Basic requirements for knowledge and skills of students. Students need to know: technical labor

To narrow the results of the search results, you can specify the request, specifying the fields for which search. List of fields is presented above. For example:

You can search for several fields at the same time:

Logically operators

The default operator uses And..
Operator And. means that the document must comply with all elements in the group:

study Development

Operator Or. This means that the document must correspond to one of the values \u200b\u200bin the group:

study Or. Development

Operator Not. Excludes documents containing this item:

study Not. Development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the method for which the phrase will be sought. Four methods are supported: Search for morphology, without morphology, search for prefix, search phrase.
By default, the search is made taking into account morphology.
To search without morphology, in front of words in the phrase, it is enough to put a dollar sign:

$ study $ development

To search for the prefix you need to put an asterisk after the request:

study *

To search the phrase you need to enter into double quotes:

" research and development "

Search for synonyms

To include in the search results, the words need to put a lattice " # "Before the word or before expressing in brackets.
In applied to one word for it will be found to three synonyms.
In applied to expression in brackets, it will be added synonym for each word if it was found.
Not combined with search without morphology, search for prefix or search by phrase.

# study


In order to group search phrases you need to use brackets. This allows you to manage the milk logic of the query.
For example, you need to make a request: to find documents from which the author of Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains words research or development:

Approximate word search

For approximate search you need to put a tilda " ~ "In the end of the word from the phrase. For example:

bromine ~

When searching, words as "brom", "rum", "prom", etc. will be found.
You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible revows: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Criterion intimacy

To search by the criterion of proximity, you need to put a tilda " ~ "At the end of the phrase. For example, in order to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" study Development "~2

Relevance of expressions

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the sign " ^ "At the end of the expression, after which, indicate the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the rest.
The higher the level, the more relevant this expression.
For example, in this expression, the word "study" is four times relevant to the word "development":

study ^4 Development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values \u200b\u200bare a positive real number.

Search in the interval

To specify the interval in which the value of some field should be, the boundary values \u200b\u200bseparated by the operator should be specified in brackets To..
A lexicographic sorting will be made.

Such a request will return results with the author, ranging from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
In order to enable the value to the interval, use square brackets. To exclude the value, use curly brackets.

Objectives lesson:

  • To summarize and repeat the partitions on the creation of products from wood and metals.
  • Secure the rules of safe work in the workshop.
  • Educating accuracy and care in work.

Tasks lesson:

  • Develop technical thinking.
  • Develop independence, purposefulness, hard work.
  • Expand the horizontal student in the generalization of the material passed.
  • Acquire students for work in the team.

Type of lesson:problem-developing.

Form of work: Group.

Teaching methods:problem presentation, partially search, knowledge control.

Intergovernmental ties: Mathematics, literature, environmental education.

Registration - On the desk:

  • Poster "Brain Ring"
  • Wooden poster

The stages of the quiz are discharged:

  • Forest and industry
  • Drawing - Technology language
  • Machines and mechanisms
  • Metals in industry
  • Hello, need help.


Organizing time

Check readiness student to lesson. Mark absent.

Teacher.In the 5th grade, you got acquainted with wood and metal as widespread structural materials. In the 6th grade, we continued to get acquainted with these materials. And today in the lesson, we will sum up the results of the knowledge on the topics traveled: 1. Technology of creating products from wood 2. Technology of creating products made of metal.

Leading student: (Suitable to the tree on the board) in the forests of our country trees more than 100 different breeds grow. All tree breeds are divided into coniferous and deciduous. Hardwood wood texture is diverse and more beautiful. Therefore, today at the lesson we will try to wear a tree, answering questions.

Teacher. To be more interesting, we will split into two teams: green and yellow (4 people in a team). In order to wear a tree, what do we need?

Student responses: Knowledge, mind, skills.

1 Round: Forest and industry.

1. What does the forest industry do? (It is divided into forestry and forestry. Leschoz is organized and carried out by the necessary logging. Forestry is to be guided by the protection and cultivation of the forest)
2. How do you save the nature when the wood harvesting? (The age of wood is 80 or 120 years old. It is called ripe. New seedlings are planted)
3. The nature of us is protected by law, list these laws. (Land. Water, Forest)
4. Name the main types of lumber. (Boards, bars)
5. What is called wood vices? (Deviations from its normal structure, appearance, as well as damage)


In coarse aprons are dressed -
Who in the village do not ask -
Forever my great-grandfather and grandparents
Carpenters were in Russia.

Doesn't you look at them from them?
In the hands took the sons of the ax.
Because Masters of Uncle
It is still in the district so far.

Would you ever forget
What a pedigree lived
Kohl carried the grappling of happiness to people
Sweet saw and turn a drill.

Let it be time to come.
Century electric saw - your time!
Only electric copies were born
From a simple saw and ax ...

Teacher: What genre is this excerpt? (Poem)
- What profession talking about? (A carpenter)
- What tools say in passage?

You already know that for the manufacture of any product, it is necessary to know its device, form and dimensions of parts, the material from which they are made, the methods of connecting parts between themselves. We learned all this information from the language of technology - drawing.

2 Round: Drawing - Technology language

1. What are you depicted on the assembly drawing? (Only those species in which it is possible to determine the design of the product)
2. How should I read the assembly drawing? (First study the content of the main inscription, product name, image scale, purpose and principle of the product)
3. What are recorded in the route map? (Sequence of performance in the manufacture of the product)
4. What does the specification contain? (List of product features)
5. What makes the models make? (To understand the product device and the principle of operation)

Teacher: The second round ended, I propose with the fans to play the game "Most Sophisticated." Participation can also receive team members. Each correct answer brings a token.


1. Without a pencil and paper divide 30 to 1/2 and add 10. (70)
2. What is the subject, contrary to the law of global gravity, the harder, the more easier with it? (Wallet)
3. 5 light bulbs burned, three light bulbs turned off. How many light bulbs left? (5)
4. How many more are three sticks? (6)
5. What key can not unscrew the nut? (Spring)
6. What wheel does not spin at the car? (Spare).

