Divergent faction signs. How do we choose Loneliness? Who is this divergent?

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World of Divergent This is the world of the post-apocalyptic future from the Divergent books, invented by writer Veronica Roth in 2011. The book takes place in Chicago, or rather in its ruins.

What's happened:

Humans were subject to genetic change. In an attempt to eliminate the negative behavior of society, the Purge War began, people with damaged genes began to fight against the government and people with pure genes. When the devastating war ended, killing half the people of North America, the people demanded a solution to the problem.

After this, the Bureau of Genetic Protection was created, which, using a memory serum, made the population of several large cities forget about everything. The Bureau was going to conduct an experiment on people, the purpose of which was to identify pure genes, such as they were before, people - Divergents. Factions were created that would not interfere with the experiment and would prevent a riot.


Chicago is the city where one of the many gene cleansing experiments was conducted. Part of the city is in ruins. Previously the largest lake in Michigan, it is now a swamp. In order for people to stay in the city, it was fenced off with a high wall.

The remaining areas of Chicago were divided between factions. Outcasts lived in the ruins.

Residents of the city remembered absolutely nothing from the past, trying to preserve their factional foundations.

Chicago and Lake Michigan, which became a swamp



Was the headquarters of the Dauntless. It was a cave that could only be entered by jumping from the roof. Jumping into the hole, the newcomers fell into the net, to the bottom of the Pit.


A place in the Dauntless headquarters. The abyss was located to the right of the Pit. It was a river with very fast movement and sharp stones. The fearless loved to cross this dangerous place on narrow bridges in order to show their courage.

Ruthless March

Former shopping center. Now the headquarters of the Iskrenich, which is a tall building without windows, the walls of which are covered with black marble and the floors are white.


Professional suitability

Every person who turned 16 years old had to pass this test, which would reveal his suitability for one of the factions. Although a person could choose his own faction, the test was designed to help him do this.

During the test, a simulation serum was injected into a person.

If the test did not bring results, the person was called a Divergent - having an affinity for several factions.

Selection ceremony

A ceremony held every year among young people 16 years old after they pass a professional aptitude test. On it, boys and girls chose the faction where they would continue their lives. The leader was one of the representatives of any faction.

The huge hall was divided into five sectors in which there were representatives of one of the factions. In the center of the hall there were five bowls, with: gray stones, water, dirt, coals, glass.

All 16-year-olds were called to the center and, having cut their hand with a knife, had to drop their blood into a cup of their choice.

Tris Prior faction selection ceremony

Landscape of fear

Initiation with the Fearless, in which everyone recognizes their fears. People passing through the landscape had ten to fifteen fears.


Tris injected with simulation serum

of death- a deadly thing that smells good.

peace– calms people down. They stop being angry and forget the reason for their anger.

memory– erases part of the memory, preserving motor functions.

simulations– causes visions in which a person acts in his own way. Reveals professional suitability for the faction.

truth– used for interrogation in which a person tells the honest truth.

paralysis- paralyzes a person.



These people, as expected, were defenders and heroes. They were fearless, brave and strong. The fearless ones trained their bodies, learned to shoot and fight hand-to-hand. The main enemy of the faction was fear. To overcome it, boys and girls performed very dangerous stunts.

When a faction member grew old, he was expelled.

The Dauntless were true soldiers who performed many functions. Their color was black. The difference was tattoos and piercings.


Faction members cared for others while denying themselves their own needs. They wore ordinary clothes and fed outcasts. The only thing the renouncer could afford was a watch. Their houses were the same. They didn't celebrate birthdays, didn't drink alcohol, and ate canned food. They did not have a leader, but they were at the head of the Government. Many considered them weak.


Erudites were very smart. Their goal was science, learning, new technologies and new knowledge. Among the scholars were doctors and teachers. The color blue had to be present in the clothes of an erudite. Everyone, without exception, had to wear glasses.


Peace-loving, kind people who want to create a peaceful society. Friendly people did not like war and preferred peace and friendship. They lived outside the city and worked in the fields, supplying food to the entire city. The friendly greeting was a hug.


Very honest and sincere people. Honesty for them was the credo of their life. They wore black and white clothes, formal suits and skirts. They greeted each other by shaking hands. Sincere people can recognize lies because they know body language. They love ice cream. And they use truth serum on guests.


