Sulfur is well soluble. Sulfur useful properties for man

The invention relates to the preparation and use of elemental sulfur, namely to the development of new effective solvents for elemental sulfur. A system and hydrazine hydrate-amine in the molar ratio is 1: 0.05-0.5. The greatest dissolution of sulfur (1344 g / l) is observed in the presence of primary amines during molar ratio N 2 H 4 H 2 O: amin \u003d 1: 0.5. 1 tab.

The invention relates to the preparation and use of elemental sulfur, namely to the development of new effective solvents for elemental sulfur. Three and tetrachloroethylene are used as solvents of elemental sulfur, as well as some oil refining products: AR-1, ethylbenzene fraction (EBF), pyrolysis resin - PS. The disadvantages of these solvents are their low efficiency and high dissolution temperatures (above 80 o C). A method is known for the rapid dissolution of elemental sulfur in containers and pipelines by treating dialkildisulfides containing 5-10 parts of aliphatic mono-, di- or triamine (US patent N 4239630, 1980) and. The disadvantage of this method is the use of expensive disulfides. Their use is also limited due to the unpleasant odor and the impossibility of regeneration from such solutions of sulfur. There is a solution of sulfur dissolution in aqueous solutions NaOH with formation Na 2 s n. The highest solubility of sulfur is achieved at 80-90 o C and a high concentration of NaOH (30-60%). The disadvantage of this method is high dissolution temperatures, a significant consumption of sulfur on the adverse reactions of its oxidation and losses associated with this, high alkali consumption and the corrosive effect of the solutions obtained. The purpose of the invention is to increase the efficiency of the sulfur dissolution process and eliminating the corrosion of sulfur solutions. The goal is achieved by the fact that a new hydrazine hydrate-amine system is used as a solvent of elemental sulfur. The amine used triethylamine, triethanolamine, morpholine and monoethanolamine. The dissolution of the elemental sulfur in the hydrazine hydrate-amine system proceeds exothermal - the reaction mass is heated to 60-65 o C. The amount of dissolved sulfur depends on the nature of the amine used and its concentration in the hydrazine hydrate solution (table). In 1 liter of hydrazine hydrate in the presence of amines, 700-1344 g of sulfur dissolves. The highest effect of dissolution is shown primary amines - monoethanolamine. An increase in the molar fraction of the amine in a solution of hydrazinehydrate from 5 to 50% leads to an increase in the amount of dissolved sulfur in the system of approximately 1.5 times. As a result of the dissolution of sulfur in the hydrazine hydrate-amine system, dark red solutions are formed, which are stable when stored under normal conditions. When diluted with water, the obtained solutions quickly eliminate sulfur, which is highlighted by filtration of water suspensions. Hydrasinhydrate dissolves sulfur and without amine additives, however, it is consumed by the formation of hydrogen sulfide, which contributes to the decomposition of hydrazine to ammonia. The proposed method for dissolving element sulfur has the following advantages. 1. The absence in the solvent system of alkali. 2. The dissolving system of hydrazine hydrate-amine does not cause corrosion of metal surfaces. 3. Higher efficiency of the dissolution process: at low amine concentrations in the system, the sulfur hydrazine hydrate system dissolves more than in the alkali hydrazine hydrate system. 4. High dissolution rate in mild conditions. 5. Easy and manufacturability of the process during industrial use. 6. Preparation of sulfur solutions stable when storing solutions are suitable for use in industrial organic synthesis and in various industries, for example, in the pulp and paper industry. The method is illustrated by the following examples. Examples 1-10 (results are reflected in the table). Sulfur dissolution is carried out on an experimental setting consisting of a four-headed flask, equipped with a stirrer, reflux, a thermometer and a hole for the input of sulfur. The flask is prepared by a solution of amine in 50 ml of hydrazine hydrate (concentrations are shown in the table), and with stirring, sulfur is injected with portions as it dissolves to obtain a saturated solution. In the process of sulfur dissolution, the temperature of the solution increases to 60-65 o C. The dissolution is completed after 1 hour. When cooled, dark red solutions of sulfur remain homogeneous and remains for a long time without decomposition. The table shows the conditions and the results of solving the sulfur in the developed new systems. Example 11 (for comparison). Similarly, the dissolution of the sulfur is carried out in pure hydrazinehydrate in the absence of amine. In 50 ml of hydrazinehydrate, 32 g of sulfur is dissolved, which in terms of 1 l is 640 g or 20 mol / l, i.e. less than in the presence of amine (see table). When diluted with water, sulfur solutions are destroyed, and most of the sulfur falls into the sediment.


