Girkin is in contact. Igor Strelkov: in contact

The military considers will to be the main trait of a commander, followed by prudence, moderation and self-control. When the military-political conflict in Donbass (Ukraine) was just beginning to flare up in 2014, Igor Strelkov showed all these qualities. Strelkov’s role is complex and ambiguous, but his contribution to the formation of Donbass as a separate republic is extremely great.

Childhood and youth

Girkin Igor Vsevolodovich (better known as Strelkov Igor Ivanovich) was born in Moscow on December 17, 1970. Considering the military career of Igor Vsevolodovich, the facts of his biography are not advertised. According to unofficial information, Igor Vsevolodovich’s father is also a military man by profession. From early childhood, Girkin was interested in history. The boy studied diligently, read with pleasure, for which he received the offensive nickname “nerd” among his peers.

Having received a basic education at Moscow school No. 249, the young man at the age of 18 became a student at the State Institute of History and Archives in Moscow. A year later, the young man developed a hobby that was rare for that time - military-historical reconstruction.

Military service

Having received a diploma of higher education, Igor did not work even a day in his specialty - the young man chose to follow in his father’s footsteps. Igor's military career began in 1992 as a Cossack army rifleman and mortar gunner. At the same time, Girkin visited the war for the first time: first in Transnistria, then in Bosnia. Upon his return, the young man published a “Bosnian Diary” with entries about the events of that period and personal experiences.

The young man served in the air defense forces as a gunner in a security company. Having started his service as a private, by June 1994 Girkin received the rank of junior sergeant. After serving his military service, the young man remained in the army, but under a contract as a platoon deputy and commander of the Arcadia self-propelled artillery unit. After only 5 months, Igor received the rank of guard sergeant.

In 1995, Igor Girkin gained serious experience of real combat operations by going to the Chechen Republic. Returning from the war, in 1996, Igor joined the Federal Security Service as an investigator (at the same time he received the rank of lieutenant). Simultaneously with his work, Igor took courses at the FSB, after which he received a promotion, taking the position of deputy head of the department (with the rank of senior lieutenant).

Igor Strelkov in the army

From 1999 to 2005, Girkin visited the Chechen and Dagestan republics in order to fight the gangster underground and terrorism. By December 2005, Igor Vsevolodovich received the rank of colonel. For his contribution to the fight against terrorism, Girkin was awarded the Order of Courage and a medal.

In 2005, Igor Vsevolodovich was transferred to Moscow, where he worked in the Federal Security Service until 2013. In 2013, Igor Vsevolodovich was dismissed due to length of service. Girkin's total length of service in military service was 18.5 years.

Igor Strelkov in Chechnya

Returning to Moscow, Igor Vsevolodovich remembered his youthful hobby and became the leader of the Combined Machine Gun Team, created on the basis of the military-historical club “Moscow Dragoon Regiment”. The main goal of the organization was the reconstruction of historical battles, in which Igor gladly took part, most often in the lower military ranks.

Donbass period

In February 2014 (a month before the referendum on the status of the peninsula), Igor Vsevolodovich was appointed to the position of freelance adviser to the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Crimea. At the same time, Igor Vsevolodovich headed a separate volunteer special forces battalion, ensuring the establishment of Russian power on the peninsula after the referendum.

The intensification of hostilities in the Donbass forced Girkin to take the post of commander of the DPR militia on April 12, 2014. On April 12, Girkin (under the pseudonym Strelkov) with a team of armed people and activists occupied the administration building of the city of Slavyansk (Donetsk region), announcing the annexation of the city to the Donetsk People's Republic. For three months there were battles for the city, and on July 5, Strelkov, at the head of his group, was forced to leave the city, handing it over to the Ukrainian authorities.

After the referendum on May 11, 2014, according to the results of which the Donetsk People's Republic was proclaimed, Igor Ivanovich Strelkov was appointed to the post of Minister of Defense of the DPR. But two months later, on May 15, 2014, Strelkov left the territory of the DPR, leaving for the Russian Federation.

In his speech, Igor Ivanovich voiced the reason for his departure as a political decision on the part of the authorities. According to the ex-leader of the militia, the Russian government betrayed the people of Donbass. At the same time, the former Minister of Defense of the DPR emphasized that he continues to closely monitor the fate of the Republic, especially war crimes by Ukraine.

The pseudonym Strelkov was chosen by Girkin not out of fear of political persecution and a desire to remain incognito, but based on the fact that this surname is easier to remember and reflects the owner’s connection with military affairs. Although entire fortunes are often made in war, Igor Ivanovich Strelkov always emphasizes that he does not even have a personal car, and donates most of his finances to charity and an old hobby - military-historical reconstructions.

Social movement "Novorossiya"

After leaving the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic in May 2014, Strelkov took up organizational activities in the Novorossiya social movement. The official website of the movement reflects information about its activities: the leader’s analytical notes on the military-political situation in the world, fundraising and organizing events to provide assistance to victims on the territory of the DPR, the population and the army of the republic. Help is provided in the form of food, clothing, and medicine.

Igor Strelkov organized the Novorossiya movement

The main and only goal of the movement and Strelkov as a leader is to help the people of Donbass. Novorossiya has nothing to do with politics. Igor Strelkov expressed his opinion in an interview posted on the official website of Novorossiya that in the armed conflict in the Donbass, the fate of not Kyiv and Donetsk, but Russia, is being decided.

Personal life

Almost nothing is known about the personal life of the ex-minister of the Donetsk People's Republic. Igor Vsevolodovich Girkin is married to Miroslava Reginskaya. Miroslava helps her husband in all his endeavors, has an active political position and is a member of the Novorossiya social movement, headed by Girkin. The married couple has a daughter, Ulyana Igorevna Girkina. The baby was born in August 2016.

The family devotes all their free time to socio-political problems and work in Novorossiya, and Igor and Miroslava spent a short vacation on the Crimean peninsula.

Igor Strelkov now

As Igor Ivanovich Strelkov emphasizes, now the main goal of his activities is the organization of humanitarian assistance to the people of Donbass. In addition, Girkin, within the framework of the Novorossiya OA project, also deals with socio-political problems in Russia.

Thus, on October 28, 2017, members of the public movement took part in the congress of national patriotic forces of Russia, where they discussed the creation of a Team of People's Leaders. The purpose of creating the Team is the planned reform of the economic and social policies of the Russian Federation by combating corruption, nationalizing strategically important resources and electing local Councils.

According to Strelkov, the Novorossiya OD is a third force along with the official government and the opposition. As for his comrades in the fight for the Donetsk People's Republic, here too Igor Ivanovich is opposed to other parties to the conflict.

Thus, in October 2017, a skirmish occurred on the Internet between Strelkov and the former Prime Minister of the DPR, now the head of the Union of Donbass Volunteers, Alexander Borodai. Alexander Yuryevich in an interview called the appointment of Strelkov to the post of Minister of Defense of the DPR in 2014 a personnel “mistake.”

In addition to political issues, the OD “Novorrossiya” is also involved in solving social problems in the Donbass. Strelkov and his team publish reports on monthly humanitarian assistance to the people of the DPR on the official website of the movement, as well as on the page in

“Igor Ivanovich Strelkov kindly agreed to record the seventh video answer to questions from the editors of “Report from the Novorossiya Militia.” During the conversation several issues were raised:
1) Many predict an escalation of the conflict in Donbass, do you think this will happen? Can you give a brief analysis of the current combat situation?

