Kim check works Chemistry GDZ 9. Chemistry test work, grade 9

Considered A coordinated claim

Option 1

Exercise 1. Give the full feature to the element with the sequence number 15.

Task 2.

but) AI + O2

b.) Mg + H2 SO.4


d)HCI + Na.2 Co.3

Task 3.

but)Baci.2 + H.3 PO4

b) ns.I. + Agno.3

Task 4.


b) zinc + nitric acid zinc nitrate + hydrogen

c) chloride barium + sulfuric acid

Task 5.

Considered A coordinated claim

At the SMO meeting, Deputy Director for USR Director of MOU Dmitrievo

Protocol from _______2017 MOU Dmitrievo Peliaskinskaya School Peliaskinskaya SS

__________ _________________ Vitman D.A. ______________ Dubrovskaya Yu.A.

MS protocol from ________ 2017 № _____ Order from ______2017 № _______

Input Chemistry Control Grade 9

Option 2.

Exercise 1. Give a complete feature to an element with a sequence number 19.

Task 2.Extract reactions, name the complex substances, indicate the type of reaction:

but)Zn. + O.2

b)MG. + HCI

in)H.2 O.

d)H.2 SO.4 + K.2 Co.3

Task 3. Do you add reactions and write them in ion forms? Give titles to substances:

but)BA.( No.3 ) 2 + H.3 PO4

b)Na.FROMI. + Agno.3

Task 4.Make the reaction, spread the coefficients, indicate the type of reactions:

a) phosphorus + oxygen phosphorus oxide (III)

c) copper chloride + sodium hydroxide

Task 5. Calculate the volume of carbon dioxide (with N.U.), if it was mediated by the interaction of 230 g of a solution containing 10% sodium carbonate with nitric acid.

(Input Control) in Chemistry Grade 9

Appointment of work - control of the level of training of students in chemistry for grade 8.

Time spending - 40 minutes (1 lesson).

The material is subject to the material of the main chemical blocks, which is distributed to the content of the school course of chemistry: "The structure of the atom of the chemical element", "the complete characteristic of the chemical element" "nomenclature of inorganic substances", "types of chemical reactions", "ion exchange reactions", "compilation of chemical reactions According to the scheme, "" solving chemical problems using the concept of impurities "," Solution of chemical problems for solutions. "


Difficulty level

Type of task



Performance (decision)


Performance (decision)


Types of chemical reactions


Performance (decision)

Ion exchange reactions


Performance (decision)

Drawing up chemical reactions according to the scheme


Performance (decision)


Performance (decision)


Performance (decision)

Evaluation criteria - The first and fifth tasks are estimated to 5 points, each correct answer is 2-4 tasks (under each letter) is estimated at 1 point. For the wrong answer or the lack of response, 0 points are exhibited. The maximum number of points in the work is 19. The recommended score of the transfer of points to the rating:


0 - 7

8 - 13

14 - 16

17 - 19


Answers to tasks. Option 1

Exercise 1.

1. R distribution, nonmetall

2. Located in the fifth group of PS, the main subgroup, in 3 periods.

3. 15 Rr+ 15 N.0 16 1s.2 2s.2 2p.6 3 S.2 3P.5 3 D.0

e.- 15

4. Non-metallic properties in the period left to the right increase.

5. Non-metallic properties in groups from top to bottom decrease

6. R.2 ABOUT5 - the formula of the highest oxide, shows oxidative properties

7. RN.3 - Formula of a hydrogen bay compound, phosphine.

Task 2.

a) 4.AI + 3 O.2 2 AI2 O.3 - Aluminum oxide, connection reaction

b)MG. + H.2 SO.4 (sulfuric acid)MG.SO.4 (magnesium sulfate) +H.2 - Reaction of substitution

in)CaCo.3 (calcium carbonate)CA.O (calcium oxide) +Co.2 (carbon oxide (IV)) - decomposition reaction

d) 2.HCI + Na.2 Co.3 2 Na.CI + H.2 O +.Co.2 (carbon oxide (IV)) - exchange reaction

salonic acid sodium carbonate sodium chloride hydrogen oxide

Task 3.

a) 3.Baci.2 + 2 H.3 PO4 BA.3 ( PO4 ) 2 + 6 HCI

chloride Barium Phosphoric Acid Phosphate Barium Saltic Acid

3 V.2+ + 6CI.- + 6 N.+ + 2 PO.4 3- BA.3 (PO.4 ) 2 + 6h.+ + 6CI.-

3 V.2+ + 2 PO.4 3- BA.3 (PO.4 ) 2

b.) Ns.I + AGNO3 AGFROMI +.N. No.3

silver Silver Silver Silver Nitrate Nitrate Nitric Acid

N.+ + FROMI.- + AG+ + No.3 - AGFROMI +.N.+ + No.3 -


Task 4.

a) phosphorus + oxygen phosphorus oxide (V.)

4P + 5O2 2p.2 ABOUT5 - Reaction of compound

b) zinc + zinc nitrate nitrate + water + nitrogen oxide (IV)

Zn. +4 N.No.3 Zn.( No.3 ) 2 + 2 H.2 O. + 2 No.2 - Reaction of substitution

c) chloride barium + sulfuric acid barium sulfate + hydrochloric acid

Baci.2 + H.2 SO.4 2 ns.I. + BASO.4 - Reaction of exchange

Task 5.

Danar: Solution:

m.( CaCo.3


V.m.X. G. - Clean

V.( Co.2 ) - ? m.( CaCo.3 ) \u003d 250 * 90/100 \u003d 225

225v. l. - under the condition of the task

CaCo.3 + H.2 SO.4 CA SO.4 + H.2 ABOUT + Co.2

V.( Co.2 ) \u003d 225 * 22.4 / 100 \u003d 50.4 liters.

Answer:V.( Co.2 ) \u003d 50.4 liters.

Answers to tasks. Option 2.

Exercise 1.

