Elizar - meaning and origin of the name. Meaning of the name Elizar

Increasingly, when choosing a name for a newborn, parents give preference to ancient, slightly forgotten names that carry a great spiritual meaning. One of these “newfound” male names is Elizar. The meaning of the name, the character and fate of the man endowed with this rare name are very extraordinary. How can the life of a boy named Elizar at birth turn out?

Meaning of the name

What will first of all be interesting to know for parents planning to choose the rare ancient name Elizar for their son? The origin and meaning of this name comes from the Hebrew language. Translated, Elizar (Eliazar) means “God helped.” Therefore, very often in the old days this name was often given to long-awaited sons, whose birth was perceived by their relatives as “God’s gift.”


What impact does the name Elizar have on a boy in the first years of his life? From birth, the baby who received this rare name is like a fragile, beautiful plant. The child is endowed with a subtle, vulnerable soul; already in childhood he shows a penchant for creativity, and many talents are revealed. Little Elizar is not distinguished by great health; he is more susceptible to various diseases than his peers. Parents will have to make a lot of efforts to provide their baby with special care and improve their health. Over time, diseases stop “clinging” to the child.

But spiritually the boy is also very vulnerable. The main quality of his character is considered to be gullibility; he becomes attached to people with all his soul, having a hard time experiencing disappointment and betrayal. Another trait characteristic of boys bearing this name is absent-mindedness and lack of concentration. He is one of those children who can get lost in their daydreams and not hear when they are spoken to. Because of this, a smart and reasonable boy may have problems with learning and discipline at school. Such qualities pose a difficult task for relatives: to teach the child self-organization, to help him become more attentive both to affairs and to the people who surround him.

Temperament and character traits

A man who received the name Elizar at birth has a sharp, flexible mind and extraordinary intuition. These qualities allow you to build your life quite smoothly, avoiding everyday storms. Having experienced a series of disappointments in friends or loved ones, Elizar learns to hide his own sensitivity and vulnerability, hiding these qualities behind external indifference, composure, and rather harsh irony. Especially clearly revealed in his character are such traits as prudence, restraint, and a tendency to calm reflection and analysis. But despite this, Elizar attracts people to himself like a magnet. Few will be able to resist his brilliant oratory skills, wit, and optimistic outlook on the world.

Elizar can easily become the center of any company. He is a great friend, cheerful and good-natured, ready to help and support in trouble. However, Elizar’s character lacks balance - this often repels those around him. Not everyone understands his desire to idealize the world around him, to set his own standard for everything, and to worry hard if reality does not meet his expectations.

Activities, career

What influence does the meaning of the name Elizar have on the type of activity and choice of profession? Comprehensively developed and possessing many talents, he is able to find himself in many professions. It is preferable for him to have a stable but creative job that requires dedication and involves frequent communication with people. Stability in this case is very important - Elizar is not inclined to change jobs frequently. As a colleague, he proves to be an outgoing, cheerful “guy” with a cheerful disposition and respect for the people he works with.

Busy with the creative side, Elizar most often does not strive for promotion and stable advancement in his career. But this does not mean at all that he has no chance to step up the career ladder. Elizar is often offered a promotion, assessing his professionalism, ability to competently organize work, and especially his ability to establish communicative and emotional connections within the team. As a leader, he can be tough and demanding, harsh in his statements, but he never forgets about justice.

In what field of activity can Elizar make the most successful career? The religious meaning of the name Elizar is reflected in the main spiritual direction: a person endowed with this name early shows a penchant for philosophy and psychology, and has an interest in self-knowledge and religion. He has the rare gift of persuasion, the ability to enlighten and lead. By choosing the path of a clergyman for himself, Elizar will be able to become a wise spiritual mentor. The real calling for the owner of the name Elizar will be work that involves service or education, requiring a creative approach and communication with people: military man, teacher (teacher), psychotherapist, public figure.

In business, Elizar will be able to succeed thanks to his subtle instincts and ability to create a creative idea, but for this he will have to overcome his inherent irresponsibility and lack of composure. If successful, by the age of forty Elizar can create a decent financial fortune and achieve a high social position.

