Strong weak woman: who is she? Test as far as I am a strong woman.

Test "Are you strong Woman": questions

When does a certain trouble happen or a problem, how do you react?

A strong woman is:

A. Guy in the skirt! (Or just a stupid that all drags on yourself.)

B. I! A strong woman is a reference to which you need to strive.

B. This is the one that, if necessary, can withstand any tests with honor.

When you B. last time crying?

A. Today (or yesterday). In the word, this week.

B. When I was 15 years old! And now I am a big girl. Large girls do not cry!

B. I am not a swax, I pay no more than once a month. But, in my opinion, there is nothing terrible in tears.

Test "Are you strong Woman": Results

You have more answers a. You are just a greenhouse rose. However, there is nothing wrong with that! You emotional person And you do not like to keep feelings and experience in yourself. Indeed, it is better not to save the resentment and experiences, and on time to get rid of them.

But be careful: try not to dramatize the situation too much. Otherwise, risk from an emotional girl to turn into ordinary hysterical. Look at life easier, and everything will be fine!

You have more answers b. You are a real iron lady. It seems nothing can upset you or break. You are undoubtedly a strong woman. But think, and not too often you enter into fighting the world and people?

Many situations and problems could be resolved much faster and easier if you tried to solve them without gritting your teeth, but with a calm smile. Stop fighting with the whole world, and your life will immediately become easier. The more often you smile, rejoice in life and believe in yourself, the less you will have to apply your legendary strength and fighting qualities.

You have more answers in. You are a smart woman! And you are so wise that you do not even have to apply force. You manage to build your life so that all problems are solved like themselves. Your optimism helps you move forward easily and effortlessly. If necessary, you, of course, you can show yourself a strong woman, but if you are the same positive person and further, then the likelihood is great that the need to fight you will cease to arise. Keep up the good work!

There is a commodity concept - "a strong woman", but we all remember the old wisdom - "the power of a woman is in its weakness." Many women want to be strong, but for what criteria can we understand - a strong woman or not? Often you can hear the opinion that a strong woman is a successful woman who knows how to stand up, to move through the career ladder, make money, seek the goals. To become a "strong", women attend special trainings for women - "Course of Sterlomas", "Female Pickup" or "How to fall in love with any", read books "Stervology: a short course for busy bitch" and similar literary benefits, where the general meaning It comes down to the fact that the power of a woman lies in her ability to professionally manipulate men to marry, manipulate at work to break through and make a career, while preferably without feeling any feelings. There are special courses and schools, where they are taught unaccomplished female tricks and techniques of manipulation. It is applied, as a rule, under the "Sweet Sauce" - a woman should know the price, must love and respect himself and be able to defend their opinion, because it is difficult to disagree with it. As well as actively promoted the main weapon of women - its sexuality, which is proposed to apply in any cases to achieve the desired. Undoubtedly, skillfully manipulating people and gone into the role of the bitch, you can achieve a certain success: to make your career ladder, seduce and fall in love with yourself (otherwise to "marry yourself") the right man. But is this the success of which a woman dreams, having mastered such non-hard technicians and techniques? When the way of manipulations make themselves in life, you choose a certain path, moving in which such concepts as "trust", "sincerity", "romance" and even "love" are quietly leaving. When a woman seduces a man, applying various tricks when he makes a major bid for sexuality, entering into marriage with a man, mutual disappointment comes. Having lubricating a man into professionally placed networks, a woman should drop emotions and feelings and take care of the correctness of the strategy and tactics to fulfill the plan of seduction. About Love Here we are talking about, all is planned and the result is achieved. The man, falls in love and marries the image, artificially created specifically for him. But it is impossible to play any role, and after some time it turns out that the man is not ready to accept and love the woman as it really is. Further family life begins - loneliness together.

There is another aspect of female "power." Strong, financially independent women, usually want to find a man to become. But whether two "strong" person can be seized together. As shown life experience and the experience of family psychologists, such partners rarely live together for a long time. Between such partners, there are often incessant leadership wars, for the right to make decisions even in trifles. Most sustainable unions are in their composition and a strong and weak partner. The alignment here is:

  • strong woman attracts weak men
  • weak woman attracts strong men

Of course, this is done unconsciously. In the life of strong women, it turns out so - those men who like it (strong) do not pay attention to it, and those (weak), who like it - do not like it. Now it's time to discover the secret. What is the true power of a woman? Again, ancient wisdom comes to the aid: "The power of a woman is in its weakness." But what is this weakness? There is a huge difference between the weakness, in which the woman is absolutely dependent emotionally from the man, has a low self-esteem, does not think his life without a man and much more in this way, and other true weakness, behind which her greatest power lies.

Being a true woman means on the one hand, be so weak to attract strong men, be feminine, soft, unique. And on the other hand, to be so strong that, being a feminine, giving life on earth and warmly to his family, not to turn into a "rag".