“The war will continue sooner or later, the only question is when? The Ukrainian government is waiting for the process of the half-life of the Russian Federation to reach its logical conclusion. Now there are artillery clashes along the entire front line with dozens of casualties on each side.”

2) Dear Igor Ivanovich, I would like to know your assessment of the latest events in Crimea. What happened there? Isn't the incident in Crimea a step towards the start of a full-scale war?

“The breakthrough of Ukrainian saboteurs into Russian territory and the death of our soldiers is already a reason for war. However, apart from Vladimir Vladimirovich’s loud statements, no action followed. Evil tongues say that this is connected with the call from the government. US Secretary John Kerry."

3) How do you evaluate the effectiveness of “OND” (K25), is there systematic and effective work in the organization, is everything not sliding into a banal “talking shop”

“The stagnation is obvious, but this is not due to the fact that I do nothing and sit idle, but because we did everything that could be done on a volunteer basis. The majority of the population who are vitally interested in us do not understand the danger of the situation that has currently developed, so we have not received any support. I believe that there is no need to say “everything is lost,” but since the crisis is inevitable, but when people realize that the ship is sinking, then we will receive the resources we need. It is clear that one way or another Putin will have to leave sooner or later..."

6) Dear Igor Ivanovich, how can you assess the personnel changes that have occurred in the upper echelons of power? What do you think the appointment of Vaino as head of the Presidential Administration means?

“Vaino is a technical worker who has no opinion. The president removes from power people who have known him for a long time, while not touching the liberal bloc (Gref, Nabibullina, Siluanov Shuvalov). We must understand that the security officials who were fired, no matter how thieving and stupid they were, will stand for Putin to the end because they directly depend on it, while the liberal bloc will sell it at the first opportunity because they are tied to “Western partners”.

P.S. Igor Ivanovich Strelkov, in addition, generously agreed to answer other questions of interest to the public. If you have anything to say to Strelkov, any questions, advice or suggestions, write in the comments under the video. Perhaps your question will be in the next video answer. Don’t miss this unique chance to ask Strelkov any questions you are interested in!”

438 333

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07/03/19. Message from blogger Elena Donetsk.

“Alina is a graduate of my school. She was about to turn 16 years old... June 22, 2019 in the center of Makeevka around 10.00. o'clock at the pedestrian crossing opposite the shopping center there was a high-profile accident involving a DPR traffic police officer, Besedin, born in 1992. in which a young girl born in 2003 was hit and killed. Information about this accident is hushed up by local media such as “Evening Makeevka”, TRC “UNION”, which every now and then tell us about the hot weather and what clothes are best to wear, and that some kind of scum in uniform took the life of the parents’ only child rushing through central street at a speed of 150 km. an hour on an expensive and, most importantly, honestly earned BMW for 26 years, there is not a single line, not a single report.

The killer Besedin, being an employee of the traffic police of the DPR, must personally be an example for everyone and strictly observe the laws, especially on the roads of the republic or our media have nothing to talk about, it’s better to sit out or keep silent out of harm’s way, since the killer’s father occupies not the last place in the ranks of the DPR . On June 24, 2019, the relatives of the deceased were summoned to the prosecutor’s office and where they clearly hinted that the killer of their daughter would receive up to 5 years in prison, that is, an ambiguous conclusion arises that the issue has already been resolved.

I appeal to the media. Makeyevka, Donetsk, other public organizations to help not let the case go to waste, as always happens when crimes of this kind are committed with the participation of officials or people in uniform, because we know quite a few such cases. We ourselves are parents, fathers, mothers, and God forbid that this does not affect our children. Let's not stay away from other people's grief today, since a similar thing may affect us tomorrow. I ask that this crime be made public in the media and I hope that the criminal will receive the punishment he deserves.”

2138 332 0 ER 0.5580

10/16/19. Memorial post.

How quickly time flies! Until recently, the “red separatist” sparkled with a smile on the front line, managing to maintain the morale of his guys even in the most difficult moments. And suddenly... It’s a dark day in October, and the news says “Motorola has been killed”... Shock. Disbelief. Despair. Crowded funeral and tears in people's eyes. Black melancholy in the eyes of the then still living Zakharchenko, Givi and Motor’s other friends. And now we have been without him for three years.

Arsen, how are you there in the heavenly regiment?

TODAY WE OFFER TO REMEMBER THE LEGENDARY COMMANDER AND WATCH THE FILM “HIS BATTALION” - The film tells the story of the life and combat path of the legendary separate reconnaissance battalion “Sparta”, created and led until his death in October 2016 by Arsen Pavlov, who became known throughout Russia under the call sign “Motorola”.

The director of the film “His Battalion” is military correspondent of the News Front information agency Maxim Fadeev.

The film “His Battalion” in memory of the legendary “Motorola” included chronicles of the fighting of “Sparta” for almost the entire period of the war, interviews with participants in these events - fighters and commanders of “Sparta”, who told the truth about the war in Donbass.

“The war is not between Ukraine and Donetsk - it is a war on a larger scale. The Western world started a war against Russia here. They are trying to take control of Ukraine in order to then influence Russia by some means. That's why the war is going on. Here Ukrainians are used simply as a tool, as meat. They were instilled with a certain national idea, and like a herd they fell for it,” says the deputy commander of the Sparta ORB for combat training, “Mute.”

1238 139 0 ER 0.3125

04/20/19. A note from a fallen hero.

"Yesterday, the young militia woman Egamberdieva (Maksimenko) Liliya Vasilyevna died. Years of her life: 03/01/1996 - 04/19/2019. Saving the lives of others, she herself died. She died near the village of Oktyabr while trying to break through 2 drg BC 79th Airborne Brigade Junior Sergeant Egalegerdieva L .V. provided medical assistance to her wounded comrades. Seeing that the enemy was trying to get closer to the positions, she decided to engage in battle. Moving away from the place where the wounded were located, Egalegerdieva took fire on herself, firing at the enemy from a machine gun. She did not give aimed fire Ukrainian fascists to bypass the position from the flank.The lives of the medical instructor and the soldiers were cut short after a massive fire strike was carried out on the positions by the military of the 79th Airborne Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

She was a spring flower,
I was reaching out to the light to live!
I wanted to save you from injury,
And save the lives of the soldiers.

But the sniper's bullet got it,
Having mowed the flower under the spine.
Lily fell to the ground,
Take God into your abode!

There is no more beauty of a bud,
The soul, having left the slender camp.
Flies to where there is no law,
Where eternal peace is now given.

She was a spring flower,
I was able to walk only part of the way...
And her day, alas, is her last,
Came here. Goodbye, sorry!!!"

1055 114 0 ER 0.2640

05/14/19. Instructions for those wishing to obtain a Russian passport.

"Advice from an experienced person: please spread the information about what residents of the DPR and LPR need to know to apply for a Russian passport. How to organize a queue, what you need to have with you and how to save your nerves and the migration service employees - from the experience of those who have already submitted documents to obtain a Russian passport

On May 3, the DPR began accepting documents for obtaining a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Donetsk resident Mikhail Sdvizhkov shared with Komsomolskaya Pravda some experienced advice on how best to do this without unnecessary nerves and wasting time. Mikhail himself successfully submitted the documents, although he got up at 4 am three times to do this!

