The heroic exploits of Russian warriors in Tavrida. Great exploits of Russian soldiers today

Orthodoxy.FM - Orthodox, patriotic, family-oriented portal and therefore offers readers to readers top 10 amazing feats of the Russian army. The top is not included [...]

Orthodoxy.FM - Orthodox, patriotic, family-oriented portal and therefore offers readers to readers top 10 amazing feats of the Russian army.

The top does not include single exploits of Russian warriors like Captain Nikolai Gastello, a sailor Peter Cat, a warrior of Mercury Smolensky or headquarters, Peter Nesterov, because with the level of mass heroism, which the Russian army has always been different, is strongly impossible to determine the top ten warriors. All of them are great.

The places in the top are not distributed, since the described expitions relate to different epochs and compare them between themselves are not entirely correct, but all of them unites one - a vivid example of the celebration of the spirit of the Russian man.

  • The feat of the squad of Evpathy Kolovrat (1238).

Evpathy Kolovrat - a native of Ryazan, not so much information about him, and they are contradictory. One-stripes say that he was a local governor, others - boyar.

From the steppe came to guide that the Tatars go hiking on Russia. The first on their way was Ryazan. Understanding that Ryazantsev's own forces for successful defense of the city, the prince sent Evpathia Kolovrat to seek help in neighboring principles.

Kolovrat served in Chernigov, there he was overtaken by the news of the ruin of his native land by Mongols. Not a minute not a minute, Kolovrat with a small friend hastily moved towards Ryazan.

Unfortunately, the city was found already ruined and burned. Seeing the ruins, gathered those who could fight with the army, about 1,700 people rushed into pursuit of the whole of Batya's Ord (about 300,000 warriors).

Having overtook the Tatars in the vicinity of Suzdal, gave the fight to the enemy. Despite the small number of squad, the Russians managed to smith an airship of Tatars with a sudden attack.

Battered was very stunned by this inhound attack. Khan had to quit his best parts into battle. Baty asked to lead him to Kovovrat alive, but Evpathy did not give up and courageously fought with the enemy superior.

Then Baty sent to Evpathy the parliamentant to ask what Russian warriors want? Evpathy replied - "Just die"! The fight continued. As a result, Mongols who were afraid to approach the Russians, had to apply the catapults and, only so the squad of Kolovrat could beat.

Khan Bati, struck by the courage and heroism of the Russian warrior, gave the body of Evpathia his squad. The rest of the warriors, for their courage Bate ordered to let go without causing it harm.

About the feat of Evpathy Kolovrat told in the ancient Russian "Tale of Ryazan Batym".

  • Suvorov's transition through the Alps (1799).

In 1799, the Russian troops participating in battles with the French in Northern Italy as part of the second anti-armnce coalition were recalled home. However, along the way home, the Russian troops had to assist the Corps of Roman Corsakov and defeat the French in Switzerland.

For this, the army under the leadership of Generalissimus Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov. Together with the turn, artillery and wounded made an unprecedented transition through alpine passages.

In the campaign, the Army Suvorov took place with battles through Saint-Gothard and the Black Bridge and made the transition from the Rysis Valley to the Mutenskaya Valley, where he had surrounded. However, in the battle in the Mute Valley, where the defeat of the French army was defeated and came out of the environment, after which he made a transition through a snow-covered hard-to-reach Ringerkopf (Panic) and across the city of chickens headed towards Russia.

During the battle for the damn Bridge, the French managed to damage the span and to overcome the abyss. Russian warriors under fire tied the scarves of officers of the board of the plank-nearby shed and went to battle. And during overcoming one of the passages to knock down the French from a height, several dozen volunteers, without any climbing equipment, climbed the rim on the top of the pass and hit the French to the rear.

In this campaign, the son of Emperor Paul I Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich was participating under the Suvorov team as a ordinary soldier.

  • Defense of the Brest Fortress (1941).

The Brest Fortress was built by the Russian military in 1836-42, set out of the citadel and three defending its fortifications. Later, she was modernized several times, passed to Poland's property and returned to Russia again.

By the beginning of June 1941, parts of two small RKKA rifle divisions were placed on the territory of the fortress: the 6th Orlovsk Red Banner and 42nd Rifle and several small units. In total, by the morning of June 22 in the fortress there were about 9,000 people.

The Germans decided in advance that the Brest Fortress, standing at the border from the USSR and therefore, elected as one of the first strike facilities, would have to take only infantry - without tanks. Their use of forests, swamps, river ducts and canals surrounding the fortress prevented them. For the capture of the fortress, German strategists were distinguished by the 45th division (17,000 people) not more than eight hours.

Despite the sudden attack, the garrison gave the Germans a hard rebuff. The report said: "Russians are fiercely resisting, especially behind our attacking mouth. In the Citadel, the enemy organized defense by infantry parts with the support of 35-40 tanks and armored cars. The fire of Russian snipers led to great losses among officers and nonsense officers. " Within one day on June 22, 1941, the 45th Infantry Division was only killed by 21 officers and 290 lower ranks.

On June 23, from 5:00, the Germans began the art printing of the Citadel, while trying not to hit his soldiers blocked in the church. On the same day, for the first time against defenders of the Brest Fortress, tanks were applied.

On June 26, on the North Island, German sappers blew up the wall of the school building. There were 450 captives. The main focus of resistance on the North Island remained East Fort. On June 27, there were 20 commanders and 370 fighters from the 393rd anti-aircraft battalion of the 42nd Rifle Division, headed by the commander of the 44th Infantry Regiment by Major Peter Gavrilov, was defended.

On June 28, two German tanks and several self-propelled guns returned from repair to the front, continued to fill the East Fort on the North Island. However, this did not bring visible results, and the commander of the 45th division appealed for support for the Luftwaffe.

On June 29 at 8:00, the German bomber dropped a 500-kilogram bomb on the Eastern Fort. Then another 500-kilogram and finally a 1800-kilogram bomb was reset. Fort was practically destroyed.

Nevertheless, in East Fort, a small group of fighters led by Gavrilov continued to fight. Major was captured only on July 23. Residents of Brest said that until the end of July or even before the first nights of August, the shooting was heard and the Nazis brought from there to the city, where the German Army Hospital was posted, his wounded officers and soldiers.

However, the official date of the end of the defense of the Brest Fortress is considered July 20 on the basis of the inscription, which was discovered in the barracks of the 132nd individual battalion of the Konvoy Troops of the NKVD: "I am dying, but I do not give up. Goodbye homeland. 20 / VII-41. "

  • Camping of Kotlyarevsky detachments during the Russian-Persian Wars 1799-1813.

All the exploits of the detachments of General Peter Kotlyarevsky are so amazing that it is difficult to choose the best, so imagine them all:

In 1804, Kotlyarevsky with 600 soldiers and 2 instruments of 2 days were dismissed on the old cemetery from 20,000 warriors Abbas Mirza. 257 soldiers and almost all officers Kotlyarevsky died. There were a lot of wounded.

Then Kotlyarevsky, wrapped the wheels of the cannons with rags, at night, passed through the camp of the precipitating, took the storming fortress Shah-Bula, knocked out the Persian garrison of 400 people from there, and sat down in it.

13 days he was shot off from the capext of the building of the corps in 8000 Persians, and then at night heed up the gun on the wall and left the detachment to the fortress Mukhrat, which he also took the attack, knocking Persians and from there, and again prepared for defense.

To drag guns through a deep ditch during the second transition, four soldiers aroused fill it with their bodies. Two were crushed to death, and two continued the campaign.

In Mukhrate, the Russian army came to the revenue of the Kotlyarev battalion. In this operation and when taking a slightly previously fortress of the Gange, Kotlyarevsky was injured four times, but remained in the ranks.

In 1806, in the field battle at Honashin, 1644 Major Kotlyarevsky soldier broke the 20,000th Army of Abbas Mirza. In 1810, Abbas Mirza again made the troops against Russia. Kotlyarevsky took 400 hurkers and 40 contesions and came to meet.

"On the way" he took the Migri fortress by storming, defeating a 2-thousand garrison, and captured 5 artillery batteries. After waiting for 2 reinforcements, the colonel accepted the battle with 10,000 Persians Shah and forced him to retreat to the Araks River. Taking 460 people of infantry and 20 equestrian Cossacks, the colonel destroyed the 10-thousand Detachment Abbas Mirza, having lost the 4 Russian soldiers killed.

In 1811, Kotlyarevsky became a Major General, moving through an impregnable mountain range with 2 battalions and hundreds of Cossacks and assaulting the fortress of Akhalkalak. The British sent to Persians of money and weapons for 12,000 soldiers. Then Kotlyarevsky went hiking and took the fortress of Kara-kah, where military warehouses were.

In 1812, in the field battle in Aslanduze, 2000 Warriors of Kotlyarevsky, at 6, the tools broke the entire army of Abbas-Mirza in 30,000 people.

By 1813, the British, rebuilt the Fortress Lankaran fortress for advanced European samples. Kotlyarevsky took the fortress by storming, having only 1759 people against the 4,000th garrison and during the attack almost completely destroyed defenders. Thanks to this victory, Persia requested the world.

  • Taking Izmail Suvorov (1790).

The Turkish fortress Ishmael, covered by the Danube crossing, the Osmans were built by French and English engineers. Suvorov himself believed that it was "fortress without weak places."

However, arriving on December 13 under Izmail, Suvorov for six days he kept active preparation for the storm, including the teaching troops to storm the layouts of the high fortress walls of Izmail.

Next to Izmail, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe current village of Safyan, the Earth and Wood Analogues of the Rava and the walls of Izmail were built in the area of \u200b\u200bSafyan, the soldiers were trained to throw the staircase, after the lifting of the wall, they quickly prick and struggle the stuffed, imitating defenders installed there.

For two days, Suvorov led artillery training by field guns and guns of the ships of the flotilla, on December 22, at 5:30 am, the fortress assault began. Resistance on the streets of the city continued until 16 o'clock.

Attacking troops were divided into 3 detachments (wings) 3 columns each. The detachment of Major de Ribas (9,000 people) attacked from the river side; The right wing under the superior of the Lieutenant General P. S. Potemkin (7,500 people) should have shock from the western part of the fortress; The left wing of General-lieutenant A. N. Samoilova (12,000 people) - with east. Cavalry reserves of Brigadier Westfalen (2,500 people) were on the land side. In total, Suvorov's army consisted of 31,000 people.

Turkish losses amounted to 29,000 people killed. 9 thousand captured captured. Only one person saved from the whole garrison. Easy wounded, he fell into the water and swam the Danube on the log.

The losses of the Russian army amounted to 4 thousand people killed and 6 thousand wounded. All 265 guns were captured, 400 banned, huge reserves of the provincial and jewelry for 10 million pirasters. The commandant of the fortress was appointed. I. Kutuzov, in the future the famous commander, Winner of Napoleon.

The conquest of Izmail had a great political importance. It affected the further course of the war and for conclusion in the 792 of the Yaski world between Russia and Turkey, who confirmed the accession of the Crimea to Russia and established the Russian-Turkish border along the Dniester River. Thus, all Northern Black Sea Castle from the Dniester to Kuban was enshrined by Russia.

Andrei Stemteda

In contact with

Any historian will tell you that the story has a property to be compacted. The farther from us the historical era, the larger temporary frames we measure it. The same thing happens with historical events. The farther from us the event, the less we know about it. In the folds of time, the smallest details are lost, leaving us only bright facts.

More than a hundred years from us battles and battle on the fronts of the First World War. And if the heroes of the Second World War we can call and without special training, then we know the heroes of 1914-1918 much less. We will try to fill this gap, and tell a little about the forgotten exploits of Russian soldiers during the First World War.

Taran Nesterov

Let's start, perhaps, from the most famous feat of a Russian officer, a talented pilot, and one of the few features associated with conscious self-sacrifice.

Peter Nikolayevich Nesterov September 8, 1914 rammed the Austrian aircraft, which led to the collapse of both cars and the death of the Russian and Austrian pilot, as well as the enemy observer Baron Friedrich von Rosental.

At that time, the planes were not equipped with machine guns, and the only way to destroy the military vessel of the enemy was a ram.

Cossack Kuzma Kryuchkov

After the heroic battle with the Germans, Kuzma Kryuchkov became the first in Russia, Georgievsky Kavaler, having received the Higher Soldier's award of the George Cross.

Cossacks were in ambush when the German detachment came out. Putting the enemy to the rifle shot, the Cossacks opened fire. The Germans began to retreat, and Kuzma first, jumped on the horse, caught up the enemy, and began to chop them with a checker.

He could not lead the fire from small arms in his hand and continued to kill the enemy with a checker, and their peaks were selected. In total, 24 enemy soldiers and officers and officers were killed in that battle, 27th managed to run. Crochekov received 16 wounds, and on the body of his horse counted 11 injuries.

Feat Treasurer

The city of Kalish, who was at the border itself, was one of the first to be occupied by Prussian Ulan and German troops. The city managed to leave only some of the highest officials and representatives of the imperial power.

All residents remained in the city, and fully experienced all the enemy occupation. Stayed in the city and treasurer by the surname of Sokolov. Even before the entry of the Germans to the city, he burned all the treasury tickets.

On August 4, 1914, Sokolov was shot. Another example of "sacrifice" in war. But the provincial treasurer was unlikely to think about the feat, burning tickets. Just it was a gusting of the soul, in accordance with the concept of debt and honor.

"Russians do not surrender!"

On July 14, 1916, a small detachment under the command of the suborpeaker of the 21st Siberian Rifle Regiment Alexander Varaksin was surrounded by the village of Linevka.

The enemy was much superior to the strength of the Russian soldiers defending in the trench, but the suboroiler cried on the proposal to surrender "Russians do not surrender!".

When the cartridges ended, Varaksin Shtykov did not give the enemy to penetrate the trench. Only after the squall fire, the Russian defenders fell, and the Germans took a trench. The Germans angry with such courage, raised the dead body of Alexander on the bayonets.

Ruled the body of the commander

Place a feat in the war was also found in the ordinary Mikhail Matveevich hook. On March 6, 1916, a brutal battle with the Germans of the clips broke out.

The situation for Russian troops was not in the best way, and headquarters-captain of GLO-Mikhailenko was killed in battle. The body of the murdered commander was between the fighting parties.

In this challenging plant under a squall fire on both sides, Mikhail Hooks made the body of the dead headquarten to his position so that the enemy did not inadequate, and to get buried the officer with the honors. That's how risking my own life, did not leave the enemy of the commander, albeit already killed.

Sailor Peter Semenishchev

Russian warriors bravely fought not only on land, but also at sea. A bright example of courage and courage of Russian sailors was Peter Semenishchev.

A simple peasant was called up to the army, and when the war began, served as a sailor-electrician on the ships of the Baltic Fleet. In December 1914, he was part of the group, the tasks of which included the mining of the Farviter Vistula.

During the work, one of the mines broke away from the attachment, and began to move along the flow, threatening to blow up the ship. Peter, not thinking, jumped into the ice water, and climbed the rear to the shore.

For this feat, he got on the chest Georgievsky cross IV degree. It should be noted that the sailor of Selenishchev once again showed himself in hand-to-hand fighting when 8 Austrians turned into flight, having received 11 wounds.

"Attack of the Dead"

Under such a terrible name in the world and Russian history, an event related to one of the episodes of the heroic protection of the Ospen fortress, not far from Belostoka.

After two unsuccessful storms of the fortress in September 1914, the Germans took the third storm only in July 1915. But she was unsuccessful, the garrison of the fortress stopped and courageously held the defense. Then, at 4 o'clock in the morning, on August 6, the Germans were released into Russian positions poisoning gas. It was so much that no one would have survived in German counting.

The Germans were surprised when starting the assault, in their opinion, the "dead fortress", there were 60 semi-seized, the soldiers with blood wrapped on their heads. The Germans retreated, and the fortress was never taken. On August 22, in view of the loss of its strategic appointment, the Russian troops themselves left Osovo.

Russian soldier

At the very beginning of December 1915, a young volunteer Nikolai Popov arrived at the war with Germany. For their abilities and knowledge of foreign languages, 88 Petrovsky regiment was determined.

Once Popov with colleague received an order to navigate into enemy trenches, and get a "language". During the operation, the partner was killed, and Nikolai independently fulfilled the order, delivering the "language".

For his feat, Popov was awarded the St. George Cross of the 4th degree. And everything would not, but only later it turned out that the scout Nikolai Popov was actually Cyrus Bashkirov, who escaped from his home to the front. This is such a dawn of the beginning of the twentieth century.

Sister of Mercy

Let us finish the list of feats of another woman, the sister of mercy of the 105th Infantry Regiment. The name of her Rimma Ivanova, and she is the only woman who received the Order of St. George IV degree for the personal will of Nicholas II.

He went to the front from the first days of the war, in the most severe battles in Western Ukraine received their first Iron Cross. In one of the battles I carried the commander of the regiment of Colonel A. Graube from the battlefield.

For all the time the fragile woman managed to endure from the battlefield and save more than 600 soldiers and officers. In September 1915, her regiment took the battle with the superior enemy forces at the village of Dobroslavl. Two commander died in battle, and the soldiers began to retreat. In this situation, Rimma gathered a soldier and led them to the attack. The Russians, under her command, managed to repel the position-employed position, but, having received fatal wounds, she died on the hands of fighters with the words "God, save Russia ...".

Based on the review of the exploits of Russian soldiers, we will make a small conclusion. During the Great Patriotic War, people at the top of their own life tried not to miss enemy troops and destroy the enemy. It happened here and throwing a tank with a bunch of grenades, and the direction of knockdown aircraft to the accumulation of enemy technicians, and a self-sustain, destroying enemy soldiers along with him. But in the first world war, the mentality of Russian warriors was a little different - destroy as many enemies as possible, and at the same time stay alive in order to continue to continue to beat the enemy.

Although the idea of \u200b\u200bRussian self-sacrifice is still in this day, starting with the feat of Ivan Susanin, and ending with the Russian officer Alexander Prokhorenko, which caused fire on himself in the Syrian Palmyra region.

Throughout history, the Russian state was constantly forced to fight for the preservation of its independence and territorial integrity. Of particular importance was the huge exaltation of the National Spirit, the cohesion of Russian people in the face of serious danger. From the feats of individual Russian people, the Great National Feat was staggered.

In the period of ancient Russia Such entities were hiking of Prince Svyatoslav, the campaign of Oleg on the Tsargrad, ended with the triumph of Slavic warriors.

Period of feudal fragmentation Heavyly affected the young state. The exploits of Russian warriors applied more harm, as they led to further disunity: "Brother walked on his brother."

Even hung a deadly danger - the Tatar-Mongol invasion did not become a factor that would rapid Slavic forces. There were many years of humiliation before the conquerors. But the forces were accumulated inside the people to make another feat.
In the middle of the XIII century, two famous battles were held, which showed that Russia was not broken and could still face forces with enemies. The Nevsky Battle and Ice Barely put an end to the promotion of Western Crusaders to Slavic lands.

Kulikovsky battle has become the most important event of our ancient history. In addition to the victory over the long-time enemy, she brought the Slavs much more - the feeling of her unity and awareness of himself with one people who should independently manage their state.