How to become the most - true woman? This is a whole art, perhaps the most important thing in the life of a woman. Where can I comprehend this art, who will help to master them? This art learn all my life, but someone cannot comprehend his wisdom, and someone understands too late. Open the true strength that gives a woman that the greatest power, already now, personality training can help - training self-knowledge, self-discharge. Personal psychological training for women will help discover and implement new facets of the person. Of course, for one training it is impossible to change completely and learn great to be a woman to be a woman. However, the experience collected by the psychologists of the whole world, the experience gained over the years of communication and psychological work With women, it allows you to help in a short time to learn about yourself what was reliably hidden in the subconscious, identify personal values, expand new life priorities, find internal personal resources, run the process of change and find the source of its "light".

I often hear from women complaints on men, they say, we forced you to be strong. And you would be happy and did not come out of the cave, cooked mammoth and brought up children.

But here is not enough: due to the fact that it is impossible to rely on men, and there is no trust, you, women, are forced to be strong.

How did a woman become strong?

You have long and actively fought for your equality. Trousers were laid around, learned to smoke and worked on heavy industries.

If only to prove to us, men that you are the same. Looking back in the past, we, modern European men, recognize: we are ashamed of our predecessors.

Fee for emancipation or "all men goats"

We are watching how you firm the wheels on the road, open yourself the doors. And even when we are nearby, call the waiters' restaurant. Thus, how to give everyone to understand: it is not able to do even such an elementary thing.

And we wonder: why do you need a man if you and so beautiful do without us?

When the woman wants to defend

You require concerns and protection. But we, hearing from you the charges of accusations, they say, "all men-goats", want to protect yourself from you ...

You sometimes deprive us of such elementary law as courtship. Immediately go from a room in a quarry - to sex.

Show Democratic modern approach To the equality of the floors, which is there. We are of course glad.

True, then we do not understand why you demand from us relations of another level. After all, according to the rules of the game, sex is just sex.

And again "All men are goats, they only need one of us" ...

Why is it easier for you "I myself", and us- With Fitonias

"I myself" ... you are so actively demonstrating to us, men, their own independence.

Then why do you feel lonely and complain?

Who can argue with successful women?

On the Internet, there are plenty of articles of women braving their strength, with a bunch of enthusiastic feedback fans. It is discussed how small men are small and primitive, as they do not reach the level of modern, decent women.

And behind the bottle of wine with the same strong-worthy-lonely, you mighty migrating men. After all, those "from weakness" choose home "Bolon".

And these are not particularly educated, often not burdened by the intellect of the girl. Their only dignity, in your opinion, is a beautiful appearance.

"Bought and Kata", "Are such thinking men?

Objectively, you need to recognize that because of the low self-esteem, the man really choose Fitonish.

As an expensive car, dear hours and other attributes of success - "bought and kataya".

But normal, thinking men such primitive girls are not interesting. Like you are complex, strong, successful women. Why? Too complicated ...

How to preserve the equal rights disheveled with great-grandmothers and at the same time be desired?

Listen, what are you talking about us?

  • "The man no longer went."
  • "All men are goats and weaklings."
  • Or is it a humiliating "Men" ...

You really think that, feeling this dismissive attitude, a man rusts to persuade you: I'm not like that? No, honey.

Much more pleasant to communicate with the one that is naively waiting for the prince. It is better for her to prove that it is me that is her prince. "How do you call the ship", you know

Independence that kills

You do not just do not know how to ask for help from a man, you do not even give him the opportunity to show the initiative and care.

You traveled gravity yourself - you sometimes do not even break the heavy bag from the hands!

  • You are desperately trying to earn an equal footing, fighting with us in tough conditions of male business.
  • Do not believe in your man or think that you can do it better?

And if our woman does not believe in us, we descend the wings.

In addition, it is very convenient - why, if you are all myself.

Listen, you just deprive us of the right to feel strong.

Changed? Not scary- Let's

A strong woman forgives the husband of treason and, tipping his teeth, drags for himself, children. Do you know that while you forgive treason us, we changelessly change it?!

It low and does not justify us. But impunity inspires!

Exhibit your husband's suitcases after the first betrayal, I wouldn't have been the second time! Remember, you tolerate, we use ...

Will there be a strong man next to a strong woman?

You saw and cloud. Insult on people. You interrupt and prove your right thing in humans.

This is disrespect and disregard!

And you want such a man to be strong, your defense and wall?!

You, like a flag, carry your power, on a par with us drink alcohol. And then you dug your attitude towards yourself as a weak girl? ...

Sorry, but you do not call the desire to protect you, rather - to protect yourself from you.

When your choice is life for barbed wire

From pain and loneliness, you convince everyone around and you begin to believe myself: you are so comfortable - to be strong. And we believe you. And you calm down a big fence with barbed wire.