Love, marriage, family

Of course, a man named Elizar can be called a bright and extraordinary personality. But do his talents and subtle intuition manifest themselves in relationships with the opposite sex? How do the temperament and meaning of the name Elizar affect your personal life?

For women, Elizar is a very attractive partner. He is never left without female attention, but, as in his work, he strives for stability. Elizar prefers not to waste his time on numerous novels, condemning the promiscuous relationships of others. He prefers a long-term relationship with a single partner and takes the breakup very hard. He can look closely at a woman for a long time, maintaining a “distance.” Elizar deliberately avoids capricious, stubborn, and absurd people, preferring for marriage a kind, modest, simple girl with high moral standards.

In his family, Elizar is a protector, a faithful husband, a kind and caring dad. He not only loves his children, but also finds an approach to them and enjoys spending time with them. Elizar can become the head of a friendly large family.

Talismans named after Elizar: totem, symbols and horoscope

The main patronizing planet influencing the meaning of the name Elizar is Saturn. The areas for which Saturn is “responsible” in the zodiac are career growth, any activity - social or professional. The planet endows Elizar with such qualities as patience, caution, perseverance in achieving what he wants, simplicity in everyday life and communication, and slowness. Saturn, the patron, brings assistance in any matter related to work and career advancement, and gives a happy and calm life in old age. The zodiac signs of this planet are Capricorn and Aquarius.

The totem (animal - talisman) named after Elizar is a turtle, the talisman is a stone - obsidian. The mascots of the plant world are cypress and rue.

The favorable day of the week for Elizar is Saturday, and the colors that bring good luck are black, gray and dark gray.

Name days and patron saints

The heavenly patron of the name Elizar is considered to be the Holy Wonderworker Venerable Elizarius (Eleazar) of Olonetsky. The patron saint became famous not only for his zealous service, but also as one of the founders of the monastery of St. John the Baptist on Lake Onega. Name day - June 17 (4 old style).

Meaning of the name Elizar: The boy's name means "God helped." This affects the character and fate of Elizar.

Origin of the name Elizar: Jewish.

Diminutive form of name: Elizarka, Lizarya, Zarya, Laza.

What does the name Elizar mean? The name Elizar comes from the Hebrew name Eleazar. The name translates as “God helped.” Another meaning of the name Elizar is associated with the Monk Elezarius, the Olonets wonderworker, founder of the Forerunner Monastery (XV century). This is a good, good-natured name, now considered quite rare. A guy with this name is a merciful and diligent person who always brings things to their logical conclusion. However, he may need special care due to poor health.

Patronymic name Elizar: Elezarievich, Elizarovich, Elezarievna, Elizarovna.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Elizar celebrates his name day once a year: June 17 (4) - Venerable Elezary, Olonets wonderworker, founder of the Forerunner Monastery (XV century).

Signs of the name Elizar: They begin to sow buckwheat from Elezar the Wonderworker, and on the very full moon.


  • Zodiac - Gemini
  • Planet - Mercury
  • Color - pale green
  • Auspicious name tree - acacia
  • Treasured plant - azalea
  • Patron - rhinoceros
  • Elizar talisman stone - chrysoprase

Characteristics of the name Elezar

Positive features: Optimism, faith, and good nature stand out. Elizar is characterized by depth of feelings. A guy with this name is outwardly soft, but at the same time has a firm core of beliefs and views. A man named Elizar is easygoing, does not hold a grudge, is not capable of revenge, and is happy to help both in deed and with advice; and money.

Negative features: He is Elizar, he has a hard time accepting everything that does not correspond to his concepts of faith, love, honesty and justice. He sometimes idealizes reality too much, looking for order in everything. He is easy to hurt.

Characteristics of the name Elizar: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Elizar. A man with this name is smart, has a highly developed intuition, is prone to philosophizing, is selfless and caring. He has no fighting qualities, and the need to constantly give in to a stronger nature causes him a lot of suffering in life. As a rule, he sticks to his own interests and finds satisfaction in religious thoughts in the absence of fame and money.