Years passed, the Moscow state grew and strong. In this steady process, the exploits of individual people who did not regret the "belly of their" for the benefit of their homeland were of great importance. Yermak's campaign to Siberia and the following expeditions in the unknown land expanded the territory of Russia to the East.

At the beginning of the XVII century Because of the internal turmoil and preventing the tsarist dynasty, Russia's independence was threatened. The impostors and foreign interventions settled in the very center of the state - Moscow. In these harmful conditions, the true National Spirit was again manifested. Prince Pozharsky and simple old-terrier K. Minin led the national militia against the interventionists in defense of their debris. The expulsion of the Poles from Moscow and the approval of the new Romanov dynasty occurred with the direct participation of the people who understands what he fought.

Attacks on Russia did not stop. The state had to lead wars in the West alternately with different opponents and in the south against the Ottoman Empire.

Under Peter I. The Poltava battle occurred, which was the end of the "invincible" army of Charles XII. Simultaneously with this, literally, a powerful Russian fleet appeared from nothing, which began to win the brilliant victories, surprising the leading marine powers. The feats of seafarers were woven into the overall glory of Russian warriors.

In the second half of the XVIII century The exploits of the Russians were committed mainly under the banner of the most famous Russian commander - A. V. Suvorov, who did not lose a single battle in his life. His victories over many times superior to the enemy amazed contemporaries.

In 1812. A commander began a campaign against Russia, who also did not know the defeats. Only at the end of the life, he admitted that the campaign to Russia was his main mistake. In the Borodino battle, the winner was not identified, but the durability and heroism, which was shown Russian soldiers, showed Napoleon the futures of the continuation of the war. The shameful flight of the commander-in-chief and remnants of his army was accompanied by a mass unmanaged partisan movement. Russians again proved the power of their National Spirit.

Finally, the main feat of the Russian people who saved the world from the "brown plague", became Great Victory of 1945. Russians performed together with all the peoples of the Soviet Union and the Western Allies, freed from the fascism of the peoples of Europe. But do not forget that it is the people of the Soviet Union that the most terrible losses in this war ended.

During the years of the Great War, the features made not only fighters on the front line. The whole country was covered with a single desire to end the conquerors. People committed labor feats in the rear, falling from fatigue in the workplace.

As if not in our time to the communist regime, in no case should the value of the Great Victory, which was achieved by the price of millions of certain exploits of ordinary people.

Our morality, our humanism, our high moral standards suffered heavy losses for the post-pre-trial time. I do not want to say that fatal, but well-effective. In our fellow citizens, selfishness, selfishness, greed, individualism, the lack of sympathy for others themselves, suddenly were exposed.

But Russians have always been glorious collectivism, mutual, generous attitude towards a friend and even to the enemy. How to return lost spiritual guidelines, and is it possible?

If it is possible, then only through the presentation of higher spiritual samples saved by our story, through the restoration of names and valiant acts of our ancestors. That is why this and subsequent articles will be devoted to Russian heroes - ordinary soldiers and great commander, widely known and undeservedly forgotten, those who constitute the aggregate routine glory of Russia.

The concepts of the hero, heroism, heroic in the current superburo-domestic age not only lost its original high and tragic importance, but almost completely thoughtless. Nowadays, the heroes were the ninja turtles, the pirate of Jack Sparrow or, worse, vampires from "Summakov".

Meanwhile, genuine heroes along with religious prophets are those higher spiritual samples, those moral fastes that today at least somehow support our inexorably disintegrating civilization.

Almost every nation, even every tribe has its heroes. They can be different, but they definitely have. Heroes of very ancient origin. It is enough to say that they are a little younger gods and have for their peoples almost as sacral value as their gods. However, we will talk about the origin and peculiarities of the heroes of different peoples of the world later. Now we want to emphasize another thing - for every people, knowledge of their national heroes, their lives and their feats are a guarantee of preserving their identity, their spiritual self.

Hegel, for example, believed that the hero is the incarnation of the National Spirit, and that he creates the future of his people with his super passions, more precisely, reveals it, so to speak, shows the inevitability of this future.

And if we do not want to lose your future, changing our heroes on alien or generally on pseudo-heroes, it is extremely important for us to understand what is the Russian heroism, which is the manifestation of the Russian National Spirit?

Russian heroism, first of all, military sample. Almost all the domestic history is the history of the military - it has long been known and understandable.

Military exploits, great victories on the field of Brahi, in general, good fame in the protection of the Motherland were always not just the most important, but precisely the structure-forming elements in the history of the Russian people. Eastern Slavs initially were a warrior (about the southern and Western Slavs we will not speak - everything is very different). Not a militant people, but by the people of the warrior. Whether the habitat was the reason for this (on the border of the forest and steppe, through which the situation was tormented by the change of different invaders), or so the ethnic alloy of the peoples, who made East Slavic tribes, was not so important.

The other is important - those described in the Arab and Byzantine chronicles as peace-loving, good-natured and hospitable farmers, Slavs, constantly protecting themselves, their settlements and arable land, forced to become warriors.

This does not happen. Typically, farmers are frantic denunienations of nomadic peoples living with robbery. There is one of two: either plow and sow or fight. But in Russia, due to some reasons, it was different. Of course, the Russians were repeatedly denuniens, and they were constantly robbed that from the West, then from the south. But then the moment came when the Russian tribes united - and then badly became all the invaders. And in the annals, the next edge of the Russian land addressed to future conquerors of the Russian Earth appeared: "There were obverse (nomadic tribes of the Avar) of the body, and the um of the pride, and everything was died, and not a single Obryan remained, and there is a parable in Russia to this day: "Died like obras!".

In ancient Russian, it seems to me that it sounds even more expressively and irrevocably: "Deadly Aki Obra."

But such a "final decision of the Oryan question", repeat, happened only when the Russians stopped their grasses and united to remove the invader. And this simple thought - that every major victory is the result of the unity of the people and that, without such unity, the Russians not only do not defeat, but they can be afraid of the enemy for a long time - from those times present in the folk consciousness as an archetype.

Therefore, there is no in the Russian history of great victories, obsessed with only one in any Slavic tribe. Although from Greek history, for example, we know the victory separately Spartans or Athenians. And in Russia there are only victories surrounded by the Russians in general. This is a feature.

Reliable Russian military history tells that in the V century BC. e. Slavic tribes had to defend themselves from the Celts (the ancestors of the novels of the novel peoples) in the west and from the Scythians in the south-east. In the V-III centuries BC e. Slavs reflected the invasion of Sarmatov (Scythians' relatives), for which the tribes of Vyatichi, living along the Ode River, and Curvic with the Dnipro Ripper were rallied.

In the 4th century BC e. I had to fight with the Roman Empire - first defend against its aggressive policies, and then to commit a number of campaigns to Roman possessions in the Low Gun.

Following the Slavic lands, the Goths came from the West - the German tribes. They were defeated up to the IV century of our era.

Then the series of invasions of the Turkic-speaking tribes begins: Gunns (in the V century), Avars (those are the most obromits) and Khazars (in the VI-VII centuries). It was difficult to fight against them. These were nomads - inborn warriors, beautiful riders and connoisseurs of horseback tactics, tireless and movable, who used the mass of military tricks.

In addition, they, like all nomads, were extremely cruel to the agricultural population. The chronicles report that conquering the Slavic tribe of Dlebov, who dwells on Volyn, Obras behaved with them like animals: Notable Oorrin, leaving for the need, damaged in the cart "not a horse, not ox, but to harm three or four, or five wives, and carry Ohina. "

The Slavs of Eastern Europe almost two centuries persistently resisted the invaders - and as a result, the Avarian kaganat came full and final end. It remains only the name of the oblast as a reminder of their fate.

But the fellow politics of the curved oblast were continued by Khazars, in the VII century the Volga and Don Khazar Kaganat in the lower reaches. Khazars have repeatedly made hiking at the Dnieper Polyala and other neighboring tribes, but they could not conquer them. But they managed to put the tribute to the tribe of Vyatichi for a long time.

No less serious than the southern danger from the steppe nomads was the Byzantine threat. The professional army of Byzantium, the heiress of Rome, robbed the Slavic lands almost the founder of the Khazar. In the Byzantine military treaty "Strikon", for example, was prescribed to divide the army into two parts. What for? To one part of robble, and the other guarded robbers.

This is the hardest moment for Russia, when from two sides, like compressing mites, pressed the Khazars and Byzantines, there was a phenomenon of one of the first Russian heroes - Prince Svyatoslav.

For his short life, Svyatoslav managed to discard both these dangers from the borders of Russia: the Khazar kaganat just destroyed, and the Byzantium stopped for a long time.

Svyatoslav belonged to the house of the Norman Yarls (leaders of the Vikings), which drew in Ladoga in the 9th century, turning out of marine robbers in merchants who founded trading facts on the famous "Ways from Varyag in Greeks". Of course, the "re-education" of warrior Scandinavians did not occur immediately - from the chronicles there are repeated attempts by Vikings to seize power in Novgorod, but Novgorodians themselves were no less warlike and once over time they expelled Varyag "for the sea."

Very soon "hot Scandinavian guys" realized that it was better to live with Russians in the world. And those whims that did not become merchants, earned the life of the mercenaries. Here, the Novgorod residents periodically hired the Vorajan warriors (with strictly defined duties and the number of no more than 300 people) to protect the Novgorod lands, the protection of commercial caravans, etc. So the Yarl Rurik was hired.

We will not join the long-time argument of "Normanists" and "Antinormanists" about whether or not there were the first Russian princes foreigners. Let's just say that even if there were, the Normans did not have a significant influence on Russia. In any case, the historians of the tracks of this influence have not yet been discovered. There were neither laws that would record the benefits of "conquerors" before the "conquered population", neither more cultural influence. Everything says that there was a return process - literally for several generations there was a complete assimilation of Normannes. They adopted their customs from the ancient Russians and their language (for all the time of searches, the archaeologists were found only one (!) Complete ruunic inscription relating to this time).

So, Rurik was first invited, then he inherited Oleg (whether Rüric's relative, whether his nearest friend). Becoming Russian princes, they managed to be powerful, and where political ways to expand their possessions, "taking under their hand" large Slavic tribes. Oleg first tried himself in international politics - Many times Bil Khazar ( "As the prophetic Oleg is selected to dismiss unreasonable Khazaras.), and then moved with a big army that way from the Varyag in the Greeks to Byzantium. Coupled in the battle of the Byzantine army and nailed as a sign of victory his shield on the gates of Kinggorda-Konstantinople. True, Byzantium did not strongly weakened. But, bought off from the barbarians, I hid anger on them.

Then there was a son of Rurik Prince Igor, who suffered for his greed (I decided to take tribute twice with the tribe, and was killed), and his son Svyatoslav became the prince of his son.

Perhaps if it were not for this military action Oleg, the Byzantine kings would not have noticed for a long time that in Eastern Europe with stunning speed there is an energetic young state. And Svyatoslav would not have to almost since the infancy (from four years) to start a heavy soldier life. On the other hand, the hero is raised, overcoming many difficult tests.

Svyatoslav was not only a talented commander, but also an extraordinary politician. So, he, despite the persons of the mother of Olga, did not accept Christianity, because both a squad, and the people's militia still held the Slavic paganism. And how would he drive his army, without being with him one faith?

Svyatoslav, since childhood, brought up among the soldiers-Slavs, deeply perceived and high moral qualities characteristic of them. So, starting another campaign, he sent a warning to the enemy: "I go to you!". Contemporaries were surprised by such a nobility of Barbara, Karamzin in his "history of the Russian state" even called Svyatoslav the knight, we consider it a brilliant tact.

The fact is that Svyatoslav managed to achieve from his ratty so high maneuverability, so high-quality exploration, developed such a speed of movement on the march, and in battle his army acted so rapidly that even the enemy who knows about the attack still did not have time to prepare for the removal. But his warriors felt morally much more confident - they warned them!

Preparation for war with Khazar Kaganat Svyatoslav began, taking into account the political situation. First of all, he secured his rear - he agreed on a temporary union with the Pechenegs, who themselves were friends with Khazari.

Now, being sure that Pechenegs will not hit the back during the absence of troops, Svyatoslav in 964 made a liberation trip to the land of Vyatichi (Vyatichi had long paid tribute to Khazaras and were completely exhausted by this). The hike simultaneously wore and "fabricating" character - reacts the nomadic empire for this demarche or not?

As it turned out, she reacted, but too late. The next year, the squad of Svyatoslav is the same way, without the calls, rapidly (the chronicle writes "as a pardus" - Bars) passed through the lands of the Volga Bulgar, descended on the rooks down the Volga and stepped on the lands of Kaganata.

And again, Svyatoslav sent his traditional warning to the enemy to the enemy! " And anyway - let the warned, the Khazars did not have time to prepare for defense.

On the further fate, victories and the tragic death of the first exemplary Russian hero - in the next article.

Socio-cultural projects / revival of historical identity and preservation of traditions of medal art of Russia


(About the 100th anniversary)

Amounted to
Valid member of the Imperial Russian Military Historical Society
P.M. Andrianov

Awarded award of the Imperial Russian Military Historical Society

St. Petersburg.

T-in R. Golike and A. Vilborg. Zvenigorodskaya, №11

The Council of the Imperial Russian Military Historical Society introduced the author's manuscript when printing it necessary changes and corrections.

The feat of the Russian people.

The great thing was made in Russia's Russia. 1812 marked in the history of the Russian people by a giant struggle. On the one hand, Western Europe headed up with the greatest commander, the emperor of France, Napoleon, on the other hand, became a lonely, but the great Russian people. Like a formidable cloud, crawled a huge enemy army our homeland. From the shores of Neman to the Mother of Moscow, the wave of enemy invasion was given to the Moshsky of Moscow. A bright flame was laid out the ancient capital of the Russian kings and the glow of the Moscow fire lit the whole Russian land. From all sides, the Russian people rose to the defense of the Motherland. Then the enemies of the anger of the people were frightened and stretched out of the grossing Moscow back to the West, and Russian fighters rushed from all sides to shy for the Moscow Fire. And then I understood the great conqueror, which formidable strength is a Russian land in himself. This power is hidden in the hearts of Russian people. Nothing speaks of this power in everyday years of peaceful life: the dormant then this great strength. But, if a careless enemy dares to affect Russia, look deep into the immense of our homeland, dare, abruptly over our shrines, then Mount the enemy. The innermost power of the Russian people will be waging and cruelly shook the bold enemy ... The remains of the "Great" Army of Napoleon were terrible blows. Black tape of corpses stretched from burnt Moscow to a wide neman. In the wild horror, the enemies were fled from the terrible Russian for them, and those who were lucky enough to return to their homeland, told the world about the formidable power of the Russian people.

The Great, amazing event in the history of the Russian people is the war of 1812, - the war is domestic. In this war, the uncomplicable power of the Russian people flashed with bright Svetales, unlimited selfless love to his homeland, the loyalty of the throne, the unity of spiritual, cohesion into the ape of the tests.

For the enemies of Russia, the memories of the 12th year is scary because it indicates the power of our Fatherland. For the glorious descendants of the heroes of 12 years, the memory of this event should be precious. In the glorious pages of our history, which captured the event of 1812, we can find calm in the days of anxiety and adversity, we can learn how to hope for the glorious and happy future of our Fatherland.

In the unforgettable 1812, the whole Russian people committed a feat, everyone served and the Fatherland, all carried victims. The same feelings were imbued with all the hearts in Russia, all the minds were filled with the same thoughts. These feelings were - love for the Fatherland, these desires - crushing the bold enemy. And inspired by such feelings and thoughts, the Russian people came out the winner.

The whole century separates us from the stunning and glorious events of the Patriotic War. The centenary anniversary of the glorious year of Russian life has come, a great historical holiday has come in Russia. We must celebrate the significant anniversary. In a reverent worship of the ancestors, amazing and admiring the entire world of the century ago, the whole Russian land should be merged.

Almost the memory of those who entered the glorious page in the book of life of the Russian people.

Recall the hero of the soldier of the Alexandrovsky times, which has erected by its victorious feet of Europe to Paris; Recall the gray militia in Sermyag, lapties, with a cross on a hat, which appeared on the head of the peace for the royal call; Recall the unanimous noble, glowing and glowing all the segments of the population of the Great Our Great and the rich and poor, noble and simple, young and old, who were singing together, who spoke in one mighty and disadvantaged power to defend their homeland from the enemy. Reliable tribute to the admiration of the immortal in the memory of the people's leaders of the Russian army, the glorious eagles, who drove to the victories of Raint Russian. Let us bow with the reverence of the light memory of Emperor Alexander I, a blessed, who took part of a serious cross, who posted a lot of work and effort on the work of liberation from a formidable enemy, who spilled spiritually with his great people in the days of grave tests, in the days of a tense struggle.

We survive, the thought and heart what was accomplished in Russia's Russia, and in the rustling of a joyful admiration, we will ask thanks to the graceful prayer of the Creator of the Heavens, who was emissors to the grace of Russian. Let, as well as the century ago, to the throne of the Lord Glory, "the solemn song of the unfortunate Russian people:" God is with us, intelligent, languages, and conquer, I can be with us God. "

Fighting Russia with France until 1812.

In 1812, not the first time we had to face the French and with their ingenious commander Napoleon Bonaparte.

Another emperor Paul, wanting to help Austria in her fight with mighty France in 1799, sent his troops under the superiors of our great commander Suvorov to Italy and Switzerland.

A number of wonderful victories of Suvorov this year, covering the immortal glory of the valiant of our regiments, brought the enormous benefit of Austria, but did not give anything to Russia. Incomipute, envy, deceit, and the two-headed behavior of the Allies of our alliated forced the emperor Paul to break with her and withdraw their troops.

Meanwhile, Napoleon Bonaparte, taking advantage of troubled in France, seized the power to his hands, proclaimed himself with the emperor and, not knowing dangerous rivals in Western Europe, began to dispose of it with a full-awake owner, conquering various lands and even states.

Russia could not indifferently look at the ambitious Hostalon's challenge, and the sovereign Alexander Pavlovich recognized it necessary to put the limit to the seizures of the French emperor and release Europe from violence of a cruel conqueror.

In 1805, Russia in the Union with other states entered into the fight against Napoleon. The war of this year was unhappy for us and our troops after failure in the battle near Austerlitz in Bohemia, abandoned by their alliance, should have temporarily stop hostilities.

In the next 1806, we were forced to fight with Napoleon one on one. In the fields of the neighboring Eastern Prussia, several stubborn bloodshed battles occurred, which were not first ended with the complete victory of Napoleon. A special persistence differed battle in Precisch Eilau. Never in his life Napoleon did not meet so terrible resistance on the battlefield, never so terrible losses carried the troops led by him. An invalid feeling of respect penetrated after the fight the great commander of our army. In front of him, a Russian warrior appeared in his entire womb. "To kill a little," said Napoleon about the Russian soldier, "His, killed, must be sought."

The stubborn struggle in Eastern Prussia did not give ordinary success to the Great Communion: in front of him there was a difficult and persistent enemy, with which it was impossible to end one terrible blow. Therefore, in spite of the fact that in the end in the same year in battle under Friedland, Napoleon won the indisputable victory over our troops, he still willingly agreed to the world, which was concluded in Tilzite. A friend of Emperor Alexander with Napoleon was held here and for some time there were friendly relations between the powerful monarchs in the world. They came to the complete agreement and concluded a close alliance among them.

