Plan 4 action thunderstorm Ostrovsky. Text of the work

The unenviable fate of young girls who married not for love, but for duty, is reflected in the image of Katerina from Ostrovsky's play. At that time in Russia, society did not accept divorces, and unfortunate women, forced to obey the customs, quietly suffered from a bitter fate.

It is not in vain that the author describes in detail through Katerina's memories her childhood - happy and carefree. In her married life, the exact opposite of the happiness she dreamed of was waiting for her. The author compares it with a ray of immaculate, pure light in the dark realm of despotism, lack of will and vices. Knowing that for a Christian, suicide is the most serious mortal sin, she still gave up, throwing herself off the Volga cliff.

Action 1

The action takes place in a public garden near the banks of the Volga. Sitting on a bench, Kuligin enjoys the beauty of the river. Curly and Shapkin are walking slowly. From afar comes the scolding of the Wild, he scolds his nephew. Those present begin to discuss the family. Kudryash acts as a defender of the destitute Boris, believing that he suffers, like other people who have resigned to fate, from the despot-uncle. Shapkin replies to this that it was not in vain that Dikoy wanted to send Kudryash to serve. To which Kudryash says that Dikoy is afraid of him and knows that you can’t take his head cheaply. Curly complains that Diky has no marriageable daughters.

Then Boris and his uncle approach those present. Dikoy continues to scold his nephew. Then Dikoi leaves, and Boris explains the family situation. She and her sister were left orphans, even when they were studying. Parents died of cholera. Orphans lived in Moscow, until their grandmother died in the city of Kalinovo (where the action takes place). She bequeathed an inheritance to her grandchildren, but they will be able to receive it after they come of age from their uncle (Wild), on the condition that they honor him.

Kuligin argues that Boris and his sister are unlikely to receive an inheritance, because Dikoy can consider any word as disrespectful. Boris is completely subordinate to his uncle, works for him without a salary, but there is little sense. The nephew, like the whole family, is afraid of the Wild One. He shouts at everyone, but no one can answer him. It happened once that Diky was scolded by the hussars when they collided at the crossing. He could not answer the serviceman, which made him very angry and then took his anger out on his family for a long time.

Boris keeps complaining about hard life. Feklusha approaches with a lady who praises the Kabanovs' house. Like, allegedly glorious and pious people live there. They leave, and now Kuligin expresses his opinion about Kabanikh. He says that she completely ate her family. Then Kuligin says that it would be nice to invent a perpetual motion machine. He is a young developer who has no money to make models. Everyone leaves, and Boris is left alone. He thinks about Kuligin and calls him a good man. Then, remembering his fate, he sadly says that he will have to spend all his youth in this wilderness.

Kabanikha appears with his family: Katerina, Varvara and Tikhon. The boar saws his son that his wife has become dearer to him than his mother. Tikhon argues with her, Katerina intervenes in the conversation, but Kabanikha does not allow her to say a word. Then he again pounces on his son that he cannot keep his wife strict, hints that it is so close to a lover.

The boar leaves, and Tikhon accuses Katerina of maternal reproaches. Frustrated, he goes to Dikoy to have a drink. Katerina stays with Varvara and remembers how freely she lived with her parents. She was not particularly forced to do business, she only carried water, watered flowers, and prayed in church. She saw beautiful vivid dreams. What now? She feels like she is standing on the edge of an abyss. She anticipates trouble, and her thoughts are sinful.

Varvara promises that as soon as Tikhon leaves, she will think of something. Suddenly, a half-witted lady appears, accompanied by two lackeys, she loudly shouts that beauty can lead into the abyss, and frightens the girls with fiery hell. Katerina is scared, and Varvara tries to calm her down. A thunderstorm begins, the women run away.

Action 2

Kabanov's house. In the room, Feklusha and Glasha are talking about human sins. Feklusha argues that it is impossible without sin. At this time, Katerina tells Varvara the story of her childhood resentment. Someone offended her and she ran away to the river, got into a boat, and then they found her ten miles away. Then she confesses that she is in love with Boris. Varvara convinces her that he likes her too, but they have nowhere to meet. But here Katerina is frightened of herself and assures that she will not change her Tikhon, and says that when she is completely sick of life in this house, she will either throw herself out the window or drown herself in the river. Varvara again reassures her, and says that as soon as Tikhon leaves, she will think of something.

Kabanikha and his son come in. Tikhon is going on a journey, and the mother continues his instructions so that he instructs his wife how she needs to live while her husband is away. Tikhon repeats her words. The boar and Varvara leave, and, left alone with her husband, Katerina asks him not to leave her or take her with him. Tikhon resists and says he wants to be alone. Then she throws herself on her knees in front of him and asks to take an oath from her, but he does not listen to her and picks her up from the floor.

Women accompany Tikhon. The boar makes Katerina say goodbye to her husband as expected, bowing at her feet. Katherine ignores her. Left alone, Kabanikha is indignant that the elderly are no longer respected. Katerina enters, and the mother-in-law begins to reproach her daughter-in-law again for not saying goodbye to her husband as it should be. To which Katerina says that she doesn’t want to make people laugh, and she doesn’t know how.