1. K - potassium, metal.

2. Located in the PS in the first group, the main subgroup, in the fourth period.

3. 19 TOr+ 19 N.0 20 1s.2 2s.2 2p.6 3 S.2 3P.6 3 D.0 4S.1

e.- 19

6. K.2 The formula of higher oxide, manifests basic properties

Task 2.

a) 2.Zn. + O.2 2 Zn.ABOUT- zinc oxide, connection reaction

b)MG. + 2 HCI (hydrochloric acid)MG.CI2 (magnesium chloride) +H.2 -The replacement

at 2H.2 O. (hydrogen oxide) 2H.2 + O.2 - decomposition reaction

d)H.2 SO.4 + K.2 Co.3 K.2 SO.4 + H.2 O +.Co.2 (carbon oxide (IV)) - exchange reaction

The task 3.

but) 3 BA (NO3 ) 2 + 2h.3 PO4 BA.3 (PO.4 ) 2 + 6hn3

nitrate Barium Phosphoric Acidbarium Phosphate Nitric Acid

3ba.2+ + 6no.3 - + 6h.+ + 2PO4 3- BA.3 (PO.4 ) 2 + 6H + 6 NO3 -

3 V.2+ + 2 PO.4 3- BA.3 (PO.4 ) 2

b.) Na.FROMI + AGNO3 Na.No.3 + AGFROMI.

sodium chloride silver nitrate sodium chloride silver

Na.+ + FROMI.- + AG+ + No.3 - Na.+ + No.3 - + AGFROMI.


Task 4.

a) phosphorus + oxygen phosphorus oxide (III)

4P + 3O2 2p.2 ABOUT3 - Reaction of compound

b) zinc + hydrochloride acid zinc chloride + hydrogen

Zn. + 2 HCIZnci.2 + H.2 - Reaction of substitution

c) copper chloride (II.) + sodium hydroxide copper hydroxide (II.) + sodium chloride

Cuci.2 +2 Naoh.Cu.( Oh.) 2 + 2 NACI - Reaction of exchange

Task 5.

Danar: Solution:

m.( Na.2 Co.3 ) \u003d 230. 1. Find a lot of sodium carbonate.

w.etc\u003d 10% 100 g. With impurities - 90. Pure substance

V.m. \u003d 22.4 l / mol 230 g. With impurities -X. G. - Clean

V.( Co.2 ) - ? m.( CaCo.3 ) \u003d 230 * 90/100 \u003d 207

2. Find the volume of carbon dioxide.

207v. l. - under the condition of the task

Na.2 Co.3 +2 HNO.3 2 Na No.3 + H.2 ABOUT + Co.2

106, 22.4 liters. - by the reaction equation

V.( Co.2 ) \u003d 207 * 22.4 / 106 \u003d 43.7l.

Answer:V.( Co.2 ) \u003d 43, 67 liters.

Considered A coordinated claim

At the SMO meeting, Deputy Director for USR Director of MOU Dmitrievo

Protocol from _______2017 MOU Dmitrievo Peliaskinskaya School Peliaskinskaya SS

__________ _________________ Vitman D.A. ______________ Dubrovskaya Yu.A.

MS protocol from ________ 2017 № _____ Order from ______2017 № _______

Option 1

Exercise 1. Give the complete feature to the element with the sequence number 25.

Task 2.

N.2 ABOUT2 + TOMNO.4 + H.2 SO.4 O.2 + MNSO.4 + K.2 SO.4 + H.2 O.

Task 3.

Baci.2 + H.3 PO4

Task 4.

Na.2 S.

Task 5. Calculate the volume of carbon dioxide (with N.U.), if it was released when the interaction of 250 g of the chalk containing 10% impurities with sulfuric acid.

Considered A coordinated claim

At the SMO meeting, Deputy Director for USR Director of MOU Dmitrievo

Protocol from _______2017 MOU Dmitrievo Peliaskinskaya School Peliaskinskaya SS

__________ _________________ Vitman D.A. ______________ Dubrovskaya Yu.A.

MS protocol from ________ 2017 № _____ Order from ______2017 № _______

Input Chemistry Control Grade 10

Option 2.

Exercise 1. Give a complete feature to an element with a sequence number 30.

Task 2.Ensure the reaction by the electronic balance method:

Na.2 S.ABOUT3 + TOMNO.4 + H.2 O Na.2 SO.4 + MNO.2 + Koh

Task 3. Extract the reaction and write it in ion form:

Aici.3 + Agno.3

Task 4.Write the hydrolysis of salt, including in ion forms:


Task 5. Calculate the volume of hydrogen (at N.U.), if it was separated when the interaction of 240 g of magnesium containing 12% impurities with hydrochloric acid.

Specification of test test work

(input control) in chemistry 10 class

Appointment of work - control of the level of training of students in chemistry for grade 9.

Time spending - 40 minutes (1 lesson).

General characteristics of the content and structure of work:

The work consists of one part containing 5 tasks requiring solutions.

Using the tasks aimed at checking the basic level of chemistry preparation, the knowledge and understanding of important elements of the content (concepts, their properties, tasks, etc.), possession of the main algorithms, the ability to apply knowledge in solving chemical problems. When performing these tasks, students should also demonstrate a certain system of knowledge and latitude of representations, the ability to move from one chemical language to another.

The material is subject to the material of the main chemical blocks, on which the content of the school course of chemistry is distributed: "The structure of the atom of the chemical element", "the complete characteristic of the chemical element" "nomenclature of inorganic substances", "oxidative-reducing reactions", "ion exchange reactions", "hydrolysis of substances "," Solution of chemical problems using the concept of impurities. "


Checked content elements

Difficulty level

Type of task

The structure of the atom of the chemical element


Performance (decision)

Full characteristics of the chemical element


Performance (decision)


Nomenclature of inorganic substances


Performance (decision)

Redox reactions


Performance (decision)

Ion exchange reactions


Performance (decision)

Hydrolysis substances


Performance (decision)

Solving chemical problems using the concept of impurities


Performance (decision)

Evaluation criteria - The first and fifth tasks are estimated to 5 points, each correct answer 2-4 tasks is estimated at 2 points. For the wrong answer or the lack of response, 0 points are exhibited. Maximum number of points in work - 16. The recommended score of the transfer of points to the rating:


0 - 7

8 - 11

12 - 14

15 - 16


Answers to tasks. Option 1

Exercise 1.