But the Russian army and the Russian people, accustomed to see in Napoleon a dangerous enemy of Russia, were severely reacted to the Tilzit world. In the ranks of our army they could not reconcile with the idea that incurred defeats would not be redeemed with new victories. The army was aware of his strength, his ability to fight a dangerous enemy and threw a desire to remember with him on the battlefield.

Causes of the Patriotic War.

The Tilzite world only for a while stopped the bloody struggle between Russia and France. There were many reasons that made a sincere agreement between the powerful states of Europe.

At the western border of Russia, Napoleon created from land taken away from Prussia and Austria, Warsaw Duchy, and to increasing the Poles to his side, supported the hope of restoring Poland as an independent state. These promises, however, were not sincere, but they were excited by Poles and greatly prevented a close merger of the former Polish areas with indigenous Russian lands, and large part of the Polish lands who were departed to Russia were in ancient times - Russian regions.

The sworn enemy of Napoleon was England. This country, located on the islands, was invulnerable to the victorious regiments of Napoleon, since a strong English fleet prevented the crossing of the French army into the English shore. Then Napoleon, seeking to undermine England's power, demanded that European states refuse to trade through the commercial fleet of England. With the same requirement, Napoleon also appealed to Russia, but it was extremely unprofitable for us: without having a commercial fleet, Russia had to reduce the export of goods abroad. Therefore, Emperor Alexander commanded not to reckon with the shye requirements of the emperor French. It caused Napoleon's displeasure.

It is unceremonious in Western Europe, Napoleon roughly violated the rights of many monarchs, capturing frequently belonging to them. Among those disadvantaged by Napoleon, the lords were uncle of our sovereign, Duke of Oldenburg. Emperor Alexander Giothecho protested against the seizure of the owners of the Duke, but did not receive satisfaction.

Having made a great country, Napoleon wished to consolidate the throne of France for his native. Meanwhile, from his spouse, Josephine, he did not have children. Then Napoleon decided to disperse with his wife and marry a person of royal order. His choice fell on the great princess Anna Pavlovna, the sister of Emperor Alexander. The sovereign, however, rejected the proposal of Napoleon than he was quite offended.

All these circumstances prepared a gap between the allies. But nevertheless, the most important cause of the armed clash was the enormous dominance of Napoleon, his indomitable desire to be the only owner in Europe, the frantic lord of peoples. War arquered, the great commander did not doubt that the coming trips will give him a new glory and further strengthen it on the throne. Only at times we vaguely born in his mind the thought about the danger of a hike to Russia. I remembered the iron shelves of the Russian army, even with the most terrible circumstances to look into the eyes of death, I remembered the minutes of terrible fights with Russians under Austerlitz, during Precisch Eilau and other battles. But these memories could not overcome the passionate desire of Napoleon to defeat Russia.

Preparation for war, strength and means of the parties.

Already since 1810, Napoleon began to prepare for war in the East, but at that time he still does not impose any relations with Russia. Only in 1811, when extensive preparations for the intended campaign were completed, the relationship between France and Russia is clearly hostile. Napoleon recalls his Messenger from St. Petersburg, Knewkura, a supporter of friendship with Russia, and replaces him by General Loriston, who instructs to develop our military preparations.

For Emperor Alexander, Napoleon's intentions were clear, and the sovereign was already the inevitability of war. Parting with the chenkom, the sovereign told him the following significant words: "I do not have such generals as yours; I myself am not such a commander and administrator, like Napoleon, but I have good soldiers who devote people to me, and we will soon die with weapons in your hands, rather than let us come with us, like with the Dutch and Hamburg. But I assure you with honor that I will not make the first shot. I will let you go to Neman, and I will not turn it out; Be sure that I will not announce the war, and I do not want war; My people, although offended by your emperor's relationship, but also I do not want war because it is familiar with her dangers. But if it is attacked, he will be able to stand up for himself. "

In these significant words, all the greatness of the Russian sovereign, the father of his people, taking place exclusively about the prosperity of their subjects. The Russian king made the life of each of his warrior and accepted, therefore, all the measures depend on it to avoid war, unnecessary for Russia.

Meanwhile, Napoleon in the summer of 1812 decided to start hostilities.

There were no strengths and funds of the warring parties before the greatest struggle.

After conquering almost all Western Europe, Napoleon could attract hundreds of thousands of fighters under his banners. In its disposal was the Armed Forces of France, Italy, the states of the Rhine Union and the Warsaw Duchy. In addition, Austria, Prussia, Denmark and Switzerland were forced to join Napoleon's army their armed forces. Thus, almost all the peoples of the West were to participate in the conceived hike to Russia. "Galla and with them twenty-tongue" fell against the lonely of our Motherland.

Only one England, as a sworn enemy of Napoleon, was ready to file help us, but, without having a big army, it was limited only to the provision of monetary support.

In the funds for warfare, Napoleon was also a great advantage. Successful wars enriched France. With the defeated states, Napoleon charged huge military taxes and now, having large money, he long before the start of the war, gathered for the army appointed to the campaign to Russia, large food reserves and military supplies.

By the summer of 1812, the shores of Oder and Vistula gathered only to 600 thousand at 1.300 instruments of the heated troops, of which the so-called "Great Army" of Napoleon was compiled.

It was not the same as the mood of various peoples that made up a numerous army collected from the western border of Russian land. The French, who were only a little more than half, went hiking with joy, with proud consciousness that they were waiting for a new victorious fame. They believed in their great leader, have no doubt that he, as in previous years, will be released by the winner of this new, conceived great struggle. All foreigners attracted by Napoleon to deal with Russia went without hobbies, reluctantly leaving his native land. Many of them had even hostile feelings for Tiran and only due to the fatal necessity performed his commandments. This part of Napoleon's army could be kept in their hands only in the days of military successes, but in the days of adversity, all this mass, tairing the unfriendly feelings for the emperor of the French easily could easily leave the obedience.

At the end of April, Napoleon arrived to his army. Full of strength and energy, he deliberate in all the details of the upcoming war: He studied on the cards the theater of hostilities, gathered information about the Russian army, did reviews of the troops, cared for the collection of food and accessories for his huge army. It seemed that everything was thoroughly thought out, everything was prepared and established and still, despite this, the hike ended in failure. Could the great commander, the pretended all the peoples of Europe, who were revealed by the gate of all European capitals, to foresee, what a terrible fate awaits him in unknown Russia? Could he know what kind of disruptive force lies in the bowels of the Russian earth? If all this was known to know the great conqueror, he would not stick to the Russian kingdom over the border. But his thoughts were far from terrible reality. As a baloveman of fate who did not know the refusal in his ambitious plans, he was now full confidence that there, for the hangover and Neman, his Russia, which he easily subjugate his iron will is waiting.

Our homeland was preparing for the upcoming great struggle. With full confidence treated the Russian people to their valiant army. The combat work of our army during the whole century of its existence existed and glorified our homeland.

Before the Patriotic War in the ranks of the Russian army there were still a lot of heroes-veterans who participated in the conquest of Turkish and Polish lands who visited Suvorov in Italy and Switzerland. The Russian army was proud of his recent glorious victories, but remembered, of course, about those failures that had to experience her in recent years. Memories about Austerlice and Friedland excited the desire to take revenge on the enemy. Shameful for the Russian army did nothing happened in these battles, yet they were successful for our enemy, and therefore jealous of their glory, our glory, our army was eager to meet again with the enemy and bleeding even the memory of defeats. Our soldiers, everywhere I add to the lions in Suvorovsky, did not recognize Napoleon's victories. Our with honor came out of the greatest provisions, - even being surrounded by enemies, cleared their way to bayonets and butts. The bombings of our army were aware of which difficult task would have to be resolved in the upcoming war of the Russian army. Who could deny that at the head of the 600 thousandth army, such a great master of military affairs, as Napoleon, was a terrible, formidable opponent. It was clear that the victory over him would not be easily, but still faith in success lived in the ranks of our troops. The mood of the officers of the Russian army before the war was raised, cheerful. Everyone worked, not to twist the hands, everyone sought to acquire more knowledge of military affairs, were interested in military books, the campaigns of the Great Commanders were studied.

In the ranks of our army, there were 480 thousand fighters before the war. Of this number, however, only 220 thousand could be moved to the Western border to meet the enemy. The rest of our troops were part of the Danube, where at this time we were war with the Turks, parties occupied the outskirts of our Great Fatherland: Caucasus, Finland, Novorossia.

Map of hostilities 1812 in Russia.

Not a large number, but the Russian army was strong and strong in combat experience. In courage, endurance and devotion to the king and the Motherland, the Russian soldier did not know the rivals around the world.

Among the chiefs of the Russian army there were many experienced combat generals and officers. They were on the face of the associates of the Great Suvorov, his favorite students. At the head of the army, corps and divisions stood outstanding military leaders who were the struggle against the greatest commander of the world and his brilliant assistants. Also, memorable for our homeland will remain the names of the glorious unforgettable heroes of the twelfth year.

Russia did not have such tremendous funds as Napoleon, to prepare for war, but still, our army did not experience any lack, and over time, when they flew to the needs of the war, the abundant donations of all Russian people, our funds for warfare became abundant.

Plans of the warring parties. The mood of Russia before the invasion of Napoleon.

Arriving in April 1812 to his army, Napoleon moved it to Neman. Finding out the location of our forces, Napoleon divided his troops into three groups. The northern group of 220 thousand, under the immediate authorities of the emperor, gathered against Kovna. The average group of 85 thousand, under the superior of the vice-king Eugene, focused between Coveno and Grodno. The southern group of 75 thousand, under the team of the Westphalian King, Jerome, approached Grodno. In addition to these forces, the housing was left to cover the flanks: on the left flank - McDonald, on the right - Schwarzenberg.

The initial plan of Napoleon was to master the wilks and crash into the location of the Russian forces. The purpose of all the campaign was the occupation of Moscow. Napoleon believed that, having lost his ancient capital, Moscow, the stubborn russia would humiliately request mercy.

Before the war, we have long argued about how to act against Napoleon. Since it was not much for the offensive war of the war, we decided to take the enemy into Russia into the enemy, to exacerbate him with a heavy campaign, and then to measure with a weakened opponent. They remembered that Peter was so talked when he fought with the Swedes.

The location of our forces on the Western border on the eve of Napoleon's invasion was the following: 1 Western army (127 thousand and 550 guns) stretched from Russia to Lida. The military minister was commanded by the Military Minister, General Mikhail Bogdanovich Barclay de Tolly. Despite its foreign origin, Barclay all the soul was devoted to Russia. In previous wars with the Turks, Swedes and the French Barclay nominated by the knowledge of military affairs, courage and administrativeness. Having met from 1810 to the post of military minister, Barclay was actively preparing for war with France. The sovereign fully estimated his conscientiousness and outstanding abilities and in Russia dangerous for Russia trusted him the first army.

2 Western Army (40 thousand at 216 tools) is located between Neman and Bug. Commanded the army General Prince Peter Ivanovich Bagrationon. Favorite student and Suvorov's associate, Prince Bagration, enjoyed enviable, well-deserved fame and love in the country and in the army. Especially outstanding exploits made Bagration during the Italian and Swiss hikes Suvorov, when the Great Communion instructed the favorite of the most difficult affairs. Officers and soldiers adored this bold and decisive leader who was able to drive troops to victories and glory.

3 Western Army (43 thousand at 468 guns) was located on Volyn and Podolia. The army commanded General Tormasov, the head of experienced, careful and independent.

In addition to the three armies, which were in the first line at the border, reserve corps are located in the rear: Toroptza - Meller of Komelsky and in Mozyr - Ertel, and in Moscow, the Division of Neverovsky was formed.

It was assumed that in the event of the invasion of Napoleon, the 1st Army will begin to go away through Slencians to the city of Drissa and here will take a pre-fortified camp; The 2nd army and the 3rd Army will act in the rear of the French.

Before the beginning of the war to the army in Wilorn, the profit of Emperor Alexander.

The war was already inevitable, but our sovereign, faithful to his word, did not want to first expose the sword. Having prepared the army to the great struggle, he waited for the appearance of the enemy to give him a fight in order to scary him to shout him for a custody hike to Russia.

With tense attention, the whole country was waiting for future events. The name of Bonaparte with hatred is repeated everywhere. Russia saw in him a seeker of adventures that violating the peace of Europe that prevents the peaceful prosperity of peoples.

All layers of the population, animated love for their homeland, were seriously preparing for the fight. The wonders of the invasion of strangers wound up the whole Russian people together. It can be safely said that there was never in the life of the Russian state that there was no such unanimous merger of the entire people covered by the same feelings and wishes, as before the invasion of the peoples of the West to Russia in 1812 and this unanimous mood of the great people did not slow down to bring the most beneficial fruits. From the very first days of invasion of the Russian Earth, the enemy felt that it was dealt not only with the Valiant Russian Army, but also with all Russian people.

Many unrest and worries were on all Russian people on the eve of the invasion of Napoleon, but no one had them as much as the main owner of the Russian land, the king given to her. Trying the burden of power of the Tsarist in the usual years of peaceful life, but during the years of terrible tests, during the years of combat shocks, this burden of government becomes a heavy cross.

Emperor Alexander I raised this cross badly. The heartfelt mind of his sovereign saw that the fate of the peoples of Europe would envy from the arbitrariness and whistle-loving conqueror's whistle whistling, until the Europe, neither Russia would know peaceful prosperity. But all the states of Western Europe are already defeated in the dust, everything is boosting before Grozny Napoleon. Thus, only one Russia could have grown evil, seized Europe. It understood this Russian king and calmly took the challenge of the proud enemy.

Emperor Alexander clearly realized, what terrible responsibility he takes on himself, exposing the sword, but the Russian king saw the mood of his people, saw the power of his country and believed in its power; The Russian king was aware that the will of the Almighty Creator to the people of the Russian to speak as a formidable judge over the insatiable winner of Europe. In the unanimity of the people and the army, our sovereign found consolation before the Great Fight. Huge forces and funds, which opponent had, did not embarrass the Russian king. God is not in force, but in truth! Calling by the army to fulfill my duty before the Motherland, the sovereign said: "There is nothing else for us, as, calling for the aid of the witness and the defender of the truth - the Most High Creator of Heaven, to put our strength against the forces of the enemy. I do not need to remind the leaders, commander and soldiers to our debt and courage. In them, since ancient times, the blood of the Slavs is flowing loud victory. Warriors, you defend faith, fatherland, freedom; I'm with you. On the beginning of God. "

Having removed the sword, the sovereign irrevocably decided not to invest it until a complete victory: "I will not put weapons, no one will remain a single enemy warrior in my kingdom." And the Russian king kept his word ... The unprecedented self-confidence of Napoleon Emperor Alexander contrasted the calm faith in the dedication to the Fatherland of the whole Russian people.

The beginning of the war. From Neman to Smolensk.

Without the announcement of the war of Russia, Napoleon approached in early June to Neman.

Early in the morning on June 11, Napoleon personally produced the intelligence of the banks of the river against the coven and outlined a very convenient place to cross the village of Ponlimuni.

In the evening, under the cover of darkness, without noise, without lights, the heads of the Great Army began crossing. At night, durable bridges have already joined both shores, and the enemy troops continuously flowed into Russian land. Two days, the main forces of the Great Army continued to overtakely. Our troops did not interfere with the crossing. Only the Cossacks watched the opponent.

I quietly accepted emperor Alexander Izvestia about the invasion of the enemy. He saw the Great Russia for him, knew her inexhaustible forces, believed in her disadvantageous power.

Prince Peter Ivanovich Bagration.

The Russian army began the war with a retreat, but it was not escape to a formidable enemy, but a calm, strictly deliberate temporary evasion of battle. For Napoleon, it was beneficial to meet with the Russian army on the border, when his forces were great and fresh, but for the Russian army it was more profitable to take the enemy inside the country and take a decisive fight only after the enemy's forces will be extended by a heavy campaign. Moving after crossing through Neman east, Napoleon could not overtake our army. She slipped out of his chain hands. Only single, elusive Cossacks, as the sinister ghosts, were spinning away, hiding behind the hillocks and armor, and the ruined villages and devastated fields showed that the Russian army was held here.

Meanwhile, our 1st army, focusing at first Slenhayan, then stretched to Drissa. Drissa was on the side of direct routes to the most important Russian cities - St. Petersburg and Moscow, and the enemy could easily cut off our 1st army from the most important areas. But before it happened, in our main apartment was aware of the entire misguide of the army's location in Drissa and refused the initial action plan with two armies. At the military council, collected in Drissa, it was accepted by an important decision: the 1st and 2nd armies are possible to quickly connect and together to become in the way to Moscow to observe the heart of Russia from the enemy. From an inconvenient defense of the DRIS-fortified camp, our army reached Vitebsk, where he first assumed to connect from the 2nd Army.

From the first days of the war, the provision of our 2nd army was very difficult. From the rear against her, the corps of the King Jerome fell; After the sessions by the French, Wilna Napoleon sent another 40,000-thousand corpus of Marshal Davu, who intercepted all the ways leading from the 2nd Army to the north. As a result, Bagration was to move to the East, trying to connect with the 1st army with more rapid roads. Returning to the East, Bagration successfully reflected the attacks of the French calender pursued. In this, he helped the Cossacks under the head of the platform. In order to quickly connect with the 1st Army, Bagration performed reinforced transitions. In his army, they were hardened in campaigns drawn into the works of the warriors, and they, despite the terrible Polish heat, on the poverty of food, made five-way transitions without a day for almost two weeks.

2 The army went to Bobruisk, and north, on Minsk-Mogilev, was the hell. Meanwhile, Barclay was safely reached on July 11, Vitebsk and stopped here, waiting for the approach of the 2nd Army. Napoleon tried to warn our 1 army from Vitebsk, but he could not succeed.

The position of Barclay under Vitebsk was terrible. There was no news from Bagration, the main forces of the French were approached from the West. With the 80,000 barklay army could not take a decisive battle; But, not knowing anything about Bagration, he could not also retreat to the east, so that it would not be dangerous to separate defeat 2 army.

Count P.Kh. Wittgenstein.

To win the time of Barclay for three days, from July 13 to July 15, put forward squads to the opponent's side. The 13th with the advanced parts of the enemy leads from the d. Islandly stubborn fight Osterman-Tolstoy Corps; The next day, he replaces the village of Kakouchichino Division Konovnitsa and, finally, the 15th near Vitebsk, the army overshadows the avant-garde of Count Palien. Three days are fully fighting our troops, winning the time, giving only after a stubborn battle every place of the Earth. The main forces of the army, located at Vitebsk behind the Lucia River, strengthened the position, preparing, in the event of a Bagration army approach, take a decisive battle. But on July 15, the news was received in Vitebsk that 2 army, without being able to break through to Vitebsk through Mogilev, now goes to Smolensk. Barclay decided to move immediately to Smolensk. Napoleon, who had already expecting a victory over the weak forces of the Russians, was struck by the disappearance of the Russian army on July 16. Skillfully noted traces, Barclay in the evening 15 moved his troops to Smolensk. On July 20, our 1st army was already under the walls of Smolensk, and 2 army arrived here on two days later. There was no longer a dangerous separation of the forces: both army, put together, stood on the main way to the heart of Russia - Moscow. All the plans of the Great Commissioner crush, smash our forces in parts - failed. Both of our armies, avoiding an absolutely unwanted collision with a more numerous opponent, departed deep into the immense Russia, carried away by the enemy. The pursuit of Russian armies was expensive by Napoleon. The third part of his forces, crossed through Neman, was already lost. Departing to the East, the Russian troops pass through all food reserves, so the French had to go on the devastant edge. The turns of the French army are very behind, and the troops were forced to starve. The discipline quickly fell in the rows of Napoleon's army. From the housings, large parties of the fugitives were filmed daily. The inner worm has already erupted the giant organism "the Great" army. Only the brilliant victory could correct the case, but the Russians stubbornly shied away from the battle.