Alone, Katerina regrets that she does not have children. Then she regrets that she did not die as a child. Then she would certainly become a butterfly. Then she sets herself up to wait for her husband's return. Varvara enters and persuades Katerina to ask her to take a nap in the garden. There the gate is locked, Kabanikha has the key, but Varvara changed it and gives it to Katerina. She doesn't want to take the key, but then she does. Katerina is confused - she is afraid, but she also really wants to see Boris. He puts the key in his pocket.

Action 3

Scene 1

On the street near the Kabanovs' house stands Kabanikha and Feklusha, who reflects that life has become fussy. City noise, everyone is running somewhere, but in Moscow everyone is in a hurry. Kabanikha agrees that one should live measuredly, and says that she would never go to Moscow.

Dikoy appears, having pretty much taken on his chest, and starts a skirmish with Kabanova. Then Dikoy cooled down and began to apologize, pushing the reason for his condition to the workers, who from the very morning began to demand wages from him. Wild leaves.

Boris sits upset because he has not seen Katerina for a long time. Kuligin comes and, admiring the beauty of nature, thinks that the poor have no time to walk and enjoy this beauty, while the rich sit behind the fences, their house is guarded by dogs so that no one sees how they rob orphans and relatives. Varvara appears in Kudryash's company. They kiss. Kudryash and Kuligin leave. Varvara is busy about meeting Boris with Katerina, appointing a place in the ravine.

Scene 2

Night. Behind the Kabanovs' garden in the ravine, Kudryash sings a song while playing the guitar. Boris arrives and they start arguing over a date spot. Curly is not inferior, and Boris admits that he is in love with a married woman. Curly, of course, guessed who she was.

Varvara appears and goes for a walk with Kudryash. Boris is left alone with Katerina. Katerina accuses Boris of ruined honor. She is afraid to move on. Boris reassures her, offering not to think about the future, but to enjoy unity. Katerina confesses her love for Boris.

Kudryash comes with Varvara and asks how the lovers are doing. They talk about their confessions. Kudryash offers to continue using this gate for meetings. Boris and Katerina agree on their next date.

Action 4

A dilapidated gallery, on the walls of which are paintings of the Last Judgment. It's raining, people are hiding in the gallery.

Kuligin talks to Diky, begging him to donate money for the installation of a sundial in the center of the boulevard, along the way persuading him to install lightning rods. Dikoy refuses, yells at Kuligin, believing superstitiously that the thunderstorm is God's punishment for sins, he calls the developer an atheist. Kuligin leaves him and says that they will return to the conversation when he has a million in his pocket. The storm is ending.

Tikhon returns home. Katerina becomes not herself. Varvara reports to Boris about her condition. The storm is coming again.

Kuligin, Kabanikha, Tikhon and a frightened Katerina come out. She is afraid and it shows. She perceives the storm as God's punishment. She notices Boris and gets even more frightened. Words of people reach her that a thunderstorm happens for a reason. Katerina is already sure that lightning should kill her and ask to pray for her soul.

Kuligin tells people that the storm is not punishment, but grace for every living blade of grass. The half-witted lady and her two lackeys reappear. Turning to Katerina, she shouts for her not to hide. There is no need to be afraid of God's punishment, but you need to pray that God will take away her beauty. Katerina already sees fiery hell, and she tells everyone about her connection on the side.

Action 5

Twilight fell on the public garden on the banks of the Volga. Kuligin sits alone on a bench. Tikhon comes up to him and talks about his trip to Moscow, where he drank all the time, but did not remember the house, complains that his wife cheated on him. She says that she should be buried alive in the ground, as mama advises. But he feels sorry for her. Kuligin persuades him to forgive his wife. Tikhon is pleased that Dikoy sent Boris to Siberia for three whole years. His sister Varvara ran away from home with Kudryash. Glasha said that Katerina was nowhere to be found.

Katerina is alone and really wants to see Boris to say goodbye. She complains about her unfortunate fate and about the human court, which is worse than execution. Boris comes and says that his uncle sent him to Siberia. Katerina is ready to follow him and asks to take her with him. She says that her drunkard husband is disgusting to her. Boris looks around all the time, afraid that they will be seen. In parting, Katerina asks to give alms to the poor so that they pray for her. Boris leaves.

Katerina goes to the shore. At this time, Kuligin is talking to Kabanikha, accusing her of instructing her son against her daughter-in-law. There are screams that a woman has thrown herself into the water. Kuligin and Tikhon rush to help, but Kabanikha stops his son, threatening to curse him. He will stay. Katerina crashed to death, people bring her body.

Ostrovsky made his heroine of the play "Thunderstorm" a woman of high morals, spiritual, but so airy and dreamy that she was simply not able to survive in the environment prepared for her by fate. "Thunderstorm!" This fatal name is fraught with several meanings. It seems that everything is the fault of the thunderstorm that frightened the already guilty Katerina. She was very pious, but life with an indifferent husband and a tyrannical mother-in-law forced her to rebel against the rules. She paid the price for this. But one can wonder if her fate would have ended in this way if there had not been this thunderstorm. Considering Katerina's natural inability to lie, treason would still be revealed. And if she had not given herself to love, she would simply have gone crazy.

The husband, crushed by the authority of his mother, treated Katerina indifferently. She was desperately looking for love. She initially felt that this would lead her to death, but she could not resist the feelings - she lived in prison for too long. She was ready to run after Boris to Siberia. Not from great love, but from these disgusting walls, where she could not breathe freely. But the lover is also weak in spirit, like her unloved husband.

