Humanity is limited in its concept. Humanity is limited in its view of the world

We sometimes talk about other people: "Limited person"
We all live in a society that has its own laws and order, and each of us in one way or another places labels on those around us. Who can be called limited? Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin discusses these questions in his text.
Turning to the problem, the author brings us to the idea that it is impossible to answer this question directly and unambiguously, because everything is relative, and each of us has its own “capsule” size and different distance of the edge. Vladimir Alekseevich cites as an example a man who boasts of a hundred books he has read before someone who has read twenty. However, he, for example, would be ashamed to name his result to someone who has in his arsenal a thousand books and even more. The writer emphasizes that no matter how much they read everything, they, theoretically, are at the same level of "limitation", because they count in books, they are armed only with an arsenal of accurate knowledge. Speaking about this, the author cites the example of two miners who were born underground: both cannot boast of the amount of reading, but the first has a vast space, he dwells in it and thinks that everything is limited by his huge slaughter; for another miner with an area, everything is much more modest, in this respect he is more limited, but he has an idea of ​​the outside world and perfectly understands how it works, understands that the world is much larger than he can observe.
Vladimir Alekseevich believes that a truly limited person can be called a person who is closed around one topic, albeit an extensive one, and is not knowledgeable about anything else. Of course, at the level of knowledge of everything that has ever been discovered and studied, each of us is limited, but “it is important to share knowledge and ideas”, only the clarity and breadth of ideas about the external world is really important.
I completely agree with the opinion of the author and also believe that, ignoring all but a few topics of interest to us, ignoring other people's opinions and views of others even on these issues, we very much limit ourselves and thereby make the framework of our "capsule" very narrow and we deprive ourselves of all the joys of life. It is important to be aware of everything and plunge into all facets of our existence.
For a long time the protagonist of D. London's novel "Martin Eden" did not devote himself to science at all and knew only a little of what he was doing, but he was an example of a knowledgeable, experienced sailor. Faced with the need to become an educated person, to have an understanding of everything in the world, faced with the realization of his own limitations, Martin Eden began to read, observe, study, analyze, about everything and constantly, and at the same moment he realized that it is impossible to know everything perfectly. , there are too few hours in a day: it is foolish, for example, to waste your time on learning all languages ​​when you can study theories of creation of everything. The hero plunged into every facet of life, no matter how dazzlingly old or disgustingly black it was, admired their completeness, originality and tried to convey this to people, and, first of all, to high society, but, unfortunately, just his, bourgeois society, and could be called limited. They did not want to touch on anything that did not correspond to their style of life, they could only discuss what was within their range of interests, and had one completely monolithic opinion, the introduction into which could only be compared with knocking on a closed door, desperate and useless ...
The hero of the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons", Eugene
Bazarov. Of course, he was an active man, a man of the future, but all his knowledge was reduced to natural sciences, and in everything else he not only did not want to inquire - he literally despised art, feelings, religion and everything that came before him, everything that was connected with this, such is the philosophy of nihilism - to destroy, without offering anything in return. Of course, such limitation could not lead to harmony, and, of course, left an imprint on the life of Yevgeny Bazarov.
Thus, we can conclude that it is foolish to dwell on just one topic and create a framework out of it, because there are many different topics in the world, and they are all interesting, and you need to have an understanding of all of them in order to live a full and rich life.
Many consider the concept of honor to be outdated, outdated regret, today there are fewer and fewer people who are able to take responsibility for each of their actions, who are able to value and respect the word given once. In this text, Daniil Alexandrovich
Granin raises the topical issue of honor. The author, referring to the topic, draws our attention to its relevance and, in contrast to the current generation of people, cites a case from life as an example
A.P. Chekhov, who most vividly describes the nature of the truly even personalities of that time, first of all with themselves. Anton Pavlovich, having learned that the government annulled the election of M.
Gorky as an honorary academician, faced a strong internal contradiction: on the one hand, he personally cordially congratulated his friend-writer, and, on the other hand, being an academician, he, following the logic, supports such a government decision. The writer chose the only right decision for himself to resign from his honorary title. Daniil Aleksandrovich emphasizes that this was important first of all for Anton Pavlovich himself, for his inner state: he could not deceive himself and, for example, as many do, find an excuse for himself.
The author brings us to the idea that the concept of honor cannot be replaced by the concept of "adherence to principles", just as honor cannot be associated only with the once popular duels, thereby delving deeper and deeper into the absurd idea that this concept is "not applicable today." Daniil Aleksandrovich believes that honor is nothing more than a "purely personal moral feeling", an internal reference point of a person, characterized by the desire to be morally pure, honest in relation to others and to himself. This feeling cannot be earned or lost - it is given to a person along with a name, it can only be saved.
