discover new things, deserves to be a teacher." Confucius
    • "Independence and free thought are the essence of creativity." F. Mitterrand
    • "The mere absence of vices does not imply the presence of virtue." A. Machado
    • "We need to stand on our own two feet and look right into the face of the world ... see the world as it is and not be afraid of it." B. Russell
    • "People are born only with a pure nature, and only then the fathers make them Jews, Christians or fire worshipers." Saadi
    • "There is no unconditional opposition between tradition and reason ... The preservation of the old is a free attitude of man." H.G. Gadamer
    • "Becoming a part of an organized crowd, a person descends several steps down the ladder of civilization." G. Le Bon
    • "Learn to rule yourself" A.S. Pushkin
    • "The great secret of all behavior is social behavior ... In no way would I dare to assert anything about how a person would behave in a group." F. Bartlett
    • "The pinnacle of ourselves, the crown of our originality, is not our individuality, but our personality." P. Teilhard de Chardin
    • "Without society, man would be pitiful, lacking the incentive to improve." W. Godwin
    • "Nature creates man, but develops and forms his society." V.G. Belinsky
    • "Family interests almost always destroy public interests." F. Bacon
    • “All marriages are successful. Difficulties begin when life begins together. " F. Sagan
    • "All kinds of arts serve the greatest of the arts - the art of living on earth." B. Brecht
    • "The great goal of education is not knowledge, but action" G. Spencer
    • "Morality is not a list of actions and not a collection of rules that can be used like pharmaceutical or culinary recipes" D. Dewey

    Economics Essay Topics

    • "Without development, there is no entrepreneurial profit, without the latter there is no development." J. Schumpeter
    • "Wherever there is trade, there is also a meek manners." C. Montesquieu
    • "Economic competition is not a war, but rivalry in the interests of each other." E. Cannan
    • "To make a lot of money is courage, to preserve their wisdom, and to spend it skillfully is art." B. Auerbach
    • "Competitiveness is born not on the world market, but inside the country." M. Porter
    • "Socialism is an equal distribution of squalor, and capitalism is an unequal distribution of bliss." W. Churchill
    • "Business is the art of extracting money from another person's pocket without resorting to violence." M. Amsterdam
    • "Wealth is not in the possession of treasures, but in the ability to use them." Napoleon I
    • "All commerce is an attempt to foresee the future." S. Butler
    • "The surest profit is that which is the result of frugality." Publius Cyrus
    • "The one who has the least desire has the least need." Publius Cyrus
    • "Moderation is the wealth of the poor, greed is the poverty of the rich." Publius Cyrus
    • "Economics is the art of meeting limitless needs with limited resources." L. Peter
    • "There are no free breakfasts." B. Crane
    • "The whole advantage of having money is the ability to use it." B. Franklin
    • "Markets, like parachutes, only fire when they are open." G. Schmidt
    • "A recession is when your neighbor loses his job, a crisis is when you lose your job." G. Truman
    • "The market price of each commodity is regulated by the ratio between its quantity that is now on the market and the demand of those who are willing to pay its natural price for this commodity." A. Smith
    • "Free competition is an indispensable condition for the operation of economic laws." A. Smith
    • "Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society." OU. Holmes
    • "Everyone should be given an equal right to pursue their own benefit, and the whole of society benefits from this." A. Smith
    • "One should judge the effectiveness of a particular economic system by comparing it with alternative options ..." A. Smith
    • "Friendship based on business is preferred over business based on friendship." J. Rockefeller
    • "Even the most generous person tries to pay less for what is bought daily." B. Shaw
    • "Economics is about making the best of life." B. Shaw
    • "Capital is a piece of wealth that we donate to increase our wealth." A. Marshall
    • "Money is the measure of all things circulating in the bargaining." A.N. Radishchev
    • "The first rule of business is to do to another as he would like to do to you." C. Dickens
    • "Wealth is an unnecessary luxury; it is a theft from others." R. Rolland
    • "Happiness is not in money, but in how to increase it." American proverb
    • "Money either dominates its owner or serves him." Horace
    • "What we must not forget is the simple truth: everything that the government gives, it first took away." D. Coleman
    • "Property is theft." P.Zh. Proudhon
    • "Poverty is slavery, but excessive wealth is also slavery." J. Jaures
    • "The truly poor is only the one who desires more than he can have." A. Jussier
    • "In the ordinary and everyday state of affairs, the demand for any goods precedes their supply." D. Ricardo
    • "It is not the art of acquiring that one should learn, but the art of spending." I. Stobey
    • "Savings are the richest income." I. Stobey
    • "Taxes are money collected from a part of society for the benefit of the whole." I. Sherr
    • "Competition provides the best quality products and develops the worst qualities for people." D. Sarnoff
    • "Without competition, even a very wealthy country can quickly decline." E. Grove
    • "The pursuit of profit is the only way people can meet the needs of those they don't know at all." F. Hayek
    • "Three things make a nation great and prosperous: fertile soil, vibrant industry, and the ease of movement of people and goods." F. Bacon
    • "Not to lay a hand on initiative, but to develop it, creating favorable conditions for its use - this is the true task of the state in the national economy." S.Yu. Witte