The outcome is tragic. Disappointed in life and in men, childless and unhappy Katerina is no longer held on earth by anything. Her final thoughts are about saving the soul.

First half of the 19th century Fictional Volga town Kalinov. Public garden on the high bank of the Volga. The local self-taught mechanic Kuligin talks with young people - Kudryash, the clerk of the rich merchant Diky, and the tradesman Shapkin - about the rude antics and tyranny of Diky. Then Boris, Diky's nephew, appears, who, in response to Kuligin's questions, says that his parents lived in Moscow, educated him at the Commercial Academy, and both died during the epidemic. He came to Dikoy, leaving his sister with his mother's relatives, in order to receive part of the grandmother's inheritance, which Dikoy must give him according to the will, if Boris is respectful to him. Everyone assures him: under such conditions, Dikoy will never give him money. Boris complains to Kuligin that he can't get used to life in Dikoy's house, Kuligin talks about Kalinov and ends his speech with the words: "Cruel morals, sir, in our city, cruel!"

Kalinovtsy disperse. Together with another woman, the wanderer Feklusha appears, praising the city for "bla-a-lepie", and the house of the Kabanovs for their special generosity towards wanderers. "Kabanovs?" - Boris asks again: “The hypocrite, sir, clothes the poor, but completely ate at home,” explains Kuligin. Kabanova comes out, accompanied by her daughter Varvara and son Tikhon with his wife Katerina. She grumbles at them, but finally leaves, allowing the children to walk along the boulevard. Varvara releases Tikhon secretly from his mother to drink at a party and, left alone with Katerina, talks with her about domestic relations, about Tikhon. Katerina talks about a happy childhood in her parents' house, about her fervent prayers, about what she experiences in the temple, imagining angels in a sunbeam falling from the dome, dreams of spreading her arms and flying, and, finally, admits that “something is wrong” with her something". Varvara guesses that Katerina has fallen in love with someone, and promises to arrange a meeting upon Tikhon's departure. This proposal horrifies Katerina. A crazy lady appears, threatening that “beauty leads to the very whirlpool”, and prophesies hellish torments. Katerina is terribly frightened, and then “a thunderstorm sets in”, she hurries Varvara home to pray for the icons.

The second act, which takes place in the Kabanovs' house, begins with Feklusha's conversation with the maid Glasha. The wanderer asks about the household affairs of the Kabanovs and conveys fabulous stories about distant countries, where people with dog heads "for infidelity", etc. Katerina and Varvara, who have appeared, gathering Tikhon on the road, continue the conversation about Katerina's hobby, Varvara calls the name of Boris, transmits a bow from him and persuades Katerina to sleep with her in the gazebo in the garden after Tikhon's departure. Kabanikha and Tikhon come out, the mother tells her son to strictly punish his wife, how to live without him, Katerina is humiliated by these formal orders. But, left alone with her husband, she begs him to take her on a trip, after his refusal she tries to give him terrible oaths of allegiance, but Tikhon does not want to listen to them either: “You never know what comes to mind ...” The returned Kabanikha orders Katerina to bow husband's feet. Tikhon leaves. Varvara, leaving for a walk, informs Katerina that they will spend the night in the garden, and gives her the key to the gate. Katerina does not want to take it, then, after hesitating, she hides it in her pocket.

The next action takes place on a bench at the gate of the boar's house. Feklusha and Kabanikha are talking about "the last times", Feklusha says that "for our sins" "time began to come to belittlement", talks about railway(“they began to harness the fiery serpent”), about the bustle of Moscow life as a devilish obsession. Both are waiting for even worse times. Dikoy appears with complaints about his family, Kabanikha reproaches him for his erratic behavior, he tries to be rude to her, but she quickly stops this and takes him to the house to drink and eat. While Dikoy is eating, Boris, sent by Dikoy's family, comes to find out where the head of the family is. Having completed the assignment, he exclaims with longing about Katerina: “If only to look at her with one eye!” The returned Varvara tells him to come at night to the gate in the ravine behind the boar garden.

The second scene represents the nightly festivities of the youth, Varvara comes out on a date with Kudryash and tells Boris to wait - "you'll wait for something." There is a date between Katerina and Boris. After hesitation, thoughts about sin, Katerina is unable to resist the awakened love. “What to feel sorry for me - no one is to blame, - she herself went for it. Don't be sorry, kill me! Let everyone know, let everyone see what I'm doing (hugs Boris). If I was not afraid of sin for you, will I be afraid of human judgment?

The entire fourth act, which takes place on the streets of Kalinov - on the gallery of a dilapidated building with the remains of a fresco representing fiery Gehenna, and on the boulevard - takes place against the backdrop of a gathering and finally bursting thunderstorm. It starts to rain, and Dikoy and Kuligin enter the gallery, who begins to persuade Dikoy to give money to install a sundial on the boulevard. In response, Dikoy scolds him in every possible way and even threatens to declare him a robber. Having endured the scolding, Kuligin begins to ask for money for a lightning rod. At this point, Dikoy confidently declares that it is a sin to defend against the thunderstorm “with some kind of poles and horns, God forgive me, God forgive me.” The stage is empty, then Varvara and Boris meet in the gallery. She reports the return of Tikhon, Katerina's tears, Kabanikh's suspicions, and expresses fear that Katerina will confess to her husband of treason. Boris begs to dissuade Katerina from confessing and disappears. The rest of the Kabanovs enter. Katerina waits with horror that she, who has not repented of her sin, will be killed by lightning, a crazy lady appears, threatening hellish flames, Katerina can no longer strengthen herself and publicly admits to her husband and mother-in-law that she “walked” with Boris. The boar gloatingly declares: “What, son! Where will the will lead? That's what I've been waiting for!"