Teacher: The last question was about the car. We, too, studied the components of the machines and the lathe for turning the wood.

3 Round: Machines and Mechanisms

1. What is the engine in the car? (For energy conversion to mechanical)
2. What are the lathe for turning turning machines? (For the manufacture of wooden products having a circle in cross section)
3. What makes the product before painting? (Dried)
4. What tools perform sharpening on the lathe when processing wood? (Chisels, grinding pads)
5. What do paint apply to the product? (Brush, roller)

Leading: In the Stone Age (5-6 thousand years before n.) Man used copper, gold, silver, meteorland for the manufacture of decorations and the simplest instruments of labor. Gradually, a person began to smell the metal from ore, mastered the processes of smelting, hot forging and casting. Significantly expanded the range of products, as it was possible to get a metal of a wide variety of properties.

Teacher: We start 4 round.

4 Round: Metals in Industry

1. What is alloy? (Mixing in the molten state of two or several metals)
2. What alloys are related to black? (Steel, cast iron).
3. For what purpose on the workpiece at the cut place do they do the trothed file? (So \u200b\u200bthat the canvas does not slide on its surface)
4. What are the files in the form of the cross section? (Flat, semicircular, square, trothed, round, knife, rhombic)

Teacher: It must be remembered that a faulty tool and a violation of safe work methods can lead to an accident.

5 Round: Hello, I need help

1. Did you cut your hand, your actions?
2. Violating Ivanov's safety equipment injury, how to help him?
3. What should I do if when working on a lathe sleeve Sweaters got into the flywheel?
4. The chips fell into the eye. Your actions?
5. Working with the decelerator, Petrov's student distracted and burned his hand. First aid?

Teacher: Our game-quiz came to the end, we repeated sections on wood processing and metal. Once again I remembered the rules for first aid. Let's summarize.

(Summing up - Green, Yellow)

- As they say "Master's business is afraid"And for skill you need not only skills, but also mind. The mind must be nourished, the people have such a proverb "Sugar is the hand of the mind". We will refresh our minds with sweets. (Rewarding participants).

Used Books:textbook for students of grade 6 educational institutions (option for boys) edited by V. D. Simonenko, Moscow ed. Center "Ventana-Count" 2008

Students must know:on technical work:

The name and purpose of manual tools, devices provided for by the program;

Labor safety rules when working manual tools

Markup rules for templates, ruler, carbon;

Techniques of work with the subject instruction card;

Rules for designation sizes on the sketch;

Methods for processing various materials provided

Rules for performing applications;

Name and purpose of transport machines;

Labor safety rules, personal hygiene during union
foreign work; Plant growth conditions (light, heat,

Road Rules for Indoor Plants (Watering, Swimming

Rules of landing (sowing) of agricultural plants.
Students must be able to:

on technical work:

Organize a workplace (pick up and place mate
rials and tools in the workplace, save materials, with
displace hygiene and safety of labor);

Take a goal and keep it until the end of work;

Plan objective work (work
with an operating plan; analyze a sample of learning
televium and independently; make a brief plan, a story about
work; work according to the sample and drawing; correctly perform
learned technological operations for all types of labor);

Implement a phased and final self-control;

Evaluate work;

according to agricultural work:

Organize work (follow safety rules
yes during agricultural work);

Care for indoor plants (watering, deleting dry
leaves and branches, soil loosening);

Prepare and sow seeds in the ground.

ILL Class(64 h) 3

Agricultural work(10 h)

Autumn work (5 hours)

The rules for collecting seeds and their storage methods. Harvest. Autumn soil processing. Labor safety rules when working with robbles, shovel.

Practical work.Types of work on a school area. Collection of plant seeds grown on a plot of an educational and experienced section. The preparation of the soil on the defense, cleaning the training and experienced area from the remains of plants, the soil resistance. Work with natural material (rush organization). Production of crafts (birds and animals) from natural material for the fairy tales of the peoples of the world. "Autumn Bouquet".

Spring work and work inclass (5 hours)

Information on agricultural work.Labor safety and personal hygiene rules. The rules for reproduction of indoor plants with cuttings and care for them. Acquaintance with the seeds of roots (radishes, beets, carrots) and annual flower-ornamental plants (Lupine). Preparation of seeds to sow (sorting, checking for germination, soaking). Acquaintance with the difficulty of people and professions in agricultural production.

Practical work.Dates of sowing, their influence on the harvest of roots. Sowing seeds of roots and flower-ornamental plants in the ground. Cultural plants, their difference from weeds. Watering, loosening, weeding, thinning, planting seedlings. Preparation for planting cuttings of berry crops (currants), Popple and Marking of the Delica, Zavenkov landing. Care of planted cuttings.

Technical work(30 h)

Processing paper and cardboard (16 hours)

Basic technological stages of paper production. Properties of paper. Types of cardboard, it

1 at the rate of 2 hours per week.

properties and destination (strength, thickness, attitude to moisture). Sketch reading rules, sketch size stations. Flexing paper and cardboard over lines of markup, cutting with a knife using a false. Production of flat and bulk products. Compound of parts in various ways (glue, threads, soft wire). Cardboard bold with colored paper.

Approximate list of products. Application by story I.S.Sokolova-Mikitova "Leaf Falls".Applique "Golden autumn". "Swans"(Origami by the story of L.N. Tolstoy). Applique using cardboard lace "Fabulous Palace", "My four-legged friend."Manufacturing benefits for math lessons. Manufacturing benefits for Russian lessons. Volume composition according to the story of K. Poyustovsky "Barstie nose."Origami (according to animal stories). Foil chasing. "Aquarium"(Group work). Making a puppet theater (collective work). "My favorite book". "Lotto".Games (puzzles).