1. Mn - manganese, transition metal.

2. Located in PS in the seventh group, side subgroup, in the fourth period.

3. 25 M.n.r+ 25 N.0 30 1s.2 2s.2 2p.6 3 S.2 3P.6 3 D. 5 4S.2

e.- 25

4. Metal properties in the period left to the right weaken.

5. Metal properties in groups from above are enhanced

6. MN.2 ABOUT7 - the formula of higher oxide, shows amphoteric properties

7. The formula of the hydrogen bay compound is missing

Task 2.

5 N.2 ABOUT2 + 2 TOMNO.4 +3 H.2 SO.4 5O.2 + 2mnso.4 + K.2 SO.4 + 8h.2 O.

MN.+7 + 5E.- MN.+2 (Oxidizer, Restoration)

2 O.-1 -2E.- 2O-2 (reducing agent, oxidation)

Task 3.

3 Baci.2 + 2 H.3 PO4 V.3 ( PO4 ) 2 + 6NCI

3ba.2+ +6 Ci.- + 6h.+ + 3PO.4 3- V.3 (PO.4 ) 2 + 6 N.+ + 6CI.-

3 BA.2+ +3 PO4 3- V.3 ( PO4 ) 2

Task 4.

Na.2 S 2NA.+ + S.2-

H.2 O H.+ + Oh.-

2NA.+ + S.2- + H.+ + Oh.- HS.- + 2NA.+ + Oh.-

Na.2 S. + H.2 O.NaHS. + Naoh.

It was obtained as a result of hydrolysis acid salt - sodium hydrosulfide, alkaline solution medium.

Task 5.

Danar: Solution:

m.( CaCo.3 ) \u003d 250 g. 1. We will find a mass of pure sodium carbonate.

w.etc\u003d 10% 100 g. With impurities - 90. Pure substance

V.m. \u003d 22.4 l / mol 250 g. With impurities -X. G. - Clean

V.( Co.2 ) - ? m.( CaCo.3 ) \u003d 250 * 90/100 \u003d 225

2. Find the volume of carbon dioxide.

225v. l. - under the condition of the task

CaCo.3 + H.2 SO.4 CA SO.4 + H.2 ABOUT + Co.2

100 g. 22.4 liters. - by the reaction equation

V.( Co.2 ) \u003d 225 * 22.4 / 100 \u003d 50.4 liters.

Answer:V.( Co.2 ) \u003d 50.4 liters.

Answers to tasks. Option 2.

Exercise 1.

1. Zn. - zinc, transition metal.

2. Located in PS in the second group, side subgroup, in the fourth period.

3. 30 Zn.r+ 30 N.0 25 1s.2 2s.2 2p.6 3 S.2 3P.6 3 D. 10 4S.2

e.- 30

4. Metal properties in the period left to the right weaken.

5. Metal properties in groups from above are enhanced

6. Zn.The formula of the highest oxide, shows amphoteric properties

7. The formula of the hydrogen bay compound is missing

Task 2.

3NA2 S.ABOUT3 + 2 TOMNO.4 + H.2 O 3 Na.2 SO.4 + 2mno.2 +2 koh.

MN.+7 + 3E.- MN.+4 (Oxidizer, Restoration)

S.+4 -2E.- S.+6 (reducing agent, oxidation)

The task 3.

Aici.3 + 3AGNO.3 AI (No.3 ) 3 + 3 AG CI

AI3+ + 3 CI- + 3Ag+ +3 No.3 - AI3+ + 3NO.3 - + 3 AG CI

3 AG+ + 3 CI- 3 AGCI

Task 4.

Feci3 FE.3+ + 3CI-

H.2 O H.+ + Oh.-

FE.3+ + 3CI- + H.+ + Oh.- 3CI- + H.+ + Fe Oh.2+

Feci3 + H.2 O FE OH CI2 + H Ci.

As a result of hydrolysis, the main salt - iron hydroxochloride (III), Spare solution environment.

Task 5.

Danar: Solution:

m.(MG.) \u003d 240. 1. Find a lot of pure magnesium.

w.etc\u003d 12% 100 g. With impurities - 88. Pure substance

V.m. \u003d 22.4 l / mol 240 g. With impurities -X. G. - Clean

V.(H.2 ) - ? m. (MG.) \u003d 240 * 88/100 \u003d 211.2 g.

2. Find the volume of carbon dioxide.

211.2v. l. - under the condition of the task

Mg + 2hci MGCI2 + H.2

24 g.. 22.4 liters. - by the reaction equation

V.(Co.2 ) \u003d 211.2 * 22.4 / 24 \u003d 197,12l.

Answer:V.(H.2 ) \u003d 197.12 l.

Considered A coordinated claim

At the SMO meeting, Deputy Director for USR Director of MOU Dmitrievo

Protocol from _______2017 MOU Dmitrievo Peliaskinskaya School Peliaskinskaya SS

__________ _________________ Vitman D.A. ______________ Dubrovskaya Yu.A.

MS protocol from ________ 2017 № _____ Order from ______2017 № _______

Option 1

Exercise 1

a) SN2 \u003d Sn - sn3

b) SN3 - O - CH3 SN3

c) SN3 - CH2 - CH - Soton d)d) SN3


Task 2.

a) pentadiene - 1.3 V) 4 - methylpenol - 2

b) butene - 2 g) 2.5 - Dimethel, 3 - ethylhexane

Task 3.

a) S.2 N.5 He + O.2 c) sn \u003d s - sn3 + N.2 ABOUT

b) SN2 \u003d Sn - sn2 - CH3 + N.CI

Task 4.

a) phenol b) acetic acid

Task 5.Calculate the volume of ethylene at (N.U.), if it is allocated as a result of the dehydration reaction of 350 g of a solution containing 15% alcohol.

Considered A coordinated claim

At the SMO meeting, Deputy Director for USR Director of MOU Dmitrievo

Protocol from _______2017 MOU Dmitrievo Peliaskinskaya School Peliaskinskaya SS

__________ _________________ Vitman D.A. ______________ Dubrovskaya Yu.A.

MS protocol from ________ 2017 № _____ Order from ______2017 № _______

Input Chemistry Control Grade 11

Option 2.