The last action is again on the high bank of the Volga. Tikhon complains to Kuligin about his family grief, about what his mother says about Katerina: “She must be buried alive in the ground so that she will be executed!” "But I love her, I'm sorry to touch her with my finger." Kuligin advises to forgive Katerina, but Tikhon explains that this is impossible under Kabanikh. He speaks not without pity about Boris, whom his uncle sends to Kyakhta. The maid Glasha enters and reports that Katerina has disappeared from the house. Tikhon is afraid that “she wouldn’t kill herself out of boredom!”, And together with Glasha and Kuligin he leaves to look for his wife.

Katerina appears, she complains about her desperate situation in the house, and most importantly, about her terrible longing for Boris. Her monologue ends with a passionate incantation: “My joy! My life, my soul, I love you! Reply!" Boris enters. She asks him to take her to Siberia with him, but she understands that Boris's refusal is caused by a really complete impossibility to leave with her. She blesses him on his way, complains about the oppressive life in the house, about disgust for her husband. After saying goodbye to Boris forever, Katerina begins to dream alone of death, of a grave with flowers and birds that “fly up a tree, sing, have children.” "To live again?" she exclaims in horror. Approaching the cliff, she says goodbye to the departed Boris: “My friend! My joy! Goodbye!" and leaves.

The scene is filled with alarmed people, in the crowd and Tikhon with his mother. A cry is heard behind the scenes: “A woman threw herself into the water!” Tikhon tries to run to her, but his mother does not let him in with the words: “I’ll curse if you go!” Tikhon falls to his knees. After some time, Kuligin brings in Katerina's body. "Here's your Katherine. Do with her what you want! Her body is here, take it; and the soul is not yours now; she is now before a judge who is more merciful than you!”

Rushing to Katerina, Tikhon accuses his mother: “Mother, you ruined her!” and, ignoring the menacing cries of the Kabanikh, falls on the corpse of his wife. “Good for you, Katya! Why am I left to live in the world and suffer!” - with these words of Tikhon the play ends.

A narrow gallery of a building that began to collapse, on the walls of which scenes of the Last Judgment are depicted.

It is raining, the walkers run into the gallery, discussing the images on the walls.

Kuligin and Dikoy appear. Kuligin is trying to persuade Wild to donate money to install a sundial on the boulevard. He scolds Kuligin, tries to get rid of him, says: “So you know that you are a worm. If I want - I will have mercy, if I want - I will crush.

Kuligin explains to Diky that it is necessary to install several lightning rods in the city. Dikoi shouts that the storm is God's punishment, and not "electricity" at all, calls Kuligin an atheist and a Tatar. Kuligin leaves with nothing, muttering to himself that he must submit, and promising that they will talk when he has a million. The rain is ending.

Boris and Varvara are discussing the latest news - Tikhon has arrived. Varvara reports that Katerina has become not herself, "the eyes are like those of a madwoman." Varvara is afraid that she will "thump at her husband's feet, and tell everything." The storm starts again.

Kabanikha, Tikhon, Katerina and Kuligin appear. Katerina is frightened of a thunderstorm, considers this God's punishment, which should fall on her. Katerina notices Boris, gets even more frightened, she is taken away. Kuligin turns to the crowd, asks what she is afraid of, says that a thunderstorm is not punishment, but grace, that every blade of grass rejoices, and people “made scarecrows” for themselves and are afraid of them. Calling everyone to come out and not be afraid. Boris comes out and with the words "Let's go, it's worse here" takes Kuligin away.

Katerina hears people noticing that the storm is not accidental and that it will definitely kill someone. Katerina says that she will kill her, then asks to pray for her.

A half-mad lady appears with two lackeys. He shouts to Katerina not to hide, not to be afraid of God's punishment, urges her to pray that God takes beauty away, "into the pool with beauty!" Katerina imagines fiery hell, she tells her relatives about everything, repents. Kabanikha notes that “the will leads” to this.

The unfortunate fate of the young heroine is reflected in Ostrovsky's play The Thunderstorm. Katerina married without love, out of duty. Because of this, her whole life went upside down. Having cheated on her husband, she could not forgive herself for a grave sin, deciding to commit suicide. Thinking it would be better for everyone. The summary of the play "Thunderstorm" by actions will reveal the internal conflict of the Kabanov family. The storyline built by the author will not leave anyone indifferent.

main characters

Katerina- wife of Tikhon Kabanov. Young, pure, but deeply unhappy.

Boar. Tikhon's mother. Powerful, despotic person. She constantly tyrannized her daughter-in-law, poisoning the life of the young.

Boris. He came to his uncle for an inheritance. In love with Katerina Kabanova.

Tikhon. Son of Kabanikh. Married to Catherine. Mother listens to everything. It does not have its own opinion and the right to vote.

