The winners of the competition are the best village in the Vladimir region. The most beautiful villages were named in the Vladimir region

Village beauty contest. It is being held in the Vladimir region as part of the regional program for the socio-economic development of the village. The most well-groomed and attractive is determined by a special commission. The winners are given grants, and the villagers themselves decide what to spend them on.

The headman Olga Gromova proudly shows her native village, there are only 30 houses in Kunitsino. Carved platbands, front gardens, as well as a pond and a new chapel built by residents. Isn't it beauty ?!

Last year, Kunitsino became the most beautiful small village in the Vladimir region. Dozens of settlements take part in the annual competition and in different nominations the winners receive from 50 to 150 thousand rubles for landscaping. On their prize kunitsyns have put in order the lighting, put new garbage containers, and also made the dream of all local kids come true.

“We had a goal - to revive a dried-up pond, a fire-prevention pond must be in the village. But we decided: why should he stand and wait for the fire? We decided to make, as the children call it, "kva-kva-park", - said Olga Gromova, head of the village of Kunitsino.

In other villages, roads and water pipes are being repaired for the prize money, somewhere residents are building playgrounds. At the same time, the amount can be doubled - according to another regional program, the administration pays the same amount if the funds go to the development of village infrastructure.

Residents of the village of Berkovo welcome all guests with a song - the most singing village of the Kameshkovsky district this year wants to receive the title of the most beautiful.

“The competition united them so much - this is one big family. They don't require: give it to us! They say: let's do it together! To make their village the most beautiful, the most comfortable and the most comfortable, ”says the head of the Vtorovskoye rural settlement, Nadezhda Igonina.

In the village, where everyone gathers for work and for a holiday, there is also its own art gallery: a local artist has been drawing portraits of fellow villagers for several decades. And even their own puppet theater - real performances are staged in the houses. But there is still no club of its own.

This year, almost 80 villages are participating in the competition, each one assessed by a special commission.

“Different nominations, for example, the design is assessed: how many flower beds, roads, which entrances, lighting, water, what kind of story,” explains Svetlana Orlova, Governor of the Vladimir Region.

In the village of Pavlovskoye, for example, residents are planning to develop pottery, and they have also built their own museum here. Ella Frolova, together with her fellow villagers, for several decades searched the archives for information about the family estate of General of the Army Kutuzov Andrei Levanidov. A small exposition in less than two years has already been visited by about five thousand people.

Nowadays, only the wing, which houses the museum, remains from the huge estate. If Pavlovskoye wins the competition, its residents have already decided to use all the funds to start building a manor house in the very center of the village - his photographs were found in the archives.

The competition committee is still evaluating the projects of residents, the results will be summed up in mid-September. This year, taking into account all payments, the village that will receive the Grand Prix will be able to spend about 300 thousand rubles more on beauty.

Of course, in one race we did not get to visit all the participants, but visited only four villages and villages. And in general, this trip, it seems to me, was held under the following motto:

True, I expected that everything would be organized a little differently, that the villages themselves would show us, just those beauties, because of which they entered the competition, but ... the concept of beauty in villages is a little different, as it turned out.
Although no, the first place where we were dropped off in Golovino, for example, was a church - beautiful, albeit newly built.

But Golovino is generally a young settlement, it has only existed since the beginning of the last century, so everything here is relatively new. The playground is also completely new - akurat near the church:

Actually, there, next to the church, is generally the center of life. And not only ... Here, for example, the monument to the fallen is here:

Although besides this place there is another center in the village - a cultural one. House of Culture. More precisely a house of culture :)

We were met there bread and salt delicious charlotte ...

And they introduced me to local craftsmen. For example, with those who make wonderful things from birch bark:

There is also a lot of curious things in the school next to the house of culture ...

And curious :)

Bicycle parking near the school :)

School Museum:

Well, great again. Many are great! :) This is already near one of the local industries:

And there are several industries here. They wanted to drag us through everyone, but there was not enough time :)
Well, in general, you probably guessed that the main decoration of Golovino is people :) No kidding, by the way. The people work, study, try to do everything possible to live well in the village. It’s very nice to look at that.