Exercise 1 Give titles to substances. What classes of organic substances do they relate?

a) SN3 - CH3

b) SN3 - Ch2 - ABOUTH. d) d)Oh.

in)C.6 H.6

Task 2.Make the formulas of substances by name, sign the names under the formulas of substances. What classes of organic substances do they relate?

a) 1 - methylbenzene c) 2.2 - dimethylbutanol - 1

b) Bhutan d) Potin - 2

Task 3.Please give the reaction, give the names with organic substances, indicate the conditions for the flow of reactions:

a) S.N.4 + O.2 c) S.2 N.5 IS HE

b) S.2 N.6 + CI2

Task 4.How to recognize chemical way:

a) acetylene b) chicken squirrel solution

Task 5.Calculate the volume and amount of the substance of the chloride formor at (N.U.), if it is allocated as a result of the chlorination reaction of 78.2 liters of propane.

Specification of test test work

(Input control) in chemistry grade 11

Appointment of work - Control of the level of training of students in chemistry for a course of grade 10.

Time spending - 40 minutes (1 lesson).

General characteristics of the content and structure of work:

The work consists of one part containing 5 tasks requiring solutions.

Using the tasks aimed at checking the basic level of chemistry preparation, the knowledge and understanding of important elements of the content (concepts, their properties, tasks, etc.), possession of the main algorithms, the ability to apply knowledge in solving chemical problems. When performing these tasks, students should also demonstrate a certain system of knowledge and latitude of representations, the ability to move from one chemical language to another.

The material is subject to the material of the main chemical blocks, on which the content of the school course of chemistry is distributed: "Nomenclature of organic substances", "Classification of organic substances" "Compilation of organic substance formulas according to their names", "chemical properties of organic substances", "Qualitative reactions to organic matter" , "Solution of chemical problems for solutions", "Solution of chemical problems using the concept of molar volume of a gaseous substance".


Checked content elements

Difficulty level

Type of task

Nomenclature of organic substances


Performance (decision)

Classification of organic substances


Performance (decision)

Compilation of organic substance formulas according to their names


Performance (decision)

Chemical properties of organic substances


Performance (decision)

Quality reactions to organic matter


Performance (decision)

Solving chemical problems for solutions


Performance (decision)

Solving chemical problems using the concept of molar volume of gaseous substance


Performance (decision)

Evaluation criteria - Each task 1-4 is estimated at 1 point, for each letter of the correct answer, the fifth task is estimated to 5 points. For the wrong answer or the lack of response, 0 points are exhibited. The maximum number of points in work -18. The recommended score of the transfer of points to the rating: 2

Answers to tasks. Option 1

Exercise 1.

a) Propen, alkenes b) diethyl ether, ethers

c) 2- methylbutan acid, carboxylic acids

d) 1,2 - dimillybenzene, aromatic hydrocarbons (arena)

Task 2.

a) SN2 \u003d CH - CH \u003d SNF3 Pentadiene - 1.3 (diene hydrocarbons)

b) SN3 - CH \u003d CH - CH3 _ Buten - 2 (alkenes)

c) SN3 - CH (he) -sn2 - CH (CH3 ) - SN3 4 - methylpennol - 2 (single alcohols)

d) SN3 - CH (CH3 ) - CH (with2 N.5 ) - SN2 - CH (CH3 ) - SN3 2.5 - Dimethyl, 3 - ethylhexane (alkanes)

Task 3.

a) S.2 N.5 He + 3O2 2 s2 + 3N2 O c) CH \u003d C - CH3 + N.2 About SN2 \u003d SN

ethanol Propain Propen-Ol-2

(He) - CH3

b) SN2 \u003d Sn - sn2 - CH3 + N.CI SN3 - CH (CI) - SN2 - CH3

bent - 1 2-chlorobutane

Task 4.

a) S.6 N.5 He + 3V.r. FROM6 N.2 (Br.) 3 He + 3NVr.

phenol 2,4,6 - tribromofenol

b.) 2 SN3 Soon + Na.2 Co.3 2 SN3 SooNa + Co.2 + H.2 O.

Task 5.

Danar: Solution:

m.(FROM2 N.5 He) \u003d 350. 1. Find a lot of ethyl alcohol.

w.= 15 % m. (FROM2 N.5 It) \u003d 350 * 15/100 \u003d 52.5

V.m. \u003d 22.4 l / mol

V.(FROM2 H.4 ) - ?

2. Find the volume of ethylene.

52.5 gv. l. - under the condition of the task


46. \u200b\u200b22.4 liters. - by the reaction equation

V.(C.2 N.4 ) \u003d 52.5 * 22.4 / 46 \u003d 25.6 liters.

Answer:V.(FROM2 H.4 ) \u003d 25.6 liters.

Answers to tasks. Option 2.

Exercise 1.

a) Ethan, class - alkanes b) ethanol, class - single-matt-alcohols

c) benzene, class - arena d) phenol, phenol class

Task 2.


a) 1-methylbenzene class - Arena

b) Bhutan CH3 - CH2 - CH2 - CH3 Class-Melts C) 2.2 - Dimethylbutanol - 1, class - single-napric alcohols2 (He) - C (CH3 ) 2 - CH2 - CH3

d) pennies - 2, class - alkina, sn3 - C \u003d C - CH2 - CH3

Task 3.

a) S.N.4 +2 O.2 SO2 +2 N.2 ABOUTN.2 SO.4

methane c) with2 N.5 HE IS WITH2 N.4 + N.2 ABOUT

b) S.2 N.6 + CI2 FROM2 N.5 CI + N.CI Ethanol ethylene

ethan Chlorhetan

Task 4.

a) High-quality reaction to acetylene is the discoloration of bromine water:

CH \u003d CH +2Br.2 = Chr.2 - Chr.2

1,1,2,2 - Tetrabromethane

b) the high-quality reaction to the protein solution is the Santo protein reaction:

speed \u200b\u200bof protein +.Cu.(Oh.) 2 \u003d Red solution, reaction to peptide communications and peptide group

Task 5.

Danar: Solution:

V.(FROM3 N.8 ) \u003d 78.2 liters. 1. Find the volume of chloroodor.

78.2 litersV. l. - under the condition of the task

FROM3 N.8 + CI2 \u003d S.3 N.7 CI + HCI

V.m. \u003d 22.4 l / mol22.4 liters. 22.4 liters. - by equationreactions

V (HCI) -?

n (HCI) -? V (HCI) \u003d 78.2 * 22.4 / 22.4 \u003d 78.2l..