Having reached the Sarader - Vitebsk - Mogilev, Napoleon decided to make a long stop to bring an upset by the campaign of his army.

Count A.P. Brands.

After having suspended the movement of the main mass of his army, Napoleon prescribed flank corps to switch to a decisive offensive.

Our 1 Army, retreating from Drissa, left for the cover of roads in St. Petersburg 1 of the Wittgenstein Corps of 25 thousand. At Napoleon on the left wing, McDonald's hulls were left and at all about 80 thousand McDonald with the greatest part of his corps moved against Riga; Amone, with the rest of the forces, it was supposed to come against Wittgenstein, trying to cut him off from St. Petersburg; But this french failed. Wittgenstein, acting quite skillfully, successfully reflected the more significant forces of the enemy. His klyastitsa victories and the dovers he defended a huge edge north of R. Dvina and covered the path to the capital of the Empire, St. Petersburg, and to the ancient Russian city, Pskov.

During the retreat of the two of our armies from Nemman on Volyn, 3 Army of General Tormasov remained, which was to act in the rear of Napoleon's troops, when they deepen into Russia. In early July, Tramasov moved from Lutsk to Kobrin, where on July 15, a 4-thousand enemy detachment completely destroyed. Napoleon was prescribed to move against the 3 army by Rainier and Schwarzenberg buildings. Tormasov was located in a strong position of the city and here, having 25 thousand against 40, took the battle on July 31. All the attacks of the enemy were reflected. But, fearing to be cut off from Volyn, Tramasov walked over the p. Stirm, waiting for the approach of the Danube Army Admiral Chichegov, who at that time followed the Danube to Russia. After these events on Volyn, a break was taken for a long time. So, our weak forces left on the flanks, it was possible to attract the high forces of the enemy and the significantly weakening him by the time of decisive collision with the main forces of the Russians.

Near Smolensk.

After connecting our armies near Smolensky by mutual agreement between Barclary and Bagration, the general authorities over the armies accepted Barclay.

When it became known that Napoleon suspended the movement of his forces, we began to discuss what to do next. Now that both armies have connected, the further retreat could cause displeasure, both in the army and in the whole country. Bagration, and behind him almost all the senior bosses, expressing the general mood of the army, were expressed for the transition to the offensive against the stopped and scattered enemy. But Barclay did not sympathize with the offensive. Careful and experienced, he believed that it was not rapid time to go to the offensive and for decisive contractions with the enemy. Further retreat of our forces will force the enemy to reach out even further deep into the vast Russia, even more will be revealed and weakened by the Great Army. But Barclay arguments drowned by the hot speeches of supporters of the offensive. July 25 Barclay gathered a military consideration and here, after many disputes, it was decided to go to the offensive. On July 26, both of our army, leaving Smolensk, reached out to the West. For the cover of Smolensk to the Red, the detachment of General Nevelsky was expelled.

First, our attack went successfully. On July 27, the Cossack Corps of Platov broke at Molek - the swamp is a strong squad of the French calender, but this was limited to our success.

Having learned about the occurrence taken by us, Napoleon decided to quickly pull his troops to the right flank and, by going to the left bank of the Dnieper, capture Smolensk in the rear in the Russians. This brave and terrible plan for our armies was not fulfilled only because the avant-garde of the French army was detained on the way to Smolensk in the Red Division of the Nevelovsky.

27 Division consisted predominantly of young soldiers who have not yet been in battle, but at the head he was an experienced military boss! .. Having learned about the approach on August 2 to the Red Endingral Forces, the Neverovsky left the battalion of huntshee with 2 guns in the city, and the main forces of his detachment Located behind the city for the ravine. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the abnormal cafia of Murata appeared before the Red, which moved numerous infantry.

D.P. Nevelovsky.

The enormous forces of the French from the front and flanks fell on a lonely battalion of huntshee, which occupied the city, and pushed him off, capturing 2 Orud1. Then! At the head of the 15th thousandthly detachment Murat rushed to the combat order of the Russians. The horse's equestrian flanks were quickly crumpled, the dragoons lost 5 guns. Left with one infantry, Neverovsky decided to slowly move to Smolensk, reflecting the attacks of the enemy. He built infantry into battalion kara and, circling the rows of troops, spoke to the soldiers: "Guys, remember, what you were taught: do this - and no cavalry does not beat you; Do not hurry in a pallet, shoot a fear at the front of the enemy, the third rank, pass the gun, without damping, and no one dare to start without my team. " Cheerful speech reassured soldiers. Kare took the gun "under the trigger" and began to wait. That is the gentle mass of the French cavalry. It seemed that a hurricane horses would meet the frozen infantry. At the Alarm signal, friendly salts are distributed. Horses and riders fall. Those who survived from the bullet dies on the bayonets. Attack is repulsed. Slowly depart our battalions on a wide road with docks and trees on the sides! .. Murat sends one regiment after another in Russian, but friendly salts reflect enemy onslaught. So with the battle slowly moved the heroic division of Neverovsky to the bridge in Smolensk, occupied in advance by our hunts.

The resistance of the Nevelovsky detachment provided a huge service of our army. For the whole day, the french approach slowed down to Smolensk. Three housings of the enemy cavalry could not break the resistance of young soldiers of the Neverovsky. Napoleon was annoyed by a slowdown in the offensive. When he reported to capture the Russian guns, he said: "I expected the entire division of the Russians, and not the guns from her."

As soon as Bagration found out about the onset of the French to Smolensk and about the dangerous position of the detachment of Neverovsky, he gives the orders of the near the others to Smolensk the Raevsky corpus to support. On the morning of August 3, Raevsky, having passed Smolensk, nominated for the Dnieper towards the enemy. Both of our armies at this time were 30,000 versts from Smolensk. In the evening, the enemy forces began to grow in front of the lonely corps of Raevsky. The morning the fight was inevitable. Then Raevsky decided to move away to Smolensk and here it is stubbornly defended before the army approach.

The ancient Russian fortress, Smolensk, lies on the left bank of the Dnieper. From the east and west, the city is bored with ravines. On urban outdoors, fortress walls have been preserved with braces. From all sides to the city and the fortress walls, submissions were adjacent. In the center of the city there were stone buildings, on the outskirts and in the outskirts - wooden.

At dawn on August 4, Napoleon, believing that in front of him Smolensk, the same detachment of Neverovsky, ordered his advanced parts to immediately fall into Russians.

The French infantry famously moved to the attack and came close to our position, without looking at the fire of 70 guns. Our shelves rushed into the bayonets on the French and forced them to retreat on the whole front. The first Natisk of the enemy was reflected, but the main forces of the Great Army approached the field of the battle. The entire horizon was covered by infantry and cavalry columns. At 9 o'clock in the morning, the huge batteries grew up in front of Smolensk and the old walls of the city began to smash. Enemy infantry was preparing for the assault. The position of the weak corps of Raevsky was extremely heavy. It was difficult to resist the numerous enemy. From Bagration received was the news that he hurries to revenue. Indeed, about 11 hours appeared for Dnipro dust - this is approaching our 2 army. Having at night a 30-tie transition at night, Bagration's troops now rushed to revenue to his comrades under Smolensk walls.

Napoleon was very happy, seeing the approach of Russian reinforcements. He considered a decisive battle inevitable. "Finally, the Russians in my hands," he said to his approximate. By canceling an already established attack, he took up the concentration of his forces to the battlefield. Only hundreds of tools before the onset of twilight thickened the walls of Smolensk. On the morning of August 5, the French army, ready for battle, turned on the plain before Smolensky.

All night our troops approached the St. Petersburg end. On the morning of August 5, both armies focused on Dnipro. Forky Prince Bagration offered immediately under the walls of Smolensk to take a decisive battle, but the cold, calculating Barclay believed that he had not yet come to meet with the enemy in the open field. He feared that Napoleon would cut out our strengths from ways to Moscow, and offered to move troops in advance towards the ancient capital. According to the plan, Barclay, 2 army was to move immediately; On the same army was supposed to take one building to take the most Smolensk to keep the enemy here, the rest of the forces temporarily, before the release of the 2 armies, to remain north of him. Bagration agreed to fulfill this plan.

By morning, August 5, the Raevsky building was replaced in Smolensk the Dohturov Corps with the Divisions of the Nevelovsky and Konovnitsin.

D.S. Dohturov.

Seeing that the Russian army does not enter the field, Napoleon ordered at 8 am to storm Smolensk. For about two hours of the enemy's battery, our positions were continuously covered with nuclei. Then the infantry was moved to the attack, but it was reflected by the fellow friendly volley defenders of Smolensk. Napoleon missed the entire army for a long time, hoping that the Russians would take a decisive battle. Around noon, he was reported that the Russian army departs from Smolensk towards Moscow. It was the Bagration Army. Napoleon wanted to move his troops in the Russian, but the French could not find brodes across the river. Then the angry emperor ordered the storming Smolensk. The thick columns of the French infantry simultaneously moved to the attack on three sides. Despite the big losses, the French worked forward. A hot rifle craccot broke throughout the front. Under the onslaught, three of the excellent forces of the French, our troops were cleared of suburb and established themselves on the walls of the old fortress. Especially hot boiled boiled at the Moscow gate. Marshal Davu stubbornly repeated attacks, but Konovnitsyna's heroic resistance was defended here. The chief of division, wounded, remained in the ranks and inspired people. Barclay, who observed from the right bank of the Dnieper for the course of the battle, reinforced the Dohturov Division of Prince Evgenia Württemberg. He headed with his valiant chief of division, this was rushed to the enemy, having fallen out of the walls of the Malakhov gate, and threw the French in the field. The well-known non-believers division on the left flank resistant kept under the pressure of the Polish corps of understatement. Already the day I was cloned in the evening, and the efforts of three French buildings could not break the persistence of defenders Smolensk. Then Napoleon puts forward a terrible 100-gun battery forward. Looking from the forefronts at the close distance, this huge battery began to fall asleep with the cores and the wall of the wall and defenders of the city. Drained wooden buildings. The wind spread the flame. But under the scary rockness of battle in Smolensk churches, as in normal time, services were made. With the last rays of the setting sun, the French rushed to the assault on all sides. On the walls and among the flaming buildings, the pains occurs a cruel hand-to-hand fight. The French are rapid forward, but they cannot overcome brave defenders of Ancient Smolensk. Finally, a gust of the enemy was awaited and he filmed. Rolled off a dark night. Only fires like fires illuminate the battleship. Cannonade rattles until midnight and gradually subsides. At night, the French remained at the outskirts, our troops on the urban walls. Fight on August 5 under the walls of Smolensk expensively cost the French: up to 12 thousand fighters made out of order; We have losses three less.

Attack was brilliantly reflected, but still Barclay, faithful to his decision, ordered to clean the city and go for the Dnieper. Together with the retreating troops and many residents left a dilapidated native city. From the Blagoveshchensky Cathedral, a highly miraculous image of the Smolensk Mother of God was carried out and handed it under the protection of Christ-loving Russian warriors.

On the same day, in the evening 1, our army began to move away from Smolensk. The French were pursued, but our troops steadily reflected all the opponent's ons.

After fighting in Smolensk, Napoleon stopped the persecution of our armies and lingered in Smolensk for several days. A great decline and disorder of the Great Army inspired already serious concern to the emperor of the French regarding the further move of the war. The elusive Russian army, without taking a decisive battle, left under blows, and the Russian Earth had already boiled around the Great Anger: the People's War began, against which all the brilliant plans of the great commander were powerless. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe world more and more often occupied Napoleon. But Emperor Alexander, seeing patriotism, manifested with all the layers of the population of his huge power, was now not about the world, but about how to shout a bold enemy who climbed into the bowels of Russian land.

The beginning of the People's War.

From the very first days of the war, the sovereign saw that our small army is difficult to cope with the strongest enemy, and that the entire Russian people should be called for the fight against Napoleon.

On July 6, the emperor signed a manifesto about the convening of universal militia. In the manifesto, by the way, it was said: "May the enemy finds at every step of the faithful sons of Russia, striking him by all means and forces, not attentifying it with his lucavias and deceptions. Yes, he is in every nobleman of the Pozharsky, in every spiritual - Palitsyn, in every citizen - minina. Noble noble estate! You were at all times the Savior of the Fatherland. Holy Synod and clergy! You always have warm prayers with our grace on the head of Russia. People Russian! Brave offspring brave Slavs! You have repeatedly crushed the teeth of Lviv and Tigers who rushed to you; Connect everything: with a cross in the heart and with weapons in your hands, no power of you will not overcome you ... ".

As a spark lights a fire, so the words of the Tsarist inflamed the hearts of all Russian people. Everyone was ready to sacrifice and life. Millions of rubles and many thousands of fighters were collected in the shortest possible time.

To unite the desires of the Russian people in the fight against the Terrible enemy, the sovereign left on July 7 from Polotsk to the first-hearth capital. Everywhere on the path of the monarch was met with unanimous delight. In Smolensk, the nobles were submitted to the sovereign, in which he asked permits to arma themselves and arm their peasants among 20 thousand people. On the way to Moscow everywhere, the people met the king with hot love, with an inexpressible delight. Especially the power of the People's Spirit in the Popular Capital affected.

On July 11, Muscovites were promulgated by Muscovites on the national militia and a special appeal of the sovereign to the first-heart capital. From the mouth of the mouth was transferred to the joyful news that the king is going to Moscow. "And now Moscow," the contempora says - it took himself: he left the whole towards his king. Without any persuade, instantly began to be shoved everywhere and shopping institutions, and workshops, and at home; And the waves of the people, for a minute, entering the detached temples for a minute, or only praying for them, rushed for the stamping, to the Smolensk road, towards the sovereign. For 15 versts for Moscow, all this road was filled with the people. Slowly through thick crowds moved the carriage of the sovereign. On the way in the villages, there was a rural clergy towards him in the villages. At midnight, the sovereign drove up to Moscow. On Poklonnaya Mount, he met the clergy from the neighboring church. The sovereign stopped the horses, left the stroller, put the earthly bow and with a deep sigh was attached to the cross. In response to this sigh, the priest exclaimed: "God will resurrect and the gazes of him will rise ...". The surrounding people, embraced by a deep feeling, spoke softly: "Napoleon does not defeat us ... To do this, you need to kill all of us."

With the dawn on July 12, the folk waves poured the Kremlin and the streets adjacent to him. At 9 o'clock the sovereign appeared on the red porch and bowed to the people. Such "HR" was heard, which drowned the ringing of bells on Ivan the Great. At each stage of the famous porch, the many kneelings hugged the legs of the sovereign, kissed the floors of his clothes, pouring her tears. At the foot of the porch, some old man in peasant clothes said: "Don't be sad, the sovereign, you see how many of us in one Moscow. We lead to us where you know, our father's father. Everyone will give you, everything will die or win. "

The touched sovereign could hardly move through the crowded people. The retinue tried to clear the way, but the sovereign said: "Do not touch, I will go so." At the entrance to the Assumption Cathedral, the Archbishop of Augustine in deep insight said: "Lord forces with you, king; He will turn the storm in silence and shook the waves of the flop. God, intelligence, languages, and conquer, and God are with us. "

Praying at the reservoirs of the Moskovsky and the coffins of their own ancestors, the sovereign went to the Slobodsky Palace, where the nobility and urban classes were collected.

By reading the manifest among the nobles, they spoke: "Now it is not time to reason, it is necessary to act more correctly; War boils extraordinary. It requires emergency measures. Move with the peasants hundreds of thousands, we argue than we can. My doddes will rejected Napoleon's way back, we will show that Russia is rebiring for Russia, on his defense. "

But the profit of the sovereign and instantly cast a dead silence. Here he is to talk to the nobles: "You are the example of ancestors, do not suffer an Iha alien, and the enemy will not enthusiastic in their audacious plans. This is expected from you fatherland and sovereign. "

"Ready to die. All that we have, let us give you, "he was heard around the hall and immediately began to say how much to arm the warnikov at the expense of the nobility; First of all, it was decided to equip 80 thousand and donate 3 million money. The sovereign cried from excitement; No one could keep tears. Having calmed down a few, he said: "I expected a lot from the Moscow nobility, but it surpassed my expectations. Thank you for the name of the Fatherland. " Then the sovereign moved to the merchant hall and here also to the depths of the soul, was shocked by general inspiration and multi-million donations. With the amazing speed of Muscovites gathered between about 10 million to war.

The excited and lost sovereign repeated many times: "This day I will never forget" ...

Following Moscow and all Russia responded to the royal appeal. Everywhere, where the manifesto read, the people rebelled and the abundant river flowed donations. Everyone sought to become in the ranks of the troops; People of the most diverse classes threw the service, left the case and hurried to sign up for the militia. Women pinched the cord, prepared bandages. Mothers were sent to the war of children, wives - husbands, brides - grooms; Girls with envy looked at men who have the opportunity to fight for the Fatherland.

There was no place in Russia, where the militia would not be compiled, donations were not going.

Russia, despite several recruit sets made on the eve of the war, and despite the ruin of the enemy of many areas of the empire, put 320 thousand warriors voluntarily at the appeal and donated for at least 100 million rubles for the needs of the war. Foreign writers did not want to believe in huge figures of these folk donations, considering such donations "impossible for a poor country." But in the alarming year of the Patriotic War, Russian people had once been to make calculations. Everyone thought then only to bring all his heritage and herself to the victim of his motherland.

Almost only the French were joined in natural Russian lands, mining the former Polish areas, as they felt that were in a hostile country with embittered populations against them. Everywhere the sinister glow of fires was burning, the inhabitants were hidden or destroyed the supplies, attacked singing, who beat off the columns of people. Already at that time of the war, when the Great Army approached Smolensk, the nature of the future People's War was determined. The armed residents gathered in the detachments, attacked French spies, marauders who were growing along the regions captured by the enemy. Many landowners with their peasants gave an armed resistant to small parties and squads of the French, sent to foraging in search of supplies, so fit for the enemy army. Two Smolensk landowners, Engelhardt and Shubin captured by enemies were sentenced to death. Before making a sentence, the French offered prisoners to serve Napoleon; Then they will be given life. This proposal was rejected with the deepest indignation. The valiant Russian people fell from enemy bullets. Engelgardt did not want to impose a dressing eye before execution.

The Russian Earth wake up, and it was scary for a glowing enemy this awakening.

From Smolensk to Borodin.

Having escaped under Smolensk danger to be cut off from the way to Moscow, our connected forces continued to retreat to the first-hearth.