But in the next settlement, in Moshka, no one was waiting for us. Apparently, everyone was busy, they had no time for us. Although there would just be something to tell, the village has a rich history. But no, then no: (We wandered ourselves without a goal and a vector.


Human houses Moshka:

Bird house:

Again - the church:

Again a monument to the fallen:

Resting place for local residents:

People did not come out to meet us, but at least the animals did not remain indifferent :)

Rustic minimalism:

By the way, there was also an abundance of iron horses: large ...

And smaller:

In Moshka, we also found some reflection of the sad reality of many Russian villages:

For this, we plunged into the bus and went further - to the Butylitsy.
And although the name of the village itself is more consistent with the previous photo, but in fact it turned out to be a pretty nice place, which personally impressed me with its cleanliness, order and tidiness. And there was also a poem that made my autumn :)

And we ran :) Past the local teacher's school (Misha christened her a light room :)):

Past the next handicraft masterpieces:

Past the director's office and questions to the director himself:

Straight to the lair of the local "maniac"! And he was hiding behind such a cute door:

Everything around was welcoming and distracting:

But for someone the bell was ringing. Or a bell:

Here is such a thing, for example:

A master taxidermist lives in this house. But since the stuffed animals do not cause any positive emotions in me, I went to the garden. Although a surprise awaited me here too ...

Nothing so the place has equipped itself with a "maniac" :)

But I still liked the streets more. See how clean it is!

And the local dispensary was also interested - the building is wooden and plastered. Nowadays this is not often the case.

But we did not see any patients there, although maybe the inhabitants of Butylitsy know some secret of longevity and health? I suspect that it is :)

And finally, the local church:

And again the church - but this is already near the village of Nadezhdino. This time the church is old, connected by history with Ivan the Terrible. It is surprising that it stands in the middle of the forest, away from settlements.This place is called Spas-Zhelezino.

We did not see Nadezhdino as such: firstly, it was getting dark, and secondly, we were intercepted by people with pies and accordion :)

It was possible, however, to capture another monument:

And the local club:

The club is very Soviet:

And at the same time in Russian:

And next to the club there is a small recreation center "Nadezhdino". Unexpectedly even cozy and modern.

And this is what I will say: while, even in such a relative wilderness, people manage to live and create, they will not do anything with our country, they will break off. On such people, which we saw on this trip, absolutely everything is held by us, and we saw quite a few such people. Actually, in them there is the most beautiful thing in our villages and villages.

Of course, it’s a pity that we didn’t see much, but all the same, I don’t consider the day wasted. And for such a walk through places where you just can't get there on your own, thanks to the organizers of the competition and Vasya

In the village of Cherkutino, Sobinsky district, the winners and participants of the competition for the most beautiful village in the Vladimir region were awarded. The Grand Prix and a prize of 150 thousand were received by the village of Berkovo, Kameshkovsky district.

In the photo is the village of Berkovo. Provided to the organizers by the participants of the competition

The village of Berkovo is located on the border of the town of Kameshkovo and is part of the Vtorovskoye rural settlement. Berkovo - oldest village in the Kameshkovsky district. Here in the XIV century there was a chapel in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “The Burning Bush”, and nearby, judging by the written sources, there was a spring, the water in which was considered healing.
In 1382, Berkovo was assigned to the Suzdal Vasilievsky Monastery, and under Catherine the Second it was presented to one of the Empress's favorites. The village at different times was owned by the steward Roman Trakhaniotov and the state councilor Ivan Levashov.

Local residents say that for six centuries there has not been a single fire or flood in the village of Berkovo, and hurricanes do not harm it. The land is allegedly kept by a local shrine - a chapel in honor of the icon "Burning Bush". The church was destroyed in Soviet years, and in 2011, on the site where the old chapel stood "by the whole world", a new one was built.


In the nomination settlements with a population of up to 1000 people, the first place belongs to the village of Ulovo, Suzdal region. Its residents will receive 80 thousand rubles for landscaping. In the nomination “Inhabited localities with a population of 1001 to 3500 people” a diploma of the first degree and a similar monetary prize went to the village of Sima, Yuryev-Polsky district. Full list winners can be viewed on the website of the regional branch of the "Support of Russia".