We were lucky. We managed to get organized, used the night without a curfew and three additional days to work specifically with Russian passports,” says Mikhail. - At the same time, we got up three times at 4.00 in the morning (until we organized a rotating list), once we were on duty from 23.00 to 2.00 at night. We stood there for one day, but didn’t get there. But the next day we received the Notification the first time, and some did not receive it even the 3rd time. And today we received (with adventures!) documents at the very end. Yes, it is troublesome and physically difficult. But this is incomparable to what the guys who provided us with this opportunity experience.

Part one - What you need

1. Make copies of all (!) documents so that there are margins on the left, ideally 3 cm.

2. Copies of passports.

Make TWO passport spreads on one sheet.

There should be nothing on the back of the sheet, i.e. Each sheet of copy must be single-sided.

Remove ALL pages of the passport, incl. and empty.

There is no need to translate your Ukrainian passport.

3. Certificates (of birth, death, marriage, divorce) issued in Soviet times were filled out (often) in illegible handwriting in Russian on bilingual forms, but were sometimes certified with a seal in a non-Russian language. It is not necessary to translate them. But if such a translation is made, it will remove many possible questions. We transferred and did not regret it. The asking price is 300 rubles for the translation and sleep well.

4. Certificates issued in Ukraine are filled out in Ukrainian. They need to be translated. No options. In a translation agency, without a notary (unless we are talking about children!).

5. Documents confirming marital status - current marriage certificate or divorce certificate or death certificate of a spouse.

6. Documents confirming the change of surname - a marriage certificate (or an extract from the registry office about a broken marriage + divorce certificate), in which the surname was changed.

7. Flash drive! - Necessarily. No one will take her, she will remain yours. It will contain your questionnaire, to which corrections will be made and from which the text of the questionnaire will be printed, which you will sign at the finish line.

8. Black gel pen. No one will take it away either, you sign the papers and take it with you.

9. Transparent folder with a button. At the end of the admission procedure, all documents will be placed in it.

10. A sheet of paper (photo paper) with a density of 230, A5 format (at least A4) matte!!!. At the finish line, a card for the Ministry of Internal Affairs is printed on an A5 piece of paper; the printer does not print on glossy printing of a lower density. Look for paper at your nearest photocopy shop or photo shop.

11. Photographs – photographers know the requirements. You can have 8 photos on one sheet, or two with 4 photos each. Doesn't matter. The main thing is that the paper is not glossy and pure white.

12. Photo envelope. At the studio, the photo will be placed in an envelope, but you must bring a regular postal envelope and put the photo in the postal envelope.

13. Questionnaire. This is the most interesting thing. You need to take a sample of filling out the form (+ application for a foreign passport + applications to include children in the passport). You can ask for a sample either at the migration department (but this is difficult because of the queue) or at a nearby photocopy, which is in contact with the migration department. At home in a calm environment, you need to fill out the form as carefully and thoroughly as possible. At this stage, you may discover a lot of interesting things in your documents! Save your profile on a flash drive. Print out your form. Immediately print so that there are margins on the second page on the left.

Part two - How it works ideally

1. It is necessary to carefully prepare all documents, copies and accessories.

2. Take a turn. The throughput is very low (I will explain the reasons below), if the queue is able to self-organize and ensure the transfer of lists to the next day, this is great. From 15-20 people can pass through each day.

3. Let's say you got in line and your time has come. First, they will check all your documents and compare them with how they are reflected in the application form. If you print out the form in advance, it is more convenient for the employee to do the reconciliation, because When questions arise (almost inevitably), she goes to her boss with this piece of paper for clarification. If all the documents are in order, then a) corrections are made to the application form on the flash drive and b) you are given a Notification for payment to the bank. This whole procedure takes from 30 minutes to an hour!!! Not because the employees are unscrupulous. But because not everything is so simple! Then you yourself will explain to various smart people why it’s taking so long.

4. Having received the notification and going back to the queue, sign yourself up in a separate list - the queue for those who already have bank receipts. After this, you must: a) pay at the bank, b) print out the form with the changes made, c) take into account all the comments made to the copies, photographs, etc.

5. After paying at the bank and eliminating all the comments, return to the migration department and stand in line for those “with receipts.” This line moves a little faster. But still without illusions. 7 people passed today.

6. When you get to the employee, they will finally check all your documents, your application form, you will sign a few papers and that’s it. If you're lucky. Because at the finish line, your data is entered into the computer and information that will interest the employee may appear on the screen online. In the best case, this will lead to a delay of 5-20 minutes, in the worst case, the process of accepting documents will be suspended.

Part three - psychology

1. Give up the illusion that everything will go quickly, that you have no problems with documents.

2. Remember that this is voluntary and no one owes you anything.

3. If you are an adequate, calm person, capable of independently handling a flash drive and printing out a form, accustomed to working with documents, be prepared for the fact that in the queue there will be 20% of inadequate, nervous citizens who do not know what a flash drive is, and to whom everyone owes .

4. Try to create and maintain a friendly and calm environment in line. Silence or jokes are better than swearing, panic, rumors and stupid accusations of employees of idleness and corruption.

5. Orderly queues (queues for DPR passports, for Russian Federation passports, with receipts, plus ordinary visitors not related to the current rush coexist together) with a friendly atmosphere with mutual respect, sympathy and mutual assistance are much easier to bear.

6. You must understand that it is difficult for migration officers. Really hard. The rules change on the fly, there are a lot of people and a lot of inadequate ones, they work seven days a week. At the same time, they do not scream and show patience. Be critical of the assurances of “eyewitnesses” about the crowds of “left-wing visitors for five thousand,” etc.

7. The result and speed of work depend on your preparedness and behavior.

We remind you that on April 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree “On determining, for humanitarian purposes, the category of persons who have the right to apply for Russian citizenship in a simplified manner.” The document, in particular, simplifies the procedure for obtaining Russian passports for residents of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics."

1003 441 0 ER 0.3263

08.08.19. Let's remember the fallen heroes.



The Beast woke up in pitch darkness
And both old and young fell on their faces before him,
Even the brothers in Christ caved in,
Everything caved in, but Donbass stood.

And the volunteers died on the cross,
Having given God your soul and destiny.
The apartments were rented out to them by those
Who wanted to see the DPR in a coffin?

From Ukraine every single day,
Canada, states, from under the blankets,
We were cursed by all and sundry,

She came to serve us as a sister
From Kharkov, desperate people,
Her leg was torn off, she will live,
Thank you brothers for staying with her!

In that fruitful leap year
A grin grinned over the steppe of death,
Not a single airport knew this,
Donbass, as it should be, stood.

Our two prisoners, our two families of fathers
They pressed a tank into the womb of mother earth,
What was in the souls - you won’t find words,
Those who saw, but could not help them.

Some buried their children here,
And who went to the station to flashmob?
God is their judge in spiritual simplicity,
Donbass, as it should be, stood.