I completely agree with the author's opinion and also believe that the concept of honor cannot be compared with adherence to principles, mannerism, ambition and arrogant pride, because they have no place for sincerity in relation to their actions, there is no place for reflection and remorse, a sober answer for the promise made. And this is one of the main components of the concept of honor, which, unfortunately, gradually began to be forgotten. This character trait is possessed by the main character of the story, M.A.
Sholokhov's "The Fate of a Man". Andrei Sokolov, despite the circumstances, despite his own exhaustion, both spiritual and physical, was ready to defend his own honor to the last.
When Miller told him to drink and eat for the victory of the fascist troops, the hero refused and chose death, and considered this the only correct decision, because he could not betray his country and, first of all, himself. Miller appreciated such an act, and our hero, having received some food from him, preferred to share it among the other prisoners, simply because he could not do otherwise, it would be dishonorable to eat everything himself.
The hero of the story by A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter", Pyotr Grinev, is also a man of honor, and this feeling is most clearly manifested in him on the basis of love. While still very young, the hero could not help but thank the traveler for his help with the hare's sheepskin coat, he also could not help returning the lost debt - for him it was not even a principle, Peter acted with his soul and understood that it would be right for him to do this. Later, the hero fiercely defends the honor of Maria, his beloved, in a duel, spares the unfortunate Shvabrin and refuses to obey Pugachev even in the face of death. Of course, such actions reveal in him a real nobleman, a man of honor and dignity.
Thus, we can conclude that the concept of honor cannot become outdated a priori, since it is, has been and will be an internal moral guideline of a person. But, unfortunately, the current realities are such that honor has ceased to truly value, and this is a destructive gap, because along with honor, such concepts as conscience, good manners, morality and kindness can also depreciate over time, but this cannot be allowed.
Proper name "belongs to itself"
Each of us from birth has a name given to us by our parents and in every possible way distorted and adapted by different groups of the population in which we have to live. All would be fine, however, how long have we wondered what role the name plays in our destiny? It is this question that Vladimir Viktorovich Kolesov invites us to think about.
Turning to the problem, the author draws our attention to the fact that since ancient times the name denoted any sign of a person, be it the order of birth, the ambitions of the parents, or the quality of character, the behavior of the born. The name was a kind of indicator, and therefore his choice was always taken seriously, because they believed in his fatefulness.
The philologist focuses on the fact that despite the presence of nicknames and surnames that have their own, also important functions, the name is still the main one: it is both the character of a person and his position in society.
Vladimir Viktorovich believes that the name of a person, not completely, of course, but personifies his essence. This includes the position in society, and its internal characteristics, character traits, and, of course, it is the name that most accurately shows how a person is seen and how parents, friends, colleagues and all the people around him in general relate to him.
I completely agree with the opinion of the author and also think that it is no coincidence that parents, as often happens, take a very long time to choose a name for a newborn, because they understand that “as you name a ship, so it will float”. Indeed, the name of a person and all his interpretations are the most vivid and capacious characteristic of him, and therefore plays an important role in our fate: it can be used to determine what status a person has in society, what features and life position he has. For the same reason, writers tried to put as much information as possible in the names of their heroes, in order to convey the images to the reader as fully as possible.
It is no coincidence, for example, M.A. Sholokhov calls the hero of his story "The Fate of a Man"
Andrey, and even Sokolov. The name Andrey translated from ancient Greek means
“Courageous”, “brave”, and after analyzing the image and character of this character, we understand that it is courage and courage that are the most striking traits of his character.
He, in spite of all the difficulties, goes to his goal, and, in spite of everything, does not deviate from his principles, which is why he deserves respect from the first lines of the story. The name Andrey helped us from the very beginning to form in our head the image of this hero, and the surname Sokol put a bright point in him.
For the same reason, A.S. Pushkin calls the protagonist of his story "The Captain's Daughter"
Peter. Peter, as you know, translated from the ancient Greek “rock”, “stone”, is an indestructible, invincible person who defends his position to the last. This is how we see
Petra Grineva - both at the moment when he is fighting for the honor of Mary, and at the moment when, not fearing death, he refuses to go over to the side of the rebel. This hero from the very beginning, along with his name, received a noble honor, and that is why it looks very harmonious and bright on the pages of the story, always justifying the choice of the name "Peter".
Thus, we can conclude that the name plays an important role in our destiny, at the same time identifying us as individuals and giving us an impetus for further behavior. That is why it is very important to approach the choice of a name consciously.