Stood a terrible heat. Rivers dry. The dust clouds hung in the air over the tens of testes with the columns of troops and accessories.

After a four-day stop in Smolensk, making orders for the expulsion of new reinforcements, Napoleon moved his troops to Moscow.

It was not a hike in the summer heat for our retreating troops, the French was even harder to move. During the retreat, our troops devastated the edge, destroyed everything that could be beneficial to the enemy.

Before the troops of Napoleon, the desert unfolded an endless ribbon. They passed through the villages and villages abandoned by residents, went on beveled fields.

Going to Dorogobuzh, Barclay suspended the army for two days. No matter how hard he was in his conviction that it was necessary to continue the retreat that in this retreat of the rescue of the army and Russia, nevertheless he could no longer fight the mood of the troops and the people. All demanded battle. The soldiers, repeatedly incomprehensible to their retreat, were severely silent and unfriendly, frowning gloomy. The whole country shared the mood of the army. Already removed without the battle of the enemy a huge Western Stream of the State, the enemy is already trapped by its feet of the original Russian lands; Already sent by the enemy Smolensk, close to Moscow. After the recoil Smolensk was first pronounced in the army the terrible word "treason". The incomprehensible plane of the commander-in-chief wanted to explain our retreat, as a Barclay agreement with enemies.

It was hard was the position of the commander-in-chief. Everyone was against him. Even his nearest assistants and self-escaped staff, not embarrassed, cried it.

Barclay's firm will was broken, and he finally bowed to give a fight.

Began to look for a suitable position, where our army could take a fight with a formidable opponent.

Such a position was found at Tsareva-Zahnism.

We started strengthening positions, but the new commander-in-chief, Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov arrived in the midst of work, Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov, who was destroyed by the enemy from the limits of the sacred land of Russian.


When the prolonged retreat of our army strongly alarmed all the people, it became obvious that neither the army, nor the people of Russian trusted Barklaj. With such serious and difficult circumstances, it was necessary to transfer power over the troops into the hands of such a commander, which everyone believed. Thus, the head of the Cutuzov, the brave companion of Suvorov, who had just finished his breathless, long-term war with Turkey.

Kutuzov was born in 1745. In the young years he served in artillery and engineering troops. In 1770, Kutuzov received a appointment to the Army of Rumyantsev in the army acting against the Turks. Here Kutuzov was able to become a member of the famous victories of our over the Turks at Large and Cagule and distinguish between these battles.

Then Kutuzov was translated into the Crimean Army of Prince Dolgoruky. In 1774, in battle with the Turks from the d. Noise near Alushta Kutuzov was hardly injured: a bullet, piercing the left temple, came out at the right eye.

In 2 Turkish war, Kutuzov took part in the siege of Ochakov. When reflected one bit, he was again dangerous wounded: the bullet hit the cheek and flew into the back of the head. Having barely recovered from the grave wound, Kutuzov becomes in line. In the glorious day of Suvorovsky assault, Izmail Kutuzov was in the first rows of climbed on the terrible walls of the Turkish stronghold. About him Suvorov wrote: "Kutuzov walked on me on the left wing, but was my right hand." Behind the feat under Izmail, he was awarded the Order of St. George 3 class. A year later, Kutuzov distinguished himself in battle under Machiny and received George 2 class.

Overcoming in 1805, the first war of Russia with Napoleon puts forward Kutuzov to a high post of commander of the Russian army, and then the commander-in-chief of the Allied troops. A successful victorious start of the campaign glorified the name of Kutuzov, but the unsuccessful outcome of the Austerlitsky battle caused him that he, realizing that the battle plan made up by Austrian generals was not good, did not express frankly sovereign, in which dangerous position is our army.

In front of the Patriotic War, Russia has led the Danube struggle against Turkey on the shores. Many commander-in-chief changed, but no one could force the Turks to conclude the world profitable for us. Meanwhile, Napoleon was preparing for a campaign to Russia, and we needed to seek war with Turkey as soon as possible. Under such circumstances, the sovereign appointed Kutuzov commander-in-chief of the Danube army. Kutuzov forced Turkey to conclude a very profitable world for Russia, according to which we got a blooming, rich Bessarabia. Success in the fight against the Turks glorified the name of Kutuzov. In the difficult days of the retreat of our armies in 1812, everyone appealed to the elderly leader. The appointment of his commander-in-chief was everywhere accepted as joyful news.

M.I. Kutuzov.

Flying by the blessing of the entire Russian people, Kutuzov on August 17th profit to the army in the princess-lending. Soldiers encouraged: "Kutuzov came to beat the French," passed from the mouth to the mouth of someone invented successful saying. Troops enthusiastically met a new leader. He appeared before the troops on the small Cossack horse in the old Sultuka without Epolet, in a cap and with Nagayka over his shoulder. His simple, friendly speech delighted the soldiers; With a simple view and a permanent speech, he resembled Suvorov. Napoleon, having learned about the appointment of Kutuzov, said about him that this is the "old fox." "I will try to prove the great commander that he is right," Kutuzov noticed, when he learned about this nickname. The rapidness and impulse of Napoleon Kutuzov opposed evasion if possible from the battle, slow exhaustion of the enemy and, finally, the destruction of his joint efforts of the army and the people. The terrible picture of the enemy invasion did not lay the greatest calm of our leader, and he for a minute of the enemy's celebrations knew how his insightful mind to solve the coming death of the enemy.

After examining the position of the Tsareva-Zahnism, Kutuzov found it unsuitable and ordered to continue the retreat. The new commander-in-chief, like Barclay, considered a decisive battle of still untimely, but in the shoulders of our army was already close to Moscow. And in favor of universal demands of Kutuzov decided to take the battle to apply a serious wound to the triumphant enemy. The appropriate place for the battle was scheduled near the village of Borodino, on the road from Smolensk to Moscow. On August 22, Kutuzov examined and approved the intended position.

Battle of Borodino.

Map of Borodino battle.

Among the outstanding events of the Unforgettable Great Patriotic War, the Borodino battle is particularly strong. This terrible fight of two great armies is the battle of giants, bloody, stubborn, stunning. From the Clubs of Smoke Powder grows into all the mighty growth of an unstable Russian warrior. He whorested his breastside of his heart, the first-hearty capital, Mother-in-law Belokamennye with her glittering gold-shameful churches, with its expensive Russian heart shrines; And he could not knock the enemy of the Russian fighter here. The army was ready to lie down to the last person on the grave field and it was not overwhelmed by the enemy, but according to the authority of his wise leader ...

Battle field.

The Borodino field on which one of the bloody battles occurred, ever former, is in 108 versts from Moscow. The position rested in the right flank in the steep bank of Moscow of the river, at the village of Maslova, and Left - reached the village of Dutzit, at the old Smolensk road. The right flank covered p. Bale; Before the center flowed by Semenovsky's stream. The position stretched at 7 miles. In the center it risped a separate high height. South of this height, for the stream of Semenovsky, were heights called by Semenovsky; At these heights lay Semenovsky ravine, and behind him. Semenovsky. The most dangerous site of the position was its left flank, where the forest and bushes made it difficult to shoot and hid the approach of the enemy. Coming by the old Smolensk road held here, the enemy could easily go into the rear of the Borodino position and cut off our army from Moscow.

Before the fight in the position, earth fortifications were built: 3 fliers were embroidered at the d. Maslova poured; In the center near the village, the slides, staged two batteries for 3 and 9 guns; At the central height, a large battery for 18 guns was erected; She was called Raevsky's battery. On Smolensk altitudes were built 3 fliers called by Semenov or Bagration. Painting with. Borodin was adapted for defense. All fortifications were small sizes, with small Rips, and could not seriously make an opponent. In 2 versts in front of Semenov's flushes, the village of Shevardino, there was a big kurgan, who was temporarily engaged in troops, under the superior of Prince Gorchakov, and on which he was poured strongly red.

Forces and location of the Russian army.

When approaching the Borodino field on August 22, the Russian army consisted in its ranks 120 thousand fighters and 640 guns. Among these fighters are well trained, experienced soldiers and Cossacks were 95 thousand; In addition, there were up to 15 thousand hastily trained young soldiers; As for the former 10,000 warrids in the army, most of them are armed with only peaks.

According to the order, given on August 24, the troops are located for the battle: from the d. Oil to C. Semenovsky - 1 Army; from s. Semenovsky to d. Dutzitsa - 2 army. In the Utitsky Forest, the Hengean Shelves of Prince Shakhovsky were located; 1 Reserve Cavalry Corps of Uvarova and 9 Cossack shelves of Plaks were behind the right flank of the 1st army; At both ends of the positions are Cossack shelves. Two buildings and two cavalry divisions were delivered in the reserve at the village of Knyazkova; Special artillery reserve up to 300 guns - y d. Psareva.

Shevardin fight.

At about noon, August 24 appeared in front of our troops at Shevardin advanced parts of the French. The cruel fight ended in late at night, thanks to the numerical superiority of the enemy, in favor of the French.

Stubborn defense by our troops of Shevardinsky Reduta made a strong impression on the French. All in the army of Napoleon, from the first marchala to the last soldier, it became clear how unprecedented on perseverance and courage The enemy whores the path to Moscow. It is difficult to defeat the Russian army. "Russians die, but do not surrender," they spoke in the ranks of the French troops.

Preparation for battle.

It was August 25. A small strip of terrain, width of 2-3 versts, separated the Bivakov of the warring armies.

From the village of Valuva with a weak light of the lighting day, Napoleon saw Russian troops. Arriving, accompanied by several generals, intelligence in the positions of Russians and making sure that this time a long-desired total solid battle inevitably, Napoleon began the last preparations for battle.

On the day of the Borodino battle in the ranks of the French army there were about 130 thousand fighters at 587 guns. The troops approached the Borodino field were the color of the army; All unreliable dropped during a long hike. There were the most outstanding marshals and generals.

To raise the spirit of troops before the upcoming heavy bloody test, Napoleon gave a wonderful order: "Warriors," he appealed to his tested soldiers, - this is the battle that you so wanted. Victory depends on you. It is necessary for us; She will deliver everything you need: comfortable apartments and a quick return to Fatherland. Act as you acted with Austerlice, Friedland, Vitebsk and Smolensk. Let the later offspring with pride remember your exploits to this day. May they say about each of you: he was in the Great Battle of Moscow. "

Napoleon's plan was to apply the main blow to the left flank of the Russian position, on the plot from the Semenov heights to the village.

By evening, the French troops occupied the places appointed by him. The mood in the village of enemies was joyful. Napoleonic soldiers agreed around the hillside, to silence about the upcoming great day. I sang songs to deep nights, Napoleon's soldiers were having fun and drank, of whom was already silent than death on the Borodino field, and almost everyone expected the harsh fate of the death in the country alien to them.

On August 25, the Russian Army also passed in preparations for battle. Shevardinsky fight, for the course of which carefully watched the commander in chief, indicated that the enemy group large forces against the left flank of the Russian army. Therefore, Kutuzov made an order on the movement of one building from the total reserve and 7000 Moscow militia to the d. Utitsa. The main apartment of the army is located in p. Gorki.

Skiling the fortifications, examined and put in order a gun, sharpened the bayonets, gave a saber. The soldiers were serious and focused. In front of the shelves built in a kara, were served by prayers. According to the rows of troops, the High Sitznoye was applied: the image of the Smolensk Mother of God. The clergy went in the riza, Kadyl smoked, the candles were warm, the air was announced by singing. The bullshit army fell on his knees and fell in broma to the ground, which was ready to refuse their blessing. There was a gloor sign everywhere. Kutuzov, surrounded by the headquarters, met the icon, bowed to her to the earth. After mumbeling, the nursing commander-in-chief trampled the shelves and in ordinary, frequent words called for Russian soldiers to fulfill the debt to the king and the birthplace. At the enthusiasms of the warriors it was evident that each of them was ready to take death for the expensive Fatherland. The enemy who was accustomed to victory was preparing a terrible story.

It was quiet in the evening in Russian. Even from the usual charm of wine, our soldiers refused - "not so tomorrow," they said. Warriors, preparing for death, put in the evening clean underwear. The gaze of pious Russian people ascended to heaven, the mouths of the prayers whispering. Tomorrow, the first time of the blood will be selling the first time of the blood of the blood, the enemy has become the power of Russian weapons, he will see how Russian fighters die for the fatherland. Dark, the cold August night wipe the quiet Stan of the Russian Army, but few people slept on this night. As a clockwork, the valiant Russian army stood on the way to Moscow.

It became light. In the Borodino field stared fog. On Bivakov moved. Shelves were built on the specified places. In the east, the bright stripe of the morning dawn. At the rate of Napoleon, a retinue was gathered in anticipation of the emperor. He came out pale, focused. The face was traces of deep unrest, experienced in almost sleepless night. On him a gray coat, the witness of glorious victories. In the East, a huge fireball was appeared, the Borodino field golding the rays. "This is the sun of Austerlitz," the emperor said to others, wanting a reminder of the glorious victory to raise the spirit of fighting. Sitting on the horse, he headed for the Shevardinsky Rally and, having taking a comfortable place, prepared to observe the picture of the bloody battle.

At 6 o'clock the first gun shot broke the morning of the morning. According to this signal, the columns of the French began to move. One after another ordered guns, spewing the cargo kernels. Russian batteries answered the challenge. Canonade flared up. To the deaf blows to the guns, the hissing of the nuclei was mixed by a sharp crackling rifles, whistling bullets. The whole field spoke a terrible rocution. The troops enveloped the powder smoke. The Russian army in anticipation of the enemy froze on their positions. The French cheerfully went ahead. A narrow band of the terrain, separated by the warring army, was quickly passed by the heads of the French. Here they are already 200-300 steps from the Russian line. Bigs a lively rifle fight.

Attack with. Borodino and Raevsky batteries.

The troops of Vice-King Evgenia were the first to collapsed on our Guards Hsemen who occupied the village of Borodino. After stubborn resistance, the merger cleared the village. At 10 o'clock, the French rushed to the attack on the Central Battery of Raevsky, but were removed by the fire of our artillery and infantry. After this unsuccessful attack, the French fired at our battery with a murderous artillery fire and at 11 o'clock were rushed into the attack. This time the enemies managed to break into strengthening. Defenders retreated. In such a dangerous minute, the head of the headquarters of the Army, General Yermolov, was passing for a minute of the battery. Seeing that the French broke into the Battery of Raevsky, Yermolov rushes to the battalion of the Ufa Regiment who were in the proximity, it becomes headed and leads to the battery. Events from the reserve are attached to Ufimz and on both sides grow upwards, there were, battery defenders. This "crowd in the image of the column", as her Yermolov called her, rapidly rushed to the French. The new bayonet fight and the opponent, removed the dense corpses the battery and Skat Kurgan, departed to the ravine. Hero-leader of the column, General Yermolov, was injured.

Again was broken by a gust of the enemy. Again the infantry lay down and crushed its 100-gun battery. Fresh parts for our strengthening of profits: Likhachev Division and Prince Evgenia Württemberg. The approached troops merged with the remnants of the Raevsky housing and, carrying losses, prepared for the reflection of new attacks. But the enemy did not consider it possible after a double failure to go to the new storming of the terrible Kurgan. He decided to fall asleep his area with cast-iron core rain.

Attacks on Semenov's floss.

Simultaneously with the battle at p. Borodino began a hot business in Semenov altitudes. When the 100-gun battery, the French came to Semenov's altitudes. Bearing huge losses, they broke into the floss who were here and tied a hand-to-hand fight. For the help of defenders of flush, the division of non-believers arrived. Short bayonet fight, and the French cleared flush. Overlooking the forest, the French arranged and again went to the attack. Neither a thick canine, nor friendly slots of guns can stop tested in the battles of Napoleon's troops. They are again at altitudes, and the fortifications go into their hands. But the Valiant Shelves of the 2 Grenadier Division flew to the enemy with bayonets. Their onslaught cannot hold back the French and again, densely covering the slopes of Semenov heights, depart to the forest. It costs this success by Russian troops. Shelves melted. Divisions resemble battalions. There are completely few defenders left at Semenov altitudes.

Behind the course of combat, the Semenov heights also watched Kutuzov, being at the village of Gorki. Noticing that tremendous forces of the enemy gathered against Semenov Flesh, the commander-in-chief ordered to strengthen the army from the reserve. We did not have time to gather towards a dangerous place appointed reinforcements, as the new attack of the French for Semenov's floss followed about 9 o'clock in the morning.

Again, the French are ripening in strengthening, but as well as at the first two attacks, they cannot withstand the mighty blow to the bayonets of the participants of the Russian reserves. Having attracted to the site of the fight to help the infantry Connection, the stubborn French at 10 o'clock in the morning produce a fourth blow to floss. Frightened enemy columns with loud cries: "Long live the emperor!" rapidly attack flush. This time, the defenders helped the Konovnitsin division, which hit the fans in the bayonets into the right flanks. The fourth attack is repulsed.

Then the French focused about 400 guns against flush, which fell asleep with hundreds of shells from our side artillery vigorously responded to the enemy. At 11 o'clock, the columns of the French infantry were reached from the Powder smoke clubs. Without a shot, in the leg, like on a parade, the French were approaching the bayonets. Carton and rifle bullets tear their closed rows, but the intervals are immediately replenished behind the moving, and the columns are smoothly approaching. Braves are French, but do not embarrass Russian heroes. The enemies grabbed the strengths. Fear of the Frenchman, but faceted and faceted Russian bayonet. Fifth attack is off. Having reinforced with new reserves, after half an hour, the French in the attack rushed to the sixth time. Like a snowy avalanche with high mountains, rolling the mass of enemies on single floss. Few fighters left with us. But still, with the approach of the enemy, our heroes rushed towards him. There is a terrible long fight. Beat bayonets, butts, stones, fists, banners. In a terrible hand-to-hand fight, infantrymen, cavalrymen, artilleryrs were mixed. Here the enemy core crushed the leg of the left wing to the commander, prince Bagration. There is a shame with a wide stream. The noble face was pale, clear eyes closed. They took the deadly wounded prince, orphaned his brave soldiers. Little has already left them, do not hold back the enemy.

At 11.30 after the sixth attack, flushes were occupied by the French. The remains of Russian troops who fought at the Semenov altitudes were in perfect order to the village of Semenovskaya and steel for the Semenovsky ravine, ready for battle again. Recent reserves appointed by the Commander-in-Chief: Life Guard Izmailovsky, Finland and Lithuanian shelves and several cavalry regiments. In the command of the troops of the left wing joined the hero of Smolensk, General Dophoturov.

Having installed artillery in busy flushes, the French began to focus on the search niche for the semenovsky ravine. After a short, but the extremely strong artillery shooting of the enemies rushed through the ravine at the attack on the village of Semenovskaya, occupied by the remnants of Grenader Vorontsov. Ahead of the French infantry moved their cavalry. Bypassing from both ends of the der. Semenovskaya, enemy cavalry rushed to our infantry, which was standing in the 2nd line for the ravine. Built in Kare, the Guards Shelves were familiar with a friendly volley.

Battle in Borodina.

The view of the Grozny, calm, torn infantry bayonets produced such a terrible impression that the faster-headed brilliant cavalry of the French could not reach our infantry. Our cavalry, exhauscing its infantry, was repeatedly rushed into an attack on the French Connection.