Action 1

The conversation between Kudryash and Kuligin turned to nature. The opinions of the interlocutors were divided. Kuligin showed a clear delight from the colorful landscapes around. Curly was indifferent to beauty. The conversation was interrupted by the cries of Diky. He again raised his nephew, not at all embarrassed in expressions. The topic of conversation has changed. They began to discuss their family. Kudryash sided with Boris, believing that his uncle had completely terrorized him.

Savel Prokofievich (Dikoi) joined the company. The arrival of Boris was not a joy to him. He was clearly unhappy with the appearance of his nephew in the city. He already has a mouth full of worries, and then another freeloader showed up. In the course of the conversation, it turned out that Boris and his sister had no more relatives, except for their uncle.

The grandmother left a will to Boris, but you can get it after the age of majority from Wild. On the condition that he can establish relations with him, but this is unlikely. Wild will always find a reason to find fault, no matter how hard you try.

Kuligin indulges in arguments that Boris will never see an inheritance. Wild despotic. Do not please him. Boris's complaints about a difficult life were interrupted by the appearance of Feklusha, accompanied by a lady. She was delighted with the Kabanovs' house and its owners. Kuligin couldn’t stand Kabanikha, believing that she was a real tyrant in a skirt, who had put all the household members to death.

Kuligin's dream is to assemble a perpetual motion machine, but he has neither money nor opportunities. Such talent is wasted. Boris feels sorry for him, but no less sorry for himself and his fate. He did not want to spend his youth in this wilderness. One thing keeps him here. This is Katerina. He fell in love with her at first sight, but could not explain himself to the girl. She was married.

Kabanikha appears. Katerina, Tikhon and Varvara are with her. Tikhon inherited in full from his mother. She told him everything she thought about his wife and his attitude towards his mother, who undeservedly faded into the background after his marriage.

The boar went home. Tikhon attacked his wife with reproaches. A glass of vodka, kindly provided by Diky, helped relieve tension.

Katerina pours out her soul to Varya. How well she lived with her parents and how terrible it is now. Life is not nice. The heart feels trouble.

Barbara comforts her. As soon as Tikhon leaves, they will come up with something.

The lady appears. Her words are terrible and pierce Katerina to the very heart. It seems to her that everything said is addressed to her. Varvara asks Katerina not to take the crazy old woman's words to heart.

Tikhon returned for his wife. It is forbidden for married ladies to walk alone.

Thunderstorm began.

Action 2

Katerina confesses to Varya that she is in love with Boris. Varvara understands her condition and asks to calm down. She sees that the guy is not indifferent to the girl, but where should they meet. Katerina herself is afraid of her sinful thoughts. She has a husband, albeit an unloved one, but they are a family. If at all life becomes a burden, it is better to go into the pool with your head. Barbara promises to come up with something.

Tikhon is going on the road. The mother instructs her son on how his wife should behave during the departure. Tikhon repeats her words like a prayer. Everyone leaves. Katerina together with Tikhon. She tearfully asks to take her with him. Tikhon is categorically against it. Falling to her knees, Katerina asks to take an oath from her, but her husband remains adamant. He needs time to think. He wants to be alone.

Tikhon leaves. The boar is unhappy that Katerina did not bow at her husband's feet, as expected, seeing her off on a long journey. The indignant Kabanikha grumbles under his breath that the youth is completely insolent. There is nothing sacred for them.

Left alone, Katerina is sad that she has no children. The thoughts in the girl's head are one sadder than the other. She convinces herself that she will wait for her husband. Varvara, as promised, decided to help Katerina arrange a meeting with Boris.

Having changed the key to the gate, she gives it to the girl. Katerina is confused, but she takes the key. Too much desire to see a loved one.

Action 3

Kabanikha and Thekla reflect on the rhythm of life. Both agree that Moscow is not for them.

Wild, fairly taking on his chest, passing by, he decided to stop and gossip with his neighbors. A skirmish ensued between him and the Kabanikha. Realizing that he got excited, Dikoy began to apologize, justifying himself by the fact that in the morning he was driven into a rage by the workers who demanded wages from him.

Boris misses Katerina. They haven't seen each other for a long time. Kuligin, as always, admires nature, but in between times manages to notice that only the rich live well at the expense of the poor, whom they rob.

Varvara and Kudryash, not hiding their feelings, kiss in front of everyone. After Kudryash leaves with Kuligin, she makes an appointment with Boris in the ravine, where she promised to bring Katerina.

Both Kudryash and Boris were at the meeting place. An argument starts between them. Nobody wants to give up their date.

Boris confesses that he is in love. Curly guesses who they are talking about.

Varvara leaves with Kudryash. Boris is waiting for Katerina. The girl comes on a date, but with reproaches that he ruined her honor. She is afraid to live on. Boris suggests not filling your head with bad thoughts, but simply enjoying every day spent together. They confess their love to each other.

The lovers make an appointment for the next day.

Action 4

Rain cats and dogs. People have to hide from the downpour in the gallery, on the walls of which there are paintings depicting the Last Judgment.

Kuligin asks to borrow money from Wild. It caught fire with a lightning rod device. Wild refuses him, calling him an atheist.

Kuligin leaves, but promises to return and put an end to the conversation when he has at least a million money rustling in his pocket. The storm has subsided.

Tikhon suddenly returns home. He doesn't like his wife's behavior. Katerina is not herself. The boar adds fuel to the fire. The storm has reasserted itself.