Text №44 According to V. Soloukhin. We sometimes talk about other people: "Limited person"

(1) We sometimes say about other people: "Limited person." (2) But what can this definition mean? (3) Each person is limited in his knowledge or in his idea of ​​the world. (4) Humanity as a whole is also limited.

(5) Imagine a miner who, in a coal seam, has developed a certain space around himself, surrounded by layers of impenetrable black stone. (6) This is its limitation. (7) Each person in the invisible, but nevertheless impenetrable layer of the world and life has developed a certain space of knowledge around him. (8) He is, as it were, in a capsule surrounded by a boundless, mysterious world. (9) "Capsules" vary in size because one knows more and the other less. (10) A person who has read a hundred books presumptuously speaks of someone who has read twenty books: "The Limited Man." (11) But what will he say to someone who has read a thousand? (12) And no, I think, a person who would read all the books.

(13) Several centuries ago, when the information side of human knowledge was not so extensive, there were scientists whose "capsule" approached the "capsule" of all mankind and, perhaps, even coincided with it: Aristotle, Archimedes, Leonardo da Vinci ... (14) Now it is impossible to find such a sage who would know as much as humanity as such knows. (15) Therefore, we can say about everyone that he is a limited person. (16) But it is very important to separate knowledge and ideas. (17) To clarify my point, I return to our miner in the coal seam.

(18) Suppose, conditionally and theoretically, that some of the miners were born there, underground, and never crawled out. (19) They have not read books, have no information, no idea about the external, transcendental (outside their slaughter) world. (20) So he worked out a rather vast space around him and lives in it, thinking that the world is limited by his slaughter. (21) Another, less experienced miner, whose mined area is smaller, also works underground. (22) That is, he is more limited by his slaughter, but he has an idea of ​​the external, terrestrial world: he swam in the Black Sea, flew in an airplane, picked flowers ... (23) The question is, which of the two is more limited?

(24) That is, I want to say that you can meet a scientist with great specific knowledge and soon become convinced that he is, in essence, a very limited person. (25) And you can meet a person who is not armed with a whole arsenal of accurate knowledge, but with a breadth and clarity of ideas about the external world.

(According to V. Soloukhin)


comparative turnover




ranks of homogeneous members






individual author's words


interrogative sentences




Answers 7359 ????

Main problems:

1. The problem of human limitation. What kind of person can be considered limited?

1. Limitedness is a relative concept. A person can have great specific knowledge and remain limited if he does not have a clear idea of ​​the external world. At the same time, the space not cognized by man is so large that each person and humanity as a whole can be considered limited.

What kind of person we can call limited is the problem raised by V. Soloukhin in the text.

The author, arguing about which of us is limited in our knowledge or in our idea of ​​the world, draws an interesting parallel. He believes that today it is impossible to find a sage who would know everything, as it was in the days of Aristotle, Archimedes, Leonardo da Vinci, because the volume of human knowledge has grown immeasurably. So everyone today can be called a "limited" person? Yes. But one, according to V. Soloukhin, is limited by knowledge of a topic of interest only to him, but the other, “not armed with a whole arsenal of accurate knowledge,” will have a broad and clear idea of ​​the external world.
V. Soloukhin believes that a “limited person” is one who has withdrawn into the study of only one kind of science, not noticing anything other than it.

Sasha Cherny."Books"
There is a bottomless box of the world

From Homer to us.

To know at least Shakespeare,

It takes a year for smart eyes.


1. We can as much as we know (Heraclitus, ancient Greek philosopher).

2. Not every change is development (ancient philosophers).

3. We were civilized enough to build a machine, but too primitive to use it (K. Kraus, German scientist).

4. We left the caves, but the cave did not come out of us yet (A. Regulsky).

5. Jack London. Martin Eden

Limited minds notice limitation only in others.