Most of the SMS messages were sent for the village of Sima, Yuryev-Polsky district and the village of Peski, Vyaznikovsky district. The village of Sima received a cash prize, and a children's playground will soon be installed in the village of Peski. The corresponding certificate was presented to the representatives of the settlement by Ekaterina Kraskina, Chairman of the Opora Rossii regional branch, and Dmitry Chizhov, a member of the Council of the Vladimir regional branch of Opora Rossii, director of Stiz LLC, who allocated funds for the construction of a children's complex.

In addition to prizes, awards were presented in 12 nominations. In total, 76 settlements took part in the competition for the most beautiful village in the Vladimir region this year.

It is known that all the winners of the competition will receive commemorative plaques for tourists. They contain information that they are located in one of the most beautiful villages in the region. They were made by another partner - the Prospekt printing house.

The beauty contest among the villages and villages of the Vladimir region is being held for the fourth time. Every year, settlements, in which no more than 3500 people live, can not only show themselves and look at others, but also win a cash prize. You can spend the winnings for any needs. This year the prize fund of the competition has grown significantly - the Grand Prix has increased by 50 thousand and amounted to 150 thousand rubles.

The start of the next contest "The most beautiful village" was given in the last year's winner - the village of Vezhbolovo, Sobinsky district. It was Vezhbolovo with a permanent population of 5 who became the best in 2017. The regional branch of Opora Rossii conducts the review.

Decorated with the whole world

The small population of the village increases sharply in the summer, when summer residents and Muscovites come. But at any time the beauty and purity of Vezhbolovo can be envied by many villages and hamlets. Every house - it doesn't matter whether it is rickety or just built - has a smoothly mowed lawn, garden figurines and architectural compositions, a variety of flowers and bushes are planted. Immediately at the entrance to the village, there is a well-groomed pond, through which the locals let plastic swans in the urban manner. For some reason, there are no live swans and geese in the village. And no living creatures at all.

Previously, we determined the weather based on the cow that was in front of the herd, if the cow was dark, it would rain, ”said local resident Vera Tarasova. - And now no one keeps cattle with us, only cats and dogs, and there are not many of them.

But it is not cats and geese that paint the village. Improvement in the urban manner of the locals rallied.

Before, I didn’t even know who lived on the other outskirts, ”said Marina Shushkina. - And as they began to prepare for the competition, everyone became friends. We call each other, celebrate the holidays together, make our Vezhbolovo better. For example, even children improved the fire pond, so we have no fear that everything that has been done will be destroyed.

Bought a house - mow the lawn!

After winning the competition, Muscovites became interested in the village - they buy houses here. To everyone who wants to become a resident of Vezhbolovo, the locals first of all tell the unspoken rules.

We do not welcome deaf high fences, - shared Marina Shushkina. - As you noticed, very few people have them in principle. Also, if a person wants to put a fence on his site, he must definitely coordinate this with a neighbor. At the same time, a transparent polycarbonate fence is welcomed. Also, a mandatory rule of a resident of Vezhbolovo is to keep the lawn in front of the house neat. If a neighbor has mowed the lawn, then you need to look up to him and also take up mowing.

The villagers decided to spend the money won in the competition on the continuation of the improvement - they opened a monument to the soldiers-villagers who died in Velikaya Patriotic War, built a playground for children. True, there are not many of them in Vezhbolovo, and even they come only for the summer - there are no schools nearby for a long time, there is nowhere for young people to work.


The competition among villages and villages for the title of the most beautiful in the Vladimir region will be held until September 25. Applications for participation are accepted in two categories - settlements up to 1000 inhabitants and settlements up to 3500 thousand inhabitants. They will be judged not only by their appearance and improvement, but also on the presence of monuments of living and inanimate nature, the unity of architecture, culture, tourism potential, and this year, on the eve of the World Cup, also the presence of sports grounds and events and other points.

In each of the nominations, three winners will be determined, who will receive from 80 to 30 thousand rubles, and the owner of the Grand Prix will receive 150 thousand rubles.

Applications for the competition are accepted no later than July 10 in electronic form to the address: [email protected] or to the address: Vladimir, Gorky str., 34, office 10.

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