Technical modeling (14 hours)

Technical and technological information.Technical information about transporting devices and machines, their appointment and application. Taking assembly from parts of the designer of models of technical devices, machines, etc.

Production of technical toys, models and layouts in samples, drawings, sketches and on their own intention of students. Demonstration of technical toys in action, their regulation. Production of semi-finished models. Improving materials processing techniques.

Approximate list of products.Making a machine with a lift. Production of agricultural machinery. Layout "Airport".Ships. My flat. Heroes fairy tales "Gray cervical"(from semi-finished products). New Year's toys. In circus ("Cloon", "Monkey").Flying and floating technical toys (from the designer).

Household work(8 h)

Fabric treatment (6 h)

Technical and technological information.Properties of animal tissues (silk, wool). Making patterns (sample, sketch, instruction card). Types of stitches and seams:

"Stritch", "Sterling", "Tambourny", execution technique and purpose. Methods for connecting product details. Embroidery.

Approximate list of products.Marking of fabric folded twice and cutting it ("Towel"). "Needle".Soft toys for tales A.S. Pushkin ("Swan", "Protein").Application (according to Basnya I.A. Krylova). Applique in the story of Tolstoy "Lion and a dog".

Clothing care (2 hours)

Repair of clothes (sewing buttons, hooks and loops). Types of patches.

Fundamentals of artistic processing of various materials(16 h)

Technical and technological information.Acquaintance with tools for handling soft wire (plugs, pliers, round-rolls, file, hammer). Purpose of instruments, work techniques with them, labor safety. Technology of processing various materials (finishing of clay products, stylization techniques in modeling, preparation of tissue to painting, processing of egg shell, wood processing, etc.). The rules for overlaying and removing the stencil, painting drawing on stencils. Methods for connecting parts.

Approximate list of products.Applique by the story of M. Gorky "Sparrow"(Materials: Feather, Cardboard, Colored Paper). "Forest beasts"(Capsules from "Kinder Surprise", caps from markers, feathers, wire, plasticine). Application on the fairy tale A.S. Pushkin "Tale of the Golden Cockerel."Napkin stand (materials: cardboard, twine, cloth). "Bouquet for mom"(Burlap, colored paper, twine, wire). Applique in the story of M. Pryshvin "Guys and ducklings"(Feather, cardboard, colored paper, sand). Applique by the story of K. Poyustovsky "Hare Paws". "Funny masks"(fabric, color cardboard). Applique in the story of V.Bianki "Owl". "Spaceship".First flowers (beads, fabric, wire). Spring messengers (materials: plasticine, feather). Applique by poem N.Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazay and Hares *(Materials: Colored Paper, Cardboard, Feather).