Kuligin with Kabanikha, Katerina and Tikhon leave the house. The storm scared the girl. She believes that God is punishing her for her sins. Seeing Boris, she became even more afraid. People in the crowd whisper that a thunderstorm never happens for nothing. Katerina is almost certain that the lightning bolt will kill her. The girl begins to pray in a whisper.

Kuligin, unlike the others, rejoices in the storm. He imagines how a grass, a tree, a flower will come to life. The lady, accompanied by footmen, went up to Katerina. She yells at her not to hide. It won't help. Let it be better to ask God to take away the beauty. The only way to atone for sins.

Katerina, in a fit of frenzy, tells her husband and mother-in-law about her relationship with Boris.

Action 5

The topic for gossip was Katerina's confession of treason. Tikhon blames his mother for being ready to bury her daughter-in-law alive if she could. He is ready to forgive his wife, but is afraid of his mother's wrath. Curly and Varvara leave home.

The maid reports that Katerina is nowhere to be found. Everyone rushes in search of her.

Katerina is waiting for Boris to say goodbye to him. She mourns over her unfortunate fate. Boris informs her that he must go to Siberia, where his uncle sends him. The girl asks to take her with him. She can no longer tolerate her husband, who has only one interest - alcohol.

It is clear that Boris is nervous. He constantly looks around. Katerina asks him to give alms to the poor in the church. Let them pray for her soul. Boris leaves.

Katerina goes to the cliff. Kuligin expresses everything that Kabanikhe thinks about her. About how she did not let the young live and all the time set her son against his wife.

People scream. They say that some girl threw herself off a cliff. Tikhon immediately understood who they were talking about. He wants to run after her. The boar does not let him do it.

Katerina's body is brought ashore.

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Drama Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm", written by the author in 1859, is a very popular play that is played on many city theater stages. Distinctive feature the work lies in the fact that the characters are clearly divided into oppressors and the oppressed. The exploiters, corrupted at heart, not only see nothing shameful in a rude attitude towards those who depend on them, but consider such behavior to be normal, even correct. However, in order to understand the essence of the play, you need to familiarize yourself with its summary.

The main characters of the play:

Savel Prokofievich Wild - an evil, greedy and very scandalous person, a merchant, ready to scold anyone who covets his good.

Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova - a rich merchant's wife, an imperious and despotic woman who keeps not only her son Tikhon, but the whole family in an iron fist.

Tikhon Kabanov - a weak-willed young man who lives at the behest of his mother and does not have his own opinion. He cannot decide who is more expensive - his mother, who must be obeyed unquestioningly, or his wife.

Katerina - the main character of the play, Tikhon's wife, suffering from the arbitrariness of her mother-in-law, from the actions of her husband, who dutifully obeys her mother. She is secretly in love with Dikiy's nephew, Boris, but for the time being is afraid to confess her feelings.

Boris- Diky's nephew, who is under pressure from his tyrant uncle, who does not want to leave him his due inheritance and therefore finds fault with every little thing.

barbarian- Tikhon's sister, a kind girl, still unmarried, sympathizing with Katerina and trying to protect her. Although circumstances force her to sometimes resort to cunning, Varya does not become bad. She, unlike her brother, is not afraid of her mother's wrath.

Kuligin- a tradesman, a person who knows the Kabanov family well, a self-taught mechanic. He's looking for a perpetuum mobile, trying to be useful people bringing new ideas to life. Unfortunately, his dreams did not come true.

Vanya Kudryash- Diky's clerk, with whom Varvara is in love. He is not afraid of the merchant, and, unlike others, can tell the truth to his face. However, it is clear that the young man, just like his master, is used to seeking profit in everything.

Step One: Meet the Characters

The first phenomenon.

The tradesman Kuligin, sitting on a bench in a public garden, looks at the Volga and sings. “Here, my brother, for fifty years I have been looking beyond the Volga every day and I can’t look enough,” he turns to young man Van Kudryash. Suddenly they notice how the merchant Dikoy, for whom Ivan serves as a clerk, scolds his nephew Boris. Neither Vanya nor Kuligin are dissatisfied with the evil merchant, who finds fault with every little thing. The tradesman Shapkin is included in the conversation, and now the conversation is already between him and Kudryash, who boasts that he could, if the opportunity arises, pacify Wild. Suddenly, an angry merchant and Boris walk past them. Kuligin takes off his hat, and Kudryash and Shapkin prudently step aside.
The second phenomenon.
Dikoi yells loudly at Boris, scolding him for his inaction. However, he shows complete indifference to the words of his uncle. The merchant in his hearts leaves, not wanting to see his nephew.
The third phenomenon
Kuligin is surprised that Boris still lives with Diky and tolerates his unbearable character. The merchant's nephew replies that he is being held by nothing but bondage and explains why this happens. It turns out that Anfisa Mikhailovna's grandmother disliked his father because he married a noble woman. Therefore, Boris's parents lived separately in Moscow, they did not refuse anything to their son and daughter, but, unfortunately, they died of cholera. Grandmother Anfisa also died, leaving a will for her grandchildren. But they could receive an inheritance only if they were respectful to their uncle.

Boris understands that with such a picky character of his uncle, neither he nor his sister will ever see an inheritance. After all, if their own cannot please such a domestic tyrant, the nephew is even more so.