D. London "Martin Eden"

The protagonist of the novel of the same name by American writer Jack London Martin Eden - a working guy, a sailor, a native of the lower classes, about 21 years old, meets Ruth Morse, a girl from a wealthy bourgeois family. Ruth begins to teach the semi-literate Martin the correct pronunciation of English words and awakens in him an interest in literature. Martin finds out that magazines pay decent royalties to the authors who are published in them, and firmly decides to make a career as a writer, earn money and become worthy of his new acquaintance, with whom he managed to fall in love. Martin composes a self-improvement program, works on his language and pronunciation, reads a lot of books. Iron health and unbending will move him towards the goal. In the end, after going a long and thorny path, after numerous refusals and disappointments, he becomes a famous writer. (Then he becomes disillusioned with literature, his beloved, people in general and life, loses interest in everything and commits suicide. This is so, just in case. An argument in favor of the fact that fulfilling a dream does not always bring happiness)

6. Jack London.

I am just shy when I see my human limitations preventing me from covering all sides of the problem, especially when it comes to the fundamental problems of life.

It was an eternal tragedy - when limitation seeks to guide a true mind, broad and alien to prejudice, on the path.

7. Miguel de Cervantes. There are people for whom knowledge of Latin does not prevent them from being donkeys.

8. Evgeny Zamyatin. The novel "We". I am not afraid of this word - "limitation": the work of the highest thing in a person - reason - is reduced precisely to the continuous limitation of infinity, to the fragmentation of infinity into convenient, easily digestible portions - differentials. This is precisely the divine beauty of my element - mathematics.

9. M.V. Lomonosov. Evening meditation on the majesty of God ...

A black shadow ascended the mountains;

The beams bent away from us;

Opened abyss stars full;

To the stars the numbers No, abyss bottom.

The early Middle Ages are commonly referred to as the "dark ages". The raids of the barbarians, the destruction of ancient civilization led to a deep decline in culture. It was difficult to find a literate person not only among the commoners, but also among the people of the upper class. For example, the founder of the Frankish state, Charlemagne, did not know how to write. However, the thirst for knowledge is inherent in humans. The same Charlemagne, during the campaigns, always carried with him wax tablets for writing, on which, under the guidance of teachers, the prospector wrote letters.

The desire to learn new things lives in each of us, and sometimes this feeling takes over a person so much that it makes him change his life path. Today, few people know that Joule, who discovered the law of conservation of energy, was a cook. The ingenious Faraday began his career as a peddler in a shop. And Coulomb worked as an engineer for fortifications and physics, giving only his free time from work. For these people, the search for something new has become the meaning of life.

Limited - SYNONYMS

silly; close; restrictive, finite, finite, one-sided, narrow, insufficient, tied, constrained, reduced; short, narrow-minded, narrow-minded; stupid, narrowly professional, narrowly specific, narrowly industry-specific, silly, stripped-down, narrow-minded, modest, compressed, local, sequestered, does not vomit stars from the sky, highly specialized, sequestered, silly, localized, limited, narrow-minded, short-sighted, not conditioned mind, small, narrowed, stupid, chicken brains, there are not enough stars from the sky, contingent, stupid, localized, limited, incomplete, procrustes, restrained, diminished, not unlimited, servitude, oppressed, empty-headed, foolish, sequestered, rustic, conditional, collapsed, insignificant. Ant. wide, versatile, multifaceted


  1. The problem of the relationship between the knowledge of an individual and human knowledge of the whole world.

  2. The problem of the importance of the process of cognition in human life.
This problem has worried many generations. Back in the days of Herodotus and Homer, people thought about the universe, they realized the need for study for the development of the human personality.

Both during the golden age of Russian literature, and today, many writers reveal in their works the problem of the need for scientific knowledge in human life.

  1. An example of the inseparability of knowledge from a person is the work of a Russian writer I.A. Goncharova "Oblomov" ... One of the heroes of the work, Andrei Stolts, has been persistently improving his knowledge from early childhood. He developed his knowledge every minute. Knowledge of the world was his main goal. Thanks to his desire to reveal the secrets of the world, he became a man capable of solving any issue.

  2. A very clear example - Evgeny Bazarov from a novel "Fathers and Sons" by I.S. Turgenev ... The hero was formed as a person thanks to his craving for knowledge, he became a man of a firm and deep mind.

  3. Undoubtedly, a person should show a true desire and desire for knowledge, and not pretend to be a person who knows the world, as it is presented in the work. D.I.Fonvizina "Minor" ... Before society, the main character Mitrofanushka appears as a man thirsty for knowledge, but in fact he was just an ignoramus.

Quotes about communication, quotes about the opinion of others.