Approximate program of basic general education in the direction of "Technology. Technical Labor »Explanatory note Document status Sample program in the direction of" Technology. Technical work "is based on the federal component of the state standard of basic general education. The approximate program allows all participants in the educational process to provide a submission of the goals, contents, general training strategy, education and development of students with the means of this training subject, concretizes the content of subjective topics of the educational standard, gives an exemplary distribution of study clocks on the courage sections and the recommended sequence of studying themes and sections of the educational subject, taking into account the interdisciplinary and intrepresentative relations, the logic of the educational process, the age characteristics of students. The approximate program is a guideline for compiling author's curricula and textbooks (can be used with the thematic planning of the course teacher). At the same time, the tanks of curricula and textbooks can offer their own approach in terms of structuring of educational material, determining the sequence of studying this material, the distribution of hours on sections and themes, as well as ways to form a system of knowledge, skills and methods of activity, development and socialization of students. Thus, the exemplary program contributes to the preservation of a single educational space without saying the creative initiative of teachers, provides ample opportunities to implement various approaches to building a training course, taking into account the individual abilities and needs of students, the material base of educational institutions, local socio-economic conditions and national Traditions. Document Structure Approximate Program includes three sections: Explanatory note; The main content with the approximate (modality is "not less") by the distribution of study clocks on the sections of the course and the recommended sequence of studying the sections and sections; Requirements for graduate training. The overall characteristics of the learning subject The approximate program was drawn up taking into account the experience of labor and technological activities obtained by students in elementary school. The main purpose of the educational field "technology" in the general education system is the formation of a work and technological culture of a schoolboy, a system of technological knowledge and skills, the education of the labor, civil and patriotic qualities of his personality, their professional self-determination in the conditions of the labor market, the formation of humanistically oriented worldview. The educational area "Technology" is a necessary component of the general formation of schoolchildren, providing them with the opportunity to apply knowledge of the basics of sciences in practice. In the main school "Technology" is studied from the 5th to the 8th grade of this study level. The lack of technology in the federal component under the new basic curricula in the 9th grade does not allow to ensure the continuity of the transition of students from the main to their profile, professional learning, labor activity and continuous self-education. To ensure continuity of technological training in a general and vocational education system, it is purposely to allocate from the regional component and the component of educational institution an additional one hour per week in the 8th grade and 2 hours a week in the 9th grade. At the same time, the national-regional features of the content can be presented in the program by the corresponding technologies, types and objects of labor. Training of schoolchildren technology is based on the development of specific processes of transformation and use of materials, energy, information, natural objects and social medium. With go on accounting for the interests and tenders of students, the possibilities of educational institutions, local socio-economic conditions, the mandatory minimum content of the main educational programs is studied within one of the three areas: "Technology. Technical work "," Technology. Servicing work "," Technology. Agricultural labor (agrotechnology). " 1 Regardless of the studied technologies, the content of the program in the direction of "Technology. Technical work "provides for the study of material in the following through educational lines: culture and aesthetics of labor; receipt, processing, storage and use of information; Basics of drawing, graphics, design; Elements of home and applied economy, entrepreneurship; acquaintance with the world of professions, the choice of life, professional plans to students; The effect of technological processes on the environment and human health; creative, project activities; History, prospects and social consequences of technology development and technology. Basic for the program in the direction of "Technology. Technical work "is the section" Creating products from structural and diverse materials ". The program also necessarily includes sections "Electrotechnical work", "Housekeeping technologies", "Drawing and graphics", "Common production and vocational education". Based on the need to take into account the needs of the student of a schoolboy, his family and society, the achievements of pedagogical science, a specific educational material for inclusion in the program should be broken down by the following provisions: the prevalence of studied technologies in the field of production, service and household and reflection in them modern scientific and technical achievements; the ability to master the content based on the inclusion of students in various types of technological activities that have practical focus; the choice of creative and converter objects based on the study of public, group or individual needs; the possibility of implementing the general, polytechnic and practical orientation of teaching, a visual representation of methods and means of carrying out technological processes; The possibility of cognitive, intellectual, creative, spiritual and moral, aesthetic and physical development of students. Each section of the program includes basic theoretical information, practical work and recommended labor objects (in generalized). It is assumed that the study of the material of the program related to practical work should be preceded by the necessary minimum of theoretical information. The program provides students with creative or project work. The appropriate the topic of the program curriculum is given at the end of each year of study. At the same time, it is methodically possible to build an annual curriculum of classes with the introduction of creative, economic activities in the educational process from the beginning or from the middle of the school year. When organizing creative or project activities, students are very important to emphasize their attention on the consumer appointment of the product that they nominate as a creative idea. The main form of training is the educational and practical activity of students. Attitual methods are exercises, laboratory and practical, educational and practical work, project method. All types of practical work in the program are aimed at mastering various technologies for processing materials, electrical, construction and repair and repair sanitary and technical works, settlement and design operations. Laboratory and practical work is carried out mainly on the topic "Machines and Mechanisms". A teacher in accordance with the available opportunities chooses such an object or the topic of work for students to ensure the coverage of the entire combination of the technological operations recommended in the program. At the same time, it must take into account the plan of labor object for students of the appropriate age, as well as its public or personal value. The topic of the section "Housekeeping Technologies" includes training elements of family economy, the development of certain types of repair and finishing and sanitary work. Requirements are carried out in the form of training exercises. To perform these works, it is necessary to prepare training benches made of wooden shields, plywood or chipboard or fibreboard. For a deeper development of this section, due to the time discharged from the component of the educational institution, to organize the technological practice of schools. Itsates it may be related to the repair of equipment, school premises and their Satitutarian and technical communications: Repair and painting of walls, restoration or replacement of tiled or plastic coatings, repair of furniture, prevention and repair of sanitary and technical devices, etc. 2 Conducting training and a graph, which is defined by a mandatory minimum, in the program is presented in two options. Information and practical work on drawing and graphics, as a fragment of content, introduced in almost all technological sections and program themes. In addition, the drawing and graphics are additionally studied as a generalizing course in grade 9, if the technology is allocated from the component of the educational institution. Classes in the direction of "Technology. Technical work "are conducted on the basis of workshops for the processing of wood, metal or combined workshops. They must have a set of instruments, devices, machine tools and equipment recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. Much attention should be drawn to ensuring the safety of students in the implementation of technological operations. Special attention should be paid to compliance with the rules of electro-safety. Invalid work of schoolchildren with industrial equipment, which is not included in the list of equipment allowed for use in general education institutions. It is not allowed to use on classes of self-made electromechanical instruments and technological machines. It is also not allowed to apply self-made electrical devices and devices designed for voltage of more than 42. The integrative nature of the content of teaching technology involves the construction of an educational process based on the use of interdisciplinary relations. These are connections with algebra and geometry during settlement and graphic operations, with chemistry when characterizing the properties of materials, with physics in the study of the device and the principles of operation of machines and mechanisms, modern technologies, with history and art when developing traditional technologies. Features of the implementation of the exemplary direction program "Technology. Technical work "In rural school in a rural school, both industrial and agricultural production technologies are traditionally studied. For students of such schools, taking into account seasonality of work in agriculture, combined programs are created, including sections in agrotechnologies, as well as basic and invariant sections on technical labor technologies. A comprehensive curriculum in a specific school is drawn up taking into account the seasonality of agricultural work in the region. Due to the redistribution of the time between these sections in the combined programs, the volume and complexity of practical work in the technical work sections with the preservation of all components of the minimum of the content of technology training are reduced. Increasingly for combined programs, it is planned to master the section "Modern production and vocational education" and the project activities of students. It is desirable that the testers of creative works and projects of students of rural schools were combined, combining technical and agricultural labor technologies. The