French infantry, following his Connection, broke into the village of Semenovskaya and pushed her defenders. Our troops of the left wing were deployed in the position of PA clamps from Semenovsky ravine; Only the Guards Shelves, reflecting the attacks, remained on the edges of the forest, in the ravine.

The French, extended by a six-hour stubborn battle, could not move forward in Russian. For further offensive, fresh forces were needed. Marshals requested the emperor to support them. Reluctantly performed their request Napoleon. From his last reserve by her beloved Guard, Napoleon ordered only one division to move to Semenov's altitudes, but this division did not reach the appointment: the sudden attack of the Cossacks of the Platov and the cavalry of Uvarov to the left flank of the French forced to cancel the order about the movement of the Guards Division to Semenovsky. Only a strong canonade continued here continuously before the onset of twilight.

The third attack of the Battery Raevsky.

Ducklied by Yermolov from the Battery of Raevsky, the French moved to the ravine river. Kaochi and climbed here. Hundreds of guns were crushed again: the rain of the core and the grenade pulled continuously, the shots merged into a continuous grumble. The columns were arranged; Connection joined the infantry. By noon, the success of the French from Semenov heights was clearly discovered. It is time to repeat the impact on the Raevsky battery extended now.

The enemy everything was ready to repeat the strike, and meanwhile, our reserves appointed by the Commander-in-Chief did not have time to gather to the battery; To win the time required for the reserves approach. Kutuzov ordered the Platov and Uvarov to rush to our Connection on the left flank of the French army. This likhaya attack of our cavalry rushed into the rear of the enemy, polished the French. The vice-king, having suspended the attack on the Battery of Raevsky, rushed to the left flank to find out what was the matter. Time was won. To the Kurgan Raevsky managed to approach new reinforcements.

Only at two o'clock in the afternoon, the suspended attack on the Battery Raevsky resumed. Forward, the French caonon was carried out, which first broke into the battery.

Standard L.-GV Equestrian p.

Behind the live wall of the cavalry was running the infantry and the irrepressible flow was poured inside the battery. There was the last terrible bayonet fight. The infantry was mixed with the Connection. Soldiers and generals fought near the hand-to-hand combat. Battery defenders were not knocked out, they were all killed, everything was lying, protecting the battery. Mountains of corpses and several broken guns - that's what the French went. To the north of the battery, our troops beat the attack by enemy cavalry. The French surrounded our infantry kara and tried to split them. Barclay's infantry revenue moved a cavalgaard and horse shelves from the reserve. They rapidly attacked the French Connection and discarded her for the battery. In the footsteps of the storming columns, the infantry and the cavalry followed the numerous French artillery. In the Kurgan Raevsky quickly grew a huge battery and began to smash the center of the Russian army. Our troops, clearing Kurgan, moved a little back and again stopped in a Grozny expectant position. But the French had no strength to continue the battle. Only the tools are violently thundered, as if expressing the powerless enemy's angry.

Fight on the left flank y d. Duck.

On the old Smolensk road from the village of Dutz, against the enemy's enemy, who was located here, found an opponent's occurrence. Choosing from the excellent enemy forces, our body has departed to the heights of the dwitz and, taking a favorable position here, stubbornly kept on it.

When the Tuchkov body was highlighted from Semenov flushes, at the request of Bagration, Konovnitsyn Division, the French frank our left flank and captured the height of the dumpet. At noon, a division from 2 buildings arrived to Tuchkov, a division from 2 buildings and a commander of the building, General of the Cahogov. Valorous Tuchkov switched to the offensive and again mastered the tick height, but at the same time was mortally wounded. In the command of the troops at the extreme left flank, the Gaggoval General entered. The detachment stopped him at positions, but when Semenov's heights were cleared by us, the boolean also took his troops on the focus back and settled on the same line from the whole army, right and left from the old Smolensk road.

End of battle.

By 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the French army across the entire line occupied about that lane, which Russian army occupied at the beginning of the battle. Our troops moved away from more than a mile, and they suspended here, again ready for battle. On both sides, hundreds of tools continued to grow long on the front, but neither the one, nor the other party already prepared for the attack a long fight equally tired of enemies and needed a short rest to gather with the forces. Napoleon, all the time watching the battle from Shevardinsky Redut, now drove to Semenovskaya. His marshals are asking to put in the case of the guard to solve the fate of the battle. Listening to them, the Great Communion is an insightful look at the east. Behind the smoky curtain, he sees the Russian army stretched out into the line, not broken, not defeated, ready, like in the morning, to battle.

Great Great Communion. Where are thousands of prisoners, where are hundreds of tools, where blood poured, chopped, wasping enemy banners? Where is all this, what caressed the gaze of the winner so many times in all preceding wars? They are not now, they cannot be mined from Russian even the price of blood flows, the price of the life of the whole third of the army. In the hands of the emperor, there was still a guard, his last reserve, but could she drag luck to the French side whether she could do what the whole army could not do before sunset the day. And deep doubts swam in the soul of the commander. "No, for three thousand versts from Paris you can not risk the last reserve," he answered angrily with his Marshal and picked up to his bet.

In the mound from the village of Gorki, continuing to watch the battle, sat on the folding chair Kutuzov. His face is calm and only keeps traces of fatigue. All day he gave orders, listened to the report. The nervous anxiety of the orders and bosses who arrived from the places of terrible fights are not transferred to the commander-in-chief, as if he was all that he was told, foresaw before. Only the news about the grave injury of Bagration forced him to be used. The departure of the army to the second position did not upset Kutuzov; He praised the heroism of the parts, the ownership of the chiefs. After taking the French by the French, Raevsky's battery for the commander-in-chief arrived from Barclay Colonel Volzogen with anxious report: "The troops moved away, they are upset, the losses are huge." This report was angry with Kutuzov. "Pass Barclaw that I am better known to the real course of battle. The French are repulsed everywhere, for which I thank God and our brave army. The enemy is defeated and tomorrow we chase it from the sacred Russian land. " On behalf of the commander-in-chief, the orders were picked up at the front of the army of the Army with the orders to prepare for attack the next day. This news poured vigilance in the army ranks. The mood of the commander-in-chief, calm and confident, was transmitted to everyone to the last soldier.

Twilight descended. Canonade gradually poketed. Somewhere there were still small clashes of the cavalry. With the last rays of the sun battle.

The Russian army was preparing to a new battle to a new night. Only around midnight, when terrible losses suffered from the afternoon, the commander-in-chief changed his decision. His deep insightful mind was now foresaw the terrible fate, which inevitably overtake the enemy in the bowels of the Russian Earth. After a terrible strike, applied by the enemy on the Borodino field, he will not recover. Let it continue to go there, where death is prepared by him.

Truly terrible were losses incurred by both sides in Borodino battle. From the composition of the Russian army, about 42.5 thousand fighters were killed and injured; The French lost about 32 thousand trophies were the same. We took 13 French guns, the French are 15 of our.

Many years later, Napoleon about the Borodino battle said: "Of the fifty battles, by me, in the battle of Moscow, the French shows the most valor and wicked the least success."

Hero Borodina, Yermolov, said that in this battle "the French army drove about Russian."

The main reason for the failure of the French in this unparalleled battle was the persistence of our army. About her, as a strong rock, the enemy crashed.

Each Russian warrior on the Borodino field was a hero. From the first general to the last ordinary, everyone competed in courage and perseverance. It is difficult to say which of the military units most distinguished itself, it is even more difficult to call individuals who distinguished themselves in this battle. Generally side by side with ordinary participated in hand-to-hand fights; The wounded, climbing their wound, returned to the system. Sanitars, writing, unprofitable, grabbed the gun, rushed into advanced lines. The warriors with peaks rushed with dense crowds on the enemy, not looking at the steamed. The infantry faded by the fight rushed into the bayonets on the enemy convention and overturned it. In this rapid flow of the Russian army, there was also a hot love of the Motherland, and the thirst for revenge by the enemy, who climbed into Russia.

Napoleon was greatly delighted, learning about the voluntary retreat of the Russian army. "Victory" he announced all of Europe; But the Great Communion was aware that he was deceiving the world, calling the great battle near Moscow to the victory of French weapons.

For the Valiant Russian Army, the Borodino battle was the inevitable atonic victim for leaving Moscow. The terrible losses in battle, our army caused the same losses to their opponent. However, our losses could be quickly replenished, since the army was at the heart of his country, the losses of the French who swam in the middle of the "Ocean" of the Russian land were not obscured.

In the heroic of our history, Borodinsky battle was captured for eternal times as the great feat of our army, as a bright indicator of the disadvantageous power of the Russian people, eating the Grozny for enemies, the valiant Russian army.

Feeling such a great feat in the past, the Russian army and in the future it will always be able to fulfill his duty to the birthrody as they performed his glorious ancestors on the day of Borodino battle.

Moscow before the invasion of Napoleon.

Count F.V. Rostopchin.

We have already seen what the mood of Moscow was on the days of the Emperor Alexander's stay in her. The ancient capital fully justified the hopes of the sovereign. The outbreak of folk patriotism, revered by Moscow, Zaveril and the whole Russian land. As in the long time, during the years, the whole country looked at Moscow and listened to her voice, and now Moscow chained the minds and the heart of all Russian people. After the class of the French, Smolensk Muscovites were worried. Wealthy people began to leave the city and export their property. The closer the French came to Moscow, the anximateness was the mood of the inhabitants. At this alarming time, the Moscow Governor General was Graph Rostopchin. It was a faithful, devotee of a sovereign servant, smart, honest, but a torture and fondant person. He until recently I am convinced that Moscow will not be the enemy's property. In anxious days, he tried to maintain peace in the capital, calm and order. Its energy was inexhaustible; He personally watched everyone who was personally encouraged and supported. In the occurring hard days, he addressed the residents with the appeals, and these appeals made calm down into the people. As hostilities develop in Western regions, Moscow was filled with injuries. Muscovites treated great foresight to the wounded. Mass donations went to hospitals. The merchants were offered for free wounded their products, saying: "You shed blood for us, we are sin to take money from you."

The buzz of the Borodino battle with the gusts of the wind came to Moscow. The population was alarm. The congestion was made from the Sretensky gate to Nikolsky. On this day, the elderly Metropolitan Plato arrived in Moscow and blessed the people who gathered at Prayers.

From the Borodino field first came joyful news about the successful reflection of the enemy. However, the joy was short-term: they soon began to be disturbed to negotiate our army, about the approach of the enemy to Moscow. The confusion in the capital quickly spread.

Meanwhile, our army after the Borodino battle was relieved with the hope that before Moscow would repel the enemy again. Indeed, before Moscow, a position for the battle was scheduled. On September 1, Kutuzov examined her, but admitted unreliable.

On the same day, our military leaders gathered in the extension of the peasant Andrei Sevastyanov, to solve an important question, whether to take a battle near Moscow or clear the ancient capital of Russia without a fight. Opinions shared: Some offered to fight to the last soldier, others advised to give Moscow without a fight. He began hot spores. Then the old elderly leader of the Russian army, who kept silence for a long time, turned to those present with such words: "Lord, I heard your opinions ... With the loss of Moscow, Russia is not lost. The first duty I suppose to preserve the army and get close to those troops that go to us for reinforcement. We prepare the most discrepancies in Moscow. I know that responsibility will fall on me, but sacrificed for the good of the Fatherland. I order to retreat. "

It was hard for the old leader to accept this decision, but he was deeply convinced that now for Russia it is more important to preserve the army, and not the capital. And this wise decision brought good results.

Late in the evening, Rostopchin received a notice from the commander-in-chief that the army leaves Moscow without a fight.

The news quickly spread everywhere. All who had the opportunity left the city. On the prepared flows, remnants of state and church property were exported, as well as thousands of wounded. Many residents not to leave the wounded on the enemy's arbitrariness, discharged from loaded up and crews valuable property and replaced it with injuries.

The retreat occurred in order and sad silence. Warriors with a crushed heart looked at the Kremlin left by the enemy with its towers and the high chambers of the ancient kings of Russian, the gold-headed Ivan the Great, and other shrines Moscow ...

Enemy in Moscow. Fire Moscow.

Around the afternoon on September 2, the avant-garde of the Great Army approached Moscow. Before the gaze of admiring French, the magnificent city was spread, brightened by golden making her churches. "Moscow, Moscow", shouted enthusiastically, the French and accelerated the step to quickly reach this cherished goal of a great campaign.

Napoleon with a retinue entered a fanish mountain. In front of him, as in the palm of his hand, Moscow was spread with ancient Kremlin, with gold-shameful cathedrals, with stone chambers, "So he finally, this famous city," the emperor of the French exclaimed. Here, in front of him, his cherished dream is the capital of the immense Russian kingdom. Now the end of the deprivation will come, the end of an unprecedented-hard campaign. The Russians will not be able to strengthen more and continue with him the struggle. Emperor Alexander, the Great Winner, will humiliately ask himself. So I thought Napoleon, because so far it has happened that it was happening in the occupations of the capitals of those states with which he had to fight. But this time the great commander was wrong. Before him was an extraordinary enemy. In front of him was the Russian people, otherwise they sought his homeland than the former enemies of Napoleon.

Having arrived at the unknown cries of the soldiers to the Cam College Shaft, Napoleon came down with a horse and, walking back and forth, expected deputation with the keys of the city. Time went, but no one was. Anger and annoyance distorted the face of the emperor. The deputies sent for the deputies and reported that Moscow was abandoned by residents that the pretrial places were closed, and the authorities left the city. This news was amazed and excited by Napoleon. He refused to go to the city on this day and stopped for the night in the Tavern of the Soreomilovskaya Sloboda.

Meanwhile, the introduction of the Great Army to Moscow continued. First, the columns are slightly held through the deserted streets of the city. The guard exhibited everywhere supported order. But only the evening twilight came down, robbery began everywhere. The hungry French with greed pounced on everything abandoned by Russians in Moscow. Slender shelves, still so recently striking their valor on the Borodino field, now turned into disgusting masters of marauders. The soldiers truncated at home and searched for food, and, satisfying, proceeded to the robbery. In the midst of a robbery in two or three places flashed fires, they were the formidable forerunners of the coming terrible fire of Moscow.

On the morning of September 3, Napoleon drove into Moscow. The desert of the city struck him. "Not a single person. What kind of people? It is incredible, "he repeated. Only at the entrance to the Kremlin, the emperor had fun: "These proud walls finally, I am in the ancient Palace of Kings, in the Kremlin," he exclaimed. The Great Army was suppressed by deserted and coffin silence. How it all did not resemble the triumphal entry of the French in the capital of Western Europe, when the inhabitants of them enthusiastically welcomed the winners.

The fire started at night more and more flared. On the morning of September 3, the huge city of glowing was already in several places. The living courtyard burned, the government stores with bread with bread were burned on the banks of Moscow, but the flame was blocked but everything Zamoskvoretia. Fresh wind blown fiery streams. There was nothing to extinguish the fire. The French were absorbed in the robbery, and the residents remaining in Moscow indifferently looked at their burning houses. Many, seeing the plundering of property, preferred to better destroy it than to leave the enemies. By night, the fire had already accepted huge sizes, and by morning September 4, the whole Moscow was represented by a solid fiery sea. The fire threatened the Kremlin. The calm dream of Napoleon was interrupted. Going to the window, Napoleon stopped in a stupor before the stunning picture of the Moscow Fire. All Zamoskvorechye glowed like a giant bonfire. Flame waves shrouded in black smoke, like the waves of the raw sea, approached from all sides to the Kremlin. Fire languages \u200b\u200blicked the brothering sky. Miriad Sparks Farmed Air. The cracking of the rushing buildings merged with a fierce whistle. The picture of the fire struck Napoleon, "what a terrible sight!", "He exclaimed. - "They ignite them themselves. How many beautiful buildings! What an extraordinary determination! What kind of people: these are Scythians! "

The fire has grown and threatened the Kremlin, where the charging boxes of artillery were. Napoleon, however, slowed to leave the Kremlin. Finally, approximately managed to persuade the emperor to leave the Kremlin. With great difficulty and danger to life managed Napoleon to spawn through the sea of \u200b\u200bfire to the country Petrovsky Palace. Anxious night spent the emperor French in the Petrovsky Palace. Grave Duma pressed it. Silently he watched from the window to the raging fiery sea and, finally, said: "It foreshadows us great disasters." September 7, after a terrible shower, Fire Ugas and Napoleon decided to return to the Kremlin. Along the way, he contemplated the disgusting scenes of the promiscuity of his troops. Bivakov of the military units were located on the fields covered with a stick and cold mud; Bonfires were burned everywhere in which the fire was supported by mahogany furniture, window frames and gilded doors from rich houses. Around the lights, soldiers crowded on the wet stolsters, and the officers covered with mud and smoky from smoke were sitting on the chairs or lay on luxury coated sofas covered with silk matteries. The legs were covered with cashmere sails, expensive Siberian furs and Persian dear matters. On silver dishes, they ate some kind of black chowder, offed with ashes, with blood and semi-frozen conine. Strange mixture of abundance and lack, wealth and dirt, luxury and poverty!

In the following days, robbery and violence continued. Numerous German Allied troops, tipped by Napoleon in Russia, distinguished speciality, cruelty and inhumenity. Doubtful to the glory of His leader, they were eager to reward themselves by the wealth of Moscow for the prison suffered.

The discipline is terribly loosened in the ranks of the Great Army. The authorities of the chiefs and even the power of the emperor could no longer curb intoxicated with robbery and frenzyness of different soldiers.

The position of the residents remaining in Moscow was truly terrible. The property was looted or destroyed by a flame. Robbers soldiers were disappeared with Muscovites clothing, filmed boots, women broke off, shawls, dresses, pulled out earrings from ears, took the last piece of bread, drove out to the streets, forced themselves to wear themselves.

Embittered by the cruelty of the enemy, Muscovites were avenged villain. Many enemy soldiers died at night in wells, basements, ponds and cellars. In the morning rolls of many comrades, the French did not take place.

Having heard about the wealth of Moscow churches and monasteries, enemies, taking the capital, started the robberry of church property. The robbers did not believe that a significant part of church belongings were exported from the city, and the remaining priests were tormented by the remaining clergy to find out where the jewels were harnessed. Hanging in chips in the church and monasteries, the Svyatrutians were thrown onto all valuable: they broke the rises and whiskers with icons, sacred vessels captured.

Brutally suffered Moscow shrines from enemy frenzy.

Violence, robbery and emptying took place not only in Moscow, but also in the surrounding area, since all the villages of the village and the rich estates were engaged in Napoleon's army.

The cruelty of the enemy foragers, which groaning everywhere in the vicinity of Moscow, caused peasants' cropping. From the first days of the French stay in Moscow, peasant squads appeared in the vicinity of the capital, which joined the fight against Marauders and foragers. Attacking the small parties of the French, the peasants pursued them and destroyed them. The French, in turn, were caught up with dozens of peasants near Moscow, shot them in Moscow. One day, the French squad was sent in the village of sucks and received the order to bring several peasants. Capturing a man of 20 non-clear peasants, the detachment delivered them to Moscow. The field court sentenced them to death, which was done for the abters of the surrounding population. Unfortunate calmly listened to the sentence and went to the place of execution. They were set near the wall and shot alone. Everyone, seeing that the queue reached him, crossing, said: "Merry me, Lord! Sorry, good people. " Without complaints and groans fell victims to the legs of the executioner. Such an amazing calm of Russian people in the face of death made a terrible impression on the enemies present. Here felt the intimate disruptive power of the spirit of the Russian people.