“It's hard for me here,” Boris complains to Kuligin. The interlocutor sympathizes with the young man and confesses to him that he can write poetry. However, he is afraid to admit it because no one in the city will understand him: and so he gets it for chatting.

Suddenly, the wanderer Feklusha enters, who begins to praise the merchant's morals. Kuligin calls her a hypocrite, helping the poor, but mocking her own family.

In general, Kuligin has a cherished dream: to find a perpetuum mobile in order to subsequently financially support the society. He tells Boris about it.

The fourth phenomenon
After Kuligin leaves, Boris is left alone and, envious of his friend, laments his own fate. Falling in love with a woman that this young man will never even be able to talk to causes sadness in his soul. Suddenly he notices her walking with her mother-in-law and her husband.

Fifth phenomenon
The action begins with the instructions of the merchant Kabanova to her son. Rather, she orders him, not tolerating any objections. And the weak-willed Tikhon does not dare to disobey. Kabanova expresses that she is jealous of his daughter-in-law: the son began to love her less than before, the wife is sweeter than her own mother. Her words show hatred for Katerina. She convinces her son to be stricter with her so that the wife is afraid of her husband. Kabanov tries to insert a word that he loves Katerina, but the mother is adamant in her opinion.

The sixth phenomenon.

When Kabanikha leaves, Tikhon, his sister Varya and Katerina are left alone, and a not very pleasant conversation takes place between them. Kabanov admits that he is absolutely powerless before the autocracy of his mother. The sister reproaches her brother for his weak will, but he wants to quickly drink and forget, distracted from reality.

The seventh phenomenon

Now only Katerina and Varvara are talking. Katerina recalls her carefree past, when her mother dressed her like a doll and did not force her to do any work. Now everything has changed, and the woman feels an impending disaster, as if she is hanging over an abyss, and there is nothing to hold on to. The poor young wife is lamenting, confessing that she loves another. Varvara advises to meet with those to whom the heart is attracted. Katerina is afraid of this.

The eighth phenomenon
Another heroine of the play enters - a lady with two lackeys - and begins to talk about beauty, which leads only to a whirlpool, frightening with an unquenchable fire in which sinners will burn.

The ninth phenomenon
Katerina confesses to Varya that the lady frightened her with her prophetic words. Varvara objects that the half-mad old woman herself is afraid of dying, and therefore speaks of fire.

Tikhon's sister is worried that a thunderstorm is coming, but her brother is not there yet. Katerina admits that she is very scared because of such bad weather, because if she suddenly dies, she will appear before God with unrepentant sins. Finally, to the delight of both, Kabanov appears.

Act two: farewell to Tikhon. Tyranny Kabanova.

The first phenomenon.
Glasha, a maid in the Kabanovs' house, packs Tikhon's things, packing him for the journey. The wanderer Feklusha begins to talk about other countries where sultans rule - and everything is unrighteous. These are very strange words.

The second phenomenon.
Varya and Katerina are talking to each other again. Katya, when asked if she loves Tikhon, replies that she is very sorry for him. But Varya guesses that the object of Katerina's true love is another person and admits that she talked with him.

Conflicting feelings overwhelm Katerina. Now she laments that she will love her husband, she will not exchange Tisha for anyone, then she suddenly threatens that she will leave, and not to keep her by any force.

The third phenomenon.
Kabanova admonishes her son before the road and forces him to order his wife how to live while he is gone. The cowardly Tikhon repeats after his mother everything that Katerina needs to do. This scene is humiliating for a girl.

The fourth phenomenon.
Katerina is left alone with Kabanov and tearfully begs him either not to leave or take her with him. But Tikhon objects. He wants at least temporary freedom - both from his mother and from his wife - and he directly talks about it. Katya anticipates that without him there will be trouble.

Fifth phenomenon
Kabanova in front of the road orders Tikhon to bow at her feet. Katerina, in a fit of feelings, hugs her husband, but her mother-in-law sharply denounces her, accusing her of shamelessness. The daughter-in-law has to obey and also bow at the feet of her husband. Tikhon says goodbye to all household members.

The sixth phenomenon
Kabanova, left alone with herself, argues that young people do not adhere to any order, they cannot even say goodbye to each other normally. Without the control of the elders, everyone will laugh at them.

The seventh phenomenon
Kabanova reproaches Katerina for not crying for her husband who has left. The daughter-in-law objects: “There is nothing,” and says that she does not want to make people laugh at all. Barbara leaves the yard.

The eighth phenomenon
Katerina, left alone, thinks that now the house will be quiet and boring. She regrets that children's voices are not heard here. Suddenly, the girl comes up with how to survive two weeks until Tikhon arrives. She wants to sew and give to the poor what she has made with her own hands.
The ninth phenomenon
Varvara invites Katerina to secretly meet with Boris and gives her the keys to the gate stolen from her mother. backyard. Tikhon's wife is afraid, indignant: "What are you up to, sinner?" Varya leaves.

The tenth phenomenon
Katerina, having taken the key, hesitates and does not know what to do. Left alone, she fearfully considers whether she will do the right thing if she uses the key or if it is better to throw it away. In emotional experiences, she decides to still see Boris.

Act Three: Katerina Meets Boris

scene one

Kabanova and Feklusha are sitting on the bench. Talking among themselves, they talk about the bustle of the city and the silence of village life and that hard times have come. Suddenly, the intoxicated Wild enters the yard. He rudely addresses Kabanova, asking to talk to him. In a conversation, Dikoy admits: he himself understands that he is greedy, scandalous and evil, however, he cannot help himself.