Analyzing the meaning of the name Elizar from the point of view of psychology, it is worth noting that its owner is characterized by such basic qualities as restraint, sensitivity and prudence. As a child, Elizarka is in poor health and needs special care. Susceptible to infectious diseases and colds, and therefore parents should pay attention to hardening their child. As he grows older, the guy will become stronger and will no longer suffer from illnesses.

The boy himself in the first years of his life is distinguished by excessive gullibility towards other people. He Elizar is very vulnerable and has a hard time experiencing betrayal from friends or relatives. He is loyal to his friends even in early childhood and does not understand how one can commit a bad act directed against them. That is why he is sincerely perplexed when people treat him in the same way.

The adult Elizar is trying with all his might to overcome his lack of composure and irresponsibility, but, unfortunately, he fails to do this, and he still cannot carry out many instructions from his superiors the first time. In fact, this is what often prevents him from moving up the career ladder.

It is difficult to guess the character of an adult. He Elizar seeks to hide his vulnerability and sensitivity, flaunting coldness, irony and mockery. Has numerous talents. In particular, a man has the gift of persuasion, so desired by many. Shows interest in philosophy and psychology, and therefore reads a lot on these topics and uses the acquired knowledge in life. A man named Elizar is quite capable of forming a positive impression of himself among others and knows how to do this. He is also interested in some religious aspects. Sometimes he even becomes a clergyman and devotes himself to the church. In general, if we talk about work, Elizar really likes activities that include creativity or communication with people. When choosing a place of work, he tries not to change it, since he has difficulty adapting to new conditions. Employees love and respect Elizar for his gentle character, sociability and respect for the opinions of others. He can be the life of the party and will never be lonely.

Despite the fact that a guy with this name does not put his career in the first place of his needs, it just so happens that his superiors often notice his abilities and offer him a higher position. If a guy becomes a leader, he can be overly despotic and strict, sometimes harsh and cruel.

In numerology, the meaning of the name Elizar is determined by the number 3, which indicates a cheerful and cheerful person, capable of absorbing new knowledge without problems. His hobby can bring him success, and therefore he should choose a job taking into account in order to realize his own abilities. The desire for an easy and uncomplicated life can hinder a guy’s development, and therefore he should sometimes show seriousness in his actions.

Elezar and his personal life

Compatibility with female names: The union of the name with Alevtina, Eva, Claudia, Mavra, Martha is favorable. The name Elizar is also combined with Fevronia. Complex relationships of the name are likely with Angelina, Bella, Valeria, Victoria, Inna, Karina, Elvira.

Love and marriage: Family is of particular importance to him. He is Elizar - an exemplary family man, a caring father. As a rule, he has many children. He chooses a highly moral woman, simple and kind, as his wife.

Women really like Elizar. But he doesn’t take advantage of this, and there aren’t too many romances in life. Relationships with one woman can last a long time, and the breakup occurs mainly for serious reasons. He experiences the breakup for quite a long time and avoids meeting other women for a long period.

Zarya starts a family in adulthood and takes her choice of wife seriously. He is Elizar - unpretentious in everyday life and chooses as his wife a woman who is not spoiled by material goods - spiritual unity and mutual understanding are more important to him. Most often, Elizar gives birth to daughters who grow up in a calm environment.

The name does not tolerate obstinate women - with such a wife, the guy becomes depressed, which interferes with his work and thoughts on his favorite topics. Zarya endures divorce too painfully, she can fall into deep depression, and she is generally susceptible to nervous diseases. Elizars often turn out to be spiritual mentors and religious figures

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: He Elizar is not very receptive to anything new; he is inclined to systematize and consolidate knowledge. Can be a good teacher, military man, public figure.

Elizar is smart and has an oratorical gift. He has developed intuition, is selfless and friendly with everyone. A man with this name is caring with his loved ones and will never refuse help. He doesn’t have wrestling qualities, but he knows how to stand up for himself and won’t let his friends get hurt. A man does not strive for fame and material wealth, but knows how to provide for his family and is very happy in his family life.