The method of dissolving elemental sulfur by treating it with a solvent, characterized in that a mixture of hydrazine hydrate with amine, taken in a molar ratio of 1 0.05 0.5, is used as a solvent, respectively.

Sulfur in turpidar soluble well. It is more or less soluble in many other organic fluids. For example, 100 g of ether is dissolved under normal conditions about 0.2 g of sulfur.

Pure sulfur is not poisonous. Reception inside of small amounts contributes to the resorption of the dishes and is useful, in particular, with hemorrhoids. In doses of about 1 g, it is sometimes assigned as a laxative. The human body does not find addiction to the sulfur, but long-term consumption can adversely affect the work of the liver and intestines. Very finely fragmented (besieged) sulfur is part of a number of ointments intended to care for skin and treat skin diseases.

Interesting experiences using sulfur in construction. The molten sulfur is mixed with glass fiber and cooled. It turns out a durable building material that does not pass moisture and cold.

Sulfur can serve as the simplest example of an electret, a substance capable of continuously maintaining an electric charge (including of different sign On opposite surfaces) and create an electric field in the surrounding space. Elektrett state is usually achieved by heating and subsequent cooling of the plates from a suitable substance in a sufficiently strong electric field. The electrotheses are as if electrical analogs of constant magnets and find a variety of practical use.

The most characteristic of sulfur valence states correspond to the value -2, 0, +4 and +6. The scheme of redox potentials corresponding to transitions between them is given below:

Dardity -2 0 +4 +6

Aclest medium +0.14 +0.45 +0.17

Alkaline medium -0.48 -0.61 -0.91

It is relatively inert (energetic connecting only with fluorine), but when heated is heated, it becomes very chemically active - reacts with chlorine and bromine (but not with iodom), oxygen, hydrogen and metals. As a result of the reactions of the last type, appropriate sulfur compounds are formed, for example:

Fe + S \u003d Fes + 96 kJ

With sulfur hydrogen under normal conditions, it is not connected. Only when heated is reversible reaction:

H2 + S \u003d H2S + 21 kJ

the equilibrium of which is about 350 ° C is shifted to the right, and when the temperature is raised to the left. Practically hydrogen sulfide is usually obtained by the action of diluted acids on iron sulphide:

Panafinei, in the ancient attic of the festival in honor of the goddess Athens (Great Panafinee - every 4 years, small - annually). The program included: the main rite - procession to Acropol, sacrifice and competition (gymnastic, equestrian, poetic and musical).

Survey, method of collecting primary information about objective and (or) subjective facts from the words respondent. In social studies, selective polls are usually used (see Selective Observation) to study public opinion, consumer demand for the population, etc. Fixed assets - Questioning and interviewing.

The fourth redistribution, in metallurgy - additional metal processing (mainly rolled) obtained after the first three redistribution: cold metal rolling, strip profiling (production of bent profiles), drawing, applying protective coatings, as well as the production of hardware and some household products.

Sulfur (Lat. - Sulfur, S) - Macroelement. In our body it is quite a lot. All it is part of many organic compounds. Forms the structure of proteins, activates enzymes, increases immunity. This has a positive effect on the state of all tissues and systems of organs.

History opening

This nonmetall was known to humanity from ancient times. It was used in domestic, medical, and military purposes. The sulfur compounds were used to whiten the tissues, the treatment of skin diseases, in the production of cosmetics.