Outcasts who had no homes, no jobs. Factionless people lived outside the territory of society, but in order for their lives to have meaning, they worked in factories, were cleaners, and drivers. Their payment was food and clothing. Any person who did not undergo initiation into the new faction could end up among the outcasts. The number of outcasts exceeded the number of people in any faction.


This name was given to those who approached several factions at once. In this world, finding out that you were a Divergent was tantamount to death. These people were despised and feared because they were impossible to control. The Divergent's thoughts and mind were free, and not closed by boundaries like people from factions.

In order to survive and not be expelled, the Divergents were forced to hide their identity. They were immune to some serums.

In fact, the Divergents were people with pure genes, those for whom the Bureau carried out its experiments.

The story, called “Divergent,” is about a girl living in a world different from ours. The government that runs this society has learned not only to avoid conflict, but also to control people. Every person who has reached the age of 16 must join one of the factions, which will subsequently determine his fate. There are five factions in total:
Sincerity. People who have joined it are distinguished by their honesty and straightforwardness, they never lie and therefore perform the functions of a court.
Friendliness. These people work for the benefit of the whole society, harvest crops, sow in the fields and are always satisfied with their lot.
Fearlessness. Those who belong to this faction protect society. They are soldiers: brave and ready for anything.
Renunciation. This faction is the leading one and those who belong to it rule society. The renunciation faction suggests that these people are willing to sacrifice everything for others, think about society and do everything for its good.
Erudition. This faction acts as a kind of head of society. Namely, people who think logically develop technology and production. As for this faction, it is the next most important after the abdication.
There are also those who, for some reason, could not approach any of the factions. They cannot live with everyone, they have to eat garbage and come to terms with the role of unnecessary people. All factions despise them except the Abdicant.
The main character Beatrice has been a member of the Abnegation faction since birth, but she does not imagine that she will do this all her life and at the same time does not know what she wants to do. A control test, which should determine her belonging to one of the factions, shows that she has characteristics of all five. Such people are called divergents, and they are dangerous for the government because they do not know how to obey unquestioningly and do not want to be puppets.
They threaten the very existence of such a society, and therefore these people are destroyed, leaving them no right to life.
On the advice of the girl who conducted the test, Beatrice does not tell anyone that she is a divergent, and the test result indicates that she belongs to the Abnegation.
Despite the faction determined by the test, a person can choose for himself what he wants to do and the next day after the test is decisive, since people choose who they will become in later life. Beatrice, like her brother, does not choose the faction in which she was born; after much deliberation, she joins those whom she has always admired - the Dauntless, which means her leaving home and strong changes in her life. From the moment she entered here, trials and difficulties began. Jumping onto a moving train or onto the roof of a house, and after that an even more frightening task: trusting her teacher, she must jump down from the edge of the roof, not knowing what will happen to her. Having successfully completed the first tests, Beatrice meets a teacher and mentor named For, whose name means four. On the first day, she understands that it will not be easy. Now, the task of beginners is to prepare for passing the final exams and not “fail” if they fail. During the preparation time, they run cross-country, shoot, fight in the ring and practice knife throwing. All this is monitored and assessed by their mentors. The first is cruel, never missing an opportunity to humiliate others. The second – smart and reserved – For.
Beatrice tries hard, but the fact that she is physically weaker than everyone else puts her at risk of elimination. Noticing her efforts, Faure supports Beatrice and teaches her techniques that could be useful to her to successfully pass her exams. Another test is psychological. Its essence is that Dauntless must fight their worst fears and be able to overcome them. To do this, they are injected with a substance that affects their psyche and forces them to meet them in the form of hallucinations. While students are struggling with fears, Mentor For sees everything that is happening in their head on his computer monitor, assessing and then giving advice. When it's Beatrice's turn, she reacts in an unconventional way that isn't how a normal Dauntless should behave. Confronted with her nightmare, she doesn't fight it, but instead tells herself that "this isn't real," and it works and she wakes up, surprising Faure.
But Beatrice does not answer all his questions, although in fact she understands that For has already guessed everything, but for some reason she does not give her away. Going through various tests and training, Beatrice and Fore themselves do not notice how they are getting closer to each other. And he decides to show her something. Erudites have been coming to the fearless for several weeks now, they bring food and medicine that suppress the will of a person. He also reveals to her his main secret: in fact, Fore, like her, is a divergent, but he manages to hide it. They begin to get to the bottom of the truth and understand that the scholars are going to, having subjugated the Dauntless army, overthrow the Abnegation faction and take its place. However, they do not have time to act and prevent this. All Dauntless are implanted with a chip in their skin that controls their behavior, and the next day the army of people turns into an army of obedient dolls, doing as they are ordered. Beatrice, since she is a Divergent, was not affected by this manipulation, and she is of sound mind and aware of everything, however, she pretends that, like them, she has become a “zombie.” For, like her, only pretends to obey. By order of the erudites, they go to the housing of the renounced and, as soon as they take them out into the street, they shoot them. Seeing this, Beatrice and Fore try to stop them, but they fail and they are grabbed and tried to kill, but still freed, they make their way back to the fearless housing to stop all this. There they manage to kill the guards, but the scholars refuse to disable the running program. Then Beatrice decides to take a desperate step, seeing an ampoule with the very substance that suppresses the will, she injects it into the woman leading the erudites and orders her to stop and delete this program. All comes to the end. The erudites are defeated, and the renunciants are saved. But Beatrice and Faure understand that they have nothing more to do in this society, and jumping on a passing train, they leave forever, ready to be persecuted and expelled, but realizing that this way they will truly become free.