Everything will return, even those who will return
Who in Kyiv worried about us,
Who didn't send any dots or dashes?
And who forged the metal of victory in silence.

And who, like a rat, runs away
He ran away to teach us courage to Moscow,
And those who in the tropics are tired of sipping cocktails
Neither the staff nor the bag will be forgiven us.

And there was a lot of things to sin -
If you tell me, they’ll send you to Kolyma,
In the bloody pole one for all
Donbass stands as it should.

Vladimir Skobtsov

959 72 0 ER 0.2331

08/02/19. A note from bloggers.

“The guy picked up an exhausted dog, which later turned out to be a beautiful husky. Thank you, kind people!”

927 38 0 ER 0.2181

05.29.19. Message from bloggers.

“Immortal Heroes of New Russia. Forever in our hearts and ranks.
You gave the people of Donbass hope for a free future. We will always remember your feat. Losing the best sons of the Russian land is grief for each of us. Low bow to you and fond memory."

765 65 0 ER 0.1876

08/17/19. A note in memory of fallen heroes.

"The feat of three retired grandfathers, who in their youth were tank crews and returned to duty in 2014. August 17 is the anniversary of the incredible tank battle between Khryashchevataya and Novosvetlovka south of Lugansk. On this day in 2014, the militias captured the tank, but did not know what to do with it. Stumbling through a video on YouTube, they hardly drove the tank to Lugansk. On the square near the stall, a retired grandfather hurried towards them, who introduced himself as a former tank driver and promised to help. Then he found two of his friends in the city, also pensioners, They made up the crew with him. It was very hot, and the tank was needed urgently, so no one even had time to find out what their grandfathers were called. They all packed into the tank and went to the front line.
Then there were fierce battles for the approaches to Lugansk airport, and normal help from the Russian Federation would arrive only a week later. The days were desperate. On the road from Khryashchevataya on the side of Novosvetlovka, the path of the tank with the grandfathers was blocked by 4 Ukropov tanks. They politely suggested that the crew of the only tank opposing them, in which the grandfathers operated, escape.

But the grandfathers fired back and hit the first time, destroying the Ukrop tank along with its crew. The retaliatory firing of the Sumerian academicians did not produce results. The shells ricocheted. The second time the grandfathers hit again, destroying the second Ukropov tank. The third shot of the grandfathers took off the caterpillar of the third Ukrainian tank.
Only then were the surviving academicians able to penetrate the armor of their grandfather’s tank and destroy it along with its crew.
All three grandfathers died.
The grandfathers' tank still stands in the same place on the side of the road. And two burnt Ukrov tanks stood at a broken stop in Novosvetlovka until May 1, 2015. Then they were removed...
Flowers are constantly brought to the tank of pensioners.
But no one knows the names of the grandfathers who fought in it."

In the first photo is the tank crew who participated in closing the “lid” on Logvinovo during the Debaltsevo operation. Rakulenko, Bybko and the third unknown. All three were awarded gold stars of Heroes of the DPR, all three survived, although they remained disabled (two, and Bybko went on to serve)."

762 72 0 ER 0.1887

04/13/19. A note from bloggers.

“Today, April 13, is exactly five years since the event, which, without a doubt, shocked everyone. 300 Cossacks stood for 6 hours in a ring of raging fascists. The photo was taken by Zaporozhye journalist Maxim Shcherbina on April 13, 2014 on the Walk of Fame, not far from the city council building. There Hundreds of anti-Maidan protesters held a rally.

Let's remember how it was...

They stood. They were pelted with eggs, bags of flour and milk, and stones. They were required to take off their St. George ribbons and stand on their knees. They demanded that we sing the Ukrainian anthem and chant “patriotic” chants.

They sang: “Get up, huge country!” They stood surrounded by Bandera enemies, like 300 Spartans or 300 Cossacks near Berestechko.


Then they, unarmed, were taken in a paddy wagon to the nearest police station, where they were copied, their testimony and fingerprints were taken...

Them, and not the “pravosek”, armed with bats, axes, knives, firecrackers and walkie-talkies, through which orders were given...

The paddy wagon in which several PEACEFUL protesters on the Walk of Fame (!) were taken out six hours later was BURNED. Everyone received burns of varying degrees.

And there were also pierced heads, stab wounds, the first blood before the start of a major massacre, which so “inspires” the Kyiv junta today, dooming its own people to destruction. Take a closer look at the faces of the “300 Cossacks” and you will understand why this photo was included in the top hundred. And you will also understand that SUCH people are IMPOSSIBLE to defeat!

P.S. The next day, April 14, a rainbow appeared over the site of the confrontation on the Walk of Fame, according to eyewitnesses.

The Anadolu International Agency published an anthology of 200 photographs reflecting the entire year of 2014. The anthology includes photographs taken in Turkey, Egypt, Gaza, Hong Kong, the USA, Spain, Italy, etc., which reflect the most important events throughout the year, and were published in international media. The photograph by Zaporozhye journalist Maxim Shcherbina, “300 Cossacks against the Right Sector,” also made it into the top hundred.

757 137 0 ER 0.2019

03/31/19. Complete list of fallen militias for March 2019.

"In March, 24 militiamen died in the Donbass... (those about whom we became aware). Eternal memory to all the fallen soldiers! We remember you, brothers...

*** List of names ***

On March 1, 2019, an experienced warrior and brave militia member Sergei Stovbur and a militia member with the call sign “Kira” died heroically.

On March 7, Andrei Grishchenko, a fighter of the 6th separate Cossack regiment “named after Ataman Matvey Platov” of the 2nd battalion, and militiaman Alexander Prototsky “Doc” died.

On March 9, militiaman Alexander Andreev and Alexander Borisovich Koroteev, call sign “Ant,” died heroically.

On March 18, Neredko Oleg Aleksandrovich, Rovenki, militiaman Dovbnya Sergey Aleksandrovich and Denis Rebrikov died.

On March 19, militiaman Vitaly Tkachev with the call sign “Grek”, a native of Krasny Luch, Prisyazhnyuk Alexey Grigorievich, died heroically, and young Grushko Alexey Mikhailovich died in battles in the Avdeevka industrial zone

On March 26, militiaman Rostislav Vladimirovich Vasilchenko and Russian volunteer Sergei Dobryakov with the call sign “Dobry” died heroically.

On March 29, militiaman Alexander Krikunov call sign “Anapa” died heroically and militiaman Sopilnyak Vladislav Valerievich “Sopilka” died heroically from a mine explosion.

Low bow and eternal memory to everyone who died in the fight against Ukrainian neo-Nazism
No matter how heavy this cross is, Donbass will bear it. And even if he is destined to die on this cross, he will be reborn by Novorossiya.

756 146 0 ER 0.2036

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12/20/19. Report by A. Zhuchkovsky on assistance to the Sukhomlin family and wounded soldiers

At the end of November - December, we collected 1 million 23 thousand rubles (+ 15,000 - the remainder from previous collections). Of these, 886 thousand were collected to purchase a house and to help the Sukhomlin family (more details here:, the rest of the amount was sent to medical assistance to the militia.

On December 24, a preliminary agreement for the purchase of a house in the village was concluded with a notary in Khanzhenkovo ​​(Makeevka, DPR). Nizhnyaya Krynka. The total cost of the house and land is 7 thousand dollars, at the exchange rate of 64.5 rubles. - 451,500 rub.