He was part of the Greek fire, an incendiary substance intended to destroy the enemy. She was on the manufacture of black smoky powder, which, in addition to military purposes, found the application in the production of fireworks.

Not without mysticism. Alchemists used sulfur for searching for philosophical stone. Like any frying agent, it was considered a gift from God. Its combustion in the atmosphere was accompanied by the formation of sulfur anhydride, SO 2. This suffocating gas possessed an unpleasant smell. In the same way, another gas - hydrogen sulfide was also unpleasant, H 2 S, producing fragrance of rotten eggs. For then ideas such unpleasant smells could only come from the devil himself.

In the old days, sulfur was paid from metal ores whose composition was included. When the ore is heated, the substance was distinguished, and frozen in the form of light yellow crystals. The origin of the name is definitely not known. Believe that Lat. Sulfur takes its name from Indo-European Word denoting a fuel. The same applies to the Slavic "sulfur". Although some consider it derived from the Old Slavonic "Sira", light yellow.

Physical and chemical properties

In the Mendeleev S table set under №16, and is located in the 16th group, in 3 periods. Her atomic mass equal to 32. At the outer orbit of the sulfur atom, 6 electrons rotate. Before filling the orbit, there are not enough 2 electrons.

When interacting with some substances, it joins these 2 electrons, while being bivalent. But the radius of the sulfur atom is relatively large. Therefore, it can not only attach, but also to give electrons, and its valence ranges from 2 to 6.

In the usual state S is solid, but fragile light yellow crystals with a melting point of 112.5 0 C and a density of about 2 g / cm 3. The molecule consists of 8 atoms, and the configuration resembles the crown. Depending on the mode of heating, it acquires several allotropic modifications - varieties different physical properties and molecular structure.

Sulfur is not soluble in water, but is well dissolved in a number of organic solvents, incl. In alcohol and in gasoline. Very badly spends warm and electricity. In nature, it can occur both in pure form (native sulfur) and in the form of compounds, sulphides and sulfates. The sulfur-containing compounds are part of rocks, dissolved in the water of the seas, lakes. Earth's crust Contains 4.3 x 10 -3% sulfur. According to this indicator, among other elements of the Mendeleev table, it ranks 15th. However, in the deep-lived layers of the Earth, in the mantle, its significantly more.

Physiological action

It would seem what could be a sense for our health from a fuel, many compounds of which have an unpleasant smell, and have a suffocating effect. But the sulfur is a macroelegen, and its content in the body of an adult is about 140. More than two other macroelements - calcium and phosphorus.

This substance in our organism is not at all ballast. After all, nature does nothing in vain, every step is thought out, and each element plays a role. But what is the role of sulfur? No. Then what positive effects does it have? Everything.

Paradox This only apparent. Yes, by itself, taken in its pure form, sulfur, perhaps and does not benefit. But in the units, it exists in all its glory. It is enough to mention sulfhydryl groups. These groups (thiol groups, SH-Group) are formed by the residues of cystine amino acids.

This is a proteinogenic amino acid, i.e., that, which is included in the protein. Sulfhydryl groups, as follows from the name and notation, consist of hydrogen and sulfur atoms. Two neighboring SN groups form the so-called. Disulfide bridges or disulfide groups (S-S-groups) consisting of two sulfur atoms.

These disulfide groups form protein structure. Each protein is essentially a polypeptide - a compound of a large amount of peptides formed by amino acid residues. The sequence of peptides in the chain is the primary structure. The chain spirally twists - it secondary structure. Spirally twisted chain can take various forms (thread, tangle) - this is a tertiary structure. Finally, the molecules of a series of proteins can be formed not alone, but by several polypeptide chains that are connected between themselves in strictly defined places. This is a quaternary protein structure.

Tertiary and quaternary structures determine the spatial configuration or conformation of the protein molecule. Properties of protein depend on the conformation. Under the action of temperature chemical compounds, and other facts tertiary and quaternary structures are violated. This process is called protein denaturation. The denatured protein loses its properties.