  • The film is based on the novel Divergent by Veronica Roth (Divergent, 2011).
  • Shailene Woodley has already starred opposite two of the film's actors. Miles Teller was in love with her in The Spectacular Now (2013), and Ansel Elgort, who plays her brother, was in love with her in The Fault in Our Stars (2014).
  • Theo James performed all the action scenes without a stunt double.
  • Shailene Woodley was the only contender for the lead role.
  • Before filming, the entire cast underwent a two-month young fighter course, and Shailene Woodley also received additional training in handling firearms.
  • Tris is only 16 years old in the film, and Shailene Woodley, who played her, was 23 years old at the time. And thirty-year-old Theo James plays the role of Faure, who should be only 18 years old. .
  • Initially, the budget for the film was 40 million dollars, but after the success of The Hunger Games (2012), the bar was raised to 85 million.
  • Miles Teller originally auditioned for the role of Four, which later went to Theo James. Teller was told that he would not get this role, but after a while the producers watched the film “The Spectacular Now” (2013) with his participation. They were impressed and suggested Teller take the role of Eric, which in the game went to Jai Courtney. Teller refused because he felt he was not suitable for her. He was eventually offered the role of Peter. However, he agreed to even this only after a message from Shailene Woodley, in which she asked him to accept the role, saying that it would be great to work together again.
  • The temporary tattoo on Theo James' back took more than three hours to create. Moreover, three people were involved in its application.
  • Kate Winslet was five months pregnant at the time of filming, so she constantly had to carry folders, files and tablets with her on camera to cover her belly.
  • The script planned for a love scene between Tris and For, but it had to be abandoned in order to receive a PG-13 rating.
  • Shailene Woodley initially turned down the role of Tris, but she changed her mind after talking with Jennifer Lawrence, who played a similar role in The Hunger Games.
  • Actor Jeremy Irvine was considered for the role of Faure, but he turned down the role because he did not want to become a youth idol.
  • The protective wall from the outside world shown in the film is based on the Soviet over-the-horizon radar station (OHRLS) for an early detection system for intercontinental ballistic missile launches called Duga, also called Chernobyl-2. This facility is located nine kilometers from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. It ceased operation after the 1986 radiation disaster. The height of low-frequency antennas reaches 150 meters, and the length is 500 meters.
  • Kate Winslet accepted the role of Janine because she wanted to do something different from her usual dramatic roles, and she wanted to be in a film that her children would watch. According to her, they became extremely popular at school when she played the role.
  • Errors in the film

  • Before learning to confront their fears, For and Tris are given injections in the neck, but no trace of the injection is visible.
  • The step that broke when Tris and Four were climbing up the Ferris wheel was found to be intact in the next shot.
  • Fore wounds Tris' ear with a knife, but during the scene with Janine, Tris' ear is fine; the wound is visible again later, during the fight with Peter.
  • When Faure throws the first knife, he still has three more in his left hand, but when he prepares to throw the second, the knives in his other hand disappear.
  • As Janine and Tris talk, Tris's hair alternates between covering her wounded ear and tucking it behind it.
  • In the kissing scene between Tris and Four, it is clear that the knuckles on Tris' hand are a little knocked down at first, but then the abrasions disappear.
  • When the characters first eat lunch in the cafeteria, the container of hamburgers is full, but after the camera switches to Max and then back to Tris, Christina, Will and Al, the container is practically empty.
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