The cost of the tariff and notary services is 6500. The house is in photo 2, the contract is in photos 3 and 4.

Why is the contract preliminary? The previous owner's land ownership documents were completed incorrectly in 2000 (due to a notary error). Correcting an error requires a trial, several court hearings and up to two months of time. After this, the re-registration of the house and land to the buyer will begin. All associated costs, as agreed with the previous owner, are borne by the buyer.

To comply with the formalities, the preliminary agreement must not indicate the full amount (the full amount should appear only at the final conclusion of the transaction) - therefore, the notarial document indicates an amount that is 20 thousand less - 431,500. These 20 thousand were also transferred to the previous owner of the house, but will be specified in the final agreement.

In total, out of the collected 957 thousand, 499,000 remained. This amount was transferred to the Sukhomlin family on December 30 for the arrangement, treatment of their daughter and re-registration of the house (cadastre, notary, lawyer’s work, etc. will require expenses of up to 40,000).

The large Sukhomlin family - parents Alexander and Lyubov, children Marina (15 years old), Vika (11), Yulia (9), Valentin (7), Dasha (4) and Karina (1.5) - have already moved to a new house.

They are preparing to celebrate the New Year and thank everyone who did not remain indifferent and provided assistance.

Costs for treating wounded soldiers and medicines:

Treatment of militiaman Vitaly Zhurakovsky - 23,600. The funds were transferred to the patient’s wife, who purchases medications on her own. For more information about the situation with Zhurakovsky, see previous reports: If the patient's condition does not improve, surgery is planned in January.

Treatment of militiaman Oleg Gudchenko - 16,900 (photo 5, check 3). For more information about the situation with Gudchenko, see previous reports. Several operations on the patient's abdominal cavity were unsuccessful. The work of the internal organs is again brought outside (colostomy bags are used). The operation has been postponed indefinitely until Gudchenko’s body recovers.

Treatment of militiaman Vyacheslav Kotov - 7700 (photo 6, check 1 and 2). Kotov serves in a tank battalion in the DPR. Regular treatment is required due to the consequences of torture while Kotov was in captivity in Slavyansk from August 11 to September 14, 2014.

Medicines for honey units of the “Patriot” battalion of the DPR Internal Troops - 3600 (photo 7, check 4).

Medicines for the sick daughter of the Sukhomlin family - 12,000 (photo 8, receipt 5).

Commission for cashing out part of the funds in Donetsk (1% of 220 thousand) - 2200.

Organizational expenses for the current period - 8000.

Total: 74000; balance: 7000.

Our details:

Sberbank of Russia card: 4276520710859485 (Alexander Grigorievich Zh.)

Yandex-money: 410011412682027

We thank all caring people in the Russian Federation and abroad who continue to support the Donbass militia.

For information support we thank the page “Reports from the militia of Novorossiya”.

For assistance to the Donbass militia, reporting and other questions, please contact us by email [email protected]

🇷🇺** Message from the team "Report from the militia of Novorossiya"**🇷🇺

Dear friends. We do not have any sponsors or customers and exist only thanks to you and your concern. In all 5 YEARS of our existence, we have never taken money from the militia for cooperation and support. We didn’t go “to feed” paid political strategists and PR people even in times of dire need for funds.

We will not do this in the future.

In recent months, the amount of support has decreased CATASTROPHICALLY, but we still hope that those who care will respond.

If you consider our work useful and necessary and want us to CONTINUE TO EXIST and be able to HELP THE MILITARY and work as before, then you can support the team in the following ways:

SBERBANK card: 4276 1609 2548 3621
YANDEX wallet: 410012479564046
Top up your MTS account 7 919 255 02 91 (not Qiwi!)

We hope that your help, as before, will allow us to at least partially cover the current necessary expenses and thanks to you we will not fall and will continue to operate. Even the most symbolic contribution of 5 or 10 rubles is now like a lifeline. We thank all caring friends for supporting our team and its cause.

301 16 0 ER 0.0722

01.12.19. A note from historians.

"DECEMBER 1 IS THE BIRTHDAY OF THE LEGENDARY MARSHAL OF THE GREAT VICTORY GEORGI KONSTANTINOVICH ZHUKOV. ️123 years ago, on December 1, 1896, in the village of Strelkovka, Kaluga province, the Great Soviet military leader, Minister of Defense of the USSR (1955-1957), one of the three kavalas was born into a peasant family ers two Order of Victory, one of the largest military leaders of the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War, Four times Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal of Victory Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov

After graduating from three classes of a parochial school (with a certificate of merit), Zhukov was apprenticed to a furrier's workshop in Moscow, and at the same time completed a two-year course at a city school.

Georgy Konstantinovich had been in the army since August 1915 and joined the cavalry. He took part in the fighting of the First World War from August 1916 on the Southwestern Front as part of the 10th Novgorod Dragoon Regiment. At the front, Zhukov received the Cross of St. George, 4th and 3rd degree.

From August 1918 - in the Red Army, fought on the Eastern, Western, Southern fronts of the Civil War, participated in the defense of Tsaritsyn, then participated in the suppression of the Antonov uprising in the Tambov region.

In 1929 he graduated from courses for senior commanders of the Red Army. By 1938, Zhukov had risen to the rank of deputy commander of the Western Military District.

On June 5, 1939, he was appointed commander of the 1st Army Group of Soviet Forces in Mongolia.
Already in August 1939, Zhukov showed his worth when troops under his command defeated the Japanese in the battles at Khalkhin Gol. For Khalkhin Gol he received his first Golden Star.

On May 7, 1940, Georgy Zhukov, along with Kirill Meretskov and Ivan Tyulenev, became the first army general of the Soviet armed forces.
Since June 1940 - commander of the Kyiv Special Military District. He was preparing an operation to annex Bessarabia to the USSR.

From February to July 1941, Army General Zhukov was the Chief of the General Staff.

During the Great Patriotic War, Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov commands and/or develops plans for almost all major operations.

He commanded the Western and Reserve Fronts, and during the Battle of Smolensk he carried out the Elninsky operation (one of the first successful offensive operations in the Great Patriotic War). Then Zhukov was sent to Leningrad, at the head of the Leningrad Front to lead the defense of the city and try to break the blockade (the latter was unsuccessful).

Afterwards, General of the Army Zhukov commanded the troops of the Reserve and Western Fronts in the Battle of Moscow, restoring the front after the encirclement of the main armies intended to defend the capital, exhausting and stopping the German troops rushing to Moscow with active defense.

Then Zhukov’s Western Front, during the counteroffensive that began in December, drove the enemy hordes hundreds of kilometers from the capital.

Then the Rzhev-Vyazemsky ledge, where the Germans created a strong defense, in battles for which tens and tens of thousands of Soviet soldiers died, became a headache not only for Zhukov, but also for the entire Soviet command. In the First Rzhev-Vyazemsk operation and two Rzhev-Sychev operations, it was not possible to clear the ledge of the enemy.

In September 1942, Army General Zhukov, as a representative of the Supreme High Command Headquarters, coordinated the attacks of Soviet troops north of Stalingrad, and he also took part in the development of Operation Uranus. However, during the days of the Soviet counteroffensive near Stalingrad, he coordinated the actions of the Western and Kalinin fronts in the Second Rzhev-Sychev operation, also known as the ill-fated “Mars”.