    Political Science Essay Topics

    • "Politics disguises a lie into truth, and truth into a lie." P. Buast
    • "Good politics is no different from sound morality." G.B. de Mably
    • "Politics are business decisions, not wordy speeches about decisions." F. Burlatsky
    • "Politics is essentially power: the ability to achieve the desired result, by whatever means." E Haywood
    • "Politics is the art of adapting to circumstances and taking advantage of what is sickening." O. Bismarck
    • "There is no human soul that can withstand the temptations of power." Plato
    • "Power is dangerous when its conscience is at odds." W. Shakespeare
    • "The whole secret of politics is to know when to lie and to know when to keep quiet." Marquise de Pompadour
    • "Morality is useless without politics, politics without morality is inglorious." A.P. Sumarokov
    • "The most devastating mistake that has ever been made in the world is the separation of political science from moral science." P. Shelley
    • "The high places make the great people greater, and the lower ones lower." J. La Bruyere
    • "International politics, like any other, is a struggle for power." G. Morgenthau
    • "Political culture is just a manifestation of how people perceive politics and how they interpret what they see." S. Verba
    • "The difference between a statesman and a politician is that a politician is guided by the next elections, and a statesman is oriented toward the next generation." W. Churchill
    • "Clever voice-pickers become rulers." K.P. Pobedonostsev
    • “State power is the will of some (those in power), based on independent power, to subjugate the will of others (those in control). G.F. Shershenevich
    • "The state is the territory of power." A. Kruglov
    • "States are acquired either by their own or someone else's weapons, or by the grace of fate, or by valor." N. Machiavelli
    • "The more developed the state, the more it is removed from society." V.B. Pastukhov
    • "The task of the state is only to eliminate evil and the state is not obliged to promote the welfare of citizens." W. Humboldt
    • “Along with the activities of the state, it is necessary to provide an opportunity and a wide range of personal freedom. The goal of social life is the harmonious agreement of both elements, and not the sacrifice of one in favor of the other. " B. Chicherin
    • "The state good is justice." Aristotle
    • “The welfare of the state is provided not by the money that it annually releases to officials, but by those that it leaves in the pockets of citizens every year” I. Eotvos
    • "There are no single and the same ideas of individual freedom, legal order, constitutional state, the same for all peoples." B. Kistyakovsky
    • "The greatness and holiness of the state consists, first of all, in the unswerving implementation of justice." A. Steel
    • “Any government degrades if it is entrusted only to the rulers of the people. Only the people themselves are a reliable guardian of power and people. " T. Jefferson
    • "Complete obedience to the law of kindness will eliminate the need for government and state." O. Frontingham
    • "The lack of money, but of people and talents, makes the state weak." Voltaire
    • "In a democracy, a person not only enjoys the utmost possible power, but also bears the utmost responsibility." N. Cousins
    • "Democracy does not mean that people actually rule, but only that they have the ability to elect rulers." J. Schumpeter
    • "We choose democracy not because it is full of virtues, but to avoid tyranny." K. Popper
    • "The principle of democracy disintegrates not only when the spirit of equality is lost, but also when the spirit of equality is taken to an extreme and everyone wants to be equal to those whom he has chosen as his rulers." Sh.-L. Montesquieu
    • “The democratic system is far from always and not everywhere near the place. It has its necessary foundations or "prerequisites": if they are not present, then democracy does not give anything but prolonged decay and destruction. " I. Ilyin
    • "A participant in a democratic system needs personal character and devotion to the homeland, traits that ensure certainty of views, incorruptibility, responsibility and civic courage in him." I. Ilyin
    • "When a tyrant rules, the people are silent, and the laws do not work." Saadi
    • "If people hoped to find better conditions for themselves in a tyrannical state of a firm hand, they rushed there headlong" F. Guicciardini
    • “A tyrant is a robber who fears neither judgment nor punishment. This is a judge without court and law. " Y. Krizhanich
    • "Totalitarianism is a political system that has infinitely expanded its intervention in the lives of citizens." I. Ilyin
    • "At the head of it (totalitarianism) are marching the most ruthless, those who have nothing to lose, to whom the war is their mother, and the civil war is the motherland." K. Hayden
    • “The best should rule in all states and under all regimes. Any regime is bad if it is ruled by the worst. " I. Ilyin
    • "There is a minimum level of education and awareness, without which any voting becomes its own caricature." I. Ilyin