Having experienced heavy days in the burnt Moscow among robbery, violence, wild rampant, fierce, Napoleon understood, finally, what a terrible fate awaits his army, taken deep into Russia. At the glow of the Moscow Fire, he saw, finally, Russia, the Great, immense, formidable, punishing. What can he take against the growing alouding folk wrath? His army, discharged, strongly powered, seemed to him with a small ship among the waves of the raging ocean. Only the world, an immediate world by all means can save from the crash of the remnants of his army. And from the first days of staying in Moscow, annoying the relentless idea of \u200b\u200bthe world began to drill the brain of the Great Conqueror.

In the village of Russian warriors.

When a triumphant enemy on September 2 joined the first-heart capital, our army was separated from the Ryazan road. After a two-day movement in this direction, the army turned to the West and, hiding behind the Pahra River, moved to the old Kaluga road, to the red polar. The French lost the Russian army for some time. The cavalry toned Napoleon that the Russian army was scattered, and that it consists of the Cossacks alone. Only on September 14, the French found that the Russian army is in p. Tarutina. Then in 4 versts north of our forces, it is located for p. Ink enemy avant-garde under the authorities of Murat.

The terrible news about the occupation of Moscow Napoleon was obtained in St. Petersburg on September 8 and caused universal excitement. Kutuzov, denunciation about this sovereign event, said that "the entry of the enemy to Moscow is still no conquest of Russia ... Now, in the near distance from Moscow, having gathered his troops, I can expect an enemy hard on the enemy, and while the army of your imperial majesty Castle and moving by famous courage and our diligence, Dotola still the return loss of Moscow is not still the loss of the Fatherland "...

Having learned that Moscow was left and turned into a pile of ashes and ruins, the sovereign could not resist tears.

However, the sad news of the death of Moscow did not figure the decision of Emperor Alexander to continue the struggle. The fact that the state of affairs became greater, the more increased the energy and determination of the Russian king. Grave tests have grown it, and he found all new and new forces for further carrying the cross.

In Tarutin, our troops recovered from experienced shocks, rested, began to receive new reinforcements.

Cheerfulness and confidence in success returned to the ranks of our troops. A summons with different supplies stretched to the army, hurried the troops of the militia. With Don, 30 Cossack regiments came, replenished with old Cossacks, who have already survived the legal service life and now rising now to the revenue of sons and grandchildren.

Conscious that every day the enemy army more and more decomposes in the burnt Moscow, Kutuzov wanted to extend the residues of Napoleon's troops. To achieve this, he dissected hearing about the plight of our army, about the reluctance of troops to measure with a formidable opponent, about increasing unrest among the troops and the people. The couriers with such anxious reports from the commander-in-chief to the sovereign deliberately came across the French, the reports became famous by Napoleon and supported the hope of the hope that the Russian king would turn to him with peaceful offers.

Finally, Napoleon's patience was exhausted, and he himself decided to start negotiations about the world. General Loriston arrived at the Stand of the Russian Army with his own emperor's hand to Kutuzov. Feldmarshal accepted Loriston and talked with him for a long time, but when Loriston spoke about Napoleon's desire to put an end to disagree between two great and noble peoples, then Kutuzov said: "I would curse the offspring if I learned that I filed the first reason to whatever It was a reconciliation. "

Attempt by Napoleon to call for negotiations about the world of Emperor Alexander ended in failure. The sovereign did not even respond to a letter sent to him by Napoleon from Moscow. The pride of the Great Conqueror was caused by a terrible blow. Napoleon realized that the case was irrevocably lost. Conducting worst autumn days in the grossing Moscow, he dreamed of shaking up the basics of a huge Russian empire; Split Russia to the previous specific principalities. But all the goats, plucked by the enemy against our homeland, could not come true; The Russian people were preparing cruelly to punish the enemy for all the great evil, for crimping over the shrines, for the extermination of property, for the flow of spilled blood. The Grozny Bogatyr woke up - the Russian people - and it was terribly for the enemy, who climbed deep into the immense Russian land, is awakening.

Anger is popular.

The deeper, Napoleon penetrated into the protected subsoil of the Russian land, the stronger the anger of the Russian people flared. From all sides, the inhabitants risen on the defense of the fatherland, the detachments of the militia were formed everywhere. The number of people who want to be the defense of the Motherland was so large that everyone could not be pouring into the formable detachments. Armed with what fell, Russian people, the inhabitants of our villages and villages, entered into a fierce struggle with numerous marauders who beat off from the Great Army and robbed the country. The first tortured by the Smolensk province, captured by the enemy in his rapid movement. The peasants on the path of the enemy destroyed their property and hid in the forest and the deaf places, deleted from the path of the enemy army. Cities, unoccupied by the enemy: Roslavl, Yukhnov, Sychevka, White, became the foci of the national uprising. In the Belsk district, residents rebelled on the enemy under the superior of the leader of the nobles, the knee, and Governing Adamovich. Sychevsky County fell down led by the leader of the nobles, Nakhimov, and Forus Boguslavsky. Smolyan gathered for the fight against the enemy the retired lieutenant colonel Dibic. Especially in these places, the retired Major Emelyanov became famous.

Sometimes the party of the rebel people suddenly attacked even on major enemy detachments. On August 30, residents of the village of Tesova, and Sychevsky County, defeated a completely enemy detachment of 200 people. Between the Sychevsky warriors, the midsts were especially distinguished by courage and extraordinary power burgomaster Levshin. One day, the enemy party among the 30 people entered this village and settled down in the hill on vacation. Having learned about this, the burgomaster sent to convene the people, and himself with the help of one peasant approached the hollow, busy by the French, and the doors. The enemies opened fire and mortally wounded Burgomaster, but at that time the peasants surrounded the hut and forced the French to surrender. Feeling close to his death, the burgomaster bequeathed her comrades not to revenge for his death and spare the captives of the French.

In the Yukhnovsky district, the leader of the nobility of the Khorchavitsky gathered a two thousandth detachment and with him all the time covered Kaluga from the enemy's major forces.

Residents of the city of Roslavl made an equestrian militia among a hundred people and, acting under the leadership of the urban head of the Polozov, destroyed a lot of marauders in their own and in the neighboring, Elninsky, ureet. Roslavl Faviliary Sechov, blocked enemy access to Bryansk, was killed. Prince Tenishev, elected by the Cordon Head, shifted to 400 Marauders and donated to all his heritage to the institution of the hospital for the wounded.

A wonderful leader appeared in the Gzhatsky district, Gusar Elisavetrrad Regiment, I myself. The detachment compiled by them, acting with extraordinary success, destroyed up to 3 thousand enemies.

In a severe godine of the enemy invasion, the Smolensk province, as the first area with a root Russian population captured by the enemy, showed a majestic example of self-demolishing and dedication to the covenants of the native land. A decent example of Smolyan did not remain without imitation. As soon as the French came to the limits of the Moscow province, and the People's War began here. The peasants and foreigners left at home and destroyed everything that could become the prey of the enemy; In the forests arranged ambushes and destroyed the minor parties of the enemy. The slightestness of the enemy was considered treason. One day it happened that the peasants of the village near Moscow, frightened by the enemy detachment who arrived to them, met him with bread and salt. When, after this incident, the peasants who had an existence of the enemy appeared to the nearest church for worship and became with other parishioners to approach the cross, the priest met them with strict ukore: "Why did you come here? - he said. - You are not ours. You, betray the Orthodox, accepted the desired guests, our enemies. "

At the occupation of an opponent of the Zvenigorod district, Resurrection residents have formed a big squad and reflected successfully the enemy who tried to get into their city. Among the leaders of this squad, the head of the Veljamin parish, Ivan Andreev, and the hundredth village of Lucinsky, Pavel Ivanov, who fought with his sons.

Nearby from the neighbors and Tver province. Residents of Zutsov, Kashin and Ostashkov put special armed detachments. Zubtsevsky militia has increased to 2.5 thousand hiking and horse rags. This squad was commanded by the landowner Tsyzarev, who gave his detachment six small guns.

The wave of the People's Hall, having stitched from Smolensk to Moscow, along the way of following the enemy army now after the fire of Moscow, after the emanations over the shrines, robbery and violence poured into all parties, captured not only the most remote areas closest to Moscow. The fire of Moscow was one of the most important reasons for the development of the People's War. The people, convinced that the French burned our capital, eager to take revenge on the wicked enemies, not sparing the Moscow shrines. The whole land of Russian became like a huge military mill. No one cared for his property, no one indulged in its usual classes, everyone sought to accept any participation in the sacred business to liberate their homeland. Women looked with contempt on those who fluctuated to sacrifice the comfort of life for the general. The overall danger and total hopes made all Russian people by members of one family: people who are completely unfamiliar among themselves, when receiving favorable news from the army, hugged as brothers, and congratulated each other. Personal and family misfortunes were invisible. Many sacrificed all their heritage, without seeing no feat. In St. Petersburg, there were often people who lost hundreds of thousands in Moscow and came from there on foot in Sermyagh and Naplya; These people rejoiced that their property was killed in fire, and did not get a hated enemy.

The Russians can be proud that in a serious way of the tests did not degrade themselves with a little harness and that the enemy did not find an accomplication anywhere. None of the famous people glorified themselves as an enemy; None of the Moscow clergy prayed for Napoleon. Several rustic elder was shot because they did not want to obey the French; The peasants who are forced to serve the enemies of the conductor, deliberately started enemies in the wilds of forests and swamps and dot, holy observing their duty to the fatherland. The Russian clergy, following the high saint saint of Metropolitan of Moscow, Plato, supported the high rush to the dedicated ministry of the homeland among his spiritual flock. The Great Army of Napoleon had to, instead of fighting our armies, fight with the people covered by the Great Anger. The French tried, it was, cruel measures to suppress the explosion of popular wrath. They were shot by dozens of arsonis and captured armed inhabitants, but it only poured oil into the fire. Instead of dozens of executions, hundreds and thousands of new volunteers covered by the thirst for revenge appeared.

The sea of \u200b\u200bfolk anger was all stronger and stronger. It was a terrible hour of retaliation.

Our partisans.

Our partisans had an invaluable service of Russia in the serious Goodina of the Patriotic War - small detachments made up mostly from the cavalry. These detachments were allocated from the army, but they acted quite independently. Their main appointment was to disturb the enemy army permanent attacks, who climbed far deep into the immense our homeland; To attack the enemy weapons, to destroy small enemy troops sent to collect food from the devastated Moscow. At the head of the partisan detachments became enterprising officers, imbued with the desire to bring as much harm to the enemy as possible.

D.V. Davydov.

A happy thought to start a guerrilla war belonged to Lieutenant Colonel Akhtyr Gusar Regiment, Denis Vasilyevich Davydov. Waving to Borodino battle for the prince of Bagration, Davydov drew a picture of a small equestrian squad in the rear of the enemy army. Bagration thought liked; I approved her and Kutuzov and ordered to allocate Davydov a detachment of 80 Cossacks and 50 hussar. With this tiny squad, a bold hussar thought to rush into the rear of the Great Army, where there were big enemy forces everywhere. With the help of the local population, Davydov began combat work, attacking first on small enemy detachments. Soon a small detachment was intensified by the volunteers who were adjacent to him. Yuhnova, he joined the remains of two Cossack regiments who bathed down from our army. Stayed, Davydov steel to act bolder. He attacked the major enemy detachments, beat off the transport, captured hundreds of prisoners. Kutuzov, pleased with the work of Davydov, strengthened his detachment by two Cossack shelves. Then the dashing partisan began to act even bravely and more decisive. Soon they were talking about him in the army and in the whole country. The name of Denis Davydov became expensive to every Russian heart, it became expensive not only for contemporaries, but also for offspring, remembering with pride on a par with the outstanding leaders of 1812 of the dear partisan.

Kutuzov, making sure the experience of Davydov, which benefit can bring the fighting work of small detachments in the enemy's rear, sent a small partisan detachments after class Napoleon, who ordered them to attack together and spoil into small detachments and enemy parties, to destroy and beat the brief The enemy is all sorts of harm. The detachments of these close rings were surrounded by Moscow and took all the roads between Moscow and Smolensk. He headed them: Prince Kudeshev, Efremov, Prince Vadbolsky, vintage visitor, vitrenode, chernobov and prelendel.

A.S. Figner.

Among the glorious heroes of the partisans of the Patriotic War, along with Davydov, especially allocated: Alexander Samoilovich Figner and Alexander Nikitich Seslavin. At the occupation of the enemy of Moscow, the Figner, perfectly owning French, went to the camp of enemies. Returning from there, he delivered interesting information about the enemy commander-in-chief.

Commander-in-chief, assessing the entrepreneuriality of the Figner, gave him a detachment of 150 hussar and the Cossacks. Then the amazing activity of the Figrine began. His feats were excited by universal delight. She climbed at the Moscow itself, the Figner then and the case attacked the small troops of the enemy, captured the guns, shells, destroyed the provincial and fodder.

Disguised by a French officer, he repeatedly visited Moscow and enemy bivakov, talked with the French and recognized all the necessary information from them. Then at night, the soldiers of the Great Army destroyed the nearest enemy at night. The name of the Figner with fear was pronounced in the enemy bed. He is appreciated in a large amount.

The light image of this tireless hero of the partisan is prescribed in the memory of the offspring.

Salavin was distinguished and entrepreneurial. He was taken to fulfill the most difficult orders and did not know failure, exterminating entire enemy squads, capturing thousands of prisoners.

At the same time, the partisans acted in the vicinity of Moscow, the detachment of General Ivan Semenovich Dorokhov. The commander-in-chief, during the retreat to Tarutin, Dorokhov dug up with 2 thousand hussar, dragoon and the Cossacks on the Moscow road, prescribing searches to the enemy's rear. Brave and enterprising Dorokhov perfectly coped with a difficult task. On September 10, he destroyed a large enemy conveyance at Perhushkov, blew 80 charging boxes, intercepted couriers with important deposits. From this day, his bold raids on the Moscow road began. Dorokhov's name soon became terrible for enemies. Napoleon sent large detachments against him, but Dorokhov was unpatched.

Not only experienced dashing officers became at the head of the light detachments acting against the enemy, it happened that the lowest ranks that beat off for some reason, formed a squad and the marauders and minor enemy parties were haul with them.

Sometimes among the rebels, the peasants were put forward talented and brave leaders, who, imitating partisans, formed large detachments and thickened opponents. Of these leaders, a peasant Gerasim Kurin has gained loud fame and glory.

The Great Service of Fatherland was provided by partisan detachments. Having covered the enemy army with a close ring, climbed into Moscow, the partisans did not give the enemy of rest for a minute.

Only a few glorious names of the leaders of partisans and the rebel people are named. There is no possibility to draw in all details a stunning picture of the People's War, describe all the exploits of individuals of societies: like stars in the sky, shone these feats everywhere on the ground of the Russian, formidable, punishing muster enemy. We can be proud that all Russian people participated in the great demand of Russia's salvation.

Speech by Napoleon from Moscow.

In early October, our commander-in-chief decided to finally resume military actions by the main forces of the Russian army.

On October 6, our troops attacked suddenly the enemy detachment from with. Tarutino and defeated him, Napoleon, having received the news about this, finally decided to leave Moscow, where his army was further predicted.

On the night of October 6-19, the Great Army began to speak from Moscow. There were about 107 thousand in the ranks. A strange spectacle was the movement of the Great Army from Moscow. Outstanding soldiers were hung in the loose robes, in women's salts, sweaters, church rises, in the back, blankets. Exhausted hunger, horses fell commemorated; Most of the cavalry was without horses; The army stretched endless summons with bad good. Every Frenchman, from the emperor to the last soldier, sought to take away or carry as much treasures from Moscow as much as possible. In the way there were many crews, carriages; Not only mouse trucks, but even artillery carts and charging boxes were littered with prey. There were only bread between these huge treasures, so the most necessary French at that time. For the army, many patients and wounded stretched, straining their exhausted forces.

It is difficult to imagine that the mess who covered the Army of Napoleon from the first days of retreat. Napoleon gloomily looked at a diverse crowd of the people, in which his troops turned to the submarine with a bad good, but he did not have the determination to order to quit all this prey, since this prey he himself manifes his soldiers to distant Moscow.

On October 8, from the village of Trinity Napoleon, embraced by the thirst for Militia, sent orders to Marshal Morty to blow up the Kremlin and burn all public buildings with the exception of the educational house. Everywhere in the Kremlin had mines, and everything was cooked to turn Moscow and her surviving still shrines in the pile of ruins. But the Lord's Almighty did not allow atrocity to be made. Terrible explosions shocked the old Kremlin of Moscow, the legacy of ancient Russia, but the walls did not destroy it. However, on the other day, Napoleon declared Europe that "the Kremlin, Arsenal and shops - everything was destroyed that the ancient capital of Russia and the oldest palace of her kings does not exist more that Moscow turned into a pile of ruins, in an unclean and flicker cloacu that she lost all the meaning of military and political. "

Maloyaroslate. On a ruined Smolensk road.

Having left Moscow, Napoleon moved to the south on the new Kaluga road, wanting, obviously, to bypass our army, which was at Tarutina, to then go to the West in places, not converted to the war.

But our commander-in-chief received in a timely manner in a timely manner of the enemy's movement and managed, having moved his army to the town of Maloyaroslave, to become on Path Napoleon.

On October 12, a stubborn fight at Maloyaroslavets. Several times the city passed from hand to hand. The battle was indecisive.

After the battle, Napoleon is located for the night in the city. Sitting the dirty table before the unfolded map of Russia, leaned with his hands on the table, Napoleon plunged into deep meditation that he was taken: to attack whether the Russian army gathered before him or retreat in front of her and move away to the Smolensk Road. Without making any decision on October 12, Napoleon the next day he produces personal intelligence of our position and after the Council with Marshals on October 14 orders his troops to go to the Smolensk Road. The fatal retreat began for the French.

Meanwhile, and our commander-in-chief needed to solve an important question, what to do next, whether the army on the French rush to the French and in a decisive fight to immediately decorate the war, or to continue the war, slowly, dropped, exhausing the enemy. Many of those surrounded by Field Marshal advised him to attack the enemy, but the old leader decided to hold on and down his wise plan. "All this falls apart without me," he said to the hot advisers.

Finding out that Napoleon is to go through the Smolensk Road, Kutuzov takes measures to pursue a retreating enemy. Cossacks were ordered to pursue the French in the Smolensk Road from the rear; The main forces of the army moved by the enemy army to Vyazma; Avangard Miloradovich went between the Smolensk Dear and by following the main forces. The partisan detachments are closer ring surrounded by the French, they are disturbing them on the campaign and during the night.

In the first days of retreat, the weather favored the French. Stood clear days. The sun is golden in nature; Only at night the cold gave themselves to feel.

The mood of the retreating army was gloomy, depressed.