The sulfur in the composition of sulfhydryl groups and disulfide bridges forms a kind of hard frame that helps the protein molecule to save the conformation. Due to this protein saves properties.

It is known that enzymes, these catalysts of biochemical reactions are proteins. Consequently, sulfur helps enzymes to preserve their activity. And indeed it is. Under the action of damaging factors, disulfide bridges are destroyed, and the enzyme is inactivated.

Enzymes are not completely proteins. They have a non-leaving part, a coenzyme. Vitamins, vitamin-like substances, others can be in the role of coenses organic compounds, and even metals (metal spend). Sulfhydryl groups ensure the connection of the apopherge (the white component of the enzyme) and the coenzyme.

The value of sulfur is not limited to the formation of sulfhydryl groups and disulfide bridges. It is part of many other biologically active substances. In addition to the aforementioned cysteine \u200b\u200band its derivative cystine, the sulfur-containing amino acids and its cystic derivative include tairn and methionine. Taurine - component Taurocholic acid, one of the biliary components. And the methionine derivative, S -metylmetionine, is better known as Vit. U, has an anti-nucleogenic effect - prevents the development of ulcer of the stomach and a 12-rosewoman.

The composition of these compounds S regulates the function of organ systems, and affects vital processes:

The cardiovascular system

  • normalizes blood pressure (blood pressure) and prevents the development of hypertensive disease
  • strengthens vascular walls
  • prevents the development of vascular atherosclerosis
  • enhances heart cuts.


  • stimulates the synthesis of red blood cells
  • as part of hemoglobin provides transportation of oxygen and carbon dioxide
  • normalizes blood coagulation
  • prevents pathological thrombosis.

Respiratory system

  • prevents spasm bronchi
  • improves gas exchange in pulmonary alveoli.

Digestive system

  • participates in neutralization of liver toxins and their subsequent removal with bile through the intestine
  • strengthens the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract)
  • prevents the development of inflammatory processes and ulcerative formation
  • emulshes fats and improves their suction in the small intestine
  • facilitates suction of other nutrients (nutrients) in the gastrointestinal tract
  • improves peristaltics gasts
  • positively affects the state of the physiological microflora of the intestine, the synthesizing vitamins of the group in
  • improves the peristaltics of the gastrointestinal tract, contributes to the formation of carts.

Nervous system

  • improves cerebral blood flow, prevents the formation of blood clots in brain vessels
  • positive affects the emotional-willed sphere
  • improves thinking and memory
  • normalizes Son.
  • slows up age degenerative changes with outcome in Alzheimer's disease
  • it has an anticonvulsant action.


  • increases muscle strength and endurance
  • strengthens the binder, bones of articular ligaments
  • reduces the intensity of the articular and muscle pain
  • reduces the risk of bone fractures, and when they held fractures accelerates the fire of bone fragments
  • prevents the development of arthritis.

Leather and appendage

  • increases skin strength and elasticity
  • similarly acts on the hair, preventing them
  • the melanin protects the skin from the damaging effect of sunlight
  • accelerates healing of wound skin damage
  • slows out the processes of natural aging with the appearance of wrinkles, stretch marks, pigment spots.


  • along with other factors, adjusts the filtering and reabsorption processes (reverse absorption) in the renal tubules to form urine
  • promotes removal with urine toxic substances and exchange products
  • prevents the appearance of tissue edema
  • men ensures spermatogenesis, in women - ovulation, normalizes the menstrual cycle
  • in childbirth, oxytocin increases the contractile activity of the uterus, prevents the development of bleeding in childbirth and in the postpartum period
  • both floors forms libido.


  • the composition of enzymes and hormones participates in all types of exchange: protein, carbohydrate, fat (lipid), and water saline
  • regulates anabolism and catabolism (synthesis and splitting) proteins
  • prevents obesity and diabetes
  • normalizes the acid-base balance
  • prevents excessive acidification (acidosis) and obscenity (alkalosis) in tissues at various pathological processes.