Business and career of Elizar: a name can achieve a high financial and social position after 40 years, but in old age large losses are likely due to the dishonesty of people from close circles.

The name Elizar achieves good results in professional activities if he chooses his specialty correctly. As a child, parents often predict a great future for him in the field of art and try to give him a good musical education. But a guy can show himself most clearly in the field of philosophy and psychology. Other sciences are also easy for him, but less exciting.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Elizar: He Elizar attaches great importance to philosophizing. He likes to speculate about the meaning of life and shows interest in the properties of the human psyche. The guy named Elizar is inquisitive and attentive to everything that happens around him. He is interested in the differences between female and male psychology. He has the gift of a teacher; he can spend hours, calmly and patiently, explaining something to children, and does not get annoyed if one of them does not understand something. Elizar likes to be a guardian and mentor, to teach, to explain, especially since at this time he often has new ideas, new interpretations of certain events.

The fate of Elizar in history

What does the name Elizar mean for a man's destiny?

  1. Elizar Maltsev is a Russian Soviet writer, author of novels about the life of the collective farm peasantry: “Hot Springs”, “Enter Every House”, “From the Heart”, etc.
Translated from Hebrew - "God helped" .

In infancy, a child is weak, causes a lot of trouble for parents, and requires increased attention and careful care. He often catches colds and is susceptible to infectious diseases. With age, his health gets stronger, his illnesses go away. Elizar is a trusting, vulnerable boy. He becomes strongly attached to his friends, is sincerely devoted to them, and has a hard time dealing with betrayal. Uncollected, you can repeat the same thing to him several times, but he doesn’t seem to hear anything. Forgetting about his responsibilities around the house, he can go to the store on behalf of his mother and play in the yard with the boys.

The adult Elizar, cautious and secretive, is afraid to reveal himself to his comrades, and deeply hides his gullibility and affections. He puts on a mask of indifference to everything, puts on the armor of indifferent coldness, harsh irony and mockery. Many people don’t even realize that he is a man of a subtle soul, very vulnerable and sensitive. He is well-rounded and very talented. Prefers creative work that requires frequent contact with new people. He is interested in psychology and philosophy. He has the gift of persuasion and knows how to win people over. His personality is bright and extraordinary, he attracts the attention of women. But in relations with them, Elizar is extremely careful, afraid to open up to the woman he loves, and dates her for a long time without admitting his true feelings. He marries successfully, builds a family on trusting relationships, he is a devoted husband and friend. For him, family is a reliable rear, a quiet haven, where he is always eager to find peace, the support of loved ones, and the love of children. He becomes strongly attached to home and has difficulty changing his place of residence, even if the new conditions are much better and more comfortable than the old ones. Before marriage, he has few women, because he is not a supporter of fleeting relationships, he dates one woman for a long time. He breaks up with her for a good reason, worries for a long time and has no desire to start a new relationship. Most often it is valued on the one that has been known for a long time and well. In sex it is moderate, reason always prevails over emotions. With colleagues, Elizar is gentle and respectful; they pay him in return. He is the soul of the team, especially since he rarely changes his place of work. He is unobtrusive, but always the center of attention. Witty, cheerful, although not too open. If necessary, Elizar can be harsh, tough and demanding. Often he is trusted to lead the team in which he grew up. He makes his career easy, but reluctantly. He does not strive for the top, but deserves the attention of leaders who nominate him for higher positions.

Winter Elizar has a strong character, but his nature is refined and refined. Loves poetry and painting. A man of fine soul. Has a hard time experiencing failures and disappointments. Life doesn’t spoil him too much, but this doesn’t make him angry or vindictive.

Name days:

January 26, June 17, August 14

A person’s name day should be celebrated once a year, choosing from all the name days those
which fall on or following his birthday

You should pay special attention, first of all, to the quality of the items you purchase. Preference should be given to clothing of a simple and strict style, wearable, comfortable and discreet. The main thing is to look correct and neat. And dressing “like you’re going to a ball” doesn’t suit you at all. Your appearance number is “Four.” The practicality of the “two” is reflected, among other things, in her manner of dressing. You should pay special attention, first of all, to the quality of the items you purchase. Preference should be given to clothing of a simple and strict style, wearable, comfortable and discreet. The main thing is to look correct and neat. And dressing “like you’re going to a ball” doesn’t suit you at all.