The soldiers, who had previously seen the glorious days of victories, were now, poning his head, aware of the unheard of humiliation, which fell on them and their leader. The mess, which began when speaking from Moscow, increased. The discipline loosened. Napoleon was dumbfounded. He was indifferent now to his troops, rarely sat down on the horse and all the rustling of his generals.

The terrible painting of the ruin was deployed before the retreating French army. Everywhere traces of violence, everywhere the kingdom of death. Cities and villages in ruins, abandoned by residents, fields and Niva woven, burned out. Nowhere could not get any stocks.

In the army there were still food supplies captured from Moscow, but they were unevenly separated between the military units. Some companies have already experienced a terrible need, others had many more. Soldiers robbed and chopped out stocks from each other, and the case reached armed clashes between the parts of the troops. Horses with the masses fell at each transition. We had to blow up charging boxes and throw wagons with a bad good. I had to throw the wounded on the mercy of fate. These unfortunate appealing to comrades, begging not to leave them, but for lack of carts, assistance was impossible.

In the first transitions, unarmed appeared among the retreating army. The first weapons left without horses, their example was followed by other soldiers. The crowds of unarmed every day increased and hampered the movement of the army.

In Vyazma and expensive, the French were attacked by our troops and suffered great damage.

Napoleon continued to non-stop retreat to Smolensk, and his south was followed by the Russian army, threatening to constantly intercept the path of the deviation of the French.

Banner L.-GV Dragunsky p.

After Vyazma, the disorder of the remnants of the Great Army increased with each day. Cold days have come; Bills began. Dordobun the enemies were captured by a terrible blizzard. Easy dressed, in the wasopted shoes, fugitives quickly coocheries. Brutal wind captured breathing. The soldiers treated by the wind fell into the ditches, barking roads, and unable to rise more, dying.

The terrible footprint pointed by the path of the Great Army's flight. Everywhere the corpses of people and horses, abandoned guns, wagons. Justice death from deprivation mowed the enemy rows in the Smolensk Road, but the terrible fate expects those who rushed to the parties. It was worth only a little to escalate fugitives from a large road in search of heat and food, as suddenly before them, exactly from the ground, the squads of the angry Russian people crumbled. Studged braids, horns, clubs, and cruel death stopped the terrible suffering of fugitives. And in the distance they did not hide from the eyes of the figure of the Cossacks, who embarked prey ... From terrible suffering, cold and hunger, many enemy soldiers went crazy, and at night a wild laughter of madmen announced the dull Bivaks of the French Army.

The French hoped in Smolensk to relieve their sufferings, hoped here to get reserves, quench the painful hunger. On October 28, the heads of the French army reached Smolensk, but all the hopes of the French were crumbling. Raisted and burned by the French at the occurrence, Smolensk could not give them a shelter for flight. In addition, the army of Kutuzov moved to red and could cut off the path of retreat by the French, so Napoleon decided not to linger for a long time in Smolensk and continue moving to Orsha.

Red. Berezina. The collapse of the Great Army.

On October 31, the speech of the French army from Smolensk began. She spoke from Smolensk parts. It was necessary to give the opportunity for troops to become at night on the apartments, as the sleeping on the boats in the field were disastrous for the soldiers. But such a measure led the French to the scatration of their forces throughout the mile.

Meanwhile, the army of Kutuzov, like a formidable hammer, again hung over the fugitives. On October 27, in Yeln, the commander-in-chief received joyful news from the tireless fighter Vikhore-Ataman Platov about the victory over the Corps of the Vice-King Italian when crossing the river. Yell, about the captive of the Brigade of the Ozoro. Preparing for decisive actions against the enemy, Kutuzov encouraged the troops with his next order: "After such emergency success, weighing every day and everywhere above the enemy, it remains only to pursue him quickly, and then maybe the Russian land that he dreamed of enslaving, falls on by bones his. So, we will pursue tirelessly. Frost come, but do you fear them, the children of the North?! The Iron Breast Your Chest is not afraid of either the severity of the weather nor anger of enemies: it is a reliable wall of the Fatherland, which everything is crushed. You will be able to transfer and short-term disadvantages if they happen. Good soldiers are characterized by hardness and patience, old servisks will give an example young. Let anyone remember Suvorov who taught to demolish the cold and hunger when it was about the victory and the glory of the Russian people. Go ahead. God is with us. Before us broken enemy. Behind us will be silence and calm. "

The Red Russian Army approached the path of the French and collapsed on them. From 4 to 6 November, fights occur here.

During these battles under the Red French lost 6 thousand killed, 26 thousand prisoners (including 7 generals and 300 officers); We have taken 228 guns, several eagles and the rod of Marshal Davu. The hull of Marshal did not have almost completely destroyed. For fights under the Red Feldmarshal, Kutuzov had a granted the title of Llest Prince Smolensky, and the tireless valiant leader of the Don Cossacks, Plato, was erected into graphic dignity.

November 7, the remnants of the Army of Napoleon arrived in Orsha. There were some reserves and several hundred and fresh horses. The housings of the Great Army were reformed in the shelves and battalions. The cavalry has already died almost all.

While the French army made a pellept transition from Moscow to the West, our troops scattered on the Extensive War Theater were pursuing the wise plan of Emperor Alexander I, which envisaged the full environment of Napoleon. It was assumed that while our main strength would be a crowd of enemy to the West, our flank army should be on the paths of retreat of remnants of Napoleonic troops.

When Napoleon reached Orsha, the further path of his followation was already captured by our army Admiral Chichagov, located within r. Berezina. From the north, the Vittgenstein Corps was approaching, who pushed the French against him against him.

After a short stop in Orshe, Napoleon continued to move on Borisov.

On November 10, on the way to Borisov, Napoleon received a terrible news about the lesson of Chichagov's ways to follow the Great Army. Was terribly the position of Napoleon. The danger of captivity or death hung over him and over all his surviving associates, but the Great Communion was not lost. He resolutely rushed forward to break through the vice, ready to crush it. Marshal was pleased to move on Borisov and try to discard Chichagov for Berezina. Freedom almost surprised attacked our squad, who occupied the city, and threw him over the river. Departing, the Russians managed to destroy the bridge.

On Berezina there were very few brodes and places comfortable for crossing, and thanks to the coming thaw and rain water in the river rose to a high height. The width of the river Borisov reached 50 seeded.

Southwerly outlined the stake in the village of Studenki in 16 versts above Borisov, but to distract Chichagov's attention from this place, Marshal accepted very skillful measures. Cooking for the bridges of bridges The stakes were made very secretly, but below Borisov y d. The masses of the French appeared and began to chop forest here, knit rafts and openly prepare for crossing. Through the Borisov Jews, the rumors spread at home that the French army intends to go to Minsk. Chichagov succumbed to deception and moved his main strength down from Borisov verst on 30 to m. Shabashevichi; Borisov and stakes have only our squads left. Then the French have begun to put the bridges.

Transition of the French army through r. Berezina.

In the morning of November 14, Napoleon arrived at the student. Engineered by the presence of the emperor, French pontnants worked with inhuman efforts. Immersing on breasts into the water, they swing the logs among floating ice floes. After the troops, the troops bridge went to the right bank and pushed out our weak detachment of General Kornilov, who was on the right bank of Berezina. All night continued crossing. Under the weight of the bridge and artillery, the bridge broke twice, but it quickly cleaned. The next day, crushed continued unhindered. At an hour of day, Napoleon with the old guard was already on the right bank outside the danger. By the evening, only the Victor Corps was left on the left bank, who covered the crossing, and the crowds of unarmed, wounded, women and children who followed the army.

On the morning of November 16, our troops on both shores arrived finally, to the location of the crossing. On the left bank, Wittgenstein attacked the Victor Corps, on the right - Chichagov fell into the crushing corps at Rasoid and Nei. The whole day continued stubborn battle. Under the roar of the guns continued to cross the weapons and unarmed. Chichagov's attacks could not knock down a strong barrier exhibited by Napoleon, and crushed parts were unhindered to the West to Earth. Wittgenstein in the evening managed to hurt Victor to the river itself. Seeing the impossibility of further resistance, Victor moved at night to the right bank, clearing with weapons in his hands the way to bridges through a thick crowd of unarmed. On the morning of November 17, when many more unarmed crowded on the left bank, waiting for the queues for crossing, the bridges were lit. Wild screams of despair announced the left bank. Many of the remaining rushed through the flame and died in fire, others tried to escape the clove, but drowned or frozen. Berezina's coast represented a terrible sight. All space at the bridges was covered with broken crews, wagons, piles of things, burned in Moscow. Breasts lay the bodies of the dead and crushed, among them the wounded wounded, wandered hungry semi-maritated people. The river was braked with a huge number of drowned. "Here, on the shores of Berezina, the fate of the Great Army ended, forced to tremble Europe; She ceased to exist in the military sense; She no longer remained another path as escape. " With Berezina, Napoleon lost 25 thousand out of 36, now he has 9 thousand armed people, and thousands of 20 unarmed wild crowds fled to armed. But the emperor, his marshals and generals avoided captivity.

Kutuzov did not arrive at the location with the main forces. Our leader still believed that everything should collapse without him. Indeed, for the Great Army after the Berezinsky crossway, there were last terrible days. Strong cold came. Frosts reached 25 degrees. The French fled on the roads, snow fields, defeating weapons and prey.

Conscious of the impossibility of further struggle against the Russian army, Napoleon decided to leave the pitiful remnants of his strength and rush to Paris to collect a new army to continue the fight against the enemy terrible for him. On November 23, he said goodbye to his Marshals in Smorgon, he passed the command over the remnants of the troops by the son-in-law his Murata and rushed to Paris with a small retainer.

With horror, they learned the soldiers about the flight of their emperor. From now on, each began to think only about his salvation; The army no longer existed: she broke up for a lot of fugitives. Our light detachments have relentlessly pursued the remnants of the Great Army; For the advanced Connection, Chichagov's army, Wittgenstein, was followed, and then the main forces of Kutuzov.

Upon reaching Vilna, the remains of the Napoleonic army did not exceed 4,300 people. Here the French tried to resist, but by learning about the movement of our troops bypassing on the Koven Road, fled. On November 28, our troops occupy Wilna. Kutuzov decided to stop the main forces here, also scary with a campaign and laid the next prosecution of the enemy on the Cossacks and the avant-gardes of Chichagov and Wittgenstein's army.

On December 2, the last fight between our Cossacks and the French arjergard under the superiors of Nei. The French, making a few shots on the Cossacks, dismissed guns and ran from the city; The Cossacks were chased behind them, cutting and broke the running.

The remnants of the Great Army dismissal crowds scattered in a wide borderline lane in different places passed Neman. Not more than 30 thousand of the invading Russia crashed back abroad.

December 3 in the Border Coven, where half a year ago, the soldiers of the Great Army enthusiastically welcomed the Lord of Europe, now the hot prayers of Russian warriors who killed the last enemy from Russia, thundered shots, and was broadcast in the frosty air. The sovereign and his associates.

Having told Vilna, Kutuzov came the sovereign: "The words of your imperial Majesty were fulfilled: the road was dreaded with enemy bones. Let all the Russians will be ascended by the Thanksgiving prayers for the Most High, and I read myself the happiest of the subjects, which was elected benefactor, the performer of your imperial majesty. "

Celebration of the Russian people.

For the soldiers who have experienced the all severity of an unprecedented-harsh campaign, it was a happy day when they saw in front of their rows who inspired them to Brand, who had led to the victorious celebration of the great Russian people to the victorious celebration. Prince Kutuzov, surrounded by his glorious companions, met at the threshold of the Vilensky Castle of the Soviet. Hugged the king of Old Feldmarshal firmly and made his prolonged gracious conversation. The highest military award is the Order of St. George 1 degree - decorated the chest of the hero.

December 12, on the birthday of the sovereign, all generals gathered in the castle, and the Supreme Leader on behalf of the Fatherland thanked the valiant, long-suffering army, who committed a great feat. "Gentlemen," the emperor said chiefs, "you saved not one Russia, you saved Europe."

Having left in Wilna, the sovereign prepared everything to the overseas campaign of our army, as he firmly and irrevocably decided to continue the struggle before the deployment of Napoleon.

The Great Holiday of the Nativity of Christ has come. Not a single enemy remained within the Russian kingdom. About this joyful event, the sovereign was a special manifesto with his people.

A wide wave rolled from west to the east joyful news about the expulsion of the enemy, about the full celebration of Russia. This walleled news in the most deaf angles of our homeland, and everywhere caused a universal celebration. And in almost burned Moscow, and in all cities and villages on a wide Lone of the Land of Russian solemnly buzz of church bells, calling the Orthodox to pray in the temples of God, to thank the Most High for the salvation of the fatherland from the invasion of the French and with them "twenty-tongue".

And everywhere in the flooded fires churches was heard excitedly joyful song of the jurisdress of the people: "God is with us, intelligent, languages, and conquering, I am with us God."

In this joyful prayer, all the immense Russian land was merged into one majestic choir, invigorating ... mighty. In the waves of sounds, that uncomplyful force was felt, about which the onslaught of enemy invasion crashed.

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Full of hope, full of confidence in the new victories and glory, he joined the limits of the Russian land in the summer of 1812 and ... Full of grave, bitter doom fled, six months later, from the limits of Russia terrible for him. From Hemann to Moscow attracted him to the elusive, the unstable Russian army; And from Moscow to Nemman, the remains of his troops were driven by the same army and the whole Russian people. In all the power, his wonderful, the hectares swung Russia to the enemy. It brutally shook guests of self-refined guests. Bloody feast rushed in Russia. The rollery bleeding was poured instead of wine, shouted screams, terrible moans and curses were distributed instead of speeches and a duct snow covering beds for guests. A little left of hundreds of thousands of fighters who invaded to Russia to tell the world, how the Russian people of the uninvited guests are honored

Among the raging waves of the Atlantic Ocean, on the sad deserted island of St. Helena, the great commander Napoleon lived the last years of his life. What led him here? What made the rulers of Europe, in front of the monarchs trembled, stuff here in the wilderness, alone, among the heartless jailers the last days of the fussing life? Why, this hike to Russia led him to a sad end! And recalling his brilliant wars, remembering their amazing victories, Napoleon was experienced with sadness mentally and his fatal campaign in distant, cold, terrible Russia.

And more than once, the immense Russia, the uncompassible Russian army and the formidable punishing Russian people grew up before the gaze of Napoleon.

The success achieved by Russia in the fight against the Great Communion was not a simple chance - this success was the result of many reasons, many conditions accompanying the grandiose struggle of 1812

The basis of the fight against Napoleon was laid was the wise plan of the tip of the enemy deep into the immense our homeland: it led to the exhaustion of the enemy's strength. The huge army, stretching for many hundreds of the mile, was insufficient; The ocean of the land of Russian absorbed it.

The war ended, the Great Patriotic War, an excited, stirred by the whole of Russia. On the extensive plains of our Motherland, hundreds of thousands of fighters, given here, from all over Europe, the great conqueror, who have not yet known to their desires who have not experienced bitterness of the defeat before the fateful 1812. Neither the grand forces of the militia of Europe, nor the richest tools nor the deep calculations saved Napoleon from terrible crash.

It is remarkable to excerpt with which the leaders of the Russian army conducted a war. Our commander, Barclay and Kutuzov, managed to carry out the wise plan to fight the enemy, destroyed the enemy, retaining Russia with her valiant army. Barclay did not confuse sharp stones for non-stop retreat, and Kutuzov did not stop in front of the return of the Moscow enemy, when he found it necessary for the rescue of the army and Russia.

In all his marvelous beauty, the Valiant Russian Army flashed in the godine of Patriotic War. Did not confuse her days of adversity at the beginning of the campaign. With formidable circumstances, she, a strong spirit, retained a self-control, retained the readiness to break the eyes of death. Neither knowing or cold nor violent attacks of the enemy in the days of combat clashes could not spend the forces of our heroes. In this, exclusively, the war, the war was bright and convex all the distinguishing properties of the Russian army: its patience in trouble, unlimited endurance, the ability to selfless self-sacrifice, courage without aspirations and courage without barishment, - those properties that have been happily different for many centuries Russian warrior from his rivals and decorated his name to victorious glory. The family of Russian warlords shines the glorious names of the heroes who could drive troops into battle, ready to always show their reasons at the right case, to take responsibility.

The death of the enemy was facilitated by one of the army, but also the whole people Russian. Driving love to the Motherland, the people sacrificed to everyone for the good of the country. The Russian nobility in the godine of grave tests to the end performed his duty to the Fatherland, sacrificing his property, becoming in the ranks of the army and putting forward the leaders of the rebel people from his environment. The glorious, unforgettable names of Davydov, Dorokhov, Fig Manner, Seslavin, Engelgardt and Shubin, are the indicators of the dedicated mood of the Russian nobility in the Godina of the Patriotic War. The Russian Orthodox clergy, imbued with deep patriotism, has risen from the Embolov of the Church Sons of Russia to fight the enemy. From the elder Plato, Metropolitan of Moscow, to a modest rural program, who blessed peasants to fight for the Fatherland, all church shepherds were inspirationors of the people in serving homeland. Mercury and citizens with abundant donations and personal labor contributed to the success of the fight against the enemy. The simple Russian people with a gray semi-crowd was not afraid to come out against the enemy, crush and dispel it. In the magnificent-amazing picture of the War of War, Russia is visible to Russia, terrible enemies, legends with the covenants of their antiquity.

The feat of the Russian people in the glorious Godina of the Patriotic War was crowned with the feat of the Russian king, an unforgettable emperor Alexander I. As a grave cross, carried the sovereign for himself the burden of war, having sacrificed everything for the good of the people, ready to move any deprivation in the name of the power of the state entrusted to him. The celebration of Russia was a consequence of the unshakable determination of the sovereign. Nothing could break his inexperienced will: neither the prolonged retreat of the army, nor seizing the enemy of the huge strip of the empire, nor the introduction of his Moscow. Fire Moskovskaya Zaigovaya Flames Loving the monarch's heart, the ruin of the Fatherland caused the sovereign inseparable suffering, but he, Using on God, for the mercy of him, did not bother to the wisdom of the enemy and did not conclude the world to the full celebration of his homeland. After cutting the sword for coercion, the sovereign did not put it without fame. And this fame of the Savior of the Fatherland from the Terrible Conqueror of Bright Alezol and for eternal times surrounded the name Alexander Blessed.

Russia's victory over Napoleon nominated our homeland in the first place among the great powers that decisive the fate of mankind.

Many people can, looking around for their lives who have passed by them, see such a great thing as the feat of the Russian people in the Godina of the Patriotic War? This feat should both in the future, unknown and foggy, in the days of adversity and shocks to serve for us a guide star, being a source of spiritual strength and confidence in victory.

A century ago, Russia, having committed a great deal, clutching together around the throne of his king, raised the prayers to the throne of the Lord for the given victory, for the deliverance from the invasion of enemies.

Let it be now, in the glorious jubilee godina, the great Russian people, the descendant of the heroes of 1812, clutching into one mighty close family around the throne of his king's beloved, will increase the gratitude prayer to the Lord God, the defender and the patron saint, and in the mudie of hearts exclaim: " Who is God's God, Yako God Our, you are God, creating wonders! "

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