In January 1943, Army General Zhukov coordinated the actions of the Volkhov Front in the operation to break the blockade of Leningrad "Iskra" (Marshal Voroshilov performed a similar task on the Leningrad Front). For breaking the blockade, Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov was the first military leader since the beginning of the war to receive the title of Marshal of the Soviet Union.

Marshal Zhukov took an active part in the planning and preparation of the Battle of Kursk, at its defensive stage he coordinated the actions of the Central Front, then also the Bryansk and Western Fronts.

In the Battle of the Dnieper, he coordinated the actions of the Central, Voronezh and Steppe Fronts, which captured and held the first bridgeheads on the right bank of the Dnieper.

After Army General Vatutin was wounded on February 29, 1944, Marshal Zhukov led the 1st Ukrainian Front, which carried out the Proskurov-Chernivtsi operation, defeating Army Group South, reaching the Soviet-Romanian border, liberating almost all of Right Bank Ukraine.

On April 10, 1944, Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov was awarded the highest military award - the first Order of Victory for No. 1.

Marshal Zhukov took part in the planning and preparation of the summer campaign of 1944, in Operation Bagration he coordinated the actions of the 1st and 2nd Belorussian Fronts, then the 1st Ukrainian Front during the Lvov-Sandomierz Operation.

On July 29, 1944, for his successes in the Fifth and Sixth Stalinist attacks, Georgy Konstantinovich was awarded the second “Gold Star”.

On November 15, 1944, Marshal Zhukov was appointed commander of the 1st Belorussian Front, which carried out the Vistula-Oder and East Pomeranian operations, brilliant in speed and results, on the lands of Poland and Germany, then took the German capital Berlin.

It was Marshal Zhukov who accepted the surrender of the troops of Nazi Germany.
On June 1, 1945 he was awarded the third “Gold Star”.

Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov hosted the Victory Parade on Red Square on June 24, 1945 and the Victory Parade of the Allied Forces in World War II in Berlin at the Brandenburg Gate on September 7, 1945.

A year after the war, Zhukov headed the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany (GSOVG) and the Soviet military administration in Germany. In March 1946, he was appointed to the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces and Deputy Minister of the Armed Forces of the USSR.

After proceedings in the Trophy Case on June 9, 1946, Zhukov was removed from the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces - Deputy Minister of the Armed Forces of the USSR and appointed commander of the troops of the Odessa District, then the Ural District.

After Stalin's death, from March 15, 1953 to February 9, 1955 - First Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR.

In 1954, Marshal Zhukov was instructed to prepare and conduct exercises using atomic weapons at the Totsky training ground. On September 14, 1954, at least 45 thousand soldiers participated in the exercises developed by the marshal. Zhukov also developed the plan for Operation Whirlwind to suppress the uprising in Hungary in November 1956.

On December 1, 1956, on his 60th birthday, Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov was awarded the fourth “Gold Star”, becoming the first Four Times Hero of the Soviet Union (and the only one who truly deserved it).

Despite the support of Khrushchev at one time, Zhukov again faced disgrace: the military leader was accused of “Bonapartism”, an attempt to withdraw the army from the influence of the party, and on October 29, 1957, by a resolution of the Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee, the marshal was removed from the Presidium of the Central Committee and the CPSU Central Committee; By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, he was relieved of the post of Minister of Defense of the USSR, and a year later he was dismissed.

Marshal Zhukov left his memoirs “Memories and Reflections”:


The memoirs of Georgy Konstantinovich were rewritten, republished, censored many times, and today it is impossible to say for sure what is in the book from Zhukov himself and what from the “correctors”. Nevertheless, the memoirs deserve attention.

Marshal Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov passed away on June 18, 1974, and was buried in the Kremlin wall."

273 24 0 ER 0.0675

Especially for News Front

Information is updated and clarified in real time. Follow the news on the News Front website

New, operational information about the fighting in Donbass:


Message from a resident of Severodonetsk:

“The Ukrainian artillery has been striking for the third day. Usually the volleys are heard from the airport (4-5 km from the city), where the Ukrainians have set up a training ground. But today the noise is unreal all day! Either the guns were brought in with heavier ones, or they were installed completely under the city. With each volley, dishes clink, chandeliers sway, window panes almost burst. In the aquarium, two veiltails are already swimming with their bellies up, the rest are constantly trying to jump out. This didn’t happen even in the summer of 2014, when the Ukrainians attacked the city of Gradam.”

19.30. From residents:

Something terrible is happening near Mariupol, Kominternovo is being leveled. In the nearest villages the ceilings are shaking. The Novoazovsky district hears booms all day long and very loudly. In Sartana it was heard at 16-17.00. In Talakovka, for three days in a row at the same time, weak booms can be heard from 16.30-18.00

Marinka. At six in the evening, single rifle fire and rare booms are periodically blown by the wind from the direction of Novomaryinka and the trunk. After half a hour, Bakha is in the direction of Novomaryinka, a boarding school. At 18.50 it buzzes towards the hospital.

During the day, Ukrainian militants began shelling the village of Shirokaya Balka, located west of Gorlovka. The enemy fired from positions in the village of Novgorodskoye, using LNG, infantry fighting vehicles and small arms.

19.40. Gorlovka. From the Novgorodskoe direction, the Ukronazis are firing mortars at positions of the VSN in the Shirokaya Balka area.

Message from the militia:

Today, somewhere at midnight, near the village of Trekhizbenka (LPR), the DRG of the punitive battalion “Aidar” was destroyed. This group included 6 militants, the commander of the “Composer” group. The group was destroyed while trying to cross the Seversky Donets River. Also, our artillerymen covered the junta column with heavy fire, although this was rather not our merit, but their stupidity (they broke their camouflage). The convoy included tankers, Kungs, Grads, passenger cars with Armed Forces personnel and something similar to Strela-10.


16.25. Donetsk. Staromikhailovka (Abakumovskie rates): shooting battle, with the use of mortars. The Ukronazis also used a tank when shelling VSN positions.
17.01. Almost throughout Gorlovka and Dzerzhinsk the sounds of a very strong battle in Shirokaya Balka can be heard. It’s thundering as if they really decided to repeat January 18th. Heavy artillery and machine guns can be heard. Place continuously.
From the Gorlovka militia:
At 16.53, from behind the waste heap, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are firing from the ZU and KPVT towards the positions of the DPR fighters. The mortar shelling continues. The positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are active at the Yuzhnaya mine. A tight battle ensued on Iron Balka. At 16.57 mortars, rapier and D30. At 16.58, a mortar and anti-aircraft gun were connected from Novgorodsky, working in the area of ​​the DPR positions on Shirokaya Balka. At 17.05 from Novgorod there is a tank and an infantry fighting vehicle.