necessary information about the professions of industrial and agricultural production, the service sector, the paths of obtaining vocational education should be given to rural schoolchildren in general for both directions a combined career guidance section. In view of the objective difficulties of providing rural schools with details or designers for technologies related to electronic technology, the relevant work can be replaced by electrical operations with electric drive and electromechanical automation of equipment of agricultural production. Objectives The study of technology in the basic school is aimed at achieving the following goals: the development of technological knowledge, the foundations of creative labor culture, ideas about technological culture on the basis of the inclusion of students in various types of labor on the creation of personality or socially significant products; Mastering by general and special skills necessary for the search and use of technological information, design and creating products of labor, keeping household household, independent and conscious determination of their vital and professional plans; safe techniques of labor; development of cognitive interests, technical thinking, spatial imagination, intellectual, creative, communicative and organizational abilities; Education of hard work, leaning, accuracy, purposefulness, enterprise, responsibility for the results of their activities; respectful attitude towards people of various professions and the results of their labor; 3 Obtaining the experience of using polytechnic and technological knowledge and skills in self-practical activity. The place of object in the basic curricula The Federal Base Curriculum for Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation will take place at the stage of general education 245 hours for the obligatory study of each direction of the educational field "Technology". Including: in V, VI and VII classes for 70 hours, at the rate of 2 school hours per week, in the VIII class - 35 hours. * The approximate program is designed to train schoolchildren with V to the IX class, taking into account the use of the time of national Regional component (35 hours in the eighth grade) and the component of the educational institution (70 hours in the ninth grade) and is designed for 350 hours. The clock allocated from the national-regional component and the component of the educational institution is presented in the approximate thematic plan of the number in brackets. The exemplary program has allocated a reserve of a free academic time in the amount of 25 school hours or 10% in the federal component and 10 hours or 10% in the national-regional component and component of the educational institution to account for local conditions for implementing the program. Obligorological skills, skills and ways of activity An approximate program provides for the formation of general educational skills in students and universal ways of activity and key competence. At the same time, priority information of common cooperative activities for all directions of the educational field "Technology" at the stage of basic general education are: determining adequate ways to solve the learning task based on the specified algorithms. Combining of well-known activity algorithms in situations that do not assume the standard use of one of them. Creative solution of educational and practical tasks: the ability to motivate the sample, to look for original solutions; self-fulfillment of various creative works; participation in project activities. Rapping examples, selection of arguments, formulation of conclusions. Reflection in the oral or written form of their results. Selection and use of means of presenting information and iconic systems (text, table, scheme, drawing, sketch, technological map, etc.) in accordance with the communicative task, sphere and communication situation. Use to solve cognitive and communicative tasks of various sources of information, including encyclopedias, dictionaries, Internet resources and other databases. Ownership of joint activities: coordination and coordination of activities with its other participants; Objective estimation of a collateral in solving common tasks of the team. Evaluation of its activities from the point of view of moral, legal norms, aesthetic values. Results of training The results of training are presented in the requirements for the level of training and contain three components: know / understand - the list of knowledge necessary for the assimilation, to be able to use specific practical skills, as well as a component that includes knowledge and skills oriented on Solving a variety of life tasks. The learning results are formulated in generalized form requirements and are invariant with respect to the direction of technological training of students. Expected learning outcomes on this approximate program in the most generalized form can be formulated as mastery of labor and technological knowledge and abilities for the transformation and use of materials, energy, information necessary to create products of labor in accordance with their intended functional and aesthetic properties; The ability to navigate in the world of professions, evaluate their professional interests and inclined - * in the VIII class 1 hour a week of the teaching subject "Technology" was postponed to organize study of the education of local lore orientation in the regional (national-regional) component. 2 hours of the educational subject "Technology" in the IX class are transferred to the component of the educational institution for the organization of prefigure training of students. 4th to studied work activities, to make life and professional plans; on independent planning and housekeeping; Formation of culture of labor, respect for labor and labor results. Approximate thematic plan 5-9 classes - 245 (350) hours Sections and threads Number of hours Class 5 6 7 8 9 Creating products from structural and doodles- 36 36 36 14 (4) Materials of the technology of creating products from woody and dodes- 16 16 16 name materials based on the design and technological documentation of the technology of manufacturing products from planar parts 16 products manufacturing technologies using parts 16 prismatic and cylindrical forms of manufacturing technology using complexity of metal products based on 16 16 16 design And technological documentation of the technology of manufacturing products from thin metal metal - 16 la and wires manufacturing products from a variety of products 16 products manufacturing technologies using the exact parts of the machine and mechanisms. Graphic representation and 4 4 4 2 (2) Modeling of technological machinery mechanisms 4 Assembling models of technological machines 4 of the parts of the designer in sketches and drawings Assembling models of mechanical devices of automation devices by ES- 4 kizam and drawings Complex mechanisms 2 (2) Decorative and applied creativity 12 (2) Production of decorative and applied products. 12 (2) Electrical work. 7 7 9 3 (2) (8) Electrical work 3 3 The simplest electrical circuits with electroplating sources are 4 kΩ of the device with an electromagnet of 4 devices with automation elements 9 Electric drive 3 (2) Simple electronic devices (8) at home. 4 4 4 12 (6) (9) Minor repair and care of clothing and footwear 4 aesthetics and ecology of dwellings 4 4 family budget. Rational expense planning. 4 (2) Repair and finishing works in the house 4 (2) Repair of elements of water supply and sewage systems. 4 (2) Introduction to business activities (9) Drawing and graphics (32) 5 Sections and threads Number of hours Class 5 6 7 8 9 Technique performing drawings and rules for their design (4) Geometric constructions (2) Reading and performing drawings, sketches and schemes (10) section and cuts (4) assembly drawings (8) Applied graphics (4) Modern production and professional 4 (4) (6) Education of the sphere of production and division of labor 2 (2) (2) vocational education and professional career 2 (2) (4) Creative, Project Activities 16 16 14 0 (16) (8) Time Reserve 7 7 7 4 (3) (7) Total 70 70 70 35 (35) (70) Note: In brackets, italics indicated the missing academic time required to master the appropriate technologies; The lacking school time for studying technology can be identified from the watch component of the educational institution or the national - regional component of the basic curricula. For rural schools, creative, project activities are performed by the combination of agrotechnologies and technical labor technologies. Main content 245 (350) Grade 5 Creation of products from structural and divecular materials Technologies for creating products from wood and interchangeable materials based on the constructors and technological documentation (16 hours) Production technology based on plane parts (16 hours) Basic Theoretical Wood Information and its application. Deficial and coniferous wood. Characteristic features and properties. Natural wood defects: bitches, cracks, rot. Types of wood materials: sawmills, veneer, plywood. Areas of applying wood materials. Wood waste and their rational use. Professions associated with the production of wood materials and restoration of forest arrays. Traditional types of decorative and applied creativity and folk crafts of Russia. Concept of product and details. Types of graphic images: technical drawing, sketch, drawing. Drawing of plane detail. Graphic image of structural elements of details: holes, grooves, chammers. Basic information about drawing lines. Rules of reading drawings of plane details. Technological map and its purpose. Workbench, its device. Hand tools and fitting for wood processing. Basic technological operations and features of their implementation: markup, sawmilling, fusion, finishing, connection of parts, visual and instrumental quality control of parts. Labor safety rules when working with manual carpentry tools. Practical work Recognition of deciduous and coniferous wood species on external features: Color, texture. Detection of natural vices of wood materials and blanks. Determination of species of tree matters for external features. 