2. Find the amount of the substance of chloroodor

n.(HCI) = V./ V.m.\u003d 78.2 / 22.4 \u003d 3.5 mol

Answer:V.(HCI) \u003d 78.2 l,n.(HCI) \u003d 3.5 mol

Chemistry. Grade 9. Control and verification. Gabrielyan O.S., Berezkin P.N. and etc.

M.: 20. 1 3. - 2 40 s.

The manual is part of the educational complex in chemistry, the basis of which Tutorial O. S. Gabrielyan "Chemistry. Grade 9, processed in accordance with GEF. The educational publication consists of texts of control and verification works that meet the chemistry program for the 9th grade O. S. Gabrielyan. The manual is intended for current and outcome controls on the main topics of the course.

Format: PDF.

The size: 2.2 MB


Preface 3.
Thematic audit works
Periodic law and periodic system of chemical elements D. I. Mendeleev 5
Chemical organization of nature. Chemical reactions. Chemical reaction rate 18
Position of metals in the periodic system of chemical elements D. I. Mendeleev. Physical properties of metals. Alloys 32.
Chemical properties of metals 42
Alkali metals and their connections 53
Metals II Groups of the main subgroup 63
Aluminum and its compounds 73
Iron and its compounds 84
The overall characteristic of non-metals. Oxygen, ozone, air 95
Hydrogen and water 105
Halogens 116.
Subgroup of oxygen 126.
Nitrogen and its compounds 137
Phosphorus and its compounds 148
Carbon subgroup 158.
Combined test work
Metals 170.
Nemetalla 181.
Final testing for the course of the main school 193
Preparation for state final certification (GIA)
Periodic law D. I. Mendeleev.
The structure of the atom 205
Chemical reactions 211.
Chemical properties of inorganic substances 217
Approximate options of GIA
Option 1 224.
Option 2 229.


Subject: semi-annual Chemistry test work for grade 9

Purpose: An objective assessment of the level of mastering educational achievements of students in accordance with state-owned compliant standards for chemistry in the first half

Plan and structure of test tasks:

As a meter of knowledge and skills of students in chemistry, test tasks are used in the first half of the year. The work consists of 25 tasks. They are located at the increase in difficulties and are divided into 2 blocks.

BlockBUTcontains 20 tasks to each of which answers are given. When performing these tasks, select the correct answers from the proposed options.

Block B contains 5 tasks when executing which you want to write a solution.

The test has the following structure:

    The "Electrichic Dissociation" section includes 8 tasks that check the dissociation of substances on ions, the degree of dissociation, the compilation of equations in molecular, full and abbreviated ion form

    The section "The characteristic of phosphorus and its compounds" includes 3 tasks inspecting the structure of the atom, determining the degrees of oxidation in phosphorus compounds, chemical properties

    The "sulfur and its compounds" section includes 4 tasks inspecting the structure of the atom, the properties of the compounds

    The section "Nitrogen and its compounds" includes a task that checks the knowledge properties of nitrogen compounds, the structure of the atom and the determination of oxidation degrees

    Solving tasks

Test specification.

Quest Number

Checked element

Block A.

Electrolyte non-election

Disonsciation acids

Dissociation of salts

Strong, weak electrolyte

The sum of the coefficients in the full ion equation

Determination of substances reacting on a reduced ion equation

Definition of the Environment of the Indicator

Metal, Nemmetall

Determination of the degree of sulfur oxidation in connections

Scheme of transformations by sulfur compounds

Chemical properties of sulfuric acid

Sulfuric acid nomenclature

Nitric acid

Physical properties ammonia

Chemical properties of nitric acid

Electronic formula of phosphorus atom

Scheme of transformations by phosphorus compounds

Determination of phosphorus oxidation degree in connections

Determination of relative molecular weight

Calculation of mass fractions

Block B.

Calculating the relative density of gases

Calculation of the number of substances by the formula

Calculating the mass of the substance by the reaction equation, if one of the starting materials is given in excess

Calculating the mass fraction of the reaction product output compared to theoretically possible

Calculating the volume of gas by the reaction equation, if one of the starting materials is given in excess


Block A.

1. Electrolyte

A) H 2 SO 4 B) CH 4 C) O 2 D) C 2 H 5 OH E) CO 2

A) HCl c) H 3 PO 4 C) H 2 SO 4 D) NaHSO 4 E) H 2 CO 3

D) 2AL 3+ + 3SO 4 2- E) 2AL 2+ + 3SO 4 3-

4. Weak electrolyte

A) kcl c) koh c) hno 3 d) H 2 CO 3 E) VA (OH) 2

A) 3 b) 11 c) 9 d) 12 e) 15

D) sodium and hydrochloric acid carbonate

E) sodium and water carbonate

A) blue b) yellow c) red

D) colorless e) orange

8. Nemetall

A) Ba c) s c) mg d) cr e) cu

A) H 2 S b) SO 2 C) H 2 SO 3 D) s e) SO 3

A) sulfur oxide (v1) b) hydrogen sulfide C) sulfur

A) copper b) nitrogen C) zinc d) hydrochloric acid E) carbon dioxide

A) sulphides b) sulphates c) sulfites

A) HRO 2 B) H 2 RO 3 C) HRO 3 D) H 2 RO 4 E) H 2 RO 4

A) liquid B) with a sharp specific smell

C) well soluble in water

C) calcium oxide

A) 1S 2 2S 2 2P 6 3S 2 3P 1 B) 1S 2 2S 2 2P 6 3S 2 3P 2 C) 1S 2 2S 2 2P 6 3S 2 3P 3

O 2 + 3H 2 O 17. Substances x 1 and x 2 in the conversion scheme P À x 1 à

H 3 EO 4 À x 2

A) x 1 - p 2 o 3, x 2 - na 3 po 4 c) x 1 -p 2 O 5, x 2 - NAH 2 PO 4 C) x 1 -p 2 O 5, x 2 - Na 3 Po four

A) P 2 O 3 B) P 2 O 5 C) HPO 3 D) H 3 PO 4 E) Na 3 P

A) 32 c) 31 c) 34 d) 64 e) 68

Block B.

A) 8.5 b) 11.5 c) 9.5 D) 12.5 E) 15.5

A) 1 mol b) 2 mol c) 0.5 mol d) 0.25 mol e) 5 mol.