Other effects

The sulfur is included in the immunoglobulin antibody, providing specific humoral immunity against pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi. In addition, it is part of lysozyme. This enzyme in the human body also destroys pathogenic bacteria. S is included in many antioxidant systems. It oppresses free radical oxidation, during which cell membranes are damaged.

Thanks to this macroelegen, damaged cell membranes are restored. It reduces the severity of inflammatory reactions with pain and temperature increase. It oppresses all 3 phases of inflammation:

  1. alteration (damage)
  2. exudation (emergence of liquid traffic)
  3. proliferation (pathological cell growth).

S increases the body's stability to the action of ionizing radiation, and reduces the risk of malignant tumors. In general, sulfur combined all the positive features of enzymes, amino acids, vitamins, which it includes.

Daily need

The organism of an adult for normal life is 0.5-1.2 g. Sulfur. Although some believe that the need for this macroelegen is significantly higher. The figures are 3-4 g, and even 4-5 g. Probably, much depends on the state of health and lifestyle. Intensive sports activities, exercise, recovery after severe diseases and fractures, pregnancy - all this increases the need for S.

Causes and signs of deficit

There are no specific reasons leading only to sulfur deficiency. The disadvantage of this macroelerant may be associated with a small amount of sulfur-containing amino acids. Some of them, in particular, methionine are indispensable for us, and enter the body only in food.

But the lack of methionine itself is unlikely to lead to a decrease in the level of sulfur in the body. After all, this macroelement is present in many animals and plant products, and it can be given to its deficit, except that full fasting or tough restrictive diet.

Among other reasons:

  • heavy Diseases
  • increased exercise
  • gTS Diseases, Dysbacteriosis
  • pregnancy
  • congenital deficit of some enzymes responsible for the absorption of sulfur-containing products.

Signs of deficit are just as nonspecific, as well as its causes. Patients may complain about general weakness, low performance. The reduction of muscle tone and power contributes to this. On the part of the musculoskeletal system, osteoporosis, frequent arthrosis and arthritis are noted.

The risk of cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, atherosclerosis), obesity, diabetes, as well as oncological diseases increases. Due to low immunity, susceptibility to infections appear. As a result of digestive disorders, the absorption of other nutrients deteriorates. Children behind in growth and in development.

Products containing sulfur

Most of the sulfur is in food rich in protein, where it is included in the amino acids. Therefore, the main suppliers of this macroelement for us are animals products - meat and meat offal, primarily liver. But also in the plant proteins contained in legumes, grain, nuts, it is also quite a lot.

Product Content, mg / 100 g
Rabbit meat 1050
Fish (Gorbow, Kambala, Sardin) 1050
Chicken, chicken eggs 1050
Quail eggs 200
Turkey, turkey liver 248
Beef 230
Beef liver 239
Peanut 350
Solid grade cheese 260
Soy. 245
Mutton 230
Pork 230
Pork liver 187
Dried apricots 170
Dried peaches 240
Barley 120
Coffee 110
Cocoa 200
Tea 215

Also sulfur in the form of sulfates and hydrogen sulfide is present in mineral waters. True, sulphate water is adopted in strictly defined purposes for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, where they have a choleretic and relaxing effect. As for hydrogen sulfide waters, they are not intended to receive inside. They are used externally as baths.

Synthetic analogs

For medical purposes use purified, crude, and colloidal sulfur. Purified sulfur (Sulfur Depuratum) or sulfur (FLOS Sulfuris) is an insoluble yellow-lemon powder in water. Purified has an integrated effect:

Preparations of purified sulfur can be used both inward, in the form of powder and externally, in the form of powder and ointments. The purified S for oral use is shown in the disorders of the tract, accompanied by constipation, as well as with frequent angins, bronchitis, and other colds.