6 Reading a drawing of a plane detail: Determination of the material of manufacturing, shape, dimensions, structural elements. Determination of the sequence of manufacturing part by technology card. Workplace organization: rational placement of instruments and blanks; Installation and consolidation of workpieces in the clamps of the workbench; Acquaintance with rational techniques of work with manual instruments (measuring ruler, carbonated carbon, hacksaw, file, pubesomes, abrasive skurt, hammer, ticks). Production of plane details according to drawings and technological maps: correlation of the dispensers and parts; the layout of the workpiece, taking into account the direction of the fibers and the presence of vices of the material; determination of the base corner of the workpiece; Marking of blanks of the proper geometric shape with the use of the line and joinery of the carbon; sawing blanks with hacksaw; Marking of blanks with a curvilineal circuit in the pattern; filling the jigsaw on an external and internal circuit; drilling of technological openings, processing edge of the workpiece with files and abrasive skirt; using a ruler, square, templates for quality control of the product; connection of product parts for glue and nails; protective and decorative finishing of the product; identification of defects and their elimination; Compliance with labor safety rules when using hand tools and workbench equipment. Cleaning workplace. Production of articles of decorative and applied using technologies of thin processing of materials. Object options Planny toys, games, kitchen and household accessories, decorative and applied products. Technology for creating products made of metal based on design and technological documentation (16 hours) Production of products from thin-sheet metal and wire (16 hours) Basic theoretical information Metals; Their basic properties and scope. Black and non-ferrous metals. Types and methods of obtaining sheet metal: sheet metal, tin, foil. Wire and ways to receive it. Professions associated with the extraction and production of metals. Concept of product and details. Types of graphic images: technical drawing, sketch, drawing, technological map. Drawing (sketch) of details from thin metal and wire. Graphic image of structural elements of parts: holes, grooves, etc. Basic information about drawing lines. Rules of reading drawings of parts. Plumbing workbench and its purpose. Device of plumbing vice. Manual tools and adjustment for treating thin metal, their purpose. The main technological operations of the processing of thin metal and the features of their execution: edit of thin metal, plane markings, cutting with scissors, filling edges, punching holes, bending, finishing. Manual tools and wire processing devices, their purpose. The main technological operations of the wire processing and the features of their execution: determining the length of the preparation, editing, linear markup, cutting, bending. Labor safety rules. Practical work Recognition of metals species. Selection of workpieces for the manufacture of the product. Reading the drawings of parts from thin-sheet metal and wire: Determination of material of corrosion, shape and size of the part, its structural elements. Determination of the sequence of manufacturing details on the technological map. Organization of the workplace: rational placement of instruments and blanks on a plumbing workbench; fixing blanks in vice; Acquaintance with rational techniques of work with manual instruments (plumbing carbon, plumbing scissors, stubble, abrasive skurt, a pixel, a plug, pliers, pliers, round-rolls, pliers, pliers, roundheads). Production of details from a thin metal according to the drawing and technological map: editing of the workpiece; determination of the base corner of the workpiece; markup of blanks using a ruler and a fitter coal; cutting blanks with lockable scissors; Punching of the holes by a disorder, described the edge of the workpiece with files; Bending billets in vice and on mandrels; Processing abrasive skurt. Visual and instrumental quality control of parts. Detection of defects and their elimination. Protective and decorative product finish. Compliance with labor safety rules. Cleaning a working place. Production of parts from wire according to the drawing and technological map: determination of the length of the preparation; Edit wire; markup of blanks; cutting wire with nipples; Flexible wire with the use of pliers, round-rolls, mandrels. Visual and instrumental control of features. Detection of defects and their elimination. Compliance with labor safety rules. Production of articles of decorative and applied using technologies of hydrocarbon processing of materials. Traditional types of decorative and applied creativity and native fishing of Russia. Options of labor objects puzzles, chains, fasteners, decorative and domestic products, gardening equipment. Machines and mechanisms Graphic representation and modeling (4 hours) Mechanisms of technological machines (4 hours) The main theoretical information of the mechanisms and their purpose. Belt and friction gears. Details of mechanisms. The conditioned designations of parts and components of the mechanisms and machines on kinematic schemes. Reading and building ordinary kinematic schemes. Practical work reading kinematic schemes of simple mechanisms. Assembling models of mechanisms from the details of the designer-mechanic type designer. Check models in action. Quantitative measurements of transmission relations in the mechanisms. Objects of labor Designer, mechanisms of school workshops. Electrical work (7 hours) Electrical work (3 hours) Basic theoretical information The organization of the workplace for the implementation of electrical installation works. Types of wires. Institutes for electrical work. Installation products. Installation installations. Rules for safe operation with electrical installations and when performing electrical work. Professions related to the implementation of electrical installation works. Practical work Electrical work: familiarization with the views and techniques for the use of electrical instruments; Performing mechanical termination, connections and branches of wires. Connecting the wires to the electro capture, switch, socket. Check the probe of connections in simple electrical circuits. Options of labor objects Wires, wiring accessories. The simplest electrical circuits with a galvanic source of current (4 hours) The main theoretical information is the general concept of electric current, voltage and resistance. Types of current sources and electrical energy receivers. Conditional graphic symbols on electrical circuits. Summary of the electrical circuit and its concept. 8 Practical work reading a simple electrical circuit. Assembling the electrical circuit from the details of the designer with a galvanic current source. Checking the chain at various embodiments of its assembly. Object facilities Models of low-voltage lighting and signaling devices. Home Technologies (4 hours) Minor Repair and Care and Clothing and Shoes (4 hours) Basic Theoretical Information Care for various types of floor coatings and lacquered furniture, their minor repairs. Means for sackers and dishes. Furniture care products. Selection and use of modern care products and footwear. Ways to remove stains from clothing and upholstery furniture. Selection of long-term storage technologies and shoes. Caring for windows. Methods of insulation windows in winter. Modern household appliances facilitating homework. Professions in the service sector and service. Practical work Performing small repair of shoes, furniture. Removal of stains from clothing and upholstery furniture. Object options Furniture, outerwear, shoes. Creative, project activities (16 hours) Basic theoretical information The choice of project theme. Justification of the design and stages of its manufacture. Technical and technological tasks, possible ways to solve them (the choice of materials, rational design, inventories and technologies, the order of the assembly of finishing options). Practical work Justification of the choice of the product. Search for necessary information. Execution of product sketch. Production of details. Build and finishing the product. Presentation of the product. Options Labor objects The topics of design work are given in the application to the program. Grade 6 Creation of products from structural and diverse materials (36 hours) Technologies for creating products from wood and diverse materials based on design and technological documentation (16 hours) Production technology of products using parts of prismatic and cylindrical (16 hours) Basic theoretical information Timber Types , The technology of their production and scope. Effect of technologies for processing materials on the environment and human health. Technological defects of wood: mechanical damage, moldiness, deformation. Professions related to the processing of tree and wood materials. Traditional types of decorative and applied creativity and folk crafts of Russia. Representations of methods for making parts of various geometric shapes. Graphic image of details of prismatic and cylindrical shapes. Constructive elements of details and their 9 graphic image: spikes, eyelets, holes, ledges, grooves. Basic information about the types of projections of parts in the drawing. Rules for reading drawings of parts of prismatic and cylindrical forms. Manual tools and devices for the manufacture of parts of the prismatic form. The elimination and purpose of the flight, planing tools (Rubanka, Shirbel), Stusl, the chisels. Intensity for assembly work. Main technological operations and features of their execution: markup, sawing, dump, drilling holes; assembly of product details, quality control; Strong and decorative product finish. Labor safety rules when working with manual carpentry tools and on a drilling machine. Organization of the Tokary workstation. Manual tools and devices for the manufacture of parts of a cylindrical shape on the lathe. Purpose of flat and semicircular cutters. The elimination of the caliper and methods for performing measurements. Major technological operations and features of their implementation: draft and finite sharpness of cylindrical surfaces; Cutting of ledges, grooves; quality control. Labor safety rules when working on a lathe. Modern technological machines and electrified tools. Practical work Determination of types of sawn timber. Selection of sawn timber and blanks with regard to natural and technological patterns of wood. Reading drawings (sketches) of parts of prismatic and cylindrical forms: Definition of material, geometric shape, parts of the part and its structural elements; Determination of permissible deviations of dimensions in the manufacture of parts. Determination of the sequence of the manufacture of parts and assembly of the product on the technological map. Organization of the workplace of the joiner: preparation of the workplace and tools; Fastening the blanks in the trips of the workbench. Acquaintance with rational techniques for manual instruments, fixtures and drilling holes using a drilling machine. Production of products from parts of a prismatic form according to the drawings and technological map: the choice of blanks, determination of the base surface, markup using a flight; Determination of machining of processing; Planing blanks, sawing using stusl. Markup and manufacture of ledges, wood dragging; connection of details "in Polterev", on a round spike, with the use of overhead details; Pre-assembly and fitting product details. Build parts of the product on glue, using nails and screws. Protective and decorative product finish. Visual and instrumental quality control of parts. Detection of defects and their elimination. Compliance with labor safety rules when working with manual carpentry tools and on a drilling machine. Tokary's workplace organization: Installation of growth supports, preparation and rational placement of instruments; Preparation and fixing of the workpiece, installing a blower, checking the machine at idle. Compliance with rational techniques for work in the manufacture of products on wood processing lathe. Production of cylindrical parts on the lathe: determination of cutting for processing, roughing, markup and pulling the structural elements (grooves, ledges, burtics, champers); Systone sharpening, cutting the ends of the part, processing the abrasive skurt. Visual and instrumental quality control of parts. Detection of defects and their elimination. Protecting and decorative finishing of the product. Compliance with labor safety rules when working on a turning machine. Production of articles of decorative and applied using technologies of hydrocarbon processing of materials. Options of labor objects toys and games, handles, interior decoration products, feeders, ready-made, kitchen and household accessories. Technology for creating metal products based on design and technological documentation (16 hours) Technologies for manufacturing products from a variety of rolled products (16 hours) Basic theoretical information 10