A) 10.7g c) 19.4g c) 13,6g d) 17g e) 8,5

24. Mass of ammonia obtained during decomposition of 10.7g ammonium chloride, if the mass fraction of ammonia yield is 25% a) 3,4G c) 9,4G c) 0.85g D) 1.7H E) 8.5

Option 2

Block A.

1. Neelectrite

A) NaCl c) K 2 CO 3 C) HNO 3 D) C 6 H 12 O 6 E) Na 2 CO 3

2. In two steps dissociate

A) HCl c) H 3 PO 4 C) HNO 3 D) NaHSO 4 E) Na 2 CO 3

A) Fe 2+ + 3Cl - b) Fe + Cl c) 2Fe 3+ + 3Cl 3- d) Fe 3+ + 3Cl - E) Fe 3+ + 3Cl +

4. Weak electrolyte

A) HNO 3 B) H 2 CO 3 C) H 2 SO 4 D) HCl E) BACL 2

A) 3 b) 11 c) 17 d) 12 e) 14

A) FECO 3 + 2NAOH c) Fe (NO 3) 2 + 2NAOH C) Fesio 3 + Lioh

A) blue b) yellow c) red d) colorless e) orange

8. Nemetall

A) si c) na c) fe d) pb e) ba

A) 1 c) 2 s) 3 d) 4 e) 5

A) Bao B) Cu (OH) 2 C) HCl D) Na 2 CO 3 E) HNO 3

A) MgCl 2 c) H 3 PO 4 C) Fe Cl 2 D) BACL 2 E) Na 2 CO 3

A) sulfides b) sulfates c) sulphites d) hydroxyl fates E) hydrosulfates

A) gas b) without color and smell c) a little heavier air

A) oxygen B) sodium hydroxide C) potassium sulfate D) water E) hydrogen

A) no 2 c) NO C) H 2 D) N 2 E) N 2 O

A) 108 c) 142 c) 133 d) 88 e) 164

A) orthophosphoric acid B) potassium hydroxide C) potassium oxide

A) P 2 O 3 B) P 2 O 5 C) H 3 PO 4 D) HPO 3 E) pH 3

A) 32 c) 17 c) 34 d) 64 e) 68

A) 50% c) 25% c) 40% d) 80% e) 65%

Block B.

A) 8.5 b) 11.5 c) 23 d) 17 E) 15.5

A) 21g b) 14g c) 56g d) 28g e) 42g

A) 37g c) 166 s) 83g d) 40g e) 62g

A) 53,5g c) 107g c) 85g d) 10,7g e) 85g

A) 22.4l c) 5,6 l (s) 2.8l D) 11,2l E) 33.6



Block A.

1. Electrolyte

BUT)H. 2 SO. 4 B) CH 4 C) O 2 D) C 2 H 5 OH E) CO 2

2. In one stage dissociate

BUT)HCL C) H 3 PO 4 C) H 2 SO 4 D) NaHSO 4 E) H 2 CO 3

3. During dissociation of salts Al 2 (SO 4) 3, particles are formed

A) Al 3+ + SO 4 2- b) 2 Al +3 SO 4 C) 2AL 3- + 3SO 4 2+

D) 2Al 3+ + 3SO. 4 2- E) 2Al 2+ + 3SO 4 3-

4. Weak electrolyte

A) kcl c) koh c) hno 3 D.) H. 2 Co. 3 E) va (OH) 2

5. The sum of all coefficients in the full ionic reaction equation (NO 3) 2 + K 2 CO 3 \u003d

1CA + 2NO. 3 + 2K + 1Co 3 \u003d 1CA Co. 3 +2 K + 2NO 3

A) 3. B.) 11 C) 9 d) 12 e) 15

6. Abbreviated ion equation: 2H + + CO 3 2- \u003d H 2 O + CO 2 corresponds to interaction

A) calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid

C) sodium and silicic acid carbonate

C) sodium and hydrochloric acid silicate

D.) sodium and hydrochloric acid carbonate

E) sodium and water carbonate

7. In a solution of hydrochloric acid, purple lactium becomes

A) blue b) yellow C) Red

D) colorless e) orange

8. Nemetall

A) BA. IN)S. C) mg d) cr e) cu

9. Sulfur has a degree of oxidation +6 in connection

A) H 2 S b) SO 2 C) H 2 SO 3 D) s E) So. 3

10. Substance A in the conversion chain: H 2 S → SO 2 → A → H 2 SO 4 → SO 2

A.) Sulfur oxide (V.1) B) hydrogen sulfide C) sulfur

D) sodium sulphide E) sodium sulfate

11. Sulfuric acid solution interacts with:

A) copper b) nitrogen C.) Zinc D) hydrochloric acid E) carbon dioxide

12. The sulfuric acid salts are called

A) Sulfide B.) Sulfatami C) sulfite

D) hydroxyl fates E) hydrosulfates

13. The hydroxide formula characteristic of nitrogen:

A) HRO 2 B) H 2 RO 3 C.) Hro. 3 D) H 2 RO 4 E) H 2 RO 4

14. The physical properties of ammonia do not apply

A.) Liquid B) with a sharp specific smell

C) well soluble in water

D) easier air E) colorless

15. Aactivity can react with

A) sulfuric acid B) carbon oxide (IV)

C.) Calcium oxide

D) nitrogen oxide (II) E) potassium sulfate

16. An electronic formula is answered by an atom of phosphorus element

A) 1S 2 2S 2 2P 6 3S 2 3P 1 B) 1S 2 2S 2 2P 6 3S 2 3P 2 C) 1s. 2 2s. 2 2p. 6 3s. 2 3P. 3

D) 1S 2 2S 2 2P 6 3S 2 3P 4 E) 1S 2 2S 2 2P 6 3S 2 3P 5

17. Substances x 1 and x 2 in the transform circuit P À x 1 À H 3 EO 4 À x 2

O 2 + 3H 2 O + 3NAOH

A) x 1 - p 2 O 3, x 2 - Na 3 PO 4 c) x 1 -p 2 O 5, x 2 - NAH 2 PO 4 C) H. 1 - P. 2 O. 5 , H. 2 - Na. 3 PO 4

D) x 1 - pH 3, x 2 - Na 2 HPO 4 E) X 1 - PCL 5, X 2 - Na 3 PO 4

18. Phosphorus has the lack of oxidation in the connection:

A) P 2 O 3 B) P 2 O 5 C) HPO 3 D) H 3 PO 4 E)Na. 3 P.