Curious fact: Once, still in soviet times, there was an injection form of purified sulfur - sulfozin. It was used as pyrogenic therapy.

The intramuscular injections of sulfosin were accompanied by a sharp leap temperature. According to the plan, it was supposed to be accompanied by an antimicrobial effect and acceleration of metabolic processes.

Therefore, sulfozin was used in the treatment of certain types of infections, in particular, syphilis, as well as with organic disorders of the CNS. But the most loud and unfinished fame acquired the drug after its use in psychiatry. The injections of sulfosin (in slang - sulfua) are very painful.

Therefore, they were resorted to eliminate psychomotor arousal from mentally ill, as well as for the "treatment" of dissenters. Currently, Sulfosin's therapy is recognized as ineffective and barbaric, and the drug remained in the past.

Colloidal sulfur (Sulfur Colloidale) is also used in dermatological practice. Being a water-soluble, it is more efficient than purified and besieged.

In the treatment of skin diseases, as well as certain types of chemical burns, a different sulfur-containing drug has proven itself well - sodium thiosulfate. But indications for the use of sodium thiosulfate are not limited to the skin only.

It is taken inside and administered intravenously as antidot (antidote) in poisoning with salts of heavy metals. Sodium thiosulfate is prescribed with allergies, certain diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Its effectiveness is proved in the treatment of certain forms of female infertility.

Hydrogen sulfide, being toxic, in therapeutic concentrations, also positive affects the body. It is used in the form of baths. The gas dissolved in water penetrates through the skin, and has a healing effect.

The hydrogen sulfide baths are shown in the diseases of the skin, the gastrointestinal, the musculoskeletal system, the male and female reproductive system. They are taken within the framework of the integrated treatment of hypertension, diabetes mellitus.

In addition, the sulfur is included in many other drugs - balners, homeopathic remedies, cosmetics.


A significant part S enters the body in the composition of sulfur-containing amino acids. Some amount can be represented by an inorganic form, in the form of sulfur salts and sulfuric acids, sulfates and sulfites.

The organic sulfur is absorbed in the small intestine much better, while a significant part inorganic connectionsAnd not sitting down, stands out through the intestines.

It is noteworthy that some s use of an intestine microflora for their own needs. At the same time, hydrogen sulfide gas is formed, having an unpleasant smell of rotten eggs. Hydrogen sulfide, along with other components, gives malicious gases.

Hydrogen sulfide can be formed in the stomach in diseases accompanied by a slowdown in evacuation and food stagnation. At the same time, patients complain about the characteristic belching by rotten eggs. In small concentrations, this gas has a positive effect. When irritating the intestine in hydrogen sulfide, the peristalistic is reflexively launched.

Serio-containing connections are able to enter the body through the skin and through the lungs. A significant part of the macroelement is concentrated in the tissues where metabolic processes are most intensively. These are skeletal muscles, myocardium, liver, bone, brain. In the blood of sulfur is in the hemoglobin of red blood cells and in Albumin Plasma. Although its number is dissolved directly in plasma.

Here, as in other biological fluids of the body, it is mainly present in the form of sulphate anions, negatively charged SO 4 ions. In other tissues, it is in organic and in an inorganic form - in the form of sulfites, sulfates, thioetters, thiols, thiocyanates, thiourevines.

Quite a lot of s concentrated in the skin, mainly in collagen and melanin. It is displayed mainly with urine in pure form or in the form of sulfates.

Interaction with other substances

Lead, molybdenum, barium, selenium, arsenic, worsen sulfur assimilation. Fluorine and iron, on the contrary, have a positive effect on this process.

Signs of excess

Even with excessive consumption of sulfur-containing products, it is impossible to achieve an excess of sulfur in the body. Yes, and by itself in its pure form s is not toxic, which you can not say about sulfur-containing connections. Some of them, incl. hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, in gaseous state are present in industrial emissions into the atmosphere.