    • "Freedom of a citizen is the foundation of the rule of law." Robert von Moll Jurisprudence
    • "Any power presupposes a minimum of law, any right presupposes a minimum of power." B.P. Vysheslavtsev
    • "The more developed, mature and deeper the sense of justice, the more perfect the law." I.A. Ilyin
    • "The freedom of one person ends where the freedom of another begins." M. Bakunin
    • "Human rights should be considered sacred, no matter what sacrifices it may cost the dominant power." I. Kant
    • "Legality is one of the greatest achievements of the liberal era, which served not only as a shield for freedom, but as a streamlined legal mechanism for its implementation." F. Hayek
    • "The punishment cannot be forever, but the guilt is forever." A dictum from Roman law "In sound theory, as well as in practice, freedom only becomes law when it is recognized by law." B. Chicherin
    • "A people with a developed sense of justice should be interested in and value their court as the custodian and organ of their law and order." B. Kistyakovsky
    • "The strong power of the coming Russia will not be extra-legal and not super-legal, but formalized by law and serving by right, with the help of law - to the national rule of law." I. Ilyin
    • "Society is forced to constantly make efforts to focus on the observance of human rights throughout its legal and political system." J. Maritain
    • “Law is the right to property based on power; where there is no power, the law dies. " N. Shamfort
    • "The law reveals its beneficial effect only to those who obey it." Democritus
    • "Any crime has its own morality, which justifies it." V. Schwebel
    • "I consider it imperative for everyone to obey the laws unquestioningly and unswervingly." Socrates
    • "What is a right and what the offense is, it should be determined by the law." Latin legal dictum
    • "Intention must obey laws, not laws of intentions." Latin legal dictum
    • "The presumption is valid until proven otherwise." Latin legal dictum
    • "When the law gives a right, it also provides a remedy for it." Latin legal dictum
    • “In the old days they said that law and freedom live like a cat and a dog. Every law is bondage. " N.M. Karamzin
    • "The laws are good, but they still have to be well followed in order for people to be happy." N.M. Karamzin
    • "The law exists in vain for those who have neither the courage nor the means to defend it." T. Macaulay
    • "The law is not a web through which large flies make their way, and small ones get stuck." O. Balzac
    • "Laws should have the same meaning for everyone." C. Montesquieu
    • "Laws are needed not only to intimidate citizens, but also to help them." Voltaire
    • "The law should be like death, which spares no one." C. Montesquieu
    • "The cruelty of the laws prevents them from being followed." C. Montesquieu
    • "Not to be subordinate to any law means to be deprived of the most salvific protection, for laws should protect us not only from others, but also from ourselves." G. Heine
    • "Bad laws are the worst kind of tyranny." E. Burke
    • "To leave a crime unpunished is to become an accomplice." P. Crebillon
    • "Law is not a concept of logic, but of force." R. Yering
    • "Obedience to the law is required by right, and not begged as mercy." T. Roosevelt
    • "It is impossible for a person, as a spiritual being, to live on earth outside the law" I. Ilyin
    • "Look into the reasons for all licentiousness and you will see that it stems from impunity." C. Montesquieu
    • “Whoever defends his right defends the right in general”. R. Yering
    • "He who spares the guilty one punishes the innocent one." Axiom of law
    • "The legislator must think like a philosopher and speak like a peasant." G. Jellinek
    • "The goal of punishment is not revenge, but correction." A.N. Radishchev
    • "A terrible lawlessness can be carried out under the guise of law over law itself." R. Yering
    • "For citizens, the right is permission to do everything that is not prohibited." L. Tolstoy
    • "Citizens enjoy the greater freedom the more cases the laws leave to their discretion." T. Hobbes
    • "It is allowed, and therefore not prescribed, everything that does not hinder the freedom of other people." G. Hegel
    • "I see the near death of a state where the law is not valid and is under someone's authority." Plato
    • "The foundations of every state and the foundation of any country rest on justice and justice." Al-Samarakandi
    • "The true equality of citizens is that they are equally subject to the laws." J. D'Alembert
    • "We must be slaves to the laws to be free." Cicero
    • "Other crimes are so loud and grandiose that we justify them and even glorify them: for example, we call the robbery of the treasury dexterity, and we call the unjust seizure of foreign lands conquest." F. La Rochefoucauld
    • "Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. But knowledge often liberates. " S. Lec
    • "The reform of morals should begin with the reform of laws." K. Helvetius
    • "Unfair laws do not create law." Cicero
    • "The true equality of citizens is that they are all equally subject to the laws." J. D'Alembert