Lesson- The main form of organization of educational work on technical work. Types of technical labor lessons: theoretical, practical, laboratory, verification, combined.

Structure and content of the plan theoretical lesson on technical work.

Structure and content of the plan practical lesson on technical work.

Structure and content of the plan laboratory lesson on technical work.

Structure and content of the plan check lesson on technical work.

Structure and content of the plan combined lesson on technical work.

Form of learning organization As the didactic category indicates the external side of the organization of the educational process, which is associated with the number of students' students, time and place of study, as well as the procedure for its implementation.

In general educational institutions forms of training in technical workdivided into two groups: educational and extracurricular. TO educational Forms include different types technical labor lessons. TO extracurricular - technical circles, electives for machinery, student design bureaus, excursions, business games for machinery, scientific and technical conferences, science, technology and production, contests of young technicians, technical tournaments, matinee or evening technicians, labor learning competitions, sports -Hechnical competitions; Exhibitions of technical and artistic creativity of students and others.

Technical Labor lesson -the educational form of the training organization of technical labor, which is inherent in the constant composition of students of the same level of preparation (class subgroup), a certain time (base level - 45 minutes, elevated - 90 minutes) and place of classes (training workshops), classes on the established schedule.

In technical labor lessons, the teacher solves a complex of training, developing and educational tasks; systematically sets out a new educational material; Organizes the perception of this material and the independent activity of students on the assimilation, the consolidation and use of theoretical knowledge, the formation of practical skills and skills in the process of manual and mechanical processing of structural and natural materials, checking and evaluating knowledge, skills and skills of students.