Message from the Gorlovka militia:

At 16.40, dill began to rustle in the area west of Zheleznaya Balka (behind the waste heap). Explosions are heard. The evening begins. At 16.42 arrivals to the area of ​​dachas behind the treatment facilities, also closer to Shirokaya Balka. Behind the waste heap (ZB) there is a dense shooting battle. At 16.49, dill is harvested approximately from the garden area of ​​the Rossiya state farm, which is south of Novgorodsk.
Shirokaya Balka area. They're completely off the chain. Quite loud. Strelkovoe, BMP. The battle is intense and intense.
Ukro-militants disrupted repair and restoration work on electrical networks by opening fire from their positions in the village of Zhovanka (north of Gorlovka) at the site of repair work in the Zaitsevo area. The work had to be stopped an hour before its scheduled completion.


15.25. Donetsk heard strong booms, the Airport area is noisy.
15.31. Dokuchaevsk - several explosions from the new dam over the last hour.
15.45 it’s also not quiet in the Staromikhailovka area.
According to the DPR Ministry of Defense, over the past 24 hours, the Ukrainian punitive forces violated the truce 9 times, shelling the areas of Gorlovka, Shirokaya Balka, Ozeryanovka, and Spartak. In total, 14 mines with a caliber of 82 mm were fired across the territory of the republic, 10 shots were fired from a tank, 30 from an infantry fighting vehicle, 40 from an AGS.
Of the settlements in the buffer zone occupied by the Ukrainian militants, Sakhanka and Kominternovo came under fire. In particular, the punitive forces used a tank from Vodyanoye. As a result of the shelling of the settlement. One civilian was injured at Kominternovo.
The number of ceasefire violations by Ukrainian militants in a week amounted to 125 times. In total, 214 mines of 120 and 82 mm caliber were fired across the territory of the Republic, 33 shots were fired from tanks and 156 shots from infantry fighting vehicles, grenade launchers of various types and small arms. The greatest intensity of shelling occurred from January 13 to 14. These days, the enemy increased its firepower almost 6 times. The number of shells during shelling of the DPR territory increased from 47 to 258.
DPR intelligence continues to record the concentration of military equipment and personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the following directions: In the Gorlovka direction: 6 152-mm howitzers “Pion” and “Gyacinth”, 7 MLRS “Grad”, 12 infantry fighting vehicles, up to 20 vehicles with ammunition and personnel, and up to 10 buses with personnel from 54 infantry brigades, as well as two Aidar platoons. In the Donetsk direction, the following were identified: 2 self-propelled guns, 4 122-mm howitzers D-30, 3 tanks, 3 infantry fighting vehicles and 2 vehicles with ammunition and up to 150 personnel. In the Mariupol direction, the following were identified: 10 tanks, 7 self-propelled guns, 2 152-mm howitzers "Gyacinth-B", 1 MLRS BM-21 "Grad", 12 infantry fighting vehicles, 31 vehicles with ammunition and personnel, in addition to up to 200 personnel, as well as 2 pontoon crossings for transporting military equipment and enemy units across the water barrier.
Also, the OSCE mission recorded facts of violation by the Ukrainian side of the agreements reached and revealed the absence of prohibited types of weapons in the areas of withdrawal, which was reflected in the mission reports:
dated January 12, 2016 – 12 MLRS BM-21 “Grad”; from January 13, 2016 – 10 T-64 tanks and 18 100-mm MT-12 “Rapier” anti-tank guns; from January 14, 2016 - 6 85-mm D-48 howitzers and on the outskirts of VOLNOVAKHA under a mask. nets discovered 2100-mm MT-12 Rapier anti-tank guns; from January 15 - 2 T-64 tanks, 3 85-mm D-44 howitzers and 2 82-mm mortars.
An important event of the past week was the increase in the activity of radical Islamists in the Mariupol direction, who arrived from IS through Turkey to participate on the side of the Ukrainian government forces in the armed conflict in Donbass. As well as preparation by the 56th mechanized brigade and 36th marine brigade under the command of Lieutenant General Sirotenko for an offensive in the Mariupol-Novoazov direction with the support of jihadists.


13.14. Over the last 30-40 minutes, about 6-8 loud booms can be heard in Severodonetsk.
Marinka. During the day, occasional single shots from small arms can be heard.
Krasnogorovka. At 13.00 AGS, approximately the side of the cottages. At 13.08 some booms are heard. 13.31. Behind the plant, a powerful boom can be heard from the direction of the mine shaft. Haven't heard this for a long time.
Information from “freelance employees”:
Yesterday, at about 00:00, near the village of Trekhizbenka (LPR), the DRG of the punitive battalion “Aidar” was destroyed. This group included 6 militants, the commander of the “Composer” group. The group was destroyed while trying to cross the Seversky Donets River.
On the night of January 17-18, a column of the Ukrainian Armed Forces “self-destructed” (they smoked on the way) on the march from Volnovakha to Donetsk (DPR). The convoy included tankers, Kungs, Grads, passenger cars with Armed Forces personnel and something similar to Strela-10.


12.35. Abakumova Staromikhailovka - it hit very hard. The windows shook three times (in a row). At Pozharka the walls shook (Petrovka). From a resident of Abakumov: “Now something has come to us. Double explosion and powerful shock wave. The walls and glass started dancing.”
11.22. Not far (at a distance of several kilometers in the direction of Shirokino-Sakhanka) from Vodyanoye you can hear the operation of a mortar and shooting.
According to the LPR NM, Ukrainian militants have stepped up their reconnaissance activities using unmanned aerial vehicles. Intelligence revealed the functioning of two crews of unmanned aerial vehicles of ukro-punishers in the Shchastya area. Also, up to 30 snipers arrived in Peredelskoye to carry out provocative actions aimed at disrupting the Minsk agreements and additions to them.


According to a militia fighter, from 1 a.m. to 4 a.m., the positions of DPR fighters in the Belaya Kamenka area came under fire from Ukrainian militants. The enemy used mortars, and BMP-2s were also operational. As the DPR fighter clarified, the fire came from punitive positions in Starohnativka. There are no casualties among DPR military personnel.
Krasnogorovka heard the operation of machine guns at one o'clock in the morning.
Residents of Marinka reported that at 9 am they could hear banging sounds in the direction of the boarding school. At 10.20 sometimes it smacks, and so does the direction.
Yesterday, January 17, the Kyiv district of Donetsk came under fire from the militants. At 17.00 a hit was recorded on Privokzalnaya Street, Severny village. The heating supply pipeline is damaged. There are no casualties or casualties"
Yesterday afternoon they shelled Kominternovo again. One civilian received shrapnel wounds and was taken to the hospital. He's fine now. Information about the time of shelling and destruction is being clarified. “Gas supply was restored yesterday, there is no data on new damage.”
19.40. Message from the militia:
At the capital's airport there is a dense shooting battle with the support of heavy artillery. Spartak - tank battle.
21.35. Gorlovka. Along the contact line north-west of the city, the Ukronazis are escalating. They fire from self-propelled guns, mortars, automatic self-propelled guns and short-range machine guns from the direction of Dzerzhinsk (Yuzhnaya highway) at positions of the VSN, which are closer to the city of Gorlovka. Noises: short-range machine guns. Mayorsk: Ukronazis periodically use a tank against VSN positions. Zhovanka-Zaitsevo: an enemy tank is shelling VSN positions. Shirokaya Balka: periodically under fire from Ukrainian Armed Forces tanks, short-range machine guns, AGS, mortars, infantry fighting vehicles.
21.57. Message from the militia:
Airport. Shooting combat using artel and mortars. Spartacus. Mortar duel, and sniper sides are also working. Staromikhailovka. The fight is of medium intensity. The punitive forces are trying to probe our defense line in the Mariupol direction.
Message from the Gorlovka militia:
At 17.30 in the area of ​​​​Zheleznaya Balka, behind a waste heap, a dense shooting battle broke out. You can hear explosions, AGS and mortar fire. At 17.55, D-30s and a tank were already in close use towards Zheleznaya. At 18.41 powerful ones coming from the South. A battle broke out in the direction of the village of Shirokaya Balka. They shoot from mortars, tanks and small arms. At 21.12 - the same area, heavier shells flew. Exits from the Yuzhnaya sht area. 21.29 - Noises began to work with riflemen. At 21.50 a mortar is fired from the pipe area in Mayorsk. After the lighting chandelier on Shumy, the battle began, AGS, charger, small arms. For some reason, the Ukrainians began to fight with themselves. In addition to the fact that they worked on our positions, they also hit their own. And now there is a shooting battle and AGS in the area where DPR fighters cannot physically reach from these guns. At 10:45 p.m. it seemed to calm down. Somewhere in the distance there is small arms fire sometimes. Sometimes a single mortar can be heard.
23.51. Donetsk. Individual dull booms can be heard far in the West.