19. Relative molecular weight of hydrogen sulfide

A) 32 B) 31 C) 34. D) 64 e) 68

20. Mass fraction of sulfur in sulfur oxide (IV)

A) 50% C) 25% c) 40% d) 80% E) 65%

Block B.

21. Relative density of ammonia for hydrogen D.= NH. 3 \ H. 2 =17\2=8,5

A) 8.5 B) 11.5 c) 9.5 D) 12.5 E) 15.5

22. To obtain 11.2 liters of ammonia (NH 3), nitrogen is needed by the amount of substance

3N. 2 + 3h. 2 \u003d 2NH 3 V \u003d V \\ v M. =11,2\2*11,2= 0,5

A) 1 mol b) 2 mole C.) 0.5 mol D) 0.25 mol e) 5 mol.

23. In the interaction of 11.2 liters of hydrogen and 12,83 sulfur sulfide is formed mass sulfide

H. 2 + S.= H. 2 S.v.(H.)= V.\ V. M. =11,2\11,2= 1 v.(S.)= m.\ M.= 12,88\\ 32 \u003d 0.4 Calculation is carried out on the smallest.m.(H. 2 S.)= v.* M.(H. 2 S.)= 0,4*34= 13.6g

A) 10,7g c) 19.4g C) 13.6g D) 17g e) 8,5g

24. The mass of ammonia obtained during decomposition of 10.7g ammonium chloride, if the mass fraction of the ammonia exit is 25%

NH. 4 Cl.= NH. 3 + HCLv.(NH. 4 Cl.)= m.\ M.= 10,7Г \\ 53,5 \u003d 0.2 0,2mol \u003d 100%x. Mol \u003d 25%x. Mol \u003d 0.2mol * 25% \\ 100% \u003d 0.05m.(NH. 3 )= v.* M.(NH. 3 )= 0,05 * 17= 0.85

A) 3.4g c) 9,4g C) 0.85 D) 1.7g e) 8,5g

25. When the interaction of 32g copper with a diluted solution containing 31.5g nitric acid, gas was released volume (N.U.)

Cu + 4hno. 3 \u003d Cu (no 3 ) 2 + No. 2 + H. 2 O.

v.(Cu.)= m.\ M.= 32G \\ 64 \u003d 0.5v.()= m.\ M.= 31,5Г \\ 63 * 4 \u003d 0,125the calculation is carried out on the smallest.m.(Hno. 3 )= v.* V. M. (No. 2 )= 0,125*22,4=2 ,8

A) 22.4l c) 5,6 C) 2,8l D) 11,2l E) 33.6

Option 2

Block A.

1. Neelectrite

A) NaCl c) K 2 CO 3 C) HNO 3 D.) C. 6 H. 12 O. 6 E) Na 2 CO 3

2. In two steps dissociate

A) HCl c) H 3 PO 4 C) HNO 3 D.) NaHSO. 4 E) Na 2 CO 3

3 During dissociation of FECL 3 salts, particles are formed

A) Fe 2+ + 3Cl - b) Fe + Cl c) 2Fe 3+ + 3Cl 3- D.) FE. 3+ +3 Cl. - E) Fe 3+ + 3Cl +

4. Weak electrolyte

A) hno 3 B.) H. 2 Co. 3 C) H 2 SO 4 D) HCl E) BACL 2

5.Summage of all coefficients in the ion full of Alcl 3 + NaOH reaction equation \u003d

A) 3 b) 11 C.) 17 D) 12 E) 14

6. Abbreviated ionic equation: Fe 2+ + 2OH - \u003d Fe (OH) 2 corresponds to interaction

A) FECO 3 + 2NAOH IN) FE (no 3 ) 2 + 2Naoh. C) Fesio 3 + Lioh

D) FECL 2 + CU (OH) 2  E) FES + 2KOH

7. In the sodium hydroxide solution, Purple Lacmus

A) blue B) yellow C) red D) colorless E) orange

8. Nemetall

BUT)SI C) na С) fe d) pb e) ba

9. The sum of the coefficients in the sulfur reaction equation with potassium

A) 1 c) 2 s) 3 D.) 4 E) 5.

10. Sulfur oxide (VI) interacts with

BUT) Bao. B) Cu (OH) 2 C) HCl D) Na 2 CO 3 E) HNO 3

11. Ion SO 4 2- can be detected using

A) MgCl 2 c) H 3 PO 4 C) Fe Cl 2 D.) BACL 2 E) Na 2 CO 3

12.xal sulfuric acid salts called

A) sulphides b) sulfates c) sulphites D) hydroxyl fates

E.) Hydrosulfate

13. It does not apply to the physical properties of nitrogen:

A) gas b) without color and smell C.) A little heavier air

D) Minor solubility in water E) Low melting and boiling points

14. Ammonia enters the connection with

A) oxygen B) sodium hydroxide C) potassium sulfate D.) Water

E) hydrogen

15. In the interaction of nitric acid with metals, gas is not highlighted

A) no 2 IN)No. C) H 2 D) N 2 E) N 2 O

16. If the element has a 1s 2 2p 6p 6 3S 2 3P 3 atom configuration, then the molar mass of higher oxide P., P. 2 O. 5

A) 108. C) 142. C) 133 d) 88 e) 164

17. Substance A in the circuit of transformations: P → P 2 O 5 → A → K 3 PO 4

A) orthophosphoric acid B) potassium hydroxide C) potassium oxide

D) metaphosphoric acid E) phosphorus

18. Fostelation of phosphorus -3 oxidation in connection

A) P 2 O 3 B) P 2 O 5 C) H 3 PO 4 D) HPO 3 E.) PH 3

19. Relative molecular weight of ammonia

A) 32. C) 17. C) 34 d) 64 e) 68

20. Mass fraction of sulfur in sulfur oxide (VI)

A) 60% C) 25% c) 40% d) 80% E) 50%

Block B.