Compared to other educational subjects, technical labor lessons have a number structural and mean distinctive features:

building an educational subject based on dual lessons (90 min) in training workshops;

carrying out the introductory, current and final instructions that focus on compliance with the rules of safe work;

prioritization of practical activity of students on the theoretical in the process of using forms and methods of teaching technical work;

organization of socially useful productive labor and the creation of material values;

formation of conditions for mental and physical development of students;

development of art and technical abilities in the process of creative activity of students;

the admission of students to the traditions of decorative and applied art and folk crafts;

versatile professional self-determination of students.

The main place in the lessons of technical labor is given to practical work. In this regard, it is advisable to conduct training classes in workshops in the form of dual lessons (90 min). At a lesson in 45 minutes of practical work, a little time is given, which is not enough to fully master technological operations on manual and mechanical processing of structural and natural materials in the manufacture of products of various complexity. A significant part of the lesson goes to preparing and cleaning training seats, a statement of new material, fixing and repetition of the material studied, conducting instructions.

In 90 minutes, the teacher with students manage to fully fulfill all the stages of the lesson and make the necessary amount of practical work. Double lessons give the students moral and physical satisfaction from the work done, allow teacher of technical labor to correctly assess the results not only by collective, but individual activity of students-oriented by them are not separate, but a complex of technological operations of various levels of complexity.

Legal lesson In training workshops consists of separate main stages His holding: organizational part, verification of the material studied, presentation of new material, fixing new material, introductory instruction, independent practical work, current instruction, final instruction, cleaning workshop(Table 3).

Table 3 - the main stages of the lesson of technical labor

In the general theory of learning lessons are classified On various features: according to educational subjects (lessons: mathematics, physics, etc.), on dominant learning tasks (Lessons: Studying a new material, the formation of skills and skills, generalizations and systematization of studied material, verification and assessment of knowledge, skills and skills of students, etc.), according to predominant learning methods (Talk lesson, lecture lesson, etc.) and other features.

In the technique of teaching technical work for classification of lessons, various features are also used: on the predominance of study lessons by students of theoretical information and practical work; According to dominant learning tasks, according to predominant learning methods.

According to the specified signs of classification, various types of lessons of technical labor: theoretical, practical, laboratory, verification, combined.

Theoretical lesson.They are usually not more than 45 minutes, therefore, in most cases, the two-hour lessons of another TIN is carried out. On theoretical lessons, students get acquainted with elements of materials science (properties and methods of obtaining various materials: wood, metals, etc.), study various technical devices (tools, fixtures, equipment), seize specific technologies for manual and mechanical processing of structural and natural materials.

On theoretical lessons, students learn from drawing up drawings and sketches for these products; planning technological processes manufacturing products and development of technological maps; solving graphic, technological and design tasks; Get acquainted with the organization of labor, general rules of safe work and labor protection.

Theoretical lessons are usually carried out as introductable at the beginning of the school year or during the transition from studying one specific technology to another. For example, when moving from studying wood processing technology to the study of metal processing technology; From the study of tissue treatment technology to the study of cooking. Theoretical lessons are applied at the beginning of the study of a separate topic or section of the educational material. In other words, the theoretical lessons are held in cases where it is necessary to organize the assimilation of the largest volume of theoretical educational material.

The structure of the theoretical lesson: organizational part, statement of new material, fixing a new material, final instruction.

Practical lesson. It aims to the practical development of students' techniques, performing technological operations, the formation of technological skills and skills. Practical lessons occupy a significant place in the system of technical labor lessons.

In these lessons, students take possession of practical skills and skills in the right organization of the classroom, using tools, fixtures and equipment.

The practical lessons play a big role in the development of the culture of workers' movements and the formation of a common technological culture.

Structure of a practical lesson: organizational part, introductory instruction, independent practical work, current briefing, final instruction, cleaning workshop.

Laboratory lesson. These lessons are a type of practical lessons, since they are engaged in them, mainly independent laboratory activities. However, in contrast to practical lessons, students when performing laboratory work do not perform technological operations on manual and mechanical processing of structural and natural materials.

Laboratory work on technical work is usually associated with the practical study of materials (wood, metals, etc.), the study of the properties of materials, the study of species and devices of tools, devices, and equipment, machinery and mechanisms, carrying out measuring works, etc. These works do not always require a long time, therefore, it is often held for one academic hour.

Laboratory lesson structure: organizational part, statement of new material, fixing new material, introductory instruction, independent laboratory work, current instruction, final instruction.

Check lesson.The purpose of this lesson is to obtain data on the level of training of students to work, about the degree of strength of the assimilation of their knowledge, skills and skills. Test lessons are usually held at the end of a quarter (trimester), half of the year, school year. This allows you to carry out the necessary periodic certification of students on technical work. Verification lessons of technical labor are characterized by the practical nature of the inspection and assessment of knowledge, skills and skills of students who are issued a task for monitoring practical work. According to the results of this work (the exact dimensions and quality of the manufacture of the product spent, etc.) are judged on the presence and level of acquired technological knowledge, formed skills and skills.

Verification lesson structure: organizational part, introductory instruction, independent practical work, final instruction, cleaning learning workshop.

Combined lesson.In pedagogical practice, the most common are Combined lessons,which make up approximately 70-75% of the total amount of technical labor lessons. In this lesson, it is combined (combined) the solution of educational, developing and educational problems of theoretical and practical lessons of technical labor. Hence, he got his name - combined.

In the practice of teaching, technical labor is very often the task of giving students the necessary amount of theoretical technical information in order to build practical work of students on the application of new knowledge and the formation of practical skills. Various combinations of lesson steps and the transition to each other provides the flexibility and mobility of its structure, the solution of many educational tasks.

The structure of the combined lesson: organizational part, check of the studied material, presentation of new material, fixing a new material, introductory instruction, independent practical work, current briefing, final instruction, cleaning workshop.

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