    Sociology essay topics

    • "Children give their debt to their parents to their children." I.N. Shevelev
    • "The family is the crystal of society." V. Hugo
    • "The family is more sacred than the state." Pius XI
    • "A woman, like a caryatid, props up the family hearth." I.N. Shevelev
    • "The roots of nationalism are in the division of the population into indigenous and non-indigenous." I.N. Shevelev
    • "Every nation, big or small, has its own unique crystal, which must be able to highlight." I.N. Shevelev
    • "Nationalism is not love for one's own nation, but hatred for someone else's." I.N. Shevelev
    • "The lack of a sense of national dignity is just as disgusting as the other extreme, nationalism." I.N. Shevelev
    • "The greatness of a people is not at all quantified by its number, just as the greatness of a person is not quantified by its growth." V. Hugo
    • "I'm too proud of my country to be a nationalist." J. Wolfrom
    • "A nation doesn't need violence to be tough." F. Roosevelt
    • "No nation can prosper until it realizes that plowing a field is as worthy as writing a poem." B. Washington
    • "Every nationality is the wealth of a single and fraternally united humanity, and not an obstacle in its path." ON THE. Berdyaev
    • “Nations are the wealth of mankind, these are its generalized personalities; the smallest of them bears its own special colors. " A. Solzhenitsyn
    • "Of all the threads that connect a person with their homeland, the strongest is the native language." I.N. Shevelev
    • "A nation is a totality of people, different in character, tastes and views, but connected with each other by strong, deep and all-embracing spiritual bonds." D. Gibran
    • "A nation is a community of people who, through a single destiny, acquire a single character." O. Bauer
    • "There is not a single real sign for the definition of ethnicity, applicable to all known cases." L.N. Gumilev
    • "Love all other peoples as your own." V. Soloviev
    • "Classes will disappear as inevitably as they inevitably arose in the past." F. Engels
    • “Inequality lies in nature itself; it is an inevitable consequence of freedom. " J. Renan
    • "Inequality is as good a law of nature as any other." I. Sherr
    • "Human equality in society means only rights, but it concerns states no more than growth, strength, intelligence, activity, labor." P. Vergnio
    • "The higher the position of a person, the more strict must be the framework that restrains the self-will of his character." G. Freytag
    • "Very rich people are not like you and me." F.S. Fitzgerald
    • "One and the same social role is experienced, evaluated and implemented in different ways by different people." I.S. Con
    • "Take the place and position that befits you, and everyone will recognize it." R. Emerson
    • "Obeying the law of the crowd, we return to the Stone Age." S. Parkinson
    • "Society is a balance beam that cannot raise some without lowering others." J. Vanniere
    • “Accurate knowledge of society is one of our most recent acquisitions.” A. Giddens
    • "Society is not a simple group of individuals, but a system ...". E.E. Durkheim
    • "Marginalization is the result of conflict with social norms." A. Farzhd
    • "The mass is a multitude of people without special merit." H. Ortega y Gasset
    • "Freedom is the right to inequality." ON THE. Berdyaev
    • “It's not good to be too free. It is not good not to know the need for anything. " B. Pascal
    • "It is easy to preach morality, it is difficult to justify it." A. Schopenhauer
    • "The process of socialization in simple and complex societies is not the same." I. Robertson
    • "For others, we create rules, for ourselves, exceptions." S. Lemel
    • "Great authority must be used carefully, like all heavy things: otherwise you can accidentally crush someone." E. Servus
    • "Youth is the time for the assimilation of wisdom." J.-J. Russo
    • "A person ... very early acquires a sense of justice, but very late or does not acquire the concept of justice at all." I. Kant
    • "Whoever knows how to deal with conflicts by acknowledging them takes control of the rhythm of history." R. Dahrendorf
    • "It is much more important to instill in people mores and customs than to give them laws and courts." O. Mirabeau

Practical Tips for Writing Social Studies Essays

  • The most important thing is to regularly practice writing essays, submitting them to the teacher for review, and paying attention to working out his comments.
  • Observe the logical sequence of presentation, do not jump from one example to another.
  • Don't write an entire essay on a draft: just sketch the outline and main ideas.
  • Provide an example for each theoretical postulate.
  • Learn to adequately and objectively evaluate both your own and others' essays.
  • Familiarize yourself with the criteria for evaluating social studies essays and pay attention to each item in the writing process.
  • Do not get confused in the concepts and terms of social science.
  • Train to reveal the meaning of the statement on any aphorisms.
  • Watch the news, memorize examples from the lessons, which you can use as evidence of your position.

Criteria for evaluating essays on the exam in 2018

An essay, as a creative essay, is distinguished from other methods of knowledge control by the ability to diagnose the ability of students to analyze information, correctly interpret it, build reasoning and give arguments in the form of correctly selected facts, formulate their own opinion and defend their position.

An example of an essay on social studies on the exam

Thus, to effectively prepare for social studies essays, you should practice writing them as often as possible, following the above tips and adhering to the required structure. This is the only way to get your hands on it and go to the exam with confidence.

How to write an essay in social studies and get the most points for the exam updated: September 2, 2019 by the author: Scientific Articles.Ru

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