  • You are self-sufficient in your strength.
  • You work like a man.

Remember, even if you are dressed, your "power" gives a prickly look and a male fast walk.

Women will save ... Harmony

Harmony is in female - this is not a search for compromises, where one is inferior, and the other tolerates or attacks.

This is a search for a balanced solution that is beneficial to both.

This is yours, women's thinking, differs from our, male, linear. It is so important when initially contradictory energies coexist harmoniously.

It's in your nature - find in all harmony and balance!

Strength in your weakness!

When you face like a cat, you drive us stronger than any brake! And you on your "Babyskaya" trainings inspire that it is primitive ...

Woman due to the maternal instinct laid in it is tolerant to conflict of character. She knows how to harmonize the polar elements.

Listen, you're like mom, you always find an approach to "different" children.

Look at yourself through the eyes of a man

You are smart, formed and hidden by knowledge with diverse trainings (not always successful, believe me).

You have a prank press, brains and chakras.

You are young at any age, meditate, in parallel win tenders and buy cryptocurrency.

Well, how, tell me, we will get to you?!

Amazons here not place - along the path of the least resistance

Of course, it's easier to take a girl without special mental abilities that will look into our mouth. Next to such we will feel ourselves to the gods.

Look, it's all about the unwillingness of a man to see Amazon and withstand everyday sparring with her.

And, let's get honestly, almost all of us - compacted little boys inside. We are crazy recognition and admiration.

Instead, next to such a strong and smart, you should always be "at the height", while I want to relax and exhale at least at least at home.

And "On you, as in war," ...

Do not mind

Only here to turn into mommy is another extreme. They do not sleep with moms and they don't care about them ... although it is very convenient for us.

We are pleased to enter such relationships. But when you saw us like moms, we avoid communication and we switch attention to "girls". After all, you feel a man.

Strong woman - uncertain man

And one more important momentBorn by insecurity.

We are tormented by a question next to such self-sufficient "all herself": "And I pull it? Will it look at the other, more successful and strong? "

Avoid solitude simple

So how can you be? To stay and successful, because Otherwise, I do not want, and weak, feminine. How to encourage a man near to be strong and take care? Be a little girl ...

Remember, it is important to realize that, making your man weak, you risk remain in the end in proud loneliness.

A normal man is such a masculous man's energy "Woman" is simply uninteresting.

Are you looking for reasons for joy? Well, it is necessary to be happy anyway, right? When you are alone. So what bothers you to be joyful and happy next to your beloved man?!

Woman, Usmy His Male Dust

Find within itself the harmony and the balance of the Inin and Yansk energy.

  • Meditate.
  • Cultivate female habits.
  • Throw smoking (it is not enough, we do not like!), Baluse the body with relaxing procedures.
  • And still stop swearing and gossiping - a real man does not respect.

Just be grateful

Communicate with men - any - respectful. Learn to see dignity in any man.

This does not mean that it is necessary to abandon the inner strength and acquired social, sometimes male skills. But do it in female.

Do not forget about your female nature.

When we skip you forward, open the door in front of you and offer physical assistance, agree and thanks! Sincerely.

Thank you for men around and, especially, your man for advice, help and care, which is offered.

Thanks for any trifle and female weakness "I myself can not cope with" You provoke men to the desire to be strong next to you and perform feats every day.

Male world wants to help you. Are you ready?

Forget your usual "Ah, I still will do anyway," "FIG will wait for FIG." You can not?

Teaches yourself with simple requests. Ask you to help bring a heavy bag from the store, a colleague is to carry out the car.

A man is arranged in such a way that, having received a "team" to do something, should pass it through the internal analytical center. There he is trying to understand, "What is happening - how to do it better - and maybe he will distribute himself - what to strain."

And do not fog that we do not perform instantly your requests. We often even just do not have time to engage in the task!

Do not rush immediately with a poisonous, accusing a look to perform everything yourself.

Quietly ask, react without offward to the unclean, repeat your request.

Female - This is a confidence in the world and your man

Believe in a man, relax and trust him. He will break in a cake, so as not to bring you in your expectations!

Do you want a strong and courageous man? Remember, then you should look like a weak.

Not helpless, not weak! And as smart, mature, but such that you want to support and protect. Believe in it ...

Saving "captivity" For a strong woman

Remember, for the sake of your love, we will overavel the mountains!

To see your enthusiastic look, gratitude, recognition. This is your female power.

Listen, it is from the lack of recognition we go to treason, and not even from a lack of sex.

Gently use the strength that nature gave you.

Be a strong, bold, but gentle and feminine!

Rent a "captivity" to your man. So you will win the global battle with yourself for happiness to be a loved one worthy man.

I wish love
Yaroslav Samoilov

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