21. Relative hydrogen hydrogen density

A) 8.5 b) 11.5 s) 23 D.) 17 E) 15.5

22. To obtain 3 mole ammonia (NH 3), nitrogen is necessary

A) 21g b) 14g c) 56g d) 28g E.) 42g

23. In the interaction of 69g sodium from 22.4l nitrogen, sodium nitride formed

A) 37g c) 166g C) 83gD) 40g e) 62g

24. The mass of ammonium chloride obtained from 34g ammonia, if the mass fraction of the ammonium chloride yield is 50%

A) 53.5 C) 107g c) 85g d) 10,7g e) 85g

25. With the interaction of 32g copper with a concentrated solution containing 31.5g nitric acid, a brown gas was separated volume (N.U.)

A) 22.4l c) 5,6 C) 2,8l D) 11,2l E) 33.6

Final test work

Option 1

1. In a number of elements about s s, those decrease

1) Radius atoms 3) Non-metallic properties

2) Metal properties 4) The number of electrons on the outer layer

2. Oxide S (Vi) corresponds to acid

1) H 2 SO 4 2) H 2 S. 3) H 2 SO 3 4) K 2 SO 4

3. Among the Metals Au, Hg, W, Na, Cu, Zn is the most refractory

1) copper 2) sodium 3) gold 4) tungsten

4. Molecular Crystal Gril

1) Sodium and oxygen 3) water and oxygen

2) Hydrogen and chloride potassium 4) graphite and carbon dioxide

5. For interaction 1 mol aluminum with hydrochloric acid, ___ ooh acid will be required

1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4

6. The formula of higher oxide of an element having a structure of an electronic shell 2,8,7

1) P 2 O 3 2) SO 3. 3) SL 2 O 7 4) Al 2 O 3

7. Row Zn (OH) 2, H 2 CO 3, NaOH, respectively, represents hydroxides

1) Basic, acid, amphoter




8. The reaction of hydrogen with copper oxide (II) refers to reactions

1) Connections 2) exchange 3) Replacement 4) decomposition

9. Most vigorously reacts with water

1) potassium 2) lithium 3) sodium 4) rubidium


Cu (OH) 2 + HCl is equal

1) 4 2) 5 3) 6 4) 8

11. What an atom has the same structure of the external layer as ion Na +?

In response, specify the Russian name of the element, in the nominative case.

12. And with hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide will interact

1) Koh. 2) H 3 PO 4 3) BE (OH) 2 4) SO 3. 5) Zno. 6) Al 2 O 3

13. Complete offer.Potassium interaction products with water are potassium hydroxide and _______________.


1) Na 0. 2) Fe 3+ 3) Cu 0 4) F 0. 5) Ba 2+


1) 2AL (OH) 3 Al 2 O 3 + 3H 2 O

2) Fe 2 O 3 + 3C 2FE + 3CO

3) 2NA + H 2 2NAH

4) Lioh + HCl LICL + H 2 O

5) Zn + Feso 4 Fe + ZNSO 4

Answer write in the form of a sequence of numbers.

16. Hydrogen volume ( well.), Formed when interacting 26 g. zinc with sulfuric acid solution is ______ l..

Final test work

Option 2.

1. In a row of elements Si P S CL increase

1) Radius atoms 3) Non-metallic properties

2) Metal properties 4) Number of energy levels

2. Oxide N (III) corresponds to acid

1) HNO 2. 2) HNO 3. 3) NH 3. 4) Nano 2.

3 . Among the Metals Au, Hg, W, Na, Cu, Zn is very soft, cuts the knife

1) copper 2) sodium 3) gold 4) tungsten

4 . Substances with a metal crystal lattice

1) Silicon and Tellur 3) Gallium and chlorine

2) Lithium and nitrogen 4) Calcium and gold

5. When the interaction of 3 mole zinc with sulfuric acid is formed _____ Mol hydrogen

1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4

6. The formula of higher oxide of an element having a structure of an electronic shell 2,8,5

1) P 2 O 3 2) SO 3. 3) P 2 O 5 4) Al 2 O 3

7. A number of versions (OH) 2, Ba (OH) 2, H 3 PO 4 respectively represents hydroxides

1) Basic, amphoteric, acid

2) Acid, main, amphoter

3) amphoteric, acid, main

4) amphoteric, basic, acid

8. The irreversible chemical reaction will occur during the merging of solutions of substances that formulas:

1.Koh and NaCl 3.cucl 2 and Koh

2.MgCl 2 and HNO 3 2 (SO 4) 3 and Cu (NO 3) 2

9. With dilute sulfuric acid does not interact

1) mercury 2) aluminum 3) zinc 4) iron

10. The sum of the coefficients in the abbreviated ion equation

Fe (OH) 3 + HNO 3 is equal

1) 4 2) 5 3) 6 4) 8

11. What an atom has the same structure of an external layer as Ion Ca 2+?

In response, specify the Russian name of the element, in the nominative case.

12. And with sulfuric acid and potassium hydroxide will interact

1) NaOH 2) Al (OH) 3 3) HNO 3 4) FECL 2 5) BEO 6) Zn (OH) 2

Answer write in the form of a sequence of numbers.

13. Complete offer. Products of interaction of sodium with water are hydrogen and _______________ sodium.

14. Restantleful properties possess

1) Na + 2) Cu 0 3) Al 0 4) Ca 0 5) Fe 3+

Answer write in the form of a sequence of numbers.

15. Redox reactions are oxidative

1) 4Li + O 2 2Li 2 O

2) 2Fe (OH) 3 Fe 2 O 3 + 3H 2 O

3) MG + CUCL 2 MgCl 2 + Cu

4) Zno + C Zn + Co

5) Ca (OH) 2 + 2HNO 3 Ca (NO 3) 2 + 2H 2 O

Answer write in the form of a sequence of numbers.

16. Oxygen volume ( well.) required for oxidation 25.6 g. copper is ______ l.. In the answer blank, write down the number up to the hundredths.

Evaluation criteria

The maximum number of tests for the test-22, of which, for the tasks of part 1 - 10 (1 point for the task), part 2 -12 (2 points for the task). The following is estimated to -3 points.

Points for marks:

Decision of tasks

Part 1

Quest Number

Option 1

Option 2.

Part 2

Quest Number

Option 1 Option 2.


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