Glasha reports that she has fulfilled the command and “there is a bite to eat.” Kabanova and Dikoy enter the house.

Boris appears, looking for his uncle. Upon learning that he is visiting Kabanova, he calms down. Having met Kuligin and talked a little with him, the young man sees Varvara, who calls him to her and, with a mysterious look, offers to come later to the ravine, which is located behind the Kabanovs' garden.

scene two
Approaching the ravine, Boris sees Kudryash and asks him to leave. Vanya does not agree, thinking that he is trying to take his bride away from him, but Boris secretly admits that he loves the married Katerina.

Varvara approaches Ivan and they leave together. Boris looks around, dreaming of seeing his beloved. Lowering her gaze, Katerina approaches him, but she is very afraid of sin, which will fall like a stone on her soul if a relationship starts between them. Finally, after some hesitation, the poor girl can't stand it anymore and throws herself around Boris's neck. They talk for a long time, confessing their love to each other, and then decide to meet the next day.

Act Four: Confession of Sin

The first phenomenon.
In the city, near the Volga, couples are walking. A storm is coming. People are talking among themselves. On the walls of the destroyed gallery, it is possible to distinguish the outlines of the paintings of fiery hell, as well as the image of the battle near Lithuania.

The second phenomenon.
Dikoy and Kuligin appear. The latter persuades the merchant to help him in one good deed for people: to give money to install a lightning rod. Wild says offensive words to him, insulting an honest man who tries for others. Dikoi does not understand what "electricity" is and why people need it, and becomes even more angry, especially after Kuligin dared to read Derzhavin's poems.

The third phenomenon.
Suddenly, Tikhon returns from a trip. Varvara is at a loss: what should they do with Katerina, because she has become not herself: she is afraid to raise her eyes to her husband. The poor girl is burned by guilt before her husband. The storm is getting closer and closer.

The fourth phenomenon

People try to hide from the storm. Katerina sobs on Varvara's shoulder, feeling even more guilty before her husband, especially at the moment she sees Boris, who leaves the crowd and approaches them. Barbara makes a sign to him, and he moves away.

Kuligin addresses people, urging them not to be afraid of thunderstorms, and calling this phenomenon grace.

Fifth phenomenon
People continue to talk about the consequences of a thunderstorm. Some believe that she will kill someone. Katerina fearfully assumes: it will be her.

The sixth phenomenon
The mistress who came in frightened Katerina. She also prophesies her a quick death. The girl is afraid of hell as retribution for sins. Then she can’t stand it and admits to her family that she walked with Boris for ten days. Kabanova is furious. Tikhon is confused.

Act Five: Katerina throws herself into the river

The first phenomenon.

Kabanov talks with Kuligin, telling what is happening in their family, although everyone already knows this news. He is in turmoil of feelings: on the one hand, he is annoyed at Katerina that she has sinned against him, on the other hand, he feels sorry for the poor wife who is being gnawed by her mother-in-law. Realizing that he is also not without sin, the weak-willed husband is ready to forgive Katya, but only mom ... Tikhon admits that he lives in someone else's mind, and simply does not know how otherwise.

Varvara cannot stand her mother's reproaches and runs away from home. The whole family was divided, becoming enemies to each other.

Suddenly Glasha comes in and sadly says that Katerina has disappeared. Kabanov wants to look for her, fearing that his wife would kill herself.

The second phenomenon
Katerina is crying, looking for Boris. She feels unceasing guilt - now in front of him. Not wanting to live with a stone in her soul, the girl wants to die. But before that, meet your loved one again. “My joy, my life, my soul, I love you! Reply!" she calls.

The third phenomenon.
Katerina and Boris meet. The girl learns that he is not angry with her. Beloved announces that he is leaving for Siberia. Katerina asks to go with him, but it is impossible: Boris is going with an order from his uncle.

Katerina is very sad, complaining to Boris that it is incredibly difficult for her to endure the reproaches of her mother-in-law, the ridicule of those around her, and even Tikhon's caress.

I really do not want to say goodbye to my beloved, but Boris, although he is tormented by a bad feeling that Katerina does not have long to live, still needs to go.

The fourth phenomenon
Left alone, Katerina realizes that now she does not want to return to her relatives at all: everything is disgusted - both people and home walls. It's better to die. In desperation, folded her hands, the girl rushes into the river.

Fifth phenomenon
Relatives are looking for Katerina, but she is nowhere to be found. Suddenly someone shouted: “The woman threw herself into the water!” Kuligin runs away with a few more people.

The sixth phenomenon.
Kabanov is trying to pull Katerina out of the river, but her mother strictly forbids doing this. When the girl is pulled out by Kuligin, it is already too late: Katerina is dead. But it looks like a living thing: one small wound is only on the temple.

The seventh phenomenon
Kabanova forbids her son to mourn Katerina, but he dares to blame his mother for the death of his wife. For the first time in his life, Tikhon is determined and shouts: “You ruined her!” Kabanova threatens to speak sternly with her son at home. Tikhon, in despair, throws himself on the dead body of his wife, saying: “Why did I stay to live and suffer.” But it's' too late. Alas.

“Thunderstorm” - a play by A.N. Ostrovsky. Summary

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