Compatibility of the name Elizar, manifestation in love

Elizar, it cannot be said that you are completely incapable of manifestations of love and tenderness, but business comes first for you, and you will choose a partner based mainly on how well he can correspond to your life interests. Manifestations of strength of character, determination and ambition mean immeasurably more to you than sensuality and external attractiveness. In a marriage, should one happen, you will first of all value in your partner the ability to empathize with your ideas and the ability to provide support.


You strive to “embrace the immensity.” Your soul longs for everything that a person can possess. And - in the maximum possible quantities. Therefore, the problem of choice, as such, one might say, does not exist for you. You simply cannot refuse any offer that life makes you.

When making a decision, the wishes of others are taken into account only as secondary factors: you are sure that if you feel good, then everyone else has nothing to complain about. This means that you can and should force them to “go in a water sled” with you, in the direction you choose.

And here the opportunity opens up to see everything from a different angle. You need outside assistance, and above all, as a “restraining principle.” Otherwise you may want to “turn over the earth.”

But if you are forced to use other people’s opportunities, then you need to learn to share the results. And the sooner you make a choice in favor of such a scheme of activity, the greater your chances of keeping your soul pure and your heart healthy.

In infancy, a child is weak, causes a lot of trouble for parents, and requires increased attention and careful care. He often catches colds and is susceptible to infectious diseases. With age, his health gets stronger, his illnesses go away.
Elizar is a trusting, vulnerable boy. He becomes strongly attached to his friends, is sincerely devoted to them, and has a hard time dealing with betrayal. Uncollected, you can repeat the same thing to him several times, but he doesn’t seem to hear anything. Forgetting about his responsibilities around the house, he can go to the store on behalf of his mother and play in the yard with the boys.
The adult Elizar, cautious and secretive, is afraid to reveal himself to his comrades, and deeply hides his gullibility and affections. He puts on a mask of indifference to everything, puts on the armor of indifferent coldness, harsh irony and mockery. Many people don’t even realize that he is a man of a subtle soul, very vulnerable and sensitive. He is well-rounded and very talented. Prefers creative work that requires frequent contact with new people. He is interested in psychology and philosophy. He has the gift of persuasion and knows how to win people over. His personality is bright and extraordinary, he attracts the attention of women. But in relations with them, Elizar is extremely careful, afraid to open up to the woman he loves, and dates her for a long time without admitting his true feelings. He marries successfully, builds a family on trusting relationships, he is a devoted husband and friend. For him, family is a reliable rear, a quiet haven, where he is always eager to find peace, the support of loved ones, and the love of children. He becomes strongly attached to home and has difficulty changing his place of residence, even if the new conditions are much better and more comfortable than the old ones. Before marriage, he has few women, because he is not a supporter of fleeting relationships, he dates one woman for a long time. He breaks up with her for a good reason, worries for a long time and has no desire to start a new relationship. Most often it is valued on the one that has been known for a long time and well. In sex it is moderate, reason always prevails over emotions. With colleagues, Elizar is gentle and respectful; they pay him in return. He is the soul of the team, especially since he rarely changes his place of work. He is unobtrusive, but always the center of attention. Witty, cheerful, although not too open. If necessary, Elizar can be harsh, tough and demanding. Often he is trusted to lead the team in which he grew up. He makes his career easy, but reluctantly. He does not strive for the top, but deserves the attention of leaders who nominate him for higher positions.
“Winter” Elizar has a strong character, but his nature is refined and refined. Loves poetry and painting. A man of fine soul. Has a hard time experiencing failures and disappointments. Life doesn’t spoil him too much, but this doesn’t make him angry or vindictive.
Elizar can find his calling in religion, devote himself to serving the church.

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