Hydrogen sulfide may be allocated in volcanic gases, or to form in the process of rotting protein substances. Inhalation of these substances leads to sad consequences. So, hydrogen sulfide blocks enzymes that carry out tissue breathing. In this regard, it acts like other poisons, cyanides.

And sulfur dioxide, reacting with atmospheric moisture, forms sulfuric acidwhich inhalation causes the destruction of the pulmonary fabric. Inhalation of sulfur-containing gases in high concentration quickly leads to a suffocation, loss of consciousness, cramps, and to death.

But even chronic intoxication by these substances in small quantities does not promise anything good. The skin and mucous membranes of respiratory tract, eye, oral cavity, gastrointestinal tract is affected.

This is manifested by chronic bronchitis, emphysemic lungs. From the side of the eye there is a decrease in visual acuity, chronic conjunctivitis. Eczema is formed on the skin, dermatitis with redness and rash. Patients complain about general weakness, reducing mental abilities.

The damage to the gastrointestinal tract, liver, manifests itself with nausea, decreased appetite, unstable stool. In such patients, the danger of malignant oncology is great.

To reduce the toxicity of sulfur-containing products, it is recommended in large quantities to eat eggs, solid grade cheese, poultry meat, fatty pork, beef.

However, when eating food, she lies another danger. The fact is that sulfur dioxide as a preservative is present in many confectionery, smoked, dried fruits, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, fruit juices. And even long-stored in warehouses "Fresh" vegetables and fruits contain this preservative. It is denoted as E220. This is nothing more than sulfur dioxide.

True, manufacturers and food products assure that the amount of E220 in the products is negligible, and therefore it is not at all dangerous. And in order to harm health, you need to eat a huge amount of such food.

But after all, the diet modern manliving in an urban feature almost completely consists of such products. Therefore, confidence in the safety of sulfur-containing preservatives cause big doubts.

Sulfur is one of the oldest pesticides used in horticulture. It was started to make in the 40s of the XXV. As a byproduct when cleaning coke gases from hydrogen sulfide.

Application and purpose of Fungicide Colloid sulfur

Initially, I was used to deal with milder dew in cucumbers, but in the future she showed greater efficiency in the fight and with other fungal diseases. In addition, the colloidal sulfur oppresses the life of ticks. She will not be able to completely destroy them, but will stop their distribution. Until recently, the sulfur was widely used to combat fungal diseases on vegetable bases, but now more modern drugs were supplied. The sulfur efficiency is based on pairs allocated by it. It is the pairs of sulfur that the development of fungal diseases is stopped, while not penetrating the plant. It is most effective against malievable dew, rust and password.

The ground sulfur is successfully used for grapes in the fight against Oidium. This is a dangerous fungal disease of grapes, which affects all the green parts of the plant. With the damage to the plant, it is covered with gray nails with an unpleasant fish smell. Inflorescences dry out, the fruits are cracking. To combat Oidium, it is used by the pollinations with sulfur. At temperatures above 35 0, it is mixed with a talc. Treatment of colloidal gray is carried out four times per season. Starting from the appearance of the first leaves and ending with preventive treatment after harvesting.

To destroy keels in cabbage, the land is shed with sulfur solution when disembarking seedlings.

Hammer sulfur found its use for blueberries. For successful cultivation of this berry, acidic soils are needed. To acidify the soil for future landings, it is necessary a year before disembarking the blueberry seedlings to make a ground sulfur in the soil from the calculation of 250 g per 1M 2 lands.

The sulfur is produced in the form of water-soluble granules or flue checkers. The latter is convenient to use in basements or cellars to get rid of the pathogens of fungal diseases.

Treatment of colloidal gray is better held in the morning or evening in the calm. You can not use sulfur during flowering period. Some pumpkin cultures and gorge varieties are particularly sensitive to the action of sulfur, they have burns on the leaves and their focus.

Attention! It is necessary to spray the leaves of plants on both sides, because Sulfur can not accumulate in plants.

The protective effect of sulfur lasts for about 10 days, begins to act three to four hours after use. The last processing of gray should be held no later than 3 days before harvesting.