Take it easy. Breathe deeply. Life is Beautiful and amazing. Just be kind and considerate to those around you. Give people love.

In a proud world, holiness, or the life of love, arouses resentment and hatred, for the world cannot stand light, just as a sore eye cannot stand the rays of the sun.

Hieromartyr Alexander Miropolsky - Love is the essence of Christianity

The people around me are me, only in other incarnations. Elchin Safarli - Tell me about the sea

Every day I try to treat people the way they treat me. And every day I understand that kindness in me is stronger than pride.

Do not argue with each other on any occasion, do not speak ill of anyone, do not judge anyone, do not condemn or humiliate anyone with a word or in your heart, do not murmur against anyone, do not suspect anyone of any evil.

Rev. Abba Isaiah

The more I think about it, the more I become convinced that there is no higher art than the art of loving people. Vincent van gogh

It doesn't matter what world you live in ...

It is important what kind of world lives in you ...

Before worrying about someone else's opinion or because someone is disappointed in you, just ask yourself: is the meaning of your life really about meeting other people's expectations ?!

There were different people in my life, some disappointed me, some, perhaps me. But each of these people taught me something. Someone taught me not to trust, someone taught me to love, someone to hate ... But most of all I thank those people who taught me to forgive.

If you wish for another, you will get it for yourself.

Venerable Cornelius of Krypetsky

Help flowers bloom in your neighbor's heart. Elchin Safarli - Tell me about the sea

Do not judge others, because it often happens

that without knowing a person, they speak badly about him, but he is like angels in his mind.

Monk Silouan the Athonite

We do not know what will happen tomorrow ...

Let it just be! ... And let it be all those who are dear to us! ...

Don't look at what others have ... take care of what you have

People are generally ashamed of good things, for example - humanity, love, their tears, longing, everything that is not gray.

K. Paustovsky.

There are people you waste your time with,

and there are those with whom you lose your sense of time ...

The greatest gift that you can give to a person is the quality of your attention.

Virginia satyr

If the person hesitates, step back, let him regain balance. Otherwise, you will have to hesitate with him. Generally hesitate ... Both ...

There are no chance meetings in the world ...

we need each other for something ...

one, like an angel helps us,

the other we sincerely support ...

Always try to be compassionate to unkind people - they really need it so much, they just haven't learned it yet.

One person has the right to look at another from high only when he helps him to rise.

The mood can be Sunny even in cloudy weather, if there are people nearby with whom you want to go through life!

Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I really need love.

Swedish proverb

When we look for the best in others, we reveal the light in ourselves.

William Arthur Ward

Saying the right word at the right time can do a miracle ..

Alexander Green

There is a sun in every person. Just let it shine.

Strong is not the one who can put on the shoulder blades with one glance, but the one who is able to lift from his knees with one smile.

All people sent to us are our reflection. And they are sent so that we, looking at these people, correct our mistakes, and when we correct them, these people either also change or leave our lives.

We do not meet anyone else, except for a part of the greater Self. Therefore, each meeting is always a meeting with an unrecognized self.

“Sometimes I overhear conversations. And you know what?

- People don't talk about anything.

- Well, how can that be?

- Yes Yes. About nothing. They sprinkle the names of car brands, fashion, swimming pools and add to everything: "How gorgeous!" They all say the same thing. But these conversations make no sense.

We all live in a society that has its own laws and order, and each of us in one way or another places labels on those around us. Who can be called limited? Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin discusses these questions in his text.

Turning to the problem, the author brings us to the idea that it is impossible to answer this question directly and unambiguously, because everything is relative, and each of us has its own "capsule" size and different distance of the edge. Vladimir Alekseevich cites as an example a man who boasts of a hundred books he has read before someone who has read twenty. However, he, for example, would be ashamed to name his result to someone who has in his arsenal a thousand books and even more. The writer emphasizes that no matter how much they read everything, they, theoretically, are at the same level of "limitation", because they count in books, they are armed only with an arsenal of accurate knowledge. Speaking about this, the author cites the example of two miners who were born underground: both cannot boast of the amount of reading, but the first has a vast space, he dwells in it and thinks that everything is limited by his huge slaughter; for another miner with an area, everything is much more modest, in this respect he is more limited, but he has an idea of ​​the outside world and perfectly understands how it works, understands that the world is much larger than he can observe.