The press service of the People's Police Department of the Donetsk People's Republic has prepared material about the resonant failure of the sabotage group of the Ukrainian special forces. The story tells how the body of an abandoned SBU Alpha special forces soldier was found.

As previously reported "Russian Spring", on December 1, 2019, up to 8 people, consisting of officers from the Alpha group of the Security Service of Ukraine, tried to enter the territory of the DPR to commit sabotage.

When approaching our positions, the group was discovered by the Triton electronic warfare station. Using the data obtained, fire was opened on the DRG. While trying to pass our positions, the DRG entered a minefield, as a result of which two saboteurs were destroyed.

The body of one of them was found by the search group of the DPR NM in the immediate vicinity of our positions, which indicates an attempt by the DRG to penetrate into the territory of the Republic.

NATO standards equipment and ammunition were also found near the saboteur’s body.

Video provided "Russian Spring" People's Militia of the DPR.

New losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Donbass: four dead and 18 wounded in a week

“We killed people in vain!” - People's Deputy about the battles for Donetsk airport (VIDEO)

The Ukrainian people's deputy made this statement on the air of one of the talk shows on Ukrainian television. Rakhmanin is confident that the bloody battles for the Donetsk airport, in which Ukraine suffered huge losses, were in vain.

He noted that there was no logic in protecting the Donetsk airport, and the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the country’s leadership at that time needed a “sacred sacrifice,” which was the “cyborgs” who died at the airport.

“It was just a point where a certain number of people had to be buried, who were then canonized. We killed people in order to make them heroes,” Rakhmanin said emotionally.

The parliamentarian believes that there would be at least some sense in protecting the airport if it were used as a springboard to move on to Donetsk, or as a diversionary maneuver so that the Ukrainian Armed Forces would have time to prepare a powerful strike in another place.

“If we are waging war for the sake of such things, then war is not necessary. War is justified when the ultimate goal is clear. When the sacrifices that people make are meaningful, and the goal is foreseeable,” the People’s Deputy of “Voice” put an emphasis on it, without even mentioning the thousands of civilians killed by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Zelensky unexpectedly arrived in Donbass (VIDEO)

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky unexpectedly came to Donbass on “AFU Day” to “personally thank the Ukrainian military for protecting the territories.”

“It is important for me today to be in the Joint Forces Operation zone to personally and on behalf of the entire Ukrainian people thank you for your service, for defending our sovereignty and independence,” Zelensky said.

He wished all Ukrainians to return home safe and sound, promised to support the Ukrainian army and work “for the victory of Ukraine in the return of Crimea and Donbass.”

Let us add that on the eve of his visit to Donbass, the President of Ukraine recorded a video message to the “zahisniks”.

“Dear defenders, everyone who bravely defends the Motherland on land, water and in the air. Those who are now guarding our security, and those who gave their lives for Ukraine,” Zelensky began his speech pathetically and with a trembling voice.

With particular cynicism, he thanked the “vsushniks” for the “peaceful cities of Ukraine”, keeping silent about the fact that over the past years the command of the Ukrainian army and the top officials of the state did not have a drop of compassion and pity for their recent fellow citizens of Donetsk, who were suddenly named “traitors”, “separatists” and they signed a cruel sentence - to destroy at any cost.

“Today the entire civilized world sees that we really want peace,” Zelensky says. Apparently, with the goal of achieving peace as quickly as possible on the eve of the Normandy Four negotiations in Paris.

Zelensky’s speech was not without meaningless cliches: “Donbass is Ukraine!”, “Lugansk is Ukraine!”, “Crimea is Ukraine!”

Zelensky came up with a “municipal guard” for the DPR and LPR

President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky wants to propose to the participants of the meeting in the “Normandy format” to create a kind of “municipal guard” in the DPR and LPR instead of the People’s Militia provided for in the Minsk agreements.

Zelensky stated this on.

According to one of the meeting participants, Yevgeny Serdyuk, the president explained to them that, according to his plan, the “guard” should include Ukrainian National Guardsmen, OSCE representatives, as well as representatives of the Republics “who did not participate in hostilities.”

The President of Ukraine did not specify whether the patrols of such a “municipal guard” should consist of exactly three people - one each from Ukraine, the OSCE and representatives of the DPR and LPR, or whether we are talking generally about proportional distribution.

Let us remind you that the Minsk agreements provide for the creation of People’s Militia units in “certain areas of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions” (DPR and LPR).

Now the People's Militia in the DPR and LPR are the armies of the Republics. Zelensky’s “guard,” according to his plan, should obviously receive not military, but police powers.

The head of the DPR, Denis Pushilin, has already responded to the Ukrainian president. According to the head of the Republic, the DPR does not need help in maintaining order from a person who is unable to resolve the situation in his country.

“On the territory of the Donetsk People’s Republic, law enforcement agencies are fully operational, all human rights and freedoms are respected and protected.

We are coping with our obligations to ensure order in the state and do not need the instructions of a person, with whose connivance there is now rampant uncontrolled gangs and ultra-radical groups in Ukraine on an unprecedented scale,” Pushilin emphasized.

The head of the DPR called on the President of Ukraine to “stop the meaningless verbiage and finally begin practical concrete actions to implement the Set of Measures.”

Details reported "Russian Spring" in the press service of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic. According to a Ukrainian Armed Forces serviceman, the brigade command ordered the relocation of heavy military equipment and transport it from permanent storage sites closer to the demarcation line.

In order to hide traces of the movement of equipment, personnel were ordered to dig up areas of the terrain through which heavy armored vehicles passed.

The applicant also complained that it was extremely difficult to do this in sub-zero temperatures and frozen ground. The military personnel only have crowbars and sapper blades.

The LPR Prosecutor General's Office is checking the information received via the hotline.

If confirmed, those involved in crimes against the civilian population of Donbass will be prosecuted on the grounds of a crime under Articles 439 and 440 of the LPR Criminal Code.

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