How to breed sulfo colloid: sulfur packaging (40 grams) is bred in five liters of fluid. For the manufacture of the solution, it is necessary to pour out sulfur into the required volume of water with constant stirring until a homogeneous suspension is obtained. The sulfur solution is not stored, it must be used on the day of preparation.

Important! Temperature range for the use of sulfur - from +20 0 s to +35 0 C. Cannot use sulfur during periods of drought and heat.

The mechanism of the action of sulfur as a fungicide is that the sulfur penetrates the fungus, dissolves in the substance of its cells and is connected to hydrogen, ourselves oxygen, thus the angry respiratory function of the cell, which it dies. Soul can not be used at air temperature above 35 0 s, because It can bring to the burns or leaves of leaves on plants. At temperatures below 20 0, the efficiency of the drug is reduced to zero. The greatest efficiency of sulfur occurs at temperatures up to 27 0 S. Sulfur can not be simultaneously used with other pesticides. It is compatible with many of them in except for iron moods and those whose composition includes mineral oils and phosphorus compounds. In the case of the application of the latter, it is necessary to withstand the buffer interval - 2 weeks before plant treatment with pesticides with mineral oils and 2 weeks after.

Mild dew sulfur

As soon as the first signs of plant disease, pulse dew, should be processed. Colloid sulfur for strawberries and other berry crops, as well as fruit trees. Processing is carried out before the start of flowering. As soon as the strawberry appears, the flower shows them should be treated with a solution of 10% carbofos and colloidal sulfur (on a bucket of 50 g of sulfur). Depending on the culture, processing is repeated up to 6 times with waiting time 1 day.

Sulfur against ticks

Important! The ticks formed immunity to the same pesticide, so the means for their destruction must be alternating.

Unfortunately, the colloidal sulfur is not able to completely deliver the plants from the ticks, so it is better to use it in a complex with other drugs (for example, phytodeterm, cytoxibalin) and as a means of prevention.

Consumption standards

Observe the cost of the flow specified on the package.

The drug is divorced based on the calculation of 3: 1 (g / l), for example, 30 g per 10 liters of water. The multiplicity of processing for the season is no more than 5 times. The drug is valid for one and a half weeks. For the treatment of fruit trees, the norm increases to 80 g per 10 liters. To combat ticks, 10 g per 10 liters of water is enough.

For cucumbers of the open soil, the rate of consumption is less than 20 g per 10 liters.


Colloidal sulfur refers to the third class of danger. Before starting the spraying of crops, gray should be isolated from the place of processing of pets and children. When processing, gray must completely protect the mucous and skin cover from its hit: use protective bandage, glasses, protective clothing, rubber gloves and a headdress. After the processing of the processing, the tool should be wrapped, the hands and face wash with the use of soap, and the mouth rinse.

To prepare the sulfur solution, the food container cannot be used. Experts are recommended to bury the used container into the land after use away from residential buildings. In gardening conditions, it is not easy to do this, then it is recommended to clean the container as much as possible and store it separately from other containers. Do not use for other purposes. Open sulfur packaging can not be stored on the surface of the soil and throw away into water, it is impossible to dispose of household waste. Made well, pack the used package from the colloid sulfur for its disposal.

First aid for poisoning

The sulfur for humans is not toxic: when contacting the skin, contact dermatitis can occur, inhalation of sulfur causes sulfur bronchitis. In case of sulfur on the skin, they need to be well wash with water with soap, if you get into the eyes - rinse with plenty of water. When swallowing sulfur, drink a large amount of water with activated carbon (1G: 1 kg of a person). With any poisoning, it is better to consult a doctor.


The sulfur is stored in dry rooms at a temperature not higher than +30 0 C, away from food products, in an inaccessibility for children and domestic animals.

Attention! It is impossible to allow sulfur heating!

Do not store sulfur in the place that can warm up in the sun, do not allow its mixing with mineral and especially with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. It can bring to its ignition.

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