Vladimir Alekseevich believes that a truly limited person can be called a person who is closed around one topic, albeit an extensive one, and is not versed in anything else. Of course, at the level of knowledge of everything that has ever been discovered and studied, each of us is limited, but “it is important to share knowledge and ideas”, only the clarity and breadth of ideas about the external world is really important.

I completely agree with the opinion of the author and also believe that, ignoring all but a few topics of interest to us, ignoring other people's opinions and views of others even on these issues, we very much limit ourselves and thereby make the framework of our "capsule" very narrow and we deprive ourselves of all the joys of life. It is important to be aware of everything and plunge into all facets of our existence.

For a long time the protagonist of D. London's novel "Martin Eden" did not devote himself to science at all and knew only a little of what he was doing, but he was an example of a knowledgeable, experienced sailor. Faced with the need to become an educated person, to have an understanding of everything in the world, faced with the realization of his own limitations, Martin Eden began to read, observe, study, analyze, about everything and constantly, and at the same moment he realized that it is impossible to know everything perfectly. , there are too few hours in a day: it is foolish, for example, to waste your time on learning all languages ​​when you can study theories of creation of everything. The hero plunged into every facet of life, no matter how dazzlingly old or disgustingly black it was, admired their completeness, originality and tried to convey this to people, and, first of all, to high society, but, unfortunately, just his, bourgeois society, and could be called limited. They did not want to touch on anything that did not correspond to their style of life, they could only discuss what was within their range of interests, and had one completely monolithic opinion, the introduction into which could only be compared with knocking on a closed door, desperate and useless ...

The hero of the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons", Evgeny Bazarova. Of course, he was an active man, a man of the future, but all his knowledge was reduced to natural sciences, and in everything else he not only did not want to inquire - he literally despised art, feelings, religion and everything that came before him, everything that was connected with this, such is the philosophy of nihilism - to destroy, without offering anything in return. Of course, such limitation could not lead to harmony, and, of course, left an imprint on the life of Yevgeny Bazarov.

Thus, we can conclude that it is foolish to dwell on just one topic and create a framework out of it, because there are many different topics in the world, and they are all interesting, and you need to have an understanding of all of them in order to live a full and rich life.

Absorbs like a sponge all interactions with other people that we make every day. There are people, communication with which they inspire us, they give us support, positivity and energy.

Nevertheless, there are those who, almost imperceptibly for us, harm us: communication with them tires us.

This fatigue has nothing to do with exercise. It is not as if we were carrying weights or running a marathon. We're talking about mental fatigue.

We know from neuroscience and psychology that the brain works differently depending on whether you are extrovert or introvert.

In addition, there are also those who see the problem in every solution. That bring us a storm even on the most cloudless day.

We invite you to think about these things, because they happen in everyone's life.

People with whom communication inspires

Among our friends or among our family members, there are always those who inspire us. There are those people whom we truly love, because they are real treasures. They give us strength getting stronger every day.

They are the real pillars of our life. We find support from them and we can distance ourselves from many things that bother us or are in doubt.

Their wisdom is not based on books, but is acquired through life experience as a reflection of the intuitive and intellectual mind.

What other qualities do they have?

People who inspire us and who care about us

However, there is also a fact that everyone agrees on: there are people who whose behavior causes physical and psychological harm.

Here are the signs that characterize them:

  • They are a constant source of negativity.
  • They focus only on problems, complaints and criticism. Their glass is always half empty and they see the dark side of the moon.
  • In addition to the negativity and the firm belief that the whole world is against them, such people respect no one and are extremely selfish.
  • Their conversation always begins and ends with "I." They are limited only to what is of interest to them.

It is not at all easy to live next to such people whose minds are always closed and who cannot open their eyes to see what lies in their hearts.

However, we all often encounter them in families or at work. Therefore, below we will tell you how to behave around such individuals.

How to survive next to people who tire us

We are not saying that you need to run away from them. It is impossible to conduct a dialogue with them.

At work, we meet these people every day.

  • We must learn to keep our distance, respectfully, but decisively.
  • If they are used to "pouring" complaints and criticism on you, make it clear to them that these conversations are boring and not interesting to you.
  • Do not provoke such behavior, never encourage them.
  • Keep a respectful distance from these people, making it clear that you understand and respect them, but your way of life and thought is fundamentally different.
  • If you have to spend many hours interacting with such individuals, try to talk a little, try not to listen to them and imagine something quiet and calm.

Later, try to do something nice for you. Try not to attach strong importance to the words and actions of these people.

Images courtesy of Marie Desbons.

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